
Thoughts on Student Loan Forgiveness 

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26 окт 2024




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@stalememe3305 Год назад
The real problem isn't that they have to pay back their debts. The real problem is that every parent, teacher, head of department, principal, university and political advocate simultaneously told university students that they MUST take on this debt or they will FAIL and have NO JOB and LIVE ON THE STREETS when not only is that not true, nowdays University barely even helps with it. The simple truth is that there are only so many "educated" jobs society needs, and pushing 99% of the population toward them floods the market and leaves most at a dead-end. And that's just for people who take on USEFUL degrees. People should NEVER be encouraged to go to university unless their dream job necessitates it, and even then they the cost for it should be covered by whatever company wants to hire them for that job.
@innadesertDOTjpg Год назад
That point about how hard college is pushed is so true, my school didn’t even have trade-centered courses. No shop, no home ec, no woodworking, nada. So, after high school, I felt the pressure to pick a major and get my ass to college. It took a global pandemic to shake me out of it and drop out to pursue a trade. Really glad I did looking back, I could’ve been thousands in debt
@odg1190 Год назад
We had at my school a dude who's sole job was to push seniors to go into college and set them up with as much scholarships as they could get their hands on. Literally all he would do every year. They'd bring him into classes towards the 2nd half of senior year and he'd be rambling about how great college is and how if you get 19 different scholarships you can pay off your tuition and shit. It was crazy how this dude was doing this while the trade classes were getting their budgets slashed year after year I was there.
@akhiosas Год назад
wouldnt thought id see you here
@herrabanani 4 месяца назад
i spent years in the trades and got a degree and everything, only to drop out and get an unskilled job which pays more, i work fewer days and have less responsibility. the trades aren't nearly as good as people say.
@pyreotusbark8954 Месяц назад
Which job is that​@@herrabanani
@NoxideActive Год назад
I've been advocating for people to not go to college ever since I graduated from college.
@__Poindexter__ Год назад
I'd expect nothing less from a based Goombella enjoyer
@evanever Год назад
As someone who has put off going to college (well, university), hearing this perspective feels empty because it's informed by having gone. As in, people who went to college don't know how things would've turned out if they didn't.
@dylangtech Год назад
It’s always a binary. Grass is always greener. The question is “do I want a paying job, or so I want a career?” If you want a paying job, don’t go to college. If you want a career in something you love, consider college, but be smart. I agree with this perspective, but you do you. If you can put up with full time work doing ANYTHING, get a trade or just work your way up to management at a company or in labor
@Bruhlie Год назад
Thanks EmpLemon. Now I can finally have an opinion about student debt forgiveness
@evanever Год назад
​@@NotaBInMyHOh wow, now I can finally have an opinion on why having opinions based on EmpLemon's is bad.
@rakk8594 Год назад
@@evanever​​ Wow! Now I’m able to have an opinion about why having a bad opinion on having opinions of EmpLemon’s opinions is good.
@rakk8594 Год назад
@@NotaBInMyHLol, imagine having an opinion on something, how gay! [cute girls turn away whilst laughing at you]
@NaClSandwich Год назад
​@@NotaBInMyH Please explain how these views are deluded and irrational. Pissed off yes. Emotive 100%. The chain of reasoning however, is solid so I dont see how you are applying the critical thinking you espouse to this issue.
@H0LLOW_PRIV Год назад
​@@NotaBInMyHlove watching you sit here explaining it like this is something so easy to explain to everyone, it's not.
@izaakullian9779 Год назад
It's definitely interesting how it was easier for college graduates to get a job in 1982 when unemployment was at 11 percent, whereas now the unemployment rate is supposedly the lowest it has ever been and yet most college graduates struggle to land stable employment.
@cardomajig24 Год назад
Part of that is cherrypicked statistics, if your data is quantatative you can say X jobs are filled for Y people even when a good portion of Y people are holding multiple jobs. Surveying for the government when it comes to the economy is becoming a job in lying by omission.
@liamsmith7753 11 месяцев назад
That's because the definition of unemployed has been "adjusted" to exclude recent graduates. If these numbers were actually factual, there would be a declared economic crisis and people like us would actually get the help we need, which is a big no no for the 1%.
@alex_dot_org5512 5 месяцев назад
The reason the unemployment rate and the number of empty job positions is so low is because everyone has to work multiple jobs to support themselves
@lazer-ape Год назад
Im glad I never went to college. That said I wish it was easier to get into trade schools. Public education made zero efforts to ease me or anyone else in my generation into the trades and 5 years later Im still trying to figure out the logistics of it all. If you're too poor to afford a car let alone car insurance to get to and from a job or let alone school you're just left high and dry.
@kontrabanned Год назад
Politics be like: selling your soul to the government bad! Except when its good!
@jedd.0322 Год назад
Im stealing this
@Kodeb8 Год назад
nailed it
@strrmnn Месяц назад
I will never sell my soul to a greedy corrupt politician unless they have the correct letter next to their name
@plumlogan Год назад
This was always going to be the result. Biden didn't have this authority, and granting would have dire long-term ramifications. This debt does need to be addressed, and the entire university financing paradigm needs altered, but this Biden forgiveness idea was DOA
@aboi7554 Год назад
What makes this worse is that Biden has pledged to try this again. Right down to the plot of using an already existing law and loosely interpreting the language to mean that student loan debt forgiveness can be achieved. Only this time, instead of using the Heroes Act, he’s using the Higher Education Act of 1965.
@GojoGOATED Год назад
Facts of they forgive the loans then they’ll make everyone else pay for it the government hates you and will still fuck you in anyway they can
@corynasf9749 Год назад
did you know the secretary of education literally has the ability to cancel debt lmao. all political charades
@plumlogan Год назад
@@corynasf9749 No, I don't know that, because that's not true. This has been covered ad nauseam.
