
Being seen as an object : What it is to be a woman 

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25 окт 2024




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@joakovids 3 месяца назад
Don't let society make you feel ashamed of beauty, even if they want you to bear it like a cross.
@Iksvomid Месяц назад
Some people may see you as an object, but to a lot of people you are their favorite object!
@RishitSrivastava007 3 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing your experience. I hope sometime in future we all don't have to feel the "it's wasn't my choice to be..." and can happily live lifes as what we are.
@SowloFlame 2 месяца назад
Hey, I just discovered your channel. I really appreciate your honesty and authenticity... Thanks for sharing on this topic, it is something that really speaks to my heart, the relationship between the masculine and the feminine and the huge burden of suffering and trauma attached to it. I made a video about it on my channel (in french) from an archetypal point of view (myth of adam and eve)... Feel free to check it out. I'm a man also so it's a different perspective. Keep going on your path 🙏
@ohnree4110 3 месяца назад
Hello, thanks for sharing your words, I'm a guy and I feel so much heartbreak for all the women who experience this kind of abuse. I love hearing women share their perspective and it takes a lot of courage to be so vulnerable. And I'm glad that youtube is allowing more people to share their perspectives to a wider audience... even if it does come with some drawbacks, like random people trying to tell you what to do ;)
@CactusJack60 3 месяца назад
These topics are very nuanced.. and harassment, as well as sexual harassment can look like many different things for many different people including men (I have suffered from as well many times). However, men and people that support the men we love I need to have a sense of responsibility and understanding set alarm for things that many women suffer from on a regular basis.
@duvlinmjw3191 3 месяца назад
Je peux entendre le français dans cette voie. Un jour quand je suis devenu un homme j'ai réalisé que bien que vulnérable il y a plus vulnérable que moi. Il y a une échelle dans l'oppression et ça ne fini jamais. Ne vous mettez jamais en position de vulnérabilité, de danger. Et sachez que pour chaque personne qui vous veux du mal homme et femme il y en a 100 qui vous veulent du bien et ressente votre vulnérabilité. C'est la vie
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
Wow, heureusement que tous les militants qui se sont battus pour nos droits ne se sont pas dis "c'est la vie" comme vous venez de le faire. Je pense que ce que vous dites, c'est la vrai faiblesse, la vrai vulnérabilité. Je ne cesserai de dénoncer, la honte doit changer de camp, et je souhaite vraiment que le jour où votre mère, fille, soeur se fera agressé sexuellement, vous aurez la force de les regarder dans leur yeux pour leur dire "c'est la vie".
@ajoxadadeus785 3 месяца назад
I'm really shocked ! a stranger coming up to you and touching you ?? that's a crime , that is not normal at all .
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@@ajoxadadeus785 ahahaha, sadly the police pretty much don’t do anything, unless you’re already dead (which happens a lot here)
@girlbye4522 2 месяца назад
Came back to say I also recently got slapped in the a** by a man . I was too shocked to speak, so I threw a Stone at him but he dodged it and laughed, one woman warned me to keep moving bcuz she said he was on drugs so...
@jamaisvx 3 месяца назад
i had a misandrist mentality but i had to release myself from it. hopefully your sister does too, it’s an extremely negative place to dwell in. we have to coexist with men & that is out of our control. peace & blessings yamina, i hope all goes well for you. 🥹💕
@red_lantern 3 месяца назад
i still kind of have it. Im pro woman and always will be.
@jamaisvx 3 месяца назад
@@red_lantern ehh, i don’t hate men. i dislike them though & im def women centered as well. but i understand women that do hate them, just not my thing personally
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@@jamaisvx you’re so sweet, thank you for your comment! Yeah, and also it just adds additional hate in your heart, and you know that keeping hate in your system is very bad for your body and mind. I wish the world was different, and maybe it will, but as you said, it’s really out of our control 😭
@gentlemanx7987 3 месяца назад
And a last comment, regarding your thought of traveling... If you come to germany (I happen to be german, living in Berlin, Center, for all my live), go to an area that is not a bigger / major city. And having that said, you could propably find an area like this in France. I know there are beautiful areas in your country. Germany has a tremendously ... special... energy. Hard to describe. It has to do with generational debt and trauma. France has that too, aswell as almost all european countries, but not to that extend. Often, energeticly, it feels like an invisible dome is above my head here in Germany. Like, a cloud that just won't vanish. I am used to it and I guess as a tourist going on vaccation and just sight seeing it doesn't matter that much. But if you live here... it does. I am not intending in talking trash about the country I was born in. There is ALOT of good stuff here aswell. I am just talking as someone who feels alike, to someone that seems to want to change location for energetic / soul purposes. Thank you for the video. Much love.
