
Does God Decree Events He Doesn’t Want to Happen? 

Desiring God
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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1122
Transcript: www.desiringgo...



15 окт 2024




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@Corrinthian_ 7 лет назад
Well spoken. God does feel bad about things that he allows to happen, yet he realizes the ultimate purpose for good in them - it's found everywhere in the Bible. Thank you for the clarity on this topic ^^ great video.
@vgsdomingo1 7 лет назад
Pretty silly that a being that knows all AND is all powerful would feel bad about anything.
@Corrinthian_ 7 лет назад
It would only seem silly if that being lacked holy compassion.
@vgsdomingo1 7 лет назад
When things happen that make God feel bad, it's because He wanted them to happen to in order to feel bad. When He set forth the conditions to feel the need to have to flood the entirety of the Earth except for that on Noah's Ark, He knew it'd make him feel bad. That's why He ended up promising never to flood the earth again and even included the rainbow as a sort of Post-It note reminder. God sets Himself up to feel bad and have to appear to have compassion for things that He Himself wants to happen. He's like a junkie that knows that when the drugs are gone he's gonna feel bad and is stupid enough to do them anyway. Really, it's worse because AGAIN He's omnipotent and omniscient. How do people keep believing these stories full of plot holes?
@Corrinthian_ 7 лет назад
Child Boo you said, "It's because he wanted them to happen in order to feel bad", which is a misunderstanding. It doesn't justify his purpose if he just does things to make himself feel bad. The only thing that would justify God's plan is reunification with those who believe. If anything, God sets up scenarios that make it very hard to deny him - yet people still do because they have the choice.
@vgsdomingo1 7 лет назад
Corrinthian Michal - I didn't mean that He does things specifically to feel bad. But if He does something and it does make Him feel bad, He knew it would make Him feel bad and did it anyways. If He, being omniscient and omnipotent, didn't want to feel bad, He wouldn't do things that make Him feel that way. The scenarios you mention are not true because if a living god actually made it hard to deny Him, no human ever could or would. Instead, Christians can't even decide among themselves in one version of God.
@ethanlancaster1707 7 лет назад
Hey thanks for answering!
@ethanlancaster1707 7 лет назад
ashley Glad I could help 😁😂
@augustine.c8204 6 лет назад
it was a great question man. keep thinking of and loving the scriptures!
@stepintofood9271 3 года назад
Whoa I’ve always wondered if these askers were real ppl. This is awesome!
@noahguillen2201 4 года назад
Oh, The depth and riches of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgements, and His paths beyond tracing out! Romans 11:33
@barbaud5920 3 года назад
Hello. this is completely madness. really 2 wills. can i have 2 wills also? what about romans 11:32. calvinist dont like to talk about that verse... John Piper has gone crazy.... please give me bible verses to prove this.
@davidwang7212 4 года назад
i think the key to tackle this seemingly paradox is to know how God interrelate with human beings while achieving His will and displaying His glory. God is not controlling history but participating and playing as a role amist human beings. and he can lead history course with His sovereign wisdom and power, taking advantage of how human beings choose their action, rather compelling them to choose what God desires. so God desire all good things happen, but human beings as rebellious poeople resist His will. and God foreknow all human being's will and actions, then God intervenes in history and adds some influence and makes His decreed will fulfilled. His desires all sinners repent, but He decreed only a few of them to be saved. for He wanna show us salvation is by grace. God's decree is God's ultimate will. But His desire is just His disposition, a reflection of His charactors.
@Pandaemoni 3 года назад
Many things that seem hard to explain about God get labelled as belinging to the "mysterious nature of God." It seems in this case a different understanding of theology avoids the "mystery" (aka contradiction) of things God does not want to happen coming to pass.
@SimpleAmadeus 3 года назад
I would propose that when God gives us a command, He may not be always be stating His true will. After all, He knows that we are sinners. He knows everything about us. If He knows that a person will do the opposite of what He decrees, He will tell the person "I want you to move to the left" when He needs that person to move to the right. But when His goal is to make the person aware of their disobedience, He will tell them "I want you to move to the right", only for that person to then be harmed when they step to the left. We are a complex puzzle that only He can solve. The Lord God is not simply building a perfect world. He doesn't need us to build a perfect world. What He is building is a perfect humanity. Our minds may be incomprehensibly different to God's, but our minds are still part of His plan. And His plan, therefore, has to account for our minds. I think this is the main source for everything God does or says which seems as if it's a human limitation that he should not have. His hands are the same shape as the clay when He molds it. I understand that this suggests that God can lie. I have not fully finished this thought, but I feel that I'm getting close.
