
Control Explained - The Former (Supplement) 

Gaming University
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Hello everyone & welcome back to a supplemental video for The Former. As mentioned in the original video, since the DLC has been released, new information is available. In this Supplement I review where I was right, where I was wrong, and theorize about what we still don't know.
Please see the original video entitled, "Who is The Former?" before proceeding with this video for additional information.
Please feel free to have free discussion in the comments section below regarding The Former.
Control OST: Summon - Petri Alanko & Martin Stig Anderson
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28 сен 2024




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@CtheIronblooded 4 года назад
My personal theory is The Former got too close to a human, so close that it even refers to him (Ash Jr.) as 'Son' and The Board didn't like this because The Board views humans merely as tools. Further evidence to state this hypothesis is the fact that when you find Ash's secret lab it has a 'Mini Nail' in it, notes and a letter between him and someone (or something) named 'F'. The Nail seems to be a place of the Astral Plane where The Board either gets it's power/resides, maybe like a conduit? So maybe the 'Mini Nail' is where The Former resides when it split off from the original Nail/Board? Another subtle detail that stuck out to me is in the very last audio log from Ash Jr. He mentions something about wishing he could tell 'Father' how he's grateful for being given purpose, but in the subtitles it's specifically capitalized and no other time when he mentions Ash Sr. as father is it capitalized. So I'm thinking he's actually talking about Former as father in that instance. Just a little food for thought!
@TheKentanthony 4 года назад
Man. Now i feel bad attacking.. Im gonna redo that
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
That would go along with my opinion of the ID. If you've ever seen The Forbidden Planet, they refer to the monsters from ID. Id, Ego, and Super ego are aspects of the psyche. The Is our raw animal nature, the Shadow Archetype that we can't control. This ID would be the externalization of that ID. The initial ones Dr. Ash met were interested in his work and friendly. Later they became aggressive. Is it possible the initial ones were the ID of The Former while the aggressive ones he met later and Jesse meets were the ID of the Board?
@TheKentanthony 4 года назад
after finishing the dlc. i don't think i could trust the board. it gives me the feeling that all the entities we encounter wants our world.. and the board is just doing it in a different way.
@sanubarigaming6096 4 года назад
Ya, I also thought Former is the Ash Jr.'s "Father". When Jesse talks with Former, Former perhaps wanted Jesse to rescue Ash Jr., but perhaps it was too late so it said no instead? I dunno. can't wait for the next DLC!
@samwalters6170 3 года назад
@@sanubarigaming6096 I assumed it was telling her to rescue the nail/foundation/Board
@sinner506 4 года назад
So we just gonna forget that The Former was in the real world after beating Marshall and cleansing Nail?
@retropulse03 4 года назад
That's the interesting thing about the Foundation, particularly now. Jesse states while she stopped the Astral Plane from bleeding in, she can't repair the bleed entirely. Former might technically still be in the Astral Plane, but present in the Foundation at the same time.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Yeah there are too many variables for this that I didnt want to speculate on it just yet. We already know that reality is thin in the foundation as show when the forests and lake is melting in and out when jesse first arrives to find Ahti. I just dont know.
@scullyy 4 года назад
A bit off topic, but the location the Former is seen standing at the end of the DLC, in the area with all the pillars, there is something among the pillars much farther away. Looks kind of like a whirlwind of pages or something. Only place I can think of where I've seen that before is actually in Alan Wake. I tried moving closer to it with levitate and dash, but there is an invisible barrier stopping you.
@retropulse03 4 года назад
@@scullyy ... ... ....... WAT!?!? I have to see this now.
@scullyy 4 года назад
@@retropulse03 I think connecting it with Alan Wake was wishful thinking on my part. Going back to look it doesn't appear to be whirling. But it definitely is something weird: i.imgur.com/z59AMkb.png
@MaxxPlay99 4 года назад
I fricking love this game. I hope that we will see a second game about the oldest house and the bureau. There is sooo much mystery that I want to solve.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I know they do have a Control 2 planned. Not sure if that is their next project or part of the following phase.
@MaxxPlay99 4 года назад
Gaming University Yes, yes, yes. I don’t care when, just that it’s happening
@finaldarkfire 4 года назад
This may be a longshot, but I think FORMER is somehow tied to Alan Wake. Main reason is that giant beam of light in their face that also rotates not unlike the Lighthouse that is such a key feature in fighting the Dark Presence. Maybe the thing that got FORMER expelled from the Board was because they did something related to the Dark Presence, either unleashing it or assisting Alan's fight against it. Maybe they were the one behind Zane, again given the beam of light they emit.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
There is a hypothesis that the entities that comprise The Board and the former originated in the Dark Place and could potentially be the ones that Mr. Scratch referred to. No clue though. I don't think we have enough information to say one way or another.
@cl1cka 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG I highly doubt it. In AWE we learn that the HISS is completely different than the Darkness and comes from different reality. And it latched on to it to change it. So it's safe to say that there are MANY realities/dimensions. The Board seem more like a gathering of entities that rule like a Corporation would with a Board of Directors. The Former was one of those entities. It's seems that the Board tell Jesse to not trust the Former, cause the Former is trying to start a competing "company". There was conversation on the Hotline where the Board threaten Jesse to not think about joining different "company" and that they offer better package/benefits. This was after you meet the Former for the 1st time in the main game.
