
Does the NT Teach that Jesus is Truly Divine? 

The Analytic Christian
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Dr. Dale Tuggy (left) and Dr. Andrew Loke (right) join me to discuss the question, "Does the New Testament Teach that Jesus is Truly Divine?" Dr. Tuggy says the answer is "No" while Dr. Andrew Loke says the answer is "Yes." The format of this debate will be as follows:
20 minute opening statement from Loke
20 minute opening statement from Tuggy
10 minute rebuttal from Loke
10 minute rebuttal from Tuggy
40 minutes of moderated dialogue
5 minute closing statement from Loke
5 minute closing statement from Tuggy
10 minutes of viewer Q+A at the end
For more on Dr. Tuggy's position, check out his book below.
For more on Dr. Loke's position, check out his book below.
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4 окт 2024




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@AaronOfJerusalemAndAthens Год назад
1:03:39 Dr Tuggy uses Isaiah 44:24 to exclude the possibility that God created the world through an agent. But this is a problematic way to use a polemical scripture like Isaiah 44:24. This is seen when one looks at Deuteronomy 32:12 where it is says that only God led Israel. This is not meant to deny that God used agents to lead Israel. For example, Psalm 77:20 says that God led Israel by the hand of Moses and Aaron. God's use of agents is simply not under consideration in Deuteronomy 32:12. To deny that God used agents when he led Israel because of this verse is to read too much into the text. This verse is a polemic against false gods, this is seen when it says that no foreign god was with Israel. The purpose of this verse is to exclude the involvement of false gods in leading Israel. With respect to false gods, God acted alone in leading Israel, but it is still possible that he used servants as agents to accomplish this. Similarly, Isaiah 44 is a polemical passage. This is seen especially in Isaiah 44:6-20. In Isaiah 44:24, agency is not under consideration, just like Deuteronomy 32:12. Rather it is with respect to false gods that God acted alone in creating the world. This does not rule out the possibility that God used his Son to create the heavens and earth. Therefore, Isaiah 44:24 should not be used as a crutch to support interpretations which deny Christ's involvement in creating the heavens and earth.
@thepreacherxi5353 Год назад
Wow. Great point!
@AaronOfJerusalemAndAthens Год назад
@@thepreacherxi5353 Thanks
@andrewmoon1917 3 года назад
That was a fun debate! I'm glad it was cordial and that there was an actual clash of ideas. I think that to get to the bottom of it, one would have to sit down and slowly read the relevant texts and carefully consider the arguments. But this was good to get some key arguments out on the table for future consideration.
@TheProdigalMeowMeowMeowReturns 2 года назад
It would heave been more fun if stuffy Tuggy knew how to chill.
3 года назад
Dr. Andrew Loke EASILY won!
@LogosTheos 3 года назад
@LogosTheos 3 года назад
@Real G. Jesus Unitarians are dishonest with the Bible. I have met Christians from Japan, China, Cambodia and Korea while traveling and many of them were new believers who could see that Jesus is God from a plain reading of the biblical text even though their backgrounds were non-Western and they had no prior experience with Christianity. Bart Ehrman and pretty much every atheist or agnostic New Testament scholar can see that the New Testament teaches Jesus is God. Jesus mythcists like Richard Carrier and Robert Price see it. Muslims also see it in Paul and John which is why they reject Paul and say John is a later development. This shows that unitarianism in an unnatural reading of the biblical texts and has to be deliberately taught or assumed before reading the Bible. One must begin with demonic hatred for the idea that Jesus is God and then try to force the Bible to fit with this hatred for the divinity of Christ. All unitarians dishonest and not sincere.
@ojaymon 3 года назад
LOL - In your dreams
3 года назад
​@Real G. Jesus Who sent HIS ANGEL IN REVELATION 22:6 AND IN 22:16?
@LogosTheos 3 года назад
@Real G. Jesus I don't care😛. Trinitarianism is the dominant view all over the world. Too bad your fake unipersonal god couldn't stop the Trinity from becoming a worldwide teaching across the 3 major branches of Christianity 😛. What a pathetic god
@fLUKEYdNb 8 месяцев назад
Post resurrection Yes, pre resurrection No. There I fixed it for you
@TheProdigalMeowMeowMeowReturns 2 года назад
It’s NOT bigoted to say that Loke really needs to SLOW DOWN and also to ENUNCIATE
@whywearehere7517 3 года назад
17 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. Ephesians 1:17 The GOD and FATHER of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ;) Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ KJV Acts 2:36 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth KJV Matthew 28:18
@elisiah5386 3 года назад
Amen Christ has a God, the same God as christians, the Father, simple stuff.
@shane316 Год назад
​@@elisiah5386Claiming Jesus is not God is blasphemy and goes against the very fabric that the early church fathers, apostles, and NT speak of. Read the Bible and the Trinity is evident from Genesis 1 on. Genesis 1 and 11, God says "let us." Genesis 19 "the Lord called fire from the Lord out of heaven." Exodus Isaiah 48 shows the son speaking, and addressing the Father and Spirit. John 8:24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.” Read the original Greek. Jesus said "ego eimi" or "I am." This is a claim by Jesus to be the I am from Exodus 3:14. He is saying I am God. John 8:58 Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am Again, another claim of divinity by Jesus. Jesus forgives sin in mark 2, something only God can do. Jesus receives worship in Mark 2, Mark 28, Luke 24, John 9. Something only God can do. Jesus called himself the son of Man, a reference to the Daniel 7 prophecy which says Jesus will receive all power, authority, and dominion, something only God has. Titus 2:13. Philippians 2:5-8. Colossians 1:16-17. Revelation 1. All affirm the deity of Christ. Repent and believe in the true Jesus Christ, totally God and totally man.
@lifeandbeyond9801 2 года назад
Thanks much The Analytic Christian for a fair and orderly moderating of the debate. Side note: I wish Anthony Rogers, in his debate with Dr. Tuggy, behaved the way Dr. Loke did-respectful and civil-in this debate. I think this debate is far more fruitful than the one with Rogers.
@pepepena1937 Год назад
Where exactly did GOD "vindicated him by raising him to immortality" Mr. Tupsy Tuby? The *FACT* is that the Servant of The Lord *JUST LIKE GOD* is the only one that *MAKES/VINDICATES/JUSTIFIES* others.
@legron121 Год назад
1 Tim. 3.16 says Jesus was “vindicated in spirit”. So, there’s your answer.
@pepepena1937 Год назад
@@legron121 You guys are no different than Tovia Singer trying to change what scripture says. “👉👉👉👉 *GOD* 👈👈👈👈 was 1.) manifest in the flesh, 2.) justified in the Spirit,
@legron121 Год назад
@@pepepena1937 Of course, that’s not what the text says. The text says that “the mystery of godliness” (Jesus) appeared in flesh and was vindicated in spirit. That is the answer to your original question.
