
DO NOT get a marriage license, HERES WHY 

Elder Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila
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Marriage license compromise the family unit.



11 апр 2018




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@jeanalexandre1105 6 лет назад
A marriage license symbolize 2 Corporation joining together. That's why divorce is so expensive.
@thatguybill34 6 лет назад
Koronswagg 17 corporation never dissolves after divorce either.
@Rizzyvoe 6 лет назад
So how do you solve for being a corporation in the first place? This marriage license thing doesn’t even begin to get to the root of governmental control. This is probably the lowest level of the totem pole concern you could have as a people and especially a black people. Your identify has been incorporated most likely from birth.
@loveyourself9623 5 лет назад
Koronswagg 17 I teach her to get her own so she don’t have to be chasing men’s hard work money.
@TheKobelakers24 2 года назад
Y’all get into marriage with divorce in mind 😂
@jasminehunter2169 2 года назад
@dlx6028 6 лет назад
💯 *Draw up your own contract. It's legal. Keep the government out of your business. They're in enough already.*
@fullcircleessentials 5 лет назад
King Yah'Rushalum absolutely
@TheOriginalRiddim 5 лет назад
King Yah'Rushalum, I am new to this, plan to get married and scared to death. Please refer me to sample contracts that I may use as a guide line.
5 лет назад
@@TheOriginalRiddim Look up Family Guardian's website and look for their marriage license templates. Here's one: famguardian.org/TaxFreedom/Forms/Marriage/MarriageContractWOLicense.htm But get informed in political terms! Inform yourself before making decisions. Know your rights.
@whykatera81 4 года назад
Yahchanan Demetrius Rivière hey bro these aren’t legal! I just tried it!
@tyroncline5978 3 года назад
Made You Look! When you say legal are you saying legal under equity law or common law? Because under common law it is ( which is the U.S. Constitution).
@ceeholmes4804 6 лет назад
Protect your ship (Guardianship, Relationship, Partnership all which are considered PROPERTY. Once you Dock-ument your property on someone elses ship they have the right to claim damages for the trespass. Law of the seas (Maritime/Admiralty)
@entertainthethoughtwithree6821 4 года назад
I did not know this when I got married. Am I supposed to file a contract of dissolution in the Recorders Court in order to get rid of the fraudulent license?
@ms.ladysanders3939 3 года назад
@@entertainthethoughtwithree6821 What fraudulent license?
@jth_printed_designs 3 года назад
@@entertainthethoughtwithree6821 if the marriage was entered under fraudulent circumstances then it can be annulled. For example: a man married a woman that represented herself as a virgin and then 5 years later discovers that she was with the whole town. He could have that marriage annulled as it was not a valid marriage due to her fraud. A divorce means that the marriage was valid but didn’t work out.
@En_Eye_Sea_Kai_Eye 3 года назад
Honestly sounds like a personal problem that doesn't define others relationships 🤷. Hopefully with the lord you healed,stay blessed.
@weekendnomad5038 3 года назад
Yea this video is dumb and he’s probably keeping so many women from the ring.. bc these f boys are now gonna use this to justify not being married in their heads
@movingforward2570 3 года назад
A license is governent control, wake up. No such this as shack up. Why do you need someone to verify a relationship. God put people together not church bible or governement.
@ChantelTGill 3 года назад
Yeah, because I’m confused. Getting a marriage license doesn’t automatically mean the men gives his power to the wife...what does that mean?? I guess if the wife is money hungry and have a negative motive instead of just love then that message would apply.
@crazyleaf257 2 года назад
Yuuuppp. It is just terrible that this is being spread around and praised. It's disgusting and BLASPHEMOUS
@alphahoss1947 2 года назад
Bottom line is this if two people love each other why do they need a piece paper from the state to stay together forever in a union that god put together the states/government does not give a shit about your union until it’s dissolved & hopefully you signed a contract aka a marriage agreement/licence with which they can profit off of you So go ahead Get a licence and continue to pay Cesar his dues .STUPID !
@littleone6260 6 лет назад
A Marriage License does not constitute a Marriage, it's a piece of paper that allows the Government to be in your business. No more where's in the Bible do you find a Certificate of Marriage. When you take those Vows with the Most High then you are two people as one flesh... Read the story of Jacob and Rachel, Adam knew his wife (No Marriage License) a Marriage Is when two people (Man & Woman) come together in agreement to become Married and they make the Vow with the Most High and come together in intercourse the Marriage is sealed. Two people as one flesh. If you get a Marriage License and not ever seal it will intercourse the Marriage is Annauled go read the Law. There is Not a State that says you Have to have a Marriage License.
@malikgirondin3819 5 лет назад
Cynthia Simons Read Tobit 7:14.
@UnderoathHasMyBrain 5 лет назад
The state in which I live, last I understood, requires a marriage license or else it isn't recognized as a marriage.
@UnderoathHasMyBrain 5 лет назад
Not saying I support the marriage license or not, but I'm just gathering information since this has been becoming such a hot-button issue the past several years.
@danblumel 5 лет назад
@@Essays4College sorry no, as long as you create a document with signed dated witnesses. Samples usually in the front of a Bible. The IRS and state must recognize that.
@danblumel 5 лет назад
@@Essays4College True but it's not a government sanctioned marriage. There is no law in place anywhere in the USA that requires you to get a license to get married, unless you marry a non USA citizen and they want to stay in the USA and obtain a green card. The masses are ill informed.
@mspeacemkr 6 лет назад
It's sad that people get dirty in divorce and try to take everything a person has worked for to get revenge and hang on to a lifestyle.
@ms.ladysanders3939 3 года назад
One word...PRENUP!
@sarcasticidealist1309 2 года назад
@@ms.ladysanders3939 doesn't work due to the classic "under duress" techniques that lawyers use to dismantle prenups and proceed with divorces.
@dreamy9056 2 года назад
Humans are selfish.
@profilmwork Год назад
@@ms.ladysanders3939 can be dismissed and voided in seconds at the judge’s discretion.
@ms.ladysanders3939 Год назад
@@profilmwork Yes if it is done under duress. But if not then..
@thebeamli 6 лет назад
Having no marriage license makes it easy for the guy to walk away from his family. I don't even agree with the government way of marriage. It's just a way for them to get paid. However, your reason for it sounds a little like bitterness more than Yah related. If a man leads and role models righteously and chooses his wife accordingly (proverbs 31) there is no way, lisense or not, that woman is leaving you to get your money. If you met her before you came into the truth and she wasn't willing to change than be glad she left and thought you an expensive lesson. What I'm trying to say is. A piece of paper is not powerful enough to "break up families " if she had the evil spirit in her ear, she was going to do what she had to do regardless. If you can't trust the woman you choose to marry then DON'T MARRY HER! If you trust your inner voice and listen you will be able to steer cleer of wrong and evil people. Proverbs 31:10-31 An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life. She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar.