@nullskull6860 3 года назад
@@cl1cka i like how they all talk in a way to try and relate to the humans with benefits etc lol
@IrvingIV 3 года назад
The board was telling a complete lie to Jesse towards the end of the events of the Foundation DLC it's easy to forget/miss, but they say (at least in a hotline call) that they are unableto control the ID in the foundation from the astral plane. Former, a solitary entity, demonstrates that this is false by sending and commanding Id with ease.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
I believe it was that same hotline call that in the same sentence when they say they cannot control them they also say, "Fingers crossed". Oh yeah they are lying.
@Cold_Zero_The_Wise 3 года назад
Right on considering they use them to try and kill doc ash Jr from text and audio logs
@Eric-vv9bk 4 года назад
Didn't know you could attack Former in the DLC! That's awesome!
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Haha yeah I didn't either! Afterwards it gets all pissed, calls Jesse a brute and runs off.
@jessvillasor3653 4 года назад
My theory is like the former is a previous FBC director and he's helping Jesse not to be too obedient to the Board or she will do have the same fate like him.
@retropulse03 4 года назад
Wait hold up, I missed something.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
When Jesse meets the Former face to face you have the option to either listen to it or you can attack it which leads to an optional boss fight. If you speak to it The Former will send help during the Marshall fight. If you attack it Jesse will fight on her own.
@retropulse03 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG OH... well I kinda like that. I bet some people rush in without knowing you can talk to it lol. There's a few degrees of choice in this DLC. Nothing major, but it's a nice touch.
@skydreamer4225 4 года назад
The Former kinda cute tho ngl
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I was joking a few months back that The Former just wanted a hug but Jesse attacked him lol.
@skydreamer4225 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG hope to see more The Former in the future DLC or games tho, plus, I wonder what Polaris view on the Former 🤔
@SonnyFRST 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG I think what the Former wants is a sandwich. :P
@SonnyFRST 3 года назад
@@skydreamer4225 Polaris is rather reserved as far as foreigners go. Hard to tell what they're thinking most of the time...
@Predalien3001 3 года назад
I had no idea you could attack the Former at that time. I didn't even thought about doing that because it wasn't being hostile yet and I always felt its side of the story was worth listening, haven't trusted the Board from day 1.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
Same here. I didn't realize it was even possible until I found someone fighting it on YT.
@sirebellum0 3 года назад
2:45 Listen, The Former set a VERY BAD impression with me when it attacked me in the fridge! I had no idea you could choose to NOT fight The Former prior to the Marshall fight. I see that thing, I shoot first, ask questions later lol
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
Lol the entire time I walked up that path I was waiting for a health bar to pop up. Even after Former showed up I didn't see one. Luckily I gave it the benefit of the doubt.
@-Samus-Aran- 2 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG same. I wasn't sure if you *could* fight it or if the encounter was just a cut scene. Its really awesome that it can go two ways
@14031993 2 года назад
Heh and I didn't know we could attack Former :D I didn't want to anyways
@Elliesmellybigbum 2 года назад
Well I didn’t even see him when I walked up the path…
@TheBlackKakashi 4 года назад
"Don't attack the Former" that's good to know for when the DLC comes out on the 25th for the xbox.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Oh you're an XBox player? Well buckle up! You'll get a kick out of Foundation.
@TheBlackKakashi 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG I only got it on Xbox because I have Alan Wake on my Xbox. I'm loyal to Alan Wake lol
@sinnrs2308 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG I beat all of the expansions on Xbox and now I want more
@Abudzin 4 года назад
I think Former actually wanted to warn Jesse about the Board all along. I think the Board wants to invade this dimension to assume full control of it, and Former stood against this idea so he was kicked out. Imo he wanted to reach Jesse through the Altered Items to warn her, but she immediately started blasting upon seeing a Worm Monster (note that he tried reaching her twice, and the third time in the DLC). He clearly wants to tell her something important, but he doesn't have access to the Pyramid or the Hotline. He has to communicate with her physically, in person, so what comes out is gibberish. I think the Board low key wanted the Astral Bleed to happen so that they could physically access our dimension, and Former teamed up with Jesse to stop them. Former clearly does not want to control humans, maybe he even actually likes them, since Ash (Son) called him Father. Former is not hostile by nature... but the Board might be. They are only friends with Directors for as long as they do what benefits their (still unknown) intentions. When they no longer had use for Trench, they made the Service (note the word SERVICE!) Weapon kill him. And they don't actually want Jesse to be too powerful, hence they gave her only 1 power in the DLC, and Former gave her the other. If she is too powerful, she might oppose them easier. Imo we should worry about the Board, not Former!
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I agree that we should completely be worried about the board. My opinion regarding the former is we don't know what it's ultimate goals are. The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend at the end of the day. I fully distrust the board but will keep a close eye on the former until we know more. My issue with it is we know that through the Arctic Queen it killed people. Why is unknown really. It's difficult to ignore the Lucifer comparison as a fallen board member. It depends on if we go by the Lightbringer version or the receiver version if we go along with this thought train.
