
Farewell to Faith 

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Jackie, William and Rachel each came from religious homes. So what made them question, and ultimately reject, the belief systems of their childhood? We let them explain...in their own words.
These interviews were filmed at the 2012 Ascent of Atheism Conference in Denver, Colorado. Special thanks to the Atheist Alliance of America for providing the venue. atheistallianceamerica.org/



3 июл 2024




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@bongmanding 8 лет назад
Catholic for 40 years. Beginning to lose faith on my 41st; loving science and reason than blind faith. Excited to be an atheist.
@fourteatwo5942 8 лет назад
+Bong Manding Pity that you did not go for science and reason instead
@bongmanding 8 лет назад
+fourteatwo I said I love Science and reason that's why I became an atheist.
@fourteatwo5942 8 лет назад
+Bong Manding I love science and reason - that's why I became a scientist - not an atheist, if you confuse the two you will struggle becoming a good scientist. Also, the lack of a coherent worldview does not make you a good scientist either
@bongmanding 8 лет назад
+fourteatwo I love the fact that Science gives me a better understanding of where I came from; l believe that evolution is a more plausible explanation of where I came from than what's written in the bible. I have more faith in reason; reason that a god doesn't exist because I haven't seen any demonstrable evidence that he/she does. I have mountains of reasons to believe that there's no imaginary being up there watching me everyday of my life. If there are things that I don't have an explanation to - I am perfectly fine to admit that I don't know instead of saying that a god did it. I am not a scientist; i just work in a Science-related profession.
@TheGateKeeper001 8 лет назад
+Bong Manding My default position is Design as Evolution is a pyramid of assumptions merging with speculation. Perhaps a rational being would raise an eyebrow or two reading the creation narrative, however the propagandized false narrative of Evolution is among the easiest frauds to dispel, the backbone of which is uniformatarianism, hence, destroy any of Evolutions staging areas and you have dismantled it all. You might start with geology and how fossils form (catastrophism) or how prokaryotic cells became Eukaryotic cells (they ate them), that is merely the beginnings of the absurdity that is evolution.
@gankstaswag 10 лет назад
Morality is doing what is right, regardless of what you're told. Religion is doing what you're told. regardless of what is right.
@infoman6853 10 лет назад
Morality itself is a based off of a Religious Foundation. With out Religion... you don't have morality. Morality is not Scientific... at all. It actually spits in the face of evolutionary science.
@gankstaswag 10 лет назад
InfoMan Morality has nothing to do with religion. Children brought up by atheist parents, still go through life without dashing babies against stones and raping little girls after murdering her entire family in front of her. Last time I checked, it was secular laws that ended slavery, and how many atheists do you know who strap bombs to their backs and run into schools and hospitals or bomb abortion clinics? Who ever said morality was scientific, it's dirt man myths and flood myths that spit in the face of _real_ science anyway.
@jpats6124 10 лет назад
InfoMan Morality has different definitions for different people, depending upon where you were brought up and which particular brand of bullshit you were indoctrinated with. Religion hijacked morality and redefined it to suit religion. True morality is about taking responsibility for your actions, and if ever there was a philosophy that lets you slide out from under that responsibility, it's religion.
@infoman6853 10 лет назад
***** Children brought up by Atheist Parents in an Atheist environment often become Child Soldiers. The flaw with your little example is that they are in a predominantly Catholic based society, and thus learn the religious morality by proxy. go to places which are predominantly lacking of religion... Burma, Rwanda, Somalia... what do you get? Child Soldiers. And no... Original movements that abolished slavery across most of Europe was predominantly lead by sub-branches of Christians. The first Movements for Abolitionism occurred through Quakers and Evangelicals because they believed it to be 'Un-christian'. It also served as a one of the major messages for the 'Great Awakenings'. and ironically, no, dirt man myths and flood myths have more bases in scientific truth then the concept of Morality. Of course, if you try and take the story literal in spite of the fact that the language used is very limited and figurative then i can see why you'd believe it isn't.
@infoman6853 10 лет назад
Julie Paterson Actually that is an interesting debate to be had... What came first? Morality or Religion? In theory Religion came first, because morality as we know it didn't exist until after religion. Before religion there wasn't really morality but instead a direct punishment system to counter things such as deceit, deception and/or failure. 'True Morality' as you call it isn't about taking responsibility for your actions... it is getting punished - often physically - for not conforming to the actions your communal group demands of you.
@bobidstein450 8 лет назад
31 years a believer, 25 years on a church staff, and after an exhaustive investigation have come to the unmistakable conclusion that it is all a lie. No longer a sheep.
@gankstaswag 8 лет назад
+Bob Idstein Good for you Bob! It's a liberating feeling isn't it?
@bobidstein450 8 лет назад
+gankstaswag A mix of them, but liberating... for sure. Live and let live.
@fourteatwo 8 лет назад
+Bob Idstein said the sheep following the woolves
@bobidstein450 8 лет назад
+gankstaswag The irony of him reffering to me as a sheep in a derogatory way is hysterical on so many levels.
@fourteatwo 8 лет назад
Bob Idstein if you mean me reffering to you as a sheep - take it as a compliment, not a derogatory comment :-) They tend to be fascinating animals
@jakkew5753 8 лет назад
Science takes people into space. Religion crashes planes into buildings.
@snake698 8 лет назад
Epic, man. I'll keep that.
@Gericho49 8 лет назад
Why let the truth get in the way of your obvious bigotry? The male ego and its lust for power commits heinous crimes. Religion or should i say one totally flawed manifesto (The Koran) is just a convenient excuse for the delusional xenophobic bigots who abhor our western culture, its freedom of speech, cultural diversity, political democracy and economic successes. Any ideology (secular or religious) that must be spread by violence is no religion at all. Lenin "Atheism is a necessary component of our program." A strong clue indicating that a dissenter is arguing form an untenable position is when God’s character, rather than the evidence is challenged. As Bertrand Russell pointed out “ad hominem is the last ditch defense of the losing side.”.
@bobidstein450 8 лет назад
+Gerry De naro you are nothing more than a cut and paste troll. Completely incapable of understanding the hysterical irony in implementing plagiarism to defend Christianity. You are a moron.
@whiskeredtuna 8 лет назад
Science can tell us how a plane works, but it can't tell us why it's immoral to fly one into a building.
@bobidstein450 8 лет назад
+Baby James if the only thing preventing you from killing another individual, is the fear of retribution from your Sky Fairy, then you are thoroughly base.
@jpats6124 10 лет назад
You can guarantee that every atheist on the planet has given some serious thought to the possibility of the existence of a god, probably even started out as a believer, just like these three. You can equally guarantee that no totally convinced religious person has ever even contemplated the non-existence of a god. Fear is a powerful tool.
@CharlesvanDijk-ir6bl 10 лет назад
We call the cause of all causes a mystery. Just ask the faithful one question. Every person has twice as many grandparents as parents. The further we go back in history we find fewer people on the planet. The only way this makes sense is by evolution. We are similar to our parents but we are not clones. The transformation from one species to the next is a very gradual process. Don't expect instant transformation. They always ask for evidence of the missing link, do they ever look for the fossils of Adam and Eve?
@condamoso28 10 лет назад
Sorry Julie, no real believer ever permanently leaves the faith, they may stray, but never lose the faith in Christ. And many people out there of faith have looked at the other side.
@jpats6124 10 лет назад
con damoso No? How about the Clergy Project? I would have to disagree with you very strongly here. Most atheists started out as believers, until they realised the utter absurdity of it all. Faith is the excuse people give for believing things they have no good reason to believe, and all a person has to do to lose their faith is...........change their mind. That's how 'real' a god is.
@CharlesvanDijk-ir6bl 10 лет назад
con damoso Sorry I was brought up as a Catholic. Fear tactics are used to control. Little kids are taught how strayed people were flayed alive in Babylon. I will never expose my kids to shit like this. Burned alive forever and ever if you don't do like we tell you. Like smoking the sooner it is outlawed the better. Certainly it is mental opium and hard to kick the habit.
