
Can you people SHUT YOUR DOGS UP 

Downward Diary
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Edited by VeganAssValerie / veganassvalerie



11 сен 2024




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@harrisondansie9542 Год назад
"If there's one thing I hate, it's the noise, noise, noise, NOISE!!" - GrinchLemon, 2022
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
Nah I agree with this one. Silence is golden. It's wonderful to hear the sound of the wind and rain and other quiet nature noises.
@harrisondansie9542 Год назад
@@PsRohrbaugh lol I agree too, I'm just memeing
@Heliogabalos Год назад
All those dog puppies and boys will wake bright and early; and be rushed out with poise, and then - oh the noise. Oh the noise, noise, Noise, NOISE! There’s one thing I hate all the noise, noise, Noise, NOISE! - grinch emp, green with grinchiness
@Phant0mInfinity Год назад
The Grinch was right about that
@misterkefir 3 месяца назад
100% agree with him on that one. Constant noise is literally a method of torture.
@duskplains1235 Год назад
Green man yells at dogs in park
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
Tonight at 11: man bites dog
@Barkii Год назад
Emp finally standing up to Big Doggo
@Numptaloid Год назад
clifford is shaking
@weteggsweteggs Год назад
before he passed my grandfather taught me a cool trick that always stopped a dog from barking. he was locally known as a "dog whisperer" due to his seemingly supernatural connection to them. basically what he did was he would smash its head with a boulder
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
Do you know that kittens are poor swimmers, especially inside burlap sacks?
@ellie1903 Год назад
@icejackalgodofmetal14 Год назад
I hope you're joking because if you're not, you're a very sick man and, you're grandpa was as well
@ColaTsunami 9 месяцев назад
@jeffpalaganas7404 9 месяцев назад
My dad said arabs killed his dog by poisoning some meat.
@duskplains1235 Год назад
Emp denounces vegan status and mails Neighbourhood dogs to china.
@saulgoodmanKAZAKH Год назад
Is he vegan?
@Crzypengu Год назад
@@saulgoodmanKAZAKH he said he was in previous videos from what I remember
@mlalbaitero Год назад
@@saulgoodmanKAZAKH yeah he was inspired by a German leader
@BlueJimmie48Fan Год назад
Something about Emp's ranting just feels so satisfying to me.
@manuelmanterola7070 Год назад
damn he really did mean it when he said he's channeling his post ytp/pre video essay rage in this channel, i love it
@nascarguy2003 Год назад
This video will be shown in a courtroom when Emp finally snaps.
@kadenstimpson3167 Год назад
Emplemon Canine Mass Extermination Incident (2027)
@Mister_Zoid Год назад
Emplemon 18 years later: You people and your fucking pet cicadas.
@MusicDecomposer Год назад
10:40 Even the cows are green in Emp-o-vision.
@oceandreams9916 6 месяцев назад
So happy to see the dog noise pollution awareness growing amd people being more out about not liking dogs, crazy how much i agree with Emp lol.
@chriscitric Год назад
my family once had a dog that was perfectly fine and very quiet, but my mom insisted that it needs to be in a kennel at night or when she stopped wanting the convenience of a dog instead of just training it so it would every night bark as loud as it can because obviously it didn't like being in there and eventually she just sold it to get another puppy when it stopped being cute . More likely than not, that dog got euthanized because of how it was conditioned to be a noisemaker from borderline animal abuse
@Crzypengu Год назад
We had our dog in a kennel for its early years but as he has gotten older we just keep a gate up in the living room and kitchen so he could walk around at night.
@ariathyf144 Год назад
Stupidity of humanity at his peak right there. Spread that unconscious behavior worldwide and you have a epidemic of noise inducing cancer.
@GojoGOATED Год назад
That’s depressing wow, I’m sorry.
@staticaleel5068 10 дней назад
It’s people like this that I’m pretty sure emplemon hates most.
@Mister_Zoid Год назад
I don't hate dogs, but I hate dog moms.
@stronensycharte64 Месяц назад
Dog lovers would rather baby a dog than actually have a baby.
