
Catholic Truth Debunks Living Waters and Ray Comfort (Part 1) 

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@samv3081 Год назад
My wife and I were baptised last week in the catholic church. You are a great educator and have helped clarify many points for us. God bless you and your family.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Yay!!🎉 Congratulations and welcome home! So glad to hear it!
@samv3081 Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficial Thank you!
@losrevolucionarios8858 Год назад
@@samv3081 welcome to the faith, frater!
@juju6018 Год назад
Congratulations!! Giving you a sincere long distance hug
@samv3081 Год назад
@losrevolucionarios8858 Thank you so much. God bless you 🙏 ❤️
@dannylegarda8587 Год назад
To be a Catholic takes work, it is a beautiful life! Ex Catholics that don’t understand their faith don’t want to work at it. Thank you Brian
@unknown-vo3di Год назад
Faith without works is dead. We aren't saved by our works we are saved by Jesus but proof of our faith is that we do works. Things such as partaking in mass/liturgy praying at home confession taking communion and tithing
@annabrahamson4320 6 месяцев назад
It is like a family, they leave and some have a fall out disagreement and then they are bitter about not being part of something they don't wish to work at.
@phillipcummings3518 Год назад
Reading John 6 is the reason I decided to become Catholic @ 40yo and with my family am waiting for RCIA. Hearing people tell me that chapter is a metaphor is honestly absurd to me.
@StanleyPinchak Год назад
Remember, John didn't give us a Last Supper narrative. The Bread of Life discourse is provided instead.
@brianfarley926 Год назад
@spacecoastz4026 Год назад
John 6 is about Faith...not about communion. It's all about an analogy between physical food which still results in death vs. spiritual food of faith in Christ that results in eternal life. Try reading it again in totality.
@StanleyPinchak Год назад
@@spacecoastz4026 τρώγων is not the verb someone would use if they were speaking metaphorically. Paul notes in 1 Cor Chapter 10 that the Eucharist is a true sacrifice. He compares it to Israel's temple worship and the false worship of the heathens. In both cases they were partaking in a sacrificial meal. “16. The chalice of benediction which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? And the bread which we break, is it not the partaking of the body of the Lord? 17. For we, being many, are one bread, one body: all that partake of one bread. 18. Behold Israel according to the flesh. Are not they that eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar? 19. What then? Do I say that what is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? Or that the idol is any thing? 20. But the things which the heathens sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils and not to God. And I would not that you should be made partakers with devils. 21. You cannot drink the chalice of the Lord and the chalice of devils: you cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord and of the table of devils.” (1Cor 10:16-21, DRC)
@phillipcummings3518 Год назад
@@spacecoastz4026 Anyone that reads the chapter "in totality" and then reads your summary would disagree. I first heard John 6 while listening to it and running. I got home and read it two or three more times. Sorry, you are wrong.
@nathanoppy Год назад
I love this channel so much. I was baptized into the Catholic Church last Easter. Former baptist. Actually staying with father Jim and living at the rectory with him. Attended my first Latin mass this past Sunday. It truly is the fullness of the faith. I pray all Protestants come to the fullness of christ
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Yay! Praise God! Thank you for sharing. 👍 May God continue to bless and guide you.
@ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 9 месяцев назад
Living with a catholic priest as a new convert who loves this show.
@jacksonwade6882 Год назад
I've been waiting for you to cover these guys, thank you 🕊️✝️ I hope none of our Catholic brothers and sisters have been lead astray by these false teachers 😢
@paulericn.mouafo6610 Год назад
This people serve the Devil. full stop there's no other way to describe them.. John 8: 40-56 is describing them so precisely.
@davidkinkaide1467 Год назад
Why are you calling them false teachers? What have they said that makes them false?
@JM-SB-JB Год назад
@@davidkinkaide1467 they are false teachers because they oppose the Catholic teachings by their own interpretation of the bible
@chrisfitzmaurice7484 Год назад
1. They're protestants. 2. Watch the video.
@rah1721 Год назад
@@chrisfitzmaurice7484 Protestants are still Christians, still baptised, and in many cases confirmed too - and in Anglican churches confirmed by a bishop in the Apostolic succession! The Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches are still Christians, baptised in the name of the Trinity.....
@troylindley2216 9 месяцев назад
Awesome video! Thank you so much. I am and have been Protestant all my life...Babtist, Weslyean, to non-denominational. I have learned that the worse place to get information about Catholicism is from a Protestant! Lately, I have been yearning for a deeper level of worship and adoration that I am not getting in the Protestant church. I have been very devout for years...Praying daily, studying the scriptures, church involvement, mission trips, etc, but just have the sense something is missing. I recently moved to Ecuador, a predominatley Catholic nation. Last week I attended a mass at a large cathedral here in town and was blown away by the fact is was a Friday night, and this huge 19th century cathedral was filled to standing room only! People worshiping, praying, singing praises to God. If I went to a Protestant church on a Friday night...the doors would be closed and it would be "crickets"! I may be on a path to conversion. Pray for me, and God's will be done .
@pingo8010 9 месяцев назад
@troylindey so your worship is base according to people's action? When there is no attendees you would be discouraged?
@Gargeler 9 месяцев назад
Well, God is the one who grants us repentance. Only then that anyone can have Peace with Him.
@charlottelauzon3147 Год назад
I’ve found those with anti-Catholic sentiment don’t want dialogue. Sometimes it’s best to speak the truth and if they don’t receive it, do like Jesus said, shake the dust from your feet and move on. There are far more people who are out there who are in need of experiencing the love, mercy and compassion of Jesus through you.
@dougy6237 Год назад
I usually try politely once and then refer them to the Catholic Answers site. Not going down to a low level of behavior indicates to them that we are sharing truth.
@EpoRose1 Год назад
@@dougy6237sometimes I hair do it to sharpen my own skills. Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
@izic6450 Год назад
Thank you for this message, I needed to hear this
@dougy6237 Год назад
@@EpoRose1 Yes true
@dougy6237 Год назад
@SoyPriscillaDeLaCruz Год назад
Thank you! Living waters have been dishonest spreading lies about our beautiful church. Keep on the good work! God bless you and Our Lady be with you!
@theodoreritola7641 Год назад
Who is your LADY? Why dont you say TAalk good about your LORD AND SAVIOUR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST , IF HE is your Lord ?
@valkyrafe 9 месяцев назад
The cult of virgin sinless Mary is most dangerous error of Catholicism. Jesus only the Mediator, not Mary nor saints.
@BethHutch-pg5yi 5 дней назад
LIES? Please face the truth I dearly love Roman Catholics TRUTH your church changed the Sabbath etc etc etc F
@MrBrunoUSA Год назад
great and solid video as always. we as Catholics tend to be abyssmally ignorant of what catholicism actually teaches, and this has been going on for over fifty years. We need to learn our faith so that we do not get taken in by these false teachers.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
@GranMaese Год назад
Amen!! God bless Vatican II for allowing laity to study it deeply, indeed!!! [And not only clergy men, as before]. Now there's no excuse, If we don't know about our faith, is up to us.
@otallono 11 месяцев назад
Catholics spread more misinformation about Catholicism than Protestants do and vise versa. Most Christians regardless of denomination don't read the bible and don't understand the gospel. So you need to know your own teachings not because you don't want to be "misinformed by Protestants" but you also should not want to misinform others, which is the cause of the problem. When protestants say "Catholics believe X".. it's because they do, that's what is experienced. So you are correct, you need to know your faith so that you are not affirming "protestant misinformation" and not creating that misinformation to begin with. Not all Catholics believe grace alone saves. The reality is actual Catholics and Protestants actually agree on most things including what is required to be saved and that is why Bryan admits Ray sounds like a Catholic. But let's give the devil what he wants and promote more infighting within the Christian community. There are countless children taken by traffickers among so much more evil but let's fight each other even though we believe in essentially the same thing. Why not fight Islam or mormonism, Atheism?? Way to say Protestants are ignorant and never say Catholics are ignorant, even though it's established that both are ignorant by and large. Saying that Ray is only looking for "Non-pristine Catholics" is extremely deceiving. Saying that he is intentionally leaving out information is extremely deceiving. He's trying to turn atheists into believers. Because Christians including Catholics by and large don't understand scripture, you're not going to find "pristine" Catholics or even protestants just walking around. You notice Ray is actually trying to find YOUNG people and YOUNG people just naturally fit the description you give. How many YOUNG Catholics actually understand the gospel? I'd say Ray does an excellent job trying his best to share the gospel, to thousands of people, especially ones who are clearly lost (That's the whole point of witnessing, to share the Gospel, even though Bryan will have you believe Ray is witnessing to turn people from Catholicism, extremely deceptive), and most people judging Ray have not even shared the gospel to 1 person let alone thousands. So if you believe you need to justify your faith, he's doing it better than most people who are hating on him. If you believe he's not sharing the whole Gospel then tell me how much time you expect a person who doesn't believe stand there until they are no longer atheistic? Many of them want to walk away before the end of the video. And you expect Ray to teach the entire bible in just one moment of running in to random strangers? He tells them to go home to read the bible, not sure how that is considered evil to you. I'm not sure how him bringing people such as atheists Closer to God is evil. That's very interesting. Let God be true and every man a liar.
@tammicortez4733 11 месяцев назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficialFALSE TEACHER
@rbnmnt3341 9 месяцев назад
You'll learn the truth when you read the bible. That's why you are ignorant. You are told what to believe and you don't have a choice. Or you are damned to hell. The church zaps that anathema on you.
@davidkinkaide1467 Год назад
This is beyond absurd! My family was raised Catholic. I was raised Catholic. I went to 8 years of Catholic school. Altar boy, in the choir, Baptism, First Communion, Confession, Confirmation and Marriage. Not once was the word Grace used or explained in any meaningful way. Not once did we crack open a Bible. Not once was I encouraged to read the Bible. Not once was I encouraged to study the Bible. Not once was I encouraged to ask questions. Not once was there a discussion about the power and everyday relevance of the Holy Spirit. Not once was I told lust was a sin. Not once was I told that hate was murder. Not once was I told I needed to be reborn. Not once was I told The kingdom of God was within me. Not once was I told that I was a slave to sin. Not once was I told that I needed to be adopted by God as my father in heaven. Not once was I told I needed to be TRANSFORMED!!! Not once was I told to have a renewal of my mind. Not once was I told to become a new creature in Christ. Not once was I told that all who believed and turned over their lives to Christ were called saints. Not once!!! Not once!!! Not once!!! The cure for Catholicism is to read the Bible for yourself. Catholicism is a mental illness that is cured by the justification and sanctification by the body and blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit!
@bibleman8010 Год назад
So what was your family's excuse and yours for not reading Scripture The Church forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful . . . to learn the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ, by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures. Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ. Catechism Of the Catholic Church 😎😎 Pope St. Gregory I (died 604 AD) “The Emperor of heaven, the Lord of men and of angels, has sent you His epistles for your life’s advantage-and yet you neglect to read them eagerly. Study them, I beg you, and meditate daily on the words of your Creator. Learn the heart of God in the words of God, that you may sigh more eagerly for things eternal, that your soul may be kindled with greater longings for heavenly joys.” Pope Clement XI (1700 - 1720) To forbid Christians to read Sacred Scripture, especially the Gospels, is to forbid the use of light to the sons of light, and to cause them to suffer a kind of excommunication. Pope Pius VI (April 1st 1778 AD) “the faithful should be excited to the reading of the Holy Scriptures: for these are the most abundant sources which ought to be left open to every one, to draw from them purity of morals and of doctrine” Pope Pius VII (1800 - 1823) "encourage their people to read the Holy Scriptures ; for nothing can be more useful, more consoling, and more animating, because they serve to confirm the faith, to support the hope, and to influence the charity of the true Christian." Pope Leo XIII (1893) “The solicitude of the apostolic office naturally urges and even compels us…to desire that this grand source of Catholic revelation (the Bible) should be made safely and abundantly accessible to the flock of Jesus Christ” Pope Pius X (1903 - 1914) “Nothing would please us more than to see our beloved children form the habit of reading the Gospels - not merely from time to time, but every day.” Pope Benedict XV (1914 - 1922) “Our one desire for all the Church’s children is that, being saturated with the Bible, they may arrive at the all-surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ” Pope Pius XII (1943) “... This author of salvation, Christ, will men more fully know, more ardently love and more faithfully imitate in proportion as they are more assiduously urged to know and meditate the Sacred Letters, especially the New Testament ...” Pope John Paul II (1979) “catechesis must be impregnated and penetrated by the thought, the spirit and the outlook of the Bible and the Gospels through assiduous contact with the texts themselves” Pope Benedict XVI (2006) “I urge you to become familiar with the Bible, and to have it at hand so that it can be your compass pointing out the road to follow. By reading it, you will learn to know Christ.” Pope Francis (2015) “The Bible is not meant to be placed on a shelf, but to be in your hands, to read often - every day, both on your own and together with others” Gee, good thing you don’t like condescending emails, right? Anyway, I am not rebuking God’s Word, I am rebuking man’s word and, in particular, I am rebuking your word. Your fallible, man-made, non-authoritative, biased and bigoted word. You speak of the “laughable infallible teachings of the [M]agisterium,” yet you tend to also speak as if you yourself are infallible. Do you believe your private interpretations of Scripture to indeed be infallible? And, if not, will you then admit that your private, fallible interpretations of Scripture, in regard to Purgatory and other such Catholic teachings, could be wrong? You won’t admit that, though, will you? You know why? Pride, Freddy boy...pride. You are too proud to admit that you could be wrong. That your interpretations are indeed fallible and, therefore, prone to error. He is one of these former Catholics who knows "everything" there is to know about the Catholic Church and its teachings and who feels a special call to save Catholics from the darkness of Romanism that he was, at long last, able to escape from. I take it that during this time as a Christian you have not sinned even 1 time correct? Naturally due to rising to such a high spiritual level of perfection, your thoughts are totally pure and the passions cease to exist due to your total sanctification and totally pure heart. I must hand it to you, it’s one thing for a Monk to leave the world and live in constant unceasing prayer on the Holy Mountain of Mt. Anthos, but to live in the world like you do and still be able to reach such a high spiritual state of perfection that the Great Saints could never achieve deserves of crown of diamonds
@bibleman8010 Год назад
Not once was I told I needed to be reborn ONE LORD ONE FATIH ONE BAPTISM “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all” (Ephesians 4:4-6) The one baptism (and the only valid baptism), is the baptism of the one faith, the baptism authorized by the one Lord and practiced by the one body, the church of Christ. “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body” (1 Corinthians 12:13). "Are you born again-the way the Bible understands that concept?" If the Evangelical has not been properly water baptized, he has not been born again "the Bible way," regardless of what he may think.The Born Again Movement traces its origin early in the 19th century.Born Again Movement arrived at our shores in the late 1930’s and gained its popularity in the 70’s and 80’s which is considered the golden era of Born Again Movement During these years membership in various Born Again Churches increased because they where able to infiltrate mainline Protestant Churches and had lured nominal Catholics into their fold.However their steady growth ceases starting the year 1990 and their membership declined in the succeeding years. In the year 2000 Born Again Churches from the United States sent their missionaries in the Philippines to re-established the Born Again Movement and this time their primary mission is no longer to infiltrate Protestant and Catholic Churches but targeted the youth in schools particularly college students.Born Again evangelist does not want to discuss the history of the Christian church, in their Bible studies with their prospects, they intentionally limit the discussion to the Bible alone. They conceal the history of the Christian religion because it will show that their movement did not originate from the apostles. It is necessary for them to negate history because St. Paul warned us not to accept teachings that did not originate from the apostles Gal.1:8 and Born Again Movement evidently cannot trace the history of their church into the time of the apostles.Clearly Born Again evangelization has deception as its chief foundation and they even used selected passages from the Bible to deceive people. They usually start evangelizing by asking ambiguous questions such as “Are you saved?” or “Are you born again?”, if the person answers “no or I don’t know” they will tell you that you must accept Christ as a Lord and Personal Savior in order to be born again otherwise you will be damned to hell. And if the person will answer “yes” they will invite you to their church and worship with them. And if the person is a Catholic that would mean that you have to leave the Catholic Church and do away your Catholic beliefs about Mary, the Saints, confession etc. Let us be vigilant not to fall to the snares of the Born Again movement.
