
Firepower - Destroyer (Part 3/3) 

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The destroyer has long been the workhorse of modern navies. Come aboard its latest incarnation, the US Navy's DDG-51 Arleigh Burke. Wearing many hats in the naval theater of operations, from fleet air defense to anti-submarine warfare, its deadly combination of missiles and electronic sensors make it as formidable ship as ever before.




28 дек 2009




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@vilekyle22 12 лет назад
I liked the Spruance class destroyer with the retro-fit weapons. Not all were created equal and I imagine the same story applies with todays ships.
@Ponder1ng 11 лет назад
hence the reason for the helicopter- they fly search patterns, so as to prevent a submarine from reaching launch range. Once the submarine's position is known, the engagement is fairly one sided.
@leonenaj 12 лет назад
You people are forgetting that the Americans also had radar guided missles. Well, they were basically a plane loaded with bombs and completely controlled by radio to crash into stuff.
@TheDustysix 12 лет назад
@NYCaznboiandrew they are called ASROC. they are missiles with a torpedo. they fly out and deploy a parachute for an easy splash. then the torpedo's own sonar seeker aquires, tracks , intercepts and destroyed the boat in question. watch "the bedford incident" a movie of a cold war scenario in the GIUKN gaps in a sea control mission.
@ddh207 13 лет назад
Tactical picture using link11 and before that link 14. One picket ship transmiting to the rest of the fleet, which are in receive mode (radio and radar silent)
@tgrsc 10 лет назад
The destroyers in a naval fighting formation on high seas have become a formidable vessel,nimble as well as with great firepower to destroy ANYTHING in sight even far away from it!Then what about the significance of other vessels like frigates,cruisers etc?The fast technological advancements in every aspect in defence forces makes the life of any vessel shorter & soon becomes obsolete.The enormous amount of money involved in research makes them quite expensive & unaffordable to most countries.
@Ponder1ng 11 лет назад
The technological differences between the Allies and Germany was much smaller than popularly beleived. Regarding missiles for example, the US Navy began using radar guided anti ship missiles in combat in august of 1944. The perceived difference in Allied/German technology is largely the result of the public unveiling of German creations post war, while Allied designs and prototypes were kept secret or otherwise little publicized.
@Muthafukpockets1317 5 лет назад
It needs more guns
@Ponder1ng 11 лет назад
The perception that Germany had the most advanced military at the onset of war is primarily the result of people trying to explain their wild successes in France and Russia- their successes in those cases were more the result of strategic maneuverability, rather than any technological superiority. For one thing- at the start of the French campaign, the German army actually had fewer, and lighter armed and armored vehicles, and far fewer motor transports- less than the german army of WWI in fact.
@valcan321 13 лет назад
@FeelFree3 Well yes but to make it great against subs would mean compromise somewhere else. And when acting in combination with a carrier battlegroup they can detect a sub farther. Plus firing a torpedo that far out makes its detection and destruction or avoidence easier.
@Ponder1ng 11 лет назад
he's referring to a beam riding anti-bomber missile that was designed and tested, but never used in mass due to its inaccuracy.
@serversss1 12 лет назад
nice exact speed of this american destroyers comparisons if any.
@kellik5355 13 лет назад
@MrMonkeyman2121 The names are picked from celebrated Navy and Marine Corps veterans and those who have died in combat.
@Ponder1ng 11 лет назад
to clear that up.. that should read "The German army had fewer, and lighter armed and armored Tanks"
@Brulluhman 11 лет назад
Our frigates have the Thales SMART-L 2000 km radar. That's pretty much space.
@elmano04 12 лет назад
@arasaka2020tm 13 лет назад
@boazandjiacinth Military equipment is mostly shielded from EMP blast
@Brulluhman 11 лет назад
Sensors and processing Aegis Combat Systems: AN/SPY-1D 3D Radar AN/SPS-67(V)2 Surface Search Radar AN/SPS-73(V)12 Surface Search Radar AN/SQS-53C Sonar Array AN/SQR-19 Tactical Towed Array Sonar AN/SQQ-28 LAMPS III Shipboard System Search Thales Netherlands.
@OlderG0ds 14 лет назад
@DaviesMotionPictures No it's not weird, well maybe because it was 1944 but yes Germany made the Ruhrstahl X-4 wire guided missile. Though they never used it in combat. Now that I look at it, pretty impressive specs too - it had a range of up to 3.5 km. Germany was way ahead of its time in those years.