@aboi7554 Год назад
@@corynasf9749 That requires Congressional approval to do on a wide scale. This initial plan lacked that and the Supreme Court struck it down.
@FlampyPants Год назад
I dropped out of college becuase I ran out of money. I now work at a restaurant and have for 5 years. I see no end. I work 60+ hours a week and have 0 energy to do anything else. My older brother got a degree in film, he works at walmart. My sister went to school for medicine and got burnt out, she works in a public library now. My other sister also dropped out due to lack of money. Four kids, none of them got anything out of college. But we're all struggling financially because of our attempts.
@anonony9081 Год назад
If they were to forgive all current loans but not make school free going forwards it would completely break the system. Why would anyone pay off a loan knowing there is a chance they might get forgiven at some point?
@subsonicwave64 4 месяца назад
because having debt actually does affect pay, a chunk of your pay will get garnished to pay for the debt. for the people paying for debt, the money they get is never enough. this is pretty much their only good chance of getting the weight of debt off their shoulders
@iammostwanted Год назад
14:10 - Even then, most computer science and comp. engineering degrees are being massively devalued from how many of them there are (and how easy it is to feign competency in this field). Even if you get a job in those fields, you're likely being massively underpaid relative to what you need to pay back the loan.
@TonyAMO Год назад
Never mind that the schools themselves suck at teaching those courses and are relying on YOU to know certain concepts beforehand that were not covered in previous college courses. Now you got people who are stuck with a worthless degree with a tenuous grasp of CS and crippling anxiety about their future in anything tech related
@TorridPrime217 Год назад
Anyone remember that scene from 'Malcolm in the Middle', where this one guy had finally paid off his debt to Francis' Alaskan boss... only for her to immediately lure him back into servitude with raisinbread muffins? I'll leave you all to ruminate on that and come to your own conclusions...
@M.J44 Год назад
My cousin wants to be a teacher. She's going to be poor her entire life, all because she wants to teach students. That statement alone is enough to call our education system a complete failure
@BennyFromFalloutNewVegas Год назад
Exactly. Too many jobs that keeps the lights on as a society pay so little. The beginning of covid showed that all the essential workers were people who made close to minimum wage.
@goatskin4487 Год назад
Teachers make good money
@BennyFromFalloutNewVegas Год назад
@@goatskin4487 Nice bait.
@birdman9632 Год назад
The problem with education is not as simple as people make it out to be while the American education system is extremely over funded and given tons of money everywhere. About $17,000 per student the problem is why does the government own a monopoly and education and not allow competition. As competition drives prices down and allowed for better service. Besides that though teachers actually make a lot in benefits and services but their pay stays low as teachers unions continue to over hire teachers and take all the money to the top of faculty and administration. Teachers wages are simple supply and demand and since it’s almost a gaurentee job with extreme job protections it causes people to not pay as high. I think teachers should get paid more. But I also think the way the system is set up currently just doesn’t allow for teachers to make the money they deserve
@candycorn6268 Месяц назад
​@@goatskin4487 Maybe in Finland
@Swanhub Год назад
I graduated with a bachelor's in IT with no debt. Four years later, I'm still at my first job because no jobs are actually hiring. Plenty of listings, but every company wants 6 certs, 10 years of experience, and a college degree. Even with these, hiring professed take months. If I had debt, I'd probably be dead.
@pbobaggins6904 Год назад
blame the education system for making everyone think they need to go to college. Forgiving debt won’t make it go away, simply will make everyone who isn’t in debt poorer
@captain_cannoli5566 Год назад
Its so shitty that you need to decide to straddle yourself with this debt by the time your 18 too. You’re so young that you don’t even know yourself fully, but somehow should decide what your going to do as a career. One of the biggest scams of all time.
@aluminumtarkus Год назад
​@@captain_cannoli5566Here's the crazy part; you DON'T have to decide once you're 18; you can wait a few years, work on yourself, get a little extra income to help pay for school if you do go back, and figure out if you even want to go to college and what you want to do there. But again, educators will feed you a bunch of bullshit about "oh, if you don't go right out of high school, then you'll never want to go to college and you'll be a failure," as if not going to college means you're worse off, when there's trade schools, sales, marketing, entrepreneurial work, and a plethora of other career paths that don't require any degree whatsoever.
@RabbidTheNabbit Год назад
No it won't lol, plenty of countries have free college/universities and then people can have a choice without the massive financial risk and on average the people in those countries are way happier than in the us
@AngelBattalion 2 месяца назад
Other countries don’t have a defense budget the size of the USA. As an American before spending anymore on government programs they could at least mention the fact that downsizing would be better for Americans as a whole. We can’t afford the interest on the money we have already borrowed. How can we responsibly provide free anything as it stands today.
@wesleyem3 Год назад
It's morally criminal to force teenagers to take on massive amounts of debt like this. To anyone who is looking to go to college: Don't. Look into trade schools in your area. See if your school has the option to go there while you do your normal high school classes. It's one of few career paths that won't be taken over by technology.
@ProudAjax Год назад
it isnt forced, its consentual. College students agreed to take on a loan and should be expected to pay for it
@Cross_Malaki Год назад
@@ProudAjax Did you not watch the video at all?
@ProudAjax Год назад
@@Cross_MalakiThe video is very emotional and irrational, no real argument is made. Nobody forced you take the loan, you chose to do that. Tuition is high because of government spending. If you want to make college cheaper, we should abolish public education and privatize everything.
