
BIG MAN GOT BIG SCREWED BY TRICOLOR! - Splatoon 3 Splatfest World Premiere Review 

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The Splatoon 3 Splatfest World premiere took place this past weekend. Everyone knows the Big Man and Team Scissors should have won, but we were cheated by the unfair, unbalanced Tricolor Turf War mode. Honestly, the Splatfest was a blast, but I do have some concerns.
/ johnnyzaccari
#Splatoon3 #Splatfest #BigManSweep




28 авг 2022




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@PSIworld13 Год назад
I was on team Scissors, and I honestly couldn't believe it when I saw we lost. The times I got tricolor turf wars, we were able to consistently crush our enemies, so this was a surprise for me. I found it quite easy to keep our turf tbh. either we were amazing or our enemies sucked.
@powerrangerturbo1 Год назад
From what I've heard, people just weren't used to exclusively point defense in a more strict way. I was on team rock, so I don't really know from y'alls perspective. Just what I've heard
@apersonowo307 Год назад
I lost every match and boy howdy! I got mostly fans and fiends on my teams and the enemy always got the ultra signal. Paper got it twice in two games! I am a salty gamer and thus I got salty.
@razzledazzledorito6552 Год назад
@@powerrangerturbo1 I think the size of mid stage compared to the size of the ends of the stage also play a hand in this though. The fact that we had a tiny rectangle for spawn while the other two teams had a whole base makes it too easy to get spawn-camped.
@MarioSonic46 Год назад
Funny you say that. I was on paper and did a lot of tricolors where either our team won or Rock. Never saw scissors win once.
@apersonowo307 Год назад
@@MarioSonic46 precisely. We got demolished
@benjaminmajeski140 Год назад
The way they fix it is by adding an incentive for the two smaller teams to fight each other, I was team rock, and we got a victory even if team paper won.
@LitPinata Год назад
I recall nothing for the middling team, but I could be wrong.
@nicknack5388 Год назад
well they should also change how the ultrasignal worksl. It's extremely difficult to guard it in the match, and once you lose it it paints for the rest of the match. The worst part about it is that if you stop someone from getting it, it just instantly spawns again. I feel making it have a cooldown would be a great change, as it would give the winning team some downtime to attack the other 2 teams instead of having to defend it for the whole match. It would also incentivise the other two teams to think about their aproach a lot more than just throwing themselves at it until they end up getting a team wipe with specials.
@emrose98 Год назад
And it felt weird because you could still kill people on paper. But we won together? It just felt off.
@temiszn3288 Год назад
@@nicknack5388 you can throw down a big bubble around the signal plus it wouldn’t be fair if there was downtime to attack because if the teams of 2 get wiped you probably lose and also it is random to get in a tri color match for the losing teams
@greenducky8858 Год назад
@@temiszn3288 throwing a big bubbler around the ultra signal won’t do anything because they can still walk into it and take the ultra signal. Also it was the winning team got randomly put into tri color, not the losing team.
@Jeissecastillo Год назад
Yes, the Tri color splatfest was heavily against team scissors. I am a part of a group called the Misfits, and we play Splatoon together. We chat on discord to try to work together in this game. And at the beginning, we were losing these left and right. We were literally treating this like a Turf War which is the completely wrong way to handle this mode. Once we realized that we needed to defend the Ultra Signal in the middle, we started to win matches. The best approach with this mode is to treat the Ultra Signal like a splat zones match. Protect the zone. Ensure that no one gets that signal. Because as soon as they get two or more, it’s over for the middle team. Literally at that point, doesn’t matter how good you are, there is no turning back. But if you protect that signal and don’t let the other two team get them, and then you turf a bit here and there, the win is in the bag.
@razzledazzledorito6552 Год назад
It is a bit hard for average players though. It feels like ppl who are better at the game will probably get the hang of it. I personally wish they wouldn't have made the center stage so small, it just feels like the chances of the winning team winning are barely there.
@Jeissecastillo Год назад
@@razzledazzledorito6552 it’s hard as a whole. I’m an S+ ranker and my friends are S+ to X tankers and we still struggled at first. Because we didn’t understand the ultra signals at all. Once we figured it out, it was much easier. Another issue we noticed is that there are several parts of the map that we couldn’t get to, so that means the blue and yellow teams had an advantage there too. It does feel like scissors had a lot stacked against them. They should rework the mode a bit for sure to make it more compatible for everyone.
@Flame_from_HR Год назад
Well, it requires coordination, AND keeping the ultra signal isn’t even CLOSE to the defending team getting a free win. Each of the other teams gets a free 15 percent as their spawns, and how often was scissors spawncamping their opponents? Almost never. In Sturgeon, the only way to get to the opponent’s spawn is a risky, telegraphed jump. GG to all teams, the tricolour definitely played a big role with us losing, but you guys fought well enough to deserve the win. Great work.
