
Escaping Jehovah's Witnesses Control: Thought Control 

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Brandy Schmiedel and Hannah Adkins discuss the "BITE model" out of Steven Hassan book "Combating Cult Mind Control." We talk about the way Jehovah's Witnesses organization uses Thought Control.
For resources and to contact Hannah Adkins



30 янв 2023




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@sandyhowell5139 Год назад
A “numb greyness” is definitely an accurate description of how it feels to be a “good” witness. Which is why I think the percentage of witnesses diagnosed with depression is so high. But even that is discounted by elders as a bi product of “living in the last days” when it reality it’s most likely a result of the mind control. Good conversation for anyone in a controlled environment to think through.
@kayb6803 Год назад
also the product of living a deeply unfulfilling life.
@birdlynn417 Год назад
No kidding. Like they looked and acted like robots. When I visited a few times, the women looked ill, and that worried me. I thought why would people want to even come here unless one has given up on oneself and life and you want to depend on this cult to do your thinking and fake sense of belonging.
@laymanphil8513 Год назад
Thank you for your videos it helps us after a long sleep to exercise our analytical skills. When we woke up from the formatting of the Watchtower, I realized that I had lost my critical thinking reflexes. Little by little I find them.
@AlyH89 Год назад
This is a great conversation! I brought up some of my concerns and doubts to my mom and she pulled the “where would you go?” “Do you think Catholics have it right?” It kills me that she’s so brainwashed she won’t even listen to me and there’s no point in even trying to defend myself because she won’t hear it.
@victorianas.9169 Год назад
I just want to say how refreshing it is to find your channel. Ladies that have an open discussion of what a lot of us were raised in and trying to understand everything. Makes me feel less crazy and like we have an unspoken bond. Thank you.
@KYRA_FX Год назад
So true. Especially because we were told to be timid, quiet, obedient
@Goonapachamoothoo Год назад
Your mother is right ,where will you go ? Only Jehovah whits worship Jehovah God and follow Jessus prescription to make known the name of the true God and true preaching about our hope to live in a paradise on earth ;about eternal life etc etc do you know exactly what is God promises : heaven or paradise on earth ? Hell or eternal life? Jehovah whits answer all that with the bible.
@mrgordy1980 Год назад
Very interesting conversation with two levelheaded, balanced individuals. Members also have a religious elitism and it’s not only toward nonbelievers, it’s also rife within. Pitting members against each other based on the level of your activity within the congregation. Pioneers verses publishers. I’ve seen it all
@laymanphil8513 Год назад
Who would believe that leaving a human organization would be the same as leaving Jehovah? Is it impossible to have a relationship with God outside of a human organization? What would that actually mean. Are we a slave to a human society that has taken the Name of God hostage?
@Nica-Ra-Wata Год назад
GOMER OZ and DANDAR is g.o.d in freemasonry Zeus is jesus or iesus Zeus is Sun Israel is ISIS AMUNRA ELOHIM All symbolic Egyptians wrote the bible or helios byblos or codex inscryptus and India Brahma is abraham Abrir is to open the penial gland or 3rd eye...DMT poped eye or popeye Abrir is to open in latin and Spanish Abra ca da bra A,B,C,D April is open the year up You pay taxes in April
@Goonapachamoothoo Год назад
You are slave of yourself not of a or 8 men but Jehovah has always believe in human .all prophets were men even Jessus was a man so what? Its all about shunning and about disfellowship but Jehovah has also many times disfellowed. and asked to come again ,see Jeremia or Isaia they will tell you why Jehovah has all time asked to repent even he has asked John the baptist to ask people to repent.before he introduced Jessus .
@connormusic9274 6 месяцев назад
What Jehovah's Witnesses don't realize; because they are so mind-controlled instead of developing "thinking ability", (Proverbs 2: 1-12) is this: Out of 6,045 years of human existence; for 4,875 years of that time period Jehovah had NO ORGANIZATION CENTERED ON HIS WORSHIP! HE DEALT WITH INDIVIDUALS OF FAITH, NO MATTER WHERE THEY LIVED ON THE EARTH! So don't let any JW tell you that He's always had an organization on earth!