@Abudzin 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG I think the reason why the fridge killed people is because Former doesn't know how to control his power, similarly to Dylan. When he was in the Board everything was obvious and simple, but when he was fired it turned out that communication with people is not all that simple. Former reminds me of a dog who really wants to tell its owner about something important, but can do nothing but bark and expose its teeth, and thus look hostile. But yeah, I agree - not enough data to determine what the guy really wants. The only other thing I can think of is his resemblance to a light house. He's got an erect shape with a beam of light shining from top of it. The light house from Alan's dreams... Was it actually Former trying to save him from the Darkness? We won't know until Alan Wake 2/Control 2 in 2022. Regarding the Lightbearer reference - we also have to remember that Lucifer (when associated with The Serpent) wanted to give humanity access to knowledge. God forbade Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge (the Oldest House is also presumed to had been a tree), as if He wanted them to remain in the state of ignorance, so that they would be more obedient. When they ate due to temptation, they were kicked out of Eden, but they were also freed from the mental shackles of ignorance. EVERYTHING is morally ambiguous, really. We just need to put certain things in a particular perspective, including the conflict between the Board and Former.
@ashketchup247 3 года назад
I love that you put (supplement) in the title, great way to stick to the FBC format.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
Honestly I didn't even intend that but it works perfectly lol.
@charliehorse8686 Год назад
I just love the "multiword translations" from the hotline. My favorite pairing of words was "television / babysitter".
@elenadirectorofmiiss7942 2 года назад
I just want to point out… the name of the Former and it’s linking with the pentagram could imply it’s seeking to return altered items to their “former” state… just as the pentagram was formerly a holy symbol. Expanding on this, maybe the Board’s choices of energy infusion are the cause of the corruption, not the Former; which I might add would be a very Remedy thing to do.
@mjolnir112 4 года назад
Finally watched this video as I hadn't got around to playing the DLC until just now! Looking forward to your breakdown on the DLC
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
It took me a while to get through the dlc too. Work has been nuts. This was just a small update on the Former video. I have maybe 3 videos in the works for the dlc which will be a more in depth breakdown. Let me know if there are any topics you'd like me to cover.
@gingerkidmatt 4 года назад
I love these control videos I need more
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Your wish is my command.
@the1HLT 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Legend!
@francesco2305 4 года назад
Got a new sub! This game is huge, i think what you call "lore" in control is the world itself. I just finished the foundation. I can add some other thing that came to my mind while playing. I interpret this dlc story in this way: the nail at the basement is the symbol of the connection between real world and the astral plane, as an actual nail does, it keep things connected. Something happened and the nail was broken, blending those two realities. So Jesse is sent to make the situation right restoring the nail. The other symbolic reference I caught is referred to the cave paintings, that in the story was made by Ash (?) and they're linked to the cradle of humanity, the yiggdrasil and the suggestion that the oldest house was there for a really long time (in an audio or a document we know there were a forest in new york at that time) but in a different form, a tree. So after that rant (XD) i have some questions, like how those things are connected with the Former and the Border story? or why the Former is in the real world at the end of the dlc ?
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
This entire franchise is huge! For starters I recommend checking out my recent video on the Dark Place for my thoughts on your "cradle of humanity" idea. I am working in the script for The Nail and it seems you and I are on the same page about what it symbolically represents. I have some more interesting details to add on to it as well! In terms of your question I think it is too early to say. The Foundation was intended to get us asking those questions but not enough information was given for an answer. I find it very interesting that The Former was seen in the upper part of the Foundation after the battle with Marshall. More importantly the Former appeared AFTER the Nail was repaired. I'll have to think on it.
@-Samus-Aran- 16 дней назад
What's really interesting to me is, after you accept the git from The Former, The Board starts being nicer to you. Whereas earlier they're pushy / talk down/ threaten you. After the first fight with The Former they tell you not to listen to it or else they'll erase you from existence. But if Jesse sides with The Former it seems to... idk, scare them? And they start making nice with you in subsequent dialogues. Lastly, and I'm not sure if you caught this but at the very end of the game, The Former can be seen in the physical world, in that big giant room with all the rectangle pillars in the foundation. I don't know if that doesn't occur if you decide to fight The Former instead of accepting its help but it would be really interesting to know if that's the choice that allowed it into the physical world or not. Another thing of note is, when the Hiss attacks the black pyramid, The Board grants vast power to Jesse making her invulnerable and all her attacks 1-hit kills. So this means they could be more helpful but they're choosing not to. And why that might be is of great interest to me. What do you think?
@mar7674 3 года назад
Just finished the DLC yesterday and I was honestly expecting the Board to ask Jesse to bring people to be sacrificed, and that's why all the red iron rust flakes are all over the place. That's why that team of researchers were left down there? The first Director was asked to sacrifice some sheep in order for more power? And that's why the former also stopped working for the board, they didn't want to sacrifice innocent lives...
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
I do wonder what all The Board required of Northmoor considering he would do anything they said.
@mar7674 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Exactly! I mean, Noorthmoor KNEW that Ash and his team was down there for more than while. Maybe letting Ash get lost down there was also part of the Board's plan.
@QuestionDeca 3 года назад
Playing through Control again, I came across a few more... talking points, one of which related to the Former. That point is this, the message from the Board regarding the removal/firing/purging of the Former doesn't come till after the fight in the Ordinary Dump Recreation/Storage. This could mean that the Former was still part of the board at the start of the game, that it's removal is something that happens During the Hiss Invasion and after the arrival of Jesse.