@Elkington7 Год назад
​@@ProudAjax Many that are in debt were told to take on those loans by people older than them, such as parents, that otherwise couldn't afford to help financially. It was something heavily pushed through family pressure, peer pressure, media/advertising and still kind of is today. However, people are starting to realize that getting mired in 5-6 figure debt isn't worth it. As for that last sentence, healthcare and education are two things that should not be privatized, as corporations will always prioritize profit over people. The corporate sector is more than half the reason this problem exists in the first place, so giving them even more power is not the answer.
@corynasf9749 Год назад
@@ProudAjax you are also 17 or 18, so the reality of those interest rates isn't obvious to you. your brain literally isn't fully able to forsee future consequences yet
@bruhmoment1363 Год назад
Don't forget Emp that personal credit scores weren't even invented until 1989!
@stonecoldsteveaustin5429 Год назад
I think we should double the debt and break everyone below 40’s knees
@illN Год назад
I used to be against student debt forgiveness. Now I want it to happen and see these ghoulish institutions crumble. Hopefully student loan forgiveness comes with ending it as well.
@ashtremble Год назад
I know! I am currently considering moving to another country to go to college because it's so bad that college costs, moving costs, and living costs in most European countries are cheaper than going to college in the US at all.
@ashtremble Год назад
also i'm not one of those people that says "america bad europe good" but it is a real difference that may become more and more prominent as time goes on
@illN Год назад
Studying abroad is for sure a viable option. Many universities abroad - not their equivalent of Ivy Leagues - offer pretty much an equally valuable curriculum at a fraction of the cost. I still think that the US is probably one of the greatest nations on earth, but the entire student loan system is pretty broken. This is exacerbated, as Emp points out in the video, but the 'prestige' culture that surrounds a university degree. I have so many colleagues getting purely academic degrees ending up working the same dead-end jobs or entry-level positions that would've been afforded to any person with a decent CV. One thing people aren't taught is that university is only worthwhile if you are sure of the path you will take in life, or have enough financial backing that getting an academic degree and pursuing your own interests won't set you back. the idea of university being another stepping stone in getting a job has corrupted its initial goal: which was to allow a place for passionate intellectuals to pursue higher learning. it is not a piece of paper that gives access to a job. I would even recommend, if your socioeconomic conditions allow, to just take a gap year and work, network, and find yourself. knowing people will help you land a decent paying job faster than getting an undergrad, or a master's. in fact, master's are pretty worthless in most professions. most companies and jobs still expect you to start in an entry level position and learn and work your way up it. something which is often accessible already at an undergrad. which means that suckers that pursued the master's simply lost out on 3 years they could've spent building rapport and experience with a company. hell, put yourself in a hirer's shoes: would you rather hire a strappy kid 3 years younger, who can give you more labour and will be trained anyways by your company culture, starting 3 years earlier; or hire a fresh master's graduate who has no professional work experience, that will have to undergo the same training, while probably having a chip on their shoulder expecting a higher salary for the same job? if eventually a master's degree is required for further career promotion, many companies will usually bankroll you anyways, to keep your loyalty and experience if you are a good employee. /ramble over
@almostanarchybro9129 Год назад
I have seen classmates looking for prestige with a college degree , wile I looked for a trade most of my classmates went to college with few plans for the future beyond that. Even in class when I would talk about the lack of good degrees and how the overall value of one was decreasing many did point out the prestige of it over trades or a payed internship. It's terrible to be weighed down with debt but I do attribute some blame to them, while social and peer pressure exists nobody forces you to take loans, research into good fields isn't impossible and alternatives exist if you look into it. Why should a trade apprentice pay for an irresponsible peers decision, just forgiving the debt doesn't mean that person will be immediately successful and contribute significantly more to the economy if anything it will just get the current people out of debt while continuing it for the next graduating class. I would be open to forgiving debt to the most profitable degrees (STEM, Engineering, Medical, etc.) and those who have been consistent in paying it off but there are definitely some people that try to abuse the system that should be ratted out.
@PresidentofPluto Год назад
Debt forgiveness is an upward transfer of wealth. Why should we be pulling money from the public fund, which everyone contributes to through taxes, to supplement individuals who, over the course of their life on average, will out earn those who do not attend college by tens of thousands of dollars per year? 2/3 of people do not attend college, so how are we actually "helping the taxpayers" by telling 2/3 of them to contribute to the other 3rd who out-earn them?
@Cross_Malaki Год назад
Those out earnings only happened in the 90's. Most college grads in the modern era are still working as baristas. Welcome to this magical concept called "Underemployment" where your qualifications say you should be a manager, but your job title is slave.
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
Even with an engineering degree, the job market was no cakewalk. Sure, there were jobs. But good luck finding one that pays well, in an industry you want to work in, in a part of the country you want to live.
@Sound557 Год назад
College debt is only tangentially related to home ownership. The real issue is the unequal ownership of land. If land was made common property (and zoning restrictions lifted) then we’d see more low income housing and affordable rentals and college grads could easily work towards their first house. Making debt paid for useless degrees won’t effect housing, Emp.
@smorinator Год назад
Ill be down for forgiving debt if at the same time, government stops subsidizing loans.
@jrmustang9496 Год назад
We need to stop telling people that the only way you're going to succeed in life is going to college, especially if it's degrees that'll only get you into low-paying jobs. I got lucky and went to a trade school and with no student debt, I'm making roughly $75k a year. Although there are trade jobs that could pay way more than that.
@kennylauderdale_en Год назад
I majored in Cantonese Shadow Puppet Theater for THREE YEARS. Now you say I should have a degree in underwater basket weaving too? When does it END?
@Kodeb8 Год назад
Oh wow, didn't expect to see you here.
@swarmX Год назад
we should just try and steer kids away from college (unless its somethin like engineering or medicine) since skills like coding/programming could be self taught. but i think the best thing would be to encourage young people to go into trade schools.
