
Book of Mormon: Teaches the TRINITY and God is a SPIRIT 

It's Me Jessie
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The Book of Mormon not only teaches the Trinity but it also teaches that God the Father is a Spirit, which is in total contradiction to modern day Latter-day Saint doctrine. It is also in contradiction to the other LDS Scriptures: Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price. The Book of Mormon has many problems from historical anachronisms to a total lack of archaeological fact to population impossibilities, etc! It also teaches an illegitimate Priesthood Authority, which is a MAJOR problem for Latter-day Saints who's belief system makes the current priesthood authority crucial! Joseph Smith was a con man and a liar. The Book of Mormon is simply a 17th century novel and a hoax that sadly, millions have fallen for. My channel exists to debunk Mormonism through the use of it's own historical documents, Scriptures, teachings from past and present LDS prophets and leaders and more! It doesn't end there, though. I'm here to share the Biblical Gospel to people who have believed in a false gospel so that eyes might be opened to the truth and to the true God who's written Word is the Holy Bible.
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1 окт 2024




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@itsmejessie 4 года назад
BIBLE VERSES ABOUT ONE GOD 1. Deuteronomy 4:35,39 - Unto thee it was shown, that thou mightest know that the LORD he is God; there is none else beside him. (39) Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else. 2. Deuteronomy 6:4 - Hear, O Israel: The LORD thy God is one LORD. [Note in Mark 12:28-34 how Jesus and a Jewish scribe he encountered understood this text.] 3. Deuteronomy32:39 - See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. 4. 2 Samuel 7:22 - Wherefore thou art great, O LORD God; for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears. 5. 1 Kings 8:60 - That all the people of the earth may know that the LORD is God, and that there is none else. 6. 2 KINGS 5:15 - And he returned to the man of God, he and all his company, and came, and stood before him: and he said, Behold, now I know that there is no God in all the earth, but in Israel; now therefore, I pray thee, take a blessing of thy servant. 7. 2 Kings 19:15 - And Hezekiah prayed before the LORD, and said, O LORD God of Israel, which dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth. 8. 1 Chronicles 17:20 - O LORD, there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears. 9. Nehemiah 9:6 - Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou has made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee. 10. Psalm 18:31 - For who is God save the LORD? or who is a rock save our God? 11. Psalm 86:10 - For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone. 12. Isaiah 37:16,20 - O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, that dwellest between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth: thou has made heaven and earth. (20) Now therefore, O LORD our God, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD, even thou only. 13. Isaiah43:10,11 - Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he:before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no savior. 14. Isaiah44:6,8 - Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.Fear ye not, neither be afraid; have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any. 15. Isaiah 45:21 - Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time: who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Savior; there is none beside me. 16. Isaiah 46:9 - For I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me. 17. Hosea 13:4 - Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me; for there is no savior beside me. 18. Joel 2:27 - And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed. 19. Zechariah 14:9 - And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one. 20. Mark 12:29-34 -And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he: And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbor as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask him any question. 21. John 17:3 - And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. 22. Romans 3:30 - Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith. 23. 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 - As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. 24. Galatians 3:20 - Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one. 25. Ephesians 4:6 - One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 26. 1 Timothy 1:17 - Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. 27. 1 Timothy 2:5 - For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. 28. James 2:19 - Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
@jameswines6752 4 года назад
It's 1 but there is 2 in the family ( Isaiah 57:15, Isaiah 50:1-6, ), Philippians 2:5-10, Revelation 21:22-23 , And the Holy spirit is just a Angel remember when Jesus the earth who did he sent the comforter the holy spirit and remember all the Angels that didn't follow Satan are holy and they are spirits
@charleschidester6767 4 года назад
Thank you sister for putting all of this wonderful truth in one place. Bless you and your family.
@Susan-111 4 года назад
It's Me Jessie How many of your neighbors have you saved from Mormonism?
@jameswines6752 4 года назад
@@Susan-111 there is no religion is the bible, The GOD of the bible chose the Nation of Israel to be his priests. Now here is question where is it written in the bible GOD said that to another nation , Israel the whole Nation is the teacher not the student( John 4:22, why does Jesus who is the only GOD man has ever dealt with ( The Mormons need to read the bible
@jameswines6752 4 года назад
@@Susan-111 I would like a Mormon to show me from Genesis to Revelation Anything about Joseph Smith restoring the church or the book of Mormon ! It's not in the bible
@Nugliscious 3 года назад
Please ponder John 1:14. Jesus Christ is the Lord God come in the flesh. The Word = Jesus Christ.
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie Wake Up, if a husband and wife say they are one, they don't mean one person, they mean ONE IN PURPOSE! Same with God, Christ and the Holy Ghost! Three beings, but ONE in PURPOSE! You are ignorant and won't listen!
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
@restoredtheology3689 4 года назад
Hi Jessie! I’m a bible scholar but I’m very ashamed that I cannot figure out this puzzle. I’m a Christian. Clearly Joseph Smiths writings were demonic, but the Book of Mormon itself I cannot find it in my conscience condemn it. As of today God didn’t tell me that the Book of Mormon was true, he also didn’t reveal to me that it is false. Jesus words in Matthew 12:26 stays in my mind, about Satan casting out Satan and a house divided against itself. The Book of Mormon supports the Trinity, it is extremely Christ centered. It also have very encouraging elements. There are little things we can obviously nitpick about like the grace after all we can do verse. But people nitpick with the Bible as well. Mainstream Christians are surely saved but none of them are guided into all truth. Mormons are clearly deceived and they seem strict and sneaky. But from I read from the Book of Mormon I would say that it is strict when it comes to living holy. The Bible has elements of strictness in many places (denying yourself of all ungodliness). The element of historical evidence is not enough to condemn the book. The King James Version Bible is perfect and without errors, but mostly all Christians teach that it’s flawed because they see that it’s forming were put together by natural means, not knowing that the Holy Ghost inspired it without any errors. I’m ashamed that I cannot figure this out, I thought I had everything figured out but I humble admit that I simply do not know the truth on this. Please respond to my comment. Grace and peace be with you.
@restoredtheology3689 4 года назад
The Prodigal Son 84j Thanks for the reply. The efforts put into bringing the KJV together were like no other. The KJV does require skill. But the Holy Ghost can speed up the process. The question to ask is does a perfect Bible exist? All other translations differ from each other and some even say opposite things. All cannot be correct. So either none are perfect or one is. It’s one of the most important topics and it deserves to be researched. The benefit of becoming KJV only is the comforting faith filling experience of knowing that God means exactly what he says.
@restoredtheology3689 4 года назад
The KJV is better than the Greek and Hebrew. That’s what’s shocking. God is not out to confuse. We should never have to look at a text and second guess it’s meaning. I respect your choice of translations if you claim that they are perfect and without errors. Sorry about my passion on this topic, My Faith was weakened by textual criticism and when I discovered that the plain text means what it says I was euphorically comforted and God’s promises became so real to me
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
mormons read the b/m for the inspiration. large parts of it come directly out of the kjv of the bible that joseph smith had in his home. a lot of the b/m is autobiographical. some of it comes from christian preachers he heard in his own backyard. so don't be too surprised if you agree with a lot of the b/m if you are a christian. i would say that most of the b/m is inoffensive. but there is no reason to believe joseph smith. he put a rock in his hat and buried his face in the hat to see every word of the book of mormon appear shining in the dark. there's no reason to believe one word that joseph smith said about anything. if the book was translated by the power of god, it would not contain 4,000 changes. if joseph smith wrote the book he had influences. don't forget sidney rigdon, who was the number 2 man in mormonism for a long time. he was a travelling preacher. and don't forget his mother, lucy mack smith, and her influence. everyone wants to zoom by his mother, as if she never existed. no, that doesn't fit the picture at all. she was a great influence on her sons. before joseph, his brother alvin was suppose to be the prophet, but alvin died. in 1844 joseph was shot in a blazing gun battle in jail. his brother hyrum, who shared the presidency with him, was also shot dead. his brother samuel was poisoned about a month later, by hosea stout, a mormon assassin. it wasn't until the smith boys were gone that a power vacuum existed. so you can be sure lucy mack smith was right there as part of the organizational power structure of the mormon church. lucy mack smith and emma smith lived together in the mansion house. and guess what? another prophet came out of that very same house, the son of emma smith and the grandson of lucy mack smith, joseph smith III. is that really so surprising?
@georgebauerschmidt5289 4 года назад
@@longnamenocansayy no one is reading the b/m for inspiration, the Bible has enough of that just in Proverbs alone. Also, the b/m is difficult to read with so many awful sentences, structure and patterns repeated over and over. The worst verse ever --> 2 Nephi 4:14 "for a more history part are written upon mine other plates."
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
@@georgebauerschmidt5289 i edited my original post. a few small word changes made a big difference. mormons read the book of mormon for inspiration. it's easier to read and understand than the kjv. b/m does not contain any distinctive mormon theology. it does contain distinctive christian theology. it contains many pages ripped right out of the kjv and the sermons are probably sermons joseph smith heard in his own back yard, sometimes altered, sometimes not so much.
@Cryptosifu 4 года назад
Most Mormons do not know that the church originally taught the trinity, but then they changed it.
@gustavmahler1466 4 года назад
In the 1830 edition there is no distinction between Father and Son
@prayingpatriot8018 4 года назад
Exactly. And they also did not know that early Mormons wore cross necklaces; up until the false prophet David O. Mckay put an end to the Biblical practice.
@daveyork0 4 года назад
God is Four
@prayingpatriot8018 4 года назад
@@daveyork0: Yeah your pagan gods [with a lower case g].
@Dancer4evanyc 4 года назад
Armor of God 2020 what was his reasoning for putting an end to that practice?
@33rdGemini 4 месяца назад
I've spoken with two LDS and it seems they still believe in Jesus being the key to eternal salvation, but simply interpret these passages differently. I gave them an example of John 10:30 "I and the Father are one.” I explained that this proves God and Jesus are one entity in a literal sense. They explained that it symbolizes God and Jesus working together for their "one purpose" but are not together in a trinity entity. It all comes down to do you interpret these books literally or symbolically. At the end of the day, all that matters is that you truly repent in your heart of hearts, knowing you're unworthy of God's grace, and that Jesus died for all of our sins so we may one day rejoin him in heaven with everlasting life in our heavenly bodies. Amen.
@jumpropestairs6129 4 года назад
Verse numbers were finally added to the Bible in 1551. God didn't put them in the closing of the Canon in 300 AD. Notice when he gave Joseph the book of Mormon, it had numbered chapters, and small font versus similar to man's way of numbering..
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
Super good point but I will argue (not argue... hmm... challenge!) the timeline of the canonization of the Bible. The Biblical canon was completed in the Apostles' lifetimes. I've been studying this topic just this week.. early church history. Today's views on it are so distorted. Not referring to you on this.. just where "Christianity" came from! People are so off! I will touch on this in an upcoming video! Feel free to share your research and understanding on this with me! I love learning! 🙂
@dleoburns 4 года назад
@@itsmejessie: Who was the last Apostle? Was it the Apostle Paul or the Apostle John? John 21:21 (AKJV) "Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? 22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me. 23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?" Is John the revelator still with us?
@binren3984 4 года назад
@@dleoburns The Lord quickly puts Peter in his place By using a I'm in charge not you. Follow me. Feed my Sheep is Peter's assignment. Jesus loved John as much as John loved the Lord. John out lived all the Apostles and he tarried till his last breath. Maybe you can tell me where the three Nephities are ? Are they still alive.? Peace
@dleoburns 4 года назад
@@binren3984: John 21:20 (AKJV) "Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? 21 Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? 22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me. 23 Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee." John will live until the second coming of Jesus Christ which he understood when he asked John on the cross to care for his mother. John 19:26 "When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! 27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home." 3 Nephi 28:1 "And it came to pass when Jesus had said these words, he spake unto his disciples, one by one, saying unto them: What is it that ye desire of me, after that I am gone to the Father? 2 And they all spake, save it were three, saying: We desire that after we have lived unto the age of man, that our ministry, wherein thou hast called us, may have an end, that we may speedily come unto thee in thy kingdom. 3 And he said unto them: Blessed are ye because ye desired this thing of me; therefore, after that ye are seventy and two years old ye shall come unto me in my kingdom; and with me ye shall find rest. 4 And when he had spoken unto them, he turned himself unto the three, and said unto them: What will ye that I should do unto you, when I am gone unto the Father? 5 And they sorrowed in their hearts, for they durst not speak unto him the thing which they desired. 6 And he said unto them: Behold, I know your thoughts, and ye have desired the thing which John, my beloved, who was with me in my ministry, before that I was lifted up by the Jews, desired of me. 7 Therefore, more blessed are ye, for ye shall never taste of death; but ye shall live to behold all the doings of the Father unto the children of men, even until all things shall be fulfilled according to the will of the Father, when I shall come in my glory with the powers of heaven. 8 And ye shall never endure the pains of death; but when I shall come in my glory ye shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to immortality; and then shall ye be blessed in the kingdom of my Father." Yes, the three Nephites and the ZApostle John remain until the second coming of Jesus Christ!
@binren3984 4 года назад
@@dleoburns That's Smith's Religious Fiction. Supernatural Mysticism. You can write anything when you doing fiction That has nothing to do with the Gospel Paul said , if I or an angel preach a different gospel not that there is one let them be an anathema Mohammed saw the angel Gabriel Wrote the Koran Smith claimed he too saw an Angel Moroni which is impossible cause he hasn't been resurrected If he did exist. Both preach a different gospel God is not an author of confusion
@elainebeard1320 4 года назад
Have missed you Jessie.Thanks for all the work you put into these videos.🌹
@genegilbert2028 4 года назад
I am NO Jessie.. HOWEVER, Your Character Shines Through! Здравствуйте И Благо Среда.Даже, Да, Маранафа!
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie Wake Up, if a husband and wife say they are one, they don't mean one person, they mean ONE IN PURPOSE! Same with God, Christ and the Holy Ghost! Three beings, but ONE in PURPOSE! You are ignorant and won't listen!
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
@cuttlefisch 4 года назад
Nice to see you back Hun.
@jovanmartinez6920 4 года назад
Well unfortunately anybody who reads it can understand it however they want, just like the Bible, and anybody can try to prove their opinion right. But the thing is that truth is always truth, and God has always called Prophets to reveal truth. I know God lives, he has a body of flesh and bones, he sent his son to die for us so we could have the opportunity to be saved and receive everything that he has if we obey his commandments (which includes becoming like him physically and spiritually) . And we can all know these things by the power of the Holy Ghost, who testifies of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. What is taught in the church of Jesus Christ and through the Book of Mormon brings everyone closer to God more than anything else. Nothing negative has ever been a result of true obedience to this gospel. I invite everyone to do their own honest and sincere effort to study the Book of Mormon and pray about it to a loving Heavenly Father, if it is not true. And then act and strive to sincerely follow Him everyday, everyday, everyday.
@fayelewis5476 4 года назад
I know that God the Father does not have a body of flesh and bones, because God the Father has already said so. The true and living God has said that He is not a man. Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent I Samuel 15:29 And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent. Hosea 11:9 for I am God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee: Job 9:32 “In truth I know that this is so; But how can a man be in the right before God? “For He is not a man as I am that I may answer Him, That we may go to court together. "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." - John 4:24 "A spirit does not have flesh and bones" - Luke 24:39 I Timothy 1:17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. Jesus Christ is my living Prophet, Priest and King. I have read the Book of Mormon and God has told me it is false. I do not worship your heavenly father because he is only an exalted man. I would be breaking the first and second commandment if I were to worship your god. The true and living God the Father has already said that no LDS man or woman will ever become a god. God has already said that He is the only God there is. Isaiah 43:10 “You are My witnesses,” declares the Lord, “And My servant whom I have chosen, That you may know and believe Me And understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me. Isaiah 44:6 “For the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts says this, ‘I am the First and I am the Last; And there is no God besides Me. Isaiah 44:8 Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any. Isaiah 45:5 “I am the Lord, and there is no one else; There is no God except Me. Isaiah 46 “To whom would you liken Me And make Me equal and compare Me, That we may be alike? “Remember [carefully] the former things [which I did] from ages past; For I am God, and there is no one else; I am God, and there is no one like Me, Why don't you worship the true and living God?
@smdh99 4 года назад
Yurvan I invite you to read the Bible ONLY! Study it and pray about it. You won't have to ask God for a sign or wonder if it's true. There won't be any doubts to doubt.