@MosesX-Labs Год назад
Well the maximum amount of Ultra signals the other teams can get is 2. Once the 2 are taken then it’s basically game over.
@Jeissecastillo Год назад
@@MosesX-Labs I didn’t even know that 2 was the max. We couldn’t see the limit on the scissors side. Either way, once there is two on the map, there is no turning back and that does feel a bit unfair. There does need to be a way to make a comeback and currently I don’t see it
@RandomDude8787 Год назад
The thing is, when you select tricolor as a losing team, it doesn’t give you the 100% chance it just improves the odds
@codenameloser8488 Год назад
Issues with tricolor turf war when you’re on the winning team 1: some kits are good for turf war but bad for Tricolor turf war. 2: if one side gets the ultra signal, you practically lose. 3: some people want to play open games but others just want to play tricolor turf war. 4: Tricolor turf wars can’t have 10x or 100x multipliers, so the chance of 10x and 100x matches also stacks with the chance to get tri color turf war, giving the winning team an even less chance to get what gets you the most clout 5:the team to the left of scissors spawn has a ledge that leads right to their spawn area. The only way for scissors to access it is to go to the left and climb a specific inks level wall and jump to their spawn area. 6:the ultra signal gets collected faster as the game goes on, so sometimes if you’re not camping with a one shot/automatic weapon as soon as they grab that signal they’re gonna get it.
@emperorbulby3761 Год назад
One thing that would probably make the tricolor more balanced is if those giant sprinklers were tuned down a bit, destructible, and had a limited duration. Cause any game where I got even one was basically an auto win.
@liampeterson266 Год назад
My fist tricolor(as scissors) I thought they were, and was so confused that we got like 35-12-30
@awesomefox555 Год назад
@The_One_K Год назад
But again Devs are stupid
@lucaswon9751 Год назад
yeah, i was surprised they werent destructible.
@mr.popatochisp9349 Год назад
Funnily enough, for a couple of Tri-color Turf wars (as scissors) as soon as both teams had a sprinkler of doom, we started demolishing them. My guess is that it may have been because we didn't need people defending the Ultra Signal, or we could finally put pressure on the other teams.
@garbotoxins840 Год назад
It's so funny that the optimal strategy for splatfests is to intentionally throw your games as to not be designated defense
@fryreviews693 Год назад
Early games are gonna be pain because of it
@kevindinga6366 Год назад
I was on Team Rock and even though I would queue up for Tri-Color I was still able to get matched into a normal turf war match
@theone.whoasked Год назад
guess I wasn't the only one
@kirme8446 Год назад
@scrp6638 Год назад
I was on team Scissors, and when I went into a normal one I got into Tri-Color- I don’t get why they have a game specific loading thing if you can load into both??
@frazercowan4030 Год назад
As a fellow Big Man enjoyer and supporter, I also got steamrolled in the Tricolor Turf Wars :(
@calebnavarro1424 Год назад
I think the thing im most mad at is that the attacking teams get way more clout than the defending team even though its harder for the defending team. The attacking team who wins gets 6000 when they win but the defending team gets only 3000
@badasstoad9419 Год назад
That speaks volumes in the statistics. The fact Team Scissors was in the LEAD and then dropped to ZERO points.. Yikes :(
@ikbenmaxim Год назад
yeah but i think the reason is why that it may be hard to fight against 6 people with your teammate, 2 v 6 i won 2 times in a row (and i only played tricolor turf war 2 times too) with my teammate idk maybe it depends on luck or not since i was abusing my shield special camping the signal and my teammate was on a killing rampage
@LightningLordILP Год назад
I started out liking tricolor turf war. While I won the majority of my tri color matches, I don't like it now and I think it should be rebalanced and given it's own unique map. The way I won my matches was by bullying one side and spawn camping them. I'm team scissors.
@pkpyro2000 Год назад
Another thing that makes TriColor difficult is the fact that the winning teams Spawn is easily accessible. I won a game by letting Scissors take the middle cause they were good and were Splatting everyone so I completely covered their Spawn point and they didn’t even realize cause no one was able to splat them. All I had to do then was focus on keeping my area covered.
@oceant1457 Год назад
I FELT THE OPRESSION DURING TRICOLOR ITS BECAUSE IM RED THATS INKIST Not being able to queue for triclolor sucks and if you didn't have teammates with eyes on the back of their heads playing their mains then you basically had a zero percent chance of winning also your chances of winning go down like 80% if a team even gets one sprinkler of doom
@SamHam338 Год назад
yea when they got one sprinkler of doom I would just be like "yup im done, were gonna lose anyway" it wasn't fun, and eventually I just went back to pro bc I couldn't play open
@FlameLFH Год назад
The defending team requires a ton of map awareness. To me, it became much easier to win after matching with a good team of randoms and equipping a weapon kit that can hold chokepoints.
