
Does the Narcissist care about you AT ALL? 

The Nameless Narcissist
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Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. And here I discuss my own personal experience living with narcissistic personality disorder. Including the symptoms and behaviors associated with this disorder, as well as how it has affected my life. I also share some of my coping strategies and how I have been able to manage the disorder, along with helping you understanding your loved ones and their behaviors that may seem almost incomprehensible and potentially hurtful. Hopefully, my channel will provide insight into what it's like to live with narcissistic personality disorder, as well as what it's like for your loved ones. Thank you for watching!
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12 сен 2024




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@brandonmcalpin9228 2 года назад
We have two versions of people in our head, but we cannot hold both of those versions in our mind simultaneously. We can care about the idealized version of you. Hell, we can adore and love that version of you, perhaps even worship you(love bombing). But at the same time, we loathe our devalued version of you. We switch between the two depending on how you act/react. Don’t get me wrong, we wish we could hold on to that idealism, but that’s not realistic because that idealism is a fantasy. I’m not saying it’s impossible to see someone for who they are in a healthy way, but it is difficult. So with that said, because we have splitting and black and white thinking, we cannot, therefore, truly love until we heal. That’s just my two cents.
@sanfernvalley619 2 года назад
This was really well said. If only everyone in cluster b could accept that splitting someone is a behavior that happens rather than defining someone
@babynarc4507 2 года назад
I believe from what I'm learning about narcissism is that the main problem is the lack of empathy. Empathy prevents splitting bc it allows a person to realize that there is only one version of a (normal person. I would say healthy person but most humans these days are not exactly healthy) one version of a person. It's just that bc we're humans we have many responses to things. In narcs they seem to separate responses into an entire personality. Almost becoming that person. We all act certain ways around certain people. I don't act around my boss the same as I do around friends. But that doesn't make me an entirely different person at work. But with narcs that is what happens. So bc narcs split their own personalities they believe that others have to be judged as all good or all bad. Like the minute we fuck up then the narc all of a sudden hates us. We could make love to a narc. Best night ever then back out of their driveway and hit their car by accident and now they fucking hate us and ghost us for 3 months. That's insanity. Empathy prevents all of this chaotic thinking. Empathy is the realization that your lover who just gave you the best sex of your life didn't back into your car to hurt you and make your love making not count for anything. It was an accident. Plain and simple. Empathy makes us see the true intentions of someone instead of only paying attention to the action or reaction. If you only focus on actions and reactions then you will always mistrust others. Bc we all fuck up. A lot. But it's accidental.
@The-Finisher 2 года назад
Thank you this is a very honest & succinct explanation.
@impatient1 2 года назад
I thought of something watching this- Narcissists struggle with connection and intimacy yet the only that makes me feel connected and intimate with someone is when I'm sharing my true self. Real thoughts and feelings, etc. You feel you have to live behind a mask to be socially acceptable and hence don't connect.
@hidingintheshaddows2587 2 года назад
Shan, I'm a self aware cluster b. We don't know what it feels like to have connection and intimacy. Our 'real' thoughts and feelings you would be afraid of - so we don't share them. Let's say you come home after an on going issue at work and you want to share it with me. In my head I'm screaming 'i don't give a **** about your stupid problems because I told you how to solve this problem and you don't want to'. But I try my best to listen. And I apply modified models of thinking like TGROW to make it look like I care. I have a low level of empathy. I have to consciously care about things and people. It's extremely lonely because you can't share your inner world with anyone. Everyone is too afraid to hear it. I'm so afraid of my rage- I shut down so it keeps locked up. The only person I have ever been able to share my inner world with is cluster b milkshake. Because she is like me and understands it.
@hidingintheshaddows2587 2 года назад
If you want to see the development of a cluster b going from unaware to self-aware see my question to nameless. The reason I am asking is to be able to create a model of thinking to emulate 'normal' people. We can't change who we are - biologically - see NMT's reply to you. But what we can do it create models of thinking that emulate what 'normal' do. It won't make me feel 'connection' - but you will feel it. And that is the best we can do. As long as you feel it - you will be happy. And if you are happy we get what we want. Attention, affection, love, kindness. We want want everyone else wants. But we have no way to get it. Because the way to get it - we lack. It's very sad that we were made like - childhood trauma. We can't change what happened to us, but we can learn the skills that are needed to create bonds and connections with people.
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
it's true, when I am open with anyone I feel so ashamed and pathetic. I occasionally am open with people but afterwards I don't even want to face them. It feels just so, shameful. No other word can sum it up
@religiohominilupus5259 2 года назад
@@hidingintheshaddows2587 Totally relatable!
