
Bayonetta 3 - Quick First Impressions 

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Just a quick summary of how I felt about Bayonetta 3 as a whole.
As a total package, Bayonetta 3 is all over the place and I'm not really sure what to really think atm. It has it's ups and downs but at least the gameplay is really fun and engaging.




29 окт 2022




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@Jourdan314 Год назад
Honestly I thought all of us who were long time fans played these games for the gameplay mostly not the story LOL maybe I'm crazy. We have the same opinion on the mini games. Hate em in every game. If you haven't played infinite climax yet you should try it. I feel like my second playthrough so far has been twice as fun since I have almost everything unlocked now.
@ChaserTech Год назад
I'll give it a try when I can. Currently I've been kinda busy atm lol.
@azadieabrahams5919 Год назад
Thanks for the spoiler alert. I'll come back to watch the video after I finish my first playthrough.
@mastafran Год назад
The best part of Bayonetta 3 is where she says her signature catchphase "It's Witchin' Time!" and witches all over those guys!
@DoritoGOD2811 Год назад
Seeing how the Bayo franchise has played out, I'm glad Kamiya didn't stick with DMC
@deadgunslinger8489 Год назад
I prefer itsuno's vision tbh. He made dmc3 after all
@TheKareem1212 Год назад
Yeah, kamiya's washed up. Crazy how he's the creator and destroyer of this series.
@deadgunslinger8489 Год назад
@@TheKareem1212 he participated on the game?
@TheKareem1212 Год назад
@@deadgunslinger8489 Well, yeah. Go look at the credits in the trailers for Bayonetta 3.
@imarock.7662 Год назад
@@TheKareem1212 Okay dude, calm down. That's an overreaction and a half. Lol
@vadandrumist1670 Год назад
Quick first (spoilers) impressions: The opening is practically a red herring with how the final boss is purple seemingly only because of the original teaser, the "world gate" exists only for it and is made completely irrelevant by the first chapter's multiversal travel devices, and Sigurd's motivations are confusing considering the twist. How any of the characters got to that point (especially relevant to the Bayonetta considering how much the player goes through to get that far in the final boss fight) is never explained. In the story proper only the mortal realm being a multiverse serves only to confuse things as we see that demons cannot exist in two places at once which makes the multi-contract of the Madamas confusing to say the least, not to mention what happens to the angels and demons existing in a universe being created via new timeline. Speaking of angels and demons according to Rodin this threat is as much of one to them as it is the mortals, so they should also be giving it their all to fight hommunculi and save their own skins if nothing else. As for Bayonetta it might be due to the voice, but she definitely has a different vibe to 1 & 2 which makes it had for my investment in that character to pass on to her. Not helping matters is in each universe she fails harder and harder in saving anyone, from merely arriving too late to literally killing them so hard they explode. They just seem weaker in general too, like, these Bayos could never dodge the close range surprise bullets of B1 and B2. Speaking of umbran witches the hair aesthetics are almost completely gone, and going by the alternate universes they only kept the hair suit for B3 Bayonetta because they knew they had to. The only Within remaining is the bat, and that's probably just because they couldn't think of a way to change it, and the hair element of the summons is practically removed. Speakig of summons the momentous summons in the finales of B1 and B2 are completely undermined by this new heart rip summon which can be used at the drop of the hat with any repercussions occurring only once, and not even for the double super-summon. Luka is retconned for no good reason and spends most of the game a nutcase, and when he gets over it he's more cringe than ever before. At the end he's revealed to be the "Arch Adam" which brings into question just what these Arch Eves/Adams even are considering it can't have to do with the Eyes of the World. Viola seemingly becomes more cringe as the game goes on, and is completely useless to the plot outside of her prologue exposition. The ending was completely undeserved, even Enzo looks down on her, the scarf doesn't match her outfit at all, and she doesn't seem to know half of what it is to be an umbran witch and now there's no one to teach her. Then again we don't even know what universe she's in or what the state of the multiverse even is at this point. The comparisons to Nero are obvious.
@slayarch2217 Месяц назад
At this point, just make your own video.
@darthkahn45 Год назад
Thanks Chaser, your opinion on this games combat is very valuable and I'm having the same doubts you claim to have had about the summon mechanic. Tbh I never cared about the story, I just wanted THAT feeling when you're fighting enemies.
@36thgallardo Год назад
To be fair, one of the main reasons the series is popular is because it's Booty Buttcheeks.