@richym3899 5 лет назад
Bea Mend absolute nonsense. Men are still financially liable for children. A license is a woman’s way of destroying a family and being paid for it
@ByGraciousgarden 3 года назад
@@richym3899 Then don't get married
@j.inkstv 2 года назад
If they want out, they're going to leave anyway... Just say it's about money so men can know from the start what marriage is really all about.
@jordanfauntleroy2013 2 года назад
A marriage is a covenant between God, the husband and the wife. It had nothing to do with the government. Thats the whole point he is making. God could careless about the government, his law is his law and it will never change. A man is to lead his house, this is also in scripture, the woman does not lead and she would need to fall in line to what her husband wants. If she falls in line to what her husbands wants then there wouldn't be no divorce and the family would still be intact. Thats the point he is making. A women in today society will go and get a divorce and 80% of divorces are initiated by women. If you go by scripture only the husband can divorce his wife or put her away. Men also offered the father of the wife a brides price. If he wanted to put her away then he had to pay her father and she would have to go be with her father. Women were considered property then. Now things have changed in society, however Gods law has not changed. The government can't change Gods law. If a man decides to follow God and his wife isn't with it he could put her away and she shouldn't get what he has, thats not how God wants it, it dosen't matter how you slice it.
@ShanaraStar 2 года назад
@mspeacemkr 6 лет назад
He picked the wrong wife. Marriage is to death not Dislike.
@darkhorse2259 6 лет назад
Monica Robinson The right wife can turn into the so called wrong wife real fast. Todays modern women are fickle as fuck. Only loyalty is to themselves and there emotions.
@Rizzyvoe 6 лет назад
David Humphrey That’s laughable. When men are trading in for new models constantly. Stop finding fault with each other and let’s get back to Eden.
@adriennesmith2133 5 лет назад
Monica Robinson. I love your comment!!!
@kjhunt218 5 лет назад
Monica Robinson a lot of men picked the wrong wife. Shit look on your Instagram lol
@lakeishadean4298 5 дней назад
that's exactly right. if she's the woman that God sent him, she would never change regardless of paperwork. This is an excuse to be able to continue to live dirty. The Lord says in Romans 13 King James Version 13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6 For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
@eddypetitbois 6 лет назад
If you guys really seek the Lord for a good wife he will give you just that the problem is we have no patience to wait on the Lord. This video is only for those who did not wait for the Lord so you got yourself a Jezabell And a lot of men nowadays are the tail of the household and not the head is another reason why these marriages will never work
@Popcorn-vg2qh 5 лет назад
Eazy Baby305 dats deep brother
@Truthspeaker7777 2 года назад
Nah bro, maybe some men chose Jezebel‘s, but even if you find the right one and are patient, society and the government are constantly promoting a woman to leave her man or to leave the household, once you get married to a woman and have a marriage license there’s nothing you can do, regardless of if you found a godly woman in the beginning or not so quit trying to absolve female responsibility and blaming it all on men. Women’s feelings literally change from minute to minute and one day they can wake up and leave you for absolutely no reason and there won’t be a damn thing you can do about it
@wordsspoken_ 3 года назад
while I understand why someone may feel this way, this shouldn’t stop you from getting married whether you decide to get a license or not. marriage is a beautiful thing and not everyone goes through situations like these. Yes it can happen to anyone but it doesn’t mean it will happen to you. Keep your faith in God in knowing He is always protecting and guiding you and your union.
@AngelaTHogan 2 года назад
Yes i agree
@ryanlowe509 2 года назад
Divorce rates say other wise. Your more than likely to go through it. Black and white children combined are 68% likely to be raised in broken home as well
@wordsspoken_ 2 года назад
@@ryanlowe509 if you’re going to base your life/relationship/marriage on others then do so. but there are people who have successful marriages. It’s a choice to love and have a life committee like that. If you know that’s not for you then it’s not.
@klenp5118 Год назад
@@wordsspoken_ only one in a mil people have a successful marriage nowadays
@wordsspoken_ Год назад
@@klenp5118 nah lol
@RJ1999x 6 лет назад
Pretty poor advise. Here in Wisconsin, where you are, it's a common law state. You can not get a license but if your with her for I think 5 years she's entitled to half regardless of the piece of paper. So unless your plan is to kick her out and find a new woman every 5 years your results would be the same
@lw1343 6 лет назад
RJ 1999 Still not bad advice he is giving because not everyone lives in WIC. Plus...if a man is foolish enough to stay with a bad woman 5 years, he deserves what he gets. All these negative comments show how cuckled we've become that we attack men when they find a way to protect themselves. Not when women use the system to their advantage however...
@RJ1999x 6 лет назад
P Martin I'm sorry but your reply makes no sense. You wouldn't marry a woman that you think is bad, so why would you stay with her for 5 years? I agree woman have the upper hand, but if you fell in love with them and not in lust with them you would save yourself alot of headaches.
@byus6928 6 лет назад
I’ll never live in that dumb ass state then lol kind of bullshit is that😂😂 fuck Wisconsin
@zenasherman9444 6 лет назад
RJ 1999 😂😂😂
@taushajohnson3029 6 лет назад
In the state of TX is only 45 days! I watched it happen to a friend.
@Empresslove444 5 лет назад
Mmmmmm.......your body is already a Corporation to corporate America. That happened as soon as your birth certificate was signed. So, it really doesn't make a difference. You're property regardless.
@TheDaliyBuzz 5 лет назад
Genesis A. Sis exactly💕
But can we free ourselves?
@ChandlerWorthen 5 лет назад
That's true but I don't think you have to do the worst just because you've experienced a little bad if that makes sense.
@cynthiawalker1179 5 лет назад
@shaycooper3989 3 года назад
File your UCC1 , this is a ticket 🎫 to your freedom
@bibbiana4Lyfe 6 лет назад
Ladies, don't fall for this trickery.
@lw1343 6 лет назад
bbvivertube Do you tell you women friends that it's trickery to shack up? You do realize shacking up is marriage without a license.
@thatguybill34 6 лет назад
bbvivertube www.henrymakow.com/the_true_danger_of_getting_mar.html
@OnyxKami 6 лет назад
The Truth Only well, you need women for the sex. Unless you into the cosby life.
