
Control Explained - Dylan's Dreams (Analysis) 

Gaming University
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@sliphstream4927 3 года назад
IF Dylan did have a psychosis, it was brought on by watching those terrifying 'Threshold Kids' shows as a boy
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
That sould not surprise me at all. Who thought that showing that to a child was a good idea.
@Pagemaster22193 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG people disconnected from reality who live in a world where wonders and horrors are the norm. They honestly had no business raising a child.
@kshiteej7575 3 года назад
But the intro song to Threshold Kids is so good!!1!!1
@aureusnovasolis208 3 года назад
@venomwolverine08 Год назад
@inovade it is said in documents that the show was explicitly made to teach paranatural concepts and ideas as well as how those paranatural objects and events function to a younger mind in a more fun way obviously for Dylan as they only had one child in custody and we're actively trying to keep paranatural occurrences out of the public eye
@KaiInMotion 3 года назад
Literally all I want from a Control sequel is for Dylan to wake up and get some damn sympathy after everything he's seen and been through. The Bureau literally ruined his entire life and I felt so sorry for him the entire time.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
Imagine being forced to watch Threshold Kids and treated like a labrat your whole life. No wonder he has issues. I fully expect a redemption arc for him. Looking forward to it.
@Maestro-K1121 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG I want this so badly. I've just recently beaten he ultimate edition (sadly not realizing I can update the FPS for my PS5) and I want a 3rd dlc. I love the lore and world of this game.
@flaetsbnort 3 года назад
I have a sneaking suspicion that Remedy will pull a Metal Gear Solid 2 and there'll be a sequel in which, inexplicably, we control Director Dylan.
@RivkahSong 2 года назад
It ruined both siblings lives, really. The Bureau treated both kids not like people, but like Objects of Power to be studied, controlled, and eventually bound and utilized. They had looked at it like having two of the same OOP so they had the opportunity to run two different simultaneous experiments and it resulted in two very broken people incapable of living in normal society. Dylan was locked up in the Bureau and treated like a lab rat. Even his name was stripped from him and he was instead referred to as P6. His every move was monitored and controlled and revolved around nightmarish experiments (I think Threshold Kids was an example of a psychological experiment to see how he could/would handle traumatic information and visuals as a test to see how worthy he was of being a directorial candidate). When this caused him to lash out and kill one of the people experimenting on him, they restricted him even further, causing him to break completely and attempt to escape. After that they judged him to be too difficult to control and locked him away with the other Altered Items and OoPs in the Panopticon and turned their attention fully to Jesse. With Jesse they purposefully left a traumatized 10 year old all alone with no support, home, or clue of what to do as a twisted "control group" to measure Dylan's progress and abilities against. They followed and spied on her for her entire life, ensuring she doubted her own sanity and safety and that she would never be able to settle down and become normal. They wanted to see how these two "Objects of Power" would develop and how differently they'd react to stress tests. If they were actually one child, originally, they might also have wanted to see how and if stress placed on one child would affect the other. The P7 room shows they were gearing up to "acquire" their missing OoP to replace Dylan.
@noodles.dumplings.kimchi2878 2 года назад
It would be even better if he could be an agent we can play that can cross the different realities. That would be fun.
@piratetv1 4 года назад
Dylan wasn't killed by the hiss possibly because of his power, possibly because the hiss wanted him alive. The hiss didn't kill Trench. Trench killed himself when Jesse was close enough to the office to take over control of the FBC. Trench and Darling didn't allow Dylan to become director because he couldn't control his power and hurt people, but the hiss still had a use for him.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I guess it is kind of like the Dark Presence. It did not turn Alan or Rose into Taken because it could make use of them. Instead it just touched them. Same with Cynthia weaver I believe.
@iliaszholdasov 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG I don't get what is the source of Dylan's and Northmoor's powers (btw, are you planning to do a video on Northmoor?). One has to bind an OoP to have paranatural abilities, right? That would mean that the Board controls all of it. Or can you be born with these abilities or develop them naturally?
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
For starters not just everyone can be bound or make use or OoPs or have any form of power. Only Parautalitarians. There is also stronger and weaker ones. Norrhmoor, Dylan, and Jesse are odd the charts while people like Clay Steward and some FBC personelle are very weak. Alan and Dr. Tokui were on that spectrum somewhere. They haven't specified what causes Parautalitarian abilities at this time so everything is speculation.
@piratetv1 4 года назад
@@iliaszholdasov Jesse, Dylan, Northmoor, Alan etc are parautilitarians. They're similar to Eleven from stranger things, Chalie from Firestarter and Danny from the shining. Generally in the Steven King universe, you're born with your heightened ESP abilities. Jesse and Dylan were born that way, but Polaris trained them to use their power at a young age. Their base ability (or at least the power they knew about having) was telepathy.
@nowiamincollege Год назад
okay the thing about trench, how does he know that jesse is going to take over? i don't think he killed himself. i think this is some kind of paradox just like what has been mentioned in the video, dylan's dream is not just a "dream". so when jesse is in hiss control and kill trench with the gun, she REALLY IS controlling the gun to point at trench, and shoot him in the past
@coyote16able 4 года назад
There might be another explanation for Dylan's dreams which is Astral Projection or Out of body experience. Since Dylan doesn't fully understand his powers since he was young when he was taken and the FBC didn't treat him well he perceives this power as dreams. There's also another explanation of Mr.Door he isn't Hatch but a Doorman for the multiverse the reason he refused to help Dylan spread the Hiss is because a doorman is the first line of security for a building that employees one. Him telling Dylan about alternate worlds was him informing Dylan about the building he was employed by as his duty.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Personally I don't think Mr. Door is Martin Hatch. He considered himself a gate but wanted to stay humble so he settled in the name Hatch. So I don't think he would upgrade to Door. But Mr. Door could serve the role the you described while being a Shifter. That is a definate possibility. The only reason I didn't jump on that thought train is because in the last dream he was doing it in real time while wide awake. I suppose it is possible he became so adept at it that he could Astral Project while awake and conscious of his physical surroundings. The dreams are the results and Astral projection is how he does it. If we go by the hypothesis that his mind is lost hence why he is in a coma, he is currently in a state of Astral projection and his lifeline is cut.
@Elastas 3 года назад
Remember, some brains are better at different things :)
@Sxm101 10 месяцев назад
spot on after Alan Wake 2!
@AltimaNEO 3 года назад
You may be onto something with Dylan and Jessie being the same person. They mention they were inseparable as kids. There's a recording of Dylan mentioning that Jessie always wanted to go out on her own. One of the slides seemed to be able to make this sort of thing happen, like that kid that wanted to be a dog, became a dog, or Jessie wishing the adults would just go away, and they did. Perhaps "Jessie Dylan Faden" wished to be able to separate from another side of themselves?