@bibleman8010 Год назад
your so full of yourself🤣🤣
@Matt-1926 Год назад
*_Not once did we crack open a Bible._* Well this is proof positive that, just like I did on my youth, you never paid attention during Mass or school. The Bible is "CRACKED OPEN" at every single Mass. From the "CRACKED OPEN" bible we read an Old Testament reading, a Responsorial Psalm, a New Testament Epistle reading and a Gospel Reading. Along with these 4 readings from the Bible during the Mass the Priest quotes or we respond by referencing up to 321 chapters and 344 verses if scripture. This is at every single Mass. Which means for your entire youth you never once paid attention because as you you said you never once cracked open your Bible at Mass and followed along. I mean no disrespect because guess what I was guilty of it as well. I never heard any of the things you listed because I never paid attention. But guess what once I started actually making it a priority 10 years ago I found out that it's in there, we just need to be willing to listen. *_Catholicism is a mental illness that is cured by the justification and sanctification by the body and blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit!_* Personally, from my point of view the only mental illness I've ever seen are the people who leave the Catholic Church and blindly believe what anti-Catholics tell them without actually doing the research themselves. Why on earth would anyone just blindly follow someone else and not think things through first. Like I pointed out you argument just proves you never paid attention. Just because you didn't get it isn't evidence that the Catholic Church didn't teach it to you. Like I said by your own words you've proven you never took the time to learn your Catholic faith. You are free to take your anger out and blame someone else, that's normal for humans to do that, but at the end of the day, from my experience of growing up just like you did, the only one to blame is our younger selves who never paid attention. God Bless
@davidkinkaide1467 Год назад
@@Matt-1926 I appreciate you taking the time to reply to my comment. I’ll address each point separately as you did. Cracking open the Bible : Not once will you hear the following at a Catholic Church, “Please open your Bible to.” Instead you will hear, “Please turn your tky yum Missalette to.” It’s clear that the emphasis in the mass
@alexha2884 Год назад
AMEN THANK YOY BRYAN. So sick of the lies they continue to tell. It’s really disgusting and even more frustrating how they don’t even give a chance for dialogue.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Please say a prayer for them.
@Theworthsearcher 8 месяцев назад
Yes. Because they get money from the people, who go to their parish... So they don't want to lose them. 😞
@MariaBales-x2u 3 месяца назад
@@Theworthsearcher I think Ray is genuine in what he's doing but is holding onto some kind of arrogance that makes him hate Catholicism.
@Theworthsearcher Месяц назад
Dear@@MariaBales-x2u , SSorry but what do you mean?
@romasliv Год назад
I tried for so long to be charitable and believe these guys are doing these things out of ignorance but its being harder for me to keep believing that.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
@phillipcummings3518 Год назад
During the lockdown in 2020, I was consuming many different types of Christian content and Living Waters was one of the channels. It didn't last long though because it was obvious he prays on people for his content.
@onlylove556 Год назад
​@@phillipcummings3518yeah I agree. Theres probably more hrs spent in the edit room, editing out so many other stories in his video, and only using stories that point out Catholicism...
@romasliv Год назад
@@cjp.6880 how godless can be a person to prefer to go to hell instead of losing a job? they must be atheist or deceiving themselves that they will go to heaven even commiting those sins.
@Burt1038 11 месяцев назад
@@onlylove556 absolutely. I've always hated that style of "man on the street" interviews, because regardless of topic, the people producing the video will invariably edit it to suit their agenda and give a slanted perception. I rarely see any of those types of videos where the interviewee gives an intelligent response and productive dialogue ensues. It's always about demeaning the other side. Needless to say, if they had asked me, my response would have been left on the cutting room floor.
@ADHD_Samurai Год назад
I was an "ex Catholic" who came back to the faith. I can tell you I didn't know anything about Catholicism when I left. It's why I'm now wary of anyone who calls themselves an ex Catholic who's going to tell all of the protestants about it.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Amen, and I feel that is so common for former Catholics. The majority did not know anything about their Faith before they left. They didn't even research it before leaving. Then some evangelist tells them one thing and they run away. But thankfully, calm up, many people like yourself after they come to Christ. Then also come to the realization that the Catholic Church is true, and the denominational madness is not. And then they come back home to the Catholic Church. So it seems like these Protestants take Catholics out of the Catholic Church, make them better Christians, and then send them home to the Catholic Church again all on fire. Maybe we should be thanking them for helping us in our work.🤷‍♂️😁😅
@barborazajacova7633 Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficial I actually am starting to believe that this is why God allows them to do that. The damage they have been doing to the Church will be reversed for the greater glory of God! That said. I can only thank certain Protestants who really have been helping me become more on fire. A specific ministry even saved my spiritual life and that is not an exaggeratiom. But I have stayed Catholic all the time and very cautious to always discern everything against Catholic teaching. They have motivated me to study my faith (as well as theirs) more deeply. So praise God for that. I'm thankful that I have never been tempted to leave the Catholic Church.
@PatrickInCayman Год назад
​@CatholicTruthOfficial I agree. I look at supposed ex catholic scholars like Mike Grendon and Steve Christie and even as a lay person see holes all over their weak arguments. It's actually quite ridiculous they call themselves former learned Catholics
@simonslater9024 Год назад
Please read my comment. God bless.
@salrussano1 Год назад
You brought me back I actually went to mass this morning
@Compulsive-Elk7103 Год назад
Thanks be to God 🙏
@vinb2707 Год назад
Amen. You’re back on the path.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Amen, praise be to God! God is good!🙏🙌
@rangers94ism Год назад
​@@CatholicTruthOfficialAll the time
@edenau9888 Год назад
God bless always to you Sir Bryan and your family. And akso all the Catholic Faith Defenders all over the world. Thanks to all of you to defend our catholic faith.🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
God bless you too!
@johndisalvo6283 Год назад
Yes, I’m so glad the Roman Catholic Church burnt all those wicked heretics and to show the true love of Jesus to the whole world!!!!!
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
There is a whole lot of Conspiracy theory here. Not to mention you're forgetting. The fact that protestants burned protestants all the time. They also burned Catholics. John Calvin alone pretty much killed anyone who just Disagreed with him.
@jackhowell1274 Месяц назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficialMichael Servetus comes to mind.
@bazzy8376 Год назад
I like how he condemns confession but his intro to every victim is "tell me about your sins, do you do this? Do you do that?"
@bikesrcool_1958 Год назад
But it’s them realizing how they actually aren’t all that good and need Jesus.
@My_In-Ear_Monitor_Fetish Год назад
I will make it a habit to confess all my sins to God and ask for forgiveness in Jesus name
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
​@@bikesrcool_1958Which is important. We need that before we are truly repentant.
@bikesrcool_1958 Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficial I do that every time even though I am Protestant. I don’t do it to a person though, I do it to God
@Msc762 Год назад
Born again in baptism we are the OG born again
@thewalruswasjason101 Год назад
“ do this in memory of me”…sounds pretty clear
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Only if you ignore the rest of the New Testament on the topic and force your preconceived ideas into the Bible.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Do what in memory of them. Eat his body and drink his blood. And when we do that as he commanded, we remember him and his sacrifice.
@curtisjordan9210 9 месяцев назад
A realistic understanding of Jesus' words "eat my flesh" and "drink my blood" in John 6 is based on several key points: 1. Disciples' Struggle and Departure: In John 6:60, Jesus' disciples express difficulty with his command. Jesus profound command is urging his disciples to literally partake in the act of eating his flesh and drinking his blood. This literal understanding is supported by various factors, including the disciples' struggle, Jesus' acknowledgment of their difficulty, and the absence of clarification in his subsequent statements. In verse 66, many of them leave Him due to this teaching. 2. Jesus' Recognition of Difficulty: Jesus acknowledges their struggle, asking, "Do you take offense at this?" (John 6:61). 3. No Clarification Using Previous Language: Despite the disciples' difficulty, Jesus does not clarify the metaphorical nature by reverting to the earlier language of "come to me" and "believe in me" found in verses 33-35. 4. Ascension Reference: Instead of clarifying, Jesus intensifies the challenge by referencing his ascension: "What if you were to see the Son of man ascending where he was before?" (John 6:62). 5. Question to the Apostles: After the disciples leave, Jesus asks the apostles, "Will you also go away?" (John 6:67), implying a potential departure for a teaching that should not have posed a difficulty if it were merely metaphorical. 6. Historical Pattern of Clarification: Throughout the Gospels, when disciples misunderstood, Jesus clarified. In this case, the absence of clarification indicates an intentional emphasis on a realistic understanding. 7. Logical Options: Given the disciples' acknowledged difficulty, Jesus' concern, and his historical pattern of clarification, the options are: a) Jesus wasn't concerned with their difficulty, b) He intended to leave them in false understanding, or c) He intended the disciples' realistic understanding. 8. Conclusion: Options A and B are dismissed, leaving option C-Jesus intended the disciples' realistic understanding. Therefore, there was no misunderstanding on their part, affirming a literal interpretation.
@clivejames5058 3 месяца назад
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you" .... sounds pretty clear to me! (John 6:53)
@rolandovelasquez135 Год назад
Ray Comfort preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ every day. He obeys the Great Commission every day of his life. He does not preach a religion. Do you? "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit... " Matthew 28:19
@mr.anderson2241 Год назад
And yet ray has continuously lied about other Christian denominations to promote his own beliefs, very powerful stuff I’m sure. Also, by definition believing in any deity constitutes being part of a religion whether you like it or not
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Not to mention, he promotes a false gospel, a piece of the true gospel, but he does not preach the true gospel or the fullness of it.
@rolandovelasquez135 Год назад
​@@CatholicTruthOfficial Hey Bryan. This is far worse than any criticism you might have of Ray Comfort. Forgive me for saying so but, it would appear that the Roman Church has made Mary and all the Marian doctrines into your religion, almost entirely divorced from biblical Christianity, i.e, the Word of God. And you probably haven't noticed that in the whole entire Bible, Old Testament and New, all believers always pray directly to God the Father, each and every time, without exception. The only difference being that in the New Testament they pray directly to God the Father "in name of Jesus". Never to Mary or to any Roman Catholic saint or to anybody or anything. God's Word is so simple. "For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” Romans 8:15 In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. Ephesians 3:12 Which is exactly why believers in the Lord God Almighty have always prayed DIRECTLY to God the Father and never to anyone else... "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you... “This, then, is how you should pray: “ ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread... Matthew 6:6‭, ‬9‭-‬11 Anyhow, this is what Jesus (the only begotten Son of God) says about prayer. And he never says to pray to his mom. Not even one single time. And... not one single Gospel writer ever mentioned praying to Mary. Not a single word. Praying to Mary is, quite simply, an invention of the Roman Catholic Church and every prayer to Mary or to any Roman Catholic "saint" is outside of God's will, and a complete and total waste of time. Did you understand what God just said in His Word?
@terrifuller8550 9 месяцев назад
I am a former Catholic. I am currently attending a Baptist church. I was never taught about salvation or to read a Bible in the Catholic school or church. Through reading the Bible, I learned that there's no mention of "the one true church" because the church is not any faith, but believers in Christ. I learned that there's no Purgatory, only Heaven and Hell. We are not to pray to Mary, the saints or angels. You only pray to God and Jesus. We are told not to call anyone father, but God. There is no pope mentioned in the Bible, because we do not need a mediator between us and God to talk with or confess our sins to. The Jesuits have perverted all religions, and if I found out that my church was preaching another gospel or worshipping idols, including Mary who was not sinless, I would leave immediately because my faith is not Baptist, it's in Jesus Christ.
@bibleman8010 9 месяцев назад
What Holy Scripture has said Christ's Church would be: 😘😘 How Christ's Church has conformed to Holy Scripture: It will be founded by GOD: Psalms 127:1, Matthew 16:18 It was founded by GOD. It will be highly visible: Isaiah 2:2, Matthew 5:14 It is highly visible. It will have the authority: Matthew 18:15-18, John 20:21-22 It has the authority given to it by Jesus Christ. It will have a Father Figure: Isaiah 22:20-25 It has a Father Figure, as GOD always had for His people. It will be a Theocracy and not a Democracy: Eph 5:23-24 It is a Theocracy. It is governed from the top down. The blueprint for it is described in the book of Acts. It is blueprinted in the book of Acts. It will have priests, deacons, Bishops: Acts 6:1-6,14:22,20:28 It always has had priests, deacons, and Bishops. It will have Apostolic Succession: Psalm 109:8, Acts 1:20-26 It has Apostolic Succession. It will offer sacrifice every day in every place: Malachi 1:11 It does offer sacrifice every day in every place. It will be guided by the Holy Spirit: John 14:16-17, 16:12-13 It is guided by the Holy Spirit: Acts 15:28, Rev 2:7 Truths of GOD to be revealed to it over time: John 16:12-13 Truths of GOD have been revealed to it over time: Eph 3:10 It will be the Pillar and Foundation of Truth: 1Timothy 3:15 It is the Pillar and Foundation of Truth. It will be the guardian of truth: 2Timothy 1:13-14 It has been the guardian of truth for almost 2000 years. It will uphold Apostolic Tradition: 2Thessalonians 2:15 It upholds Apostolic Tradition. It will have Church councils: Proverbs 11:14, Acts 15:1-29 It holds periodic Church councils: Acts 15:1-29 It will be attacked from the inside: John 6:70 It has been attacked from the inside. It will be attacked from the outside: Matthew 5:10-12, 10:22 It has been attacked from the outside. All who fight against it shall be confounded: Isaiah 41:11 37,000+ Protestant sects is proof that they are confounded. It will be found in every century: Ephesians 3:21 It is found in every century from the day Christ founded it. It will last forever: Isa 41:10-11, 54:17, 59:21, Matt 28:20 It is still with us today from the day in which He founded it. There is only one Church in the entire world which matches all of the Scriptural requirements as listed above. Can your sect match even one of those requirements? That's very simplistic. In my view, to believe in Jesus is to believe He existed, He's the Son of God and God in the flesh, never sinned, is our only savior and He did and say things in truth out of LOVE, NECESSITY AND with a PURPOSE. That said, we have to look closely to his deeds, particularly about establishing a Church. Why did He instituted such a thing? What was the necessity for that and the purpose? So that we don't ever loose sight of his true teachings. And what did His Church taught? Well, all we have to do is analyse all the primitive documents from the first centuries and come to the conclusion what Church today teaches the same things as the early church (and there's only one that corresponds: the Catholic Church). In conclusion: to believe in Christ is to believe and hold fast to His Church. To believe in Christ and reject His established Church is a dichotomy/contradiction. Even Christ identifies Himself with his Church (Acts 9:4; 22:7; Lk 10:16; 1Tim.3:15)🤦‍♂🤦‍♂
@bibleman8010 9 месяцев назад
because we do not need a mediator between us and God to talk with or confess our sins to.🤢🤢 "I urge then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings, for all those in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man, Christ Jesus." 1Timothy 2:1-5 Jesus is the one Mediator of our salvation, our only Saviour. But He is not our only intercessor, as the whole passage above clearly indicates. So the one passage that fundamentalists have used to deny intercessionary prayer, when read in context, actually backs up intercessionary prayer. James 5: 16-18 " ...The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful. Elijah was a human being like us; yet he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain upon the land. Then he prayed again, and the sky gave rain and the earth produced its fruit." So we see that intercession strengthens prayer. And the more righteous and faithful the intercessor is, the more powerful the prayer. BUT THAT IS PRAYER ON EARTH. I'VE BEEN TOLD THAT PEOPLE IN HEAVEN CAN NEITHER SEE US OR PRAY FOR US. That is a recent, man-made doctrine, with no authority behind it. Hebrews 12.1 speaks of "a great cloud of witnesses" who surround us, and who consist of the faithful holy ones of God. Many examples of these witnesses are given in the preceding Chapter 11 of Hebrews. Later in the Bible we see this vision of heaven: Revelation 4.4: Surrounding the throne were twenty four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. Revelation 5.8: ...and the twenty four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. Seeking Mary's intercession probably dates back to the earliest Christians. One of the oldest Christian prayers recorded in writing, the Sub Tuum, from the 200s AD, is a prayer to Mary: We fly to your patronage, O holy Mother of God. Despise not our petitions in our necessities, But deliver us from all dangers, O ever-glorious and Blessed Virgin! BUT I DON'T NEED MARY WHEN I CAN GO DIRECTLY TO GOD. Why not say "I don't need the rest of my family as long as I have my father"? The Church is a single body; the different members interelate and rely on one another: "The eye cannot say unto the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" (I Co 12:21). St. Irenaeus Against Heresies (circa 189 A.D.) : ..the virgin Eve, betrothed to a man but nevertheless still a virgin, was unhappily led astray,-- yet that deception was done away with because the Virgin Mary, betrothed to a man but nevertheless still a virgin, heard the truth spoken by an angel, and was obedient. For just as the former was led astray by the word of an angel, so that she fled from God when she had transgressed His word; so did the latter, by an angelic communication receive the glad tidings that she should sustain (portaret) God, being obedient to His word. The former disobeyed God, yet the latter was persuaded to be obedient to God, so that the Virgin Mary might become patroness (advocata) of the virgin Eve. And thus, as the human race fell into bondage to death by means of a virgin, so is it rescued by a virgin; virginal disobedience having been balanced in the opposite scale by virginal obedience. In the same way the sin of the first created man (protoplasti) is made amends by the correction of the First-begotten, the coming of the serpent is conquered by the harmlessness of the dove, those bonds being unloosed by which we had been fast bound to death.
