
Bethinking 1/6: William Lane Craig on Dawkins' Objections to Theistic Arguments 

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The Bethinking National Apologetics Day Conference: "Countering the New Atheism" took place during the UK Reasonable Faith Tour in October 2011. Christian academics William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Peter J Williams and Gary Habermas lead 600 people in training for how to defend and proclaim the credibility of Christianity against the growing tide of secularism and New Atheist popular thought in western society.
In this session (Part 1), William Lane Craig delivers his critique of Richard Dawkins' objections to arguments for the existence of God, followed by questions and answers from the audience.
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1 дек 2012




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@footballfanatic09 11 лет назад
Love that Bill Craig is so passionate, and has helped me to increase my faith!!!
@LAlba9 6 месяцев назад
BTW, here's the definition for "Occams Razor": The principle (attributed to William of Occam) that in explaining a thing no more assumptions should be made than are necessary. The principle is often invoked to defend reductionism or nominalism. Compare with principle of parsimony."
@m-zap1332 8 лет назад
The only reason why Dawkins refuses to debate Craig is because Dawkins knows that he stands no chance. Out of all atheists I've seen debate, Dawkins is probably the least convincing opponent of theism. When he talks or explains things, it's almost as if he doesn't even believe what he himself is saying, and most of his arguments are about how God is just ridiculous and evil.
@MeserithSama 7 лет назад
Matheas while I may agree that a debate would come to a win for Craig, I think we should also show a bit of humilty in the situation and recognize that Dawkins personality and effusion of charisma would not be compatible with a prolific, organized debate.
@bititid 6 лет назад
Samuel Simms if he can't even defend his position under pressure, then he shouldn't mock people who disagree with him. Just my opinion
@farmercraig6080 5 лет назад
@@crusher1980 Interesting point
@Thricenailed 4 года назад
Summary of New Atheist Challenge: "You all think too much about things you already know, which also happen to be intangible." While thinking really hard is a difficult challenge to rebuttal, I'll have to ponder this for a while before I can come up with some fun word game to propose in response. It seems like too much for Hangman or Wheel of Fortune. But first, anyone got some measuring tape or a teaspoon I can borrow to put some metrics on this thing?
@itsjustameme 6 месяцев назад
Or perhaps he don’t like dishonest debate tactics of DrCraig
@PhiloAmericana 11 лет назад
Absolutely superb argument.
@thealee 11 лет назад
he cites philosophers throughout. def worth a watch
@RaiceGeriko 7 лет назад
I typically enjoy listening to Dr. Craig's lectures. But man... this one is off the charts. I cannot keep up with him on this one. Either I'm tired, or he's cranked the juice up to 11, here.
@aidy2000 11 лет назад
Craig is brilliant and well worth going to see
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
By the way, a point that Craig often leaves out of these lectures, but which he has mentioned in his published work (as did Robin Collins in the Blackwell Companion) is that a "world ensemble" with every possibility being actualized would spell the death of science and any probability judgments or predictive theorizing. After all, we could be in the world where everything proceeds predictably until... tomorrow! And in an unlimited multiverse that world would be just as likely as any other world.
@Akieth0 11 лет назад
Nice video! Thanks for sharing :)
@jreberanlc 9 лет назад
Atheists - you know, deep down inside - you are denying God, not for lack of evidence, not because it is unreasonable to believe in God, but because you know, that if God is, then you are not autonomous, you will have to give an account to God. You should know that a claim to ignorance will not do, neither is God beholden to you to prove Himself to you. You are utterly dependent upon Him, you live in his world, breathe his air, eat his provision of food and you have him to thank for your existence. Just stop resisting the truth. God, is gracious and will have mercy on you and will forgive you - if you repent. Sooner or later you will come face to face with the truth.
