
Digging Up DEADLY MONSTROSITIES | Dwarf Fortress Evil Biome #5 

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Evil Biomes are always fun :)
/ pr1vatelime
/ pr1vatelime




29 дек 2022




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@slvmb3r Год назад
Once, in the deep and dank caverns beneath the fortress of Roomlucid, there lived a miner by the name of Ubbul. A stout and hale dwarf with a beard of fire and a heart of gold, Ubbul had spent his entire life delving deep into the earth, searching for the precious metals and gemstones that had made his kin famous throughout the land. But on this fateful day, Ubbul was not searching for gold or diamonds. No, he had struck something far more rare and valuable - a vein of adamantine, the hardest and most durable metal known to all the races of the world. As he chipped away at the hard, cyan rock, Ubbul felt a sense of excitement and pride well up within him. For he knew that this discovery would bring great wealth and honor to his clan, and that his name would be remembered for generations to come. But little did Ubbul know that his joy would be short-lived, for at that very moment, a foul demon emerged from the shadows. It was a massive salt snake, its scaly body writhing and undulating as it lunged towards the unsuspecting dwarf. As the demon's poisonous stinger snapped towards him, Ubbul reacted on instinct, wielding his pickaxe with all the strength and skill of his ancient kin. The two clashed in a fierce battle, the ringing of steel on scales echoing throughout the caverns. Ubbul fought with all his might, his heart filled with the fierce determination of a true dwarf. And though the demon was formidable, it was no match for the skilled miner, who struck blow after blow with his trusty pickaxe. At long last, with a final cry of triumph, Ubbul landed the killing blow, driving his pickaxe deep into the heart of the beast. As the demon let out a final, pitiful wail, it crumpled to the ground, its foul life extinguished at the hands of the brave dwarf. Panting and sweat-drenched, Ubbul stood triumphant over the vanquished beast. He had survived the encounter, and though his kin had not been so fortunate, he knew that their sacrifice would not be forgotten. And so it was that Ubbul, the miner of Roomlucid, became a hero of legend, his name forever etched into the annals of dwarven history.
@acbeaumo Год назад
Stories like this are why I love this game.
@lone_argonaut2863 Год назад
Ubbul, a humble expedition leader and miner takes on a demon and zombie. Feels like someone might chronicle this into Dwarven history
@okupant880 Год назад
He wasnt going to let such minor inconveniences stop his mining expedition
@avatarct82 Год назад
Don’t you mean…. “Miner inconveniences?” 😅
@tepig2828 Год назад
To be fair, the demon was made of salt, which is famously known for being mined.
@Mr.Chicken898 Год назад
I'd drink to that!
@joshuagraham1800 Год назад
@@tepig2828 I wonder if that's it weakness
@theroamingobserver Год назад
Looks like this series should be called as The Legend of Ubbul and his Unfortunate Dwarfs. Ubbul is literally the chosen protagonist, protecting the fortress by always putting himself in danger but never die!
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
Poor poor ubbul
@john98765333 Год назад
>Finds some dimonds and rare metals Those 17 joining dwarves: "I'm something of a zombie slayer myself"
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
The promise of treasure always brings em in
@john98765333 Год назад
Hopefully they can stay in long enough to be helpful!
