
don't "pursue your passion." do this instead. 

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7 окт 2024




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@JennyPlunkett 8 месяцев назад
I am forever grateful that my dad had the conversations (/jokes) with me when I was in high school about how if I DONT go into computer science or engineering, I’m not going to afford the lifestyle I want. Extremely grateful. Sure, could I be making a lot of money in other ways? Yes. But my dad saw that I already had the skills for these majors, and he prodded me along in that direction. Here I am financially independent after years of hard work, and in a privileged position, and am finally embracing my spoiled girly life ❤
@afrofaeries 8 месяцев назад
Hey! I’m a CS girlie too! It’s just something I was naturally into but I got shunned because “it was too masculine and a guys job”. But that’s not gonna stop me
@LindseyObrooke 8 месяцев назад
Some people don't realize how invaluable it is to have a person like this in your life, mentoring you about reality.
@slayfaee 8 месяцев назад
Realizing this after burning out and struggling from pursuing art for 7 years and now I’m studying cybersecurity and will be living that comfortable work from home life. Whats the point of pursuing our passions if we’re struggling 😭 its good to have a stable foundation first then do what you want
@yzma6142 8 месяцев назад
Love this for you ❤ my parents also guided me in the right way but also didn’t put unreasonable pressure on me
@TheNinjapancake14 8 месяцев назад
I love that for you. We almost have the same backstory: I had skills in the sciences and my parents “encouraged” (demanded) me to pursue engineering so I could afford a better life. They’re right, but boy, it really drained me, and I’m thinking of switching careers entirely if I ever get this degree
@Dobermanmomma 8 месяцев назад
I couldn't ride horses after age 18 because of money. Im 33 now. I finally am buying a horse. Sometimes things take time.
@devilsadvocate7059 8 месяцев назад
I WAS fortunate enough to be given this advice at an early age. I pursued engineering knowing it was just a means to make money. Fastforward to now: I’m in a position to explore my true passions because I have the income and free time to do so. Please take this advice, ladies! Life does not end at 20; a few years of sacrifice can set you up for a better life than you can imagine!❤
@Jenna-vj2ju 8 месяцев назад
@Aronia222 8 месяцев назад
@Cottencandybrain 8 месяцев назад
Ty i needed to see this
@hibabkkl9515 8 месяцев назад
Your comment give me hope ❤.thank you
@Leila-u6d 8 месяцев назад
This is literally what Asians parents have been trying to instill into us. I was mad that most Asians had around 5 base options and other career suggestions are shut down. Their explanation was simple: The world we live in is a capitalistic mess. Art is only appreciated if you have a big name. First set up a source of stable income, then pursue your passion. If it fails well then you have your safety net. Also pursuing your passion as a career rather than a hobby sours it imo
@karl92041 8 месяцев назад
This reminds me of the book "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert. She talks about how your passion does not have to pay your bills. She waited tables and did odd jobs while she was writing. Many people give up on their passion because it failed to give any financial returns. This is what I remind myself, I need to pay bills and am very much passionate about that 😂.
@coolbreeze5683 8 месяцев назад
I agree! Setting goals towards milestones for financial freedom should be a necessary passion. A calling is different than a passion. I think Elizabeth Gilbert has a calling to be an author. No matter what she did, being an author was always part of her destiny. Getting paid or not, it was meant for her to do.
@lavieestundestin 8 месяцев назад
You can have a job (that you like) to pay the bills and a passion as a hobby, nothing wrong with that. I like doing theater, but I know it would be hard to earn a living doing just that so I chose a subject that interested me and that, after a degree, could easily earn me a living and then I get to do theater as a side without the pressure that it should make money for me.
@DiMagnolia 7 месяцев назад
Love that book, it changed my life. 😊
@ethxo6734 8 месяцев назад
Exactly why I switched my major from chemistry to chemical engineering. Started earning over 100k after 2 years post graduation and my student debt was 20k which I paid off within 3 years. I’m 7 years out of college now and net worth is roughly 860k. So close to mille status because I choose hard.
@yzma6142 8 месяцев назад
This is so inspiring. Love it for you 🩷
@firstname2801 8 месяцев назад
damn thats amazing
@rikawrites7104 8 месяцев назад
love that for you :)
@Jenna-vj2ju 8 месяцев назад
Yesss girl
@victorianjeri1000 8 месяцев назад
How was your university experience? Stress?
@queencarolas 8 месяцев назад
You were in academia. It makes total sense. So was I. My field was Political Science. Studied hard, learned several languages, was always working on research and still didn't make enough to pay rent. I gave up on academia and started working with data science and machine learning. My income increased sixfold and I work less then I did when I was in academia. Realizing I needed money more than to follow my passion solved a lot of problems for me.
@drukej9412 8 месяцев назад
Can you get into data science without a background in compsci?
@queencarolas 8 месяцев назад
@@drukej9412 Yes, you can. There are data scientists with a background in different areas - Economics, Engineering, Business, Biology, Physics, Social Sciences, etc. If you are a researcher in almost any of those fields, you work with statistics and data analysis, so you qualify to be a data scientist. You will have to learn other IT related subjects for the career (Python, R, SQL, algorithms), but a CS degree is not mandatory.
@findingmyself2446 8 месяцев назад
​@@queencarolas Can a nurse get into Data Science ?
@queencarolas 8 месяцев назад
@@findingmyself2446 I'm unsure if statistics is included in a nursing degree, or if the profession requires individuals to analyze data. However, further education can be pursued. I personally know nurses and social workers who specialized in data science.
@fatemad4012 8 месяцев назад
What is the goal of data science? And how is it done can you explain it more?
@clara4942 8 месяцев назад
I’ve found that if you do your ‘passion’ for a living, you love it a lot less. Best thing is to get a good day job, and then after work, enjoy your passion. I’m a comms director by day and a fictional writer, hiker and mountaineer at all other times. I love financial security. Sorry, but once you’re over 40, things get real. You need a roof over your head for when you get old. The feeling of financial security is so liberating.
@constancegoldwing5867 9 месяцев назад
Yep. Learned the hard way too. I wanted to be an actress, and I was from a small town with working class parents and zero connections. My parents bought me drama, piano and singing lessons throughout my schooling(public), and I was the highest achieving drama student in my graduating class. When school finished, my mother had secretly applied to a university for me for a teaching degree. I was mortified, because I was determined to be an actress FAST FORWARD: I got into one of the best performing arts schools in the country, however it was not a scholarship and the cost was almost 30K per term. My parents could never afford that so I had to decline my offer. I spent the next six years waiting tables and bar-tending and auditioning for roles on television and movies. I got some gigs as an extra, but that's it. Never landed any speaking roles, and had no idea about networking at all. Quickly learnt if your related to a star, your a shoe-in. It was a struggle everyday, just to count my tips and work out how much money I had for the bus after my rent and food was paid. The very definition of the staring artist.
@megnelli 8 месяцев назад
I’m sorry you had such a bad experience. Art is cultural and self referential. It’s not worth anything if it isolated. Unfortunately yes, takes lots of money to invest in and it’s high risk (hard to market). Best way up is through tight bonds like friendships or marriage. You can call it networking or whatever but social ties are everything, especially in anything culture or art related.
@no.6377 8 месяцев назад
@@megnelli you phrased "nepotism" in a nicer way.
@kani9284 8 месяцев назад
": I got into one of the best performing arts schools in the country, however it was not a scholarship and the cost was almost 30K per term. My parents could never afford that so I had to decline my offer. " It hurts to read this
@nomenenimipsumloquitur 8 месяцев назад
Maybe pursue some other "career" paths with your acting skills, for example, blogging or being a skit maker on yt or tiktok, you almost don't need any budget there, but still can try and reach your heights. Just try the different way, you know. I know it's hard to accept that you didn't get what you really wanted even you though you worked for it so hard, I've been there, but maybe it's because God or The Universe, whatever you want to call it, is preparing you for something else, something better.
