
Ever hear of Saint Peter? Knowles takes pro-abortion Christians to (Sunday) school 

Young America's Foundation
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GLORIOUS: Michael Knowles does exactly what you'd expect when faced with the claim that abortion is a "moral good" at Emory University.
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6 сен 2024




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@WallStreetWill86 4 года назад
"I cant help but notice that everyone who is in favor of abortion has already been born." Ronald Reagan
@tonymurphy4934 4 года назад
That’s a great comment and something not normally thought about. The ones pro choice had the privilege of being born so how can they understand the ones who have problems.
@mxolisingonelo7695 4 года назад
Whoa! And here I was thinking I am the first person to ever think of that.
@classicaldeb 4 года назад
Oh snap! Unbelievable. Me too!
@onepocketslim 4 года назад
@@darryllesunderland7368 Why should the innocent child get the death penalty?
@rabidfarmer9765 4 года назад
Them babies being killed by abortion are all from liberal women. They line up to do it - one dead baby after another. Repeat the process as often as pleases them.
@pascalrouen 5 лет назад
Jeremiah 1:5 - "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart"
@AoDahRoh21404 5 лет назад
liquidnature13 amen my man amen
@letsprayandfasttogether9618 5 лет назад
liquidnature13 that verse right there destroys abortion. Any Christian who denies that is not a Christian.
@MichaelTarrenScott 5 лет назад
@tbear68- 5 лет назад
@randomistearthling 5 лет назад
@kassidy9282 4 года назад
As a Christian, I can't wrap my head around how another Christian could agree with abortion...
@nathanadrian7797 4 года назад
Many will say "Lord, Lord, ... Then I will tell them plainly, "I never knew you, away from me you evil doers" Mathew 7:21-23
@fivebooks8498 4 года назад
Nathan Adrian In the Greek it actually says you who don’t keep the Law or you who work Lawlessness. He actually starts by saying not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter the kingdom but those who do the will of my Father. The will of the Father is and always has been for us to keep the commandments in the Law. Makes me wonder why so many Christians think the Law was done away with.
@jenspetersen5865 3 года назад
If you actually believe in God - then why do you think "he" allows abortion, and then who are you to question the wisdom?
@fivebooks8498 3 года назад
@@jenspetersen5865 He doesn't allow it. Its one of the big 10. Thou shalt not murder. You mean why doesn't he just supernaturally perform a miracle and force the abortionist to not be able to perform the act of aborting babies. He has never done that throughout the Bible. He gave us free will. We must choose to obey His commandments. If he forces us to keep commandments then what good would that be on judgement day? We'd all stand before God and say I kept all the commandments. He'd say yeah because I made you by force.
@jenspetersen5865 3 года назад
@@fivebooks8498 “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” You might look up what murder is! - oh here - I am sure you are not capable "the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another" Now what is a HUMAN a bipedal primate mammal (Homo sapiens) Sorry an embryo is not a human, irrespective of how much you want to distrespect the 8th commandment
@jaydee3965 3 года назад
"Before I formed you in thy mother's womb, I knew thee." -God
@bbooher9663 3 года назад
Jay- I'm SO thankful that He knows me!
@sallypitts7659 3 года назад
YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!
@randecolley7054 3 года назад
Well then, the soul does not not need to take on a body. Right?
@dominicpardo4783 3 года назад
All well and good. Now prove god exists.
@jaydee3965 3 года назад
@@dominicpardo4783 I can try to, but what's the point when you pose a contentious question you seemingly don't really want an answer for? I could ask you to prove he doesn't exist, but won't. There's no need for this quibble. When both camps begin the discussion entrenched. The opposition to God, tends to attack him and his believers. Lots of hate and time is being wasted on our imaginary friend. When you could simply ignore him if he doesn't exist.
@thomascapitalmgt 4 года назад
Abortion has never been about choice! It’s about escaping the consequences of your choice by taking all choices away from another human being!
@timanahaf 3 года назад
This, right here!
@dominus6224 3 года назад
although I agree with you, what should the options be of a person who has been raped and has gotten pregnant?
@dulpurp 3 года назад
If you ban abortion, you are taking away a very significant personal choice for all women, regardless of circumstance, about what they can and can't do with their reproductive organs. And men are really in no place to decide such a thing. But unfortunately, misogyny is everywhere, and especially in religion...
@timanahaf 3 года назад
But abortion takes away an innocent person's life. Even in a case of rape, what wrong did the child do? Why kill them for the crime of the father? I can understand and accept abortion in a case where continuing the pregnancy would harm the mother - then it becomes a medical issue. But the fact is only about 1% of abortions are as a result of rape. Less than that as result of incest. So 98+% women are choosing to kill babies for what? To get rid of their oopsies? In this day and age, that's not a good excuse. And don't get me started on "it's just a clump of cells". I've been pregnant. I've seen the little heart beating at 5 weeks when the whole baby was no bigger than a sesame seed. How can someone say it's just a clump of cells?
@timanahaf 3 года назад
In my opinion, abortion is not about women's choices. Because we do have a choice of who we sleep with, and how we do that as far as preventing a pregnancy. What it is about is the business side of abortion. Because even if these abortion clinics claim to provide free abortions, guess what, someone's gonna have to pay for them. If not the woman getting them, then it's a private fund or a government grant. Whatever it is, it's a bunch of people making money off of feeding women an illusion how they are concerned about our choice.
@richardrhoades8683 3 года назад
I love what the comedian, Dave Chapelle, says... " I find that most people that define themselves as "pro-choice" are actually and in reality anti-consequence"
@QualityPen 3 года назад
Anti-consequence summarizes the left’s entire worldview. They can’t buy good health insurance? They want others to pay for it. They can’t pay off their college debts? They want others to pay for it. They won’t get married and develop a steady family income? They want others to give them money. They commit crimes and get punished? They want to reduce the punishments. They act stupidly around police and that ends badly? They want to defund the police. They failed to grow a thick skin and learn to debate? They want universities and companies to create a safe space where only their opinions exist. They can’t figure out if they’re male or female? They want everyone else to validate their insanity. They aren’t willing to defend themselves against violent criminals and won’t let police do their job? They want to take away everyone else’s right to self-defense. (And that still doesn’t stop violent crime) They get pregnant but don’t want to be? They murder the baby. On and on it goes.
@KiRetteCouture 3 года назад
Thank you!
@jmikeguerra 3 года назад
@@QualityPen Boom! Nailed it!
@storybass4454 3 года назад
Yes! Yes! Yes!
@endorolfgreenwolf5265 2 года назад
Yes, pro-choice is pro-suicide. Suicide is a choice, if you believe that all choices need to be protected then you need to take this choice into account as well. I like my choices but i’m not pro-choice. Choices need to be made with a well-informed mind. Let’s say a woman will die if she gives birth to a baby, is there not a better choice maybe with more risks than abortion? I’d say trying to save both lives are worth the risks rather than the alternative of giving up on one life to save the other. There are better options for those who can’t afford to bring a baby up in the world. Obviously, it is hard for a woman who was taken advantage of to bring a baby into the world, but why would you not let the baby have the life it deserves to have?
