
Everything is so expensive in Australia, is there any point to living here anymore 

Deo Venator
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28 июн 2024




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@jamiehay5699 8 дней назад
Bro, watching your vid gave me chills, youre at where i was going to be at a few years ago. Same thoughts, same upbringing, same day to day. Only real difference is i got on one of those 'inspiration waves' and just refused to get off. Career, girlfriend (now wife), house and kids all fell into place after i committed to improving myself, even just a little. When you put the effort into anything and see results its easier to keep doing it.
@The_AI_Pimp 8 дней назад
Same over here in Canada. Our governments sold out to the CPP/WEF. Keep going!!
@CosmicHarmony58 7 дней назад
maybe stop eating fast food so much....like this guy
@sometea4741 7 дней назад
Wef is a cult..it ticks all the boxes..look at what defines cult and lay that definition over politicul ecultonomics educultion and culture..it's alot of cult mind think..
@sometea4741 7 дней назад
Cosmic disharmonious its a shame you feel a need to comment using sht brain
@themcguy1 3 дня назад
No, Canada sold out to corporations like Loblaws, Rogers and landlord corps. Doug ford is a snake that needs to go
@CProductU 12 часов назад
So true Canada is wrecked, everything's bloody expensive and you can't find anywhere decently priced to lived, its fucked!
@kebabtank 9 дней назад
Hi Deo, you've asked for some advice, well here it is. You can cut down on your food budget by cooking and preparing your own meals. Not only is it easy and cheaper, but you will also have the joy of making it yourself and knowing exactly what is going into it. A stir-fry can be prepared in a matter of minutes and there is a whole plethora of videos on youtube that can teach you about this and healthy eating in general. As for life, well, it is hard work, but the harder you work the better you will be. Much like yourself, I let things build up and before long I have a whole list of things to do and it becomes too much. Well, you can do a bit at a time and you may not get everything done, but at least you will do something. The change will have to come from you though, but think on this, if you are worried about time passing and things not changing, that time will pass anyway, you have no control over that. Just make those first steps and as time progresses you will do more and want to do more. All the best.
@Souscheff 7 дней назад
you end up having a bunch of shit you not going to use or eat chinese every day
@hippyopium 7 дней назад
In Adelaide bro, same situation things are stupid expensive everywhere, I get my meat bulk from the butcher now, got some chickens in the backyard. It sucks man but its all part of the new normal agenda that ends around 2030. Globalization
@brudyboy58 2 дня назад
As a man thinkth in his heart so is he the sum of all his thoughts. He who sacrifices little atrains little and he who sacrifices greatly atrains greatly. This changed my life.
@nathanielphillipduncan5853 7 дней назад
Same here in the US. A lot of us out here are barely getting by!
@Para_Ninja 7 дней назад
I live in Silicon Valley US and just came over to visit family this week. The most shocking thing for me was how cheap the food is over here in Brisbane. Supermarkets are less than half the price and restaurants are maybe half but much better quality and much friendlier service with no tips. It used to be the other way around 10yrs ago. Our local Costco in the US is charging $75 usd ($112 aud) for 4 plain steaks.. cant even imagine what a Safeway is charging. Housing prices in the US where I am are double here too. Anyway point is while I know it can be better ie (Asian countries) it can get much worse mate. FWIW id strongly recommend guying an air fryer.. they can be cheap and allows you to cook cheap veges and meats without fattening oils.. also removes much of the oils.. super convenient too. All the best mate.
@waynefoxton9081 7 дней назад
Scotland is the same brother. It’s so expensive. Nothing is cheap anymore. I’m literally having to portion out little pieces of meat and freeze it, just to make it last. There’s no chance that I could afford to smoke, drink or eat takeout though. It’s hard enough to pay my bills now.
@JessicaMarinaRushie 7 дней назад
You thought about joining your army or police or something like that? You'll get fit and your life will be completely different. Don't off yourself, change your life, YOU HAVE THE POWER!!!
@davidm4677 7 дней назад
The worst advice you can give come on!
@mrpmikc2505 8 дней назад
Go walking, don’t need to talk to people, be free, lose weight just by walking, don’t need the gym mate. F that place, start cooking some simple things, save some cash on junk food all the time. You’ve got a brain, start using the fucker productively to help yourself, only 1 person can help you brother, come on man, you can sort yourself out but need to start soon! Good luck man
@fluoridejunkie День назад
It definitely works, you can lose a lot just by walking a good amount and trying to keep calories in a decent amount relative to your weight daily. It took me a few years but I’m a lot less heavy than I had been.