@tahsina.c 8 месяцев назад
​@@no.6377you need to dust off that dictionary. What an insulting comment. That is not what nepotism means. Acting is ALL about networking, nepotism makes it much easier but most actors are broke and have to make their own way. Were not all the Barrymores. if you're working class (like I am) you need to work your butt off and get out of that small town and unfortunately make sure you work on those contacts. The commenters situations is nuanced, while it shows how gated the arts are, it also shows there are things that you can do as an actor. Creating opportunities is not the same thing as having them handed to you by your parents. First of all: Move to a better town or very close by- in the US its LA, where I am its London. this is mentioned in the video, but for actors it is much easier to get work in places where there are work and creative people. It reduces the cost of commuting and allows you to make friends with people in the arts. This is a VERY hard industry for people who even went to drama school, its basically rejection most of the time so imagine how hard itll be to come by work in a small town? To find those people? EVERY actor has to have a "real" job so in a way the commenter is in a great place to (if they wish) in the future return to their passions. The comment above mentioned this too and is 100% correct. Contacts- this is usually only possible if you do the first, it could be theatre practitioners, acting coaches, film students, people you meet on sets or outside showcases or auditions could change your year or maybe even your life. The commenter mentioned how they knew zero things about networking. I'm a shy person (tragic I know) and was not always the best at networking but its putting yourself out there and it's near impossible to get ahead if you dont. Success is also a nebulous word. For me, and ive noticed it's like this for a lot of actors, it's just getting work I love and being able to one day be a full time performer but perhaps it's different for some. For this commenter drama school meant a lot. For some people fame- In which case nepotism is the surest ticket. But you do not _need_ nepotism to make it in this industry. While it makes it easier, there are many people who are working without out, working with their reality as she said in the video. Like me, so this comment is just insulting and inaccurate. I know it's not my place but I hope OC considers my points, if you're talented and worked hard enough to get accepted into drama school, and are working toward a stable job and if theres any part of you that's has a dream, to dare to listen to it because although it sounds cheesy but it's never too late.
@mimim8758 8 месяцев назад
Hmm at first I think I misinterpreted what she was saying so i was frowning throughout the whole video. I think something about “you’re not privileged enough to pursue your passions” triggered me. It sounds so low vibrational and defeating. I know someone will say “well it’s reality” but if you listen to what she says afterwards, you can see why that statement is completely false, and she probably shouldn’t have even used it. I don’t know correct me if I’m wrong here readers, but what I understood from this video is to not buy into the starving artist archetype, and to expand our perception around how to pursue our passions. There is no one rigid way to satiate our desires and I 100% agree with that. The statement “you are not privilege enough to pursue your passions” feels like a false statement because the truth is she is saying you can pursue it but give yourself permission for it to be different if it needs to be. Maybe the path you want to walk upon was made by folks with different legs, and you cannot walk on the path with ease so it means you can get off that path and make your own path and it will still take you where you want to go. Hustle culture makes people believe that extreme discomfort and pain is necessary. So much so, that they derive pleasure of saying“I sacrificed this and that to get to where I am”. This is the ego wanting to draw attention and get praise from others. It is also an inability to believe that they are deserving of goodness regardless of how much sacrifice they make. As if abundance is only available to those who lose a few limbs along the way. We do not need to buy into the psyop. We can get what we want without sacrificing everything we are.
@月亮-g5f 5 месяцев назад
Wow I loved your comment, so uplifting
@katipohl2431 9 месяцев назад
After beeing a research scientist in biology and agriculture now I follow my passion. Just here inside house and garden I produce vegetables and flowers, even doing my own experiments. Happier than ever.
@frostmaiden85 8 месяцев назад
❤❤❤research scientist❤❤❤ If I were to start my life over, you see, that would be my dream. That or a marine biologist. What someone leaves behind is someone else's daydream 😅
@katipohl2431 8 месяцев назад
@@frostmaiden85 Oh, am already 65 and I have done a lot of things but end of this year l will officially start my own plant business. As a biologist I spent most of my time shaking test tubes in laboratories. Only in tv and some documentaries a biologist found work beeing in touch with wildlife. Hi and best wishes from Germany.
@EveEremine-tn3jq 8 месяцев назад
i found my passion for horticulture when i started gardening professionally about a year and a half ago...already have a mini nursery going in my tiny little house...always doing my propogation experiments
@noelialaura1077 8 месяцев назад
I come from a highly educated background, everyone in my family is either a surgeon, lawyer or dentist in my family back in my country, I came here to write my own story. I became a single mom, but my mom’s voice was still messing my head. Why don’t I become a lawyer here?? I’m smart enough, etc. but I weighted the time and money and the fact that I will have to miss my daughter’s growing.I’m not willing to pay the price. I will stay making candles and babysitting. I will marry a provider and that’s it!k
@katipohl2431 8 месяцев назад
@@EveEremine-tn3jq That's great, congratulations. Here I started plants indoors with grow lights and have 2 small polytunnels. Good luck!!
@MissAstoria19 8 месяцев назад
I just want to reach that point where my choices are made out of want and not out of desperation.
@QWERTY-hl6wm 8 месяцев назад
Parents of some of my friends got them apartments, cars, great education and travels, it will take me a generation to reach that level on my own, they quit jobs from one day to another without worrying about paying their bills, they go for a marathon on Hawaii to relax. Social inequality is going to be a massive issue in a decade, it is already striking you in your face seeing so many homeless.
@ghostie7790 8 месяцев назад
Yes, I learned this the hard way. I'm from an immigrant family and watched my parents work multiple jobs all throughout my childhood. I was always a talented artist and my parents sacrificed for me to go to an arts college. I worked my ass off there with the immigrant dedication and work ethic I was brought up in, but STILL I WASN'T able to land a good paying job. After continuing to study and doing the best I could trying to get into the animation field, I saw with my own eyes that drawing for animation, or ANYTHING in Hollywood is for privileged people. Only those with money and advantage get chosen to storyboard for animated shows. Now I'm 29 and trying to figure out how I can pivot into a more high paying career. I'm not going to give up on my dreams, because I got very far in it and even landed mentorships and interviewsbefore. But I can't wait on hollywood to give me the job I 've worked so hard for. I'm gonna pick up additional skills in something else to always be marketable.
@lumii903 8 месяцев назад
Can recommend some additional skills? I can't major in tech or science so I'm stuck. I'm already studying smth I don't like & won't get me anywhere either
@pastsubstance2930 8 месяцев назад
Check out graphic design. I have seen businesses need logos and sometimes they want something more specific that a free logo maker won’t give them or photoshop. They pay good money for this especially if your portfolio is really good.
@sarafernandez4920 8 месяцев назад
100% with you 100% you’re right yes you can change it.
@fatemad4012 8 месяцев назад
​@@lumii903learn to love technology why girls hate technology? Without technology we would be slave of men like thousands years ago trust me tech helped women for their rights more than men
@rosesweetcharlotte 7 месяцев назад
It's not like most animators do well even in Hollywood.
@HaleyStark. 8 месяцев назад
I dropped out of university, sold everything I owned except my dog and moved into a sailboat. Now I am a nomad adventurer who spends my time hiking with my dog or reading on the beach. I work jobs I dont dislike as little as necessary to live cheaply and have savings for vet emergencies etc and the rest of the time I do whatever I want to.
@catcat9582 8 месяцев назад
How many cats do u think could fit?
@smhan280 7 месяцев назад
I love that for you! But how are you affording or managing maintenance of the sailboat? That’s the biggest thing stopping me from choosing a nomadic lifestyle :(
@FeminineDiary 8 месяцев назад
I think this is very situational. I didn’t study the performing arts when I first went to college because I whole-heartedly believed it was a stupid idea and that I would be broke. I worked several corporate-y office jobs in the healthcare industry where I was overworked, underpaid and my colleagues and I were borderline exploited. I decided if I was going to be broke anyway, I might as well be broke doing something I loved! Funny enough, I make $7 more per hour teaching my performing art as a *student* teacher than I made at any of my corporate jobs…
@Thatgirly777 8 месяцев назад
Yep definitely situational. She probably meant jobs that pay well in the first place ig. Also what office job in health care did you work?