@benjaminmajeski140 Год назад
Honestly, it would’ve worked much better on museum de alfonseno, with its wider, less campy middle.
@jjbarajas5341 Год назад
For sure. I got paired with someone and we were both running dualies, and we basically had a ton of synergy and won every tricolor match we played, never once coming in last.
@linkjag Год назад
The other teams also didn't know what we were going to be playing mode wise. When you selected tricolor turf war as rock or paper it was random whether you got regular or tricolor. Also I think tricolor is definitely easier for the two losing teams but scissors was barely winning at halftime. They could have easily lost in the end without it anyway
@STH_552 Год назад
its not that scissors lost its that they went from first to last like obviously rock or paper could have over taken scissors but it would've been close while tricolor made scissors drop to dead last
@gravityx3 Год назад
@@STH_552 didn't help that scissors only had A 1% LEAD AT HALFTIME. "catch-up" gamemode my ass
@TheApoke Год назад
I played it and i loved it. Going in I thought it would be too hard for the losing teams to win since they have to fight 6 opponents with 2 people. I think they need to add 2 more dialogue options on the d pad to help with communication. Since left and right both do nothing. Also it would be cool if they had 4 maps every 2 hours or switched the maps every hour maybe
@jjbarajas5341 Год назад
It would be cool if left and right could communicate with the other 2 player team.
@MilkyBoost Год назад
I wasn't on siccors so I don't know how painful it was lmao didn't even know you couldn't que for it
@JangoMango5 Год назад
Speaking on time gating, i think they addressed salmon run by having it run 24/7 now. But i can still see frustration in being restricted to maps and weapons
@Daniel328DT Год назад
I don't mind playing with other weapons because I can try something I might not ever use in other game modes.
@Number.1Yanfei.Fan123 Год назад
I really like how you brought up how the winning team can’t choose tri color only. My load out for regular is the tri stringer but, in tri color I use the dullies cause any long ranged weapon on tri color is a death sentence.
@beatboxfox Год назад
Preaching to the choir my friend
@LivingLikeADoctor5 Год назад
The long ranged weapon part is 100% accurate. Picked up regular Splatterscope early on in 2. What frustrated me was that I was hesitant on even picking it past half time. Now, if I equipped it, and Tri Color started up, I’d just lose all hope in that match. The charge time, compared to the onslaught of ink and bullshit from the other two teams is too much for the weapon to handle. I’m worried about the mode, to be honest.
@spooky-helix217 Год назад
I just played pro the rest of the time
@stormbringer9015 Год назад
A lot of people lost their switches after this splatfest
@vaangh Год назад
It was so unfair team scissors should've won so hard
@ChiGuyGaming Год назад
@Mattbuddy0947 Год назад
@therealjaystone2344 Год назад
Fire Emblem Heroes Voting Gauntiet: am I joke to you?
@O_Foghlu Год назад
I was scissors and trying to stream snipe someone on rock, and I noticed that in tricolour that when defenders won they would get around 2k clout for each victory, while the attackers got 8k clout for each win (first place). And with the odds stacked against defenders heavily, you can see how scissors somehow came dead last
@thomasquesada7248 Год назад
Let’s not blame everything on tricolor rock was still the most popular and paper still won the pro match that are completely unrelated to tricolor despite being the least populated team
@slimebunny5700 Год назад
@@thomasquesada7248 no scissors was the most popular, everyone was talking about big man and memeing it.
@Aidea._. Год назад
@@slimebunny5700 The results confirmed that rock was more popular. Everyone on team scissors just posted more
@loafibun. Год назад
@@Aidea._. ofc but i think more ppl started to join team rock in the 2nd half
@beatboxfox Год назад
@@loafibun. probably because they didn’t want to get ganged on in tri color
@yoshifn5k Год назад
I loved the splatfest world premiere, and imo being able to play splatoon 3 was a win, but the second half was 100% rigged, tricolours being more difficult for the defending team, and the fact that most games that team scissors queued into were tricolours, yet people on team rock and scissors could literally just choose not to queue tricolours, meaning they got almost all the 10 and 100x battles at the end. edit: but gg to the other 2 teams, as much as I could rant about how dumb tricolours are all day, it was still really fun. edit 2: also I think a cool way to make tricolour more fair would be something similiar to the ultra signal for the other 2 teams, but with a weaker sprinkler, that spawns near the enemy spawn, because the main reasons why tricolours were unfair, was because it was almost impossible to paint near the enemy spawns, and because the sprinklers were just op.
@fighter0056 Год назад
I was able to paint the enemies spawn There were some platforms to use (Helped me alot to win most of my Tricolorbattles) It still should be changed tho since it’s suppose to be a Attacking team vs Defending team Mode And not a Attacking Tram vs Attacking Team Mode like how it normally would
@yoshifn5k Год назад
@@fighter0056 it is possible yes, but just very timing dependant, and if an enemy is running by, its very easy to get killed when trying to jump to the box, considering you will be forced to deal with jump rng with most weapons, and just generally wont have any mobility.
