
Dividing The United Methodist Church 

To the Contrary on PBS
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The United Methodist Church remains officially opposed to homosexuality, same sex marriage, and self-avowed gay pastors. It's official rulebook - the book of discipline states - "The practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching." But not all United Methodist congregations agree with the church's view on the issue. The fight on this issue is testing the faith more than ever and Dividing the United Methodist Church.



5 окт 2024




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@truthbetold7170 6 лет назад
2 Timothy 4:3 3For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear
@BatfoxBabe 5 лет назад
@hesedagape6122 5 лет назад
ACNA will say Amen. Come here UMC
@nicholasregos 8 лет назад
"Don't you know that evil people will not receive God's kingdom? Don't be fooled. Those who commit sexual sins will not receive the kingdom. Neither will those who worship statues of gods or commit adultery. Neither will men who are prostitutes or who commit homosexual acts." 1 Corinthians 6:9 NIRV
@rstevewarmorycom 3 года назад
Paul was a despicable homophobe. The bible is garbage. Always has been.
@ericholland3676 5 лет назад
I refused to follow Jesus, BECAUSE of the moral standard that the scriptures teach. I simply wasn't about to change. Later, I had to admit that I'd like to change, I just wasn't capable of doing so. Finally, I fell at the foot of the cross. Broken, I called out to Jesus Christ. Even though I knew I couldn't change, I was able to believe that the Lord could (and would) change me. He died for my freedom. Some people want to tell me that I wasn't in bondage. They're either ignorant...or liars. I've been set free, by the blood of Jesus. May everyone find this freedom.
@lionofjudahlambofgod9132 3 года назад
Praise Jesus.
@wanda520 3 года назад
Bless you and praise Almighty God .
@tomithompson4668 7 лет назад
John Wesley would "Turn over in his grave" so to speak of he heard of this revolting development. Homosexuals are loved by God, but their lifestyle isn't! They must repent!
@jondoes8222 7 лет назад
They will always be homosexuals but staying away from the sexual desires will be their biggest challenge. Some have it easier to become Christians than others.
@clarkkent1672 6 лет назад
Wesley ministered to homosexuals in 18th century England that were imprisoned for being themselves. It has been proven that sexual orientation isn't a choice. Why would we choose to be gay knowing the discrimination that exists??
@Amandadances1983 6 лет назад
I believed the gay agenda as a young child. I thought I was born the wrong gender. No. Nope. It's a deceptive lie that's freely preached in movies, tv, music, etc. It's sin. Just like adultery. Just like murder. Do not believe that people are born gay, they are not. Our culture is hypersexualized. If a murderer comes to church, thanks be to God! I pray that murderer never murders again and I pray they repent. If you cheat on your spouse and continue to cheat, you are living in sin. Having homosexual couples in church is the same as having a couple in church where the husband and wife commit adultery. I'm not anti-gay or homophobic, I am anti-sin. As much as I hate what they are doing to the church, I feel like I would be doing a bigger disservice to God by not continuing to go to church. I can help homosexuals with my testimony from childhood. So if people that identify as gay come to church, I might feel the need to tell them about my struggles. This could go one of two ways; apostasy and mass exodus of the church, OR a revival. Just my two cents.
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
Thank you for being honest and open with your experience. I don’t agree that I can “change” and I believe there are those of us that are this way for a reason. I don’t know what reason yet, but I know humans are not the only living things that are sometimes attracted to their own sexual gender. Two males can bring up offspring in the animal world, even if (like some heterosexual couples) they cannot reproduce alone.
@khappy1286 5 лет назад
Do you know that in the Psalms it says God HATES those who practice sin? It does not say he loves the sinner but hates sin. It says HE HATES those who practice ( openly practice a sin without trying to stop) God's words, not mine. Let's all read our Bibles and be clear about the mind and heart of the Father.
@Interesting_Placebo 5 лет назад
At 9:07 Ginger Gaines-Cerelli says something that is incorrect. She insinuates the United Methodist Church is not welcoming to all people and that is absolutely not true. The UMC welcomes all sinners no matter what your sin may be. There's always a pew somewhere with an empty space. For true Christians this shouldn't even be a debate. I find it bizarre that church "leaders" would consider promoting sin from behind the pulpit . The Bible condemns homosexuality. Period. There is no argument to the contrary. If the UMC condoned homosexuality it would be approving of sin. People may change (progress), but God does not. He is the same now as He was 6000 years ago when He created our world. I usually don't cherry pick scripture to make a point, but every time I read on this topic I think of Malachi 3:6. "For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed". Open your Bible church leaders. Satan works tirelessly and so must you.
@lionofjudahlambofgod9132 3 года назад
@Skipbo000 3 года назад
yeah, but being gay doesn't make me a "sinner."
@Interesting_Placebo 3 года назад
@@Skipbo000 Maybe not in "your bible". If you read the Bible you would find out otherwise.
@Skipbo000 3 года назад
@@Interesting_Placebo what, to poke my eye out, not cut my hair, not to sleep in the same bed with a woman on her cycle, wear mixed linens or eat shellfish? Is that what you're talking about? Oh, you're talking about the leviticus verses (the same section of the Bible that mentions the other things too) where men who are married to their wives are told not to lay down with a man as you would with your wife - a common problem back in those days that happened as a result of cultural and social issues during that time. Men would congregate in washing houses and over time and deep friendships were born and men would be out of sorts with their wives where they would no longer be having sex, would sometimes as a result of bathing together in the bathouse become intangled with other men. It's basically the Bible addressing the issue of homoeroticism or in today's language, "Bromance" a common phenomonon amoung heterosexual men who become too emotionally attached or obsessed with another man. Verses which have absolutely NOTHING to do with a committed relationship with a person of the same sex ending in a monogamus marriage as a result of being born homosexual, which of course i possible because none of choose who we are sexually attracted to. The men in Leviticus were heterosexual men.
@Interesting_Placebo 3 года назад
@@Skipbo000 the problem with people having a difficult time turning away from sin is that they have to choose. You can't love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind and continue living in sin. It's hard to give up whatever your sinful pleasure may be in life, but if you want to be with God you'll have to. Trying to "read in to" the Bible so it condones your sin is not the way. I have my own struggles and I've tried to justify things I've done by cherry picking scripture. Doesn't work. That gut feeling, conscience, or whatever people call it let's you know it's wrong. It will always come over you. That's God letting you know it's not right and time to change.
@ecrucible 3 года назад
We welcome everyone in the church esp in UMC. We all need the Lord, the Lord’s design is to make everyone new, take away the old self(sin). The Scripture remains with its biblical truth. We are told to deny ourselves. Turn away from sins which are very very clearly stated in the Bible. The church is giving us the chance to know the truth and to become new creations.
@silveriorebelo2920 Год назад
yeah, keep trying to convince yoursef of the lies you yourself invent
@ianalan4367 8 лет назад
"What one generation tolerates the next generation will accept." - John Wesley
@macrent2 8 лет назад
+Gary Carpenter How are people "suffering from" the LGBTQ community having equal rights?
@garykcarpenter 8 лет назад
I don't who the fuck is using my youtube account and this shit but you better sleep with one eye open if you continue!
Ian Alan • The Wesleys knew how that old liar satan the devil works, and he’s still working today. At a fever pitch, I might add; he knows his time is short. Just look at the influence he’s had: got a sitting president to celebrate “marriage” ( a misnomer) of two people of the same sex, and then light up the White House in rainbow colors (which has even been hijacked by homosexuals because God said the rainbow is symbolic of and a reminder of His promise to never destroy the world by flood again); just last week Democrats celebrated blocking a bill to allow the life of a newborn baby at term to continue with life; our Constitution is under the most serious attacks ever in its history. I could go on and on with how pervasive demonic influences have gone from just gaining a foothold in our society to all-out war on the human race, but you know all that. Satan’s biggest lie is he’s convinced people he doesn’t even exist, while getting them to do his bidding. He’s smart and cunning but he still cringes at the glorious Name above all names, Jesus Christ. And one sweet day when all is said and done, He will bring His faithful Church home.