@pepepena1937 Год назад
@@legron121 “Jesus” or “Christ” does *NOT* appear in Greek so *THAT* is your answer. Like I said before The *FACT* is that the Servant of The Lord *JUST LIKE GOD* is the only one that *MAKES/VINDICATES/JUSTIFIES* others. Acts 13:39 Through Him everyone who believes is 👉 *JUSTIFIED* 👈 .
@legron121 Год назад
@@pepepena1937 The fact that “Jesus” or “Christ” does not appear in the Greek does not support your belief that 1 Timothy 3:16 is referring to God (particularly since there are many other ways to refer to Jesus). You misquoted it. The NT does indeed teach that Jesus justifies others. What’s your point?
@TheProdigalMeowMeowMeowReturns 2 года назад
Mr Tuggy EITHER thinks that his own view is too weak to withstand proper debate (hence constant interruptions) or (b) thinks his opponents are too stupid to refute him and so he preemptively interrupts/talks over aggressively Or… What? Tuggy is rude and cocky.
@Papasquatch73 Год назад
I find quite honestly most Unitarians whether it be Christian, Muslim or any other form to be sorta arrogant. As though they have God figured out and completely understand his nature
@Lagertha838 Год назад
So glad Dale has written that book! Me and my family LOVE watching him debate these individuals. Such an awesome debater. 😊Cool, calm, collected, and hard hittin' with the facts.
@shane316 Год назад
Watch his debate with Anthony Rogers and you'll see some actual Biblical facts surrounding the real Jesus, who is God.
@pepepena1937 Год назад
Mr. Tubsy Tubby is not aware I guess that Jews do *NOT* consider the Arm of the Lord, The Hand, The word of The Lord etc. Agents but rather *GOD HIMSELF*
@ABC123jd 3 месяца назад
Himself, not themselves
@hughconway5318 3 года назад
Dale asks why the NT doesn't warn us about thinking Jesus as being merely human. That's because it was already assumed that Jesus was divine in some sense. Which is compatible with Trinitarianism. Even atheistic skeptic Bart Ehrman has admitted that he changed his mind and NOW believes that ALL FOUR canonical Gospels teach Jesus is divine in some sense. For him, in different senses. The NT assumes Jesus' divinity [in some sense] when it refers to Jesus as the "Son of God." While it's true that in Jewish context the phrase "s/Son of God" can be a messianic title [and therefore not necessarily imply divinity], in Gentile contexts it does imply divinity "in some sense." Trinitarians like myself [including Loke] have given reasons why Jesus' divinity is of the highest sort, equal with the Father's. In Jewish context the phrase "son of man" normally means human being. However, because of the vision of Daniel 7:13-14 it took on a secondary meaning to connote deity. Because the "son of man" in that passage rides the clouds. Something which only the gods did in Semitic Ancient Near East cultures. Five OUT OF Six times the Old Testament describes a being who rides the clouds and it is Yahweh. The SIXTH time it's the Danielic Son of Man in chapter 7 who has the characteristics of the Jesus of the NT. The NT presents Jesus as both God and man [e.g. Phil. 2, Rom. 9:5; Col. 1:19; 2:9; John 1:14 etc.]. The Danielic "Son of Man" has seemingly contradictory attributes. On the one hand he seems to be human because he's called "son of man", yet on the other hand he has divine attributes like riding the clouds, having all dominion and authority, and is served by the peoples [the underlying word for "serve" has the connotation of worship]. That's because Jesus is the Danielic Son of Man. Anthony Rogers in his various videos and debates on youtube has shown that the OT Angel of Yahweh was fully divine and Yahweh Himself along with the one who sent him. Rogers also shows that Jesus is the Angel of Yahweh. Finally, the NT needs to be read in the context of 2nd Temple Judaism. Jewish scholars [non-Messianic] like Alan Segal and Daniel Boyarkin [et al.] have shown that many Jews in the 2nd Temple period believed in a pluritarian conception of God. That there was a Greater Yahweh in heaven who was invisible and a Lesser Yahweh [often] visible on Earth who is sent by the Greater. The classic example is Gen. 19:24 where the Yahweh [on Earth] rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire from the Yahweh out of heaven. Even the Aramaic Targums treat the Angel of Yahweh as fully Yahweh, and personify the Word of the LORD which anticipates the later NT revelation of Jesus as the Word and Angel of Yahweh. Rogers has also shown how the OT teaches that the Angel of Yahweh would be the Messiah. Given that the Messiah was to be divine [e.g. Mic. 5:2], when 1 Tim. 2:5 says the one mediator between God and man is the "man Christ Jesus," it would be begging the question to assume it is saying Jesus is merely a man. Since Christ means messiah, and the messiah is taught in the OT that he would be divine. Therefore, it could be that the author of 1 Timothy could have thought that the perfect mediator between God and man is Jesus who is both God [being the divine messiah] and man.
