
Fridgestuck: Eridan Ampora (Facts/Theories) 

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WWhat forgotten facts or additional allusions does this salty sea-dwweller have in store? Stay to the very end for something special...
Music by Kevin MacLeod,
Cut-off gag: "Blinded Me with Science" by Thomas Dolby
Hello, Description Reader!
My heart is racing uploading this video. Has it really been two months already?? Goodness gravy!
The Fall semester is here and I'm finally a university senior, almost with my BA degree in hand. It only took 7 years. I'm really hoping that I'll be able to do more for the channel during the remainder of the year, like more Fridgestuck episodes or the return of my Pokemon Sun LP, but again, school is always more difficult than I give it credit for so no promises yet again.
I love all the comments my videos receive, even though seeing the gmail messages gives me a little anxiety. I do read them even if I don't reply, so I hope you don't feel discouraged and keep on typing! :)
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12 сен 2017




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@nicolem.7836 6 лет назад
But Eridan didn't kill Feferi because she rejected him? He killed her because she was coming at him with her trident. The thought process that he killed Feferi out of anger and revenge is completely fanon information, because in reality, he was trying to protect her (admittedly, it was a horrible plan that'd result in everyone else dead, but I never said it was a good plan) and was completely okay with the fact that she didn't like him the way he liked her (not at first but he stated so later on in the flash right before the duel between Sollux and him). I might not remember things perfectly but I know that he didn't kill her because she rejected him, that's fanon. Also, this is coming from an Ampora fan (/cough/ enthusiast /cough/) but not an Ampora apologist.
@RampagingFlippy030 5 лет назад
Gee, it's almost like the hatred of Eridan tends to be irrational most of the time.......
@rrrrrrrjjjjjm_ 4 года назад
i know it's literally been two years since this comment but i literally agree- him being okay with her rejection later on is very much canon; it's really just the fandom warping him into a (bigger?) asshole lol also an Ampora enthusiast here ;P
@Dodozen 4 года назад
@@rrrrrrrjjjjjm_ I, too, like Eridan.
@scott-ishbecon7242 3 года назад
@beenreptiles2162 3 года назад
ikr i think he killed feferi out of self defense or sth cuz since caste matters to him that much maybe he was scared of feferi being higher than him and being angry? idk
@FluffyWaffle33 6 лет назад
"Eridan lives in a wrecked ship" *slow claps*
@Jooju413 6 лет назад
OMFG SOMEONE GET DAVE, BECAUSE I CAN'T HANDLE THIS IRONY! Seriously though, Hussie is the best (When he's not killing everyone)
@nikonikoknees4488 4 года назад
Daubeny i agree this is so ironic that even irony cant handel it. Someone really need to call Dave .
@VestaBlackclaw 6 лет назад
I feel like I gotta point out he didn't kill due to romantic rejection, but he was trying to reconcile with Feferi - attempting to just be friends with her - and she ignored him, followed by Sollux pushing him to an agreed upon duel. Eridan had all right to kill Sollux, but didn't. He walked away. Feferi attacked Eridan - her death was *self* *defense* . Kanaya was straight up *murder* .
@byrddraws7904 6 лет назад
kanaya's death was in self defense as well. she pulled out her chainsaw and tried to cull him.
@dontnerfmebro8052 2 года назад
@@byrddraws7904 eh. I more buy that while Kanaya was definitely dangerous to him, Eridan hopesloding the Matriotb and then Kanaya was him slipping the rest of the way down after Feferi.
