
The Mormon Jesus is False | LDS Leaders Admit to a "Different Christ" 

It's Me Jessie
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Not only does the Latter Day Saint leadership admit to teaching a different Christ than Christianity teaches but the Mormon Jesus is absolutely and undoubtedly not the Jesus of the Bible and of Biblical Christianity. Through LDS direct quotes and official church manuals, this is so very clear.
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13 фев 2020




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@Iabdbfhkgndhsudn85846 4 года назад
I want to cry so badly right now. I made a HUGE mistake when me and my family joined the mormon church 4 years ago. I pray that God can forgive me! Im a 32 year old firefighter, who does not cry...and right now, I am almost to tears. Man I messed up :(
@strongtower9237 4 года назад
Psalm 34:18 The LORD is near to the brokenhearted; He saves the contrite in spirit. Psalm 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Jesus said, "Follow Me." Jesus is the good Shepherd. Jesus will never let you down. * John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. God bless you.
@flyhaileecopter 4 года назад
God must have led you here because he knew you had ears to hear and were seeking truth. Praying for you brother. 🙏
@iantoland1385 3 года назад
There are answers to be found on most all questions. The views put forth in this video make a huge assumptions off of small quotes from long talks. Truth isnt found in the sentence, its found in the whole text. Dont fall for it
@strongtower9237 3 года назад
@@iantoland1385 President Hinckley admitted that he did not believe in the biblical Christ.
@iantoland1385 3 года назад
You have drastically misread the quote. The "truth" that President Hinckley was talking about was in regards to the false assumptions about the Christ made by modern Christian's. Dont twist words,
@brotherlevis8553 Год назад
I was born and raised in the mormon church.. I served a mission for the LDS church too... after my mission I lost my faith in the organization, but sadly, I had also lost my faith in God altogether... because I thought I knew everything about Jesus and God and the Bible... 11 years later, I opened up the bible and started reading it. Then I realized I didn't really know the God of the Bible... I didn't really know the true Christ... in my life as a mormon, I had never really read the bible from begining to end... only read the Book of Mormon several times, and few verses of the bible only, which is what happens with the members of this church... Now I understand why, because when you read the bible, rather than the Book of Mormon, you realize that many LDS doctrines are contradictory to the true Christ in the bible. I gained faith in Christ again, in 2020.
@itsmejessie Год назад
Praise the Lord! ❤️
@brotherlevis8553 Год назад
@@itsmejessie I must say that your videos are full of good information... sadly, it is very hard for mormons to even dare looking at any of these evidences because they are heavily brainwashed... every time they give their testimony at church.. it is about believing that only their church is right.. and that their prophets are real prophets.. and that the book of mormon is the truth... so basically, they always reinforce this brainwash on people... it's even one of their requirements for being worthy of the recommendation for their temple, to believe in their prophets being true prophets... so it's impossible for someone at this chuch who is invested with responsiblities and friends and family.. to just question their faith... for example, I cannot share your nice videos with my mother and sisters, because they would just be offended that I do so... brush me off and stop talking to me altogether... it's kind of frustrating sometimes to know so much.. yet to remain silent and say nothing to those who need to hear the truth.
@Wilvekio69 Год назад
Welcome to Jesus' fold :)
@tucuxi70 Год назад
@@itsmejessie Genesis 22:1 says God tempted Abraham. James 1:13 says God tempts no man. The Bible was messed up by men and Catholics!
@tucuxi70 Год назад
@@itsmejessie Here is another error in the Bible: Honor thy father and thy mother…”- Exodus 20:12 “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. ” - Luke 14:26
@inChristalone1960 Год назад
Thank you Jessie, exmo now born again Christian here. Beautifully spoken truth ! Love and prayers.❤️‍🔥✝️🕊🐑🙏
@mnshorten 2 года назад
I appreciate your videos and information so much! I am a recovering ex-mormon. I want to learn about the true Jesus. I want to learn His teachings outside of the Mormon lense. Thank you thank you thank you!
@nute742 Год назад
The "true" Jesus also visited the Americas (as both God and Jesus) are no respecter of persons (as per the bible). He loves all his children and taught in all lands (with their prophets, scriptures and revelations) about Him (and not only just to the Jews 2k years ago). Anway food for thought :)
@katubahsimcha7053 4 года назад
As an X LDS person I can tell you that the verse that made me decide their religion was false was Joseph Smith's version of John chapter 1 verse 1.which is : "in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was OF God. That two-letter word, 'of' ,was what convinced me! The Word being Jesus Christ IS God... not OF God! Thanks for your good work! So happy we found out the truth even though we wandered in that Wilderness of deception for 40 years! I'll praise to God and to Jesus Christ! Maranatha!
@TheWallaceReboot 4 года назад
43 years here.
@katubahsimcha7053 4 года назад
@@TheWallaceReboot it is so amazing that we were all so duped! I think if I had known the Bible better, I wouldn't have been so deceived, I just pray for truth to come forth in all aspects of our life, religion, government, etc!
@Song-Girl-Still-Singing 4 года назад
Yes, that verse (the real one about him being God) gets me in the heart. It's so beautiful.
@germanslice 4 года назад
I thjnk you all fail to realize that in the church we worship Both God the Father AND the Lamb. So it is correct to say the word was of God because God is His Father. Jesus is the Firstborn of God the Father. Jesus came from the Father. They are two separate beings. The saints were seen Worshipping God the Father and the Lamb in the kingdom of God in heaven by John The Revelator. It wasn't just only Jesus Christ being worshipped but also God the Father was being worshipped. So you guys have to now explain why John The Revelator shows two of them being worshipped by all the saints of God instead of just one Jesus being worshipped, and saying Glory be to God AND The Lamb forever and ever. You guys have got problems understanding who we worship in the church. Because you think Jesus and God the Father are one and the same person and the Book of Revelations clearly refutes that.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@@germanslice look up the definition of the trinity Jesus is not the same person as the Father; mormons like you and Mr Gatto can't even get it right.
@ObadiahGreen-eh5cm 2 года назад
Thank you so much for all the work you've done on these topics of Mormonism. You've been a great help to me. In my struggle to present the truth to a coworker that is a Mormon. He is an elder and has an answer for every question and every fact presented. He turns the truth around backwards and throws it back at me. They have a real knack and are trained very well to keep the Christian off balance and wondering what's going on. I fear that he really is truly lost and will never see the truth in this life. He will wake up in hell with no way back. In this video you gave me the final answer I needed and the way to present it to him. He will reject it and it might even make him angry as it's done in the past, but I'm ready to turn him over to his own devices and walk away. He has caused me personal grief, but it would have been worth it if I can just get him to see the light. He is to arrogant and self-important for that. He does not have the heart of Jesus Christ. There is no Jesus in him. He has no humility. He is not persuaded by the Holy Spirit, but instead he is led by some demonic entity. He has shown me though that I need to know my faith in Christ Jesus inside out and backwards forward. I pray I do much better in the future. Because this time I have absolutely and utterly failed him by not being ready.
@longnamenocansayy 2 года назад
obidiah you hit the nail on the head. it's really very frustrating to talk to mormons. the real problem is that they have fallen for the first lie told to adam and eve. they think they can become gods. they deny the one true god. take a quick look at the comments posted by mormons on this channel. it's all about making personal comments about the host. they never address the issues, it's always personal attacks on the host. how shallow. your job is to plant seeds. that's all. it's very simple if you have the patience of a saint. just plant little seeds, and praise god, and fast and pray and enjoy life.
@longnamenocansayy 2 года назад
with mormons, if you talk religion you gotta keep it simple. real simple. they slip and slide all over the place, and after a very few minutes you're talking about something you're barely even interested in like baptism. the main thing, the most important thing, is belief in one god and one god only. the nature of god, and what it takes to please god is largely speculative. but what the mormons can't get out of is their belief that there are many gods and you can become a god too. in so doing they completely deny their own sin nature, and the need for a savior. so if you have an interest in talking to mormons take my advice. keep it simple. be content to plant seeds that may take many years bear fruit. praise god.
@71suns Год назад
​@@longnamenocansayy Wise counsel.
@germanslice Год назад
Latter-day Saints testify all the time and teach that Jesus Christ is risen up in the flesh just as the Bible accounts also teach and that is the true Doctrine of Christ that he is risen up in the flesh so they have got Doctrine of Christ because that's what the scriptures teach on the resurrection.
@nute742 Год назад
The reason Mormons usually have more answers is because they have more knowledge (and use more scriptures). But not to the detriment of others - but to help "clarify" truths (which most Christians that only use one set of scriptures might not have) However the scriptures (all of them) are designed for everyone in the human family (Not just one religion) As Jesus church would want all to have. As - He is no respecter of persons. Its up to people to read, pray, study and learn. God is a God of "more" not less, and his words, revelations, teachings are endless - as is He (and not limited to what was written 2k years ago) but also lives on!
@dougwylie1906 2 года назад
You are doing such a wonderful work for the Kingdom, especially as evidenced by some of the comments I read from former Mormons. I think that all of us have encounters from time to time with the young pair of Mormon missionaries at our doors. It's very useful to have irrefutable facts about their false religion to help them see the light and shake their confidence in what they believe so that they are weaker when speaking to the next potential victims.
@nute742 Год назад
no victims, only the clarifying truth of Jesus :)
@73jaydub Год назад
47 years in LDS church! I NEVER looked at Anti Mormon talk, books, video or any other medium!.... Period!! I Had no reason to question the church from an outside source! Then almost two years ago, I FINALLY listened to GOD himself! Acts 17:11 I did test! I compared! And GOD pulled me out of Babylon! I now know the TRUE JESUS! from HIS WORD! it's like coming up for air, when drowning! My mind cleared! THANK YOU YAHWEH! MY GOD!
@nute742 Год назад
Jesus is the good shepard (for all of Gods Children) :)
@TruthRevolution101 Год назад
Thank you Jessie!! It's people like you that helped my deep dive into my Mormon cult that I've been in for 50 years! I finally read the CES Letter last year (plus much research into Mormon history) and now I see and know what you have always been saying it true!! I love how you NEVER talked down to me but did it with LOVE and showing that JESUS is the one and only way!!! Thanks again and God bless you Jessie!!
@nute742 Год назад
The Ces letters (person that wrote it) also did a "deep" dive into other religions too (and found that every one has problems, contradictions, etc) Most of that would evolve around imperfect members or leaders (and not necessarily the doctrines of them). I thought that was interesting he would say that.
@ADWhitman 4 года назад
Former Mormon here 👍. Video idea: Go through Joseph Smith’s History starting at Moroni’s visit (36-41) and see how many times Moroni misquotes those Bible verses he relays to Joseph. Joseph Smith also severely misquotes his “Inspired” version of the Bible. I’m seeing a pattern. Are we supposed to believe an “angel” misquotes God’s Word or a simple man misquoting it. 👍✝️
@Dreammaster695 4 года назад
WHITMAN TV Joesph smith has also been dead for nearly 200 years, why are you so interested in his writings if you don’t think he’s a prophet? They are many prophets in the bible that no one mentions
@ADWhitman 4 года назад
NightmareEntity I’m interested in Joseph Smith...because I can be.
@Dreammaster695 4 года назад
WHITMAN TV you must deep down having a feeling like he is a prophet but don’t want to admit or acknowledge it in your heart ;)
@ADWhitman 4 года назад
NightmareEntity No I was a Mormon. Thank God I got out.
@nolanherndon2853 4 года назад
@@Dreammaster695 ?? This idea is ludacris at heart. To "think about something" equates that "deep down you believe it true". Pft. That's like saying "please think about and tell me why you DONT want to eat a rotting chicken skull. Give as many examples as possible." , and then saying "since you thought about it so much... You must be hungry for rotten chicken skulls." Incoherent.
@maxwellsilverhammer9233 2 года назад
The Mormon system as a system, is utterly bad, as history has shown. The truth is that Mormonism is a combination, or rather a conglomeration, of the literalism of Campbellism, the materialism of Fetishism, the sensualism of the Phallic worship, or Venus worship, the polygamy of Mohammedanism, the polytheism of Grecian Mythology, the theocracy of Judaism, the priestcraft of Catholicism, the despotism of Jesuitism, the self-righteousness of Pharisaism, the transmigration of souls of Buddhism, the cruelty of the worship of Juggernaut, the superstition of Confucianism, the degradation of women of heathenism, the mystic rites of Masonry, the hypnotism of mesmerism, the fanaticism of Dervishism, the salvation by works of Socinianism, the sacerdotalism of High Church Episcopalianism, and the political organization of Tammany Hall. In short, it has borrowed the worst features of all religions, and all creeds, and woven them into a conglomerate but compact mass of incongruous absurdities. It was born in the womb of imposture, nursed in the lap of fraud, rocked in the cradle of deception, clothed in the garments of superstition, fed on the milk of ignorance, and fattened on the strong meat of sensualism, despotism, fanaticism, crime, bloodshed and rebellion. The whole system is a deification of lust, a glorification of sensualism, religious adultery, ecclesiastical prostitution, earthy, sensual, devilish. It is the Upas tree of our civilization, the octopus of our political life, a travesty on the name of religion, a foul blot on the escutcheon of Christianity, a "hideous she monster," as its name implies. It is un-Christian, un-American, a colossal fraud, a mammoth sham, a gigantic humbug, a huge farce, which would be comical if it were not so tragical in its results. It is nothing short of a shame and disgrace and an insult to any Christian community that it should rear its slimy head in that community. There are four things which hold it together, ignorance, superstition, sensualism and despotism. But before the light of advancing civilization and growing intelligence these are receding, and one of two things is certain: Either Mormonism must change materially, or it is doomed to exposed humiliation. It is changing. It has changed considerably since the railroad and the telegraph came to Utah and brought the Mormon people into contact with the outside world, thus showing them the falsity of many things they had been taught. This contact has served largely to drive away the clouds of ignorance and superstition and to loosen the chains of sensualism and despotism with which they had been bound. But not all the clouds and not all the chains are gone. Many are still there. Its principles still remain. The question comes, Will Mormonism change sufficiently to save it from self-destruction? Can it, in consistency with its essential principles? Is there enough of the salt of Christian truth to act as an antiseptic. May the historic record shine on through the advent of the internet for all LDS captive to grasp. Mormonism is doomed to exposure and exodus. May the LDS vacuum be filled by the love of Jesus Christ, and the counterfeit jesus of LDS be vanquished.
