
Deebot T8+ Robot Vacuum & MOP - Can you use washable pads on the PRO Attachment? CLEANUP TEST 

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Test cleaning up syrup, ketchup, hot sauce, apple juice + more does the washable pad actually work.? Get it on Amazon! = amzn.to/3nYYZaZ




9 июл 2024




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@meltdownblitz 3 года назад
I just traced a microfiber towel to the size of that pro attachment and cut it out. Wash and reuse without issue. Works like a charm.
@hansielategan969 3 года назад
That was a very good result. Not many robot vacuums with mopping attachments will get it that clean. I like the white board as well - easy to see.
@jpthsd 2 года назад
Go for it ,,, I've been using since day-One , no issue with using washable mopping pad with Pro Mopping module !!! I attach the washable pad onto the pro module without locking onto the plastic knot ,,,it will not fall off ,,,I've been using 2 years since they released the Pro module with washable pad, no issue at all!! The only issue is with the Deebot T8 kept losing the map/location and start rescanning the whole house again, the solution is to enable mult-floor map plan , save the original map onto the multi-map plan, whenever the Deebot try to rescan the map, stop it and delete the incomplete map , it will be reactivated the saved map and relocate itself again! Good luck!
@Allthingsg37 2 года назад
Thanks man got me a T8 on sale with pro attach on Amazon last week. I’m very impressed on how well it works on hard wood floors! Gotta use Fabuloso tho 😂 Thanks for your details and hard work 👍🏼
@lialu02 3 года назад
Would love to see u do a review of the accessory Pro mopping vibrating attachment using the do disposable mop pads. I enjoyed watching ur video using the “nearly” fitting washable mop pad.
@Phantomthecat 3 года назад
I have this setup and while overall I really like it, it would be nice to be able to slow the unit down so it could scrub a little more as it went. Haven't tried the washable mop - will be giving it a go thanks.
@hamsterbrigade 3 года назад
I think I might actually buy this attachment, I had no idea it would work this well.
@HARIANPANAS-908Ksubscribers 3 года назад
I check at amazon and walmart..already out of stock..did you buy all of them?
@HARIANPANAS-908Ksubscribers 3 года назад
Can you do mega stress version(more sauce or milk)for mopping test like this one for t8 pro mopping
@MrBlueCreeper 3 года назад
For now, the Deebot T8+ is the best robot vacuum mop combo! But I know the Deebot T8+ will definitely be defeated by the ROBOROCK s7.
@Hivydar 3 года назад
Yeah okay a vacuum with one spin brush 😬
@djbethell Год назад
Fantastic video. thanks you. Have you had chance to do this with the DEEBOT T9 Robot Vacuum Cleaner/Mop?
@MaartenKrijn 3 года назад
@GuyOnYouTube 2 года назад
Does anyone know if this attachment can be used on the N8 Pro and not just the T8?
@umg6114 3 года назад
Very nice video. I asked my self same question. I just bought yesterday Deebot T9+ and it comes with same attachment mopping that you attaches mopping washable pads. Would you please put a like where I can order washable pads with all kit for Deebot T9+. Thanks
@robertweiser7122 3 года назад
Definitively reusable is able and better than the disposal ones!!
@LockeTheCole Год назад
I wonder if they've changed their stance over time (or the design of the pads). I just bought one of these for my T8 from Ecovacs and it came with a gift of 3 washable pads... A curious free gift if they're claiming they don't work with the Pro Mopping System.
@michaelmiller6914 3 года назад
I have the oscillating mop attachment and I use Bona Hard-Surface Floor Cleaner instead of water. It does a fantastic job and I have had no issue with the attachment. You should try a test with it.
@HeadlaRed 3 года назад
After 3 months have you found any issues using floor cleaner instead of water? The pumps on the plate are meant to degrade if it's anything other than water.
@michaelmiller6914 3 года назад
@@HeadlaRed I haven't found any issues so far
@GuyOnYouTube 2 года назад
@@michaelmiller6914 what about nearly a year later? Any issues using cleaner solution aside from water?
@michaelmiller6914 2 года назад
@@GuyOnRU-vid nope, no issues at all
@DerekRasina 2 года назад
Thank you for testing this for us. Will definitely use it with Bona. Even if it fails after 2 years the pro attachment wouldn't be expensive to replace.
@Tman3801 3 года назад
Great video! What did it look like after the water dried? And how does it compare to the Roomba m6 with this test?
@AdamsReviews 3 года назад
