
Do you want to live in the world of Atlas Shrugged? 

Learn Liberty
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In her masterpiece of fiction, Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand emphasizes three key classical liberal themes: individualism, suspicion of centralized power, and the importance of free markets. Learn More:www.learnliberty.org/
In this video, Prof. Jennifer Burns shows how Rand's plot and characters demonstrate these themes, principally through innovative entrepreneurs who are stifled by laws and regulations instituted by their competitors. In the world of Atlas Shrugged, free markets and individual liberty have been traded away for equality and security enforced by the government. Burns ends by reviving Rand's critical question: do you want to live in this kind of world?
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Jennifer Burns is an assistant professor of history at the University of Virginia and author of Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right. For more information, visit www.jenniferburns.org/.
Watch more videos: lrnlbty.co/y5tTcY
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22 июл 2024




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@markflierl1624 6 лет назад
Atlas Shrugged was written in 1957. At the end of the video the women says "Rand asks her readers to envision a world where liberty has been traded away completely for equality and security" boy was Rand ahead of her time. That's exactly the world we're heading into.
@tammystewart10 3 года назад
In my half a century lifetime after 911 liberty got taken away. Since then American society been advocating for diversity, equality and security. Today's pandemic and tomorrow's hope for peace and stability.
@seanleith5312 2 года назад
In today's world, the so called classical liberal view is carried by conservatives and libertarians, there is almost no difference between the two. Today's liberals are in the range communists and fascists: they don't want free speech, they don't want to see different opinions. They advocate violence against people they don't agree.
@tamaragraham6859 2 года назад
@@seanleith5312 Seriously? Those advocating violence and proping up murderes as heroes are from the right. The left advocates for freedom within a democracy. True individualism. Let people be and live their lives as they wish. When you bring harm to other living humans or want to bring harm to other living humans then authority steps in. But at this point, authority wants to control. The left wholeheartedly supports free speech. They understand that it comes with consequences. The right just wants to spout rhetoric and not suffer the consequences. Now there are extremists on both sides of the aisle and there really isn't a difference between the two. Now, Communism and fascism are two different sides of the coin. You can't be both. So you might want to learn the definitions before you label leftist as Communists and fascists. Because fascism today is coming from the right and from Trump supporters. And y'all like to label social democratic policy as communism when it's not. An equality comes into play in this country when we talk about equal opportunity. I know Americans like to believe that everyone has the same amount of opportunity to do whatever they want in this country, but they do not. Our history has proven this. And we need to own it and we need to change it. No one on the left is saying handout everything for free we're saying that support each other and give each other the same opportunity for Success. You're always going to have business owners and you're always going to have employees. They're always going to be different classes. But when a worker puts in the effort to help build a business they should get part of the profit sharing in a living wage. Period. We have given too much control to the oligarchs. And that started with Nixon and Reagan. We do need a centralized government and our government should play certain roles in our society. But as it stands today our government is giving all of the power to corporations. And then they're using propaganda to divide people on two sides. Rather than looking what makes a true democracy.
@tamaragraham6859 2 года назад
@@tammystewart10 America advocating for diversity and equality started well before 9/11. The false sense of security I will agree starting after 9/11. The idea of diversity and equality is truly Democratic and all about individualism that a Democratic Society is to support. Leave people alone to live their lives the way they want to live them unless they bring harm to other living humans. You don't get to bring your Bible into judging how someone should live or "morally" police them based on that premise. Not in a democracy that was founded upon freedom of religion. Freedom is far more than the Second Amendment. And Free Speech comes with consequences. You have a responsibility to not bring harm to others. And your actions if they bring harm to others, have consequences. And so do your words if they incite violence. That's something that a lot of First Amendment screamers don't seem to realize. Say what you want, believe what you want, but when those words and actions harm someone else, another living human being, you suffer the consequences. It's really that simple.
@seanleith5312 2 года назад
@@tamaragraham6859 What world are living in?
@HomelessOnline 12 лет назад
Most influential book I've ever read. I sent it to my brother last winter, he just finished reading it about 8 weeks ago, and says it has changed his entire outlook on life and living in the middle class.