@lastkeymusic 6 лет назад
i like eridan; he's my favorite troll i shouldn't like him, because (at least at the time of his troubled upbringing) he is exactly like the kind of real-life depressed, angry pricks that turns their depression and anger onto the world around them (or the people around them) instead of unto themselves that i despise; while eridan is a lot more self-deprecating and aware compared to cronus, and is quicker to recognize his faults, there's a fine line between finding your problems and fixing your problems. eridan's depression, self of entitlement, and unfortunate circumstances in spite of his aristocratic lineage and royal title were always at the forefront of his mind, which no doubt troubled him considerably, as it would anyone in his shoes; but eridan took out his anger on the world around him, destroying not only the hope around him but the hope within him. the thing is, eridan was always the prince of hope. eridan's start of darkness was not him murdering feferi: it was always there, it was a slow, subtle, gradual descent into arguable insanity that nobody saw coming until it reached a breaking point. eridan's start of darkness was arguably his first kill. he was always the prince of hope. nobody is born an inherently villainous or spiteful person, so clearly eridan's personality was learned. by the time we meet eridan, he's murdered seemingly dozens upon dozens of lusii (destroying many trolls' hope of having of a healthy, lusii-guided childhood), has no doubt murdered plenty of trolls directly or indirectly with collateral damage from FLARP'ing with vriska (destroying many other trolls' hopes of ever seeing their friends again), and even outright says in his first chat with feferi that he's been entertaining delusions of genocidal grandeur for a very long time now (destroying the hopes of troll evolution, had he really had his way). he was always the prince of hope. his self-destructive, hateful personality drove vriska, feferi, and presumably even kanaya away from him (destroying his hopes of having his quadrants re-filled); all he really has left by the start of the game is a tentative friendship with karkat (and it is a friendship, with karkat calling him bro, dude, etc) and whatever olive branch feferi is still willing to extend to him. he even destroys both of those opportunities: his murder of the latter is the final nail in eridan's relationship coffin with the former, because why would karkat remain friends with the boy that murdered his "VERY GOOD FRIEND" as well as the princess of their species, the one that actually gave a shit about lowbloods? he was always the prince of hope, as much to himself as he was the people around him. but the reason i like eridan is not only because he is insanely complex in spite of his relatively few appearances, but because i can actually see why he is the way he is. with many real-life assholes, you don't get the full story, because you're an outsider to their assholery, and thus are inclined to hate them and stay away from them. with fiction, however, we have the opportunity to see the full story behind a person's negative personality, if the author is so inclined; we have the opportunity to sympathize and maybe even empathize with them. we can admire them from a distance. eridan was incredibly lonely; his living in a wrecked, *destroyed* ship is not merely a personification of his romantic endeavors, it's a personification of his lifestyle in general. he lives in the middle of seemingly nowhere, which rendered him lonely. he has easy access to the ocean and other violet / fuchsia-bloods, but he never goes in the water, which rendered him lonely. his abrasive personality and genocidal goals drove most land-dwellers away from him, with only a handful of exceptions, which rendered him lonely. none of the twelve beta trolls except maybe karkat even taught him how the game operated (which is no doubt why he instinctively began killing angels; it's all he's known is killing), and his server player left him hanging, which rendered him lonely. while eridan may have brought about his own loneliness, only a couple of people ever bothered to try and reason with him on an emotional or practical level: karkat and feferi. kanaya made eridan his wand so he could leave her alone. vriska blocked him. sollux mocked and fought with him. all of these things no doubt were weighing heavy on eridan's mind, rendering him lonely. while eridan's problems were almost entirely his own (with some circumstantial exceptions), almost nobody around him was willing to help him out, instead just assuming he was an asshole beyond helping. which is a realistic reaction to have around an asshole (although i think the webcomic became way too much of a vriska apologist, that's another bit for another time), but still. i also find eridan incredibly tragic because, in addition to his hamartia (abrasive classism caused by loneliness and anger) and self-destruction (nobody destroyed eridan's hopes as thoroughly as he destroyed his own), one fact remains: *he was 13 years old.* eridan was the trollian equivalent of a 13-year-old boy during all of this. nobody should have to go through what the trolls did at such a young age. is it really such a surprise that so, so many trolls are maladjusted as fuck? but nobody thinks crystal-clearly at the hormone-ridden age of 13, especially in high-stress environments that eridan always found himself in. he was 13 years old, born in a social-darwinist world where the only card you have in your favor is your blood and nothing more (is it really no surprise that eridan took such pride in being a violet-blooded prince? it's all he had), where you're essentially forced to kill to survive unless you want to be one of the millions of faceless trolls that die every night on alternia. eridan's superiors also set a horrible example for him; again, his genocidal tendencies were learned, born from alternia's long, bloody history of classism and blood superiority. if you're born on alternia, you live a doomed life, however short and fleeting it may be. and in the midst of all of this are a bunch of 13-year-old children that don't know any better, that are once again forced to adapt to an environment where all the odds are staked against them. eridan is militaristic, determined, incredibly strong, and an adept fighter, a good shot to boot; but, above all, he is emotional, he is lonely, he is angry, and he was 13 years old. too young, and gone too quickly to make the impact on the world that he wanted to make. so i admire eridan both for being an incredibly real, tragic villain (his whole story is like a cautionary tale, both for people like him and for those dealing with people like him), and for what he could have been. but eridan was the prince of hope, so he destroyed the hope of what could have been along with everything else. and if that isn't classic tragedy, i don't know what is. tl;dr - eridan, for all his lumps, rocks
@QuantumGravy 6 лет назад
This is exactly what I think, but put into words more eloquently than I ever could! Thank you for this comment! (I'm actually going to save this response for future reference, you really did an amazing job)
@lastkeymusic 6 лет назад
Yasmin Alansari why thank you godbless the fish prince
@keveakshipsail9073 6 лет назад
You wrote an essay damn
@lastkeymusic 6 лет назад
Keveak Shipsail eridan is worth an essay
@invmawk 6 лет назад
I read all of it and agree with every single word
@chickencrusade3886 6 лет назад
You forgot the fact that Feferi manipulated Eridan so that she would never have to dirty her own hands feeding her lusus. And then promptly dumped their morialegence the literal second her lusus was no longer a threat. Also that she attacked Eridan first before he killed her. (Yes he and Sollux dueled but he didn't raise his wand to her untill she lifted her trident.)