@bibleman8010 9 месяцев назад
Catholics confess their sins to priests because-- as it is clearly stated in Sacred Scripture--God in the Person of Jesus Christ authorized the priests of His Church to hear confessions and empowered them to forgive sins in His Name. To the Apostles, the first priests of His Church, Christ said: ``Peace be to you. As the Father hath sent me, I also send you.... Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained.'' (John 20:21-23). Then again: ``Amen I say to you, whatsoever you shall bind upon earth, shall be bound also in heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose upon earth, shall be loosed also in heaven.'' (Matt. 18:18). In other words, Catholics confess their sins to priests because priests are God's duly authorized agents in the world, representing Him in all matters pertaining to the ways and means of attaining eternal salvation. When Catholics confess their sins to a priest they are, in reality, confessing their sins to God, for God hears their confessions and it is He who, in the final analysis, does the forgiving. If their confessions are not sincere, their sins are not forgiven. Furthermore, Catholics do confess their sins directly to God as Protestants do: Catholics are taught to make an act of contrition at least every night before retiring, to ask God to forgive them their sins of that day. Catholics are also taught to say this same prayer of contrition if they should have the misfortune to commit a serious sin (called a ``mortal sin'' by Catholics). Jesus gives his power to forgive sins to His priests Matthew 16:19 - (Jesus gives the apostles the power to bind and loose sins) Matthew 18:18 - whatever you bind and loose on earth, so it is in heaven John 20:22 - If you forgive anyone’s sins, they are forgiven; if you retain anyone’s sins, they are retained. John 20:23 - After saying this he breathed on them and said: Receive the Holy Spirit. (recall Genesis 2:7) 2 Corinthians 5:17-20 - "God ... has reconciled us to himself ... given us the ministry of reconciliation" James 5:14-15 - "presbyters of the church ... pray over him ... he will be forgiven" (prayer of presbyters forgives sin) See also: - Luke 22:29-30, James 5:16 After forgiveness, the need for reparation can remain. 2 Samuel 12:13-14 - "The LORD ... has forgiven your sin ... but ... child born to you must surely die" Luke 19:8-9 - (Jesus praises Zacchaeus for his promise of reparation) Penance as satisfaction for sins. Matthew 3:8 - "Produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance." 2 Corinthians 7:10 - "godly sorrow produces a salutary repentance without regret" See also: - Luke 3:8, Acts 2:38 You ARE joking right?? Are you that ignorant of the Holy Scriptures?? Lord, have mercy! You want some Bible? Here's some Bible for ya: I. Jesus Christ Granted the Apostles His Authority to Forgive Sins John 20:21 - before He grants them the authority to forgive sins, Jesus says to the apostles, "as the Father sent me, so I send you." As Christ was sent by the Father to forgive sins, so Christ sends the apostles and their successors forgive sins. John 20:22 - the Lord "breathes" on the apostles, and then gives them the power to forgive and retain sins. The only other moment in Scripture where God breathes on man is in Gen. 2:7, when the Lord "breathes" divine life into man. When this happens, a significant transformation takes place. John 20:23 - Jesus says, "If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven. If you retain the sins of any, they are retained." In order for the apostles to exercise this gift of forgiving sins, the penitents must orally confess their sins to them because the apostles are not mind readers. The text makes this very clear. Matt. 9:8 - this verse shows that God has given the authority to forgive sins to "men." Hence, those Protestants who acknowledge that the apostles had the authority to forgive sins (which this verse demonstrates) must prove that this gift ended with the apostles. Otherwise, the apostles' successors still possess this gift. Where in Scripture is the gift of authority to forgive sins taken away from the apostles or their successors? Matt. 9:6; Mark 2:10 - Christ forgave sins as a man (not God) to convince us that the "Son of man" has authority to forgive sins on earth. Luke 5:24 - Luke also points out that Jesus' authority to forgive sins is as a man, not God. The Gospel writers record this to convince us that God has given this authority to men. This authority has been transferred from Christ to the apostles and their successors. Matt. 18:18 - the apostles are given authority to bind and loose. The authority to bind and loose includes administering and removing the temporal penalties due to sin. The Jews understood this since the birth of the Church. John 20:22-23; Matt. 18:18 - the power to remit/retain sin is also the power to remit/retain punishment due to sin. If Christ's ministers can forgive the eternal penalty of sin, they can certainly remit the temporal penalty of sin (which is called an "indulgence"). 2 Cor. 2:10 - Paul forgives in the presence of Christ (some translations refer to the presences of Christ as "in persona Christi"). Some say that this may also be a reference to sins. 2 Cor. 5:18 - the ministry of reconciliation was given to the ambassadors of the Church. This ministry of reconciliation refers to the sacrament of reconciliation, also called the sacrament of confession or penance. James 5:15-16 - in verse 15 we see that sins are forgiven by the priests in the sacrament of the sick. This is another example of man's authority to forgive sins on earth. Then in verse 16, James says “Therefore, confess our sins to one another,” in reference to the men referred to in verse 15, the priests of the Church. 1 Tim. 2:5 - Christ is the only mediator, but He was free to decide how His mediation would be applied to us. The Lord chose to use priests of God to carry out His work of forgiveness. Lev. 5:4-6; 19:21-22 - even under the Old Covenant, God used priests to forgive and atone for the sins of others. II. The Necessity and Practice of Orally Confessing Sins James 5:16 - James clearly teaches us that we must “confess our sins to one another,” not just privately to God. James 5:16 must be read in the context of James 5:14-15, which is referring to the healing power (both physical and spiritual) of the priests of the Church. Hence, when James says “therefore” in verse 16, he must be referring to the men he was writing about in verses 14 and 15 - these men are the ordained priests of the Church, to whom we must confess our sins. Acts 19:18 - many came to orally confess sins and divulge their sinful practices. Oral confession was the practice of the early Church just as it is today. Matt. 3:6; Mark 1:5 - again, this shows people confessing their sins before others as an historical practice (here to John the Baptist). 1 Tim. 6:12 - this verse also refers to the historical practice of confessing both faith and sins in the presence of many witnesses. 1 John 1:9 - if we confess are sins, God is faithful to us and forgives us and cleanse us. But we must confess our sins to one another. Num. 5:7 - this shows the historical practice of publicly confessing sins, and making public restitution. 2 Sam. 12:14 - even though the sin is forgiven, there is punishment due for the forgiven sin. David is forgiven but his child was still taken (the consequence of his sin). Neh. 9:2-3 - the Israelites stood before the assembly and confessed sins publicly and interceded for each other. Sir. 4:26 - God tells us not to be ashamed to confess our sins, and not to try to stop the current of a river. Anyone who has experienced the sacrament of reconciliation understands the import of this verse. Baruch 1:14 - again, this shows that the people made confession in the house of the Lord, before the assembly. 1 John 5:16-17; Luke 12:47-48 - there is a distinction between mortal and venial sins. This has been the teaching of the Catholic Church for 2,000 years, but, today, most Protestants no longer agree that there is such a distinction. Mortal sins lead to death and must be absolved in the sacrament of reconciliation. Venial sins do not have to be confessed to a priest, but the pious Catholic practice is to do so in order to advance in our journey to holiness. Matt. 5:19 - Jesus teaches that breaking the least of commandments is venial sin (the person is still saved but is least in the kingdom), versus mortal sin (the person is not saved). Please....take a class in "Basic Christianity 101" that includes study of the Church before 1600 A.D. (about the time your way of interpreting Scripture came about!) and you just might find out a few things about the "Faith Once Delivered really show me in the bible This office has now expired then show me where thiese have expired as well John 20:21 John 20:22 John 20:23 Matt. 9:8 Matt. 9:6; Mark 2:10 Luke 5:24 Matt. 18:18 John 20:22-23; Matt. 18:18 2 Cor. 2:10 2 Cor. 5:18 James 5:15-16 1 Tim. 2:5 Lev. 5:4-6; 19:21-22 James 5:16 James 5:14-15 Acts 19:18 Matt. 3:6; Mark 1:5 1 Tim. 6:12 1 John 1:9 Num. 5:7 2 Sam. 12:14 Neh. 9:2-3 Sir. 4:26 Baruch 1:14 1 John 5:16-17; Luke 12:47-48 Matt. 5:19🤦‍♂🤦‍♂
@HopeOnTheStreets394 Год назад
Over here in Northern Ireland catholics deny that "you must be born again" we witness to so many on the streets who don't have the holy spirit and are spiritually lost. The sad reality is in there chapels there is absolutely no concern for them to be saved its all WORKS based. Some we've seen bow down and public repent to a statue of Mary so as far as I've seen catholics are most definitely under a different gospel. Galatians 1:7-9 7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Amen!
@bibleman8010 Год назад
The Council of Trent declared: 😘😘 “ . . . if they [men] were not born again in Christ, they would never be justified, since in that new birth there is bestowed upon them, through the merit of His passion, the grace by which they are made just . . He laid down the conditions of salvation thus: "He that believeth and is baptized," said the Son of the Living God, "shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be condemned" (Luke 16:16). Here, then, Our Blessed Lord laid down the two conditions of salvation: Faith and Baptism. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be condemned - or is damned Catholics not Born again Justin who died for his faith said in 151 A.D. “As many as are persuaded and believe that what we [Christians] teach and say is true . . . are brought by us where there is water and are regenerated in the same manner in which we were ourselves regenerated. For, in the name of God the Father . . . and of our Savior Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit [Matt. 28:19], they then receive the washing with water. For Christ also said,‘Unless you are born again, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:3]” (First Apology 61). Around 190 A.D., Irenaeus, the bishop of Lyons, wrote, “And [Naaman] dipped himself . . . seven times in the Jordan’ [2 Kgs. 5:14]. It was not for nothing that Naaman of old, when suffering from leprosy, was purified upon his being baptized, but [this served] as an indication to us. For as we are lepers in sin, we are made clean, by means of the sacred water and the invocation of the Lord, from our old transgressions, being spiritually regenerated as newborn babes, even as the Lord has declared: ‘Except a man be born again through water and the Spirit, he shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5]” (Fragment 34). In the year 252 A.D., Cyprian, the bishop of Carthage, said that when those becoming Christians “receive also the baptism of the Church . . . then finally can they be fully sanctified and be the sons of God . . . since it is written, ‘Except a man be born again of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God’ [John 3:5]” (Letters 71[72]:1). Augustine wrote, “From the time he [Jesus] said, ‘Except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven’ [John 3:5], and again, ‘He that loses his life for my sake shall find it’ [Matt. 10:39], no one becomes a member of Christ except it be either by baptism in Christ or death for Christ” (On the Soul and Its Origin 1:10 [A.D. 419]). Augustine also taught, “It is this one Spirit who makes it possible for an infant to be regenerated . . . when that infant is brought to baptism; and it is through this one Spirit that the infant so presented is reborn. For it is not written, ‘Unless a man be born again by the will of his parents’ or ‘by the faith of those presenting him or ministering to him,’ but, ‘Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit’ [John 3:5]. The water, therefore, manifesting exteriorly the sacrament of grace, and the Spirit effecting interiorly the benefit of grace, both regenerate in one Christ that man who was generated in Adam” (Letters 98:2 [A.D. 408]).
@bibleman8010 Год назад
Guess you are accursed 🤢🤢 ONE LORD ONE FATIH ONE BAPTISM “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all” (Ephesians 4:4-6) The one baptism (and the only valid baptism), is the baptism of the one faith, the baptism authorized by the one Lord and practiced by the one body, the church of Christ. “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body” (1 Corinthians 12:13). "Are you born again-the way the Bible understands that concept?" If the Evangelical has not been properly water baptized, he has not been born again "the Bible way," regardless of what he may think.The Born Again Movement traces its origin early in the 19th century.Born Again Movement arrived at our shores in the late 1930’s and gained its popularity in the 70’s and 80’s which is considered the golden era of Born Again Movement During these years membership in various Born Again Churches increased because they where able to infiltrate mainline Protestant Churches and had lured nominal Catholics into their fold.However their steady growth ceases starting the year 1990 and their membership declined in the succeeding years. In the year 2000 Born Again Churches from the United States sent their missionaries in the Philippines to re-established the Born Again Movement and this time their primary mission is no longer to infiltrate Protestant and Catholic Churches but targeted the youth in schools particularly college students.Born Again evangelist does not want to discuss the history of the Christian church, in their Bible studies with their prospects, they intentionally limit the discussion to the Bible alone. They conceal the history of the Christian religion because it will show that their movement did not originate from the apostles. It is necessary for them to negate history because St. Paul warned us not to accept teachings that did not originate from the apostles Gal.1:8 and Born Again Movement evidently cannot trace the history of their church into the time of the apostles.Clearly Born Again evangelization has deception as its chief foundation and they even used selected passages from the Bible to deceive people. They usually start evangelizing by asking ambiguous questions such as “Are you saved?” or “Are you born again?”, if the person answers “no or I don’t know” they will tell you that you must accept Christ as a Lord and Personal Savior in order to be born again otherwise you will be damned to hell. And if the person will answer “yes” they will invite you to their church and worship with them. And if the person is a Catholic that would mean that you have to leave the Catholic Church and do away your Catholic beliefs about Mary, the Saints, confession etc. Let us be vigilant not to fall to the snares of the Born Again movement.
@EpoRose1 Год назад
Being “born again” is being baptized, not what you probably think it means. If Catholics deny they need to be “born again,” it’s probably because they think it’s the “accept Jesus as your personal savior.” (Which is addressed in this video around the 16:00 mark.)
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Northern Ireland, I gave a retreat in northern Ireland about 5 years ago, and it shocked me the state of the faith in Ireland, or lack thereof. People had left God wholesale. But all the people at the retreat and the Catholics who were practicing their faith were super hardcore. I loved speaking there. I always pray to come back and speak to them again and fire up the faith in Ireland. God bless you.
@Darth_Vader258 Год назад
​@@CatholicTruthOfficialAs a cradle Catholic, it is because of the HORRIFIC Pedophile Abuse Cover Up.
@Vexx_Line_ 5 месяцев назад
Whew what a piece of work, Ray is truely lost, no, drowning, in the sause.
@lizettemassmann7650 Год назад
thank you so much for your videos sir..I do not belong to the Catholic Church..but I truly believe in what you are teaching..and experienced it first hand..thank you.. greetings from Zambia
@cdmcintyre1854 Год назад
Freedom of religion allows you to be any denomination or any religion you choose. I’m a USAF Veteran so I defend your freedom to be Catholic but on the other hand I’m so glad I don’t have to be Catholic. There was a time in history that was not possible.
@bibleman8010 Год назад
PROTESTANT ATROCITIES & CRIMES, MODERN DAY CORRUPTION AND SEX ABUSE SCANDALS: Protestants have their own crimes, atrocities, abuse scandals & modern day corruption. Not as well known because the following crimes are never acknowledged or repented of by protestants. ✦ 1517: Followers of Luther burned catholic homes with families in. ✦ 1524 Martin Luther killed 100, 000 peasants - Peasant War 1524. ✦ 1534: King Henry VIII, founder of Anglican church tortured & murdered catholics all over England, seizing their proerty for himself, Priests were hunted down, tortured & imprisoned. ✦ 1536 Danish protestants burned "Witches" after the reformation. ✦ 1558, Queen Elizabeth 1 issued an edict demanding that all English people convert to protestantism or face death. Priests were AGSIN Hunted down, tortured and murdered as was anyone who hid Priests. ✦ 1573: The Earl of Essex, John Norris & Sir Francis Drake, along with their forces, invade Northern Ireland, butchering un-armed Catholic men, woemen & children without mercy, Most of whom were hiding in caves & in the forrests. All With the approval of the protestant Queen, Elizabeth I. ✦ 1590 Scottish protestants, headed by King James VI, murdered "witches" in the Scottish witch hunt of the 1590's. ✦ 1599: Second wave of slaughter of Irish Catholics conrtinued under Sir Arthur Chichester. ✦ 1604: During The Reign of King James 1. The King contoninued the reign of terror and the laws that were put in place by Queen E#lizabeth 1, Imposing fines and jail time for those refusing to attend Protestant services and continuing the torture and murder of Priests. ✦ 1650: 3rd wave of slaughter of Irish Catholics: Oliver Cromwell, Protestant head of England, slaughtered a full 1/3 of the Irish, seizing their property & selling others as slaves. ✦ 1680: William of Orange & his "Orange men" carried on with the slaughter of Catholics in the Ulster area of N. Ireland. Present day, this event ois still celebrated with parades. ✦ 1692: Puritan prots in Salem Mass murdered people during Salem witch hunt. ✦ 1789 French prots hacked catholics to death during French revolution. ✦ In more modern times, the English Parliment deliberatly starved the Irish for refusing to convert, during the Irish potato famine of 1845. ✦ The American KKK is a protestant organization Y& they have the same hatred for Catholics as theyu do for Jews & blacks. ✦ Modern day corruption: Jim Bakker in prison for fraud, Jimmy Swaggart doing hookers, Jim Jones poisened his followers, John Hagee living in a mansion, ditto for numerous other prot ministers, driving fancy cars, living in luxury, prot evangelists flying around in private planes while they bilk the elderly out of $$$$, oh ya, and you even have a prot theme park etc etc etc :D ➨ PROTESTANT SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN: ● Billy Graham's grandson is an attorny who is investigating sexual abuse of children in evangelical churches and HE said the problem is WORSE in evangelical churches. Here are some statistics: ● ★ 7 thousand catholic priests were accusing of sexual abuse of children in the past 10 years. ● ★ TEN THOUSAND PROTESTANT MINISTERS were accused of sexually abusing children in the past ten years. ● ★ 200 thousand Public school teachers who were accused of sexually abusing children in the past 2 years. ★ We Americans are taught from the time we were school children that the pilgrim Fathers were good & noble men, who had fled from religious persecution in England, whereas in reality The pilgrim Fathers were protestants who had been guilty of perseciting catholics in the old world and continued their persecution of Catholics in the New world. when the prorotestants came to America in 1659 They banned celebrations of Christmas and Easter In addition, the banned Catholic priests. The First time a Priest was caught, he was banished from the territory, but if caught again, it was death. Catholics could not own property or vote. ● 10 famous evangelical scandals: john hagee blasphemy ● Televangelists who are anything but holy: s:😃😃
@mikecastelluccio7072 3 месяца назад
Ask Siri who is the founder of your church. My guess is you will receive a man’s name. Now ask who is the founder of the Catholic Church. There is only one answer, Jesus Christ. Set aside your pride and do your homework, CD.
