
Douglas Murray - The people and the elites 

Brandon Van Dyck
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1 окт 2024




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@danieloshodi8997 5 лет назад
Isn’t it refreshing to hear a conversation/debate about a “political taboo” topic like immigration? Over an hour and not one person shouting racist or claiming some emotional injury or the other.
@gerald1011 6 лет назад
The vast majority of European population never wanted themselves replaced with foreigners. Nevertheless this is happening. The question is why?
@lewisner 6 лет назад
Eastern Europeans flocked to the UK when they got the chance because our average wage is typically four times what it would be back home. But that left their home countries depopulated mainly by young fit people and of course ripe for mass immigration from even poorer or wartorn middle eastern countries. They don't like their home countries being radically changed in this way but as the American saying goes "what goes around comes around".
@Lobsterwithinternet 6 лет назад
Simple. To debase the high wages in Europe by importing people who will work for less so as to make companies more money.
@sagirashraf2790 6 лет назад
Jerry FromUSA vast majority of natives in north America never wanted to be wiped out by white European hordes but guess what they were wiped out guess who's terrorist😂😂😂😂😂😂
@jamesstuartbrice420 5 лет назад
@@sagirashraf2790Well, I would say that the natives in North America were not wiped out by hordes of White Europeans. A lot of the population was decimated by diseases that were brought by the early explorers, and were not intentional made victims. The native Americans fought for centuries against each other and sometimes wiped out other tribes or tortured them with horrible methods. Diseases were brought by Asians to Europe and wiped out a third of the population in the Middle Ages. No one accuses them of genocide. The Muslims overwhelmed the Eastern Roman Empire in Asia Minor and Islamized the country. That was not accidental. They did it on purpose over centuries of attacks. India was conquered and cruelly ruled by Islam for centuries as well.
@guidad542 5 лет назад
@@Lobsterwithinternet Exactly! As a bonus, they managed to get an amorphous mass of people stripped of any identity (soon will be a mestizo country with no hope of re-establishing a sense of community) that worships the contemporary consumerist culture. I usually never read into conspiracy theories, but it is hard not to believe that this was planned to some extent
@abbamanic 6 лет назад
The 'British People'? Since 1947 and especially 2004 there is no longer a British people. It's a cess pit of job-seekers. Millions of bangladeshis, east europeans, indians, and those infamous European intergrationists, the pakistanis/east of Cario muslims, who have made such an eplosive - literaly and emotionally- impact on eu shores the past 75 years...hasn't this worked out really well...
@EvenStarLoveAnanda 6 лет назад
You don't want tolerant people. You want intolerant people when it comes to the Governments and the Corporate interference in our lives. Tolerant means docile in this case.
@EvenStarLoveAnanda 6 лет назад
Yes that is why the Governments and the Corporations want docile and stupid people so they can take advantage of them. There is an epidemic of stupidity and useless conformity to evil authorities.
@mxgonzo 5 лет назад
@@EvenStarLoveAnanda Which is why most Americans are so reluctant to give up their guns. By vote or bullet we will not be controlled by a few corrupt elites.
@EvenStarLoveAnanda 5 лет назад
@@mxgonzo But you are already controlled. They have pulled a fast one on you decades ago. And you didn't even notice that they are controlling you. I can assure you that your mind is NOT your own. You are controlled in thousands of ways. All these false flag events are designed to take away ALL your rights.
@Spongebob0911 6 лет назад
"Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." (declaration of independence) ... best line i have ever read and kept in mind...and this line goes for each nation...politicians should read it now and then, just as a reminder where the real power lies ...
@Kurtlane 6 лет назад
When the rulers begin telling the people , "Screw you!" the people rise up. It seems some rulers have forgotten it and need reminding.
@Converted2truth 6 лет назад
What ever can European population be occupying themselves with while their countries are being taken over by what ever non elected people are deciding for them?
@shadowartist8892 6 лет назад
the wicked flee where none pursue. its called a guilty conscience.
@georgeengland8633 6 лет назад
All the richest countries in Europe have small population,s
@christophermorrison8632 6 лет назад
I agree with these observations. The 'man on the Clapham Omnibus' is not a rioter, nor is he a bigot, a thug, and still less is he a fool. He doesn't ask for much and will forgive a lot provided he is shown respect and is treated with the value he deserves. He has now however been ignored, exploited, patronised and derided more or less to the limit of his forgiveness and the political elite really is on borrowed time if it doesn't acknowledge his clear misgivings about recent events.