@villaimouse 6 лет назад
Which is why I hate Feferi a lot more than Eridan
@devon6236 6 лет назад
I mean, Feferi must've known that her relationship wasn't working with Eridan. She could've had a crush on Sollux for a long time. The world just may never know.
@---fi2ml 6 лет назад
he was a bad moirail and her reasoning was sound. he was only being her moirail because he was trying to use it as a way to sneak into being her matesprit. its bananas framing her attacking eridan as unprovoked either. he was going to go and join jack and either die, or allow the others to die by drawing him to them. i dont like feferi but ... im 100% on her side here
@TarouMyaki 6 лет назад
Omni Rage Does it excuse the fact that he killed the matriorb and Kanaya AND was going to kill Gamzee and Vriska (who are also terrible) Don't act like Eridan is completely innocent. He fucked up a lot of shit.
@RampagingFlippy030 5 лет назад
@@---fi2ml like Feferi was any better as a moirall......She barely talked to the guy.
@neitherman9997 6 лет назад
"Eridan live in a wrecked ship" That's probably one of the best joke about homestuck I have ever seen x,)
@t.j.fountain3414 6 лет назад
I might be mistaken, but when Eridan starts killing people, he looks like he went Grimdark.
@lordbuss 5 лет назад
He went grimbright.
@cisnt9244 5 лет назад
Actually, Hussie clarified that was just an artstyle
@robertcommonsky6248 6 лет назад
Like I've noticed a few people saying already, my desire has never been to protagonize Eridan but to point out that people tend to enjoy /ANtagonizing/ him to protect their own favorites. Feferi manipulating him and using his attraction against him for her own gain (feedin her lusus for example) and then basically told him she hated him and wanted nothing to do with him the second she didnt need him anymore. Then there's the fact that all the trolls except Karkat (and I THINK i remember Nepeta too but Equius kept telling her to stop) basically ignored him when they got into the game, isolating him completely in a world where he thought the only other living things were enemy monsters. Then after all this, he's shoved into close quarters with Fef (the meteor) where constant salt is put in his wounds due to seeing her dating a "lowblood" and not just any lowblood but a cocky one who is kind of a bigger jerk canonically than Eridan ever was in my opinion. Then logically he also had the issue of being doomed romantically. He put a great amount of importance in quadrants and he was one of the last 12 surviving members of his species. Out of these 12, subtract him, Fef shot him down hard, Sol shot him down for blackrom, Vriska was doomed to fail due to history and she broke things off with him, he tried for Nepeta at some point and was rejected, Equius straight up hated him, Karkat doesn't want a relationship with him, the point is that the number of partners (when trTLolls have FOUR to worry about) was thinning greatly. Heck, Karkat was the only one who would even really talk to him at length or could really be counted as a "Friend" And though I can't find it anymore so it's debatable, I once remember reading something mentioning that even Andrew Hussie himself disliked Eridan. TL;DR = Yes, Eridan probably had mental issues and what he did was pretty evil. but I've always viewed him of a case where everything and everyone around him kept tearing him down to the point that he HAD no hope and even went Grimdark. He was emotionally manipulated, abandoned, isolated, forced to be around his manipulative ex daily, stripped of his chance of a stable set of relationships, and finally attacked (justly or not). He wasn't a villain, he was a neutral character who was kinda exiled into the villain corner so that he could be killed as "justice".