@jumpropestairs6129 4 года назад
When Jesus was on the cross he never said he would meet a teenager in the woods. He said "it is finished."
@zachsimpson2008 4 года назад
I'm fairly certain that was talking about His Atoning sacrifice.
@BARUCH--wo9cu 4 года назад
@@zachsimpson2008 just like Muhammad another false prophet, Jesus said I came to fulfill the law and THE PROPHETS! There be no more prophets after Him. He did say many false prophets will come after me. Why is there two more prophets after Him? If he fulfilled them? And if you look thru out the bible prophets only come from Jacob's seed. Both Joseph Smith and Muhammad came from Japheth and Ishmael. False prophets. And You mormons go off of the catholic church is false so the church needed to be restored in truth. Buuuut there is a problem, you guys completely disregarded the protestant church who rebelled against the Roman catholic papacy to preserve the true teaching of christ which they were persecuted for 42 prophetic months (1260 years) like revelations 13 prophecied. The true teachings never failed so why would it need restoration? When it never failed.
@germanslice 2 года назад
That's where have erred in your interpretation and have misunderstood the scriptures.. While Jesus finished the atonement in the garden of gethsemane for all the sins of mankind and on the cross for adam's transgression, you are forgetting about the other member of the Godhead, The Father. For there are three members of the Godhead. Not just one of them.. So God the Father had made a covenant to promise to establish his kingdom of Zion in the last days. For the Father had to commence his work on the earth after Jesus had finished his ministry in Israel to also go to his Father's other sheep fold to minister also to them on the other side of the world so there must be a kingdom of Zion established so that the law of God can go from out of Zion and also out of Jersualem....(isaiah 2: 2-3) The Bible Christians have twisted God's word and wrested with Paul's letters and ignored the prophecies of Zion.. To try to teach what the Bible does not teach about this false 10 second instant salvation gospel which they call the Gospel of Jesus Christ... The tares in the field are the ones who are all to themselves not the wheat that are being gathered up into the garners of Zion. For the tares wrapped the bible all around themselves and to gather themselves up in their own little self-interest groups to suit themselves and refused to be gathered up with the wheat, so the Lord left them behind there's nothing more he can do if the tares refuse to listen..... The tares had no interest at all in the kingdom of Zion. They treated Zion instead as an outcast. and as a hiss and a byword hated among all the nations of the heathen....But God will show the ignorant heathen world that his name glory shall be honored in Zion for the Lord will not be mocked in these last days. We are told Salvation of the Lord in the last days shall be found in Zion for the prophet Joel Chapter 3 of the latter-days tells us where the Lord God is going to be found and he is going to dwell in the midst of Zion and roar from out of Zion in the last days and that's where he will be found... Hes not goign to roar from out of 200 nations with the Bible. Hs going to roar from out of Zion. And who is Zion?, we only have to turn to Isaiah Chapter 1:27 to find out what Zion is ''Zion shall be Redeemed with Judgement and her Converts with Righteousness' Isaiah 1:27. So Zion is a religion and zion also has many Stakes..... That's why God's name has now appeared in Jersualem on the wall as The Restored Gospel is already been established in Zion in America and it wont be long until the gospel is restored back also to Israel to Jerusalem and they build the temple. And then as Isaiah had prophesied, the law of God shall go forth from out of Zion and the word of the Lord also from Jersualem. And that's when the Ancient of Days shall meet up with the Son of Man down on the earth as recorded in Daniel Chapter 7 Two resurrected beings which is a future event yet to come. The Bible Christians have the Bible so they have a small limited window to see God from but they don't have the promised kingdom of Zion or her blessings that all the holy prophets of the Bible had testified about that God would bring his Zion about in the last days that everybody would be gathered to. They are ignorant because they believe only Judah has all of God's blessings but Joseph of Egypt also has god's blessings as well Not just only Judah's line. So it wasn't just only his brother Judah who was blessed with all of God's blessings or had a line of prophets. So God has got more than one line of prophets. So through Joseph descendants would come the latter-day kingdom of Zion through the prophet of the restoration. God and his Son had also appeared to the young prophet Daniel to show themselves to him as the two lords had revealed themselves to Daniel also face to face. in Daniel Chapter 10. One of the Lords had a physical body to interact with Daniel. So here we have a holy man of God a sinful man of God Daniel who had seen God face to face and had physically been touched by a holy sinless being. So you say I have twisted the scripture, nay I have explained the prophecies that are in them.. For Hebrews 1:3 teaches that the Son was made in the same image and likeness of the Father's own Person so Paul knew the truth that the Son came OUT from the Father's person as the Father is the Father of all lights (James 1:7). That's why the Father and the Son sit in their own separate thrones, his throne and My Throne as taught in Revelations Chapter 3:21. and here we see Jesus confessing that he had earned his place of Godhood with the Father as Jesus said he had to overcome all things by faith in order to inherit all things of the Father. So again here is LDS doctrine of eternal progression overcoming all things by faith in keeping God's commandments to progressing to becoming like God being taught and supported in the Bible.. And also those who have left Zion due to not accepting her strict laws have not understood that Jesus is an Astute No Nonsense Guy. He is strict with His Father's Commandments, Jesus warned the seven churches in Revelations to those Saints who were lukewarm to remember his Father's laws OR THEY WOULD BE REMOVED FROM OUT OF THEIR PLACE if they did not mend their lazy ways then they could NOT INHERIT the kingdom of the Father to dwell where God and Jesus Christ are if these saints were not going to repent... That's why the Church is strict with keeping the laws of the Father.... And those who have left Zion did not understand how grace works with the Saints because they didnt endure to the end to be able to continue to grow in God's Grace. we grow in God's Grace when we live God's Commandments daily just as Jesus had taught to do in all his parables and teachings. That's why the Second Coming is going to overtake those as a thief in the night if they continue to persist in spurning away at the Lord's doings in Zion and sin away the day of their grace as taught in Matthew Chapter 25 instead of growing in grace as the wise virgins did in keeping their covenants with God but the wise in Zion will be ready and prepared for that day when it comes but the foolish won't be ready...
@prayerwarrior7778 3 года назад
If Mormons believed in the same Jesus of the bible then Mormonism would be true and we would be led to the LDS church. But Jesus isn't leading Christians to the LDS church because it's not true. If Mormons really think they believe in the same Jesus we do, then why do they still try to convert us? It doesn't add up.
@henkaistudio 2 года назад
Because they are Fake Christians and are Satanists and they don’t know the biblical gospel and they are in a cult and are running a cult too that’s why.
@nute742 Год назад
Which Church does Jesus lead now then? Does he have one true church (here now) because most christian sects have differing doctrines. Do you think the "one" true one exists? (If not then why would it then matter) Anyway just curious
4 года назад
I would've accepted Mark Twain being more of a Prophet than - Joseph Smith, with these "Wise Words" !! “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
Twain did say some nice witty things. I wonder if he considered this one to be always true, or to be a generalization of what usually happens.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
PhdAAA www.deseret.com/2017/11/30/20636629/what-mark-twain-had-to-say-about-utah-and-mormons-when-he-visited-salt-lake-city Mark Twain’s views of the bom bymarktwain.com/mark-twain-education/324/ An uneducated kids only went to school until 12, who does that sound like??? Now since Joseph was uneducated then god gave him the ability to write(an uneducated farmer could not produce the bom is a common saying amongst Mormons). So how did an uneducated Mark Twain write?? Was that god too, or can smart people be uneducated and still be smart?
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
Here's another quote from Twain: During many ages there were witches. The Bible said so. the Bible commanded that they should not be allowed to live. Therefore the Church, after eight hundred years, gathered up its halters, thumb-screws, and firebrands, and set about its holy work in earnest. She worked hard at it night and day during nine centuries and imprisoned, tortured, hanged, and burned whole hordes and armies of witches, and washed the Christian world clean with their foul blood. Then it was discovered that there was no such thing as witches, and never had been. One does not know whether to laugh or to cry.....There are no witches. The witch text remains; only the practice has changed. Hell fire is gone, but the text remains. Infant damnation is gone, but the text remains. More than two hundred death penalties are gone from the law books, but the texts that authorized them remain. - "Bible Teaching and Religious Practice," Europe and Elsewhere
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
PhdAAA interglacial.com/prose/Twain-_Bible_Teaching.html Excellent yes just like Mormonism is proven false so are all the others. It’s so funny how you so easily dismiss all other religions and point out there faults but can’t say one thing is wrong with Mormonism!
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
His last work was on Joan of Arc: In the preface to his play Saint Joan, iconoclastic literary critic George Bernard Shaw accused Twain of being "infatuated" with Joan of Arc. Shaw says that Twain "romanticizes" the story of Joan, reproducing a legend that the English deliberately rigged the trial to find her guilty of witchcraft and heresy. Recent study of the trial transcripts, however, suggests that Twain's depiction may have been closer to the truth than Shaw was willing to accept.[14] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_Recollections_of_Joan_of_Arc#Twain's_self-evaluation,_and_contemporary_critics
@Dr.Rabbit7346 3 года назад
Hey Jess what did you think of the film Series Waco? I wanted to know your opinion.
@lorineilson7529 4 года назад
Love your channel Jesse. I left the Mormon church the moment I figured out it wasn't true. I posted this video on my Facebook page hoping that my old LDS friends will view it. I have been saved! But i always wonder about those good people who still remain deceived. What will happen to them when they die? Did they or do they know Jesus? I certainly didn't know him when I was LDS. Thank you for posting about the good news of the Biblical Gospel.
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
Faith in the true Jesus is the only way to Salvation. And even so many who have Bibles do not know Jesus because they haven't read it and come to know the true Gospel. It's tragic that even when truth is available to us and at our fingertips, we often just go through life ignoring or rejecting it. This is why evangelism (sharing the Gospel) is so crucial. 💕 We who know the truth need to share it with those who don't. I am so thrilled that you are now saved! I'll be praying for your witness and for your loved ones to also come to know Jesus.
@nute742 Год назад
@@itsmejessie I agree in the sense that the scriptures are laid out before all of us. Its up to us to utilize them and about Jesus. I also do believe that God is a God of "more" and not less. Unlike us people, his words, scriptures, revelations, actions are not limited (nor to just one book) but continue on - and are endless and eternal (like He is). I really believe there were other prophets, scriptures written about Jesus (that are true) and not just the ones in Israel 2k years ago. God loves "all" his children and in all dispensations (as he is no respecter of persons). Anyway, food for thought and God bless :)
@danielcarpenter1489 4 года назад
Your research is top notch! I appreciate the sources, as I have discussed with Missionaries and a bishop this very topic, and they were offended to be told that they follow a different Jesus. God bless you and your work! Thanks again!
@SK-oj2gx 4 года назад
Daniel Carpenter most aren’t even aware of this. You would think they should teach their basic beliefs? Oh wait, they are all confused. Each person has a different answer about anything you ask. I just left the cult 2019. They r so brain washed. The church tells them not to listen to anything but their church affiliated material. They lie and cover up a lot of information the members should be aware of. I guess if they don’t know it’s not hurting anyone. Lol Until you research the the web you will stay asleep in your beliefs. They cover up and misconstrue the truth. They aren’t comfortable when people ask questions about their teachings. They get defensive pretty quick. They quit waving when you pass by or don’t look your way when walking by your house. Basically ignore me forever now. Oh well, they are fake anyway.
@rickdavis2235 4 года назад
And then you have the JW's who say "the Word was A God."
@germanslice 4 года назад
The LDS Jesus is very much in the Bible.
@danielcarpenter1489 4 года назад
@@germanslice would you explain what you mean by that? The video explains that even though it claims to be the same Jesus, there is too much difference to consider it the same person. Muslims claim to honor Jesus as well, but they believe he was only a prophet, and that he did not die on the cross. I would also say they do not follow the same Jesus as biblical Christianity.
@germanslice 4 года назад
@@danielcarpenter1489That's where you are incorrect. Revelations Chapter 2 and 3 shows all of the demands and threats that the resurrected Jesus gives to all the baptized Saints of the seven churches and most of these saints except for a few who were being obedient to the commandments were being reprimanded by Jesus being displeased for all their hypocrisy thinking that Jesus will be easy on them and accept their lazy ways and then just give them an easy slide into eternal life. Not so, Jesus gives these saints instead a ton of rebukes threatening, them saying if they don't learn to shape up and keep his Father's Commandments and endure to the end, they will lose their rewards.. Saints are those who are ALREADY BAPTIZED in the church so these saints are being rebuked by Jesus himself after having been baptized. The same Jesus that is in the LDS Church that tells you to keep the commandments is the same demanding Jesus that's in the Bible now rebuking all the lazy saints in the seven churches who thought they could just get it easy from his hand to just slide into heaven without much effort and Jesus is disappointing them and telling these saints that if they want their promised rewards in heaven they will have to earn their place with him in heaven the same way Jesus did by overcoming himself the saints have to also do the same.. Jesus says to the Saints, NO, YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK to earn your place in heaven just like I did. Overcome even as I also overcame.... Jesus made that very clear to these saints that God the Father is not going to just hand over eternal life to those who have not earned their place with him in heaven. So there's the real Jesus who shows his true Colors. He is the FAITH+ WORKS THROUGH GRACE JESUS THE LDS CHURCH TALKS ALL ABOUT. The Bible also teaches a Faith + Works through Grace Jesus the same as the Latter-day Saints do. Same Person giving the same demands, asking for the same sacrifices to do the Father's will.