@deadgunslinger8489 Год назад
Wow. What they did with the story kinda sucks. They could have gone with the dmc route and expand the cast of play able characters instead of "This the new lead".
@deadgunslinger8489 Год назад
@@DaniLovesArtXD dmc is more of a example. I just think its kinda dumb to kill bayo and all of her versions.
@adamahmed8693 Год назад
@@deadgunslinger8489 well i mean everything ends eventually
@TheMagicNimbus Год назад
@@deadgunslinger8489 All of her versions aren't dead... this is why people really have to understand the stories they read/watch/play before they attempt to speak about them. The versions we played as in both Bayonetta 1 and 2 are still completely alive and well, as are their Jeannes, Lukas, and Enzos assumedly. After they merged with the newer Bayonetta we play as in the final fight, they simply disperse. There is no scene of them becoming crystalized or their Umbran Watches being destroyed. After they pummeled Singularity and weakened him greatly, it's implied that during that scene where they vanish that they were likely just being returned to their respective timelines due to his control over the World of Chaos and its parallel universes being broken.
@DrRESHES Год назад
The only note worthy thing in Bayo3 story is that: 1. She goes to hell. 2. there's an accessory item from DMC. means: Next game they probably going to bet on CAPCOM to agree with them to merge the series, so that their company won't die.
@Flotsome Год назад
Story is complete ass but the combat is soo much fun. That's the main reason I get the Bayonetta games, so for me it's not like it failed to meet expectations.
@TheMagicNimbus Год назад
And that second half of your sentence right there is one of the many problems I have with most of the people attempting to judge the story of Bayonetta 3, and just the franchise in general; you don't even fully understand the story that has been laid out for you these past 3 games so far, if at all. Certain things probably don't connect for you since you didn't take time to actually become invested with the game's story in the slightest, and it isn't just you. A massive majority just play the game solely for the spectacle it provides and then try to act as if the story was horrible when the whole time they didn't even pay it a single bit of attention, didn't go out of their way to collect and read the journal notes, nor did they read the Laguna & Inferno books.. or the actual weapon descriptions in the game themselves, which are quite literally the main and only real sources of info for Bayonetta lore besides some guidebooks. They expect those who actually appreciate the series to take their time and read the many heaps of information that they provide to the player throughout the entire game, assuming one goes out of their way to collect all hidden notes they may not have. If you don't actually go out of your way to read them, you'll know practically nothing about the story besides what is in front of you, which just doesn't work without the context that reading the lore would have given you. So the next time you attempt to critique the story, ask yourself this; do you actually understand it? Did you actually pay attention to/make sure you actually grasped the stories of both Bayonetta 1 and 2 before you finished the 3rd? If your answer is no, then I don't believe you have the proper grounds to completely disregard the story by calling it bad when in reality you just don't understand it well.
@Flotsome Год назад
@@TheMagicNimbus I understand your point, the main selling point of the game is the action and Bayonetta as a character which is what I imagine draws most people in, me included. It's a game with a relatively limited budget for its ambition so not bashing it for revealing a lot of the lore and details through collectibles and text. Personally really like the lore and the world of Bayonetta, so I really liked going through the collectables for 1 & 2 (still going through 3) I just really don't like the campaign story for Bayonetta 3.
@TheMagicNimbus Год назад
@@Flotsome And I can completely respect that as I’m sure you have your own personal reasons for disliking the third game, but it’s more so the many many comments I’ve seen that are simply just parroting off of each other and rehashing the exact same things others have said instead of just forming their own thoughts and critiques about the game. The franchise genuinely has some pretty cool lore, down from the way the Bayonetta universe operates to the physiology of the angels and demons. It’s just pretty disappointing to see just how many people in all actuality don’t even pay attention to the story despite how much lore the universe has, and just how much more is yet to be explained. Things such as how did the split in the Trinity come about, what reality Jubileus, Rodin and Aesir are from, how Aesir was selected to become the God of Chaos in the first place and I’m sure they Eyes of the World will make a return very soon in the series as well.