@jinnybeats 11 месяцев назад
Reminds me of beyond two souls.
@BlazingOwnager 3 месяца назад
"You're a copy of a copy of a copy!"
@elessal 4 года назад
Dude, I just realized martin hatch's name is type of door, which totally fits remedy's predilection for meaningful names. What if all shifters have last names that are a type or synonim of "door", like gate/s fence, arch and maybe in other langages too? Maybe they all draw their powers from this mr door or something. Or maybe they are all mr door, puppets or faces of a single entity, which exists as the one and many conections between different universes and or timelines
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
That has also been a thought for me too. That Untitled Note I referenced in this video says he chose the name because he wishes to help shift the world from one state to another and he stands between. But he doesn't see himself as a gate. To remain humble he choice something smaller for his name and settled on Hatch. Also, Mr. Door immediately reminded me of the Neil Gaiman character Door from his Novel Neverwhere who could "Open" anything. Doors yes but anything in general, even abstract things.
@retropulse03 4 года назад
I always picture the board saying "Mr. Door/Hatch" in my head. I can't shake it now.
@varunaX 3 года назад
Agreed. Mr door and Mr hatch are way too similar to be ignored. Very doubtful this is simply a coincidence, especially knowing Remedy
@TheOneMaddin 3 года назад
My first idea about the Mr. Door story is more meta. Dylan demonstrates that he knows that his reality is a game. So the other worlds which are side by side and on top of each other are other games, stacked in shelves. The worlds in which the cop is a story resp. real are the game "Alan Wake" and "Max Pain". Mr. Door, shifting between these worlds is the gamer, playing all of these games.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
Which is entirely possible as well. I think the main thing the fanbase dug their teeth into was calling him Door and the use of the word Shifting. Because Hatch was a Shifter who existed in multiple realities. Some say that Mr. Door is Sam Lake. It really is whatever we make of it right now
@bryguytyguy 10 месяцев назад
@Mistercallmecrazy 3 года назад
Played this game, got insanely hooked on the whole Control + Alan Wake lore. Stumbled upon your channel and I've been binging since! Insanely good work!
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
I'm glad you've been enjoying them! Yeah this series is crazy fun to explore
@otherhand 3 года назад
After watching this, I feel like we're gonna play as Dylan in the next game.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
That would actually be pretty cool. Have a narrative with both siblings before they can properly reunite.
@alphamineron 3 года назад
I hope not, Jesse is a wonderful character and Dylan hasn't exactly been a likeable character in Control. Moreover, It's actually a good change of pace to have a good written female protagonist, she feels real and human.
@shubhanshusingh4839 3 года назад
@@alphamineron could not agree more
@jackmcawesome7087 Год назад
Obviously, Dylan's gonna be player two for the multiplayer co-op mode. His parautilitarian abilities seem similar in power level to Jessie's.
@NicolasDominique 4 года назад
I'm glad I decided to look for something about the Control's lore, because I found this gem. It's exactly what I wanted to see. Very informative, well-written and interesting. Well done. I think I'll stay here for a while.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I'm glad to have you aboard! Thank you for the support, I'm glad you enjoyed my content. In the words of the great Deckard Cain, "Stay a while a listen."
@slimeinabox 2 года назад
One of his dreams was one he was having right then and there. He proceeds to immediately breaks the fourth wall and talks about what he’s doing, and how he’s stuck watching this all from the corner. Scared me pretty bad.
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
I love this kind of stuff. There was one in Max Payne when he had a drug trip telling g him he was trapped in a Computer Game.
@learncat8771 2 года назад
If I'm not mistaken, isn't a hatch basically a small door, often in places that we don't consider doors to be in, sure, but similar enough. Perhaps when Dylan was talking on his dreams, definitions became obscured like when Jesse talks to the board.
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
I'd love to learn more about this topic. Hopefully with the recent success at Remedy with this game they can negotiate for publishing rights on QB so we can tie back into this plot thread.
@roonkolos 4 года назад
The lore to Control is strange and complex/complicated and i love it but man is it not easy to find comprehensive lore videos for it. I'm glad I found this and a few others I've seen so far of yours and plan to see afterwards. Thank you for the time taken to make this. It honestly helps me out and I already see myself as a big fan. Knowing the lore better makes me feel like a more complete fan
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
It really does! I always found then when going down the rabbit whole of a piece of literature it always helps us appreciate it even more. I'm glad I could help!
@startheforgetful5422 4 года назад
4:27 I started playing dlc AWE (not finished) and I recall reading a paper that said that Alex Casey was asking the FBC about Alan Wake 😳
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Yeah that one gave me pause too! Someone has been a busy writer.
@No_Plays_Hand_Empty Год назад
Coming back to this video after Sam Lake posted about the guy playing Mr Door in AW2 lmao
@yellowbat79 4 года назад
My theory is that in the AWE exoansion Dylan wakes up hiss-free with his powers still remaining (though be it a bit less powerful) and is being contacted by Alan Wake as a call for help; The board obviously see Dylan as an immediate threat and give Jesse orders to eliminate/fire him and sending goons after them, Jesse will not obey and they will go to try help Alan...
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
During the Mr. Door dream Dylan does say he was in a Dark Place. If he wants referring to the actual Dark Place threshold I would lose my mind lol. I'm so curious to see what happens when he wakes up. If we go by my hypothesis that Dylan's consciousness is lost right now, we could argue that in a coma his mind was travelling around and seeing all kinds of things. Maybe even Alan. I think a nice healthy balance would be that while sleeping he can mentally travel but no longer do It while awake. Like of like the Knights in the Word and the Void trilogy. Basically when they slept they lived a potential future where they failed in a present day conflict and had to live through a world created by their failures. And upon waking they had the knowledge from that future reality to fight the war happening now and prevent that future from occurring.
@yellowbat79 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG oooooh, that could bring some *really* intresting stuff with the "not being able to change the future , we can ONLY be prepared for it" massege that quantum break was going for without getting in legal trouble with actually directly refering to QB ( xbox still owns that ip). They could use Alan's writing to battle "fate" and actually change the future. And Im sure the board would really hate that.
@Kunomata 8 месяцев назад
Ya gotta love how remedy hinted at alan wake 2 in this game 4 years before its release and now gives us the anwser of who mr door was when Dylan mentioned him though there's still alot to learn about door
@kujo4388 3 года назад
This is definitely the definitive control channel!
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
@elessal 4 года назад
If he and jesse were the same person then there would be a possibility for them to merge back, and combine their powers to become the ultimate vegito-like super-director.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Wonder Twin Powers Activate!