@orioncoat5258 4 года назад
God wills for all to be saved, yet he decrees that all should not be saved. Why? This pastor said in another video that God predestined some to hell from eternity. What? So why? He wills the a thing and its opposite? You mean he created sin, cause people to sin without choice and destroy them in hell? What exactly do have in mind when talking to a non Christian? That he/she could be predestined to hell?
@HTSS8 4 года назад
Have you ever fashioned something together out of base materials like lumber from the lumber supply, or made a cake out of ingredients?
@dustinnyblom7835 2 месяца назад
This is a goofy comment
@ifekristibankole2745 2 года назад
You are full of wisdom Sir!!!!!!
@glassworks4850 2 года назад
I just got this on my recommendation, too. God bless you brother. May God bless faithful pastors.
@77ronboy 5 лет назад
I wonder where the person asking this question got the idea of God's having 2 wills because it certainly is not Scriptural. In numerous Bible passages we are told that God gets what He wants according to His good pleasure. I believe Pastor John is tackling a question in which he feels uncomfortable as the question is ludicrous.
@saintuary3281 5 лет назад
Ron Bruner the two wills is just like the idea of the trinity, that word is NEVER used in scripture but the idea of the son, the father and the holy spirit displays in it. Therefore the use of the word: trinity. In the bible there’s no specific message saying God has two different wills. However, in many stories of the bible, (esp old testament) you see that God did not desire some things to happen, but it did happen, like when the people sacrificed their babies to the false gods. Also I agree there are also passages saying that he gets what he wants so thats exactly why this person is asking: “Does God decree Events He Doesn’t Want?” Also Piper, being experienced for many years of answering questions/ministering/studying I highly doubt he is uncomfortable, but is more so trying to find an understandable answer for the audience not just the specific person who asked.
@thatnextlevels 2 года назад
“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.” John‬ ‭4:23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ I love that you all at Desiring God have an extensive archive of questions and answers that are relevant at any point in the Christian’s every day walk of faith. Even deeply theological questions like this can be reflected in the way God desires and wills for us to seek Him daily. John 4:23 comes to mind because it communicates to us that God seeks our worship in spirit and in truth - as to say that our spiritual worship or “reasonable service” comes in 2 categories. This is what I believe describes God’s own service of His will/decree and heart’s desire for mankind. He desires for us to worship Him in His decree and in His desire, culminating in the upholding of Christ Jesus. It is our service in the Holy Spirit that fulfills God the Father’s desire, and our worship in truth that fulfills His decree. Here’s one scriptural basis for the interaction and dynamic between the two:
@thatnextlevels 2 года назад
“And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” Genesis‬ ‭6:3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ Here we find an expression of His desire and His decree, working together cooperatively. We know that it is God’s desire that man would walk in the liberty of the Spirit. “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” Luke‬ ‭11:13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ We also know that, as this verse communicates to us, it is His Will and decree that we not abuse our liberty by neglecting our responsibility: “For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” Galatians‬ ‭5:13‬ NKJV For we understand that, “all things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify [myself and others].” I Corinthians‬ ‭10:23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ And, “all things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.” I Corinthians‬ ‭6:12‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ These two verses are significant because, although they come through the revelation of our salvation by grace and our freedom from the futile acts of commission and omission instructed by the law, they express God’s original will for mankind in the garden. Adam & Eve were given every plant and fruit “that yields seed” for food. It’s in Genesis 1:29 that we find this decree. However, Adam was also instructed to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God decreed, “the day you eat of it, you will surely die.” This was His decree in spite of His desire that mankind would live and that His creation would thrive according to His purpose. In Genesis 6:3, we find this dynamic once again; it’s a cooperation of God’s desire, accomplished through His Spirit, and His decree, enforced in truth. Just like the decree he made to Adam, he enforced the reality of man’s mortality: “yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” His desire was that men & women would have liberty in the Spirit, but His decree was that we would have an appreciation for this liberty and show ourselves responsible - which is our spiritual worship & reasonable service, as it is now in Christ Jesus.