@imarock.7662 Год назад
Same. Couldn't be less bothered by the story. Lol
@lll_Number_One 11 месяцев назад
​@@TheMagicNimbusThis comment is pretty old but nobody wants to read supplementary material just to get a basic understand of the story. Data logs in games should enhance what's already there, not make up what isn't there in the first place. You don't see the issue in having to read data logs just to understand the games story? The important information hidden in the books should've been in the CUTSCENES, not be in optional supplementary material. it's not like Bayonetta has that much of an engaging narrative unlike DMC or God of War where you want to learn more about it anyways
@imarock.7662 Год назад
As someone who isnt bothered by the story at all, I honestly think this game is the best entry so far. I mean, dont get me wrong, I'm attached to the characters, I do love them, but I dont really care what happens to them in the story tbh. I just like hearing them talk, and do shit in cutscenes, and be flirty and wacky. Lol But that's just me. Everything else lived up to my expectations, the combat is far more exceptional than ever, we got so many new weapons that are all fun to use,(except for G-Pillar, I dont like that one)Demon Slave is cool to experiment with, and is a pleasant new mechanic, the music is sick af, the movement felt fluid, and most of the enemies were fun to fight. There were some stinkers with the enemies, but overall I enjoyed fighting them. I'm still getting the hang of Viola tho. Shes tricky to play with, but satisfying to use once I start getting into her flow. Block offset is fun as hell to pull off when I can do it consistently. I still prefer Bayo tho. The level design tho can be very annoying when trying to find all the secrets and collectables, because everything is so open, and big, but I also like it at the same time because it's such a joy to run, fly, and swing around all these open spaces swiftly while in Demon Masquerade. The traversing in this game is surprisingly enjoyable. If Platinum made a platformer game with this type of swift traversing I would play it in a heartbeat ngl. Also, I know a lot of people aren't fond of the arcade-y/mini-game sections, like the Jeanne chapters, the Kaiju fights etc, etc, but as a PlatinumGames fan, I was actually looking forward to them. Lol Whenever I play a PlatinumGames game I always go into it with the mindset of "get ready to play some wacky arcade shit" and I fucking love them. They're so damn goofy, and silly, and just pure arcade fun. They also serve as a nice palette cleanser from all the constant frantic action, at least for me. These mini-games were also actually enjoyable, unlike the bike section that goes on for way too long, the grating Angel Attack sections after you complete any chapter, and the nauseating Space Harrier section in Bayo 1. I dont remember any mini-games in Bayo 2 other than the horse-riding section(which is literally just the bike section from 1 but you can now attack better)or the not nauseating, but more boring, Space Harrier section. So yeah, I actually really enjoy the mini-games, and stages in Bayo 3. Lol However I, totally understand why people dont like them, especially the Kaiju fights, because they can be pretty slow. But yeah, those are my thoughts on Bayo 3, and why I think it's the best entry. Didn't think my comment would be this long. Currently on my second playthrough, and enjoying every minute of it, maybe my feelings will change the more I stick with it, but for now I'm loving it. 9/10 I do wish it looked better tho, and had a consistent frame rate. Shame that its chained to such weak hardware on the Switch.
@ashemabahumat4173 Год назад
Jeanne is dead? ...well fuck, there goes the only character I cared about.
@caesaramvs9647 Год назад
Is it worth getting full price or wait for a sale?
@ChaserTech Год назад
Lmao good luck on waiting for a sale on a Nintendo game. If anything, just get the game used.
@caesaramvs9647 Год назад
@@ChaserTech Lol, true. Thanks bro
@imarock.7662 Год назад
Personally, I'd say it's worth it full price, because of all the stuff that's packed in it, and how much you can do. But still, 60 dollars is expensive.
@denglong7180 Год назад
Now that Bayo 3 is out. Can we say composite Dante is still stronger than Bayo or are they equals in terms of hax and strength?
@TheAnimatedGamer Год назад
Bruh who cares lol I've seen you on other comments saying this
@Frostblast7 Год назад
Not the same universe so who cares.
@Nattybumco Год назад
"first impressions" - spoils ending
@ChaserTech Год назад
I have a spoiler warning for a reason lmao.
@TheKareem1212 Год назад
Bayonetta 3 is the cancer of the series. What a lame sci-fi reboot this game is.
@TheKareem1212 Год назад
@@DaniLovesArtXD Triggered by the truth, huh?
@dez87 Год назад
The combat is the best in the series
@Teybort Год назад
Superficial and selfish statement.
@TheKareem1212 Год назад
@@Teybort How? What the fuck are you saying? Lol. This shitty ass game is not even good at being a Bayonetta game. Bayonetta 3 is a lame, sci-fi, fan fiction reboot. Fuck this game and fuck the people that defend it. Platinumgames is destroying the Bayonetta series and no one is noticing that.
@Teybort Год назад
​@@TheKareem1212 Grow up, child. Open your eyes and learn to empathize with the work of your fellow beings. There is beauty on this game even if you dont want to see it.
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