@AgentMidnight 9 лет назад
Julian Rebera Its pretty presumptuous of yourself to think you know what an atheist thinks and knows. This would be similar to me saying that "deep down inside, you know all religions are a lie, and that you believe not because its reasonable or because everyone else around you believes, but because you are secretly terrified that when you die, an eternity of nothingness awaits and you realize you will have wasted your one and only life in this fragile reality. And that if you come clean and admit you only believe because you are ignorant and scared, then we can step forward as a society and better our understand without the need of such a vestigial belief structure anymore"
@jreberanlc 9 лет назад
AgentMidnight I can see why you would say that it is presumptuous of me to say what I said. And I can see how you would draw the parallel you draw. But you are mistaken. Regarding being presumptuous: I am sure I am far too presumptuous, far too often about far too much. However, on this point I am not being presumptuous. Here is why. I have faith in God and believe Him. It is he who, through the scriptures, who makes the point I echoed above. So it would be fairer of you to say that I am presumptuous for believing God. But I have very good reason to believe him. Regarding the 'similarity' - it is only very superficially similar - but substantially it in a totally different ball park. You would have no grounds for such a statement whatsoever. I do. If God in Christ is true then so is my statement. In fact - you can test that yourself. Is my statement true for you? Respectfully, for your information - I have been a Christian for over 25 years, I was radically converted aged 20 - believe me I have many, many times wished it were not true. However, I just cannot deny myself - and to deny the reality of God would be like denying I really exist.
@AgentMidnight 9 лет назад
Julian Rebera Is your statement true to me? Overall, I see absolutely no reason how it could be demonstrated to be true for me, I don't even see how one can demonstrate the existences of this entity beyond a reasonable doubt. if you have to preface the statement with your assumption that the being exists, then it becomes a meaningless tautology. You say you have grounds in the case there your undemonstrated god exists, well my statement has equal grounds in the case that that no gods exist, with equal demonstration (aka none). they're purely hypotheticals, made even more inane by the assumption that person A knows exactly what person B is thinking. Millions of hypothetical gods have gone extinct before yours. Your notion is no more special than the rest of them, it is simply one of the few left standing.
@jreberanlc 9 лет назад
AgentMidnight Again, you misunderstand. Look, I'm not really trying to do philosophy or prove a point. I'm just telling the truth. The truth is - if my God is true - and He is, then my statement is true. Of course it is also true that if my God is not true, neither is my statement. However, as I said, I cannot deny what I know. I know God, I know Jesus. Fair enough, you don't know Him - and you don't have to believe in Him - but just don't waste your time and mine telling me that his existence is not 'beyond reasonable doubt. Just admit - you don't want God. I can respect that. I can relate to that. You want autonomy - so do I. We live in the same world - so you see what I see - evidence of God everywhere, his fingerprints all over creation. You have denied what is plain and convinced yourself it all happened on its own. Your statement does not have equal grounds either. Just because you don't know God does not mean He does not exist - just means you don't know Him. When you know all things, then you can tell me there is no God. But I don't need to know all things to know there is God, I just need to know God and I do. If you want to know Him - then you can too. And lastly, of course millions of hypothetical God's have gone extinct - then goodness - none of them were true! Hallelujah! But obviously the true God will never become extinct. He remains forever and forever true. One day, you will see that. But you can know Him in this life now. But the problem is - you don't want to, do you?
@jreberanlc 9 лет назад
Julian Rebera On the day you come face to face with God - in that instant everything will fall into place - God's magnificent sunsets, the beauty of creation, the breathtaking, jaw-dropping wonder of the cosmos, the marvel of dna - all testimonies to the reality of the God you will face. Then what has always been plain will be undeniable no more. But until that day, you can continue to deny the obvious - God gives you that ability - but I really hope you don't always deny Him - but rather reach out to Him.
@TheIrunthisson 9 лет назад
William Lane Craig is awesome!
@doncourtreporter 9 лет назад
He has magical powers. Magical.
@blueduck5589 11 месяцев назад
@@doncourtreporter He has shit for brains.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
Often those excuses are contradictory too! He flip-flops from "I'd never share a stage with that man or shake his hand" to "I already shared a stage with him in Mexico" to "That wasn't really a debate with Craig, because Craig's a loser".... I'm wondering if he's ever just going to admit that Lennox beat him so badly that he wouldn't dare take on someone of Craig's caliber.
@vheilshorn 9 лет назад
For those who keep commenting on the video without actually watching it (because they're so interested in the open-minded exchange of ideas), I'll quote my favorite line: "Is said that an argument is what convinces reasonable men and a proof is what it takes to convince even an unreasonable man." -- Alex Vilenkin
@Vic2point0 6 лет назад
I also keep getting the impression that the vast majority of people who oppose Craig haven't actually listened to his arguments.
@oliverjamito9902 4 года назад
Obviously, all our brothers and sisters are not all grounded like me. For I am not perfect. But this matter (me and you)is worth more than matter. Do you prefer for me to look at you as things? My God said, you used things but PEOPLE are different. You don't use PEOPLE. For they are more than matters indeed. But to look at your brothers, kings and priests who is worth respecting, honoring, loving and giving my life for a friend kind of love.