@Dsgabi456 3 месяца назад
If it helps: I am self aware NPD in treatment. I care for you as long as you are being exactly how I want you to: an extension of my ego. When you don’t correspond to my idealization I have a splitting thinking of you. Sometimes I am so paranoid thinking anything I have told you you’ll use it against me. Like I would do. You can show me love but it’s never enough. I will always think you don’t. When I get too close to someone I panic, i hate it, I don’t line being in that position. I never forgive. Never forget. I am always the victm. And I HATE you WHEN YOU LEAVE me. I just discard you and don’t lose my time thinking about it. But I do care. I feel sad. I feel anger, I feel abandoned.
@KArma_Unicorn Месяц назад
I’m a narcissist, abuse survivor. And I love watching this guy makes me feel like I don’t have to be afraid. It’s the person not the ppl . I understand stigma. I’m a highly empathetic person I have Bipolar and we r not rage monster like ppl think. Rage is not part of the criteria. It’s depression and hypomania and regular mood state . Depending on what mood we’re in is how it affects our emotions. So I get stigma. I also have C-PTSD , traumatic brain injury, and Hyper vigilance . So I’m really good at mirroring and reading people and absorbing emotions . Being able to understand.
@bennymoreira1443 2 года назад
I absolutely love your videos the raw honesty is unprecedentedly admirable.
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
Thanks so much! !
@kimmytibaldo1596 Год назад
It was good to hear this described from a different pov! My ex was a narcissist and I remember when we ended our relationship. He just went from being super in my life to bam! Like i was nothing! And it dead ass made me question everything! Like did you even love me, or care? Cuz I didn’t get how one could just go from being part of your life and so involved! Or invested! To just over you, in just a matter of a moment! But! Hearing your perspective, had me thinking that maybe because empaths are so in tune with emotions! That, we are naturally connected to all of the feelings! So we cant forget how someone made us feel! Whether it was a good or very bad feeling! So its like our body/emotions/mind naturally will Re feel it over and over again! Then we wonder, if we felt this way, does that mean they don’t remember what it was like in those “good times” like it wasn’t meaningful enough to them? To have them still care or want to be a part of your life? As a person or confidant, or friend? Because you spent all that time with one another! And its not as easy to just stop caring or not check in and be supportive! Because at one point that person was very important and mattered. So its like you want them to still at-least know they matter and you care! Even when feelings change! So for empaths, when the narc. stops showing they care so quickly after a relationship ends! It gets confusing af for us empaths, because in the end, we still feel very connected with our feels!! And though the feelings are made evident they have changed! We just don’t necessarily stop caring after words so soon! It takes a-longer time for us to kinda disconnect from all of the history and time we invested ourselves into with our partner. Hence, we re feel that connection we once had together, over and over! So we question if you ever really cared about us or what we had with one another, because we don’t want to hurt the people we sincerely care for and about! And being so fast to end things and remove yourself like that, is definitely hurtful and saddening cuz we don’t wanna hurt others so we are like but how tf did you care about me at all then? If you are hurting me right now by acting like im nothing of significance or importance. So i think maybe empaths still care alot and want to be on good terms in the ending of a relationship but we will prioritize it differently! Like we wont just make them our top priority but we still care enough to want to check in and make sure you’re okay and let you know you still matter. And we still want for you to feel important! Its just a changed boundary, but still worth caring for. Even if its from a distance now! So, when we don’t have that same consideration in return! Because we are super connected to our feels, its like we really didnt matter enough then?! Like when we were together? Because if we did matter to you. You would still want to check up and offer support through out life. And discarding us can totally derail our reality, cuz again we are connected to the feelings so now that we are no longer in a “relationship” we still very much feel connected to you emotionally. and because of that. We do still want you to be or feel okay, and like you do matter still. Even if we aren’t necessarily the right person for one another. You still matter to us. And we want to matter to you still. Regardless of the dynamics that are different now. still remember how it felt when we cared. So its like why stop caring for us? Just because the dynamics arent the same. Sorry this was like a novel haha! But, i think there is so much disconnect or misunderstanding because its so polar opposite in ways of thinking/acting, that if we both took time to comprehend the other persons pov. It would help both to understand the opposite more. Even if its not your nature! Your video helped me understand your way of processing how and why go about matters the way you do! So i wanted to help you hopefully get some more understanding about us with the feelers :). Thanks for sharing!!