@7013032 12 лет назад
Woah I didn't know that :O
@bv141a 13 лет назад
@MrMonkeyman2121 USS Churchill is a Burke,thats a funny name for a USN DD
@Vulture808 14 лет назад
@brodz423 12 лет назад
Youre right about most of that. But Germany also failed because of poor military strategy. It wouldve helped if they spent more resources on developing their jet engines as well, as they wouldve achieved air superiority early on. But Germany was never even remotely close to developing a nuclear weapon.
@ayeayeayeaye12 12 лет назад
what happened to the modern ash cans? (depth charges) they didn't talk about those...
@ChibiSmasher 12 лет назад
But your comparing a type45 with a ship class which entered service almost TWENTY years earlier. Back then, nothing comes close of the Burkes. Even now, it is still a formidable asset.
@PeterMichalowski482 13 лет назад
@boazandjiacinth EMP is not as much of a threat as commonly thought. Most electronics are hardened against EMP. Besides if there are nukes exploding around, then there is much more to worry about than getting your electronics to work lol
@Kennethah81 11 лет назад
Surface ships are extremely noisy and can be detected at great range by a submarine. Generally speaking, the best submarine hunters are other submarines
@larryflorida5705 5 лет назад
This is the only 1 of your 4 comments I don't disagree with on a fundamental level. Other subs are definitely one of a submariner's biggest concerns. On the other hand, I'd sure hate to be aboard even as stealthy a sub as a Seawolf class when a hostile helo drops a torpedo on you. Destroyers are pretty darn effective in the anti-submarine role today.
@YTLyricsMaker 12 лет назад
@OlderG0ds yes. Germany was way ahead of its time back then. its a shame it had to take such road and be crushed during WWII. im sure if it hadnt happened and if they had gone the same technological road, they would have created some amazing stuff. (though they were in enough problems already after WWI)
@alexalex736 12 лет назад
@MrMonkeyman2121 the mothers come up with the name, the builders just adopt that name
@30sectodeath 12 лет назад
the frigates are look bigger than that ship
@Cypher791 12 лет назад
was this theme tune inspired by jimi hendrix voodoo child o_O
@Brulluhman 13 лет назад
@BulletXFrenzy We're years ahead of the USA.
@MrXray2011 12 лет назад
@MrMonkeyman2121 Our navy (Royal Navy) uses Destroyers as 'Anti Air' warships, and Frigates as Anti Submarine and General Purpose warships. The Type 26 will be a better "all rounder."
@NYCaznboiandrew 12 лет назад
How do missiles hit underwater submarines?
@itteerde 12 лет назад
@OlderG0ds Yes, our grand parents were. They sucked in ethics though...
@OlderG0ds 13 лет назад
@optimist4212 your grannys a good man
@Kennethah81 11 лет назад
The stealthyness of a target (vs radar) is it's radar cross section. A F-22 has a increadubly small radar cross section, making it increadibly hard to detect. But not impossible. However, even the AEGIS radar probably needs to be pretty damned close to reliably detect an F-22 or other stealth planes. And "pretty damned close" is not a place you want hostiles in an age dominated by cruise missiles...
@InChristJesus87 12 лет назад
DDG- 1000 ZUMWALT DESTROYER!! Here we come China you wont be prepared for this!
@Alexzander19736 11 лет назад
Where is 2/3 ?
@OlderG0ds 13 лет назад
@MrMonkeyman2121 How bout the U.S.S Winston Churchill is that terrible as well?
@DSARgram 12 лет назад
1 i doubt that will happen, 2 if anyone tries then thats a waste. they check you like airport terminals
@Ctasker5 13 лет назад
@MrMonkeyman2121 They're names of people.. lol
@MrXray2011 12 лет назад
@DaviesMotionPictures They weren't radar guided, they were bombs strapped to an engine, which was timed to run out of fuel over the target... they simply ran out of ruel and dropped from the sky onto their 'targets' if Germany had radar guided missiles then they could have destroyed key targets in the UK and the USA, which would have forced us to surrender (as we would have had no means to shoot them down.)
@Brulluhman 11 лет назад
If there's one thing American doing great it's building choppers (Apache). Otherwise we wouldn't bought those. /watch?v=y24Ly0gBNg8 I'm also not saying that America does a bad job on radars. I'm telling we're years ahead.
@BelligerentPacifist 12 лет назад
And the point of the show is?
@nathanlee-peterson2782 9 лет назад
am i missing something or does it seem like a modern submarine would launch a high speed torpedo at a surface warship much faster than a ship can equip and deploy a helicopter to seek out and then attack the sub? i am sure that has been considered by our navy so maybe im just curious as to how this ship would defend itself from a modern submarine in real combat. i mean, an enemy sub is probably going to fire as soon as it detects an enemy warship
@ph11p3540 9 лет назад
Nathan Lee-Peterson You are right. It can all unfold in less than 5 minutes. In the meantime the attacked ship drops all kinds of decoys to sucker the torpedo. It all buys time for the ASW helicopter to deploy and help pinpoint the enemy sub. It's works most of the time but than again no technology is proven until it makes contact with the enemy.