@johnjordan8022 6 лет назад
P Martin : I don't know why bbvivertube did not make his/herself more clearer. But, that person is actually agreeing with the video. Meaning, not to fall into the trap of getting a marriage license.
@Rizzyvoe 6 лет назад
vic twenty wow, how God-like.
@DEVOTED2YaHUaH144k 5 лет назад
Marriage license is evil
@tonioyendis4464 6 лет назад
So, my question is, do you teach the same things to your daughters?
@KGB94TV 6 лет назад
Tonio Yendis absolutely!
@naimreed8247 6 лет назад
Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila offer an alternative
@mokamsn2325 3 года назад
@@KGB94TV Any woman who agrees with this Good luck. You are forever technically STILL in a boyfriend/girlfriend arrangement. Delusional. The law does not & will not recognise your shack up wedding ceremony if there’s is no license. If anything happens to you or your “partner” neither you nor she can get help or be entitled to assets because you were NOT LEGALLY MARRIED.
@0fficerpimp 3 года назад
@@mokamsn2325 so a man should get a marriage contract under the government which rewards women for breaking the contract. 50% marriage end in divorce and women file 80% of divorces. Why should a man submit himself to this
@mokamsn2325 3 года назад
@@0fficerpimp Then stay SINGLE. If you’re so worried that the lady you’re with will divorce you & take your lil change/coins in the divorce then why are you with her? You obviously don’t have any trust in women so no need to “fake a marriage” because that’s what it is without a court license no matter how you try to spin it. Believe me there are women who would be fine with a long term girlfriend/boyfriend arrangement. Find one and you’re all set.
@nellyb5335 6 лет назад
🤣🤣🤣😂 ultimately this boils down to trust..if u planning a divorce while getting married..that is not the person for u! stay single
@nellyb5335 6 лет назад
Big Dog I met women who say guys ain't $h!+...individuals that feel this way tend to attract these kind of ppl in their lives..maybe if we do some internal work..& reevaluate ourselves & self worth while developing a strong bond with the lord..we wouldn't take so much pleasure in putting others. down.o
@3089280288 6 лет назад
Big Dog LOL!
@dionholloway982 6 лет назад
See that’s the problem.. hind sight is 20/20.. 90% of marriages end with divorce because people change.. you never really know who your dealing with until it’s to late!! So I feel it’s more of a precaution method more than anything
@nellyb5335 6 лет назад
Dion Holloway ..I agree ppl do change.. we all change..hopefully it's always in the positive direction.
@Popcorn-vg2qh 6 лет назад
If people can stay out the bed long enough and have a put it all out in the open then problem solved..ijs...
@clt548 5 лет назад
Experience is the best teacher. Lesson learned. Thanks.
@alanfreeman7374 6 лет назад
"Happy wife happy life".. NOT!!!
@AgainstDaMachine 6 лет назад
Alan Freeman happy wife miserable man. Happy man happy family.
@SirenScorpio 6 лет назад
Maybe she ain't really happy 💡
@shqiperirsjacobo2879 6 лет назад
Alan Freeman I never agreed with that happy wife happy life sounds one sided an sounds like the woman leads the man follows... No both need to be happy for happy life walking in there God given roles
@KhemistryIBMOR 6 лет назад
Alan Freeman Happy life---No wife!
@beverlymartin2220 6 лет назад
Happy life no husband!!
@fuddyduddie1205 5 лет назад
I remember when you first came to the NFL and I was telling everyone how to properly pronounce your name. I was a young buck back then. Man does time fly.
@slavell19 5 лет назад
Sounds like you married the wrong person bro! She broke up your marriage not the marriage license! This is why its serious to know what your getting into before you get married. Everybody want to jump into marriage and they not ready for all that comes with it!
@Popcorn-vg2qh 5 лет назад
sam knowble bout time a brother comes and makes sence lol... I do believe in licences and I also believe in being a fair person. If my marriage didn't work I try to work it out w/o the system... alot of brothers are scared to get married but dnt b scared to lay with a woman smh.. some dnt get it
@slavell19 5 лет назад
@@Popcorn-vg2qh facts bro Ive been married 8 years! And a marriage license hasn't affected anything for me lol, problems only come in the divorce process which we never plan to go thru, and if we do the foundation that we built and the people we are we'll always do right by eachother and God, our faith want allow us to misuse each other, which I believe is another key component to getting married people overlook seeing as how God invented marriage! Lol
@richym3899 5 лет назад
sam knowble if I were a woman, explain why I would not look for the slightest reason to leave it it guaranteed a payday for life?
@slavell19 5 лет назад
@@richym3899 its called finding a woman with integrity! Principles! Morals! Code of ethics! And having a true and serious relationship with God! And accountability to him! Listen to the video he said himself he married a kid with no self control! Thats why his marriage ended not because of a marriage license smh! Marriage is serious choose wisely!!! Just celebrated my 8yr anny this month! All praise to the most high!
@cynthiawalker1179 5 лет назад
@Solomonsochill 2 года назад
I agree %100. Never give a female that kind of leverage over you in fact never give anyone that kind of power over you.....ever!
@Rizzyvoe 6 лет назад
I really thought this was going to be an enlightening video. But alas, a man who’s interested is protecting his assets. Sigh.
@thagoochtookmylunchmoney8800 6 лет назад
RIZZ same, VERY disappointed 😐
@thagoochtookmylunchmoney8800 5 лет назад
Deep Path To Darkness 17 now how did you come to that conclusion from her comment? You sound stupid.
@thagoochtookmylunchmoney8800 5 лет назад
Deep Path To Darkness 17 That May be true in some ways my point is the commentor thought the video was going to be enlightening for us all. But it turned into a one-sided female bash, and disagreeing with his opinion does NOT make you a feminist. It makes YOU ignorant and less than a man for outright calling women bitches.
@thagoochtookmylunchmoney8800 5 лет назад
Deep Path To Darkness 17 I feel you, I don't agree with that either, its just a lot deeper than that tho' to be making a generalized statement about both sides of the situation.
@Rizzyvoe 5 лет назад
Deep Path To Darkness 17 I almost didn’t comment because my God requires me not to cast my pearls before swine. But let me say this, if calling a woman a bitch is so easy to roll out of your spirit, I can tell that you are a bitter, petty, lower vibration of a being and is probably the source of your issues with women. It’s sad that I believe the original video was made in the same spirit that you have yet you call yourselves men and men of the Most High at that. ThaGoochtpokmylunch money is right. You sound ignorant. Feminist? Lol. Nah. Get yourself up under some real men to be educated in the ways of God.
@HVH777 6 лет назад
No where in the scriptures does it say wear wedding rings. That's pagan as well
@malikgirondin3819 5 лет назад
jumper F22 Read Tobit 7:14.