@susanmann8643 Год назад
Thank you for setting the record straight! So unfair how Catholics are misrepresented. Your work is so important! 🙏🏻👏🏻💕
@mack6429 Год назад
Susan if I may ask you... Do you believe that Protestant's who have repentance and put there faith in Christ, trusting and believing Him... Do you consider these people Christian?
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Yes, Christian, but they are not part of the Church, and are not necessarily saved.
@mack6429 Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficial ok ... Thank you for your reply and from what I understand as per catholic teaching no one, not even catholics are necessarily saved either. But that aside, i have friends who are "reformed" protestants. They believe in faith alone in Christ alone. They are believers and are trusting in Christ for salvation... Would these friends also be christians?
@gerardoreyes721 8 месяцев назад
Brothers, a word of exhortation, Let us seek to please Our Holy God, Let us abandon the sin in our lives and let us do it to please our Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ. Sin separates us from God. Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Psalm 34:8
@JMJ1219 Год назад
Another great response! Praying for you and your family, Bryan 🙏
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Thanks so much!🙏🙏
@louangesaves3481 Год назад
Thank you for doing this video ! I used to watch living waters all the time from 2020-2022 . I would appreciate a lot if their content but I would also be very vocal with my comments on how I felt with them using their platform to try to destroy the Catholic Church. Why do Protestants choose to believe what a man decided in the 16th century was the Truth? My theory is that they want to remain in their sins here on earth and keep their heavenly place with Our Father since the majority believe they can’t lose their salvation . No wonder !
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Funny, you should ask why protestants decide to follow a man instead of God because we are going to be making a video on that exact topic very soon.
@louangesaves3481 Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficial looking forward to it. I LOVE your passion .
@bluepegasus561 Год назад
This is the one thing about protestantism that always blows my mind. To me, it's the one big question none of them can answer truthfully. For 1500 years there was one church that taught the same teachings since Jesus and produced the Bible, yet one man was able to discern everything as a lie and you believe him? I honestly think the same as you, that many of them bury their heads in the sand so they can go on living the life they want so they don't have any consequences.
@Karl_Arthur3 Год назад
Doesn’t the Catholic Church teach that Mary was sinless her entire life? That is a direct contradiction to what Paul says in Roman’s when he wrote, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” The only sinless human being to ever walk the earth after the fall of Adam and Eve was Jesus Christ.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Things do not have to be a direct contradiction if you understand the Bible in context. The Bible says the whole world went out to see John the Baptist, but we know the whole world didn't go out to see John the Baptist. Sometimes, the Bible speaks in general statements. After all, babies haven't sinned and if they die, they will go to heaven. They have no personal sin. There are many mentally challenged people who have no capability of seeing either, and so there are many people walking around in the earth without sin. So many times when scripture speaks godmother are exceptions to the rule. And the Bible does teach about Mary being sinless as well. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_nCHVwMIWfc.html
@Karl_Arthur3 Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficial I appreciate the clarification. I’ll have to watch that video you linked and continue on my journey to understanding more about what the Catholic Church teaches.
@srich7503 Год назад
So which is it “All” or All except Jesus and Adam and Eve only BEFORE the fall?
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
​@@Karl_Arthur3Thank you for your question. God bless you. If you ever have any more questions, just let us know.
@mikecastelluccio7072 3 месяца назад
Hi Karl, why do you think Jesus referred to His mother as “woman” at the wedding and from the cross? Was he being somewhat disrespectful? Was He in jeopardy of sinning by not honoring His mother as we are commanded? Or could it be that Jesus was identifying His mother as sinless? Eve did not receive her name (Eve) until after she sinned. Prior to that sin, she was referred to as woman 8 times.
@BasiliscBaz 10 месяцев назад
Finnaly, catholics fight back!
@MrAzteckgamer Год назад
Ray Comfort still comes on my Alma Mater campus and interviews students. He’s interviewed me about 3 times. The way he goes about things make him seem completely self righteous and arrogant.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
I would love to be interviewed by him. 😁
@EpoRose1 Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficialUnfortunately, that would never make his channel! If he were to come up to you, you say, “Sure- let me record my side of this with my phone!”
@GrandmaLynn Год назад
Thanks, Bryan, for debunking Living Waters!!!! Hopefully, some people will see this video and be forewarned should they bump into those false preachers!!
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Please share it! :)
@GrandmaLynn Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficial done!!!
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
​@@GrandmaLynnThank you so much!🎉👏
@brianmendenhall8387 Год назад
Nobody ' debunked' anybody...you have your beliefs, we simply believe Jesus, not the pope or the other nonsense the RCC teaches
@GrandmaLynn Год назад
@@brianmendenhall8387 you have the right to believe whatever you like. I just don’t understand what nonsense you’re talking about.
@joanofarc708 Год назад
The eucharist and priesthood was instituted at the last supper
@elizabethking5523 Год назад
That’s right!🙏🏻❤️
@causti7 9 месяцев назад
AMEN!! God Bless you and speaking and teaching the TRUTH!!
@danthecorkman Год назад
Keep up the great work Brian. Great video. The fact they turned off their comments just shows they don’t want to engage with educated Catholics. Praying for their own conversion and hoping they don’t lead many more souls astray.
@BethHutch-pg5yi 5 дней назад
You dear precious person, please face what your church has done there is always forgiveness
@CatholicTruthOfficial 5 дней назад
Thank you for your ambiguous comment. Here is a little of the amazing things the Catholic Church has done. The Catholic Church is the largest charity in the world, feeding more people, clothing more people, educating more people, and helping more poor people, and more social services than anyone else on planet Earth, and we have done that for 2000 years. Moreover, The Catholic Church has done so much for the world that no other church can compare. It was the Catholic Church who made the Bible! You wouldn't even have a Bible if it wasn't for the Catholic church. It was the Catholic Church at her Councils who collected the books and manuscripts, compile them, and may the Canon of scripture. They put the Bible under one cover as we know it today. Moreover, they copied it for over a thousand years so that we could have it. And despite Vikings and barbarians ransacking and destroying libraries and the literature, the Catholic Church kept copying the Bible so we could have it today. In the Catholic Church translated into different languages long before Luther was even born. The first book ever off the printing press with the Catholic version of Holy Scripture. The Catholic Church also started the university system, expanded schools and education, civilized in the barbarians and the Vikings that nobody else could, converted the pagan Roman Empire, invented economics, discovered the scientific method, genetics, the big bang, and thousands of more things that no other religion compare to. The Catholic Church also started countless hospitals, orphanages combats drug trafficking, child trafficking, works to save life, even in the womb. It's the catholic church who sends missionaries across the world to work with the poorest of the poor and help give them all the aid they need. The church also saved writing, literacy, and so much more. It has made such a positive impact on the world and has done far more good than not. Those are the facts for those who actually study history. And there's a lot more that could be said.
@josh39684 Год назад
I used to be one of these protestants but once I actually did my own research it was clear that the Catholic Church is the true church. On a side note. I have 5 bibles (mainly ESV version) that are protestant bibles might sound like a silly question but should I still be reading them?
@OzCrusader Год назад
Best English language Bible Translations are the 1899 Douay-Rheims, New American Bible (NAB), New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE), Jerusalem Bible (JB). I own a copy of all these translations and I will often cross-check verses from one to another.
@margaritapavic Год назад
To deepen your faith-no. For evangelizing protestants-yes.
@Darth_Vader258 Год назад
​@@OzCrusaderI usually prefer the NKJV but I also have Catholic Bibles in my phone.
@Inverz-_- Год назад
This is the true reason why people are pushed away. Different religions going back and forth onto each other. You guys should really all be ashamed. Praying for all of you.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
I don't think that's the real reason people are pushed away. Not in most cases. In most cases, people don't want to seek the truth. Jesus dialogued with people he disagreed with all the time. Some people were pushed away while many others were drawn close. Those who cared about the truth drew close to him. What's wrong with the religious discussion In defending our beliefs, which are being wrongfully presented?
@Inverz-_- Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficial I just simply don’t like the idea of going back and forth. We’re all imperfect, it gets nowhere when many diff religions are all “seeking the truth” and spreading what they think is the “correct word of God”. It’s the main reason i don’t follow religion. I can follow Christ on my own, I don’t need a title. I love Christ and will always confess my sins. I don’t need others telling me how i need to.. especially when they argue with each other. I respect that you replied to me though.. i’d just much rather follow my own way and stick to the truth.
@mrjeffjob Год назад
As Mark Twain said, “The Truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie.” Ray Comfort fits that category nicely. I’m sure the Truth has been presented and explained a thousand times to him but he has a “ministry” to protect. Not to mention an ego. These kinds of guys are just looking for the low information Catholic who knows very little and cares even less about the Faith. That way he looks so smart and informed by comparison. You can tell if false teachers are honestly confused or not by their willingness to dialogue with a knowledgeable Catholic. If they engage with me I’m charitable. If they don’t I won’t continue with them because I’m not going to get in an ego match and argue. Truth is more dignified than to treat it that way.
@OzCrusader Год назад
You’re right, Jeffery. In any dialogue, it is very tempting for me to push my ego against an anti-Catholic’s ego. I will quickly see that my opponent only wants to berate and harangue Catholics, without engaging. So, I say what I need to say, then leave no further replies.
@wordforever117 Год назад
Yeh there is no way someone gets to the prominent status of Ray Comfort without having access to the true teaching of the Church. It is sophistry at best or downright lies at worst.
@losrevolucionarios8858 Год назад
Catholic Truth making Ray Comfort uncomfortable
@JuanMartinez-xl2oj Год назад
I’m excited to watch this! I used to love their channel, but the way they talk of Catholicism scares me, talk about bearing false witness against one’s neighbor.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
That's exactly what they do. They definitely bear false witness.
@geordiewishart1683 Год назад
No. They bare biblical truths
@cinnamondan4984 Год назад
I don’t recall them turning off their comments. Mind, I’m on your side.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
They never used to, but they do now for some reason.
@MrLogan487 Год назад
Thanks so much for this video brother I walked away from my Catholic faith as a confirmed catholic for a while and am coming back into the true church again. I’ve been all over the place with my faith and made friends with many Protestants who encouraged me to leave Catholicism and were overjoyed about it and it felt off to me they were so happy I was leaving. I love Christ that much I know and want to adore and worship Him and only Him as God. That never changed for me when I was in that weird place but I was in confusion and ignorance. I now study biblical theology in a primarily evangelical school and the anti catholic stances most people take are similar to the ones in this video. I hope I can be efficient in apologetics like you are so I can at least defend this faith in a humble and loving way like you do. God bless you sir.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
So glad to have you back! Praise be to God. Thank you so much for sharing your faith journey with us and for others.
@charliehammond7117 9 месяцев назад
Living Waters tell the truth about Jesus Christ our Savior died for us. Saved by grace only
@CatholicTruthOfficial 9 месяцев назад
They tell some of the truth about Jesus, but not all of it. And they have some false teachings as well. Which we pointed out in the video. And they can't get Catholicism, correct to save their souls.
@paulgritter7957 Год назад
This channel is so much more valuable, than so many others. Clear Catholic Teaching, and no personal or political agenda. It’s become my go to, and the place I direct others, who want clear concise information. Bryan, is an excellent example, of how those who present such material, should be presenting it. ❤️
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Thank you so much! Praise be to God.
@bobloblawb2593 Год назад
Well you said it correctly Clear Catholic teaching. Now can you find Ckear Scriptural teaching for what the roman Catholic church is teaching?
@bernardodelacruz1849 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for all these clarifications about RC. I wish more videos like this will come out in order to help all the Catholic followers understand your doctrine. I was catholic for many years but never understood the grace of God and the salvation that our Lord Jesus offered for free.
@jackieo8693 Год назад
Thank you, Brian, for all your hard work!
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
@user-hd1qx2bd1r Год назад
Bryan you know me, and I was born and raised in a Catholic family, that dates back from Europe well over a thousand years, our family name is in the Munich records. I know Catholicism better than Francis does. Ray Comfort is old like me, he's been around the block, and is well well read. Neither one of us, is mistaken, or misunderstood, or not understanding, or in any need or desire for Catholicism to come forward and excuse their Centuries of wrongs brought about on the World by the Roman Vatican. The Roman Pope and the Roman Vatican have for the last 1700 years thrust their laws on society's all over the Planet. It's Totally and Completely well known, around the World what they have done. Totally and Completely!!! Even if Ray and I got asked to visit the Roman Pope, I don't think Ray would want to, and I would definitely not want to, because the Pope can never take back what he's done. Never. READ REVELATION BRYAN !!! The Roman Vatican, the Roman Pope, and the False Prophets, and the Anti-Christ, ...are BY GOD"S OWN WORDS!!! IN REVELATION !!!, They are all going to their DEATH IN THE LAKE OF FIRE !!! THE HEADS OF CATHOLICISM HAVE BEEN SENTANCED TO DEATH BY GOD, HIMSELF.!!! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO EXPLAIN!!! NOTHING. ZERO, NULL. CATHOLICISM WILL BE INCINERATED IN THE FIRE AT GOD"S COMMAND, AT JESUS'S RETURN TO EARTH TO VANQUISH GOD"S ENEMY'S. NO NO NO Amount of you talking about Catholicism can ever ever ever, change GOD"S MIND. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN. I wish you would come to realize GOD"S Truth, and Facts, and Reality. GOD KNEW THIS 2000 YEARS AGO WHEN HE INSPIRED APOSTLE JOHN TO INK IT FOR ALL ETERNITY. IT"S 2000 YEAR OLD NEWS BRYAN, Come ON get a mitt and get in the game, the Clock is Ticking my Friend.!!!
@georgepierson4920 Год назад
I have no reason to believe that you were Catholic.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
No offense, Friend karma, but you can't possibly think that. Ray comfort is well read when he can't even get the most basic understanding of Catholicism correct, and he constantly and persistently misrepresents it on an elementary level. We are well right here and understand protest in doctrine so we don't slander them behind their backs. Ray comfort does not do the same. Sadly, it sounds like you have studied Ray's book of Catholicism rather than actual history. You make all of these conspiracy theory statements, but with very little evidence to back it up. Just saying the Catholic Church did this or that, and it's "well known," doesn't mean it is. You have to give facts and proof. Most people don't actually know history and just go by the historical myths that are out there. Just the fact that you think revelation talks about the Pope and the church shows that you don't understand revelation or the Catholic Church. We have read the book several times, and taught it to others for decades. Scholars would not endorse your view. Sorry. Plus we have a whole video demolishing that really terrible conspiracy theory. Unlike your assumptions, we actually provide facts and back it up with the Bible.😁 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-TwOWIsjV3Ss.html
@user-hd1qx2bd1r Год назад
Thank You B. for the return Text. I don't always see a Parable the same way that Ray Comfort sees it, but my goodness has he pounded the pavement in both his countries trying 1x1 with folks to win them over to God's side. That day in and day out evangelizing is tough to do, and zaps ones life force right out of them. And I love and use! one of his lines," God has High Standards " People have little comeback because there' everything Right about having high standards! I could do a better job of giving the Scripture chapter and verse, but I try to argue the big picture and hope that its understood we stay accurate. If I'm right, you will have a chance from God to recant and have His seal and go on into Heaven. If I'm wrong you will go into Heaven. Unfortunately when I read Ezekial, Daniel, the Old Testament, I see everything in Revelation and there's no other Faith or organization that fits all the clues like the Vatican. Let me ruminate on it some more, tomorrows Frida, steady as she goes!!! Cheers. @@CatholicTruthOfficial
@Mr.CUTE777 Год назад
TBH, my original roots, but not anymore.. Right, Rebuke them sharply, my dear friend Mercier, show no mercy when it comes to correcting error and lies of the born again aka "Evangelical".. 👍👍 Love you Bryan and all the Catholics around the world.. ✝️🙏📿💚❤️💙
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
@Darth_Vader258 Год назад
​@@CatholicTruthOfficialFaith Alone doesn't SAVE. Faith + Works also doesn't SAVE, but what does SAVE us is this. Faith that is WORKING through Love.
@annabrahamson4320 6 месяцев назад
We lost some good members when they set up a store front church. One of them was an active knights of Columbus. Back in the early 90s.
