
Facing Racism In Singapore 

Real Talk by MOSG
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20 окт 2024




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@ithadtobeyou8396 3 года назад
I remember going to a camp during secondary school. I was the only Malay in a group of Chinese. They were speaking in Mandarin and I told them to please switch to English. 1 guy in the group replied in Mandarin to just continue speaking in Mandarin and to ignore me. Of course, they were not aware that I understood what was said by that guy. 1 of the many incidents that I've encountered over the years. Sad but true.
@mgybiggestfan 3 года назад
We were complaining about Westerners being racist towards Asians when we have those in our backyard ....
@takundag_ 5 лет назад
She's a very nice person I'm an African In India, compared to this I think India has a long way to go in terms of diversity and racism.It's been tough living in Greater Noida. The students are great but some locals need people like her to reach out
@ipanema4706 3 года назад
Strongly agree RACISM does exists here!. Be proud of who you are. Not many will be strong like you to come forward to talk this kinda topic. Bravo!
@felixfroster2053 4 года назад
Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you. Don’t try to be someone else. Be proud about who you are, be proud about your heritage and your skin colour/height/weight. There are things you can’t change and people are only going to hurt you if you let them.
@ps9902 4 года назад
Well spoken. I too being SG indian have experienced alot of racism growing up.
@bernardcolumba72 4 года назад
I was searching for a video to discuss racism to my new team and came across your video, what a wonderful presentation. I have lived with racism all my life, but I enjoy teaching people how to handle it without taking it in. It exists and will always exist, the point is how we as humans evolve to better understand and manage it. It starts with people like you who are willing to speak up. Keep it up, if you ever enter politics let me know.
@etloo1971 3 года назад
There's a bad culture of boastfulness and self pride in Singapore.
@ilovearanara 2 года назад
for real lol and they can’t take criticism well. the patriots will get so defensive and go ballistic.
@tomryann86 3 года назад
Chinese singaporeans should stop looking behind and stare/look at the ppl that’s either standing behind them or even walking behind them especially on different race. That’s rude af
@pumpkinkill2937 3 года назад
I think you mean everyone. The way you only said Chinese Singaporeans gives me an idea that you have a grudge on their race on something.
@ilovearanara 2 года назад
@@pumpkinkill2937 no. they specifically said ‘chinese people’ because it’s true. being the majority race, chinese people have more privileges and , in turn, a superiority complex, which is why they tend to look down and discriminate minority races. do you read the news? most of the racist offences that made headlines are all instigated by Chinese people. btw i’m chinese and i’m not ashamed to admit that chinese singaporeans are racist as fuck.
@aaronchan1498 2 года назад
@@pumpkinkill2937 Spot on. Please do not be too stereotypical and judgemental towards our race. While there may be bad sheeps tarnishing our reputation and public image, but I certainly know for a fact that most of the Chinese and other races were equally benevolent and respectful to others. Being too hypersensitive and over-imaginative will just continue to add unnecessary tensions and conflicts in our multiracial society.
@HadyAHamid 3 года назад
Of course racism exists here, and mostly perpetrated by the majority. When I work hard or score good grades in school, they'll tell me, "Wah, you like Chinese ah," but when I'm not being outstanding, I'm just a Malay. When they see my children who are fair-skinned, they like to offer their unsolicited comments like, "Wah, your children so fair and cute like Chinese," and they will find it hard to believe that I'm the father. Or when I see a lot in high corporate positions who can't even speak like they passed PSLE English, and yet there they are, but because they can speak Mandarin. Unfortunately for even the highest-educated and eloquent Malay or Indian, they can only speak English. A lot just don't get what racism is. A lot just think it's harmless, but their attitude, language and exclusive behaviour really marginalises the rest of us. Racial relations need to be in formal education, otherwise our society is just cruising towards another boiling point. There's only so much "racial harmony" can fake.
@riyahayden4292 3 года назад
All of those things she said was so true (especially the friends not holding hand part) and it even happens in Malaysia as well.
@laratakahashi1305 3 года назад
Sad to hear of your experience. Hope anyone who see this video will be more sensitive to a person of another race. You are a beautiful and a strong young woman who shared this with the world. Cheer up and thank you for educating us on such a valuable information.
@sheilacash7032 3 года назад
Racism in spore worse than in Malaysia
@aizatjunaidi69 2 года назад
All because of the chinese la they make our malay land like a racist country
@sofeahsamsuddin6322 4 года назад
thank you love, you put this together so well!! thank you for coming out to share your experiences. There's always a chance of someone dismissing your thoughts again so you are extremely brave for doing this. With you all the way
@roseharon9472 3 года назад
Well spoken - you are absolutely right.