@freedomfirst5420 5 лет назад
You don't have to be a Christian, to know that killing a human being is wrong and immoral! If you believe that it's your body and your choice, use contraceptives or don't have sex, that simple! Killing a baby because it's an inconvenience, is absolutely despicable and disgusting!
@fathertime2020 5 лет назад
Freedom First. That's what I'm talking about!
@sarahlane4241 5 лет назад
I'd like to hear some ideas to fix the problem. Can we come up with a better solution? Because to think that banning abortion without other options available will work, is astoundingly naive. I believe in limited abortion rights. I'm a republican/conservative, but I'm also a realist. As opposed to being religious I'm a realist, I should say. If we as a society can come up with better solutions I'm all for it. I've heard no real solutions thus far. Its just allot of talk about "I'm against it", or, "I'm for it". Followed by a bunch of vitriol, which solves absolutely nothing.
@freedomfirst5420 5 лет назад
@@sarahlane4241 , I've known a few girls, that use abortion as birth control, having three or more abortions. I am not totally against abortion, but it is out of control. There has to be a legitimate reason, not just because you can. You can always use contraceptives or not have sex, but there are some cases where those are not options, such as rape or molestation and a few other situations.
@randomkid7390 5 лет назад
Exactly. I always say I am both pro life and pro choice. Why shoukd they be mutually exclusive? That is a great way to expose that the other guy is not just pro choice, but anti life. Men and women have 4 choices for this issue. Abstinence, contraception, adoption, and parenthood.
@bverji 5 лет назад
@@randomkid7390 It is a disconnect between morality and legality. A lot of people believe the law should be moral (thus used to enforce their morals), but the law (in the US) is designed to be JUST. A lot of times justice and moral are parallel, but there are times when they are not. When you actually take an in-depth look at the pro-life arguments that is where it ultimately falls apart and is why abortions are legal. The pro-life ideology wants to promote an argument of the sanctity of life being the ultimate right when that is not a foundational belief of most conservatives, most Americans, and not inherent in American Law. The ultimate right is Liberty and is what every other life is balanced against. This inconsistency is attempted to be amended by the assertion of responsibility, but the pro-lifers want to enforce a narrow view of what being "responsible" is while denying the rights of women to control their body. Once you get past the rhetoric, the pro-life agenda seeks to stripe women of their right to discontinue a physical relationship based upon the fact that they committed a legal act of having sex. They want to take the right to chose what happens to their own body to prolong the life of another person, which is unilaterally unconstitutional. It would set a legal precedence where anyone could be forced to give their non-vital organs, fluids, DNA ect. to prolong the life of anyone. If abortions were made illegal, a women, would literally have less right to decide what happens to her body then dead people.
@2cents996 3 года назад
"Bacteria is sign of life on Mars but a fetus isn't life on earth." -Tom MacDonald And the opinion of the left. 💁
@interneturomagazin 3 года назад
Greate Quote 👍.
@johnkranig2054 3 года назад
Baffling, isn’t it. 🤔
@thepubliusproject 3 года назад
That's a false dichotomy. Bacteria _is_ life. A fetus is _not_ a fully developed _human_ life. There are significant differences in these two things, which is why killing a virus, or a snail, or a flower, does not result in a death sentence for anyone, ever.
@MARKTH3COBRA 3 года назад
@@thepubliusproject when does human life become fully developed?
@thepubliusproject 3 года назад
@@MARKTH3COBRA now that is an interesting philosophical question, and one that there are many different, sincere, evidence-based answers for. Some say it's conception, but outside of their own personal religious beliefs, supporters of that idea have little compelling evidence to show for it. There's a strong argument to be made that the age of viability is a good line to choose. There's also a strong argument to be made that birth is when life begins, and for all of human history (until recently) this was more or less the consensus choice. It's an interesting conversation, and one that should be had. It's an interesting set of arguments, and arguments that should be had with earnest sincerity. I hope those who claim they care about such things try doing so some day.
@brett2047 3 года назад
“The truth is on your side.” So well said, because as I fight for innocent lives, my hands are clean and my conscience is clear.
@MsJudi54 3 года назад
Are your hands clean, oh Pharisee? Is your conscience truly clear? You know, if Christians spent more of their time being role-models of the Christian way of life, more time in the Word of God, & more time witnessing to lost souls, I imagine the abortion issue would take care of itself.
@GinoNL 3 года назад
The truth should be prioritized over everything. Something very foreign to religious people.
@themersh4064 3 года назад
No man may call himself clean. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
@teutonicknight23 2 года назад
They didn’t say they without sin, they said they were clean. Those aren’t the same things.
@userhome3601 2 года назад
Yet you encourage many innocent lives to be destroyed. Breathing, eating, and medicine all kill billions of innocents, yet you stand by and do nothing. Suicide is the least damaging, yet you, incorrectly, consider that wrong.
@johnhowell8476 5 лет назад
Did they mute the word Democrat?? WTF is going on here?
@ptc18 5 лет назад
Omg is that what they were doing? That's so messed up.
@ptc18 5 лет назад
@K C ?
@kenvarga4454 5 лет назад
Well the word Democrat is a dirty word to me I'm glad I didn't have to listen to it
@realist2785 5 лет назад
2:43 Whyyyyy? Censorship?
@randholt11 5 лет назад
Yes, they absolutely did🤨! I slowed down the audio, and, whoever "they" are, they did it!
@stevensonrf 4 года назад
Sorry, but you cant be “pro-choice” and a true Christian.
@neurologylove2135 4 года назад
@snowyhappiness5 4 года назад
I'm Christian and I'm pro-choice: Pro-adoption and pro-fostering. Those are choices. Not pro-murder. Murder of any person... Inside the womb or outside. And Jesus said hating someone is the same as murder. So I need to check my heart, We all should, and not hate these pro abortionists. Hate the sin. Anyway. That's my sermon for today, have a super day if you are reading this. Jesus loves you. And may you be successful in all you do.
@stevensonrf 4 года назад
Cloud B. You can not be a Christian and pro-choice. You deceive your self if you think so. Jesus came to destroy sin and death. Abortion is sin and death.
@snowyhappiness5 4 года назад
@@stevensonrf hey friend. I just meant that adoption and fostering is a choice but not murder. I don't agree with abortion, just check my post again. Perhaps it's my punctuation but just so it's clear: adoption and fostering IS a choice💜 There is an abundance of choices why do people run to death as though it is a choice. It's not. But choices such as loving a baby even if it's not yours is so beautiful and precious. God adopted us. Please reread my post. Stay safe. I assume you are American, I'm thinking of your country a lot. My heart breaks for you guys during this time of the spread of the virus. I plead the blood of Jesus over you and your family and declare psalm 91 over you.
@stevensonrf 4 года назад
Cloud B. Yes. You are right. After my response, I noticed the colon. Very sorry. Have a blessed Sunday.