@MKCyborg Год назад
The thing about that Brine Demon is that since it was made of salt, it was truly a glass cannon. Sure its stinger could do some decent bruising and send the dwarves flying, and whatever disease the stinger had could be really nasty. But a single crossbow bolt or a punch from a baby could probably cause it to fall apart because it's just salt
@luka188 Год назад
It's always funny how that works in DF. I both love and hate how that works. If these creatures were more akin to elementals, in that their body is sort of an emorphous mass of the material they are made from, and can reform their body if it collapses, they'd be absolutely terrifying, but in DF they are just solid creatures from very weak materials which collapse at the slightest breeze (Depending on what material they are made of), and the damage they can deal is also limited by the density and hardness of the material. Since brine is considered less cohesive and lower density than flesh in DF, the creature is barely able to do any sort of damage to fleshy dwarfs due to how the damage is calculated, as the brine creatures body will basically just flop against the skin, while a single tap from a dwarf would blow up parts of its body. Creatures like this basically have the material consistency of a jelly fish all throughout their whole body, including the organs and all other structures, so one punch to the torso would blow out all the organs and kill the creature. In reality though, a brine amalgam would be absolutely terrifying. Imagine a giant moving torrent of dense and heavy salty water moving freely over the ground, sweeping away everything it touches like a living tidal wave, which also happens to have solid fangs with some ungodly venom of which one drop could end your life. Like a giant water snake. You cut or pierce the body, but as it is consistent of brine, the material doesn't sever and simply flows back together. Depending on it's size, say if it is truly huge, like 20 meters long and 4 meters diameter across the whole length while being able to maintain it's shape through some unknown means, we'd be talking a lot of weight as well to this creature, which could do a lot more than just bruise someone if it crashed down upon you with enough force, even if it has the consistency of water.
@cyber_robot889 Год назад
Or water
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
When you mention that, I really did get off lucky lol
@luka188 Год назад
@@Pr1vateLime Wait till you find a steel forgotten beast (Basically invincible to any damage, except Adamantine weapons and legendary dwarfs), especially one with webs or dust. Woe be if it can also fly.
@InternetHydra Год назад
I still remember the FB made of freaking Snow from Honeystoker... it didn't last long.
@Ulmaramlu Год назад
Love how you dig out a random salt monster shortly after voicing a mild complaint about "nothing much happening" lol. What a game!
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
I always have terrible timing
@nahson7192 Год назад
Trying to send in your full military might, but your expedition leader just grabs his pickaxe and takes care of whats interrupting his mining :D
@aaronnekrin5150 Год назад
a true dwarf
@eldunae922 Год назад
It was made of salt. Salt can be mined. Classic demon mistake
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
Everything looks like ore in front of a miner
@theonlyD Год назад
And just a copper pickaxe. Just imagine what he could do with a steel pickaxe.
@otkare Год назад
Miners use mining skill to fight, they're strong from all the mining and pickaxes do piercing dmg. They can be reliable in a pinch.
@waryace2 Год назад
In all fiction dwarfs always get destroyed by something in the deep cold caverns but there is always a miner with a might pickaxe rising to the occasion . . . be it in life or death lol
@npswm1314 Год назад
*A pickaxe is not an effective melee weapon* DF disagrees! Pickaxe wielding Dwarves have felled beasts beyond comprehension.
@JClarthur Год назад
@@npswm1314 There is a reason pickaxes are in the weapons category when you look at stockpiles or trading. They train the use of pickaxes all the time wich helps the miningspeed and the use of it as a weapon. One thing to note is that the material and quality of a pickaxe doesnt matter for mining other than how heavy it is carry but DF does care when used as a weapon.
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
A true hero!!!
@ShacolateClown Год назад
For KARL!! oh wait wrong dwarf
@rudolphschmidt313 Год назад
In all fiction huh? Name one other than lord of the rings
@megalsmheegal1112 Год назад
Seeing that it's been more than two weeks since this episode was released and there hasn't been a new one. Makes me worry about this poor, poor fort
@The_Local_Goose 2 месяца назад
Its been a year now
@subjectnamehere1965 Год назад
If something is powerful enough to kill a miner, then it has to be REAALY powerful
@mysticvoid7x966 Год назад
a funny thing about demons in Dwarf Fortress is that while they can be powerful fighters, they also tend to be made of very weak stuff and as a result they tend to be glass cannons. Able to kill all they come across until someone rips them apart with a single hit
@azarththekobold Год назад
Damn this place is eventful! Demons and undead assailing the place from above and below, dwarves dying, fresh waves of migrants coming in but most impressively, the saga of Ubbul the Miner the hero of Roomlucid
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
Imagine the smell lol
@azarththekobold Год назад
@@Pr1vateLime True. I can't imagine demons, rotting corpses, blood, and mostly unwashed dwarves to be a... delicate pallet for the nose. Maybe next trader that wonders in without being eaten you could barter for some scented candles and strong soap, hehehe ^^
@Tesla7 Год назад
U gotta continue this man, such a fun series!