@fkcade Месяц назад
You are repulsed by the unwise children in men’s bodies. How do you cripple their ego? I can’t find a logical conclusion. Thank you for your insight, you have a sincere perspective that is just cool
@gentlemanx7987 3 месяца назад
I am sorry that this happened to you and that you feel this way.
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@@gentlemanx7987 thank you for your kind words, I hope the situation will change when I move out Sending you lots of love 🧡
@celticdeamon567 3 месяца назад
​@@yamina444I'm not sorry you feel this way because your feelings make sense. But the first thing you said is that you didn't choose to be a woman. We all choose our lives. We choose the negative contrast to imagine what we want in the positive and then we learn to move towards that. Cause and effect come together and are not seperate. You're like similar inside shape to my mind but I'm in a man's body. My story also had to negotiate with the negative contrast of violent consent related experiences The interesting thing is that we consent to all of our experiences with no exceptions. It's all what we wanted and it's all perfect from that perspective already. Your dream is a good one. The same as alot of my own realisations. I'm going through the same thing but from a male perspective. And looking after my girlfriend who live in. A different country in the third world where this stuff is more in ones face. You have strength that you didnt let yourself hate mankind as a result of your grievance. It's silly. When we understand there is no room for hatred. Your sisters anger comes from pain and she hasn't processed it. She needs to cry and purge her emotions go through the whole catharsis before she can change her relationship to the male aspect of herself. She creates those men in her head according to her wants. She makes men into what she wants to see. Why is that indeed.
@celebrityauthor7942 3 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing. This is problem for quite a lot of countries (I'm from the UK), but talking and being open about it can only help the situation. Something I learned from Christopher Hitchens, 'never be a spectator to ignorance.' We should all aspire to a higher standard and call this behaviour out when we see it. Something desperately sad has happened to men's brains over the last generation or so. I'm not sure of the cause exactly, but I think porn and social media has something to do with it, notwithstanding cultural differences.
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@@celebrityauthor7942 I absolutely love Christopher Hitchens! I personally exactly know what’s going on, but women can’t do anything, especially in countries that aren’t secular. I think I got very lucky to live in the West, because my condition as a woman would’ve been worst in a country that isn’t secular
@activatekruger446 3 месяца назад
Feminism has destroyed western society.
@alexcotto5752 3 месяца назад
I think it's necessary to keep talking about it. As a man, I know it's something that happens but I don't think there's enough conversation about it. I know this doesn't solve anything or take what's happened to you away, but I'm sorry. That you've all had to deal with so much ignorance so often. I know it's a very complicated issue but I hope you keep finding ways to talk about it.
@sarah.j.777 3 месяца назад
it's the same everywhere. I'm in the united states and I can't even walk to the grocery store without a pos saying sexual things to me from his car, or following me in the store, pointing their phone at me. I don't dress sexually either, just normal clothes. and I have been sexually assaulted when out with friends, walking around. perverts are EVERYWHERE and I am sorry.