@latarshastatham224 5 лет назад
Right. You don't have to wear a wedding ring. It's only a symbolism that a someone is married. Anything can be used for that.
@robt3407 4 года назад
@nrkgalt 3 года назад
I figure engagement rings are just marketing for the diamond industry. We could have a whole other discussion about them.
@PastorDowell 6 лет назад
let the Israelites know if you need us. we will be there 100 strong suited and booted!
@803logic 6 лет назад
PastorDowell, I'm a huge supporter btw! How would I do this and still be active duty military??? Help!
@butlertablespoontalks 6 лет назад
PastorDowell nope nope wrong
@Chowanoc222 6 лет назад
The tribe of gad shall be there , we don’t play around ✊🏿😈😈
@5720jenny 6 лет назад
Dont know the israelites but I sure hope folks see what has transpired then I support the effort...all I know is el's dont like to face me so thats something I need to ponder on...if you cant face me and check me then yes lesser has no say my way...
@dwill2476 6 лет назад
Jac Of All Shade How many virgins are there in this society? I'm not talking about the new ones in Ch-ist J-s?
@charlesrandolph7108 6 лет назад
@jesusfavor1543 6 лет назад
Men and successful women like myself should listen!!! Wake up world, there are some women that make far more than the men in thier circle. This is true for most of the women in my family and my girl friends!!! It's almost 2019, stop being sexist & get a grip....
@KevinLeMelle 6 лет назад
charles randolph You have to have a foundation in God.
@charlesrandolph7108 6 лет назад
@charlesrandolph7108 6 лет назад
@lonewolf5021 6 лет назад
charles randolph having consensual sex is marriage in God's eye: the marriage license is for Ceasar.
@RealIsRare724 6 лет назад
Learned the hard way and now I'm on the road to recovery and its hard for us brothers. Shalom
@T-Tracy 6 лет назад
I am as well. Wished I had known sooner
@T-Tracy 6 лет назад
I am a woman
@MrVuittonDon Год назад
You didn't put all your assets in a trust or inder a family members name? Then she wouldn't got anything
@TerryJulianLive 6 лет назад
You were an AMAZING ATHLETE BRO.. truly blessed by GOD..
@joebyu Год назад
I don't recognize him, what is his name?
@zsazsalathen9269 5 лет назад
Love is love. Paper is paper. If 2 luv one another, you will know what to do next. God bless.
@emg.9246 6 лет назад
This is what happens when men CHOOSE to marry instagram model type women. This is what happens when men jump in the sack with a women without getting to know her character 1st. Just like you men tell us women to choose better you men need to start choosing better women.
@cynthiawalker1179 5 лет назад
@Zeeno 3 года назад
Like 50% of marriages end in divorce. I'm pretty sure 50% of marriages aren't with Instagram models...
@toyad4183 6 лет назад
It’s important when selecting a partner, that it is a divine union and not one of lust or self fulfilling desire. Also, it is important that you love and respect yourself so you attract an equal partner. A better selection process would eliminate some of the issues of partnering and creating life with someone who would go “buck wild”. These are traits that were most likely apparent in the initial dating phase, yet overlooked. Also, If a marriage license gives your strength away, you probably didn’t have any to begin with.....
@ms.ladysanders3939 3 года назад
That last part tho...☺
@crazyleaf257 2 года назад
@AngelaTHogan 2 года назад
I agree
@Truthspeaker7777 2 года назад
No, Doesn’t matter how strong man is, no one-man is stronger than the government’s power, so quit spreading this BS because you want men to sign a marriage contract which gives you power over him if you ever one day decide you are feeling it anymore I want to take his money his house and his cars and his children from him. I can promise you no woman in 2022 would enter a marriage contract if she knew that her husband could one day leave her and take the children and everything they have built together away. So just quit trying to use shaming tactics convince men to do something that only benefits you
@aspirehigher6368 2 года назад
@@Truthspeaker7777 a whole lot of women have lost more than men after divorce. It depends entirely on the state's laws where they live, each individual couple's u unique situation, and any prenuptial agreement they may have made together already.
@Bigfit23 6 лет назад
You don’t get a marriage license because it gets the government involved in your marriage. It’s not just Husband and Wife anymore, it becomes Husband, wife, and the State. You give the state rights over your property (which are your children)
@ms.ladysanders3939 3 года назад
That's fine if you are financially able to take care of your family in the event you lose the other parent. If not you will be forced to rely on the gov't for money, food, housing etc. It always sounds good when you're listening to yourself talk. But it's a different story when it actually happens.
@scottparr5606 2 года назад
@@ms.ladysanders3939 When one is not allowed to live self sufficient and are forced into cities, yes people no longer depend on the land around them..... They now depend on the government and die in the street...
@Maxim.Teleguz 3 года назад
The reason “2 cannot become 1” is because the emotional servant hood of self to the other never happened. To become one both need to trust each other. As soon as one holds back in anyway there then happens misleading.
@movingforward2570 3 года назад
2 cant become one because 1 is already complete
@stevenscott5836 6 лет назад
K.G.B was a bad man! great player and now an awsome Israelite shalom ACH good word!
@kentay1224 6 лет назад
You are absolutely right..
@Mainline2U 3 года назад
Watch "Divorce Corp". Partly depending on the state, some states have common law marriage if you live together. As the video explains, the corrupt "Family Court" system will be your biggest obstacle. They're not out for the families best interest.
@AimlifestyleX 3 года назад
I'd rather not have the government in my business at all independent is what everyone should be on.
@DauidaYah 4 года назад
So what's the best way to get married??? Should we just do a ceremony, document our covenant, have it notarized, and change my last name?
@cake8291 3 года назад
Evr figure out anything?
@DauidaYah 3 года назад
@@cake8291 HalelluYAH!!! I did indeed!. I just went to a Hebrew Wedding during Passover. Look up Nothing but Aphar channel. This is the wedding I attended and I think it's the last video that was posted. Shabbat shalom.
@mokamsn2325 3 года назад
If a man is not going to legally marry you by getting a license at your county courthouse then don’t ever change your last name to his. Because you technically AREN’T MARRIED!
@backupyoutube8851 2 года назад
@@mokamsn2325 amen shacking up is fornication Jesus told the woman at the well she had 5 "husbands" and the man she was with wasn't her husband's, he told her to go SIN no more. It's not hard to divide the word. People shacking up disobeying law of the land are in violation of the word of God and on dangerous grounds. Fornication and adulterers will not inherit the kingdom of God.
@mybrotherskeeper2x168 2 года назад
How do you cancel a marriage license or contract? Anyone know?