@condamoso28 10 лет назад
Julie Paterson Julie there are thousands upon thousands of people who walk around today including clergy that call them themselves Christians. However unfortunately are not. We now have homosexual clergy, that have been ordained and preach the word, and then the very same day has sexual relations with other men. And yes, this is an abomination to God ! No matter what you think. Jesus spoke about this, saying there will be people who will stand before him and declare they prophesied in his name. Jesus then says to them, " I never knew you, depart from me, ye that work iniquity " In this link - Matthew 7: 20-23, he explains this. www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+7%3A20-23&version=KJV and there are so many other passages covering this topic. These people are and never were true Christians. The fact is once you truly have the revelation of God that is the revealing of God only through Jesus Christ, that’s something atheists can-not understand because of their continued rejection, a division or a wall if you like comes between God and them. However when that revealing of God happens to you, you can never give up your faith in Christ. As mentioned you may stray for whatever reason, but you cannot deny Jesus Christ as God and the Christian faith, no matter what. If you do like some clergy, then the fact remains you never truly knew God and were never a true Christian. This is the doctrine of Jesus Christ. It's a biblical fact
@TFfan75 8 лет назад
Its easier to fool someone, then it is to convince someone that they have been fooled.
@zache.1226 2 года назад
@ericblack6467 7 лет назад
Isn't it beautiful when people wake up!
@SilentPlayer1999 6 лет назад
Thats a mircale if nothing else.
@Gfish17 6 лет назад
Its like that seen in final Episode in seasone 1 of Westworld , When Delores Abernathy confronts Arnold/herself.
@aturchomicz821 5 лет назад
@jonesjoneshop5003 5 лет назад
They look scary. Their eyes tells everything about them...blunt look ..so scary..
@raysalmon6566 5 лет назад
To what .. a letter from the IRS..
@lucminax 4 года назад
18 years an evangelical Christian. It was a rough way here, I felt at my lowest before I could break free. But now that I did, I think I've found peace with myself for the first time ever. So happy to be an atheist
@carmendshanti2837 4 года назад
I am so glad that my dad raised me to question everything. It allowed me to be free from religion and ignorance.
@wanderingkernel5002 3 года назад
And I am so glad that my mum was an actual scientist who was able to confirm to me that religion is just a bunch of nonsense.
@onegathers 10 лет назад
The young people here have arrived at a rational judgement. It did take me twice as long, so kudos for them and i wish them a long and fruitful life.
@TruthWillSetYouFREE- 2 года назад
After a long and fruitful life then what??? fool, says that there is no God
@davesteadman1226 7 лет назад
There is a grieving process that must be completed when one finally accepts that they no longer believe the childhood indoctrination that they endured. It's very similar to the loss of a friend or a pet, or a divorce. When you get through it, the deception, fabrication, of the church becomes even more clear.
@JoseChavez-gd3ws 7 лет назад
Dave Steadman but it worth it
@davesteadman1226 7 лет назад
Yes, it's worth it.
@majmage 7 лет назад
Seems like 'grieving' oversells it a bit. Overall I was fine losing my faith because it just didn't make logical sense. There was a slight disappointment at losing the comfy lie of "you'll live forever", but that wasn't really a full-on grief feeling for me.
@davesteadman1226 7 лет назад
Congratulations, you're lucky. Some people are able to deal with dashed promises, hopes, and expectations better than others. Accepting that religion is a fraud is similar to accepting that a marriage is not working out and must be dissolved. Not insurmountable but sad and depressing nevertheless. Have you ever grieved the loss of a pet? Same thing. Normal, natural, unpleasant... Doable.
@majmage 7 лет назад
Dave Steadman Well I have grieved the loss of pets or family. The difference being those actually existed and loved me back. There was a relationship. With the loss of faith it was the discovery that the reason prayer felt like talking to myself was because it _actually was just talking to myself_. There _wasn't_ a relationship, so nothing was really lost.
@jasperbenito9635 7 лет назад
I am so proud of these young folks! I am 50 and it took me till last year to shed my agnosticism that I have had since the 80's! I finally realized I AM an atheist and I love it! Better late than never, lol!
@waltb7707 8 лет назад
Happy to see people are waking up.
@JoseChavez-gd3ws 7 лет назад
Walter Lewis me too
@briangard951 7 лет назад
Me three - it has been a long time coming, but it seems we as humans have entered the reign of Atheism - I don't think it can be stopped now.
@waltb7707 7 лет назад
BRIAN GARD I hope not
@lightbeing8174 6 лет назад
walt As long as demonic possession does not get the upper hand on us I am good
@caramel7050 5 лет назад
@@lightbeing8174 Demonic possession isn't real.
@bowlmaster765 6 лет назад
Became an atheist November 2017 after 21 years of Christianity. I feel more free than I ever have.
@fourteatwo5942 6 лет назад
became an outlaw after 21 years of following the law. I feel more free than I ever have :-)
@lightbeing8174 5 лет назад
fourteatwo How would an atheist feel in his death bed not good.
@ARoll925 5 лет назад
Good on you, congrats for seeing through the bullshit
@ARoll925 5 лет назад
@@lightbeing8174 no they probably wouldnt feel good becsuse they are dying, if you are implying it is because they didnt believe a bullshit fairytale, you are wrong
@jayynpaz423 5 лет назад
U were never a beleiver u were just religious
@dontfeedthefred3718 9 лет назад
"Fear me, but love me!" Isn't that sadomasochism?
@lealeandre1063 9 лет назад
Don't children who love their parents have a certain amount of fear when they disobey their parents and are anticipating the consequences of their bad behavior? What is your point?
@dontfeedthefred3718 9 лет назад
Lea Leandre My point is that many believers fear god whether or not they've done something wrong. I hope we can agree that a child who lives in fear whether or not they've done anything wrong is living under the rule of a sick parent.
@gankstaswag 9 лет назад
Lea Leandre My children don't fear me and they love me and cooperate when I tell them to do something. I would imagine part of that is due to the reason that I don't stone them to death for arbitrary reasons, dictate ridiculous laws, or threaten them with eternal torture.
@lealeandre1063 9 лет назад
DontFeedTheFred Thank you for being polite. I believe that what you said is true of some believers indeed. This may be explained by immature faith. Just because someone chooses God does not turn them into a super human instantly. They are still flawed. God begins a work in their heart that is progressive. I agree with you that a child who lives in fear is in an unhealthy environment. That is not what I meant. Notice I said children who 'love' their parents. The fear is temporary. For example mom says to the child no snacks before dinner. The child is caught eating a cookie in he kitchen. The immediate reaction is fear/anxiety, uh-oh! The mom may gently explain to the child there will be a consequence for your disobedience however mild. The immediate reaction to getting caught is a racing heartbeat, when the child realizes she is in trouble. If she followed the instructions she would not have experienced any anxiety to her mom returning to the kitchen. Another example, if you are driving a few miles over the speed limit and you suddenly see a police officer your heart starts racing, however if you are within the speed limit you don't have that physical reaction.
@lealeandre1063 9 лет назад
***** I am happy for you. You are a perfect parent and you have perfect children who obey all your rules all the time. Congratulations! You should write a book to help the other parents. In fact you should get your own TV show. I see Dr. Phil struggling to find solutions for a lot of parents who don't know what to do with their disobedient children. Your show would be an instant hit.
@jpats6124 10 лет назад
In the words of Sam Harris, 'to not believe in god is to know that it is up to us to make the world a better place'. We struggle with inequalities of all descriptions, and the god-beliefs only add to those inequalities.