@maisiecarruthers695 6 лет назад
True that image a couple of million British or westerners saying Ramadan was insulting while living in Iran or somewhere and it stopping like they stop Christmas been called Christmas at some schools in Britain because someone from the Muslim brotherhood has complained were not allowed to be white British Christians anymore in case someone from another culture is insulted and if we complain were labeled
@johncee1481 6 лет назад
Considering how the population in Europe has grown post WW2 as he says do we really need to grow or even maintain the same levels, automation & AI could create millions of unemployed over the next 20 years, is it not better to maintain our current quality of life rather than quantity & purchasing power ? We already have enough low waged service sector workers, we don `t need any more kebab & pizza cafeterias, key & shoe repair shops, flower shops etc....just a thought.
@maracohen5930 5 лет назад
The Brits sound like the "Silent Majority" of the US...
@dunner079 6 лет назад
But Douglas, dont you see its all by design.
@milliewray 6 лет назад
We're 3 missing meals away from anarchy & they know this
@chasleask8533 5 лет назад
I think you mean 'anomie' - no order . Anarchy means 'no leaders' I'm all for that.
@lotstolearn5350 5 лет назад
There's a quote somewhere about society being nine missed meals away from (food riots and) the civic strife that will lead to martial law.
@insanityrulestheday 6 лет назад
Why were western women not having the amount of children to maintain a stable birthrate in the UK. It's bleeding obvious, because the Greedy Tories amongst us not only made it impossible for a working man to sustain a family home off of one wage which had been traditional prior to Thatcher waging an economic war on the striking Miners in 1984 and destroying the workers right to strike for better pay and conditions. But, in deliberately encouraging the break up of the family home and rewarding single parent households with numerous welfare benefits, meant that women like myself who were rushed into the Tory youth training schemes straight from school for minimum wage only, were robbed in Thatchers introduction of high poll and council taxation of what little money I was earning to pay for these single parent freeloaders who had never worked and expected to be kept for Free by an ever expanding welfare state. You don't need to be Einstein to work out that if a woman is out working and being robbed of what little money she is earning, she's not going to be able to afford to have a social life, let alone a family life, unlike the single parents Freeloaders. After all, we're all supposed to be equal, but some are obviously more equal than others. Why should a woman out working only have a minimum wage of £5.00 an hour to live off of, while society enables a single parent Freeloader to live off of up to £50,000 a year in social welfare handouts for not working.
@spring-heeledjack3340 6 лет назад
You know its Labour, not the Tories, that favour welfare policies.
@insanityrulestheday 6 лет назад
Only in theory, for during the 1980s and 90s, until New Labour succeeded 18 years of Tory government in 1997, the reality under Thatchers Tory government during the 1980s was an increase in single parent households, who were dependent on welfare state handouts. New Labour(not Labour) under Tony Blair continued Thatcher's Tory agenda(after all his father was chairman of the Durham Conservative Association), then he switched party politics and joined the New Labour party in his 70s when his son became Leader. The rest under Tony(Tory) Blair, is history.
@insanityrulestheday 6 лет назад
You're the one whose lying to yourself. The statistics are on the internet if you can be bothered to research them. Single parent families increased from 12 percent in 1979 to 21 percent in 1992, the biggest increase was in single mothers who had never been married. In addition, child benefits which were raised largely in line with inflation to 1979, but under Thatchers Conservative government, several above-inflation increases were implemented. This is the same hypocrite who famously stated that "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money", only to then do exactly that with hard working poorly paid people like myself out working for minimum wage only(no child benefits or working tax credits) and paying the personal poll and council taxes she introduced, and subsidising the ever expanding Freeloaders welfare state kitty she helped create. In the words of Peter Sellers, Thatcher was a MONSTER and a MONSTER in that ORDER. May she ROT IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY.
@insanityrulestheday 6 лет назад
That's something you should be asking yourself, but as the saying goes, the truth always hurts. Or in the words of Abraham Lincoln, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time".
@wade2bosh 6 лет назад
lefty women should oppose single motherhood so that working moms that are married get maternity pay etc but dont
@gosiajakubowska-chaaban7548 4 года назад
Good point about the lack of support for women who want to have children - there is a financial support but morally western women who have more children and are not in full employment are not really respected. You always feel guilty until you work full time no matter how much you contribute bringing up children who will be future contributors, too. That's my experience at least.
