
Empire Salon | John Lander 

Committee for the Republic
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For 160 years after ratification of the Constitution, the United States stood aloof from defense treaties following President George Washington’s Farewell Address: “The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible.” Then Secretary of State and future President John Quincy Adams amplified the Farewell Address in his July 4, 1821, address to Congress: We do not race abroad in search of monsters to destroy; and, while we smile on freedom and independence everywhere, we fight only to maintain our own. Otherwise, the thinker will bow to the armored knight-liberty to domination by force of arms.
The United States first broke ranks from the foreign policy of Washington and Quincy Adams in 1949 with NATO. The 1951 United States Security Treaty with Australia and New Zealand soon followed. Both departures from the nation’s longstanding foreign policy -- that had brought the United States to the summit of prosperity and security -- were ill-conceived. The Soviet Union and China were no existential threats to us. We were to them.
Our military establishment, like all others, magnified foreign danger manifold to justify military spending and public salutes to the armored knight. The 1951 ANZUS Security Treaty was followed by the United States overthrow of Iran’s popular Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, a CIA sponsored coup in Guatemala, the domino theory to support the French in Vietnam, and the 1955 Taiwan Defense Treaty. Sober second thoughts occasioned President Jimmy Carter’s exit from the latter in 1979. Experience has discredited the domino theory and the follies of the 1953 and 1954 coups in Iran and Guatemala. The raison d’etre of NATO, if there ever was one, ended with the Soviet Union’s dissolution. New Zealand abandoned the ANZUS Treaty in 1986. The United States should follow suit and return to the time-honored foreign policy of Washington and Quincy Adams with a congressional statute that terminates the treaty (as was done in 1798 to terminate a defense treaty with France antedating the Constitution). Instead, President Biden is provoking China by joining Britain in equipping Australia with nuclear submarines and expanding United States military bases there.
John Lander, a retired Australian ambassador, will present the Australian minority view that discerns no military threat from China and opposes the bought and paid for Australian establishment that is welcoming the United States with open arms. Mr Lander contributed directly to recognition of the PRC and establishment of diplomatic relations in 1972. He served as Deputy Ambassador in Beijing 1974-76 (providing practical support to the US Liaison Office under George Bush senior). Director of the China Section of the Department of Foreign Affairs on three separate occasions, he personally negotiated Consular relations between Australia and China. Apart from a stint as Australia’s first Ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Iran (1985-88), the better part of his 30-year career was devoted to relations with China. He has become increasingly alarmed at the rapid deterioration in those relations in recent years, particularly when it is couched in the notion that war against China is “inevitable”.
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5 окт 2024




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@johnbodman4504 Год назад
I was born on the sixth of August 1943, which was two years to the day that the US dropped its first nuke on Japan. When I was old enough, I took an interest in US wars and as an Australian I have watched US atrocities since the Korean war in 1950, in which Australia played its part, as an illegal aggressor. Since then Australia has fought in nearly every illegal war that America has started. It seems that Australian politicians do not have the guts to say no to America and its wars. It will mean the end of my country if we fight an American proxy war against China. My only hope is that Russia will make such fools of the US in Ukraine, that other countries refuse to follow the US, in a war against China.
@janinasimons8533 Год назад
@John Bodman, I am Ukrainian whose parents came here as displaced peoples in 1947-9 and I lived though my classmates die for USA lies in Vietnam, I watched as the vet were treated like shite, etc. I also took and interest in USA and it is the most corrupt if not demonic entity on this plant. There exceptionalism is beyond me.. As on of the US speaker talked and cried about how China fooled USA..BS USA thought they could use Asia as did OZ, NZ, etc. And they did use China and other Asian, and now they cant anymore, they cry. I hope More people and more countries say NO. and if Australia gov dont tell USA to go shove it We will be facing all the Asian countries that are against USA. As USA will not help Australia,, We have only just paid off our Debt to USA for ww2, why ? because they landed their planes in Darwin, we had to pay for the privlege and it will happen again and we will be truly cooked.