@mikecastelluccio7072 3 месяца назад
@fadikhoory5350 Год назад
I love the 4th-Century argument Protestants use. Marian devotion started in the mid-200s, infant baptism started in 150, the Eucharist was in the first century. These are the same bishops, saints, and martyrs who gave us the Bible, had to fight heresies like Arianism and Iconoclasm(a Proto-Protestant event), they even died for it. To say that 1,500 years was 'paganised' is a spit-in-the-face to martyrs, saints, and bishops- these same people who gave us and died for the Bible is the same one which Protestants use. I would certainly love the Living Waters team to take on an Orthodox Christian, I wonder what that would be like: St. John Chrysostom vs John Calvin.
@phillipcummings3518 Год назад
I'm sure he comes across knowledgeable Catholics every so often and those videos never make the channel.
@fadikhoory5350 Год назад
As well as pausing the video for an Anti-Catholic Ray rant
@ronaldjackson9521 Год назад
So many priests were skinned alive Henry v111. Martyrs
@christopherton 8 месяцев назад
Great explanation on the Eucharist from OT scripture. Never heard that before. Always just thought God exists outside of time and why would it be impossible for Him to hold His own BODY BLOOD SOUL AND DIVINITY in His own hands at the last supper
@gilgaidola7720 Год назад
Ironically mr. Comfort needs the catholic church to keep his so called ministry going.
@spacecoastz4026 Год назад
Bryan, I think Ray is totally correct that many many people do not understand WHY Christ had to die. They probably do not understand the concept of "propitiation" and/or atonement...because many people do not read and study Scripture. "20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Corinthians 5 The only way the perfect righteousness and justice of God is satisfied is by a perfect sacrifice...which is what Jesus provided. Yeah, most people know that Christ died....but the issue is "why". And Ray does an excellent job in explaining that.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
We agree that countless people don't know the gospel, and they need to be evangelized. In that aspect, he does good work. But unfortunately, he doesn't have the full gospel himself. Ray himself needs to come back to Christ's church. We made a video about this recently. Not sure if you saw it. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-8ixOq-CzqqA.html
@spacecoastz4026 Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficial I'll check it out. I had a lengthy comment concerning the mass and the actual language used by the RCC regarding sacrifice. Can you address it?
@annakareninnav2427 Год назад
Thank you Catholic Truth for your mission.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
@cesarestrada1533 9 месяцев назад
@rapture7551 Год назад
I'm not here to hate or conmdem. I just have one question to catholic people. Why catholic salvation is different from scriptures? Meaning, catholic teaching, preach another Jesus anor gospel.
@bibleman8010 Год назад
why are you so ignorant🤔🤔
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Thank you for the question. To be fair, protestants can't even agree on the question of salvation. Some say your Faith needs works, and some say works are not needed in any way whatsoever. Some protestants say baptism is necessary, whereas others disagree. Some say you are once saved always saved, where as many others disagree. Some say sacraments, others no. Catholics believe we have the original Salvation plan taught by the earliest Christians And we believe that it can be backed up by the Bible. Here's what we believe if you're interested. WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? We are sinners who have sinned against God. Our sin separates us from God. We can't save ourselves or earn salvation. It's a free gift of God. Jesus came to save us by dying on the cross and shedding his body and blood for us, to redeem us, and reconcile us back to God. This saving grace of Jesus is offered to us freely, and we are saved by grace alone (Acts 15:11). We must turn away from our sins and repent (Acts 2:38), believe completely in Jesus (faith), and be baptized (Jn 3:5. Mk. 16:16, Acts. 2:38). Finally we must live out that faith and live for Christ in obedience and following the commandments. (Mt. 28:19, Mt. 19:16-22, Lk. 6:46, Jn. 14:15, etc). Good works dont save us and cant save us but are necessary for a true faith to save. So, if we have faith, lice out that faith bear good fruit, follow the Commandments and stay faithful to the end, we will be saved eternally. (Mt. 24:11-13, Rev. 2:4-7, 10, 19-26, Rom. 11:16-22). This is all by His grace, not of ourselves.
@bibleman8010 Год назад
There are almost as many sects and beliefs as there are heads; this one will not admit Baptism; that one rejects the Sacrament of the altar; another places another world between the present one and the day of judgment; some teach that Jesus Christ is not God. There is not an individual, however clownish he may be, who does not claim to be inspired by the Holy Ghost, and who does not put forth as prophecies his ravings and dreams.😜😜 they are purveyors of ‘self-centered worship.' You may get people to come to those churches, and you may have church growth. But you will not have church impact. The reason is that church becomes increasingly like the culture. People go in, see a skit, listen to some music, hear a soothing sermon, and think they have done their Christian duty. They are entering the exact precarious position the mainline found itself in the '60s and '70s." if salvation is by "faith only" it excludes even faith gained by reading the Bible. The First International Anglican Episcopal Lutheran Presbyterian Reformed Methodist Baptist Seventh Day Adventist Pentecostal Nazarene Unitarian Gospel Non Denominational Church and Assembly of God Christ Science Scientist of Latter Day Saints Jehovah Witness Evangelical Christian Restoration Calvary Bible Apostolic Progressive Faith Holiness Universalist Discipleship Congregational Covenant Independent United Communion Fellowship Conference Convention Association and Community Of The Lord. American Baptists, Southern Baptists, Christian Unity Baptists, Primitive Baptists, Duck River & Kindred Associations of Baptists, Baptist Church of Christ, Freewill Baptists, General Baptists, General Six-Principle Baptists, Independent Baptist Church of America, National Baptist, Evangelical Life & Soul Saving Assembly of the U.S.A., Regular Baptists, Separate Baptists, Seventh Day Baptists, Two Seed in the Spirit Predestinarian Baptists, United American Freewill Baptists, United Baptists, Free Communion Baptists, Anti-mission Baptists, Conservative Baptists, Fundamental Baptists, I thought that John Calvin strictly taught from the Bible. Mmmm, why, then, are there 25 different Calvinist denominations in the USA/Canada? They do not worship together on the Lord's Day. Alliance of Reformed Churches(founded 2021 out of the RCA) Calvin Synod (United Church of Christ) Canadian and American Reformed Churches (Dutch Reformed - Liberated) Christian Reformed Church in North America (Dutch Reformed - GKN) Free Reformed Churches in North America - (Dutch Reformed - CGKN) French Protestant (Huguenot) Church, Charleston, SC--The only French Calvinist or Huguenot congregation still existing in the United States. Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregations Hungarian Reformed Church in America Kingdom Network (inaugurating September 9, 2021 out of the RCA) Lithuanian Evangelical Reformed Church in America Netherlands Reformed Congregations Associated with the Dutch Reformed (Gereformeerde Gemeenten (Dutch)) churches in the Netherlands. Protestant Reformed Churches in America (Dutch Reformed - GKN) One of the most conservative of all Reformed/Calvinist denominations, the PRCA separated from the Christian Reformed Church in the 1920s in a schism over the issue of common grace. Reformed Congregations in North America Reformed Church in the United States (German Reformed) The majority of the original Reformed Church in the United States, which was founded in 1725, merged with Evangelical Synod of North America (a mix of German Reformed & Lutheran theologies) to form the Evangelical and Reformed Church in 1940 (which would merge with the Congregational Christian Churches in 1957 to form the United Church of Christ) leaving the Eureka Classis serving as a Continuing church of the Reformed Church in the United States until 1986, when it was dissolved to form the Synod of the Reformed Church in the United States Reformed Church in America The Reformed Church in America (RCA) is the oldest Dutch Reformed denomination in the United States, dating back from the mid-17th century Reformed Church of Quebec United Reformed Churches in North America (Dutch Reformed - GKN) Congregational Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches Puritan Reformed Church Newfrontiers in the United States Sovereign Grace Churches (Credobaptist, charismatic) I thought that Martin Luther was the unifying force in the Protestant Church. Why, then, are there 26 different groups of Lutherans in the USA who DO NOT worship together on the Lord's Day. Is not the Bible their sole authority? Then why is the Bible so contradictory? Association of Confessional Lutheran Churches Association of Free Lutheran Congregations Association of independent evangelical Lutheran churches[J] Augsburg Lutheran Churches Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America Church of the Lutheran Confession Concordia Lutheran Conference Conservative Lutheran Association Evangelical Lutheran Conference & Ministerium of North America Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America General Lutheran Church Illinois Lutheran Conference Independent Lutheran Diocese[J] Laestadian Lutheran Church[I] Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Lutheran Church - International[J] Lutheran Churches of the Reformation Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ Lutheran Conference of Confessional Fellowship The Lutheran Evangelical Protestant Church[B] Lutheran Ministerium and Synod - USA Lutheran Orthodox Church[J] Missionary Lutheran Church Old Apostolic Lutheran Church of America Orthodox Lutheran Confessional Conference Protes'tant Conference United Lutheran Mission Association I thought that John Knox was a unifying force of the Protestant Church; yet, in North America, there are 35 versions of the Presbyterian Church. Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church - around 22,459 members (2018)[1] - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist, Covenanter & Seceder Bible Presbyterian Church - around 3,500 members - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist partially: Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches - around 15,000 members - Evangelical/Orthodox, Dutch Reformed/Presbyterian, Calvinist Cumberland Presbyterian Church - around 67,074 members (2016)[2] - Liberal, Presbyterian, Arminian Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America - around 6,500 members - Liberal, Presbyterian, Arminian Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches in America- 73 churches in the USA ECO (Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians) - more than 129,765 members, 320 churches and 500 Pastors (2018)[3] - Evangelical, Presbyterian[4][5] Evangelical Presbyterian Church - around 122,216 members (2018)[6] - Evangelical, Presbyterian, Charismatic[7] Korean-American Presbyterian Church - around 53,000 members - Conservative Evangelical, Korean-Presbyterian, Calvinist Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad - around 55,000 members - Progressive Evangelical, Korean-Presbyterian Orthodox Presbyterian Church - around 31,472 members (2019)[8]- Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Presbyterian Church in America - around 383,338 members (2020)[9] - Evangelical, Presbyterian, Calvinist[10] Presbyterian Church in Canada - around 225,000 members - Presbyterian Presbyterian Church (USA) - around 1,245,354 members - Liberal, Presbyterian[11][12] Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America - around 7,800 members - Orthodox, Exclusive Psalmody, A cappella, Covenanter, Presbyterian, Calvinist partially: United Church of Canada - around 388,000 members (as of 12/31/2018) - Liberal, Presbyterian & Congregational & Methodist[13 American Presbyterian Church - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Covenant Presbyterian Church - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church - Orthodox, 1646 Westminster Confession, Presbyterian, Calvinist[14] Covenanting Association of Reformed and Presbyterian Churches Evangel Presbytery - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Faith Presbytery, Bible Presbyterian Church Federation of Reformed Churches - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist, Paedocommunion Free Presbyterian Church - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Presbyterian Reformed Church - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Puritan Reformed Church Reformed Presbyterian Church - Hanover Presbytery - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Reformed Presbytery in North America - Orthodox, Covenanter Presbyterian, Calvinist Upper Cumberland Presbyterian Church - less than 1000 members - Conservative, Presbyterian, Four-Point Calvinist Vanguard Presbytery - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Free Church of Scotland - has 9 congregations in North America Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) - has 8 congregations in the USA Associated Presbyterian Churches - has 1 congregation in Vancouver Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland Presided Over By The Most Reverend Dr. Mr.Minister Pastor Bishop Brother Ned Smith Esq. preacher, apostle, Profit Thank you for that one
@rapture7551 Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficial That's the problem with catholic and so called Christians. They don't know scriptures. If you know the scriptures, you wouldn't be a catholic. We need to rightly devide the scriptures. Like knowing the difference between the kingdom gospel and the gospel of grace. For your information. In the kingdom gospel, you need water baptism. Gospel of grace no need of water baptism. We get baptized buy the Holy Ghost not water. I bet you did not know that. We all know, God made a covenant with Abraham. God chosen people. Jews. Not saying, God forgot about the gentiles. Even Jesus commanded the 12 not to preach to gentiles. Guess what. We gentiles. Matthew 10:5 “These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:” God came for the Jews first, with some exception. If everything would had worked, meaning Jews would had accepted Jesus has their Messiah and King, than God was going to bring the gentiles Tru the Jews.and bring the heavenly kingdom on earth. But, what happened? Israel Jews killed thier Messiah and King. So If Jesus came to Israel first , no gentiles included. Meaning Peter and the apostles only preach to Jews. And why catholic make Peter has the rock? . Learn how to rightly devide scriptures. because Israel/Jews rejected their Messiah and King. God put Israel on hold. Meaning, the Kingdom gospel is no longer available. The kingdom gospel you need water baptism to be born again. Guess what. Us believers/Christians , the moment we believe, we become a new creature. So, since the kingdom gospel is been put on hold. 15 20 years after the resurrection, the risen Jesus gave the apostle Paul, the gospel of grace. Paul did not learn this gospel of grace/salvation from the 12 or a angel ect, but from the Risen Jesus himself. This gospel of grace. You don't need water baptism. The moment we trust the Jesus died for our sins was buried and rose on the 3rd day, the bible, says, we get baptized buy the Holy Ghost. Not water. Learn how to rightly devide. In this time of grace, everyone is save to who ever believe/trust the gospel of grace. Salvation is a free gift right now. You can't earn it, buy it, or doing works, or going to church can save you or water baptism. Only putting your trust on the finished work of Jesus on the cross that he died for our sins. Learn the difference between the kingdom gospel, and the gospel of grace. Don't never mix both together. Right now. God is building the body of Christ. Jesus being the head. Guess what. Israel is the bride of Christ. Us the body of Christ. We walk buy Faith. Israel walks after Wonders and sings. Once the body of Christ gets rapture. The 7 year tribulation is going to kick in. And the kingdom gospel is going to take affect. This kingdom gospel, you need water baptism, repent for Killing Messiah/King follow the law, and keep doing good works. Kingdom gospel= Faith plus work, plus water baptism to be save and stay save. Gospel of grace= Faith only for salvation.
@adelbertleblanc1846 Год назад
Some think that it can happen that Bible verses "cancel" each other. It's FALSE ! Every Bible verse IS VALID. And that is why we must read them with the Spirit of Truth and the Intelligence of the Scriptures, as Jesus teaches us very well in several passages of the Gospel. The letter condemns. The Spirit liberates!
@lukebrown5395 Год назад
Ray would come back if he stops interviewing lukewarm Catholics and talks to Brian or one of us.
@annb9029 Год назад
That’s the problem he will not talk to educated catholic
@lukebrown5395 Год назад
@@annb9029 deep down he knows he’s wrong and wants to sound right. That’s why we can’t comment on his channel.
@brianfarley926 Год назад
His goal is not to talk an informed Catholic. He straw man’s the Catholic faith to convert people to how he interprets Bible. It’s the straw manning that he does on purpose because he doesn’t accept the full Word of God from what I can see. If he’s scared to talk to informed Catholics and actually use what the church officially teaches it shows dishonesty. I can get someone disagreeing with the Catholic position and that interpretation should be tackled honestly not by lying
@Mr.CUTE777 Год назад
He's a prejudice, he can't even reply to strong Catholics face to face.. what he's afraid of. Lol
@wordforever117 Год назад
Hm but he would not be in a position of leadership or power if he came back to the Church. He would be just a regular member of the congregation.