@truthteller2580 10 лет назад
The problem with debating theists, here or anywhere, is it's like playing chess with a pigeon. "No matter how well you play chess, the pigeon will knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, then strut around as if it had won." I wish I knew who first wrote that. I've read it in various forms several times and always admire how accurately it portrays the religious reich with their arrogance, condescending attitude, judgmental mentality, and unforgiving nature.
@Amatersuful 6 лет назад
Scott.D. Weitzenhoffer
@52156drj 5 лет назад
What a great analogy.
@stephenaustin8153 5 лет назад
I don't think I'm arrogant, goodbye my friends, I welcome your insults
@brotherhoodknight6951 5 лет назад
Your name makes it better
@lightbeing8174 5 лет назад
Truth Teller watch the devil and father amorth trailer.
@darrenthomas5743 7 лет назад
It's so refreshing to see people escape indoctrination
@JoseChavez-gd3ws 7 лет назад
Dan Brown it is
@malcite 7 лет назад
Yepp. If i was there I would have just wanted to give them a hug and say welcome to the fold ^^
@punchline43 6 лет назад
+Trond "Fold" probably isn't the best metaphor to use here, just saying.
@lightbeing8174 5 лет назад
Darren Thomas watch the devil and father amorth trailer. Being possessed is very tough or impossible to escape at times.
@ICEDMX1 8 лет назад
So nice to hear young people relying on their common senses.
@JoseChavez-gd3ws 7 лет назад
Kevin Craighead yes
@psychonaut175 5 лет назад
We need more kids like this.
@lightbeing8174 5 лет назад
Draco It's tough to get them but there not challenge to full extent.
@sirderam1 5 лет назад
I'd rather they relied on science. It was "common sense" that created all the mess in the first place. e.g. We make complex things, therefore we ourselves, in all our complexity, must have been made by an entity far superior to ourselves. I mean, it's just common sense, isn't it?
@necromancy5032 7 лет назад
What I don't get about religious families is that once you are born in this world you immediately have to save yourself from eternal damnation. That to me makes no sense.
@MartinME3 5 лет назад
Necro Mancy doesn’t have to make sense to you. The way of the lord is mysterious. It is not for us to question. That is how they get you!!! Trust blindly.
@RobertWMahon 4 года назад
this is all fake.russian trowls.yoursmart enough to figger it out
@ronarprefect7709 3 года назад
So you gave no consideration whatsoever to the possibility of annihilationism? Why not? Do you believe the bible excludes that possibility?
@elly3359 3 года назад
@@MartinME3 yeah. We need to be steadfast in staying ignorant, because scientific evidence is of the devil. To all Christians, don't let your beliefs be questioned at all cost, because the truth is so fragile it cannot withstand objective reasoning. Dont be like the stupid scientists who put their claims thru rigorous testings and draw conclusion from evidence. No. That is ridiculous. The proper way is to believe in the claim first! Then grab all the evidence that aligns with the claim, discard every other facts that dont fit. That is the pathway to truth :)
@robtmohr 3 года назад
Well if you would have read, you would know that “we don’t save ourselves”.
@kman314wastaken 6 лет назад
When I look at the U.S. today and see how badly religion has affected it, it fills me with rage!
@k0smon 6 лет назад
314/// Kill the rage and try to make sense. Examples please., We might want to agree with you.
@govitascom9610 5 лет назад
If you think the US is messed up, try living in the atheist paradise of North Korea. PS. Bring your own food.
@notrappaport5340 5 лет назад
@@govitascom9610 There's nothing truly atheist about North Korea. They worship Dear Leader.
@govitascom9610 5 лет назад
@@notrappaport5340 Atheism is Marxism and North Korea is Marxist. Just like Stalin and Mao, the atheist leaders enforced their atheism upon the nation and substituted themselves for a God or Gods. It's what atheists do. They become dictators who execute those who disagree with them.
@viktorthevictor6240 5 лет назад
@@govitascom9610 What a nice story! How about you fly over to Scandinavia and tell it to us over here! "Atheism is marxism". Give me a fucking brake. P.S We have our problems, but atheism isn't one of them.
@williamkaufman8142 6 лет назад
Jackie's quote is so profound. "If anything that can be done that's positive, with religion, can also be done without it."
@michelemcdaniel6032 5 лет назад
And done better
@outerlimitsurvey 8 лет назад
One of the things that helped me loose my faith is to summarize Christianity in a few sentences: God creates man. Man sins so God curses man to eternal torment unless he follows 10 rules and kills a goat once in a while. God loves man so much that he wants to save us from eternal torment so he eventually sends his son down to be punished in our place but this only works if and only if we believe he did it for us. Wow.
@sarahdominymusic 6 лет назад
Phillip Hickman I hope you're joking
@ratamacue0320 6 лет назад
"God" sacrificed himself, to himself, to save you from...himself. Yep. Monstrous.
@ratamacue0320 6 лет назад
Phillip Hickman if I can't judge him evil, then you can't judge him good.
@ratamacue0320 6 лет назад
Phillip Hickman, no, I meant on your worldview, if no one can judge your (supposed) God's actions to be evil, then no one can judge them good, either. I use reason and empathy to judge actions by their consequences (in context, in principle, and in practice), in an effort to minimize harm and maximize human flourishing. I don't need "the boss says so". Nor do I think your boss exists, anyway.
@ratamacue0320 6 лет назад
Phillip Hickman yes you did judge God. You judged him to be good. "he is an unstoppable force, and fighting it is foolish..." So "might makes right" is the basis for your morality?
@TheHelper151 10 лет назад
"If we could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people." House.
@dyad2r1 10 лет назад
That's dumb. Google the links below and tell me which scientists you can't reason with. "Famous Scientists Who Believed in God" "50 Nobel Laureates and Other Great Scientists Who Believe in God" "25 Famous Scientists Who Believed in God"
@TheHelper151 10 лет назад
dyad2r1 Not trusting what comes out because they're religious sites.
@dyad2r1 10 лет назад
Danny Thomas Albert Einstein was among them. Do you think they lied?
@TheHelper151 10 лет назад
dyad2r1 Albert Einstein wasn't religious. He did say so.
@dyad2r1 10 лет назад
Danny Thomas Where did he say that?
@Glycenide 6 лет назад
Bought a house, have a good job, almost no debt and working on my second degree. All accomplish with no faith or religion.
@DougKoper 10 лет назад
The late John Lennon wrote a great song called Imagine where He could imagine a world without religion. Religion being one of the primary causes for segregating and dividing humanity rather than connecting and uniting the world.
@dyad2r1 10 лет назад
Rolling eyes
@ozskipper 10 лет назад
dyad2r1 Dont know that one. Was it when he was in the beetles?
@DougKoper 10 лет назад
No, imagine was released in 1975
@gankstaswag 10 лет назад
***** Then why are there over 30,000 factions of Christianity?
@gankstaswag 10 лет назад
***** Who's god, your brand of god? A world full of people would disagree with your beliefs.
@kalashnikov6608 7 лет назад
I was raised christian for the most part of my childhood, and fortunately became an atheist when I was around 16, I say fortunately because I wouldn't want to waste more years of my life as a religious nutcase. My dad in particular may be the most religious person I've ever known, and in a bad way. He wouldn't let me read biology books on evolution and stuff like that. (this was a time when I was christain, and I fully believed in God, but I've always found evolution to be fascinating and intriguing, whenever I saw the famous image of man evolving over time and getting taller and balder, it always interested me) He wouldn't let me learn more because he believed it was a sin to believe what man says and not God, and that the bible says we come from adam and eve. He was also abusive in a way, whenever I overslept, he would literally drag me out of bed to make me get dressed to attend church, and on top of that, he wouldn't let me celebrate holidays with my friends.