@johnbodman4504 Год назад
@@janinasimons8533 All the other countries in the world, know that the US prepared for and started the Ukraine war. Most countries are against backing the US but Europe and Australia and some others are backing the US in its aim to weaken Russia by extending this one sided proxy war. This war was made possible by using American money to bribe the people most able to stage a coup, which led to a change of government, this government is illegal, because it was not voted in and it only represents certain groups, certainly not the millions of ethnic Russians living in Ukraine. All countries have their own intelligence services, so they all know the truth of what has happened and know that America is lying as usual. The European countries don't want the war, or at least the people don't, the politicians have either been bribed or threatened and are too gutless to say no to this evil US regime. This also applies to Australia, we are one of the worst when it comes to crawling to the yanks. The Ukraine war is only a warm up, to prepare all the American puppets, for the main event, which is a proxy war against China. The plan is for Japan, Australia, Taiwan, South Korea and New Zealand to attack China, while America builds a large base in Australia and sells arms to its proxies. America will not fight China, as it did not fight Russia. Our politicians are too gutless to say no to America, so it will be up to every Australian citizen to put a stop to it. By the time that this happens, everybody will know how badly the American regime treated Europe, we have already seen them blow up the fuel pipeline, from Russia to Europe. There will be many more such examples before Russia mops everything up. The Australians that know what is going on, must tell as many people as possible, so that we can organize resistance to a war that would destroy us. Street demonstrations in all the cities would be necessary, the demonstrations would have to be repeated, because one demonstration per city is not enough, they would have to be ongoing.
@robertthomas3777 Год назад
I’m very much in agreement, but in the event of a provoked worse case scenario, we lack the capacity to defend ourselves. How do we address the current defence shortcomings?
@johnbodman4504 Год назад
@@robertthomas3777 We can not defend ourselves, from relatively small countries, however Australia will be fine if we do not antagonize China. China is a trading country, they hate war, but if we send our few warships into their waters with an aggressive posture, I am sure that they will react in kind. It may be up to the Australian people to rein in our cowardly politicians who don't have the guts to say no to the yanks.
@Time4Peace Год назад
It will be a protracted Ukraine war to stress Russia out. The Taiwan war will be swifter but the aftermath (if it does not morph into a nuclear one) will be very difficult. Taiwan is likely destroyed and China seriously damaged by US purchased deadly weapons. As China has pledged no-first use of nuclear weapons, US will keep it that way but leverage on sanction against China. The global trade will be much affected too.
@ar30w3b33 Год назад
Great discussion! John Lander's message to Americans is very different from the usual message Australia sends to America. Usually, Australia tells America: "Please protect us from dangerous Asia." John Lander is saying: "Australia doesn't need protection - it's Anglo-American imperialism that is the threat." Interestingly, although New Zealand is also in ANZUS, it doesn't act like it's afraid of Asia, and is happy to be more independent (at least until Jacinda Ardern).
@luosuo9929 Год назад
Unfortunately JA has resigned. Some rumors say it was due to personal safety threats from CIA... Will have to see if NZ foreign policies will change direction. Hope not.
@tweedy4sg Год назад
@@luosuo9929 JA's resignation is viewed by most in Asia as a regime change ops.
@luosuo9929 Год назад
@@tweedy4sg And it most likely is
@accountantthe3394 Год назад
Great interview Robbie! Glad to see you mentioned by the Schiller Institute @43:43! The bit on "state capture" (of Australia) was eye-opening.
@justiceforall101 Год назад
I really enjoyed your discussion. We live in very dangerous times purely because of the USA. I hope that Australia won't be stupid enough to become its plaything like Ukraine has in a real conflict. It will be the destruction of this country.
@robertthomas3777 Год назад
Well said. We are already in decline given the state of our politics, social welfare and industrial erosion.