@AdamKilkenny-gw5ks 3 месяца назад
Hi, this is so true, and so on point, my relationship with my female partner ended, and the first time she broke up with me and left me but also ghosted me without any clousure, i was hit with that , that I had to take time off from my work, as my hart was broken into pices and I was not able to function, i was depressed and deeply sad, shocked, felt abandend, felt like not wort ot even explonation, my life collapsed, i missed, i cry i wamted her to come back even for the moment, even to see or talk to her to comfort my broken hart, i lost my will power to do anything.... it took me over a month and half before i slowelly started to accept and come to terms with the break up, after I have done some reasearch on the internet anout why people ghost the parrner and how pain that causes one partner and why the other partner does that.... knowing this gave me some answers and understanding, then I started to focus and learn how to get back to life. The broken hart syndrome is real and it happens because of extreme emotions happen, it is like trauma and for some people, your hart can have pain and cramps, it is like a hart attack but your vains do not shrink, but the electrical impulses are impaired in your hart because of the wmotions, especially for empaths. Thank you for your explonation, now I know that is not only me who expirienced that , this way, and the fact that this is more common for empaths, like you and me, it is sad knowing this, that some people are just that cold and with no empathy... In some way.. they will never understand or expierience love or deep connection with another person and they will never understand that . They are empty inside and have no depth, they will not ever have connection with another partner on a deep level, so they literally can feel one another emotions without words and even with a long distance, luke I had felt my partner emotions and my intuituon was so sensitive and focus on my partner that even after she left me I sense it when she was very upset, sad or when she was having sex with someone else as my hart was feeling that she is thinking about me , later conforming this when we meet up for short time, the connection was formed and I dont know is it just on my end ?? And why i have developed such deep and accure connection with her and why my hart is so in tune with her ?? Maybe some answers to that and for how long I will have this ??
@fevah26 2 года назад
Yass! This right here. Im bpd, my npd person was quite forgiving. He would forgive me usually right away, if I sincerely apologized. I always struggled with forgiveness. He'd say, why can't you just get over it (things he did)? I was like, are you effin kidding me? I'll get over it when I get even. He'd say, revenge is such a waste of time, but to me, it wasn't just one particular moment that mattered, plus before treatment I was deep in distorted thinking and went nuts over any perceived betrayal. In any case, turns out, self identity is highly connected to memory. Reliable memories are one of the components of sense of inner wholeness / completeness of a constellated self. Memories and the past are important. But I don't recommend seeking revenge. There's a better way of being and it includes genuine forgiveness.
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
Haha oh I really get that! I am very quick to forgive if I feel like it's genuine and respectful. and when I was younger I definitely had a... vindictive streak. Hell, I still struggle with it. But I agree, it's not helpful to anyone. "turns out, self identity is highly connected to memory. Reliable memories are one of the components of sense of inner wholeness / completeness of a constellated self." that is really interesting! I've never thought about it like that, my BPD sister I could never tell if she was lying or genuinely believed some of those things. I wanna look into that!
@fevah26 2 года назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist He was by no means a "nice guy," and his toxic behaviors seemed vindictive but he was just so damn selfish, self-centered, didn't have capacity to care if anyone else was trampled along the path he was bulldozing. I read that borderlines confuse internal objects with external and narcissists confuse external with internal, which makes sense... the beast in me, I saw coming from the outside, so I would attack the outside, I even named the beast Lilith and tatoo'd her on my wrist many many moons ago so I wouldn't forget ... but that very gesture is an example of how borderlines literally externalize internal objects. I eventually recognized what I was doing, and brought that bitch back in, lol... now she sits at the round table with the rest of me. I realized self-preservation was being triggered, which always holds the button to take everything else (morals, ethics, principles) offline... this is necessary when one's life is in danger but I was reacting to events that weren't life-threatening... which accounted for a lot of my psychotic bpd behavior.
@ct6852 Год назад
@@fevah26 Wow good for you for self reflecting, getting honest, and making a necessary change. That's awesome. Wish more could do that.
@fevah26 Год назад
@@ct6852 Thanks! I have a good therapist but more importantly, I had a strong desire to change. Even the best therapist can't help unless one is willing ... to do the hardest thing they've ever done. It meant taking responsibility for who I was and wanted to be. Fully. I had to own all my beliefs, opinions, values, thoughts, actions, behaviors, everything... and then change them...inside the context of a defensive resistant anxious personality. I left some sessions very angry, but I was open about it and explored it. My therapist never took it personally, he was a good a fit for me and I made sure of that. I actually interviewed several before selecting a therapist. I went to therapy previously and it didn't work out, I wasn't ready. This time, I knew it had to work and tried to make sure I had the best chance. I told myself the day I started that nothing could ever hurt me more than i hurt myself, and that made me feel strong and keep going, like I could do it, nothing could be worse than what already went through. I also accepted it would be a long climb and told myself I had to stick with it at least 2 years. I started 2x week, then 1x week, every other week, once a month, now I go every other month and never missed a single session in 3 years. Which is huge for a previous super flakey bpd-er. Gaining insight was probably the most uncomfortable part cause you have to defeat your own defenses and be open to the discomfort of doing that. I told myself it was a sign of the growing pains of maturity and I was gonna evolve or die trying but I already knew I'm hard to kill so the odds were slightly in my favor ... lol.
@charmee4045 Год назад
I feel sorry for narcs, they will never feel love.......its such a human need, and they will never have it.
@thelaziestbee 2 года назад
I still care about him, BUT don't want him into my life. They just lie 99% of the time when you hear it.