@davidmorgan881 Год назад
Thank you both for another excellent video A superb book written by a born in, ex jw and retired therapist, Bonnie Zieman, is Cracking the Cult Code for Therapists I feel sure Hannah would devour it 😊
@Nica-Ra-Wata Год назад
Check out exjw Santos Bonacci and Jordan Maxwell
@tamaraheseltine4455 Год назад
Man could I relate. I was out for 20 years but faked my way back and after a year was reinstated so I could again have a relationship with my daughter, mom, rest of family and friends. It only lasted 3 years. I realized that I no longer believed this mess but also started researching and found the underside of JW Land. I also realized that even families love is conditional on you being a robot JW. UGH I could no longer live a fake life. Thanks for the informative video's you post.
@birdlynn417 Год назад
Sorry you felt like you had to lie to yourself, because they is what they make you do. It is so sickening, this weird control over you. So glad you got yourself back out, you were listening to the real God and Holy Spirit showing you that this cult was wrong.
@outsidethebox704 Год назад
Thank you for the video, I’m sure it will help many JWs.
@Strutingeagle Год назад
The best way to escape JW thought control is to study the bible. Not to find out what is right or wrong with any doctrines but rather learn about the bible itself. Who really wrote the books? When were they really written and to what intended readers. Learn why certain ancient texts are in the biblical cannon today. Why were so many left out? Learn about the dead sea scrolls and what was found there. Learn about early Chrisianity as well as Judaism origins. Learn about non religious literature that dates prior to Christianity that follow the exact same themes borrowed by authors of the bible. Understand the many many contradictions in the bible are a good thing in aiding understanding of the bible. Learn about both the documentary and layered theories. You will not get all the answers ever, but you will be able to put the bible in its proper perspective and will likely enjoy it more. You will learn about yourself by what you were willing to believe before and never again be subject to the thought control by any religion again.
@justinporter458 Год назад
I dissociated in 2018 aged 57 after studying apostate videos for 4 years . I had a choice, I asked myself,,,What's worse being shunned or pretending to believe and preaching a lie ?,, Nicole my beautiful wife is still a active pimi jw, she can't drive so I give her lifts to all the meetings and field service groups, we still have a happy and loving marriage, we both have the advantage of being born into atheist agnostic families who we both aren't close to because of the JW cult . I realise Nicole may never wake up ,but I,m truly grateful we are still in love with each other regardless that Nicole's a JW and I'm a born-again Atheist. Justin Porter ex jw ❤️
@christinehartfield6204 Год назад
Good morning Justin hope you have a good day and try to stay cool in this heatwave we are having. I wish Brandis uncle Steven would have the same poise and reasonable conversational attitude as she does l really liked this style interview
@Nica-Ra-Wata Год назад
Just be happy with her. Eventually we all go back to source. In fact, we are in the source deep inside our soul is connected at all eons exons infinity...EGO OR BRAIN can be a trickster... Peace to you Israel is ISIS AMUNRA ELOHIM get it?
@justinporter458 Год назад
@@Nica-Ra-Wata Thanks for your comment Nica Ra Wata .Justin Porter ex jw ❤️
@kabeblak3606 4 месяца назад
Very important - the healing will NEVER come from the people that perpetrated the hurtful dynamic
@lionoftruth777 Год назад
I stopped being a JW when I was 20 and then a supernatural experience recently now 20 years later brought me back to God. I then had to unlearn everything I though about Jesus, God, the bible and religion and have a personal relationship with God. My experience is forgive them, they are deceived and what better place for the enemy to hang out then in religion and confuse the truth about God/Jesus. Don’t let their deception stop you from Truth.
@Goonapachamoothoo Год назад
What is thruth its Jessus who knew where is thruth read John ch17 v3 and 27.