@jovanmartinez6920 4 года назад
@@fayelewis5476 Hello Faye Lewis, thanks for your reply and for your sincere desire to help instead of contending. I am not saying that God is a man because he has a body of flesh and bones. I am saying that having a body of flesh and bones is an essential part of his godliness and he has created us like unto his image with the purpose of receiving everything that he has. You have shared with me many verses that are scripture. But I see that there is a difference in how me and you understand these verses; too many to be able to appropriately explain them. And it has a lot to do with our understanding and belief of the plan of salvation that God has for us. I do strive to worship the true and living God, but I know that with the Bible alone I cannot fully do it. Even with the the Bible and Book of Mormon alone it is not enough. I know that God has a specific plan for you and me and he teaches us this plan through the Bible, Book of Mormon and living prophets today who communicate God's will through the power of revelation. These three witnesses teach us the fulness of the gospel and enable everyone to worship God more fully and to more sincerely keep the two greatest commandments. What I know now is what I have learned through, not only study, but sincere practice of these things. I know that anyone who sincerely studies the Book of Mormon with the *intention* to act on what they read and the answer they receive, will receive their own testimony that it is true, that God has restored his church upon the Earth and that the prophet Russell M. Nelson is the prophet of God.
@jovanmartinez6920 4 года назад
@@smdh99 Jules thank you for your invitation and thank you for not bashing on my comment like many people do☺️. I have studied the Bible and I continue to study it. I do believe it is the word of God. But I also know that it is not enough for us to fully understand and live the Gospel and worship God. Studying the Bible with a sincere desire to learn and become naturally leads to and goes along with what God teaches us through the Book of Mormon and the Prophet today, President Russell M. Nelson. "The stick of Judah and the stick of Ephraim" truly do "become one in the Lord's hand."(Ezek. 37:15-20) God is an active God and not a passive God. He continues to guide and direct his work today. And we can all be a part of it and enjoy his blessings now and prepare for greater blessings in the future. I testify that these things are true and you and I can come to know these things through the power of the Holy Ghost. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@@jovanmartinez6920 And my testimony you is don't suffer the judgement of God as J. Smith did when he broke Rev.22:18,19.
@zerinking3433 Год назад
I would like to start off by saying I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Please feel free to mock me, as we as humans seem to naturally enjoy mocking things that aren't perfect, and I am far from perfect. I am simply on my path to search for truth, as are you. But if you do mock me I take pleasure in hoping that you at least read a part of what I have to say. If there is anything here that uplifts you, know that it does not come from me, but from God. God loves you, and you can never escape His love, and I know that He also happens to love me, which is humbling to say the least. How great is my God! First, let us remember the point of the story, as well as the Book of Mormon. The purpose of the book is to testify of Christ. If you have not read the book yourself, then you should not be talking about it one way or another, you should be reading it so that you can understand better what you are talking about. If you do read it, read it with the mindset of one who is trying to come unto Christ, as I believe most people on this channel are trying to do. If you heard about an additional story of Christ visiting the children of God, wouldn't you at least want to check it out and read it for yourself? I personally would love more scriptures about Christ, and that is what this book is. The Book of Mormon truly is proof that God loves His children enough to teach us more about His Son Jesus Christ, and is fulfilling a statement Christ said in John 10:16--And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. Christ visits his other fold, and today they are in the process of becoming one fold. The Book of Mormon is simply a testament of Christ from the perspective of the other fold. Whether it is "true" or just a "hoax", can you really condemn anything that brings people closer to Christ and testifies of Him? Looking at passages of the Book of Mormon from this light will be much more informative. For example, let us view this passage that Jessie is talking about. With context, we know that the prophet Ammon is trying to convert a people who have lost sight of the truth. In fact, they don't even know anything about God. Instead they believe in a Great Spirit. We know this because when Ammon attempts to start up a conversation about God, the king is confused, and has no idea what Ammon is talking about. So instead, Ammon refers to God as a "Great Spirit", knowing that this term will be more familiar to the king. So then Ammon asks the king if he believes in the "Great Spirit". The king understands this, and he does believe in the Great Spirit. Ammon then clarifies that the "Great Spirit" actually is God, and then proceeds to teach and answer the king's questions about God. Ammon never refers to God as the "Great Spirit" again, as he has now brought understanding to the king after building upon the foundational belief that there is a higher being of immense power and authority. Let's also talk about how Ammon gained an audience with the king. (Hooray for context!) The only reason Ammon was able to show the king love and kindness. When Ammon goes to preach to the people of the king (referred to as the Lamanites) he is bound and taken to the king. The king asks why Ammon is visiting the land, and Ammon explains that he would like to stay with the Lamanites for a time. Ammon volunteers to be the king's servant, and proceeds to accomplish several amazing miracles and the king is astonished at Ammon's power and also his ability to remember all of the king's commandments perfectly (because after Ammon does some miracles to help his fellow servants he goes and tends to the king's horses as he asked). The king is wondering what power Ammon has that he is able to do all these things, and so summons Ammon to question him. The reason I bring up this context is because I want to point out that throughout this entire story, Ammon approaches the people with love and service. He does not mock them, or point out their flaws, or condemn them in any way. All he does is show them unconditional love and testifies the entire time that his power comes from God. Does that sound like anyone who know? I'm not going to tell you what to believe. But I'll happily recommend to you another book about Christ. You'll find the truth to be that Christ taught love and service for all of us, and that it is to be unconditional. And the Book of Mormon teaches of Christ and His love. So if you'd like some more truth, maybe read through the Book of Mormon. At the very least, it will give you an insight as to the perspective of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who have read the Book of Mormon, and you can understand why we believe what we believe. Because if the Book of Mormon came from God it means that, no matter how weird the historical facts will be (because we have some weird Church history!), Joseph Smith was truly a prophet of God. I'd also like to note here that I believe in God the Eternal Father, His Son Jesus Christ who is our Savior, and the Holy Ghost who comforts and guides. I also believe that God has a body of flesh and blood. Additionally, I believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, and Russel Nelson is the prophet today. My reasoning for believing all of this starts with Christ. Christ was a good person (to say the least). I want to be a good person. Therefore, if I want to be a good person, I can follow Christ. Christ taught of faith, repentance, and love. He also always taught of God His Father. If someone testifies of Christ, they are also teaching faith, repentance, and love, and of God. Christ commanded us to follow His prophets. I follow the teachings of prophets who teach as Christ taught by striving for faith, repentance, and love for God and His Children. Therefore, I am following Christ. Joseph Smith claims that through the power of God he translated the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon teaches of Christ, and His Gospel (which includes faith, repentance, love, and of God.) Therefore, the Book of Mormon is of God and by providing the Book of Mormon through the power of God, Joseph Smith also testified of Christ. This also means that Joseph Smith was granted the power of God. If Joseph Smith was granted the power of God I believe that makes him a prophet with authority. I choose to follow Joseph Smith and each prophet of God that has come after him because I believe that they are all men of God, and that by following them I am following Christ, who testifies of God. Ultimately, I worship God in the name of Jesus Christ. Once again, if there was anything good in here it came of God, not of me, for I am not good, but God is.
@zerinking3433 Год назад
*does that sound like anyone you know, not who know
@misssue1824 5 месяцев назад
Ditto to your great comment!
@BGCflyer 4 года назад
See Joseph Smith Translation of Luke 10:22 footnote 22b... that the Son is the Father, and the Father is the Son, but him to whom the Son will reveal it. Why did Joseph Smith change it to read like this?
@kenolson3064 4 года назад
The major difference between Christians and Mormons is this; Christians work their lifetime to glorify God. Mormons work their lifetime to glorify themselves. The End.
@vinster9165 4 года назад
Ken Olson what brought you to that conclusion? Is it because Mormons feel like they must do acts of service for salvation, versus Main Street Christianity which tends to believe by faith alone for salvation
@kenolson3064 4 года назад
@@vinster9165 not for salvation, they do it for exaltation.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Ken Olson we exalt God not ourselves, Mormons want to be gods but fail!
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Vincent Chubbs No, Christians believe in the work of christ on the cross and his resurrection for our salvation, which is free for us but cost Jesus the pain of crucifixion, so he made it free but we have to accept it. Yet they still want to try and work for a false salvation, a waste of time.
@vinster9165 4 года назад
Ken Olsen, In the binary universe of garden variety mainstream Christian mythology, when all is said and done, you either go to heaven or hell at the end of your life after being judged. There is no reason for you to pretend otherwise that self interest isn’t at the very core of individual Christianity. Christians work their lifetime to glorify God, yes, but only for their own self interest to go to so-called heaven, instead of going to so-called hell, that’s the real primary motivating force behind their glorifying of God - self interest. They don’t do it out of noble self sacrifice without the reward as the underlying reason. Your cheap projections to suggest that your particular version of Christian mythology is some how better than other versions of Christian mythology, just shows how absurd this Semitic desert cult truly is. It’s as if you never figured out that the tribal god of the Jews was their exclusive God, not some Main Street god for everyone. That’s the tragic irony of Christianity.
@helenacm8043 4 года назад
It’s something I don’t understand during my conversion it’s way after that I understand they believe in many gods I was very confuse I should learn more before my baptism but they don’t really explain you! It’s during my mission I understand it was weird and realize they also believe in many gods in their own planet I was like Hold on whaaaat? I don’t want to be Godess with a god husband that’s really not my goal to create my own planet
@vinster9165 4 года назад
Sab Helen CM you got to admit though amongst all the so called revealed religions that’s a pretty awesome mythology, one which purports that through your faith, and works you will in the after life arise to Demi god hood status and have your very own planet with which to populate and cultivate as you see fit.
@helenacm8043 4 года назад
Vincent Chubbs Maybe for some people but not for me... after this life I maybe want to rest and be with the ones I love or maybe nothing happen to anyone after we die and that’s okay too but absolutely not recreate a planet with people when I see the disaster humans being can bring I am like not again please aha
@vinster9165 4 года назад
Sab Helen CM I meant in the fictional sense, imagine having the power to make an earth 2.0 anything you wanted along these lines, thus it Doesn’t necessarily have to be so negative. Almost sounds like an epic video game, where you get the planet earth 2.0 as a clean slate, to start evolution over from scratch and watch what it becomes on its own over billions of years and you could consciously direct that unfolding evolution anyway you wanted, even so that some kind of sentiment beings arise from it. Maybe next time around instead of chimpanzees evolving into sentient humans, perhaps you could choose some other species, maybe octopus in this next worldly iteration. Imagine multiple animal species evolving into sentient beings. Your imagination could run wild on such a world. So you can see how this unusual version of Christianity can inspire the imagination to run wild. This is the power of mythology. Where you can decide How things become. It seems like this version of earth 1.0, the Abrahamic god “Yahweh” more often than not, takes a backseat and lets things run their course, where we don’t have a one dimensional existence of everything being good, he or she, God or Goddess just seems to let things run wild with free will. The Israel tribal god of judaism, which got genericized as the Christian God of the Bible gives us free will, look at what we have done.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Sab Helen CM ANS it’s not just you and your god husband but polygamy is restored and he will have as many wives as he wants
@helenacm8043 4 года назад
Shawn Bradford I know I know... It’s a very hard subject for me I cry when I found it!! First the eternal marriage seems so romantic then it brings up more mess and questions 😩
@haileykeller8357 4 года назад
I appreciate that you use the KJV version. You come down to an LDS level and speak to them based off of what they believe, which is a good way to evangelize!
@NightmareDorothy 4 года назад
I use the King-- James-- Bible from 1611, this Bible--translation had strongly influenced the english language.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@@NightmareDorothy but don't be a KJV only, there were good English Bibles before the KJV and the NASB and ESV are supported by all the new manuscript evidence found since 1611.
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
Some evangelicals use the authorized version, and think it is perfect. I have talked to them before. Possibly Jessie is one of them Some say it is the best translation and some go far as to say it is God breathed to be without error. I I think other translations are better, and like Young's Literal translation, though it was written too early to take advantage of later scholarship.
@haileykeller8357 4 года назад
PhdAAA well I think the Bible itself is God breathed without error. It’s Gods word. It’s isn’t really about what version it is, it’s the word of God! The Bible as a whole and what it says is God’s Word and is inerrant and God breathed, not one specific translation/version.
@misssue1824 5 месяцев назад
Hey Jessie, perhaps you can answer the following biblical issues about the Father, Son and Holy Ghost being one Being, that God is invisible, and that He has no physical form: John 17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these (his disciples) are in the world, and I come to the. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are. (See also v. 20-23) Exodus 33:11 And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. Gen 32:30 Jacob says he has seen God "face to face, and my life is preserved." See also Exo 24:9-11 where 70 plus see God, including His feet upon a paved work of sapphire stone. God has a nose (Exo 15:8; Job 4:9) hands (Jos 4:24; Eze 3:14) feet (Gen 18:4) etc. And Exo 33:22-23.
@Smerm 3 месяца назад
This was amazing. I live in Idaho and am a born again Christian. I was never Mormon. But I am currently witnessing to LDS friends whom I’ve known for 6 years. I was their daughter’s preschool teacher. I met with them the other night and we talked for a couple hours. One thing that was said to me was about their eternal marriage and how it was 2 becoming one with THE SAME PURPOSE. They were using this to push that God is 3 gods but one in purpose. I had been praying for God to help me explain the Trinity better especially given the example they used of marriage to discount God as a triune being but as one God. Seriously, God is so good. I had found your channel a few days ago but this specific one that covers my exact dilemma and what I needed for better communication on the subject. I took many notes and am going to type them out with verses and covering the content in your video. I am going to request another meeting with them to continue giving them the truth and will use these talking points then. I am so thrilled that you got out of Mormonism and found biblical truth and placed your faith in the right Jesus !! You may not even see this comment because your videos are older but you need to know that you are being used in a mighty and helpful way in continuing to reach the lost souls trapped in the LDS belief system. I pray you do see this comment because I’ve been so very helped by you and your explanations as you expose the lies. I will be listening to more of your videos as they are a godsend! Thank you and God bless ✝️
@FromJosephtoJesus 4 года назад
Solid message, Jessie. Thank you!✝️
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
Thank you for your support, prayers and friendship. 💕💕💕
@genegilbert2028 4 года назад
@@itsmejessie Здравствуйте, Мисси Джессие! Тринити в Русский/РОССИЯ: 1. Отец Бог 2. Иисус Христос, Сын Из Бог И Бог 3. Святой Дух, Духовный Видом И Бог В Дух! Тринити..Trinity..Hope You can Translate..IF NOT, write back! В Дух И Правада, Юджин Гилберт Оклахома Город, США/USA
@genegilbert2028 4 года назад
@@itsmejessie Пожалуйста! Місс Джессіе! Бог'с Ли́облю С Муж И Детка! Спасибо, Юджин Из Оклахома You ARE Welcome,Miss Jessie! God's Love with Your Husband and Children! Thanks, Eugene from Oklahoma!
@kenolson3064 4 года назад
That is some Great work jessie.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Sorry, you received a bad response from V.C., he's a Dirt bag.
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
Just because they refer to him as the great spirit doesnt mean that he has no body. It means that he is great and perfect.If your husband calls you sugar or honey does that mean you are literally crystal sugar?? Nope.Youre twisting words again.Do you have a scripture that says he doesnt have a body??You have references of a great being and twisting it to say he doesnt have a body.
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
Did you even listen to the Bible verses I listed? Why should I repeat them here if you only hear what you want to hear?