@ojaymon 3 года назад
Jesus could not be ontologically equal to the Father in his divinity because Jesus in and of himself is not a se (self - existing). Only the Father is self-existing. Jesus clearly stated that he lives BECAUSE OF THE FATHER in the same way we live because of him. Jesus also stated that it was the Father that granted that the son should have life in himself. The Father ALONE is the one and only true God of Israel. Jesus made this explicitly clear in John 17:3. I believe that Jesus as the son of God is divine but he is not ontologically equal to the Father. Holistically speaking, The Father is greater than the Son
@hughconway5318 3 года назад
@@ojaymon It's not clear that John 5:26 & John 6:57 have to do with Jesus' ontology in His pre-incarnate state [or since his creation if one is a Humanitarian Unitarian who denies Christ's personal preexistence]. It could be referring merely to Jesus' humanity since the incarnation. Them having to do with Jesus' humanity is a possibility irrespective of whether one believes in preexistence as in Trinitarianism, Semi-Arianism, Arianism [etc.], or denies it as in a Humanitarian version of Unitarianism. Since Jesus is repeatedly predicated as being Yahweh [e.g. John 8:58, 24, 28; and many passages where OT Yahweh passages are applied to Jesus], then that's prima facie evidence that John Calvin was right that Jesus is autotheos, and therefore a se. But even if Jesus isn't a se and John 5:26 & John 6:57 does refer to Christ's preexistence and His derivation from the Father, that's consistent with Trinitarianism and not just Semi-Arianism etc. Since there are versions of Trinitarianism that affirm the eternal [i.e. timeless] generation/filiation of the Son and eternal procession/spiration of the Holy Spirit. Since generation and procession is timeless and necessary [rather than temporal and contingent], the Son and Spirit are fully divine as the Father is and are therefore not creatures. Especially since they derive from the Father. The Father wills the derivation of the Son and Spirit willingly, yet the Father could not have chosen to refrain from doing so. Since the derivation is necessary and not contingent. It's OT and NT teaching that offspring share the same nature as their parents. The NT's teaching is Jesus' TRUE sonship [monogenes]. Since the Father's nature is fully divine, Jesus' nature is fully divine. Otherwise Jesus could not be the TRUE offspring of the Father. An offspring that doesn't share the same nature as the parent is not a true offspring. Like begets like. As Genesis chapter 1 says, "after its kind." The Son is the same species/kind as the Father. The same is true of the Holy Spirit. This nearness of the Holy Spirit to the Father is so clear in the Bible that even some Unitarians will say something like the Spirit is the Father's personal power intimately expressed/manifested. While not dogmatic, I myself lean toward the eternal derivation of the Son and Spirit rather than that both being autotheos and a se. Though, I don't rule out autotheos. The Scriptures are just not sufficiently clear on these topics. These are deep mysteries that God choose not to fully reveal. What is revealed is more consistent with some version of Trinitarianism, rather than some form of Arianism, or Semi-Arianism, or Humanitarian Unitarianism, Modalism etc. I also lean toward the filioque. Moreover, there are versions of Trinitarianism whereby the derivation of the Son and Spirit is not of the essence [and therefore also persons] of the Son and Spirit, but of merely the persons [with the persons sharing the nature of the Father in numerical identity, rather than generic unity]. Such that all three persons share the one singular being of God. Rather than there being three distinct essences that are of the same genus/kind/species [which makes sense since that borders on or is tritheism]. //The Father ALONE is the one and only true God of Israel.The Father ALONE is the one and only true God of Israel.// John 17:3 doesn't say only the Father is the true God, it says that the Father is the only true God. The latter is what the Bible says, and it's consistent with Trinitarianism. The former is is not what the Bible says and is how Unitarians misread John 17:3. In fact, a good case can be made that 1 John 5:20 has the author saying Jesus is the true God. See various commentaries. //The Father is greater than the Son// John 14:28 could be referring to Jesus since the incarnation and so need not refer to His pre-incarnate state. John 14:28 could be with respect to the economic Trinity rather than the ontological Trinity. But even if it refers to the ontological Trinity sans creation and before the incarnation, that's consistent with Trinitarianism. Many of the early church fathers [esp. Nicene and Post-Nicene] were willing to grant a sense in which the Father is greater in some senses, yet not in others. Greater in priority, order and rank, but not in ontology, essence, nature, glory, and honor [etc.]. Otherwise the Son wouldn't be truly a Son [as I argued above]. This is why Jesus could be worshipped fully along with the Father to the same degree of worship and the same kind of religious worship reserved only for the true God [cf. Rev. 5:13-14; Phil. 2:10-11 citing Isa. 45:23; Heb. 1:6 alluding to the LXX in Ps. 97:7 & Deut. 32:24; 1 Cor. 8:6 and its application of the LXX version of the Shema to Jesus as the "ONE Lord", and other passages etc.]. Every form of NT Unitarianism results in polytheism. And Humanitarian Unitarians like Dr. Tuggy who also worship Jesus commit idolatry in worshipping a creature [not withstanding 1 Chron. 29:20].
@DaleTuggy 3 года назад
Divine "in some sense"? I agree with that! But I think you mean, they all agreed that he was not a "mere man" - that he also had a divine nature. Not at all true - those claims were much contested a bit later in reaction to the innovations of the Logos theorists c. 150-280 - and even in some places through the 300s. See trinities podcast episodes on Marcellus, Photinus, and historians on "the dynamic monarchians" (esp. late 100s - early 200s).
@thereawakening9475 3 года назад
@@DaleTuggy you work hard just to get sent to the lake of fire. Your PhD is a waste of time as you have spent most of your professional career attacking Christ. You got a worthless phd from brown University, and wrote about the trinity in the Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Do you realize that if you don't repent then you will gnaw out your own tongue and burn in Hell. Revelation 16 Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain. They blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and did not repent of their deeds. Revelation 20 Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire. You have been leading people to Hell for over 20 years, whether as a professor or just a current prostitute. Your punishment will be extreme unless you repent. Mark 9 “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea. If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched- where ‘Their worm does not die And the fire is not quenched.’ You have no problems corrupting the youth. You need to repent as your sins have piled up the size of Babylon. Repent now
@whatsinaname691 2 года назад
Do you have a source for that Bart change of heart. My general perception has been that he’s been doubling down on critical points, like rejecting an empty tomb now
@andrewmoon1917 3 года назад
I know it was due to a glitch that the moderator's screen turned all green, but it kind of created a Wizard of Oz effect... an "I must listen to this voice coming out of no where!" effect... but maybe that's just me. :)
@markpaul1383 2 года назад
The answer is this: some passages seem to say that Jesus is divine and some passages seem to say Jesus is not divine. The problem is assuming that all of the NT authors thought the same thing about Jesus, or alternatively, that the texts didn't have later editorial additions or subtractions that express both views, even though they aren't compatible.
@TheProdigalMeowMeowMeowReturns 2 года назад
Either way, Tuggy has bad conversation habits.
@shane316 Год назад
There is no single passage that states Jesus is not divine. There are only passages that state Jesus submitted to the Father, which He is able to do with His human nature. Colossians 1, Revelation 1, Hebrews 1, all throughout the NT you see clear teachings of Jesus' divinity. John 1:1-14 clearly states Jesus is the word, the word is God. It is a gross perversion to deny the deity of Christ and if you believe in Jesus as less than God you will not inherit the kindgom of heaven. Jesus made this clear in John 8, verse 24. Jesus makes it clear He is the I Am from Exodus 3:14 in verse 24 and 58. John 8:24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins
@markpaul1383 Год назад
@@shane316 So, note that I said "seems to say", not "state". I can agree with you that no single passage states Jesus is not divine. Making sense of who and what Jesus is exactly took the followers of Jesus a considerable long time (centuries), and clearly discussions are still going on. One of the issues is trying to understand how Jesus can be divine, very God of very God, and yet have all of the features humans do. It is easy to affirm the divinity of Jesus at the expense of His humanity. You might argue that it is a gross perversion to deny the human nature of Jesus.
@shane316 Год назад
@@markpaul1383 Jesus being fully God and fully man is a hard concept to grasp. But the concept of God appearing in human form is evident in the OT (Genesis 18, Exodus 13, etc) and is Biblical throughout. Jesus being totally God and totally man is a Biblical truth, and to deny it is to deny the identity of who Jesus is. Believing in a different Jesus than what scripture presents is by definition idolatrous and will not save you. John 1, Colossians 1, Hebrews 1, and Revelation 1 all affirm this. I think John 1 explains it the simplest. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God. The "word" in Greek is God's very nature, essence, will, desires, etc. Verse 14 says the word became flesh and dwelt among us. So, God's desires, will, emotions, nature, thoughts, etc became flesh and dwelt among us. That's Jesus.