@GirolamoZanchi_is_cool Год назад
Heretical prayer: O Mother of Perpetual Help, thou art the dispenser of all the gifts which God grants to us miserable sinners; and for this end He has made thee so powerful, so rich, and so bountiful, in order that thou mayest help us in our misery. Thou art the advocate of the most wretched and abandoned sinners who have recourse to thee: come to my aid, for I recommend myself to thee. In thy hands I place my eternal salvation, and to thee I entrust my soul. Count me among thy most devoted servants; take me under thy protection, and it is enough for me. For, if thou protect me, I fear nothing; not from my sins, because thou wilt obtain for me the pardon of them; nor from the devils, because thou art more powerful than all hell together; nor even from Jesus, my judge, because by one prayer from thee He will be appeased. But one thing I fear: that in the hour of temptation I may through negligence fail to have recourse to thee and thus perish miserably. Obtain for me, therefore, the pardon of my sins, love for Jesus, final perseverance, and the grace ever to have recourse to thee, O Mother of Perpetual Help. This is a legit Catholic prayer, look up "O Mother of Perpetual Help" if you want to know if it’s legit. This is super heretical. This doctrine of invoking departed saints doesn’t seem just like "hey it’s like praying to a friend.". :) :)
@GirolamoZanchi_is_cool Год назад
And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. -Jeremiah 29:13 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3:16 Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out. -Acts 3:19 :) :)
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
There is nothing heretical about that prayer when you properly understand it and properly understand Catholic theology. The problem is that you haven't actually studied any of this. It's no better than atheists who just look for things that are bad in Christianity and therefore conclude that it's wrong without actually looking into these things to see if there were good answers for it.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Also, that's a random prayer. Someone made not Catholic teaching. This is what the Catholic Church teaches and it's official teaching. “By his obedience unto death, Jesus accomplished the substitution of the suffering Servant, who ‘makes himself an offering for sin,’ when ‘he bore the sin of many’” and who ‘shall make many to be accounted righteous,’ for ‘he shall bear their iniquities.’ Jesus atoned for our faults and made satisfaction for our sins to the Father (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 615). Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of everything.... He is the only teacher from whom we must learn; the only Lord on whom we should depend; the only Head to whom we should be united and the only model that we should imitate. He is the only Physician that can heal us; the only Shepherd that can feed us; the only Way that can lead us; the only Truth that we can believe; the only Life that can animate us. He alone is everything to us and he alone can satisfy all our desires (Vatican Doc: Jesus is our Only Saviour) Christ’s death is both the Paschal sacrifice that accomplishes the definitive redemption of men . . . and the sacrifice of the New Covenant, which restores man to communion with God by reconciling him to God through the ‘blood of the covenant’ (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 613). “Whence it came to pass, that the heavenly Father, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort (2. Cor. 1:3), when that blessed fullness of the time was come (Gal. 4:4) sent to men Jesus Christ, His own Son … that He might both redeem the Jews who were under the Law and that the Gentiles who followed not after justice might attain to justice, and that all men might receive the adoption of sons. Him God hath proposed as a propitiator through faith in His blood (Rom. 3:25), for our sins, and not for our sins only, but also for those of the whole world (1 Jn. 2:2) The name Jesus signifies that the very name of God is present in the person of his Son made man for the universal and definitive redemption from sins. It is the divine name that alone brings salvation, and henceforth all can invoke his name, for Jesus united himself to all men through his Incarnation so that "there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). The name Jesus means ‘God saves.’ (Catechism of the Catholic Church, Paragraphs 432, 452) “Christ… restored that likeness to God in the children of Adam which had been disfigured since the first sin... As an innocent lamb he merited life for us by his blood which he freely shed. In him God reconciled us to himself and to one another, freeing us from the bondage of the devil and of sin, so that each one of us could say with the apostle: the Son of God 'loved me and gave himself up for me' (Gal 2:20)”‌ (Domini Iesus) “The truth of Jesus Christ, Son of God, Lord and only Savior, who through the event of his incarnation, death and resurrection has brought the history of salvation to fulfilment, and which has in him its fullness and center, must be firmly believed as a constant element of the Church's faith. (Acts 4:12, 1 Jn 4:14, Jn 1:29). … It must therefore be firmly believed as a truth of Catholic faith that the universal salvific will of the One and Triune God is offered and accomplished once for all in the mystery of the incarnation, death, and resurrection of the Son of God. (Domini Iesus)
@spacecoastz4026 Год назад
So Bryan, let's talk about the mass and why in reference to "sacrifice" it's confusing. Lets look at the actual words of the RCC catechism. Paragraph 1365 in part says: "Because it is the memorial of Christ's Passover, the Eucharist is also a sacrifice." Paragraph 1366 in part says: "The Eucharist is thus a sacrifice because it re-presents (makes present) the sacrifice of the cross, because it is its memorial and because it applies its fruit:" And paragraph 1367 says in total: "The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice: "The victim is one and the same: the same now offers through the ministry of priests, who then offered himself on the cross; only the manner of offering is different." "And since in this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the Mass, the same Christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and is offered in an unbloody manner. . . this sacrifice is truly propitiatory." Bottom line is I see the word "sacrifice" being used over and over. Sure sounds like the intent is for a sacrifice. But regardless, lets examine the concept of saying the mass is "the same" sacrifice that took place 2,000 years ago by looking at paragraph 1367 specifically. It says...."are one single sacrifice" but yet it also says "only the manner of offering is different". Different doesn't mean it's the same....how can different by same? But let's continue. "This divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the Mass.....is offered in an unbloody manner", which again is different than what happened on the cross, which of course was bloody. Only with blood is there a legitimate sacrifice for God So again, it's different...which isn't the same. And then the other argument is the basic question of "why". Why should we try to either re-do or re-present what Christ defined as "finished". Why does Scripture say that Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, but yet "present" in the Eucharist. Seems like this is trying to have it both ways.
@jerome8950 Год назад
You know, we all agree that Jesus said the words "it is finished" just before He died on the cross. But WHAT exactly was He referring to ? You seem to be suggesting that He was referring to the SACRIFICE that He came to offer in atonement for our sins. Well, I guess your point of view would have been confirmed if Jesus had said: "My sacrifice is finished". But He said no such thing. You see, we need to understand that Jesus came to offer a PERPETUAL sacrifice i.e a sacrifice that would not simply be an event that is limited to a particular point in time in human history (in other words, an event that happened in the PAST) but a sacrifice that would always remain a PRESENT reality for all generations of Christians. Essentially, Jesus would continue to make His sacrifice a PRESENT reality by PERPETUATING His sacrifice in heaven before the presence of God so that God sees the sacrifice of His Son as an event that is PRESENTLY HAPPENING and not something that simply HAPPENED in the PAST. This is why the Bible said that AFTER His death and resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven where He stands before God on our behalf as our HIGH PRIEST. A priest is defined as someone who OFFERS sacrifice. Why would Jesus still need to exercise the office of a priest even AFTER His death and resurrection ? Because the death of Jesus didn't mark the END of His sacrifice; Jesus was going to PERPETUATE His sacrifice by CONTINUING to present Himself as a LIVING SACRIFICE to God even after His death and resurrection (Notice that I said "LIVING sacrifice". This means that Jesus doesn't have to die over and over again in order to perpetuate His sacrifice because in order for a sacrifice to happen, death is not compulsory). This is why to this very day, Jesus remains a HIGH PRIEST because to this day He continues to be a LIVING SACRIFICE in eyes of God. There is this popular Bible passage that a lot of Protestants don't seem to fully understand. It is Hebrews 10:12 which says that Jesus offered Himself "once for ALL TIME". That phrase "for all time" is a translation of the Greek word "dikenesis" which actually means "in PERPETUITY". And so it is true that Jesus came to offer ONE sacrifice for the atonement of sins, but that ONE sacrifice was meant to be IN PERPETUITY i.e it was meant to CONTINUE to take place throughout time. Now, let us not forget that Jesus isn't acting ALONE because He doesn't exist ALONE. He currently exists as the Head of a BODY called the CHURCH. By virtue of this union, He and the church are ONE. This means that if Jesus perpetuates His sacrifice up to this very day, this perpetuation MUST be happening in the church (since the church isn't an independent or separate entity from Christ Himself). So the question is this: what is that action that happens in the church that can be regarded as a perpetuation of that ONE sacrifice that Jesus offered to God for our salvation ? It has to be the HOLY MASS.
@spacecoastz4026 Год назад
@@jerome8950 Very good write-up...but I think you are implying a incorrect conclusion. *So the question is this: what is that action that happens in the church that can be regarded as a perpetuation of that ONE sacrifice that Jesus offered to God for our salvation?* The "action" that is taking place is our salvation....not a sacrifice. Yes, Jesus died ONCE for all of our sins...given that we have accepted Him by Faith. Jesus will stand before the Father for each saved person, saying "he is mine". One by one by one. And as stated in 2 Cor 5:20-21 20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. That is what is finished. The sacrifice is finished...the salvation result lives on through Christ on our behalf. That is why eternal life is eternal.
@jerome8950 Год назад
@@spacecoastz4026 Actually, you misquoted Hebrews 10:12. You wrote: "Jesus died ONCE for all our sins"; No. It says: "Jesus OFFERED Himself once FOR ALL TIME". Notice that it says "offered" instead of "died", and that it says "once for ALL TIME" instead of simply "once for all". The element of TIME is important. That is why the phrase '' for all time" is translated as "IN PERPETUITY" according to the Greek text. The word PERPETUAL refers to something happening ALL THE TIME i.e continuously or "non stop". This is why the word "OFFERED" is used instead of "DIED" because the mission of Christ wasn't to CONTINUE dying repeatedly over and over and over again. His mission was to CONTINUE to be a LIVING SACRIFICE to God, both while He was on the cross as well as AFTER His Ascension into heaven, right up to this very day. I am sorry, but to interpret the statement "it is finished" to mean "My sacrifice is finished" or "From this moment, my sacrifice would cease for all time" would contradict the description of His sacrifice in Hebrews 10:12. Unless of course you can show me a credible Bible translation that has the words "MY SACRIFICE is finished" instead of "it is finished". I believe you are good with English language. And so you would agree with me that when we say that an action that happened some time in the past is being PERPETUATED, it means that it still remains a PRESENT reality even to this very day. This means that It is possible for me to experience it TODAY in the same way it was experienced by those who were present when it happened a long time ago. At every Mass, we have the opportunity to experience and be part of that ONE sacrifice that Jesus offered over 2000 years ago because Jesus gave us the Eucharist as a means of PERPETUATING His sacrifice. This is what makes the Eucharist a SACRIFICE, because it is ONE and the SAME with the sacrifice of Calvary. At every Eucharist, the events of Calvary (i.e the sacrifice of Jesus) become a PRESENT reality before us (Notice that I didn't say that the events of Calvary are REPEATED over the over again at each Eucharistic gathering because Jesus doesn't die over and over again. I said the events are MADE PRESENT before us). This is why Paul tells us that each time we come together to partake in the bread and wine, we are PROCLAIMING the DEATH of Jesus (1 Corinthians 11:26). He didn't say REPEATING the death of Jesus. He said PROCLAIMING which is the same thing as saying SHOWING FORTH the death of Jesus (ordinarily, proclamation means letting people HEAR something by the use of spoken WORDS. But Paul is talking about proclamation by means of an ACTION (I.e sharing in the bread and wine), and this means to SHOW something to people in order for them to SEE and experience. You can't SHOW something that is NOT present, otherwise there is nothing to show anyone. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary becomes a PRESENT reality at every Eucharist, which is why it is SHOWN FORTH for all to see with the eyes of faith)
@spacecoastz4026 Год назад
@@jerome8950 *10 By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. 11 And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. 12 But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, 13 from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool. 14 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.* Hebrews 10 NKJV Notice the word "offered" in verse 12. Past tense...done, finished. Notice the words "for sins forever", which covers my past sins, and any future sins...and every other person living or dead who is in Christ. For by ONE offering He has perfected FOREVER those who are being sanctified. And in verse 10 we have been sanctified through the offering of Christ ONCE for all. Amazing to say the least. I understand that you feel that this is justifying the Mass, but frankly I feel just the opposite. I suggest you read the entire 10th chapter.
@jerome8950 Год назад
@@spacecoastz4026 I see that you are a bit uncomfortable with the phrase "offered once FOR ALL TIME", so you have cleverly gone in search of an English Bible translation (NKJV) that uses a different expression ( "offered one sacrifice for sins forever"). But you know, that is the beauty of koine Greek (the original language in which the New testament was written). English Bible translations may use DIFFERENT English phrases and expressions (which is sometimes influenced by the theological bias of the translators), but the meaning of the original Greek text remains the SAME. Like I earlier pointed out to you, the Greek word used in Hebrews 10:12 is "dikenesis" which refers to an action done "in perpetuity" which means "continuous" or "non stop". In other words, it refers to an action that HAPPENED way back then, and is STILL HAPPENING right now (even though in a different form). The sacrifice of Jesus HAPPENED way back then on Calvary through the process of suffering and death, but Jesus PERPETUATES His sacrifice such that it is STILL HAPPENING today each time we gather for the Holy Eucharist, during which Jesus still OFFERS Himself to God as a LIVING SACRIFICE (i.e no suffering or death involved) under the form of bread and wine. And so whether a particular English Bible translation chooses to use "FOR ALL TIME" or "FOREVER", it really doesn't change the fact that the Greek text of Hebrews 10:12 has confirmed to us that His sacrifice was offered IN PERPETUITY. Your grammatical analysis of the word "OFFERED" is flawed. Just because it is a word that is rendered in PAST TENSE doesn't mean that it cannot be describing something that is STILL HAPPENING today. The use of grammatical PAST TENSE only confirms the fact that it is not an event that we are still WAITING for it to happen some time in the future (In other words, we are not still WAITING for Jesus to come and offer His sacrifice for our salvation. He has already come and done that). But such a tense DOES NOT necessarily refer to something that Jesus had done in the PAST and is NO LONGER still doing RIGHT NOW or PRESENTLY. The use of the PAST TENSE is not incompatible with something that HAPPENED and is STILL HAPPENING. For instance, we have Bible verses that describe the love of God and the love of Christ in PAST TENSE: "We love Him because He first LOVED us" (1 John 4:17); "the Son of God LOVED me and gave Himself for me" (Romans 2:20). Does this mean that God LOVED us in the past and that He no longer CONTINUES to LOVE us even to this present day ? Of course not. God's love for us is PERPETUAL: He LOVED us and continues to LOVE us.
@jesseDevitt Год назад
Converted from baptist to catholocism a couple months ago and its been the best thing ever Prakse the Lord God is good
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Amen, amen! God is good and praise me to him. Welcome home!
@jesseDevitt Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficial thanks and i will Hallelujah
@jesseDevitt Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficial i subscribed and everything thanks so much for spreading the word and not let people talk bad about the one true church God bless you sendimg hail marys and prayers your way God bless you
@paulmualdeave5063 Год назад
Water baptism saves us: 1 Peter 3:20-21 (defines “born again”)
@spacecoastz4026 Год назад
No it does not. Baptism of the Holy Spirit through Faith in Christ does.
@Boaz974 Год назад
What about 1 Peter 1.23 ? Do you think perhaps being born again happens when a person has a change of heart towards sin rather than merely observing a religious ceremony ? I've known lots of people who have been baptised but there has been no change in their behaviour. (The word of God is active and alive and sharper than a double edged sword penetrating to separate tendon and marrow, soul and spirit, judging the thoughts and attitudes of the heart - Hebrews 4.12)
@paulmualdeave5063 Год назад
@@Boaz974 “The word” of God means God said we are born again. Jesus is God, the word was God and made Flesh, Jesus. John 3:3, you cannot see heaven unless you are born again. This is one reason Sola Fide is a false belief, it cannot be faith alone if something else saves us. Baptism and faith save us, so that cancels out our ability to say faith alone. Your verse and John 3:3 do not define how we are born again. John 3:5 defines it when Jesus says we are born again by “Water and Spirit”. Baptism in Christianity replaced the need for circumcision. Baptism is of the spirit and is of water. John 3:22, Jesus and the apostles started Baptizing people. Peter back this definition up in 1 Peter 3:20-21. He compares the flood waters that saved Noah and his family to the Baptism water that saves us. This is what is called topography, something from the past symbolizes something in the future. This verse even calls this symbolism. Again, it isn’t faith alone if something else besides faith saves us. This is why the Bible says faith and not faith alone. There is a difference.
@paulmualdeave5063 Год назад
John 3:3 and on is what 1 Peter 1:23 is referring to
@Boaz974 Год назад
@paulmualdeave5063 1 Peter 1.23 clearly refers to being born again and changed by the Word of God, not water baptism. You mentioned John 3.3. That verse also has nothing to do with water baptism but Jesus said unless a man be born again he will not see the kingdom of God. Was the thief on the cross water baptised ? Jesus said to the thief on the cross " today you will be with me in paradise" Jesus is not going to contradict himself so the thief must have been born again, not by water baptism but because he had a change of heart concerning his sin and that he believed that salvation came through Jesus. I can assure you I was 'born again' before being baptised. Unless a change of heart has occurred water baptism becomes merely a religious box to be ticked.
@thomasjohnboyd7253 Год назад
Hi Catholic Truth can you answer a question I have? Will I still go to hell if I repent, confess to God myself, be chaste, pray the rosary 15 mysteries and read the Bible everyday, then go to sspx on sundays when I get discharged from mental hospital as an unconverted unbaptised recent habitual mortal sinner who's been to church on Sunday a few times sspx and Novus ordo, asked to get baptized a few times and prayed before, Im diagnosed with schizophrenia? Who goes to purgatory is my question ❓
@bibleman8010 Год назад
guess you would be ok since you have a severe mental condition and not in reality🤣🤣
@alfredindy8058 Год назад
How many videos do we have to be made to prove that Christ is not sacrificed over and over again? The same number of videos that Catholics do not worship statues.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Seriously. If only Protestants would do actual and honest research rather than intentionally and stubbornly putting their head in the sand. Living Waters is better than many, but that's not saying much when the bar is so low.
@johnchavez8677 9 месяцев назад
As a born-again believer, I will agree with you that faith without works is dead. But you are not discussing the most important work, which is to believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. Catholics are taught that in order to come to Christ, it is acceptable to go through Mary or the saints as an intercessory. The scriptures state that we are not to consult the dead. The scriptures state that there is one mediator between God and man - The Lord Jesus. The adoration of Mary and the saints is a form of idol worship. Ask any Catholic whom they feel closer to. They will say they feel closer to Mary. I worked at a Catholic church and I saw first-hand the Catholic's devotion to Mary above Jesus. Their first love is Mary. That makes Catholics disciples of Mary, not Jesus. RC
@jesuswantsrelationship333 Год назад
I went to a Catholic Church to get babtized. I think the course was 2 or 3 months. About a hundred people were in attendance. Near the end of the course a excited nun stood at the front and said before we could get babtized we had to sign something. I read the agreement first. What turned me off was the statement that I would have to pledge allegiance and serve ONLY the Catholic Church. What a weird thing. I walked away. Not babtized. 😢 I don’t trust people, I only trust the Word of God. My biggest Christian influence growing up, was the Catholic church. As a older adult I had to unlearn a false salvation of “works” AND I didn’t even know what the gospel was AND I didn’t know that I could read the Bible myself. So I was mad at the Catholic church, but God had me forgive you all.