@rosesweetcharlotte 7 месяцев назад
Yeah, I got a degree I thought would make me money and it didn't. My advise is to be realistic about your passion, but also remember that getting into a field just to make money isn't going to work if you hate it
@annastone5624 4 месяца назад
@FeminineDiary I think you make a really really important point here. Many many people do the ‘sensible’ thing - yes they survive to reasonable average, But life is so short!! At what cost to the great adventure of life!! I know many many people who have their lifestyle but question who they are and it feels hollow to them. Certainly poverty is no joke. But unless you have a very sis I’did well defined career path many professions are in danger of it. I know so many academics, teachers people in zero huts contracts.. and they don’t have the benefit of saying their profession gives some deep meaning to th to outweigh it..
@eensanom 8 месяцев назад
I always thought if you wanted to pursue something like being an artist you should get a good income job first. That's it. At the end of the day, even if you're privileged, someone in your family had to make that sacrifice. You can do it for a few years and then hopefully be in a position where you can not only follow your passion, but also make your children privileged. That's what I hope to do :)
@amberpalmer3708 8 месяцев назад
Facts! I plan to do the same and also work on my passion projects while maintaining a full-time opportunity that pays
@lavieestundestin 8 месяцев назад
Yep, I went to college, got my degree and then a good job I like (HR and payroll). Since being a teen I've been doing theater as a hobby and atm I'm in an impro and a classical theatre groups of my city. I get to express my artistic side without the pressure of it having to make my living. No, no shame for those who decide to pursue their passion full-time, just to say that there are other ways too ☺
@Neoncaffine9915 8 месяцев назад
I have the same mindset omg
@spiritualBaddi 8 месяцев назад
Ive dropped out of college twice, quit 10+ jobs and left every man I've been w- I am a free agent/off the grid and happier than ever 🚀 don't settle/stop
@doglegseggs 9 месяцев назад
as a tattoo artist and someone who has been drawing for 10+ years, nothing brings me greater guilt than buying expensive art supplies. im much happier using and abusing my crayolas rather than worrying if im "wasting" good art supplies i dumped an unnecessary amount of money on lol.
@Melsphilosophy 8 месяцев назад
Its sad u find it unnecessary 😢 as an artist myself, nothing feels better than investing in your art! Love yourself ❤
@Victoria-qx1ti 8 месяцев назад
Love your work. Very clever content ❤ it has helped give me perspective
@pixieinx 8 месяцев назад
It’s a waste of you don’t value the learning opportunities it gave to refine your skills…. Saving things for a special time feeds into having to earn and suffer for things…. Free yourself and use it, it’s ment to be used, it’s by design.
@copiouscat 8 месяцев назад
I think you’re experiencing a scarcity mindset… definitely believe that you will always be in abundance and of art and having the privilege to use such tools are a good thing. Best of luck to you! 🤗💪🏽
@kingdomofmochi 8 месяцев назад
I have a surplus of art supplies post art school and I wish I could hook you up 🙏 I lucked out that I'm woking in the 3D space so I just have to pay for software subscriptions now 😢🤣
@jedijazzy6643 8 месяцев назад
No shade to your other videos, but this is the BEST video you’ve ever published. A lot of people feel resistance & defiance hearing this message from their parents/elders because they can’t explain this as well as you do, and then often learn this lesson to late. Yes, some parents who have had to sacrifice are narcissistic & class-motivated, but most of the time you realize they just don’t want you to struggle the way they did or the way their parents did. The only thing you can’t get back is time. Wealth has a magical quality of giving you more time.
@SweetestGyrl 5 месяцев назад
@farmhouseonthemountain 8 месяцев назад
Mine was yoga. I let the country for a month to get certified, which was amazing, but most people do not teach for as long as I have because the money is not there. I thought I was going to do big things, teach all over the world, but realizing that the international yoga teachers that are so popular are sponsored models with big yoga and fineness companies. Eventually I accepted that working my "lazy girl" secretary job made it possible for me to teach just one class a week with far less stress. I'll be leading my daughter towards trade school first so she has money to live her life and fund her passions. I loved this, Elle.
@simplyas 8 месяцев назад
I’m in the same situation!
@DiMagnolia 7 месяцев назад
Same same! Dance and yoga for me ❤ love doing project management to support my hobbies. Trying to do yoga or any passion as a job was so stressful and actually ruins it for me. I couldn’t do yoga for a hot minute because I was so resentful and burnt out that I didn’t “manifest” the success I saw in others. It comes down to privilege.
@bres.4806 4 месяца назад
Have you ever thought of doing a private online class type thing? Some ppl want to do yoga but can't get to the classes or self conscious about their bodies.
@_NadiaT 8 месяцев назад
I’m worried this video may not be as popular bc you’re not talking about love/dating but honestly this resonated with me so much. I blew basically all my savings living in a big city while pursuing my degree, and although I don’t believe in regrets, I’m now living frugally and having to reconsider my career path. Without stability and the basic necessities, it becomes difficult to enjoy all other areas of your life!
@greenlover641 8 месяцев назад
Agreed 100%!
@silverroxen2954 8 месяцев назад
I'm sitting here thinking I wish more content creators in this space would do videos about career and money instead of focusing on romantic relationships. For all the talk about decentering men, let's talk about some other topics.
@SweetestGyrl 5 месяцев назад
I think she should do more videos like this. There’s much more to life than men and dating, women are focusing too much on that anyway !
@SweetestGyrl 5 месяцев назад
@@silverroxen2954facts like if you’re decentering men there shouldn’t be so many videos about them
@meagan.phillip 9 месяцев назад
Growing up I always thought about how much easier my life would be if my family had more money. All the sacrifices my parents made were to pay for my private school tuition and extra curricular activities so I was constantly envious of my class mates because I couldn’t get a car when they did, spend money on clothes, and was always asking my friends to pay for me when we went out to eat cuz I never had extra cash. I always felt embarrassed and annoyed that my friends never seemed to even think about financial problems but I was constantly aware of it (being one of the only non-white kids didn’t help either) but that comparison has definitely been strong motivation for me. As an adult who’s able to financially support myself I appreciate that my parents were able to provide me with the life I had even if I couldn’t see it then. I’m working to pay my way through nursing school currently so I’m technically broke but I can’t wait for the pay off so I can never be the broke friend again 💯 Edit: speaking of pursuing your passion, your videos are always the perfect motivation at the perfect time and hugely inspired me to finally start my own channel like I’ve always wanted to !! Thanks Bestie
@slayfaee 8 месяцев назад
I tried becoming a full time artist for 7 years and moved to an expensive big city to help with that too. The most i ever made was $6k in one yr and then I got humbled by covid. I had to work miserable customer service jobs to get by. Making it a business killed off some of my passion for it anyway so i’d rather have a generous, wealthy husband retire me 😂 Rn I’m a student in cybersecurity and I’d rather have a high paying remote job to help manifest my dream life!!
@en2336 8 месяцев назад
Are you doing online courses or did you go back to uni? I'm debating doing a higher degree but not sure if the debt is worth it
@slayfaee 8 месяцев назад
@@en2336 online uni WGU all the way! Cheap tuition and you can take as many classes as you want for a flat rate tuition. I have to work full time to support myself so its a lifesaver
@dc_rocker 8 месяцев назад
I grew up in a middle class, debt-laden family. I am a first generation college grad and have worked my way up from cleaning toilets to education and project management. I was passionate about a STEM field with high earning potential and landed what I thought was my dream job. I hated it. I only stayed in it long enough to build savings that allowed me to invest in re-education to pursue another field. It took a lot for me to leave that career path behind because of the high earning potential. Am I super passionate about my job? No. But I earn enough to survive and can pursue my creative hobbies in my free time. I am working on monetizing these hobbies to make extra money. I probably will never be able to quit my day job to do that full-time, but it's enough. It's certainly better than spending my whole career in a STEM field that took over my whole life and didn't fulfill me.