@piratetv1 4 года назад
She's a year older
@elessal 4 года назад
@@piratetv1 that is what she said? Could be that all about her or her brother are false memories. A way for her to pretend be normal, to not be fully aware of her own nature and of the true lack that his brother's absense is. Honestly, anything is possible with this crazy multiverse.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
She does refer to him as her little brother. That is the only wrinkle I'm trying to figure out. One thing I think is relevant is that Hugo, one of the boys in Tom's gang back in Ordinary, could not be found in public records. This combined with Jesse remembering Thomas Zane. In a Manuscript page in AW:AN, Alan says only those touched by the powers that re-write reality are aware of the changes to reality. This would be the only explanation for Jesse remembering Zane. Going by this logic there is a lot more that happened in the Ordinsty AWE than we know. It's possible Hugo was from another timeline or parallel reality. By extension is it possible that Dylan and Jesse are too? I have a weird feeling this is a Lutece Twin situation from Bioshock Infinite where Jesse and Dylan are the same person from different parallel realities that during the AWE, crossed over and met. In one, the child was born male, in the other, female. Nothing but circumstantial speculation but it would be interesting.
@piratetv1 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG this is amazing. I love the lutece theory, they could be the same person but born a year apart in different realities. Until i heard Dylans dreams i wondered why her name is spelled like mine. Everyone tries to put an " i " in my name. Jesse could be either but Jessie definitely Jessica and always a girls name
@danielyanezgarrido 3 года назад
Why is it that jesse never confronts anyone about being spied and observed all her life.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
At first she wants to use them to help her find Dylan. So she consciously doesn't so as to avoid making them her enemy. By the time she finds him, she needs their help to figure out what is wrong with him. And by the end I think she has accepted them.
@Pagemaster22193 3 года назад
most of the people directly responsible were probably dead or worse by that point.
@CSM100MK2 4 года назад
Very nicely done, thank you. I don't think I repeated talking to Dylan enough to hear all the dream stories, and didn't realize he would be in a coma at endgame. I wish I exhausted all dialogue when I had the chance.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I'd recommend checking youtube for all the conversations. Someone posted a video with the full thing. It's only about 13 minutes so it's a quick watch. And thank you! There was too much good info from him I wanted to give Dylan the time he deserved.
@CSM100MK2 4 года назад
​@@GamingUniversityUoG good idea. and thanks for the video, great work
@Honest-King 4 года назад
I am learning new words to use in an essay and didn't thought that those dreams had this much importance !!
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Glad to help! And yeah this game is so full of info at this point I think everything is relevant.
@5an_6o70 3 года назад
So, Dylan has an ability to see alternate reality like what Paul Serene did before make decision, but perhaps in different way.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
That's the essence of my theory. Just in a more chaotic way. Paul at least could choose which path to go down in his visions. For Dylan I see it as his mind randomly switches channels between them. The mind can't really handle it. I remember Trench using that line of the, 'channels changing too fast' when he was ranting in Jesse's Hiss Dream.
@climbinggiant4744 28 дней назад
This video predicted the plot of Control 2, I'm confident.
@GamingUniversityUoG 28 дней назад
We'll find out. Based upon the news this past week it sounds like we'll get some more info on 9/3
@benilinshingoseth2086 4 года назад
Dylan Faden is so underrated !! A well written character like him IS gold !!! If he has any connection with M. HATCH... That would be insane !!
@alexpardon585 10 месяцев назад
So cool replaying Control and speaking to Dylan after playing AW2 - Dylan’s Mr Door is just as Tim Breaker describes! Tim Breaker being linked to Warlin Door further confirms our suspicions of Door and Hatch being synonymous too!
@noirczar5280 10 месяцев назад
Mr. Hatch is definitely Mr. Door. Remedy wanted to bring him (Lance Reddick) back for Alan Wake 2 but sadly he passed away before they could bring him on board. He’s even mentioned in the credits of the game.
@GamingUniversityUoG 10 месяцев назад
I heard some people did some days mining and found some original art with Reddick in the role of Door.
@akaseru 4 месяца назад
It’s worth noting that Dylan likely still has a connection to the Hiss. After completion of either the Foundation or AWE DLC, if you approach the wall of Dylan's cell his head is at, Jesse will touch the glass and have a vision. In the vision, Dylan is standing in a negative space and there are a series of either 2 or 3 blink-and-you-miss-it images that also has the Hiss inksplash. The only image you can clearly recognize (and may be intentional) is a view of New York, implying the Hiss very much wants to get out.
@SollidnitrogeN Год назад
"Door" and "Hatch" are both words for relatively the same type of object. Interesting.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'm pretty sure they want us to think along those lines. Wouldn't surprise me if there is some link.
@sirp0p0 4 года назад
Should have used Corridor's of Time instead of Frog's Theme at the end since we are talking about dreams and realities. "All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu." Great video.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Haha you're the first to notice my music choice at the end. Frog was my Hero in that game and I loved his song. But honestly you're probably right about using Corridors of Time due to the theme of the content.
@BlazingOwnager 3 месяца назад
All I know is the Ordinary Musical better be in Control 2 or I'll be disappointed.
@NeiJin 4 года назад
Just found the channel, great content!! So, I'm confused by Dylan's apparent powers. I thought in Control, paranauts bound Objects Of Power to themselves, that in turn granted them abilities depending on the object. Jesse has numerous powerful abilities because the Director seems to be able to bind any number of OOP to themselves. However, I don't remember anything mentioning Dylan ever binding any OOP to himself. It was stated that Dylan was as suitable a candidate for Director as Jesse, however before she begins collecting OOP Jesse is functionally powerless. Therefor, I would assume that part of this "suitability" refers to some capacity for binding OOP and/or numerous OOP. You could assumed that his powers are granted from his connection to the HISS, however in the documents that reference his declining mental state, it states that Dylan killed a bureau employee in an apparent rage, which he refers to as an accident in one of the recorded interviews. This occurred before his contact with the HISS. While it doesn't specifically state that Dylan used paranatural abilities to kill the employee, that's what I infer from it. I suppose it's possible that Dylan just shanked the poor guy or something, but it just didn't feel like that was what was being implied (I also don't know how that could be interpreted as an "accident" in any light). I recognize the possibility that finding/binding the OOP are just part of the metroidvania gameplay loop in Control, but it seems like a game that goes out of it's way to exhaustively provide explanations for everything in the game. Does anyone have an idea of the source of his abilities? or possibly something in the game that explains his situation?
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
For Jesse and other Parautalitarians yes OoPs are bound to them which allows then to harness the energies that are attached it them. For Dylan, I feel like it wasn't an OoP which allowed him to see things this way. Just like trench when he was ranting in Jesse's mind mentioned that his brain like moving too fast like someone was changing the channel too quickly. I feel the Hiss affected Dylan in a similar way. Except he could remain sane unlike Trench who lost it. Dylan appears to be witnessing multiple realities, timelines, alternate histories and his mind rationalizes it by having different dreams. Thanks for commenting! I'm glad you enjoy the weirdness that I out out there lol.