@thatnextlevels 2 года назад
It is through this understanding of God’s actionable ministry in Spirit and in Truth that we can see His desire and decree blossoming into our most palpable and resonate salvation truths. Yes, it was God’s will and decree that Jesus would die on the cross. As He did for all men, He ordained for Him an end of days according to the flesh, in His innocence and justification before God, to fulfill our responsibility under the Law. But it was His desire through the Holy Spirit that Jesus would live again - and so on the third day, He was resurrected and His desire was fulfilled by the Spirit who breathes life into our mortal bodies and strives with us until we enter His rest.
@susiedyck4914 4 года назад
Where is scripture does is say wants to be happy? Jesus says let your yes be yes and your no be no, anything beyond that comes from the Devil. Where does God have 2 wills? God redirects His children when they rebel
@Mcfirefly2 6 лет назад
This basically downgrades Gods desire that all be saved to beneath His supposed sovereign un-desire that they be saved. It makes God's love "touchy-feeley", therefore, nothing to take seriously. And it makes Him, not schizophrenic, but "double-minded", something that God's holiness guarantees us is not true. That God deals sovereignly in salvation according to how He really wills to do it, does not mean that He is not taking the freedom of man into account. Otherwise, He would not say so over and over and over, in every passage that calls on us to choose, which are many. The false assumption that drives this, demanding that God be so divided in Himself, is Monergism, that God saves us irresistibly, with no regard for how we respond to Him calling us to be saved. Since pious-sounding Monergism is the monster that must be fed, much of the Bible must either be a lie, or we must painstakingly construct an exceedingly intricate house of cards, in which most things and their opposites must somehow be true (and also false!), whatever is in question at the moment. There is something wrong with that picture, and it is not God. "God would have all men be saved" becomes a nicety, a soft, but unreliable, touchy-feeley thing (out of the 70s, probably)--"aww, that's nice", but irrelevant--but the hard-bitten, basically loveless, god of sovereign reprobation is the real deal that must be served, if Monergism is going to prevail. And he is "pleased" to reprobate, from all eternity, the very same people he would have saved, suggesting that perhaps it is only in His _softer, emotional side_ that he would save them, not the monergistic sovereignty that is doggedly against their salvation. This purported conflict in His nature would be unremediable: a sincere person could never examine this and believe them both. Simply squinting the eyes to see these two incompatible ideas of God as compatible, allows the devil a foothold in between them, to insinuate that God is really this loveless and cruel being, unworthy of faith. But take away Monergism, and it is no longer necessary that God doesn't want most people saved, or that this must somehow be irrationally made compatible with Him wanting them saved. That going by the wayside, allows us to read the Bible, and believe what it says. Eventually, the false assumptions fall off like scales from our eyes, and God is as holy and loving, and as desiring to save, as He says He is. That He acts in His sovereignty to reveal or hide, does not mean that He would not want all saved, if He is doing so in response to our choices that He has given us to make, which is how the Bible is written. Without Monergism, salvation is _all of God_ , wven though He gives us the choice to make.
@HTSS8 4 года назад
You are Armenian? What is Election?
@dustinnyblom7835 2 месяца назад
God desires all types of men to be saved
@orioncoat5258 4 года назад
That God has two wills? But the Bible says that he is in one mind. This man speaks of what he does not understand. The calvary is a sacrifice:seeing that all have sinned, breaking all the commandments, he provided a means for salvation and jesus prayed for their forgiveness.
@myscabula 2 года назад
Its like for example God did not desire for the holocaust but if God is sovereign then by definition he orchestrated the holocaust. We view it as evil but ultimately God views it for something good we may not understand because we say do the ends justify the means and In Gods omnipotence he says yes it does.
@soledisciple 2 года назад
Yes God's Sovereignty is a mystery. By his Sovereignty, God orchestrated for Jesus to be murdered on the cross, while God is against murder and I'm sure he didnt desire to kill his Son but the greater good pleased him. Yet Pilate and Herod are accountable in some way as they are still responsible for the act of murder.