@fatemad4012 8 месяцев назад
Steam fields are very creative field I can build what other people needs and help them stem is hard but true passion for me
@AsNatureIntended13 8 месяцев назад
Can we have a spoiled girlie book club ? I'd love to hear about all the books you recommend. I remember you mentioning "the courage of being disliked" and I want moooore
@ladybre888 9 месяцев назад
😂 it’s market research , I’m glad I found you Elle definitely what the girls need !
@dionanikitenko5348 8 месяцев назад
Well..I was not privileged to pursue art but I did it anyway. Know what? It worked. I’m forever grateful that I didn’t give up and I do get a good income from it after a few years of struggle. Because I simply can’t do anything else in this life you know… BUT. As a matter of prestige I was trying my best to survive in London because…after you finished your education that’s what you do, right? Go and make something out of yourself in a big city… because everybody does. And these years in London were the most troublesome years of my life (like have you heard about housing crisis? You probably did) I did quit London (and Uk in general) and went back to my stupid home country. And it all started - “you’re a quitter, you won’t achieve anything, how could you leave so much opportunity, why did you even graduate….”. But in the end it was a best thing to do because as a freelancer it’s much easier to live and work in cheaper country. Even if it sucks. Even if you feel like a loser initially. But what am I now? A quitter? Yes. A successful one? Also yes. That struggle for prestige just wasn’t worth it for real…
@fatemad4012 8 месяцев назад
Which country are you from?
@dionanikitenko5348 8 месяцев назад
@@fatemad4012 originally from Latva
@blackcat138 9 месяцев назад
You're telling it as it is, sister! That's why I love you. You don't hold back.
@kittenrants 9 месяцев назад
My man earns enough that I can be a stay at home gf. I'm able to practice my dancing, baking and I'm going into volunteering with youth. I feel extremely privileged as I came from a VERY underprivileged drug riddled home. I should add my partner has helped me set up savings so I can have my own independence too.
@chegu613 8 месяцев назад
make sure you get married though, stay at home *girlfriend* is nothing.
@Lelesbratz 8 месяцев назад
@Lelesbratz 8 месяцев назад
I’m a stay at home girlfriend too but I am in nursing school and I’m about to start working as a medication technician part time. It’s always good to have a good back up plan when you don’t come from money. I don’t come from any money so I know I have to have a skill that pays good so I’m never poor again like when I was a child.
@Neoncaffine9915 8 месяцев назад
Thats great, i just am curious as to what happens if you guys chose to break up?
@HandmaidsTaleComingForUsAll 8 месяцев назад
@@Lelesbratz I hope you read this. I’m a medication tech, if you go into the home health market AND work independently (not through an agency) it can be a six figure job.
@twelvexstring 8 месяцев назад
I’m currently working my dream job (chief engineer at a software service) and trying to make time for my other dream on the side (crochet pattern designer/writer). I love the message in this video and reminds me to lower the stakes and just enjoy the process of creating rather than rely on it for financial freedom (which puts so much pressure on me to get it perfect).
@vikki8699 9 месяцев назад
Agreed! If it does not serve, make you glow and feed your happiness, let it go! I'd like to add: If there is career you want to go into, look at the top 5 companies hiring in that field and research how they treat their employees. Do the oay well, do they value their employees or do these companies have unrealistic expectations of their workers, pay bare minimum and have a lolarge turn over of staff? If they do have the latter, stay far away from it! The passion I love doing is currently my hobbie. I love my career however its my second and still fuels my soul. My 1st passion is my hobbie until I am financially secure enough to do it full time without worry :D Excellent video. You may not be able to do it now, but you can do it in the future 🤟
@MK-lm8te 8 месяцев назад
Love this topic because lately anytime I would look up an artist I like I started to notice a pattern when it comes to their background: their parents were upper middle class/wealthy/ had industry connections or something like lawyers, doctors etc and the artists went to private or boarding schools etc. Not that this is anything new (privilege, nepotism) but now it just seems nearly impossible to break into the arts without having that type of background/ cushion first. That foundation absolutely gives them the advantage over those of us who don’t come from a background like that. I also found out the hard way. Obviously an artist is still an artist and can remain creative regardless or without recognition/fame. This also could mean that our kids may end up being the ones on Wikipedia (thanks to us) with our names listed as the parents in blue for providing them with privileges lol😭
@christinaashley1 8 месяцев назад
You are so right about this. Quit my PhD a couple months ago. I’m the happiest I’ve been in years
@rikawrites7104 8 месяцев назад
THIS IS ACTUALLY SO IMPORTANT !! i wanted to do design and was upset, i cried several days after i told my mom that i dont want to do engineering and fast forward 1 year : im doing comp sci from a v good college and im well aware that financial security is on the way :) i still pursue my passion, but now i can do that with more freedom and a sense of security !
@gorgeous1fangirl 9 месяцев назад
Elle we are so similar (but also different lol). I love teaching. I’m an engineer for my 9-5 and it pays well. I went to grad school for it. Last month I decided to pursue tutoring again. I was a private tutor when I was 17 to 22. (I’m 25) I now feel passionate about developing learning tools and teaching strategies for struggling students and I want to make tutoring a side business and maybe even full business later down then line. I’m also passionate about video games and want to continue making videos on my other channel about my video games. Tonight I finally did it and just went ahead and finished editing and published a video after already working 12 hours at the office today…
@haileyt857 8 месяцев назад
May I ask what kind of engineering? I'm thinking of going into the field
@yzma6142 8 месяцев назад
Omg are you me???? This is my exact story.
@erinlee5936 8 месяцев назад
Geez, that is interesting. I used to study that (developing learning tools and teaching strategies) at a Teacher's camp funded by the US Department of State (it's free. They even have MOOCs and everything.). Video games and other mediums could be an interesting or fun learning tool or a method (strategies?) that struggling students could use to help them in their learning journey. There's a lot of experimental and alternative methods done using games, playing, and the arts to engage and aid students in different ways other than the standard, government mandated methods. (Sorry to butt in and go off like that. That's one of my more niche interests and frustrations towards my country's public educational system, who seem to be clinging onto traditional learning methods even if these are ineffective.) Good luck with your future projects and side hustle! I'm excited to see you pursuing your passion.👏👏👏
@Stylefreaksky1 8 месяцев назад
Not everyone who is successful and monetizing off of their passions are privileged though. Most are, for sure but unfortunately I have to disagree with most of what was said here. Everything requires sacrifice and at almost 40 I realize everyone will have to sacrifice for what they want but the stage in life that you choose to make those sacrifices differ. I was a 9-5 girlie DOWN in my younger years up until recently because I craved security only to realize over the last 20 years that those 9-5s aren’t all that secure. The girls who sacrificed their security and knowing what day their check would be deposited when I was in my 20s are now living freely in their passions while I’ve reached a point that the security of a 9-5 was depleting me in more ways than one and now I’m trying to pave a way for myself without of a 9-5. At the end of the day you have to do what you have to do but don’t give up on your dream because you’re not privileged.
@thiacari 8 месяцев назад
It's definitely a combination. I've done work that pays but also takes me towards my long term goal, as well as work that doesn't pay but take me towards my long term goal. I have also been privileged in that my parents have sometimes helped financially/cared for kids/loaned their car. Now at 36 I'm where I want to be, a passion that also makes decent money and can make even more.
@judigemini178 6 месяцев назад
Exactly, this is one video of hers that was a bit disappointing. You can't not follow your dream just because youre not rich & privileged, that's the quickest path to a life of deep regret.