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
@@itsmejessie What you're saying is correct there is only one God the father,then you have jesus christ who is also perfect and the holy ghost.But one person is all three???Nope
@smdh99 4 года назад
@@angiehille4207 Your first mistake is using your limited human understanding to explain the mysteries of God. You need to let that go.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Angie Hille show your cites sources for nephite lamanite or jeridite civilizations
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
@@shawnbradford2243 you can learn anything on youtube so search for it. DNA vs book of mormon
@noneyabusiness2237 9 месяцев назад
Ok, Jessie, how about you give some logical direct honest answers to some very simple questions: 1. Is there only one god, or are there multiple gods? If multiple, how is a person to choose which deserves obedience? 2. Would you agree that before anything can exist, something has to create it? Did your god create everything? If yes, who/what created your god? 3. Is your god infallible? 4. Is your god omnipotent? 5. Is your god omniscient? 6. Is your god benevolent, or malicious? 7. If your god cannot make mistakes, then it follows that everything it creates is either perfect, or that your god intentionally makes things that are flawed. Would a benevolent god intentionally create something likely to suffer because of its flaws? 8. If your god can do anything, and it created the universe, why didn't it simply create a perfect world inhabited by perfect beings? If your god wanted obedience, and god is not malicious, why did god make disobedience possible? 9. If your god knows everything, does it already understand every thought and feeling you have? Does it instantaneously know everything you say and do? If yes, what is the point of religious rituals, such as prayer? 10. Why would an omnipotent and omniscient god not communicate directly and unambiguously with individuals, with no need of books, churches, prophets, signs, miracles, etc? If a person is not intelligent enough, or not "worthy" enough to speak directly with god, whose fault is that? Who made the person in the first place? If a person is unworthy or incapable of directly communicating with god, how can that person be capable of recognizing a valid spokesperson for god? 11. Think about the person/people who convinced/persuaded/ordered you to believe in a version of god. Are they infallible? Is it at all possible for them to tell you something they sincerely believe, but for that thing they tell you to be actually incorrect? 12. Are feelings reliable tools to guide actions? Suppose I hear a person in my neighborhood talking a lot about the presence of violent break in robberies nearby, and I get apprehensive. I am convinced by the passion my neighbor puts into this story, even though I've seen no tangible evidence. That night, I hear a noise. I FEEL certain that it is a robber breaking in to harm my family. I get out of bed, pull a pistol from the bedside table. Without opening the bedroom door, I shoot through it to get the robber. When I open the door, there is my son, lying dead on the floor from my bullet. I was sure. I relied on my feelings. My fear of a robber. My hope of being a defender father. Feelings, not facts. Was that a good way to live my life? 14. Do you deny that religion (superstition, irrational behavior) is the root cause of most human conflict in history, that for centuries millions have been tortured and murdered "because god told me to do it"? 13. Suppose a person has a book full of maps to guide a group journey. They rely upon it, but the group is perpetually lost. You question the book, but your friend insists that the book is accurate. "How do you know?" you ask. They reply, "I know that this book is accurate and perfect, because it says so in the book." Your friend insists that the book is information from an expert, the best map authority who ever lived.....but some other people wrote the book, based on their interpretation of the map expert.....but that is okay, because of how passionately they shout about their version of the maps, and how strongly it makes your friend feel. When you show your friend hundreds of self contradictions in the book, they get upset and say that you are just not reading the book correctly. Which person is messed up? You, or the book fanatic? How do you justify cherry picking which parts of the bible to follow? 14. If the point is to die and go to heaven, why not simply commit mass suicide and get it over with? Christ was quite literally a kamikaze; is that what you preach should be emulated in daily life? 15. Why is it necessary to use superstition and irrationality to justify your practical principles? Why treat humans like a donkey in need of the stick of hell and the carrot of heaven? If you want positive secular behavior, why not justify that behavior in practical terms? Perhaps because you know that your principles are utterly impractical, that altruism is literally suicidal?
@SimonDaumMusic 8 месяцев назад
I dont say there are no issues within Mormonism, but I always struggle when things are taken out of context, or used without proper research, as long as it serves to prove how wrong Mormonism is. Since you adressed many things I cant dive into all of them, but just want to adress the topic of the Trinity being taught within the Book of Mormon to show how much context matters to undestand what the Book of Mormon actually teaches. I would also love to exlpore on the Trinity being taught in the Bible, because academic consensus is that the doctrine Trinity is not in the Bibe, and even if you disagree right away, if you are still interested in the the academic world has to say about it I am more than happy to share (and its kind of interesting that Joseph Smith is way closer to what biblical scholars say about it today) But lets stick to the Book of Mormon for now. I dont claim to be perfectly right on everything, but my hope is you care enough about facts and truth to give it a read. //GOD IS A SPIRIT TAUGHT IN THE BOM (Alma 18:12) When Ammon taught a Lamanite king named Lamoni, the king did not at first understand what Ammon meant by the concept of “God.” Ammon then compared God to the “Great Spirit,” a divine entity with which Lamoni and his people were apparently familiar (Alma 18:24-28). This is interesting in so far as that the believe in a „great Spirit“ fits well if we assume a Mesoamerican setting (for example the Maya) for the book of Mormon. So it takes nothing but reading a few of the surrounding verses to understand that its not at all about the BOM teaching that God is a Spirit.. //TRINITY IN THE BOOK OF MOMON There were many that tried to make a case against the Book of Mormon on this very topic, one of them was the Historian Thomas Alexander, who basically claimed the early Book of Mormon taught Trinitarianism (God being defined as an absolute personage of Spirit, who clothed in flesh, revealed himself in Jesus Christ. However, the idea that the Father and the Son „are the same person“ specifically violates standard Trinitarian orthodoxy. Dan Vogel, another historian pointed out that therefore the Book of Mormon rather teaches a “modalistic“ regarding the Godhead, Modalism is a heresy with roots in the late second century. This doctrine affirms that there is one person who is God, and that person reveals Himself in three different “modes” to men.(As Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Typically modalists have held to a mainstream definition of God as an eternal, omnipresent, indivisible, immaterial spirit essence, meaning“without body, parts, or passions.” . The adoption of this definition of God, derived from the Greek philosophical schools, was in fact the entire reason why modalism came into existence. If “God” is defined as an eternally unchanging and indivisible essence, how can there be three persons who are called “God”? The solution of the modalists was to deny the real existence of three Divine Persons. As the differences between Modalism and pure Trinitarianism are rather minute, it is not surprising that a great number of Christians in mainline denominations, including Roman Catholicism, hold a rather modalistic conception of the Trinity, at least unconsciously. So, if Joseph made it all up, it would not be surprising if he inserted a rather modalistic concept of God into the narrative, since it has been a common belief for many centuries. So the question is, does the Book of Mormon teach „Modalism“? Mosiah 15:1-5 „And now Abinadi said unto them: I would that ye should understand that God himself shall come down among the children of men, and shall redeem his people. And because he dwelleth in flesh he shall be called the Son of God, and having subjected the flesh to the will of the Father, being the Father and the Son-The Father, because he was conceived by the power of God; and the Son, because of the flesh; thus becoming the Father and Son-And they are one God, yea, the very Eternal Father of heaven and of earth. And thus the flesh becoming subject to the Spirit, or the Son to the Father, being one God, suffereth temptation, and yieldeth not to the temptation, but suffereth himself to be mocked, and scourged, and cast out, and dis-owned by his people“. So here the prophet Abinadi equated “the Father” with Jesus’ premortal spirit, and “the Son” with His body. Ether 3:16 “Behold, this body, which ye now behold, is the body of my spirit; and man have I created after the body of my spirit; and even as I appear unto thee to be in the spirit will I appear unto my people in the flesh.” Here the premortal Jesus indicated that His spirit is anthropomorphic (having human form). Therefore, if the Book of Mormon is modalistic, it presents a version of the doctrine that is much more restrictive. That is, “the Father” is an anthropomorphic spirit that is not physically present in more than one place. Specifically, “the Father” is located inside “the Son,” which is the physical body of Jesus Christ. Much of what we get so far actually seems to fit well with a „modified modalist“ interpretation of the Book of Mormon, but the devil is in the details. We actually get a few verses that clearly distance the Book of Mormon from the modalistic thesis, and rather support the interpretation proposed by the First Presidency and the twelve Apostles in 1916, in which basically narrows it down to: 1. The Father and the Son are indeed seperate persons 2. Jesus being the „Father of Creation“, (in relation to the biblical teaching of him being the creator of all things) 3. Jesus being the „Father of Salvation“ (Having become his children) 4. Jesus being the „bearer of the Divine Name of the Father“, having „his Fathers name in him“ (As in relation to Exodus 23:21) But there is more we get from the scriptures 1. Jesus being WITH the Father (3 Nephi 9:15) 2. Jesus having the „Name of the Father in him“ (3 Nephi 9:15 3. Jesus praying to the Father (3 Nephi 17:15) 4. Having a resurrected Christ „go unto the Father (3 Nephi 26:15) 5. Nephi hearing the voice of the Father and the Song seperatly (3 Ne.31:11.15) So, we do not just have Jesus being „with“ the Father, indicating some kind of seperatness, but very interestingly also get a statement about „the Fathers name being in him“, which actually is a clear reference to the hebrew tradition of being the authoritative bearer of the divine name. This is VERY interesting because Joseph most likely did not know about this hebrew tradition, since it was only „specified“ in recent decades, indicating that when Jesus states that „he is the Father“, that this, in some instances, referes to „the Fathers name being in him“, indicating that as with the „Angel of the Lord“ from Exodus 32, they were not one and the same person, but insteadt two seperate beings where Jesus was acting „in the name of the Father“, so to say, borrowing his title. The notion that the resurrected Christ went up unto the Father, clearly draws away from a anthropomoprhpic spirit inside Jesus´ body, or would Jesus have to adcend to heaven to be with His own Spirit? Though this may not be the best argument in this case it should still be mentioned. Mormon himself, who was the main editor of the Book of Mormon, explicitly states that he „was leaving some information out, which would be revelaed at a later time to the faithful“ (3 Nephi 26:8-11) indicating that certain things were kept simple, left out or packed in different layers of understanding, as we see often with the principle of learning precept by precept. And this kind of concealing of certain teachings actually was not unique to Mormon. Jesus himself taught in many parables which people often times did not understand, only explaining it's deeper meanings later on exclusively to his diciples. (Matthew 13:10-14), aswell as that we have a Paul that „gave milk“ to people that have long been Christians. Mayby a much better argument is that Joseph Smith did not wait years to reveal that the Father and the Son were seperate personages. Actually, just a few years after the publication of the Book of Mormon, the Prophet produced another test known as the Book of Moses, in which we witness a three-way conversation between Satan, the Father and the Son (Moses 4). Other early sources that confirm Josephs teachings on the Godhead are: 1. 1831. Here John Whitmer wrote about a vision of Joseph Smith, where he „saw the heavens opened, and the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of the Father making intercession for his bretheren, the Saints“. 2. In February 1832. Joseph Smith and Sidney Ridgdon recorded a vision of the Son of God sitting at the right hand of the Father (D&C 76:20-24) Milton V. Backman wrote: „No one has has located a publication (such as an article appearing in a church periodical or statement from a missionary pamphlet) written by an active Latter-day Saint prior to the martyrdom of the Prophet that defends the traditional or popular creedal concept of the Trinity. Moreover, there are no references in critical writings of the 1830s (including statements by apostates) that Joseph Smith introduced in the mid-thirties the doctrine of separateness of the Father and Son.
@jerwellrhettdongito2035 4 года назад
Why all of your videos are about mormons ? How about others? Do you have reason why always mormons?
@NightmareDorothy 4 года назад
this Girl is on a special mission, i do guess.🦃
@Dancer4evanyc 4 года назад
Jerwell Rhett Dongito she likely was a Mormon!
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Jerwell Rhett Dongito she has had many missionaries come to her door and has some of them find the God of the Bible through friendship evangelism and she feels connected them,more so than others. Why are you asking?
@goingtothetop55 4 года назад
It's because she has been deceived! She is fighting against the Lamb of God and his Church. The devil us using her to spiritually blind people and keep them from the truth about the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Mike K. You should leave then before your corrupted, don't watch any videos, that sweetness is really evil !
@jacoblewis8077 4 года назад
Ha this is so terribly misunderstood it's not even funny. He asks if he believes in a great spirit, because that's what his idea of god was. The book of mormon proves that god is not a spirit, and they're seperate beings far more than any other thing you could possibly describe. As an example, the brother of jared had so much faith, that when christ was lighting the stones for their barges, his hand was shown unto him because of his great faith. His hand was guess what, a hand of flesh and bone as it says in Ether. And christ also says that his father is the same as he is, so his body is also flesh and bone like ours is. So basically you're trying to take a single scripture that was asked to clarify understanding, to rebuke a major key point of the book of mormon. By the way, if you believe that the book of mormon isn't true, than why does any of this matter? Let it be, if it's not true, and you're proving your own beliefs with it, then what does that make your beliefs? You have to look at the whole picture here
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
It shows that Mormonism has progressed just like their gods and the BoM a fictional book, written by a Trinititarn which J.S. co-opted for his new religion to get back at those Christians who ex- communicated him for his Spiritism and divination. He liked Muhammad and did the same in the U.S., watch your church move closer to the RCC and Islam in these next years.
@vinster9165 4 года назад
Jacob lewis it’s important that we flush this all out, or flush it all out. If Mormonism is nothing more than a bundle of contradictions and inconsistencies, just like mainstream Christianity, then everybody has a right to know. Most people who are being proselytized into Mormonism don’t have the time to compare the 1830 version of the book of Mormon to the modern version of the book of Mormon, which has significant differences in it. Apparently the Joseph Smith version of Mormonism believed in the Trinity, but modern Mormonism appears to not believe in the Trinity, and sees God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost has three separate entities. But the historical record tends to suggest that Joseph Smith might have believed in the Trinity and that the early Mormon church was more trinity-based, i.e. God the father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Ghost, we are all one entity, with one purpose, but they just took on different forms. In modern Mormonism God the father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Ghost are three separate entities. Do you see the difference?
@NightmareDorothy 4 года назад
@loganc8162 4 года назад
Andy Handsome Hi Andy, what does Exodus 33:11 say?
@dleoburns Год назад
It's Me, Jessie: Isaiah 54:5 "For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called." Jesus Christ our Maker, husband, Lord of hosts, Redeemer, and Holy One of Israel is the God of this earth. 1 Corinthians 15:24 (AKJV) "Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. 27 For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. 28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all."
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie cannot think straight. He said a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye SEE ME HAVE! In other words he was saying HE HAS FLESH AND BONES, which a spirit only does not have! Jessie Wake Up!
@ptrd 4 года назад
The best thing about the Trinity as three Persons, one Being is that is the only way God can be one in purpose. It's a perpetual state of being one in purpose. It goes against Mormon theology and breaks the covenants you pointed out in the BoM. The contradiction is a massive hole in thier foundation because according to thier stories, there was a time when Father, Son and Holy Ghost were not one in purpose. If that's the case their one in purposeness is not an eternal promise.
@vinster9165 4 года назад
Pt Rd could you elaborate with sources?
@ptrd 4 года назад
@@vinster9165 Yes I will, if you answer this question: Do you believe the Holy Bible is divinely inspired?
@Dancer4evanyc 4 года назад
Pt Rd can I posit a question to you? If the Mormons DIDNT say that the Father, Son and HG were not one in purpose, but they always said that they were one in purpose, could they still be three separate entities? Could there be God the Father, his Son Jesus and a Holy Ghost/Spirit? And they still are ONE in purpose? Still on the same page? B/c 1/3 of the scriptures she stated says The Lord is ONE God, not 3 Gods in 1. It’s confusing.
@vinster9165 4 года назад
Pt Rd my intentions with regards to open-mindedly observing the curious video presentations of this channel is to ask poignant questions, in the earnest pursuit of learning, and understanding the contentions between mainstream Christian denominations, sects and breeds, with what appears to be a direct branching species arising in the Mormon evolutionary pathway. My impression is that what Christianity is to Judaism, in the sense that Judaism tends to reject Christianity, I get the sense that Mormonism is a similar situation, where it is related to Judaism and Christianity, but seems to be something new, in the same way that Christianity is something new to Judaism, and Islam is something new to Judaism and Christianity, even though you can see that they are all genetically related cousins of each other, with many many similarities, yet they also appeared to be something new even if there is overlap. In the same way that Christianity appears to be something very newTo Judaism, Islam seems to be something very new to Judaism and Christianity, even though they are three religions of the Abrahamic faith. I am deeply fascinated to learn how Mormonism is different from Christianity. That’s exactly why I’m here. And that’s exactly why I intend to watch every video that Jesse has produced and published on her curious channel.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Vincent Chubbs do you have a religion or philosophy that motivates you?
@Dreammaster695 4 года назад
That thumbnail of you with the Book of Mormon is going to make men want to join the church not turn away from it 😂
@willmanprw1 4 года назад
That scripture wasn’t saying that Ammon believed God to be a spirit; he was giving the King an analogy. It would be as if the king believed his god was The Great Pumpkin and Ammon was expounding on that, showing him that God is more, hence “That Great Pumpkin is God the Father”. You just took the passage literally.
@sochimauzonwanne7592 4 года назад
Hey Willman, I appreciate your comment. But you dont have to over analyze this to justify what you think or want to hear. Truth is always simple. The BOM teaches that God is a Spirit and the concept of Trinity. This was changed over the years as in D&C as well as the many accounts of the first vision. It is clear and simple to understand.