@markpaul1383 Год назад
@@shane316 So, more than a couple of things: (1) Yes, the OT has many instances of God appearing in human form. Note that appearing in human form and being a human are two different things. If you say that Jesus only appeared to be human, you'd be saying something heretical, which on your view probably means you aren't "saved". (2) The "Logos" might be just another way to refer to God, but its meaning seems to be something like the logic, the order, or the principle of rationality. It is not equivalent to God's very nature, but would be closer to the attributes ascribed to God, i.e. omnipotence, omniscience, omnibenevolence, etc. (3) To say that God has emotions or desires implies that God can change from moment to moment, which Scripture does explicitly deny. You might say in response that God then has emotions or desires, but doesn't change by having them. But that would mean for any emotion or desire God has, He has it all of the time and constantly. So, God is always angry when He is angry, always jealous when jealous, loving, tender, wrathful, etc. all of the time and constantly, which doesn't make sense. (4) You make doctrine out to be a kind of password for the afterlife as if having the right kind of belief is the difference between "being saved" or not. But if you have been a Christian for any considerable period of time, you will notice that your beliefs about God change over time. What you believe about Him now you might not believe about Him in the future, just as what you believe about Him now differs from what you believed about Him in the past. This kind of realization might prompt a different approach toward any theological issue, particularly one that was considerably hard fought in church history.
@Yud_Trinitarian 3 года назад
Does Dr. Andrew Loke have a RU-vid channel???
@Yud_Trinitarian 3 года назад
I've never even heard of him before and he's had a dialogue with people like shabir ally
@LogosTheos 3 года назад
@@Yud_Trinitarian No. He has a Facebook tho
@MrDrumStikz 2 года назад
On reflection, Dr. Loke's response to the point of Christ being a liar under his model doesn't work because of one essential problem: in the context in which Jesus speaks, "to be aware" and "to know" are synonymous. If I ask, "Why didn't you tell me our friend was visiting today?" and you reply, "I wasn't aware," that is the same thing as saying, "I didn't know." The only context in which "aware" and "know" are not synonymous are when speaking with regard to alertness, and surely Christ isn't saying God is the only one alert to the coming day. If anything, the Father is the only one who isn't alert, as He already knows. Saying Christ could know without being aware is like saying someone could walk without ambling or lift without picking up; it's inherently self-contradictory.
@Bowen12676 Год назад
If Loke is correct, then all the angels in heaven might know full well when Jesus will return; they're just not "aware" of it. It seems (or, rather, it is) quite plain that Jesus is saying no one knows but the Father. For what it's worth, even once Jesus had ascended to heaven, he still didn't know everything. God had to "give" Jesus a revelation (i.e., divine information) to show his servants what must soon take place (Rev. 1:1).
@ken440 2 года назад
well I am afraid I understood very little of Dr Loke. Dr if you see this please speak more slowly if you do not have nglish as your first language. My 60 year old ears made little of what you said.
@fredrikjohansson2743 3 года назад
How is it possible to be God without being the Father?
@TheAnalyticChristian 3 года назад
@fredrikjohansson2743 3 года назад
@@TheAnalyticChristian Thank you, sir.
@ABC123jd 3 месяца назад
It's not
@zachburnett2433 2 года назад
Somebody please ask a trinitarian if they really believe they would have come up with the trinity on their own without somebody teaching them about it first......Please an honest answer.
@derechoplano 2 года назад
Honest answer. Although a detailed study of the New Testament would have provided some hints of the Trinity for me, I would not have come up with the full concept. I would also have been unable to come up with the 99.99% of true concepts I hold without somebody teaching me, such as the Earth being round, the Earth moving around the Sun (instead of the other way around), the stars being distant suns, DNA being the book of instructions of the cell and the mechanism for genetic inheritance, the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, electricity being electrons moving, Caesar being an ancient Roman who conquered Gaul, continental drift, printing money causing inflation, diseases being caused by germs, the theorem of Pythagoras, etc. If you are honest, you will admit that you would also have been unable to come up with 99.99% of what you know without somebody teaching you. You will admit that the fact you are unable to come up with a concept is not a valid criteria to assess it's truth or falsity. And, that, by singling out the Trinity, you are not being intellectually honest, because you demand a very strict criteria for the Trinity that you don't ask for anything else. You have an extreme bias and you didn't notice
@Papasquatch73 Год назад
The Jews came up with a two powers in heaven view centuries before Christ was born so yes
@Papasquatch73 Год назад
@100zacariah just because he was given power doesn't mean he never had it he said he emptied himself and he look forward to going back to the father then he be back in his full glory
@Papasquatch73 Год назад
@100zacariah Phil 2 says he emptied himself voluntarily. Why? You cant fit all the oceans in the universe into a cup, just like you cant fit all of the Divine Logos in human form. Besides that which was not truly man in Jesus was not redeemed of us.
@Papasquatch73 Год назад
@100zacariah No I’m not. I am interpreting it correctly. Scripture plainly warns us in Cor 2 to be careful with people who try to use false philosophies to minimize the deity of Christ. There’s a reason why the church has settled on the Trinity and not your perverted version of it. Your father who is the king of lies would love nothing more than for us to adopt a Jesus not found in the Bible as you represent. Islam has their own version of Jesus as well. Mormons do. Jehovah witnesses believe it’s Michael. What you’re saying is nothing new. These views have been cast down as a heresy for a long long time and for good reason.
@billj6109 3 года назад
I wonder why the I AM passage and others didn't come up. And the pharisees and the high priest accusation of Jesus making himself equal to God, leading to the crucifixion itself. Or was it mentioned and I just zoned out
@DaleTuggy 3 года назад
He does mention those in his book. In brief, "I am" in John should be translated, "I am he" or "I am the one" - see John 4 for which one, and John 20:30-31. About making himself equal to God - in the context of John, that seems to just be another misunderstanding of Jesus's spiritually blind opponents - one of many! Look carefully at what Jesus actually says before and after that accusation.
@billj6109 3 года назад
@@DaleTuggy thanks for your reply. I guess the best thing is turning to the gospels and reading.
@elisiah5386 3 года назад
Yes as Dale said, the “I am” simply means I am he or I am the one, that is the one whose day Abraham saw. The one prophicied of. Jesus says “Abraham saw my day” and the jews there think he means that Jesus saw abraham. Plus God does not say “I am” in Exodus 3, he says I am the being, or I am that which I will be. The pharisees misunderstanding Jesus is a common theme in John’s gospel. Even when Jesus “makes himself to be God” by accusation of the pharisees, Jesus corrects them. Even in John 8, just verses before having claimed that Abraham saw his day, Christ tells us that the same people are children of the devil who hate His message, and thus hating God and his message since God gave Jesus this message, and who hate the works Jesus did in his Father’s name.The pharisees weren’t being good jews, they were haters of Christ always looking for a way to kill him. We should never side with them in our interpretation of Jesus words’
@rataroto3065 Год назад
Great point!