@yneetriht Год назад
I think Dylan is Jesse's shadow self. The self she's afraid of becoming due to corruption from the powers. I might be over simplifying a few things, but Jesse is the director of The Old House. I believe this is symbolic of consciousness. She's in control. And the game itself is her physically gaining back control of her own consciousness. The Oldest House is a nap of her Psyche, and her brother is a memory of something she did that was really bad, and to not take on all the blame of the lives lost, he was manifested. Maybe into real life even. But I still think (because we never leave the house in game) we are just Astralnauting Jesse's psyche (her conscious, subconscious, as well as her ability to enter OTHERS psyche (telepathy) like Alan Wakes. That's why we never "meet" him, we're inside his head with him. Just a theory.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
If we go off the assumption Dylon is a projection of Jesse's psyche, I think it would be more fitting if he were her Animus not the Shadow. But again there are thematic comparisons that don't necessarily have to be a literal lore thing.
@priscilabee583 2 года назад
I'm a bit late to the party, but i find it super interesting that The Board addresses Jesse as 'Jesse Dylan Faden' everytime.
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
It's mentioned a few times. I don't think we have the info the really say what they mean by that.
@16BitGamerCat 3 года назад
Honestly, the fact that he was raised on the show that is the only collectable I REFUSE to watch is astounding. He needs some help. Especially from his sister.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
I dont know how they thought that TV would help a child in any way.
@pyrotrashtic3921 10 месяцев назад
I was listening to this while showering and screamed in shock when I head Door referenced before AW2 lmao
@Gray137 11 месяцев назад
Alan Wake 2 made Dylan's 4th dream more impactful than it originally was
@ToastedSynapseGaming 8 месяцев назад
Writing from the future where Mr. Door invites SAM LAKE on his talkshow (in Alan Wake 2). Calling him by his name, "Sam Lake", as the actor who portrays Alex Casey. Thus proving the theory that Mr. Door knows about the real world, the games, Remedy, maybe even these theory videos on RU-vid or discussion on Reddit, lol :P Now that's Meta!
@larrythepagan 3 года назад
Imagine a Dylan game in which he became a shifter.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
That would be crazy and a little frightening. We have never seen all of what a Shifter can do. They seem insanely broken.
@supremophantom187 Год назад
Tbh dylan is just dreaming about alans failed rewrites. thats the only thing that makes sense to me. remember alan can always write out what he wants them to do but he cant force it, especially if it doesnt fit the characters ideals. alan messed up with jesse dylan; he didnt give him a conflict. so he wrote out trench, and he split jesse and dylan. made them interchangable just in case (remember his unisexual names comment). and them faded them into his screenplay. the first line in a script is FADE IN. sooo....enter jesse FAYDEN. ahti is his editor. his clean up guy, making sure the story doesnt mess up. he was there to make sure she touched the service weapon and started her arc proper. nothing more. with dylan, hed already be director, so there was no motivation and the storyline would ruin. dylan was there to POWER the story along now. hes the pensioner. ahti is waaay more revealing if you listen carefully. he tries to tell you alans plan without messing up the current arc. Fun fact: ahti's vacation is him trying to make it to alan wake 2 in time lol. if you watch the new extended gameplay footage the bastard is on stage singing at a karaoke bar! LOL "you are a copy of a copy of a copy." Dylan is actually just fine. The dreams are real. Also, its not a board of directors. Let me iron this one out: The (Story) Board The Oldest (Publishing) House The (Story) Foundation The (Story) Threshold (meaning the hero has committed to the journey) The Hiss (Critics, possibly Mr Scratch) Polaris (the North Star, aka story beats, exposition) Jesse is the FIRST story to end to alans liking. His journey is actually JUST starting. Liken this to Loki on Disney plus. Kang wanted to control everything, so he made the TVA. Alan did the same with the FBC. and it worked. but why NY? why not bright falls?? now THERES a video!
@JB2FROSTY 2 года назад
I've officially gotten every single trophy including DLCs. First time ive ever done that lol. I have all abilities, all uniforms including cat ears, all weapon forms upgraded to max, every single mission and side mission completed . love this game
@mattm6859 2 года назад
But wait, did anyone notice that interaction with Dylan at the very very end? I think its only on playstation, but once you've finished everything (Shumi, Foundation, Alan Wake etc) and while you're wearing the cat ears, you can go to the left of the glass and there's an interaction button. Jesse does that thing where she touches the glass and we see Dylan in that black astral world suddenly wake up, followed by a quick succession of images (hiss infected world, a strange stone well, a desert etc). Might be something to look into.
@dr.catherineelizabethhalse1820 3 года назад
I wonder if Remedy was planning to let the player choose whether they want to play as Dylan and Jesse and depending which one they choose, their role in the story would have been switched.
@dr.catherineelizabethhalse1820 3 года назад
Or maybe that’s what happened in another reality :D
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
That would have been cool. I know in a previous Remedy game, Quantum Break, it was intended to have multiple playable characters but it never made it into the final game. It would be fun to see things from Dylan's perspective though.
@Davidlavieri 3 года назад
Surely there is another reality were Dylan is what Jesse is, and the board just talks to both of them as one
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
In the multiverse there has to be at least one where this is the case.
@5an_6o70 4 года назад
So, that what Darling's mean that Dylan has so much potential
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
They did say he had Northmoor level readings. I'm not sure how powerful that director was but Dylan is definately high up there in the spectrum of Parautalitarians.
@retropulse03 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG If we assume "Northmoor levels" are extremely high - but Darling is saying he has more potential it makes me circle back to the idea of Jesse/Dylan. It's reasonable to think that if they are one who is split in two, their power was halved as well.
@SleepyDrummer 10 месяцев назад
And now After Alan Wake 2, we know who Mr. Door is. I wonder if he is supposed to be Martin Hatch played by another actor, or if he's an other shifter
@GamingUniversityUoG 10 месяцев назад
I heard some people comment that the role of Door was originally supposed to go to Lance Reddick. So that tells us all we need to know.
@COSMIC_ZA 2 года назад
So if remedy universe is connected to our actual universe as well, could sam lake be mr door? I remember him in a scene from alan wake and i thought maybe if he is in the game he could be important. I also think that Mr. Door is the embodiment of the Oceanview Motel, as we found out earlier from the foundation that Ahti caused the tv to become paranatural. So i believe that Mr. Door somehow caused the motel to become paranatural. I think Sam Lake might be Mr. Door, as he is part of the Remedy-verse and ours.
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
I have heard that theory that Sam is Mr. Door. It wouldn't surprise me if he did something like that. At the very least we can presume this Mr. Door can travel between the Remedy multiverse.
@dunkuzi5695 3 года назад
This is too much information to be process by my brain.