@venomwolverine08 Год назад
I didn't even know you could attack former in the dlc, it showed up and scared the hell out of me and then I saw I could interact with it so I spoke to it and it was rather nice also when they show the glimpses of the former coming from the hazy darkness with it's arms and the light from it's pupil it looked terrifying to me. After the marshall fight you go out of the area and see the former past the pillars and he looked huge and terrifying and made me jump and just freeze for a second so when the cutscene played I was not paying attention at first and afterward I was excited to speak to the former after I finished the story of he dlc and was disappointed when I could not
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Neither did I. I found random gameplay about it after the fact. I'm still curious what Former is up to now that it may have escaped
@venomwolverine08 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Who knows it could be a new villain in another control game or in some crossover event or could be an underlying plotline with former going against the board throughout the rest of the remedyverse
@scottking5555 4 года назад
I'm glad I've found someone who likes the song at the end of your video as much as I do... was always one of my favorite jrpg... hell just favorite video game songs ever! I'm just not naming it to see if anyone else will comment on it or guess it
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
That song is used to pump myself in time for an adventure music lol. Great game. I play it almost every year.
@COSMIC_ZA 3 года назад
Remember how jesse found a smaller nail? Well i think that the big nail is connected to the board while the little one us connected to former.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
That is most likely 100% accurate from what I have seen.
@MiauTheWorld 3 года назад
And if that's true, maybe the Formed was expelled from the Board at least 50 years ago, way before the Artic Fridge incident.
@MarkusWilliams-r4r 7 месяцев назад
SECRET EASTEREGG: Hello, Just to add onto DragonFlame1994 theory. At the very beginning of the Foundation, as your acquiring your first control point. If you look up at the horizontal column above, you may see a spider-like creature (similar shape/features of the Former; but smaller) run across. I saw it on my first playthrough, and now googling the internet to see if anyone else saw it. One redditer describes seeing a spider-like creature run across the column, and that is what I saw as well. In the context of Control, it mostly resembles the image/structure of the Former. My theory is that, the reason why the Former was disbanded by the Board was that he adopted Ash Jr (who refused to leave the Foundation), and turned into a Former-like creature. OR the Former had a child who resides in the Foundation - as he mentions "Son" when talking to Jesse in their last dialogues. There is also a cutscene of the Former being in the Foundation "physically" but nowhere the size of what we (Redditer/and Chiak: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-GDGM1mi9g4c.html) saw running across the column. Interestingly, 1 week prior to the discovery of the Oldest House (and Foundation) Ash Jr's father had passed (we don't know why). Other theorists believe that the Former see's Ash Jr as a son as well.
@MarkusWilliams-r4r 7 месяцев назад
It also possible that WHY Ash Jr's secret lab holds the mini-nail, as it may be his way of protecting it from the Board. Dislodging the mini-nail, could be dislodging the Former from the Oldest House.
@Tac495 Год назад
@imthemetalguy1 4 года назад
Dr. Ash would have conversations with "F". But with how little there is, the only F I can think of Dr. Ash talking to is Former.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I noted that Ash was talking to an "F" but honestly didnt think about a possible connection to Former. There was some talk that they may have had a relationship due to the ID initially being friendly towards Ash. I'm going to cover Dr. Ash as his own thing eventually.
@retropulse03 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG I've seen some mention about Ash Sr.'s disappearance somewhere, and it's interesting that Former says "Son" at one point, there's a couple other very small details, but it's maybe possible that Ash Sr. first came upon the Board, and they turned him into the Former. Would possibly be in line with whatever they did to Northmoor - which is interesting as it mentions his temperature was rising to unnatural levels.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Didnt Dr. Ash say Director Ash died a week or so before they found The Oldest House?
@retropulse03 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Right, and I'd like to know more about the circumstances of his death. That's AWFULLY close to them finding it... like suspiciously close. Seems too timely for finding it to be the first major event in Nortmoors first week.
@TheEliasNoel 5 месяцев назад
I thought it was ur board that sent the Id! I think control 2 will be have the former helping Jessie take on the board. They give her the power of the service weapon but rely on her Polaris resonance. It seems after the events of the foundation that the board has access to the Polaris resonance securing its independence from Jessie.
@sagichnichtsowiesonicht7326 4 года назад
i really wish i had that outfit with the backpack
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
It's a pain to get but after getting the tier 6 mods from the Foundation DLC it's a lot easier to beat expeditions.
@ThePresidentofMars 3 года назад
Alternatively you could just turn on immortality and 1 hit kills
@aarenherron 4 года назад
I’m left wondering if the former is in anyway related to Thomas Zane, as his appearance gives off many similarities to the lighthouse and glowing light of Zane that’s present throughout Alan Wake. Furthermore, could that be why he was ejected from the board? The board wanted to leave the Bright Falls AWE alone but The Former insisted on interfering to help Alan?
@jtu2434 2 года назад
The former is probably a former director of the oldest house that got corrupted.
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
I've seen the theory on this. It opens up some issues though considering The Board existed before the FBC first encountered the Pyramid.