@hankvincent9006 Год назад
one time I questioned something at a book study and got repremanded after the study.
@emilyinalabama392 Год назад
I’ve felt so many similarities in secular church as kh. Kinda why we just don’t do anything anymore. Love you!
@petermcgregor5268 Год назад
That is what the Jehovah's witnesses don't want you to criticize they doctrine and very very good video
@vusimngomezulu2500 Год назад
All different churches including exjws are Jesus's followers according to the Bible?????????
@JWEscape Год назад
Thank you so much I really do appreciate the points you accurately portrayed in this video.
@Youarenotalone11122 Год назад
You are so welcome!
@dllivery7 Год назад
I would call it NEW LIES
@jerryholmberg135 Год назад
I was just talking to my brother-in-law we both left being in the (truth) the 10 hour a month was not impressed on us very well.but found later they always viewed us as spiritual weak.
@ap6252004 Год назад
When you said Hospital liaison committee, that’s basically who the patient is giving power of attorney to, correct? I ask because my mom did this when she went into surgery for her cancer, and two elders showed up with paperwork. It was heartbreaking!
@revivalmelbourne513 Год назад
Thank you Brandy! Great insight from the video!
@catmeow333 Год назад
Thank you, Brandy. 💙
@jaybabcock4557 Год назад
A born in usually has a horrible time leaving over someone who came in and their family does not go along with it. When you are born in, you can lose your whole family. Some have nothing or anyone to fall back on. This is what keeps so many in the cult. Its like a divorce after 20 years or more of marriage. You can lose everything you built for social networks.
@Bad80y1 Год назад
Unfortunately they've put a label on you. You shouldn't put that label on yourself once you leave. You need to peel that label off. Saying "I'm a Apostate" doesn't help one heal to move onto better things and true peace in their life. It's a cult made label. Not one you need to carry around yourself Brandy. Yes I woke up in March of 2021 around the time the pandemic started. But I love your video's you do with Hannah. It's therapy for you, but for all of us watching. Thank you for sharing.
@KeithBryantOfficial 8 дней назад
They say that they console than control but clearly the bite Model fits them
@universeworld1782 Год назад
My situation is I married a Regular Pioneer Sister when the Elders demanded I never marry again. So I disobeyed the Elders backed by the Organisation. A serious sin! So the Elders demanded we divorce or cut the marriage. We refused so we were told we did not show proper repentance meaning we were disfellowshipped. I do not and never did believe the Governing Body has Holy spirit. To many mistakes made by those who claim to have Holy Spirit. To many CSA cases unreported. To many failed interpretation of prophecy, to many realestste deals purchased with donations given for preaching but not reported to the members giving hard earned income for a certain purpose! Such as the building of a sports complex unreported but mentioned as a support facility. But the interpretation of scripture over all us more accurate than most religions. The issue I gave us I know the Governing Body us not directed by Holy Spirit, neither are Elders appointed by Holy Spirit. But my wife still does, but she as a single sister for years knows well the sexual advances by married Elders calling her late a night wanting to come over for sex! Grooming single Sisters and even having sex with someone else's wife. When you sit with several disfellowshipped Sister's and hear these accounts, it is difficult to believe their stories. Yet they were disfellowshipped for sins they were truly repentant. Some trying to be reinstated fir 4 or 5 years but always refused by the very Elders trying to have sex with them that they turned down! A control not just over all the sheep, but especially the single Sisters! So I have to be very careful with Information I give my wife. It is hard to not be disappointed or to not be depressed at times. And to know to be reinstated my wife has to divorce me. So where does that leave me? 🤔 moving the 🥕! Nice comment!