@rileylindhardt754 3 года назад
I was born and raised in Virginia and I am ashamed of the horrifying things that governor Northam supports
@reasonableguy9090 5 лет назад
Abortion is not a ‘grey’ area - it’s black and white. Absolute.
@joshjohnson2600 4 года назад
Yeah. I noticed that "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." didn't have an asterisk and a side note saying "unless it's inconvenient to you".
@StarvingPigeon 4 года назад
More like red, zince thats the only color they'll see when they get to hell.
@jesussotelo4775 4 года назад
Morality in general is absolute, God is the standard of good.
@christianfreedom-seeker934 4 года назад
Nope, it is a grey area. Think about it. If G-d was 100% against abortion He would not have built into women a natural abortive process. Women miscarry all the time and for different reasons. What the early Church opposed was abortion as birth control. Now since we live in the modern world we can see from the Third World and our own not-too-distant past that population growth without a "check" leads to great suffering. If abortion suddenly became illegal in the USA this country will become a Third World shithole in less than 1 generation, social services would not be able to cope with all the abnormal children being born and tou would see legions of abnormal children begging on the streets for food or being eaten by rats and dogs. Do you really want that future??
@jesussotelo4775 4 года назад
@@christianfreedom-seeker934 keep telling yourself that, I'm just glad you are not in a position of power.
@Oneironaut9 5 лет назад
ProChoice Christian: one amazingly absurd oxymoron.
@colleen4ever 3 года назад
Abd we;'re gonna have one for our new President. Goody.
@billybayaraa 3 года назад
@@colleen4ever ? Do you mean Trump or Biden?
@colleen4ever 3 года назад
@stephaniedettle9148 3 года назад
I was going to say the same thing..
@allenbackstrom8649 3 года назад
I am pro life but I do not wish to judge another's salvation on pro life or not. Too many people close to me with those views. I will say there are liberal "Christians" out there saying moral majority types are going to Hell and this is also judgmental and shameful. Pray for your enemies. And I am not saying this to sound holy. Sometimes I think nothing is going to work except prayer, leaning on Jesus, and repentance. God help our country.
@feaokautai7354 3 года назад
Thank God for this genius young gentleman that stands for life. Absolutely admirable inspiring for JESUS CHRIST is real in you.
@craigpetroskey8934 3 года назад
"Whatsoever you do unto the least of my brothers, that you do unto me..."
@princeharming8963 4 года назад
There is no such thing as a "pro-abortion" Christian.
@GinoNL 3 года назад
That’s right, there’s only confused Christians.
@GinoNL 3 года назад
@Brucey Gersty sounds exactly like what a confused christian would say😅
@scottwilson2812 2 года назад
There’s also no such thing as god, but I’m sure that’s not stopping you from believing
@princeharming8963 2 года назад
@@scottwilson2812 - There is also no such thing as a unicorn. That fact also has nothing to do with this conversation.
@jasonz1771 5 лет назад
Luke 1:1-41 John jumped in the womb when his mother Elizabeth heard Mary speak.
@Super747777 5 лет назад
@classicaldeb 3 года назад
So kool.
@charlottehall6769 3 года назад
Yes. Also Jeremiah 1:5 ""Before I formed thee in the womb, I knew thee . . ."(KJV)
@stevenvelez1717 3 года назад
““When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman’s husband shall impose on him, and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.” ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭21:22-25‬ ‭ESV‬‬ Notice, “when the baby comes out”, “life for life, eye for eye” etc. If harm comes to the baby, whoever inflicted the harm is going to suffer in the same measure. If the baby dies, they die. Why doesn’t anyone quote this? It’s obvious.
@christopherwinner4 3 года назад
And Jesus flipped tables due to His passionate zeal for the House of God, yet the right-wing always tells its followers to not be passionate or display emotion....think about why your pundits are telling you to act the opposite way from Christ. Telemachus also was emotional over the loss of life in the coliseum. Both Christ and Telemachus ultimately lost their lives because of their being sincerely passionate, but in losing their lives they both saved countless lives. So if we want to save these babies lives, it may require that the culture says we are crazy or invalid, it may require our lives, but being emotional is the only way.
@steadfastneasy26 5 лет назад
@YAFTV Okay, so was it you folks or RU-vid that muted the word "Democratic" @2:45??? Anybody else get that??
@tradcatholic 5 лет назад
No but in review, there was a CHOP!
@jimboslice3358 5 лет назад
"Democratic" is muted out
@steadfastneasy26 5 лет назад
@@tradcatholic Nope, not a chop. It was muted.
@keithlauderjr1691 5 лет назад
Missed it. Wow! Big Brother at work for sure. Scary. All foretold.
@steadfastneasy26 5 лет назад
@@keithlauderjr1691 I'm really hoping for a reply from @YAFTV.
@thefireman2854 3 года назад
The truth whispered is louder than the lie which is shouted.
@ClarkKulper 5 лет назад
I'm an atheist. And I know that human life begins at conception. That is a new separate unique DNA which is almost positively going to be a fully developed human.
@simeonbaumel7293 4 года назад
The Roman emperor Antoninus agrees with you (see the discussions between Antoninus & Rabbi Judah the Prince in Tractate Sanhedrin.)
@jeanneplymette411 4 года назад
I am a Catholic. I believe that abortion is wrong not only because that is the Catholic Church's position, but because the unborn baby is a separate human being who just needs time to grow and develop in the mother's womb. The Catholic Church is the ONLY mainstream faith tradition that has not given in to the pressure as other religions have done. The fact that there are atheists who believe that abortion is wrong just goes to show that abortion is not a moral or religious issue--it's a life-or-death issue. Irrel Avant, keep on fighting for the rights of the unborn. They need all of us to protect them.
@nette9836 4 года назад
I'm religious but abortion is still wrong with or without my God. The beauty if scientific facts.
@nathanadrian7797 4 года назад
@@jeanneplymette411 Mennonites are pro life, and so are all the evangelical churches that I know, you do not stand alone. We must continue to stand up and fight for the unborn, the vulnerable and the aged.
@lukecage3485 3 года назад
DNA is the most complex code in the Universe and couldn't possibly be the result of a fictional explosion of Nothing in Nowhere and Nowhen exploding for No reason. But you're an atheist?
@jopowers3594 5 лет назад
This is good vs. evil! Definitely a spiritual warfare!
@lindaakguest4ever50 3 года назад
@lorenslorens1707 3 года назад
Cute baby on the picture! Glad that baby was yours and not to other pro choice people, i am not judging, but it really is disgusting, no other way to call it.
@Occupied_South 4 года назад
I love Michael Knowles!!!!! Brilliant and classy and likeable.
@patriciawatkins9539 3 года назад
Easy on the eyes too!
@yournightmareracing1754 3 года назад
Psalm 22 v9 - 10 "You brought me out of the womb, you made me trust in You even at my mother's breast. From birth I was cast upon You; from my mother's womb You have been my God."