@rainbowplatypus3471 5 лет назад
Robert Commonsky 0o0
@scott-ishbecon7242 3 года назад
@emperorampora8771 6 лет назад
actually i like eridan _BECAUSE_ he was so villainous. come on, "destroyer of hope"? how does that NOT send shivers down your spine? eridan's belief and frustration alone gave him LITERAL POWER to destroy shit, kill people and blind reluctant rivals. not that these are things particularly worth _praising_ one must admit. eridan got really deadly really fast.
@Hotpocket0916 6 лет назад
"You Dont Have To 8e A Good Person" "To Do Good Things"
@Kingy251 3 года назад
The relationship between Mindfang and the slave (presumed to be the Dolorosa) was entirely non-consensual, because Mindfang was using mind control. So when Dualscar had the slave killed, it was a mercy killing (whether that was his intention or not is unknown, since all we have is Mindfang's own, self-absorbed, account)
@melodioussunder7858 6 лет назад
You forgot to mention with his mental state that, like Gamzee's purple blooded, Eridan's blood is also a shade of purple. Not a pure purple so it's not as intense but the ravenous purple blooded murderous tendancies still exsist in his veins which is yet another reason why he would kill with out even thinking about it BESIDES his motivations.
@AstroIsAlive 6 лет назад
I feel like if eridan had a more deep and meaningful relationship in pale or red he would be less unemotionally unstable and most likely be a bit better and comfortable with himself after all feferi and vriska weren't the best people when It came to his feelings
@clounjuice9313 6 лет назад
Eridan is such an underrated character.
@devon6236 6 лет назад
He may be an underrated character, but at least he doesn't go on a killing spree. OH WAAAIIIT...
@eis8sjjsj 6 лет назад
Trash Can't no he really isnt
@mandapanda9292 4 года назад
hes not underrated but his depth in character is often overlooked
@clownmonomaniac2630 3 года назад
@@devon6236 ikr it's not like vriska and gamzee have killed other people 😳 ik this is old but like yes
@ShinyShilla 3 года назад
@@clownmonomaniac2630 Can you believe Vriska bullied and killed others "just because", while other character actually had a fucked up rage burst? And people still *SIMP* for her while hating other characters for the same reasons :D
@cyber8697 6 лет назад
Corrie: "Eridan is my boy!!!" *And the fandom collectively chambered their guns* Jen: "Nah, I hated Eridan" *The fandom then take position behind Jen* Corrie: "Come on and slam and welcome to the Ampora" *The fandom takes aim...* Side note: this isn't my opinion. Eridan, while not being my favorite character, is relatable and likeable. (Only furthered by this video) Which is why I specified "the fandom", as the majority of that *HATES* Eridan.
@kitkatmuffin 6 лет назад
Space Jam fits with every scenario
@Twiddyzone 6 лет назад
Cyber I love eridan so much he is my boy
@ChernobylFriend 6 лет назад
Cyber I love eridan
@chickencrusade3886 6 лет назад
He just needed a good hug. V,-,V
@katofphats3689 6 лет назад
Me as an exception: I know you hate him, but let's here what she has to say!
@buddynich3496 5 лет назад
"The tipping point for Dualscar was when Mindfang stole one of his slaves from his ship, presumably Kanaya's ancestor, the Dolorosa, and proceeded to romance her right in front of him." "and proceeded to romance her right in front of him." "ROMANCE" Uh, Jen? I think you might be using the wrong word. Same first letter, though.
@Monkicos 2 года назад
Late to the party, but guidelines be doing that to you. Grape with a silent g just doesn't flow as good with the pacing of her speech
@doppelrutsch9540 6 лет назад
Dat ending pun. This is the best Homestuck content in years. Thank you so much for this.
@arcadia_758 6 лет назад
Also feferi literally told Eridan that she hates him after he said he loves her, maybe that has SOMETHING to do with his evil-ness
@nicegoatdoctor8224 6 лет назад
No she didn't. She said she still saw him as a friend. Feferi and Eridan were both at fault in their relationship and probably weren't best for each other.
