
False Teachers, Essential Doctrine, Christian Unity 

A Frisch Perspective
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This video looks at the issue of Christian unity. Todd Friel brings out the way in which Christians are dividing over various issues today. Tim looks at various Scripture passages to think through what unity means and the categories of false teachers vs. Christians with whom we disagree over secondary matters.
Scripture quoted in this video is from The Christian Standard Bible. Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible®, and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers, all rights reserved.
Video of Todd Friel referenced:
• Mandated V’s: the Chri...
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27 июл 2024




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@robertdeuel4332 2 года назад
I serve as a pastor in a Restoration Movement church. Our movement was founded by individuals who believed the church needed restored the first century model. Sadly, it led to more division. However, one of the early mottos of the movement was "We are Christians only, but not the only Christians." Founders of the movement like Barton Stone and the Campbell's believed we should focus on the truth of Scripture above creeds and man made manuals. They understood that there were areas in which the Bible was not specifically or implicitly clear. Matters of opinion were left to the area of unity. I believe all to often we let secondary issues divide the church. Most church splits I have learned about in my time are not doctrinal as often as preference. Thanks for the great video.
@fernandoalarcon8534 2 года назад
I too belong to a Restoration Movement Church. We have had some think differently, but it has not caused division. We have basically agreed that we may not read certain passages in the same manner. However, we all believe that Jesus is our Savior, belief in this required for Salvation. That we believe in God, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then that is what binds us and we should discuss our differences.
@ma-mo 2 года назад
"Some say, 'I follow Paul,' others 'I follow Apollos..." Others Luther. Others Calvin. Others Wesley...Zwingli...Menno Simons...etc. We may have a problem.
@charlene2377 2 года назад
The Church was established in 33 A. D. It hasn't changed, and it is still here. The Gates of Hades did not prevail against it, as Jesus promised.
@lindakerr9251 2 года назад
morning Tim… Pastor Tim from Calgary did an excellent message Sun on 1 Corinthians 2:2 … For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified🙌 this should be our only division whether we truly believe in the power & authority of God. Don’t get sidetracked & hit the ditch but believing & claiming the power of that blood shed on the cross for sins is our unity & if not we are allowing satan to win battles by dividing & chipping away at our faith in Christ & fellowship w/ each other! We have learned here at Grace Life Edmonton in the last year that we are only strong when we stand together in Christ proclaiming his truth & righteousness ✝️ my hope is in Christ alone not whether someone agrees w/ me or not… live for Christ not others God will be glorified ❣️
@sorenpx 2 года назад
I get very frustrated with how easily some Christians throw around the terms "heretic" and "false teacher." Are we going to use these terms every time someone holds a perspective than is different from our own? Theology is hard. It's something we have to work out. Sometimes it's inevitable that people will come to different conclusions about what the Bible says. I feel like ultimately there are just a few core doctrines that must be held by all Christians and everything beyond that we can have conversation about.
@RUT812 2 года назад
Amen! Thanks so very much for pointing out the difference between core Christian doctrine & personal preference, & the need for a fuller understanding in order to preach/teach correctly. And yes, there are false teachers who are misleading people, & we need to check everything that is taught or preached against the word of God, our source of absolute truth.
@JonStallings 2 года назад
Hey Tim, I think you were clear and very helpful. As Christians we are very passionate about our faith and sometimes that passion may go to far when dealing with differences of understanding. Sadly many throw around the word heretic a bit too quickly. Especially when it is not a matter of orthodoxy. Just the other day I had commented on Facebook that we all need a day of rest on someone posting about the Sabbath. Another person quickly responded to my comment that I must be part of a church who accepted the memo from Satan and changed the day of Sabbath. I also have to admit if I am not careful I can be just as guilty of letting my passions go a bit to far. Grace and mercy go a long way.
@artistocracy 2 года назад
Hi Tim, thank you for this message today. I am called "a heretic" by KJV only Christians who have RU-vid channels, and whom I used to hang with 2 years ago, because I not only read the KJV (which is my main bible and life long one) but have recently bought (shock horror!), and do read, the NKJV as well. My RU-vid channel is my walk as a Christian and I do bible reviews among other things so they take videos of others like me and show parts on their channels so they can gather round and be condemning. I left that group because of their continual condemning because it disgusted me. I do pray for them, however, because they use Gail Riplinger's vile book as their first bible and it seems to me that they do not actually read the bible since they don't understand what Jesus says.
@mikehoward455 2 года назад
Thank you Tim for rising above the politics.
