
Confirm Your Calling: The Danger of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:10b-22) 

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Continuing to look at how to confirm your calling as a believer, we need to listen to Peter’s admonition about the danger of false teachers. Picking up where we left off in 2 Peter 2, we will take a look at the false teachers Peter was talking about, some dangers that listening to their teachings may present, and what we need to do in our own lives.
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27 июн 2024




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@joannaencarnacion544 12 дней назад
@getrit3007 11 дней назад
You are growing the law? That’s the old wine. We are dead to law now that we have new wine 😂😂 Mark 2:22 (ESV) And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins--and the wine is destroyed, and so are the skins. But new wine is for fresh wineskins.”
@joannaencarnacion544 11 дней назад
@getrit3007 6 дней назад
Justin Johnson In 1 Timothy 1:5-7 Paul mentions some who have swerved from a faith unfeigned unto vain jangling; desiring to be teachers of the law. Paul was imprisoned for words like these which seemed contrary to the law tradition of his kinsmen (2 Tim 2:9). God said through Paul that the law was merely a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ (Gal 3:24-25). “Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.” - Gal 5:4 If this is indeed true, then the teaching of the law for justification would surely be vanity. We already know that the law showed the knowledge of sin and death came by sin! Where is the message of hope if the offence abounded under the law (Rom 5:20)? Yet we find Moses declaring the exact opposite in the book of the law! “For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life: and through this thing ye shall prolong your days in the land, whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.” - Deut 32:47 Moses also declared that: “And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the LORD our God, as he hath commanded us.” - Deut 6:25 It cannot be any more plain that Moses taught righteousness by obedience to the law and knew nothing of the free justification found at the cross. If he had known then he would not have taught the law but grace. Instead he was faithful to the instructions the Lord gave him as the dispenser of the schoolmaster which would show a sinful world their need for a Saviour. What we can learn from these two apparent contradictory verses is that God’s saving grace apart from the law was not made known until first revealed to Paul (1 Tim 1:15-16). It was not vanity for the Old Testament Jew to teach the law (Deut 6:25). Nor was it vain for the New Testament disciples to teach the fulfillment of the law (Mat 5:19). But now since the mystery of the cross was revealed and God’s grace dispensed to all men, it would be vanity to place men back under bondage. “But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.” - Gal 3:25 Praise the Lord that through the death of his Son we are delivered from the law into the grace of God which was once unknown but now revealed to all men!
@christinabuch.8890 12 дней назад
You nailed it. Thank you for such a straightforward explanation of these false teachers.
@messiahcomplex1126 12 дней назад
Amen, excellent breakdown❤
@bawbjusbawb6471 11 дней назад
I really enjoy your videos... (GREAT teachings that are SCRIPTURAL and in context) The same old ignorant anti-nomian comments on the videos... (not so much) May Abba Yah Bless and Keep You.
@brpatt85 11 дней назад
AWESOME Message was waiting on this ❤
@OfelinaBello 9 дней назад
Excelente estudio. Mil gracias!!!
@samueloforiatta118 12 дней назад
God bless you 🙏
@michaelbrown7430 12 дней назад
@slipstream4572 12 дней назад
2:36 "they are in for a Rood Awakening" 😂 love it 👏🏻
@nathannewell5512 12 дней назад
Shabbat shalom!
@TakeRefugeInYeshua 6 дней назад
2 Samuel 24:1 1 Chronicles 21:1 Compare these two verses which appear to be parallels. I looked it up in 15 different bible versions.
@World-Sojourner.22 11 дней назад
If someone “weaponizes” God’s Word to manipulate another person; is that behavior blasphemy?
@jomerorobia4140 12 дней назад
Peace be with you: John said this: 1Jn 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. (Do you believe what he says?) Like Jesus said also and also wrote by John: Joh 14:17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. You believe to the testimony of the apostles like written in the new testament book. Do you know that is come from the Spirit? "if" it is not written do you will believe it? Jesus said: Rev 22:16 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. Rev 22:7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. Do you believe in Jesus testimony in the churches he reveal his chosen one, who overcome in to the churches? Do you believe that the child born in Rev 12:5 is not Jesus, but he overcome into the churches? Do you believe the great wonder in heaven appeared is spiritual birth like Jesus said in: Joh 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Joh 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do you believe that the child born in spirit is the seventh angel sign like the scripture said: Rev 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. Are you a true believer?
@jeremiahchapman9288 11 дней назад
I believe that Rev 12:5 is speaking of Christ. Why would you think otherwise?