@MrBa143 8 дней назад
I've never used doordash, but a quick google search shows me that you pay both a service fee aswell as delivery fee. This adds up. It also sounds like your tobacco cost is the roughly the same as the cost of your daily meals, so getting rid of that addiction would make your meals "free" compared to how you currently live. My best advice for you is to pick a small / simple exercise that you can get done in 10 minutes. Start doing that once everyday and then gradually increase / add on to it. Its not much in the start, but getting into the habbit of doing the exercise(s) you'll eventually lose weight, sleep better, get more energy. The key is to introduce the exercise not as something you have to do, but just a small little movement to get the ball rolling.
@ChatniJay 7 дней назад
just start by doing small improvements like try and go for a 5-10 minute walk once a day and instead of buying MacDonalds buy the ingredients and try and make it yourself. and progress from there and set a time for going to sleep and waking up its basically a snowball affect 🙂
@Chardboyflanders 8 дней назад
Talking about purpose, if i could recommend you anything it would be trying to make small changes about your life. 1 step at a time. Best thing to do is get a book and a pen start writing down your thoughts. Cut costs down - write about all the different aspects of your budget of all different categories. For food if you love it, dont have to cut it down tremendously but make a deal with yourself like once a week you can pig out on a feast. Spend 10-15 mins a day doing some form of exercise and build up from there. Another awesome idea to cut costs for rent. Imagine if you had $600/w that you didnt have to make. It'd give your life a lot more time. Save up or get a loan to get an RV have a look into it, theres some cheap ones around 10-30k but a decent one is 60k. RV's can have showers but if you dont have one, just buy a gym membership and park out the front, use their shower. Might also give you more incentive to drop into the gym for 10-15 mins in the morning. Great start to the day and doesnt have to be crazy 2 hours. Just jump on treadmill or bike for a little bit and leave. Will feel so good. You should be able to get your p's a lot easier without having to do the learner hours since you're 35 I've struggled with my house being messy af too and when you finally do a major clean and get a bit organised you feel more motivated to actually do more productive stuff
@sometea4741 7 дней назад
Barter. Organize meaningful exchange amongst community. Keep money in pocket and get what's needed by trade. As much as possible. Bartering strengthens local economies.
@RPodoba 7 дней назад
-make your own meals (not difficult to cook 5 eggs and salt them) -eat less (smaller portions; 1-2 meals per day) -walk an hour a day
@midooley543 7 дней назад
F that. Too much effort
@awolf5 7 дней назад
You make some good points about how hard it is to make money and get jobs
@bahyasta 8 дней назад
Hey mate, some unsolicited advice. The first step is usually the hardest when it comes to exercise. So maybe try and simplify that. Instead of thinking of gym, maybe just walk. If you walk at a steady pace, with your heart rate elevated, for 45-60mins, its highly likely you will lose weight. I had a mate that lost a stack of weight by walking to work, and drinking water instead of soft drinks. You'll also get the benefit of endorphins. You'll also have time to think about what you want to do careerwise, and the endorphins will help make those thoughts positive ones. Good luck!
@Izzy267NZ 7 дней назад
just moved to perth from NZ , ive noticed everyone complaining about the prices here , its defintely cheaper than NZ , even your benefit is better lol
@danieltucker5028 7 дней назад
Mate, don’t overthink it, it’s a journey with self improvement, just change one thing and find the discipline at sticking to it then it just snowballs from there. Sounds like your depressed go see ya GP and go talk to a psychologist and clean ya closet out sounds like ya got a fair bit of junk to clean out. All the best and Pray to God to help you he will guide you.
@Thedevilsjskkskk 7 дней назад
Did you hear what this guy said wtf does giong to the gym gonna do for the cost of living poeple lift the way out of this mess the people of this country have to grow a pair and fight to change because it only hgonna get worse
@davidm4677 7 дней назад
People are gutless sheep.
@skipinkoreaable 8 дней назад
Hang in there, mate. No idea who you are but I understand the sentiment. I've felt that way before too. There is meaning to be found or made. There's definitely good things to be done and satisfaction to be found. As for the cost of living, I'm afraid you're right about that...