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
That's completely fair! I don't understand caring about someone and not wanting them in your life, but you need to do what's best for you. Happy you drew that line. I hope your healing is going well!
@thelaziestbee 2 года назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist I ve heard it from other, remote people. Also, what's interesting... this type of talk seems to be socially programmed. I'm from Eastern Europe originally, I've never heard somebody saying this. Also the phrase "you are the best thing in my life", noone says it there. It sounds like BS and also makes your life seem crap 😆
@hajarhematian6970 Год назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist we don’t want narcs into our lives because we want to protect ourself from the abuse and harm but that doesn’t mean we don’t want the best for them and hope that they someday decide to work on themselves. And it’s actually sad and heartbreaking knowing you care about someone but realise they are toxic for you and for themselves.
@83CarlosI 2 года назад
My ex always thought that i never forgive her because i cut all contact between us. Thats not true, that was because i learn about npd and, very sadly, the extremely rare that is that a narcissist can enhace his behavior. She don't even wants to go to therapy and still lying, cheating and have a lot of rage toward me, she insult me a lot. She also can't understand why i can't forgive her in a few minutes and return to the “happy stage".
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
I'm sorry you went through that, thank you for sharing. It's difficult to accept the fact that we should change. But when we do it's so different. I've found other people with NPD who understand me and it changed my life. Hope your recovery is going well
@Cocobean134 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing your experience, it’s really helpful in understanding the narcissists I’ve known, I would say for a non-narcissistic person, they can care about somebody forever, those feelings don’t go away but if the narcissist has no empathy then they can’t understand if they’ve hurt somebody to the extent that the connection is broken, but the other person can still feel love or caring towards the narcissist at the same time they feel a loss of connection. It sounds like you’re describing a different range of emotions that can be turned off more easily.
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
Thanks for the comment! and it's true, when I stop being friends with someone/ break up with them I can't even understand having good feelings towards them. I paint them black so to speak. I honestly believe the reason we struggle to articulate our emotions is cause cluster B is a different emotional experience
@bennymoreira1443 2 года назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist So how does one make the Narcissist understand that your intentions are good and you’re wanting to help the Narcissist to recognise their errors in judgment in relation to the person that cares for him?
@user-vr1xn4pt3s 9 месяцев назад
So wait, do narcissists care? I felt like that wasn’t at all discussed, lol
@VivaCohen Год назад
You said that you do your best to pretend to care when your friends suffer and you don't get why they don't do that for you - I won't speak for everyone, but in general I think most people without NPD would rather their friend truly care when they suffer but not act like they care for whatever reason than fake caring when they really don't. I'm not pointing fingers, I get that this is not something anyone can choose, I just thought it was an interesting difference. Also, removing someone from your life when they treat you disrespectfully even though you care about and forgive them is called a boundary and is difficult to do but healthy and necessary too because they've shown you through their actions how they're likely to treat you in the future. It's like, you may love cake but if it keeps giving you a stomachache you're going to do the self-loving thing to stop consuming it every day.
@christinawells9883 2 года назад
But if you can’t be honest with people because you’re afraid their reaction might not be what you want to see then that is a form of manipulation to me. I can’t imagine the feeling of loss, fear or risk of feeling vulnerability and shame, that those that suffer from NPD must feel, to have to also deal with NPD and stigma, however if someone doesn’t know you have NPD and you’re also mimicking the actions of good friendship even though in truth you don’t care, it builds up a false trust and security in the other person and should you be triggered and hurt that person later on, well it is very confusing and hurtful to the other person at a minimum but in the extreme examples it is devastating ( especially in romantic relationships ), I feel Like honesty about at least one of those things needs to happen to keep the other person in a space where they get to choose their boundaries and actions. I don’t have an answer but thought I’d share a perspective on this one. It also seems super shit that this issue would only apply to self aware people as non self aware don’t give a toss either way.