@kalashnikov6608 7 лет назад
He wouldn't let me celebrate holidays with my friends because he believes they were all pagan holidays just because they were man made, Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, New Year' Eve/Day, even CHRISTMAS, everything but Thanksgiving and only because he likes the turkey, even though he would still be celebrating a so-called "pagan holiday" what a hypocrite. I'm hispanic, and he would always be blasting Spanish Christian music in the car whenever we go on road trips, if you thought Christian music was bad enough, wait until you hear Spanish Christian Music, it gets so old and irritating so fast that even as a young Christian I would put my hands over my ears whenever he plays that bs, he would get PISSED, he made me listen to that crap in the car without my consent, I knew I had to obey his orders if I didn't want to get spanked with his blood-red belt. (to be clear, the leather was made red, it wasn't red from any blood)...
@kalashnikov6608 7 лет назад
+Kalashnikov He doesn't even talk to his own mother whenever she visits, but he does talk to my grandfather, which I find ironic because my grandfather is Christian, but nowhere near his level of christian absurdity. Whenever my dad would bring up christianity to my grandpa, my grandpa always seems bored and frustrated to hear him talk about it. My dad is one of those christians that believes the innocent gay people murdered at the Orlando nightclub deserved to die, simply because of the fact that they were gay, like wtf is wrong with you? These are just some of reasons I do not love my father, and I'm not saying that to sound edgy, I have reasons. I'm 18 now, it's senior year, and I do not expect him to acknowledge me as his son when I come out as an atheist when I move out after I graduate and have my own place. If he disowns his own mother for some absurd reason, he would undoubtedly disown me when I come out as atheist...
@kalashnikov6608 7 лет назад
+Kalashnikov And the worst part of this is that he wasn't raised to be that way, he was raised christian for sure, but not to that level of arrogance. I have no problem with him if he disowns me, I do not expect him to try to reason with me, I expect him to yell and scream at my face like a goddamn drill instructor upon learning I am an atheist, so don't try to be sympathetic, it just proves to me how fucked up and wrong this world is, and christianity is responsible for most of it. you can call my dad an asshole, I would not be offended at all since I would agree 100%.
@xaenon 7 лет назад
Such is any institution based on lies. Nationalism, politics, religion, commerce, you name it. Squash or utterly discredit any conflicting viewpoint, no matter how strong its evidence, and do so by any means necessary. History is rife with examples.
@darrenthomas5743 7 лет назад
Just remember, you don't become an atheist. You just leave religion. You don't leave one group or movement for another, you reject a lie that you have been told.
@pupsalex 10 лет назад
This was shown at a debate recently,it got a standing ovation for a minute or two,great video guy's.
@GregoryMize 7 лет назад
I was once a Reverend until I renounced my vows in favor of rational and enlightened thinking. True story. I swear to g-d/dess.
@lightbeing8174 5 лет назад
you should've gotten an exorcist priest role.
@robtmohr 3 года назад
“Enlightened”? What human told you that you were all that?
@dingbop963 2 года назад
@@robtmohr god's a myth
@robtmohr 2 года назад
Satan chose the same thought path, and so will most of humanity.
@robtmohr 2 года назад
@@dingbop963 you may think in your mind that God is a toaster oven, and many others may agree with you, but that doesn’t make it so.
@briansheldon1886 10 лет назад
I found this video several months ago and made a note of it in my phone as something I need to remember and watch again. I just did and I'm glad I did, what a powerful video. I encourage people to share this.
@idreadFell365 Год назад
So you watch it….RELIGIOUSLY?
@micpoll7 Год назад
What made it powerful to you?
@fdakis 7 лет назад
I'm shocked I believed this nonsense for a better part of the last 40 years.
@JoseChavez-gd3ws 7 лет назад
Francis Dakis congratulations
@fourteatwo5942 7 лет назад
you sound like you just hit puberty. Good luck with growing out of it :-)
@fdakis 7 лет назад
fourteatwo And you sound like another theist troll trying to marginalize others who've experienced true freedom from religion and theocracy. Good luck winning people over to your fairy tail world of angels and demons.
@JoseChavez-gd3ws 7 лет назад
Francis Dakis negative im.atheist.and proud
@fdakis 7 лет назад
Jose Chavez That reply wasn't for you :)
@Mikey-zj3co 5 лет назад
Great video. Everything these kids said is right on the mark! I was raised Catholic and had to go to church every Sunday and to catechism every Wednesday. I began to realize, as a kid, that this stuff just didn't make any sense. So by the time I was a teenager I had kicked religion to the curb. It astounds me that soooooo many otherwise intelligent people haven't done the same. I think there is no question that religion, ALL religion, is perhaps the greatest scourge on the face of the earth.
@user-qj5un7tr7f 10 месяцев назад
I was raised catholic, went to catholic school for 13 years, mass every morning, religion class every day. I started asking questions and was frequently ridiculed because my name is Thomas. So, they didn’t owe me an answer because I was just being difficult, doubting Thomas. Yes indeed, it must have been difficult for intelligent, well-educated teachers to answer my simple questions with the church’s irrational and convoluted fantasy. They failed, and I was liberated.
@trapsenpai 10 лет назад
This video is so thought provoking and relate-able. Thank you for posting it!
@tannedwillie1143 10 лет назад
I found it interesting when one of these people said that talking with her gay friends had helped open her mind. As a gay atheist myself, I can definitely see the similarities between the two groups. The same way as we're all brainwashed from an early age to believe in all those silly religious stories, we're also constantly hammered with heterosexism, the (mistaken) people that all people are born heterosexual. It took me a quarter of a century to realize that's not true and that there's actually nothing wrong with me or the way I was born. Talk about a weight being lifted from your shoulders!
@shaunbowen 4 года назад
@Phillip Hickman That's like saying feeling joy is bad, because 'what if you're feeling joy in the act of murder'
@shaunbowen 4 года назад
@Phillip Hickman and I'm saying everything can have a dark side in the wrong hands. That doesn't make it inherently a bad thing. Bricks can be made into houses, but they can't be called 'bad' just because you could drop them on someone's head too. You are saying that lust is bad because bad people can be driven by that impulse to do bad things. That is the fault of bad people, not lust itself.
@shaunbowen 4 года назад
Are you saying that anyone who feels lust will suddenly get the urge to also be a paedophile or rapist too? It seems to me you are either highly emotionally repressed or perhaps have Asperger's, in which case you can be forgiven for not understanding some of the more usual human emotions and responses.
@shaunbowen 4 года назад
@Phillip Hickman it wasn't an insult, my niece is on the autism spectrum. There's nothing wrong with her, she's just different.
@shaunbowen 4 года назад
@Phillip Hickman I thought this comment thread was about the vilification of homosexuals? Are you saying gay people are 'evil'??
@elgus1147 9 лет назад
....mankind is evolving so .....farewell to faith.
@PeterM340i 3 года назад
Raised Christian for 16 years, began questioning a few ideas a couple of months ago, now a fellow atheist.
@sammazreku5550 3 года назад
It amazing dear friend that you believed 16 years and in just 4 days you seem to have found truth. Wow 👏. Let me say to you you have not sought Christ with all your hear 22nd of June 2002 I found Him even yes met Him and still today my passion and relationship with Him is fresh and vibrant. Religion is a killer but Jesus never brought religion but relationship with the living God. Seek Him with all your hear and His promises is you will find Him. Only on Probability of creation one rejects the fullishnes of Atheism. See brother seek a for sure you will find Him.
@PeterM340i 3 года назад
@@sammazreku5550 shows how easily religion can be debunked if you take the time to do research 😉
@johnbenton4488 9 лет назад
My primary school was in a convent run by Nuns. When I was 11 I went to a Secondary Modern school where I learned a new word. Science. I have not looked back!
@lealeandre1063 9 лет назад
Science is also used to make the nuclear weapons that destroy human life.
@stevehunter8596 9 лет назад
Lea Leandre Humans use nuclear weapons to destroy human life, just as they use medicine to cure people. Science simply advances knowledge, unfortunately down the ages the knowledge has been abused by people often using religion as justification that god is on their side.
@dontfeedthefred3718 9 лет назад
Lea Leandre A branch falls from an old tree. It can be used to beat the brains out of another human's skull. Trees are evil.