@pepperachu Год назад
No I'm sorry this world is full of people who won't believe no matter what the proof. Id go as far to say, It 95% of the time just a smokescreen argument
@redpillfreedom6692 5 месяцев назад
​@@Vic2point0I have heard them. They are as empty as any assertions made by any other Christian throughout history.
@Vic2point0 5 месяцев назад
@@redpillfreedom6692 What would be an example of an argument you think fails, and why? Just curious.
@alexfaith5562 4 года назад
Dr William Amazing Craig at his best!
@simmo212121 2 года назад
Craig is Battle tested. I mean this guy knows what he's talking about I love listening to him
@lepidoptera9337 2 года назад
Why are you listening to idiots? That doesn't reflect well on you. ;-)
@UniteAgainstEvil 2 года назад
@@lepidoptera9337 name calling, a tactic of ignorance
@joshua_wherley Год назад
@@lepidoptera9337 this is argumentum ad hominem, a logical fallacy. That doesn't reflect well on you.
@joshua_wherley Год назад
@@lepidoptera9337 Craig is an idiot? He holds a Ph.D. from University of Birmingham and a D.Theol. from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Not to mention his decades of formally debating atheists and being a prolific and well-respected writer. Even Sam Harris joked at their debate at University of Notre Dame that Craig "puts the fear of God" into his atheist debate opponents. He hardly sounds like an "idiot". Stop trying to be cute and do your research. I'd like to hear what you can offer to counter his CV, or maybe you can debate him yourself since you seem to hold such a low opinion of him. Try showing a bit of respect. I disagree with men like Dawkins and Dennett but I don't call them idiots. It's called civility.
@georgedoyle2487 8 месяцев назад
@@lepidoptera9337 “Why are you listening to idiots? That doesn't reflect well on you. ;-)” Oh the irony!! Prove that Lane Craig is an “IDIOT”? I’ll wait!! Also look up the [Appeal to Ridicule Fallacy] and [Ad Hominem Fallacy]. Not to mention the [Appeal to Dismissal Fallacy]. If you just launch personal attacks in a debate instead of presenting a logical POINT or rational rebuttal it’s considered a concession of defeat in a formal debate. I accept your concession of defeat!! What was your POINT again exactly? By sheer coincidence I’ve actually got two new brands of pen right here on my desk which i use for writing down ultimately meaningless and ultimately purposeless comments. A [Richard Dawkins pen] and a [@lepidoptera9337 pen] they’ve got no POINT!!
@Birdieupon 11 лет назад
Uses rational arguments to defend his views, instead of attacking people personally... unlike certain people who clearly can't handle him intellectually.
@2213Hy 11 лет назад
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
Actually, I was genuinely amazed that ANYONE thought Ahmed won that debate. I had heard other atheists saying "yeah, that wasn't one of the better atheist showings" and thought they were putting it too mildly. But for anyone to think Ahmed actually WON... well it goes to show what bias can do for you. By the way, I don't mind if Craig loses debates. I've actually been hoping to see one where he's at least strongly challenged... haven't seen it yet, though.
@michaelszczys8316 2 года назад
I don't care if every evolutionist wins every debate and they should find real solid evidence that there is no God, I would still never believe that the universe and everything in it came about all by itself without any outside help. That will always be way too retarded stupid for me.
@lightbeforethetunnel 2 года назад
Issue is: Most Atheists are under the false impression they can't be dogmatic. They think only anyone who disagrees with them can possibly be dogmatic (which is a fallacy of dogmatism itself). This creates a situation in which their dogmatic zealotry can develop into outrageous severity without any hope of self-recognition. Their goal is not seeking truth genuinely. It's seeking validation their pre-existing beliefs are the truth instead. So all anybody needs to do is provide literally ANY fallacious counterargument to Theistic arguments for God & they'll believe it without a second thought. It doesn't matter if it makes sense really. And there's no limit to the number of fallacies which can be thought up. It reminds me of Einstein's quote about there being no limit to human stupidity. And there's nothing anyone can do to get through to such people. *Debating someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead* - Thomas Paine Only they have the power to alter their goal/mindset to one of seeking truth genuinely. And they won't do this until they actually want to.
@Vic2point0 6 лет назад
Watching Craig address Dawkins' arguments is like watching a pit bull fight a chihuahua. But we have to remember: that particular chihuahua is an asshole. ETA: But then again, aren't they all :P
@athonyhiggins3117 2 года назад
You are no match for craig
@Vic2point0 2 года назад
@@athonyhiggins3117 Why would you assume I was calling Dawkins the pit bull in that scenario?