@jamlesstaeshook8703 9 месяцев назад
I really appreciate your views, watching so many hateful contents about women on the internet and just the way they try to define what a woman is supposed to do really bothered me, it's insane the amount of bs alot of both male and female(pickmishias obviously) try to sell to alot of these young people especially women on "traditional values", how they make them feel that a career driven woman will be the unhappinest on earth, when themselves their entire dynamic of traditional values are messed up. Really appreciate your content and love how you have that perfect balance of feminity and independent women touch in your videos
@cristinamarandici32 8 месяцев назад
I wish someone had this conversation with me when I was in high school, I would’ve done much better for myself instead of still struggling in the middle of my 20s. I am now working towards the goals I should’ve set for myself when I was 20. You love you learn smh 🤦‍♀️
@jonesie8377 8 месяцев назад
I had this conversation with my daughter because I wish someone had it with me. I told her yes, you want to love the work you do but also consider the lifestyle you’d like to have. Also gave her the same advice dating. Dating an artist may be fun, but if you want to marry and actually stay home for a while post child you have to consider the future you can have with a potential love interest. It doesn’t mean don’t do those things, but consider your life long term, not just in that moment.
@rosesweetcharlotte 7 месяцев назад
I totally support people pursuing their passions. Dating an artist, on the other hand...
@altheamaeve 8 месяцев назад
Definitely true. The reason I'm pursuing a "difficult" profession, is that it simply is a means to make money. Money that I need to later on pursue my passions anxiety free.
@sudozkar 8 месяцев назад
I am actually privileged enough to pursue my dream job. I am so grateful that my dad worked so hard for us. When I was born he was in eu working for us as a truck driver. He saw his first little baby girl after 2 months of her birth.. And here I am doing my bachelor‘s in Vienna without worrying about money and buying almost everything I need or want.
@xsunlx 8 месяцев назад
I'm forever grateful that I did NOT get into the fashion institute of technology. I truly had no guidance whatsoever and I'm glad that on my own i went hard into researching jobs that suited my skills/personality and i dont know if this is negative but i just wanted a stable job that had benefits and paid well. Is it just here in the US that we are all told to pursue our passion and we must love our careers? I grappled with this lie for so long because that just seems like only the privileged can really "chase their dreams."
@fatemad4012 8 месяцев назад
I think it's mostly for women they thought this men are not like this they persuade jobs that they don't like just for money
@taylardotson8100 7 месяцев назад
This is so true!!!! In the US they say just go to school for what you love without being practical. Poor and middle class people don't have that privilege
@vasssilissk 9 месяцев назад
I want to say thank you smmmm!!! I'm 17 and I'm graduating this year. so many things are happening rn and it's hard to deal with them🥹 ur videos became a part of my routine and now it’s so dear and important to me! thanks for being a good friend and influence in my life💗💗 in this year I wish u and ur channel prosperity and even more recognition!!
@leenaadams6742 8 месяцев назад
omg me too, graduating is not easy i still have so much to figure out, good luck with everything 🫶🏼
@strawbeare 8 месяцев назад
same!! I'm graduating in a few months and I've made the tough decision to wait one year before going to college. I'm so stressed. when I watch my friends make the decision to go to college, I feel stupid.
@zevphe 8 месяцев назад
@@strawbeareyou’re not stupid. I wish I had waited a year before jumping into college, I’m okay now but I think that break would’ve benefitted me. Don’t worry about what others are doing and try your hardest to not compare. You’re still a teenager, you’ve got so much time
@vasssilissk 8 месяцев назад
@@strawbeare the thing is that in the end of the day it's your life, your way. everyone is different, so you don't have to compare yourself to them. also it's just one year, comparing to the length of your life it's not that long, but it can benefit u rn, so it might be very useful. in my situation I've decided what to study 1-1,5 years ago when started learning English (I'm Russian and it's my second language😅) but if i didn't know what I really like, I'd probably do the same as u. really stupid thing is to depend on your friends opinions and decisions.
@strawbeare 8 месяцев назад
@@vasssilissk thx for the advice. sometimes I’m able to not care but other times I care too much. I’ve decided to commit to it though
@erinlee5936 8 месяцев назад
"Sometimes, comparison is the fire that starts a fire under your butt." So true, Elle. Competition (and possibly spite) is what inspires me to do better, despite having limited financial resources. I will always find a way to pursue my passion even if there are challenges.
@christabrazell9556 9 месяцев назад
So grateful for all you’ve taught me and making me see my own value and potential as a women ❤
@menright9921 8 месяцев назад
*a woman (women is plural)
@heyhey439 8 месяцев назад
I've been feeling this a lot lately. I think it was Steve Jobs that said don't follow your passion but do take it along with you. My health is my top priority and my last job was killing me slowly and my pride held onto my title of good employee so hard but that's not what I want to be. Now I make less but I do what gives me life and my spirit is so much more at peace.
@natashakotz2158 8 месяцев назад
best video on your channel! so true. I'm daughter of single working-class mother. and spent my youth to pursue career in architecture. now I`m 29 and I literary can't afford basic needs as I lost job due to the war in Ukraine, and even before it my salary was very low. I do everything from scratch and... I'm exited!
@talkingtochapri 9 месяцев назад
Within 3 months i left architecturing school when i found out about how much interns make, future demand of that job, fresher salary, etc 🤭💀 and i started studying bachelor in business because it was cheaper with more ROI and future opportunities 🤷 i am not addicted to struggle love and struggle life. Not gonna lie i felt like a loser and was depressed but not after seeing all the arch graduate not getting jobs because of less demand and pay is less as well. Your passion comes and go every year, you have to be very strategic.
@talkingtochapri 8 месяцев назад
@@a85922 congratulations ❤️ most fresher jobs only requires bachelor degree. I am in the middle of applying for investment banking and finance summer internships. No matter what career you choose make sure you are working in rich area surrounded with rich men and women. Dating becomes easier and you become what you surround yourself with. Most people in their 20s don't know what they're doing, neither do I 💀 you're not alone.
@Sunshine_Hime 8 месяцев назад
OMG! this is my story too, but I left architecture after 2 years for the same reasons. The low salaries after all that TIME and effort are disheartening. Now I'm pursuing Bussiness and learning about software, in my free time, with my dad who is an Electronic Engineer but mainly works as a Software Engineer. I want to do a Masters after I graduate to combine business and tech. Glad to know I'm not alone😭, I wish you two all the best.
@Honeygrahams 8 месяцев назад
My parent is an extreme realist and had this talk with me at 18, “get the degrees then chase the dream”. It’s hard to tell whether she was right or wrong, because I hate myself for not doing what I loved but now I’m able to start it again with the little financial stability I wouldn’t have had otherwise.
@idunablack2592 9 месяцев назад
Fashion design student here. There are a lot of jobs in fashion other than design that often get overlooked. For example patternmakers, quality control, clothing technicians etc. But at the same time yeah, its tough. Im glad Im in the EU we dont have to take huge student loans like in the US. I dont have any student loans and debts at all. And am very grateful for that But I also do think that Ill find a job that pays the bills. I domt expect to be a billionaire from that, but I dont need to be.
@DC-bp8sx 8 месяцев назад
If you were in the United States you would have 6 figure debts to do any of those jobs and keep in mind, most people buy cheaper clothes from chain stores who buy their clothes from China mainly.
@haileyt857 8 месяцев назад
​@@DC-bp8sxI was thinking, there are others who have "Western European privilege" 😂 I would've loved to just go to school for something in visual art or design and I think to myself "this wouldn't be something I wouldn't have to really think about this intensely, in terms of survival, if I had just been born in the EU" 😭 (Yes, there are poor Europeans and there are multiple countries in Europe I know)
@idunablack2592 8 месяцев назад
@@DC-bp8sx yes, you are absolutely right. I dont know how y'all surviving in the US with the crazy debts. And about fast fashion, yes its a huge issue. But keep in mind that there's a lot of jobs there aswell. Most people think that fashion design os only about dreaming up pretty clothes and running your own label, but even H&M and Zara have their own designer, technicians and a bunch of other people.