@seanjankowski9016 9 лет назад
Nathan Lee-Peterson ASW (anti-submarine warfare) in the modern world is something very very scary. As Phillip said, the destroyer in that situation would have to try and trick enemy torpedo. Naval warfare (and warfare in general) is evolving into literally who can see and attack the enemy first.
@DarkRendition 11 лет назад
The video claimed dozens of miles (radius). In reality, the helicopter has a range of hundreds of miles. But none of that really matters as a submarine isn't capable of detecting a small destroyer 100 miles away accurately enough to launch a missile. Even if it was, it would have to use active sonar, which out give away it's own position. And if it used radar, again same issue, it would become an observable target. The way to use a missile at 100m is to utilize some kind of spotter.
@Kennethah81 11 лет назад
Actually, most modern anti-ship missiles are capable of searching for targets on their own. The submarine (or aircraft or surface vessel) don't have to get a pin-point accurate fix on the target (although that is obviously preferabalbe) to launch and have a good probability of hitting a target. Most submarines today are capable of detecting a relativly noisy target such as a destroyer cruising at 25 knots at great range.
@larryflorida5705 5 лет назад
"Fire and forget" does not equal "good probability of a hit" without properly fixing the target.
@FeelFree3 13 лет назад
Overall it is excellent but it is comparatively WEAK in detecting submarine, because the video claim the helicopter on board can detect the submarine on tens of miles away, but a submarine armed with Russian antiship missile has the shooting range of more than 100 miles.
@Brulluhman 13 лет назад
Ha, we've got Thales radar systems./watch?v=R2QRKYQjKM8
@YTLyricsMaker 12 лет назад
@MrXray2011 oh yes. i disagree with the killing and persecuting Jews. but Germany did amazing feats such as the ones you mentioned (first nation to "get over" the "great depression" and first to have a motorway system) and the German scientists were the best back then. after all, they were the ones who helped in other big projects around the world after they escaped from Germany during that time. (i.e. the first atomic bomb) just if they hadnt started WW2....what a loss.
@bradmurwenski7436 11 лет назад
01:08 haha she's poscor'ing lazy girl
@Kennethah81 11 лет назад
They did have a lot of advanced tech. However, almost none of it was available at the start of the war. German tanks were in many regards inferior to both French, British, American and Soviet tanks at the time. However the German tactics and strategies were far superior to their enemies, allowing them to utterly defeat what should have been superior forces. They did manage to develop their vehicles at an impressive rate tough.
@larryflorida5705 5 лет назад
I'm not sure what prompted your comment about WW2 tanks on a video about modern destroyers. Your comment is also more than a little inaccurate. The Panzer III and IV tanks were superior (in my opinion) to anything they faced in the early years of WW2. The T-34 didn't hit the scene until 1943, by which time the Germans had the Panther and Tiger tanks. Both the Panthers and Tigers were properly both respected and feared by Allied tankers because of their deadly, high velocity main guns and heavier (especially front) armor. The disparity in armor technology was so great that a British general of the time was quoted as saying that the Allies needed roughly 5 Sherman tanks to kill every Tiger they encountered on the battlefield, and that only one of the Shermans would return to tell the tale! Germany's downfall in the armor arms race was that its most advanced designs were so heavy, costly, and required so many advanced (for the time) machine tools to produce, that they could never build enough of them to overcome Russia's huge number of cheap, but effective, T-34s on the eastern front, and the large numbers of somewhat inferior Allied tanks on the western front.
@AStaticCharacter 11 лет назад
Your argument is so flimsy I'm not gonna even comment on it. All I gotta say is, you're hilarious. Enjoy your fox news, man.
@FLOMOSAPIAN 11 лет назад
i love america. i love obama
@larryflorida5705 5 лет назад
Mr. Obama is due the respect that should properly go to any President of the United States of America. Aside from that, I have very little good to say about Mr. Obama, primarily because of his lack of respect for our country and his policies of downsizing/defunding our great military.I hope you have the opportunity to serve our country. It teaches many skills that are valuable over an entire lifetime, and builds great character and determination. God bless you and good luck.
@kisstherain73 12 лет назад
SoOoooo...is a muslim a race?
@Brulluhman 11 лет назад
What? You can't stand we're building better radar systems? Well.. boohooh. By the way, ours detect 'stealth' objects.
@kisstherain73 12 лет назад
o_0 muslim is a race? Lol..you are joking..right?
@optimist4212 13 лет назад
my granny can design a ship better then that...i'm serous.
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