@fireball0762 6 лет назад
It isn't about beating others in the world of Atlas Shrugged it is about everyone working and producing. Giving good value for good value is something we should all want. ALSO being kind to others isn't forbidden, but charity should be on the givers terms.
@kathyhansen2820 5 лет назад
Remember what happened to the woman that got pregnant for the second time? I've read that Rand didn't address charity. She most certainly did in a fully realistic manner.
@AngelaRichter65 10 лет назад
I'd much rather live in Galt's Gulch, competing to the best of my ability, than being strangled by those who can't by the virtue that I can. You do not have the sanction of this victim.
@CheerfullyCynical829 2 года назад
The problem is that only the people who are at the very TOP of their professions are allowed into Galt's Gulch. It's an elite, exclusive meritocracy. I am nowhere near the TOP of my profession, but I don't want to live on government welfare like a bum forever. I want to work and make my own way. But since I wasn't genetically blessed with genius DNA like all those "GODS" of Galt's Gulch, I would never be allowed in. So fuck 'em.
@AngelaRichter65 2 года назад
@@CheerfullyCynical829 Really? What about the mother who just wanted to raise her children to appreciate merit and virtue. Or even the brakeman who was a music student. I reject your premise and whining.
@osirisadvocate 8 лет назад
The crazy thing is we do live in that world now.
@osirisadvocate 4 года назад
@J D I kinda hope it happens ha.
@krissyramsey3934 3 года назад
@bradwatson7324 7 лет назад
This is a great summary of Atlas Shrugged and of her basic ideas!
@forrestdickson2189 4 года назад
@DrMackSplackem 3 года назад
@@forrestdickson2189 LIAR
@stevet6676 6 лет назад
So articulate and poised. A great critique of the ideas in the book.
@crypter27 9 лет назад
We already are living in the world of Atlas Shrugged!
@mikejohnson2173 6 лет назад
What do u mean?
@MrAceman82 6 лет назад
Mike, did you read the book. Look at what is happening in countries.
@lsk464 11 лет назад
A wonderful summary of her work, thank you!
@BigCountryEO75 10 лет назад
Pretty much. Authoritarians don't like it when someone who believes in the Individual (Classical Liberals/Libertarians) comes to the table wanting to destroy the central planners dreams.
@TheDeepestbluest 11 лет назад
it makes tremendeous sense to compare spending 2 seconds writing a comment and spending a lifetime after inventing something so your argument is flawless, bravo sir!
@justinhebert5155 6 лет назад
Great analysis, thank you!
@MutantBamHammer 12 лет назад
@CosmicFork k, so should I throw away her books before or after I read them.
@nilma99 12 лет назад
great lesson!
@grimcity 12 лет назад
Atlas Shrugged was a masterpiece? If that's the case, some of the doodles I do on napkins at the pub must be high art!
@2Oldcoots 5 лет назад
Brilliant Analysis!
@erpollock 4 года назад
She's a wonderful clear thinker. Sums up the principles of Rand and Atlas Shrugged.
@tatianaporoger8668 3 года назад
Great review of Atlas Shrugged
@CharlesGervasi 11 лет назад
I agree completely. In the Fountainhead she criticized the boards of large corporations almost as much government. Her politics show through, though, when a for-profit corporation rebuilds the housing project so much better than the gov't w/o explaining why. Much of Fountainhead isn't even about economics/gov't, just flawed people with an addiction to getting a reaction or attention from other people instead of living their lives for what gives them true joy.
@perp1exed 11 лет назад
So how exactly do you explain the soviet union's success?
@meatrace 11 лет назад
In 2007, British band Radiohead released their new album In Rainbows for free on the internet. Or rather, people paid what they thought it was worth to them. The vast majority of people paid zero, but overall the average price paid for download was somewhere around $3 (IIRC). Due to the sheer volume of downloads, Radiohead made significantly more per download, on average, than they would per album sale through a traditional paradigm. Free is the new black.