@sneezyanus2459 Год назад
This video speaks to me. I despise dog owners and how they exempt themselves from their dog's noise pollution. I too used to live in a quiet neighborhood, the occasional sound of a faint train in the distance on a cooling summer afternoon; Bliss. Within 1-2 years, dogs owners moved into the right, front, and left of me. One guy diagonally from me got a big yappy dog too (Probably the 2020 lock-down mania got to him). A loud ass golden lab to my left, I can hear through my brick walls. Not even sound proof windows will help. Imagine spending your life paying your house off only for that dream home to be ruined by bad neighbors. I can't enjoy sitting on my deck, relaxing in the sun because I'll get barked at non-stop (our houses are too close together and the dog thinks I'm stepping on it's territory). The woman who owns the golden lab doesn't work, has no dominance over her dog, and lets it out whenever it wants. It will bark at anything it sees and hears. I even heard it a few times barking at 12 am. This dog yapping at random times of the day and night is like a Chinese water torture chamber. I'm just waiting for that next drop of water, that next barking spree that I'll have to put up with for a fucking hour or two. And anytime it's a nice day out in summer, the neighbor will be on their deck relaxing with their dog out for basically the entire afternoon. Also why do dog owners leave their dogs on their front lawn instead of the back yard? I'm fucking tired of always getting barked at every time I got for a walk. I don't envy people who have night jobs and have to sleep during the day. Dog owners are the Biggest Problem in the Universe.
@the-xt8vr 6 месяцев назад
Currently I live in the suburbs, so not only does literally every single house on my street have a dog, but everyone has lawnmowers. It's absolute fucking hell in the summer because there will literally be lawnmowers running for at least half of the day. And even my family has a dog. It's a completely useless mutt, it just sits around and does nothing but the instant it sees anything moving it barks as loud as possible. And it permanently has a collar with a bell thing on it so any time it moves it makes an annoying jingle sound. Takes every fiber of my being not to kick the shit out of it when it runs right up to me and starts barking its head off.
@Thequotequotequoteq Месяц назад
i had people living down the street from me that left their clearly untrained german shepard chained up to a truck they had parked out front that would always try to run after me when i went for walks, literally being yanked back by the chains it was on due to the force at which it would try to chase me. it got to the point that i seriously had to wonder when the dog would finally be in a situation that it could attack someone and go for it, because i would see them out front sometimes with the dog unchained and just end up turning around and giving up. never been happier to see those people get kicked out of their house (and they must not have been great at taking care of houses either, because rhe inside of it had to be gutted and replaced)
@S1apShoes Год назад
Emp spends one weekend with a UPS man and immediately goes on the warparth against borkers.
@DanielLarsonTheBlackDragon Год назад
This is purely the Chinese side of emp talking.
@f1shze4lot Год назад
Woah. He is a 100% white liberal. Walking on the backyard of his mansion
@DanielLarsonTheBlackDragon Год назад
@@f1shze4lot 2 things can be true at once innapropriot word
@kitemporal 5 месяцев назад
As a white guy I think he's right. Moving is a slight overreaction, but he's correct.
@Luna-mq8ke 6 месяцев назад
Whats even funnier about this is most people who have dogs don't even actively play with them or take them on walks. These are like, big dogs too..
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
Look up the applicable laws (county / city). If there's a noise ordinance that's applicable, call the police non-emergency number and make a noise complaint. Also talk with some of your neighbors if any of them hate the noise have them call in complaints as well.
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
§110.03 - Animals and birds. The owning, possessing or harboring of any animal or bird which frequently or continuously howls, barks, meows, squawks, or makes other sounds which create excessive noise across a residential or commercial real property line. It shall not be a violation of this section, however, for any animal or bird to give a sound of danger or warning under particular circumstances reasonably requiring the need for a warning. For the purpose of this section, barking dogs shall include a dog that barks, bays, cries, howls or makes any other noise continuously for a period of ten minutes, or barks intermittently for one-half hour or more to the disturbance of others at any time of day or night regardless of whether the dog is physically situated in or upon private property.
@OPTIMUSL1ME 2 месяца назад
Way late to this but: Be careful going this route. Your neighbor will hate you after and a fine will probably not deter them. You may also have to go to court depending on how you go about it or how it's charged which might not be worthwhile to you. Excessive and continuous barking may also fall under a nuisance animal law if the noise ordinance thing doesn't get enforced. You may have to quote the specific law to the cop or animal control. You may also have to provide evidence (video, audio, multiple witnesses) to support your claim.
@PsRohrbaugh 2 месяца назад
@@OPTIMUSL1ME I agree it depends on the details and where you live. My next door neighbor had his garage lined floor to ceiling with concert subwoofers (I have pictures from when he got rid of them), and the police loved giving him noise citations.