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@@sarah.j.777 omg I’m so sorry for you, this is awful. I don’t know what would make them stop, besides a system that protects women. Meaning that if they do any kind of harassment, they’ll get severely punished, but honestly, I don’t see that happening at all
@gentlemanx7987 3 месяца назад
Wow, this topic moves me. I knew that, of course, but just by how many comments I feel urged to write... Certainly, I was not expecting five. :D However, what did I want to say... Oh, yes, see, I can clearly see why some women think the way your sister does. Logical. Makes sense, at first glance. Every action... reaction... yadayada... But, truely, honestly, I fail to see how in the name of heaven, swinging the pendulum straight to the other side, the other extreme, is going to help anyone... We need balance. We need understanding, finally, at last. The understanding that we, all of us, will only ever be able to embody who we are, when we finally recognize that female and male are just two sides of the same coin. Putting one side down, devalues the entire coin. Makes it poorer, less colorfull, weaker... The what we call misogynistic world view is so limiting, just and only empowering that which feels so unsecure and so small in the first place... Men. Men that have no guideline what it means to be men. Just the narrow general definition we share today, that - if at all - only covers 0,5% of what it should mean. And because we are so caught up in "being a real man" and so many of us are failing so bad at it (because our hearts and souls literally rebell against this shit definition) and we feel so worthless and so lost inside that we find strenght in putting another aspect down. After all, if we can't grow and feel good, we can make that women shrink down further and feel even worse. Then we are not expanding, but in relation... Well, it is a complicated thing. Still, I pledge for balance. Both sides have an equal place and an equal power in this divine game. And if the coin is whole... we would be astounded how "worthy" it would be. :)
@OBADIAH47 3 месяца назад
It's a wild world. How do you think we move forward and cooperate and respect one another? Theres so many people in the world, and so many are very lost it seems. There are so many beautiful, kind people too. I dont have the answers man, i wanna say the answer is God, the answer is love. But i dont think thats a detailed enough solution for where we are at as a planet right now. We have to raise the collective vibration i guess. It can only start with individuals, because we can only control ourselves and our own thoughts and actions and direction. And the energy is contagious. I just wanna run away to the woods sometimes, away from the whole lot. Haha. Any thoughts, anyone?
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@@OBADIAH47 you’re very sweet You’re right, the only thing we can do for the world and others, is to work on ourselves. This is only thing we have some control over. That is why, I will never close my heart, no matter how hard it is, I believe in the kindness of strangers, I believe in the healing power of love, and everyone got to work on their own karma, I will just work on mine
@OBADIAH47 3 месяца назад
​@@yamina444 that is beautiful. Keep your heart open and illuminate the darkness. This is the way. ❤
@ratbastard6293 3 месяца назад
i’ll go with you 😩 i very much dislike most of society but it’s whatever
@gentlemanx7987 3 месяца назад
I just recently contemplated on this topic. Why is it, that we - as a humanity / society - pivot our values, regarding femininity - in a way, that twists it towards this "looks only" paradox? My answer was as simple as it was profound: Neither definition, male or female, leave alot of room. One is shackled to be "the alpha, that takes what he wants, ruthlessly, regardless of others and their wants and needs, cares for money ("success") first and everything else comes second and is only a "reward" or a "trophy". The other is bound to be only what we call its natural state, of being the "Fairer sex", the "more beautiful one", and we see it this way and we teach it this way, one way or another. Both definitions are so immensely restricted. We gotta come up with new definitions of the masculine (aka "Shut up, be a man and do what needs to be done, or... be a failure, a loser") and the feminine (aka "your worth is your looks"). Okay, now... in to the video. Haha. I HAD to bring that up first, because it seems to be such a coincedence (synchronicity). I am a man, and I can tell you, being a man in this modern world sucks (!!!) if you are either not willing or not capable of being in the so called "top 10% - to 20% of successfull men". Success, by the way, is another definition that needs urgent replacement for many.
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@@gentlemanx7987 yes, I really agree with you. I think there’s a lot of pressure on men to act a certain way (act masculine whatever that means) and be financially stable or wealthy, otherwise it feels like society doesn’t see any value in you. This is really sad and I wish it was different. We need to challenge these views, because it causes a lot of suffering, humans are more complex and interesting than their physical appearance or their wallet
@gentlemanx7987 3 месяца назад
@@yamina444 "[...] than their physical appearance or their wallet." Wow, that hits the nail on the head. Amazing. Haha. I sure hope we will figure this out. Much love.
@celticdeamon567 3 месяца назад
Fuck what society values. Society is supposed to be dampened hell. It is designed and we are not the ones redesigning it . It's a test. You can't fix it because normal is designed to keep the human docile and obedient through agreements made with the screen at the speed of thought Sifted through timelines by an AI that is now unveiling itself through the screens which everyone has in their pocket. Fix the relationship inside between mind and soul. There is no "we" only "I" If you wait for society to be sensible or for others to grow so they see what you see, if that is the truth... you will die long before it comes to pass. Be content with knowing yourself by yourself. Challenge yourselves as warriors. But not society hahaha. Make it into an us and them and you've already become a part of the conspiracy story. Any powerful human who goes to politics will become fodder in the next religion. Charles Manson was enlightened and walked the line of integrity but they made him into the devil and the boogey man. And now nobody listens to him because they already have agreements with their perception coming from the news. That story is a societal story. Your personal battle will be private and ultimately incriminating.