@jomerorobia4140 11 дней назад
@@jeremiahchapman9288 because that is the testimony of Jesus. Like Jesus said in Revelation 2:26-28. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says in the "churches". Like also Jesus said: Rev 22:16. The testimony of Jesus is about to the child born, and that child is not Jesus. He is the overcomer of the churches. Because Jesus help him to overcome the churches
@jomerorobia4140 11 дней назад
@@jeremiahchapman9288 and no one gave attention to that. That is the essence of the Revelation, the testimony of Jesus. Rev 22:7, rev 1:3. Christians are busy searching about the 666, about the persecution. That is why the testimony of Jesus is the important than the 666 and the persecution. No one believe his testimony. Christian also busy waiting for Jesus, but they don't know the prophecy of Jesus is needed to fulfill before he comes. This is only a reminder.
@advex4428 12 дней назад
Thank you for the teaching. Eternal security is just a sidetopic, but I wanna say there are honest believers on both sides, and there are verses, which seem to affirm both sides at times. Well, we know it cannot be both. But IF eternal security is correct, then the verses seemingly affirming the opposite pertain to people who are regarded as part of the body of believers (in the church), but have never truly been converted. "Have we not [....] in your name?" And he will say: "I never knew you". He will not say He knew them, but then forgot about them. But I don't wanna be funny here. Just pointing out that obviously, the so called deconverted people probably have never been really converted. Just to state this. I don't intend to discuss eternal security now, as we are all brothers and sisters by true faith in Messiah, not by our position on protestant statements of faith. Shabbat Shalom!
@ellenlefavour628 12 дней назад
1 peter 5:8 to me makes it clear that we have reason to expect that Satan will do what he can to deceive and devour believers. Peter wouldn’t bother warning if it weren’t a possibility. Also “He who endures to the end will be saved”; “He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death”, etc. He who endures/overcomes/perseveres, etc. are conditional statements, aren’t they? “Once saved always saved” is a dangerous doctrine of devils which will lead many to hear those most dreadful words: “‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” I know one young man who had a powerful youtube ministry, got twisted on Paul’s teachings, which then led him to deny Yeshua, cover his body in tatoos and become the polar opposite of who he had been. It was shocking and heartbreaking to see happen, while at the same time revealing and warning just how possible 2 Peter 2:20 is.
@advex4428 12 дней назад
You don't know, if your young man ever was truly converted. People often just assume that everybody who says "I love Yeshua" is an incredible pillar of the faith. I refrain from posting all the verses, which seem to imply the opposite, because I do 't think that some verses trump the others. But I also should say I don't imply that you think that. I just am at a point in my journey, where I see you must let people be on their journey. If you split due to every disagreement, you end up with as many churches or denominations as there are believers. And one should bear in mind, that then you would split from yourself 2 years ago. And you two years ago would split from yourself 5 years ago. To me, personally, splitting time is, when there is another gospel, and when there is a different foundation, like adding Jubilees or removing Paul, as messianics like to do. If you think what I say is horrible ... hey, maybe it is. Pray for me. Don't just be right. Blessings, brothers and sisters!
@Truth.Is.Intolerant 12 дней назад
Years ago I would definately agreed with you. Now I lean toward the possibility that people can loss their faith. Hebrews talks about it. Hebrews 10:26. One thing to consider is Saul who had the Spirit of God but appears to have walked away from the faith later. There are other instances in the OT as well. Just my thoughts. Shalom.
@jeremiahchapman9288 11 дней назад
@@Truth.Is.Intolerant This is the truth. The salvation that we can never lose is the Salvation that Paul claimed to have the "hope" of. It is the salvation that comes at the time we are born again. Born of the spirit and not of the flesh. Do not be deceived though, today, believers only have the first fruits of that spirit dwelling within them. The born again I speak of is the true birth when our bodies are born again of the spirit. We take on immortality. We are transformed from mortal to immortal. This only happens for us at his return. After that point, we will never sin again. Until then, we wrestle with our flesh and take control over our mind. But it is a battle for the flesh desires sinful things. Those that endure until the end shall be saved.....
@getrit3007 6 дней назад
Justin Johnson In 1 Timothy 1:5-7 Paul mentions some who have swerved from a faith unfeigned unto vain jangling; desiring to be teachers of the law. Paul was imprisoned for words like these which seemed contrary to the law tradition of his kinsmen (2 Tim 2:9). God said through Paul that the law was merely a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ (Gal 3:24-25). “Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.” - Gal 5:4 If this is indeed true, then the teaching of the law for justification would surely be vanity. We already know that the law showed the knowledge of sin and death came by sin! Where is the message of hope if the offence abounded under the law (Rom 5:20)? Yet we find Moses declaring the exact opposite in the book of the law! “For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life: and through this thing ye shall prolong your days in the land, whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.” - Deut 32:47 Moses also declared that: “And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the LORD our God, as he hath commanded us.” - Deut 6:25 It cannot be any more plain that Moses taught righteousness by obedience to the law and knew nothing of the free justification found at the cross. If he had known then he would not have taught the law but grace. Instead he was faithful to the instructions the Lord gave him as the dispenser of the schoolmaster which would show a sinful world their need for a Saviour. What we can learn from these two apparent contradictory verses is that God’s saving grace apart from the law was not made known until first revealed to Paul (1 Tim 1:15-16). It was not vanity for the Old Testament Jew to teach the law (Deut 6:25). Nor was it vain for the New Testament disciples to teach the fulfillment of the law (Mat 5:19). But now since the mystery of the cross was revealed and God’s grace dispensed to all men, it would be vanity to place men back under bondage. “But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.” - Gal 3:25 Praise the Lord that through the death of his Son we are delivered from the law into the grace of God which was once unknown but now revealed to all men!