@firesd7306 Год назад
The real problem is that nobody has fun in this mode. If the attackers get the ultra signal once, you have to really step up your game to even try to win, and forget if both ultra signals were list, then two thirds of the map are completely off limits. What it boils down to is a tower defense with as little wiggle room as possible, and the dev intended strategy is farm kills, and make sure the enemy team doesn't have fun. I just ended up always using tri slosher since that was the best weapon to kill with. (Plus it felt like people didn't know what was happening? Though that might just be the case with these types of game "My team sucks" kinda stuff.)
@Flame_from_HR Год назад
They made tricolour not an option because they knew that the defending team wouldn’t want to. It also means using a Charger or Splatling will make you lose in tricolour, yet may end up viable in normals, however, you can’t choose, which especially targets backline players.
@MrLank-jb8lb Год назад
I have to disagree. Early on into the tricolor phase scissors was getting steamrolled yes, but then I noticed scissor teams using weapons much better for defense, like the splatling guns for example. The problem is that this was the first mode where a team was exclusively defensive, so players weren't playing like they were supposed to. In the later hours, I noticed scissors start to dominate matches much more often.
@razzledazzledorito6552 Год назад
That was mostly your experience then, because for me we were getting constantly crushed, always in tricolor battles... There's too many issues with the mode and I still think it should be reworked. I've noticed the winning team will usually have the bias that it wasn't as bad... bcs they didn't have to deal with the downsides of it.
@KillbotD Год назад
same here, i didn't see much defenceive weapons used in the start, most people just ran around and did whatever, i think its just a learning thing and people need more time to learn the mode in general, towards the end of the demo it definitely got alot harder, i started to see a little more defence and alot less do whatever you want, also E-liter is a very good weapon to use also on defence on your starting platforms, with a good team its almost untouchable.
@djmadman123456789020 Год назад
​@@razzledazzledorito6552 You're experience is just as equal as his. The problem was mostly skill issue. When I was playing alone, I was getting destroyed with a 10-30 Win/loss ratio. I legitimately thought I was bad. Until I started playing with other people from the Splatoon Discord w/ Mic. Went from a 10-30 ratio to a 35-5 ratio. Splatoon eSports players mostly agreed that the mode was more or less balanced while agreeing that the points distribution needed more reworking. Tri Color is a very heavy team based mode.
@neontoxin4314 Год назад
@@djmadman123456789020 yeah you have friends I don't you don't have rub it in my face :(
@MosesX-Labs Год назад
@@neontoxin4314 They weren’t necessarily playing with friends, they said they were playing with people in a Splatoon Discord server.
@theelephant2117 Год назад
I was team rock. Wasn’t a fan of the fact that it only lasted one day because I worked most of it and had like 1 hour to play. Wasn’t a fan of that one super tiny map, it felt too cramp and there was no space to mount a comeback
@Blazio Год назад
Same, I didn't get to play at all
@xblowsmokex Год назад
Splatfests have always been too short 😭
@starchild4627 Год назад
@@Blazio So in those 12 hours you couldnt even play for 1 minute??? how
@Eohnni Год назад
Each part will be 24h for the real thing. Hopefully you'll find time for the next spaltfest.
@BraveTiger6 Год назад
Same here, I had to work during most of the time when the splatfest happened. when I got home I had less then an hour to play before the splat fest ended. I wanted to try the Tri-color mode but I was only matched into one round of that mode before the splatfest ended. I still enjoyed the time I did play though.
@Edujs23 Год назад
Good old rock nothing beats that
@ChiGuyGaming Год назад
Why don't you kick rocks?
@@ChiGuyGaming mean while paper is eating popcorn
@arandomdoggo9923 Год назад
@@ChiGuyGaming cope
@ninckmane Год назад
Just a note, Salmon Run will actually be open 24h now! They mentioned it on the game's website. Besides that though, I totally agree with you on the tricolor battle issues
@turism0h477 Год назад
Is that true? If so thank god, it should’ve always been like that.
@UltimateInkling Год назад
Oh fr?! Hell yea!
@GoblinTinkerer Год назад
Couple of things: They already said that Salmon Run will now be available all the time. As far as the Tricolor mode goes, it's also kinda random for the attackers. At least in my experience, when you queued up for Tricolor, there was a good chance to be dumped into a regular game. As you already said, though, Tricolor is meant to be a catchup mechanic for the losing teams. If you could opt out, it'd be pointless. Also, you actually can opt out of playing tricolor with the winning team by using the pro-queue.
@LoganLatios Год назад
"if scissors wins ill cut my switch in half" -that one guy literally everyone saw during splatfest
@EstroJean Год назад
I was on for all 12 hours, and I got disconnect messages a LOT. Also, I think it would be more fair if the Tricolor Mode ink sprinklers could be destroyed.