@rapier1954 5 лет назад
@@macrent2 It seems like me it is fine for the LGBTQ community to have its rights in society but they do not have the right to force any church to change its beliefs.
@carlaskidmore6354 5 лет назад
Your language threats to that person speaks volumes regarding what you do and act as a Christian. I gather that you do not want full inclusion for our LBGT sisters and brothers, why is that. How can it hurt you if two people of the same gender love each other and marry?
@hesedagape6122 5 лет назад
Excommunication is a very important thing in any Church community. Unity in holiness is different from unity in sin.
@gapfenix 5 лет назад
"But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Matthew 15:9 KJV
@eenlow4655 6 лет назад
I stand firmly with the Book of discipline and I am Methodist, this should not be a topic! Marriage is one man and one woman period!
@billa.2450 6 лет назад
Agreed, as it was in the beginning and forever shall be, according to God's Word.
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
Except marriage simply is not one man and one woman, period. Not at all. The heterosexual population can marry one person of the opposite sex, then leave them and marry a different woman... contrary to specific teaching of Jesus. Some issues with your simplistic statement there! But I love you and it is okay we disagree. We are all wrong somehow and fall short.
Paz Stephen • Paz, you’re calling right what you surely know is wrong. Because you’ve gone off the Way, you can’t just grab others and expect them to go down with you. Look, I love you man, what you’re doing though is rationalizing, and we all learned about that in seventh grade. Look. If you’re Christian-bashing, get in line! If you’re looking for hypocrisy, get in line! Make lots of lines! Remarrying is okay and Biblical in cases of death or adultery. But I shouldn’t have to explain that to you, you know better than the rest of us, sounds like! I’m not worthy to pick up the crumbs under my Lord’s table. And neither are you. So now. I’m not going to argue with you, so don’t bully others. Your calling out God as a liar won’t work, and no one, no one is going to listen to that. I love you. Yes I do and I want to see you as we’re going through the air in our new bodies! But it’s not about me, and it’s not about you. It’s about what Father God wants for His children, and you know full well He doesn’t want that lifestyle for you. No one said easy. No one said overnight. If you would just give it to Him and let Him make a new creature in you, He will. It’s all in there, it’s all true, and it never has and never will change. Until the last of His is awarded their crowns/rewards, or else judged. Edit: I lost the precious person I was directing this to. Maybe he’ll see it anyway.
@JonathanDeLeon-em4px 5 лет назад
@@ohmusicsweetmusic You were not born gay but became homosexual through bad experiences in your early childhood. Jesus can heal you if you let Him - for there is nothing impossible with God's help. Let the Holy Spirit transform your life as He has done for other former LGBTQ people.
@whitecrys1 5 лет назад
@@ohmusicsweetmusic "...if not kept in its rightful hierachy"??? Wow, just wow.
@adriantostevin6487 8 лет назад
If the Church is being asked to authorise same sex marriage because it appeals to the sexual preference of a person, I hope the Church is also being asked to authorise churchgoers to have a spouse and one or more lovers if that is what appeals to their particular sexual preference and provided that all of those involved are in agreement with the arrangement and are above the age of consent. That would be fair as both are contrary to the word of God. What I am trying to highlight is that the sexual stuff that we may want to do may not be what God wants of mankind. So, within the bounds of consent and maturity of age, the only way the Church can endorse same sex marriage is to also endorse any other activity and lifestyle that a person chooses, rather than require the obedience that God requires of His followers as clearly stated in His book.
@hansmeisterschulz5941 5 лет назад
Dear Jesus, please forgive us! Open the eyes of the lost, deceived and confused! They are following the lusts of the flesh which is in opposition to the living in the Spirit! Shame on the sham! Saw this coming years ago and left the UM church then! Watch for the Lords return and get your house in order!
@ohmusicsweetmusic 5 лет назад
"Dear Child, you must first open thine own eyes before you open another." - Jesus.
@sallyward6596 5 лет назад
If that is how she feels, why did she become a minister in the UMC?
@carlaskidmore6354 5 лет назад
To try to change what is wrong
@wilfredrabina6226 5 лет назад
"Shepherds leading their sheep astray."(Jeremiah 23:1). "Conforming to this world" (Romans 12:2). Jesus Christ is a prime example of "Radical Hospitality." They called Him, "Friend of sinners." He love sinners but not their sins. He told the woman caught in adultery, "Neither do I condemn you. Go, and SIN NO MORE." (John 8:11). We, as people of the United Methodist Church (not united in this issue), must maintain our "Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors" policy. Let us welcome all sinners... yes, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)... LGBTQ+ practice sexual immorality, a sin... and encourage them to change, and pray that the Holy Spirit might touch them, change their heart, and lead them to be righteous. I admire the boldness and radical move of the Western Jurisdiction of the UMC for being the first of appointing leaders who are considered minorities. But those instances did not violate the Bible nor our Book of Discipline. But they have gone too far. Bishops appointing openly gay/lesbian clergies, council of bishops appointing openly practicing lesbian as bishop based on her achievements/works/ability and disregarding her sexual lifestyle, completely violates the Book of Discipline. That's why the 2019 Special Called Session of the General Conference came about, hoping to clear out their mess. But the Global UMC has spoken and voted to keep the stand against gay clergies and same sex marriage. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Let us give our love and pray for all LGBTQ and their supporters. They are grieving about the decision and remain very vocal and somewhat condemning us, traditionalist (the silent majority), for not siding with their preferred sexual orientation. LORD IN YOUR MERCY, HEAR OUR PRAYER. I am writing this not with hatred but with love and concern. I also have close friends and family members in that community, not condemning them but continuing to pray for them.
@hoozdis 5 лет назад
All believers battle with sin but this sin is celebrated as a gift from God, these people (not born of God) are called reprobates...from such turn away
@cliffordishii3738 5 лет назад
Biblical Christians do not need a denomination to follow Jesus.
@rondavis6017 5 лет назад
Clifford Ishii AMEN brother
@twalya1 7 лет назад
I am a methodist since birth. Now Im thinking to look for new church who is firm that homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching.
@jacobbrownfield5753 4 года назад
These are the " I never knew you" people. Real scary. As Paul said "it's a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living GOD."
@lionofjudahlambofgod9132 3 года назад
@Sv0126 5 лет назад
This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. (Matthew 15:8 KJV)
@marywhaley4675 4 года назад
In the name of "tolerance" people are loving their homosexual friends right into an early grave.
@timlangdon6448 4 года назад
But we are not to justify anyting... because we're not worthy to justify anyting only Jesus Christ is worthy to justify anything. Everything is based on what does the Holy Bible say about the matter.. not once us human beings decide about it.. What does the Holy Bible say about the matter... because all we are messengers.
@dianaparks5415 4 года назад
We must stand on the Bible and the Bible alone!
@chuckrice8496 8 лет назад
It is the old debate: Progressives versus Conservatives. There is no compromise to this divide - as the theology is just different. John Wesley was a Conservative. So reason would have it that the Progressives should go do their "own thing" and leave the UMC and start the Homosexual Methodist Church. Seems simple to me. Again, it is all about the money, property and such.
@cap6tee9 8 лет назад
the angeland church did not consider wesley a conservative. he broke the rules of accepted teachings and was not aloud to preach in many pulpits. i agree the issue is money and the progresives own most of it...the beautiful churches..colleges and lastly tge good saleries and penion plans.