@arcadia_758 6 лет назад
Nice Goat Doctor true true, however, consider the fact that Eridan had only one dream in life, and that was to kill all the land dwellers, and all he had to do was not feed feferi's lusus and he would fulfill his dream, however he didn't, just to make her happy, he was an amazing moirail and she just dumped him for no reason AT ALL, other than he couldn't hurt anyone which was clearly not true, and that's not even how moirailigents works, they both should be there for each other and feferi did nothing to help Eridan with the inner struggle he clearly had
@kittynation1870 6 лет назад
Eridan and Feferis moirallegiance was not the best we have seen in the comic. While nepeta and equius was two sided and was an excellent example of moirallegiance eridan and Fefs wasn't the most stable. She didn't calm him down when he needed it and he cared about her a lot. While I'm not trying to make him seem like a good guy(cause he isn't he was most likely in the dark grey zone which is between good and evil.) honestly if eridan wanted a better moirail he should've hit up someone who could handle his anger and frustration with which feferi wouldn't do anything about. If Karkat and feferi were to switch moirails I don't know what would have happened but feferi would probably be able to cull gamzee down with hugs and stuff while Karkat and eridan would have long talks about feelings. So I guess it'd be a mix of nep and eq's moirallegiance. Anyways this has been one of my longest comments to post so enjoy this strange paragraph of text.
@arcadia_758 6 лет назад
kittynation18 YES THANKYOU! Eridan is such a complex character, and a lot of people don't like him for his switch to the dark side, even though Gamzee is one of the most loved characters in homestuck (he is even my favorite)
@nicegoatdoctor8224 6 лет назад
I love Eridan, but even I admit that he wasn't the kindest person, but like Karkat and Vriska, (Even though I hate Vriska) I still think he had a conscience and at heart was a caring person. He just went through a lot of trouble as a kid. I think the real trouble with Eridan and Feferi's moirailagence was that Feferi wasn't being all that considerate with him. She didn't see that he had such strong feelings for her and really cared about her, and when he told her that he did, she didn't really seem to care. After all he did to help keep her lusus fed, when in reality, the best thing to do would be to put her down since she was just too big of a threat, she still just didn't seem to care. She thought it was better to keep her life-threatening parent alive than to put an end to her danger and save countless lusii from dying and giving plenty of other trolls a happy life with a guardian. After she rejected Eridan, he got so mad at himself, calling himself the biggest idiot to exist since he knew the answer was coming and asked anyway. Feferi not only gets mad at him for being over emotional about the entire situation, (without even considering what happened from his point of view by the way) but *she* was the one who pushed him to tell her what he was about to say after he said "never mind." When Eridan came to her with the idea of joining Jack Noir, her response was *TERRIBLE.* Rather than trying to reach out to her friend who clearly cared about her so much that he was willing to orphan other trolls just to make her happy, she lashes out on him and (along with Sollux) basically tries to kill him! Their relationship was not a good one, but most people put the blame on Eridan, but that's just not fair. Eridan had problems but Feferi (unintentionally) treated him in a way he just didn't deserve. I honestly agree that Karkat and Eridan would work better as moirails. They were clearly good friends, and Karkat would listen to him when he had problems and would even offer him advice. Feferi, while kind and friendly, isn't the best person. She has a really big flaw in herself that she and nobody else seems to notice, it's probably because she acts so sweet and bubbly on the outside. Eridan is a troubled person who just needed someone who understood what he was going through and was willing to look beneath the surface. Feferi wasn't that someone.
@whereami2700 6 лет назад
So wait? People get mad at other people... for liking a character???
@metalchick5296 6 лет назад
Awesomefuntime 42 sadly, it appears so. Let's pray HiveSwap won't be like that.
@mintvulpix8761 4 года назад
Welcome to the fandom In each fandom there are characters that are loved and others that are hated, depending of the person. And in each fandom love, hate, or ships clash and have a possibility of starting a fandom war depending on the size of the fandom
@spacebubble1552 3 года назад
It gets worse when people learn about you kinning a certain character....