@soledisciple Год назад
@Ben Jones Very well said and so very true. That is why it is very humbling to understand as men we are below God's vantage point and within His sovereignty and that is why we must seek him earnestly for His will and for wisdom and understanding. And we must trust Him when it doesn't make sense like Abraham trusted God when he was commanded to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. The lesson is that no matter how absurd something appears, trust God, our ways are not His ways.
@soledisciple Год назад
I do know that sometimes God allows the sin of a nation to reach a level that constitutes the degree of judgment He plans to administer. If you read exodus you will see that is why God did not allow Israel to go right into the promised land. He took them the long way because he said the sin of Amorites had not reached it's full measure (Gen 15:16). So God could have been allowing Hitler to continue in his evil until He was ready to administer a severe judgment on Germany. Also, God uses evil nations to judge His people. He removes their divine protection when they practice sinful acts and turn away. Judges 2:14 says, "the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and He delivered them into the hands of those who plundered them. He sold them into the hands of their enemies all around, whom they were no longer able to resist." I cannot say this for sure but this could've also been the case with the holocaust. The very fact that God told Abraham in Gen 15 that his descendants would be enslaved for 400 years and then the Egyptians would be punished is proof of God's Sovereignty and use of other nations to bring about His plan. But both good and bad happen in life to bring about God's plans. He doesn't promise life to be a bed of roses. Trust God, be diaciplined, be thankful and be obedient.
@bisdakpinoy3428 2 года назад
Revealed Will Sovereign Will Will of *DECREE* Will of *DESIRE* The WILL of Command WILL OF GOD commands that come to pass commands that does not come to pass
@orioncoat5258 4 года назад
The bible says that God is in one mind. The grief is just punishment. He twists too many things that does not relate.
@Mcfirefly2 6 лет назад
The idea that God predestines everything that happens, making it happen, is not a biblical idea, but a pagan one: the "merciless Fates". You can thank Augustine for smuggling this pagan idea of predestination into interpretation of the Bible; the Manichaean teaching that he sat under for 9 years, taught this kind of predestination, of everything that happens. When the Bible speaks of predestination, it always speaks of God predestining specific things.
@bradybalkcom7891 4 года назад
Mcfirefly2 I initially starting listening to him and soon realized his beliefs, I don’t see how I could tell someone that they are predestined for either heaven or hell and that they cannot change that. It takes all the value out of having a relationship with God.
@dustinnyblom7835 2 месяца назад
This is the most goofy idea
@dannydzzz Год назад
That is no answer at all. Speaking from both sides of your mouth
@horatiobottomley 4 года назад
A tortuous and contrived explanation of God's "two wills", necessitated only by the inherent illogicality of Calvinist doctrine.
@TheChuckfuc 4 года назад
I agree. I think that if God got everything he wanted there would be zero sin in the world or Adam and eve would have never eaten that fruit. but because god is a loving God and doesn't violate our freewill sin continues. settle down calvinist no one's going to hell over this. this just a way to get to know God better.
@danielmann5427 4 года назад
You need to get out more. Before you slander. Watch "The Two Wills of God Made Easy - C. Matthew McMahon - A Puritan's Mind" on RU-vid ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ODhavLEmQKY.html
@belongtotheway7869 3 года назад
@@danielmann5427 Why should he have to watch a video made by a sinful person to explain this 2nd will of god? Its not slander to stand on scripture and disregard anything else.
@danielmann5427 3 года назад
@@belongtotheway7869 why should we read your comment made by a sinful individual .
@belongtotheway7869 3 года назад
@@danielmann5427 lol...no one said you should. And its a comment on a RU-vid video NOT a sinful man teaching a disgusting doctrine in the name of God. If it's such a scriptural doctrine...it should be clearly said in scripture...but its not. Calvinism ONLY spreads from calvinist to christian...NOT to the lost. They USE the gospel to get the lost saved and then they give them to Calvinism...much like any other theological cult. Have to get this "wisdom" from a man...since scripture NEVER says what Calvinists TEACH that it says.
@eddiesprain8243 Год назад
Two wills is nonsense. Opposing wills would absolutely be in conflict in one mind.
@coreylapinas1000 Год назад
Calvinists to God: "why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself? I don't know it's a mystery"
@alanhales6369 Год назад
John Piper twists the scriptures to get his erroneous beliefs. If John Piper had the agape love of God in him for one minute, he would never believe what he teaches. John Piper must believe that God is a sinful dictator.
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