@fayelewis5476 4 года назад
The true and living God has said that He is not a man. Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent I Samuel 15:29 And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent. Hosea 11:9 for I am God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee: Job 9:32 “In truth I know that this is so; But how can a man be in the right [b]before God? “For He is not a man as I am that I may answer Him, That we may go to court together. "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." - John 4:24 "A spirit does not have flesh and bones" - Luke 24:39 I Timothy 1:17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
@willmanprw1 4 года назад
Sochukwuma Uzonwanne I’m not over analyzing anything, I’m helping the host. As for myself, the BofM is as real as any Harry Potter book, but thanks for your snark reply.
@goingtothetop55 4 года назад
@@fayelewis5476 You're right! God is not a man. He a Glorified, Perfected, and Immortal Being, who has a tangible, physical Body of flesh and bones.
@fayelewis5476 4 года назад
@@goingtothetop55 But your god was once a man. God used to be a man on another planet, (Mormon Doctrine, p. 321; Joseph Smith, Times and Seasons, vol. 5, p. 613-614; Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, p. 345; Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 7, p. 333). "The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s . . . " (D&C 130:22). God is in the form of a man, (Joseph Smith, Journal of Discourses, vol. 6, p. 3). "God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens!!! . . . We have imagined that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea and take away the veil, so that you may see," (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 345). God the Father had a Father, (Joseph Smith, History of the Church, vol. 6, p. 476; Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses, vol. 5, p. 19; Milton Hunter, First Council of the Seventy, Gospel through the Ages, p. 104-105). God resides near a star called Kolob, (Pearl of Great Price, p. 34-35; Mormon Doctrine, p. 428). God had sexual relations with Mary to make the body of Jesus, (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 4, 1857, p. 218; vol. 8, p. 115). "Therefore we know that both the Father and the Son are in form and stature perfect men; each of them possesses a tangible body . . . of flesh and bones," (Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, p. 38). *** The God that I worship was never once a man. He is an uncreated being who has always existed. He is the first, uncaused cause of everything you see. He lives outside of time, space and matter because He created time, space and matter. He is self-existent. He has no mother or father, does not need air, food, water, sex, sleep, shelter, clothing, etc.. He is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, immutable, transcendent, infinitely holy, eternal and so much more. The highest heavens cannot contain Him. The true and living God created Adam out of the dust of the ground. No wife needed. No pre existence. Why do you worship a 'glorified, perfected, immortal being?' Why don't you worship your Creator? Romans 1:25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
@leocrawf Год назад
Some Christians object to the LDS position that God has a physical body by quoting John 4:24: God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (Italics in KJV original). Adopting a critical reading of this verse leads to some strange conclusions if we are consistent. Deuteronomy 4:28 says that our God can see, eat and smell. Can an unembodied spirit do that? Deuteronomy 4:24 and Hebrews 12:29 say that God is a consuming fire, 1 Jn 1:5 says God is light, and 1 Jn 4:4,16 says that God is love. Is He just those things? Clearly not, and the LDS conclude that neither is He just a spirit. Note that in the KJV cited above, the word “is” is italicized. This is because the King James translators have inserted it on their own-it is not present in the Greek text from which the translation was made. Secondly, the reader should be aware that the indefinite article (“a”, as in "a dog" or "a spirit") does not exist in Greek. Thus, the addition of the word "a" in English occurs at the discretion of the translators.[1] This leaves two Greek words: theos pneuma [θεος πνεμα]-“God spirit”. The JST resolves this translational issue by saying “for unto such hath God promised his spirit”. The word pneuma, which is translated spirit, also means ‘life’ or ‘breath’. The King James Version of Revelation 13:15 renders ‘pneuma’ as life. Thus "God is life," or "God is the breath of life" are potential alternative translations of this verse. Also, if God is a spirit and we have to worship him in spirit, do mortals have to leave our bodies to worship him?
@misssue1824 5 месяцев назад
Shawn, you still aren't being specific. One can point out inconsistencies in the Bible as well. The biggest I have found is how to be saved. This is the central hope and doctrine of Christianity. Where is that doctrine spelled clearly out in biblical scripture?
@janos7682 4 года назад
Alma on my language mean apple 😂 the same name!
@adamgoodword7888 4 года назад
Yes, it is apple in many languages. However Alma is also a Hebrew word which means "a young woman". It's a girls name.
@ShineBrightly 4 года назад
Adam Goodword fugues ..
@Panther546 4 года назад
Thank you!!!! I appreciate you so much for speaking the truth which is hard to come by because people are spiritually weak but you are a God-fearing warrior! Thank you again.
@mr400meter 4 года назад
My issue with this video was the relationship of the purported Trinitarian passages with the undoubtedly clear modalism passages. The Book of Mormon parrots Trinitarian speak but is in essence totally modalistic much like Oneness Pentecostals. They likewise sound like Trinitarians until they are pressed or you decide to dig deeper on what they believe. Further evidence of Joseph’s modalism is found in the footnote of Luke 10:22 with the reference of JST Luke 10:23 which reads the following: “All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knoweth that the *Son is the Father*, and the *Father is the Son*, but him to whom the Son will reveal it.” The JST is Joseph's Work correcting the errors in the Bible by “divine inspiration.” This is rather odd and telling in light of the purported 1820 First Vidion account of Joseph Smith seeing two separate personages.
@Panther546 4 года назад
@@mr400meter she's speaking of the book of Mormom contradicting its present day beliefs & scriptures.
@mr400meter 4 года назад
@Jay Tee I realize that.
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie Wake Up, if a husband and wife say they are one, they don't mean one person, they mean ONE IN PURPOSE! Same with God, Christ and the Holy Ghost! Three beings, but ONE in PURPOSE! You are ignorant and won't listen!
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
@abarradeferro1833 4 года назад
You only see what's in front of your eyes. You know the truth about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you're just trying to convince yourself about those lies you want to believe in. So much waste of time trying to prove The Book of Mormon is wrong, could be used reading and studying it with a sincere heart and real intent, then you'd know of its truthness. You'd know that the book only testifies of Christ as does the Bible, and the Bible confirms the book of Mormon.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
A Barra de Ferro www.utlm.org/onlineresources/bibleandbomcontradictions.htm They actually disagree on many points, but the Book of Mormon disagrees with the book of Abraham in several places too. Do you know what text the book of Abraham came from?
@abarradeferro1833 4 года назад
@@shawnbradford2243 Yes I do
@abarradeferro1833 4 года назад
@@shawnbradford2243 doesn't the bible disagree with itself in many points also? Does it make you disbelieve the bible?
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
A Barra de Ferro yes I do not believe the Bible is a historical book, you can disprove it. Where do you think the Book of Abraham came from?
@robertmcnamara5859 2 года назад
Jessie, you have no credibility. The CES letter is authored by disgruntled Mormons who have an axe to grind. It comprises unreliable (unverifiable) third party source material, which purposefully portrays Mormon teachings out of context. Mormons, who feel guilty about wanting to renege on their moral commitments, use the CES Letter as a rationale to leave the church, because in reality they've adopted a “worldly-overview”, and the distortion of the CES allows them to “sin” without actually owning their decisions as long as they can blame the church. Cognizant dissonance is patently sanctimonious, but that is the disingenuous world we live in. John Dehlin’s immutable behavior sets the tone for his kabuki play, where departing Mormons lament over the grief of losing their close knit community while framing their morality cult as freedom from the a high demand church. He became a Mormon critic after adopting feminist concepts that encourage an acceptance of sex outside of marriage and homo-sexuality, which by any constraint mocks the Christian Bible teachings and embodies the Anti-Christ, Anti-Family challenge of our time. Dehlin portrayed his disdain for Bible teachings by criticizing the leadership for not allowing women and the LGBTQ members to hold key administration and teaching positions in the church. When Dehlin was unceremoniously excommunicated for his condemnation of the Churches’ refusal to adopt his secular reforms, he became yet another enemy of Mormonism in its righteous endeavor to restore the family culture
@leocrawf Год назад
Critics who object to the LDS position that God has a physical body claim that the Latter-day Saints are being inconsistent, since the Book of Mormon teaches that God is a spirit. However, the Book of Mormon is not discussing Nicene trinitarianism, and does not contradict the doctrine that God or Jesus possess a physical body. Critics typically drawn on such Book of Mormon scriptures as Alma 18:26-28 or Alma 22:8-11, and then contrast them with DC 130:22. The critics ignore several key points: The Book of Mormon scriptures describe missionary efforts to teach the pagan Lamanites about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Missionaries begin their efforts by explaining that what the Lamanites called "The Great Spirit" was God. This is not an attempt to give a theological description of God's nature, but a starting point to build on common beliefs. To the Lamanites, being "The Great Spirit" did not preclude being corporeal-Alma was mistaken for the great spirit, and yet he clearly had a body, could perform physical actions, etc. So, the concept of "spirit" used by the Lamanites is not (as the critics assume) the same as the non-physical and metaphysical "spirit" of Nicene trinitarianism. The God to which the Book of Mormon scriptures refer is Jesus Christ, or Jehovah. In LDS doctrine, Jesus Christ was a premortal spirit that did not yet have a physical body when the scriptures in Alma were given. Thus, the description of Christ as a Spirit was accurate before His birth even in LDS terms.
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
Jesse why do you uptalk?Most people that uptalk dont have a clue what they are saying.Uptalker is your new name.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Angie Hille yes being rude will prove Mormonism correct and is such a loving example of your church!
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
@@shawnbradford2243 coming out and being a complete liar about something you know nothing about is no better.I have work to do on me but I do have the truth and when dealing with non-knowing people that come off as knower of all knowable knowledge i sometimes get a little rude.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Angie Hille please be specific on claims of what she said that was untrue.
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
@@shawnbradford2243 I would be here for 2 years to do that.We can go from pre-existence to the millennium thru eternity.She has one hate and it's a doctrine she cant understand.I bet you she has never once went to the lord in prayer and ask with real intent to know.Sjes looking for a reason it cant be true in her understanding.Ask her why she doesnt go after other doctrines. She told me all other churches are the same which should let you know she dont know her ass from a hole in the ground
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Angie Hille pick one item.
@carolberubee 4 года назад
Excellent Jessie! As you pointed out, Joseph Smith was familiar with Christianity. It seems to me that his entrance into Masonry took him further and further from the truth. He became mired in Greek philosophy and Gnosticism.
@StevenWayneJones 4 года назад
Thanks for the video. It really helpful to see these verses and what a train wreck the BOM is when looking at what it says compared to Mormon and Christian theology. Not sure if you mentioned it, but a know heresy called patripssionism or sabellianism is taught in several of the verses you brought up which teach Jesus is the Father. Jesus is not the Father according to Trinitarian theology. They are three person distinct but are all one God. So I guess you could say the BOM teaches both solid Christian theology and also condemned heresies in the same book. Smith was not very well educated when he made up this book. Thanks again for the videos. You do a wonderful job. Have you seen Shawn Mccraney heart of the matter videos? The older ones...?
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
Hi! Thank you. Yes, I've seen a couple of his videos but he has taken a strange turn with Theology.
@StevenWayneJones 4 года назад
@@itsmejessie Yes, agreed. I am not sure what happened there. Anyway, thanks for the response and for the videos you are putting out there. They are great!
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
smith tried to put all the different viewpoints under one roof. he couldn't see the difference between a dowsing rod or ouija board, and the bible. and the eerie canal went right through his hometown, so he had easy access to every preacher, and every new homegrown cult from new york city to cleveland ohio. and everything he heard went into the pot.
@thepeadair 4 года назад
According to the Bible the true church should bear these characteristics: 1. Organized by Christ (Eph 4:11-14) 2. Bear the name of Jesus Christ (Eph 5:23) 3. Apostles and Prophets (Eph 2:19-20) 4. Same organization as Christ's Church (Eph 4:11-14) 5. Divine authority (Heb 4:4-10) 6. No paid ministry (Acts 20:33-34; John 10:11-13) 7. Baptize by immersion (Matt 3:13-16) 8. The gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands (Acts 8:14-17) 9. Practice divine healing (Mark 3:14-15) 10. God and Jesus are separate and distinct individuals (John 17:11; 20:17) 11. God and Jesus have bodies of flesh and bone (Luke 23:36-39; Acts 1:9-11; Heb 1:1-3) 12. Officers must be called by God (Heb 5:4; Ex 28:1; 40:13-16) 13. Claim revelation from God (Amos 3:7) 14. A missionary church (Matt 28:19-20) 15. A restored church (Acts 3:19-20) 16. Practice baptism for the dead (1Cor 15:16&29) 17. "By their fruits ye shall know them." (Matt 7:20) Why these characteristics are important Hebrews 13:8. How many characteristics does your church have?
@StevenWayneJones 4 года назад
@@thepeadair Hi Pea da Ir! I think some of the proofs you have are a bit off. Attaching a Bible reference to a vague statement is how many cults have been born in the past couple thousand years. Jehovahs witness could do the very exact same thing with their doctrine, the church of Scientology has their proofs of authenticity too, but let me examine a couple to show you why your assumptions about these aren't exactly perfectly defined. 1. Eph 4:11-14 "Christ gave the apostles and prophets..." This verse is speaking as what Christ already did in the past tense written about 50 or 60 AD. It is true that he did that while he was launching His church 30-33 AD (about) ministering the gospel to the world. That past tense action does not demand that this would continue through offices of prophet apostle etc. via some LDS organization relaunched in the 1830s - that makes no sense. That part is assumed and not found in the text. 2. Christ is claimed to be the head of most Christian churches, should be the head, and should be the most important person talked about. The LDS church would be wise to make much more of Jesus and much less about Smith Jr. and much less about the organization, prophets etc. 3. Eph 2:20 - Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. Non LDS churches build on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets who wrote for us the New Testament. That is an already built foundation strong as concrete and can be trusted. Brigham Young for example taught us that Adam was God the Father - not solid, not true, and therefore he was speaking lies and falsity. Young did not teach concrete truth. Same with Smith Jr. on down the line. Lots of mooshy non-solid teaching that always changes. The Christian church has the solid foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. 4. See 1-3 5. Heb 4:4-10 Read it, but don't see how this follows to make your point at all.... 6. Other places speak more clearly on this issue and show definitively that it is okay to live from the gospel (not demanded as a must but...) and be paid a living wage or salary. These verses don't teach what you claim. I could go into great detail here, but will spare you unless you want to know the full truth on this issue. 7. Ok cool 8. Practiced indeed, but not demanded as always normative. Other places it is not practiced. Blown out of proportion by LDS for sure by needing to recite certain things perfectly ver batum or else starting over (a cultic masonic practice stolen by Smith Jr.) 9. The distinction as persons is taught as part of the Trinity doctrine. Smith Jr. inserted in the BOM and in Luke 10:22 that the Son IS the Father - and the LDS church covered up this falty known heresy called modalism or patripassionism. This cover up was only partly done when the made new editions of the BOM. Still today certain verses teach the Trinity and others still teach this condemned heresy. Actual Trinity doctrine teaches that the Father and Son are distinct persons yet One in Essence and substance. There is one God and only one God in three distinct persons as the Bible teaches and the Church has believed since the beginning. TB continued....
@nephidelacruz4941 Год назад
Jessie: If God transformed himself to a fetus, and God stayed in Mary's womb for nine months, then God took a vacation for nine months from the rest of the world. No one would believe that idea. During his birth to his visit to the temple as a child, God took a vacation again from the ancient people around the world. Thus, we don't believe there's only one God.
@rbwinn3 Год назад
Concerned Christians do not understand authority. When Jehovah says he is God, there is none beside him, etc., he has authority to say that because he has authority to say anything the Father wants said. People who have no authority to speak for God will never understand authority.
@abarradeferro1833 4 года назад
Doesn't a Great God have a Great Spirit also? Did it anywhere say the referred Great Spirit have no body? By Great Spirit the mentioned prophets meant that He, God, is Great, THE Great Spirit those people believed in. There's no contradiction in it. The Book of Mormon teaches in many passages that Moses talked with God face to face and its revelator - Joseph Smith - taught of the nature of God. How could he who translated the book contradict himself in such a clear doctrine he himself dictated to his writer helpers? You're showing such a short vision and understanding of the scriptures, by the same manner you can interpret many passages in the Bible incorrectly (use the same measure then). Stop bearing false testimony and deviating people from the true Way, which if Jesus Christ, of whom the Book of Mormon bears testimony in every page.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
A Barra de Ferro where does it say that Moses saw the Face of God? Even in Exodus 6:3 God said he appeared to Abraham, lssac and Jacob as a man and as The Angel of th LORD so not in his full glory. See Exodus 33:18-23 then Judges ch. 13 When Moses talked to God, He spoke to Moses from heaven Exodus 20:22, again in Exodus 24:9 it says they beheld God, but it does not say they saw God's face. Exodus 33:20 means 33:11 is in close proximity, but still not seeing God's face. And when Moses talked with God on the mountain, God was in a cloud protecting Moses from His glory; but Moses's face SHONE! None of this happened to J.S. when he claimed not just to have seen the pre-mortal Jesus/Jehovah God but the Father(God) and the Jesus(God) together and the painting shows he is looking into their faces. RIGHT !