@marmfruit 2 года назад
honestly..they’re mostly traumatized individuals and they’ll mostly never change. like, they think they’re better, so why get therapy in their minds ya know? better to just keep it at arms length with em. trust is fundamental to deep relationships and they’re incapable of trusting, and earning it long term..just not worth it beyond the shallow simple relationships they can provide in certain scenarios otherwise be ready for un-deep & unamazing love to not be present in whatever relationship it is, it’ll always be transactional alone, beyond those random nice moments they “care” in. yes love & caring is a choice but it’s just a burden to them unless it enhances their social standing or benefits them in whatever internal hierarchy they were inculcated with. although narcissistic supply can be as simple as wanting attention/an audience (as was the case with my ex narc) he wanted all the benefits of a relationship without the responsibility of one lol. and will only get married to please his parents one day, and to avoid responsibility and healing himself. his idea of healing is reading The Prince :’) and using religious text to support his own theories and ideologies instead of seeking the guidance he needs loll i was just like okay cool bye ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ better off finding someone healthy that can give the love we deserve, our empathy gets us nowhere with narcs
@hidingintheshaddows2587 2 года назад
Hi Christina, The problem with being a cluster b is that there is a catch 22. If I share how I really feel about you, there is no way you would want to be with me. I don't share our feelings and you don't want to be with me. For example this is how I feel in my head when you have a crappy day: I don't care and I don't want to hear about it. I'm not interested in you or your life. You are an object to me and your purpose is to make me not feel alone in the world. I don't care about your feelings. I have a rage in me that is desperate to get out and I'm afraid of it. So instead of letting it out I turn it inwardly and go silent. You take my silence as me not being interested- not knowing that this is to protect you from my monster. And what you won't know is that the highest form of love- to protect you from ourselves. Why an earth you want to be with me? This is not viable strategy. It's absolutely crushing to become self-aware. To know how damaged you are and that there is no cure. This is our personality. It cannot be changed -see Sam Vaknin. So what's a viable alternative. To learn the skills that normal people innately have and to apply them. You feel closer to us and you feel connection and intimacy. Why does it matter what we feel? What difference does that make to you? The net result is the same you feel intimacy which is what you feel. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't know I had NPD. I've been practising mimicking people and feelings since I was child. I'm charming and competent, engaging and interested. I have a kind heart and do anything for my close people. You can have all these quantities and not be able to 'feel' empathy and intimacy.
@christinawells9883 2 года назад
@@hidingintheshaddows2587 the viable alternative is to be honest and risk being alone, because being lied to is manipulative. But you’d have to care about others ( genuinely ). Thanks for sharing your experience.
@hidingintheshaddows2587 2 года назад
@@christinawells9883 Hi Christina, I was upset with your dismissiveness and your lack of understanding of our deepest fears. I want to thank you. Your reply helped me grow as a person and I'm truly grateful for you challenging what I said and saying what you said. I tried what you said and so far it's going amazing well. Empathy is such a strange thing for me. I do not understand it. It's impossible for me to understand how someone can accept that I have these proplems and be okay with it. Not only that, but want to help me with them. Thank you
@De_Bengels 2 года назад
@@hidingintheshaddows2587 if i know the true i can decide what to do with it. If you fake it ....it is like lied to.....i had a narc boyfriend he told me a lot and had his rage...but finding out the lies and smearing me and threaten me and really do things to hurt me and get me in problems was a bridge too far.
@Rella_sky 2 года назад
NPD is kinda fascinating.. but i dont think i could ever deal with someone who has this disorder
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
Honestly personality disorders in general are something to behold and LOL untreated 100%, but with enough work people like me and be kinda tolerable
@heatherlynn3438 2 года назад
The past matters when it’s been repeated so many times that we can’t trust you anymore. So it’s cool that you’re changed now but unfortunately we would never be able to find that out for ourselves because we’ve been burned so bad. Does that make sense?
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
I kinda does! Like logically it does but I can't really connect to the feeling
@heatherlynn3438 2 года назад
It’s about Trust. (Or the total lack of it). I hope you keep getting better and better!
@johnandersson8258 2 года назад
In my point of view it’s not really possible to tell if someone cares if everything goes just fine and everyone agrees. And the care and then stop caring and then care again you describe sounds somewhat like this to me: ”I’m a good cyclist. I can only go on flat surfaces or downhill though.” ”I’m good at sailing. I can only sail with the wind in my back though.” ”I’m a good driver, as long as there are no other cars around.” “I’m not poisonous”, said arsenic, “as long as you don’t digest me.” It’s when things go against a person’s preferences and plans, when things are inconvenient or hard that it shows. Do they give the benefit of the doubt? Do they go out of their way not to hurt when angry? Do they try to really understand the other’s point of view rather than winning arguments? Are they patient? Tolerant? Helpful rather than scornful or judgemental? Or is it their way or the highway when things don’t go according to plan? As I see it there must logically be a correlation between empathy and care. Lower empathy should mean lower care, so it follows from the construction of the disorder that care is diminished too. But in another sense this goes for everyone else too - because we all have differing levels of empathy and thus care towards different people. It’s just that a narcissist’s circle of empathy (and care) is much tighter. And if you do those things (the trying not to hurt when angry and so on) not because you care but because you know how it affects others and yourself - then I’d say you’d have a functional equivalent to caring that is something to be really proud of, given where you came from. Which I also think is the first step to real empathy, if that is possible, because that kind of behavior increases reciprocity and eventually the two-way trust that is essential to emotional safety.
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
The interaction between empathy and care is super interesting to me. I feel like I care but can cut people off in a second. But I also feel like I can't connect to people truly. Gotta think about that more
@ct6852 Год назад
Bingo. Well said. Looking back it's so obvious...hard to see at the time.