@patrickkrueger8768 Год назад
One Probably Dr T has is A penny paying a dollar debt . The value being Life for Adams murder of his own life. , man can never raise man from the penalty death. Man isn’t the owner of life .Only someone more then Adam or creator of Adam, could pay this debt. otherwise Adam could have raised himself out of his death with Gods help in that case you don’t need a sacrifice just forgiveness, He’s not in an understanding of What Adam lost , what Satan gained and conquered and how to redeemed what was lost ,
@hughconway5318 3 года назад
1:11:15 Dale says it's weird that Paul would sneak in a doctrine of creation in 1 Cor. 8:6. It's not weird at all. Since the context is of worshipping false Gods and Lords through the use of idolatrous sacrifices offered to idols. For Christians the only one worthy of worship is the Creator of heaven and earth. Indeed of all things. Namely, the Father and Jesus. That's the whole point of Paul applying the Shema to both the Father and Son. The Shema itself refers to God three times. Just as the Aaronic Blessing in Num. 6. Just as the Bible teaches that God is "Holy, Holy, Holy". Because God is tri-personal. God is a Trinity.
@elisiah5386 3 года назад
“The only one worthy of worship is the creator, the Father and Jesus”. You do realize how bad you’re playing with language right? You’re pretty much collapsing the two persons into one person. When you say someone is the only one worthy of something, you don’t proceed to name two persons. “Lord” is not the name of God, it’s simply a replacement for God’s name, it’s meaning is master. Meaning it can be used for both humans and God, and it is. Acts 2:36 says Jesus was made Lord by God. And when Paul says there are many gods and many lords, he distinguishes between the gods and the lords of the world. The gods is referring to the deities of the world, false deities that is. The lords is a reference to human superiors, kings, rulers, emperors, etc etc. He obviously distinguishes between deities and non deities right before verse 6, then proceeds to use the exact same language to prove a point. In verse 4 he even says idols are not actually real gods, and that we know there is no God but one. Then who does he identify the one God as? A triad of persons? No, the Father. For us there is only one deity, the Father, from whom are all things, and we for him, and one master, or human superior, Jesus, through whom are all things and we through him. This is a very Jewish concept, we have one God and one Lord or king, his anointed servant. However collapsing these two into one God is not only impossible for the very language of the verse but very foreign to the shema and jewish monotheism. The context is about foods sacrificed to idols, and the following of “all things” is the “we”, the emphasis is on us, who are made new in Christ. Read 2 Cor 5:17-19, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation…all this is from God, who through Christ reconciles us to or *for* himself… The language is almost identical.
@elisiah5386 3 года назад
Also this reasoning that everytime you see three that means something is referring to the trinity is very bad reasoning. The Bible says God around 4000-4500 times, therefore God is 4000-4500 persons. See how bad reasoning and connections like this is? You’re so quick to say oh trinity everytime you see the number 3 but the thousands of times God is called a he, a singular individual and person, you completely ignore. Or when Jesus agrees with a unitarian jewish scribe that the Lord our God is the only God, he is one, there is no other. Perfect time to reveal the three co eternal persons who eternally exist as the one God, but he doesn’t. He just confesses pure monotheism, that there is not two or three that are God, but there is only one who is God. And Jesus identifies this one God as his Father, YHWH his God and the God of christians. The Bible just doesn’t refer to God as a tripersonal being anywhere, which is why trinitarians always have to make a web of bad syllogisms and connections to support this idea.
@hughconway5318 3 года назад
@@elisiah5386 //The Bible says God around 4000-4500 times, therefore God is 4000-4500 persons. See how bad reasoning and connections like this is?// The word Elohim is used thousands of times for “God”; Adonai is used hundreds of times for “Lord”; *both of these words are PLURAL NOUNS in Hebrew* . //but the thousands of times God is called a he, a singular individual and person, you completely ignore.// \\\\Nick Norelli in his book The Defense of an Essential: A Believer’s Handbook for Defending the Trinity listed the following: 1. Plural Verbs o Genesis 20:13 English Translation: God caused me to wander Hebrew: ה התתְעוו ו אלתהים, א אלֹל ה היםם Literally: They caused me to wander o Genesis 35:7 English Translation: God appeared Hebrew: נהגתְלֹו ו א אלֹלָיםו לָ ה א אלֹל ה היםם Literally: They appeared o 2Samuel 7:23 English Translation: God went Hebrew: לָ הלֹתְכוו ו -א א אלֹל ה היםם Literally: They went o Psalms 58:12 English Translation: God that judges Hebrew: א אלֹל ה היםם ששלפתְ ה טיםם Literally: Gods that judge 2. Plural Adjectives o Deuteronomy 5:26 English Translation: living God Hebrew: א אלֹל ה היםם ח חים ה יםום Literally: Living Gods8 o Joshua 24:19 English Translation: holy God Hebrew: א אלֹל ה היםם תְ קדֹלששהיםם Literally: Holy Gods 3. Plural Nouns o Ecclesiastes 12:1 English Translation: thy Creator Hebrew: בוולרתְ אֶ איםךלָ⁠ Literally: Creators o Isaiah 54:5 English Translation: For thy Maker is thy husband Hebrew: בל ע עולֹחיִךתְ עולששחיִךתְ⁠ Literally: Makers, Husbands9 o Malachi 1:6 English Translation: Master Hebrew: ע אדֹולנהיםם Literally: Masters10 o Daniel 7:18 English Translation: Most High Hebrew: אֶ עולֹתְיםולנהיםן Literally: Most High Ones footnotes: 8 See also 1Samuel 17:26, 36 & Jeremiah 10:10, 23:36 for “living Gods” 9 See also Psalm 149:2 for “Makers” 10 Nearly every occurrence of the noun “Lord” ( ע אדֹולנהים ) in reference to God appears in the plural form. \\\\ When all is said and done, the Old Testament uses plural nouns, plural pronouns, plural verbs, plural adverbs, and plural adjectives for God. //When you say someone is the only one worthy of something, you don’t proceed to name two persons.// That begs the question [petitio principii] that God is unipersonal rather than multi-personal. //“Lord” is not the name of God, it’s simply a replacement for God’s name,...