@allenfrisch 2 года назад
Excellent, Tim! Ironically, in the vast majority of Todd’s videos he “calls out” one Christian leader or another for being heretical. I think he needs to apply his own message here!
@AFrischPerspective 2 года назад
I don't watch a lot of Todd Friel, but that is sad to hear if he is not being consistent. Maybe his definition of orthodoxy is pretty narrow on some points.
@mariosangermano5709 2 года назад
If TF calls out a false teacher who happens to truly be false, then he has done a good and biblical thing .
@glennmelven3414 2 года назад
@@mariosangermano5709 The bad part about TF is that he never lifts anybody up. I have only heard him say others are wrong. I don't think I have ever heard him preach the Gospel.
@cpoole419 2 года назад
Yea, I couldn’t bare to listen to Todd Friel talk about unity. But I am interested in Tim’s perspective.
@knothead35 2 года назад
@@glennmelven3414 i have and he does. I think his view on romans 13 and the V is an incorrect one, but it's not one to divide on.
@Me2Lancer 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing, Tim. The points you have made are spot on. Can't thank you enough for this presentation. God bless you, Brother.
@AFrischPerspective 6 месяцев назад
I appreciate the encouragement!
@davidmiller6649 2 года назад
Great job brother!
@mariosangermano5709 2 года назад
The way that leads to life is narrow and as we grow in our faith we see more and more how narrow it is. False teachers and false converts don't like the narrow way, so they judge you as religious or critical for speaking a truth they don't like.
@toddstevens9667 2 года назад
Loved the video. Great teaching.
@brendaboykin3281 2 года назад
Thanx, Pastor Tim🌹🌹🌹
@joest.eggbenedictus1896 2 года назад
That was a good word, thank you.
@Cliff_Dixon_42 2 года назад
Immediately after one of the passages mentioned in the video: 1 Corinthians 14-15: I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius, so that no one may say that you were baptized in my name. Followed immediately by an "oh wait . . . " with verse 16: (I did baptize also the household of Stephanas. Beyond that, I do not know whether I baptized anyone else.) (Personal NOTE: When I first read this, it stood out to me as something you'd find in personal correspondence today -- a "D'OH" moment!) 1 Cor 17: For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. (Like I said, "D'OH!") All quotes from the ESV translation. (Sorry, I don't have a CSB at this time, and as I'm going through the ESV for the first time, it was on hand.)
@jonathanharness2962 2 года назад
Great video 📸 Tim, unity is essential or how do unbelievers look at our division and turn their back on Jesus because of Christians!
@concordiamirasol5141 2 года назад
I was hoping that you would define what is really a false teacher & a false teaching...anyway that was a good video...you speak eloquently & in clarity. thank you.
@fnjesusfreak 2 года назад
Unity for unity's sake leads to Unitarian Universalism, which has gone out of the bounds of Christianity entirely and now is just a social club that meets on Sundays and uses some of the trappings of Christianity. But we absolutely need REAL unity.
@gleasonparker1684 2 года назад
I have found a good readable BIBLE along with holy Spirit are best teachers. And discernment as to what we believe on line is also good.
@mary-elizabethvent6816 2 года назад
Last days means there will be a remnant church. Let's address the elephant in the room. Churches closing? What happened to laying hands on the sick? Obey God rather than the government. I agree that we are called to love one another but that is different than condoning or accepting.
@louisjordan4702 2 года назад
Two topics that will get Christians upset and existed 1. Observing the Sabbath along with the other nine commandments. 2. Pre-Tribulation and Post Tribulation calling up. In the interest of not creating a dumpster fire that will turn into a fire storm, I will reframe from saying where I fall on these matters.
@lancescarborough1 2 года назад
We should be able to debate such things or be quite if you won't argue your point! We shouldn't listen to anyone unwilling to do so. Does that make sense or am I looking at it wrong?
@brittanyfisher1341 2 года назад
Unity is an immensely important topic in these times.
@gregb6469 2 года назад
Unity MUST be based on common acceptance of the truth.
@brittanyfisher1341 2 года назад
@@gregb6469 amen. Philippians 1:27 “Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel,”
@gleasonparker1684 2 года назад
Repent AND be baptised may mean NOT at same time. We believe and are saved. We then may be led to be baptised. I believed in summer 1967 when prayed with a Baptist preacher. I was baptised in April 1970 when I had further understanding by holy spirit. But holy spirit is a constant reminder as we go along. I think.