@mooselord2838 3 года назад
Which human wrote that? One who must have physically seen and spoken to god right? Or one who knows how to manipulate gullible people
@yournightmareracing1754 3 года назад
@@mooselord2838 Your choice dude. Enjoy your fate.
@mooselord2838 3 года назад
@@yournightmareracing1754 ah yes the old "god will send you to spend eternity in agony for not believing in him even if your the nicest person in the world" thing. he seems like a nice guy 😂😂. Why do you have faith in such a sadistic being? I'll also point out that hell is not actually mentioned in the original Bible. It only appears in the king James version of the Bible which was written in the 15th century. I would like to say that I can't wait for you to be disappointed and realise that you've wasted your life when you find that there is no god after you die. But that won't happen because nothing happens after you die! It's exactly the same as before you were born. Life is full of disappointment I guess lol.
@LeoxandarMagnus 4 года назад
That’s odd. When Michael said “democrat governor of Virginia” RU-vid just muted the word democrat.
@louisvillalba7695 4 года назад
I caught that too can’t block what everyone already knows
@MegaMAWG 4 года назад
Well, in their defense, that word these days is a profanity.
@christopherdukett4158 4 года назад
Really odd. Don't know if the censors is saying that Democrat is a naughty word or if the censors committee has decided that no one should know it was a Democrat governor. Either way it gives me the willies and it seems nefarious
@tyroneloki5131 4 года назад
Ytube did not mute it LOL...the channel muted it for the reason that this will be viewed for years and years to come...and the position may change..but its actually "Liberal Governor of Virginia"
@sillywamosir 4 года назад
that's not really weird, the youtube overlords are all leftists
@loridanafoksha1039 3 года назад
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
@GinoNL 3 года назад
Odin, Mohammed and the other 800+ gods disagree.
@diacriticsrue260 2 года назад
@@GinoNL How does Mohammad disagree lol
@GinoNL 2 года назад
@@diacriticsrue260 He claims that he is the one who did all of this
@diacriticsrue260 2 года назад
@@GinoNL No... Muhammad never claimed he was God.
@dmac2899 4 года назад
There is no such thing as pro-abortion or pro-choice Christians. Period.
@colleen4ever 3 года назад
Our President -Elect (barf!) a.k.a The Thief In Chief might disagree with you.
@MrWhite00001 3 года назад
@@colleen4ever keep in mind. Just because you say you are Christian doesn’t make you one. Just like me saying I’m a woman doesn’t make me a woman.
@hamster4618 3 года назад
And you are the judge of that?
@hamster4618 3 года назад
@@MrWhite00001 ah, here we have the good Christian who in earlier times would slaughter others for not being "Christian" enough or without the correct interpretation (meaning his interpretation. Thousands upon thousands were killed for your view.
@MrWhite00001 3 года назад
@@hamster4618 (read this statement with an earnest tone) Jesus taught that in Matthew 7:21. People who are only Christian by mouth...and you’ll know them by their fruits. So yes, just because you say you are a Christian doesn’t make you one...according to Jesus. I used to be a fake Christian too, only claiming Jesus with my mouth, until I actually read the Gospels for myself. So if my statement upsets you, it’s not me you are upset at, but the teachings of Christ. So I’m just going to ignore your statement about killing, I can tell Jesus statement offended you so you begin attacking me on the internet claiming I’d be a murderer like the fake Christians of the past. Anyways, God bless friend.
@10thMorales 3 года назад
“It is not a desirable thing to my Father who is in heaven for even one of these little ones to perish.” (Matthew 18:14)🕊
@10thMorales 2 года назад
@John Paul Even then, it isn’t.
@10thMorales 2 года назад
@John Paul Jehovah’s meting out of his judgment can be horrific & undesirable to witness.
@10thMorales 2 года назад
@John PaulOne can extrapolate through creation & imagine the being of the Creator.
@bigrealm8156 2 года назад
@@10thMorales can you explain what you meant by the 'jehovoh' comment please?
@teutonicknight23 2 года назад
@John Paul maybe study the Bible a bit more before you spout some basic level reddit atheist arguments about God. But I doubt you’ll do that.
@strikemaster1 3 года назад
Thank you Mommy for not killing me before I drew breath the first time.
@tara34952 3 года назад
That's how I feel. I'm sure all those people advocating for abortion are pretty happy they didn't get killed in the womb.
@strikemaster1 3 года назад
@@tara34952 Picture this.... A child is killed in the womb; the child is taken to heaven; the mother finally dies of old age; to greet the mother at heavens gate is the child she killed and says... "WHY MOMMY, WHY". What should the mother say in reply?
@MsJudi54 3 года назад
@@strikemaster1 Where does the Bible say that the products of conception will be (1) in Heaven, & (2) meet ANYONE "at heavens gate"? So glad churches are teaching sound doctrine in today's churches. No wonder socialism/communism has taken a large foothold in our country....As go the believers, so goes the nation....just ask any of the prophets sent by God to the Israelites to fish them out of one dilemma, one catastrophe, & one idol worship after another....they never learned their lessons & still aren't.
@strikemaster1 3 года назад
@@MsJudi54 The bible is not the only truth... there is more truth outside of it. I could babble on forever, but the truth is I am not qualified, and I also suspect niether are you. So I copy the following from a person at least more qualified than the both of us. She is a Scientist and from what I gather also a Christian.... From the Bible Psalms 139:16 "Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them." (Please read all for a better understanding.) I (Heather Zeiger scientist) was particularly struck by the “unformed substance” in this verse because you said your babies died when one was a gestational sac and the other when there was just an endometrial lining. And according to this verse, God seems to treat this unformed substance as though it has a soul. I cannot conclude when a fetus receives a soul, but from scripture, it seems that God’s actual mechanism on this is not our concern. The point is that this unformed substance will have/does have/has always had a soul, and we treat it as such. I also think it is reasonable to conclude from general and special revelation (that would be from what we know from observation and from the Bible) that from the time of conception the new clump of cells is a new individual. Your doctor is defining personhood as something that has the full genetic make-up of a person. Before 8 days, the cells have not formed its entire genetic structure, it’s still in the process of doing that, however, those cells are also not composed of only your genetics or only your wife’s genetics. In fact, there is no other genetic match to those cells, so it is a new genetic entity, and in that sense is a unique, new being." Now... back to me talking. The bible also tells us the God knows us BEFORE we were formed in the womb... look it up. And when you consider that the spirit of John the Baptist was well alive in the womb before he was born, shows this important truth, that the soul is not given at birth, but closer to conception. Besides, all pregnant women know the baby is alive when it is moving within. Why? Because it feels like it... meaning it is reacting to feelings. Mam, we can argue till the cows come home, but let the destroyer of the unborn know... it is God who they deal with in the end... not carnal man. Edit: IMHO only, the main pro abortionists women, are those who might have already had an abortion. In this case it is understandable that this woman is justifying her actions. If it were me, I would be asking forgiviness from The Lord and repenting.