@Tickerchicken Год назад
Trades aren’t always the answer, I did plumbing for two years just to find out nobodies hiring apprentices near me, so I’m stuck with half a qualification.
@MrOnay-px1jx Год назад
@@Tickerchicken dont know where you live but plumbers are always in demand along with electricians and data guys
@cisco20211 Год назад
The thing with me is. Who's gonna pay for it? Who forced you to take out a loan? Who forced you to go to that expensive school? I also went to school debt free. but I believe in accountability. If I have to pay my taxes and my mortgage. You should pay for the loans you took out.
@Cross_Malaki Год назад
1) The government, same as they pay for literally everything else. By printing money to make the payment, then raising taxes and interest rates like they should have done decades ago, instead of artificially holding them down to allow businesses to continue to prosper endlessly and allow Baby Boomers to buy a third condo in Miami. 2) The Schools. Because if we didn't take out a loan, we weren't going to be allowed to attend, and we were told all throughout our lives that we had to go to college or we'd end up flipping burgers for the rest of our lives. 3) The adults in our lives, who told us endlessly that if we didn't go to a good school, we wouldn't get a job. And our teachers and councilors, who told us that community college was for the dumb kids who didn't do well in school. 4) I believe in accountability to. That's why I believe that the Boomers who created this crisis and set all of this up should be removed from political office. Term limits and maximum ages for holding public office should be instituted in the constitution effective immediately. 5) I pay my taxes and rent too. The difference is, you got lucky. I didn't. 6) Glad to know you believe in reinstating slavery.
@lenny7773 9 месяцев назад
Nobody pays, just shaft the lender
@toastman41000ml Год назад
As someone who never went to college for this exact reason (And lives comfortably off the stock market,) you have to understand that boomers and gen x'ers lived far more straight forward and simplistic lives. They didn't do better financially and socially because they understood how everything worked, quite the contrary actually. The era they lived in had everything idiot proofed so everyone could just focus on getting a job and contributing to the economy. This is why boomers have socially regressed too. They never had any hindsight or critical thinking to properly analyze why they were better off during the 80's & 90's. (Unable to remember the lower standards for job applications which had a domino effect of more first time employees, leading to a stronger lower-middle class that spent more on goods and services. When everyone hoards their money out of fear, that's when economies grind to a halt and everything starts closing down. The upper class might run businesses, but they aren't the ones spending billions on the goods those business produce.) How can you expect someone to give you good advice about something they never understood? People equate age and intelligence too often. Everyone is stupid. (Especially me.)
@citramate3633 Год назад
I'm glad someone's finally put the feeling of the indoctrination that university is a guarantee to a happiness in words that i can resonate with. I don't think that the trades are that amazing though, it's being overhyped by conservatives and even for lower pay, i'd rather do my work from home IT job a million times over than a job that's going to give me health problems in my mid 40s . I fortunately was thinking about future prospects when I was a teen. We had a lot of university students come in and talk about their experience while i was in highschool. By year 10 I'd say that half of the people in my year with any form of academic ability already knew what the underwater basket weaving degrees were. While Australia doesn't have anywhere near the problem of student loan debt due to the HECS debt system being designed in a way where you only have to make mandatory payments when you earn above certain thresholds, it's still something that has to be considered. I'm not pro free higher education, but I am disgusted by how predatory the student loan programs are in the US. Student loan forgiveness was nothing more than a band-aid on a fractured limb.
@myhandleiswhat 6 месяцев назад
A lot of people in education are miserable and want to spread the misery so they tell us to go do what they did. I'm paying off my debt. I live well below my means. I don't know what everyone else's situation is. Everything new is made out of nothing these days and breaks if you look at it funny. There's nothing worth watching on streaming services. The only subscription I have is to Spotify. I'm so hesitant to buy anything due to how poor quality everything is this day and age. It was getting bad up until 2020, but it just nosedived from there. Add to it the anti consumer practices companies are doing (some got a few thousand miles head start, like Apple) and I genuinely prefer my older stuff that I already have.
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
My parents were extremely against student loans. They said "if you're too stupid to get a scholarship, or too lazy to work while going to school, you shouldn't go to school". I wasn't smart enough to get scholarships, so I worked through high school and college. Spent six years getting a 4 year degree, but graduated debt free. My family viewed student loans as terrible even 20+ years ago. I'm not sure where others got the idea they were OK.
@namuzed Год назад
I would only be in favor of forgiveness if the loan/education system was overhauled as well. Otherwise, what's the point? If you forgave all student debt, institutions would just become more predatory and students will take more financial risk.
@pbobaggins6904 Год назад
“i can’t be held accountable to a loan i decided on when i was 18, but I should be allowed to vote at 18!”
@imahoare4742 Год назад
This is exactly why we're in a shit show right now tbh. Young people have all the answers until shit like this happens and then they're suddenly midwits who can't think rationally and it's not there fault they can't do so.
What about war we can send them to war. At 18 they should probably reconsider the legal age of adult hood
@imahoare4742 Год назад
We just need to stop infantilizing young people. We've raised a generation of permanent adolescents unable to think and do things for themselves.
@pbobaggins6904 Год назад
@@TheKNIGHTELFMOHAWK nah you can take orders you can’t give them.
@crow1an Год назад
Tfw owning a home went out the window, now going to college is out the window.
@pbobaggins6904 Год назад
just saying everyone i know personally bitching about student loans is either a burnout or someone who got a generic degree and went with no intention. My buddies who didn’t are doing well. My buddies who got good degrees and didn’t just party are doing well.
@sparkeee3 Год назад
Dawg you’ve made like 8 comments on the same video put your phone down
@Cross_Malaki Год назад
Survivorship bias.
@pbobaggins6904 Год назад
@@sparkeee3 sorry i had the day off and was fuming over fellow zoomer sounding like an entitled wimp
@Just-A-Bit 23 дня назад
If you're going to college, try to do everything but get a loan. Look at scholarships, financial aid, etc.