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
A Barra de Ferro 🤣😂🤣😂 I assume by your name your not American? If so no Egyptian/Hebrews came to America pre-Columbus
@abarradeferro1833 4 года назад
@@shawnbradford2243 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Lunas_Decalogue_Stone do your due research
@abarradeferro1833 4 года назад
@@davidjanbaz7728 Study the doctrine of Transfiguration. I agree that for a man to have contact with God in His glory he has to be able to withstand his glory. That's why Moses' face shone when talking to God. In Joseph Smith's account of His visitation by the Father and the Son (not the premortal Christ, since it happened in 1820 AD) his energy was drawn.
@abarradeferro1833 4 года назад
@@shawnbradford2243 There are actually many evidences of the presence of pre colombian civilizations in America that actually used Hebrew to communicate. And what is funny in the fact that I'm not North American? I didnt get it.
@jennifercothran5527 4 года назад
Thank you so much for this informative video I hope through these videos more LDS people will come to know the one true God and accept biblical Christianity you are doing great work I hope you have many many more informative videos coming our way God bless you and your work.
@Ilovenature872 3 года назад
Lds believe that Jesus christ created the earth with the eternal father. They will easily justify the helaman 14: 12 scripture
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
@red.362 4 года назад
Yay a new video. I'm glad because I've binge watched all your other ones 😂😂
@vinster9165 4 года назад
Red. Me too
@helenacm8043 4 года назад
Same 😅
@vinster9165 4 года назад
Jessie to get a cyber RU-vid heartfelt
@paulplumb6360 4 года назад
Try binge watching the videos at churchofjesuschrist.org and learn what the church really teaches. This girl is very ignorant.
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
@markservice8735 4 года назад
This is a little bit disturbing, can someone ask a LDS/Mormon why these changes were made to the book of Mormon 130 years after it was first published? These are not fixing typos or punctuation, but major doctrinal changes, INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW: Four important changes were made in the second edition of the Book of Mormon concerning the Godhead (Trinity). One of the most significant changes was made in: 1 Nephi 13:40. It was stated in this verse that the purpose of the Nephite records was to make known that Christ is the Eternal Father. In the first edition (1830) we read as follows: "... These last records ... shall make known to all kindreds, tongues, and people, that the Lamb of God (Jesus) is the Eternal Father (God) and the Savior (God in the human form as Jesus) ... " (Book of Mormon, 1830 edition, page 32) In the 1964 edition (134 years later, or ~120 years after Joseph Smith's death) it now reads as follows: "... These last records ... shall make known to all kindreds, tongues, and people, that the Lamb of God is *the Son of* the Eternal Father, and the Savior ..." (Book of Mormon, 1964 edition, 1 Nephi 13:40) How shall we interpret these two versions? Another important change was made in 1 Nephi 11:18; this is page 25 of the 1830 edition. In the 1830 edition, it read: "... Behold, the virgin which thou seest, is the mother of God, after the manner of the flesh." In modern editions, it has been changed to read, "... Behold, the virgin whom thou seest is the mother *of the Son* of God, after the manner of the flesh." The words, the *Son of*, were inserted in the middle of the sentence. 1 Nephi 11:21; Thus Verse 21 of the same chapter originally read: "And the angel said unto me, behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Eternal Father!" It was changed to read: "And the angel said unto me: Behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Son of the Eternal Father!" 1 Nephi 11: 32: Thus, Verse 32 of the same chapter, which is on page 26 of the original 1830 edition, was also changed. In the 1830 edition it reads: "... the Everlasting God, was judged of the world; and I saw and bear record." It was changed to read: "... the Son of the everlasting God, was judged of the world; and I saw and bear record." Any more like these we should be aware of?
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Mark Service Check Mosiah21:28 King Benjamin to King Mosiah, one more change!
@zelphachatwin4957 4 года назад
Thank you for these references. In 1886, John Taylor was being pressured by man like George Q. Cannon and Wilford Woodruff to sign a manifesto to appease the United States and to gain statehood. John Taylor refused and set aside a group of men to take the priesthood underground, or into hiding. Wilford Wooddruff and the apostles went against John Taylor and signed the Manifesto. Which led the face of the church into apostasy. Because of this, the church has slowly lost truth and become more and more like the world. Even to the point of being the ones who persecuted those were commissioned to keep alive the original doctrine of Jesus Christ. Many groups have broken of from said church all with their own interpretations, which are strange and false. I do believe the day will come when Jesus Christ will set the church in order and all will be restored.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@@zelphachatwin4957 So which of the 17 mormon denominations is correct; so your church is Apostate also, interesting new take on things?
@zelphachatwin4957 4 года назад
@@davidjanbaz7728 Its all about the perspective. There are only two churches. The church of God and the church of the devil. By a persons works we know them. If we listen to the message of Christ its all about having charity.
@leezhao1300 4 года назад
I learn so much watching Jessie explain important teachings to my faith towards God! Great work and thank you.
@vinster9165 4 года назад
Lee Zhao I wish we could get actual screen captures of the changes
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie Wake Up, if a husband and wife say they are one, they don't mean one person, they mean ONE IN PURPOSE! Same with God, Christ and the Holy Ghost! Three beings, but ONE in PURPOSE! You are ignorant and won't listen!
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
@livingwaterministries9319 2 года назад
It makes me think that Joseph Smith did not right or translate the book of Mormon but that it came about by other means watch it be revealed that the book of Mormon is some what the word of god and that both christians and mormons got it wrong.
@ritchieehrlich6294 Год назад
Thanks again! It's always good to see your beautiful face! I just spent 6 months in Cedar City, Utah, and learned about polygamy! Crazy! Incest, On my way back to Frisco, CO! Love you!
@misssue1824 5 месяцев назад
Remember Abraham? The polygamist? Be careful about condemning a biblical practice that was sanctioned in certain instances by God.
@TalkingtoMormons 4 года назад
Great job, Jessie
@pwentworth4141 4 года назад
Cult!!!! 🤬🤬🤬
@vinster9165 4 года назад
P Wentworth What’s the difference between a cult and a religion?
@mylesmarkson1686 4 года назад
Is this one of those brain-teasers? Alright, I'll take a stab at it... A cult is any religion OTHER than the one that you're currently a part of. How'd I do Vin?
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@@vinster9165 A cult uses the same terminology but changes the meanings of the host religion. Kinda like mistletoe.
@vinster9165 4 года назад
Mark Miles not bad! My impression is that a cult is what every religion starts out as, and once the cult gains enough followers and goes mainstream, it becomes a religion of sorts.
@Smerm 3 месяца назад
I have a concern that you are following modalism and not the teaching of the Bible which is the Trinity. I’d humbly recommend you study the Trinity vs modalism as both teach there is one God but only one is biblical , the Trinity. God is one , yes but he is three persons within that Godhead. They are distinct and coexist and are co eternal. God does not just change form. I’ve listened twice to this because I’m witnessing to some Mormon friends. It finally hit me that although the initial BOM teachings did indicate one God , the verses in it are 100% modalism. The Bible when rightly divided, teaches the Trinity. It is nit completely possible to understand its full concepts with our limited human thinking but since scripture teaches it, we must take it by faith. God bless ✝️
@itsmejessie 3 месяца назад
@@Smerm I definitely disagree with the heresy of Modalism and 100% believe in the Triune God.
@obedientlifestyle3773 2 года назад
I'm not Mormon but I think the Godhead is true. 1 John 5:7, says "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." and 1 Thessalonians 3:11 says, "Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ direct our way unto you." Looks like it says 3 separate persons of the Godhead. Usually when they say "one" it means they are all in agreement. Kind of like being married, we become one. We are still two humans but we are one in agreement. Here are some more verses to ponder upon: -John 1:1,3,10 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not." -Philippians 2:5-6, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:" -The Holy Spirit has Omnipresence. He is everywhere Psalms 139:7, "Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?". -The Holy Spirit has a mind Romans 8:27, "And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God." -The Holy Spirit helped to settle questions during the Church Council at Jerusalem Acts 15:28, "For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;" -The Holy Spirit forbade some from going to preach in certain places Acts 16:6-7, "Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia, After they were come to Mysia, they assayed to go into Bithynia: but the Spirit suffered them not." -The Holy Spirit physically descended upon Jesus John 1:32-33, "And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him. And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost." If you want to read more about the Trinity exposed, here is a link: www.remnantofgod.org/trinity.htm#Jesus%20is%20God God Bless.
@longnamenocansayy Год назад
the way you wrote your comment it sounds like you think the godhead is 3 seperate persons, as the the following copy and paste " Looks like it says 3 separate persons of the Godhead." god in 3 persons is what trinity doctrine says. and it is often sung in christian churches. see the song in youtube video: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-JwuDSw-9cUQ.html i fail to see how you're going to expose the trinity with biblical citations that say god is in 3 persons. the difference between mormonism and christianity is that christianity believes in one god and one god only. mormonism is a polytheistic cult. they are pagans. they believe in an infinite number of gods and they believe they can become a god too.
@adamgoodword7888 4 года назад
11:44 - Alma 11 : 44 - "restored to its perfect frame, as it is now" ...... this is yet another area that Joseph Smith got wrong. That verse is saying that we are perfect now, in this life, however many people are not perfect. Many people have physical issues/problems/defects. In this life we we are corrupted and imperfect. This also shows the arrogance of the person writing that verse, almost boasting that they are perfect, perfect as they'll ever be.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Adam Goodword What does 3 Nephi 2:14-16 and 1 Nephi 12:23v
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
44 Now, this restoration shall come to all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, both the wicked and the righteous; and even there shall not so much as a hair of their heads be lost; but every thing shall be arestored to its perfect frame, as it is now, or in the body, and shall be brought and be arraigned before the bar of Christ the Son, and God the bFather, and the Holy Spirit, which is cone Eternal God, to be djudged according to their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil. 45 Now, behold, I have spoken unto you concerning the adeath of the mortal body, and also concerning the bresurrection of the mortal body. I say unto you that this mortal body is craised to an dimmortal body, that is from death, even from the first death unto life, that they can edie no more; their spirits uniting with their bodies, never to be divided; thus the whole becoming fspiritual and immortal, that they can no more see corruption.
@thehammer3193 4 года назад
so you are interpreting a book that you claim is completely made up to convince Mormons that their own beliefs are wrong because their made up book of scripture says so and they should pay attention to the book? Look, you seem like a really sweet person but you are out of your depth. Here is a question for you. You believe in the Trinity correct? You also believe that Jesus (who is God) died on the cross, was resurrected, then as a resurrected being ascended back into heaven. So if God is only spirit, then what did he do with his body after his resurrection?
@vinster9165 4 года назад
Ryan Heath that’s a good question, what happened to Jesus’ essential body after his resurrection?
@fayelewis5476 4 года назад
There are three persons in the Godhead. God the Father is invisible and a spirit. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." - John 4:24 "A spirit does not have flesh and bones" - Luke 24:39 I Timothy 1:17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. Jesus Christ has a body. The Holy Spirit is invisible. Jesus is 100% God and 100% man. As a man, Jesus ate, thirsted, slept, wept, prayed to God and died. As God, Jesus rebuked Satan, forgave sin, performed miracles, accepted worship from the people, raised the dead and even raised himself from the dead. John 2:19
@thehammer3193 4 года назад
@@fayelewis5476 Nice job in completely not answering the question. What did he do with his body after resurrection?
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Ryan Heath nothing it didn’t happen
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
many scriptures that show jesus is fully physical and fully spirit. Now, according to John 20:19 , it was evening time, and the disciples were gathered together behind closed doors because they were afraid of the Jews’ persecution of them ( Peter was badgered around the fire the night he denied Jesus three times). Suddenly, Jesus appeared out of nowhere right in their midst saying, “Peace be with you.” He showed them His hands and feet, and the disciples were overjoyed to see Him. this was the night the Holy Spirit is first given to anyone. with the doors closed so nobody could get in jesus appeared like a spirit, and he also showed them that he was physical. scriptures in o.t. and n.t. both that show god is physical and can be seen and god is spirit and cannot be seen. both are true. also many scriptures to show god is the father and jesus is god so god is father and son. there is only one god, and you cannot become a god. mormon temple ceremony admits that lucifer is the prime mover, the light bearer in mormonism, and you openly admit that you believe satan and jesus are brothers. "ELOHIM: Lucifer, what hast thou been doing here? LUCIFER: I have been doing that which has been done in other worlds". lucifer is the prime mover in adam becoming a god in mormonism. "ADAM: What is that apron you have on? (Lucifer draws his cloak up to reveal a black apron.) LUCIFER: It is an emblem of my power and Priesthoods." immediately all the temple patrons are instructed to put on their aprons. your priesthood is the priesthood of satan you will not become a god. you have fallen for the first lie told adam and eve. you will not become a god, and you will surely die. god is both seen and unseen as the following scriptures will show. there's plenty scripture to show that god is father son and holy spirit. there's only one god and you will not become a god. you've fallen for the first lie told adam and eve. gen 17.1 abraham saw god elohim the creator who creates new names abram=abraham sara=sarah gen 18.1 abraham saw jehovah the covenant god ex 3 god in the fire ex 24.1 come unto the lord with nabihu avi aaron and 70 elders and they saw the god of israel ex 33 you can't see my face and live you can just see my glory gen. 18 john 18 noone has ever seen god 1 timothy 6.15,16 who no one has seen or can see lives in unapproachable light
@grandmasangels3203 2 года назад
@jlewis8145 2 года назад
Jesus claimed to be God. When you deny your Savior, you have no chance of getting into heaven.
@tucuxi70 Год назад
So if you think Jessie is right, let's see her squirm when Christ prayed to God in the Garden of Gethsemane! Did Christ pray yo himself? Christ also asked God "Why hast thou forsaken me"? Was Christ asking himself?
@longnamenocansayy Год назад
it is christian theology that jesus is fully man and fully god. how can this be? we do not understand what we have been given, but it has been in the christian tradition from ancient days. remember it was timothy who said, "without disputation, great is the mystery of godliness": it is an easy thing for me to accept that that there is one god and he is the creator of all things. when i was a mormon i was told to imagine a god (one of the many) who spends countless hours copulating with and impregnating an infinite amount of women whose sons could also become gods. mormons believe god is an exalted man and he cannot create, he can only organize matter. it is a difficult thing for mormons to give up their sex cult for the god of all mercy, but not impossible.
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Also Jessie says Jesus had full confidence in the Bible and it's completeness! Wait, many of the writings of the Bible were written after Christ was crucified, so how could the Bible be complete while Christ was alive! Jessie in her confused mind, does not think of that!
@longnamenocansayy Год назад
the jews had everything they needed to accept jesus. it was written down. jesus quoted the bible. the jews could not refute him and it wasn't because the scripture he quoted was incomplete. did the scripture jesus quoted include the gentile world? no. does that mean it was incomplete? no. why? because jesus came to the jew first and then to the gentile. is it really so hard to understand that the new testament was written to the gentile? it was written in greek. greek is not the language of the jews. after jesus came to the jews, and they rejected him, he came to the gentiles. when you read the bble do you see any trigonetry, any calculus, any study of geology? no. does that mean the bible is incomplete? no. the bible is complete because it does what it was written to do.
@777MNM 3 месяца назад
Im so confused dont lds read the bible also?
@tinlizzie37 4 года назад
You are right about the Trinity of God in the Book of Mormon, but just the first Book of Mormon! After Joe got his mummies and scrolls, he went haywire and started his own scriptures, this happened just a few miles from where I live now! The fact is, the Reformed LDS, still believe in the Trinity, which is in the first book of Mormon, which they still use! All the Scriptures written by Smith, are just figments of his imagination. He started as a con man, and ended the same!
@s.a3099 3 года назад
Very interesting. So do you believe God called Joseph smith to translate the Book of Mormon, but then he went haywire after that in creating his own religion?
@tinlizzie37 3 года назад
@@s.a3099 Joseph didn't get anything from God! Joseph made up the BoM out of his own imagination, with help of a couple friends. Many Men were trying to start a religion back then and a few did it, Joseph included. After he couldn't sell the manuscript of the BoM, he and friends started the LDS. He got a little swell headed, how easy it was to dupe these people, that he called himself a prophet of god. They tended to believe all the lies and false stories he told them. One a con- man, always a con-man ! Nothing in the scriptures of the LDS jives, it's all a big story !