@hollayevladimiroff131 Год назад
Thank you so much for this, the truth needs to be known!! This is very well done, Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. The Mormon religion deceives their members, they hide their false doctrine, yes, thank you, President Hinkley for your honesty.
@nute742 Год назад
You are right in the sense "by the fruits" you shall know them. The gospel will be restored and continue on until Jesus will restore "all truths" in these last days (like a small pebble) that rolls into a might stone. For us to learn it is a work in progress (as were the jews, to the gentiles, and now the saints). Okay food for thought and God bless :)
@ObadiahGreen-eh5cm 2 года назад
In this video please explain what you mean by "biblical salvation rite" I think I know, but I need to confirm the concept.
@ingoschneuing5949 4 года назад
It is really strange, the Mormons do not understand the book Mormon, e. g. Alma 11.38 - 40 and many other parts of the book, which explains the deity of Jesus. In the early days, freemasons got on board and from there it all derailed and Joseph Smith, was part of it. The book of covenants is a masterpiece of freemasonry plus the many changes in The Book of Mormon. I feel really sorry for all the members who are mislead into error. Blinds are leading the blind. You work will certainly help to get some of them out of it.
@Dreammaster695 4 года назад
Ingo Schneuing you look Old as shit! Who are you to talk about anything
@ArsPraestigium 4 года назад
While the teachings of Joseph Smith, Jr. are, as you suggest, deeply based upon Freemasonry, your statement above is incorrect. It was not the Masons who "got on board," but rather, Smith who joined, and was then expelled from, the Freemasons. There is long-standing animosity between Masonry and Mormonism, dating back to the very beginning of the LDS "church." Some historians theorize that it was, in fact, a group of Masons who led the group who attacked the jail in which Joseph Smith, Jr. died (after, Mormons forget to mention) that he himself fired a shot into the crowd. Either way, it was not until quite recent times that some Masons embraced LDS members, Smith was never forgiven for exposing the secretive rites Masons undergo. It was from them that Smith lifted the "secret handshake" and special undergarments, and Temple veil notions, among others. Like the Masons, Smith's followers are heavily engaged in perpetuating Masonic symbolism on their centers of worship to this day, these include the shapes of the pyramid and the "all-seeing eye."
@Song-Girl-Still-Singing 4 года назад
@@Dreammaster695 that is so unkind. I will pray for you.
@ArsPraestigium 4 года назад
@@Saint_nobody Sorry, I should have written triangle, rather than pyramid. The shape is featured on the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake (as is the pentagram), and in many other LDS edifices. There are, however, pyramid shapes employed in various other Mormon structures around the country.
@rickdavis2235 4 года назад
@@horton6951 Jesus is not the Father. The Father is not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not Jesus. They are all God with different roles they play. When Jesus, the eternal Son of God, took upon Himself sinless humanity He also took on the form of a servant, giving up His heavenly glory (Philippians 2:5-11). As the God-man, He had to learn obedience (Hebrews 5:8) to His Father as He was tempted by Satan, accused falsely by men, rejected by His people, and eventually crucified. His praying to His heavenly Father was to ask for power (John 11:41-42) and wisdom (Mark 1:35, 6:46). His praying showed His dependence upon His Father in His humanity to carry out His Father’s plan of redemption, as evidenced in Christ’s high priestly prayer in John 17. His praying demonstrated that He ultimately submitted to His Father’s will, which was to go to the cross and pay the penalty (death) for our breaking God’s law (Matthew 26:31-46). Of course, He rose bodily from the grave, winning forgiveness and eternal life for those who repent of sin and believe in Him as the Savior. There is no problem with God the Son praying or talking to God the Father. As mentioned, they had an eternal relationship before Christ became a man. This relationship is depicted in the Gospels so we can see how the Son of God in His humanity carried out His Father’s will, and in doing so, purchased redemption for His children (John 6:38). Christ’s continual submission to His heavenly Father was empowered and kept focused through His prayer life. Christ’s example of prayer is ours to follow. Jesus Christ was no less God on earth when praying to His Father in heaven. He was depicting how even in sinless humanity it is necessary to have a vital prayer life in order to do His Father’s will. Jesus’ praying to the Father was a demonstration of His relationship within the Trinity and an example for us that we must rely on God through prayer for the strength and wisdom we need. Since Christ, as the God-man, needed to have a vibrant prayer life, so should the follower of Christ today.
@kenolson3064 4 года назад
Thank you Jesse, I'm sending this one to my mom. I keep planting seeds, one day I hope one takes root.
@cowboyneverdycowboynevercr2027 4 года назад
Ever since God, Heavenly Father only cleansed that part of earth where wickness was at, at its worst than ever seen and they were choked out. Only the animals in the region boarded the only vessel of its kind, none would ever know about, if not for the experience. Since then, wickness and evil has been trying to weed out the words and teachings. It be a waste of life even to try, best to leave it or find the good in it to guide you thru life. K? K.... 👍
@mothermovementa 3 года назад
Same!!! But they're demon possessed in that church
@jaymorralesfit 3 года назад
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 lol
@carbon273 4 года назад
The part where you said that the Christ the Mormons believe is an enemy of the church was very interesting. I sat down and thought to realize that really isn’t the Christ of the Bible. The Christ of the Bible is like this: “Now John answered Him, saying, “Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow us.” But Jesus said, “Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in My name can soon afterward speak evil of Me. For he who is not against us is on our side. For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭9:38-41‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ There seems to be a completely different person that Joseph Smith saw then because that doesn’t sound like my shepherd. On a tangent: I can go even further on the fact that nobody has seen the father except the Son (John 1:18, John 6:46). This would include any created being. Yet Joseph Smith saw the Father in flesh and bone. Which is another issue. John 4:24 says that the Father is a spirit. I had to stop and think about what Christ said to all of his followers seeking Him. “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.” ‭‭John‬ ‭10:27-28‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
psalm 95 Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. 2 Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. 3 Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
@josemartinezjimenez4419 4 года назад
Tiene alguna pagina donde pueda descargar la informacion que presenta o las fuentes, se lo agradeceria ya que mi esposa es mormona y quiero y oro al señor que la libere de las garras del enemigo, y le abra su mente y sus ojos. Gracias
@blueboyblue7738 3 года назад
All my sources for this video: hismin.com/articles/thank-you-... www.mrm.org/the-mormon-jesus-... carm.org/mormonism/hinckley-s... www.mrm.org/mormon-missionari...
@thekingiscoming851 Год назад
my entire family is morman except me thanks for the info scary stuff 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 is how you are saved. Amen
@nute742 Год назад
yes, I like your screen name! (The King is definitely coming back again soon)!
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
• Joseph Fielding Smith (Mormonism's 10th president-prophet): “Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God in the flesh. Well, now for the benefit of the older ones, how are children begotten? I answer just as Jesus Christ was begotten of his father …Jesus is the only person who had our Heavenly Father as the father of his body” [Family Home Evening Manual (1972), 125, 126.]
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
Note I gave you an upvote for this because this is a legitimate quote. If you teach the truth about the LDS I will give you upvotes. However, that does not mean I will not point out when I believe you are in error.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@@PhdAAA So who had sex with Mary?
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
@@davidjanbaz7728 Joseph did after Jesus was born. Joseph married Mary and they had more children.
@LadyMaria 2 года назад
@@PhdAAA According to the modernist view of things. But not the historical. He wouldn't have touched the one whom bore God in her womb just like people didn't use the Ark of the Covenant as a coffee table and wouldn't have even if death wasn't a consequence.
@bigtobacco1098 2 года назад
@@LadyMaria that's romish tradition
@WhiteNoiseOpEdCommentary 3 года назад
I accidentally found you today after someone told me to look up the Meadow Massacre. I’m preparing for this type of video ... I’ve been preparing for weeks. And hopefully this weekend will be ready. This is so encouraging & informative!!! Thank you! I strive to be this sweet about the news that needs to be told. I’m also comparing it to Lori & Chad
@nute742 Год назад
Yeah, that was a dark period (situation) in the time of the LDS people. (Not sure why they or a group inside the church would do that) Perhaps paranoia from being killed themselves by mobs of people. (that is why they went away to Utah). However I did hear the good saints stepped in to try and stop this also. I agree - it would be better this never happened. Most religions have had dark times (when some of their people, did things that weren't pleasing in the sight of God). Many examples of that. (But with that said, God bless and food for thought :)
@aaronalejan9976 4 года назад
Hi jessie. I've been a fan of you. But be extrally careful coz they're all there watching you right around, you know that. I'm a Mormon not an EX. But it's good to hear from you about filtering aspects. We love you Jessie, keep up the good work. God will reward you for all your sacrificing.
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
You're a current Mormon and you're a fan of my channel? Your comment is confusing.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
If you're Armenian than you should know the first Christian nation wasn't mormon! Come back to truth!
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
jessie i checked and it's been 2 years since you wore a hat, and you know the last time, it drove the kwaku group into such a frenzy they have not recovered yet. and if you notice from the comments below, the same thing is happening again. i don't know if you're doing this on purpose, but it has the effect of a firetruck gone run amok behind the zion curtain. 8k subscribers. you go girl. :-)
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
Lol! Oh, the beanie. Colorado's been cold so it's back for now. I actually had to block a few commenters on this video. Yikes... I can't believe how disgusting and rude and pathetic people can be in comment sections on RU-vid. 😵😵😵
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
@@itsmejessie i'm sorry. there's nothing glorious about trench warfare. some videos shut down all comments. develop a rich sense of humor and laugh it off. think about sandra tanner and her big dog who doesn't like strangers.. there are people who appreciate your efforts. i'm one of them. whatever happened to that other hat? you could have made big money with it on ebay. the beanie that shut up kwaku.
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
@@longnamenocansayy I'm saving the yellow beanie for a response to Kwaku. If I ever decide to do one. 😉 (Joking.)
@kkdoc7864 4 года назад
So Mormons prefer to believe one man’s philosophy from a vision that never took place than the apostles who lived with Jesus. Unbelievable.
@cowboyneverdycowboynevercr2027 4 года назад
It of sounded like Greek mythology if it wasn't true, it of sounded very human influencing like Greek Mythology. To make up a King with out an army, walks on wata, feeds many, fire the blind and lame, so love the world to atone for the world, their sins and forgiven for our sins. It wouldn't be 2020 AD neither, 😉
@cowboyneverdycowboynevercr2027 4 года назад
Less real? To me, they're all equal, John of Patmos wrote of those, as yourself, that'll come and be meek minded as scheduled, especially in geological time, how he and others prophesied of these days without God, just couldn't have been possible. Writings that survived millenniums. Atheists have been trying since as far back and failed. Watch the news, you need not convince me other wise.
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
they don't call it lost in deep space for nothing
@mothermovementa 3 года назад
Ex mormon here. It's completely evil.
@mothermovementa 3 года назад
A vision that never took place SUPERB😂
@LavernLee-zz5ln Год назад
It’s very important that sincere people searching for biblical truth investigate carefully what popular religions believe in comparison to the one true book, the Bible. I used to be a Seventh Day Adventist but was bothered by what their “prophetess” EG White wrote & “prophesied “. Recently have been doing a investigative look into SDA, LDS, & JW. Run from these false religions plz.
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
there is scripture that says messiah will bear the curse of the law. there is a scripture that says cursed is every man who hangs from a tree. there is no scripture that says cursed is every man who prays in a garden. of what advantage is there for a christian to compromise his faith in being redeemed from the curse? none. of what advantage is there for the ungodly to dilute the message of jesus as the suffering servant on the cross? it may not be an advantage exactly, but the ungodly always revert to character always.
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
mordacai told esther: Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” as we read to the end of the book, we find that esther was instrumental in saving her people from destruction. and we can safely conclude that sometimes in our own lives. there is no trump, no shout from angels, no clear path to take. sometimes we are like esther. if we put ourselves in a position for god to use us, it may be he will use us for some great purpose.
@evanmitton5007 4 года назад
Hi Jessica, I am impressed with the information you dig up to let people know this is not the church of Jesus christ ,it is truly the church of Joe smith who was indeed a conman, as a ex mormon I thank you for your diligent work,The real Jesus loves you and your family my sister in Christ, peace and blessings ✌🙏♥️
@nute742 Год назад
Question: If there are "false" prophets wouldn't that mean then there are "true" prophets also? (I only know of one church that even has any prophets) since the last ones were killed 2k years ago. (Same situation would also be for angels, etc -as everything has its opposite). Otherwise, if there were no prophets at all (to be expected for now or in the future) then all would have to be false? (However the bible never mentions there would be an end to prophets, revelations, scriptures, etc)? Anyway food for thought :)
@longnamenocansayy Год назад
Is Jesus the Fulfillment of the Prophet 'Like Moses' in Deut 18:15? "You are to heed the voice of that prophet as you would heed the voice of God Himself, because that prophet is speaking words given him by God." christians believe jesus is that prophet. if you were christian you would not try to replace jesus who is infallible with a common man who is subject to the foibles of human nature. if you were christian you would realize that jesus is not dead. you would realize that he did die, but rose again on the 3rd day, and is alive today. i realize that faith in jesus is a gift of god. so you have not received the saving faith yet. thus being so you have no alternative but to follow your own vain imaginations. but you should be told how offensive it is for mormons to preach their blasphemies to born again true believers.