@llkoolbean4935 9 лет назад
DontFeedTheFred the fruits of a tree are toxic. gather the fruits and you will still have the poison from the tree. Destroy the tree at the roots and you solve the problem. see how that works?
@dontfeedthefred3718 9 лет назад
Liana Mori "Things" are not evil, or bad, or come with ill intent. How something is used determines the outcome. A scalpel can harm, but it can also be used to help. Scalpels are not evil. See how that works?
@n063098 8 лет назад
It's a shame Christopher died :(
@fourteatwo 8 лет назад
+I Play Games if you refer to the Hitch, what is so shameful about his death?
@HellDragon115 8 лет назад
+fourteatwo go fuck yourself.
@fourteatwo 8 лет назад
HellDragon115 looks like you just had an intellectual orgasm. Congratulations
@HellDragon115 8 лет назад
+fourteatwo looks like you are a disrespectful fuck that has the urge to start a discussion over hitchens for no good reason
@HellDragon115 8 лет назад
+fourteatwo k bye
@PurpleChevron Год назад
Some smart young folks here. This was 4 minutes that gave me some hope for humanity.
@wolfie498 8 лет назад
Amazing, I love it when people become enlightened. It gives me hope (not to be confused with faith!) Peace x
@TheShawnmaxx 6 лет назад
I love this, young people speak out!!
@lightbeing8174 5 лет назад
watch the devil and father amorth trailer.
@TheReaMrBurntSausage 9 лет назад
If God really existed, he can't possibly be looking for an honest relationship with you. If he did, and he wanted your SINCERE love, he wouldn't tell you heaven and hell exist, because then you are just using his "love" to get your reward for your ETERNAL SOUL that's quite a fear tactic. Heaven and Hell are the most stupid inventions ever, and its even more stupid to ask for love and present a reward and a punishment for not following through with your "relationship" with god that you have just to exploit his reward.
@TheReaMrBurntSausage 9 лет назад
***** i'm not gonna pretend to love Jesus just to get into his club
@TheReaMrBurntSausage 9 лет назад
***** is that supposed to support your point or be really funny? Because that was really funny.The pledge of allegiance was composed in 1892 and congress stuck "under god" into it in 1954. Its one of the things about the United States that I don't like, they talk about freedom when they almost obligate you to be in faith. Also George Bush is known to be one of the dumbest presidents ever. GB: "and so, in my state of the, my state of the, or state, my speech, my nation. whatever you wanna call it, speech to the nation...I know that human being and fish can coexist peacefully."
@dienekes4364 9 лет назад
***** Bush (both of them) was an ignorant, deplorable, fucking moron.
@dienekes4364 9 лет назад
***** Yes, exactly. Just another bigoted, ignorant, arrogant, self-righteous, superstitious moron with the support of other ignorant, bigoted, arrogant, self-righteous superstitious morons. But, since you want to bring up quotes, how about John Adams: _"the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion"_. And since that was on an official US document signed by congress at the time, I'm pretty sure that trumps whatever mind-numbingly ignorant thing that either Bush pulls out of his ass.
@dienekes4364 9 лет назад
***** _"The majority of Americans wants God and the bible back into America"_ -- The majority of Americans can go fuck themselves. This is country is NOT a theocracy, nor will it ever be. _"and it will happen."_ -- Not until you destroy our republic and replace it. And that is not going to happen since more and more people every day are abandoning your idiotic, childish superstitions. And the beauty of it is that the more people like you prove with every post how unreasonable and juvenile you are, the more people you drive away from your lunacy. _"As soon as the first amendment is abolished, school prayer and reading the bible will be made mandatory to all students in public schools."_ -- OH, this is TOO funny! So, you, yourself admit that it would take abolishing one of the most important amendments in the bill of rights in order for you to subjugate people. You KNOW that your superstition can't last in a free society. I LOVE IT!!! You actually admit that you are trying to enslave people. You are such a fucking hypocrite. _"We are one nation under God!"_ -- No, we are most certainly NOT "One Nation Under your fucked up demon-god". We are a nation of reason and logic and fairy tales don't play any part in it. Your moronic beliefs are demonstrably wrong, YOU are demonstrably wrong, and your idiotic fantasies will never trump the constitution.  Please, keep posting. You are doing more to drive people away from your intolerant, unjust, hate-filled fairy tales than I ever could! :-)
@atheistmeme4663 6 лет назад
Succinct, heartfelt, and powerful video. A useful video to help us move forward out of the darkness of religion.
@fourteatwo5942 6 лет назад
It's a good video to use in Sunday School with the older ones. discussing the failure of critical thinking by those three and what made them come to their conclusion
@saildive6 4 года назад
Christianity is just one more Middle Eastern blood cult god superstition. Cleansed by the blood of the lamb and the blood of Jesus. How about some good old fashioned child abuse? Please read Genesis 22.
@aarong133 8 лет назад
I was indoctrinated into the Christian faith from birth. I have recently gone through a long, painstaking journey of enlightenment and have escaped Christianity. However, my entire family is hopelessly immersed; they refuse to see reason, they have even told me that I am not allowed to talk with my younger sister out of fear that I may "corrupt" her... It hurts me to know that they are trapped in the same place that I was, blindly clinging to these childish notions simply out of fear and ignorance. I love them dearly and want to help them out, but I don't really know what to do to save them. If anyone has gone through or is currently going through this and has some advice on how to get through to them I would appreciate it. Also this channel has really helped me during my conversion as well so thanks a lot for all you do.
@GalaxyGal- 8 лет назад
My parents are independent Christians. They combine that religion with beliefs similar to Scientology, but my brother and I get our homeschool via video from a fundie KJV-only school (Ikr), called A Beka Academy. It is laughable in the way they defend their God and the bible. Unfortunately, I believed it for most of my life and am now finally accepting fact over fiction. My parents are completely okay with it, but my brother has pretty much ignored me, telling me I'm going to hell. I am also dually enrolled in a secular community college, which has taught me the critical thinking skills and science that I never learned in homeschool.
@SaintBirdie 5 лет назад
i share this story . after 32 years of an adult conversion (I was 18 when I became christian, not brought up christian) I learned important facts that challenged me and eventually brought my faith to its end. It left a huge hole in my life. All id had to lean on was God , for decades... It was like a divorce , and now approx 4 years later I see even more clearly what I was doing, and Im sad I wasted so much of my life and resources on religion. I read the Bible so much , point being , I actually do know whats in it , but I always accepted it , albeit with unease because I believed it must be from God ...even though it was hard to understand why things were as they were. I thoroughly read Old and New so I would really have a good knowledge of my God. My journey is repairing now as I read and come to understand the damage religion and the violence and ignorance it embraces. Freedom has come in the form of information and education...and I am so grateful for the freedom I have to pursue a realistic understanding of life.
@jaysonb.6669 Год назад
Do what thou will" only ends in disaster and caused corruption of sin to begin with. Did you know Darwin's theory of evolution has all but fallen apart among top research scientist's & physicist's? How many people put their life (and death) on such a human error? Either believe in the one true God or make an idol out of something/someone else. (in your case secular science & education) There is nothing on this planet which even REMOTELY comes close to the inspired word of God's wisdom (Bible) and built ALL of the blessing's we've received throughout history. Romans 10:9-10 “That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. ”
@thecosmicprime 10 лет назад
This resonates with me. Hell is the worst invention of man to keep man in check.
@RumbleFish69 5 лет назад
"It's like driving wth your eyes closed!" What a great analogy! Great video! I will definitely share this video!
@8698gil Год назад
I was raised by strict protestant parents. We went to church Sunday, I went to Sunday school, later to evening bible study classes in my teens, we prayed before meals and bedtime etc. But I was a skeptic at 8 years old, and a nonbeliever at 12. My parents continued to force me to attend church and bible classes until I was 14, and they gave up. I have not attended a church except for weddings and funerals since, and I am now almost 62 years old.