It looked pretty good It was not sticky check my other videos I did this exact test with the M6
@nickloss 3 года назад
if you just cut a slit in the pad where that longer tab is, it should fit perfectly
@AdamsReviews 3 года назад
Yes good idea..seemed to stay on fine though.
@lialu02 3 года назад
I purchased the Deebot T8+ after watching but awesome reviews. It will arrive this Friday!🙌. Question: is it necessary to remove mop bin before being able to extract debris into “automatic” dustbin? Thanks for any insight!
@AdamsReviews 3 года назад
I do not think so it will still drive up on dock and empty.
@lialu02 3 года назад
@@AdamsReviews thanks!🙌
@GuanDerrick 3 года назад
seems to be with that size of a mop, mopping robots in general have a lot to improve. just a small area of mop down and the mop is already that dirty, cant imagine cleaning a bigger area throughout with a dirty pad.
@AdamsReviews 3 года назад
@lialu02 3 года назад
Great video! Thank u! Btw, is ur Deebot the Avi or Osmo n is it Aivi or non Aivi?
@AdamsReviews 3 года назад
It is not the aivi
@lialu02 3 года назад
@Matthew Sullins thanks! I’m a newbie to robo vacs n not sure what to order off Amazon. Wud u mind sharing the exact name/model #? Thanks again!!!
@lialu02 3 года назад
@Matthew Sullins ok great! Thank you!!!
@qwellbeh 3 года назад
@Adam have you heard of the EDGE Mopping Robot Cleaner and is it the same as the Samsung jetbot??
@AdamsReviews 3 года назад
Yes just a knock off
@qwellbeh 3 года назад
@@AdamsReviews i'm still trying to get the Jetbot in the UK No luck!
@majestyhadp 2 года назад
Hi I was wondering if the pro mop will work on the n8 and if you can test it please, thank you!
@AdamsReviews 2 года назад
Not sure. I do not have the N8
@balzzz20 3 года назад
Why are the original ones disposable? I got this blue striped cloth which seems like it could be used multiple times. Any idea about the cons of using it washing and using t multiple times?
@AdamsReviews 3 года назад
The blue striped are reusable...the ones that come with this are one time use. I dont think they would hold up if washed. I do not know why they did that maybe to grab extra money from us on refills.
@balzzz20 3 года назад
@@AdamsReviews Thanks for the reply. I bought the pro attachment recently and what I got were disposable microfiber cloth pads and not the white paper like material which used to come in the past. I found it to do a better job than the original reusable mop pad tbh. It is thin so the vibrations get transmitted down to the floor and it being cloth just helps the cause.
@arungopinath7149 3 года назад
👍 vid
@AdamsReviews 3 года назад
Please ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝
@GoneMudden Год назад
NO noooòooooooooooooòòooooooooooooooooooòoòòòoooo loo oooooooooooooooooòooòòooooooooòòòoòòòoòoòooooooòòooòòoooòoooòoòoòòooooooooòòooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooòoooooooooooooooooooooooookk😂ooo9oooooòooooòòoooooploooooooooòoooooooooòooòooòoooooooooooooooòoooooòoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooòoooòooooooooòoooooooooooooooòoooooooooooòooòoooooòooooòoooooooooooooooooòooooooooooooooooòoooooooooooooòòoooooooòoooooòòoòòòoooooooooooooooooòoooooòooooooooòooooooòooooòòoooòooooòooooooooo(oooooooooooooooooòo oooooooooooooooooòo oooooooooooooooooòo oooo😢oooooooooooooooooòo oooooooooooooooooòo oooooooooooooooooo
@GoneMudden Год назад
@GoneMudden Год назад
@Hivydar 3 года назад
Was it sticky? Also, if the water low does it let you know?
@AdamsReviews 3 года назад
no not really....no but the tank is quite big
@EM-ks5my 2 года назад
Why not get a reusable wet swiffer, the non disposable and cut it. Lazy OEM they don't make one.
@ambersantos5295 3 года назад
I know it's hard to tell without physically testing, but do you think the Roborock s7 will outshine the t8 for navigation?
@AdamsReviews 3 года назад
I think their app will be better...and the s7 will probably have better hardware so yes.
@Lancelotopus 2 года назад
Nice and good to know because those disposable pads suck!
@fireicecrystals1841 3 года назад
Deebot rocks sorry Samsung buddy nothing much left!
@qwellbeh 3 года назад
We need to see it working on a real floor it's always gonna on flat wood tbh!
@chinchilla505 3 года назад
Reusable mop pad causes entire robot to shake, dunno if that will evntually damage things. I was able to buy 100 throwaway mop pads on aliexpress for like 30$. Buying the official mop pads is rip off.
@AdamsReviews 3 года назад
The robot shakes pretty violently even with the disposable ones too
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