@nute742 Год назад
​@@longnamenocansayy We as Christians all believe in those things (Jesus is our Savoir and died and atoned for all of man kinds sin). He lives now (and not just in the bible of old). He continues to love, teach, and give revelations. Both he and his words are endless (and are not limited, unlike what some may think). He is a God of "more" and not less. Not sure how those things would contradict any Christian believers (but only add additional witnesses) which all Christians need (As God is not a God of "confusion"). Even without the LDS church all Christian churches would still question each others understandings (because they would rely on their traditions, interpretations and knowledge) vs having direction revelation (for Christ church as a whole). With that said one can "individually" get guidance for themselves by the holy spirit too. But again, God is not a god of less (but more). He witnesses in many ways (as the bible teaches) In the mouth of 2 or more witnesses all truth will be established (that is His "pattern") how he works to clarify any misunderstandings and to bolster truth (That's why there is God the father, the son, and the holy spirit) They all work together as a team and testify of each other. Everything that is mentioned here is pretty much the "core" of the Gospel (I'm not sure who would disagree with those things). Again - Jesus Church is all inclusive and is for all people (as it is His and not just another denomination) and is through his direction and authority (and not men's interpretations alone). That is why he ordains apostles and prophets and holy messengers (until he comes back again) Okay food for thought and God bless :)
@longnamenocansayy Год назад
you would be surprised how many of your questions clear up automatically if you do nothing more than discard some of the more offensive cultic beliefs. the first thing you have to do is discard the doctrine of many gods and you can become a god too. it's a very offensive blasphemy and does nothing more than inflate your ego to unreal dimensions. you cannot become a god. there's only one. the job's taken.
@nute742 10 месяцев назад
@@longnamenocansayy the idea is not to replace God our father but to become more like him that is his plan for us. So that is a huge difference! The other guy wanted to become like God and actually rule over him but we all chose Jesus instead. There are many biblical scriptures that even say that if we do our part that we will be joint heirs with Christ in God! That is what the father wants for his children and that is not a bad thing. As for the plurality of gods I'm not sure why people can't understand the concept that are more than one already. Of course we worship God the Father in the name of Jesus. There is also the holy Ghost so that would make at least three gods. Of course they are all individuals and unique they choose to work together though. It wouldn't be out of the question to assume God is related to other beings as we are related to God our Father. Okay food for thought
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
i think tapir rider tried to explain things to me once before but i ddin't quite get it. am i right that the mormon church is trying to distance themselves from the doctrine that they openly taught at one time? are they telling their members to use fairmormon and disregard their apostles and prophets now? they must be telling investigators something, because jessie saw that mormonism is not christian when she was investigating. if we go by the likes of anytruth, he seems to be rabidly opposed to his own prophets and apostles . the whole thing seems like a strange never never land to me. any help here would be appreciated. anytruth is very offended at the mormon doctrine that god had sex with mary. it's been openly taught for a long time: the seer p. 158 the fleshly body of Jesus required a Mother as well as a Father. There- fore, the Father and Mother of Jesus, according to the flesh, must have been associated together in the capacity of Husband and Wife mormon doctrine by bruce mcconkie: Only means only; Begotten means begotten; and Son means son. Christ was be- gotten by an Immortal Father in the same way that mortal men are be- gotten by mortal fathers . so is the mormon church trying to change it's doctrine? or is anytruth just ashamed of his own cultic beliefs? here's a quote from anytruth :" No. Our church leaders only said Christ as the LITERAL BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD. How? We don't know, if you don't know it's because you didn't read. if you read it and you still don't know what it means to be begotten by a mortal man or what the relationship of a husband and wife is then there's something very definitely wrong with you. even if he is only 14 years old he's really got to grow up and quit calling people liars. anyone can download any book from internet archive and see for themselves. it's just a mouse klik away.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
NO TRUTH; you're evil twin is here Julius R ; or are you his evil twin? It really doesn't matter; having a split personality, means you should be in a hospital. Stay inside and don't drink fishtank cleaner !
@markh.harris9271 4 года назад
It is the most irritating aspect of mormonism; the LDS have hi-jacked biblical Christianity. Many of the terms (even Jesus) are the same or similar, but the meanings are completely different. The mormon doctrine gets the Trinity wrong. The mormon doctrine has a different Jesus; there is no doubt. The bottom line is that mormonism (whatever it is) it is NOT a Christian denomination. Many mormons (even Ex Mormons) believe they are (or were) Christians. Biblical Christianity and mormonism are diametrically opposed, actually. Mormonism is anti-Christ; very dangerous.
@Williamb612 2 года назад
MH…well stated..and now it has become an enormous business which hi-jacks hearts and souls on behalf of failed author and treasure hunter
@bookofmormonanswers 2 года назад
Not a hijack. A RESTORATION and that process has been made abundantly clear in all of the missionary presentations to those seeking more information. The account of Joseph Smith, the miraculous vision and calling to be a prophet, none of this can be termed a "hijack" because it is a completely independent process. It sprang out of NO church. Are you saying that you are united with the Pope and Catholicism? I know that the Born Agains and Evangelicals do not, and I also know that the Presbyterians and Methodists do not, and you have over 2000 different denominations, all thinking differently on many points of doctrine. Have they all "hijacked" each others teachings? Maybe, but the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints made no such connection, AT ALL.
@markh.harris9271 2 года назад
@@bookofmormonanswers bologna, When I make the statement that LDS theology 'hijacks' Christianity I'm pointing out that there was NEVER an apostasy of the Church of Jesus Christ which needs a RESTORATION. LDS theology hijacks Christianity by 'changing' every single Christian term to mean something different. LDS missionaries use Christian 'speak' but in fact mean completely different things by using their Christian terms ... this is most definitely a 'hijack'. It does not take much effort to prove that mormonism is built on a foundation of lies, and then built up on lies upon lies, and all using Christian terms. The BOA is a complete fraud... as are the Kinder-hook plates,... and the BOM is a complete fictional fabrication based on a triple plagiarism ! This too is a 'hijack'. mormon apologetics is a wanton waste of anyone's time... ain't nobody got time for that! marcus
@bookofmormonanswers 2 года назад
@@markh.harris9271 as opposed to born again apologetics not a wanton waste of time? Then why comment here, as an apologist of your own theories? Let's start with the APOSTASY then. That should be a no brainer starting point, else you would be a member of the Catholic Church which is the ONLY church that can "claim" succession. All Protestant churches came in the Reformation period, of which you are a part. Please tell me you are a Catholic then?
@markh.harris9271 2 года назад
@@bookofmormonanswers Your question is irrelevant. Catholics and Protestants differ on points of doctrine, yes, but they are both orthodox Christian faiths. The mormon faith is NOT orthodox Christianity. Mormonism gets everything wrong... the Trinity, the person and work of Christ, the resurrection, the meaning of 'church' ecclesia, the meaning of salvation, the meaning sanctification, the meaning of baptism, the meaning of the Eucharist (the Lord's supper), ... mormonism gets it ALL wrong. But that's not relevant to my claim that mormonism is a 'hijack'. Mormonism is a farce fabricated from falsehood to lies upon lies, with plagiarism and biblical misrepresentation at its very core... mormonism steals 'hijacks' the tenants of Christian faith and then 'reinterprets' each one of them... until it is not recognizable. The Eastern Orthodox faith is also 'orthodox' Christian faith. marcus
@ocdave4549 4 года назад
Hi Jesse, I appreciate all that you do. I would like to see your videos translated in other languages around the world!
@hilairesalo2336 Год назад
J'espère aussi,please on french
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
is mormonism changing it's doctrine? any help here would be appreciated. under the heading Beliefs and practices of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wiki says: They are three separate and distinct beings.[20] They are collectively "one God",[21] meaning that they are united in spirit, mind, and purpose.[22] under the heading plurality of gods in mormon doctrine (bruce mcconkie) it says: Three separate personages-Father, Son, and Holy Ghost-comprise the God- head. As each of these persons is a God, it is evident, from this stand- point alone, that a plurality of Gods exists. To us, speaking in the proper infinite sense, THESE THREE ARE THE ONLY GODS WE WORSHIP.
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
I do know the author if Mormon Doctrine had to revise his book since many of the LDS leaders thought it taught falsehoods and speculations as LDS doctrine. You can read about this in Wik.
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
@@PhdAAA i have read the 1958 version and the 1966 version of mormon doctrine. the topic "only begotten of the father" does not vary. you can download both versions from internet archive. i was a mormon during those years. i am familiar with the subject matter, having been a mormon and raised in the church during those years. joseph smith did not write mormon doctrine. he wrote the revelations in a book called doctrine and covenants. i quoted the scriptures in the doctrine and covenants that show he taught the adam/god theory. i don't know how you can say he did not teach or believe adam/god theory since he wote it in his revelations.
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
@@longnamenocansayy" i don't know how you can say he did not teach or believe adam/god theory" Response: Um, all I did was ask where Joseph Smith taught Adam was God the Father. I said nothing at all about what McConkie in another thread. Did McConkie say Adam was God the Father long? If so please who show me where he did. Thanks in advance.
@jeffwarren6906 4 года назад
Jessie - I hope and pray that You , your husband , children and all family are doing well and staying healthy .. Your brother , Jeff Warren P.S. - This time in isolation has given me time to catch up on missed videos .. Once I get back out in public ,, I feel sorry for the first Mormon I run into , I am ready ,, HAHAHAHA Bye Jessie
@nolanherndon2853 4 года назад
I recently found your channel, and am glad to have done so. I've been engaging with a few LDS missionaries over the last few weeks... And surprise they weren't afraid to discuss doctrinal statements. I've been doing apologetics for nearly 10 years so I'm up to the task..... Except THEY REDEFINE EVERY TERM to suit their religious predetermined eisegesis!!! It's infuriating!! :) I'm having them over for dinner Saturday...to discuss the "nature of God". :)
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
they won't discuss anything. first of all they won't admit to anything that is an embarrassment. 2nd of all they will lie about stuff. 3rd of all even if you quote word for word what their apostles and prophets say, they say it's not scripture and prophets and apostles don't speak for the church.
@binren3984 4 года назад
I wouldn't waste too much time with them. They come to your home to give you their gospel lessons to covert you. They have a plan and they stick to that plan Plus their just kids. If they can't answer your question. They will say I'm not sure but I testify the church is true or the book is true. Something dumb to get away from your question Most cases your wasting your time And if you don't show an interest they won't be back.
@nolanherndon2853 4 года назад
I'm having pretty good success. They've brought a "scholar " from their ward.... And their ward president. Who begged me to convert because "you know so much and are passionate beyond anything I've ever seen!!" Next they brought the "president of missionaries" who didn't know next to ANYTHING about their history. (Neither of these were exegetes in any sense of the word, and easily found the contradictory nature of what they were presenting. The DINT LIKE IT when I presented ORIGINAL TEXT LANGUAGES....) Next they brought their "stake president" (whatever that is)....he knew more Bible....but he wanted to leave very quickly once I started saying "but Paul says in Romans...." One of the missionary's now sends me text messages asking Bible questions...good questions. About context....situation, audience, etc.... systematic application of theology is my pet peeve. Here's to hoping that maybe something could come from these "little seeds".
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
@@nolanherndon2853 yeah if you're planting little seeds you're 100% successful in my book. i just hate it when they ask questions that lead to their little word games. like they think i'm a brainless chimpanzee. how stupid can you get? they think i forgot the word games they play when i turned in my funny underwear? the word president can mean just about anything in mormonism. you can be president of the sunday school class. you could also be stake president and have 30 bishops under you. they're all lost. they all need jesus. 99% of them don't know their own doctrine. they don't know a thing about christianity. they don't even know what the word grace means. all they really know is that they are persecuted. they want to talk about the trinity and they can't even get that there's only one god. they can't get one god one means one not two and you can't become a god, but they want to debate trinity. i don't really care about trinity doctrine, i think i believe, maybe i don't to someone else's satisfaction. it's not important to me. so what? i can count to one and i'm fine with that.
@nolanherndon2853 4 года назад
@@longnamenocansayy I'm ok with word games, because I'm better at it than they are. I am pretty good at getting them to talk themselves into a corner where they can't defend themselves....from.....themselves. o.O Little seeds....can grow into big trees.
@joshua.snyder 4 года назад
Always appreciate how much you put into these videos, my friend! You have so many other demands in your life, yet you also freely teach and glorify the Lord in the face of scorn from struggling LdS. Bless you! (Sorry I didn't send you "my story", it sounds like you had tons of them already.)
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
Thank you! And you can still send it. I put way too short a timeline on submissions. They're still coming! And no rush. That video is a huge project and will take me quite awhile to complete. But no pressure either way. I would love to hear how finding the true Jesus changed you, though, in your own words. 🙂 God bless, friend!
@claireashley427 4 года назад
Amen! Keep speaking the truth sister! All we can do is pray for them and do our best to speak truth to as many as of them as possible in hopes that God will soften their hearts and lead them away from the lies of Mormonism and to the one true triune God of scripture! My heart truly breaks for the many people following this lie!
@JohnDLee-im4lo 4 года назад
Pick up the pieces of your broken heart and save them for the next time...