@ymi_yugy3133 6 лет назад
So price is essentially about supply and demand. The producer could make a change to the supply curve, e.g. by hiring an engineering. But how is the producer able to know about the demand curve? The current market only communicates the current market price so only one spot on the supply curve. How is he supposed to know whether hiring this engineer is worth it?
@MrCher2 6 лет назад
Real supply and demand curves are nearly impossible to know. Knowing them would mean knowing what the preferences of any possible customer are, and what the reactions and actions of any possible producer would be. And both curves are constantly changing. The supply curve is a way of responding to the following question: If the price of this product was "X", what would be the amount of products that would be produced? Te demand curve is a way of responding to the following question: If the price of this product was "X", what would be the amount of products demanded by the consumers? The producer could hire an engineer in order to make the product cheaper to produce. That way, they would be able to give a better than the competitors' price thus selling more while maintaining the product's profit margin. All the producer must know about supply and demand curves in this case, is an estimation of the amount of extra demand their product will get when they make their price cut.
@timothygreensweight9230 5 лет назад
We are living it
@joeziahbabb 12 лет назад
It is also worth noting that there are some well known Reardan/Dagny types that we can site, the most well known would be the late Steve Jobs and what he brought to Apple as an individual. There are many CEOs throughout history who have made giant leaps for their industry and brought what were once expensive luxuries to the middle class by revolutionizing the industry.
@StateExempt 12 лет назад
@ephekt420 - So was John Galt a marxist or not?
@StateExempt 13 лет назад
I just want to get on that damn train already...
@octapotamus 12 лет назад
where's the spoiler alert?
@SlaveryEvolves 12 лет назад
That's exactly right.
@MadPutz 12 лет назад
@hathorrox So because of the lulling effect of the safety net, certain people who do little may not recognize what they can gain from a higher plane of activity and community engagement and doing business/research/creativity/charity whatever
@HomelessOnline 13 лет назад
@Tartersauce101 - The video was posted by "LearnLiberty." You were expecting a discussion on the benefits of large government, perhaps? Liberty and Government Control are two opposing ideas.
@52000rightwing 12 лет назад
Very interesting. She's also a bit easier on the eyes than the rest of the LearnLiberty economists.
@NotBrennanWasHereNOT 12 лет назад
@kaindrg 12 лет назад
@SofaKingWhiteFU and what part of that book do u agree with?
@Norie92 12 лет назад
@luvcheney1 Thanks, I found the PDF document supporting this on the Worldbank site.
@gman68137 11 лет назад
Charity. Our moral compass and man as a compassionate being.
@KORreaper 12 лет назад
@smith930 you do realize that one of Rand's "laws" with her philosophy is that no one is to use force to control other, only when threatened with force. Although I can't remember if that was a literal force like violence, or any force like political influence.
@strugglebuggietv 11 лет назад
its what is known as a "rebuttal" whenever a person finds an idea they think to be grossly inaccurate, and it bothers them enuf to speak against that idea, they say so...
@majinspy 12 лет назад
at 3:38 Ayn Rand is described as "subtle". I'm thinking not so much.
@Stonegoal 11 лет назад
Its the reason there are trade secrets due... Make sure the factory has security and the workers are not allowed to share their knowledge without being sued.
@jiminverness 5 лет назад
Reardon should have picked a couple of very powerful competitors and cut them in by licensing - letting them lobby on their own and thus his behalf. That's something Rand didn't see imo.
@Norie92 12 лет назад
@luvcheney1 Good information on China, do you have a source for this? (Helps when I discuss free markets with people)
@Garroxta 11 лет назад
It goes too far sometimes, yet patent rights are important, IF they are limited.
@bapyou 13 лет назад
@nesckthe44 Just so you know, I found it somewhere online; I think in an essay titled 'I was a Teenaged Ayn Rand Asshole' . . . or something like that. So it's not mine entirely. Of course, I entirely concur with its sentiment. Have you seen the Adam Curtis documentary All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace? Check it out if you haven't. In it, Curtis illuminates the connections between Ayn Rand's 1950s NY salon (including Alan Greenspan), Silicon Valley & the current economic crisis.