@SylentONE 6 лет назад
It’s a tragedy how the Family Court system utterly destroyed the sanctity of marriage. Live off the grid
@Popcorn-vg2qh 6 лет назад
Will Rokem it's sad that parents can't co parent. We create our own problems. Now I've seen some women run str8 to the system just bkos he moved on or he can't give the child x amount of dollars.. SMH.. Dats y we hve to be very careful who we lay dwn with and not be protected. It's all just sad
@SylentONE 6 лет назад
you're absolutely right. I get asked all the time why I'm 30 y.o without any kids/babymamas. they don't understand why... I came from a broken household, I'm not going to go and create a new one
@Popcorn-vg2qh 6 лет назад
I get asked the same.. I'm 37 goin on 38 on 8/17 and I dnt have no kids. I just seen alot and I knw the kind of life I want with somebody. My dad wasn't in the pix till I was 16 and to dis day we tlk but I keep my distance. I understand whea u comin frm tho... Dats a gud thing not to hve babies everywhere and bby momas here and there
@Popcorn-vg2qh 6 лет назад
O may I ask why do u think ull create one
@Popcorn-vg2qh 6 лет назад
Will Rokem if I may sir 🤔 well I'm goin to anyway😂. Look just bkos u came from a place dnt mean u have to continue dat cycle. Ok it was broken but that should be a wake up call and a lesson on how not to be. Dnt be negative man😉 we hve to knw wht we will stand for at all times. We knt make nobody do nothing in life but u my u tube buddy u still young and one day BOOM😂😂😂
@earlrsears2202 6 лет назад
So Wonderful To Hear The Truth Being Revealed & Praise YAH For His People Waking Up And Passing On Divine Truth To The Brethren Faithfully... Thanks Kabeer G-B For A Wonderful Video......
@brostanb6263 6 лет назад
Your rt my brother ... stay strong and keep the most high first
@leftylasalleesq1689 6 лет назад
Bruh the truth is....find the correct woman...not a chick looking at you like a check...
@delvinrussell 6 лет назад
But you know no man and I repeat NO MAN GETS MARRIED TO HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN I don't care if the guy is a dawg or what no man gets married to have to do it again me personally I'm not getting married again but on the other hand these women today are not marriage material
@joedupree9601 6 лет назад
yes well said
@delvinrussell 6 лет назад
joe dupree thanks bro I'm going threw it now
@FiveFiftyWhat 5 лет назад
Amen to that
@matthewroberson3792 5 лет назад
Delvin Russell true dat they suck
@defrocker5774 5 лет назад
Delvin Russell If you can find one woman of sound mind, stay with her, bcuz you don't want that is good to go away.
@godsbest8405 5 лет назад
If a woman wants to leave a man, she will do it with or without a marriage certificate.
@celestephillips8806 5 лет назад
I don't know who invented the marriage license thing but, it's not biblical.
@amenlion88 6 лет назад
No b.s. marriage license. And yes this former NFL player was a great on defensive. Thanks for the advice. Many Christians get the license and the man becomes an impotent weakling with no rights and waiting for Jesus. F. That
@KGB94TV 6 лет назад
jafro black Proverbs 31:3
@earlymann1954 5 лет назад
That just means he chose the wrong woman. You got to know who you are getting married to and too many guys don't. I'm not casting stones either, because I made the same mistake myself.
@todd7155 6 лет назад
Thank you for the advice. You probably saved my future. 😯👌
@Popcorn-vg2qh 6 лет назад
Only you can save ya future. Nobody knws what goes on behind ur close doors🤔 it's like people have to knw who they choose to be their life partner. I knw one thing put everything on the line in the beginning bet cha truth will be revealed
@gokou135 5 месяцев назад
Let's GOOOOO!!!! Appreciate this information, and it was cool to hear about your times with the packers! Came at a time I really needed it! Thanks so much!
@mgtowsavior 6 лет назад
She not going to be with you until you get that license she wants security not you
@LossLeadas 6 лет назад
Fock Lung right!!!!
@fullcircleessentials 5 лет назад
@Fock Lung 👏👏👏👏🤜🤛
@jimmyjohnson3973 5 лет назад
Quite frankly we need to be looking at the women from our homeland who has Yahuah's given order of marriage embedded in them.. Not these "stiff necked fools" who don't know their place.. And Brothers if Yahuah bless you with one that respects the order, do right by her..For you findth a good thing..And Yahuah watches..
@kalebblack9588 5 лет назад
mgtow savior good! dont be a weep and go get another woman who agree with you..
@kalebblack9588 5 лет назад
TheJw1358 well i guess you wont be getting no more comittment...unless you make just as much money as he...
@matthewharmon521 6 лет назад
Also a marriage license and a divorce decree are negotiable instruments converted into securities and traded in the global money market along with the driver license, dd 214, birth certificate and death certificate mortgages and more.... hypothecation subrogation and abrogation plus having a marriage...true bondage and servitude.... don't do it... you are worth more than you know
@ms.ladysanders3939 3 года назад
Well unless you plan on living under a rock, you will have at least 1 of these.
@2mcna2 11 месяцев назад
Ok. Literally give one source where this can back up your claim. I guarantee you cannot pull up any evidence that this is true because you have no idea how the world works.
@bah7797 3 года назад
And what do you say to those who can finally be free of their opressive family's shackles because a marriage license legitimizes the union between two people to where even the government has the couple's back?
@otherspectre1879 2 года назад
"Government has the couple's back" is the part that doesn't manifest.
@YTU1116 6 лет назад
True! Don't put the court into your marriage! You basically sign a contract where one of the people loose the most if y'all get divorced.
@nickt1262 5 лет назад
Common law marriage or "she'll" otherwise find another way to extract for "him"
@lukelazarre9883 5 лет назад
u broke a legend record and you play for my team so good job brother
@JaiACurtis 3 года назад
So, correct me if I'm wrong here, but this stance sounds to me like "don't get a marriage license if you want control over your wife." I'm not sure I understand completely. Here is my understanding : A marriage liscence is a contract where the husband and wife sign authority of their marriage over to the state. It is the voluntary forefitting of biblical commands regarding marriage roles of the couple. Christ should be the head of the husband and the husband should be the head of the wife. Satan loves contracts like this. He can use this as a stronghold for manipulation in both the wife AND the husband. Not just the wife. This argument is clearly coming from a place of resentment. A failed marriage isn't the fault of the marriage liscence. And it isn't the fault of one party. There's usually plenty of blame to go around. I do agree with the basic premise here. HOWEVER as a man who is getting married, shouldn't you do the homework before you choose to marry a woman? You shouldn't have to MAKE her godly. You should have married a godly woman. And having a marriage liscence is still something you can repent of and surrender back to God if you didn't realize the problem with it when you signed it. God will forgive our ignorance if we confess our sins. And He has the power over every stronghold of the enemy. Don't blame your wife for a team failure.