@josephno1347 5 месяцев назад
a chick wrote this
@RequiemNocturne1 11 лет назад
Problems in the cosmological argument: why is the first cause exempt for cause ( special pleading), the premise of causality being arrived at a posteriori ( David Hume's problem of induction and that causal relations were not true a priori). Predestination paradox of the causal loop, the BB theory states that it was a point in time in which all dimensions came into existence, and starting space/time. This puts the KCA up to questioning, as well as the assumption of origins on a QM level.
@Yesica1993 11 лет назад
He's doing precisely that. The Bible tells its followers to love God with all their hearts, souls and minds: “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." (Matthew 22:36-40) By engaging with and addressing the objections to God's existence and other like questions, he is obeying this command and therefore worshiping.
@foreleftproductions756 3 года назад
What a great room!
@majmage 2 года назад
Yeah, while Craig made all sorts of mistakes in his speech, at least we can all agree on that room being _gorgeous!_
@foreleftproductions756 2 года назад
@@majmage Well, I'm a Craig fan so I guess you're half right. 😉
@majmage 2 года назад
@@foreleftproductions756 Eh, mistakes are mistakes regardless of anyone's opinion on the matter. (When asked for evidence of a god, it's a _mistake_ to use an argument concluding with "a cause" and treating that like it's evidence of a god, as just one example.)
@foreleftproductions756 2 года назад
@@majmage Well I’m a Christian so I do believe in a God. Even if you don’t call it God, you can’t deny that there’s a “creator”. Matter really doesn’t just pop into existence, right?
@majmage 2 года назад
@@foreleftproductions756 The most reasonable explanation is our _universe_ had a cause, but (A) we don't know our universe is _everything that exists,_ and (B) 100% of the creators we have evidence of haven't been gods, so by default the most reasonable explanation is our universe's creator wasn't a god. I don't _think_ you're arguing that because we've never seen matter pop into existence, it's impossible. You're not arguing that, right? (Before you answer remember (A) 100% of the creators we have seen weren't gods and (B) we haven't seen a god.) So then because you can't argue matter popping into existence is impossible, it's a bit unclear what you meant by that point.
@lightbeforethetunnel 2 года назад
To me, this highlights why mainstream academia is so silly. Why is Dawkins even given the time of day? He has absolutely no clue what he's talking about philosophically. He's a biologist. The Kalam Cosmological Argument by William Lane Craig is very strong evidence for God. So that's a good example of something great academia has produced, but there are actually even stronger evidences for God that can only really be discovered if you're aware enough to look outside of mainstream academia. I appreciate intelligence & knowledge, but not academia because mostly it's just limited to Naturalistic Scientism religionists who think they're scientific for promoting their dogma.
@georgedoyle2487 8 месяцев назад
Exactly!! In 2009 Richard Dawkins claimed that “WE NOW KNOW” that junk DNA is the greatest proof for evolutionary theory. Fast forward 2012 after new research emerged demonstrating that this was actually false and a clip of Dawkins was released in 2012 of Dawkins stating that “WE NOW KNOW” that there is no junk DNA in evolution and that this is now the “greatest proof” for evolutionary theory? Heads I win tails you lose lol!! Apparently if you are looking for “evidence” to support militant atheism you will find it, that is if you are looking for “evidence” to support fatalism and epistemological nihilism you will find it lol!! As long as there are gaps there will always be someone trying to put a strictly reductive materialism, atheism or philosophical naturalism in them!! According to Karl Popper the father of falsificationism.... “Scientists should be humble as a prediction can change from one moment to the next, unfortunately there is corruption since scientists started getting subsidies.” (Karl Popper).
@mrdarrell1963 11 лет назад
I think you're right on here. I hear a lot about how Craigs arguments have been refuted but when I ask them what that is, I get nothing. At best I get a point of direction to someone else who supposedly refutes. But when looking at that, it's actually NOT a refutation at all. I then conclude that the one who says Craig has been refuted is just full of hot air. How illogical is it to stare at a fact and say it's not a fact.....well that's what many want to do & it's just crazy and rediculous. thx
@tonybuk70 11 лет назад
spot on!! :)
@jopeteus 10 лет назад
" To listen to WLC is like to listen to a moron." Yeah, you are acting emotionally again. I thought it was only the religious fundamentalists who did that but apparently that is not the case. "There are no laws of the physics out of humans minds - they are not objective." That is simply irrelevant to the fine-tuning argument so I will not bother to answer.