@feasibilyheretical 6 месяцев назад
I've thought the same thing, but people just call me a dog hater when I say it.
@MusicDecomposer Год назад
Another thing I hate is when dogs jump up on my legs. It hurts, they’re pushing & shoving aggressively. And the owner is like “Aw, don’t be scared, he won’t bite.”
@newblue3256 Год назад
Why do owners in nice neighborhoods who leave their dogs outside even bother having a pet? They hardly see it or get any of the benefits of having a companion.
@darthmaul7434 5 месяцев назад
I remember when I got myself a hamster, I think one thing that was good with the 2 years I had her, it taught me to have more responsability, I was the one who fed her, gave her water, cleaned her cage and love, and I did got attached to her, which is why I got pretty sad when she died of cancer, 2 years ago, but that's the point of owning pets, you take care of them and grow a sense of responsability, that your actions and lack of actions have consequences on others, being people or pets.
@pagedMov Месяц назад
it's furniture to them
@bonechovah Год назад
become the ATF
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
@hiruyabebaw807 Год назад
I love dogs but I hate irresponsible owners
@mesosaIpinx Год назад
I made the mistake of moving to an apartment with a dog wash in it. The hallways always smell like wet dog and weed. A dog down my hallway has been barking every time I have left the apartment for 7 months. I live on the first floor and there's a constant parade of people taking their dogs to shit on the lawn outside my window. Despite all of the signs to pick up dog shit, nobody ever does.
@MrDawn 4 месяца назад
Man, I've never felt so represented. It's like all my thoughts on the matter were articulated on a single rant. And yet the bigger problem is you're never really safe - even after moving to a nice and quiet neighborhood, it only takes one (1) POS neighbor to ruin the peace for everyone else. Indeed, the dream really is to live in the middle of nowhere to escape the rest of humanity.
@tay9682 Год назад
I can't stand dogs that get spoiled and end up anxious when the owners aren't around.
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
§110.03 - Animals and birds. The owning, possessing or harboring of any animal or bird which frequently or continuously howls, barks, meows, squawks, or makes other sounds which create excessive noise across a residential or commercial real property line. It shall not be a violation of this section, however, for any animal or bird to give a sound of danger or warning under particular circumstances reasonably requiring the need for a warning. For the purpose of this section, barking dogs shall include a dog that barks, bays, cries, howls or makes any other noise continuously for a period of ten minutes, or barks intermittently for one-half hour or more to the disturbance of others at any time of day or night regardless of whether the dog is physically situated in or upon private property.
@Thequotequotequoteq 5 месяцев назад
lthe sheer amount of contempt held towards these animals by this man is so hilarious to me
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
Yes a large piece of land (20 acres) has a TON of benefits. Solar, well water, septic, and you're off grid and set for a long time.
@Heliogabalos Год назад
take the green pill, do you have a minute to talk about the greatest philosopher of our times, Dr. Theodore J. Kaczynski?
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
@@Heliogabalos Based.
@skilledpotato4177 Год назад
I love how the title says shut your damn dogs up, I then click on the video and I get a dog food Ad
@tree_0550 6 месяцев назад
I feel so bad for our dogs; nobody is ever home, so they just stay couped up in their cage all day. A majority of my family actively hates them, and I have no idea why we ever got them in the first place if we are going to neglect them so much.
@Hia_SuS Год назад
This is a PSA to get a cat
@pogobod2128 14 дней назад
meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
@koore7914 Год назад
always become cat pilled
@misterkefir 3 месяца назад
Amen, brother.
@factualhat3018 3 месяца назад
@fiveleavesleft Год назад
UF fan goes on an angry tangent about the "Dawgs" (Go Dawgs Go Georgia)
@Steelion69 Год назад
We and animals as a whole are biologically wired to notice specific types of sounds within a certain range as alarms, which results in our brains deciding to focus on that sound and initiate the fight or flight response; obviously we know dogs bark (unless we have Cynophobia) so we'll react to neighbours dogs aggressively even if we don't consciously decide to react that way.
@Rhedditor Год назад
I'll tell you what man, I can relate. I'm trying to watch these Downward Diary videos to try and distract myself from my colonoscopy that's looming around the corner, and these DAMN dogs keep distracting me! 😡
@brendas6461 11 месяцев назад
I feel your pain. Inconsiderate brain dead neighbors everywhere.