@suprememasters4352 12 дней назад
@Truth.Is.Intolerant 12 дней назад
@bawbjusbawb6471 11 дней назад
@@Truth.Is.Intolerant !
@Jeff-xt7xs День назад
wilber needs to repent
@getrit3007 11 дней назад
You are growing the law? That’s the old wine. We are dead to law now that we have new wine 😂😂 Mark 2:22 (ESV) And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins--and the wine is destroyed, and so are the skins. But new wine is for fresh wineskins.”
@bawbjusbawb6471 11 дней назад
The same Law that Paul upholds? (Romans 3:31) The Same Law Yeshua the Messiah tells us all He DID NOT Abolish (Matthew 5:17) The Same Law that is fulfilled in us if we walk in the Spirit and NOT the flesh (Romans 8:4) What is your assumption that "New Wine" is?
@getrit3007 11 дней назад
@@bawbjusbawb6471 the law is abolished my friend! Let’s get that clear. I’m sure you don’t understand why or how that operates but let’s start there. let’s review carefully. 🔥for law. ✝️for grace 2 Corinthians 3:7-13 (KJV) 7 But if the ministration of death, written [and] engraven in stones 🔥(10 commandments), was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which [glory] was to be 👉🏻done away What was done away? 🔥 : 8 How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious✝️? 9 For if the ministration of condemnation🔥 [be] glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness ✝️exceed in glory. 10 For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by reason of the glory that excelleth. 11 For if that which is 👉🏻done away [was] glorious, much more that which remaineth [✝️is] glorious. What was done away? 🔥 What remaineth? ✝️ 12 Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech: 13 And not as Moses, [which] put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end🔥 of that which is abolished🔥: Tell me what is abolished referring to in 2 Cor 3:13???
@getrit3007 11 дней назад
@@bawbjusbawb6471 btw, Paul did not uphold the law! No one but Jesus has ever upheld the law. When Paul says he was blameless according to the law in Phil 3:1-9 he’s not saying he was sinless. One lie makes you a sinner. Under the Old Testament law you were blsmesless if you didn’t commit a sin that deserved death by stoning. If you wanted to follow the law to earn salvation you could never ever have one lustful thought or one foolish thought. Everyone is guilty and condemned by the law: Romans 3:19 (KJV) Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and 👉🏻all the world may become guilty before God.
@getrit3007 11 дней назад
@@bawbjusbawb6471 new wine = the Spirit (living under grace). I don’t assume, I know.
@bawbjusbawb6471 10 дней назад
@@getrit3007 "the law is abolished my friend!" WHO did this? Yeshua the Messiah told us all that HE didn't do it... So if anyone else says it has been done, I wouldn't believe them... )2 Corinthians 11:4) You obviously don't understand this verse or never bothered to read it, so I will break it down to you... As stated in Matthew 5:17 through 20 - 17Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. (The Messiah told us HE didn't do what some say He did... He's told us once so far...ONCE. In fact, Yeshua told us not to even THINK such a thing. But yet a lot of people still do?) Continuing... I have not come to abolish them, BUT to fulfill them. (Yeshua told us a second time that He did not come to ABOLISH them but FULFILL them. This makes TWICE Yeshua said He didn't abolish the Law or the Prophets). We must note the word "BUT" which is an opposing conjunction... That means that the word or phase before the word "BUT" will be in opposition the word or phrase after it... Also, we will find that if we look in a dictionary or Concordance... If Yeshua "fulfilled" the Laws so we don't have to, then this is annulling the law... This is the same definition of "abolish"... Yeshua told us TWICE, that He didn't do what most people claim He did... TWICE. Synonyms for FULFILL: satisfy, meet, keep, complete, fill, comply (with), answer, redeem... Antonyms of FULFILL: violate, break, breach, transgress, forget, ignore, abolish... “Do not think that I came to destroy (katalusai [inf. aorist active of kataluo]= dissolve, bring to an end) the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill (play-ro-sai [inf. aorist active of play-ra-o] to give the true or complete meaning/real significance to something). (Furthermore, refer to Matthew 5:20 through 48 if anyone is in doubt of what "fulfilling" the Law of GOD means.) 18For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Here, Yeshua states when the law will finally pass away. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled (gen-ay-tai [subjunctive aorist middle 3rd person sing. of ginomai] may come to pass). (Yeshua told us that not even the SMALLEST to the GREATEST part of the Law was done away with. This is the THIRD time He tells us this.The Law won't disappear until heaven and earth has passed away. Have you seen the earth today? Have you seen the heavens? Then the law is STILL valid and has NOT passed away.) 19So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.… (This was Yeshua's warning to us not to do what many are doing)
@scotthorton7786 11 дней назад
There are men out here that just can't listen to this guy, me included. Pull a man off the street and give him a script to read off of.
