
Clana- Persona scene 1 

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Smallville Episode Persona Clana scene




29 янв 2008




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@lauccf 16 лет назад
Great!!!! cant wait!!!! go Clana!!
@brentoesterle3186 3 года назад
Recognizes it been anywhere it be that person of this human
@elflaco245 16 лет назад
man cant wait to see the episode.
@insolence8218 15 лет назад
this was such a deep scene
@TERREN65 13 лет назад
this makes me sooo sad :(
@SuperFaith8 16 лет назад
omg how sad :(
@lanalexclark 16 лет назад
Poor Lana :(
@thesweetestdiva 16 лет назад
Am I the only one who wanted to reach through my computer screen and smack Lana and say "shut up girl!" she was like spilling all the beans! lol! Giving everything away, hinting she slept with Bizarro! Lawd
@debbieeex3 16 лет назад
did anyone upload the entire episode? i missed it =(
@rhiny1234 16 лет назад
see..lana doesnt really wanna be in smallville anymore, n she doesnt really love this version of clark anymore than what she thought she did.
@Flower-x6c 3 года назад
It was Clark who deep down wanted to leave Smallville (we learned it in ‘Red’). When Bizarro offered her to love in Paris, at first she hesitated because she was fine in Smallville. And what’s wrong if your beloved one does such an offer to you? 🤔
@lp182rox 16 лет назад
So how long is this bizarro pretending to be Clark?
@MrLJSykes411 11 лет назад
poor lana? she was cheating on clark for the past month and your saying poor her??
@alice3a 16 лет назад
Why should she get all the ettention? This is superman to be--- he's suppossed to have a selfless woman willing to share him with the world-- when he's saving it! Lana is selfish beyond words! How could she not recognize that it was not Clark for a whole month! A WHOLE MONTH!
@Flower-x6c 3 года назад
1) Lois KNEW DEFINITELY that Clark had a doppelganger and WAS READY to it. So all what she had to do is to distinguish between two people. Lana DIDN’T KNOW that Clark had a doppelganger. Also Bizarro had Clark's memories. Plus Bizarro came back exactly when Clark was a some time (!) in fortress, not suddenly (!). So “Clark” didn’t changed instantly. Do you remember their dialogue? They both thought to evaluate their priorities. Also after a some-time separation (!) he could tell her anything to make her believe him. I’ll give you examples: when Bizarro wanted Lana help revenge Lex, her face was a little surprised what meant she didn’t take it granted. Then he explained her he just realized all the pain Lex did her, that’s why he wanted to help. Also they were gonna _punish_ Lex, _not kill_ to prevent his crimes. Moreover, in 'Fade', Clark confessed Chloe he wouldn't like to save villains because they could have get hurt other people. Again we see 'Clark' changed his priorities not suddenly but after a long-time being apart with Lana (in the fortress). Then he offered her to fly to Paris, she said she was happy in Smallville (notice, she didn't take it for granted) and noticed Clark couldn’t fly. He explained her that she could make him feel flying. As we see it wasn’t too hard to fool a girl in love. And now, explain me, please, why Lana should have reject 'Clark's proposal to move on to Paris? What criminal do you see if your boyfriend makes you such an offer? Moreover, at first she did not agree immediately but said she was happy in Smallville. And as we learned from 'Red' episode, Clark _wanted_ to leave Smallville. He just lacked courage to do it. Pay attention, Bizarro had all Clark's memories except the time between 'Phantom' and 'Blue'. _However he could explain Lana EVERYTING without inciting suspicion._ Remember situations with 'Clark's' returning from the fortess, their conversation about Kara's disappearance, or their conversation about Lana's spying on Lex (although Bizarro couldn't know about that because she started her revenge when Bizarro had ALREADY took Clark's memories). Why Chloe suspected something? Because Bizarro couldn’t act normal, stay calm and explain anything (like in the case when he ‘forgot’ about the shield). When Chloe told Lana Clark wasn’t himself, at first she (Lana) didn’t believe her because during a month he didn’t do anything strange and abnormal. Then she