// Exactly, and the LXX's use of the Shema "One Lord" is used for Jesus in 1 Cor. 8:6 rather than the Father. That should be really telling [as many scholars recognize]. In Hebrew the terms God "el/elohim/eloah" could be used to refer to other supernatural beings other than the God of Israel [e.g. false gods or even members of Yahweh's divine council]. But the tetragrammaton is translated as kurios in the LXX and the NT many times applies OT passages regarding Yahweh to Jesus. Often citing or quoting the LXX version to Jesus. First Cor. 8:6 is just one of many examples that could be cited. Others include: -Rom. 10:13 COMPARE WITH Joel 2:32; -Phil. 2:10-11 COMPARE WITH Isa. 45:23; -Heb. 1:6 COMPARE WITH Ps. 97:7 (LXX), Deut. 32:43; -Heb. 1:10-12 COMPARE WITH Ps. 102:25-27; Isa. 51:6; -1 Pet. 3:14-15 COMPARE WITH Isa. 8:12-14; -1 Thess. 3:13 COMPARE WITH Zech 14:5; -1 Cor. 5:5; 1 Thess. 5:2 COMPARE WITH Amos 5:18 -1 Cor. 2:8; Jam. 2:1 COMPARE WITH Ps. 24:10; -Eph. 4:8 COMPARE WITH Ps. 68:18; -1 Pet. 2:7-8 COMPARE WITH Isa. 8:14 -1 Pet. 2:3 COMPARE WITH Ps. 34:8 see also - Acts 11:16; Luke 22:61 COMPARE WITH Isa. 2:3 -Mark 1:2,3 [also Matt. 3:3; Luke 3:4; Matt. 11:10] COMPARE WITH Isa. 40:3; Mal. 3:1; -Acts 1:8 COMPARE WITH Isa. 43:10,12; 44:8; -Rev. 2:23 COMPARE WITH Jer. 17:10; Ps. 62:12; 1 Kings 8:39 -Rev. 3:19 COMPARE WITH Prov. 3:12 -Rev. 7:17 COMPARE WITH Ps. 23:1-2 -Heb. 13:8 COMPARE WITH Mal. 3:6; John 8:58 COMPARE WITH Exo. 3:14; Isa. 43:10; -Num. 16:5 COMPARE WITH 2 Tim. 2:19; 2 Tim. 2:19 seems to allude to or echo Num. 16:5 -2 Cor. 5:11; Eph. 5:21; Col. 3:22ff. COMPARE WITH Prov. 1:7; Ps. 34:11 and many other Old Testament passages Examples could be multiplied. //The gods is referring to the deities of the world, false deities that is. The lords is a reference to human superiors, kings, rulers, emperors, etc etc.// Nowhere does it indicate that "gods" refers to supernatural entities, and "lords" only human entities. In fact, verse 5 applies to "gods" in heaven AND EARTH. It's more likely that "gods and lords" are being used interchangably as equivalents in verse 5. In which case, God and Lord in verse 6 is teaching the equality of the Father and Son. Especially since "One Lord" is applied to Jesus which alludes to the "one Lord" of the Shema in the LXX. If Paul wanted to refer to the Father as Yahweh, then he would have used "One Lord" for the Father, and "One God" for the Son. Especially since in Semitic cultures god/elohim could be used of lesser deities or supernatural entities. //The context is about foods sacrificed to idols, // Paul returns to the topic in chapter 10 of the same book and applies "table of the Lord" to Jesus. In the same way the OT would understand "table of Yahweh." //Perfect time to reveal the three co eternal persons who eternally exist as the one God, but he doesn’t. // Jesus was still keeping His messiahship "on the low down" [or what scholars call "the Messianic Secret"]. If Jesus was keeping His messiahship for the most part veiled, how much more His divinity. Especially since an explicit claim to divinity would have gotten Him stoned and killed prematurely. Besides that, non-Messianic Jewish scholars have proven that during 2nd Temple Judaism there was the Two Powers in Heaven view among many [not all] Jews whereby something like Binitarianism was believed. Where there was a Greater Yahweh in heaven who was invisible and a Lesser Yahweh who was sometimes visible on Earth. See for example Alan Segal's book Two Powers in Heaven, or Daniel Boyarkin's works. Even many of the pre-Christian Jewish Targums [Aramaic paraphrases of the OT] has clear marks of this Two Powers view. For example, the Word of the Lord is personified many times as if he were another member of God.
@mitchellc4 3 года назад
Why doesn’t it say “one God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”????
@hughconway5318 3 года назад
​@@mitchellc4 Read the evidence I already provided above. For example, I wrote: //The word Elohim is used thousands of times for “God”; Adonai is used hundreds of times for “Lord”; both of these words are PLURAL NOUNS in Hebrew .// Also, Matt. 28:19 states believers are to be "baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..." Notice it doesn't say nameS [plural], but name [singular]. Name here refers to multiple things including, 1. the singular name of God in the tetragrammaton [i.e. Yahweh or Yehovah etc.]; 2. name meaning nature, character, attributes, and predictable wonted behavior; 3. authority and power. The fact that it says Name [singular] affirms their unity, contrary to any kind of Unitarianism like Arianism, Semi-Arianism [etc.]. While the fact that the definite article "the" is used three times for each person [as in THE name of THE Father, and of THE Son, and of THE Holy Spirit] affirms their real distinctions, contrary any kind of Modalism, Sabellianism, Praxean, [etc.]. More could be said, but that's sufficient. See the articles, books and videos of the various defenders of the Trinity that are out there. One of my favorite is Anthony Rogers. Check out his videos, debates, and channel on youtube.
@eliasarches2575 2 года назад
Loke is such a great philosopher, I’ve enjoyed some of his books. But I find it problematic that he attempting to apply reason to the deity of Christ. It truly does not survive the application of reason, let alone scripture.
@Papasquatch73 Год назад
This statement makes no sense to me. We take scripture and then we use reason to try to understand what we read
@eliasarches2575 Год назад
@@Papasquatch73 but “it’s a mystery” is the favourite line used when questioning the logic of the deity of Christ or trinity…
@Insane_ForJesus Год назад
Debating a unitarian is like debating a naturalist on the existence of a necessary being. Both the unitarian and naturalist reject common sense and come to nonsensical conclusions
@Papasquatch73 Год назад
@@eliasarches2575 I don’t think it’s a mystery at all. Or we may have a different definition for mystery. I can’t comprehend how the big bang happened. But I can apprehend the idea of what cosmogony is.
@pepepena1937 Год назад
"34:33 on another as a boy rolls around on the ground foaming at the mouth jesus asks his father how long has this 34:39 been happening to him like us he often asks because he doesn't know something 34:44 despite his astounding and we might say divine wisdom jesus during his earthly ministry was 34:50 far from being perfect in knowledge he'd have been more perfect if he knew all the aforementioned things" Mr. Tupsy Tubby forgot that didn't know according to his reasoning where Adam or Satan where?
@pepepena1937 Год назад
"43:12 in conclusion notice that the new testament authors never warn us against thinking that jesus is a mere 43:18 man that is someone who is human but not also divine while they warn us about other mistaken" Mr Tubsy Tubby forgot to read Isaiah 59:16 in regards The Suffering Servant *NOT* being a mere man.