@nute742 Год назад
Jesus (God of the Old Testament, and Savoir of the New) who prayed to his Father (as the Holy Ghost descended) Let thine will be done, and not mine. Jesus said "If you've seen me, you've seen the father". Apostle Paul wrote - that he saw "both" Jesus and God together (and separate). God was sitting on his throne, with Jesus at his right hand! (Amazing to have seen both!) Only one other has had that similar experience up until now. Anyway food for thought and God Bless :)
@claireashley427 Год назад
@@nute742 Indeed! Three persons, one being!
@nute742 Год назад
@@claireashley427 -Which being are your referring to? (Jesus, God or the Holy Ghost)? Unless you mean beings (in the plural)? (not trying to knock anyone's viewpoints - just trying to understand ones viewpoint )( I assume you are a believer in the concept of the trinity). I guess if a "being" to your understanding - means a team (made up of different players) Then Yes - they do make up one team (individuals working together) to form "one force" for good. On a "sidenote" do you believe if a person went to heaven and sat down at a table for dinner say with both God (the father) and Jesus could you see both of them together side by side? (and talk to each of them individually)? Would this be possible? (according to the trinity)? What do you think?
@claireashley427 Год назад
@@nute742 Yes, I believe in the trinity, and that's a good question honestly, I would assume that yes, since they are indeed distinct persons of the trinity that in heaven I would be able to see The Father and The Son separately. As you quoted and the bible says, The Son sits at the right hand of the Father so they are separate persons while still belonging to the same being. Our being for instance only has one person. But God is outside of space and time as he created it. His being does not follow the laws of this world, hence why Him having one being with three persons is not umfathomable in any way. To our tiny limited human brains I get how it can be hard to comprehend, but many things of God are and we just have to trust what scripture says and one day we will see clearly and know God fully as He knows us, for now we only see as through a dimly lit mirror. One day we will see Him face to face.
@henkaistudio 2 года назад
Jessie you did very great with this video.
@ingoschneuing5949 4 года назад
Glad to have you back. Blessings and greetings from Germany. Great work, well done, thank you ❤
@Williamb612 2 года назад
Your initial slide is all that needs to be seen and read…the rest of the religion is built upon that foundation…it will crumble, as does anything that is built upon lies and sand
@daveyjones9930 2 года назад
Ad And the FIRST to fall (IMO). The rest of Christianity will follow close behind LDS, INC! *And great will be the fall thereof.* There will be Freedom parties everywhere and dancing in the streets...
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
whether or not jessie, a woman, should address christians or teach christians or preach to christians turns out to be a very good question. i have posted in comments below examples of women in the christian church who were pastors teachers apostles and for prophetess let's not forget deborah in the o t and Anna the prophetess in the time of paul. Luke 2:36-38 as it turns out it was a very good question because it shows the true place of gifted women in ministry. it also shows the true nature of mormonism which is oppressive to women and demeans women and gives them no higher status than to be harem trophys.
@binren3984 4 года назад
Does the Mormon Church Save you ? That's the question. And the answer is it is not a matter of what denomination you go to as long as It's Grace Alone, Faith Alone and Jesus Christ Alone
@Song-Girl-Still-Singing 4 года назад
They don't believe that. Church members are taught that they have to follow laws (like tithing) and have LDS ordinances and that they are only saved by grace after all they can do. Actually other of their doctrine says that everyone in the world is saved into one of three lovely kingdom, but that if they want to be with their families they will have to follow all the laws and ordinances and the most righteous will live with Christ at the top level.
@binren3984 4 года назад
@@Song-Girl-Still-Singing ya I know it's like their coo koo for Godhood and families Hello we won't be Yahweh but will be one big happy family
@Song-Girl-Still-Singing 4 года назад
@@binren3984 yes, its like they fear they will lose their loved ones if they are not Mormon, when really they've bought into the idea that becoming a God is of prime importance. They don't realize they could be with their families if they each put their faith in Christ alone.
@BARUCH--wo9cu 4 года назад
No. It traps you.
@DARODOLO 4 года назад
I've been watching your channel the past week and I am so happy I found your channel. I'm former Mormon that went through many years of feeling completely lost until I became Christian a little over 2 years ago. My wife and I just finished a phenomenal documentary called, "The Bible vs Joseph Smith" on Amazon and I would highly recommend watching it. Keep up the great work.
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
Praise the Lord, Roger! Thank you so much for sharing!
@dm7876 3 года назад
What a coincidence, I watched that last week. Well done. I sent a screen shot of it to Jesse as well and now I see your comment. Lol 👍🏼
@henkaistudio 2 года назад
@@itsmejessie Jessie that Mormon Jesus is a a polygamous and a Satanist too. It’s shocking on so many levels.
@AntonydenDulk 2 года назад
@@henkaistudio In the Bible it tells us that Jesus came to fulfill the law, that he needed to live up to all of God's laws which why it was even required of him to be baptized. Polygamy is part of the law of God so if Christ was not a polygamist then he failed to live up to all laws and could not be our savior. If polygamy is against the law of God then Abraham and Jacob who received the name Israel would be rejected of God.
@ChunkyLover1983 4 года назад
This world needs many more people like you!! I love the truth you speak. ❤
@briancrismonpetersen7885 Год назад
I feel for any member who has had bad experiences. I know this to be a sad reality. I really badly and I get it. I struggle when is as members, burned out, for good reason, turn to untrue platitudes and interpretation of Christ’s words. (Well rarely ever quoting Him but quoting the Apostles of that era and removing all context of the day to make it universally true). It’s easier for sure. It sounds great, all that you are saying about Jesus. Sadly, Gordon B. Hinckley’s quote is accurate. I say sadly because I wish it weren’t true that there were not only so many translations of Bible over time just to get to the KJV but so many since. Consider how much difference there is now from one version to the other in just John 3:16. A bulwark of Christianity. God giving His only “begotten” Son. But now this has changed to “only” son. And even “one and only Son.” If anyone did that to anyone else’s words anywhere in the world today they would be sued. Yet Christians, scholars, whomever do it Willy Nilly. Not even realizing that it’s changed? All are different with widely different meanings and yet all are the infallible word of God? Unchanged. All that God has to say and ever will need to say again? I believe it’s important for you to understand the Church better. Particularly if you are to condemn to the point of telling an entire group of people they are under condemnation. Rather than giving into my tendency in trying to rebut using verses within the Bible, which I find necessary to do often so that it is understood that we derive all meaning to be in accordance with what Christ in His ministry…. I want to point out that there is a real tangible set of blessings that the Lord continues to bless the members with each day. It’s not just their belief. It’s proven. How is it proven? By the results of their efforts. Even the efforts of the prophets. You may be inclined to incite those New Testament verses that speak of works to refute it, but it’s by the efforts, the results, yes even the works, of their ministry and the ministry of each member. Over $900 million was donated to Humanitarian Aid last year. This is not going back into the Church it’s helping multiple causes including $32 million to the World Food Programme. Money is nothing compared to God’s work. I understand that. But in this world, think about what that can mean for so many people! For so many families! Could this be considered “fruits” as we learn to judge prophets by their fruits? As Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount.. “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.” The fruits put forward by this Church are a blessing to many. Yet the Church is criticized for having lots of money and not doing enough with it. Are members to say: “Well, my works don’t benefit me in terms of my salvation. So I won’t donate. I won’t volunteer. Lest anyone think I am boasting and trying to earn my salvation by doing good…”…. ? No! We do it. Not to be saved but because Christ showed us the way. He went about doing good. And we find joy in doing the same. We believe in Christ. We believe the Father has effectively said, “Live like my Son…” We believe they have a Divine relationship. And that’s something we can have with them - a relationship of love. Christ was obedient to His Father. We can be obedient to His commandments. Still we are criticized for this Humanization of the Godhead. (Even considering we are human because of them. And that we are not worthless without Christ because of our sinful nature but that we can overcome our sinful nature with the Grace He has showed us in giving us our ability to return to Him.) There are millions of members from all walks of life all across the world that believe this and follow it. These are not people holed up in Utah on a ranch surrounded by sagebrush. It’s global. It’s a global group of over 16 million people. The majority of which is outside the United States. Growing rapidly in Africa, the Philippines, and South America, all different ethnicities. Yet we are considered racist. Please know that the Christianity you follow is the equivalent of everyone getting an “A” just for showing up. Supported by a Bible translation that has removed “Begotten” from John 3:16. Think of the consequences of that! It’s akin to Medical Schools giving out an A for showing up, giving doctors degrees and then expecting them to be ready to help others. It’s damaging. Feels good to get the A, but the redemption isn’t there past the first time it’s uttered. Not everyone who says “Lord, Lord” will… you know the rest. The rigor you ascribe to Joseph Smith is not of Joseph Smith. You credit him too much to think him capable of even knowing how to contrive it and have it represent anything that even makes sense or is of value. And yet it is of value. Not only that it’s of God. This is why it has grown to the size it is now and continues to grow and fill the earth as prophesied. I pray that you will read from the Book of Mormon. That you will learn why it is what it is and promise you additional knowledge about the Savior that is safe and can be trusted.
@avenged1110 Год назад
Gal 1:8-9 8 But though we, or an angel (Moroni) from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that was which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man (Joseph Smith) preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Matt 24:24 24 For there shall arise false Christs (brother of Satan), and false prophets (Mormon leaders), and shall shew great signs and wonders (book of Mormon); insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect (you). KJV Scriptural Proof Mormonism is a massive deception. Wake up.
@LightWalker22 Год назад
The Actual Fact Is, the Mormon god does not exist... The 100% unbiblical Mormon god once was a mortal man, lives near a star called kolob, likely has many many wives that bare billions of his children, and is the literal father of Satan, and the Mormon god “ironically” teaches Mormons can become gods EXACTLY like Satan desires to be a god! Mormonism literally worships a false god. As Aposed to The True and Living Jesus Christ who is literally The One and Only God, creator of the universe and savior of the world! True Christians follow the one and ONLY Lord, God and savior Jesus Christ... not the false Mormon christ who is Satan’s bother. In other words.. the Mormon god and the Mormon jesus literally do not exist. And the Mormon leaders have deceived most their followers into believing the false Mormon christ is the same Jesus as the True Christian GOD, Jesus Christ....
@nancyjimenez4229 3 года назад
God bless you. Have a nice day.
@jvpaul9679 4 года назад
God bless you Jessie for the content put together.
@lukemartin7029 4 года назад
Glad to see your making more videos. Keep going!! You're a good teacher and reaching people and encouraging them. I pray your online ministry will reach many more for the Lord. Keep it up! In Christ, Luke.
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea
@melissaamoroso2205 2 года назад
Beautiful! I love all that you do!
@byronofcalgary6985 4 года назад
Ether 3:14 in B of M has Jesus stating He is The Father AND The Son - not what they teach is it ?
@binren3984 4 года назад
I just took a look at that passage The Father is also the Son is Modalism.
@8tive4n 4 года назад
@@binren3984 , define modalism as you understand it. Then read up on the trinity. The two are completely different. It looks like, from your one sentence comment, you may be thinking the two are the same.
@binren3984 4 года назад
@@8tive4n Sabellianism is the belief that God is three different modes (Modalism) e.g.. Analogy Water is ice, liquid, steam The Trinity is three distinct separate personages coequal and coeternal that are the Godhead, One Being You can find examples of Modalism in Smith's BoM Ether and when Anbindi is explaining the nature of God to King Noah Mormons also believe that Christ was created that is heresy it's called Arianism. If you confused you may want to Google it
@red.362 4 года назад
Good to see you Jessie, thank you very much for the video. God is Spirit not flesh and bones as Mormons would like people to think, I think it's beyond amazing how God surely thought, I am going to have to go down to earth manifest in flesh to save the world from the fall of man. Without God taking human form he could never have saved us. I find it incredible that our Father in Heaven, the true and only God walked amongst us! How blessed are we?
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
the first time i read the bible as a christian i was so spellbound by that same thought. there's even a song, "today i waked where jesus walked". another great song: i can only imagine it's on youtube. will i jump up and down? will i fall on my knees?
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
a good example of a godly woman, and her place on god's earth is in the book of esther. i posted the reference 2 days ago, but because there are commenters who have turned aside to vain jangling i'll repost my comment. mordacai told esther: Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” esther did not know that if she presented herself to the king, whether or no, he would accept her or reject her. if he rejected her she would have been killed on the spot. but esther had faith in god. and she knew god could use her. how? she did not know. but she did know god could use her, and she had faith in god that his righteousness would prevail in the end. so she said, "if i die i die." and she did present herself to the king. and the king stretched out his staff, and she touched his staff with her hand. and she was spared. and all the jews were spared, because of one woman, and her faith in god. paul was a pharisee. paul was raised with the scriptures. paul had read the book of esther. paul was familiar with the faith of esther and other godly women. are you really trying to tell me that paul said that women should not teach men anything?
@jicsayr5578 4 года назад
Love you Jessica !!!!! And am glad you are my sister in Christ !! Keep planting the true word of God and He will bring the increase !!!
@angelictigerette 4 года назад
Great video, Jessie! My only minor concern in that they will try to flip it and say that WE'RE are the ones worshipping "another Jesus". I had that happen before. I had another say that we ( Christians are the ones that God will say 'depart from me for I never knew you..'. I've been in the Word more, so I have a few ideas on how to combat this, but I'm running late for my birthday movie so I gotta go! Can't wait to share more of what I leaned too! Take care!
@binren3984 4 года назад
@ Cammie , if they turn the table on you. Then asked them questions, like where in the Holy Bible does it say God was once a Man ? There big on premortal existence show then John 8 :23 Jesus is not created He is the Creator.. If you have any questions where they stump you. I will be more than happy to stump them. I've studied Mormonism for many years. I know how they think God Bless Peace
@angelictigerette 4 года назад
@@binren3984 Thank you. I appreciate it.