@genilag4679 Год назад
Stupid enough to support Ukraine Nazis, Australia stupid enough for anything else. 😥
@kimmeelee9758 Год назад
Thank you. This was a very insightful, enlightening, and alarming discussion. All speakers seem to be brilliant intellectuals and insiders. Retired Australian ambassador John Lander was exceptional. I totally agree with nearly all of the info and points of view presented. This was a very comprehensive discussion US-China-Australia relations, politics/geopolitics, danger of another war and much much more. This is a must-watch for anyone worried about a potential World War 3. Very sad that this content is the minority view. Many more eyeballs need to watch this.🙏
@morganesmorkle7544 Год назад
So true, so pragmatic, so undeniable... so obvious! yet power will deny it. Trapped in so called friendship obligations, blinded by its arrogance or interests. Viva la revolucion : )
@kstephenson9465 Год назад
Thank you John, this is so illuminating as well as tragic from an Aussie perspective, we have definitely ceded our sovereignty to US of late, it’s so pathetic to go to war with our largest customer is just insane!
@accountantthe3394 Год назад
Good man Mr. John Lander, very brilliant! Discovered his talk on US' "state capture" of Australia via Australian Citizens Party here on youtube, very enlightening stuff. Thank you for hosting him! Edit: And here it is! Mentioned at @43:45 by the Schiller institute! 👍
@CarpsterKing Год назад
Sun Tzu Art of War strategy ..when your adversaries are making mistakes do not interfere but let them continue to make more mistakes.... when you are an enemy of the US it is dangerous but if you are a friend it is fatal ... US has no permanent friends or enemies but only its self interest....Henry Kissinger...
@benjaminmitchell5345 Год назад
America restore themselves absolutely but not at the expense of every other country
@greghunter5703 Год назад
Thank you, synonyms body as per normal. You do such a great job it’s just amazing that so many people do not know the information contained in this video and it’s also very sad. I think Australia is being used in this manner. It’s a really serious situation but I can see that, but nothing we can do about it I would suggest
@ar30w3b33 Год назад
We can do something, which is counter the China threat narrative. China is not a threat to Australia, and we should share that view with friends and family who are consuming the media and just assume it's true.
@tommos1 Год назад
Spitting some goddamn truth.
@carlohernandez3941 Год назад
Excellent discussion, thank you.
@chipsnmydip Год назад
It seems that newly remilitarized Japan is probably going to be the tip of the spear against China, and likely Aus will be No 2, with perhaps the Philippines in tow.
@dimitrikatsimberis7690 Год назад
Brilliantly explained
@robertthomas3777 Год назад
Brilliant. This should be compulsory listening for Y10 to Uni students studying history, economics …etc. Mr. Lander - articulate, knowledgeable, wise and informative. Many thanks. Maybe we should have compulsory national service alike Israel, Singapore, Scandinavia … etc. ‘Si vis pacem, para bellum. ' Russia and China being autarchies don’t need the WEF, USA …etc. The plutocrats in the US and here are the issue. Social and wealth inequity are gathering momentum. 🦘🇦🇺👍👏👏👏
@Time4Peace Год назад
I like the idea raised that US should collaborate with China in infrastructures building of the world. That will of course help Chinese companies but also American companies too. At the same time, the receiving countries benefit hugely, increasing the economic pie for all. In this situation, US rides on China's rise. US can play a greater role in finance and technology in the infrastructure building, thus keeping its financial and technology hegemony. If decoupling or containment of China is used as the strategy, US is forcing China to innovate and use alternative financial systems, weakening US in the process.
@benjaminmitchell5345 Год назад
Americas' diminishing bootprint on South east Asia can only be welcomed.
@gac7077 Год назад
Just been told that this interview has been "taken down" in Australia.... Blocked
@ClassicalRenaissance Год назад
No, I can get it. I'm in Australia
@gac7077 Год назад
@@ClassicalRenaissance That's good. Some cannot get though.
@kevinsowrey2148 Год назад
I got it recommended by Aust citizens party and provided link.I am in Southern NSW/Victorian. border.
@gac7077 Год назад
John Landers always comes across as knowing what he talks about, unfortunately common sense is in short supply by current, and past politicians. The paradox "Australia going to war with China, to protect our trade with China". What a circus.
@paulgeorge1144 Год назад
Is John Lander's speech available as a text file?