@DarkShakor Год назад
There is a new feature inside the Steam Game, in all the Cavern systems there are a few 3x3 Gem clusters, each of these has a chance to have something hidden in the middle. They are Lootboxes Most are empty, some have Monsters, some have a gift Item from the Gods You will get a message like you found a forgotten Guardian, a ancient Curse, a divine Artifact You didn´t explore the caverns so much otherwise you would found out sooner, but exploring and looting the Caverns was never as fun as now
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
ohohoohoh thats rad!
@Joyexer Год назад
Ubbul should be a Legendary Dwarf now... That was insane. xD
@naaah4 Год назад
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
Ill try!
@tylercobb8747 Год назад
@@Pr1vateLime are you gonna continue this play through or is this like done?
@remcob8892 Год назад
cool series, cant wait til the next one!
@trigocuantico Год назад
I like how it is recorded, you see the dwarfs closer and you can tell whats happening
@andromidius Год назад
Pro tip when you have a lot of levers - you can rename them so you can keep track of what is connected to what. So for example "main gate", "river floodgate", "well drainage", "connect power" and "activate spike traps" are good ones to think of. On the last note, its quite amusing how effective a hallway full of spike traps connected to a lever can be if you set it to be repeatedly pulled when enemies move though the area. And you could even attach a pressurized water sluice to clean out the hallway or knock invaders back - just make sure its sealed so you don't flood your fort and has room to drain away (maybe add a pit to the far end so all the bodies are thrown down out of sight, and add a floodgate drain so you can send dwarves down to recover weapons and armour if you want/need the metal). Better then having dozens of dwarves traumatised by seeing the mangles corpses of your enemies.
@WiseOwl_1408 Год назад
The miner didn't care how old or evil it was. He just did what he does. Swings a pick ⛏️⛏️⛏️⛏️
@bear798 Год назад
Ubbul literally is the main protagonist lol
@lachlanf4842 Год назад
What’s terrifying to think is that if a Dragon rocks up, even if you kill it, it will come back to life. Would be like Skyrim 😂
@gabesterwitz9054 Год назад
This series has been incredibly fun to watch so far! Can't wait for more in the future.
@newtonbomb Год назад
Just a quick little tip for slapping down those walls fast that I just picked up: turn your stone boulders into blocks; they dont take too long to make and they haul them faster then lugging around boulders. If you have a particular project like this you want done REALLY lickity split, make a stock pile of the blocks in a safe area the next z-level up and forbid any nearby boulders so you can just use closest material when constructing.
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
Ill have to que those up later!
@UllricLex Год назад
Really cool episode. There is now an all button for the burrows and you don´t have to delete the burrow. If you dont need it for a while just click the pause symbol
@kevingregory6371 Год назад
Absolutely love this series! I'm impressed with your Dwarf Fortress knowledge! Desperately trying to learn it...LOSING IS FUN
@dakrayus6519 Год назад
Best way to do gem cutting is to go into work orders, set cut gems (10) with condition for if have more than 15 rough gems, that way you have some rough ones kicking about for strange moods :)
@lordvengeance9395 Год назад
I think that miner got a lucky shot when he lopped off that demon's stinger, otherwise that would have probably went a lot worse. That's one lucky dwarf. :)
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
It was all planned >:) *probably*
@dylanbrewer8605 Год назад
If this series has taught me anything it's that Pr1viteLime has clearly never heard the term "No Dwarf left behind".