@NdNprincesZ08 4 года назад
You know, your point of what happened to Dylan and why he is comatose, just got me thinking of Darling. Like, what really happened to Darling? There wasn't a body, so did he just transport himself to another dimension?? Maybe the game answered that and I just didn't see it, but I just want know where did he go??
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
We don't really know where darling went. I think it is implied he ascended to a higher tier of reality. He makes mention of David Bowman and the Monolith in reference to himself. In 2001: A Space Odyssey, the story begins with the Monolith assisting an Ape into the evolution to Man. The story ends with David Bowman being aided in evolving into the Star Child. So I think it is fair to assume Darling ascended to the next stage of evolution or higher tier of reality.
@Kevin-fj5oe 4 года назад
Well, in the end of "Dynamite" you can faintly hear "jesse, get me" probably he's taken hostage by some entity and can't tell her directly
@NdNprincesZ08 4 года назад
@@Kevin-fj5oe Now there's been some debate on that. I honestly just think it's just the name "Jesse" being echoed with a slight delay, but "Jesse, get me" would have been more intriguing =).
@brentlucke8713 4 года назад
I'm not at all knowledgable enough on Jung to be sure of this idea, but perhaps Jesse is the Ego, and Dylan is the Shadow, which split from the "self" that was Jesse Dylan Faden...?
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
That is definately one possibility. This would require Dylan to be the personification of her ID and Darker impulses. It's also possible that Jesse is the Anima and Dylan is the Animus, the masculine and feminine aspects of the psyche. But this is of we go by a purely Jungian interpretation. We will have to see! The AWE dlc can't get here fast enough.
@brentlucke8713 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG I need to read more Jung. That Anima and Animus possibility sounds very plausible as a direction they could head. I agree The AWE can't be here soon enough at all. Thank ya'll so much for making these!
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Check out Max Derrat's channel for some good Jung info. He is currently doing a chapter by chapter analysis of Jung's Aion and has a video on the Anima/Animus. He also does similar stuff to me but for the Silent Hill series.
@inminecraft8430 Год назад
4:27 Given the new sneak peak of Alan wake 2 at Summer Games Fest, could remedy have hinted at their plans for Alan Wake 2? A writer who writes about a cop yet she exists in another world seems to apply well
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'm 99% confident that line of dialogue was referencing Max Payne / Alex Casey.
@3ftninja132 3 года назад
Dylan Faden. Head of Synchronicity Department.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
We need to put him in charge of something one he wakes up
@dmitripopov8570 Год назад
Mr. Door could have bound the Jukebox to himself. Perhaps, it was not the End of Time the characters visited at all.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
The blessed organization had more to do with the Jukebox. Anything related to Door is so vague I shy away from theorizing
@dmitripopov8570 Год назад
​@@GamingUniversityUoG Nonsense! Since when do we shy away from foil hat theories?😄...but you are correct😉
@getajobmate1281 Год назад
"jesse, we need to contain altered items jesser"
@valorin5762 4 года назад
Concerning Mr. Door, my guess is that either Sam Lake or Jack Joyce is meant. QUANTUM BREAK SPOILERS AHEAD: - - - - - - If I remember right, Mr. Hatch explicitly writes that he's not a door but content with being something smaller, a hatch... At the end of Quantum Break, after (hopefully) repairing time, we see Jack shift away (and Hatch also named him when he was talking about other shifters earlier.) Jack has ambition and at least plans to get Beth back, and as we see in the interview that's in the background of the whole game, he seems to be able to retain a single personality after he most likely turned into a shifter. I can't imagine Jack just stopping to do things, shifter or not, so he can very well be Mr. Door. Sam Lake, well, almost everything in the Remedyverse is his creation, so he's the ultimate creator and sees more than anybody else. It's also strange how there are close to zero hints on Quantum Break in Control. There is that picture where Jesse seems to speak to Beth, Mr. Door and I think that's it. But well, we know "the waves are both Wilder and more Serene..."!
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Agreed! I believe Mr. Door is some form of shifter just because of the diction that Dylan uses when describing him and the nature of the worlds. I'm curious if Dark Man refers to the Sam Lake/Max Payne imagery or something else. He did specify Dark Place and dark man which could refer to Alan or something else. It's so vague it is hard to say. But this wouldnt be the first time that Sam Included himself into the story. I'm really curious what happened with jack. Which choice he made.
@valorin5762 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG or choices... He might make multiple ones at the same _time_ now...
@cj3670 Год назад
Man it's a shame that lance Reddick passed cause him being the person that Dylan was talking to would've been great
@Warrant0fficer 4 года назад
Just played through QB and at some point noticed some graffiti with the letters "AWE". I'm not sure why it was in the game or what it refers to. Does the whole event in QB count as an AWE? It is 'altered' by humans, thus it does not count as an AWE? Perhaps it's referring to the shifters and/or Martin's natural teleportation? Maybe it refers to something else entirely? Maybe it's just some graffiti and I shouldn't look for a deeper meaning 😅? Any thoughts on this? Keep up the amazing videos!
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
It really comes down to semantics. I would absolutely consider time travel as an Altered World Event but Jungian energies didn't make an OoP or Altered Item like they do in all of Control. It is purely science. The AWE is also on the Riverport University chalkboard and has two acronyms. Altered World Events and Alan Wake Experience. Frankly, I have no clue how relevant it is. It's possible students who took the class did it after studying AWE in relation to Alan, a shifter could have done it, or it could be smoke signals from Alan being sent out trying to find help. In AW:AN he did say he had sent out distress calls before but had no clue how effective they were. There really isnt enough information right now.
@JagenRay 3 года назад
re: those first two dreams, it is noteworthy that we, the player, only meet and take control of Jesse at the height of the hiss outbreak *within* the Oldest House. Other than the Bureau's physical observations, there is no evidence that she was ever *really* outside the Oldest House. Add to this the Threshold Kids' (emphasis on the plurality) inclusion of both a boy and a girl living at the Oldest House, and it seems implied that Dylan is definitely much *closer* to the "truth" than Jesse. Or perhaps sitting around hiss-infected individuals and hearing them out instead of shattering them all the time has made me biased...
@altheaarchives96 4 года назад
This theory was soo good! But I'm too stupid to understand, why this game is harder than my physics lessons? 😂 Just one simple question, does Polaris still live in Dylan? Thank you in advance!
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Haha thank you! Trust me science always makes more sense than these Abstract mechanisms. In terms of Polaris I honestly couldn't say. I'd imagine she is in some capacity but probably not probably not that strong. I guess it is possible the only reason he wasn't torn apart when Jesse cleansed him is because of Polaris. The other Hiss Agents were shown to die during this process.
@altheaarchives96 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG yes! I thought that moment too! Since you also saw several clues about Control 2, where could I find those clues, other than the door sign in Motel? Or maybe if the clues are too much to write, you could make a video about Control 2 signs 😄😍
@psychomammoth9640 2 года назад
I would weirdly like to see Max Payne, Alan Wake, Jesse Faden, and that one guy from Quantum break banning together as a group. Just a strange group. What would their name be even called?