@socialitarobotica 2 года назад
This is a very interesting discussion, it really highlights to me the contrast between black and white thinking, vs the spectrum of complex gradient shades of colour. The complicated spectrum is how I can care but not want someone in my life, it’s where where cumulative experience and actions kind of all cumulate on a scale but it’s not a binary scale of black and white, it’s much more spherical - there is no flipping of a switch for me. If I discover someone else appears to flip a switch, what I now understand may be splitting, I would not be able to trust they cared consistently because instead of gentle ups and downs, it’s more extreme idealisation and devaluation which I struggle to comprehend, so our way of caring and attachment is incompatible. So perhaps when someone thinks “you never cared about me” it feels like you never cared because you don’t have the same consistency for caring or complicated spectrum of attachment and caring. Not sure if that even makes sense. But thank you for sharing your personal insights, when I hear you describe your way of thinking, it helps me to understand much more logically and much less emotionally how someone perceives people, relationships and interactions in a way that is different to me.
@lss74 9 месяцев назад
The past is relevant, trust me. X Well done for this amazing content ❤
@namo4130 5 месяцев назад
Thanks a million, you helpin us❤
@veebliss1266 2 года назад
They may have forgiven you but the past damage had gone too far , where they were afraid you could repeat that behavior again to that same level if not worse since you have fleeting emotions , they care about you to the extinct they don’t want anything bad to happen to you but they know compatibility wise or even friendship probably couldn’t be possible if you already hurt them too deep or to that degree. They may have forgiven you , but doesn’t mean they want the opportunity for it to happen again in the present time because it very well could , if you only see people in moments. Even if you changed , you could change back to before since history repeats.
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
Very true! Hard for me to internalize that though tbh
@veebliss1266 2 года назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist the same we don’t understand how narcs want us to forgive and forget and start all over like a Respawn. We have the memory of the deep wound that was caused and although we may not presently feel that pain any longer it’s the whole fact that it was even possible that our loved one was capable of doing it to us. Which means they are capable of doing it again at any time , because the trust has been eroded and once it’s gone it will never be like before. You can be civil with us from moving forward but we will always be weary, like touching a hot stove once you know you can be burned you stay cautious of it. Doesn’t mean you hate the stove for it but you are aware it can hurt you. And sorry to compare you guys to an appliance lol I know that’s usually saved for us. Lol
@cLuStErBMiLkShAkE 2 года назад
I agree that people need to be happy that we're trying to be "human". Lol
@chicagosteve6514 2 года назад
Nobody needs to care lol. You guys have good channels but like if you split people and don't attach, we should all drop you guys the second we find you! I keep dropping narcissists left and right because they'll always screw you over in the end. Doesn't matter if they try to be good or not !
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
Like why aren't they greatful?? hahaha
@cLuStErBMiLkShAkE 2 года назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist 😂
@HunnyBee23 Год назад
I was in a poly relationship and when my (at the time) bf ranted to my (at the time) sister chick about me being away for three days, all I heard was that he was angry because he missed me and he wanted me there with him. I found it flattering where she took it as sh*t talking. Lol she secretly recorded the whole thing (2 hours worth) and he said things like “If she really cared about me, she’d BE HERE… Not watching a f*cking dog.”
@tjtampa214 2 года назад
You are funny. Sorry about the suffering tho. Seems you are coping well considering the enormity of the disorder. 🌷
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
Haha thank you! And it is what it is lol therapy has helped a lot, but I still have a long way to go
@tjtampa214 2 года назад
Seems like we all hv something we deal with lifelong. Hang in there, baby! 🙌
@BlakMarshmallow 2 года назад
Well to me is relevant cuz everytime I try to give the narcissistic person on my life the benefit of the doubt he betrays my trust again and again and again, which makes me feel stupid this is my fault cuz I'm not learning from the past and that's why I keep living the same cycle over and over with this person, that's why is relevant to me at least.
@Zamstein 2 года назад
It’s just that most people don’t seem to change… and I guess it depends how bad the things they did were. My biggest thing is don’t say you forgive me, if you actually don’t… that’s unacceptable to me.
@stefaniegodfrey6155 Год назад
If you are in a relationship with someone you tend begin to care for and she lives you u conditionally and. Loyal and trustworthy do you have e the tendency to push her away further and further and treat the ones you care about worse than everyone else? Do u make her come to you first and refuse to even compliment and show interest at all just to emotionally destroy her? Does it not bother you to hurt her when u know she is in pain for no reason at all that she caused. This is what I went through and it stunted my entire life abd broke me and he knows it but still doesn't bother to relieve me of the pain even tho we are still friends? He treats me as if I don't exist and it's mind boggling.
@De_Bengels 2 года назад
my mother is a narc. and ex boyfriend who happend too life next door...... He told me a lot about what was going on his head the restlessnes....always thinking i wil leave him and smear him. What he did too his exes......that he has a problem with himself. But after he got smearing me.....threaten me....stalking me....lay down next too my fence to hear what people have to say......get me into problems that cost me a lot of money because he told lies.....i cut him off. Also went too court too stop him..... and up til today he is still stalking. Can you tell me why ? because if you care a little do you do all that ?