@MichaelGlowacki Год назад
You are called to a real covenant with Jesus Christ. It’s too bad you are unbaptized as that is necessary for salvation according to Jesus in His own words. May you continue to pray and discern what Peter said in several places about baptism in agreement with Jesus, and be open to the Holy Spirit leading you home.
@georgepierson4920 Год назад
If you were a convert, there is no way that the RCIA program only took a couple of months. I have no reason to believe that your claim ever happened.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Why is that a weird thing? That's exactly what the apostles did and the early Christians? But may I have not made people sign it in writing, but they made people agree to the one doctrine of Jesus Christ that came down through the church. Why would you be baptized into the one church if you weren't going to fully commit to it? That doesn't make sense to us. To be honest, I don't know if all churches do that or even most, so maybe it would have been beneficial to see if other churches did that also.
@srich7503 Год назад
Greetings jesuswantsrelationship - by trusting the Word of God you automatically trust the Catholic church as the Bible did not fall out of the sky… History shows us that Jesus didn't leave us a bible, the apostles didn't tell us which books belong in the bible, the church fathers never agreed on the 27 books of the NT through the 4th century, not only did they not agree but their list of would-be NT canons were GROWING during this time. So, if it wasn't the Catholic/Orthodox church that compiled the 27 books of the NT in the 5th century, just 75 years AFTER the council of Nicaea which began the Trinitarian docrtine, and then with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and preserved these scriptures by laboriously hand copying them over and over throughout the centuries before the invention of the printing press, the “rule of faith” for many, please tell us, show us, who did? And if this church no longer exists today, what good is the text which came forth from her if she couldn't sustain herself?
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
As you get older, you learned from protestants, the beliefs of Catholics, just like these protestants in this video. We don't teach salvation by works, and in fact, the Catholic Church condemns salvation by works. So what people told you about us was not even true in the first place. You are so mad that you had to commit to serving the church of Jesus Christ, but we ask again, why would you be angry about that?
@csrencz6942 Год назад
Excellent explanations
@qualitypaversinc Год назад
That guy is a nice spoken person. Love when I see people preaching the gospel of repentance and the love of Jesus. But when a protestant is attacking Catholics I just laugh. The protestant church doesn't have any supernatural miracles to claim its authenticity. While Catholics have Eucharistic miracles, the Virgin de Guadalupe, rosary miracles, saints and nuns dying and not decaying. All these miracles put the Protestants attack to shame. But we love all them. It's sad that as a Catholic we have to defend our faith even from another Christian
@geordiewishart1683 Год назад
You have Satan appearing as an angel of light
@qualitypaversinc Год назад
@@geordiewishart1683 you wish Satan was responsible for all the miracles that come out of the Catholic church. You are giving him too much credit he doesn't have such power. All he does is spread lies but no where in scripture does he have the power to do miracles. The Virgin de Guadalupe, the Virgin de Lourdes, Fatima, the eucharistic miracles around the world, the countless priest and nuns that die and they have incoruptable bodies that take forever to decay. Some have organs still intact like they just died and it's been decades. Just to name a few. Like Jesus told people when they accused him of doing miracles by the power of Satan. If he is casting out demons and doing Holy miracles by the power of Satan how then will his kingdom of darkness stand if he is divided against himself. But if these miracles are done by the finger of God, what side are you on?
@N0nPluzUltra 5 месяцев назад
Pharaohs' magicians also could turn their staffs into snakes. 2Thess 2,9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
@qualitypaversinc 5 месяцев назад
@@N0nPluzUltra the Catholic Church is the real true Church on earth. Backed by all the supernatural miracles that come out of it as TRUE evidence. No one can deny the Catholic miracles. Not even science not even Einstein could explain how Catholic miracles exist. Like the Virgin de Guadalupe, Virgin de las Lajas. Incorruptible bodies of priest and nuns. Eucharistic miracles and the list goes on and on. How many supernatural miracles does your church have? To claim authority? Absolutely zero brother. So who's the true Church then?
@qualitypaversinc 5 месяцев назад
@@geordiewishart1683 your silly to think Satan has the power to do such miracles like the ones that come out of the Catholic church. What did Jesus say. If you think all these Catholic supernatural miracles are from Satan to trick God's people lol your in serious denial bro. Jesus told the people if by Satan these miracles are and by the Power of Satan he cast out demons how them will his kingdom stand. If Satan is divided against himself how will his kingdom stand? But if these supernatural miracles that we see from the Catholic Church are from the finger of God what does that tell you about the Catholic Church? And then we see that no other church on God's green earth can produce any such signs and wonders. When it's from Heaven no one can replicate or deny it. Science studied all the Catholic miracles and no answers where given. They couldn't reproduce them. They are divine and no human can disprove them. You can suppress the truth and be in denial all you want. But the truth is the truth weather you feel like it or not. And the truth is the Catholic Church is the divine evidence of God's existence.
@bullmoose8606 Месяц назад
As a man raised Catholic, I was poorly catechised, and never felt the church did a good job of walking people through the gospel. I think a lot of people’s frustrations with the Catholic Church are just that, poorly catechised Catholics who think they’re saved because they were baptized once, confirmed once, and go to mass when it’s convenient. That’s why living waters is so popular, Catholics aren’t good at evangelizing. Christ is King, and he’s coming back soon. We better figure out how to help one another and cast aside our denominational pride Luke 9 : 49-50
@CatholicTruthOfficial Месяц назад
We agree. The Catholic Church has the full, complete Gospel but not always good at sharing it. Whereas Protestants can't agree on the Gospel or how to be saved but are good at proclaiming the parts they do have.
@spacecoastz4026 Год назад
You stated that Christ's body/blood is the unanimous teaching of the Church (timestamp 23:30) but what does Scripture say? 1 Corinthians chapter 10 says in part: "14 Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. 15 I speak as to wise men; judge for yourselves what I say. 16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? 17 For we, though many, are one bread and one body; for we all partake of that one bread." Paul talks about Cup and Bread. Not blood and flesh. Communion is a memorial of what Christ did for us on the cross. He is "the bread of Life", but it's not about physically eating him...but rather taking Him in by Faith. Even John 6 verse 63 clearly says it's spiritual not physical. And when Jesus question Peter at the end of the chapter, Peter talked about Him having the "WORDS" to eternal live....not about having the flesh/blood that needs to be consumed.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Your comment reminds me of what Jehovah's witnesses do. "Who cares that all of the earliest Christians, and Christians down through the ages, believed in the divinity of Christ. What does scripture say?" And then they proceed to give their own false man-made interpretation and false understanding of what _they_ think the Bible means. They try to disprove the divinity of Christ against all Christian belief. And yet we know their interpretation is faulty. It's the same thing when protestants do this as well. You clearly didn't watch the video because we addressed your arguments in the video, especially John 6:63 which does not say that the Lord supper is symbolic, but we show that when Christ uses the word flesh, it means that you don't believe in God because you are in the flesh whereas if you were in the Spirit, then you would trust him. He was saying that the Jews didn't believe his words because they were of the flesh. Not only is the Eucharist biblical, it's also historical as well. Nobody believed that it was a symbol until after 1500 years. That's slightly better than Jehovah's Witnesses.
@spacecoastz4026 Год назад
@@CatholicTruthOfficial Sorry to say but I did watch the entire video. And to make an argument using Jehovah's Witness is disingenuous because I'm actually using Scripture as my basis, not a perverted translation. Again, Paul refers communion as a memorial, which is what Jesus instituted, and refers to the cup as cup and refers to the bread as bread. The "disbelief" in John chapter 6 was about Jesus being the Messiah. The Jews rejected Him even through Jesus performed miracles right before their eyes. Verse 63 is specifically in regards to the words of "eating my flesh and drinking my blood" which went against Scripture of drinking blood. Jesus made it clear that it wasn't in terms of actual flesh/blood but rather in spiritual terms of Faith.
@Matt-1926 Год назад
*_Paul talks about Cup and Bread. Not blood and flesh. Communion is a memorial of what Christ did for us on the cross._* Just curious....How could we be sharing in the body and blood of Jesus unless his body and blood were present? _* He is "the bread of Life", but it's not about physically eating him...but rather taking Him in by Faith.*_ Keep reading to verse 22 for the completed context.... 18 Consider the practice of Israel; are not those who eat the sacrifices partners in the altar? 19 What do I imply then? That food offered to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20 No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be partners with demons. 21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. 22 Shall we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he? Paul here draws a parallel between the Eucharist and pagan sacrifices. If communing with demons in pagan sacrifices implies that demons are really present, then communing with the body and blood of Jesus in the Eucharist implies that his body and blood are really present. Keep in mind that the pagans are offering a real sacrifice to their demons not a symbolic sacrifice. Finally, Paul’s reference to the “table of the Lord” (v.21) also implies the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. If pagans offer a real victim (not a symbol) on the “table of demons,” then how much more do Christians offer a real victim, Jesus, on the “table of the Lord”? We really need to read these verses in context to get the full understanding of Paul's words here, picking and choosing verses just leads to misunderstanding. God Bless
@spacecoastz4026 Год назад
@@Matt-1926 I see no misunderstanding. That context does not say or imply that the cup and bread are the physical body of Christ. Rather it represents Christ...His finished work on the cross...and who would want to mix that with pagan sacrifices.
@Matt-1926 Год назад
@@spacecoastz4026 *_Rather it represents Christ...His finished work on the cross_* Where does it say represents his finished work on the cross? *_and who would want to mix that with pagan sacrifices._* I have no clue what this response is suppose to mean. Sounds like a response one would make when they are unable to reply to the question asked. God Bless
@joanofarc708 Год назад
Living waters ignorance is bliss
@AC-ml9px Год назад
Thank you for creating this wonderful video and all the good you do! Blessings to you and your family
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Our pleasure! God bless
@giarose6493 Год назад
Godspeed 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏☘️🌹
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
@gracianomendoza8671 Год назад
To be born again means to be baptized. Catholics are the original, genuine “born again”.
@mack6429 Год назад
Interesting... By saying "baptized" are you referring water baptism? Your born again through water baptism.. is this what your saying?
@Nolongeraslave Год назад
​@@mack6429That what s/he is saying, that is the belief, sadly.
@mack6429 Год назад
@@Nolongeraslave so you don't believe in baptismal regeneration. Regeneration as the result of or because of your water baptism?
@leonardoondoy5619 Год назад
​​@@mack6429here is only one baptism are you lookong for another baptism? Just like Lord Jesus after he was baptize with water the Holy spirit descend. It's not two defferent thing. God is not the author of confusion.
@mack6429 Год назад
@@leonardoondoy5619 my friend... Idk if you're RC or not but catholicism is riddled with confusion. It is extremely complex teaching that has accumulated many doctrines and dogmas over the years. I can almost guarantee that you yourself cannot list all of its many dogmas off the top of your head without looking them up.. dogmas that are according to Rome, binding to your soul... can you ? I Corinthians 14:33 is honestly not the best go to verse for catholicism. You have to be honest of the obvious, most RC people don't have a understanding of the religion they claim.
@romandaigle455 10 месяцев назад
The Catholic Church says if you say you are saved by grace alone, through faith alone through Christ and of no works then you are an anathema( going to Hell)
@CatholicTruthOfficial 10 месяцев назад
Exactly, because that teaching is against the Bible. It's a heresy invented 15 centuries after Christ.
@Gargeler 9 месяцев назад
This was the reason why they hunted and burned them -who taught this things before.
@Servus-humilis Год назад
Thank you Brian for all your hard work. God bless you!
@paulsmith1348 Год назад
All I have to do to run from the Catholic church is watch the news.
@bibleman8010 Год назад
PROTESTANT ATROCITIES & CRIMES, MODERN DAY CORRUPTION AND SEX ABUSE SCANDALS: Protestants have their own crimes, atrocities, abuse scandals & modern day corruption. Not as well known because the following crimes are never acknowledged or repented of by protestants. ✦ 1517: Followers of Luther burned catholic homes with families in. ✦ 1524 Martin Luther killed 100, 000 peasants - Peasant War 1524. ✦ 1534: King Henry VIII, founder of Anglican church tortured & murdered catholics all over England, seizing their proerty for himself, Priests were hunted down, tortured & imprisoned. ✦ 1536 Danish protestants burned "Witches" after the reformation. ✦ 1558, Queen Elizabeth 1 issued an edict demanding that all English people convert to protestantism or face death. Priests were AGSIN Hunted down, tortured and murdered as was anyone who hid Priests. ✦ 1573: The Earl of Essex, John Norris & Sir Francis Drake, along with their forces, invade Northern Ireland, butchering un-armed Catholic men, woemen & children without mercy, Most of whom were hiding in caves & in the forrests. All With the approval of the protestant Queen, Elizabeth I. ✦ 1590 Scottish protestants, headed by King James VI, murdered "witches" in the Scottish witch hunt of the 1590's. ✦ 1599: Second wave of slaughter of Irish Catholics conrtinued under Sir Arthur Chichester. ✦ 1604: During The Reign of King James 1. The King contoninued the reign of terror and the laws that were put in place by Queen E#lizabeth 1, Imposing fines and jail time for those refusing to attend Protestant services and continuing the torture and murder of Priests. ✦ 1650: 3rd wave of slaughter of Irish Catholics: Oliver Cromwell, Protestant head of England, slaughtered a full 1/3 of the Irish, seizing their property & selling others as slaves. ✦ 1680: William of Orange & his "Orange men" carried on with the slaughter of Catholics in the Ulster area of N. Ireland. Present day, this event ois still celebrated with parades. ✦ 1692: Puritan prots in Salem Mass murdered people during Salem witch hunt. ✦ 1789 French prots hacked catholics to death during French revolution. ✦ In more modern times, the English Parliment deliberatly starved the Irish for refusing to convert, during the Irish potato famine of 1845. ✦ The American KKK is a protestant organization Y& they have the same hatred for Catholics as theyu do for Jews & blacks. ✦ Modern day corruption: Jim Bakker in prison for fraud, Jimmy Swaggart doing hookers, Jim Jones poisened his followers, John Hagee living in a mansion, ditto for numerous other prot ministers, driving fancy cars, living in luxury, prot evangelists flying around in private planes while they bilk the elderly out of $$$$, oh ya, and you even have a prot theme park etc etc etc :D ➨ PROTESTANT SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN: ● Billy Graham's grandson is an attorny who is investigating sexual abuse of children in evangelical churches and HE said the problem is WORSE in evangelical churches. Here are some statistics: ● ★ 7 thousand catholic priests were accusing of sexual abuse of children in the past 10 years. ● ★ TEN THOUSAND PROTESTANT MINISTERS were accused of sexually abusing children in the past ten years. ● ★ 200 thousand Public school teachers who were accused of sexually abusing children in the past 2 years. ★ We Americans are taught from the time we were school children that the pilgrim Fathers were good & noble men, who had fled from religious persecution in England, whereas in reality The pilgrim Fathers were protestants who had been guilty of perseciting catholics in the old world and continued their persecution of Catholics in the New world. when the prorotestants came to America in 1659 They banned celebrations of Christmas and Easter In addition, the banned Catholic priests. The First time a Priest was caught, he was banished from the territory, but if caught again, it was death. Catholics could not own property or vote. ● 10 famous evangelical scandals: john hagee blasphemy ● Televangelists who are anything but holy: s:😃😃
@mikecastelluccio7072 3 месяца назад
I know right. Everyone knows they wouldn’t lie to us.