@En_Eye_Sea_Kai_Eye 3 года назад
Thank you!You are so correct, but he skipped over your comment for obvious reasons. 🙄
@mercedesjohnson7348 2 года назад
@jbird4165 2 года назад
You’re right to an extent but trust me it’s not that easy AT ALL!
@JaiACurtis 2 года назад
@@jbird4165 well, what then? How do you understand it?
@jbird4165 2 года назад
@@JaiACurtis well your comment would be fully true if the majority of people had habits that were conducive to a long term relationship or marriage. Nowadays I would argue it’s dangerous for men to get married and I’ll tell you why if you care 🤷🏾‍♂️
@defrocker5774 5 лет назад
When you get married, it should be on a spiritual/religious bases, therefore when the parties have difficultly, they can resort to laws to fix the situation.
@mimil.2606 3 года назад
I agree
@ms.ladysanders3939 3 года назад
What laws?
@ms.ladysanders3939 2 года назад
@Godspeed94 I need "REAL" laws that can be used in court. Sorry...Not sorry
@KevinLeMelle 6 лет назад
Great video. My ex-wife divorced me and left me four years ago. No kids.
@cloviajackson3464 6 лет назад
This just sounds like freedom to leave with no consequences and an attack on the character of women.
@KGB94TV 6 лет назад
Read Exodus 21:10
@cloviajackson3464 6 лет назад
Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila This Scripture is a law that protects a concubine in the case her master is done with her. So, correct me if I'm wrong. Are you insinuating that a marriage license gives a wife rights that she doesn't deserve? Marriage is a partnership not a dictatorship. Yes, a husband is to love his wife like Christ loves the church. Christ who freely layed down His life for His bride in complete selflessness, not cowardice or fear.
@supremecreation5839 5 лет назад
Jezzebel shut up!
@Truthspeaker7777 2 года назад
@@cloviajackson3464 The difference between Christ loving the church and husband loving his wife is that Christ still has authority over the church, a husband no longer has authority over the wife if she has a marriage license through the state which is banking on her eventually divorcing him eventually. What it sounds like is, most of the women in this comment section are mad because they no longer have the power to just leave the man and take what they want, but yet have no problem being able to leave a man and take everything he has just because they aren’t “feeling it “ anymore
@claytonroberts344 Год назад
1 put a announcement in the newspaper 2. After you have the waiting ceremony put a second announcement newspaper that you are married When you get a marriage license you just made the gov a third party in your marriage and they can have say over it. That is how they made the CPS
@dreyt5197 Год назад
so omit second part of step 2?
@David-hl4ns 6 лет назад
Great minds think alike, and u r right
@lukecarter8100 6 лет назад
That’s the strait up truth brother. Tell the truth and shame the devil.
@cheriblack56 6 лет назад
Said with your chest and experience!!!!! I'd NEVER do that marriage thing EVER again, but for other reasons!!!!
@dustinowen3136 Год назад
It's supposed to be equal if you really love each other
@Polygyny Год назад
Men and women are not equal
@kitsolovelylife7201 5 лет назад
Stop focusing on a marriage license.....and put that energy into pleasing the heart of God! I pray that Whatever that is in you, on you or around you that is not of God, that offended God be removed! I pray that God replace all with himself....in Jesus Name I pray and ask it all....Amen.
@inelsclassics4378 5 лет назад
You didn’t get a good wife is the problem. Any woman who gets married without a marriage license has signed up to be a new generation slave without any say in the marriage. If you have a good man that treats you well, it shouldn’t be a problem.
@KGB94TV 5 лет назад
Yvresse O there isn’t a lot of good women out there. Even a good woman could make the same move if they had the power to do so. The Bible call the woman the weaker vessel. My ex wife was deceived and she had the power to destroy the family base on her emotions. If we didn’t have the license she would have been able to push through her fears.
@inelsclassics4378 5 лет назад
Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila I can’t argue with you when you say there aren’t a lot of good women out there. There aren’t a lot of good men out there either. It’s important to look closely so that you don’t pick one of the bad ones. It’s going to be on you if you do. Same way it’s important for the good women to be careful too because if they pick the wrong man, it’s going to be on them too. That’s life. You can’t complain about who you pick. YOU picked the person willingly. Now, if you lived in a place where you didn’t have a choice in picking your spouse, then you could complain. That place isn’t America. Many men in my opinion cannot wait to rush a woman into bed before finding out WHO and WHAT she really is. That’s where the mistake starts. I never fail to marvel at the number of men who want to rush into sex within a few weeks of meeting a woman when they haven’t studied her to know if she is a good person with good values from a family with good values. Sometimes it makes me doubt whether the men have any sense at all. I can’t believe how quickly men make themselves vulnerable to women all the while knowing that there are desperate people everywhere. I don’t get surprised when I hear of all the casualties that result. Don’t get me wrong, some women are also guilty of this too. It’s no wonder the state of relationships and marriages in the world now. I heard a story last year about a woman who had a little child from a previous relationship who married a man she had known for 3 mths and on the wedding night she opened a file on his computer and discovered child porn! If she had known him long enough before marrying him to open his computer she could have discovered who he was before going that far. It was then she decided to look him up and discovered a previous conviction of significant domestic violence with his previous partner, and she had the nerve to act shocked! Checking a person out on the internet is what I would be doing BEFORE the first date!
@deerog29 6 лет назад
Im glad i always had this mind set glad to see someone put it out also in truth in sincerity shalam ahch
@SAGE0FTHEEAST 5 лет назад
This idea only works in common law states (Alabama,Colorado, DC,Georgia,Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Montana,New Hampshire,Ohio, Oklahoma,Pennsylvania ,Rhode Island, South Carolina,Texas and Utah). Overall this is bad advise.
@colliervillefpc 4 года назад
Sounds like a bunch of people not wanted to be committed.
@LisaSnow3 Год назад
@@colliervillefpc facts! 😂😂😂
@reggieclark3266 2 года назад
Yo Troops, Here in the USA there was once No requirement for a Marriage License The Marriage License came into being when a Copper colored Man wanted to marry a White woman which was Illegal at that time so the Marriage License was created at a Fee for Permission from the state for a Copper colored Man to Marry a White woman.
@arbitrarylib 2 года назад
@laglo84 6 лет назад
yessssss!!...and I'm glad I found this out our ancestors didn't needed so why should us smh, I agree.