@spiralcat6376 2 года назад
It might be helpful to come at it from a black and white thinking place. Because you have black and white thinking that means it's binary. Either you are better than other people or other people are better than you. One has to be true because the logic is binary
@zorayaseeram5203 Год назад
I think the best partner for a Narc is another Narc. Have you ever dated one?
@isobelangeli2053 2 года назад
Please don’t be offended or hurt it’s not my intention I’m just outlining my own understanding: How is it possible to care without empathy? What you’re talking about is not how I identify or understand care towards another I’m actually confused .
@marmfruit 2 года назад
they care about what it does for them; our value is in what we can do or provide for them. it just depends whats important to em, it can be validation, attention, sex, money, etc etc it depends on the narc. and then the dopamine and feel goods associated with that, especially if we boost their ego in some way lol. they don’t love and honor ppl just for who they are, it’s all about them and their hierarchy (with them at the top) hence their contempt or indifference for ppl who are doing better or whatever than them
@sanfernvalley619 2 года назад
They care about themselves only. You are an extension of them. They assign a caregiver role. Their “care” for you is what you do for them. Not you as a person.
@isobelangeli2053 2 года назад
This must be a really difficult topic as we learn more maybe views will change whatever care is it’s very complicated human connection.
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
It's hard for me to describe... I don't know how others feel so it's difficult to compare. I feel like if I'm loyal to people they'll be loyal to me. So it's like, we have almost a contract. little different in romantic relationships. I almost expect them to give me the unconditional love I always craved. But it's never enough. Frequently I hold women close to me and it feels like they never get close enough, despite how tight I hold them. There's like a wall between me and others, and I want to break it so bad but it doesn't happen. Sorry if this is confusing, it's hard to explain
@isobelangeli2053 2 года назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist you’re doing incredible. It’s not always easy to understand another persons inner workings but it’s beautiful and interesting and healing for some ❤️‍🩹
@veebliss1266 2 года назад
Can you explain the narcs hierarchy ? Is this personalized for each one? Based off money , success , looks? What if the narc is not as successful as you job/ money etc ? Does that make you automatically better? Do they give you respect then to some degree? Or see you as competition more and want to destroy you? Especially if you have more resources than your narc bf?
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
It's interesting, basically the most relevant hierarchy at any given time is the one I'm highest on. If they treat me with respect and I perceive them as better than me then I'll idealize them, but since I'm so prone to slights I may think they aren't respecting me and it'll be motivation to climb my hierarchy to get better than them haha or bring them down. Good questions! Thanks for asking!
@babynarc4507 2 года назад
So do you find yourself caring more for someone who treats you really good or someone who treats you really bad?
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
It's... interesting. I would say I care more for people who are nice, but I will be in my version of "in love" only with someone who flips between Great to me and awful to me
@babynarc4507 2 года назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist I can't even believe I'm saying this but I almost understand you. I've been madly in love with a narcissist for 5 yrs and from what I've witnessed with him and how he explains things to me or tries to and all my npd research I think it's starting to make sense. I'm an empath so we do the opposite. We have a fetish for broken hearts so we love everyone. I mean genuinely love people but someone broken is what we get obsessed with. We don't want the abuse of course. And that will make us run away. But the mental illnesses and self hatred and being scared is what we want to fix. Not saying that's not twisted. And it is kind of controlling when you really think about it but we emps just want to rescue all the strays and love them and take good care of them. Wish narcs saw it this way and accepted our love.
@mermaid8935 2 года назад
It's so interesting to listen to this. It make me wonder if 90% of everyone I had in my life is highly narcissistic. Both my parents can seem to get along with enyone but when alone with them all they do is talk shit and gossip abot other people. They seem to feel good about themselves doing that. They even talk shit about their grankids. Most people problably like to feel and make other people feel equal, on the same level. They don't put themselves or others in hirarkies. And they are able to combine their strenghts and weeknesses. Sure there are situations were hierarki has it's place, hum....probably why certain personality types is drawn to it... Well it's interesting to hear other mindsets in any case.
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
Well, BPD's are more drawn to narcissistic people and vise versa, so I wouldn't rule out the possibility. I'm always looking down on people behind closed doors. Wish I had a narc wife to talk shit with LOL the idea of people being equal really confuses me if I'm being honest
@mermaid8935 2 года назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist I like your honesty and I kan understand how it could work. I heard/read that two narcs can work great together.
@spiralcat6376 2 года назад
That's what I always try to tell my friends. How much does the choice that I am making count for something? If I don't feel the way you want me to feel but I make the conscious choice to treat you like I feel that way anyway what difference does it make?