@foreverautumn7097 5 лет назад
They could just go to the Metropolitan Community Churches, which were designed to be nondenominational LGBT affirming churches and leave the UMC alone.
@angelashadd-kittrell2102 5 лет назад
I agree. Furthermore, Conservatives and Progressives know that there is an economic challenge to what you have proposed. That is why both sides seem to want to work through this. But it is clear that there will never be authentic unity around this issue. Both sides are trying to create unity for the sake of unity, to preserve the economic integrity of the UMC. However, how can 2 walk together (agree) unless they agree (on a precept)? We will limp and crawl until Scripture becomes the chief thing and center of our belief.
@JonathanDeLeon-em4px 5 лет назад
@@keithsexton7686 Yet, Christ said he brings a sword of division. He brings the sword of Truth to divide the true believers from the false believers.
@barbwelch2527 5 лет назад
God does not allow the practice of homosexuality in the Bible. The book of discipline is not the Bible...it is man's opinion the Bible is the ultimate authority. There will be God's wrath to pay for churches turning away from the Bible.
@chuckrice8496 8 лет назад
This is a straightforward affair. The "splinter groups" should go establish their own church. That is essentially what the Wesley boys did back when. Start their own Church. It is all about the money. It is not about the Book of Discipline - if in fact these pastors are UMethodists then they should go by the Book of the UMC, the Book of Discipline. For these splinter groups to have joined the UMC and become pastors in the UMC having taken the oath to uphold the UMC doctrine and the book of discipline when in fact they became UM pastors knowingly that their objective was to undermine the UM Book of Discipline and the doctrine fo the church is Fraud from the get go and they should be ejected from the church leadership.
@hesedagape6122 5 лет назад
When churches take a lax attitude to Church discipline they allow such schismatic pastors in because undisciplined church members eventually aspire to Church leadership if not clerical positions. I am Anglican and I feel your pain.
@redshark9537 4 года назад
A majority is not a splinter group.
@robertbykowski1398 5 лет назад
As I was watching this, I was wondering why it is that people who regularly attend Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches (both of whom continue to remain anti-gay) yet agree with the pro-homosexual points of view presented here have not caused a split in those churches ? Is it because the ethnic identity ties keep them from leaving ? Or is it because that in both of those churches, you have a single leader who calls the shots as opposed to a board composed of both clergy and laity ? In any case, Catholic and Orthodox churches remain strong, yet a great number of their members would agree with the "full inclusion" demands of the people here who want to change the United Methodist church. Secondly, what is it that keeps the pro-gay individuals tied to the United Methodist church when they could belong to a denomination that openly welcomes them, such as the Episcopal church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), the Presbyterian Church USA, the United Church of Christ or the Disciples of Christ ? My guess is that it is the United Methodist's church long history of fighting for social justice. However, causing a split in another Christian denomination is NOT the answer. The answer is finding a denomination that fits the closest (perhaps not entirely) to one's one beliefs in most areas, and proceeding to join that one. And the United Methodist church needs to continue to uphold the values and teachings it was founded on.
@nycnyc9921 5 лет назад
The devil is using this issue to try to distory the church from the inside out.
@transracialfamilycoaching4929 9 лет назад
As a life-long Methodist who spent years in church governance. I can testify to the fact that the UMC has no problem remarry divorced folks. No problem marrying couples already shacking up or engaged in pre-marital sex, which is now over 90% of unmarried Americans. No problem renting out our sanctuaries to non-believers, so that they can have a church wedding to make grandmother happy. Given the U.S., gay population is around 3.8% (sorry folks it has never been 10%), it seems somewhat silly to be signaling out gays people. Why not focus on the 112 million unmarried American. 91 million of which are having sex. Alternatively, what about the millions, millions, and millions of divorces. I mean if are charge is to make disciples then wouldn’t this be good place to start. After all if, gay people are going to hell. So are all of them.
@mytwocents1693 8 лет назад
+Transracial Family Coaching Marrying divorcees, people who have engaged in premarital sex, renting out sanctuaries, etc. have no real bearing on the issue of same sex marriage, ordination of gay clergy, welcoming openly gay persons into the Church, etc. To condone ongoing, sinful behaviour without turning away from that behavior, is heresy. Adulterers repent. Those engaged in relations outside of marriage, confess and repent. Openly gay clergy, same sex marriage, continuing in a same sex relationship without repentance means that the person remains in sin, and not only that, takes pride in their sin. We do not have the authority to define sin, only God defines sin, and His word is has been revealed to us through the Patriarchs, the Prophets, and in the person of Jesus Christ. Nowhere in the scripture is same sex relations portrayed in a positive manner. 1. Admit your sin. We are all sinners and fall short of the Glory of God. 2. Understand that the consequence of sin is death eternal. 3. Believe that Jesus died on the cross to save us from sin and death. 4. Repent, by turning away from your old life of sin, to a new life in Christ. 5. Receive the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. You cannot skip any steps on the way to step 5. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Continuing in sin, without even recognizing or confessing the sin, is not the path to salvation. "Intolerance" is not the problem; it is the sin itself that is the problem.
@twwt7004 8 лет назад
+My Two Cents Amen. Only in Faith, Charity/love (1st Cor 13), and having you will sign to God's will. These can be done.
@wrinkle66 7 лет назад
Well said. Very well said!
@davidlaurahay 7 лет назад
I guess we now know how many wrongs it takes to make a right
@joew9392 7 лет назад
Perhaps the Church should focus on all sin which it's supposed to do...The people should repent of ALL their sins..
@richardbowman2794 9 лет назад
Romans 1:26, Romans 6:12, Romans 8:5, Romans 13:14, 1Corinthians 6:9,18,19, Galations 5:16,22, Ephesians 2:10, 1Timothy 1:8-11, 2Timothy 3:16, 2Timothy 4:3, 2Peter 3:3
@cap6tee9 8 лет назад
+Richard Bowman..... now give us the scriptures that mention your...sins
@dodopod 8 лет назад
+Robert Tucker I'm sure he did. Most of those verses are very general.
@cap6tee9 8 лет назад
He who says he has no sins is a liar and the truth is not in him..but if we confess our sins .he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleansed us from all unrighteous....
@richardbowman2794 8 лет назад
+Robert Tucker 1 John 3:9New Living Translation (NLT)9 Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life[a]is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God.
@christopheredgeworth9816 5 лет назад
The word doesn't change but people do. As we study the scriptures and actually delve into the history of the times of the writings we can learn that these verses people are "quoting" are not so cut and dry. I believe the Holy Spirit moves among us as we read scripture allowing us to grow spiritually. An interpretation of any part of it that we may have been fully invested in a t one time will most like change as our spirituality does. The scripture has not, but our understandings of it grows. Growing is a key element to our spirituality, not staying in one "locked in" spot. Remember these words have also been changed during translations and also meant totally different things in those times, region, and even who was doing the writing, which was hundreds of people over hundreds of years. So many comments here basically say "not in my home". Not very welcoming. I believe the true sin of Sodom and Gomorrah if you delve into the history. Not what you wanted to hear, I know. But if we are to love all people as Jesus has asked us I do not believe casting others aside is the way to do it. Let everybody live and worship United and then let God be the judge.
@AlanHittverified 5 лет назад
When you say that you took a vow to support something knowing that what you were actually going to do was fight it, you have just admitted to lying and a lack of integrity. So lies and deceit are acceptable means for reform? You cannot follow Jesus by making yourself a liar and deceiver.
@rapier1954 5 лет назад
What fellowship does darkness have with light? - NONE - I am not a United Methodist - but it is time for those who want to stand on the Word of God to break company with those who do not wish to do so.