@BullshotDarts Месяц назад
Whoa, never thought watching these videos would lead me to seeing one of my favorite packers of all time 😂😂 used to love watching KGB!
Damn i remember playing madden he was on my cheat team he was fast off the edge so i can catch vick
@kelcyharmon9519 5 лет назад
If a man do what he's suppose to do in his marriage it shouldn't matter no way, and every woman is not the same
@cassiethomas4045 Год назад
It sounds like a personal issue. Why should nobody get married legally? Prenuptial agreements exist if your concerned about finances
@ZE308AC 2 года назад
I just subscribe because of the value information you share with us
@NkemOnyeka12 6 лет назад
I don't think our people should involve the state, or the government in our marriages, I am all for abandoning traditional American marriage licences. However, there was a dowry paid by the husband TO the bride AND her family ( Isaac and Rebekah) before the marriage was made official. Just because we didn't do it the way the US does it doesn't mean that we didn't do anything. You really are vilifying women based on the fact that you chose a wrong one, but you chose her. You talk like Yah created us to be subject only, and we can't be trusted, and you have to protect yourselves and your money from us. You stated in a video that she been talking to you wrong for a while now. You could have let her go as time went on and you realized she didn't respect your authority. But you kept her, and now she's making your life hell...so the WOMEN can't be trusted? So what should happen to the Israelite woman who's husband is off the hook and out-of-pocket? She's supposed to just deal with that because he's the head. Women are equally at risk. But in Israel we leave with nothing. Nothing, not even the kids. What does the Bible say is her recourse? Is there any protection of assets for her if you're breaking the vow? Or are the sisters just supposed to just be out of luck no matter what her head does? Because she's valuable in the eyes of Yah. And you're screaming your head off from a place of hurt, and to the whole world I might add, and you're sowing discord between the women and the men. Because you're hurting. Contrary to popular belief: women are not men's property, not even in Israel. That literally would make them slaves. And our people know what that's like. We CHOOSE who we will marry, same as you. We were given dominion right along with you. When Yah created Ad'am, Eve was created at the exact same time! She was not an after- thought. "Male AND female created He THEM." And Eve wasn't even on the scene yet. But she was necessary from the very beginning. She wasn't just created as a play thing for Adam because he was bored or lonely. And she wasn't created to be dominated. Yah loves his daughters! She was part of the plan from the jump. Yah didn't 'bring her out' until Adam NEEDED her! And Adam had to understand that he needed her. He couldn't do it all alone. We are HELP meets, to help you meet the expectations Yah set forth for US to accomplish. Are you going to continue speaking about the women like they are only here for your pleasure, and like they don't bring anything to the marriage, and like they wouldn't know anything if you hadn't taught it to them? We have to study to show ourselves approved too. Women are made in the image of Yah too. Ad'am is the name Yah called them TOGETHER; husband and wife. AD'AM called her 'woman', and named her Chewah (Eve). We are as necessary as you but are roles are different. And we BOTH have to be subject one to another. And an excellent wife subjects herself to the authority of her head because she understands Yah's plan and His ways. It's ALL ABOUT YAH, it's not about you. The Proverbs 31 woman married because she has decided to subject herself, for the glory of Yah. Nobody is forcing her. Don't think that marriage is about you forcing your wife to do what you want. She has to want to be obedient to you. And being obedient is something she should be excited about! She shouldn't see it as a negative thing. Sarah called Abraham 'Master', I think that's very admirable. It takes a Proverbs 31 woman to subject herself to a husband. It's not easy subjecting yourself to another person, and if you think being forceful is the proper route....it's not going to work out. I understand that the husband has the final say in ALL things. I just hope our Israelite brothers have the same amount of respect FOR their wives that they want FROM their wives. Shalom.
@missaliciaandfamily4833 6 лет назад
Hadassah Yael Wow , love the response to this video. The title caught my attention so I watched it since it was only a few mins long. I agree with what you posted . 😁
@arijones9564 6 лет назад
Beautifully stated. Your comments have crystallized my thoughts about Hebrew marriage.
@jesusfavor1543 6 лет назад
Very well said, my Nubian sister
@calvinmoore5594 6 лет назад
Remember it was after eve was deceived by Satan that God told her because of what you have done your desire shall be to your husband she ate and decided to give to her husband Adam also. Eve set it in motion and Christ had to restore what was lost but very few understand today how to walk in what Christ Jesus has set us free from. We are so carnally minded that we don't understand how to walk in the Liberty wherewith Christ has made us free he has freed us from the curse of the law of sin and death to be carnally minded is death what the Bible says that in Christ there is neither male nor female see that's things of the spirit that's the restoration that Christ purchased on the cross when he said let us create them and give them Dominion it doesn't negate God's divine order but it shows you that they had the same Authority to rule and reign but I'm going to stop right there I know that's too deep for some already have a blessed day.
@neglibre6916 6 лет назад
Calvin Moore , hi, thanks. But what order would that be, please?
@essencerodriguez1692 5 лет назад
👀😳 wow reading all these comments and hearing all the horror stories makes me never want to get married... I’m gonna have to speak to my man about what I read.. n I know he gonna say stay your ass off you tube😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. ..yikessssssssssss
@sukelacurtis482 3 года назад
Right because this is a very one sided and post marital issue based divorce. I heard, my ex wife went after everything, can't even control herself, she's like a kid, I was a pro athlete and the GOVERNMENT made me as md my family an easy target! 🥴 Is his issue that she ruined their bond? That she was able to leave with something although the Bible references that as well? Most importantly I'd be extremely convicted spewing such views so emotionally, CLEARLY from a hurt POV, and not stating any direct reason forr his argument. Too dangerous. Men, women, be mindful. Don't we all know to really think about where we get advice. I mean i really sat and listened to ranting about women destroying marriages..... You defintely disappointed me.
@pinktea4985 4 года назад
Sir can I ask. So I can get married without a marriage license. Like how does that work? Do we change our names on our ID cards. I want to follow what you are saying and do the right thing.
@johnhue8933 5 лет назад
Kabeer. In a divorce what is the diffence between the way courts treat you as a husband if you have a marriage licence and you don't?
@crystalthompson9700 3 года назад
I was about to share this before I realized that this is reeking in mysogyny ....give your strength to a woman???? 🤦🏿‍♀️
@gabriellesemoine676 2 года назад
Right!!! I thought it was just me!