@spiralcat6376 2 года назад
I say I must Care at least somewhat. I care enough to act differently that I feel because I care how you feel
@spiralcat6376 2 года назад
I don't think people can appreciate the gift of inauthenticity when the authentic truth is painful
@NMTDelightfulMusic 2 года назад
We feel it as fake, and that is even worse. Just simply say you hate me so we will go from there :)😀
@spiralcat6376 2 года назад
@@NMTDelightfulMusic you say that but I would be alone if I told everybody the truth
@spiralcat6376 2 года назад
@@NMTDelightfulMusic why doesn't my effort mean anything?
@miodragradosavljevic8517 2 года назад
Can you make video about idealisation/devaluation/discard, blck&white thinking and snowball effect and also final discard and that npd person can walk away just like that - no emotional connection…
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
I have videos on that! I am out rn but I'll link them when I'm back!
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
Or try to, I forget things so maybe comment again to remind me lol
@spiralcat6376 2 года назад
Think your friends might not know how to ask but they probably want to know what that means. What does it mean to you that you are better than them. What does it mean about them?
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
To me it means that I'm smarter, more attractive, more charismatic than them. I know logically that the hierarchy that I have in my head is inherently flawed, but fuck it feels like there's just objective truths about it. Like, I am objectively better? it's weird haha
@hajarhematian6970 Год назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist People who really care about someone don’t look at what the other has to offer ( money, status, achievements etc.) they care because they feel good and safe with that person. Because they can be themselves and they feel understood etc. They like their company and like doing nice activities together, want to make good memories. I hope someday you will value the things in life that truely matter: loyalty, honesty, compassion, integrity etc. instead of wanting to be the best and being in a competition most of the time. Your strenghts have value even when you are not ‘the best’. You don’t have to be the smartest person on the planet to make use of your intelligence. So your intelligence has already value. Hope this makes sense😊
@hidingintheshaddows2587 2 года назад
Nameless I started watching you because of cluster b milkshake. My last gf was BPD and I'm a cluster b as well. Could you explain what happened in this video. Your thoughts and thought process seemed erratic. Were you worried about something? Were you anxious? Had something happen? Did the distraction of your cat put you off your trail of thought? I'm asking because this was the feeling I got being with my BPD. It was like there were so many things going on at the same time for her to be able to make it into a logical sequence. It made it difficult for me to split out all the competing ideas to reformulate it in a way I would understand. Being a cluster b who has very structured thinking I found it hard to understand the message that she was trying to convey. I found equally difficult to understand the message that you were trying to convey. But I see in the comments that others understood what you meant. My instant reaction is to dismiss you because I don't understand you. As a self-aware - I question this feeling whenever I get it now. Because it has an underlying emotion but I don't know what that emotion is and I'm trying to work it out. I have a sense that it's something like this: I don't understand this person so that makes them unsafe, so if you dismiss them they get away from you. I would really appreciate your input and your thoughts.
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
First off I want to apologize for not replying, my channel hid your comment for whatever reason and I just now saw it LOL If I'm being honest I forget what exactly I was feeling in this video at time of recording, I think I felt overwelmed by certain obligations, and rather stressed. Sorry I can't give a more detailed answer, but maybe it'll come to me Hm, likely honestly I hadn't seen anyone in awhile and was withdrawing from self esteem juice LOL
@hidingintheshaddows2587 2 года назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist That's okay lol Your answer is very helpful even if you don't remember fully. When you run out of juice what does it feel like?
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
@@hidingintheshaddows2587 It's interesting cause it's like, a progression. First it's an anxiety (literally if I'm with people and I don't have attention I can feel the anxiety then it goes away once I have the attention again. And my heart rate is way lower when I get my heart rate checked if I'm making the doctor laugh and crap. Eventually that may turn into a rage shame spiral. Maybe self isolation. Then from there a full on collapse. Only had one of those in my life. Most pwNPD only have one or two of those luckily
@hidingintheshaddows2587 2 года назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist Can you be in the presence of people but feel like you don't have their attention? What does attention feel like to you?
@hajarhematian6970 Год назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist anxious about what then? And what does attention mean to you? Someone talking to you, giving you compliments?
@TheShepherdsChurch 2 года назад
Nameless, did u just dox your name...?
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
Lmao I have a few times, but the named narcissist doesn't have the same ring to it
@AliciaM5555 2 года назад
Haha, your Gemini is showing 😉 Do you ever feel like a human question mark? 😂
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
LMAO I never used it as an analogy, but it does sum up my experience!
@AliciaM5555 2 года назад
@@Thenamelessnarcissist 😁😉
@noahprice9540 Год назад
Your volume sucks. I can’t hear you well.
@sporogymno 2 года назад
you look like david tennant
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
LMAO I appreciate that!
@sporogymno 2 года назад
you look like david tennant
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
I can't believe I didn't reply to this I literally tweeted about it LOL
@Thenamelessnarcissist 2 года назад
Wait it got posted twice thats why hahah
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