@mdb45424 Год назад
You don't have direct control. It could take weeks for the last dwarf to pathfinder in
@dylanbrewer8605 Год назад
@@mdb45424 Ah, unfortunate. Although he did leave that miner in the chasm for dead too.
@L_Withers Год назад
Logging on to you-tube and everyday I check 2 channels for their next episode. One? Some story reading, a HFY story, the other? TO KNOW THE NEXT CHAPTER OF THIS LOVECRAFTIAN NIGHTMARE YOU ARE PUTTING THEM THROUGH
@charliebennett3192 Год назад
So happy to see Lime playing this! Keep it coming ;)
@myles7344 Год назад
“A demon snake? Hold my beer” ~ Miner
@fenny1578 Год назад
Miners carrying the dwarven civilization to a better tomorrow, one pick axe to a cave demons head at a time.
@Tekdruid Год назад
I didn't know you could find individual specimens of the _‼Super Happy Fun Stuff‼_ like that.
@lordfatcock 11 месяцев назад
I love how a snake demon is also a accomplished wrestler 😂
@legionary3519 Год назад
I felt like a crack addict waiting for the next dwarf fortress video holy shit
@daklr2501 Год назад
you can make undead items/trash forbidden and it will cause dwarves to immediately drop them/ignore them, that way you don't have to worry about your dwarves running outside to pick up dead bodies and teeth and such.
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
ahhh gotcha!
@ai1un Год назад
Thanks for the vid. Happy New Year
@jakeking974 Год назад
I also hate when I accidentally mine into a tiny cavern and unleash a centuries-old demon which cripples my military, it really ruins a Saturday.
@UnluckyFatGuy Год назад
Never seen you channel and know nothing about dwarf fortress. However I'm in love with these videos
@solid768 Год назад
I need more! I just bought dwarf fortress and 99% of that was because of this series.
@twocvbloke Год назад
Them dang zombies, always getting up and causing trouble... :P
@jedodom3056 Год назад
You should use magma to make a death pit so you don't have to worry about corpses anymore.
@bantuatha Год назад
Where is the 6th episode? I wanted to see how this fort goes until the end.
@psychomantis9442 5 месяцев назад
Agreed!, I'd like to see a revive of this series if possible, I just found it, but greatly enjoyed it! :)
@The_Local_Goose 2 месяца назад
Please continue this series it's amazing
@sneezingwizard Год назад
Can't wait for next episode.
@V_Drawin Год назад
After going threw hell, heaven repays it’s furious warriors. Thus dwarf fortress.
@jessewalker8854 Год назад
Ubbul was a simple work focused man who died and reincarnated as a over-powered dwarf who just wants to mine but the gods have a grander fate in store.. thursdays on crunchyroll.
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
www.twitch.tv/pr1vatelime Live right now
@jackhazardous4008 Год назад
I am a dwarf and i diggy diggy skulls
@MagWasMinimal Год назад
If a statue of gold isn't built in the name of Ubbul,the greatest of expedition leaders then...uh... something not nice will probably happen idk.
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
Its only right to recognize his feat
@siedzihector9938 Год назад
I have a suggestion. Haunted biome is terryfing, because of living death, but you can always make a crematorium to burn bodies and body parts or dump them into a magma lake :D
@grahamrugg4317 Год назад
Ubbul is truly the Claudette of Roomlucid
@frzlunar4845 Год назад
Ubbul be like " Fine i will do it myself "
@demavend6847 Год назад
Pro-tip Lime. You can select the zone of each of your meeting spaces and then set them to Citizens Only so you don't get a bunch of visitors coming to die in your land to add to the zombie population. I can't remember which icon you use to change that, but it's one of the ones on the right.
@Vicioussama Год назад
Do well, lil Dwarves.... do well protecting your pals, Ubbul :P
@glennleroy2040 Год назад
Looking foward to more of these!
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
heck yea!!!
@M0rdikai Год назад
Room Lucid is my new favorite anime
@twankersten9804 6 месяцев назад
Please continue this series!