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
If all of them got together it would be one crazy day lol. I'm just imagining then at a bar swapping war stories while the bartender is listening in and scared
@LordMarlle 2 года назад
How do I convince you that PT, the Phantom Pain, the "cancelled" Silent Hills and Death Stranding are all part of the multiverse
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
I'd need to play Phantom Pain and Death Stranding first. I think the whole idea of PT being called Silent Hill(s) was intended to open up a multiverse in the first place.
@157sredstick 2 года назад
They are split souls, we are seeing different time lines in dreams.
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
Not just timelines, but different dimensions and realities.
@hamilton2861 3 года назад
I only started playing control recently and am almost done awe is it possible Mr Door/hatch is the person in the motel mentioned in awe or is Dylan posbly dreaming of Mr door as the motel it might be due to his psychosis?
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
He is likely perceiving another reality, alternate timeline, future event, etc. It is hard to say because it feels like Dylan is breaking the 4th wall literally and his visions of this are perceived as dreams. As far as Hatch and Mr. Door goes, I'm not sure to be honest. Remedy doesn't have the publishing rights to the characters in Quantum Break so if they are the same person we won't know for a while.
@mjolnir112 4 года назад
Looks like I'm a bit late with this one! I'm not totally convinced on the Jesse/Dylan being one theory, although the Board's last message does lend more weight to it. I actually like the idea (and I think the community does too), though the fact they are separate ages makes it seem unlikely. I liked Dylan's character, hoping we see more of him in the future.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I'm with you. I'm not 100% sure. The Board's words don't necessary prove it as they say things they consider to be symbolically similar. Still it's a fun though.
@mjolnir112 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Oh for sure, always fun to speculate on this stuff. Control is great at giving just enough, without spoiling the mystery.
@mattd8725 Год назад
Interesting that when Jesse "takes control" Dylan falls asleep. It is easy to forget that Jesse is there to save Dylan, not herself, and what is her fear of failure but her fear of being a failure to Dylan. Dylan being the only character, apart from perhaps Ahti and Alan Wake, who is neither in the "Hiss Nightmare", or the "Hedron Nightmare". Dylan perhaps lived in the "Real Nightmare" which for him is worse than both. Both Ahti and Dylan manage to be there in with Jesse in both the Hiss office dream and the Hedron faction control staff "consensus". Although, the Hedron device wearing control staff seem to hate Dylan like the Hiss dream control staff hated Jesse. All this leads me to the idea that Jesse is a saviour figure conjured from Dylan's imagination. Trapped in his cage, Dylan has limited material to work from. Childhood memories, the research staff, guards, perhaps the director visits. Perhaps the most normal and kind face would be the janitor assigned to clean his room. People who lived in mental institutions sometimes talk about how the only people who treated them decently, like actual humans, were the cleaners. Seeing the vision of Jesse being stuck in the boring world of the office, then snapping and killing the director would be like a beautiful revenge fantasy to Dylan. If he were to write a story, he could be expected to write it this way.
@DelDourado 10 месяцев назад
We can see a whole new light on Mr. Door now with Alan Wake 2!
@rileyowen7245 10 месяцев назад
What if there is no hiss no plaris it's all in their head 🗣️
@GamingUniversityUoG 10 месяцев назад
Oh it is definitely something. Otherwise Jesse would have been taken by the Hiss within five of entering.
@cregerbot8217 4 года назад
Ay, got to watch it. One thing I think could effect your theory is that the fact that Quantum Break isn't owned by Remedy. I had the thought it was Ahti, as you've said "Janitor" means "gatekeeper", which a gate is in relation of a door, hence "Mr. Door". Why he changed his name, I don't know. Maybe Ahti is like a cover, and he could in fact be several different people in different timelines/worlds (I do hope Alan is in the same world and reality, and it not being a multiverse for the two characters. However, if Alan wrote Jesse, she would be like Alex Casey... But it makes you wonder, why was Zane able to create Alan in the same universe? Is it because he's already in another dimension and hence can place a story in the main continuum?) If Remedy somehow gets Quantum Break back, though their premises are very different (perhaps shifters are paranormal happenings, as I don't think their creation is explained?), it would be interesting. Though I don't see a sequel, tying elements in like shifter (also notice how the Bureau's suits are similar to Monarch's - perhaps they supply them?) would work, since they use technology extensively in the FBC, sci-fi heavy things like Quantum Break would work into the universe, but the tech would be more of a side note to the paranormal, as they use tech and the paranormal for their own good. Sorry that was huge. I have more thoughts, but I think that's good for now haha
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Yeah maybe it is just my wishful thinking but I hope Microsoft and Remedy can work something out. There is already enough Alan Wake 2 and Control connections in Quantum break that letting that whole universe go to waste would be... well a waste. I can only imagine if Emily Pope and William Joyce got into a lab together.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
That's interesting though since Martin Hatch said he didn't want to call himself a Gate because he wanted to remain humble. So instead he chose the name Hatch. I also thinks its amusing considering Lance Reddick was in Lost and there was a Hatch in there too.
@cregerbot8217 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG I personally didn't play Quantum Break, so I don't have too much of a connection to it, though it looks very interesting. If they do get the IP back (Remedy), then I can see it initializing the more realistic side of the universe, establishing deals and technological advancements in the world. If they do get it back, if not a sequel, they'll make universal connections I'm sure.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I would definately check it out as it's on steam right now. It is not as esoteric as Control & Alan Wake but it's a great experience. Without giving away any spoilers there is an event that is supposed to happen in 2021 in Quantum Break lore that has the fanbase excited about next year for some information to be released. Frankly I don't think we'll see anything but yeah. It would also be amusing considering Dylan's actor plays a guy named Nick Marsters and Jesse's actress is one of the main characters named Beth Wilder. Getting them in a room together would be priceless lol.
@cregerbot8217 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG I would honestly play it... If only I had an Xbox or a PC... I'll watch a playthrough though. Is that "exciting event" easy to find, or is it a hidden? I'm honestly interested in that, sounds like it could be a augmented reality game. And yeah, seeing some characters, especially played by the same people, interacting with others would definitely be interesting. I wonder how Dr. Darling and Alan would act to each other, probably throw in a joke or two.
@ABirdOnTheMoon 3 года назад
Did you see the Easter egg ? I believe Hiss to Dylan is Polaris to Jesse .. Him waking up can result in 2 siblings fight .. control vs balance of the world.