@PixelB4 6 лет назад
here's a theory: dualscar's cloak isn't modeled after the drones, the drones are modeled after dualscar's cloak
@AquaLugia 6 лет назад
great analysis! i should probably point out though that hope isn't really associated with "friendships" since blood covers that up (bonds, relationships, blood it's self) it's more associated with undying faith and belief (i could be wrong but i really like analyzing classpects, since all of them are interesting xd)
@LaureledEevees 6 лет назад
I'd be inclined to agree with you on that, except that Jake English mentions that friendship is really important to Hope. :)
@user-wl4dm5kk7w 6 лет назад
It would have been awesome if you made an entire episode talking just about classes and aspects. There's a lot to these subjects, but not enough information put together.
@youmebothorneither 6 лет назад
Talie maybe split into at least 2 episodes
@lordbuss 5 лет назад
bladekindeyewear.tumblr.com/post/36797950396/breath-blood-and-the-flow-of-reality bladekindeyewear.tumblr.com/post/23881289939/aspect-duality-theory ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-r8eg5kdM5Fc.html (except the 4 aspect groups, which are BS) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-PnUpMxQXvco.html
@acecerclif7871 6 лет назад
I honestly love eridan and all ampora's actually. I dont know why no one likes them. Sure they did bad things at some times but lt was for good reasons. My boys were hurt! Think about it!
@frenchiestfry7458 5 лет назад
So it was ok for eridan to destroy the matriob LITERALLY MILLIONS OF TROLL BABIES (pretty much) and killed kanaya for defending herself
@dailyralsei 6 лет назад
before i read homestuck i thought being an aquarius was cool i wasn't wrong
@uranium404 6 лет назад
before i read homestuck i thought being a leo was cool i'm dead
@cassynx9838 5 лет назад
@souptime4239 4 года назад
@tomdemongod 6 лет назад
I love the theory on how the angels he was shown killing were bad and no one understood. I love eridans character the most because I feel he has the most depth, we don't know every thing about him and we have so many theories and he doesn't feel like a hero or villain for a story he feels more real and does thing I feel in his place I would probably do the same
@chroni3659 6 лет назад
When you mentioned Aquarius I thought you were gonna make a bucket joke (since Aquarius can be interpreted as a bucket) and it would make sense that Eridan's sign would be a bucket
@chroni3659 6 лет назад
Wait... You did... At the very end...
@melendezs.a.2225 6 лет назад
You couldn't have made this video on a better time. ONE DAY FOR GOD DAMN HIVESWAP. Time to bingewatch fridgestuck on these last minutes of waiting...
@homicidehomemade4715 3 года назад
In my personal opinion, feferi and sollux instigated the murderous behavior by eridan, by wanting to stop him from finding jack and serving him to hopefully spare them. Kanaya was actually a selfish move, as she was murdered by pure desire to destroy the species. This is why he was forgiven for his “selfish” actions against feferi and sollux.
@nanirevie 5 лет назад
astrology fun fact: ppl from under aquarius are seen as potential good friends of ppl from under gemini and vice versa now look at Eridan and Sollux hmmmmmm looks like fortune-telling got destroyed with this one
@adambest8063 6 лет назад
I'm a humble girl. When i see fish daddy i click-
@jasoncohen935 6 лет назад
I agree
@feytrickster4915 6 лет назад
adam best *F I S H D A D D Y*
@dracomalfoy8411 5 лет назад
*Y E S*
@Lakadaizical 2 года назад
*F I S H D A D D E Y*
@vriskaserket6732 2 года назад
@frogs9555 5 лет назад
Anger. Illness. Poverty. *Twitter.*
@Gooberwares 6 лет назад
I always thought after dualscar died mindfang she drove his ship into eridan’s island thus becoming his hive
@karkatvantits2339 6 лет назад
everyones gonna hate me for sayin this, but im an aquarius and i am exactly like eridan to be honest...except i have a girlfriend....but...shes also an aquarius so i guess its just eridancest
@karkatvantits2339 6 лет назад
's a a like like for this but in drink so idk
@spacebubble1552 3 года назад
@hamjuice345 6 лет назад
If you ever make a Fridgestuck episode about Gamzee...don't you *dare* forget to make the joke about being STUCK in a FRIDGE
@hawkfeather5408 6 лет назад
Pandora wasn't tricked >0> She opened the box on her own volition. She was a trojan horse made by the gods to punish another god.
@verve3897 6 лет назад
3:48 to skip things if ya want--
@LaureledEevees 6 лет назад
Hopefully you'll forgive the four minutes of tomfoolery at the beginning, but HI EVERYONE!