@dutchchatham1 10 лет назад
This is an excellent video. Big ups to Seth.
@mr.paleface5962 8 лет назад
Raised as a christian, born again as an atheist.
@veritasabsoluta4285 8 лет назад
+James Mulcahy Well you were technically born an atheist, then your parents turned you into a Christian, now you are an atheist again.
@truthsayer6414 8 лет назад
+Kim Petersen The illogical assertions of the selfish gene apparently know no limits. No one is born an atheist anymore than they are born a democrat or a humanist. I would assert however, that the love that exists between the new-born child and its mother is prima facie evidence that we were created in God's image as a loving parent. But hey why should I spoil your delusion.
@veritasabsoluta4285 8 лет назад
Truth Sayer It seems like you need to finish your education, of course everyone is born an atheist, are you stupid or something? Do you have a religion when you are a baby? Of course you don't, so by definition you were born an atheist. Learn your english.
@SC-zq6cu 5 лет назад
@@truthsayer6414 So where is the love between newborn infants and mothers in animals like cuckoos ? Where is the evidence of God making cuckoos there ?
@Gericho49 5 лет назад
@@SC-zq6cu I take it ur still a would be teenager whose never grown up? A pea brain cockoo is supposed to understand what it's like to be human? Give us a break! Ever had a two yr old daughter or granddaughter come up to u, look into ur eyes? With a longing stare that says "do u really love me?" And then feel that loving embrace that reaches to ur very soul? I guess not?
@TheRammfan96 8 лет назад
more people need to see this! great vid.
@lightbeing8174 5 лет назад
watch the devil and father amorth trailer.
@Venusbabe66 8 лет назад
I applaud and encourage anyone to find the courage to go down the road of reason... I love the analogy of "religion being like driving blind", which spiritually and intellectually it is.
@jpats6124 10 лет назад
Religion is mindless. Having everything laid out for you so you never have to think, never having to make rational decisions, never having to question or investigate or evaluate or wonder about truth, just blind acceptance. No wonder the world is full of people who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions!
@myollinir 10 лет назад
i honestly dont know where it says that lol religions may offer explanations but they don't say "please don't research why we say so"
@jpats6124 10 лет назад
myollinir So what's to research? Where is the evidence, firstly for any god, and secondly that whatever god you worship always tells the truth? Mindless! Religions don't deal with reality, they are totalitarian systems trying to control everybody's life.
@myollinir 10 лет назад
I wasn't talking about researching god, I was talking about researching existence and consciousness. You are bringing up a completely different topic to debate. What human do you know that always tells the truth? And take a look at the US government and try to tell me totalitarian systems aren't trying to control peoples' lives right this very moment and in the very recent past. There is no god in the government, you can try to argue it because some politician will state "i believe in god" but really that's just a fire point for mindless people to vote upon, which never influences their career in office. So I would like to argue that humanity has innate evil. Some tendencies will arise regardless through religion, or any type of power control. You can blame it on religion all you want, but I can assure you secular groups have the same issues, especially in the past century.
@jpats6124 10 лет назад
myollinir I agree with you, of course there is innate evil, or at least what we term evil, in all of us. Sometimes it is unintentional though. The point I was trying to make is religion offers nothing in our fact-filled, quite complicated existence any more, except confusion and a reluctance to actually take responsibility for what we do. If the people you talk about gave a little more thought to how their decisions might affect others, they would act in much more humane ways. Those that actually give a shit, of course.
@myollinir 10 лет назад
Julie Paterson I suppose you're very right, as I can observe many passive (-aggressive) followers of what I call my "religion." I'm here to try to communicate this message to some who hold the same beliefs as me. If I were to interpret the writings I read correctly, I don't think it tells us to take the backseat and wait for afterlife - in fact it should be the contrary. But instead people see the ticket for the train is a cop out and remain ignorant in hypocrisy. Thank you for making a good point and a fun little discussion :) Hope you have a great week!
@CarloLandzaat4137 10 лет назад
Great video!
@SigmunLloyd 10 лет назад
4 mins 30 secs - high production values so very easy to watch - and well worth the watch anyway. Nice find.
@CarloLandzaat4137 10 лет назад
The Royal Fool - Sigmun Lloyd Thanks.
@dezziraemarshall3606 9 лет назад
We need more of these!
@neilc.reinhardt8769 10 лет назад
@briandeney1615 Год назад
Loved this
@analog9768 4 года назад
I am as I was born, non religious, void of faith, uncircumcised, and loving everyone until they give me a reason not to.
@loopedchopped 5 лет назад
It‘s not faith, it‘s fear.
@lightbeing8174 5 лет назад
The cursed that was effecting me I was fearful cause it had me the faith was the faith.
@matend8125 3 года назад
this is so liberating
@lightbeing8174 Год назад
You want to listen to the voice of the devil. Listen to the 6 voices of annelise michel.
@scientificpatriot7607 9 лет назад
What a great video.
@mukakkahal-abama7998 9 лет назад
"Believe what we tell you to believe and never question it or be tortured forever". Isn't that precisely what an evil or greedy manipulator would say? Isn't that what religion's Satan would say? Don't think, just obey.
@jpats6124 9 лет назад
Create a hypothetical problem, then present the solution, which is in fact the problem. Yes, makes perfect sense.
@jpats6124 9 лет назад
Rebecca Trenorden Definitely a monster worth locking up. You made me wonder whether psychopathy has it's roots in religion. Could be.
@mukakkahal-abama7998 9 лет назад
Julie Paterson Well, since so many psychopaths have claimed that God / the devil told them to do it, then yes, it looks that way.
@lealeandre1063 9 лет назад
Julie Paterson Joseph Stalin was an atheist. His atheist 'morals' didn't stop him from killing millions of innocent people.
@jpats6124 9 лет назад
Lea Leandre Joseph Stalin also had a mustache. By your reasoning, all men with mustaches are serial killers. Atheism had nothing to do with his politics. The problem was, religion was in competition with his politics. I seriously doubt he was an atheist anyway. Apart from all that, atheism cannot be a worldview and cannot determine morals - it has no dogma.
@aymenjaouani8761 5 лет назад
I love you all guys! Peace and Love from an atheist heart (even if you're a religious guy)!
@eddieking2976 10 лет назад
Take the risk of thinking for yourself. Much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way. -Christopher Hitchens
@Roonman1000 9 лет назад
really good clip! i think this needs to be shared, uhm a lot!!
@dennishanans930 9 лет назад
Raised as a Jehovah's Witness,leaving the faith at 17.I no longer believe in God.I am an atheist.Evolution and the natural order only makes sense to me.Jesus may have walked the earth and preached Love and Kindness and is remembered for that.Good on him,good on all who live well and are kind to each other,you'll be remembered as such.Don't be sad for me when i'm gone,I had a good run! Take care of the ones you hold dear and continue to be kind to each other.Den
@ateodeponce 6 лет назад
Exactly, every time I hear someone saying “I am a man of faith”, what I really hear is: “I am a very stupid man”.
@i.kaminskiy7563 6 лет назад
thank u for a great chanel!
@TypicalWidebody 9 лет назад
Feels good to know that others went through the same thing I did. Losing faith is a hard thing to do in my family.
@mrloop1530 7 лет назад
Our Father in Iron Age myths, forgettable be thy name. Give us this day our daily dosis of knowledge and understanding, and free us from religion and other dogmas. Amen.
@fourteatwo5942 7 лет назад
no wonder you lack your daily dose of knowledge and understanding :-)
@mrloop1530 7 лет назад
Interesting, how did you arrive at that conclusion? :-)
@fourteatwo5942 7 лет назад
if you want to get rid of philosophical tenets you postulate to stop thinking as neither subjectivism nor objectivism is acceptable.