@MsJudi54 3 года назад
@@strikemaster1 If you're going to accuse someone of MURDER, you better have it right; otherwise, God will most DEFINITELY care. If you notice, the Bible spends no time at all on abortion. Why is that if millions of abortions would occur throughout history? Just a thought. Btw, I'm not arguing with you. I hope you didn't not consider this an "argument". Disagreement, perhaps, but there is no angst on my part. I'm anti-abortion either way we look at it. I just don't like the idea that people, mainly the "religious" are emphatically accusing others of MURDER when for there to be MURDER, from a legal standpoint, there must be proof of "human life", not just "life". Thanks for the discussion. Bye.
@godisaliveglobalismisdead8819 3 года назад
“I knew you before you were in the womb” -God
@GinoNL 3 года назад
@fernandaabreu5625 3 года назад
Love your name.
@godisaliveglobalismisdead8819 3 года назад
@@fernandaabreu5625 thank you 🙏
@mooselord2838 3 года назад
I went to god's house the other day and he definitely says that 🤣🤣🤣🤦🤦🤦. The Bible was written by a human who has seen god as many times as you have.....so never, because there is no god! Thor would kick gods ass anyway.
@godisaliveglobalismisdead8819 3 года назад
@@mooselord2838 it’s a Bible verse. Jeremiah 1:5 quick question though.. what about my comment has you upset enough or makes you react 6 months later on a comment I wrote with your own edited comment?
@dougconley 3 года назад
You either value human life from it's beginning to end or you don't
@Ava001 3 года назад
@larjkok1184 3 года назад
The Bible doesn’t. Leviticus 20:13 "If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense." (NLT)
@dougconley 3 года назад
@nick m. At least they're alive to talk about it and now it's the pro choice party that's doing it.
@Tom-le3yy 3 года назад
Well the problem with nutcases like the sheep here is that you/they define for yourselves when that human life begins, which is contrary to say, science.
@dougconley 3 года назад
@@Tom-le3yy Science DOES confirm when human life begins. Check your current science book on Embryology.
@christopherprescott6426 3 года назад
Anybody else notice the word “Democratic” bleeped out when Knowles says “Democratic governor”?
@ConsumeristScroffa 3 года назад
@@theowolf1057 Fits his lip movements, indeed. Most people here think that RU-vid muted it because he said "democrat". Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought RU-vid can only bring a video down, right?
@theowolf1057 3 года назад
@@ConsumeristScroffa Giving that this comment section is the first I've heard of it, and that a simple google search does not confirm it, I'd have to say we're in the clear. I just don't know why so many people in this comment section were convinced of it?
@ConsumeristScroffa 3 года назад
@@theowolf1057 Literally more than half the comments talk about that. I guess it's easy to assume "democrat" because it fits what comes next. But I am really not sure whether RU-vid can mute parts or not. I think the uploader did it themselves.
@theowolf1057 3 года назад
@@ConsumeristScroffa Yeah, it fits with what else I've seen from the YAF. They always bleep out curse words.
@soozieq697 3 года назад
@@theowolf1057 I am looking at this moment repeatedly now. I become more skeptical each time I watch over that piece. It looks like there are more than two syllables in the edited out word. I also don't see his mouth open enough to expose his front teeth. You literally can not say words with "sh" without exposing the majority of your top front teeth (unless you are a skilled ventriloquist). If you have access to an unedited raw version of this speech, I would greatly appreciate the link. My curiosity is now piqued!
@nicktorea4017 5 лет назад
Censoring the word "democratic" has only highlighted it even more.
@tatankat5839 5 лет назад
The muted word was "democratic" by the way
@GoodNews-px2im 3 года назад
As a Christian, I’ve never understood pro-abortion (“pro choice”) “Christians”. A true Christian values human life and understands that there are other options, and every baby deserves a chance at life.
@lunagrace2872 3 года назад
Very true, but unfortunately there are lot of Christians or what I like to call them “scholars of the Bible” that aren’t saved. You can read the Bible but still not be saved and unfortunately lots of people don’t know it.
@GoodNews-px2im 3 года назад
@@lunagrace2872 Preach!
@timg2088 3 года назад
It's just another sign of the end times. Self proclaimed Christians arguing for abortion. Goes right along with gay Christians or the idea of gay marriage. God specifically speaks about homosexuality in His Word, yet there are tens of thousands of 'Christians' who claim it's not sinful. The Bible predicted all of this long ago.
@drinking_master 2 года назад
@John Paul human rights...if it's a zygote, embryo, fetus, baby, toddler, teen, adult or the elderly...they are all in the different stages of the human lifecycle and being human they are all deserving of human rights.
@userhome3601 2 года назад
As a rational being, I don't understand how you put any validity in the imaginary, bumbling, foolish dictator mentioned in the Bible.
@cjripley32 3 года назад
"I seem to recall some verses of scripture coming from--oh what's the guy--a guy named Jesus Christ." I'm dead lol😂😂😂 what a legend
@marie-floreddy667 3 года назад
You'll laughing on the other side of your face on the day of reckoning!
@cjripley32 3 года назад
@@marie-floreddy667 huh?
@mr.hibster9603 3 года назад
@@marie-floreddy667 Im pretty sure he just found that funny. He's on our side lol
@ravinp371 3 года назад
LMFAO 😂 😂 😂 😂
@ravinp371 3 года назад
@@marie-floreddy667 deep breath. I'm sure Jesus has a sense of humor.
@earlchris9446 5 лет назад
May God restore in us the valuing of life at every stage 🙏
@mdg6117 5 лет назад
@colleen4ever 3 года назад
May God get is through these next 4 years and make Trump run again like Grover Cleveland so people will be begging him back!
@coreydomijan9466 5 лет назад
God bless Knowles!
@coreydomijan9466 5 лет назад
how am I getting so many likes? Wow Pogu. Thanks everyone!
@1nePercentJuice 4 года назад
I'm having my third child. The first child my wife and I are having that was unplanned, or if you prefer, a complete and total shock. It implies having to find a larger home within the next 6 months, a larger vehicle that can now seat 5, 3 if which are in car seats. The financial hardships associated are mounting and it's a scary thing. That being said, terminating this baby's life, even now at only 12 weeks, disgusts me beyond words. I am agnostic and do not subscribe to religion in any way. My morals prevent me from even entertaining the idea of killing my unborn child and nothing else. And I'd never want my wife to experience any of that trauma either. Also, the pull out method is not terribly reliable.
@JoeandAngie 4 года назад
Your moral compass was written on your heart/conscious by God's hand, Sir.
@colleen4ever 3 года назад
@@JoeandAngie That should be your proof that God exists.
@robertbusek30 3 года назад
May God bless you and your family. I note that it’s been a year since you posted this. How are you guys doing?
@alderaancrumbs6260 3 года назад
It’s not “pro-choice” it’s “anti-life”.
@rexxo4246 3 года назад
Should not a girl/woman who was raped be able to abort?