@kesegoe9488 Год назад
Lmao this story has gotten darker and darker
@jackofblades3998 Год назад
It was smart of Ubbul to destroy the stinger first as that was seemingly it's only weapon
@PedroE Год назад
You literally have the john j rambo of "miners" lol
@TinyDragonGamer250 Год назад
I still play the old version. Looking to buy the new one soon.
@brandroid7491 9 месяцев назад
Is this the last episode?? Wanted to see where this goes!
@kylewhite602 Год назад
I'd watch more D:
@hainamnguyen1121 Год назад
UBBUL PRAYGE what a legend @!
@positivepotato6765 Год назад
@andrewgreeb916 Год назад
Would it be wise to make a pit in the lava to burn the bodies so they don't get back up?
@shallowgod5539 Год назад
This makes me want to see you do a stardew valley challenge run lol
@Pyxis10 Год назад
Why are the vegetables turning into zombies!?
@willowism Год назад
I think the demon was killed so easily because it was literally just made of salt
@drakoslayd Год назад
Better than Hollywood 🤣
@Si4koTushxD 9 месяцев назад
Is there a next episode of this? Couldn't find anything else.
@RunThermal Год назад
why does he turn into pops from regular show when he gets stressed
@MrYulcha Год назад
we demad more series Sir!
@pravculear Год назад
hi Pr1vateLime!
@nateryan8167 Год назад
Anymore in the future?
@danieltweit3702 Год назад
happy new year ..look up the game moonlighter, i think you'll like it
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
Oooh that game does look rad! Love rougelikes! Also happy new years!!!
@alike5447 Год назад
u should try solo run on bastard bonds next it be real hell
@MrYulcha Год назад
Please do mooore, and longer like 45 min at least XD I am craving for this lets play
@PodlecMolodec Год назад
Any ETA on 6-th episode? :)
@darkphilosopher8726 Год назад
I found this series while looking for a video on the best materials and clicked on the video of someone building a base in the worst place imaginable... I clearly clicked on the right thing! (Edited to remove the part of comment about trapping demons.)
@CATASTEROID934 Год назад
IIRC all clowns are trapavoid so by default ignore traps unless stunned, unconcious or webbed, and while you can have a webber creature put webs on the traps I think they may also have nostun and nopain so they're difficult to stun and render unconcious, clowns with web attacks are unaffected by webs too.
@darkphilosopher8726 Год назад
@@CATASTEROID934 That is very helpful to know, thank you. I don't know what IIRC means but I am assuming "clowns" refers to the things in game that randomized forms like forgotten beasts and such.
@CATASTEROID934 Год назад
@@darkphilosopher8726 Sorry, it's a reduction of "If I remember correctly", it's been a while since I last tried capturing underworld critters and I've been playing since tentacle demons and unknown substances were a thing, those held within the new volcanic gem vaults might not be true demons but it's best to assume they all have trapavoid. I think the community usually refers to underworld as a "circus" and the denizens as "clowns" and the adamantine as "candy" to try not to ruin the surprise of having nearly a hundred potentially flying, fire-breathing, dust-spewing or webbing nightmare boys burst out the tunnel into hell.
@darkphilosopher8726 Год назад
@@CATASTEROID934 Haha, gotcha! I will make the assumption they all have trapavoid until proven otherwise!
@Fallout3131 Год назад
8 days!?! EIGHT DAYS!?!?!
@aidanfarnan4683 Год назад
Whe you gett killed as a deamon and return to hell and to have to admit that you got killed by the chosen protagonist with a copper pick.
@14031993 Год назад
Are you the guy who voiced Akechi in Persona 5?
@ElysetheEevee 6 месяцев назад
Howcome this series ended so abruptly? It seemed like it had a bit more to go. :(
@unitedstates4912 Год назад
exporting wealth is the main factor for your fortress, not created wealth
@AlertedSponge Год назад
it was a baby brine demon calm down
@deltadrag00n19 Год назад
so was thinking wouldn't training all your adults to be master doggers and/or wrestlers be best for fighting off zombies add all adults to a squad to train and even if you don't have the armour or weapons
@HansLemurson Год назад
Salt makes for weak demons.