@mrloop1530 7 лет назад
fourteatwo You should check up on the construction of your sentence, because your thoughts came out as mumbojumbo. But let me take you up on the beginning: which philosophical tenets are you thinking of? Surely you are not confusing religious myths with philosophy?
@fourteatwo5942 7 лет назад
dogmas are by definition philosophical tenets. Surely you are not confusing myth with fairy tales :-)
@leakycheese 7 лет назад
Awesome people.
@fourteatwo5942 10 лет назад
the brightness of those kids is truly mind-blowing. No arguments, but then that is what their atheism is all about.
@nepabushcraft2817 8 лет назад
Powerful! I'm going through the exact same thing right now as these three people. On one hand it is unnerving. On the other hand it's relieving.
@0TheNinja 9 лет назад
I feel lucky to have been born in Australia where my whole family is atheist. I have respect for those whose mind is dynamic enough to change their whole believe system like that. In the rapidly changing world we live in today, such an attribute will serve you well.
@kerrywillwilliams4662 6 лет назад
Phase Event gods real
@SC-zq6cu 5 лет назад
@@kerrywillwilliams4662 Says you
@michelemcdaniel6032 5 лет назад
Pity them dont respect
@dingbop963 2 года назад
@@kerrywillwilliams4662 god's a myth
@dingbop963 2 года назад
Also lucky male genital mutilation is pretty rare in Australia too
@BENisalwayswatching 10 лет назад
I think that the only way we can mature as a species fully is if we someday put the Bible in the Fairy Tales section of the library. Blunt, but true.
@Cory_Springer 6 лет назад
Devin Moores I put a few bibles in the fiction section every time I go to a bookstore or a library
@pompeythepresumptuous1794 5 лет назад
I put a few bibles in the “to burn” section of my library from how harmful they are
@SaddamHuss3in69 5 лет назад
Came to my senses in the first 11 years of life...pretty proud of that.
@deko4848 7 лет назад
Beautiful - "and they want you to fear, to think, and we are human, that's the one thing we have"
@tsianinavibranietsova4087 4 года назад
"Love me or else" isn't really love. Someone worth loving wouldn't have to threaten you to do so.
@craqqer 10 лет назад
I'm not religious anymore but I used to be. Whenever I asked people in the church questions about things that didn't make sense, such as all the unnecessary genocide God did, they would always tell me God works in mysterious ways. If I continued to ask questions then they would say I have a demon possessing me. If I still asked, they would say I'm going to burn forever and ever if I don't believe every single word of the bible. Those of you atheists who have never been religious and wonder how people can still believe these bullshit lies, well that's why usually people don't question things. I think an all powerful all knowing God should encourage you to ask questions and test the bible and it should be able to pass any test.
@ozskipper 10 лет назад
The most powerful atheist is one who was previously dragged through the christian belief structure. Exiting Christianity is perhaps the most freeing thing a human can ever do.
@gracemary4483 10 лет назад
Religious people had birthday celebration, Halloween celebrations, festivals, ceremonies, Christmas celebrations, Valentines celebration, NEW year celebrations and a lot of whole day or whole week celebrations. If you do not share on any of these, that would mean you are not religious. If you would ask me about what you ask on other religion, I would not answer that God will work to you in a "mysterious way', for God reveals His Will, if he reveals, its no longer mysterious. And if religious people you asked told you will burn forever, I could say, IT WILL NOT HAPPEN, because burning of people alive is NOT the Will of God.
@gankstaswag 10 лет назад
Grace Mary I think you are confusing religion with tradition. You celebrate Easter, but do you actually believe in rabbits that shit psychedelic eggs? Religion is based on belief. Every god is mysterious, that's how they explain what is not understood. I can also say that IT WILL NOT HAPPEN because Hell is just as fictitious as any other character portrayed in the Bible.
@gracemary4483 10 лет назад
+gankstaswag There is no tradition if there is no religion. We do not celebrate Easter or any holidays. . Only fictitious god of the nations appeared to be mysterious but not the one True God who created the heavens and the earth for the One True God is the revealer of secrets".see Daniel 2:28. No mystery, in Him and He reveals it.
@gankstaswag 10 лет назад
Grace Mary You must have never heard of birthdays, or family reunions, or heirlooms passed down from generations. We have a tradition where the whole family goes to the lake every 4th of July for a week. The only time a god ever comes up is in a joke. And if the one true god is the revealer of secrets, then why hasn't he revealed himself, or made it clear to EVERYONE which god to follow?
@dew7555 10 лет назад
One of the most common arguments I hear against evolution is "I believe we're more than just animals." Two problems with that: 1. What's wrong with being animals? 2. Our ability to think is what gives us an advantage over animals. Your religion teaches that we should not think for ourselves and become like sheep to the shepherd (animals)
@HeyDude93gt 6 лет назад
My first step towards becoming a Non-believer was the quest for Answers. I wanted to know as much about Christianity as well as other beliefs of other cultures. And that was the beginning of the end to my faith to which I did not choose but was born into
@ozskipper 10 лет назад
I watched a journalist asking some children what Easter meant to them. Some said they had time off school, some said "easter bunny", some said mummy and daddy would take them to the fair. None mentioned a Zombie Jesus. It was AWESOME. There was ten little minds, who at the very worst, were indoctrinated about a bunny that brings chocolate eggs. They knew nothing of the Zombie Messiah that was going to Die tomorrow and come back in a few days. They knew nothing about a horrid book of murder, rape, genocide and slavery. Lucky Kids!
@gankstaswag 10 лет назад
Seems like the adults are just as clueless... go figure.
@jacksainthill8974 10 лет назад
At long last, an Easter story that truly carries a promise of hope for mankind. Thank you!
@gankstaswag 10 лет назад
***** No, they were celebrating the death of Zombie Jesus with a rabbit that shits colorful eggs, and chocolate sales in supermarkets nationwide.
@ozskipper 10 лет назад
***** How very Christian of you!
@jacksainthill8974 10 лет назад
ozskipper Nobody's Christian. really. Especially Christians.
@davidfrankmarkham7637 9 лет назад
How did Spock put it? Logical!
@UFOORBS 9 лет назад
damn I can't watch it
@JustinFedHR 5 лет назад
@marcusanton95 5 лет назад
I doubt any of these great people on this video will read this but I'm so grateful you've woken up. Anyone that has reached this point don't be afraid to leave the religious closet. I love you, I accept you, you are all wonderful people. Please stay strong.
@IrishScribbler 5 лет назад
What does it matter what other people think? Why is it so important to you that everyone subscribes to the same beliefs that you have? I don’t give a fuck if you, or the guy sitting next to me on the train , the woman from the next town or even my own brother has the same beliefs as I do. What significance does it have in your life? Surely you aren’t stupid enough to believe that just because your favourite celebrity, for example, believes in the same thing then it must be true. And trust me, there are thousand of deluded morons who think just that.
@fernandodobbin3806 9 лет назад
Ok, I agree with 99% of this video. I just need to correct one thing: Religion is NOT the biggest problem humanity faces. It is a problem but I guarantee that there are many others that harm us much more...
@gankstaswag 9 лет назад
Fernando Dobbin Oh you mean like religious Republicans denying global warming, or Evangelicals lobbying Congress to stifle progress of science. Religion is the common denominator with everything wrong with this country.
@fernandodobbin3806 9 лет назад
***** Well I would put heavy drugs above religion for starters. There's serious violence going on in the world that doesn't have anything to do with religion. Take a look at what happens in Africa.
Fernando Dobbin It is a very large problem. MANY people have killed in the name of their god or whatever religion they claim. It has been going on for thousands of years and it still happening today.
@Amatersuful 6 лет назад
its funny how ppl say that satan is evil but who kills more, in the name of satan or god?
@MegaChickenfish 6 лет назад
I feel like religion is the symptom of the problem that is willful ignorance of reality in favor of comforting lies.
@petersz98 9 лет назад
The best way to become an atheist is to read the bible and take it literally!