@SeasideStrangler Год назад
i hate dogs
@Gunden488 Год назад
i love rants. it gets you all riled up and excited and its also pretty funny to watch.
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
12:50 laws vary by county and city. In my county (Lee) it IS illegal for dogs to bark continously. But someone has to call in the noise complaint - the cops don't patrol for it.
@doulest 6 месяцев назад
i completely agree with you except for the "get a cat" part. my fucking neighborhood is overrun by cats because irresponsible owners dont spay/neuter them and they let them out so they reproduce, they shit, they meow, they hiss, they fight, the whole neighborhood stinks and anything left outside is in ruin. they just make everything worse, all because 2-3 owners decided they cant perform the bare minimum. if you are too irresponsible for an animal, dont own one in the first place.
@TheMeanIguanaFilms Год назад
I want to let you know I relate to this rant SO HARD that I often listen to this rant on repeat.
@runekey Год назад
I feel the same way about wind chimes. They sound cool SOMEtimes, but people just leave theirs out all day every day so you always hear them!
@booopoop9767 Год назад
never agreed more in my life
@Heliogabalos Год назад
emp post the bark cut of the next vid, same script but we get to hear all the dog barks; t’would be funny
@jeffparker2369 6 месяцев назад
I was quite literally listening to this video as my upstairs neighbor's dog decided to start jumping and barking loudly right above me. It is 12:20 am.
@Barakon 5 месяцев назад
10:26 you can also get a rabbit! Also a bird can also be very fucking loud, if you get a parrot that is. & dogs are in a mutualistic symbiosis, with one of the things they help up with is warning us against predators, so…yeah, that could be a contributing factor towards your anxiety from dog barking.
@theplayinghandshow Год назад
This video hits different when you’re a delivery driver
at least ur not near some really active train tracks im tired of that weird basey rumble of the wheels followed by the loudest horn ever that just echos through
@thndr_5468 2 дня назад
Your rants are therapeutic to me I love hearing you rant about the idiots surrounding you
@heisHans Год назад
bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
Whoa that's the remix
@misterkefir 3 месяца назад
*gunshot sound* . . . *silence*
@TheMercenary04 5 месяцев назад
As someone who had some experiences with dogs and owners, dogs bark because of many reasons: Ward off any intruder Distrught Stress Tell the other dog they're there And lastly, owners not training their dogs proper.
@stenthesnake98 5 месяцев назад
I feel you on the recording anxiety that you will get interrupted by noises. I used to have to record audition pieces for band and I was always worried that someone was going to come to the door or my own dog would bark at something outside
@Crzypengu Год назад
Watching this video while dogs have been barking nonstop for almost 2 hours in my neighborhood. People need to get their animals to shut up.
@kevin7796 Год назад
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
You should have to have a license (with training) in order to own a pitbull. They CAN be wonderful dogs. But it's very easy for them to be a dangerous nuisance.
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
@Josh S with most animals training is a huge aspect. I've never owned a pitbull and never.
@unkono Год назад
People that own pitbulls are of a different skin color...
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
@Josh S The Gamer From Mars did a good video on pitbulls yesterday
@03e-210a Год назад
@@PsRohrbaugh We used to have one, but it wasn't trained at all. Every time I returned home from school; this dog would come chasing me. As if my trauma from nearly getting rabies from a dog wasn't enough, a pitbull was in our house. It kind of soured me from ever having the idea or notion of owning a pet. I just feed the cats I see outside
@PDocDanny Год назад
I love watching Emplemon tresspass and yell at no one
@citramate3633 Год назад
I was thinking about getting a dog once but i decided that it I couldn't be a great owner for the next 12+ years i wasn't not good enough to own a dog. I currently live in an apartment and very few people have dogs so it's nice to not hear it that often. But I also live near a major highway so I have to deal with trucks and redo takes all the time with recordings. I still get plenty of car sounds but noise removal can handle the majority of it. Though in the past week i've noticed a new dog that barks a lot, it's probably fair away from my be I can still hear it. It's a reminder that maybe i want to stick with areas that are unhospitable to animals rather than a freestanding home where I have to deal with neighbours dogs.
@DaWoWzer Год назад
today we discovered Emp's autism trigger.