@NeoMoonSevin 3 года назад
Hell yeah I agree with you all the way specially the 4 realitys and jack will meet his gf in the future but it may only unravel after 2022s Alan wake 2
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
I can't wait to see what happens. Hopefully Remedy can get publishing rights back from Microsoft for QB
@NeoMoonSevin 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG heil yeah after Control the portals open it's just Microsoft needs to wake up and let remedy do there thing overall it's definitely evident remedy layed the foundation to there games way back to max Payne to Alan Wake to quantum break to Control also I think Alice may even take the dive as Alan did to Tomas Zane
@elenadirectorofmiiss7942 2 года назад
Dylan is Jesse's Jung-ian shadow.
@laundaplays841 4 года назад
Can you explain with a video of the whole concept of control, what actually happened, did she really come to the bureau or was she already there as P6. How did she become the director instantly. Like so many questions???
@Anthony0899 3 года назад
I just past my brothers keepers mission should I get both dlc? Because I definitely want that power called shape or so like that
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
The AWE dlc opens after Brothers Keeper. That one I say do it alongside your regular Main story quest. Foundation only triggers after the game is done. That is where you get Shape.
@Anthony0899 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG thank you gaming , so I beat the game already I definitely think I’m going to get both of them
@LOVEMUFFIN_official 4 месяца назад
Mr. Door is extremely relevant to Alan Wake 2.
@Darquine 10 месяцев назад
MR "Door" and MaRtin "Hatch". M and R in both. Weak point. Stronger point; both "hatch" and "door" are means of access between two different spaces. Some going vertically, and some horizontal.
@saehtnyS 3 года назад
i still think him and Jessie are the same person just got spit up via some sort of incident apart of the ordinary issue
@wallywah222 3 года назад
That was intence
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@kunalkishore2897 3 года назад
3:28 What the F**** Max payne knows that he is in a comic book or a video game ?
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
Well he was tripping on drugs at the time. So who knows if he believes it or not. But he has been told
@gravethebeyond 3 года назад
Dylan is just like Griffin in men in black 3. therefore has the unique ability to foresee the infinite potential outcomes that are dependent on the actions taken in any given scenario. like a being able to see into the 4th Dimension. Also can Dylan have the same ability as Griffin, to multiple possibilities. Because right now Dylan might be at the starting phase of his abilities. He still thinks his dreams are flashes. When in reality he is foreseeing infinite potential outcomes that are dependent on the actions taken in any given scenario.. also follow-up note. If Dylan is manipulating possibilities, he is doing it unknowingly or by accident. This is my working hypothesis.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
I'd argue he is far less on control than Griffin was. Dylan seems to have random flashes around different times and potential realities. But he can't understand what they are in the slightest so his mind interprets them as dreams.
@gravethebeyond 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG agreed. But the potential is there if he would just Embraces his gifts and understand them. Yet his lack of control on his emotions might be the problem. Because Griffin can be.... what Dylan best case scenario outlook for his life. Or maybe worse case, one of those crazy forseers from doctor who.
@alexandrawalsh4969 4 месяца назад
Who is Dr. Kim Other?
@Anarchasuccubus 2 года назад
I know this video was posted a while ago, but I've been rewatching the Control playlist after I got to the end of your Hellblade playlist, because I beat Control at the beginning of November and then just beat Hellblade a couple days ago and have been unable to stop comparing the two games. I know Hellblade is more explicit about being about mental health, but as you've pointed out multiple times, psychology is a big part of the Remedyverse, too. And this video made me think constantly of Hellblade. I think Senua and Dylan would find a lot of common ground to talk about things if culture shock wouldn't interfere in their conversations. But it's also helped add to my head canon that Senua is their distant ancestor, with Elizabeth De Witt being a more recent ancestor. (My head canon tends to include all my favourite games, so include Kassandra from Assassin's Creed Origins as an ancestor as well, and modern Lara Croft as a cousin, because I like patterns.)
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
I have been trying to connect my favorite games to this world too. I'm currently playing through Evil Within and an argument could be made that MOBIUS is a para-criminal organization that the FBC would have to deal with. Silent Hill would be another one that fits. It would be a Place of Power.
@deadmedowns 2 года назад
Door and Hatch mean the same thing.
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
They do but there are semantical differences. In the 'untitled note' from quantum break, Martin specifically makes a point of making a difference between a Gate and Hatch. Saying he is humble and is something much smaller. Not a Gate but a Hatch.
@deadmedowns 2 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Nice. Haven't played. QB yet, but I noticed the connection.
@waggishwonderland 4 года назад
Ooh please do a video on Polaris
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I'll look into it after AWE. I want to get any new info first before jumping into Polaris. Right now it will require a lot of speculation.
@leejack5172 4 года назад
just reply you from last post, if the ancients' wisdom is true, then it has already been revealed. if it has not been revealed, either it is not true, or the world is not that good enough to accept it. in the later case, we are actually living in a "hiss" like cruel binary world compared to a world where uncertainty of quantum realm has never become a question !
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
In the end I think there is so much of our world that we don't understand. My opinion is that Quantum Mechanics is the realm where Science and Esoteric thinking meets up as one thing.
@leejack5172 4 года назад
Gaming University they were actually one thing at the beginning, when the philosophy had not been separated from religion(it was also not really religion at that time though). you are right that "Aristotelian logic" was the divide, those thinkers become self-righteous, and they began to reject any "esoteric" thoughts from their mind - just like dylan reject those alternate reality and believed those are just "dream". sarcastically, while people believe those "rock" philosophy was the foundation of modern science, it is actually intuition and sparks from the experiment and creation ignite its way of advancement. the fortunately thing is few of the alternate thinker's work from that ancient time like Parmenides were still available. it is said that relativity was "Parmenide" as it set light speed as the one and the only reference, but it is not, as its author never admitted "unknown" as parmenide did. and yes, he failed while he tried to develop the "unified field theory" and kept fighting with "uncertainty" of quantum field, so i say i would rather playing control than watch most of his last half life work.
@Spazattitude 4 года назад
You got it a little wrong man Alan writes about his own character Alex Casey.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Absolutely correct. Alan's main character is Alex Casey. However, that character is based upon Max Payne. The story of Casey parallels Payne's almost perfectly even down to the dead wife and child His speech pattern and some lines of dialogue are taken right from MP. They use the same voice actor as well. When overdosed on Valkyr, Payne comes to the realization that he exists within a comic book/computer game. Effectively he resides within the creation of another. This was back in MP1 "In one world there was a writer who wrote a story about a cop [Casey]" "In another, the cop was real [Payne]" So yes Alan writes about casey but they are effectively stand-ins for one another.
@Spazattitude 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG damn when I thought I had it figured out ya pulled the rug out from under me again. I think I'll play the Max Payne games now.
@raylast3873 2 года назад
Pretty sure dreams aren‘t actually required to have any direct link to real events
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
It is not in Remedys nature to make meaningless details that are focused on like this. Some of these we know happened. Some we know never will happen. Regardless it gives us an insight.