@binren3984 4 года назад
Hi Jessie Thank you for all your hard work in the Gospel And. Jessie, I think you head cover is awesome God Bless Peace
@nikitapowers 8 месяцев назад
I've been reading the book of Mormon but am not a Mormon but a born again Christian, theres no love or love of Jesus in the Mormon book
@ruggedlifejewelry 2 года назад
Thank you for doing this
@Dreammaster695 4 года назад
The lds believes all things came through Jesus and he created them and this earth but he was taught that by the father his mission was to be crucified of our sins in this world
@angeldream1 4 года назад
Amazing video as always thanks for the upload! I can't believe this! That's truly scary but at least they're admitting it. I hope people will hear this and wake up! Another jesus not in the bible? No thank you.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@Mark Are you a spammy mormon? You're argument sucks !
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
angie hille thank you for responding to some of my comments. i notice you didn't comment about the joys of living time and all eternity as some old goats harem trophy. hopefully that means there are some vestigial remnants of self respect in you that the cult of mormonism hasn't eaten away. have you really thought about the comment you made? " I just want my family forever. And be married forever.What a great thing". the only family mormonism offers a woman is as sister wife to as many sister wives as your god/husband can accumulate. would you like that arrangement for time on earth? i don't think so. what makes you think it'll be agreeable to you for eternity? i know they don't talk about it much, but that's mormonism. the best they offer a woman is to be a harem trophy for eternity. if you don't make the grade you become a ministering angel. that's a concubine. think about the cult you are in now. do you realize the utah senate has voted to decriminalize polygamy in utah? An additional Senate vote is required before the bill moves to the House for consideration. the mormons brought polygamy to utah and the mormons want polygamy. look for yourself. section 132 is still in the d&c.
@minibonden3392 4 года назад
Could someone be so kind to summarize the differences she brings up about the mormon Jesus and the biblical? And then also explain why the biblical one is the correct one whereas the mormon Jesus is false?
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
She does this at the beginning!
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
SORRY, do you want all the differences; there are alot, but she does make a comparison right at the start, it only takes one difference to be a false Christ!
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
she does a very good job of explaining the differences in this 30 minute video. but if you are the type of person that needs the written word (as i am) check out utah lighthouse ministry. there's tons of free stuff there. that's the problem. there's just so much stuff. or drill down through the comments below. at least that way you'll get both sides so you can make your own informed decision.
@nute742 Год назад
great question!!!
@nute742 Год назад
@@davidjanbaz7728 Jesus is never false (only our limited understandings). He is good though (thats for sure)!!!
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
Sam Shamoun Vs Kwaku El- Was Joseph Smith A Prophet? it already has 4K views. maybe some other mormon would like to present all the distinctive beliefs of mormonism that can be found in the book of mormon. kwaku got up and left, poor fellow, in the middle of the debate!! that's what happens when all you have is double talk to back up your theology.
@notgone03 4 года назад
I have always seen this argument as one of the weakest against the Mormon church. The concept of the Trinity is a man made concept based on man's interpretation of the Bible some 300 years after Christ's death. There are scriptures in the Bible that cast doubt on the Trinity. I think that Mormons believe in the same Jesus, they just have a different origin story. All I am saying is that mainstream Trinity believing Christians have a biased view on this subject. I think an outside non biased person would say, same dog different leg. BTW, I am not Mormon and I like your videos.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
If you study church history the disciples of the Apostles taught the trinity , there we a few that came up with different ideas and thats why the councils meet to make judgments on these heretical teachings. They were reaffirming Orthodox teachings not making up new doctrines as the mormons would have you believe based on their creed of Total Apostasy!
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
jessie just quoted high ranking mormons that said the mormon jesus is different from the christian jesus. i wonder if you even listened to her. under brigham young and joseph smith there were blood atoners who would slit the throat of people who need to shed their own blood to atone for their own sins. does that even vaguely sound like christianity to you? bill hickman and john d lee are confessed danite/blood atoners. o p rockwell is another well known danite /blood atoner. hosea stout is another blood atoner/assassin/danite. all you have to do is wiki danite. it's a well known fact. wiki has a partial list of mormon blood atoners/danites. jessie covers mormon blood atoners in another video. mormons are polytheists. they believe in more than one god and they believe they can become a god. does that really sound like judeo/christian to you? it's as different as oil and water.
@notgone03 4 года назад
As for blood atonement, I agree that is a stronger argument against the Mormon church. The church leaders are playing the same game as Jessie. They are saying they believe in the non Trinity Jesus which is different I guess. But really both groups are talking about the same person. They just have a different way of describing His attributes.
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
@@notgone03 from my viewpoint that's like saying basketballs and oranges are the same thing they just have different attributes. i may need a little more sensory definition in my perception of reality than you do. such is life.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@@notgone03 there is one Jesus of the Bible; interpreting the Bible correctly to have the most accurate doctrines is needed. Many groups have different ideas of Jesus JW'S, Mormons, Modalists,New Agers, Islam. Reasons to believe at Reasons.org/ more has a lot of good science and Biblical videos.
@saludanite 2 года назад
In his letter that we know as First Corinthians, in chapter Four, Paul writes; "And these things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in us NOT to think of MEN above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another." Paul KNOWS that the Hebrew scriptures are the Word of God. Jesus Christ has revealed ALL things to Paul. He allows Paul to speak MANY things, but SOME others, He does NOT allow. But, of the "scriptures" that Paul received growing up, in his days of instruction, he asserts in 2 Timothy 3; "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." Joseph Smith, as a youth, "translated" something he saw in his hat, whereas countless faithful Jewish scribes, line by line and word by word, brought the ancient Word of God to us. Jesus told the Jewish leaders; You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me." John 5.39
@adenjessee3532 4 года назад
Legit question here. I am confused why Jesus Christ prays to the father according to the perspective you shared with us. "Father forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34) "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matt 27:46, Mark 15:34) "Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit" (Luke 23:46) If Jesus Christ is not the only begotten son of a Heavenly Father, then why does he pray to the Father? Also what are "things"? Are "things" other spirits? Are the heavens made of spirit or is there spirit matter? I am just confused how we can consider Lucifer to be a thing because nobody I know refers to me as just a thing, but more than that. Ultimately I just would like to know the truth. Do you think its impossible for me to know the full truth in this life? I have one more thought though... When we think about the spiritual incest in the begetting of Jesus Christ, I also think about how I was made myself. My parents are spiritual siblings according to the doctrine. This means all of us are created via spiritual sibling incest also? Does the bible say we are all spirit children of God? Psalm 82:6 --> I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are achildren of the most High. Acts 17:29 --> Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device. If these verses do not say we are the spirit offspring of God the Father, then what do these verses mean? I honestly would like input from anyone who wants to help out. I am just seeking truth. Also I have no idea what a prophet really is and can there be a prophet now days? Does the bible say there will be any real prophets in our day at all?? If so, where does it refer to real prophets that are not false in our day? What is the requirement to be considered a prophet? Are there any prophets among us? What is the priesthood? Does the priesthood exist in our day?
@strongtower9237 4 года назад
Jesus is 100% God and 100% man. As a man, Jesus ate, thirsted, slept, wept, prayed to God and died. As God, Jesus rebuked Satan, forgave sin, performed miracles, accepted worship from the people, raised the dead and even raised himself from the dead. John 2:19 (It is called the hypostatic union.) Jesus Christ is an uncreated being who has existed with God the Father from all eternity. Christ took on human flesh 2,000 years ago. * John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by Christ; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 14 And the Word (Christ) was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. * John 17:5 Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. Micah 5:2 “But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Too little to be among the clans of Judah, From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, From the days of eternity.” John the Baptist, who was six months older than Jesus, said Jesus existed before he did. John 1 John testified about Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.’” ***** Jesus Christ was God manifested in the flesh. I Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. John 17:5 Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. Micah 5:2 “But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Too little to be among the clans of Judah, From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, From the days of eternity.” John the Baptist, who was six months older than Jesus, said Jesus existed before he did. John 1 John testified about Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.’” * You can know the truth by reading the Bible, especially the New Testament and in particular the gospel of John and the book of Romans (1-8), Galatians 1 and Ephesians 2. John 17:17 Thy word is truth. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." "No man comes to the Father but by Me."
@strongtower9237 4 года назад
God is the father our spirits, not our bodies. God would never commit incest. Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Luke 1:35 We do not know exactly how that was done and there is no need to speculate on what we do not know. The Bible is clear that all people are God’s creation (Colossians 1:16), and that God loves the entire world (John 3:16), but only those who are born again are children of God (John 1:12; 11:52; Romans 8:16; 1 John 3:1-10). In Scripture, the lost are never referred to as God’s children. Ephesians 2:3 tells us that before we were saved we were “by nature objects of wrath” (Ephesians 2:1-3). Romans 9:8 says that “it is not the natural children who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring.” Instead of being born as God’s children, we are born in sin, which separates us from God and aligns us with Satan as God’s enemy (James 4:4; 1 John 3:8). Jesus said, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me” (John 8:42). Then a few verses later in John 8:44, Jesus told the Pharisees that they “belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire.” The fact that those who are not saved are not children of God is also seen in 1 John 3:10: “This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother.” We become God’s children when we are saved because we are adopted into God’s family through our relationship with Jesus Christ (Galatians 4:5-6; Ephesians 1:5). www.gotquestions.org/all-God-children.html ****** Read the whole of Psalm 82 The whole point of Psalm 82 is that earthly judges must act with impartiality and true justice, because even judges must stand someday before the Judge. Verses 6 and 7 warn human magistrates that they, too, must be judged: “I said, `You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.' But you will die like mere men; you will fall like every other ruler.” This passage is saying that God has appointed men to positions of authority in which they are considered as gods among the people. They are to remember that, even though they are representing God in this world, they are mortal and must eventually give an account to God for how they used that authority. * We have the serpent’s lie to Eve in the Garden. His statement, “your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5), was a half-truth. Their eyes were opened (verse 7), but they did not become like God. In fact, they lost authority, rather than gaining it. Satan deceived Eve about her ability to become like the one true God, and so led her into a lie. Human beings are not “gods” or “little gods.” We are not God. God is God, and we who know Christ are His children. Ez. 28 Thus saith the Lord God; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:
@strongtower9237 4 года назад
Paul is quoting the poet Aratus. 'Phainomena' Acts 17:27 that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.’ * The expression, We are His offspring, doesn’t mean that we are begotten by God through some natural process like God has a wife, or that we possess an element of deity, but it’s very clear, you read it other places, that means that God created us. He created man in His image formed him out of the dust of the ground and created him. We receive our very life and breath from God. The Athenians' very creation and continued existence depended on this one God whom they did not know! Since human beings have been created by God, the divine Being, he cannot possibly be in the form of an idol, and image conceived and constructed by man. The city was full of idols and objects of worship, so this was amazing to the Athenians. By the same token, the LDS 'God' who was 'once a man' does not exist. "***** The Aaronic priesthood was limited to Jewish male members from the tribe of Levi who were descendants from Aaron (Ex. 28:1; Num. 3:5-13; Heb. 7:5). The priesthood was inherited by descent from Aaron, not received through ordination. It was never supposed to be practiced by Gentiles (non-Jews). There is absolutely no teaching about this doctrine of the Aaronic priesthood being practiced by Gentiles in the Old or New Testaments. Furthermore, the Aaronic priesthood was done away with through Christ as the final priest (Heb. 7:11-12) who fulfilled the Law as the eternal Priest (Heb. 7:11-28; 8:6-7ff). The Old Testament priests were mediators, but now Jesus is the only Mediator between men and God (1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 7:24-25; Jn. 14:6). Therefore, there is no need for this Aaronic priesthood authority today. Finally, the High Priest in the Old Testament would enter the holy of holies once a year to make a sacrifice for sins of himself and others (Ex. 30:10; Heb. 9:7, 19-22). However, Jesus completed the work of salvation by being the High Priest and the sacrifice (Heb. 3:1; 9:11-12, 25-26)! Since Christ's work is finished (John 19:30), there is no need for a High Priest on this earth. Christ is the only mediator and High Priest in heaven (1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 8:1-6). Melchizedek Priesthood Second, there is absolutely no mention in the entire Bible about a special class of Melchizedek priests. Melchizedek is mentioned briefly in the Old Testament in two places (Gen. 14:18-20 and Ps. 110:1). In Genesis 14, Melchizedek is a king and priest who blesses Abraham and to whom Abraham gives tithes. Psalm 110, a royal Messianic Psalm, applies this priesthood of Melchizedek to Jesus who is also a priest and king (cf. Matthew 22:44; 26:64; Mark 16:19; Heb. 5:5-6). However, nowhere in the Old or New Testaments do we see the practice of ordaining males to the office of the Melchizedek priesthood. Jesus alone is mentioned in the New Testament as a priest after the order of Melchizedek (Heb. 5:1-4ff). The Priesthood of All Believers Instead, the Bible teaches that all believers have priesthood authority (1 Peter 2:5, 9; Rev. 1:6; 5:10; 20:6). Even in the Old Testament, the nation of Israel was to be a kingdom of priests (Ex. 19:5-6). However, Jesus is the unique High Priest (Heb. 7:23-8:13). Each believer has the authority to preach the Gospel, baptize, and govern the kingdom of God on this earth. It is not something that is limited to males who are above the age of 12 or 18. carm.org/mormonism/priesthood-authority-and-mormonism Jesus Christ is our living Prophet, Priest and King.