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie shows she gets confused even while she talks in this video!
@rbwinn3 Год назад
Your interpretation of the doctrines of our church is extremely lacking. It is not wrong to say God is a Spirit because Jehovah created this earth and everything on it, and Jehovah was a Spirit, Jesus Christ before he was born. It was not wrong for Jehovah to say that he was God and that beside him there was no other God. He had authority to speak for the Father. Concerned Christians do not understand authority because they do not have authority.
@longnamenocansayy Год назад
does it sound like dumbo's magic feather? only mormons can fly because only mormons have the magic feather. how do we know mormons have the magic feather? because joseph smith said so. only mormons can understand real christianity, because only mormons have the gift of the holy ghost. you get the gift of the holy ghost when they give you the magic feather. only mormons are worthy of the the gift of the holy ghost. non mormons are not worthy and so they walk in blindness. so mormon church appeals directly to your sense of pride. nothing has changed over 200 years.
@nathaniddings6922 2 года назад
I had never heard that Mormons also believe in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. What is their version of that, and what is its significance in the LDS view of salvation?
@longnamenocansayy 2 года назад
mormons basically follow the following verse that come from their book called "doctrine and covenants". it is section 130. verse 3 3 John 14:23-The aappearing of the Father and the Son, in that verse, is a personal bappearance; and the idea that the Father and the Son cdwell in a man’s heart is an old sectarian notion, and is false. they testify fervently about the book of mormon, but there are no distinctive mormon beliefs in the book of mormon. you won't find the following in the book of mormon: plurality of gods you can become a god too aaronic priesthood melchezedek priesthood baptism for the dead necessity for baptsm your church has to have 12 apostles (the mormon church claims 15 apostles) book of mormon claims 12 desciples need for grand overseeing prophet god has a physical body (b/m says god is spirit) 3 degrees of glory in contrast to heaven and hell you may wonder how they can accept such a serious lot of contradictions. it all points to the overwhelming spiritual oppression mormons are under.
@ElectricUniverseEyes 4 года назад
Hey Jessie, I agree, most LDS don’t understand their own scripture or the true history of the church. I left when my father was excommunicated. What do you think of physical manifestations of comets being “serpents & dragons” like Leviathan in the Bible? “The Battle In The Sky” - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-I8TmFmhEBms.html
@fayelewis5476 4 года назад
The leviathan is a large aquatic creature of some kind. The Bible refers to it as a fearsome beast having monstrous ferocity and great power. The Hebrew word for “Leviathan” has the root meaning of “coiled” or “twisted.” Isaiah 27:1 speaks of “Leviathan the fast-moving serpent, Leviathan the squirming serpent; . . . the sea monster” (NET). Whatever this monster of the sea is (or was), its strength and wild nature were well known. There are a handful of references to the leviathan in the Old Testament. Most passages describe the leviathan as a real creature, familiar to people (who, of course, kept their distance) by reputation if not by sight. In Psalm 104:25-26 God is praised as the One who created the habitat for the leviathan: “There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number-living things both large and small. There the ships go to and fro, and Leviathan, which you formed to frolic there.” Only a great God could have created Leviathan and then made a place big enough for it to “frolic” safely. In Isaiah 27:1 the leviathan is used as a symbol for the wicked kings of the earth who withstand God’s people. The great power that wicked nations wield can be terrifying, but God assures His children that evil, no matter how monstrous, will be defeated: “In that day, the LORD will punish with his sword-his fierce, great and powerful sword-Leviathan the gliding serpent, Leviathan the coiling serpent; he will slay the monster of the sea.” Psalm 74:14 contains a similar reference to God’s victory over Leviathan; in that psalm, the pharaoh of Egypt is most likely meant. Job 41 gives the most detail about Leviathan as an actual sea creature. In that chapter, God describes Leviathan, emphasizing the animal’s size, strength, and viciousness. The leviathan cannot be tied down or tamed (Job 41:1, 5); it is frightening to even look at (verse 9); it is best left alone (verses 8, 10). The leviathan has a graceful form (verse 12) but is incredibly well protected with scales (verses 13, 15-17). Its chest is as impenetrable as its back (verses 15, 24). It has fearsome teeth (verse 14), and death awaits anyone who approaches its mouth (verses 18-21). Even mighty men are terrified of the leviathan (verse 25). No sword, spear, dart, javelin, arrow, stone, club, or lance can defeat it (verses 26, 28-29). It cannot be caged, because it breaks iron like straw (verse 27). On land, the leviathan leaves a trail of ruts; in the water, it produces a deep, churning wake (verses 30-32). God’s description of the leviathan concludes with a statement that it is the true king of the beasts: “Nothing on earth is its equal-a creature without fear” (verse 33). So, what animal is Job 41 describing? Some commentators believe Leviathan is a crocodile. Others believe it is a whale or a shark. Based on the biblical description, it seems more likely that Leviathan is a large sea reptile, possibly a species of dinosaur such as the plesiosaurus. Job’s acquaintance with a dinosaur is not far-fetched at all, given that the book of Job is set in a very early time of history. The point God makes in Job 41 is that Leviathan is under God’s sovereign control. Job had been questioning God (Job 26-31), but God turns the tables and uses the leviathan’s might to emphasize Job’s weakness and frailty. If God created Leviathan (an animal Job cannot stand before), then how great is God? Why is Job even trying to grapple with the Almighty? Leviathan was a dangerous creature that caused seasoned warriors to turn and run. Leviathan is no myth, but rather a real creature of the sea, subject only to its Creator. As God says in His description of Leviathan, “Who then is able to stand against me? Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me” (Job 41:10-11). www.gotquestions.org/leviathan.html
@ElectricUniverseEyes 4 года назад
Faye Lewis Awesome response! Thank you!
@ElectricUniverseEyes 4 года назад
The Exodus Event - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rumuS1cO2Kk.html
@TagmatonDomestikon 10 месяцев назад
How does Mormonism reconcile itself with Galatians 1:8? Divine revelation ceased with the Apostles. Adding a different version of the gospel to the Bible is strictly condemned by both scripture and the church.
@misssue1824 5 месяцев назад
That is the beauty of what Joseph Smith restored. It is the gospel of Christ. As wonderful as the Bible is, so much is missing! How is a person saved? There are 17 verses that all give different answers. A read of Acts makes it clear that members were joined to Christ's church by baptism. But how is it done? At what age? Who has the right to do it? The only way to know is to have more revealed. That takes a prophet. The ancient church was founded on apostles and prophets (Eph 2:19). Revelation is the pattern of the entire Bible and continues today! Yes, there was a gap, but there was also a 400 year gap between Malachi and John the Baptist. Please take an honest look for yourself before you judge.
@TagmatonDomestikon 5 месяцев назад
@@misssue1824 with all due respect Joseph Smith did not restore anything, but rather create something new. The church has always preserved what has been passed down from the Apostles and is the repository of all Christian knowledge and its overseeing institution. We have unbroken succession of bishops in the Pentarchy and an ordained priesthood that has existed on the authority of the Apostles as bestowed onto them by Jesus on Pentecost, in direct continuity with the Jewish Temple priesthood. It's not the fault of the Church that Joseph Smith came from a background in American Protestantism (heresy that lacks the fullness of the faith) and had 0 clue about Church tradition and took it upon himself to create something new on the false pretext and conjecture that the teachings of the Apostles have been lost or unfaithfully transmitted. Concerning the sacrament of baptism, this is detailed in chapter 7 of the Didache, as well as in the writings of the ancient Church Fathers like Justin Martyr in his First Apology Chapter 61 and many other patristic texts of the Church Fathers, which it is clear that Joseph Smith was unaware of these sources. Their writings are infinitely more profound than anything Joseph Smith wrote or said and yet they never claimed prophethood or apostleship for themselves even though they would have the stronger claim to it. Because they knew that direct revelation has ceased after the Apostles as per Revelation 22:18. The Apostles are not here anymore and the Church is now the living witness, which the Holy Spirit continues to work through the Church in illuminating men to attain higher wisdom. As Saint Basil the Great writes in his book 'On the Holy Spirit': "The Spirit is the source of holiness, a spiritual light, and He offers His own light to every mind to help it in its search for truth. By nature the Spirit is beyond the reach of our mind, but we can know Him by His goodness. The power of the Spirit fills the whole universe, but He gives Himself only to those who are worthy, acting in each according to the measure of his faith." Revelation continues through the consensus of the Church in the wisdom of scholarly Saints such as the Patristics, and Ecumenical Councils, where for example the Nicene Creed was revealed. Back to what the Apostles had to say about contrary gospels than the one they had preached, Joseph Smith would fall into the same camp as Muhammad. Both came preaching a different understanding of God, proclaimed they had received new scriptures, argued that previous scriptures have been lost or corrupted in some way, that the true faith was lost and they are merely restoring the correct Abrahamic faith. This is nothing more than opportunism, naivety, ignorance conjecture, as both Muhammad and Joseph Smith abused their ministry to obtain wealth, women and status as cult personalities. Unlike the true Apostles and martyrs of the Church who lived austerely, endured great suffering and died terrible deaths professing the true gospel of Jesus, as has been delivered unto us in their memoirs in the New Testament scriptures and preserved by the Church ever since. I'm very sorry but LDS/Mormonism is nothing more than a cult that not only does not possess the fullness of the faith like Protestantism, but possessing a totally false faith, and I hope you start to read the Church Fathers and visit and study under one of the Apostolic Churches tied to the Pentarchy like the Orthodox Church.
@annettesmith4050 4 года назад
Thank you so much for teaching me ( a Mormon)what it means to be a biblical christian!
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie Wake Up, if a husband and wife say they are one, they don't mean one person, they mean ONE IN PURPOSE! Same with God, Christ and the Holy Ghost! Three beings, but ONE in PURPOSE! You are ignorant and won't listen!
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
@denisefracari9934 2 года назад
On the cross Jesus was talking to God. If God is the same Jesus, why then He was talking to His Father, if the Father is Him? That is why people become atheist.
@jlewis8145 2 года назад
God is one essence and three persons. Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Jesus was both God and man. It is called the incarnation. As a man, Jesus was speaking to his Father in heaven.
@longnamenocansayy 2 года назад
3 persons one god. not one person one god. not one person 3 gods.
@PaulDoyle93 2 года назад
Love your vids Jess they do justice for everything about Mormonism being false Those quotes of the Mormon leaders who talk about it’s another Christ, do you believe a lot of Mormons know of this and if so why aren’t they looking for the biblical Jesus? Or they know of it and there fear of Satan is to huge to do anything about it, but I’m so close to getting 100% confidence to share, I write things like you said in love and compassion then I go to press send and then save it to my notes for later ha but this is just to important not to share Cos it’s like iv been told many a times, LDS people are worried about me and my salvation, I say the same thing but these scriptures are shocking but like Satan deceived Eve all those years ago in the garden, this is what he’s the best at, take care
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie Wake Up, if a husband and wife say they are one, they don't mean one person, they mean ONE IN PURPOSE! Same with God, Christ and the Holy Ghost! Three beings, but ONE in PURPOSE! You are ignorant and won't listen!
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
@ImagesofJosephSmithJun. 4 года назад
...and listening further, again, Messiah WAS the Spirit Son of God and we believe that he DID create the Earth, under the direction of his Father, who was not a Spirit... it’s not nuclear science.
@binren3984 4 года назад
Your right it's not N. S. and you got the nature of God and the nature of Christ wrong according to Biblical Scriptures The Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit are all uncreated Christ is the Creator Colossians 1:15-16 And God is Spirit Smith was a Con and a Deceiver
@abarradeferro1833 4 года назад
@@binren3984 How can they all be one? In the episode of Jesus' baptism Jesus went into then out of the water, the Father bore testimony from the Heaven and the Holy Ghost descended from heaven in the form of a dove... and Jesus bore testimony of His father many times throughout the Scriptures. And Steven saw (just like Joseph Smith) in Acts 8 Jesus and his Father as 2 distinct personages.
@binren3984 4 года назад
@@abarradeferro1833 Good question First we have to establish the Nature of God by biblical scriptures. In John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and Word was God .. These two personages and third the holy Spirit are three separate personages are coeternal uncreated and coexisted.are all one God. No one can see the Father and live. Yes Steven saw the Father and the Son. But remember He died being stoned to death whien he saw the Father and the Son. God is not an author of confusion In the Shema The Lord Thy God is One God Isaiah 43.10 and Isaiah chapter 44 One God All three personages make one God Christians believe in Monotheism Only One God. We all need to let the scriptures speak to us, not the other way around. Hope that helps Peace
@binren3984 4 года назад
D.H. Please show me where in the Holy Bible does it say God the Father is Flesh and Bone ? God is not the Author of Confusion
@HapaBindery 4 года назад
This is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much, very well done.
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie Wake Up, if a husband and wife say they are one, they don't mean one person, they mean ONE IN PURPOSE! Same with God, Christ and the Holy Ghost! Three beings, but ONE in PURPOSE! You are ignorant and won't listen!
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
@kvelez 5 месяцев назад
3:21 Good notes.
@cheerfulmouse 9 месяцев назад
Thank You!
@pilotandy_com 4 года назад
A group of trees is one forest
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Andrew Craner No a forest is a group of trees!
@mojooftheg5961 4 года назад
What we know or think of as God is not of this universe.
@vinster9165 4 года назад
Mojo of the G Are you suggesting that the biblical idea of God is nothing more than a manifestation of our imagination?
@hanalei412002 4 года назад
@@vinster9165 what mojo is saying is YES, if you believe in the trinity, then God is only in your imagination.
@bluewillow4985 4 года назад
So appreciate that you have taken this opportunity to share in this way. I have found in my last 25 yrs of sharing with a Mormon, this way of sharing has produced much more open doors for the true Gospel to be accepted. Being a former Mormon, knowing all the very things you have talked about in your other videos, I have seen this way to build a bridge is much more effective, in my opinion. There is a place for internal information of the obvious contradictions of true Christianity vs LDS doctrine, but in my experiences the gentle love of common ground produces a stronger foundation for a person who like myself faces the absolute loss of everything important in one's life. Family, job, church community, friendships ECT. I do not know what your background is, but to a Mormon, the price is very high, and it would have to be truth before they will embrace Jesus in a way they are not familiar with. There is a process that is most often slow in winning souls this way. God bless you as you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. Be wise, patient, humble. Never let your head knowledge of Mormonism ever make you feel in any way superior. A Mormon will sense this quickly, and shut down. Love God, love your neighbor He will do the rest as you share His truth!
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
you posted, that mormons will shut down if nonmembers don't pass muster on a certain lengthy set of criteria. seen from the christians viewpoint, mormons will drop you like a 10 ton weight if you fail just one talking point. when they find out the christian knows about mormon blasphemy and the christians have no desire to drink the kool aid, that's when mormons drop the "outsider". the reason being is that mormonism is a cult. cults are by nature very cliquish. that's a 100% sure-fire way to end any relationship with a mormon.
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie Wake Up, if a husband and wife say they are one, they don't mean one person, they mean ONE IN PURPOSE! Same with God, Christ and the Holy Ghost! Three beings, but ONE in PURPOSE! You are ignorant and won't listen!
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
@hilairesalo2336 Год назад
Tout à fait d'accord, ❤ est jessi fait de son mieux.
@zachdavid8873 Год назад
Good evening! I wish you well on your spiritual journey. I have a question for you as a fellow theologian. Consider the following: John 20:17 “Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.’”” Seems like Jesus is saying he is the Son of God, not God the Father himself. They seem to be two distinct beings, and all other Bible verses I have read say the same. Which Bible verses does Jesus refer to himself directly as God in?
@jaja6792 2 года назад
I watched them tearing a building down, A gang of men in a busy town. With a ho-heave-ho and a lusty yell, They swung the beams and the side walls fell. I asked the foreman, “Are these men skilled, The kind you’d hire were you to build?” He laughed and said, “Why, no indeed! Just common laborers are all I need. They can easily wreck in a day or two What builders have taken years to do. “ And I thought to myself as I went my way: “What part in the game of life do I play? Am I a builder who works with care, measuring life by the rule and square? Am I shaping my deeds to a well-made plan, patiently doing the best I can? Or am I a wrecker who walks the town, Content with the labor of tearing down?” Those who try to dissuade us from the truth want to tear down what we have, but they do not have anything to replace it when it’s gone. This is not the way you resolve questions about the truthfulness of the restored gospel. We need to use spiritual tools like prayer to receive spiritual witnesses and answers. Not RU-vid. You also need to exercise faith or an answer will not come. Those who lose their faith are those who stop coming to church, following the commandments, etc… "If we remove ourselves from the light of the gospel, our own light begins to dim-not in a day or a week but gradually over time-until we look back and can’t quite understand why we had ever believed the gospel was true." -Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Everything you will read on the internet representing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be biased. They are either for or against because they wouldn't put in the time and effort without trying to convince you. The one source that is not biased is God. When our life is full of doubt, turn to God.