@rkninrknin4610 4 года назад
Sporeans have a long way to go but then the whole world also has a long long way to go thats the harsh truth
@ainouta123 3 года назад
"You continue to be naughty i will call downside the ah pu neh neh come catch you and sell you". Boomer parents planting racist seed since 1970.
@davidedwinroy4446 5 лет назад
Dear Harini. U spoke truth. It takes a real human to understand this no matter what race you are. Racism fsvours the majority and its fueled by insecurity and very hard hearted selfish agenda carrying people. Michael Jackson once sang..'.take a look at yourself and make that change. ". If one does not realise how selfish they really are pursuing wht they feel is so very important...then things will never change. As for singaporeans....what does it mean when we say ' regardless of language race or religion' ?? If we have that....pinch yrself hard ....n mean it. We must.
@johngoldberg4638 2 года назад
Expectations bring sorrow ... - Buddha
@narvin3 3 года назад
Like I said before and I'll say it again, The day racism ends will be the day of true peace. I was once donating some rations to a shelter home. There was a very young Chinese girl. I would say below 13. With a very Happy Face saying to me, Are those for me??. Racism is taught, you are not born with it.
@notnot5446 3 года назад
Indeed racism exists in Singapore
@davidsonmensah9272 3 года назад
Thank u so much for sharing these...but hey look u are the most beautiful woman in singapore ...I'm happy to hear from you .,..stay bless
@bhuvanamani9151 2 года назад
You have a point . Ignoring a problem will not make it disappear. Sorry you have had subtle racist experiences while growing up but still did to be a beautiful person you are! But then it is the want in us to be accepted that disappoints us . Stand tall wherever you go and believe in yourselves even if it means to be tagged a loner you will save yourselves the agony of being with not so nice crowd. 🤘🏼🤘🏼
@letmein8807 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing and it's about time too :)
@hdisappears9481 3 года назад
Wow the comment section just proves how ignorant, passive aggressive and irrelevant people can be towards people who voice out the problem. Well, if you think it's okay to tolerate racism rather than acknowledge it exists for fear of setting Singapore up for a riot or antiracism violent movment, you can shove that excuse and learn that humanity can be better.
@andrew8257 4 года назад
Spot On... 👍🏻😊
@eapenkurian4134 3 года назад
Very true. I had a friend from Vietnam and he once said that he will never prefer dating indian woman because their skin colour is dark and he thinks white is pretty.
@kanmanisabapathy102 2 года назад
It is okay to have personal preferences. I don't think Indian women would want to date these men. East Asian and Southeast Asian men have very soft features and they don't have enough body hair and facial hair. When you look at them, you can't really tell if they have reached puberty. Subconsciously, you won't see them as males who have reached sexual maturity. I personally find such traits unattractive in a male. I am an Indian woman. It is not racist to have personal preferences when it comes to choosing a mate.
@KM-leons 5 лет назад
I have been to Singapore and I am an Indian. There are so many positive things one can see in Singapore and I appreciate the country for it. But racism is a hard realty there whether anyone agrees or not. Generally the Chinese look down on Indians with a bit of contempt and suspicion. And I often think that there is sold reason for it, and it is obvious and undeniable.I have been discriminated against by the Chinese and by the Malays just because I am an Indian.It's not easy for Singapore to be like the liberal West but they try and sometimes fake it.But the serious fact is that I (and other new migrants from India) have been discriminated against by the Indians there(descendants of those who were brought there as laborers by the British and those who went there decades ago) because the new Indian migrants are educated and well placed. In short, racism is a reality in Singapore and no one can blame another for it. Let me add this too here, I have met some of the finest human beings there in Singapore and most of them are Chinese.
@etloo1971 3 года назад
This kind of racism is common elsewhere especially in USA, Australia , Canada, Malaysia etc.
@jamaldinosaur8815 6 лет назад
Honestly prejudice will always exist. I’ve been a victim of racism growing up in US and working in Singapore, but after a while I learned to kinda just ignore it. People will never be perfect. I’m happy that 95% of the people I interact with aren’t racist. Why focus on the negatives?
@KrishnaSingh-yt3rq 5 лет назад
Racism, huh..Hurts like Hell. I was insulted and Humiliated every day facing Racism..but now my heart is Healed because the only Unloved and Unnatural Hate..I love every human being and now I feel more better
@manichebelani 5 лет назад
Every country reaches an equilibrium with the different races accepting / rejecting each other. In all honesty, I believe the equilibrium in Singapore has shifted to a healthier one. We can all be thankful at least that minorities here are ensured representation constitutionally and that your racist experiences tend to be exceptions rather than the rule. As a final point, we tend to conflate racism with the minority argument, when in reality, I see racist attitudes held by minorities against their majority (chinese) counterparts, though underreported for obvious reasons. So, while I appreciate the sentiments of an indian minority in this video, racism is rife across all sects... that should also be brought to light.