@Mcgif21 3 месяца назад
Based, but we aren’t fighting against society on this one. We are fighting against millennia of human nature.
@gentlemanx7987 3 месяца назад
@@Mcgif21 A) Isn't that exactly what "society" is? B) You are propably still right. :D Haha. At least, that is, indeed, part of why we are where we are, right now. I can only speak for myself and maybe I worded it weird in my comment, but I do not want to "fight" anything. I tried to just state what I see reflected in the world and how I can see it beeing within me aswell. We, as a humanity - as one - need better definitions, so we don't hang ourselfs over and over while trying to fit into the round hole even tho we, personally, might be a cube or a star shape :D haha. I don't know if it is possible for us, together, to teach our children new/old/better/improved/more true values. In my world it is. And I am dying on that hill! :D
@AirSandFire 3 месяца назад
Sad that you have to deal with that It's true, out of the city is the way to avoid those encounters
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@@AirSandFire hey, I hesitated strongly about sending you that letter, not because I didn’t want to, but because when I wrote it, I was very emotional, so please take it into consideration 😭 But it’s related to this video, you’ll see
@kalinamalina4492 3 месяца назад
I get you, girl. I was wondering why this new generation of women dresses so ugly right now, in baggy trousers and shirts. I understood it once I wore a pretty dress-a girly summer dress-and the way these men were looking at me, older men, some twice my age. It made me feel dirty. I would literally wear a burka just to avoid this kind of attention.
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@@kalinamalina4492 I’m glad that in this suffering, we understand each others. Sometimes I fantasize about how I would dress if my city was full of women, just for a day in a week, the freedom that it would give me… I think also the reason why they feel so comfortable doing this, is they know there will be NO REPERCUSSION!!! They know that, and so they’re harassing us with a complete peace of mind
@borncute1070 3 месяца назад
​@@yamina444 I always dress pretty in my own house. I love getting dressed up and clicking photos but I won't wear them outside. Even when I wore a tight top the looks I got... I better avoid it and wear pretty clothes in my own house.
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@@borncute1070 exactly the same!!!I I love dressing up at home because I know I'm not in danger, I enjoy myself so much, but then, when I think about the situation, it's almost like we're prisonners, they took away our freedom to just be
@borncute1070 3 месяца назад
@@yamina444 I wish there were strict laws for crimes against women. I saw a case where a man r-worded multiple women by drugging them and all he got was 18 months in prison. Now he is free.
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@@borncute1070 this is disgusting and it makes me so mad……. Women fought for us in the past so that we could have rights that we have nowadays, let’s hope that it continues
@mrStraker888 3 месяца назад
you shouldnt be harassed.. pack a stungun or some type of weapon. defense spray maybe
@rio1408 3 месяца назад
you got the good videos
@bushikciwa 3 месяца назад
Wish you the best tho, in a similar situations
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
Stay strong, and protect yourself the best you can 🧡
@RighteousCenturion 3 месяца назад
Ayo Jesus Loves you and He sees you as His child, follow Him.
@lelz0394 3 месяца назад
Maybe smaller cities in southern germany, they can be racist though
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
Omg yeah, I didn't think of that.. Maybe The Netherlands goddamn idk
@Zeddex2965 3 месяца назад
This must be why women respond a bit harshly to guys they don't like when those guys first meet them. They must have experienced the same thing before, and wanted to let those guy know that they are uninterested from the start. I thought it was because they hated men, but it may be for a different reason. It makes sense now.
@ineax7447 3 месяца назад
Sexual frustration, its an energy source that drives life forward but when left unfulfilled it gets congested, stale and rotton. When that happens men become demons and women become victims.
@nolongerjuicyboiz4413 3 месяца назад
I don't think it's sexual fustration, more like lack of emotional intimacy.
@igesio 3 месяца назад
@@arelite506 its called marriage and it worked great
@CactusJack60 3 месяца назад
Sexual frustration isn't reserved just for men. I have been harassed many times by women as well, although it may not have been violent.. these things are very nuanced.