@NISSANZ33 Год назад
Yess, I was on team scissors. Not being salty but that was not balanced at all in the 2nd half
@Destiny86tx Год назад
Nope I was on team Scissors as well and Tricolor battle was super hard, it had us at a disadvantage from the start. Trying to defend when everyone is going at you sucks!! I did my best for the team. I went hard😏😫but nonetheless I had fun. We will avenge big man next time better be ready!!
@mewmew9807 Год назад
I don't mind tri color but would've been nice to get the option where once the opposing team gets the ultra signal, give us the option to retrieve it back
@drwise1238 Год назад
I think if they moved the second Sprinker of doom out of the middle it would be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less rigged for Scissors because it literally just denied my team its main base
@rdawg3795 Год назад
As a fellow BIG MAN lover i found the slosher useful. I'd usually go on to the gray blocks at the center or on the moving parts if they are up. use the bomb and special for defending the signal and the slosher was able to go over the bump/bridge at the middle.
@psych9416 Год назад
Sloshers are really strong on sturgeon shipyard so it makes sense
@badlatency9979 Год назад
Sorry, but I was on Team Rock, so of course Rock was going to win. They gave me a katana weapon. It was Fate, it was Fated to happen, it could not but happen.
@SillyPlanet92 Год назад
@vaangh Год назад
I'm better with the splatana
@no-zk6ls Год назад
The Splatana sucks
@badlatency9979 Год назад
@@vaangh it's my new main. I have sworn off my mains from 2 for the moment. I am too good with the Splatana.
@triggerhappy4199 Год назад
I’m cracked with tristringer
@ThorHanson2005 Год назад
As a part of team rock I just wanna say that team scissors should’ve won
@vaangh Год назад
You aren't biased weird
@UltimateInkling Год назад
@thomasquesada7248 Год назад
Rock won the popularity vote and paper won the pro match which are completely unrelated to tricolor despite being the least populated team While I think tricolor need some rebalancing, the official japanese splatoon account stayed there were rebalancing it Rock deserved their win
@Destiny86tx Год назад
@rubythewolf9759 Год назад
I agree with a lot of points, I think samon run will be open all the time in spatoon 3 so thats a thing. Im sure things will change some what for the next spatfest but yea for the first hour or 2 of tri color it just wasn't fun. Tords the end I did win a few games but it was rough. A biger base to ink or an eazyer way to get to the other teams bases. I didn't have any friends on scissors so I didn't notice you couldn't came up with friends in tri, but thats infuriating. The mode you need comunicashion in and you can't have it! I did like tri, but at least being able in infuse your chances of getting into a notmal or tri battle. Like you go for notmal and your waiting but if its been __ amout of minutes and nothing happens then maybe you in a game no matter the mode but at least that influences your chances. I got so confused and frustrated when I wanted to play normal but keeped geting put in tri only do have that win steak end
@adamkings4124 Год назад
I played for all 12 hours and got to scissor ruler+4 but the tri battle was so unbelievably unbalanced. In the 13 or so games I played of it I only won once and that was because my 3 team mates all were in the top 500. Also maybe I just got unlucky but people disconnected constantly. But I had a blast playing it!
@Daniel328DT Год назад
How does your hands not cramp over 12 hours of play? Geez
@duoatemyhampster3526 Год назад
I think it’s probably going to be rough for the next few splatfests but I think we’ll eventually figure out the best way to play tricolor and though it will always be hard it won’t feel impossible
@AtumComOvo Год назад
I was on team rock and when Tricolor matches were on, I really tought the two other teams would be struggling, I haven't won a single one of those, so now I'm really surprised Team Scissors actually struggled a lot on that even tough they had 4 players
@chaoticcranium Год назад
As someone who had a near supernatural ability to pick the losing team for Splatfests in Splatoon 2, I suggest people stop caring so much about which team wins, and care more about their personal performance, if anything. The difference in rewards is negligible (extra 3 sea snails), and, of course, zero in this demo Splatfest. That said, I understand your points. I was on Team Rock myself (finally won one, haha, though maybe only because of the Tricolor), and while you can queue for Tricolor Battles, the matchmaking system takes that as a "suggestion", not a rule. I'd say 50% of the time, got thrown into a regular match. One thing for the losing teams is - if I queue for Tricolor and end up not getting it, it would be nice to choose whether I'm playing Pro matches or Open. Every time you miss a Tricolor while queuing for it, you end up with Open, so I barely got any clout in Pro mode.
@peter7596 Год назад
My childish gay brain giggling everytime i see "I LOVE MEN" plastered on the battle map walls 😭
@squidgirl3327 Год назад
Scissors wasn’t doing very well in the beginning, but they were getting the hang of it even though it was hard. However even when they finally started getting into the whole rhythm of things it was too late.