@SWILL612 3 года назад
@@rexxo4246 Did the unborn baby commit that horrible act? Should the child be punished for its fathers sins? Murder a baby, because the father is a deviant? Rape is a disgusting, violent act. Murder is much worse.
@arispapa9172 3 года назад
@@rexxo4246 foster care, incubators, delivery those are just some of the solutions
@michaelmirecki3114 3 года назад
@@SWILL612 No, the baby didn't commint those acts. But, here's the thing, if the woman goes immediately... IT'S NOT A BABY! It doesn't even have organs. By most standards, people don't say anything to family or friends before 16 weeks, because the chance of a miscarriage is so high. So, if you're so against abortion. Are you against miscarriage? That woman just killed her baby. It wasn't conscious. Should she be charged with murder?
@SWILL612 3 года назад
@@michaelmirecki3114 You're really reaching, aren't you? Miscarriage is a natural occurrence. The mother does not decide to abort the pregnancy, when she has a miscarriage. I find it seriously troubling that people fight so hard to justify the termination of life. It's actually quite sick. Best of luck Michael
@Plissken68 3 года назад
Biologically speaking, life begins at conception.
@bradleywoods3742 3 года назад
True, but biologically speaking a few stem cells doesn't classify as a person. It's exactly like saying frogspawn are frogs, they aren't.
@adamsmith3413 3 года назад
@@bradleywoods3742 Your knowledge if biology is pretty slim...at conception a unique human DNA is created. The progression from that point on is remarkably quick. Drawing a line anywhere after conception is strictly arbitrary.
@bradleywoods3742 3 года назад
@@adamsmith3413 I know that the line is arbitrary but having unique DNA is not the sole factor in determining whether or not something or someone is a person. For example identical twins have the same DNA but they are two different people. There is no logical sense that a microscopic bundle of undifferentiated cells constitutes as a person with equal rights to a baby. What person do you know has no brain or body and can be cryogenically frozen? The answer is nobody. If someone was to get an abortion less than a week after conception there is absolutely no evidence to suggest they "murdered" a person. On the other hand a late term abortion IS murder.
@tara34952 3 года назад
@@bradleywoods3742 Ok. Now I would like to know, in your opinion at what point does an embryo / fetus / baby become a 'person'? Please answer.
@bradleywoods3742 3 года назад
​@@tara34952 The point that I was making is that there is a line, however it IS arbitrary. I am in no way medically qualified to suggest exactly where that line is, however clearly there is a huge difference between a microscopic group of cells and a baby. I disagree with late term abortions, so the line in my opinion would be before that. Beyond that I cannot say without researching the biology of foetal development, and I cannot be bothered, sorry.
@ericsonofjohn9384 3 года назад
If abortion is a “moral good”, then people should actively try and have them. I forget where it’s found, but God says I knew you before I formed you in the womb. There’s no way God is pro-abortion if he said that.
@mooselord2838 3 года назад
Oh yer I remember going to god's house and he definitely said that. I saw him say it 😂😂.
@ericsonofjohn9384 2 года назад
@John Paul So you think a mother who decides to kill her unborn child because it's convenient for her, is comparable to the moral arbiter and creator of the universe exercising divine justice and punishment? Human beings don't have ultimate authority over who deserves life or death. God does. You don't need to believe in God to understand that if he did exist, what I've just argued would make sense.
@lamontcranston8181 5 лет назад
2:45 Knowles is muted but clearly says “democratic” in reference to the governor. Why is you tube that salty on the subject?
@timothyivan2427 4 года назад
Caption says liberal
@sk-uh1xv 4 года назад
They literally won’t allow you to say “suicide”, “covid”, “anxiety” and stuff like that. Give me a break.
@Dudemon-1 3 года назад
It's not RU-vid blanking it out. YAF is a tax-exempt organization, under the "educational" exemption of the IRS tax code. That exemption requires them to be "non-partisan," so if they mention a party, their tax-exempt status could be challenged as them being political, not non-partisan educational. Look up 501(c)(3). You can check their status by looking up Young America's Foundation on charitynavigator, for example. (I used to run an educational 501(c)(3). Lawyers made us do the same.)
@daniellemeyer8568 3 года назад
@@Dudemon-1 That is pretty crazy. How is calling a Democrat a Democrat now a partisan/political move? I mean he is a registered Democrat and ran on a Democrat platform.
@stevenvelez1717 3 года назад
““When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman’s husband shall impose on him, and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.” ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭21:22-25‬ ‭ESV‬‬ Notice, “when the baby comes out”, “life for life, eye for eye” etc. If harm comes to the baby, whoever inflicted the harm is going to suffer in the same measure. If the baby dies, they die. Why doesn’t anyone quote this? It’s obvious.
@-ujou9673 3 года назад
Kudos for you, Steven for remembering this verse. I... actually just read this, since I am behind on my Bible reading plan, stopped at Exodus 31 now. Agree that Exodus 21:22-25 should be mentioned more when defending babies’ lives!
@dulpurp 3 года назад
Here's why: at least one thousand years of rabbinical scholarship say the fine is for causing a miscarriage and the death penalty is for causing the death of the pregnant woman. If anti-abortion exegetes are only now finding in this rather obscure passage evidence for an absolute biblical ban on abortion, you have to wonder why no one read it that way before. The Talmud permits abortion under certain circumstances, in fact requires it if the woman’s life is at stake.
@stevenvelez1717 3 года назад
@@dulpurp There has never been agreement among rabbis over these verses. There was always debate over if the harm was to both the woman and infant, or just the woman. Another thing that has to be clear is the Rabbis also debated the literalness of an eye for an eye. Bava Kamma 83b “one who injures another” is liable to pay five kinds of penalties: “for damage, for pain, for medical costs, for loss of livelihood, and for humiliation.” In other words, the mishna starts from the assumption that the penalty for injury is the payment of money. Now for Exodus 21: Read Bava Kamma 48b “Rabbi Eliezer ben Ya’akov says that one who injures a woman is never liable to pay compensation for miscarried offspring unless he strikes her opposite the womb, i.e., on the abdomen. Rav Pappa said: Do not say that it must be literally opposite the womb. Rather, he is liable if she was struck anywhere that the wound’s impact could reach the offspring, i.e., any part of the torso, to exclude a wound to her hand or foot, for which he is not liable, since it could be argued that it was not the wound to the hand or foot that caused the miscarriage.” They uphold here that payment for an eye for an eye is upheld even for the miscarried offspring and only upheld if it is clear they were responsible for the miscarriage.
@dulpurp 3 года назад
@@stevenvelez1717 ok, thank you. I was just quoting a biblical scholar. My bad.
@Kona_Blue 5 лет назад
This guy is amazing!!! Big fan!
@jimboslice3358 5 лет назад
He reminds me a lot of Dinesh D'souza. Both are brilliant speakers.
@Kona_Blue 5 лет назад
@@jimboslice3358 I agree! Spot on!
@Cartel893 5 лет назад
Michael Knowles god bless you!