listened to her words (what means Lana was not blinded) and asked Bizarro what was going on with his memory. Again he explained her that he DIDN’T FORGET about the shield, just COUDN’T FIND it. Pay attention, _with Chloe he lost control of himself. With Lana he always stayed calm and kept cool his head._ Also many people wonder how Lana couldn’t notice that “Clark” was able to sleep with her. I’ll explain. If real Clark after Jor-El’s training could control his powers and sleep with Lois, so why Bizarro couldn’t come up with something like that? Many people wonder why Lana didn’t notice that “Clark” forgot about Kara’s disappearance, but real Clark forgot about Kara too until he met her in phantom zone ACCIDENTLY. 2) Then Lois met Clark-2 once again in 7 episodes later. She was looking straight into his eyes when he was pretending to be Clark Kent. She believed him (!) until he broke the telescope (unlike Bizarro he hadn't Clark's memories). But a minute before they were talking about Earth-2 and Lionel’s-2 living in their world. So it wasn’t too hard to realize that it wasn’t real Clark. Why did Lois think it was Luthor, not for example “red” Clark, because a minute before they were talking about parallel Universe and Lionel-2 who moved to their world. Of course, the first thing that would come to her mind was that Ultraman was back. It they were not talking about Universe-2 and Lionel-2 who lived with them, we could definitely state that Lois still could tell the did between Clark and his other forms (“red” Clark, Clark Luthor, etc) . When real Clark came back he and Lana agreed to meet in Oliver’s apartment. But she didn’t know that Bizarro was eavesdropping their conversation. She WASN’T READY to meet him there. 3) Lois-2 didn’t know anything about Clark-2’s doppelganger. When she first met Clark Kent, she was shocked and couldn’t believe him. But then calmed down, Lois-2 realized that it was a different person, not Clark Luthor. When Clark came back and told Lana the truth, she was shocked and couldn’t believe (because she didn’t know anything about his doppelganger as Lois-2). Due to the shock, she became delusinal for a moment saying _'Chloe said that you've been having troubles with your memory.'_ Although Lana knows perfectly it was impossible (it proves the scene where she was surprised at Chloe’s words that he forgot something). But then calmed down, she realized that it was real Clark. And she wasn’t disappointed. She was just shocked that she had been living with an impostor. Chloe suspected Bizarro. That's why she believed easily Clark that there was the impostor. But still she couldn't tell the difference. _Clark: 'Chloe, look me in the eye'._ _Chloe: 'Nice try. But from what I've heard, everything about the two of you is exactly the same, right down to your baby blues'._ _Clark: 'If I was the phantom, direct sunlight ... would make my face change. It's me'._ _Chloe: 'Oh, my God. Thank God it's you'._ Lana didn't suspect that there was the impostor. That's why at first she didn't believe (like Lois-2). But then Clark repeated her calmy _'It wasn't me, Lana'._ And she believed! Pay attention, Lana didn't demand Clark to stay in the sunlight to prove his words. She just looked in his eyes and recognized him! 4) s10ep10, when Clark was convincing it was him, and Lois recognized him. She saw his doppelganger A FEW HOURS AGO. Of course, mentally she WAS READY (!!!) that there were two Clarks. Regarding the fact that a few seconds ago there was Luthor, not Kent. Lois, probably, already _knew_ how the mirror box works (if someone takes it, he could transport into different Universe). When they gave him it, it wasn’t excluded that _real_ Clark could transfer back. s2ep11, when Lana suddenly saw two Clarks (one of them was Tina Greer). Real Clark was convincing that it was him. But she saw his doppelganger (Tina) A FEW SECONDS AGO. Of course, she was shocked and mentally WASN'T READY (!!!). In conclusion, if Smallville authors wanted to show that Clark's soulmate is Lois, not Lana, they would put them (Lana&Lois) in the SAME situation, not DIFFERENT. So it's not fair to state that Lana couldn't recognize real Clark, but Lois could. Pay attention, Lois could tell difference (touches and kisses) between _Clark and other people._ Regarding telling the difference between _Clark and his doppelgangers_ (again touches, kisses, looking in the eye), she could recognize who was who only if she _knew definitely_ or _expected_ that it was either Clark or impostor (the situation with Clark Luthor in 'Kent', when Lois saw him again in 7 episodes. She didn't expect to meet him. So she didn't recognize him after holding and touching his hand). In 'Kent', when they gave Clark Luthor the mirror box, in several seconds real Clark came back. At _that_ time, Lois, probably, knew how the box works. So _Kent’s and Luthor’s switching places back was not excluded._ At first, she thought it was an _imposter_ (she _knew_ about his doppelganger), and only when he started convincing her it was him, she looked into his eyes _carefully_ and recognized him. Talking about 2 seconds when Ultraman was given the box, then immediately after that Clark Kent was back). Do you really think after being aimed by green kryptonite, instead of asking to believe him (he even didn’t know they would not shoot him immediately), Ultraman wouldn’t return in 2 seconds to his own world to save his ass? And according to Tess and Oliver’s reaction at the end of the scene, they felt or guessed too that it was _real_ Clark. Otherwise, they would say to Lois: _’Don’t come any closer to him. At first we should test him asking questions about the life of Clark Kent’._ Or something like that. But they just gave up and believed Lois’ words. After that Tess had mixed feelings, Oliver was disappointed because they didn’t catch the villain.
@Flower-x6c 3 года назад
By the way, a person who really could tell the difference between Clark and not Clark *without knowing about doppelgängers* and confessions _'It's me, Clark'_ was Martha. In 'Transference' when Clark and Lionel switched the bodies she immediately noticed that something was wrong with her son through looking in his eyes. 'Something is not right. I can see it through your eyes'. (c) Martha Summing it up, Lois could tell the difference between Clark and his doppelganger ONLY IF: 1) she _knew_ there was an imposter ('Luthor'), or that he came back ('Kent'); 2) real Clark would be convincing her it was him, after that she looked onto his eyes _carefully_ and felt the difference ('Luthor'). Unlike Martha, who could feel real Clark _without_ knowing about imposters and _not_ listening to confessions like _'It's me, Clark'._ Regarding Lana's words _'He's finally opened up and let me in',_ as if real Clark never trusted Lana completely. In 'Lara', Clark's words _'I told you I wanted to share everything with you'._ In 'Siren', Clark's words _'You're supposed to know me better than anyone'._ Such scenes prove Clark indeed opened up to Lana and let her in. As I mentioned above, Bizarro could up with something to explain why he was able to sleep with her without any hurting. Then when he mentioned he would fly to Paris, she noticed he couldn't fly. He explained her, she was able to make him fly. So Bizarro could tell knew facts about himself, and Lana could take that as if Clark probably hadn't told her about himself everything.
@Flower-x6c 3 года назад
Also there are episodes where we see that both Lana and Lois could feel Clark. Lois: 1) s6ep13, Clois was kissing, and Lois realized they had kissed before (s6ep10); 2) s9ep21, Zod was pretending to be the Blur, Lois touched his hand and realized he lied; 3) same episode, the Blur kissed Lois and she realized it was Clark. Lana: 1) s1ep1, she was going to come in her house. Clark was standing far enough from her and said “Thanks for the dance, Lana”. She immediately turned as if she heard him; 2) s2ep23, Clana was sitting and hugging in the field. We see Clark’s eyes (but Lana doesn’t see!) showing worrying because Jor-El had said he must leave his beloved ones. Suddenly Lana became worrying too and asked him “Are you ok?” Then Clark’s eyes *How did she learn that I’m worrying?* Clark: s7ep3, Lana returned and was staying behind Clark’s back. He thought she was dead. Then Lana touched his shoulder, and we saw his face showing *Sh*t, I know this touch.* Clark&Lana s7ep1, they, being at different ends of the world, were looking at the moon and thinking about each other.