@tomperkins6424 4 года назад
I am a little confused on this topic. There is one passage in particular that trips me up. The night of the last supper when Judas went to the Romans to betray Christ, I believe Christ kneeled and prayed Father if it is your will, let this cup pass from me. So who would Jesus be praying to? It seems to imply that they are different beings. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
The 3 members of the Trinitarian God are distinct. They're 3 persons, one God. God manifests Himself through 3 different and separate members of the Trinity. God the Father took on flesh to dwell among us through the person of Jesus Christ. John chapter 1. Jesus literally personified God. As a result of the cross, the Holy Spirit dwells in the life of the believer and offers peace, comfort, conviction. Genesis says, "Let US create man in OUR image." Trinitarian God. It doesn't say, "in our imageS," plural. In our image, singular. Read John and Hebrews and see what the Bible has to say about God. ❤
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
When Jesus prays to God the Father, you have to realize that Jesus was 100% God and 100% man. He had human limitations and weaknesses. He humbled Himself to become human and willingly died for our sins. But yes, He was praying to His Father. He wasn't praying to Himself. One God, 3 persons.
@tomperkins6424 4 года назад
Would it be fair to say that God, by becoming human (I.e. Jesus) that he was making his appearance such that humans could comprehend what they were seeing? What I mean is that the Bible says no man has or can see God. So God is now manifested has a human called Jesus Christ yet he is still God. I guess I need to pull the Bible out and read a little more. We say the Trinity is God. Would not all know each other thoughts? I seemed to recall and I certainly could be wrong, that as Jesus hung on the cross he cried out “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” I have tried to wrap my head around this concept and keep getting into a perpetual loop. I try to view it as God the father which is like the head. Then the spirit of God is the Holy Spirit. Lastly the son Jesus Christ is the Father’s son that he created to be able to manifest himself to humans in such a manner as they can comprehend. I think of them as being separate beings but being of the same mind.
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
@@tomperkins6424 yes, God revealed Himself through Jesus. The unknowable, unseen God of the Old Testament became knowable through Jesus Christ.
@fayelewis5476 4 года назад
@@tomperkins6424 You have it right. God is one essence and three persons. "Baptizing them in the name (singular) of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." Jesus is 100% God and 100% man. As a man, Jesus ate, thirsted, slept, wept, prayed to God and died. As God, Jesus rebuked Satan, forgave sin, performed miracles, accepted worship from the people, raised the dead and even raised himself from the dead. John 2:19 ******* "If Jesus was God, why did He call God "My God?"" Answer: This can definitely be a confusing issue. It all goes back to the "mystery" of the Trinity. When Jesus was on the cross, He quoted Psalm 22 (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34). This was a psalm of David, but it was a Messianic prophecy as well. The entire psalm contains remarkable predictions by David concerning the coming Messiah. So, one of the reasons He called God "my God" was to fulfill the prophecy of the psalm At the moment of His death on the cross, Christ was experiencing the abandonment and despair that resulted from the outpouring of divine wrath upon the sin that He bore. This was the price He paid to redeem His church-all who would ever believe in Him-and He paid it in full. At the cross, Jesus in His humanity voluntarily surrendered His will to the Father in order to finish the task for which He came into the world. In the same way, He voluntarily emptied Himself of certain aspects of His deity when He came to earth as a man. In some way we can’t fully understand, God the Father turned away from God the Son for that moment, and Jesus died a very lonely death. There are other places He calls God His God. In John 20:17 and Revelation 3:2,12, Jesus calls God "My God." Why would God call Himself "My God"? It has to do with Christ’s relationship to His Father. Even though Christ is the eternal God Himself incarnate, He is still a different person from the Father. As a man and as man’s representative (Son of Man), Jesus’ person was dependent on the Father and, like us, looked to the Father for strength, guidance, wisdom, etc. Therefore, God the Father was the God of Jesus. The Father is the God of the Son, but it doesn’t imply inferiority, only a difference in roles. Please also read our article on the Trinity. www.gotquestions.org/Jesus-say-my-God.html
@persilujay4994 4 года назад
😍❤️❤️🌠🌟🌻🌀🌀🌅🛡️🌟💫🛡️🙏🗡️🌟😂🤗🤥🌟 halleluYaaah, glory to Christ,amen.
@real_azul_luza 4 года назад
Splendid video Sister :) G-D Bless you.
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
@johnb2941 3 года назад
Jessie - at 14:39 minutes into the video you reference D & C 5. What you said is accurate but the reference you quote is not chapter or section 5. What you quote is actually section 49.
@twg8176 4 года назад
I believe I sent you the graph of who wrote the Book of Mormon. The 116 pages, the "revision" after Martin Harris destroyed the manuscript thus far, were written by Joseph Smith Sr as his Tree of Life Dreams from his Jewish Mysticism from the New Israelites in Vermont taught him. Joe Sampsons book "Written By the Finger of God" documents the Jewish Mystical passages in the Book of Mormon. As you know Sidney Rigdon was the main author of the Book of Mormon using Solomon Spaulding's Manuscript Found as the template as Sidney was a Baptist Campbelite, thus the Chapter at the end of the Book discussing baptism at 8 years old. (Moroni 8) Though the Smith's as New Israelites which were a Congregationalist sect, it was the Cowdery's who were the more devoted of Congregationalists. Oliver Cowdery was involved with parts of Alma concerning the Zoromites and the doctrine of Faith in Alma 32. All of these Religious Orders believed in the Trinity, even Jewish Mysticism Doctrine and Covenants 130 was said to have been written in 1843 the year before Joseph was murdered, thus after the Egyptian Papyri of 1836 and his study of Hebrew in January 1836. The King Follett Sermon was given in April 1844, two months before his murder. The Section however, was not put in the D&C after Joseph's death, but "held" (?) until 1876 and put in Brigham Young's Doctrine and Covenants the year before he died. Brigham Young was a Methodist, but clearly went against Methodist teachings with polygamy, Temple rites, Freemasonic Underwear, blood atonement and Adam as Heavenly Father, among many other alterations. As I believe you know Joseph Smith attended the Methodists in Harmony, Pennsylvania because Emma was Methodist, but when the Methodists booted him out for his arrest in March 1826 for looking at rocks in a hat (Alma 37:23), Joseph was anti-Methodist thereafter. Joseph's 1838 Church History with the First Vision of Heavenly Father and Jesus, Joseph claimed his mother and his siblings were Presbyterian, however, Lucy's Journal only quotes Joseph's 1838 Account rather than telling her experience during that time to confirm or refute she was indeed Presbyterian. I have yet to find evidence of any Presbyterian connection. Thus Sidney Rigdon was the author of Mormonism until Egyptian documents became available as Joseph turned the "Restored" Church from the Gospels Church Restoration to the Egyptian Restoration talked about in York Rites with the Knights Templar as the highest rank, which York Rites Egyptianism is well a main part of the Book of Mormon. Egyptian being of course polytheistic and God family oriented.
@dleoburns 4 года назад
TWG: Those 116 pages were never recovered nor replaced. Doctrine & Covenants 10:1 "Now, behold, I say unto you, that because you delivered up those writings which you had power given unto you to translate by the means of the Urim and Thummim, into the hands of a wicked man, you have lost them. 2 And you also lost your gift at the same time, and your mind became darkened. 3 Nevertheless, it is now restored unto you again; therefore see that you are faithful and continue on unto the finishing of the remainder of the work of translation as you have begun. 30 Behold, I say unto you, that you shall not translate again those words which have gone forth out of your hands;" The Book of Mormon wasn't written by anyone in Joseph Smith, Jr.'s day. It was translated by Joseph Smith, Jr. Joseph Smith, Jr. spoke the translated words and Oliver acting as a scribe wrote the words on a manuscript for printing. It sounds like you might be mentally ill!
@twg8176 4 года назад
@@dleoburns David why do you still Troll on Social Media. You need to go hide in shame. I destroyed your thinking that Section 124 gave Brigham authority to run the Church. Brigham only had the Keys of the Kingdom to establish the Church throughout the world - i.e. He was in the Missionary Twelve. Brigham refused to adhere to Joseph's divine revelation in Section 107:21-22 to have a huge Priesthood Meeting where the Melchizedek Priesthood were to vote for each of the First Presidency. What the Church currently uses is exactly the same organization as the American Crime Organization just with an extra Counselor for the Boss/President. You don't even bother to read the Book of Mormon which as the "Keystone" of the religion is the Standard by which to Judge each and every Church Leader. Brigham Young established Polygamy in 1852 - Book of Mormon denounces Polygamy 3 times. That's just one example. So now you come at me with the 116 pages refusing to buy my book about the origins of the Book of Mormon: www.amazon.com/Real-History-Book-Mormon-Truth-ebook/dp/B07Y8RP378/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=travis+wayne+goodsell+book+of+Mormon+most+lied+about+book&qid=1581122633&sr=8-1 which I did a video series correcting the Cooper Shop: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-pvU9IHvspR0.html You refuse to study the Book of Mormon to learn that it is plagiarized, but specifically with encoded messaging just like the Doctrine and Covenants was: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_code_names_in_the_Doctrine_and_Covenants (The Church Service Missionaries in 1981 decoded edition missed decoding 'Babylon' in Section 1:16 which is to be America as is the decoding of Lehi's Babylon.) The Tree of Life dream of Lehi and then Nephi is from Jewish Mysticism of the New Israelites in Vermont and from Joseph Sr's dreams: www.ldsliving.com/Joseph-Smith-s-Father-Saw-the-Tree-of-Life-19-Years-Before-the-Book-of-Mormon-Was-Published/s/80997 I provided a Mormon friendly link in case you will fallaciously argue "fake and apostate news". I'm disgusted with your ignorance in underestimating me or thinking that by bullying you can convince others to believe you. You are a dying relic of corruption. Just go away!
@dleoburns 4 года назад
@@twg8176: Please read the heading to D&C 126: "Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, in the house of Brigham Young, at Nauvoo, Illinois, July 9, 1841. At this time Brigham Young was President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. " You will be able to see that Brigham Young was President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Otherwise, you may continue your mentally ill notion that Brigham Young took over the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by deception.
@twg8176 4 года назад
@@dleoburns Your projection has deluded your thinking. You are assuming that the current organization was exactly the same under Joseph Smith, purposely ignoring that Brigham altered the organizational structure upon Joseph's murder. Section 124 was given in January as 126 was given in July. You will notice that in 124 only Joseph and Hyrum are "Prophets, Seers, and Revelators" as Joseph only is also a Translator. Brigham nor Joseph's Counselors, nor anyone else were given those specific Priesthood Keys. This is why both Joseph and Hyrum were murdered. Because Brigham failed to adhere to Section 107, he was unauthorized to take the Priesthood Keys of Prophet Seer and Revelator unto himself and notice he gave them to his Scottish Rites Master Mason buddy, Heber and the Joseph assassin Willard as well as giving those titles to all his top loyalists in his reorganized leadership, including the Hyrum assassin, John. This is the altered organization and it is all a fraud as not a single one of the successors have born the fruits of any of the Priesthood Keys, especially McKay who's lack of Translation exposed the Church to Egyptologist's criticism as John Gee wrote the Gospel Topic Essay claiming Joseph was not a translator, Gee not knowing how to translate either and he's the "best" Egyptologist the Church has. You are imposing current conditions on the past and in so doing are attempting to rewrite history. A common condition of deluded and illiterate persons. Again, just quit and go away! How many Masters are you attempting to be loyal to, for you can only be truly loyal to only one Master. Another Book of Mormon principle by which to Judge President Nelson: (footnotes left in) 1 AND again, my brethren, I would cite your minds forward to the time when the Lord God gave these commandments unto his children; and I would that ye should remember that the Lord God aordained priests, after his holy order, which was after the order of his Son, to teach these things unto the people. 2 And those priests were ordained after the aorder of his Son, in a bmanner that thereby the people might know in what manner to look forward to his Son for redemption. 3 And this is the manner after which they were ordained-being acalled and bprepared from the cfoundation of the world according to the dforeknowledge of God, on account of their exceeding faith and good works; in the first place being left to echoose good or evil; therefore they having chosen good, and exercising exceedingly great ffaith, are gcalled with a holy calling, yea, with that holy calling which was prepared with, and according to, a preparatory redemption for such. 4 And thus they have been acalled to this holy calling on account of their faith, while others would reject the Spirit of God on account of the hardness of their hearts and bblindness of their minds, while, if it had not been for this they might have had as great cprivilege as their brethren. 5 Or in fine, in the first place they were on the asame standing with their brethren; thus this holy calling being prepared from the foundation of the world for such as would not harden their hearts, being in and through the atonement of the Only Begotten Son, who was prepared- 6 And thus being called by this holy calling, and ordained unto the high priesthood of the holy order of God, to teach his commandments unto the children of men, that they also might enter into his arest- 7 This high priesthood being after the order of his Son, which order was from the foundation of the world; or in other words, being awithout beginning of days or end of years, being prepared from beternity to all eternity, according to his cforeknowledge of all things- 8 Now they were aordained after this manner-being called with a holy calling, and ordained with a holy ordinance, and taking upon them the high priesthood of the holy order, which calling, and ordinance, and high priesthood, is without beginning or end- 9 Thus they become ahigh priests forever, after the order of the Son, the Only Begotten of the Father, who is without beginning of days or end of years, who is full of bgrace, equity, and truth. And thus it is. Amen. (Book of Mormon | Alma 13:1 - 9) Now compare this "KEYSTONE OF OUR RELIGION" to what Nelson did in his very first General Conference when he also exposed that he was working with the Russians: www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2018/04/introductory-remarks?lang=eng Nelson nullified the Book of Mormon's process for men to rise to become High Priests; but this is to be expected since Nelson is not a legitimate Prophet, Seer Revelator nor Translator. Jesus' own process of identifying False Prophets again proves itself to be a true principle. You keep claiming I'm mentally ill and yet I am humiliating you for your lack of Mormon knowledge; so what then does that make you...
@dleoburns 4 года назад
@@twg8176: D&C 124 (January 19, 1841) "127 "I give unto you my servant Brigham Young to be a president over the Twelve traveling council; " D&C 107 (April 1835) 23 "The twelve traveling councilors are called to be the Twelve Apostles, or special witnesses of the name of Christ in all the world-thus differing from other officers in the church in the duties of their calling. " D&C 126 (July 9, 1841) Section Heading: "Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, in the house of Brigham Young, at Nauvoo, Illinois, July 9, 1841. At this time Brigham Young was President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. 1-3, Brigham Young is commended for his labors and is relieved of future travel abroad. " D&C 124:125 "I give unto you my servant Joseph to be a presiding elder over all my church, to be a translator, a revelator, a seer, and prophet. 126 I give unto him for counselors my servant Sidney Rigdon and my servant William Law, that these may constitute a quorum and First Presidency, to receive the oracles for the whole church. 127 I give unto you my servant Brigham Young to be a president over the Twelve traveling council;" It says that only Joseph Smith, Jr. was a " presiding elder over all my church, to be a translator, a revelator, a seer, and prophet." Hyrum Smith at this time was not a "Prophet, Seer, or Revelator." He was, in fact, the Patriarch of the Church. D&c 124:124 "First, I give unto you Hyrum Smith to be a patriarch unto you, to hold the sealing blessings of my church, even the Holy Spirit of promise, whereby ye are sealed up unto the day of redemption, that ye may not fall notwithstanding the hour of temptation that may come upon you. " I served twice as a High Priest Group Leader in our High Priest Group and twice as a counselor in the Bishopric. I still hold the High Priest office even though I meet with the Elder's Quorum. If I were called to the Bishopric today, I wouldn't have to be ordained to the office of High Priest.
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
daniel rose it's unfortunate that you feel insulted in the comment section. i did not see any comments that were meant to insult you, but i'm not in your moccasins am i? you have to consider that many ex mormons who want to talk to you may be a little more enthusiastic than is necessary. i'm sure you would find my comments no different though my intentions are right. one good thing about jessie is that she has no dog in the fight. never did. you should be able to get a fair shake from her. her heart is right and she posted her e- mail and facebook.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Ether 3 and John were very powerful.