@raylast3873 2 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG sure but what the dreams don‘t tell us is whether Dylan is crazy.
@TTROPVNR 4 года назад
Jesse is Dylan(schizophrenia), she is his alter ego, that links him to sanity, Jesse is sensical while he is losing his mind which is the bureau. at the end dylan is in limbo and his alter ego Jesse took over the bureau ( his mind). which is dylan sensical self. At peace in limbo. (2 cents theory)
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I've honestly been curious about this as well. The biggest issue with the hypothesis is Jesse keeps calling him her little brother and I think there is a year age gap. But it makes too much sense if they were in one form or another the same person. Either a schizophrenic projection or they are the Anima and Animus of the same mind. The feminine and masculine aspect of the psyche.
@yousephkarouni9540 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG It could be a similar concept to when Alan Wake was cut in two in the Dark Place? Perhaps the Ordinary AWE split Jesse Dylan Faden into Jesse/Dylan Faden (JD). With Jesse being the part of JD guided by Polaris (I.e the NORTH STAR - GUIDING LIGHT) to save and reconnect with her broken and corrupted self. Just like the Alan Wake Signal and Writer DLC. It is also interesting to note that in the recordings when Jesse was having her counseling sessions she would mention Dylan but the Doctor would be unmoved and offer no assurance (as if he was part of a psychosis) whereas the Bureau actively asked Dylan about Jesse's whereabouts.
@sixpaths5879 4 года назад
Your theory almost had me but nope. It’s wrong . Jesse is real because a new trailer just dropped about the second expansion where she tries to rescue Alan Wake
@taten007 4 года назад
Dylan annoyed tf out of me
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I'm curious. What specifically about him did you find irritating?
@crazys4173 4 года назад
annoyed?? this dude creepy af
@sewerface 3 года назад
This video begs the fuuuuck out of the question
@raylast3873 2 года назад
This time you‘re being too clever by half and making things unnecessarily complicated. Dylan is dreaming. Dreams don‘t need any relationship to reality to begin with. They can be related to past or present events, show (in theory) the actual future, be wish fulfillment or just random junk. None of that has any bearing on whether Dylan is sane. He‘s clearly not but that doesn‘t mean his hiss-influenced dreams can‘t contain useful information.
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
I'll have to go back through these to remember what points I made. But several of the dreams directly related to real stuff like the camera in the corner or the multiverse explanation. Personally I feel the Hiss being released and corrupting the world dream was more of a fantasy and possible future that never came true. Really comes down to how we want to interpret it.
@SeanWMODonnell 2 года назад
Its 2022, and the Hiss is everywhere. Polaris is only helping the un-jabbed....sorry....
@piratetv1 4 года назад
Anyone notice? After the foundation, his hair is growing back
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I just noticed this earlier this morning when I went to record that little bit in there. I think it is kind of cool. It gives us a little timeline between the end of the main game and the Foundation.
@retropulse03 4 года назад
What? No! uhhhh. I lost my save-file and have to start over completely - - which means I have to burn through the entire game and all it's extra content again before AWE Drops :'( But I guess seeing this haircut is my goal lol
@brandonbishop1259 4 года назад
Yes! They have been in the oldest house on lockdown for some time.
@MarioPerez-ng9it 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Hiss corruption is actually the cause of his baldness. Notice how none of the enemies have any hair? It was a line of dialogue between 2 random NPCs in the Executive Sector. IIRC Pope mentioned it too.
@chatspc 4 года назад
Did anyone see the new cutscene recently?
@k29king1 4 года назад
Can’t wait for the Remedy verse super crossover game! You know it’s coming in one form or another.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
The first crossover event is launching on August 27th! Make sure to pick up the AWE dlc that day!
@shoesncheese 4 года назад
Remedy Super Smash Siblings?
@jonaz7312 4 года назад
I just love your content. While playing control, i always felt like i didn't really grasped the concepts and mysteries beneath the surface. You really help me to develop my understanding of the lore and it's aspects.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I'm glad I could help a bit! Remedy stories definitely require a lot of study to really dig into the lore properly.
@Durrutitv 3 года назад
Interesting note: Door and Hatch are synonymous.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
Definitely an allusion to make us go 🤔
@DBibeau855 3 года назад
Mr. Door has to be a reference to Mr. Hatch. It fits with how The Board speaks. As an example "Mr. Door/Hatch is a shifter."
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
Hmm, interesting take on using the Board speak for it. I'll need to think about it.
@Yavorh55 4 года назад
I always thought the "ambigous gender" comment was in regards to how during early story dev they probably didnt have a hard decision on the genders of the protagonist and antagonist lol
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
This may be my Bioshock fandom coming out but I always looked at it like the Lutece Twins from Infinite. Technically they are the same person but clearly different at the same time. I can't wait to figure out what's the deal with this question.
@retropulse03 4 года назад
@8:10 - I desperately want to see the "Night Springs" logo on this TV. lol After this, and reading some comments, I'm convinced Jesse/Dylan were once one person who, when split, halved their parautilian power as well as their sanity. (I don't think Jesse is 'completely' there.)
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I could totally do that too if I tried lol. I'm bad at graphic art and photoshopping but I could give it a shot. The only wrinkle In the theory is Jesse acknowledging that Dylan is a year younger. But all the other evidence suggests they were at one point the same person. I think we need more information to say for sure.
@retropulse03 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG I could give it a go too, as I love working in photoshop, but I don't think I could do it without it looking awful hahaha lighting is hard as it is, but CRT effects are a whole other level. Yeah, def nothing certain right now. Though I wonder, do we have any imperical (emperical?) evidence? Or just simply what Jesse and Dylan have said?
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
The evidence is just what Dylan says in his dream and the Board calls her Jesse/Dylan in a hotline call, implying they represent the same thing.
@retropulse03 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Oh I meant what evidence we might have of them being biologically siblings - like a photo of their family, or any kind of notes pre-Ordinary AWE; that sort of thing.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Oh gotcha. Yeah really the only evidence is they said they are. We know the FBC went through public records of Ordinary since they noted Hugo wasn't there. I'd imagine they would have figured out one of them isn't in the city records.
@lastfirst1516 3 года назад
Alan Wake wrote Jesse in to be his hero? Which could be why Dylan though he was 1 person?
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
There is still a lot of debate on this topic. Personally, Jesse was a person of her own before everything and Alan temporarily cast her in his story for the purposes of helping him
@divin2428 2 года назад
Now that we have the announcement of Alan Wake 2, and considering the theory that Dylan’s “dreams” are actually glimpses into other realities… does this mean he could possibly peer into the Dark Place? Maybe he could be how the FBC or even Jesse herself could have a role in Alan Wake 2 👀
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
The FBC will for sure have some form of presence in AW2. They have a monitoring station at Cauldron Lake now headed up by an Agent Estevez.
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