@danielsoto9901 Год назад
Thhhhhaaaank you brother for this video and showing what Ray COMFORT is really all about. He loves to TELL YOU WHAT he thinks the Bible means and cherry picks his interviewers on Catholics who not only don't know their faith but don't live it( unfortunately that's about at least 70%) and it makes for easy for him to make OUR FAITH LOOK BAD. I've walked that beach hoping to run into him to tell him to open up his comments on RU-vid so people may, as you did my good sir, but have yet to see him. Thank you again for your LOVE FOR CHRIST AND HOLY MOTHER CHURCH ❤🙏💪🔥🫡 VIVA CRISTO REY👑
@brianmendenhall8387 Год назад
Sorry brothers and sisters, Living Waters is not the only ministry that exposes the heresy within the RCC. It's EVERYWHERE....Just give me Jesus not man made rules and traditions
@bibleman8010 Год назад
There are almost as many sects and beliefs as there are heads; this one will not admit Baptism; that one rejects the Sacrament of the altar; another places another world between the present one and the day of judgment; some teach that Jesus Christ is not God. There is not an individual, however clownish he may be, who does not claim to be inspired by the Holy Ghost, and who does not put forth as prophecies his ravings and dreams. they are purveyors of ‘self-centered worship.' You may get people to come to those churches, and you may have church growth. But you will not have church impact. The reason is that church becomes increasingly like the culture. People go in, see a skit, listen to some music, hear a soothing sermon, and think they have done their Christian duty. They are entering the exact precarious position the mainline found itself in the '60s and '70s." if salvation is by "faith only" it excludes even faith gained by reading the Bible. 🤣🤣 The First International Anglican Episcopal Lutheran Presbyterian Reformed Methodist Baptist Seventh Day Adventist Pentecostal Nazarene Unitarian Gospel Non Denominational Church and Assembly of God Christ Science Scientist of Latter Day Saints Jehovah Witness Evangelical Christian Restoration Calvary Bible Apostolic Progressive Faith Holiness Universalist Discipleship Congregational Covenant Independent United Communion Fellowship Conference Convention Association and Community Of The Lord. American Baptists, Southern Baptists, Christian Unity Baptists, Primitive Baptists, Duck River & Kindred Associations of Baptists, Baptist Church of Christ, Freewill Baptists, General Baptists, General Six-Principle Baptists, Independent Baptist Church of America, National Baptist, Evangelical Life & Soul Saving Assembly of the U.S.A., Regular Baptists, Separate Baptists, Seventh Day Baptists, Two Seed in the Spirit Predestinarian Baptists, United American Freewill Baptists, United Baptists, Free Communion Baptists, Anti-mission Baptists, Conservative Baptists, Fundamental Baptists, I thought that John Calvin strictly taught from the Bible. Mmmm, why, then, are there 25 different Calvinist denominations in the USA/Canada? They do not worship together on the Lord's Day. Alliance of Reformed Churches(founded 2021 out of the RCA) Calvin Synod (United Church of Christ) Canadian and American Reformed Churches (Dutch Reformed - Liberated) Christian Reformed Church in North America (Dutch Reformed - GKN) Free Reformed Churches in North America - (Dutch Reformed - CGKN) French Protestant (Huguenot) Church, Charleston, SC--The only French Calvinist or Huguenot congregation still existing in the United States. Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregations Hungarian Reformed Church in America Kingdom Network (inaugurating September 9, 2021 out of the RCA) Lithuanian Evangelical Reformed Church in America Netherlands Reformed Congregations Associated with the Dutch Reformed (Gereformeerde Gemeenten (Dutch)) churches in the Netherlands. Protestant Reformed Churches in America (Dutch Reformed - GKN) One of the most conservative of all Reformed/Calvinist denominations, the PRCA separated from the Christian Reformed Church in the 1920s in a schism over the issue of common grace. Reformed Congregations in North America Reformed Church in the United States (German Reformed) The majority of the original Reformed Church in the United States, which was founded in 1725, merged with Evangelical Synod of North America (a mix of German Reformed & Lutheran theologies) to form the Evangelical and Reformed Church in 1940 (which would merge with the Congregational Christian Churches in 1957 to form the United Church of Christ) leaving the Eureka Classis serving as a Continuing church of the Reformed Church in the United States until 1986, when it was dissolved to form the Synod of the Reformed Church in the United States Reformed Church in America The Reformed Church in America (RCA) is the oldest Dutch Reformed denomination in the United States, dating back from the mid-17th century Reformed Church of Quebec United Reformed Churches in North America (Dutch Reformed - GKN) Congregational Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches Puritan Reformed Church Newfrontiers in the United States Sovereign Grace Churches (Credobaptist, charismatic) I thought that Martin Luther was the unifying force in the Protestant Church. Why, then, are there 26 different groups of Lutherans in the USA who DO NOT worship together on the Lord's Day. Is not the Bible their sole authority? Then why is the Bible so contradictory? Association of Confessional Lutheran Churches Association of Free Lutheran Congregations Association of independent evangelical Lutheran churches[J] Augsburg Lutheran Churches Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America Church of the Lutheran Confession Concordia Lutheran Conference Conservative Lutheran Association Evangelical Lutheran Conference & Ministerium of North America Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America General Lutheran Church Illinois Lutheran Conference Independent Lutheran Diocese[J] Laestadian Lutheran Church[I] Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Lutheran Church - International[J] Lutheran Churches of the Reformation Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ Lutheran Conference of Confessional Fellowship The Lutheran Evangelical Protestant Church[B] Lutheran Ministerium and Synod - USA Lutheran Orthodox Church[J] Missionary Lutheran Church Old Apostolic Lutheran Church of America Orthodox Lutheran Confessional Conference Protes'tant Conference United Lutheran Mission Association I thought that John Knox was a unifying force of the Protestant Church; yet, in North America, there are 35 versions of the Presbyterian Church. Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church - around 22,459 members (2018)[1] - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist, Covenanter & Seceder Bible Presbyterian Church - around 3,500 members - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist partially: Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches - around 15,000 members - Evangelical/Orthodox, Dutch Reformed/Presbyterian, Calvinist Cumberland Presbyterian Church - around 67,074 members (2016)[2] - Liberal, Presbyterian, Arminian Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America - around 6,500 members - Liberal, Presbyterian, Arminian Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches in America- 73 churches in the USA ECO (Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians) - more than 129,765 members, 320 churches and 500 Pastors (2018)[3] - Evangelical, Presbyterian[4][5] Evangelical Presbyterian Church - around 122,216 members (2018)[6] - Evangelical, Presbyterian, Charismatic[7] Korean-American Presbyterian Church - around 53,000 members - Conservative Evangelical, Korean-Presbyterian, Calvinist Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad - around 55,000 members - Progressive Evangelical, Korean-Presbyterian Orthodox Presbyterian Church - around 31,472 members (2019)[8]- Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Presbyterian Church in America - around 383,338 members (2020)[9] - Evangelical, Presbyterian, Calvinist[10] Presbyterian Church in Canada - around 225,000 members - Presbyterian Presbyterian Church (USA) - around 1,245,354 members - Liberal, Presbyterian[11][12] Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America - around 7,800 members - Orthodox, Exclusive Psalmody, A cappella, Covenanter, Presbyterian, Calvinist partially: United Church of Canada - around 388,000 members (as of 12/31/2018) - Liberal, Presbyterian & Congregational & Methodist[13 American Presbyterian Church - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Covenant Presbyterian Church - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church - Orthodox, 1646 Westminster Confession, Presbyterian, Calvinist[14] Covenanting Association of Reformed and Presbyterian Churches Evangel Presbytery - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Faith Presbytery, Bible Presbyterian Church Federation of Reformed Churches - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist, Paedocommunion Free Presbyterian Church - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Presbyterian Reformed Church - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Puritan Reformed Church Reformed Presbyterian Church - Hanover Presbytery - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Reformed Presbytery in North America - Orthodox, Covenanter Presbyterian, Calvinist Upper Cumberland Presbyterian Church - less than 1000 members - Conservative, Presbyterian, Four-Point Calvinist Vanguard Presbytery - Orthodox, Presbyterian, Calvinist Free Church of Scotland - has 9 congregations in North America Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) - has 8 congregations in the USA Associated Presbyterian Churches - has 1 congregation in Vancouver Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland Presided Over By The Most Reverend Dr. Mr.Minister Pastor Bishop Brother Ned Smith Esq. preacher, apostle, Profit Thank you for that one
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
I think what you meant to say is that neither living waters nor any other supposed administry out there. Just proves the Catholic Church. What they do is misrepresent the Catholic Church constantly. That's not the same thing
@joelfrombethlehem Год назад
"Adding things to the Bible"? I understand that The Church added the chapters and verse numbers to the Sacred Scripture to make reading and preaching easier.
@EpoRose1 Год назад
Well, there was one disadvantage to that- people don’t realize the ark of the covenant at the the end of Revelation 11 and the woman a tthe beginning of Revelation 12 are the same sign.
@iwansaputra1890 Год назад
when we ask protestants about birn again. they have different answers between lutheran, calvinist, baptist, and other denomination.
@Compulsive-Elk7103 Год назад
Catholics were born again the biblical way, by baptism
@patrickchapko6693 Год назад
Jesus said in John 3:5 that we must be born of water and spirit which is baptism. Protestants will tell you that you must accept Jesus as your personal lord and savior to be born again. I'm going with Jesus said!
@barborazajacova7633 Год назад
I've noticed they often seem to think that the only version of Protestant Christianity is the one they profess. They seem to dismiss all other different traditions or maybe they are even ignorant of them. They simply take the answer that they believe as the one that is true. They often call it the Christian view when it's just one of several different views. Thus they identify Christianity with their particular version of it. Seems a bit narrow minded to me.
@giarose6493 Год назад
@kazeldacosta5941 Год назад
Thank you Brian coz I too was nearly misled by Ray Comfort and team and yes I didnt fully understand my faith then so it was easy but Praise God I found Fr.Chris, Fr. Chad, Mr. Marshal, ur videos and other Catholic videos which helped me from going astray. I had commented on one of Living waters videos coz' he was interviewing youth who probably didnt know their faith well. Also, whenever he said he doesn't like Catholics, I felt compelled to find out why? So, in a way Ray guided me to a deeper understanding of Catholicism 😊 I enjoyed watching the way Mr.Comfort would talk and guide people. I pray that one day we all unite as Jesus's One Catholic Church💒
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Amen! Thank you for sharing.
@hopecourage4489 Год назад
God bless! I pray for the enlightenment of the protestants bro and sis.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
@davidfabien7220 Год назад
They seem to deliberately overlook the word "work" in the following: Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. 1 Corinthians 13:13 So faith, hope, love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love. The Catholic Church has such an immense knowledge of the bible that is unrivalled by any Protestant denomination. The Catholic Church has had more than two thousand years to dig deep under the surface to find hidden treasures in the gospel. Praise be to God!
@ninogo3115 Год назад
Can i support your video by just watching an ad so you can have credit on RU-vid?
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Sure, whatever you can do to help our ministry and to help us reach so many souls is always appreciated.
@CristianaCatólica Год назад
@lawrencesmith1244 Год назад
I was raised "Catholic", and did not understand anything true about God the Father, God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit until a few years ago...in my thirties. I got on my knees and prayed, I was absolutely depressed and lost, and God allowed me to see who He is through His Son Jesus, He allowed and still allows me to understand His word through reading the bible. Now I attend an absolutely wonderful local church that is non-denominational. Away from all the traditions, that in the church have no heart toward God. Really people, try to seek God everyday, try to read and study your bible everyday, try to memorize as much scripture as you can. All this quarreling within the Church of our Lord is tiresome, stop attaching yourselves to earthly denominations and traditions, seek God with your hearts and let Him provide you with wisdom and discernment through His Word. Church can't save you, only Jesus can. I was just sharing my experience of being raised in a Catholic Church, I know its not the same for everyone, though I despise all the denominations that to more harm than good in regards as being a family, I know across all denominations there are many who truly love and seek the Lord.
@bibleman8010 Год назад
well if you read your bible you would FIND JESUS stared one church and it isnt your man made non denominational bunch of quacks invented two thousand years later🤷‍♀🤷‍♀
@AusLanderJack Год назад
How can one love his enemies if he can't love his brothers and sisters in Christ? The false prophets sure did sow tares in our field.
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
And how can you claim to love your brothers and sisters if you don't even try to get their arguments correct, or don't do the needed research to do so.
@rosslucas2080 9 месяцев назад
You can't use Catholic teachers to back up a Catholic teaching. You don't use the scripture. That's why you are wrong and we're comfort is right
@barborazajacova7633 Год назад
Thank you for such clarity. Re sitting before the crucifix I'd love to know what they would say about the experience of St. Francis of Assisi. Jesus literally spoke to him from a crucifix. A beautiful story of the kind even our dear Charismatic and Pentecostal Protestant brothers would surely like because it is such a beautiful testimony about how he received his calling from God and it has all the spectacular elements that they love so much. If St. Francis weren't Catholic, that is.
@Gargeler 9 месяцев назад
Both catholics and its divisions and Protestants and their divisions have their own miracles -revelations and such. In the end many of them will each describe a Different type of Jesus. Though in the new testament Apostle Paul received such revelations that he dared not to even look at Jesus.
@Lionscall111 9 месяцев назад
Catholics been fooled to say that Peter was the first pope. There are no popes in the Bible that was made up. Jesus said he will build his church on the message not a person who is a sinner. Don’t ignore all the fallacies that would be dishonest
@sebastianbolt7886 Год назад
You are a champion, so many street preachers and channels band Catholics with all the things negative. We are truly hated. But it never shakes me and I've never ever heard a Catholic decry any other denomination,Interesting observation, 🤔, Onward Christian Crusader 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 one of my favourite channels. ✝️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿✝️
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Thank you so much!🙏🙌☝️
@fantasia55 Год назад
Protestant denominations are all the same. Each was founded by someone who thought he knew better than Jesus.
@BasiliscBaz 10 месяцев назад
Even mapolo is better preacher that grandpa of living waters
@CatholicZak Год назад
Not being nasty but I do not trust Ray Comfort one bit. He gives me the creeps like I think he picks on the lost souls and chooses people who aren't connected with God and then uses tactics like scare mongering to put fear into people.
@weziak 7 месяцев назад
Maybe do a collab with The Counsel of Trent? Would love to see it! God Bless!
@jasonrichards3785 Год назад
Bryan, I really enjoy watching you. You really know your stuff. I will be honest we in the Independent Footwashing Baptist tradition go on faith. We don't have the written history to back up our beliefs. We only go on the Bible and experience. We believe as the Bible says to "believe and be baptized". We also hold to, "repent and believe". We know that belief must come first. Water baptism does nothing. We don't have historic records. We go do have personal experience. I have been truly born again. I've seen people who were totally messed up get born again. As John Ch. 6 says about the Father draws us. No one can get saved unless God the Father draws them. That is plan Bible. Babies do not nor have they ever been able to discern this. We also hold to Romans where we are to believe with our heart and confess with our mouth. Babies can't confess. (I'm also not saying people who can't talk can't get saved. I know of some who could not talk but they did get saved.) (I know the scripture about the entire house was baptized. I know all that.) Have you ever been in a service where the preacher got a real deal message from the Holy Spirit and they preached in power: no notes, no written sermon, real preaching? Have you ever seen someone bow down tore up in sin and come up shouting the praises of God? That is a real born again experience. I've seen powerful conversions. Powerful! I am afraid you have never experienced what I have experienced. I have no doubt that you have a massive amount of head knowledge of the Bible. I just worry you are missing the heart knowledge. (I only share this with you in love. I am not looking for a fight. I am not looking for a quarrel. I am seriously concerned about your soul.)
@Matt-1926 Год назад
*_Babies do not nor have they ever been able to discern this._* Just curious how do you know the Father doesn't draw babies and how do you know that babies can't have faith? *_Babies can't confess._* Neither can the mentally challenged are you saying they can't be saved? *_(I know the scripture about the entire house was baptized. I know all that.)_* Well just curious if you know all that then how do you know with 100% absolute certainty that these houses did not include infants? *_Have you ever been in a service where the preacher got a real deal message from the Holy Spirit and they preached in power: no notes, no written sermon, real preaching?_* What evidence do you have that it was from the Holy Spirit? Because I'm not seeing how an emotional experience proves the preacher is channeling the Spirit and not just his own beliefs? *_Have you ever seen someone bow down tore up in sin and come up shouting the praises of God?_* Once again this is an emotional experience. Just because I have an emotional experience about a Bible verse doesn't mean I got the correct interpretation. *_That is a real born again experience._* Just curious where does Jesus teach that being born again is an emotional experience? *_I am afraid you have never experienced what I have experienced._* Actually I have and like I already stated emotional experiences don't equate to truth so not seeing why I would let my emotions trump my understanding? *_(I only share this with you in love. I am not looking for a fight. I am not looking for a quarrel. I am seriously concerned about your soul.)_* I mean no disrespect but I honestly never understood why anyone would say this. It honestly sounds like pure arrogance. Let's be honest here we have 2 options Either Jesus left us a Church with authority to guide us in decisions of faith and morals this way when you and I are at a disagreement (like we are with Baptism) we could have absolute certainty from Christ which one of us is seeing the truth of what He taught. This is what Jesus taught in Matthew 18 OR Jesus left us a book that can be easily interpreted a thousand different ways leaving us in uncertainty and with no assurance of who is seeing the truth. Just look at Christianity some say Baptism yes others say no. Some say no divorce others say it's Ok Jesus just wants you to be happy. Some say John 6 is literal others say figurative. The list goes on and on and on. This isn't just a Catholic/Protestant problem, this is also a Protestant/Protestant problem. If we are honest and not blindly rooted deep in our own beliefs, we should be able to see that it is basic common sense that without a visible authority, left by Jesus, to guide us when we read, that there is absolutely no way either of us could claim the other is wrong. The best we can do is say I disagree and go on our merry way. Which is also why we have so many different beliefs among Christians. The first makes perfect sense to me. The second makes it obvious that many Christians are just most likely following the last best argument/emotional experience they heard pertaining to what Jesus taught. Like I said I mean no disrespect but when you say you are seriously concerned about our soul you are actually saying you are right and we are wrong, which if you were intellectually honest you would see that there is absolutely know way you can make that claim unless Jesus left you in charge of the Biblical interpretations of what He truly taught. And to make this claim is why it comes off as arrogance. God Bless
@vivianada9808 10 месяцев назад
So where does Mary fit into the Catholic faith? She's considered a mediator, when scripture says there's only one mediator between man and God, Christ Jesus!
@bibleman8010 10 месяцев назад
stupidity is rampant among protestants
@senaykahsay630 Год назад
This is what I've been looking for. Thank you for bringing up the truth clearly!
@CatholicTruthOfficial Год назад
Glad it was helpful! Part 2 coming next week.
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