@vusimngomezulu2500 Год назад
All different churches including exjws are Jesus's followers according to the Bible???????‽
@Nica-Ra-Wata Год назад
Be firm. I will not suger this message. This is for your sanity!!!! Atum atomic energy JACOB SAW GOD AND NAMED THAT PLACE PENIAL AS IN THE PENIAL GLAND OR 3RD EYE...DMT POPED EYE OR POPEYE tetragrammaton is Egyptian meaning FOUR LETTERS of aton atum adam electron and the SUN or jehovah is atum in Greek "All is atum" Egyptians India Brahma is abraham Abrir abra abraham Abrir is to open in latin and Spanish Abra ca da bra A,B,C,D April abrir abraham You pay taxes in April Israel is ISIS AMUNRA ELOHIM Psalms is lamps
@Nica-Ra-Wata Год назад
All religions are pure excrement Government is govern mind Mental control 2000 years ago amor-roma began control over gnostics and others Moors from Spain taught German tribes magick, occult wisdom from Egypt then the rest is his story illuminati
@vusimngomezulu2500 Год назад
@@Nica-Ra-Wata Which religion are preaching the gospel of the kingdom around the world to all nations as Jesus christ said Mathew 4:23,24:14,28:19-20,Mark 13:10???????? If not only only only the Jehovah's witnesses.
@Goonapachamoothoo 10 месяцев назад
Escaping control but also eternal life.
@emilyinalabama392 Год назад
Was the new information given during those “special talks” at assemblies? I remember hearing that, but don’t remember exactly what it was.
@Youarenotalone11122 Год назад
In the Watchtower and at annual meeting in New York
@vusimngomezulu2500 Год назад
@@Youarenotalone11122 All different churches including exjws are Jesus's followers according to the Bible????????
@vusimngomezulu2500 Год назад
All different churches including exjws are Jesus's followers according to the Bible?????????
@heinimikkelsen7386 Год назад
Thank you! Unbelievable that Jaw still are “going strong”. The 10 cardinals and movie stars. A strange religion. The A team and the B team. The governing body is the A team! A simple instruction drink the wine and eat the bread. They make people not following the instruction from Jesus! Overlapping generation, no bird, no birthdays, no Christmas celebration…. Endless rules and instructions! Is that Jesus teaching? Love god and your neighbor as yourself becomes stay away from your neighbor and love only people that “love you”. Happy I left 30 years ago!
@bernadettekelly8165 Год назад
Well a Christians life is different. Governed by God's laws and principles ! Clearly written in the scriptures ....
@Nica-Ra-Wata Год назад
What god?!!!!!!!
@Goonapachamoothoo Год назад
Control for your sake necessary as it protect you from doing wrong and for others not doing wrong to you protection from satan from apostates illusion , About serving and worshiping god about who is god ,the true one about the love of money and where it drives you about preachng which Jessus have compelle to effectuate etc etc.
@rickwilkerson3865 Год назад
We’ll done. The only venue they provide for you to express your feelings and or concerns is a ‘shepherding call’. Doing so Is wrought with danger. If you stick with ‘feelings’ you’re the problem. Bring up any doctrinal concerns, again, you’re the problem. Risks can be loss of privileges up to name calling and expulsion. Being honest with yourself and others carries a hefty price. And it really shouldn’t in a truly loving environment.
@rickryan2157 Год назад
I spent many hours in the back room / second School with a couple elders trying to brainwash me.
@harrieelias5756 6 месяцев назад
Congratulations for escaping the pandemic of fear in this cult.
@jan75643 Год назад
I understand 100%..🙄
@loricrouse9009 7 месяцев назад
@JohnRicker-vw8ol 6 месяцев назад
What would Noah do? Would he ever allow a matriarchal city state control of everything needed to sustain the flesh and his independent patriarchal ability to question everything be controlled by Nimrod'?
@JohnRicker-vw8ol 6 месяцев назад
If it looks like a duck,has feathers like a duck, waddles and quacks like a duck it's probably not a giraffe. It's one of Nimrod's mothers harlots.