@ZyraDemarino 3 месяца назад
I feel this way so deeply all the time 🥺❤️ I appreciate your courage for posting this 🙏🏼
@MaullerTwin 3 месяца назад
You can be beautiful or you can be invisible. You can't be both.
@jamaisvx 3 месяца назад
you can be both actually.
@BENEATH_THE_SEWERS 3 месяца назад
Dress in ninja type disguise and when only at home let out the beauty and when with the only person you want, let out the beauty!!!!
@Outlander-wm9cd 3 месяца назад
At least your seen...that's more than what 90% of men get.
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@@Outlander-wm9cd wtf are these comments, seen? You mean harassed and physically touched? Would you like men to touch your mother? Like can you hear yourself for a second? That’s some incel bullshit you’re saying, and men like you will stay miserabe until the end of their life with this mindset
@MadMax-cg6gh 3 месяца назад
Sorry but we can't give our attention to men. We have to watch after our bodycount. But there's s*x workers.
@girlbye4522 3 месяца назад
Shut tf up!! Being Seen doesn't make a fkn difference if men still continue acting like pigs. The fact that millions of women are seen and yet the men haven't changed goes to show how fked up in the head most of y'all are!! This type of comment is why most of us choose the bear!!
@girlbye4522 3 месяца назад
​@@yamina444fr , men say the dumbest sht sometimes
@girlbye4522 2 месяца назад
​@@yamina444 Came back to say I also recently got slapped in the a** by a man . I was too shocked to speak, so I threw a Stone at him but he dodged it and laughed, one woman warned me to keep moving bcuz she said he was on drugs so...
@NicholasWolfwood-md7vm 3 месяца назад
How do you feel about men that you are not attracted to being forced by the state that you have equal representation in voting for to fight I foreign wars for you and the whims of wealthy men?
@fhjfhdgh 3 месяца назад
Skip Germany, for real.
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@StudentofTruth-444 3 месяца назад
Hi, Yamina, I can only stay a short time but I saw you were live so I wanted to say hi
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
Hi, I will stream in an hour probably !!
@bushikciwa 3 месяца назад
Don’t go to Germany 😂
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
omg why? you're like the second person to tell me this lmao
@bushikciwa 3 месяца назад
@@yamina444 one of the other homies was talking about the economic unbalance there . And what I can say is there is also a gender energy unbalance in a lot of cities in that country too
@bushikciwa 3 месяца назад
@@yamina444 so if your sister is pissing you off for certain reasons you might find more of it there 😂 🤷🏽‍♀️
@Ed-xv4sy 3 месяца назад
I don't know where you live but in Canada women complain that men don't even look at them lol so move here. Be warned, you'll feel invisible
@girlbye4522 3 месяца назад
By this comment I can tell you're a man, don't u dare speak for Canadian women ! U have no fkn idea how much we are harassed on a daily basis.
@fertblu5514 3 месяца назад
yes there is something you can do: wear a burqa. noone will dare to touch you
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
yeah right, that's why there's absolutely no violence against women in islamic countries :)
@borncute1070 3 месяца назад
​@@yamina444in my country even women wearing barkha's have gotten r-worded.
@davewordsworth1251 3 месяца назад
Yamina be HONEST. I bet he was NOT a white man? Who does this mostly Algerians? Be honest
@yamina444 3 месяца назад
@@davewordsworth1251 yes, it’s a shame, I was planning on talking about it but then I thought it would not help in any way, I just talk about it with my close friends and my sister because as women, we know Not every North African behaves this way, people who were born in France and around my age are okay, the more they educate themselves (through school or various ways) the less they do stupid things like harassing women in the streets But yeah, this is a deep and touchy subject for a lot, and I understand it
@davewordsworth1251 3 месяца назад
@@stuartpaul9211 Stuart you are WEAK, what an earth are you going on about? So if some one of dark heritage commits crime, it is OK as it is attractive and classed as bad boy behavior? Did you not listen to what she said, she according to the law is a victim and should not be treated like that by anyone. Stuart I want to meet you and teach you a few manners and lessons. I will show you masculinity and confidence, BTW, I am white.
@davewordsworth1251 3 месяца назад
@@stuartpaul9211 are you single stuart?
@semirchechefo8687 3 месяца назад
@davewordsworth1251 3 месяца назад
@@stuartpaul9211 your singing is absolute
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