@strongtower9237 4 года назад
The punishment specified for false prophets in the Old Testament was severe: “If any prophet dares to speak a message in My name that I have not commanded him to speak, or to speak in the name of other gods, that prophet must be put to death” (Deuteronomy 18:20). A true prophet’s words will be fulfilled (Deuteronomy 18:21-22; Jeremiah 28:8-9). • A true prophet’s teachings are consistent with Scripture (2 Peter 1:20-21; Revelation 22:18-19). • A true prophet’s teachings will encourage righteous behavior and provide spiritual benefit (Deuteronomy 13:1-4; Jeremiah 23:13-14, 32; Ezekiel 13:17-23; 14:4-8; Lamentations 2:14). • A true prophet’s life will reflect a divine call (Isaiah 28:7; Jeremiah 23:10-11, 14; 29:9; Zephaniah 3:4; Matthew 7:15-20). • A true prophet will acknowledge Jesus Christ as divine (1 John 4:1-6). www.gotquestions.org/false-prophets.html ******* Those who held the office or position of apostle were chosen specifically by Christ (Mark 3:16-19). The replacement for Judas is seen in Acts 1:20-26. Note in this passage that Judas' position was called an office. It should also be noted that Paul was chosen by Christ (1 Corinthians 15:8-9; Galatians 1:1; 2:6-9). These men were given the task of setting up the foundation of the church. It should be understood that it was for the universal church that these men were a part of the foundation. * (Ephesians 2:20). And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; The foundation of the church (universal church) was laid in the first century. * This is why the office of apostle and prophet is no longer functioning. (Also notice that apostles have a higher rank than prophets.) Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until John: Jesus is the final Prophet, Priest and King. Hebrews 1 God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, 2 in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. 3 And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power. When He had made purification of sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become as much better than the angels, as He has inherited a more excellent name than they. ****** A true prophet of God will be committed to speaking God’s truth. He or she will never contradict God’s revealed Word. A true prophet will say, with the prophet Micaiah just before his fateful confrontation with Ahab, “As surely as the Lord lives, I can tell him only what my God says” (2 Chronicles 18:13). www.gotquestions.org/prophet-Bible.html
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
@@strongtower9237 Amen! Thank you for the replies.
@lesliel.6260 4 года назад
She always has the cutest hats!
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@Mark it's about spammy you!
@nute742 Год назад
Yes, she is dangerously stylish!
@SarahDavis-by3vb 4 года назад
Thank you for so much truth!
@user-ju2wn8ue6n 10 месяцев назад
This was wonderful! Thank you.
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
which church should I join?
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
The one you've already joined!
@angiehille4207 4 года назад
@tapir rider Last time I ask jesse she said any church that's why I ask again.Ill keep my so called nutty truth.You can keep following blind girl.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@@angiehille4207 She would not say any church; why do mormons lie so often, isn't it a sin in you're religion ?
@bossendenwoodconvict 4 года назад
The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ. They have extra scriptures, the main one being The Book of Jeraneck, a history of the ancient inhabitants of the British Isles. Apparently, if you pray about it sincerely, you will KNOW, not just believe but KNOW, that it is the word of God and that Matthew Gill is a prophet. If you don't get such a spiritual witness, you can't have been sincere when you prayed!
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@@bossendenwoodconvict That book is new to me!
@fox6727 4 года назад
Let me get this straight, your entire channel is devoted to tearing down "Mormons"? Did they do something to you? What is the point? I am all down for sharing your beliefs, but don't we have enough hate in this world?
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
did you listen to her video fox? did you even give her a chance? can you quote any sentence where she tore down mormons? i don't think you even listened to her video. make a quick $10 fox. cite one sentence of hate in this video and i will send you $10 via pay pal. that's got to be the easiest $10 in the world, unless there is no hate, in which case you end up looking like a fool.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
She is criticizing Mormonism not mormons; there is a big difference. Which is in fact responding to their criticism of historical Christianity for the last 190 years. Thats the real context!
@fox6727 4 года назад
I suppose you would have to define hate. She believes certain things that she has read and been told about the Bible. That is wonderful. She should be more than willing to share that with anyone she chooses. However, if this video title were titled something to the effect of "The (enter non Christian religion here) faith is false" based on her views of the Bible many in the world would say that is hate. I must say that it makes me sad that we live in a world where sharing your opinions comes across to many as hate. So maybe I should not have used that word in my original post. That said, what I was really trying to get at was that a vast majority of her channel is not teaching people about her faith, how it has blessed her life, how she cares about and has gotten to know her Savior, Jesus Christ, but rather hers is a channel that appears to me just to be out trying to tear down the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Why not pick on Catholics? Or Methodists? Or Protestants? Or Lutherans? In a nation that is increasingly against those who believe in the Lord Jesus, I feel that we should work together with our fellow Christians of the LDS church to preach of Jesus. The LDS church may have a differing view of what you, or I, or others think of Jesus, but there is no need to tear them down. Also... I don't need your $10, please donate it to a good charity.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@@fox6727 Mormons like you continually speak against other Christians so i find you're comments quite funny, always playing the victim of religious persecution by Christians following historical Christian teachings, and showing that mormon assumptions are false. Mormons are not part of historical Christianity and have unchristian doctrines: that is the point of All her videos. Again she is defending the historic Christian faith from mormon attacks on it for the last 190 years.
@fox6727 4 года назад
I didn't realize I was a member of the LDS church. Did you just magically baptize me? Obviously the point I was trying to make was lost on you. I'm sorry for that. Hopefully we can all learn to treat everyone with respect, which to me means not tearing people down for what they believe, even if it is different than what you believe. May God bless you.
@ChristinaOstil115 4 года назад
Catholic Church knew about Jesus and Lucifer were brothers before I joined the Mormon Church because my mom is from Scotland and they have a different teaching.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Who has a different teaching ; you didn't tie your two thoughts together!
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
i just wish i could understand what you mean.
@ChristinaOstil115 4 года назад
david janbaz My mother told me the story about how Lucifer wants God’s Throne which is the war in heaven.
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
@@ChristinaOstil115 when i was about 5 years old (many long time ago) walt disney ran a show about the leprechauns. you say fairy, we say leprechauns. and it was about the 1/3 who were not valiant who were sent to earth (ireland) and became fairies. some of them, as their want is, do mischief from time to time being not so good but not so bad. i wish i could get a copy of that walt disney show. disney was no doubt taught that story as a child, his family being irish, transplanted from france in the way back time. in the mormon scheme the 1/3 who were not valiant came to earth and became negroes. i for one like the disney version better than the mormon version
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@@ChristinaOstil115 Thats standard Christian teaching: Satan being the brother of Christ, of heavenly parents, gods having Spiritual sex, .pre-mortal Spirit baby Jesus being raised by Spiritual parents.Becoming Jehovah,how he never went through exaltation,he had to become a man like his father did and then become a god. So god to man to god! Your mother didn't tell all these crazy doctrines!
@EricSmyth4Christ 3 года назад
We need false prophets to fulfil prophecy
@adamgoodword7888 2 года назад
Great point!
@nancyjimenez4229 2 года назад
I will preach the Gospel to The People of Union City,N.J.
@nute742 Год назад
Like the "epistles" in the New Testament?
@jamesmaclean5586 4 года назад
Time is running out... though there is still time. The Holy Spirit is still testifying that Jesus and the Father restored the Church of the only begotten Son through the greatest prophet to ever live: Joseph Smith. Prophets of old miraculously appeared to him: Moses, Elijah, the original first presidency: Peter, James, John, John the baptist, ....the ancient of days: Father Adam.... and many more. You are free to fight against God, but would it not be better to humble yourself to the dust.... the journey is long and painful... but Jesus Christs burden is light.... I would be a far more ruinous embarrassment than the stupefying personage I am today if I had not been rescued as a saint in the fullness of the good news of Christ.... Please doubt your doubts before your faith in Christ.... again.... please doubt your doubts! (The devil persuades no one to do good... no, not one person) we see through a blurry unpolished mirror in this fallen world.... but shall see God face to face and remember Him and who we really are one day.... you, me, everyone of us! Hasten the great Millennium! Hurry! Pray for it! Live for it! Repent and rejoice in the Lords mercy, forgiveness, and the true road home! God bless you!
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
the mormons talk about their restored church. will it never occur to you that if salvation could come by way of a church then jesus would not have needed to come? whoever or whatever jesus is, jesus lived and died, and rose again. jesus is alive. your church is not alive. why would a christian replace the living jesus with a non living church? that you place so much emphasis on your church speaks clearly to the fact that you do not have a relationship with the living jesus. rampant suicide and prozac in utah speak clearly to the empty lives mormons live. what could be clearer?
@jamesmaclean5586 4 года назад
@@longnamenocansayy I wish you would read what I wrote again very carefully. I invite you to learn who Jesus really is. All the problems you mention are so aweful... such terribly hurt feelings everywhere! Jesus is and always have been the way. Clarity comes in seeking the fullness of Christ. Please have mercy on the sick who are learning and still do not know. There is still time!
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
@@jamesmaclean5586 i re-read your post. mormonism is still the church of rampant suicide and prozac abuse. mormons live empty lives. what could be clearer? if i joined your church, how long would it be before i offed myself, or ended up dazed out of my mind on drugs? i get nothing out of making appearances for people in the public square but for mormons to be seen by others is all they live for. remember, james maclean, you are talking to an ex mormon. i re-read your post and gave you my heartfelt answer. now extend the same courtesy to me. why would a christian exchange relationship with the living jesus for membership in a non living church? and tell me, if salvation came from a church, why did jesus have to come to earth?
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Did you change the name of your church or are you in a cult of cult, thats deep!
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
@@davidjanbaz7728 sometimes they don't know themselves. some plyg groups go to utah mormon wards, they just don't tell anyone. also, when i was a mormon, it was a matter of don't ask don't tell. so as long as you kept saying joseph smith is a prophet, and don't talk too much about certain stuff, the bishopric just lets sleeping dogs lie.
@zacharyray7166 4 года назад
This might be the most absurd thing I've ever stumbled upon. First you're 'sources', i.e. from the ensign and newsweeks, are segments of statements made by church leaders taken completely out of context. For instance, Hinckley: "we don't believe in the traditional Jesus Christ." First of all, Jesus Christ as recorded in the new testament existed incontrovertibly. Even athiests can't deny that. Second, he's referring to the fact that Mormonism doesn't believe in the concept of Jesus Christ as portrayed in the Nicene Creed and other evolved images of Christ especially the notion of the Trinity, which is that God, Christ and the holy ghost are a unified entity. We Mormons do indeed believe in Christ and that he atoned for our sins. The amount of equivocation in your videos is astronomical, and really just goes to show that there isn't any discrepancy in our principles, doctrines, or statements of contemporary religious leaders. Look, you're entitled to you're opinion on Mormonism, and I don't object that, but the amount of dedication you've put into trying to invalidate our beliefs is just ridiculous and honestly kinda saddening. Like, seriously. Get a real purpose, something meaningful that contributes to this world.
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
joseph smith didn't believe there was enough truth in christianity to be salvaged. the gods of mormonism told him he had to start a new church, because all the christian creeds are abominable. so if the founder of mormonism can say there is no truth in christianity, why can't someone else paraphrase him, and his followers? seems only fair to me.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Zachary Ray and yet here you are saying it’s pointless but making posts. Do you honestly believe Mormonism is true? That Hebrews (nephite) are the only civilization on the American continent? That Joseph correctly translated common Egyptian funerary papyrus into the boa?
@zacharyray7166 4 года назад
@@shawnbradford2243 Yes I am indeed a Mormon. No I don't believe that nephites we the only population, seeing as to I'd be rejecting the last 300-400 years of history if I did. I'd go as far as say that nephites (and the various subdivisions and sects) perhaps weren't even the first and may have combined with other populations. Yes I do believe Joseph Smith was an instrument in the translation of the golden plates into the book of Mormon
@zacharyray7166 4 года назад
@@longnamenocansayy Joseph Smith could not discern truth among the numerous interpretations of the Bible during his formative years. Christianity is simply a blanket term for any religion that focuses on Jesus Christ. We believe in the Christianity of the new testament, not the multitude of splits and reinterpretations that came after the apostasy began. To say that Joseph Smith, or the entire Mormon church for that matter isn't Christian and rejects Christianity is blatant lie, because the Bible is a fundamental piece of our religion.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Zachary Ray the bom says the promised land was kept from the knowledge of other civilizations so they could have mixed with no one on the entire continent. This was there inheritance forever so we should not be here. So what were the golden plates and nephite interpreters for? How come neither were used in the “translation”? How come no Hebrews were in the American continent despite the fact many others were from before during and after the bom despite the fact the bom says they didn’t exist? How come the boa is just a false translation of common Egyptian funerary papyrus? The church admits as much.
@byronofcalgary6985 4 года назад
" if you want a glimpse of Eternity... ask any Elder how you would get today, what Enos got in 500 BC" - - the B of M and official LDS videos make a big deal of Jews in 500 BC arguing about Christ ...those who accepted Jesus got what ? those who didn't lost what ? now what about TODAY
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
keep your 19 year old; Elders. Everything in Mormonism is an Oxymoron! Like you becoming a god !
@jasontaylor8085 4 месяца назад
I need help or insight. I love my wife to death but she is Mormon and I feel I can't lead her. I can't get her to understand this for nothing. She is so sure she is in the true church, no matter what I say matters and it's tearing us apart.