@Azrael_Equinox 4 года назад
I haven't actually picked up the dlc yet. Need to do that.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Absolutely! It brings up a ton of new information and has me hyped for the future of Remedy.
@WarrenEBB 3 года назад
whoa, never occurred to me until seeing your vid : what if "the former" doesn't refer to "the past" so much as "the forming of something new" (p.s. didn't it totally apologize for eating the guy who was watching the fridge? an accident. he tastes like a panini?)
@joem9164 3 года назад
I just started playing the game. And I got through the DLC. Did anyone see the former at the very end briefly. After we close the nail. It looks like the former came into our reality for a second
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
Yeah the former slipped through into the Foundation somehow. What it intends to do is up in the air.
@joem9164 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG it was kind of freaky to be honest. I was playing late at night. Also that’s not good, I didn’t even o ow it could hop dimensions
@ThePresidentofMars 3 года назад
@@joem9164 not really hopping dimensions, more like stepping out of the ocean and onto the beach due to the astral bleed.
@MrJhonylyra 2 года назад
the unintelligible words of the forms is depicted in some sort of cypher, with each symbol "#@%$*" being a letter, i just can't find the obvius word to do the translation
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
Most likely it is just random. Possibly the right number of letters for the word but no way to translate it
@ikijiigoku 3 года назад
Uh oh. I'm like number 666. Great video.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
Haha yeah Remedy loves their 665. And thanks!
@joahpineapple3239 2 года назад
How'd u get up outfit
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
That one I believe is the Expedition Gear. You get it from completing Tier 3 Expeditions in the Jukebox.
@dragonmaster4556 3 года назад
I really wish they actually wrapped this up in AWE, man... I liked this game a lot, but I can't stand when plot points just don't get wrapped up, especially when they seem halfway done already.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
I fully understand the sentiment. Remedy writers come from a different philosophy where leaving open ended plots that make the fans wonder is part of their style.
@-Samus-Aran- 2 года назад
I don't know if your pyramid filter theory is necessarily disproven. Maybe the pyramid still serves that function but the Former is just improvising with what it has.
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
I just go back to the first words from the board saying, "We are broadcasting from the Pyramid/Other." Almost like it is a radio or satellite dish so to speak.
@dubstep1over287 3 года назад
Also the board in this finds out that Polaris is inside Jesse and says to get rid of her like get rid of your sidekick. I think that may lead to future conflict In the next game can someone confirm or deny what I’m saying is right? And correct me if I’m wrong?
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
I do not recall the Board learning about Polaris... I'm probably wrong though since I've only done a couple run throughs of Foundation. I thought that line was about Emily specifically. I'll have to revisit that dialogue.
@dubstep1over287 2 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG well they don’t say it big, they say like to “Get rid of your sidekick/pop” and one other like name lol but I don’t remember, that is like very big in my eyes cus they could have a conflict about that in the future. And it makes it even more so possible when I remember at the beginning Polaris isn’t with Jesse or ya know is able to do anything or Jesse can’t feel Polaris while in the astral plane so I feel like they probably really don’t like Polaris but is giving Jesse time right at the end to get Polaris out lol which I’m sure Jesse won’t lol and former is gonna be like big hel or thing and then Jesse will prob become a whole supernatural entity while being herself beacuse she be the one in C O N T R O L, not the board or former just soem ideas and thoughts and my response to what u said
@dubstep1over287 2 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG luckily I got those words and remembered it on my first go. They called liek Jesse to get rid of or lose the sidekick/pop and one other word I don’t remember
@Dragnerve. 2 года назад
i honestly find the board more annoying than that former.. at least he is trying to give us a choice rather than giving orders without asking questions.
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
The board has some shenanigans they are trying to hide for sure.
@Maks8008 4 года назад
Will you be making any videos on Quantum Break?
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I absolutely will. I have a couple topics planned out but I haven't scripted them yet. My day job keeps me busy but don't worry I will get to Quantum Break!
@Maks8008 4 года назад
Love it mate! Can’t wait.
@kiloxman117 3 года назад
Am I the only one who thinks Emily is off? Something about her is just weird and I don’t know if i like it or not
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
I have heard that opinion expressed before. What about her sets off res flags for you?
@kiloxman117 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG at the very beginning of the game i didn’t trust her. I didn’t start trusting her until i found out how important darling was to everyone and her, then in the foundation dlc when she’s by the nail & she told us that we told her to go down there whenever it was just a thought in our head from earlier. I still didn’t finish the dlc yet so maybe there’s a reason for this but yeah. Sometimes she just makes me feel like she knows more than what she’s telling us
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
While it isn't confirmed, I think I have an idea with why Emily was there. After crossing the first astral bleed, Jesse comments that she wishes her head of research were there. At that moment Polaris flared up. Now that resonance is being broadcasted through every HRA. My hypothesis is that Polatis influenced Emily to believe she was supposed to go there. Which would imply that Polaris can affect memory or unconscious processes. But again this is all supposition. No proof.
@kiloxman117 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG that’s actually a really good theory! I can totally understand that being a part of the story. I just think too hard, I’ve played too many games where the good guy ends up becoming the bad guy.
@TheKentanthony 4 года назад
i am here before 1 millions subs huehue
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Thanks for the confidence!
@Phascolar1 9 месяцев назад
But why does the former look like that? A big worm?