@scribbled309 11 лет назад
How does a professor who devotes so much time and energy to a facile lightweight like Ayn Rand get a position at Stanford? (And at the risk of totally undermining my own position, I will repeat an earlier comment: Great legs, Jen. Just outstanding...)
@shepd3 11 лет назад
You make a great point. When you use copyright, you steal money from the people putting in the hard work of creating the duplicate copies. It's wrong to live off someone else's hard work and copyright lets you steal from it.
@StateExempt 12 лет назад
I would prefer to live in a condensed version where I can find out who John Galt is within a day or two.
@ephekt420 12 лет назад
@StateExempt Galt was Rand's perfect little Objectivist. I would not suggest her NOVELS as a source of serious philosophical or political understanding, but you could read "This is John Galt speaking" and get a pretty clear picture of who he was.
@eggory 12 лет назад
@oolong2 Or of repeating myself, which if you repeat yourself first, I will in following.
@raikespeare 12 лет назад
@jontycampbell I have no idea how what I said relates to Solipsism; Solipsism is an epistemological premise that only the mind is real or at least can be known to be real. What I was pointing out was Rand's circular logic that permits her philosophy to be held unaccountably as dogma; she manipulated the phrase reason and defined it how she wished, so when challenged she nominally justified herself with it. That's not an epistemological philosophy, though; it's a confidence trick.
@lolnickfox 13 лет назад
It's pretty amazing this guy created this new steel alloy, and, without any non-bias testing by 3rd party engineers, created something without any dangers or side-effects. That guy should get a metal or something...get it? Good thing he wasn't mistaken by his previous attempts at making this new steel alloy and it was allowed to be used as train tracks...and then broke. That wouldn't have been dangerous at all. Oh well, free market, right?
@CharlesGervasi 11 лет назад
Read The Fountainhead. The protagonist creates architectural marvels for the sheer joy of it and rebuffs offers to sell out. The villains in her books are the money grubbers. Rand would say feudal lords (the gov't) are scared of serfs who do what they believe in w/o regard to other's opinion. The rulers like people eager to jump through hoops to get the rewards they can offer. @Garegin: You might read the Fountainhead and find you agree with most of it.
@part380 12 лет назад
@logtype47 You brought it up, my friend.
@Randsurfer 10 лет назад
Jennifer. I think around the 4:45 mark you should have been more explicit in stating that for Rand, free markets were the only "MORAL" system (for all the reasons you gave: liberty, non-coercion, etc.)
@Randsurfer 10 лет назад
And I agree with RonHoward's opinion below.
@michaelgj23 13 лет назад
@Farmboy1927 Thanks.
@MediabyAaron 13 лет назад
Ayn Rand's novels were so realistic!
@Technoguy3 11 лет назад
Do I want to live in the world of Atlas Shrugged? And here I thought I was, all this time...
@jawneblaize 11 лет назад
When I see people in tune enough to write replies like yours, it gives me hope. I see far too many posts like the one Mr TomFromEntropia wrote.
@1980PintoMan 11 лет назад
should be "everyone else" at the end there.
@114Freesoul 11 лет назад
Well, if you let the market run completely free, what are you going to do about monopolies?
@fitofight8540 5 лет назад
RazzleDazzle114 monopolies result from government intervention. In a free market no monopolies would exist there will always be competitors.
@kim-o-san 5 лет назад
@@fitofight8540 What a joke? It's government intervention that broke up Standard Oil and Microsoft. Else, we would still be under their heels. Ayn Rand forgot that. She was stupid. If you want to see what happens to a country under the unfettered rule of a corporation, Google East India Company and the horrific acts it committed.
@idiotelectronics9683 4 года назад
@@kim-o-san Lol all the west and east india companies based in europe were government chartered. And standard oil and Microsoft might've had more competition if there wasn't a corrupt government for them to lobby to.
@Sam-tg4ii 3 года назад
A society that puts social equality above liberty achieves none. A society that puts liberty above social equality achieves great levels of both -Milton Friedman
@joelubomski4717 3 года назад
Come on man!