@blessingyap3867 5 лет назад
S-T-E-R, SCRIPTURE, Tradition, Experience and Reason. The primacy of the Scripture is where I'm coming from. There's no way, any of your plans can fit to the teachings of the Holy Scripture. It's a split! If the UMC clergy will not allow God to be sovereign in His Church, then "split it shall be." From the beginning the clergy is accountable to this conflict. The NWO one world religion shall not destroy the Church. "God created humans in His own image, He created them male and female." It shall be so to the end. "Come quickly Lord Jesus!"
@whitecrys1 5 лет назад
@anthonylewis62 5 лет назад
it does not matter really what the methodists think, its simply what God had to say on the subject and HE has not changed his mind, and will not, simply because people have
@whitecrys1 5 лет назад
@bradlord7241 8 лет назад
Why on earth would anybody be a Methodist if the teachings of Methodism refute the Bible? If the BOD were to suddenly be contrary to the Bible on this issue, Methodism dies. It has happened with every denomination that has "evolved" on this issue. Bottom line, society shouldn't be changing what the church believes. If it can do it in this issue, it can do it on any issue, and the church will look no different than the world. Exactly what scripture prophesies.
@charlesvonhabsburg3107 8 лет назад
This isn't the teachings of Methodists. This is the influence of liberal "Christians in the church." I am a Methodist and I have been to three churches and had about 5 pastors and only one ever affirmed gay marriage.
@angelashadd-kittrell2102 5 лет назад
@@charlesvonhabsburg3107 a small group is controlling the doctrinal conversation of the UMC. The majority must not be intimidated and speak up! Those who stand on Scripture must STAND on Scripture and not fear.
Yes. I’m 62 and a lifelong Methodist but my heart started breaking for the church as I saw, and sadly saw in this video, how it was embracing apostasy and how easy it is for some clergy to poke God’s eye! Judgment is coming and I don’t know what has happened to the apostate Church, but it’s the worldly influences and satanic spiritualism downright invading her. The gay movement has also hijacked one of God’s sacred symbols , the rainbow. What else will the church buy that the devil is selling? Sacrificing the members of the church on the altar of the world is what they’re doing. And these clergy members who continue to provoke God are held at a higher standard. I feel for them. God have mercy on us for surely they know not what they do. How defiant they act in this video!
@sarahhutton1095 5 лет назад
Someone tell me how many times the name of Jesus was spoken,,,,,,
@bettyspaghetti4803 5 лет назад
Standing on the word of God is not fear. It is not phobia. It is courage. Christianity is not the popular thing. We aren't here to bring joy to ourselves on Earth.
@ryanehlis426 5 лет назад
Get out of apostate churches!
@reagnew 9 лет назад
It's the one single point on which I agree with Rob Renfroe. A separation by design is better than a separation by default.
@joangrattendick3183 5 лет назад
As a UMC member, I oppose the practice of homosexuality because it is against GOD's Word and it is against the UMC Discipline, that states that no UMC Pastor will marry same sex persons. Ministers are sworn to uphold I hope that we will separate, that way those who are against the changes will have their Covenant Church. I believe that there is no other answer.
@beasheerhan4482 5 лет назад
Pastor Cirelli may successfully 'work' to change what the Methodist Book of Disciplines says about homosexuality, but, that still does not change what the Bible says about it.
@michaelcaza-schonberger9282 8 лет назад
Messiah said "deny thyself, take up thy cross, and follow me", not remain as you are! Ginger׳s, and other "pastors" response need to be total submission to the Word of God, not twist it!
@angelashadd-kittrell2102 5 лет назад
There are more who feel homosexuality is sin than those who do not. Unfortunately, because of unfounded fear, the voice of opposers has been muted.
@carlaskidmore570 5 лет назад
@@angelashadd-kittrell2102 No, my dear only 30% of the people believe that being LBGTQAI is sinful, the other 70% of the people, most of whom are well educated, especially in the sciences, feel that being LBGTQAI is a matter of one's birth. It is chance, not choice.
@carlaskidmore570 5 лет назад
Oh, BTW, that 30% who believe that being LBGT is sinful are the same 30% dim bulbs who support Trump.
@JonathanDeLeon-em4px 5 лет назад
@@carlaskidmore570 Many of the well educated have been influenced by political correctness to reject science. They dismiss the work of Dr.Joseph Nicolosi, whose studies led him to the conclusion that the cause of homosexuality is found in early childhood. He found that adults who do not bond with their same sex parent in early childhood will continue to seek affirmation and love through other people of the same sex, in later life.
@carlaskidmore6354 5 лет назад
@@JonathanDeLeon-em4px Dr. Nicolosi's "research" is suspect, and the university at which he teaches is far right wing, which is unusual for an institution of higher learning. Why must we always discriminate? It is still those whose skin is darker who continue to face discrimination. Now that being LBGTQAI is on the radar, it was not sixty years ago, we have to add our LBGTQAI sisters and brothers to the group that faces discrimination. If a person is kind, compassionate, generous to those who are in need is non-judgmental, loves God, and her or his neighbors, as they love themselves, why does it matter who they love and marry? If your next door neighbor has a spouse of the same gender, waves at you as he or she cuts their lawn, maybe even give you a ride to the doctor if you were ill, why would you care about his or her marriage? If people whom I mentioned were studying at a seminary and wished to be pastors, I would think that they would be the kind of pastors that someone would want in their church.
@KnightxxArrow 8 лет назад
I hope the United Methodist Church does not split. I grew up a Methodist (UMC North Texas) and I love the church and the people.
@joew9392 7 лет назад
I have attended a UMC Church for a year or so but have decided to not become a member as long as the Church willingly goes against God's word on several issues. We're having a woman pastor speak this week and I have chosen not to attend, probably will eventually find another church that wants to obey God...
@acortes7771 6 лет назад
Light of the Fatherland, I hope they do split. Its better to split then to continue in the path of apostasy. The Bible is very explicit in Matthew 18:8-9 "8 And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire. 9 And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire".
@billa.2450 6 лет назад
Even if it does split, mine and hundreds of other UMC congregatons will NEVER go against God's Word. Never.
@carlaskidmore570 5 лет назад
@@joew9392 The UMC will not miss you. Women have had pastorates for decades, where have you been? Oh, do you still think that the Sun revolves around the Earth, or that seizures are caused by "demons?"
@joew9392 5 лет назад
A lot of things have been done for decades, doesn't mean it's approved of God...
Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do. The Bible does not change. There is no new revelation under the sun. Gays are proudly going against the very word of God, and their eyes are clouded and God will give these people over to their desires and abominations. These folks are spitting in and poking the very eye of God. Nothing about the Bible’s say on homosexuality has changed, but the world has and influences people whose hearts are not committed to upholding God’s precious word. Lord, we pray for our brothers and sisters who are snubbing their noses at You. Amen.
@ohmusicsweetmusic 5 лет назад
I cannot change my sexual orientation anymore than you can change yours. I was born this way. The cruelty of how you speak can best be described with a person born with one arm - demanding that until he decides to grow another one he will be considered an "abomination." That's how cruel, stupid and ignorant you being.
ohmusicsweetmusic • Sir, That is different and you KNOW it is. You are calling God a liar. How can you even close your eyes to sleep? Listen. I love you. I love you! I don’t want my sister who lives with her boyfriend and has not repented to be judged any more than I want you to. You can call me every name in the book, even some you made up! Jesus even said I would be hated! But please, time is ticking and soon it will be too late! I don’t even know you but if you, just you, will change your mind and feelings and I know and He knows it may take a long time!! But just START by repentance for this. He will take care of the rest. I’m in tears for you, son! We don’t have much time. Lay it at His feet. All of it. I have to every day! I’m 100% hetero (married 40 years this year) but I have a nagging problem with my weight and I can’t sit up here and blame it on inherited this or that. No it’s ME, I love food TOO much. You think I think your problem is worse, somehow, than mine!?! I’m very passionate and listen. Just listen. If no one else turns to Jesus today, and there was a little spark deep within you that ignited, to turn away from God’s creation of the very basic man and woman and what we’re intended to do and how we do it, if just you lay it at His precious feet today, it would be worth it. He goes looking for that one - that ONE - He does not want most, or many, no! He wants all to come to Himself. ALL!