@aaroncrawford5638 2 года назад
Someone needs to send you an Indians hat soon as they'll be obsolete after next season
@michaelragnanese 2 года назад
While I am not a Charasmatic or a Pentecostal Christian. Nor am I in agreement with some of their teaching. I however personally find it disturbing that those with John Macarthur's group calls everyone who is pentecostal a false prophets. They simply view scripture differently.
@williambrewer 2 года назад
Everybody's looking for false teachers because everybody thinks we're in the last days. But the last days are past days.
@AtlasShrugged57 2 года назад
So where do we draw the line??? For instance Eastern Orthodox Christians venerate and bow to images ( icons ) of Christ Jesus our Lord and Saints. They also venerate and kiss relics of departed Christians. They also practice mantra type prayers where they say one part of the prayer breathing in and the other part breathing out and repeat this mantra they call the Jesus Prayer. They pray for the dead and call their Bishops MASTER. SO MY question is are they truly Christians? Do we put those differences to the side?
@d0g_0f_Christ0s 2 года назад
It's a good point Tim yet we've (all Christians) been doing this since the birth of the church. Unless we (the bride) hold fast to our Husband (Yeshua), we shall always follow our seemingly 'better' brother or sister. The bible (not God's word specifically) was translated/compiled/maintained by those whom we now hold as 'not us', reform must come, we must always 'test the spirits'. 'Baptism must happen', thief on the cross misses out? Not according to Christ. Christ prayed that we would believe because of their (the apostles) word (Jn 17:20), have the Eastern Orthodox held the true tradition? Luther would disagree, maybe, yet we disagree with Luther on transubstantiation (actual body & blood of Christ in the last supper) are we of Calvin? Did Christ die for the world or those who believe? Faith, works, faith & works, faith then works, faith causes works, works feed faith? Satan's having a field day with the faithful, and faithless. I have come to know we need to Luke nine twenty three it, we have a credo, live it. I stopped cherry picking the word about a year ago, the bible is not a magic spell book, it's God's living, breathing guide to who He is, we can only seek Him through Christ Jesus. We are His friends if we do what He says, and we will willingly do what He says if we are born of Spirit. In any birth the water is first then birth. 'He who is bathed (Jn 15:3) need only wash his feet' - Jn 13:10, the water washes the outside, the word washed the inside, then its either a clean house for demons or a pure tabernacle for the Holy Spirit. Who is my God? Christ or self? If we are God's we will love all believers (1 Jn 2). If we argue to be right, we serve self, if we argue because we love a brother or sister, we see no victory only God's compassion for the lost. Why don't we test our own arguments against our selves? I know I always lose because I'm one of those always gotta be right people. So I've argued this with myself, lost, and know that God wants us to love Him with every fibre of our being, to pursue Him alone, through Christ alone because His love for me is more than my fill, its for you. God bless & keep you Tim, thank you.
@jonathanharness2962 2 года назад
Which translation are you using Tim? Just curious.
@AFrischPerspective 2 года назад
The CSB in this video
@missewilliams257 2 года назад
What TRIBE Was Jesus FROM🙄🙄🤔🤔🍵
@gleasonparker1684 2 года назад
You HAVE a more believable manner about you. I like your emphasis on cheaper but good bibles. Unlike some.
@mjc32991 2 года назад
Thoughts on Catholicism? Are their teachings totally wrong or just different but still right if that makes sense.
@carmensiekierke3579 2 года назад
The official teaching in the RCC catechism is the claim their priests are New Covenant Levitical priests. The Levitical priesthood ( Mosaic Covenant ceremonial law) was given to the nation of Israel. The book of Hebrews tells the Jewish Christians that when there is a change in the law, there is a change in the priesthood. The Mosaic Covenant were "types" and "shadows".......that pointed forward to Christ. If you go on a trip do you want to take with you a picture of your husband or wife ( shadow)...or do you want to take your husband or wife? The Melchizedek priesthood of Christ, from the tribe of Judah, is superior to the Levitical priesthood. The Mosaic Covenant was becoming "obsolete." The New Testament church found in the pages of Scripture did not have Levitical priests.
@sorenpx 2 года назад
I believe that Catholics are Christians. I've heard Catholicism described as "Christianity+." At its heart, they hold the core Christian doctrines. They've just stacked extra stuff on top of it. But if we're going to say that Catholics aren't Christians, you're basically saying that Christianity disappeared from the face of the earth for almost 1500 years.