@ymi_yugy3133 6 лет назад
How do the shop owner and the customer figure out a price? I mean you cannot ask the customer and get a honest answer. Just trying out does also seem to be a bad idea as people base there willingness to pay on what things cost. They are less inclined to pay a higher price for a product that has previously been cheap, while they are probably more inclined to pay this price if it has been lowered from a higher one. You said it yourself that surveyed people couldn't determine a value. So neither the shop owner not the customer actually know a products value.
@MrCher2 6 лет назад
As a customer you always have the possibility of trying to get a better price from anyone else, so the shop keeper is not usually able to charge whatever they want to the customer. If a shop keeper is not able to give a good enough price for the customers, that shop keeper will not be able to sell enough products, and will be replaced by someone able to do that. In a free society anyone can become a shop keeper, and that way prices are created. What you say about inclinations can be true, but in high inflation countries you can verify that despite their inclination people do buy things that were "cheaper" previously. Anyway, when people buy things, they do it because at that moment they value the money they pay less that the thing they buy with the money. Buying is not different than barter in that way. The value of a product is something subjective, and it depends on the place and the moment. The price is something objective (but also dependent on the place and the moment). The price is the amount of some currency paid to buy a product. The value for the customer will be higher than the price they paid. And the value for the shop keeper will be lower than the money received for the product.
@nerd55024 13 лет назад
@informatist - You have it quite backwards, actually. Its companies lobbying that makes us only eat those foods or only subsidize those foods. You have it entirely backwards. What Ayn Rand envisions is a world in which corporations could meet your demands for organic (or whatever) foods regardless of whether or not a regulation prevented them from doing this.
@WalterLiddy 12 лет назад
Reason is prior to individualism. One of the reasons 'classical Liberals' find Rand strange is that her basis for the argument for individualism isn't the same as theirs, which often relies upon religion to support it. If you treat individualism as 'the main point' of her work then you won't understand it. Fortunately, she doesn't leave this to chance and in Atlas Shrugged the argument for her philosophy begins at the beginning.
@666or999 12 лет назад
@Paladine71 Look up classical liberalism maybe?
@randy95023 12 лет назад
I got an Econ Degree 32 years ago. I don't know if it was a blessing or a curse! Even though I'm personally somewhat "Progressive" I still know that Ludwig Von Mises, Rothbard and Hazlitt are logically right. Most people haven't even caught up with Adam Smith in their Economic knowledge and it's frustrating to watch this whole thing play out...
@boleroinferno 11 лет назад
Wages aren't at zero for a few reasons. 1. Employers aren't always /efficacious/ at imposing their interests. 2. Workers have the option to fight back via labor unions (their only real power). 3. There is a 'real' minimum wage under which it would be impossible for the workers to reproduce the manpower which runs the economy. If you revise your statement to say "All owners of BIG corporations have the highest standard of living," then yes you're right (as distinct from managers, of course).
@Teutonik 13 лет назад
Atlas Shrugged had everything; explosions, gold, pirates, military superweapons, and extreme Laissez-faire economic policies. If only it were all in space...
@dragonhold4 5 лет назад
I don't want to put blind faith into some all-powerful institution and hope it's completely altruistic and not filled with personal agendas.
@DrMackSplackem 3 года назад
I'll tell you what's far worse, according to Objectivism: Placing your rationally aquired trust into an institution because you know for a fact that it's based on and operating under the moral code of altruisim.
@nonyadamnbusiness9887 2 года назад
"Live in the world of Atlas Shrugged?" with politicians taking everything over and screwing it up? I do live in that world.
@MrApplewine 10 лет назад
Rand was an advocate of Objective Freedom. Learn about the philosophy of a free society at Objective Freedom dot com. Rand was neither left, center, right nor libertarian.
@Lukyo1984 12 лет назад
The world of Andrew Ryan didn't work out so well so I don't think the world of Atlas Shrugged would be much better.
@hydrolito 12 лет назад
Without the patent system they don't have an incentive to invent new things as they would get no return for it. Why design something if your not getting paid for it. However there should be a limit how many times they can renew a patent.
@HomelessOnline 12 лет назад
She said Dagny ran the railroad. I didn't hear what you state.