@chickensofdeath490 Год назад
Gotta love how every single thing has to be partisan in modern American politics.
@Alexander_Grant Год назад
Based EmpLemon. I'm glad he has the objectively right viewpoint. Anyone anti-student loan forgiveness is cognitively dissonant or unable to think.
@JuanACookie Год назад
My opinion is that nobody should get loan forgiveness. HOWEVER. The predatory system of college loans should be culled, and if the banks and loaners were told by the government to drop the interest on the active loans, I'd support it. Never fell for the college scam, and fell for a possibly worse scam. I am where I am now albeit with no debt trying to find a way to becoming a homeowner while employed with a decent paying career after following an alternative path that many people would most certainly pass over and even I wouldn't recommend. I won't say it outright, but MAYBE don't "Be all you can be" become "the few the proud" or "Fly fight and win". But it is an option that can lead to possible success while avoiding the problems college brings.
@myhandleiswhat 6 месяцев назад
The other thing is, if you want to start a new business and get a loan, you'll likely be denied, but they'll give out student loans like hot cakes to an extent.
@spazador Год назад
I like how you said "voting for people who don't deliver" when you can't vote a Supreme Court Judge into the Supreme Court.
@ZontarDow Год назад
Except the Court just determined what everyone already knew: the President can't unilaterally do it and it needs an act of Congress. So yes, it is because of voting.
@spazador Год назад
@@ZontarDow and it can go through the process again and get hit by the court again. All must suffer. But my local community College is offering free tuition and with a government grant you could get a trade degree for little to no cost. If you can't get it done nationally try starting locally. Over time things may change.
@ZontarDow Год назад
@@spazador Of course if it went through the same process again it would get hit by the court again, that's my entire point, the President cannot unilaterally nationalise private debts, only the Congress can.
@chemccord 3 месяца назад
As someone that actively looks for trade schools for my students we need to also discuss how trades are slowly becoming inaccessible to the avg person due to trade schools rising in costs as well as schools now being needed for things we’d learn anyway. Used to be you could join a crew and actually learn skills. That slowly is disappearing as well as trades being underpaid as well. Every election cycle we get politicians pretending to care about trades while we constantly see our trades being shipped out or underpaid.
@crossingtheline2189 Год назад
I did community college for free for two years, then dropped out when i heard the cost of further tuition. I worked for 5 years at various jobs, then took out a similarly sized loan to open a business based on what id learned. To anyone else, id recommend getting your associates degree at a community college for cheap or free. It'll get you in the door a lot of places that train you anyway
@captainkeyes9913 Год назад
well then? what say you? I wanna try electrical engineering, but if it is as much of a scam as you say it is, what should I do? surely i dont just continue a gas station job right? bouncing from minimum wage job to minimum wage job with no benefits and barely any vacation time
@RJPerez64 Год назад
It's worse for those whose parents never gotten degrees because they immigrated in. I'm thankful my dad was able to get a job in security at a college for me to get a discount at, or I'd be dealing with a nasty level of debt (still had to cover my last semester with a loan due to his discount running out since I finished in 5 years). Hoping to get into a data analytics bootcamp, since I'm intrigued by SQL and the program has a lot of help associated with it.
@OldQueer Год назад
The analytics bootcamps are usually a bit of a scam in terms of what they promise. Happy to point you in the direction of some resources I recommend to junior analysts and engineers if you'd like.
@RJPerez64 Год назад
@@OldQueer Sure! What would you recommend?
@teddyfurstman1997 Год назад
Your Opinions on Politics and Education are fascinating. Excellent videos on Mac Tonight and New Coke.
@josh1mark Год назад
This girl from an extremely small rural schol had thought she was randomly was enrolled in a tech college and was 2k in debt about 2 weeks after school started. Found out the tech school went to her high school that January and signed some (maybe most) of the class up for classes in the fall. Since she was 18, she had agreed edge to all of this without her parents being there or someone to explain the ramifications. The school offered her a "reduced tuition" deal where she still had to pay like a grand or so for the confusion. It's getting pretty ridiculous these days.
@comfywizard Год назад
Most boomers would keel over if they knew how congress and the States spend “their” money. Subsidizing some tuition would be the least of their concerns. I’m also paying for their social security so I don’t see their point. And yea, universities charge way too much anyways.
@squidwater6700 Год назад
My mentality has always been: if I’m not paying for it, who is? And if we make this a norm will that, in turn, make me pay someone else’s tuition down the line?
@comfywizard Год назад
It already is the norm, social security, food stamps, state housing, affordable connectivity, rental assistance, tax payers are already paying for a lot of government subsidies.
@squidwater6700 Год назад
@@comfywizard exactly, why add another thing to the pile
@imahoare4742 Год назад
All of those subsidized programs are also expected to be depleted completely within the next 30 years...
@Cross_Malaki Год назад
You are already paying for someone's retirement every single day.
@evanever Год назад
​@@squidwater6700I get this but the reality is you or I are getting our money taken anyway. Might as well go somewhere that makes an impact.
@tonystank3091 Год назад
When I was younger, my mother *screamed* at me for even having the *idea* that I wouldn't go to college. I ended up doing it, three times. All three times, I couldn't last even one semester. Thankfully, it was some tiny rural community college all three times, and it was pretty easy to get out from under that debt. Still feels like wasted time and money, however... Time I could've been using to do other things. Ah, but who am I kidding? I was a basement-dweller for 6 years, only broken up *by* those occasional college tries.