@BluesM18A1 Месяц назад
This is exactly the reason why I moved out of my Mom's house and almost never want to stay a night there. 3 dachsunds and a red heeler that just never shut up live here and nobody in the house could be arsed to straighten them out properly, and when they aren't making noise, the neighbors start firing their guns for fun well into 3 in the morning. And this is all on a 20 acre property out in the boonies. Trust me Emp, you're not even guaranteed to be safe from noise out there.
@2Dzz Год назад
two nights ago, my neighbor's dog will start barking at 4-5am, which gots the dogs next to him barking, and so on, and so on, until it's like the dogs were doing The Wave all around me but with their barking.
@b3afy505 Год назад
@mastercabbage Год назад
Never did I think I would see a pitbull soyjack.
@Cfchild1 Месяц назад
I'm totally with you and your rant. I have an inconsiderate neighbor who let their two small dogs out to bark at 1 AM to let them bark unchecked. Yards are close together and it sounds like they're right outside my bedroom window. This wakes me up from a dead sleep, and I have to get up for work at 4:30 AM. There is no reasoning with this individual as they're totally oblivious and likely a substance abuser. Let's also include the a-holes who play their ridiculous car stereos so loud you can feel the subwoofer inside your home. America has become a place where people have no consideration and indifference for everyone around them.
@cresanario4314 Год назад
I think Emp has been on a Downward spiral recently and has now lost it completely!
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
If you are going to be in your house for a while, look into some new windows. I have double pane windows and can't hear most noises.
@HansHartholt-lr8pw 22 дня назад
Ugghh my neighbours have a dog that barks and lunges at me, trying to attack me in front of my own front door while I'm just unpacking stuff from my car... and when I'm sitting in my own backyard trying to relax... It also loudly wakes all the neighbours up when I get home late at night. A dog really is like a broken security alarm... I'll never understand why people take dogs, they were evolved for farms, not for cities... Got to share this somewhere just to get it off my chest because of how much it annoys me, yet there's nothing I can do about it.
@NottherealKyleLarson Год назад
10:39 shoutout to that cow
@GoodGuyJah Год назад
“A bag of excuses deeper than the pacific ocean” 💀
@JoesVinylShow1980 Месяц назад
The irony is his neighbors complaining about him walking around complaining.
@AwesomeMooseSmile Год назад
We do have a lot of dogs and a lot of time they hang outside because we have such a huge front and backyard, but unlike most people, we actually train our dogs and make sure they don't bark all damn day. Our next door neighbor however loves to leave their big dog outside all day for negligent reasons, and that dog barks at literally everything and it's obnoxious. I think eventually they got enough noise complaints because I see that dog way less often now.
@JackDouglass-lk3if Год назад
ive never had this issue due to the spacing of houses in my neighborhood, but yeah this would probably be soul sucking especially if it was in the front yard. people in tighter neighborhoods should just leave the dog in a cage or a room while they're gone.
@Spudcore Месяц назад
I lived two doors down from a negectful POS who kept their dog in their back yard all day, every fkn day. They never walked the dog, the dog just had to sit and pace around in a bare concrete yard with nothing to entertain it, nothing to amuse itself with. And so the dog would bark incessantly from dawn til dusk. My bedroom happened to be at the back of the house, and the barking was clearly audible even with the windows shut. On a hot day, when I had to open the window (this was in Ireland, where air conditioning is next to non-existent), the dog might as well have been in the room with me. So yeah, I can relate to your plight, Emp.
@Colonel_RamRod 2 месяца назад
I mean he’s right. I can’t stand that either. The only thing I feel bad for in the equation is the dog. Why even get one if it’s just another yard decoration?
@factualhat3018 3 месяца назад
Glad im not the only one who absolutely hate this There are folks in my neighbourhood that have a little shit that constantly barks EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT. Of every single day... thankfully it has shut up a while back but the fact that it happens in the first place is a fucking nightmare
@Bronze39 Месяц назад
I’m more of a cat person because they tend to be more independent and you have to work to build a relationship with them vs a dog that will love you unconditionally because you feed it
@f4ngdragon183 3 месяца назад
More than a decade ago, new neighbors moved in just in front of my house. Soon after moving in, they adopted a dog and NEVER took it out. Poor thing barked for years on end, I never saw it out on the streets being taken for a walk or whatever, nah, it just stood there. Some German Shepherd mix dog standing there, day in and day out, out in the rain, caged inside of that house. Those neighbors were labelled as negligent, of course, but I stayed sane because the dog started barking less at it grew older, and now it hardly ever barks from how old and sedentary it is. ... Until they brought in a new dog, young, same size as the first. Hasn't been taken out for a walk as well. His barks are even higher pitched and more frequent than the first dog's. The first dog is clearly on its last legs but every so often JOINS the younger, more annoying dog in barking. It is ball busting. It isn't just the US, a lot of people just get pets and don't care for them, and dogs are just the worst. Cats can be severely problematic too, but the constant noise pollution is exclusive to dogs and shitty owner pairs. Lets not forget that those dogs are also bombs on a timer, cuz all that energy and lack of ways to let it out will make it so the moment the dog actually escapes their cage, it will become a huge problem to anyone in its path.