@smolbirb4 Год назад
Such a great series much preferred over zomboid
@Fiztex553 Год назад
I disagree, in this game you need to something wrong to make it hard for yourself and interesting to watch, you can literally wait game years for something to happen and then pretty much observe helplessly. While no matter how good you are in PZ there is always a way to die behind every corner and a way to try and fight it. IMO PZ is miles better for a videogame content on RU-vid.
@smolbirb4 Год назад
@@Fiztex553 eh your right, I guess I just prefer the coziness and gameplay of df to zomboid, both are great just preference
@ammod4827 Год назад
my settlement got killed by a pokemon
@rickstafford6635 Год назад
Ya know.. You keep saying how hopeless it is, but.. you killed a DEMON. Like, a big nasty one. I now see what they mean by this game being a "Story Generator".
@KinekaiNHFan Год назад
I see you are trying to build walls and more constructions using normal STONE, while in reality you need to construct with STONE _BLOCKS_ so that dwarfs can carry them everywhere at normal speed. One stone gives 4 blocks of said stone and it also works for fire inmune stones for forges and the like. You HAVE to build with block. It is the most efficient way possible in this game. A small trick: designate a 1x1 stockpile that accepts only blocks that TAKE from another stockpile of blocks. This 1x1 stockpile can have 1 bin of block storage, so, if you happen to have several bins full of blocks, a dwarf will carry 1 bin containing 20 blocks to the new designated stockpile, which can be anywhere. I always make 1 for projects I am making or for building walls/floors/ecc jsut so dwarfs don't haul anything from several z lvls away and SPECIALLY not carrying regular heavy ass stone. ALSO, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!!! Make a chute. A 1x1 hole, mined all the way down for 15 to 20 z lvls. Designate a Dump space next to it, so every dwarf WILL throw everything designated to dump down said hole. You can then cover the whole with a drawbridge and no one will know they have a trash disposer and no one will even feel the miasma from bellow. Also, an atom smasher is the most usefull thing here for those who don't know. - Create a 1x2 drawbridge. - Activate it so it is up (retracted) - Make a hole a z lvl over where the drawbridge closes (the part that retracts is the tail. There goes the hole on the lvl above). - Designate that hole as dump (make it accesible to dwarfs). - Everyone will throw anything designated to dump there (if there is no other Dump zone) - Everything will collect bellow that hole. - Close the drawbridge. - Retract it and watch everything underneath DISSAPEAR. - Most important TIP: Nothing has to be above the drawbridge when it is closed (on the same z lvl). It will fly off when the bridge opens. If anything, these tips will help ANYONE trying this scenario. You need to squeeze the game to survive.
@Psychopatz Год назад
@entropic-decay Год назад
SPOILERS BELOW . . . . . oh yeah, the demon you encountered is a new thing. There's occasional 3x3 pockets of obsidian and various precious gemstones (diamonds, star rubies, star sapphires) that appear at all cavern layers - they get more frequent and more clustered together the deeper you go. they can either contain a "treasure of the gods" (a unique artifact with no dwarf responsible for its creation), a random non-sentient demon, or just another chunk of obsidian in the middle. deeper ones also tend to either be *hot* as if filled with magma, or *wet* as if filled with water, and mining close to them has a low chance to ignite the dwarf doing the work. Personally, I've been referring to them as "carnival envoys" and "circus tents"
@Pr1vateLime Год назад
Ahhhhhh, good to know! ALso cool to see new stuff like that!
@askizpro6472 Год назад
Project zombiod pls
@BigKevSexyMan Год назад
Fyi don’t forget you can name your levers
@kangaxx4396 3 месяца назад
In this episode you made the most annoying voices ever
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