@JohnSmith-qz4ki 2 года назад
@SabbathSOG 5 лет назад
Isaiah 5:20 King James Version (KJV) 20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
@simeonbaumel7293 3 года назад
That's a close enough translation from the original Hebrew.
@colleen4ever 3 года назад
Woe to everyone that voted for Harris! (not Biden, Harris!)
@abrahamjacenko9130 5 лет назад
I strongly agree with him that any killing is still the same .
@waynemartin2292 4 года назад
That was an incredible answer. Spot on!!!
@albertstien8138 3 года назад
Hallelujah!!! Praise the Lord!!! Chalk one up for Mr Knowles!
@ericrich3908 5 лет назад
Damn you RU-vid for your censorship
@paddyearly 5 лет назад
Brilliant answer👊✅ Great to have young men like you standing strong against the genocide of abortion✅🇮🇪
@jakeknelsen2318 3 года назад
“Depart from me, for I knew you not”
@brianmccauley339 3 года назад
Context ..Context ! Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees in that verse
@GodSoLoved.Yeshua 3 года назад
@@brianmccauley339 you've missed the point of the Bible.
@orangemc9358 3 года назад
That was some good advice I didn't know I needed. "Take the level headed approach... the truth is on your side, for him it is not."
@NinjaMaster1 5 лет назад
It’s a good point that pro abortion people often argue that abortion is important for population control of the poor. Black children are killed at the highest rates from abortion. How are they not called out on this racist stance?
@allpowerful555 5 лет назад
Cause abortion isn’t mandatory and those people just choose to do so. So there’s nothing racial about it
@BG-xl8ck 5 лет назад
They literally muted democratic...wth is going on
@bretdavisdmd 5 лет назад
why does RU-vid keep editing the Democrat?
@U_Hit_Like_A_Girl 4 года назад
I know. Like we don't know what he's saying!
@evangelist6277 4 года назад
Clearly done for political reasons, could be see as political interference
@oldnick4707 3 года назад
Its Editorial. They are editorializing, contrary to their legal mandate.
@classicaldeb 3 года назад
You'd think that Democrat would be highlighted by RU-vid!
@harrymiram6621 3 года назад
Coz THEY don't wanna be reminded of their prejudices!
@charleyweinhardt 3 года назад
Jeremiah 1:5 "Before you were in the womb I knew you."
@Punkinspapa 5 лет назад
Luke 1:41 When Elizabeth heard Marys greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit! Babies are alive at conception! Jesus made it clear on his love for children and the price in hurting them! These senseless killings will have a reckoning! Deuteronomy 32:35 Vengeance is mine, and recompence: their foot shall slip in due time; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things to come hasten upon them! Repent now for Jesus died for your sins!
@daniellemeyer8568 3 года назад
The Talmud (Jewish religious law) states that there are three 'partners' involved with the creation of a child: the father, the mother, and Hashem (God). This means that the creation of every child is the direct will of God himself and there are no "accidental" children. I always thought this was a very beautiful thing.
@princessnugget5994 3 года назад
@@daniellemeyer8568 Just because the parents didn’t plan the child doesn’t mean God didn’t. No child is a mistake to God. We are all special to him.
@touchstonejean2877 5 лет назад
God bless his heart ❤️
@nadinebock9181 5 лет назад
In cities all over our country by the sea, it is illegal to disturb sea turtle eggs buried in the sand, and one will be fined and could face imprisonment if they do. The reason? The egg is considered a future turtle, therefore if you destroy it, you are killing a turtle. Why is this view thrown out the window when it comes to an unborn baby. Is the fetus not a future human being? I’m baffled by the ignorance AND the acceptable murdering views.
@ellenpeba5688 5 лет назад
And they're baffled by their own ignorance, too. Sad.
@superjam18 5 лет назад
Excellent point
@makokx7063 5 лет назад
Not trying to support abortion but I believe the reason the eggs are protected is because they belong to an endangered species, not out of the sanctity of life. There are people who get paid in Florida to kill pythons because they are an invasive species, egg or otherwise.
@richiehayes3251 3 года назад
Here in Ireland, the first year after the right to life was stripped away from the unborn, 6,666 babies were aborted. If that’s not a sign, I don’t know what is.
@petrikoivukangas 4 года назад
"Thou shall not kill." That always means killing of innocent people.
@cnault3244 4 года назад
The commandment is thou shall not murder.... and it means Hebrews are not to murder other Hebrews.
@petrikoivukangas 4 года назад
@@cnault3244 Nope. Biblically you can't kill non hebrew slave for example, for any reason. Another hebrew was supposed to be killed for certain crimes. So it always means innocent, people have their rights you know. Original hebrew word doesn't help, if you don't read the content properly.
@cnault3244 4 года назад
@@petrikoivukangas "Biblically you can't kill non hebrew slave for example, for any reason. " When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property. (Exodus 21:20-21)
@cnault3244 4 года назад
@@petrikoivukangas "So it always means innocent, people have their rights you know." According to the Bible, god says the following people ( this is a partial list) are NOT innocent & are to be killed: - adulterers - homosexuals - disobedient children - women who were not virgins on their wedding night - people who worship a different god - people who worship no god - people who work on the Sabbath
@petrikoivukangas 4 года назад
C Nault Biblically those are not innocent. Unborn babies are. Basic example of not killing innocent exists. We have to apply to state laws that exist, but that should be less killing these days. Abortion should be illegal, and that phenomena didn't exist in biblical times. So we have to use brains also, when thinking God's will.
@stephenjacques554 3 года назад
Truer words never spoken
@deediddy 5 лет назад
A new life from the very first cell. There is no debate.
@Brett.D 5 лет назад
@Kadyrbek Nurlybekov You need to calm down, you're being too loud (and conflating two unrelated topics)
@below90hz 4 года назад
@J Mireles Damn son. That was one of the most concise and irrefutable statements of fact, logic and reason as to the morally repugnant concept of abortion that I have read from just about any source. Well done.
@markhunter8554 3 года назад
@aKa Donut There couldn't be another Jesus, but good point.
@ltdzinger 2 года назад
There's no such thing as a pro abortion Christian.
@lindaelster9928 3 года назад
Beautifully said. Thank you 🙏.
@edwardelliott5756 5 лет назад
OMG! Yes thank you Michael.
@TheGloryXros 5 лет назад
2:45 Uh-oh, RU-vid Liberal Censorship...??? BTW, love how Ralph Northam is STILL in office....
@quailstudios 5 лет назад
He said Democratic, while the Closed Caption says "liberal"
@quailstudios 5 лет назад
I found this comment down below. "They do it themselves so as to bypass a few filters."
@stole.myname 3 года назад
Thank you Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles !! And all those who make Young Americans possible !! Keep up the good work
@stablestoic1491 5 лет назад
Whether its life in a womb or life on the moon, it's still life by any definition. Human life. Not a mosquito.
@gideone9802 5 лет назад
I'm stealing that
@stablestoic1491 5 лет назад
@@gideone9802 it's all yers. Enjoy.