@lightbeing8174 6 лет назад
peter perfect what if you put the bible to the test in an exorcism that would be so much fun
@Willskull 8 лет назад
Really good video!
@DarkMikaruX 9 лет назад
He said he felt better after he left the Church, and was free to think. That is exactly how I felt. I felt liberated! Religion isn't for everyone.
@nickstoli 8 лет назад
The day I realized that just because you want something to be true doesn't make it true was probably the most important day of my life. Who doesn't want a good person who dies to live forever in heaven? Especially if that good person is you? Alas, that's just not how things work in a universe ruled by randomness.
@TheDudeMaaaan 10 лет назад
becoming atheist is something that everyone should feel
@infoman6853 10 лет назад
exactly what does 'becoming atheist' feel like?
@TheDudeMaaaan 10 лет назад
InfoMan opens the mind, takes the blinders off for the first time and allows you to see the true beauty of the world around you and im blown away each day thinking about how life got here and whats out there in the Cosmos. It changes your life makes you think a lot differently than your average religious man
@infoman6853 10 лет назад
that isn't becoming atheist... that is becoming a-religious... or a-ism. you are freeing yourself from the strict rules and regulations of a centuries old business effectively. to become Atheist you have to stop believing in a god. look around each day and know that there is no such thing as beauty, just simply the functions organic systems use in order to maintain continued existence. That life, in and of itself, is utterly meaningless considering the frame of time we actively live in is infinitesimally short to the point that your actions have absolutely no real effect on anything.
@kingdoge9323 10 лет назад
dxrules52 ROTFL!!! This guy doesn't have a clue does he? Him telling you what goes on in an atheist's brain is like you telling him what goes on in a dog's brain.
@kingdoge9323 10 лет назад
Forest for the trees InfoMan ... forest for the trees.
@Ziggyziggy1 5 лет назад
This clip illustrated that questioning will eventually lead to knowing and discovering. It's uplifting and liberation of human mind....
@sweettanner6752 6 лет назад
This is a true miracle to see people wake up. Beautiful minds.
@lightbeing8174 5 лет назад
Can I give you an exorcist priest role.
@jackcuoco289 10 лет назад
I use to be a religious Christian up until a week ago. At first it was questioning and then agnostic. Then two days ago I finally came to my scenes and said to myself "There is no God", and broke the chains of religion. I feel good about my decision but the next big thing is coming out. I had to go to church today and it was terrible. I felt so out of place and so mad that everyone in that big decorative room was believing this fairy-tale. The only reason I went to church that day is because my grandparents want me to be confirmed into the Catholic faith and have been taking me to church for years. I know for sure they would hate me if I came out an atheist and I can understand it. Mainly because it is too late for them to see the world for what it really is. But sooner or later they got to know because I don't want to walk into that damn church again.
@ShadowManceri 10 лет назад
Jack Cuoco I do not think you have broken chains of religion but chains of belief. It appears that you are still rather young so my advice would be that do not hate church or religion. Embrace your ability to be master of yourself and understand the difference between you and your grandparents. It's not good idea to force your thoughts as you might appear only to be rebellious and not to be taken seriously.
@gankstaswag 10 лет назад
Fuck all that, if you came to the realization that ALL religions are full of malarkey, it doesn't mean that you are rebellious, or going through a phase. ShadowManceri shame on you for trying to give him a guilt trip, he's one of us now, which means he can see bullshit for what it is.
@ShadowManceri 10 лет назад
***** It doesn't mean you are rebellious but that is what you appear when suddenly after a week you go around yelling that religion is bullshit. That is the moment when brainwashing machine goes into steroids and life will become living hell. Instead of taking worse possible strategy there is better way. A smart way. I do not get where you got idea of "guilt trip". And no I don't think he can see the "bullshit". Just not possible in a week. I don't think he is one of "us" I don't think even I am one of "us". I really dislike the idea that you group us together without even knowing my ideologies.
@gankstaswag 10 лет назад
ShadowManceri First of all you come at him taking the position that what HE believes is wrong. Then you bust out Pascal's wager to drive home your point. Finally, who cares how long he took to come to his realization, how long did it take you to realize there was no Santa Claus? Oh, and BTW just because he doesn't buy into your silly little myths he's going through some kind of 'living Hell'? WTF?!?!? If that is not proselytizing I don't know what is. What you need to do is respect his belief,and stop trying to 'SAVE' him.
@ShadowManceri 10 лет назад
***** I have not said a word about his beliefs to be wrong or right. I have not used Pascal's wager here. I think you see words that aren't there and twist the rest. The fact you think I'm trying to save him tells me about your lack of intelligence. You do not even understand what I'm saying. People filled with hate and anger become blind to reason. That was my advice for Jack, do not become like you but let wisdom to guide path. Because you appear to be simpleton I really have no interest to have discussion with you further. But just so you know, I'm an anti-religious atheist. I have no "little myths" nor I ever believed in Santa Claus. That said, I have no reason to respect anyones beliefs. Truth does not demand respect. Maybe now you see why there is no "us".
@SS4Inferno 9 лет назад
Religion had its time. That was the time when we had questions but no means of obtaining the answers for ourselves. We had to be told, and religion was a decent fill in. Our species was young. Religion is basically the Stork. We weren't ready for the truth, so we were told a little white lie and we went with it. We're older now. We have long since had the ability to disprove this Stork and have done so. But to continue involving this childish immature myth in real decision-making processes is nothing more than a sign of immaturity, and possibly actual mental retardation. I don't mean stupidity, I mean being unable to further develop the mind. Actual, medical retardation. It's not stupidity, it's just an inability to process information.
@atenraakhu7416 4 года назад
It's beautiful to listen Young People with such kind of Awakening. Jake Mate for Religion.
@planetag310 6 лет назад
Amen. Thank Dog.
@CocoaBeachLiving 5 лет назад
Amen! (lol) Thanks for the great video showing real, rational people. Knowing reality is so much more satisfying than believing fairy tales ..
@72kbobert 8 лет назад
Whether you are a Christian or a Muslim, a Mormon or a Buddhist, heed the words of my grandfather before telling others how to think, what to say, or what to do. "Worry about the smell of your own shit first." Namaste.
@Gericho49 8 лет назад
+Kevin Johnson How old r u, Kev?
@72kbobert 8 лет назад
Old enough to know that organized religion is a scam.
@Gericho49 8 лет назад
+Kevin Johnson So u base your atheism on a skewed view of religion or just the fear that your lifestyle choices may have more consequences than their immediate effect? It is clear that atheism has vested interest in rejecting God. The abundant use of emotional diatribes and sheer lack of argumentation prove the issue is not intellectual, nor science related, but MORAL: Your scorn of religion and/or flawed human nature have absolutely NOTHING to do with whether God as Creator and/or a Moral-law Giver, exists. "Cynics believe whatever they want, not on the basis of proof but on what they find attractive" Blasé Pascal
@72kbobert 8 лет назад
I never said I was an atheist, those are your words. I happen to have a relationship with a power greater than myself, have for quite a few years. What I take issue with is the belief that many religious people hold as it relates to spreading the word. I strongly believe that we all worship the same God. We all pray to or meditate with the same indescribable energy. Where I get bent out of shape and start to turn off is when a person or group of people try to convince me that they are right, their God is the only God, and what I believe is wrong or that I will somehow be punished after death for not believing what or how they believe. I love God. Let me rephrase. I love my concept of God. I don't really care what your concept is, please keep that to yourself. What works for me may not work for you. What works for you may not work for me. That is what I mean by worrying about the smell of your own shit first. Be right with yourself, keep your side of the street clean. I wish you only a life full of peace and love, Gerry. Nothing more, nothing less.
@darrylbutt2570 2 года назад
@Salem-ys6kw Год назад
I used to wonder what the difference between faith and belief was and now I know. Faith is when you convince yourself to believe regardless of the evidence.
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