@pepepena1937 Год назад
@100zacariah Isaiah 👉👉 *DOES* 👈👈 say that the suffering servant is GOD
@pepepena1937 Год назад
@100zacariah Ok let’s give it a try. Orthodox Jews including rabbis have not been able to provide an answer BASED on Tanakh. So let’s start by finding a single instance where someone other than GOD could 👉 *MAKE/JUSTIFY/VINDICATE* 👈 others spiritually like the servant does *THEN* find me just one verse where Hebrew Praise Word *COMBINATION* found in Isaiah 52:13 is used for someone other than GOD. Go ahead enlighten me🙏🙏🙏
@Javi.C_17 Год назад
Respectful debate. Dale Tuggy sticking to the scripture as best as possible, Mr . Locke seems to be adding his Interpretations onto the scriptures. If Jesus and the Apostles believed as it’s written, spoke as it’s written, and preached according to what’s written, we should do the same to avoid opening doors to false doctrines. Jesus says the Father is the only true God (John 17:3) and that he has a God, his Father (Mark 15:34, John 20:17, Revelation 3:12-13). 1 Timothy 2 [4] (God) Who will have all men to be SAVED, and to come unto the KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH . [5] For there is ONE GOD, and ONE MEDIATOR between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus;
@pepepena1937 Год назад
According to Isaiah he was not a mere man but The Arm of The Lord “16And He saw that there was 👉 *NO MAN* 👈 and He was astounded for there was no intercessor, and 👉 *HIS ARM* 👈 saved for Him
@Javi.C_17 Год назад
@@pepepena1937 Not just any mere man but the perfect sinless human. The son of God, the promised messiah, the anointed one of God. Acts 2 [22] Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, A MAN APPROVED OF GOD among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which GOD DID BY HIM in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:… Acts 13 [22]…I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. [23] Of this man's seed hath God according to his promise RAISED UNTO ISRAEL A SAVIOUR, JESUS:[37] But he (Jesus), whom GOD RAISED again, saw no corruption. [38] Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through THIS MAN (Jesus) is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: Hebrews 10 [10] By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of JESUS CHRIST once for all. [11] And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: [12] But THIS MAN, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, SAT DOWN ON THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD.
@pepepena1937 Год назад
@@Javi.C_17 Hebrew 10:10 actually confirms Isaiah 53:11 as *MAKING/JUSTIFYING/VINDICATING* others . If you search entire Bible the *ONlY ONE* that can do that is GOD himself. Isaiah 59:16 and 53:1 confirm that the servant is not just a man but 👉 *HIS ARM* 👈 which refers to GOD himself
@Javi.C_17 Год назад
@@pepepena1937 A thorough study on exactly what and how the Apostles preached in the book of Acts will prove that to be a contradiction. They NEVER preached Jesus IS God. Jesus who acted as God’s “agent” and “representative” is given authority to rule for the glory of God. The preaching of the Apostles which led thousands to be saved, always distinguished Jesus FROM God the Father. They preached Jesus crucified, who is the son OF God, the messiah whom God worked THROUGH and he was risen by God to sit at His right hand. Psalm 110:1 is the most quoted verse in the New Testament out of all other scriptures. I gave previous examples, but notice here how Jesus is distinguished FROM God: Psalm 110 [1] A Psalm of David. The LORD said to my Lord: "Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet." “The LORD” is God the Father/Yahweh speaking to Jesus who David here calls “my Lord”. This psalm was fulfilled when Jesus was resurrected and after he ascended into Heaven to sit at God’s right hand. Peter confirms this in Acts 2, Notice verses 34-36: Acts 2 [22] Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, A MAN approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which GOD DID BY (through) him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know: ..[30]… HE WOULD RAISE UP CHRIST TO SIT ON HIS THRONE…[32] THIS JESUS HAS GOD RAISED UP, whereof we all are witnesses. [33] Therefore BEING BY THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD exalted… [34] For DAVID is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, [35] Until I make thy foes thy footstool. [36] Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that GOD HATH MADE THAT SAME JESUS whom ye have crucified, BOTH LORD AND CHRIST. Jesus is at God’s right hand “expecting” (waiting) until GOD places all enemies under his feet, therefore Jesus is distinguished from the one God the Father. God is not at the right hand of another God. God is not in submission to another God… Hebrews 10 [12] But THIS MAN, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, SAT DOWN ON THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD; [13] From henceforth EXPECTING TILL HIS ENEMIES BE MADE HIS FOOTSTOOL. (Compare 1 Corinthians 15:24-28) 1 Corinthians 15 [24] Then cometh the end, when he (Jesus) shall have delivered up the kingdom TO GOD, even THE FATHER; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. [25] For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. [26] The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. [27] For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith, all things are put under him, it is manifest that HE IS EXCEPTED, WHICH DID PUT ALL THINGS UNDER HIM. [28] And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the SON ALSO HIMSELF BE SUBJECT UNTO HIM THAT PUT ALL THINGS UNDER HIM, that God may be all in all.
@pepepena1937 Год назад
@@Javi.C_17 *AGAIN* You will *NOT* see an “agent” like Moses or *ANY* of the prophets able to *MAKE/JUSTIFY//VINDICATE* others *ONLY GOD* could do that and the servant does it. The Hebrew combination praise language in Isaiah 52:13 is *UNEQUIVOCALLY* used *ONLY* in reference to GOD. Isaiah 59:16 and 53:1 says that the one doing the saving, The Servant of the Lord is none other than *THE ARM of THE LORD* himself. This is the same True Shepherd of Zechariah 11:11 called *THE WORD of THE LORD* . This same shepherd in Zechariah 13:7 is called by GOD His *PARTNER/ASSOCIATE/COMPANION* . This Word,Arm, Hand of The Lord Tabernacled in Jesus’s body. You ask any Rabbi I who this Arm,Hand, Word of The Lord is and they will *NOT* call it an Agent *BUT* God himself
@angeliquaserenity5009 2 года назад
So let's see here: In I Cor 8:6, when Paul tells us that there is one God in whom are all things, it's not speaking of all creation? Only some creation or only creation relative to the context exist in God?
@joshuasmith4230 2 года назад
The Lords there is talking about masters like Caesar - those who are self proclaimed lords over others. Jesus the Messiah is our one lord in that sense we follow. Lords is contrasted with Gods in the previous verse 5.
@padraicmkelly 3 года назад
God has the omnipotent power to take on a human nature and to be nearly powerless in that human nature without ceasing to be omnipotent and omnipresent in His divine nature. Jesus said in John 3: 13 And no man hath ascended up to Heaven, but He that came down from Heaven, even the Son of Man who is in Heaven. While He was on earth in His limited human nature He was in Heaven in His divine nature.
@TavishCaryMusic 2 года назад
The son of man is his divine nature? And it was in heaven while he was saying this?
@dralgarza Год назад
Dr. Tuggy has no idea what he is talking about. So sad to watch.
@ABC123jd 3 месяца назад
I'm sure he knows a lot more than you on this topic
@dralgarza 3 месяца назад
@@ABC123jd You’re entitled to your opinion, even though it’s wrong.