@crazycalves1 Год назад
It's Much More Than What They are Saying . SAtan Is running the whole Show
@Time4Peace Год назад
This trade deficit US has with China is hugely contributed by the ability of US to print USD freely and procure raw materials and products. Why manufacture when you could easily exchange USD for the service. This trade imbalance is reflected in China's huge holding of treasury bills. Of course this holding is becoming a liability to China with the prospect of sanction.
@ryanmilton2643 Год назад
Australia is like an extension of NATO into the Asian sphere
@ml8617 Год назад
The UST market is completely broken with front end of curve inverted against the long end. 6 month UST is yielding higher than 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, and 30 year UST. The 1 month UST yield has increased a whopping 106x since a year ago. The dumping of Treasuries is mind bending. Also as reported in Bloomberg, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the department will begin taking special accounting maneuvers on Jan. 19 to avoid breaching the US debt limit. It sounds like they will create a shadow book to hide the sterilisation of all the dumped Treasuries so it doesn't appear on the Official Fed's balance sheet. If it ever came down to it, the PBOC just needs to declare the amount of actual gold reserves it has. This will be price appreciative of physical gold in SGE leaving the Dollar stone dead.
@johnsmith1474 Год назад
What is it with Committee for the Republic that none of their people can find a 15 year old to check the lighting in their videos and tell them just how absolutely awful it is?
@crispycritter9163 Год назад
Personally , the screen could be black , it is the Ideas that matter. My peeve is the Audio , another job for a 15 yr. old.
@robertlangford5732 Год назад
You gotta dump Biden (Nimrod)
@carlaweerts9090 Год назад
Are you kidding
@robertlangford5732 Год назад
Get the manufacturing back to the USA...it will be cheaper
@janinasimons8533 Год назад
@Robert Langford, REALLY, it would be good for economic, but Americans are too exceptional to do 'dirty' work, they wont even work in the orchard or on farms USA is toast you cant teach you people how exceptional they are and then expect them to work in blue collar jobs for the same pay as in China. whoopsie
@CarpsterKing Год назад
Yes USA will be farked by its high wages and inefficiency ....
@TimsonDK Год назад
Did China not invade Tibet? To claim they never invaded anyone is an overreach.. i get the point, china has invaded fewer than the US but it's disengenous to paint them as pacifists
@Mennion3 Год назад
Look at the map of Qing Dynasty. Tibet is part of it.
@CarpsterKing Год назад
Who told you that China under CCP invaded Tibet.... Tibet was part of China during the Qing Dynasty and after WW2 China liberated Tibet which was under the slave owners and the Dalai Lama ....Dalai Lama was a stooge of the CIA and was paid by the CIA...which country has 800 military bases around the world and which country 's has the largest defense budget of 870 billions dollars...the next 12 countries with a combined defense military budget cannot even come close to the defense military budget of the USA....go figure out yourself...
@chipsnmydip Год назад
@@Mennion3 That's right, Tibet was under official Chinese rule 56 years before the United States was formed. In 1950 Tibet's feudal system was abolished and the landowning lamas didn't like that.
@kevinsowrey2148 Год назад
Yes I noticed that and Tibet was invaded ,a war fought and people treated as second class citizens at best and having huge amounts of Chinese move in. India has its border skirmishes with China and two wars I think and still having skirmishes today. Tiahnamen square atrocities and Hong Kong debacles still rankle with many fair minded folk.
@chipsnmydip Год назад
@@kevinsowrey2148 The people in Tibet were literal slaves in a feudal system, the lamas owned all the land, and were fine with the PRC control until they had to give up that land because at first they thought it was business as usual as a protectorship. HK was a dictatorship colony with no rights under UK rule. Chiang Kai Shek was a dictator who ruthlessly purged the island with the White Terror and repressed indigenous people. Tiananmen Square was a US supported color revolution attempt that killed dozens of policemen and destroyed troop carriers as well protestors, and there are no actual photos in western media. Read a history book with a higher than 6th grade reading level. The Newsweek/CNN narrative is backwards.
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