@carmensiekierke3579 2 года назад
@@sorenpx Question: Does the New Testament, New Covenant church found in the pages of Scripture have a Levitical priesthood?
@sorenpx 2 года назад
@@carmensiekierke3579 No, I believe the Catholic church is in error in regard to the priesthood but I know enough about Catholicism to know that they believe they are saved through Jesus. I nearly became Catholic myself and only swerved at the last minute.
@carmensiekierke3579 2 года назад
@@sorenpx The Roman Catholic Church has a false gospel.....that can't save. At the Council of Trent, the RCC became an apostate church. It pronounced curses on those who believed in biblical doctrine. There's a Reformed Baptist pastor in Ireland who was born and raised in a Roman Catholic family. One day, while attending mass, he heard enough of the gospel in the liturgy for the Holy Spirit to regenerate him and bring him to spiritual life. Within one month he had left the RCC. Question: What attracted you to the RCC?
@gregb6469 2 года назад
When Friel came out saying Christins should obey the government no matter what it says, he lost my respect. Caesar is not lord!
@kerrylawson7515 2 года назад
That's a really hard sell to Americans in particular. It's a Tory attitude.
@toddstevens9667 2 года назад
I’ve never even heard of Todd Friel before two days ago, but even I have seen videos where he clearly says that Christians should NOT obey government when it orders us to disobey God. He pointed Christians to Acts 4 where we are told that we should obey God rather than men. The context, however, is in preaching the Gospel, not COVID vaccinations. But in the couple videos I’ve seen with Friel, he was pretty clear that Caesar was not Lord. But … maybe you’ve seen videos I haven’t. He certainly seems to be a very polarizing figure, judging by the comments and replies that I’ve read here on RU-vid. But we might want to make sure we are characterizing his position clearly and accurately since he very clearly seems to be arguing the exact opposite of what you claim he believes. Thanks. And God bless you.
@GR65330 2 года назад
It was the doctrine of sola scriptura that came out of the reformation that is the root cause for division. This has resulted in the endless cleaving of Christendom. Sola scriptura came about when the reformers rejected the papacy. In doing so, they also rejected the teaching authority of the Church. They looked elsewhere for the rule of faith and thought that they found it in the Bible as they had nowhere else to look. By default, the interpretation of scripture was left to the individual, supposedly guided by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, there are literally thousands of non-Catholic denominations, each claiming sola scriptura. The early Church herself tells us where to find the true apostolic teaching: "It is incumbent to obey the presbyters who are in the Church-those who, as I have shown, possess the succession from the apostles; those who, together with the succession of the episcopate, have received the infallible charism of truth, according to the good pleasure of the Father. But [it is also incumbent] to hold in suspicion others who depart from the primitive succession, and assemble themselves together in any place whatsoever, either as heretics of perverse minds, or as schismatics puffed up and self-pleasing, or again as hypocrites, acting thus for the sake of lucre and vainglory. For all these have fallen from the truth". - Ireneaus of Lyons (a disciple of Polycarp of Smyrna), Against Heresies, 4:26:2, 180 AD
@tonyb408 2 года назад
Theological triage is a concept that’s foreign to the text of scripture. There are exactly 0 verses that delineate what a 1st order, 2nd order, or 3rd order doctrine is. Therefore any scheme that divides up doctrine into categories is purely subjective and man-centered and should be treated as such.
@mariosangermano5709 2 года назад
Not so. There are essential doctrines that we MUST divide over, such as how someone is saved, who God is, the virgin birth, works vs grace, Jesus being the only way etc... Thete MUST be unity in those doctrines. This is why Jehovah's witnesses, Mormons, the Roman Catholic church, the new age movement etc.. are considered false, and why they ate not our brothers and sisters , but a mission field to proclaim the true gospel. Then there are secondary issues that we can disagree on and yet we don't divide over, such as tongues, prophesy, premillenial post millenial, etc... There is plenty of scripture to support these doctrines of what is essential or non essential.
@stephenlee7183 2 года назад
Baptism is not an ordinance. It’s a Sacrament. It was instituted by Christ. All three Persons are present. It is God’s work,not ours. Apollos was a Jew knowledgeable in the Scriptures. He was instructed in the Christian faith by the married couple. I think nothing too controversial there. He may have been the author of Hebrews.
@jowilliebear 2 года назад
Tim, please..... put a foam pad under your mic stand, or--stop hitting the table. Other than that--I feel "unified" with your message.
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@jamesjacob242 2 года назад
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@porterjames2220 2 года назад
Получилось у Миланы?😂
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