@shamgar001 13 лет назад
@LewisDunnHasOpinions Sure you can. The government doesn't have to buy his alloy. There are still plenty of steel plants around.
@CharlesGervasi 11 лет назад
She says people only flourish when they do what they believe in without regard for the hoards of buyers and sellers that make up a market. She does not say market is a place to be free.
@nerd55024 13 лет назад
@WilliamTheFriar - Pick up a book on political science. Classical Liberalism is the proper word here. She is using it properly.
@shepd3 11 лет назад
If you didn't have any incentive, then I guess I just don't get it. I've never met anyone that did anything without some sort of incentive--whether it be monetary, survival instinct, out of love, or out of satisfying curiosity (amongst other incentives). Perhaps you could explain if this was a one off, or if you often do things without incentive, and maybe you could explain why? I guess dreaming and the results of meditation are without incentive. Maybe it's like that for you?
@Jaser200 11 лет назад
The people I'm referring to were small, not vocal enough to be noticed, & didn't have good outreach. You find out your character is controlled by the phrase "Would you kindly?". Control, gov't or not, is not something that paints in a nice light is it? BioShock Infinite is supposed to attack gov't more. Ken Levine sees in more of a gray area than a Randian or a pro-gov't person would: "I don’t find those stories very interesting. That’s why I don’t find either left or right particularly open. "
@StateExempt 12 лет назад
@ephekt420 - So he was just like Marx?
@flopress 12 лет назад
@dark7element Well Picasso, Dali, and Eisenstein also led quite peculiar personal lives. We all know they never amounted to much....Try reading sometime, you just might learn something.....
@oolong2 12 лет назад
@eggory "the role of the law in pure capitalism is to ensure that consent must be a part of every transaction" Only in the most simplistic examples. The average person does not have enough knowledge to provide true "consent" For example: Buying products containing any number of toxins known to cause health problems years later. Working in a factory not controlling air toxicity for it's workers and poluting the ground water. Hence the reason for laws, regulation, and oversight.
@michaelgj23 13 лет назад
@nerd55024 I don't know about that. The campaigns that sued Ron Paul had the money to hire high-end lawyers because of the money they received from the unions and major corporations, right? Otherwise, where did they get their money? Also, it sounds as if you don't have a problem with campaign finance reform as such, only that there are loopholes that politicians can exploit. So why not support a reform that bars any donation exceeding $150? That way, there's no loophole to exploit.
@jameshankins9538 11 лет назад
Updated for 2012. Do you want to live in the kind of world where millions of Americans gather at supermarkets and wholesale clubs on the last day of each month, waiting for the government to add value to their EBT cards?
@chemicalsweet13 11 лет назад
you're right, nothing. I made a mistake in my first post.
@andrewthebobstewart9349 11 лет назад
You mean miracle metal?
@boleroinferno 11 лет назад
The "false dichotomy" between 1. employers who attain greater profit and higher standard of living by decreasing wages and 2. workers whose jobs are their only sources of income and suffer directly from decreased wages This is a distinction which is hard-coded into our economic system and has been universally accepted for hundreds of years
@eggory 12 лет назад
@oolong2 I'd give you a nice summary about the philosophy of freedom and its essence to prosperity in large groups of individuals, that it involves the guarantee of the need for consent in all transactions, and anything beyond that limits the freedom of one person at the expense of another, necessarily to the detriment of everyone's prosperity because in such circumstances productivity = success. I could go into depth. But if you're so comfortable being so completely absurd, I should not bother.
@sevenslimysnails 12 лет назад
@BoxScientific No need for hostility. Rand explicitly said her philosophy was about the moral superiority of selfishness. You can love and interpret her book how ever you want, no one is stopping you, but people are starting to lose interest in validating their own emotions. If you really believe Rand just wanted everyone to be productive, then be happy knowing that this is a generally accepted principle, so her philosophy doesn't need spreading.