@jopeteus 10 лет назад
"This MEANS Craig cannot use "fine tuned universe" argument because ours is not such." We exist. Obviously the universe is fine-tuned. The fine-tuning argument is that there wouldn't be life if our universe wasn't fine tuned. " But WLC is a lair" Even if true, that doesn't invalidate the fine-tuning argument. "he does not want to take under considerations the last results of cosmological discoveries" BECAUSE THEY ARE IRRELEVANT. How hard is that for you to understand?
@Roper122 11 лет назад
That's what I said.. Glad you agree. That was easy to sort out then. If you have any other misunderstandings feel free to let me know.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
Watch this video from 42:42 - 44:07, please. Craig covers this point.
@dlbattle100 10 лет назад
Hey, wow, and WLC video where I can actually comment.
@jopeteus 10 лет назад
"WLC sets up 3 reasons for a universe can be fine-tuned for, not me." False. Craig argues that ONE (1) of those three (3) is the right answer. If you think of other possible explanations for the fine-tuning of the universe, then you are welcome to tell me. "but he is wrong because he does not know what means a physical system" I already explained this to you. Stop ignoring what I have explained. Don't do any straw-mans.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
"Extra stuff" would answer the points I mentioned in the other post, which remain totally unanswered (and, many scientists think, unanswerable!) without positing immaterial minds. There is no violation of the laws of thermodynamics, since these apply only to closed systems, and the existence of minds would simply show that the material Universe is not a closed system.
@mraNewfoundland 11 лет назад
Well that was an enjoyable hour and a bit.
@jesuslovesme143 4 года назад
God bless WLC, God bless us all.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
(continued) To put it more simply, consider the example of numbers. Given mathematical Platonism, the numbers are abstract objects which have necessary existence as one of their properties. As such, either a number is incoherent, or else it necessarily exists.
@zerubroberts4251 11 лет назад
Haha, there were some really interesting questions in the end.
@pj2334 Год назад
Atheists can’t believe in miracles but they can believe the universe came into being without any cause.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
TYPO: I meant to say "an event", but I typed "and even"..... I don't know why. Sorry about that.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
When did I say "I don't know how to explain the cell"? Hm? I said there are irreducibly complex systems (there is also what Dembski calls "specified complexity"), and there is genuine scientific debate on these matters. Craig is open either way, just like everyone should be when it comes to scientific theories. End of story.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
1) The Kalam is a deductive argument which concludes to exactly this. So it is already shown. 2) See point 1. 3) I could say "see point 1" again, but this one is even easier. If the Universe began to exist, then your #3 point is a necessary truth. Regardless of theism, materialism, etc, if time has a beginning then the boundary of the beginning of time is a timeless, changeless state. 4) Timelessness requires changelessness, which physical things can't do
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
TYPO: I meant "ennumerable" quanta; not "innumerable"! Sorry.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
But, that's exactly why Craig presents specific defeaters. If there were no defeaters, then I would agree that actual infinities are possible (so would Craig, for that matter). But his thought experiments (the orbiting planets, the counting man, Hilbert's Hotel, etc) show that impossible scenarios would arise from the existence of an actual infinity. Hilbert himself saw this, and said the infinite only exists as a concept in the mind.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
Seriously, did you not watch the clip from 42:42 - 44:07?
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
The postulate of an immaterial soul DOES add explanatory power. For example, conscious experience is unified and continuous, and yet brain processes are scattered and discontinuous. Also, the belief in free will (and, concordantly, moral responsibility for our choices) is difficult to reconcile with the physically deterministic processes of an organ like the brain. Also, our mind seems to have downward causal power, as a sui generis entity. Positing an immaterial soul helps in each case.
@amazingrazin 11 лет назад
That's because the argument is sound.
@Yesica1993 11 лет назад
It's very discouraging. I often want to give up. But then I think maybe I'll still run into someone who sincerely wants a conversation, and perhaps something I say will make a difference in their life.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
By the way, I don't have to keep defending ID. The whole point of this discussion is that Craig is being rational by keeping his mind open to Evolution being either true or false. He doesn't think science is in the business of producing dogmas, and he's right about that.