@raidendigital1003 5 месяцев назад
I have 2 big rooms I could use as a bedroom, but no, I have to sleep in a hallway because of my idiot animal neglecting neighbors. The house is next to the house next to mine. The dog starts barking at random times during the night. Everybody else's dogs will be quite, but this stupid little neglected thing will be barking all night. It's loud, it makes the glass in the window ring. Dogs barking is supposed to indicate danger, so when it does it all the time, for no real reason, it defats the propose and is stressful. I've lost years of sleep because of idiot dog owners in the places I've lived.
@Fuzmonster59 Год назад
new age white flight
@suico778 9 месяцев назад
Damn, you're actually onto something
@rawanalahmed8086 11 месяцев назад
Dogward spiral
@Wawas-x6b Год назад
Green Cow
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
How now
@freakshowjimmyscrackheaddu8255 4 месяца назад
Green cows green milk
@catswork Год назад
0:33 why was he so good at that
@pifflesomepuffnadder855 4 месяца назад
16:07 Such a polite green MooMoo
@yoshyfoods 2 месяца назад
I have neighbors that moved in last year, and they just got a dog a few months ago. It's the same thing. I let my cat in the window, dog barking. I go out for work, dog barking. If so much as a squirrel runs along a powerline above, dog fucking barking.
@TheRoseBoy11 Год назад
Finally, someone who also shares my main as a dog owner myself (against my will since my parents wanted a dog themselves).
@StuffyJunk Год назад
Lol this has Coppercab vibes
@meledisu 2 месяца назад
Emp is so cute when he's angry.
@MamaLuig Год назад
The special guest cow was a surprise to say the least
@jaymenjanssens720 5 месяцев назад
I'll never forget my roommate's little dog. Actual spiteful dude. He was smart too. You're right though, an animal literally raging hell against the world every day is likely not in a good place. Animal laws are far from animal rights, and it's not enforced well either. Hang in there y'all
@TheLastScoot Год назад
Why are the cows green?
@roarinfireball 2 месяца назад
1, 2, 3, and to tha four; Lemon Doggy Dog, and Rusty Cage on a down- ward spiral of mass proportions so back on up. Cuz you know they’re about to unsubscribe shit up.
@blaisetzu 2 месяца назад
Not sure what it's like in Florida. It's not too bad here in California. But in Latin America, especially places like Costa Rica, its obnoxiously non-stop and the locals are completely oblivious to it.
@psychlops924 Год назад
I can tell from the title that this is going to do great with the algorithm.
@thorn9382 Год назад
Emp literally lives in a desktop wallpaper
@persononyoutube8666 6 месяцев назад
As someone who comes from a family with 3 dogs and 3 cats, I feel your pain.
@Ocarinist_Drew Месяц назад
The reason dogs bark for hours and hours is because they have a ton of energy that they don't know what to do with, and they're bored. Their owners aren't playing with them or training them or giving them any kind of outlet for that energy. The key to getting them to stfu is exercise them so thoroughly that they're too tired to bark and just want to relax. But god forbid people do any kind of research and get a base level of understanding of the needs of their animal before buying one. Anyone can get a dog, no matter how much research they've done or how prepared they are for the tremendous responsibility and commitment it is.
@juanmanuelpenaloza9264 Год назад
My dog usually just sleeps but that's probably because he's old and tired.
@ellie1903 Год назад
Also good vid LOL, my dog likes to just growl and then when she is about to bark, I karate chop her face softly to get her attention…this usually works and the bastard quiets down 😂
@stickit2theman1 25 дней назад
You need to get some indoor storm windows, Emp You wouldn't believe the difference it makes
@pineland_national7497 Год назад
Cats 4 life 🤙🏿
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