@ohmusicsweetmusic 5 лет назад
@@gomphrena-beautifulflower-8043 So you are hetero. Imagine for a moment you were told to change to homo or burn in hell. Could you do it? Do you know the difference between things about yourself that you can change and things you cannot change? If you are equating sexual attraction to weight loss, apparently you do not. You hell bent on believing that the particular sex one is attracted to is a choice and I am trying to tell you that it is not. And you telling me over and over again that the way God made me is wrong isn't going to change the fact that i CAN'T GET IT UP WITH A WOMAN. I AM AS DISGUSTED BY THAT AS YOU WOULD BE PUTTING A DICK IN YOUR MOUTH. OK?! GET IT??
ohmusicsweetmusic • You didn’t have to spell it out in unnecessary and vile terms. I stand by what I said because I’m basing on Truth, music. Truth. I used the weight problem so as to establish a more common ground where you might understand that I understand the self, the flesh, prone to sin. You can be set free. You are spiritually blinded, and these “clergy” in the UMC have become willfully blinded. And you bought the lie, hook, line, and sinker. I’m much more upset with this apostasy going on in the church. That’s a lot more serious to Jesus, and they should be called out on it. I can only pray and hope for you. At the end of the day, there is xx and xy chromosomes (with the exception of an extremely rare ‘super male’ anomaly, not pertinent to this discussion). I can send a link or information on practicalities from those who have been saved and successfully left that lifestyle.
ohmusicsweetmusic • I’m back after a few moments of quiet prayer and introspection. I wanted to apologize if I sounded bullying. Really, I’m sorry. I’m not changing the Truth, but my delivery may have been callous. I’m so passionate about this, I’ve cried out to God on this and other issues that the world (satan is its god) so cruelly takes and takes. Anyway I do love you and crying out for your sake, but I did not mean to come across as bullying.
@ezekieltitusplaza3985 5 лет назад
Galatians 5: 19-21. "The Acts of the Sinful Nature are Obvious: Sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy,; drunkenness, orgies and the like. I warn you , as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God"
@ohmusicsweetmusic 5 лет назад
I cannot change my sexual orientation anymore than you can change yours. I was born this way. The cruelty of how you speak can best be described with a person born with one arm - demanding that until he decides to grow another one he will be considered an "abomination." That's how cruel, stupid and ignorant you being.
@P47ThunderboltJug 8 лет назад
"why would God make me this way, then immediately label me a sinner" ... All humans are born sinners
@evanjin4872 8 лет назад
God's gift to you is your life. What you choose to do with it is your decision. What kind of gift are you giving back to god? Choose wisely. I spent 34 years as one of the most vile creatures on Earth. When I could not run away from myself and God anymore, I capitulated to Jesus. He picked me up, brushed me off, forgave me of ALL of my sins, and said walk with me, for I love you and will never forsake you. NO human can do for me what Jesus did. As for color, God's favorite color is RED, because that is the color of the blood that Jesus shed on the cross when he paid the price for everyone's sins, mine, yours and every person on this planet. It is not a sin to be tempted, but it IS a sin to give in to it. No God, no peace. Know God, know peace. Choose the light and shun the dark. Join me and the other nasty sinners whom have turned over a new leaf and their lives to Jesus. You will be glad that you did, for his yoke removes the burdens of the world from upon your shoulders.
@wrinkle66 7 лет назад
I don't need to practice any more. I'm perfect at it :)
@wrinkle66 7 лет назад
Heterosexual morales.... boy I lost count of the # of verses. Understanding of human sexuality has evolved and is far better understood. Science has shown that is not a choice - where as homophobia, hate and exclusions are. No-one would choose to be bullied, harassed and discriminated against all their lives. Sadly many young people commit suicide because some (getting fewer thank God) ignorant adults told them that they were sinners. I hope that is on their conscience.
@historian252 7 лет назад
You are stating a lie as many scientist state it is a choice.
@todharris6635 7 лет назад
Why would God make a pedophiles and then label those persons as sinners. You can add all kinds of sinful things to the list that comes naturally to people and ask the same question.
@danielallen6032 3 года назад
The Bible says "there is none that is righteous, not even one". That said, we must all recognize within ourselves that we have desires that are antithetical to the commandments of God. Same sex attractions may be real just as the desire to engage in heterosexual sex outside of marriage, but that does not give us license to engage in them and justify them because its what we want. God calls us to a higher standard: His standard. if we truly desire a right relationship with God we must come to the point where we recognize that it is impossible to please God with our actions. God says "all our works are as filthy rags". We all need a Savior. God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life. When Christ died on the Cross, His blood covered our sins so that God could look upon Christ's perfect sacrifice and restore our relationship to Him. Not only did Christ conquer death, which was the legal payment for our sin, through His resurrection, He also sent His Holy Spirit to transform us and give us power to resist our sinful desires. If we continue to justify our sin, then it is evident that we have not truly accepted the payment that Jesus Christ paid for us, and we are continuing to live according to our own nature. We must continue to examine our lives to see if there is unrighteousness within us and confess it before God. It is our humility before God that allows us to be transformed and be molded into the person He wants us to be.
@AF-tv6uf 4 года назад
I was raised in the UMC but not in it now. I'm straight. I'm looking on this from the outside, and what I see is a divide over authority. Does moral authority spring from: 1. Personal feelings 2. Reason (the vanishingly small minority opinion) 3. Traditions considered infallible on pure faith. Option 1 and Option 3 are at war and it's become 'Bible verses' contra 'rage and pain.' Nobody is saying 'here's why gay marriage is OK but polygamy is not.' Heck, I dare you to find one person in this mess who is pro-gay but against abortion or vice versa. There seem to be no moderates. Its absurd. The UMC has *never* been a church based on Biblical literalism. So why *now* has gender become a hill to die on for conservatives especially?
@namasi7070 5 лет назад
The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” (Isa 40:8)," "Do not conform to the pattern of this world..." (Rom 12:2). As a Christian from the third world I am amazed at Christians in America and the West who blatantly twist the Word of God so they can conform to the pattern of this world. It's no wonder the church in the west is dying while it thrives everywhere else. 'He who marries the spirit of this age will find himself a widower in the next.'
@deacondiannelowe7809 5 лет назад
I oppose any effort between the UMC and TEC signing any agreement on mutual ministry until and unless the UMC changes their policies.
@JonathanDeLeon-em4px 5 лет назад
The TEC has already gone apostate. Why would the UMC embrace an apostate church?
@emuelllemu5644 6 лет назад
@MattheMatthew Год назад
These pastors should never have chosen to be ordained if they didn't agree with the rules.
@nateriver4216 8 лет назад
Why is there a woman pastor? So they ordain women priests and support LGBT??? Ok whomever thinks they are Christian in this church needs to... think more
@tomithompson4668 7 лет назад
Nate River: Women being ordained pastors is OK so long as they are not lezbian. ST. Paul didn't address the issue of women leaders with every church he organized. What was true in Paul's time is not necessarily true for today.. Please understand that women pastors are one thing and homosexuality is quite another. In one case you have a woman who attended seminary, trained and preaching the word correctly. In the other, you have an abominable practice. If anyone is trying to be clergy-man or woman-better not be living a double life by being homosexual.