@idunablack2592 8 месяцев назад
@@haileyt857 yes. Thats true. We are really lucky and I am very grateful for my circumstances. Although I think you can study in the EU and in some cases its still cheaper than in the US lol. Even though your tuition fees would still be higher. I know my American classmate came to the EU for fashion design, because the US schools would still be more expensive
@12-se6bvyfuyftcv4 8 месяцев назад
@@haileyt857 as someone from Russia i definetly recognize my "Eastern European privelege" to get accepted in the best uni in contry for free, even tho we are not as rich as American people, free education is the key to success there. Studiyng Physics right now, hope it will pay off, lol.
@testdep 8 месяцев назад
Comparison is the light that brings truth.. in my opinion. However, you shouldn't compare the incomparable. Discernment comes with experience and I loove to compare a lot. Comparison doesn't upset me anymore, because I literally gather data and information. What others do and how they do it to get the results that I want. And it all begins with comparing my results to theirs. fun fact: my dysfunctional family members always went ballistic when I compared them with 'normal families'. Since I was a kid they literally tried to install it in my mind not to compare yourself with others, hmm I wonder why?..
@true05angel 6 месяцев назад
I WISH someone had been this honest with me about 20 years ago! By the time I learned this lesson in my early 30s I was deeply in debt,depressed, and Stressed! Then my passion couldn't even bring me joy anymore because I didn't have the financial stability to live a basic life. If you are reading this as a teenager or young adult PLEASE listen to her tips! Rent, car payments, dentist visits, groceries are a necessary part of life and they all require money. ❤❤❤ You deserve success and financial security!
@tahsina.c 8 месяцев назад
The way i see it, if you are looking to earn a lot of money and recognition, especially right away from doing what you love, then don't do it. But if youre okay with having an extra job for a long time, being questioned and given unsolicited advice from morons constantly about what you should _really_ be doing with your life, having a period where you have zero expendable income, but in between that having moments of pure joy, joy that you can get from *nothing* else because you get to do what you love, then go for it. In your heart, you know whats right for you.
@月亮-g5f 4 месяца назад
Was looking for that comment. I feel unalive when I don't pursue my artistic hobbies, even if they take time and money. Just nothing really ever makes me more happy for now. Not the material things at least
@TheLakeWitchWriter 8 месяцев назад
My passion is cats. I love theeem, and I have now four, my grandma's cat is also attached to me emotionally so much, and I love to bond with these cuties.
@BecomingaQueen 8 месяцев назад
So important to pursue our passion indeed. It is our birthright to be able to do so. We should do a little step each day to be able to slowly get there. And the pursuit alone makes us successful 👑🌹
@thandondlovu5392 8 месяцев назад
I love psychology but one of the reasons why I'm studying it is because it opens up a lot of opportunities for potential employment in the future. I am lucky that I have a passion that aligns with Good potential employment but being financially stable is always top priority.
@chelseajknapp 8 месяцев назад
As an older sister who also knows it all and learned the hard way, I'm glad you make it these videos, one, to validate me (lol) and two, my younger sisters watch you and listen to you like gospel 🙏🏻😆
@alaskayoung584 8 месяцев назад
exactly, medicine is one of my passions but I have to secure my bag first so I will be a software engineer first, then go and become a medical doctor with that financial security. wish me luck 🙏❤
@sooyuaa__4005 8 месяцев назад
You can still secure your bag as a doctor, I think, what made you decide to do software engineering instead ?
@Thatgirly777 8 месяцев назад
​​@@sooyuaa__4005i guess med school is too stressful and expensive so that's why she's putting it off for now. Then with her cs job she'll pay med school off easily. And doctors stay in residency for 3-4 years before officially becoming a doctor which doesn't pay well.
@ElliBeenie 6 месяцев назад
Isn’t being a doctor one of the best paying careers? 🤷🏻‍♀️
@s.4581 3 месяца назад
@@ElliBeenie Yep. But it demands you to be full time, no paid, student for years... you got wait a long time till making money. Besides it, it is very very expensive and/or takes many years studyng to get accepty dependind on how it works in your country.
@LindseyObrooke 8 месяцев назад
Ouch. This is me, learned the hard way, too. I wanted to work in film. Got a degree in Literature so I could become a great writer, and in the end I wound up putting myself in a position where I have close to no value. While pursuing film, I worked mostly no to low paying jobs. Mostly no pay. Sometimes I would be the one paying to work there: paying for my transportation to and from Manhattan, etc. Unfortunately (maybe even sort of fortunately because it made me completely reevaluate my life), I wound up getting sick from an autoimmune disease which upended my career even more. Once back on the market, I really had no real experience or value from what I had been doing previously. Busting my a$$ and hitting a wall over and over. Nothing ever working out. I now work as a Sales Support agent. It kills me. I don't make the money I want to be making, but I have a terrible resume and need to work on a lot of things. And this is at the age of 35. Super tough lessons. I think if I heard this video back in the day, I would have disregarded it and imagined you were bitter and trying to make other people miserable/giving bad advice, because I would 10000% make it. Here I am ten years later. Making more than I ever did there, but unable to be in the lifestyle I truly wanted, and have to work for now. I sometimes joke that it should be illegal to be able to get a major in Literature, but...
@rosesweetcharlotte 7 месяцев назад
A degree in literature has its place, just in academia or as an undergrad for a law or business degree.
@OccupationalThpy 4 месяца назад
I’m glad I got a degree that came with licensure in an in demand sector of healthcare. No matter what, I will always have a way to have a decent income. I do hate that I was told to quit taking art classes “because artists don’t make money” because creativity is such a huge component of mental wellbeing. So I totally agree with a middle path of doing both! Get vocational training and keep taking the classes you love, that bring light into your life.
@kristenmoonrise 8 месяцев назад
Yep. I work in higher ed and generally speaking, the students who major in the humanities and arts can afford it while the STEM and business students come from a less-privileged background.
@mitzara25 8 месяцев назад
I cannot express how much this video helped me. Thank you so so much, you are completely right. Im in my phase of waking up and this just shook me like a slap.
@deezed6478 8 месяцев назад
Work 9-5 to support your passion on the side and if you keep going your passion will one day allow you to quit the 9-5. I’ve wanted to be a dancer my whole life but could never afford it. Now I’m using my 9-5 to start a RU-vid channel and hopefully more opportunities will come of it.
@月亮-g5f 4 месяца назад
Wish you success 🙏💫✨
@emmabhictoriadroll3390 8 месяцев назад
i grew up very poor & went to school to get a bachelors in psychology..which ultimately led me to no profitable career prospects. now at 24, i’m doing my prerequisites for nursing. i had to learn the hard way that if i didn’t go back to school for a trade in the medical, finance, or tech field, i would be struggling for the rest of my life either as a server or some shitty social work job. luckily, i live in california, my family lives in cali, & my long term plan is to be a nurse in oregon or california as they can make six figures. i think pursuing your passion for money may have worked even a few decades ago, but now with how expensive everything is, how many people there are, that sort of lifestyle of traveling freely & doing whatever without financial worries is no longer is available to people to lower socioeconomic classes. even the free spirited nomad “hippie” lifestyle where people cosplay as broke & living very minimalistic, it is expensive to travel & most of the time these people either have a rich partner supporting them, selling drugs, or extremely rich parents.
@emerald9963 7 месяцев назад
Gurl. Same. I’m doing pre req too.