@Dreammaster695 4 года назад
1) no he didn’t have sex with Mary and the do not believe that, maybe at once stage it was taught but not in 2020.. 2) yes Jesus is god and is the god of the Old Testament as well but he has a father like us who created us we are his children we are the spirit children of god the father it says so in Hebrews 12 3) no not true he was his “spirit” brother like we are spirit brothers and sisters but I’m not really your brother, when he was born in this mortal world he had mortal brothers one was called James but Satan was no longer his brother when appearing to him but is in the spirit like we all are, if that’s the case then your child is also your brother/sister and your husband too because we are all spirit children of god it changes when we are born in mortality plus Satan doesn’t have a body! The Jesus is the same Jesus in all religions but they are things different in their doctrine such as the Jews don’t believe he’s the messiah, Muslim just view him as a prophet but no one worships Christ more than the church of Latter Day Saints..
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
So many things in this comment I could reply to but Abraham chapter 3 confirms Lucifer and Jesus are brothers. That's LDS scripture.
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
I have a seperate video that shows prophets and apostles teaching that Heavenly Father had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus. There are MANY, MANY sources. I just included 2 "official" sources on this video for time's sake.
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
As a for Jesus being the same in all religions... couldn't be farther from the truth! Jesus is not a prophet. He is not a man who progressed into godhood, he is not an angel (Jehovah's witnesses)... he is God. His perfect, written Word is the Bible. Aside from the Bible and it's truth, other teachings of Him are wrong and distorted and false.
@itsmejessie 4 года назад
Jesus can't be a bunch of contrasting things at once... an angel, the brother to Lucifer, a mere prophet... as well as being God the Word who has eternally been God and will always be, Creator of ALL THINGS. He can't be all those things. Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormonism (and more) have all distorted who God is, therefore teaching false Christs.
@Dreammaster695 4 года назад
It's Me Jessie you are a beautiful woman and clearly knows a lot about the bible and the lds church, I wasn’t saying Jesus is the same in all religious I mean the man who died on the cross and raised from the dead doesn’t have 100 different bodies he is only one person who each religion seems to have their own version of, if it was another Jesus in the lds church we would not use the New Testament or the Old Testament why don’t we just use the Book of Mormon? We aren’t preaching a different Christ we want to know the true Christ who died for our sins and who created us and the world and is our saviour
@chiefdigger5216 2 года назад
Colossians 1:14-17
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
paul is sometimes hard to understand. but what ever he says should make sense. whatever he says should not contradict what we know to be true. 2 Peter 3:16 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 16 as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction. “There does not exist among you Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female. All are one in Christ Jesus.”(Gal. 3:28).
@tucuxi70 Год назад
Also Jessie says Jesus had full confidence in the Bible and it's completeness! Wait, many of the writings of the Bible were written after Christ was crucified, so how could the Bible be complete while Christ was alive! Jessie in her confused mind, does not think of that!
@jesseclark9323 3 года назад
@naruck15 Год назад
LDS Jesus (aka true Biblical Jesus): Will save everyone in the end, because he loves us all. Evangelical Jesus: "if you don't love and worship me I'll burn you forever in hot LAVA!"
@LightWalker22 Год назад
The Actual Fact Is, the Mormon god does not exist... The 100% unbiblical Mormon god once was a mortal man, lives near a star called kolob, likely has many many wives that bare billions of his children, and is the literal father of Satan, and the Mormon god “ironically” teaches Mormons can become gods EXACTLY like Satan desires to be a god! Mormonism literally worships a false god. As Aposed to The True and Living Jesus Christ who is literally The One and Only God, creator of the universe and savior of the world! True Christians follow the one and ONLY Lord, God and savior Jesus Christ... not the false Mormon christ who is Satan’s bother. In other words.. the Mormon god and the Mormon jesus literally do not exist. And the Mormon leaders have deceived most their followers into believing the false Mormon christ is the same Jesus as the True Christian GOD, Jesus Christ....
@cowboyneverdycowboynevercr2027 4 года назад
Pertaining to 2:20, when Hinckley speeks, this is what he meant. (This exactly how deception thru knowledge has the world more confused, by taking it all out of context or else there's be no Mormons, l would not be a LDS, if l thought she was right.) Hinckley, He says, "l" dont. I being LDS, sees this as how those, especially those who say, " them Jesus Freaks , " then there'll be some who don't say anything, some who will laugh along with and others who will defend him. Those who defend him, but defend him in few words, because there's a limit to what they know of him. Many l heard say he, Jesus is the same person, God/ Heavenly Father and Jesus, incarnated. We all know that can't be, Heavenly Father is himself and Jesus is his only begotten son. Which means, when speaking to him your speaking to me and when your speaking to him your speaking to me, in prayer.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Cowboy never Dy Cowboy never Cry www.fullerconsideration.com/TempleNameOracle/ Names are rotated by a list and the same for each person each day, check yours, doesn’t that sound like god, hey let’s just rotate names each day 🤣😂🤣😂
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Watch Karolina Protsenko Violin channel !
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. non mormons may not know that mormons are suppose to trace their genealogy all the way back to father adam. even though paul tells them not to.
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
My understanding is that many European royalty traced their lineages back to Adam, but I do not trust such genealogies. Generally LDS are supposed to do 4 generations back of all their ancestors. If they say they can trace themselves back to Adam by one of their lines they find they are linked to some royal figure who had a genealogy made for them that is IMO a fraud.
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
Is It Possible To Trace Someone's Genealogy To Adam And ... answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090415185412AATkc5q Apr 15, 2009 · There are genealogies that trace the British Royal family back to the Royal House of David but they are based on speculation and jumping to a conclusion. Most people are doing good to get back to the 1500s or 1600s. Now if you enter the gate of a royal or noble house you might get back to the first millennium.
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
@@PhdAAA if you are commenting about the futility of tracing your genealogy back to adam i have to agree with you. 99% of the temple work done in mormon temples has to do with the names of dead relatives that mormons have submitted. most everything mormons do in their church is totally useles, even their tithing. as a member i could see that the church was doing nothing at all with all the millions they collected every year. now of recent it's been discovered that the church is hoarding $100 billion.
@bigtobacco1098 2 года назад
the warning of geneaologies was because the jews thought being a jew saved them... not because doing geneaologies is bad
@wesleymccurdy1200 4 года назад
The sight of gadiantons in our government. And how the fight for freedom to follow your God. And showing how others will attack and lie about people make the book of Mormon the most relevant book for this day and age.
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
Have faith because you have no evidences
@wesleymccurdy1200 4 года назад
@@davidjanbaz7728 just look up the deep state. Just look up the samoan island tales of how they got there. Look up all the Mayan city's that are being found. Just like my prophet just said. If it wasn't from God he must of been a very good guesser.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
wesley mccurdy can you show me evidence of nephite lamanite or jaredites in America?
@davidjanbaz7728 4 года назад
@@wesleymccurdy1200 LIDAR a plane based ground radar will reveal all kinds of hidden cities, and when it falsifys the BoM will you then be convinced or rely on your faith;show one artifact from the BoM.
@wesleymccurdy1200 4 года назад
@@shawnbradford2243 well the timing of the Maya closely follow lamenits and nephites. And the Olmec that lived a little higher there before lived just around the same time as the jaredites. Give our take a couple hundred years. But yeah that seems pretty good proof for me.
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
One of the things I have begun to notice is that this tactic is being attempted by a number of people on It's Me Jessie forums: Red Herring Ignoratio elenchi (also known as: beside the point, misdirection [form of], changing the subject, false emphasis, the Chewbacca defense, irrelevant conclusion, irrelevant thesis, clouding the issue, ignorance of refutation) Description: Attempting to redirect the argument to another issue to which the person doing the redirecting can better respond. While it is similar to the avoiding the issue fallacy, the red herring is a deliberate diversion of attention with the intention of trying to abandon the original argument. Logical Form: Argument A is presented by person 1. Person 2 introduces argument B. Argument A is abandoned. www.logicallyfallacious.com/logicalfallacies/Red-Herring Also I note a lot of people engage in this tactic: Strawman Fallacy Description: Substituting a person’s actual position or argument with a distorted, exaggerated, or misrepresented version of the position or the argument. Logical Form: Person 1 makes claim Y. Person 2 restates person 1’s claim (in a distorted way). Person 2 attacks the distorted version of the claim. Therefore, claim Y is false. www.logicallyfallacious.com/logicalfallacies/Strawman-Fallacy I will try very hard to not be drawn in by those who use these tactics, and I advise others to not use them.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
PhdAAA would this post not fit the terms you just made? Is this the topic of her video? You use good logic but do not apply it evenly. Apply the same logic you use to attempt to discredit others to your own assertion. You will find neither can hold up to it.
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
Peter Smith what does that mean? Unless someone agrees with you, you do not listen? Only church approved sources, doubt your doubts first position?
@longnamenocansayy 4 года назад
it would help if you were direct to the point. i didn't know you wanted to discuss whether or no god put his penis in a vagina to achieve orgasm. why didn't you just say that to begin with? and you point dirty finger at other people saying they think sex is dirty. are you the one who thinks sex is dirty? sounds like it to me. and really quoting agustine in a youtube comment section is really the height of pomposity. oh, and splitting hairs!!!! i said i posted words that joseph smith wrote to prove he taught adam/god. i really think any 6th grader understood what i said. but you phd filled with yourself AAA didn't understand. this video that jessie made is about the cult of mormonism. she talks in a very pleasent firm way. you may not agree with her, but that's okay. by the way filled with yourself phd AAA where are the videos you made? i see you post nbc news and jimmy kimmel. how very bold. i say, before you take pot shots at other people, open yourself up to be picked apart by every mindless baboon that can afford internet.
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
@tapir rider I just described your tactics tapir. You have accused me of being a pervert and being a child abuser and doing something with my sister. I guess I should just report you next time you do it.
@PhdAAA 4 года назад
long; |quoting agustine in a youtube comment section is really the height of pomposity Response: Example of ad hominem. Thanks for demonstrating it long. long: i didn't know you wanted to discuss whether or no god put his penis in a vagina to achieve orgasm. i didn't know you wanted to discuss whether or no god put his penis in a vagina to achieve orgasm. why didn't you just say that to begin with? Response: I wrote about God having sex with a physical daughter from the beginning As I said, I think Jessie talked about that for shock value. However neither of us used the words penis, vagina, or orgasm in our comments. Those are your additions. She said it was incest, and that is why I discussed incest later on, as well as people who made statement about what "all" cultures said about incest. long : ! i said i posted words that joseph smith wrote to prove he taught adam/god. Response But I asked whether you can show Joseph Smith said Adam was God the Father. Saying Adam was Michael is not the same thing. Still waiting for you your statement showing that. long: before you take pot shots at other people, open yourself up to be picked apart by every mindless baboon that can afford internet. Response: I just laugh at them long and point out that they are doing things like ad hominem arguments (attacking my character) and red herrings (arguing against something I never wrote). I have had experiences where over time people stopped doing that because of what I have written. Amazon had discussions on Christianity years ago, and I defended Christians of all types, and members of other religions. I was accused of being not only LDS, but JW, SDA, Jewish, atheist, Muslim, Scientologist, etc. Some are particularly slow., I posted something that showed atheists are the most knowledgeable about religions. And someone thought my point was to show LDS were. LDS do show up higher than many, but not all. Atheists and Jews usually come up very high in that area and so do a few other liberal Christian groups beat the LDS in knowledge about religions. I have known about this for many years. Interestingly, many atheists liked my posts because they said I was so fair. They did not imagine I was writing things that I was not. BTW I do not think you can prove a religion is true or false. I share that view with many who study religion, such as the anthropologist Evans-Pritchard.
@Corkyrooster 2 года назад
Great video. It’s 100% different Jesus of the Bible than lds teachings. It’s just a ruse they use to suck you in.
@davidhogg8721 4 года назад
St. John 6: 52 The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" 53 So Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; 54 he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. 56 He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. Acts 2:46.
@raffaeleservillo930 Год назад
American puritans! I dont undestand the problem: Jesus and Lucifer ara brothers...and so??? Lucifero means "enlightment" from latin LUX. Excuse me for my bad english.
@saltytexasranger6301 Год назад
I feel sick inside...
@nute742 Год назад
I hear you!
@brotherlevis8553 Год назад
there's a testimony of a guy on youtube who went to Hell and came back... he saw a man in his visitation to Hell that He would not understand first who he was... but then when He came back to earth and spoke with his dad about his visitation to Hell and the things he saw about that man in Hell, his dad showed him someone who might be the one he saw in Hell... and guess who it was?... Joseph Smith himself... and he was with many of his followers, in Hell...
@nute742 Год назад
It could have been the devil in disguise! However if he was there it could have been to visit the people that spoke bad about him. Anyway food for thought and God bless :)
@brotherlevis8553 Год назад
@@nute742 are you talking about Jesus visit to the americas?... it's only a fairy tale invented by Joseph Smith... in the americas, there's no such thing... Quetzacoalt, Kukulkan and all the others have absolutely nothing in common with Jesus... these are pagan gods who demanded human sacrifice only to provide prosperity.. just like Baal in the Bible... the book of mormon is a fantasy, a good fiction that contains something that sounds good... but it's just false. you know the meaning of "gospel" , right?... it means the GOOD NEWS... and the good news are about salvation from death and Hell. The good news are about the awaited coming of the KING of Israel that would establish the Kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is in Heaven, where His throne is... where Jesus, the son of David, sits in the House of the Lord that is in Heaven. When you die... you may be saved from going to Hell under the earth, thanks to Jesus who paid for your sins. The "good news" or "gospel" isn't about 3 degrees of glory and premortal existence... here's another blasphemy of the mormon church... premortal existence... Jesus is who he is.. because he is the ONLY ONE that lived at the right hand of God before coming on earth... mormons make of Jesus equal to us... ONLY JESUS came from the father... we existed in the "mind" of God, in His plans... in His book of Life... but we weren't born in spirit in His presence and then sent down to earth.... that's blasphemy and denying Jesus' divinity.
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