@awesomefox555 Год назад
I mean this is why they do the test fire anyway, so they can see what needs balancing
@starcoin5653 Год назад
I think people don’t know how to play tricolor yet especially since we’ve only had it for 6 hours. Backliners are extremely powerful as the team in the middle and being able to ink the turf of the 2 other teams can distract them from the ultra signal enough to regroup if needed.
@averypatrick5279 Год назад
I definitely know what you mean about those time gates modes. They also announced the big run for salmon run, where you play on the regular multiplayer maps. This seems really cool but it's only available every few months. Hopefully tricolor and turf war eventually become weekly or bi weekly events once the big events are over.
@chibz1790 Год назад
honestly i agree with the randomness issue, i would pick aerospray to prepare for the tri-colour battle but end up getting a regular battle and lose, then i would play roller in anticipation for the normal mode but then get tri-colour and lose, which was so annoying that i just ended up playing pro battles and nothing else
@asherf9279 Год назад
whenever I actually got into a regular turf war match as a scissors player, I sometimes had someone who would purposefully disconnect just so they could play tricolor, and that would end the whole game.
@codenameloser8488 Год назад
“Skill issue” -every rock player’s response to team scissors saying that tri color is unfair
@jordynisboredyn Год назад
If the winning team keeps losing tri color battles, then I’m going to have to choose the team that I think won’t be winning at half time instead of the team I actually like :/
@kinokochan Год назад
I was also Team Scissors. I was unfortunately busy in the afternoon, so couldn't play Tricolor at all. My friends and I had coordinated ahead of time to be on the same team, however, and they told me every single time they matched for Tricolor our team lost. Contrast to the morning regular Turf War time window, when I was able to play with them. We were doing so much better! I agree, I think the current balance is unfair. It's a great idea to give teams that are falling behind a chance to catch up, but not at the expense of completely taking away any chance at victory from the team that's ahead.
@screwball7873 Год назад
yeah i was on team scissors and another problem with tricolor being random is that it means overall team scissors players would get matched in each mode less frequently. the teams in second and third can choose to just play regular and then accumulate wins from that, or just play tricolor and accumulate wins from there. where team scissors randomly gets matched in either tricolor or regular which would split the overall wins. also, the points you get from winning as the defending team are less than you get from winning as the opposing team in tricolor, so even if scissors wins games in tricolor (which is very difficult to do) the win is overall worth less than it is for the other 2 teams. i was team scissors, i loved tricolor i found the chaotic nature really fun. but i can admit it really was not very fair to the defending team. it took what was nearly a 3 way tie with 1 point differences between them all into a landslide defeat for scissors. they should rework it.
@donkcy5176 Год назад
Salmon run has been confirmed to not have time sessions and will be open all the time
@imaprettyfunguy4344 Год назад
I have to disagree with many of your points on tri-color turf war. When the halfway point came and the leading team was announced the game was very close with each team being only 1 or 2 percentage points apart from each other. And when the announcement of the winning team came the rock ream won votes narrowly from scissors with paper far behind. Then came the clout rankings which where very close as well, it was within a few percentage points in both open and pro. And yes scissors lost everything, but it was not as bad as it seems, the way these splatfest are scored is all or nothing. This means you could win a category by a tenth of a percent and get ten points and the other team gets nothing. This makes the ending score results rather useless. We also don’t know the size of these teams and that could also affect the results in a way that is unpredictable. We also have to recognize that this is a new mode and people are unfamiliar with how to play it. This certainly isn’t helped by the leading team not being able to choose to play or not play tri-color. Which yes is stupid on Nintendo’s part. I think it’s just to early for anyone to tell if this is fair or unfair. If this becomes a pattern then we need to investigate this more. Right now it’s to early to tell in my opinion.
@eeeeggnog._. Год назад
The size of the teams is what one of the point awards was based on
@imaprettyfunguy4344 Год назад
Ohhh, is that what the votes score was. Thanks. I’m new to splatoon so I’m still figuring everything out.
@TheLeetCasualGamer Год назад
We *rocked* your world!
@yobnomekop Год назад
I was working all weekend so I didnt get a chance to play. However I am going to pick up the game when it releases and I cant wait to play it.
@enhancedpotato4150 Год назад
I feel like the ultra signal was a little unfair considering you are getting attacked from both sides. At least this is a test fire and the least Nintendo can do is nerf the ultra signal, that would make me a little more comfortable.
@EmVeeVanc Год назад
as team rock every tri color battle i lost to scissors..
@RB-FM Год назад
I would like to note, even if you pick tricolor mode as rock or paper just could be put into an open game, it’s just a roll.
@davidcurren2587 Год назад
Was playing the splatfestwith some friends who had never played before. We all groaned when we got a tri-color map. Everyone was struggling. There’s also the signal in the middle and none of us could figure out how to use it. I think giving an option would be good so we could just ignore this mode.