@taylardotson8100 7 месяцев назад
OMG I'm 24 and I'm doing my pre reqs for nursing too! I wanted to become a scriptwriter but that wasn't realistic so I had to start over
@emerald9963 7 месяцев назад
I’m 24 too. 🥲
@riotto1802 7 месяцев назад
Scholarships were what got me through tbh. Athletic, Academic, and Community ones. I worked so hard to make sure I would not burden my family, my parents. I'm choosing my passion and my future. I tried to be an aerospace engineer because I thought I wanted that, but I just wanted to create using science as a basis. Then I switched my major to art and made sure to also take as many certification classes outside my field as possible and gain as much skill and information as possible. Manifestelle is right. Dig deep, find the root, and pickup everything you can while you can. And don't let yourself stay in a situation that will bear you no fruit. Because you deserve great things 😎👍🏽💙
@JOYsmr 8 месяцев назад
Im studying a hard science at the moment but have always had zero passion for it... Ive realised lately i actually have a true passion for anthropology/soft science/writing/communications. I am so passionate about improving understanding of autism. It's so criminally overresearched and it's image is truly butched by the hard science fields. Anthropology/social science disciplines could bring so much value to autistic people's lives by helping us to make sense of who we actually are without pathologising. My mission in life is to be an autism anthropologist and hopefully to get myself into a position where I can communicate findings to the world and help other autistic people. I'm developing my own skills by blogging and by trying to find an internship in a communications field currently. I know the value i could bring the world, so perhaps doing a master's in anthropology would be a good financial decision. We'll see! Being autistic is challenging in the workplace because of social skill expectations that are unrealistic for me, so I'm all the more motivated to largely work for myself
@manulina 7 месяцев назад
Thank you! I couldn't agree more, and I keep saying that to my clients that want to pursue their passion and end up struggling SO much.
@Dana-kc7gl 8 месяцев назад
Yes. Look at Taylor swift. Yes she is very talented but she’s also extremely privileged to have wealthy parents that were able to support her career. There are so celebrities that were lucky by chance though. Pamela Anderson didn’t have financial privilege but she had the beauty.
@goddessvibes08 9 месяцев назад
I know i can't afford to study psychology and pivot from my profession. Heaven sent ❤
@carolday3381 8 месяцев назад
Man, the First Lady said some hard truths for me,.. my parents never had any conversation with me about direction of future career and how to train for it. I asked a guidance counselor and got nothing. I had no idea how my friends were choosing colleges and choosing careers. I asked them and they were like my parents,…. And dint share any info. I didnt even know half the interesting things to study for. And here i am middle aged, no specific training to do myself well and i struggle and live in worry and fear. It SUCKS. Talk to your kids about jobs, how to research potential careers and choose a path that will pay well to let them afford the life they want all the way to their senior old days of needing health care assistance. Teach them how to think for their entire life not just for today and certainly have the talks,.. dont ignore them! Don’t assume the school is have those talks. They arent. Cheers, great video.
@tomomo285 8 месяцев назад
If you’re like me and hate engineering/computer science but are a creative, try corporate. i did as many internships as possible as an undergrad fashion design major and now make $83k ~36hrs a week straight out of school as an assistant designer while designing stuff for myself on the side. when i become a senior designer my pay level will likely increase to ~$150k based off my boss’s salaries. You just have to be strategic and think about the long term. Starting my own brand out of college would’ve left me broke and sad
@areyaverma4740 8 месяцев назад
I am a full time artist ..and it pays well ...my family did support me a lot ...art school are definitely expensive...i feel privileged enough to get all of that .... though it requires a lot of dedication and focus
@whenisee2667 8 месяцев назад
How do have enough because I learn that it’s a real struggle to be an artist 😢
@mimsphoria 8 месяцев назад
I believe that there is enough in this universe for everyone to live out their dreams and passions, we all just get to them in different ways :)
@月亮-g5f 4 месяца назад
Amen to that 🙏✨
@Blackdegutt 8 месяцев назад
I love every single video of yours that I've watched and I hope your channel continues to grow. Everything you say here is so spot on and every woman needs to hear it. I grew up watching my mom get screwed over by not having her own savings, her own career and just relying on what turned out to be a narcissist husband. This led me to abandon my "passion" and pursue a practical career instead, and I do not regret it one bit. I am approaching 200k net worth at age 26 and the peace of mind is worth more than anything. Thank you for spreading such smart messages online
@Mackenzietkd526 8 месяцев назад
I'm a professional artist and it is very expensive career to do with earnings that are generally feast or famine... usually famine, lol. I will say in my art loft building 95% of the "happy" artist are retired boomers, so all hope is not lost for your passions just rethink of them as achievable in your retirement years vs your working to survive years. Happy 2024🥂!
@lulococo9700 8 месяцев назад
I struggled for a long time trying to make my shitty exbf give me a soft life, and it wasn't until I got out of my own way and found my current partner that I found someone who wanted to give me the soft life... And I now get to do what I love most, which is being a housespouse while they guarantee us a stable, happy bank account through their kickass job they couldn't pursue without MY support as someone who works in the home for both them and us. Symbiosis can only happen with someone who's vision is aligned with yours; a parasite is NEVER going to be symbiotic with you and your goals.
@Myatheroses 8 месяцев назад
This is the one video I’ll have to agree to disagree. Maybe I’m choosing the struggle life but I would rather pursue my passion and I’m at a point it feels too late to go back so I’m taking the leap into it since nothing else really worked out
@WishingWell3 7 месяцев назад
Same :)
@Phoenix-qv6pf 4 месяца назад
My parents never discouraged me from my passion of art, but at same time, they made few things clear. If I persue my passion, I either enjoy it and miss out lot of opportunities. Or work in it to the point I get the opportunity but the joy behind it is gone. Or, I keep my passion and career separate. Enjoy best of both words. It will take asscracking working but you cannot get both for just price of one. And so, I gave up on my art dream any moved to work my skills in order to secure a good engineering degree. .
@stopthelightskinguilt.3775 8 месяцев назад
Thank you! My mom has been heckling me about how I should have went to school right out of college. We were being evicted, cars being repossessed, times where I didn’t have food, light out you name I’ve been through it. I’m like mom do you really think I would be able to afford school and fcking succeed while in those conditions????? Hell no!
@dezeblogs 8 месяцев назад
I’m so happy I came across this video. I really needed to hear this. I went to school for illustration to work in animation. I sacrificed so much to work in animation just to watch the industry go to shit as soon as I graduated. But to be honest, I saw the horrors of what it actually meant to work in the industry after my internship. I felt so used and like I had been lied to by my school and industry professionals. I dug myself into a financial hole trying to pursue my passions. I moved abroad and I genuinely enjoy my life outside of art more. I won’t give up my passion, but maybe go about it in a different way.
@xaevie5508 9 месяцев назад
Thank you, I really love the nuance in this conversation. I have been following my passion and have been struggling but now starting to see the end of the tunnel the past year. I will say it has been a tough journey for 5 years… finally being high earning, but I don’t recommend others unless they’re willing to struggle for 5 years. If I could redo it, I would have done the easier path because I would have gotten the same result for more peace of mind and less time. Either way what you said iS GOLD.
@mirachan757 9 месяцев назад
what do you do to do high earning and what was the easier path?
@alexiafernandez6871 8 месяцев назад
Yeah same question lol what advice would you give? What was the easier path for you?
@nikkolyn1122 8 месяцев назад
Yesss pleassssse the easier path advice Bestieeeee ❤❤❤
@noneyobiz973 8 месяцев назад
Elle thank you for everything that you do! I’ve spent a lot of time resenting this world and the situations that I was born into because I’m not privileged enough to pursue my passion. I’ve always dreamt of being in fashion or acting but never allowed myself to go after those dreams. Instead I got a degree in finance. I’ve put myself though a lot of hard work and struggle for something that I’ve always known i’m not passionate about but this is the world we live in. It’s become easier to cope as the time goes by but your words were very encouraging to me as I did not make a mistake and I do believe what is meant for you will come to you eventually. We can get that bag and still pursue our passion as a hobby or side gig!