@user-qz9pj7pn2s 8 лет назад
*THEISM WITHOUT RELIGION WILL BE THE FUTURE OF THIS WORLD.* Before reading Richard Dawkins’s book ‘The God Delusion’, I thought that I would become an atheist after reading his book. But, much to my surprise, I became a stubborn theist after reading his book. All his refutations of God’s existence are implausible. Atheism as a whole always was implausible. The arguments for God’s existence are way more plausible than atheistic arguments. However I do not believe in the divinity of any religious scripture (Bible, Quran, Hindu scriptures etc.) Religious scriptures are nothing more than books of fiction. My views about God are as follows. I attribute the following features to God(s). 1. He is the creator and destroyer of everything. 2. He is neither one nor many. He is infinite. 3. He is the author of destiny of all living beings. He has created perceivable inequalities among living beings for his own entertainment. Fate is the biggest initiator of inequality, followed by genes, time and circumstances. 4. He is amoral i.e. he is neither moral nor immoral. He is neither good nor bad. He is neither benevolent and merciful nor malevolent and merciless. But he has created objective morality for all living beings and remote controls behaviour of all living beings, just like a puppeteer. We are all just puppets of God. 5. He is the intelligent designer. 6. He is very capricious and incomprehensible. 7. He is the ultimate cause behind everything (good, bad, horrible, wonderful, amazing, tragic, comical etc.) and the source of energy 8. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and eternal. 9. The shackles of time, circumstances, natural laws, mortality, morality, gender do not limit him, despite him being the creator of these invincible things. 10. He is supremely intelligent and has complete totalitarian authority over everything including minds of living beings. 11. He does not have any religion, nor does he speak any one particular language. He has never certified any religion as true or any language as holy. He has never certified any book, place and ritual as holy.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
Try reading my ENTIRE post, and not just cherry-picking little bits. I specifically mentioned both the physical determined aspect (and, at the macroscopic level where quantum effects are practically non-existent, there is certainly a great deal of determinacy) AND the random aspects. Neither determined effects nor random ones are congruent with free will.
@Rpagsis1 11 лет назад
Dawkins biggest fear. You can call Craig what you want, but you can't call him a coward.
@candeffect Год назад
Why are 'besaved' and 'berepentant' missing?
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
Science is not equivalent to rational thinking; it is just one of the tools for rational thought, to be used on particular kinds of matters. All philosophers of science recognize this. And Craig is perfectly open to the Big Bang being overturned; it just has a great deal of support right now, and that means that modern science agrees with a premise in one of Craig's arguments. Plantinga and Craig are both philosophers, and they both recognize the limits of science.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
If an inclination is irresistible, then it does not fall under the purview of my question. Are you ever going to actually answer the question? If a decision is not irresistible, and you have an inclination in one direction, can you choose to go against that inclination?
@Yesica1993 11 лет назад
Sorry, I'm not aware of anyone named Billy Lane in this video. I do know of Bill Craig, with multiple degrees and a slew of books to his name.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
Let's start with this: Do you agree that an actual self-contradiction cannot be instantiated in reality?
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
No one is talking about executing choices based on programs and input. I'm talking about the ability to either do X or refrain from doing X, and that nothing physical (like brain states or inputs) is determining which you will do. You can freely decide. The only reason machines aren't considered moral agents is because they can't do anything but what is physically determined by their "programming" and the inputs.
@terriekraybill9724 Год назад
This was a great lecture, and excellent for any thinking Christian who wants a better understanding of why we need to believe in God.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
Ok, let's try this another way: If you have a fully sufficient set of causal conditions, is it even possible that you would not also have the effect for as long as those causal conditions exist?
@notloki3377 Год назад
i suppose it depends what you mean by "fully sufficient set of causal conditions." seems like a pretty vague term.
@jerrydecaire45 11 лет назад
sounds good to me.
@DrWhoDaMan 11 лет назад
Loved the last question: he got Dr Craig to shout "PIG!!!???" X-D
@raywingfield 11 лет назад
Hi Jack, first thanks for the friendly comment. I am a Computer Scientist, as such there isn't any philosophy that I am aware of that is useful in my line of work. Perhaps I can imagine a time when humans can create computers with intelligence equal to our own and have a philosophical discussion as to its implications.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
If the 5th symphony (or anything else, for that matter) exists as a Platonic abstract object, then it cannot have causal powers. This is a very different situation from an immaterial mind, which substance dualists maintain has causal interactions with your brain all the time.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
You're loading the premises, and getting an invalid conclusion. The mind does affect the physical world, and I never said otherwise. But that doesn't mean that it adds physical energy to the physical world, it means that another kind of causation is in play.