@borkborkx10 9 лет назад
That metaphor of the cage match is quite telling.
@BJWhitt-fc2zs 8 лет назад
You are asking mere men to change God's decision on this matter. It is not up to man at all!!!!!! Somehow you'll have to persuade God to change His mind. It's not a man made ruling! The Discipline of the church merely reflects what the Bible already says. If you respect God at all, you shouldn't be asking a church to change that ruling. So, what should you do? I have plenty of thoughts along this line......but tell me what you think you can do to make this right with God? And remember you are dealing with God here!
@kbanghart 5 лет назад
God loves us all.
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
He’s our God. Yours AND the gays, lesbians etc. Once we get over the very simple fact that a young person (10 to 11 years old in my case) grows up not attracted to the opposite sex, and because we know God doesn’t make mistakes, then it becomes a small step to see how this group of people needs things that the heterosexual majority needs. Heterosexuals who cannot, for biological reasons, produce an offspring child... they still marry for love, companionship, and they make vows to honor each other. Those needs exist for the homosexual too. There’s nothing to be afraid of here. God has this in His hands. Peace, and love to you.
@carlaskidmore570 5 лет назад
LMAO, no, the Bible and that BoD that has changed over the years, were both written by men.
@whitecrys1 5 лет назад
@@kbanghart And if we love HIM, we are to keep HIS commandments.
@kbanghart 5 лет назад
@@whitecrys1 absolutely. To love everybody.
@dickmcpherson8246 5 лет назад
Time for UMC to dissolve, churches go their own way. Face it, the UMC isn't that relevant anymore. The population of the US is 300 million plus, only about 7 million are part of the UMC. Just as the Presbyterian and other denominations that have drastically declined in numbers after they accepted homosexual demands so will the UMC. Divide peacefully and stop the unnecessary madness.
@storm7586 5 лет назад
I am leaving -- my choice
@juanmanuelariasperea7092 3 года назад
Bye bye ! Church is for all !
@RayianneGabrielMaravilla 3 года назад
Bye then! 👋🏻
@wanda520 3 года назад
I left and joined a Reformed Presbyterian church.
@atestring100 5 лет назад
If the UMC is concerned about loosing members, the people of the UMC needs to look at the loss of membership of other groups that ordain homosexuals and think again about the concern about loosing members.
@carlaskidmore570 5 лет назад
Who are the "loose members?" Those who are judgmental, arrogant and insist on their own way.
@ericholland3676 5 лет назад
Some of this is just sad. Pitiful, is probably too mild. These guys want the scriptures to be silent on the subject, or to be edited. It does neither.
@aloneranger3980 5 лет назад
The Southern Methodist Church holds true to the Bible.
@juanmanuelariasperea7092 3 года назад
UMC is great ! Just Leave... all fundamentalists , bye bye ! We need a church for all !
@emuelllemu5644 6 лет назад
@aloneranger3980 5 лет назад
Go and sin no more...
@sofly7634 5 лет назад
Love includes judgement and right eousness
@rickabisaihimler5948 5 лет назад
...and that's why I left to the calvinist church.
@juanmanuelariasperea7092 3 года назад
Bye !
@wanda520 3 года назад
Me too
@evanjin4872 8 лет назад
Gay marriage is now a law passed by the US government. Now, please explain to Jesus, God and the human believers of Christ if this law supersedes what God has proclaimed regarding sin in the endtimes. I am very curious as to how you will convince God the creator of everything.
@sofly7634 5 лет назад
Rendered to Cesar what is Cesars--God will have His way
@tevye55 8 лет назад
General Conference occurs again this year. This topic will be headlined. It will come to another vote. I wonder how the church will respond.
@macrent2 8 лет назад
+David Springstead It better respond with things other than bigotry. Tje UMC is loosing her youth.
@larryisall 5 лет назад
Referred to a called General Conference that was held in St. Louis in the Spring of 2019. Three plans presented along with others brought forth. Traditional plan prevailed with added Book of Discipline strictures pertaining to any clergy who violated the prohibitions. Goes into effect in January 2020. And still, the progressives seek to defy or overturn the 2019 called General conference at the upcoming regular 2020 General Conference. Adam Hamilton and others convened an invitation only "UMC Next" meeting at his Church of the Resurrection in May 2019 to set out plans for the 2020 General Conference, opposing and dealing with the results of the 2019 St. Louis vote. Traditional Plan enacted in 2019 envisions an amicable separation and division of property for those who cannot abide by the Book of Discipline. As Rob Renfro and others have suggested here (both in the video and in comments to it) the "cage match" will not be abandoned by the progressives.
@horseman528 5 лет назад
Sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman is called fornication and it will send anyone who practices it and doesn't repent to hell. Read 1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, will inherit the kingdom of God." Why does the Methodist Church need a book of discipline when they have the New Testament of Jesus Christ? "In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men."
@jasonsignor7237 5 лет назад
What is the worship song in the beginning of the video? :)
@TheTfirebaugh 5 лет назад
It is "Draw the Circle Wide". One of my favorites. ❤️
@jstasur 6 лет назад
The UMC was sunk long ago. They allow women to preach and teach (a mixed audience/men and women), thus having authority over men in clear violation of 1 Timothy 2:12. Once they caved on that issue and entered into error, it's no surprise that the homosexual marriage issue came charging up to bite them. Hey, if you're going to overlook the CLEAR directive of Paul in 1 Timothy, why not overlook everything else? Satan's thrilled ...
@twalker191 5 лет назад
I mean just leave the church? If they don't want you why stay? Let them have their way....ohhhh wait! It's because you want to stay in the church but want it your way. IDC what a person believes...but if something like that upsets you so bad like being anti gay marriage...leave the church.
@chuckrice8496 8 лет назад
Ordination Vows are just that, a vow.vow [vou] NOUN a solemn promise. synonyms: oath · pledge · promise · bond · covenant · commitment · [more]VERB solemnly promise to do a specified thing: "he vowed that his government would not tolerate a repeat of the disorder" · [more] synonyms: swear · pledge · promise · avow · undertake · engage · [more] archaic dedicate to someone or something, especially a deity: "I vowed myself to this enterprise"
@etruscan3426 8 лет назад
Ordination vows aren't necessarily good. Catholic priests take vows of obedience to their bishops...and we now know where that can lead: to the covering up of criminal behaviour, like child rape. Don't assume that 'vow' means 'from God'. That is not always the case.
@ecrucible 3 года назад
They do not want the separation so they are holding the traditionalist hostage by holding back the properties. If that’s the only reason, they can have it all.
@lataimana 5 лет назад
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 New International Version (NIV) 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. Footnotes: 1 Corinthians 6:9 The words men who have sex with men translate two Greek words that refer to the passive and active participants in homosexual acts.
@allenmorgan4309 5 лет назад
The problem is they are going by their book of discipline and not going by the bible. The bible plainly teaches that sex between two people of the same gender is a sin. If you don't agree with what the bible teaches and are willing to conform your life to that then you aren't a Christian. It's very simple really. No one in our society says you have to be a Christian. We live in a free society people can live however they want within the law.
@patrickshea5391 6 лет назад
The best thing the gay people can do is just leave the church and go to one that is more accepting. The stiff necked people won't change. Don't let the church act like judge and jury. There are a lot of church's that are accepting and value everyone.
@LMM42424 3 года назад
Now I’m being told I’m a racist because I’m a white person!?!?!?!?? By the UMC, say it isn’t so.