@eggory 12 лет назад
@oolong2 You may think that it's silly somehow to concieve of one general principle that applies to a variety of situations, but sometimes that is the way the world works. In any case, though laissez faires capitalism is a system based on giving the same answer to a whole category of specific questions, the point is that it does in effect offer specific answers to many questions, while your "theory" to its only advantage does not.
@johnhendrickson300 7 лет назад
Why would you have to trade equality for liberty?
@juanitadudley4788 7 лет назад
jhen333 Because people don't have equal drives, ambitions, and abilities. If you mean equality of outcome, you'd necessarily to take away the liberty of those who would otherwise be high achievers in order to make sure people who couldn't or wouldn't otherwise match their achievements were "equal".
@tuele4302 5 лет назад
Because it is most unfair to treat people or things that are unequal as equal. You need equality of opportunities, not equality of outcome.
@MegaAstrodude 11 лет назад
What does this have to do with the 14th Amendment?
@eggory 12 лет назад
@Tartersauce101 People very often do reviews exactly because they have an opinion on the work and want to tell you about it, and I have no idea why you would find that at all surprising. Besides that, the woman makes the book sounds good, but she basically just states facts about it, and says that it's very in line with classical liberalism, which is simply true. Maybe you were just expecting a ranting chastisement of it, as are so common coming from the other kind of liberal.
@KORreaper 12 лет назад
@CosmicFork you must not know what the word literature means. Rand created an amazing world with her words. Although I think The Fountainhead was better then Atlas Shrugged. Sure her main characters were very rigid and non changing, but they had to be. That is how they were to show their strength.
@eggory 12 лет назад
@oolong2 That is that these laws, and a few others like them, guarantee that to prosper you must give other people what they want, and otherwise leave them alone. The free market, unless you're talking to an anarchist, is not about the market itself being free, but of all individuals being free to operate within and according to the market. That is the basis of all human prosperity. Because humans who are free, are productive, and productivity is the whole point of the study of economics.
@johnhendrickson300 7 лет назад
So confused. Wouldn't equality and security be liberty from debt? Wouldn't being liberated from debt and having to work 40+ hours a week at a job that is tiring and stressful foster an environment where people could be more creative and live up to their potential?
@adriandreamwalker1027 5 лет назад
She also promoted to come back to gold and silver standard for the emission of currency, replacing our actual debt-based system of fractional reserve. That would seriously reduce the amount of debt to a minimum.
@tuele4302 5 лет назад
But in order to have "an environment where people could be more creative and live up to their potential," you first need financial security. Having a job helps you get there. You don't have to like your job; that's just life. Wouldn't equality and security be liberty from debt? Yes, but where does that debt come from? Financial mistakes? Unrealistic expectations?
@oolong2 12 лет назад
@eggory Actually you're not making points you're arguing semantics and performing mental gymnastics in the process. My point hasn't changed. Which was: "show me some data that backs it up, and I will support it. I don't simply say "the entire world works like [insert theory]"." And then: "Proving a theory requires statistical data and testing, otherwise it's just a belief." Now you can proceed to break down the word "idea" a dozen ways while I stick to what I've always said..
@oolong2 12 лет назад
@eggory Have you completely forgotten what we were talking about? Are you unclear to what this video is about? In any case my comment was in direct response to your statement. You 're somehow suggesting that the "Scientifc Method" which is HOW Thermodynamics became an excepted principle in the scientific world is the same as an ideology by Ayn Rand or laissez-faire It is not by any stretch of the imagination. Thermodynamics isn't just a bunch of scientist "feeling" it is correct.
@MadPutz 12 лет назад
@hathorrox Banal happiness is not necessarily immoral, it can be moral as a form of satisfaction of the human condition. Some people are simply fine with simple lives and voluntarily lead them, others are anxious and like to connect to more people, create more things, and participate in society to greater degrees. However, I think the current safety net system encourages more people to be lazy than otherwise. It takes less income these days to participate in those simple addicting luxuries.
@grapezrgood 12 лет назад
If a business is pollution the air, people of the neighborhood could sue them the same way that you could sue another neighbor who is dumping garbage in your backyard. I still don't see why we need a government agency to allow the businesses to pollute... they should not be allowed to pollute at all.
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