@Yesica1993 11 лет назад
Indeed! I am a Christian, but if I was undecided, I'd look at the responses of Christians vs. atheists and would have to conclude that the atheist side must be far weaker, if only on the basis of the responses which they give even to videos like this. Instead of engaging with the questions/the topic, they immediately start insulting the speaker and/or Christians in general.
@lfzadra 11 лет назад
And what if your inclination is not resistible? Can you choose your threshold of resistance? Again, never said a given choice is unavoidable. A computer can also work with fuzzy logic following some tendencies when faced with some inputs. This does not make him free to ignore his program.
@76rwc 11 лет назад
That would constitute spam, no one would appreciate that, nor is it dialogue. But like I said, choose what you think is his best argument and you will get a reply,
@samdgh9473 2 года назад
At 18:35 Craig says that Dawkins doesn't dispute that the argument successfully proves the existence of an uncaused, beginningless, changeless, timeless, spaceless, and unimaginably powerful personal creator of the universe. Neither did this atheist - *ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-go6m-KNUmG4.html*. Look how well that worked for Dr. Wolpert.
@lepidoptera9337 2 года назад
Why are you listening to such bullshit, kid? You should know better. ;-)
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
So, if Dawkins doesn't want to give apologists undue attention, why has he debated John Lennox twice?
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
And you have failed to answer my question. Can a self-contradiction be instantiated in reality?
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
Movement is a temporal concept. Points in time are records of change. But in the absence of time, obviously there is no change. And in the absence of change, there is no time. The "dot" is the eternal changeless moment, which forms the boundary of that very first instant of time (the very first change). Again, this is how philosophers of time have always spoken about the beginning of time, if such a thing exists.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
I have not argued from "We don't know how to explain consciousness". I argued from "postulating an immaterial mind answers questions about consciousness, which a purely material approach may be fundamentally incapable of answering". And to say "there's no extra energy" is to speak in biased terms. We're talking about something non-physical.
@williammcenaney1331 Год назад
I'm a Thomist. So I agree with St. Thomas Aquinas's metaphysics. Thomas would say that there's a multiverse, it needs a cause since it''s composed of parts. Can a maximally great being be infinitely great? If suggest that if a maximally great being is finitely.great, that being wouldn't be God. Changeability is a flaw. If you're a bodybuilder, what would you prefer, a perfect physuque or one that can always improve?
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
You said no one but Craig and his supporters think he won that debate. The very first atheist site that comes up in a Google search strongly disagrees. "Genetic Fallacy" actually refers to a family of informal fallacies, but the kind I'm referring to is the kind that so often gets committed by atheists, namely: Attempting to invalidate a position by showing how people come to believe in that position. Craig actually didn't lose that debate, and even atheist bloggers agree with me on this.
@PatronSaintOfAwesome 11 лет назад
What arguments of Craig's do you think are good? The Kalam cosmological has inconsistent premise (it's first premise undermines agent causation). The moral argument doesn't take into account that ideal observer theory both is greatly supported over divine command theory and entails the negation of divine command theory. Craigs teleological argument is built on a false trilemma. What other arguments are there that you would like an atheist to address?
@stefana9068 11 лет назад
Can someone please explain to me since I fail to grasp at around 47.25 the ontological argument vailidity. About point 3 and forward it assumes because if it can exist in every possible world it does to me that could be applied to every entity like flying spaghetti monster to reincarnation to me it does not make sense that if it is possible to it exist it does but I hope some christian philosopher will explain how that could be a valid argument.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
Simple point: Properties are not pieces. A shirt is composed of physical pieces, all the way down to the subatomic level, and it gets its existence and properties from the co-existence of these pieces in a particular way. However the elementary particle itself isn't composed of any pieces. Its properties are just by virtue of being that kind of particle. So it is with God.
@lfzadra 11 лет назад
Never made my line of argumentation on the basis of "I'm not making an assertion", therefore such thing can't be a reason for failure.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
1) I totally agree that science is not dogmatic. Ergo, being agnostic when there are controversies is totally permissable. Admirable, really. 2) Roundness cannot be removed from a ball. You can take a ball and stop it from being a ball.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
I never said "entirely flawed", so I'm not sure why you think I did. And I'm certainly not arguing for global skepticism (I don't know where you get that from). The EAAN just says you cannot rationally hold that N&E are both true since that conjunction does away with the reliability of our cognitive faculties (and we need those faculties to justify the conclusion).