@IOUaUsername 2 месяца назад
The problem with student loan forgiveness is that it's not a progressive anti-tax based on your financial situation, but it's based solely on your financial choices. Some people choose to buy a new car and not pay off their student loans, while others with the same income choose to drive a '95 Geo Metro and pay off their student loans. Do tradesmen get the same payment to pay off their debt to Snap-On? Yes, you should get something back for your taxes but student loan forgiveness is arbitrary and doesn't reward good choices. Really what America needs is a 0% minimum tax rate like Australia and many other western countries have. The first $18k you earn each year in Australia is tax free. We also have a welfare system that (while having its issues) contains features like a "get the hell out of that dead-end town" payment of $4k which both encourage and facilitate sound career choices.
@benjaminmajeski140 Год назад
It really frustrating to me personally that I’m going to a worse college (community college) so that I don’t have to go into debt… so I don’t really like that I have to pay money for a worse college while others get to go to a better college and get their debt forgiven. I do understand what you’re saying… maybe it’s a bit of envy on my part. It just feels like I’m being punished for not making a bad decision
@pingasbomb Год назад
Sir with all due respect you just have to repeal the law that made it so we can’t declare bankruptcy to get out of debt after 7 years of accruing debt We need to take your anger out on Freddie Mae and fanny mac
@kennetic9196 Год назад
Get rid of federally guaranteed student loans and tuition prices will drop.
@geniuskhan1337 Год назад
I'm no economist, but wouldn't giving millions of people a lot of money bring horrible economic consequences?
@FukU2222 Год назад
No, you're actually forgiving the (poor) decisions of people who have terrible financial decision(s) and rewarding them essentially. It would actually be a lot worse than randomly giving millions of people a lot of money.
@Cross_Malaki Год назад
@@FukU2222 No, it's just wiping out debt. Some people might have made poor decisions, but other people made good decisions and got screwed over. You're choosing only to look at what supports your argument and not at the entire picture. Some people went to school for good degrees, only to find out the only jobs in their field got moved to China while they were in school, and changing majors would put them even further in debt AND not guarantee them a job AND make half their work up to that point meaningless.
@jeffparker2369 Год назад
This is why we need to organize and make the voice of the people and reason heard once more.
@akaLethal Год назад
No refunds
@adamsandler3052 Год назад
Emplemon walks up and down a beach maniacally ranting about student debt as onlookers observe Circa July 2023.(Ps good Video)
@byzantineroman2407 Год назад
5:26 - That's not "conservatives". It's actually "neoconservatives".
@ng855 Год назад
It costs 400,000 dollars to read this book for twelve seconds
@HexenDarkside Год назад
I agree with a lot of this, but debt forgiveness wasn't just going to be a *poof* vanishing of debt, it was going to be taken in taxes from everyone and that includes those who made correct decisions. Your correct in saying it's an institution that thrives on grooming the ignorant into debt-slavery, but it was ultimately still a choice and punishing those who had the insights you have about the system years or even decades earlier and forcing them to pay for the mistakes of others is madness. I have always been terrified of debt and got a degree from a community college and to this day have no debt, and while that puts me far ahead of underwater basket-weavers who owe 100k+ I can't be expected to foot the bill and decrease my quality of life and maybe even ability to live day to day for the crime of foresight. I also take some issue with this idea of boomers forcing their kids to take college debt for personal status - that surely happens, but only in super rare cases that would mostly intersect with richer types who are the vast majority who would care about that and probably paid their kids way. We can all agree boomers have fucked things up in many ways, but they aren't monsters who want their children to suffer - that is some kind of weird personal resentment on your part. The parties that needs to be punished are the colleges themselves who sinfully raises their prices because of grants to squeeze the government and students of funds they waste or misappropriate, and the government itself for subsidizing this system and certainly receiving kickbacks from it... not your fellow citizen who made good choices and the government wants to bring down because they want them to join the debt-slave ranks. "Debt forgiveness" in this form was always a ploy of turning people against each other instead of the institutions and bluntly buy votes.
>Borrow money >have to give back money “I’m literally being enslaved.” I’m sorry that you listened to people who misled you. It sucks the way out education system funnels people into debt for profit. That being said, you made a decision as an adult and you have no reason to expect other people to pay for it, especially since many people who will be expected to pay for your mistakes are not themselves college graduates.
@Cross_Malaki Год назад
So, literally abdicating all responsibility, just like all Boomers do. Must be nice not having to be responsible for your decisions ever.
@nik-challengeman383 Год назад
@nik-challengeman383 Год назад
​@@Cross_Malakinot every young person gets a degree you know, u just want to make the other young people pay for your bullshit
@JCdental 7 месяцев назад
Student loans arent normal loans: Students can't declare bankrupcy, and the interest ar cumilative
@thrifty_midwit Год назад
I never made it to college and I am not American. So I never had a oppinion on this, but you make it sound like dept forgiveness would have just been a bandade for a broken system. And how can the goverment admit that collage students can not pay back their loans, without admitting, that the college system (and the education system in general) is broken?
@Robotnic12 Год назад
Went straight into the workforce out of school. I earned way less than any of my peers who graduated college. I don’t think i should have to pay back their debt.
@Numptaloid Год назад
you aren't, in this instance all of the expenses have already been paid towards everything that makes up the school. you will not be paying for anything. you aren't involved in the transaction that no longer exists.
@RabbidTheNabbit Год назад
Why aren't you more mad about billionaires getting loads of subsidiaries out of your taxes?
@Robotnic12 Год назад
@@RabbidTheNabbit I want that to stop too. I haven’t met a single person in favor of it.
@FerdarPleaseSubscribe 7 месяцев назад
@jacklee8467 Год назад
No one was forced to get student loans. They made bad choices. The idea that someone who made good financial choices should be forced by the federal government to pay OTHER PEOPLE’s debt is mind boggling
@theanonymspysandwich Год назад
The U.S.: We abolished slavery Also the U.S.: We let 17 year olds into loan-slavery And, as it often does, it goes all the way to the banks.