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
Why did christ tell the apostles a spirit doesnt have skin and bone and not say blood?? Because we wont have blood in the hear after.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Angie Hille Mormonism disagrees with your statement.
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
@@shawnbradford2243 So now you can show that we will have blood in the here after?No where at all in the doctrine do we sway from that teaching.You have no clue what you're even saying.You are typing lies and falsehoods or just simply ignorant to the simplicity of the truth.We know that the body will be reunited with the spirit after judgement day or do you believe you die and go straight to heaven or hell??
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Angie Hille www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/resurrection?lang=eng You will be reunited with your body and will have a body of flesh and bones after Christ’s second coming. Mormon doctrine
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
@@shawnbradford2243 so you proved my point we will have a body of flesh and bone after we are dead.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Angie Hille you said you won’t have blood and that is not Mormon doctrine, your saying things the Mormon church doesn’t believe. Neither of which is true once your dead your dead your body will rot and nothing else will happen to it, it’s been happening for millions of years. Your body will not be resurrected on earth it will turn to dust!
@rickyodom8189 3 года назад
what about abramham in the old tesrment drinking and partying with god in the flesh
@katem6673 Год назад
I love your videos. they help me understand the new testament so much more as a mormon who is questioning everything. I have a question. Mark 16:19 speaks of jesus sitting at the right hand of God. To me the suggest 2 beings? would love your thoughts on that
@wanderandwonder121 Год назад
That is a great question. The right hand of God is a common phrase throughout the Old and New Testaments which is symbolic not literal. Both the right hand/arm of God and horns were common symbols of strength and authority, particularly in the Old Testament. For instance: Exodus 15:6 "Your right hand, O Lord, glorious in power, your right hand, O Lord, shatters the enemy." Psalm 63:8 "My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me." Psalm 48:10 "Like your name, O God, your praise reaches to the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with righteousness." Hebrews 1:13 " And to which of the angels has he ever said, 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet'?" There are many more examples, but I hope these particularly help to show that God's right hand is symbolic, as is the phrase referring to Jesus sitting at the right hand of God. Just as righteousness is a concept that cannot literally be held, so God's hand is not literal to be filled with it. And just as Jesus' enemies will not literally be a footstool for his feet, nor is he literally sitting at God's right hand. It is a symbol to denote Jesus' authority as the divine, only begotten Son of God. God is one and is triune - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - and the only part of God which has been made flesh or visible is Jesus, the Son. (see John 1:1-18; Colossians 1:15-20; Philippians 2:5-11) I hope that is of some help to you!
@sidognita7088 3 года назад
Hello... I've seen many of your videos and they are all anti-Mormon... In your point of view what you are doing is good, but to us we fear that what you are doing is not good and dangerous for your soul... I am not that good in the scripture and I sin also but in topics that involve God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost I am very careful to say anything because I might say things that God don't want me to say, wrong things or any disrespect. Even if when I am not yet a member of that church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) I feel the same. I fear that what I might say about God might be wrong or disrespectful. I believe even if our religion is not the same, i know that you will feel something like that. I can say to you that you are not absolutely correct or sure that what you say are for the correct for our knowledge is not yet perfect. Only God knows. You can be endangering the soul of people that listen to you....
@lightwalker2655 3 года назад
Actually she is saving souls from a church that has literally stole the name of Jesus and uses Gods name to deceive. The Mormon leaders are literally documented, verified and proven whitewashers, deceivers, and outright liars of Mormonism’s history, doctrines and finances! THEY LIED .. and continue to lie. Satan is the father of all lies. Hello 👋 Anyone truly HONEST with themselves and with God knows .... Jesus Christ would NEVER tell his “only true church” to whitewash, cover up, deceive and outright lie about its REAL history, doctrines and finances... NEVER! That one fact alone proves Mormonism is a massive sham. For those Mormons who are interested in being honest with themselves and with God ... here is a wonderful place to “START” learning about the MASSIVE whitewashing and lies of Mormonism. Dan Vogel is a world renown Mormon Scholar and Historian ... he has dozens and dozens of documentary style videos of documented, verified and proven Mormon History! 👍❤️👍 m.ru-vid.com/show-UCE7-EZ_ANHRkYHv7wCUTt0Q I pray God will bless you with “eyes to see and ears to hear” in HIS name Jesus Christ, Amen 🙏 God Bless 😇✝️❤️ please continue with your reply’s. .. they are so revealing... keep speaking as we all clearly see the huge hole of Mormon deception... and clearly witness the TRUE Jesus Christ fill it with his truth, light and ❤️ love! Jesus is ENOUGH ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-4cauolc_RC8.html 😇✝️❤️
@renehernandez881 3 года назад
Wow, you are really pretty!!
@vinster9165 3 года назад
Miss you Jess
@hr6152 3 года назад
Great video
@gustavmahler1466 4 года назад
Jessie do you believe God predestined billions of people to burn forever in Hell?
@strongtower9237 4 года назад
No. God desires all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. “How can a loving God send someone to hell?” The entire question is wrong. A better wording is “If God is love, then why do some people go to hell?” Romans 1:18-20 lays the foundation for the answer: “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” Why do billions of people choose to go to hell?
@gustavmahler1466 4 года назад
@@strongtower9237 Calvinism no free will
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
No. The Bible is clear that God isn't willing that any man should perish but wants all to come to saving faith in Jesus. I'm not a Calvinist.
@gustavmahler1466 4 года назад
@@itsmejessie Good and I hope you never become a Calvinist
@strongtower9237 4 года назад
@@gustavmahler1466 Where is free will taught in the Bible?
@goingindie24 3 года назад
Most of the changes in the Book of Mormon were adding punctuation. I recommend doing your own research.
@longnamenocansayy 3 года назад
you sound like a convert repeating mindlessly the mormon go to phrases. i don't think you have compared the original 1830 book of mormon to today's version. the 1830 version came direct from god. so there shouldn't be one not one difference between today's version and the 1830 version, because the 1830 version came direct from god. and it is probably true that most of the changes were grammatical. what does the word most mean? 2 thousand and one as compared to 2 thousand complete mess ups? there are so many big errors in the 1830 b/m you won't believe it. following is a copy and paste of a few "difficulties"" there are LOTSA LOTSA bad errors. if i had not been lied to just like you've been lied to i never would have joined the mormon church. 2nephi 5.15,16 lots of precious ores etc. in america then v. 17 precious ores not found upon the land ether 15 ch.30,31 smote off the head of shiz after he smote of his head shiz struggled for breath and died. dig it: smote off his head and then he struggled for breath. lmao. changing the name of King Benjamin to King Mosiah (King Benjamin was already dead at this point) or changing that Mary was the 'mother of God' to the 'mother of the son of God'. mosiah 7.8 they were permitted, or rather commanded alma 5.10 i had never known the lord...i mean i had known These last records ... shall make known to all kindreds, tongues, and people, that the Lamb of God is the Eternal Father and the Savior ... " (Book of Mormon, 1830 edition, page 32) changed to: These last records ... shall make known to all kindreds, tongues, and people, that the Lamb of God is the Son of the Eternal Father, and the Savior ..." (Book of Mormon, 1964 edition, 1 Nephi 13:40) Another important change was made in 1 Nephi 11:18; this is page 25 of the 1830 edition. In the 1830 edition it read: "... Behold, the virgin which thou seest, is the mother of God, after the manner of the flesh." In modern editions it has been changed to read, "... Behold, the virgin whom thou seest is the mother of the Son of God, after the manner of the flesh." to top it all off, all mormon "scriptures" have been seriously changed. all without a hint or note to the reader that anything was changed. so in the original book of commandments joseph is told by god himself not to pretend to any other gifts. that got changed to this is your first gift. as far as i'm concerned every change is a lie because they never give the reader any hint that a significant change has been made
@shawnbradford2243 3 года назад
www.utlm.org/onlinebooks/3913intro.htm Not really, there were tons of grammatical changes but many many doctrinal. Question is how did god make so many grammatical errors?
@100DRAGINMATIONS 3 года назад
According to the Articles of Faith the 8th states That we believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. That means that some of the things that were written in the King James Version Bible are True, But not the entire Book itself some which are misunderstood and wrongly written. Isaiah 43:10 before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. What I got from reading that verse. that its talking about Heavenly Father himself the one mighty, the eternal god. he's mightier than the two members of the godhead Jesus and the Holy ghost yes they are other gods like our Heavenly Mother, no there are no others gods. The thing is were not ready to learn more about them neither are we supposed to focus on them. We focus our pattern to Jesus Christ who taught us to Pray unto the Father in his Name. So we focus all our attention to Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. We give Thanks to Heavenly. Heavenly is like the Universe. Or maybe even Beyond that. everything that we know about God is like a big small part of him but not everything While Jesus Christ is everything to us. As he taught his people about the love and mercies and wanting us back to his presence of Who Heavenly Father is.
@fayelewis5476 3 года назад
What did God get wrong in the Bible?
@lightwalker2655 3 года назад
All anti-Christian religions marginalize and diminish God and his words in the Bible - then claim they have the REAL truth. It’s Satan’s perfect deception... Mormonism literally steals the name of Jesus - then immediately changes the true nature of god. So sad. Mormonism diminishes the power and authority of God by teaching God was once a man like them.... then Mormonism literally elevates MANS power and authority- claiming they can be a god - exactly like Satan desires to be a god ... the deception is clearly revealed... Mormons have been deceived ... it’s heartbreaking to witness them ignore the truth right in front of them.
@100DRAGINMATIONS 3 года назад
@@lightwalker2655 Which is why I'm from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and not the Mormon Church. It is His Church. It is The Church of Jesus Christ.
@lightwalker2655 3 года назад
@@100DRAGINMATIONS at least be honest for once my friend. For once ... please! Just tell the REAL truth! Stop with the deception. We all clearly see right through it. So so sad, yet so revealing.... Just be honest.... Who is the GOD that the members of “the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” worship?? The ACTUAL TRUTH IS “the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” GOD was once a mortal man, that lives on a planet called Kolob, and who is the literal father of SATAN.... AND the “Jesus” they worship, and the “Jesus” they put in their churches name... “the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints”.... their Jesus is literally the brother of Satan. ALL of that above is 100% true! Yet, the false prophets from “the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” want people to think that the Jesus they speak of is the same TRUE Christian Jesus Christ ... when they KNOW full well the Jesus they worship is absolutely and completely different!! the deception is clearly revealed!!! The TRUE Christian Jesus is the ONE and ONLY eternal GOD, creator of the universe and savior of the world! And NOT AT ALL the same false entity that “the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” try and deceive you with!! If the false prophets from “the church Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” were truly honest, they would name their church an honest name! The most honest name for their church is: The Church of S A T A N S B R O T H E R of Latter-Day Satan’s Bothers and Sisters That way the world would know the FALSE entity “the church Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” actually believes in … Also, that name would not offend any Member of that church because it is in perfect harmony with Their doctrine. Our Lord God and Savior Jesus will not be mocked by “the church Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints” pathetic deception and dishonesty!! We pray that God will give you “eyes to see and ears to hear” in HIS name Jesus Christ, Amen 🙏 God Bless 😇✝️❤️ please continue with your reply’s. .. they are so revealing... keep speaking as we all clearly see the huge hole of Mormon deception... and clearly witness the TRUE Jesus Christ fill it with his truth, light and ❤️ love! Jesus is ENOUGH ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-4cauolc_RC8.html 😇✝️❤️y
@annettesmith4050 4 года назад
Thanks for all you have taught me ( a Mormon) of what it means to be a biblical christian!
@strongtower9237 3 года назад
Latter-day Saints are not Christian for the simple reason that they worship an exalted man. They do not worship God. They also deny that Jesus is God in the flesh.
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
@gustavmahler1466 4 года назад
For Israel there is none else that doesn't mean there aren't other Gods
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
Saying to a stock, Thou art my father; and to a stone, Thou hast brought me forth:......But where are thy gods that thou hast made thee? let them arise, if they can save thee in the time of thy trouble: jer. chapter 2 verse 27,28 or to simplify: say to a rock or a piece of wood, " you made me and you are my father". make a rock your god and when you need salvation cry to your rock. or to simplify especially for mormons: say to a rock or anything else that imagination can conjure up, you are my god. make it your god and cry unto it when you need salvation.
@gustavmahler1466 4 года назад
@@longnamenocansayy Jesus is God anointed by God Hebrews 1:8,9 ''thy God''
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
God so loved the world he gave his only BEGOTTEN son.The definition of begotten is OFFSPRING.How can God say that christ is his offspring that he gave to save the world if God is christ and the holy ghost?Offspring totally throws your belief of the trinity out the window.How can God be a ghost with a body made of flesh and bone?How can he have offspring without a wife?
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
"Begotten" - the Greek word Monogenēs. Monogenes has two primary definitions, "pertaining to being the only one of its kind within a specific relationship" and "pertaining to being the only one of its kind or class, unique in kind". Thus monogenēs (μονογενής) may be used both as an adjective monogenēs pais, meaning unique and special.
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
@@itsmejessie so when they beget and beget and beget in the old testament that means each one was special like christ?Funny how when words come up that show the simple truth you and others start bringing up meanings in other languages.We dont live or go by that language you chose we speak english and the english dictionary says offspring.
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
@@angiehille4207 the Old Testament was Hebrew. The New Testament was Greek. Study the original Hebrew and Greek words in specific texts and you'll see exactly why we arrived at specific words in English. My husband is Russian and some words don't have an English equivalent so you have to find the closest possible word. It's how translation works.
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
@@itsmejessie so if a regular ole joe reads the scriptures without all your knowledge of word origin and meaning then he is learning wrong then?So if the bible is all we need then wouldnt we need a dictionary of Greek and hebrew word meanings?So we would have to be a learned man to understand his teachings?That doesnt make sense.
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
@@itsmejessie I've got a question.Do you ever teach about the beginning of the Christian churches either denominational or nondenominational?Like how the Baptist protestant Lutheran Methodist ect started?They came to be from a man named Martin Luther who was an anti catholic activist from 1500ad 1600ad roughly .Almost all preachers know his name and talk highly of him even though he was a jew hater.Can you answer as to where these religions came from or biblical proof of where they came from?
@pilotandy_com 4 года назад
Seriously, what happened to Christ’s body after He was resurrected? Did He lay it down again so He could continue to be a Spirit?
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Andrew Craner Christ's human body became a glorified body of flesh and bone, not a spirit, God the Father never went through a resurrection and has always been a Spirit.
@dleoburns 4 года назад
@tapir rider: The Nicene Creed declares the Father and the Son are of the same substance. "And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father [the only-begotten; that is, of the essence of the Father, God of God,] Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father;" [Wikipedia/Nicene Creed/Comparison between creed of 325 and creed of 381] John 20:27 (AKJV) "Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. 28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. Luke 24:36 ¶ "And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. 37 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit. 39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have."The doctrine of the Trinity is taught nowhere in the Bible. Just in the false Nicene Creed! If the Trinity Doctrine in the Nicene Creed were true the Father and Son would both have bodies of flesh and bones.
@dleoburns 4 года назад
@tapir rider: Good idea! The Catholics invented that false doctrine and when the Protestants left the Catholic Church they kept that false doctrine. The Bible speaks of the Godhead and not a trinity. Continue on with those who made it up.
@dleoburns 4 года назад
@tapir rider: Hebrews 12:9 (AKJV) "Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? " Joseph Smith's teaching about the Father of spirits agrees with the Apostle Paul's teachings.
@dleoburns 4 года назад
@tapir rider: Genesis 1:1 (AKJV) "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. " The English word "God" comes from the Hebrew word אֱלֹהִים which is transliterated to 'elohiym (H430). The Bible says God fathered our spirits. Hebrews 12:9 "Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?" Perhaps, he got that from the Apostle Paul since he seems to be saying that here. "fathered our spirits, created an earth for us to come to in order to gain a mortal body and that we can return to him and become gods like him." That isn't what he said. D&C 132:20 "Then shall they be gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them. " He is God not god!
@randallN-sw6ee 3 года назад
Your videos are great
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie Wake Up, if a husband and wife say they are one, they don't mean one person, they mean ONE IN PURPOSE! Same with God, Christ and the Holy Ghost! Three beings, but ONE in PURPOSE! You are ignorant and won't listen!
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Jessie is wrong. Christ said he does nothing, but what he has seen his Father do. Was Christ watching himself and what he does? Jessie is crazy!
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