@fighter0056 Год назад
I was usually able to win all my Tricolorbattles by attacking one of the teams before they could attack our team. But it’s still unbalanced because Team red didn’t even have a Spawn area to paint People who say that’s "suppose" to be a comeback for the losing teams didn’t see that in the Splatoon 3 direct the person said the leading team is suppose to have a advantage not the losing team
@namanish450 Год назад
"I wish Big Man was real" Me too little buddy, Me too
@theblackcat7205 Год назад
Tri colour literally sucked The two other teams advantages -more base to ink -ultra signal -mainly only one team to aim at (middle) -can pick whatever mode they want -middle team has to focus on 2 different sides -better communication and preparation overall Winning teams advantage -4 teammates Sure giving losing teams some advantages to help would make it better but this is just ridiculously imbalanced if you’re on the winning team halfway you may as well stop playing and give up as it’s almost impossible for you to even get a chance at winning Each team should have equal chance at winning but that’s not the case at all and I feel like Nintendo aren’t gonna change much
@beatboxfox Год назад
I was on scissors and believe you me, tri color just ended up being beat up on scissors
@IloveHamberger Год назад
Ima buy this when it comes out in a few days
@yinyangyt8749 Год назад
As someone on team rock, I will say that everyone put up a good fight. The Splatfest was a lot of fun
@NintendoFreakxP Год назад
Why's everyone acting like rock wouldn't win? Rock always beats scissors ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Shiver-is-best-waifu Год назад
@Kloyster Exactly, It's ridiculous.
@roy43222 Год назад
Can someone tell me how paper beats rock I thought you can rip through paper with a hard rock
@roy43222 Год назад
@Kloyster fair enough lol I don't know why I question it
@roy43222 Год назад
@Kloyster that makes sense then thanks I always wondered
@katylepetsos7512 Год назад
I was on Team Paper and I was super surprised to see that we beat Scissors.
@L3ONwithaZ Год назад
I didnt play for the 2nd half of the fest cause i was out, but man tricolour sounded rough for scissors- I was team rock but I still have respect for scissors for bein 1st at half time, ggs yall sorry you had literally all the odds against you-
@Swordman1111 Год назад
Scissors won most of the time whenever i played Tricolor matches
@X3nophiliac Год назад
skill issue 🤣
@waffles_waffles Год назад
@nicodemarte6725 Год назад
I was on team rock and found that when I queued for tricolor battles I would sometimes get put into normal battles.
@austinhagen8781 Год назад
I joined team scissors, but wasn’t able to play the splatfest until the evening, WAY after tricolor battles had started. My first battle was a tricolor battle and I got my ass kicked, after I was done playing for the night I had won 5 battles and lost 15. It definitely left a bad impression on me.
@crippledgamer8383 Год назад
Hope that guys switch it waterproof he'll need it now
@averypatrick5279 Год назад
I personally was really surprised when I heard people were struggling with the tri-color battles, I probably won 2 out of 3 of them and thought they were a blast.
@candyman1310 Год назад
I saw it was gonna be available for the weekend so then I got high got ready to play on Saturday and the shit was already gone like wtf I got straight ganked
@OrionCorvus77 Год назад
Literally can't play Splatoon 2 anymore since I have gotten used to 3's weapons and mechanics XD but being on team scissors was very hard at tri turf even though I have played 2 for 1000+ Hours
@Dashzonee1 Год назад
My brother has been hyping this game up and so have I, we both love the spaltoon series and one of the new weapons, splatana. It's like a katana but kt throws ink , really cool he played the splatfest and told me about it , I'm veryvery hyped he pre-ordered the game and i might too
@rollercoastergirly Год назад
I think whether or not the tricolor thing is a choice is less about if your team is winning and more about how many people are on that team. So there needs to be enough people on the winning team to make a 4:2:2 ratio. If the winning team is twice as popular as the other two teams, then it’s not going to be difficult for the lobby to fill with tricolor on the winning team and so it becomes more optional on what kind of turf war you want to play. If there’s not enough active people on one of the teams, then the lobby would also have problems making tricolor matches, meaning to make more tricolor matches available, the system would have to force the two most popular teams into more normal 4v4 and the least popular teams into trimatches to reduce how long people are waiting in the lobby. I think every splatfest would run into this problem to varying degrees unless people wait to join the leading team. I also think as we get more accustomed to the new battle style, people on the leading team will tend to pick one side of the map and stick to it as a strategy, where it kinda turns into two separate 2v2s happening on the same map, which I also think is interesting
@BlackHoleQueen Год назад
TRI color is meant to change the tide of the game.
@aroseydragon2873 Год назад
I was on team rock and when I would try for tricolor I more often got standard turf wars than tricolor and I think it was because there was so few paper players, so at any point I’d have no idea if I was about to do standard or tricolor. I’d prefer if the game has a way to choose a load out before a match starts after you know the mode.