@bawbjusbawb6471 10 дней назад
@scotthorton7786 HOW was this comment edifying? Matthew 12:36 and 37 - 36But I tell you that men will give an account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. 37For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.” SMH...
@getrit3007 11 дней назад
Run from this channel. The law had one purpose. Point you to Christ. Galatians 3:24-25 (KJV) 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster [to bring us] unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. The law produces death Romans 7:5.
@bawbjusbawb6471 11 дней назад
You obviously didn't read 2 Peter 3:16... 2 Peter 3:15 through 17 - 15Consider also that our Lord’s patience brings salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom God gave him. 16He writes this way in all his letters, speaking in them about such matters. Some parts of his letters are hard to understand, which IGNORANT AND UNSTABLE PEOPLE DISTORT, AS THEY DO THE REST OF THE SCRIPTURES, to their own destruction. 17Therefore, beloved, since you already know these things, be on your guard so that you will not be CARRIED AWAY BY THE ERROR OF THE LAWLESS and fall from your secure standing. The Laws of GOD are STILL required for Believers in Yeshua Messiah... Please refer to the Book of Revelation written AFTER the Ascension of Messiah... Here are 3 key scriptures from the book that reveals a lot about the characteristic of the end-time Church. Scripture #1 Revelation 12:17 - And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, WHO KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD and hold to the testimony of Jesus Christ. Scripture #2 Revelation 14:12 - Here is the patience of the saints; here are those WHO KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD and the faith of Jesus. Scripture #3 Revelation 22:14 - Blessed are THOSE WHO DO HIS COMMANDMENTS, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. You don't have the Laws of GOD in your heart? Matthew 7:23 - Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’ Teaching others not to follow the Commandments of GOD? Matthew 5:19 - So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. You are doing this... Run from @getrit3007 He is one of those who this video is about...
@getrit3007 11 дней назад
@@bawbjusbawb6471so you keep the law? You’ve never told one lie? Jam 2:10! Explain this to me how you keep the law please????
@getrit3007 11 дней назад
@@bawbjusbawb6471 regarding 2 Peter 3:16! Let’s discuss and we will soon find out who doesn’t understand!
@getrit3007 11 дней назад
@@bawbjusbawb6471 when you say we are required to keep the law! What do you mean? Keep it for salvation! Keep it for fun! Exactly how do you keep the law? Did David keep the law? Please explain keep the law to me.
@getrit3007 11 дней назад
@@bawbjusbawb6471 Paul never taught anyone to follow the law! Paul said we are dead to the law. Paul taught under the dispensation of grace that the law produces death. Romans 7:5 (KJV) For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the 👉🏻law, did work in our members to 👉🏻bring forth fruit unto death. Paul was speaking to saved folk primarily. Law is for the lost that need to get saved not for the saved. Are you saved?
@Shinehead3 12 дней назад
Shabbat Shalom 119. Just wanted to provide the text from 2 Peter 2:10 in the Aramaic so readers can test the English Transliteration The Source used is from the Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon aka CAL . HUC. Edu click search the cal and Lexical and textual databases Then click Text Browse, then click the Syriac button, scroll down to 2 Peter, grab an Aramaic Dictionary like the Dictionary of the Talmud and Targumim by Marcus Jastrow and start Testing 😊
@prettyjohnshill76 12 дней назад
why? the book of Peter was originally written in Greek. it's commonly claimed that he dictated it to Silvanus who then wrote it down.
@Shinehead3 11 дней назад
@@prettyjohnshill76 כיפא kepha meaning "rock, stone" While there may not be any Aramaic Scrolls of 2 Peter left or lost due to passage of time, the Talmidim aka Disciples of Yeshua spoke Aramaic most likely Galilean Aramaic if not Herodian Aramaic. While Hebrews may have been familiar with Greek and Latin, it was not their Native Tongue. When Recording the Teachings of Rabbi Yeshua they would have Recorded his Teachings in Aramaic not Greek. Greek came later. Read the Book of Maccabees... coming to the conclusion that Jews of the First Century would switch from ARAMAIC to Latin or Greek would be most odd indeed. Shalom Brother 😊