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
For the hundredth time, properties are not the same thing as pieces. Something is only complex (warranting a design inference) if it has lots of parts that work together in a seemingly designed fashion. An electron has many properties, but it doesn't warrant a design inference, since it has no parts and is therefore perfectly simple.
@emnity33 11 лет назад
I'm simply amazed that a non atheist video hasn't been downvoted into oblivion by the ''free thinkers''.
@PQRXYZ433 11 лет назад
Saying someone is incorrect, calling their views nonsensical and demonstrating that their views are such aren't attacks.
@Mockerofscoffers 11 лет назад
no you were implying he hasn't or cant refute those questions.....i disagree..but if you want to throw those questions at me i 'll see if he has replied to them.
@lfzadra 11 лет назад
We know that things do not change because time is passing and there's no movement in place. If no time is passing, how do you know the thing is not already in movement, unavoidably collapsing to the ignition of space/time? Occam's Razor erases your "dot" before the line. We don't need it to postulate a boundary. T=0, the first point in the line, is already the boundary.
@RequiemNocturne1 11 лет назад
Yes I understand we all have different beliefs/ areas of study, however when doing studies you never start with your conclusion you get evidence then see what you can derive from them. You continue to start with your conclusion, why do you thin the universe is designed? Why do you hold this religious belief above the many others? Why assume the conclusion through speculative evidence?
@Birdieupon 11 лет назад
For that very reason. ;-)
@Yesica1993 11 лет назад
More projection. Truly frightening.
@PatronSaintOfAwesome 11 лет назад
Also Plantinga's EAAN has problems too. The fact is that the intuitions evolution has provided us *aren't* all that great for assessing truths. A great example of this is our intuitions for actual infinite's that Craig loves to play on. Actual infinite's are certainly possible, and yet he's able to get so many people to think otherwise by pumping their intuitions one way rather than the other. This is why we've developed methodologies to arrive at knowledge by means other than sheer intuition.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
Christianity actually IS irrelevant to this discussion, but the question of whether you consider us free moral agents is at the very heart of the matter. If you think we are free agents with moral responsibility, then you are already committed to something other than physical determinism or randomness, in the case of human behavior. You are committed to agent causation.
@DrWhoDaMan 11 лет назад
lol, someone thumbed this video down before it had even been up long enough for them to watch it. X-D
@PQRXYZ433 11 лет назад
I thought you would have actually posted something substantial.
@Mockerofscoffers 11 лет назад
it's not a FACT when comes to the atheistic moral landscape...it's opinion and you know it!
@PatronSaintOfAwesome 11 лет назад
I don't know. I think his faculties are quite reliable just as are mine. I'm just pointing out that the presuppositions I'm using to attack the argument are the same presuppositions he uses to make the argument.
@lfzadra 11 лет назад
[Choosing what you believe is impossible.] Then it is impossible to me to believe I have free will.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
The term Plantinga uses is "unreliable". That is to say that they cannot be relied upon to properly orient us toward true belief. E&N yield that kind of skepticism. The EAAN is sound.
@EnigmaHood 11 лет назад
Do you have a point? We already went through this.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
They are indeed inherently impossible, and not just based on Hilbert's Hotel. There are numerous other similar arguments (the Counting Man, the orbiting planets, the Grim Reaper Paradox, etc). The existence of an actually infinite number of things would create a self-contradiction in reality.
@Mentat1231 11 лет назад
1) If the explanations will be either deterministic or random (or an amalgam of the two), then it doesn't matter that we don't know everything yet. Those are the wrong kinds of explanation, IN PRINCIPLE. 2) There is a third option: intentional choice.
@lfzadra 11 лет назад
Metaphysics is not the place to set any issue, it's the place we start our discussion on the issue. If your ghost is still locked in it's metaphysical stage, then we already know that we are still arguing about the validity of the very idea that is rational to think it may possibly exist. This point is galaxies away from the demonstration that it is rational to believe that the ghost is real.
@sebastianmelmoth685 6 лет назад
This tour needed an Orthodox perspective. It was a veritable drought of Protestant thought.
@76rwc 11 лет назад
Asking if you have any qualifications in philosophy or theology when you support these philo/theo arguments is not irrelevant. You seem convinced, so the intention is to understand your mind set, and how someone (some Christians) are capable of being persuaded so easily and to think so uncritically the question of what are your qualifications was not asked to set up ad hominin attacks or an argument from authority (if it was a debating technique it would actually be an argument from expertise