@3p1Kf41L Год назад
and I own the banks
@1ironfist1 3 месяца назад
Re: college being gambling Its part gamble and part "trying to get children to be productive at any cost". College costs both money and EFFORT. Effort has just as much opportunity cost.
@orenalbertmeisel3127 Год назад
If your student loan is forgiven, you’re still going to pay for it through inflation.
@ZontarDow Год назад
Yeah but it's thought everyone paying it rather then only the upper middle class
@orenalbertmeisel3127 Год назад
@@ZontarDow huh?
@RabbidTheNabbit Год назад
What tf are you even talking about
@genreartwithjb5095 3 месяца назад
I support Loan forgiveness full stop. As a dual EU citizen this is a no brainer
@brandpross820 7 месяцев назад
This rlly crushed my dreams of becoming an underwater basket weaver
@TraditionalCrusader Год назад
Since leafy got the ban hammer you are my favorite RU-vidr. Keep it up bro.
@hps362 Год назад
People who need their lives improving having their lives improved seemed like a good thing to me. If Bob Cratchit can have his mortgage paid off by Scrooge, I'm happy to see it. Whether Bob did it to himself or not, I'm happy to see the less fortunate catch a break. Suffice it to say, the court decision was disappointing news, though it doesn't affect me personally. I wish everyone the best of luck in paying their debt. I hope Biden can turn this around for you, though I don't know how he would. Certainly, I hope when I'm done with university in the UK, that I won't see too much trouble in paying my loans. I think I'm in fortunate enough circumstances, though.
There’s a difference between taxation and charity
@hps362 Год назад
@@enclaveherewhyisntyourvide3089 I know that context changes things for some people, but it doesn't for me. Maybe that's because I'm in support of high taxes though.
@d7mf3j 4 месяца назад
this guy has such a poor understanding of the arguments against student loan forgiveness
@erikhesjedal3569 4 месяца назад
@OldQueer Год назад
Most millennials and younger had access to the internet when applying to university. I went in early 2010s and had all of the information I needed about the cost and future debt implications. Anyone who failed to do this holds all of the responsibility of their debt in my opinion. I don't think it's at all fair to ask the taxpayer to cover the cost of education, particularly those without degrees who often don't even get a look into the highest paying jobs. I disagree with the profiteering element of universities, but there are so many other ways to spend public cash than giving statistically higher earners debt relief.
@tsunderemerc2963 3 месяца назад
Im 23, and this is why i never even thought about college in high school. I knew i was just going to waste my money and be in debt for the rest of my life
@benjamin_burke Год назад
Emp once again proves his biggest weakness is ignorance
@FerdarPleaseSubscribe 7 месяцев назад
he forgot to mention that crystall balls that can peer into the future job market exist
@j03T3XAz Год назад
All politician's terms should only be like 5 years max lol
@unkono Год назад
Why does American dream and American scheme rhyme?
@philharmonicestuary Год назад
-The president does not have the authority for student loan forgiveness, I'm glad we live in a country where the president can't just do whatever he wants. - 18 year olds are not these little babies with no clue what they're doing. You don't have to pick your major right away and can even change it. Every person I knew with a worthless major knew exactly how worthless the degree would be (and there are a lot more worthwhile degrees than the ones you listed, maybe not all great, but good enough). -You have no clue how bad the economic fallout of this would be, and the poor would shoulder a lot of the burden to help out those more priveldged than them. You never even acknowledge that their are consequences at all.
@DecentlyDefault Год назад
Maybe don't take out a loan if you don't want to have to pay it back in the future.
@metalmythology6282 Год назад
The problem isn't lazy people, it's dumb people there are lots of colleges that are under 10k per year. But tons of people insist on going to expensive prestigious ones and going 70-80k plus in debt. It's not everyone else's fault that you can't do research
@dr.livesey137 Год назад
It's simple, you pull out a loan, you pay it back. Don't force me to pay the federal government in taxes to pay people who are not good with money. Why do I have to pay for other peoples poor decisions. I don't care if they were sold a lie and expectation, I shouldn't be forced to pay for it. It was their decision.
@ToadySP Год назад
It's honestly a form of natural selection.
@Thequotequotequoteq 19 дней назад
you're already paying people who arent good with money just by paying taxes in the first place
@dr.livesey137 18 дней назад
@@Thequotequotequoteq I don't agree with taxes either. Taxation is theft.
@VikingBoyBilly 7 месяцев назад
I got a bachelor's in software engineering and a master's in information technology. still can't get a house
@HerrBjork Год назад
If you take out a loan, you need to pay it off. Simple as. You were conned into believing college is worthwhile, yes, but it was still your choice to take a loan. STEM is 'maybe' worthwhile but otherwise it's trade school that's a decent choice
@psychicrupture1874 Год назад
Forever clearpilled Great rant my friend
@thederpysage Год назад
The amount of money spent on tuition started rising when they started cutting funding to public universities. private universities just set their tuition in lock step because they dont need to compete when they can maximize profits. the tuition situation is incredibly fucked and thats how we got to this point, but no its all working as intended. nothing to see here. Rent is higher than its ever been in my area. I've got just a little over the median household income in my area and between rent, trying to maintain my car, and soon payin off these loans, im BARELY breaking even... I'll never be able to afford a fucking house at this rate. I barely afforded replacing my car when it was totaled!
@xwingz9009 24 дня назад
Dropping out of college was the smartest thing I ever did
@stuwustudio Год назад
I'm two years in college. I'm about to run out of money. I don't know what to do. There's two years left. I have a bunch of shit class unrelated to my degree ahead of me. I don't know what I should do. My parents gave me money to go to college, but it wasn't enough. They told me to get in debt if necessary. Just power through it. I don't know what to do.