@gosiajakubowska-chaaban7548 4 года назад
Polish public largely support the government, so its not the case that the government stampedes to the right and the public to the left. There is a strong, so called total opposition with a visceral hate for the ruling party or for anyone who has a different opinion for that matter, but they are certainly not a majority, as can be seen in election results.
@whiterhino414 4 года назад
subscribed i like your channel but could you please add subs cause its difficult to understand sometimes thank you
@jam6718 2 года назад
I thought fear was being promoted....
@bruceruttan60 6 лет назад
not a retraction (3:00) a contraction.
@Swisstriplet 3 года назад
So after all that in the last minute of this clip he sums it up ,it is being done on purpose.
@NinjaKittyBonks 5 лет назад
@17:57 Douglas brings up what I have heard him say many times and shocks me on each one. The point being..... don't wait until it is too late to fix a problem, before you accept that we should consider them before hand.
@fenderblues1744 5 лет назад
Everyone should see this: { URGENT MESSAGE To All British People } :Copy and past into youtube Search.
@PaulJones-oj4kr 5 лет назад
The underlying issue is that, whatever else, people live out different levels of development, something that is indisputably set forth, going on, now, for a long, long time, the Kohlberg/Gilligan scale of moral development, being only one of more than 50 other developmental lines, as summarized, for example, by Ken Wilber. Each level is like a different world outlook, "zeitgeist," and different self sense. Piaget's work was just one piece of research that reaffirms this latter point. Jane Loevinger is another. Problem is only a tiny world proportion of people have attained a development that, alone, is able to embrace deeply other people coming from junior developmental stages.
@gwinnet3142 6 лет назад
@AlekseyGerber 5 лет назад
Love to watch Douglas Murray, always reasonable and on point.
@gerberjoanne266 5 лет назад
There's "the Arab street," and there's the "man in the bar" for Germany (starting at 3:18). In the the US it's "the man in the street." I wonder if there are similar expressions elsewhere.
@joeybarnes01 4 года назад
Douglas, where can I sign the poll?
@catsaresocute650 3 года назад
Well to be honest maybe they should be scared of the public, at least they should be scared of what they done and what others have done.
@catsaresocute650 3 года назад
Yes, it's not a thoght desies, but it is not just being scared of something and that's going to be rather hard to adress
@catsaresocute650 3 года назад
Yeah it's like the housing boubble
@mbrenner3629 4 года назад
Keep on telling the truth Douglas!
@PS4sos21 6 лет назад
This guy is forever making money off of other people's work.
@fatetestarossa2774 6 лет назад
@PS4sos21 6 лет назад
Calling me a libtard shows everyone how dumb you are... Keyboard tough guy.
@richardouvrier3078 6 лет назад
The German in the bar is a nice guy.
@johnmackey6523 5 лет назад
Until he has a drink.
@JamaicanToast 6 лет назад
This guy ain't that clever
@ragean7037 6 лет назад
none of us are
@abigailslade3824 5 лет назад
He really is
@TheDavidlloydjones 5 лет назад
Murray seems to me a moderately bright lad who is making a living through one of the oldest cheats in the business, creating a straw man and attacking it. The "main stream parties" he attacks are indeed horrible. Fortunately they don't exist. They are constructed by his imagination. The premises from which he makes his attack are largely sound. Mobs are ugly and dangerous. Misidentifying groups is bad. Violence is bad. Etc. Etc. The reason he can make a living out of his racket is that he is attacking from, i.e. defending, premises we pretty much all agree with. The reason he's a cheat and a crank is, the target he has conjured up is false.
@guidad542 5 лет назад
I partly agree that it is always the nebulous "main stream parties" and the "elites" waiting just around the corner, BUT I think he also adressed this fact (ie. those things don't have substance but they are based on something that is real). And yes, he does regularly regurgitate the same clichés (though I think this is more about protecting himself). That being said, its hard to believe that the things we are experienced weren't somewhat planned in advance. Maybe not as perfectly orchestrated as some people claim, but the situatuon is far tok disastrous to be dismissed as coincidental.
@jamiekloer6534 5 лет назад
It’s not about having elites. It’s about them not letting us talk. Just acting like we don’t know what’s best for us.
@JamaicanToast 6 лет назад
He just whinges constantly!! His book his interviews his whole stance is just whinging and negativity
@madfrankie-p9q 6 лет назад
not much critical thinking there old son.
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