@phononai 8 дней назад
fuck the gym
@davidm4677 7 дней назад
Stress of living in this world is my gym
@phononai 8 дней назад
don't listen to these fools..do one set to failure ..you need to walk too.. hit me up if you want ill do it with you bro x
@Nells98 7 дней назад
What to do, you need to branch out. You don't know what you can experience or have, or what you'd think and consider as meaningful, unless you get out. Literally. Life is not found inside. And no one is going to help you when you are inside alone. Outside of course, you may find wonders. Especially if you see it that way and know how beautiful and awesome and fun life can be. A GYM is one thing indefinitely! No you won't necessary become a different person I think, but you will feel better about yourself and that will have an effect. People smoke as if. Junk food is horrible. Alcohol can be fun. It won't seem like months and months if you try and enjoy yourself. You're not going to lose anything your computer, alcohol, smoking. You'd be able to do what you do now. At best, you'd start doing new stuff and stay thinking what to do! Then life would have the chance to flip your life around. Money is important, it's a job and saving money. Saving money, is so important but hard. Budgeting won't starve you. It enables/allows you what to do You do need to plan where you will move (Within Australia, as outside I imagine is a life changing thing. I bring in friends and family, I don't know what else), where you will work, these are things that everyone around you does. They do it because they can, they found their balance, they've lived like that and their life is accustomed around working and don't worry, they try enjoy their life too. You can change your life. 1 day at a time, and you will have more fun buddy. It starts by doing different activity, setting financial goals. GYM, a lot of people experience more energy after. You can feel good as well. What to do besides work? You can start some sport. It has it's own training/community*. Then bounce if you don't like it. If you do then amazing for * :) - Try to get excited, be optimistic about what can happen outside. What you imagine, you can do already.
@Nells98 6 дней назад
And people would love to be your friend you’re awesome dude I know it
@charalambakis67 7 дней назад
I really hope you manage to turn things around for yourself bro..
@Chris-w2q 8 дней назад
The whole world is your gym big man! It really is..
@dtcy1229 7 дней назад
Become a sik karrntt Love from qld brother
@DeoVenator 6 дней назад
thanks brah
@NutritionPolice 7 дней назад
Survive til 25
@JafoolyPorchers 7 дней назад
sounds like u need medical weed for anxiety
@sergeboss 7 дней назад
U can make infinite money in your country, america, uk. All these first world countries. U can't possibly be serious about complaining about money bro. Lose weight, cut out the weed, and start from there. You'd be at peace with yourself and then start your life from there.
@chokethewoke746 8 дней назад
I hear ya man and feel the same pretty much, living in Brisbane I only go out to work and back each day and I complain that work sucks then I get home and don't do anything, I want to go to the gym but have some kind of social anxiety that puts me off, even when I told myself to start going for walks something in my head keeps me as a procrastinator. I'm always inside so I though walks in the sun will help my mental state lack of vitamin D and all that. I work but I'm always shy of money with bills, haven't been laid in over 6 years, I did lose a lot of weigh cause I've been addicted to goon but went sober for 4 months but now I drink low carb beer but that's way more money. I quit eating uber eats cause it's way too expensive but I get Cole's or Woolworth's delivered and do the Carnivore diet all just meat and animal fat, no carbs. There are some positives and that's we are not living on the street like millions of people around the world just fight to get food and shelter.
@ethelrhine56 7 дней назад
1. Cook your own food. That's cheaper, healthier and lasts longer. For $100 I have two weeks of groceries. 2. It's easier for you to quit smoking because unlike myself, you're not living with a nutcase family member. 3. Get a hobby. Art, physical exercise etc whatever. 4. Most online ventures don't work 😅😂
@davidm4677 7 дней назад
100$ for two weeks what in the heel are you eating gummi bears? I cook at home and don't eat much spending like minimum 400$ per fortnight and still sometimes don't have what to eat
@ethelrhine56 6 дней назад
@@davidm4677 red split peas, chicken mince, spinach one week, switch to something similar the next week. Plus fruit. I can't eat glutenous bread unfortunately so can't be bothered with it. Mind you, I don't eat much, plus men tend to need more kilojoules than women. 🙂
@davidm4677 6 дней назад
@@ethelrhine56 yeah sure poor living just fruit per fortnight will cost more 20$ water 10$ mincemeat 40$ .But that's ok I just say what they want to hear.
@phononai 8 дней назад
keep separate.. ive tried socialising.. its wild out there x
@CosmicHarmony58 7 дней назад
stop eating so much take out food than....
Australia is SUPER Expensive!?
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