@none-qs3sl Год назад
Take a gap year (or two). save up some money and then go back to college. If they are all unrelated and dont build on top of each other I dont see any concerns with taking a gap. If you are in some ivy league school that overcharges for their tuition, try transferring to some other school that is a fraction of the price.
@FransLebin 6 месяцев назад
I dropped out after a single semester. Smartest thing I ever did in retrospect
@jonathanathor117 Год назад
I guess trade school doesn't sound like a bad idea. You know like being a plumber, technician, any flavor of construction work etc.
@thedaniel511 7 месяцев назад
I spent three SATs working to get bright futures only to lose after a year lol. Though I got it back a year later and still had FAFSA so I got to graduate debt free last summer.
@rowandoggo 3 месяца назад
Guess i was supposed to know that the industry i went to college for was fucking deleted from the job market the fucking second i graduated, same year BAM "your application has been declined, the position has been eliminated and we arent hiring... WHY DOESNT ANYONE WANNA WORK ANYMORE WEHHH"
@taqedog3717 19 дней назад
God Is that real What industry
@olah547 Год назад
I have a feeling you might be against this but what are your opinions emplemon you finish college then join the military as an officer as there are options for jobs you would get free healthcare, get the near same amount of money that an e-7 enlisted gets right off the bat in base pay. I would do research on what jobs are available for officers in every branch
@Weatherman4Eva 2 месяца назад
The only reason I went to college was because i was lucky to be poor and smart enough to get enough government grants to go for free. Still had to work the 4 years to pay for books and stuff but I made it. Even back then in 2011 I knew that college was a freaking scam that is not worth getting into lifetime debt UNLESS youre explicitly going in to become a doctor or lawyer. This degree hasnt been able to help me in once tiny bit to be able to afford a house, not a single job has asked to see my college degree Edit: I'm not saying everyone else at my age should have had this knowledge by the way, I was still pressured by boomers in my life that college was just the next expected step in life unless you wanted to be "digging ditches on the side of the road" or going into the military and risk getting killed. Literally the only three options presented by boomers were college, be poor with a broken body, or die in war. Its only because I read the right discourse online that I came to the idea that college was a waste of money for anyone with an arts degree, therefore i went for a biology degree, just to learn that its just as useless in society. Any job that values a biology degree wants you to get a masters or go through a specialized 2 year course after that or whatever
@tonhobisonho4830 Год назад
I love it when he says "downward day"
@salsashark3342 Год назад
I look at stuff like this and I'm almost genuinely happy that my mental health prevented me from continuing college after a year
@ZombiiChix Год назад
I have no issue paying back my loans. its the interest rate i hate.
@youwillfalter Год назад
i have a youtube channel where ive made 10k a month on average for almost 2 years. im about to enter my sophomore year of college, and since they found out how much i made, im now gonna have to pay 80k in tuition. is it wrong of me to want to pursue youtube full time and ditch college?
@ZontarDow Год назад
You've made 240k from youtube over 2 years and you're asking such a thing? Are you joking?
@youwillfalter Год назад
@@ZontarDow im being straight up real man cause everyone is pushing me to go to college, cause "it's good for socializing" and "you'll just be working all the time" and "what if youtube falls off" are all i hear
@ZontarDow Год назад
@@youwillfalter You're making more then most households, keep it going as long as you can and if it fails in a few years you can go to college then.
@OldQueer Год назад
@user-gc4kl3fh3f if youtube falls off then you can go to college. You'd be mad to go to college right now if you're earning 10k a month. Reconsider your position on college in a few years.
@youwillfalter Год назад
@@OldQueer i think this is very true, my fears are just that i'll be home all the time and won't really see anyone, and just grind all the time. rn i live with my parents, maybe i could get an apartment or something. still tryna figure things out man
@absolootdisaster1060 Год назад
As someone going for engineering, people just need to understand that they're responsible for their financial and career choices as adults. I wanted to go for an english degree (particularly writing), but I know that doesn't give me a good chance of getting a job. I'll be a good bit in debt since my parents didn't manage their money well and I don't get any special privileges, but I'm going into a field that will allow me to pay it off and have a path up. People have been too misled and treat college as a place to drink and fuck, and at the end of the day its their job to dig themselves out of it. Fuck liberal arts colleges though, those are just plain scams.
@MarioPeeps Год назад
engineering seems cool but man stuff like that would bore me, but i guess there needs to be a fine line between job that'll pay, and fun
@not_emerald Год назад
I think I can give an insight being from a country where college is "free". You americans should see college expenses as what they are: red flags. The fact that college is free here does not mean that education is good or that people have guaranteed jobs. Degrees are worth as much as what they are in the US (probably less, because more people get into college), and what happens in practice is that people stay being teenagers for quite a while longer. Instead of actually living in the real world, they're in a second high school that does not guarantee any job and it takes more time for them to mature. Entrepreneurship gives actual jobs, not wanting to be a wagie on some company that probably requires a degree for no other reason than having a degree (if you know how to use a spreadsheet you're just as good having a degree or not).
@inciniumz4671 Год назад
The irony of the idea of forcing people pay money to and be in debt to the government being a conservative held idea is really just tragic. We ain't supposed to be like this. Have we lost sight of what we stood for, less government power? Or does the term conservative now just mean whatever our forefathers believed in?
@3p1Kf41L Год назад
conservative means having opinions opposite to libtards just for the sake of contrarianism so they get TRIGGERED
@jssh-o8i Год назад
After the new millennium, every party kind of just went off the rails…
@inciniumz4671 Год назад
@@jssh-o8i Sigh, yeah.
@inciniumz4671 Год назад
@LIKETHESTREAM I do agree with that, though
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