@bonegamerthecyndaquill7181 Год назад
My thoughts on how to fix Tricolor to make it more fair: Since the two teams opposing the leading team get WAY more turf space to cover via inking their spawn, the leading team has to struggle under the pressure of not only protecting the Ultra Signal, but also inking away enemy ink. The leading team can't both defend the Ultra Signal AND ink over the enemy's turf at the same time, and if even one side gets the Ultra Signal, it's practically already a loss for the leading team. To fix this, I feel like: 1. There should only be one Ultra Signal per Tricolor Turf War 2. The leading team starts with said Ultra Signal affiliated to them (as in they start with their own Ultra Signal sentry) and 3. Any team, including the leading team, can capture the Ultra Signal to switch the position and ink color it shoots to the team that captures it This allows the leading team to focus on inking enemy turf a little more, with less Ultra Signal defense required, and also doesn't mean the leading team basically already has lost if they fail to defend the Ultra Signal. I get that kind of the point of Tricolor Turf War is for the two teams in 2nd and 3rd place to exact their revenge on the leading team, kind of like an underdog boost, but it certainly felt unfair. The underdogs got WAY TOO MUCH of a boost.
@rpizzaspaghetti2718 Год назад
The tri color has to be one of the most unfair shit I've ever seen in gaming. RIP miiverse
@rachelray3587 Год назад
I was team paper and got to play tri color battles as much as I wanted. I played them for 4 straight hours. The benefit of being the least picked team!! They need you to fill try battles
@IaconDawnshire Год назад
Tri-Color needs a serious rebalancing
@Nihonguy Год назад
I understand the frustration of random tricolor matches but also think of it like this, if youre on the winning team would you opt in willingly to possibly lose the lead? Most people wouldnt so its a necessary evil, but i do think it sucks the winning team has no option to play it willingly cause theres the argument that the winning team will lose a lot of those and rng isnt making enough of those matches
@yoshi1981 Год назад
Get Rekt. Rock Crushes Scissors.
@micahzeringue984 Год назад
At least salmon run is no longer limited and we can play it anytime in 3.
@greenmetbox7513 Год назад
“People dont want to play this mode” Then you dont play Splatfest. This is Splatfest. That’s like saying “i showed up to a baseball game, but I wanted to play football, and it wasn’t fair”
@duncesnake9344 Год назад
pure chaos just how i like it
@ronwinters3571 Год назад
Salmon Run is 24/7 now. Which is good.
@dr.applesreadings1923 Год назад
The only thing i disagree with is there is only a small window to play tricolor. The full game will not have a small window to play it. The splatfest will last 2 days and the first day will be only regular turf war. The second day will have tricolor and turf war.
@NPCPlayerOne Год назад
Dude, I hated tri-color battles and I kept getting them. It was, like, a 2/3 chance I would end up in one of those stomp fests, and it put me off of the splatfest, and I only won one of them the whole night. It's so stressful. You have to paint since it's a turf war, but if a team caps even one ultra signal, it's a guaranteed loss. If they capture both, it might as well end in a knockout, like it's rainmaker. I guess the idea is that they don't want the winning to team run from Tricolor battles, and if that's the case, you might as well make it a permanent replacement for Turf war for the duration. The new splatfest Meta is wait until the splatfest is half over and tricolor battles are up, then pick a losing team so you can have fun.
@Gomakea Год назад
Yea when tricolor battles were out i had a hard time match making because team scizors cant do tricolor and everybody is doing tricolor so we couldn't get many points
@p.zansei3280 Год назад
I picked rock and got consistently curbstomped by enemy scissors all throughout the 2nd half. Y'all fought so well! More often than not, if we won the tricolour, it was because Paper was able to carry at my expense. ...how the hell did my team win, I'll never know, but somehow rock won and Paper came in 2nd. Makes me wonder how indicative my experience is for beginner players experience in Rock.
@thegalaxyray8558 Год назад
i played tricolor alot, and i found a strat that made us always win, just spawn camp them, its hard but it helps alot there was a ledge you could jump on and attack blue or yellow, but the sprinkler of doom was kinda dumb lmao it doesnt despawn and you cant break it
@hixjeremy8697 Год назад
salmon run is now open 24/7!
@staycgirlsitsgoingdown2 Год назад
For your point about the other team getting to pick between tri and normal, that’s not even fully the case. It’s true that we theoretically have a higher level of choice but around 70% of the time it just puts you in a normal battle even if you picked tri because there weren’t enough players of one team for a tri battle. So it’s basically the same result both ways but with a different beginning
@magicmikegamin3532 Год назад
So just gotta say for those of us on team Rock we would queue for tricolor and sometimes get stuck in regular turf, sucks just as much
@STH_552 Год назад
k thats annoying but at least your SUPPOSED to get a choice we did not
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