@neutrodyne 4 года назад
In St John chapter 3 Jesus teaches us that we must be born again. To those who say they were born as a homosexual needs to be reborn (or born again) and let the power of God change them and make them whole.
@patrickshea5391 6 лет назад
I see a lot of empty UM Churches. Gay people will just walk right by them.........................
@mountainboy1980 8 лет назад
Born and raised in the UMC and I long for it but I cannot and will not embrace something that will not embrace me. This is also why church membership is dropping in general. Judge not lest ye be judged.
@kilionibrenda 5 лет назад
I don’t think it’s judging they are preaching.we’re quick to say judge but I see it as Love.loving their neighbors to point dat out. I can’t help to think it’s the $$$$ ouR homosexuals friends bringing in.now days hoi too confused with this topic
@sofly7634 5 лет назад
Sounds like it's all about you That's totally incompatible with Christianity
@rogermetzger7335 6 лет назад
Point # 1: I’m a Christian in the sense of believing that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah foretold by the Hebrew prophets of antiquity. Point # 2: I’m a protestant in the sense of subscribing to the doctrines of justification by grace alone through faith alone, the primacy of scripture and the priesthood of all believers. Point # 3: Nobody has ever accused me of being a methodist but I subscribe to the doctrine that sanctification is every bit as much a gift of God’s grace as justification is, i.e. sanctification (holiness) is not achieved, it is received. I think that doctrine was one of the (perhaps the) major theological contribution of the Wesley brothers to the Christian church. I also believe that to CLAIM entire sanctification is an expression of the sin of spiritual pride and thus proof positive that the person who claims it has not been entirely sanctified. Point # 4: There is a perspective that might not help some people at all but I think might help many people, namely, the perspective that NO organization of the church IS the church. THE church consists of all true believers regardless of our denominational affiliation. (And “true believers” includes people who have different religious beliefs and different religious practices than I do.) Point # 5: Christian denominations exist because the Lord has called some people to emphasize one or more aspects of the truth about himself and he has called other people to emphasize other aspects of the truth about himself. When people who have been called to a specific emphasis or emphases create organizations to promote those emphases, there is nothing wrong with that IF (and this is a very big IF) they can remember that the organization is not the church. (It is much easier to remember that if the name of the organization doesn’t include the word, “Church”, and if the members of the organization can remember to avoid using the phrase “the church” to refer to the organization.) Point # 6: I’m as sure as anybody that my understanding of the Bible is “correct” but other people read the same Bible I do (maybe even the same translation) and understand it differently than I do. Point # 7: It IS appropriate for a religious organization or denomination to have behavior and doctrinal criteria for VOTING membership Point # 6: If someone’s sins are less respectable than mine, that doesn’t necessarily mean he isn’t a Christian. (See point # 1.) It certainly doesn’t mean that I should insist that he isn’t a Christian. But that doesn’t mean that everyone--regardless of his lifestyle--should be a voting member of a denomination that was created to emphasize a specific emphasis or emphases. It certainly doesn’t mean that someone whose lifestyle is in violation of the behavior criteria of the organization should be eligible to hold an elected office in the organization. Point # 7: If God’s grace is available through faith alone, that means that no religious organization can “withhold” God’s grace by refusing to serve the emblems of the Lord’s body and blood to those whose lifestyles make them eligible for voting membership in the organization. That is only one argument in favor of religious organizations or denominations practicing “open communion”. If a particular organization chooses to invite only “baptized Christians” to the Lord’s table, that’s up to them but the whole concept falls apart if questions are raised about by whose “authority” the person was baptized, by which “mode”, etc. Point # 8: Spiritual authority (according to the way I read my Bible) is conferred directly by the Lord himself. The clergy have no more spiritual authority or any other kind of authority than the laity. Ordination is an affirmation by fellow believers that a candidate for a specific office in the organization has already received, directly from the Lord, spiritual authority and other gifts appropriate to the office for which he is a candidate Depending on the articles of incorporation or/and bylaws of an organization, ordination MAY convey certain kinds of administrative authority but that is another matter. If members of ANY denomination study these suggestions and decide that they aren’t biblical, there is no need to implement them. On the other hand, there are probably several denominations that would benefit from carefully considering them.
@thomashogan16 5 лет назад
Thank God I'm a Catholic boy!! Talk about insane insanity.
@edmonddantes3640 5 лет назад
Oh y'all got your homophile priests and bishops, attempting to water down the truth
@MrGoldarr 5 лет назад
Edmond Dantes “The Gates of Hell will not prevail against it” Matthew 16:18.There are molesters in every sect. You are a hypocrite! Yes Devils are all around and in The Catholic Church trying to destroy it from within. But Jesus already said it will not be brought down. God has Spoken! Repent before it’s too late.
@Wolfie254 6 лет назад
The UMCs are already split on this issue and not united contrary to their name. Why is a split so bad? If the Methodist churches were independent then they could set their own methods of worship, etc. That seems best expect for who control the building. Perhaps have a separate tithe to raise the funds to buy the buildings.
@garymcdonough993 9 лет назад
interesting to me that the gay issue was represented as causing the decline of the United Methodist Church. What about the decline of the churches who are ordaining gay pastors? (I might add the decline is much more pronounced than the UM decline)
@adamwalker2377 3 года назад
2:11 you mean a female pastor isn't too keen on the Christian worldview's stance on gender? Mind blown...
@robfriedrich2822 7 месяцев назад
9:00 It makes no sense to add people to the church, that aren't willing to allow God anything and loves Jesus that much, to give up things, that aren't a blessing. Better I win 10 people, who are willing to accept Jesus and his standards and finally go to heaven, then 90 more, who calls the 10 homophobic and will later be judged by the own standards.
@chirho100 6 лет назад
John Wesley, seems very important to Methodist, and encourages the book of discipline, Ellen G. White, wrote many books , more so then the bible, she is important to 7 day Adventists, Joseph Smith met two bright beings that later led him to write the book of Mormon, he is important to the Mormons, Charles T. Russel, wrote the watch tower magazine and teaches there is no hell, he is important to Jehovah Witness, and the Pope to the Catholics, My point is (Matthew 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Luke 21:8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.) do we need the teachings of John Wesley or anyone else, can you get everything you need from the 66 books of the bible, seeing that God is the Spirit Of Truth, why do I need his(John Wesley) teachings added to the word of God?
@SonnyReeves 5 лет назад
You are a voice in the wilderness, keep praying the veil will leave their eyes. We need nothing written or said by a man past the Apostles and first-century fathers like James, Jesus' brother. Be radical, be the Church with your neighbors, friends, follow Jesus!
@chirho100 5 лет назад
Sonny Reeves amen 🙏 the end will not come until the true gospel is preached throughout the world, if any of those religions are right, the world should have ended. I feel it in my spirit to tell you this.
@southernknight9983 3 года назад
The Bible is very, very clear on this issue, in many places in the Bible, Old and New Testaments. Sexual perversions are a sin and will never be brought unto Heaven. Where else are you going to go? It appears to me, the main problem, is all the women pastors inside this church. This is where the Methodist church first went wrong, by allowing women in such position of power. It's down hill form here.
@robfriedrich2822 7 месяцев назад
I could understand it, would it be mainly female pastors who aren't willing to call homosexual love life a sin. But also male pastors tries to justifies people, who let Jesus be Lord over everything, except the bed room.
@robfriedrich2822 7 месяцев назад
Well, Paul said many things about government, and in 3rd Reich Christians justified with this, to obey Hitler. When Jesus raised from death, it were women who told the world that Jesus isn't in the grave anymore. It's not the pastor's gender, it's the pastor's heart.
@jupitermadcat 6 лет назад
I have nothing against Gay people and getting married. But why not just go to a Church were they CAN be a pastor/priest and preform and get married in? Like the Episcopal Church, The United Church of Christ for starters why make a Church who doesn't share your views to bend to your will? I don't get it.