@Papasquatch73 Год назад
At 1:03 he said God would not need a helper at least that’s the way the ancient Jew would have understood it. No the ancient Jews had a two powers in heaven view. One that’s transcendent and one that’s on earth. Sorry you’re not aware of that. It only became heretical at the beginning of the second century when Jesus was saying the second power was Jesus
@ABC123jd 3 месяца назад
The ancient Jews definitely did not believe that God is two distinct persons or selves. They believed that God could be up in heaven and also come down on earth in the form of a man or a cloud. But they all understood God to be a self, which is why they have always referred to God with singular person pronouns. Also, if you agree that they had no concept of a tripersonal deity, then you'd have to say that God just massively failed to communicate who they were. Otherwise they were just lying by not revealing themselves as three selves when that's who they have always been.
@franzmargaretterendon571 2 года назад
jesus emphasizing that no one as human being knew when the ours to come/the end of the world.because if Jesus do that He would be lying as He Jesus as aform of human being! even Jesus knew when to come the hours,He would not do that! because it may appearingly shows that how a human being only created by the Father knows the last days! that's why Jesus speaks of the truth that no one as a human being knows when ? as simple as that! but mr tuggy denounces against tje devinity of Christ because he has something to protect of...
@TheProdigalMeowMeowMeowReturns 2 года назад
Tuggy thinks that interrupting and talking OVER = sound rebuttal.
@ABC123jd 3 месяца назад
Yeah I'm sure that's what he would say if you asked him
@brandonr4452 2 года назад
11:50, no that's not a problem with Dale's exegesis, it's a problem with Loke's exegesis. He is completely ignoring the context of 2 corinthians 5:16-18 to try making an equivocation of "all things." The all things in verse 17 and 18 is the "regenerated" (if you want to call it that) christian.
@ken440 2 года назад
exactly, just as they do with Hebrews which context is about old and new "times" and therefor God has created these "times" (not World) through Christ, and in Colossians where the context is about proving Christ is the head of the body and has created all things in the church, his own body. NOT genesis creation! Brother I am not preaching at you, just agreeing with you and making the point to passing readers.
@thomas.bobby.g2918 2 года назад
47:23 Dr. Loke says, "Of course Jesus is a man but that does not imply that he is not Divine." Dr. Loke's argument is, "Of course devils are evil but that does not imply that they are not-good."
@shawnembrey1118 2 года назад
Which nature was Resurrected divine or Human?
@Mateo09ist 3 года назад
Seems like dale does the same thing he did with Anthony Rogers. Dale claimed that God the father shared his Glory with the human son, Does God share His glory?
@Mateo09ist 3 года назад
@Real G. Jesus I am the Lord; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved idols. Isaiah 42:8 ESV
@tankiesbot6578 3 года назад
@@Mateo09ist God is also always omnipotent, was jesus omnipotent? No
@Mateo09ist 3 года назад
@@tankiesbot6578 I believe I originally ask about God sharing his glory, not about His omnipotence. I do know Dale brought up one of the reasons why Jesus wasn't omnipotent because he would ask questions. Did God himself ask questions as well? Asked Adam "Where are you?" For example.
@elisiah5386 3 года назад
Isaiah 42:8 in context is simply about God the creator of all things being the one and only God, the only one who is creator, in contrast to the false gods, idols. Of course YHWH does not share his glory as the one true God, the one who according to Isaiah 44 created all things in the beginning by himself(himself, not themselves), But does he give glory to others in general? Yes, the Bible clearly says believers will be glorified by God, and not only by God, but with Christ. “The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one” ‭‭John‬ ‭17:22‬ ‭
@jordandthornburg 3 года назад
God giving glory does not mean he shares his own glory bro. God gives us glory as well.
@monkkeygawd 2 года назад
“Religions are divisive and quarrelsome. They are a form of one-upmanship because they depend upon separating the “saved” from the “damned,” the true believers from the heretics, the in-group from the out-group… All belief is fervent hope, and thus a cover-up for doubt and uncertainty.” ~ Alan Watts *Alan Watts was protestant minister, but left the religion to pursue the beautiful Eastern philosophy of nondualism, such as found in Advaita Vedanta.
@Thomas-Purell-Ministry Год назад
Advaita vedanta is both philosophically and historically untenable, and its proponents cannot explain its principles with any validity or agreement, its a total mess of ideas that have no basis in logic or reality. having spoken to supposed teachers of it, they themselves cannot defend it or explain it properly without contradiction. Alan Watts was also also an alcoholic and pursuer of hedonism and sexual immorality, that is why he left the faith, because he wanted to sin freely, he has also been wholly refuted in regards most of his claims by scholars and many eastern "teacher" suggest that he totally misconstrues the eastern ideas. Christianity is the only evidenced truth.
@monkkeygawd Год назад
@ultra-teksystems2220 yeah? What specifically about Advaita is historically/philosophically untenable? I'm very curious. And which proponents cannot explain which specific principles? Please, sincerely, enlighten me. 🙏
@monkkeygawd Год назад
@@Thomas-Purell-Ministry Alan Watts was not a guru, etc, but a wonderful distiller of complicated concepts into digestible sips of understanding. That's all. A brilliant thinker.
@monkkeygawd Год назад
And, last but not least, what evidenced truth do u have for Christianity? Would u please name ONE single self-proclaimed (and contemporary to Jesus) eye-witness to Jesus's life who wrote/dictated ANY 1st person account that we still have today to read? 🙏 SPOILER ALERT: There are none.
@Thomas-Purell-Ministry Год назад
@MonkKeyGawd having researched it for 4 days straight and asked many proponents of it, none of them gave the same answer as to the claims it makes, it was a mess of different ideas that did not agree with one another. It also posits an infinite regress which is impossible both physically and philosophically It's also pantheistic which is untenable as in order to be worthy of worship a God must have no equals and not be contingent upon anything but themselves (divine aseity) in order to be a god, one of the Hindu gods must be above the rest, but they aren't and hence don't qualify as gods. This is why there are hardly any renowned philosophical scholars that are Eastern in their beliefs.
@billj6109 3 года назад
Christianity gets so confusing. I think I'll become a free wheeling southern Baptist
@omaribnalahmed5967 3 года назад
Try islam perhaps? Similar just renouncing the trinity and their theology but it's basically the same.
@billj6109 3 года назад
@@omaribnalahmed5967 I was just being sarcastic. All theism is complicated and so is naturalism
@omaribnalahmed5967 3 года назад
@@billj6109 id disagree if you allude to theism being hard to grasp (personal theism) then I'd say it's pretty much false.
@billj6109 3 года назад
@@omaribnalahmed5967 its a tenet of classical theism that it should be difficult or impossible to truly grasp God's essence in the way he knows it.
@thereawakening9475 3 года назад
Stay away from Dale tuggy he will mess you up
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