@JohnRicker-vw8ol 6 месяцев назад
Babylon the great is limited to any religion except JW to limit getting out of her metaphysical control. Babylon of old and today is controls a dependance on its city state control of everything needed to sustain the flesh. Thus just as it was in the days of Noah taking note required the ability to obtain the things needed to sustain the flesh independent of Babylon the greats matriarchal city state control of everything. How? By doing the opposite direction that the same international corporations that financed ww2 bankrupt German holocaust are now herding mankind north of the 33 degree latitude where winter happens and food depends on the weather south of the 33 degree latitude where winter doesn't happen 206 391.1141
@connormusic9274 6 месяцев назад
I can think of 2 scriptures off the top of my head, and probably come up with a half dozen more within 10 minutes; that instruct us to learn to think for ourselves, to gain God's wisdom by reading his word and learning about his ways and qualities. 1. Proverbs 2: 1-12,......"to find the very knowledge of God, ..knowledge, discernment, practical wisdom, ....in that case you will understand the entire course of what is good. .....you will develop THINKING ABILITY,.....etc. etc. 2. Ephesians 6: 4,....You fathers, go bringing your children up in the mental-regulating of "the Watchtower"? NO! the faithful and discreet slave"?...NO!,....the "governing body"?.....NO!....Jehovah? YES! Why would we not personally apply things that we're to teach our own children? Our minds should be molded by Jehovah's thoughts, not the shifting human reasonings of men!!
@seanrathmakedisciples1508 Год назад
Are you in the truth? The truth is Christ Jesus. Jesus said I am the truth? A better question would be Are you in Christ ( mentioned over 300 times in the New Testament. If anyone is in Christ then they are a new creation, Old things are gone and all things are new and all things are of God 2 Corinthians 5:17 ❤
@lalo2641 Год назад
Satan is not the best😂
@Nica-Ra-Wata Год назад
Set of Egypt is Seth Setting Settings Settle Seattle Santa Satan Stan Standard All the same Study etymology
@lalo2641 Год назад
@@Nica-Ra-Wata sorry don't understand
@lalo2641 Год назад
@@Nica-Ra-Wata here in USA every word has a meaning
@fixyourgame6157 Год назад
The constant “mmhmm” is annoying.
@googleshitsyt5557 Год назад
I am the Firstborn, brought forth. I am identical twins. I am Equal to MYSELF. Adam and Eve in the Genesis account was created for the Last Days; I already said that then ... Genesis 3:15. I AM MELCHIZEDEK. I AM EQUAL-MELCHIZEDEK. I HAVE NO END. I AM THE KEEPER/GUARDIAN OF ALL PROPHETS ON EARTH, FROM AONS TO AONS. Abel, Adam, Eve as HOMO SAPIENS did not exist. Cain is the evil in man, the dark side. Abel is the good in man, the light. This light must be found and explored by humans. The Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation is a concise version of the Vedas to repent the outcast man; compare the Gospel of Mark to the three others. It is the Purpose of MYSELF, is to find yourself. A quest for everyone. ... Origin: April 2020
Yes soul searching…looking for myself…I like this version a whole lot better, & I sometimes come to realize the real me was there all along, the authentic self, no longer the cult self 🥹. So thankful
@jaybabcock4557 Год назад
There is a thing called marking. Its when you miss meetings or put work first ect. Its not a DFing offense but you can as an individual mark that person or family and not associate with them. You are not supposed to tell anyone, but as with all things in the JW cult they gossip like hell. They all do it. I used to spend time with a friend who's dad was an elder. I could hear him talking to his wife at times about Judicial meetings and who was doing what. My friend would even tell me. If an elder knows it the whole cult knows it.
@erichendricks1120 Год назад
And that's where that is wrong, it's not a conscience matter, it is a matter of your conscience. It's like the first time you ever told a lie, you got away with it even though you were scared and then you were able to do it again with no fear. You damage yourself, you have then scared your conscience. That happens many times through many different ways throughout your life. That's why you have to stay awake, be alert, be careful of the things you do and say.
@jaybabcock4557 Год назад
Dress is very controlled by the cult. Women can only wear dresses at the knee or below. No cleavage at all, Men can not wear suits that are form fitting. If you stand out its wrong. You need to blend in. Usually black dark blue or gray suits.
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