@Flower-x6c 3 года назад
Regarding Lana's words to Bizarro (before 'Persona' events) that she had *never was so happy like with him.* Let's analyze her statements. In 'Hidden', she said that _'...no one could make her happier than' Clark._ In 'Action', it was enough the scene when Clark coght falling Lana, and their looks full of _so much tenderness._ So we can conclude the only thing that was lack in the only thing that was lack of their relationship was sex. As we all saw, Clark was afraid of having sex with Lana. Bizarro could control himself (if real Clark could sleep with Lois after Jor-El's training, so why Bizarro couldn't come up with something like that?). As we all saw, Clark was afraid of having sex with Lana. Bizarro could control himself (he could come up with something to explain it Lana). She thought Bizarro was Clark (see above why she didn't recognized the impostor), accordingly, she expressed her feelings to him (Clark). That's why she was happier with him (Bizarro). Also Lana's words to Chloe that he was more understanding. At the beginning of 'Gemini' she was gonna stop spying on Lex because Clark didn't like her actions. But Bizarro insisted she was doing right things. But when real Clark came back, she stopped spying on Lex again. And her words to him _'he was more understandable, and you are a hypocrite'_ are just defensive reaction, not true emotions, to ease her pain (because indeed she was blaming herself, although it wasn't her fault). Then in 'Persona' when Lana was gonna kill Bizarro, he started lying her that he knew what was in Clark's mind, that he (Clark) doesn't love her so much, that he was lying to himself. All what Bizarro used to do towards Clark is reducing his (Clark's) already low self-esteem. So we should not believe his words. Then Lana was looking at Clark as if she was doubting his feelings. But actually, she was just playing along to him to trick him. Then he believed her and offered her his hand. At first Lana hesitating before taking his hand but not because she didn't know who she was gonna choose. She wasn't a murderer, she couldn't kill even such villain like Bizarro. Then she plucked up her resolve and put the kryptonite in his hand. I compare this scene with another one in 'Kara'. Lana treathened Lex to shoot him but at the last moment she didn't do it. Although no one would blame her because she was 'dead' for the whole world, plus she had 10 million dollars after her divorce, she could get away with her crime. Even Lex _knew_ she was not a murderer. So it’s obvious all the other times (‘Nemesis’ and ‘Wrath’) Lana’s purpose was not kill but _scare_ him. She wouldn’t let him die no matter. She even stopped Clark in ‘Requiem’ when he was gonna kill Lex. In ‘Idol’ when Clark’s voice disguise was broken, she learned that he and Red Blue were the same person. Then at the end Clark proved her that it was not true. Later we see Lois’ conversation with her doctor. She (Lois) says that after revealing Clark and the superhero are two different people and hearing the Blur’s voice again, something stirred inside of her and her thoughts keep coming back to Clark. The doctor answered that was because “it’s perfectly natural, Lois, to project the heroics of the unattainable men you tend to fall for onto someone close to you”. Here I agree with her because that means subconsciously Lois _wanted_ Clark and the superhero were the same person. Because it's easy and romantic to fall in love with a mysterous man who has superabilities and saves a lot of people. If they wanted to show us Lois could recognize Clark's soul, it would be logical, for example, Zatanna transformed Clark into other man (like she did Chloe into Lois), and she (Lois) fall in him no matter what. That is, even with different appearance, Clark was the one for her unlike Lana who fall in the different man with Clark's face. And don't forget about the beginning of 'Isis', when Lois' patience was over, and she was gonna tell Clark herself that she knew his secret. She was rehearsing _'Hey, Clark. You're Blurific', 'Clark, you don't have to hide the truth any longer. I know your secret, and I get why you didn't tell me for so long, but the fact is: _*_knowing you're the Blur just it makes me love you even more.'_* (Hello to Lana's words about Bizarro). *Summing it up, we can conclude that in the cases of Bizarro and The Blur both Lana and Lois were equal.*
@josephpoitras3090 Год назад
@@Flower-x6c I would say you go to deep into detail, then I realize how little people know or understand. I may not always agree fully, but I usually agree for the most. Clana was betrayed by the writers.
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