@josur8181 5 лет назад
As an Indian, I have visited Singapore 2 times recently and to be honest I really didn't feel any racism but seeing this video does worry me a bit than even if it exists in a little proportion - change is needed as racism is very cruel and can scar a human being for a long time no matter if it was done as a joke or casual comment.
@sambharat3532 4 года назад
yes u a 100% right
@sarahk4830 5 лет назад
Yes totally agree🤗 thank you for sharing
@RajeevKumar-uy3rf 4 года назад
The bitter truth
@raihaanahful 5 лет назад
Word sis
@itismeagain3907 5 лет назад
Very articulate.
@pixiedear4033 4 года назад
Good on you girl; you are very courageous
@michaelmisantrope2146 4 года назад
I'm Eurasian half german quater Chinese and quarter Ceylonese but most people think I'm Chinese. I have never encounter racism really actually more privilege I think. Except when as a kid I will walk asa kid and ppl will say ang moh kou referring to my dad cause whenever if someone do say anything about being mixed. If it's a Chinese I will say I think I'm more Chinese than you I can speak mandarin fluently not Singaporean half ass mandarin hokkien cantonese fluently cause that's what I speak to my grandmother English of course a bit of malay cause I have malay friends german also a lot of my close friends are Indians Malays Chinese Eurasian and no prejudice . But from most of my non malay friends there's often jokes about malays and their stereotypes which I think many Singapore do that. Not supporting it just saying. But while I was in ns I and a Chinese guy we did something and we both were supposed to get charged. But my staff sergeant a malay came up to me and say he don't really like Chinese so he will charge the Chinese and let me off and that's what he did. As for jobs I don't get any problems but there's times Chinese might try to say something bad especially if they see my name than realising I'm not Chinese. I will reply to them in Chinese telling them if they think they're so Chinese go improve their command of the Chinese language before talking to me lol. But I think this race thing is mostly the older generations . As for younger generation I think they are more acceptable.
@pikachuthunderbolt3919 2 года назад
Don't be victimised anywhere . I know mostly low esteem people get bullied and discriminated. Try to return statement in modern way . Make yourself a person a like which can't be bullied easily . U feel lower compared to others sometimes that's why u are easily a prey to get racially discriminated.
@agilanagilan4864 3 года назад
I'm agreed with her .my ex boss 🙏
@asiantwist2500 3 года назад
Really in SG racism issue? I thought theyre too opened since theyre diversified
@azmihady1993 3 года назад
Ermm yeah still have racism here.. Well just close one eyes
@ilovearanara 2 года назад
Of course. No country is perfect.
@ronraji 3 года назад
Racism against "east asian "looking people in India is far worse.
@dilan_2074 3 года назад
dont quantify racism bc once you quantify racism your putting the spotlight on one group
@vit8298 4 года назад
aye lowkey some of the jokes made in this video are like everyday jokes made between me and my friends. Like im indians from australia and i have friends of all colours. So overall its just banter
@ceelee5850 2 года назад
In my experience, most of the time, it was the Indians who discriminate other race. Seems like Indians always think they are superior race.
@jxsilicon9 2 года назад
@ravpn1027 4 года назад
Thought racism is worse in India? Caste system and the north prejudice against south Indians
@jabezalantan6357 3 года назад
SG is not perfect. Long way to go. But surely it's doing way better than the rest of the world
@renegadeace1735 3 года назад
You want to know why there's racism in Singapore? Cause there's racism everywhere. So what? Humanity has it flaws. Eat drink and move on.
@adamariff5522 3 года назад
Yessir factss
@dilan_2074 3 года назад
if eat drink and move on was all your ancestors did we would all be living like cave men, the point is to better human existence
@ilovearanara 2 года назад
Eat drink and move on? What you’re suggesting is that we pay no heed to racism and instead of trying to solve the problem, we ignore it and let it run rampant in Singapore forever! Clearly you don’t understand the plights of the oppressed minorities in Singapore enough to think of racism as something that we should turn a blind eye to, so you need to keep your privileged ignorant mouth shut.
@pikachuthunderbolt3919 2 года назад
Ignore such people with full high esteem Just make yourself look like u don't care about such people .
@mukundarora5138 2 года назад
Your comment shows ignorance and narrow mindedness
@aaronchan1498 2 года назад
The fact that you keep bringing this up seems to be creating a xenophobic trend and groundless allegations that Chinese are racist.
@sf6695 4 года назад
This more self hate than racism to me, she already had that ingrained notion that having darker skin is a bad thing, if you think having dark skin is cool, you wouldn’t feel offenders
@DJ-jd9qf 3 года назад
She feels dark skin is bad because the some in the singapore community treat her that way
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