@joujou7063 8 месяцев назад
My passion is fashion designing/stylism so I'm going into a well paying field and THEN I'm gonna do what I love cause otherwise I won't have enough food and I'll just be miserable
@Maria_Svetlana8847 9 месяцев назад
Doing my best to achive my dreams in being a designer much to being greatful my parents got me my own sewing machine and mentorship under my realtives times i feel guilty but i do what i can to achive much to issues in my control or not
@general_enslaver_of_cactii867 8 месяцев назад
My passion was always in acting, performing ect - the problem with that being it was always emphasised to me that my career (and others similar) ended at 30/40, and that life wasn't worth living past that age, society had no place for mature women. ^^' So I panicked and tried to live a lifetime in 10 years, afraid to commit to a career for fear of missing out on experiences, haha, that was silly, I love this advice!
@NormallyImKim 20 дней назад
Thank you Elle, this is a great video. I'm still a teenager and my passion is travelling, food and writing. However, I aim to pursue a computer science and/or business degree for this reason. This video makes me hopeful that I can still pursue my passions on the side and that I am making the right decision.
@FeminineDiary 8 месяцев назад
I will also say, living in the US complicates this situation a little bit because of our wide variety of higher education options. I would definitely recommend people to pursue their passion, but maybe double major or minor in something else as well to boost marketability. Or, if you know if you are going into a traditionally lower-paying field like teaching, go to community college/state school instead of prestigious, private schools. If you want to be a guardian ad litem, go to a cheaper law school than if you are trying to go into politics and need that networking opportunity. I waited to go back to school for my performing art until it was financially viable/am going to a program that is very affordable. There is a middle ground between working a soul-sucking job that you hate vs. throwing all caution to the wind and going into crazy debt for a passion…resourcefulness and thinking outside of the box are *everything*.
@Grace-jb7me 8 месяцев назад
This!!!! Exactly this!!!❤
@no_one12389 8 месяцев назад
You might be right maybe persuing ur passion as ur hobby while working small jobs does make some ppl happy but their are some who are big dreamers and they want to go through every struggle and not make their a "hobby" some ppl just can't be happy with the little things and just by "engaging" with their passions some have their passion as their main goal and what they want to do as a career they want to be someone big and that's what actually makes them happy just bc u can't persue ur passion bc u think u weren't privileged enough doesn't mean others can't do it either there are big dreamer out their who want to be someone big and do something remarkable telling them that they can't for not being privileged enough bc u couldn't and demotivating them is I think absolutely ridiculous some ppl actually want to do something remarkable like being the next naomi, next Taylor Swift or next Einstein ur content is great and all I do agree with it at some point but u shouldn't project ur limiting beliefs on others and demotivate them so anyone who's reading don't feel demotivated u don't have to stay small and just be "happy" and make ur passion a "hobby" anything is possible, privileges can benefit u but that doesn't mean without that u can't get what u want,You are main privilage thats all u need, remember there are extremely successful ppl in ur field who were not given any privilege,there might really low chances but never zero and if u always want to be "market driven" then u would just be in the market and would be able to go beyond the market if u r "market driven" towards ur passion then u were never passionate enough to begin with so u can definitely be want u want to be and persue ur passion if u r passionate enough u have to NOT believe the limiting beliefs of some youtuber and u must not quite
@no_one12389 8 месяцев назад
Ik I yapped too much but y'all need all that yapping bc u can't be demotivated and quite ik u want to be someone big and do something remarkable be someone famous and maybe that's the only that can make u happy and be the overachiever in ur field
@月亮-g5f 4 месяца назад
For some reason your comment resonated with what I thought too. If you are market driven about your passion it wasn't really a passion, more like a strong interest. People who have a passion can not live without it
@no_one12389 4 месяца назад
@@月亮-g5f like yeah I don't want my passion to be just a hobby I want the whole world to recognise me with my passion
@that90skid67 8 месяцев назад
Back in college I was thinking about going into social work and on the very first day the professor said, you’re gonna work 60 hours a week for very little pay so if you can’t deal with that then you should reconsider. I dropped the class that same day lol. Gotta love the honesty
@monse6224 8 месяцев назад
as a kid i dreamed so big wanting to be a lawyer but then when i grew up i realized how expensive law school is and the fact that i screwed up my gpa and it was too late to even be able to get good scholarship money
@slayfaee 8 месяцев назад
Being a lawyer is one of the most stressful, suicide inducing jobs statistically anyway. Even working as a legal assistant for a couple weeks, I saw the attorneys at my office having breakdowns and screaming and throwing shit 🙃
@resblue5388 8 месяцев назад
Coming from a lower-middle class family and choosing to pursue a PhD at an older age; I think about this alot. I know I love what I do but, in the end, shes right. Thankfully, I think I get to enjoy this privilege debt free for now but I am beginning to understand the opportunity cost of being in research and staying at such a low salary.
@Av2918oc 8 месяцев назад
The fact that this channel is not washed with millions of views is beyond me
@Nyuffykah 8 месяцев назад
I feel like we can pursue our passion no matter what. Hunger is a small price to pay seeing your dreams come true, but we have to prioritize. I couldn't travel the world and study. I had to choose and bear the consequences. Look into your heart not your ego and you won't regret a thing. There are alternative ways to live and do things. That first lady in the video with her 3d mind was a pain to listen to. This is how 99% of people will try to talk you out of your dreams and you shouldn't listen to them. Act in silence.
@chicnoir29 8 месяцев назад
Trust me, once you hit thirty, you will think differently or at least most people will.
@Nyuffykah 8 месяцев назад
@@chicnoir29 i am 31 and yes, it didn't get easier to not feel despair but once you loose that spark you are as good as dead.
@DylanJuza 8 месяцев назад
2:35 dude as an autistic woman…I really wish mg parents had this conversation with me, told me how much I could make with different careers they knew I was interested in by googling it together. Instead it was always “do you want passion or money?” And they never really stepped in to guide beyond that, unless it was criticism for the choice, but never productive criticism either. It doesn’t help that they weren’t aware how of much cost of living and income would exacerbate in our life time. My parents also aren’t big savers, more like big spenders and always associated money with luxury not survival so it was passion and survive or money, luxury, and less passion. Not much beyond that. It did not help that I had a step mom who cherry picked what she thought were my limits ie that I’ll never live on my own, and pushed me beyond my limits ie “when you were 18 you were adult enough to know that even if we said we would pay your student loans they’re still in your name.” My parents caring about my well being seemed like a lot to ask for from them.
@nikkolyn1122 8 месяцев назад
Same. Meh
@taylardotson8100 7 месяцев назад
You're stepmother is horrible, I'm sorry to hear that. My parents are the same, they don't know how to save money at all
@SriVenus-r9e 8 месяцев назад
The motivation video I needed! Thank you, bestie please post more videos of healthy masculine so we get used to their existence. It would really help ❤
@LuvMaude 9 месяцев назад
There’s always something to learn from your videos ❤️
@healthybodyhealthymind7756 8 месяцев назад
you are always spot-on. Education is so expensive in the US and not worth it for most people. Plus you can learn so much online for much cheaper or even for free. College education is overrated.
@KathleenFulton-u1x 5 месяцев назад
My parents were useless. I had to go to Community College and became a dental hygienist. I don't like it, but it pays well and I can pay my bills. I worked and saved before I went to school, so I had no school loans.
@aleahl4765 8 месяцев назад
I saw this video and I’m not gonna lie… I got kinda worried about what that title meant. I was like, “That’s not me!” By the end of the video I had to rewatch because I realized I had to learn this lesson the hard way this year, but I never connected it to this. Realizing I wasn’t financially able to afford medical school and would need to take gap years to work on the research parts of my application crushed me. As someone who has always believed I would go straight through… after many tears and tough conversations (like the one in this video!) I realized I needed to accept my wants and need and focus on myself. For my health and my future … thank you for this video as always, I can’t wait to see more like this ❤ fyi: I’m the big sister, and no one had this conversation with me before in my life!
очень грустно 😭
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