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
Maybe because our parents were Methodist? My grand parents were Methodist too. I was Methodist throughout my childhood. Why would my Methodist youth teacher and my Methodist Scouts Akala (troop leader), my previous pastors and current pastor, and fellow faith band members not be able to celebrate my publicly declared union with me, before God, as the group that nurtured me through my youth? That was years ago, not even in the liberal areas some would suggest are the cause of all this “fuss” ... and somehow the church is still there, and we are all still Methodists. Just like the before and after deciding that black people can sit with us pure whites in our pews!
@donwhite9038 5 лет назад
I’m not a Methodist but think of it this way: I love my family, it’s not perfect, but it’s my family. Now there may be other families out there that would welcome me in, but they are not my family. I’d rather stick with my family and work through any problems we face, together, as a family. Now... read again and substitute “family” for “church”, and you’ll see why. Blessings and prayers for the UMC as it faces up to its responsibilities for ALL people - to love, evangelise, and call ALL people into relationship with Jesus.
@hisilkat 3 года назад
I'm confused. For those of you claiming to be doing as the bible says by not welcoming God's children into all aspects of the life of the church, have you also refrained from eating shellfish, touching footballs, and allowing your children that talk back to live? The bible was very clear on those things. Why do you abandon those clear instructions and pick out one thing that you say must be followed irregardless of Christ saying he is the new law and let the children come unto me, not let certain children come unto me. IT IS NOT A CHOICE. When you face your maker and know that there was a choice to be made by you regarding His children, would you rather be held accountable for loving the wrong people or for damning the wrong people? The Bible is clear, we must love our neighbor as ourselves. The bible does not speak against loving, committed, monogamous relationships; it speaks against abusive, exploitive, and, what was common at the time, promiscuous sex.
@davidlaurahay 7 лет назад
Leviticus 18:22 - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 - Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, (Read More...) Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them. Romans 1:26-28 - For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: (Read More...) 1 Timothy 1:10 - For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; Mark 10:6-9 - But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. (Read More...) Jude 1:7 - Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. 1 Corinthians 7:2 - Nevertheless, [to avoid] fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 1 Timothy 1:10-11 - For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; (Read More...) Romans 1:27 - And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Romans 1:32 - Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. Genesis 19:1-38 - And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing [them] rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground; (Read More...) Romans 13:8-10 - Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. (Read More...)
@scottpeterson7500 5 лет назад
Christianity will never be a light showing humanity the way forward. It's a religion based on ancient archaic ideas and beliefs, based on a Bible filled with just horrible ideas and falsehoods. That's why I'm an Atheist Humanist 🍕🍺❤️
@carolep9803 7 лет назад
You broke your covenant with God, not the church!
@truthbetold7170 6 лет назад
Its not just the book of disciple that is correct at the moment but it supports the bible, these people that are wanting to change it are not serving God but themselves.
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
The Bible does not need “support” at all. It is quite capable of standing for itself lol What does need some help is our reading of it. I think that is why that British guy started a movement based on a quadrilateral!
@tsx_vision-aztec5679 5 лет назад
All same sex marriage need to go back and read the Holy Bible. Not just the parts that they feel like they can change the Bible. Hello people, The Bible is Holy. God is Holy. I don’t care you gay or not. Not Holy enough he will never take you. We all need more Jesus.
@amybuggle54 5 лет назад
The Bible is talking about men having sex with other men for sexual pleasure only. It is not talking about people born gay that are only wanting a monogamous same sex relationship. And it doesn’t even discuss women, so I guess that means it’s OK to be lesbian. We can’t take the Bible literally Word for Word that is why Christ came back and said the Holy Spirit would Write His laws on our hearts. The Bible doesn’t address every single issue specifically. We have to use the Holy Spirit‘s guidance and trust that God will have the final say, not man, on issues where we cannot agree.
@johnphillips1858 10 месяцев назад
Sometimes separation is the only answer. Like Paul and Barnabas, stop fighting and manipulating to get the upper hand and just focus on the truth instead of everyone drinking the Koolaid and losing everything.
@KenshinGensai 2 года назад
9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6 NASB 1995
@carolLDickinson 5 лет назад
The Bible is by no means silent, on the subject of homosexuality. So let us look at God's Word… from the Old and New Testament. Rom 1:27... "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." 1 Cor 6:9... "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate (homosexual), nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Tim 1:10... "for fornicators, for sodomites (homosexuals), for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine, These laws are for people who are sexually immoral, for homosexuals and slave traders, for liars and oath breakers, and for those who do anything else that contradicts the right teaching" Rom 1:26... "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other." Matthew 19: 4-6... "And He (Jesus) answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife (the female): and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Lev 20:13... "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them." Of course people are not put to death in the US for the act of homosexuality… but the eternal end is the same if they do not repent. Under the New Testament we now have a redeemer who when we cry out to him for what ever sin we may have committed and ask for forgiveness and turn away from that sin whatever the sin… He will forgive us AND cleanse us from all unrighteousness. A beautiful promise from our Heavenly Father. 1 John 1:9… "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Beautiful, beautiful promise from our Heavenly Father. Jesus clearly speaks on the issue of homosexuality in Matthew 19:4-6… and also warns all people everywhere to repent from sin (no matter the sin… not just homosexuality)… "I tell you, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Luke 13:3 (KJV) Love people enough to lovingly tell them the truth... to show them the whole of God's Holy Written Word and what it actually says. This is love. I say this to all those who may be a homosexual (or to those who just support their agenda)… and are reading these Bible Scriptures.... know that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. You see sin is sin no matter the type of sin committed. But God's Holy Word is clear that the sins we do with our own bodies, our own flesh... are even worse... whether it be adultery, fornication (which is sex outside of marriage), homosexuality, lesbianism, beastiality etc... if we do these things we are desecrating our own bodies which are made in the image of God... and by God... to be temples of the Holy Spirit. If a person does not have the Holy Spirit in them nor a relationship with God/Christ they are not saved... and desperately need to seek God with their whole heart. Without repenting of sin there is no eternal salvation. Nothing unholy can enter heaven. Revelation 21:27 says… "And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoeverworketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life." Grace does not cover unrepented, unconverted, proud sinners… who feel there is nothing wrong with their sin... when in fact there is... and it will lead them to hell... not heaven. Oh Heavenly Father help the gay community to know Gods Truth from your Holy Scriptures... that they may repent and be saved. Thank you Heavenly Father. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 2 Peter 3:9… "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." Therefore Believe the Gospel… Repent… and be saved. Much Love in Christ's love and truth, Carol
@jenna2431 5 лет назад
"Think not that I come to bring peace to the world--but a sword." And quite frankly, we're not to even say "bye" to those who bring another gospel: Jn 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. 2Jn 1:10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: 2Jn 1:11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
@MIKECNW 4 года назад
I'm not homophobic but I might have denied the men a marriage license not because I'm a jerk but I'd probably think it was kind of strange. Many in that position might have done that even if they weren't the mean type.
@abrahamsmith7336 Год назад
No abominable in the church it is a sin Jeremiah-23 woe be unto the pastors who leads the sheep astray
@joycechafin4587 3 года назад
God will not allow sin to enter into his heaven, God is holy and cannot look upon sin like this unless you repent you will not enter into the Kingdom of God!!
@charles952 3 месяца назад
Love the person but hate the sin. Those who commit these sin eill not inherit the kingdom of God. No one can change the word of God
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Rural Roots of United Methodism
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Gay Marriage And The Battle For The Methodist Church
Homosexuality and the Church
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1. The United Methodist Church is Divided and Dividing