@TheKentanthony 4 года назад
first? hueheuheuheuehuehue
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
First! I'll be handing out first comment trophies soon enough lol.
@TheKentanthony 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG are you excited for the next dlc. Ihope we get to use the ocean motel to go to mr.alan wake.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Knowing that Alan will play a role in the next dlc I am freaking out lol. I've been waiting to save him since 2010!
@TheKentanthony 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG who knows that this might be a new entry for a new alan wake game. or he'll be a part of the foundation as a potential director or playable character for a short time
@TastyGamingQc 4 года назад
Okay but worst boss fight in gaming history.
@TheDubDisciple 4 года назад
What is your opinion on the Dissent Hotline call and how it relates to the Former? We receive a call from the Board warning us near the beginning of the game but then get that one quickly after as a follow up telling you the previous call was “Wrong/Fake News”. It names the Former by that name and ensures you the Purge has been completed and that you shouldn’t be concerned. I think a lot more is going on here and the conflict isn’t as ancient as we think
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I wish it gave us more information of when exactly this "purge" or schism occured. I imagine it happened around the time Former began to steal the Arctic Queen and Pink Flamingo. Either slightly before or slightly after. Without a timeline its hard to really say.
@-Samus-Aran- 2 года назад
I thought that call was about the Hiss infecting the Board and then quickly after being like "nope, we're okay." As in the Hiss got them and it's playing possum. I'll have to go back and relisten
@ThePresidentofMars 3 года назад
I feel like the reason we can understand the former now is that due to the astral bleed the former is now in our dimension. There are a couple of times in the foundation dlc that we see his model of in the distance near the mist covered pillers.
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
It is possible that because the signal is closer the former is easier to understand. Really hard to say because we don't know if the issue is distance across dimensions or a language issue.
@austingrothe2754 9 месяцев назад
I think that we are in proximity to the nail, and the nail and the pyramid are both conduits made of black rock.
@redjohniii8665 4 года назад
What I find interesting is a couple times when you fix the nail The Board refers to it as OUR Nail is Rebuilding/Loosening, instead of 'The Nail'. Or another time they say WE Are Nearly Whole/Fixed. And it makes me think back to Emily with one of her dialogues where she mentions the Nail isn't necessarily a part of the Oldest House. Perhaps that's why the Former wants to burn it and refers to it as a leech but why would the Board want to keep it? And go as far as harming a colleague of ours(Marshall) when that could potentially make us go against them? But i guess that also goes into why do they have two Hotline messages that say one line only. The one about Apologies/How Embarrassing is particularly interesting since it happens right after you fix the nail with the Astral Plane crumbling before you and then the Former says Nail*** Fix*** End. as the Board trying to get rid of you and then act like everything was ok since they failed? On top of that Jesse mentions in the 'Nail Field' dialogue with Emily, that it seems like the Board potentially wanted the Hiss to corrupt the Nail so Jesse could cleanse it. What does Polaris' abilities have to do with assisting their objective? Very strange, a lot to think about. Gonna have to dive deep into the game once more. Just wish there were multiple save files so you wouldn't have to erase the save with everything on it bc I really want to experience the game again without having to watch other people play to see what I might understand more on a second playthrough.
@redjohniii8665 4 года назад
Seems to me that Polaris is the only one of these entities that doesn't have some ulterior motive. With the whole situation in Ordinary with the Not Mother and all the other 'bad things' coming through she seemed to genuinely want to help. There was no reason for her to help Jesse/Dylan, even when she guides Jesse to The Oldest House to free Hedron/Polaris she still lead Jesse to Dylan first before herself and honestly I wouldn't blame her for wanting to get free of that place Darling had her(if I'm mistaken and Hedron wasn't being held against her will in that place please correct me but, it seemed as though she wanted to be free of it). And that color symbolism, like come on. She's either turquoise or blue(I lean more toward turquoise). She's gotta be good. Unless they go for some surprise twist. Oh and I didn't mention Ahti bc I feel we don't have enough on him to determine his side in all of this. Especially when he says, "The song is a present from my friends to you", like who are your friends? Unless he's talking about the Poets of the Fall and all the theories that people have come up with for that. Too early to tell
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
A lot to dissect here. Ahti's friends are certainly the Old Gods of Asgard aka Odin & Tor Anderson. Not only is the song a Old Gods tune but he has a line in finnish when he talks about the Viking brothers not being able to handle the steam from his Sauna right before he gives Jesse the Casette Player. There appears to be multiple Nails. The primary one and the one hidden deep underground in Dr. Ash's secret lab. I have a few thoughts this that I'll discuss in the next Control video. Polaris is an interesting one. It's hard to say what specifically is its nature and motives. Yes it is a type of resonance but that isnt saying much.
@vrmvrm6055 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Dygression but I really wish there was more info about "not mother" Her name itself combined with little, but enough info makes my skin crawl
@leonuchiha5474 3 года назад
Ok so with the former and the board, I'm starting to side with the former even more. The board has threatened Jesse multiple times for questioning them and for encountering the Former. I never played Alan Wake but the Former is starting to show us what the board is really like. As we can see, The Board allowed Jesse brother to enter the foundation with the projector slide. Hoothmore was the first director but even the board didn't know that Hoothmore was corrupted. So that got me thinking, when the Hiss took over the foundation and started to leak over the place...why did they remove the Former from the Board?? The board didn't even attempt to fight the hiss back, they was nearly corrupted until the last misson where we had save Dylan. When they was nearly corrupted, the hiss was speaking and the board was speaking at the same time, their messages was like half and half. I think the Hiss was trying to show what the Board was truly like so that's why the board gave us a random boost of power and energy. Also didn't the board say that have complete control over the O.O.P?? So if they did, how did they allow the hiss and the former to get control of certain O.O.P??