@tomikacox360 6 лет назад
So this is my question as a believer.. A marriage license itself is never thr cause of anyone's divorce. A person can go out here and act a fool and wreak havoc in a home with or without a marriage license. The word of God says What GOD has joined together let no man take asunder. Many times we marry and many folks never stop and ask ourselves if God even joined us together. Also, as believers the word of God instructs us to obey the laws of the land. So my question is this: What makes marriage legal in the US? What makes marriage legal in the bible?
@KGB94TV 6 лет назад
Fit Helena Great question! I will make video on this one. Stay tune!
@darkhorse2259 6 лет назад
America is basically Neo Babylon. Gay marriage is a law of the land also but I don't think the Most High wants us to be cool with that. For me, the marriage license gives a woman power over a man and the large majority of women these days are fickle as fuck. Only loyalty is to themselves and there emotions. I WANT TO BE MARRIED but look at the divorce rates in this country. To big of a risk and I have much to lose. Good question though. It's something to think about.
@jimmyjohnson3973 5 лет назад
Well from the bible side a man is the one in charge of the family..The same way Christ is with the church. Wives: according to the bible should obey their own husbands in everything.. Wonder how the U.S.A. feels about that.. Women stop respecting The WORD'S way decades ago.. (I thinking late 1960's)..
@adeyemiadebayo8319 2 года назад
Please I need clarification. Isn’t the license also used for immigration purposes. If I was to get married to another national I would the license for immigration right?
@angelwaters101 10 месяцев назад
Marriage used to be a Holy Union,, Unfortunately it's not like that anymore. I've been with my lady for 17 years. And I will not Buy a License. But if something happens to me I'm making Sure she is still taken care of. Everything that is mine is Hers. So Forget about buying Satan's License to marry someone because it won't be a Holy one.
@tiffanywiley6736 6 лет назад
I receive this message thank you
@djerryisrael786 6 лет назад
Brother Kabeer once again you nocked it right out of the park my brother...🏌🏾‍♂️🙌🏾🙌🏾
@metro360newsentertainment7 7 дней назад
Kabeer? We went to Audubon Jr. HighSchool & Crenshaw Highschool together. I’m proud of year because when we were kids you were introverted to say the least. I remember your twin sister an all that fam. Congratulations
@heythatsahri 5 лет назад
When there are arrest made from the calls to the police then DCF gets involved if you have children and other counseling services get involved. So there will still manage to be a way for them to be inside of your business.
@horrezwhite9302 6 лет назад
This dude bragging about being used as a slave and he don't even know his number is a part of a money making corporation.
@kool-aidman5828 5 лет назад
horrez White I didn't hear any bragging. All I heard was his story
@philliplyle3781 6 лет назад
Awesome Advice.......I want my wife to love me for me, always and not rape me at the end.
@jerseyfinest7152 2 года назад
Where (what U.S. State) can you say you're are "married" without a marraige license. As far as I know, anything else is just a promise ceremony; you are not "married".
@Ian_redflagmafia 2 года назад
Correct. If you are in the military and try this shit, you won’t last long. You are still considered a single adult. No extra pay for dependents. No allowance or permission for housing, so you will sleep in the barracks. No coverage of expenses to move your spouse around the country to be with you as you are stationed, under orders, to different parts of the world. Nothing. So… I will be getting married, and making my it legally binding like the supermajority of the world. But if you want to hide in the woods in a log cabin, and say f you to the government, and a society following the rules they’ve created for themselves, nobody is stopping you.
@farhansavage2910 2 года назад
Preachhhhhhhhhhhh If a woman must have the license then she does not have me. Just because others are doing something does not make it right.
@sarcasticidealist1309 2 года назад
100% they're becoming so entitled and irresponsible to a point where they're getting a license for it and it's called a marriage license. they can use it to claim half of a mans life at any given point.
@cerebralofthoughts3145 6 лет назад
Life after football... Gotta love it
@msnicolegant 5 лет назад
This is poor advice and we are to obey the law of the land not base our decision of not getting a marriage license because adam and eve didn't have one.
@sucram1015 3 года назад
Obey the law of the land if it follows God's law.
@muoremuoney 6 лет назад
I support you brother.
@LossLeadas 6 лет назад
kbg!! what you been up too man...when you was playing football you was balling.
@jelig72 6 лет назад
I've never been married and no kids either. I was kind of red pilled before it was even a thing but what this ex-superstar speaks of is completely the truth. If I had his money I'd be even more red pilled (x10) and probably not even bang women because of the added risk. Glad to see him using his platform and life experiences to warn other men.
@mattyghost3409 6 лет назад
theGid sorry bro you deal with western women that's your problem....i goto south east Asia let them to drain my nuts bone dry like prunes with no liquid in it....
@hogantheredpill9231 6 лет назад
theGid right on brother
@easyandhappylife251 3 года назад
How is your single life ?
@jelig72 3 года назад
@@easyandhappylife251 It doesn't suck, could always be better though.
@easyandhappylife251 3 года назад
@@jelig72 are you still single ? i mean unmarried ??
@kiyan17171717 6 лет назад
Wow you made the best point in the best way.
@kiyan17171717 6 лет назад
I got lucky, my ex spent all my money before we got divorced. If I'm supposed to love someone till death do us part, why do i need a man in a robe to tell me what to do with our shit? We supposed to trust each other on that level? Then we can break up amicably.
@datluvlyfem Год назад
I reside in California and it states you cannot get married without a marriage license or have a ceremony. Is this true? Or are we better off going to vegas
@KGB94TV Год назад
Why would you want to get married?
@felixbeliummbembela93 Год назад
Man the gas prices at the back 😂
@anonymous100k8 Год назад
I gave my brother and a friend that advice. It's good to see other guys speaking the truth.
@earlymann1954 6 лет назад
Do you not know there are MANY people with long and happy marriages who are NOT Israelites? What I seem to notice when I meet them is they are equally yoked in not only all the important ways, but also in their faiths. I never used to give being equally yoked that much consideration, but I sure do now.
@gamingnoob6805 6 лет назад
earlymann1954 Agreed
@DaMilli 6 лет назад
An he saying it wrong. Not only Israelites will enter heaven. All people. If you believe yahweh is what all is. We Israelites are the saviour of our people an the gentiles once we go bakc home yo israel. The jews there aren't. You supposed to love all people. Like yeshua did and does.. no matter your flaws.. everybody be blessed and love. ☝✊
@weekendnomad5038 3 года назад
Men with good women are gonna see this and not get married even though she deserves marriage 🙄
@KGB94TV 3 года назад
I did not say don’t get married! You can be married without a marriage license. Keep the marriage out of the legal society.
@brendadaviswilson9243 Год назад
You still need to check your states laws because the individual with the lowest income can receive palimony depending how long you we’re together
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