@switzerlandful 4 года назад
According to the CDC, there are between 13,000 and 30,000 late-term abortions each year. Less than 1% of abortions are due to rape. Less than 0.5% of abortions are due to incest. Less than 10% of late-term abortions are for fetal or maternal health. Pretty messed up when you realize the vast majority have nothing to do with any of the usual excuses given by abortion supporters.
@Sephiroth517 3 года назад
Doesn't means those "excuses" aren't valid. Taking these numbers, that would roughly means there's 130 abortion due to rape, 65 due to incest and 1.300 due to health issues each year. Do you see yourself sayin to 4 different women each and every day that their reason to abort is not valid ? The problem comes from those considering abortion as a late birth control measure when there's multiple ways to avoid getting pregnant in the first place. People just need to enjoy their sexual life in a responsible manner, and that should start with proper education on the subject.
@blazingdan 5 лет назад
Muted “Democrat” at 2:45 for me, too. :(
@pigjubby1 3 года назад
He meant to say "demonic"
@Freethinker632 3 года назад
Keep hitting them with facts Michael! They have been brainwashed to believe a lie.
@mooselord2838 3 года назад
Now you know how people with more than one brain cell feel about people who believe in god
@sweetmary3233 2 года назад
Hail Mary full of grace, BLESSED BE THE FRUIT OF THY WOMB! 😍😍😍😍😍😍
@John_Thundergun 5 лет назад
This is exactly what ive said! Very well put Michael
@christophercowan1645 5 лет назад
Wow RU-vid, straight up censorship @2:45. He said DEMOCRAT Gov of VA.
@Dudemon-1 3 года назад
It's not RU-vid blanking it out. YAF is a tax-exempt organization, under the "educational" exemption of the IRS tax code. That exemption requires them to be "non-partisan," so if they mention a party, their tax-exempt status could be challenged as them being political, not non-partisan educational. Look up 501(c)(3). You can check their status by looking up Young America's Foundation on charitynavigator, for example. (I used to run an educational 501(c)(3). Lawyers made us do the same.)
@6stringgunner511 5 лет назад
TRUER WORDS could not be said. Thank you for the great video. Awesome to hear such great wisdom.
@rjc7289 3 года назад
How can somebody not realize the hypocrisy in calling themselves both Christian and pro-abortion?
@sukruoosten 5 лет назад
NOT EVERYONE who calls me LORD LORD are my sheep !!!!! a TRUE TRUE TRUE did i say true? A TRUE CHRISTIAN can NEVER EVER BE A PRO ABORTIONIST !!!!!
@octopibingo 5 лет назад
Satan will stop at nothing to shed innocent blood. His followers argue his cause.
@mattmurray1132 4 года назад
So what do you call the crusades then? Politely shoving your religious beliefs down someone's throat and if they dont swallow you kill them? Sounds legit
@vegangelo_29 5 лет назад
The more I watch knowles, the more I become more attracted to him... LOGICALLY. ❤❤❤
@hhhhhh8020 3 года назад
You absolutely can not be both at the same time. Ever
@timberrr1126 5 лет назад
Fetuses aren’t the woman’s body.
@jamesdungan4426 5 лет назад
Then what is it?
@yasszone8694 5 лет назад
@@jamesdungan4426 another human being with a different DNA and, if there's blood, different blood (that's why there's a placenta)... That wasn't difficult to answer
@allpowerful555 5 лет назад
And it isnt a human till further growth in the womb so removing it at an early stage isn’t killing.
@yasszone8694 5 лет назад
@@allpowerful555 that's scientifically wrong buddy. It isn't a person for sure... But it is a human being. Learn some biology
@timberrr1126 5 лет назад
Leftists should stop breeding
@essequamvideri 5 лет назад
slowly becoming a fan Mr. Knowles. 👍
@mikeyhalliday 4 года назад
“,,,,He is that guy....” ??? HE is the SON of GOD
@TommyNitro 4 года назад
He was saying that in a "tongue in cheek" sort of manner to emphasize Jesus Himself will harshly judge those who harm children.
@kpballa1009 3 года назад
yes.. for His followers, the way this kid spoke of the Lord is very offensive. If apostle Peter heard this he would have been tempted to slap him a few times.
@kpballa1009 3 года назад
@@TommyNitro there are some people (all human beings) you can do that with and One Being that you don't do that with.
@glenncalzada1707 3 года назад
@mavicpro977 5 лет назад
They muted the word "democrat" before "governor of VA". WTF??
@ComeOutOfHerMyPeople 3 года назад
Well, it is a rude word 😂😂
@Brad-xq6lt 5 лет назад
You will account for everything one day accept you be saved by Jesus 🙏🏻
@michaelh7538 5 лет назад
Staying calm is the best approach. Very true. However it is human nature to want to argue the point. It is hard to keep cool someimes.
@myriadhues457 2 года назад
Been watching Mother Angelica lately. Very interesting to hear her talk. There was one segment in which she stated that Christians need to practice discernment with their teachers. In other words preachers. And that we need to listen to if what they are saying aligns with Christ's teachings. Deeply disturbing that there are preachers in any sect so willing to lead people astray.
@Noname-tl5oe 5 лет назад
Wow! Love him, again! 💜
@gordon2422 3 года назад
Perfectly said, Mr. Knowles!!
@USSResolute 4 года назад
Watched this several times to see if it was a glitch. Each time, when Michael said "liberal" there was no audio. Interesting...
@Dudemon-1 3 года назад
It's not RU-vid blanking it out; it's YAF (the spospor/uploader). YAF is a tax-exempt organization, under the "educational" exemption of the IRS tax code. That exemption requires them to be "non-partisan," so if they mention a party, their tax-exempt status could be challenged as them being political, not non-partisan educational. Look up 501(c)(3). You can check their status by looking up Young America's Foundation on charitynavigator, for example. (I used to run an educational 501(c)(3). Lawyers made us do the same.)
@zepptar 3 года назад
I know somebody who believes in blm and is pro abortion. Every time I mention this contradiction they totally flip the f out in a rage.
@johnreed4159 3 года назад
They probably worship Margaret Sanger and pray to her at her church of Planned Parenthood.
@xuttuh5260 4 года назад
You cannot be Christian and be pro-abortion at the same time.
@MrScubajsb 3 года назад
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Jeremiah 1:5 That's really enough for me.
@GinoNL 3 года назад
Odin and the other 800+ gods disagree.
@MrScubajsb 3 года назад
@@GinoNL 800+ false gods, the God im talking about is the only One. 👍🏻 Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end
@arthurmorgan835 3 года назад
I love how the title has "(sunday) school" that awesome! 🤣
@overture2264 2 года назад
"Before I laid the foundations of the world I knew you" - Jesus Christ
@jonalarcon8564 5 лет назад
My neighbor is named Jeremy i always call him 1:5, so one day i asked him did he know why i called him 1:5 he said because he knew me in the womb i told him right on !!!!!!!!!!!!
@lesliescotty9771 5 лет назад
Germany’s Historic Election Results Explained
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