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
Personally I believe the Board is lying about having complete control of OoP's. I'd check out the Astral Plane Counteressay that Pope wrote. Basically saying the assumption that the board is intrinsically tied to these things is not proven and possible that they forced control upon them. This would make them Parasites as Dr. Ash called them. Frankly I have Prometheus vibes from the former. Currently I think The Former grew interested in humans after developing a relationship with Dr. Ash and began revealing more thatln it should have or went against them. No proof on this other than the minute Nail and Ash saying he had been talking with someone referred to as F. In terms of the Hiss infecting the Nail and the Board, I'll need to think a out it a lot more before answering.
@leonuchiha5474 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG can you do some info about how the hiss was easily corrupting the board. I would love to know why they didn't purge themout themselves?? Also...are the board really that powerful?? I mean Polaris and Hiss was 2 powerful entities fighting each other whilr the board wasn't fighting back the hiss. The hiss had corrupted alot of agents and they also have got a hold of some of the O.O.P that was really dangerous
@mpac3602 4 года назад
definitely interesting theories, the nail is most certainly connected to all this and marshall definitely knew something, look forward to the other supplements
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I have a lot more on the Nail and its symbolism but that will wait until later. I sidelined my current project to get this out so in back on track for a bit.
@vandalsavage2074 4 года назад
See when I read foundation dlc I'm thinking that they're acknowledging how close to Scp this game is.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
It is hard to ignore the similarities between this universe and SCP. Granted I didn't know what that was before this game lol. I still haven't gone down the rabbit hole of the SCP Foundation
@eziosblade3 3 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG my love for the scp universe is actually what led me to control, and i must say im encaptivated and cant wait for control 2
@tommyxcx9771 4 года назад
ok can we Appreciate your voice tho😳
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Haha that Is acceptable 😊 I guess the vocal training I had to do in college came in handy lol.
@dangernoodle8813 3 года назад
The former/outcast is a cool/chill dude.
@Johnston212 3 года назад
What if the pyramid does facilitate communication, but only with the Board and blocks out the rest?
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
I honestly wouldn't be able to say. One of the biggest blanks in the background is anything related to The Board and how the Astral Plane functions.
@retropulse03 4 года назад
I'm a bit upset in that we didn't learn exactly what happened with Northmoor's demise, but more so I'm upset that we got next to nothing on teases for the next DLC. I mean, I'm glad this was it's own thing... but outside of some tiny tidbits like the final Hotline message being titled "Departure" there's NOTHING in this DLC that alludes to the investigations sector, the motel, or Bright Falls. I didn't expect much, but even Emily alluding to needing files in 'an old sector' to research the "mini-nail" more would have been super-hype.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I get the impression they are saving everything AWE related for the new dlc and not giving away anything here. For Northmoor I get the feeling that will feature in something in the future. They have already foreshadowed the potential of him breaking from the NSC and going on a rampage. If they ever explore this plot thread I imagine we will get more information on this backstory then.
@exploertm8738 4 года назад
Northmoor's demise? I think its more imprisonment. I mean, how else you call being literal electric generator for the Bureau? Wait, it can be torture... hmm...
@retropulse03 4 года назад
@@exploertm8738 I'd call perpetual imprisonment 'demise'. His life is over either way lol
@xaviermantha63 3 года назад
Thanks/gratitude for/because the video/work.
@sawcondezz5456 3 года назад
I think the nail acts like an antenna for the hotline it fairly large an would provide good resonance the formers nail is much smaller in comparison. Get what I mean.
@ThePresidentofMars 3 года назад
What is the formers nail?
@sawcondezz5456 3 года назад
@@ThePresidentofMars you can find another structure that looks like a small version of it. It's in the cave system.
@ThePresidentofMars 3 года назад
@@sawcondezz5456 oh ill have to revisit that, thx
@alduinbb 2 года назад
I'm late but I decided to play and do you need the foundation DLC to speak to the former? Or no
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
The conversation with the former is only in the dlc so yes.
@alduinbb 2 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG thanks love what u do
@Atomic118 8 месяцев назад
That's why Marshal fight was hard for me. She was actually a boss. People said beware of Salvador and tomassi but Marshal was actually a real boss. Took me 5 tries and a loy of source 😢. But what does former say when we don't attack him?
@GamingUniversityUoG 8 месяцев назад
Former warns us about something. Parasite. Something about a Son. But we cant really understand him.
@drisshansfreetime453 Год назад
Wait, you can fight the Former before Marshall???? at 2:56
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Yeah all you need to do is attack instead of talking to Former
@drisshansfreetime453 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG thanks. Just finished it very recently and i did not meet Former before the fight. Only after the Marshall fight.
@-Samus-Aran- 2 года назад
@2:12 "proximinaty" eh? lol
@GamingUniversityUoG 2 года назад
I am notorious for typos but damn that is a bad one lmao. You're the first to call me on it.
@rommelalberan5508 4 года назад
There is a room in the game (i dont remeber where) that have a drawing about some strange event where a "Red" pyramid comes and dock with the black one, so they "exchange" places. There are even some text explaining that "now we have this -other- board in control"
@mZwerghamster 2 года назад
The Nail could be a former way of communication with the Board before the collective unconscious made the Phone the most associated way of communication. What we know so far is that the Oldest House was around for way longer than we can sensibly research and all the signs of worship and life in the caverns of the foundation might very well be what the FBC is now back in the past. Chosen priests/Directors communicate with the Board/Gods. If your theory is right that the proximity to the nail makes it possible to understand the Former to some degree, then its not too far off to theorize that the Nail was what the Hotline is now. A way to commune with higher beings. Prayer and worship in earlier ages throught a monument/altar, and instructions given via the cliche red phone. Just my 2 cents^^
What Dr Ash and the Note that you give to Emily. As Emily reads it. She said it was a mess up message to F. I believe F is the Former. As the Former said something about Son to Jessie. And Ash is the name Jr
@puertolumbian316 3 года назад
My first instinct was to attack the Former and I did. All good though, because I took Hiss Marshall out first try. Lol
@GamingUniversityUoG 3 года назад
Lucky! Took me maybe 3 times to get Marshall down with the Former helping. You're a superior director! Lol
@Dahaka461989 4 года назад
Wait... So there is an option to not fight Former in the first place in the fridge.. U just can't attack him? Thats all???
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
Haha no in the main game we have to fight him. In the Foundation DLC we have the option to not fight The Former and talk to it instead.
@Antonchigurh893 4 года назад
Off-topic question. What's the name of the song at the end of your videos.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
It's Frog's Theme from Chrono Trigger. One of my favorite Character Themes.
@Antonchigurh893 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG A true masterpiece of a game
@joshbaggy1 4 года назад
Towards the end of the DLC, I started to think that the Former is actually Northmoor. Arish says that there is no information on Northmoor's death/departure from the Director's position. Written logs indicate that Northmoor saw himself as a divine figure, or at least claimed the role as Director as a divine right given to him by the Board. His lust for power and reverence could link to your theory of the Former wanting similar things when it changes the nature of Altered Items, along with severe repercussions if you don't follow its orders/rituals. Not to mention that the Former acts surprisingly human, even with the broken language it uses to communicate with Jesse. While the Board seems to navigate its speech like an alien that thinks it's speaking to a lesser form of life. The only thing that really breaks this theory apart is that Ash and Northmoor didn't get along, and Ash may have spoken to the Former (marked as 'F') when you find the 'mini nail' in the basement laboratory.
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I have heard that hypothesis going around before as well. It would, however, require these entities to exist alongside the person they are based on. This is because Northmoor is still alive. He is contained within the NSC (Northmoor Sarcophagus Chamber) and is the power source for the Oldest House. Because of the Hiss damaging the NSC power converters and coolant system he almost broke free.
@joshbaggy1 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Oh my goodness, I didn't realise that Northmoor was the power source for the reactor. There's still so much that I've missed in this game.
@HighBoss 4 года назад
@@joshbaggy1 Wait what? I didn't realise this either lmao. Where is this stated in the game? Why would no one know about Northmoor's death/depature if hes powering the building?
@laurar.8914 3 года назад
@@HighBoss When you visit the power plant, travel up that thing. There is evidence I dont want to spoil. ;) Pope definetly knows about this, the other employees think he's dead but don't know anything else about that.
@HighBoss 3 года назад
@@laurar.8914 Its been a while but I remember seeing some proof on the monitors in the control room of the power plant if that's what you're talking about. I don't remember seeing anything that shows that Pope knows though. I'm still yet to play the final dlc so I once I get round to that I'll poke around some more.
@amberlyveil8856 4 года назад
That's not how interpretation works. Based in part on what the author set up, but ultimately, what you get out of the work, any work regardless of medium is up to you. Interpretation is NOT the same thing as prediction, which is what you were ACTUALLY talking about in the intro
@Murasane 3 года назад
My theory was that the former was trying to help the board cause it wanted to get back on the good side of the board so it tried to help jesse to further that goal but i know i think that the board and the former are linked so if one dies then the other will too like polaris and hedron or maybe it literally is like polaris and hedron in which the former wants the board to dies so it can bind the board to itself and gain their power like hedron attaches itself to polaris in the end
@Honest-King 4 года назад
Can you explain that bit from 2:45 until 3:00 ?? How did you fight former ?? And how can we attack it( former) in the final fight against corrupt marshel ?
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
When you meet the Former after the second Lock is restored most of us just talk to it. However, if we attack it during that meeting it gives us an optional fight. Fighting it makes the former an enemy. However, if we talk to it The Former considers us at least partially friendly and sends ID to help us during the Marshall fight.
@Honest-King 4 года назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Lol I didn't know about fighting him I might try it
@GamingUniversityUoG 4 года назад
I'd say give it a shot for the fun of it. I didn't know it was possible until I watched a let's player do it lol. I may do it on my alt account to see how tough it is.
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