@dragnixstar 6 лет назад
@code8155 6 лет назад
these are so amazing
@bagellio2166 6 лет назад
Do Vriska
@kayleekatili8286 6 лет назад
LaureledEevees much shenanigans... Anywhale could you do a fridgestuck on Jade
@unpronounceable9990 6 лет назад
Plllleeeeeeeaaaaseee do Feferi
@spectre.shadows 5 лет назад
I honestly hate when people blindly hate or love characters. Mostly every well-written character in literature has good and bad qualities. Even if they're all evil with no redeeming qualities they're still just characters and you shouldn't treat them as if they are natural disasters. Then again I guess I'd prefer people do that shit with fictional characters instead of real life people, like what happens in politics all the damn time now. Good video as usual, I love the theory that Eridan has some form of mental illness.
@MeowCake2 4 месяца назад
As someone who just really likes Eridan this video opened so much stuff I didn’t know, I’m still making my way into finishing Homestuck and I wasn’t aware of some of this, great video :3
@nimhfinitepossibilities7609 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for making me laugh with the 'Amphora is basically a bucket' line, haha I look forward to your future videos!
@suyashdate5662 6 лет назад
The editing is great and I can never get enough of that furious battle cry of "Senpai!"
@paz1830 10 месяцев назад
Still all this years, Eridan is my faborite (with Karkat, Kanaya and Jade)...never a character has made me thinking too much, like happen me with Eri. You simply cant think about him like a pure villain, because is so real who you can feel who in the deep inside he was alone, scared and angry, and did the only thing who he learned to do... His story is a lesson of life: be kind, even with the assholes. Oh and killing sprees dont fix anything.
@bironicus 5 лет назад
Here's a tidbit about the Aquarius constellation I thought would be relevent - in Greek mythology, the constellation represents Ganymede, the cupbearer of the Gods. Ganymede, like Eridan, is prince, namely the prince of the ancient city of Troy. Ganymede also has a somewhat turbulent love life - he is kidnapped by Zeus in the form an eagle because Zeus thought he was pretty and wanted him to be cupbearer (and his bottom). So while Ganymede is a prince, he is forced into a role of subservience, mirroring the Ampora-drone comparison. Troy the city is most famous for the myth of the Trojan War. In that myth, Troy is sacked and destroyed by the greek forces, which could mirror Eridan living in a ship-wreck, or Alternia's destruction.
@sriramramesh5318 6 лет назад
While I really don’t like Eridan(as in I would hate to have a conversation and I don’t like some of the things he did), I find him to be a very interesting character(from an artistic standpoint). While I don’t like his personality, I like how you could see him develop throughout Act 5 and I wished we got to see him more. The thing about Eridan is that almost all of his negative traits can be easily be pinpointed as side-effects of the environment he grew up in. All of the trolls are more than a little strange in some way, and Eridan is simply the worst case of this. Similar to almost all of the trolls, Eridan struggled with low self-esteem, and in each of them you can see various ways people go about coping with it. Tavros is extremely shy, Karkat is over-aggressive, and Equius and Eridan both resort to their high placement on the hemospectrum to maintain their dignity. This is especially evident in Eridan’s case: he has no psychic powers like Aradia, Sollux, Tavros, or Vriska; he doesn’t have super-strength like Equius; he can’t go into sunlight like Kanaya. Hell, even when flarping as a successful alter ego, he ended up getting steamrolled in a rivalry with Vriska. The only redeeming factor he has is how purple his blood is. It is the only trait he can build any sort of identity off of. Without it, he is nothing. The other thing of note about Eridan’s character is that, while he is absolutely detestable, he is kindof everywhere in the real world. If you have ever spent a while in a school or place with a lot of bullying, you’ll know what I mean. Alternia is rife with child gangs. Vriska and Eridan have killed who knows how many trolls before, and they don’t seem to be the only ones who do so. Eridan is the archetype of a kid that’s part of the “in crowd”, but just barely. That kid tries to secure their spot by completely embracing their role as a bully, even if they know they’re nothing like the rest of the popular kids. They try to cling to their status, trying to desperately show the popular kids “see look I belong with you guys”. But all in vain. In a system like that, like Alternia, the bullies will turn on him. In a system where hostility is the norm and you can’t trust others, the bullies will abandon him just like Vriska did. In Alternia, there must be Eridan’s all over the place. There has to be tons of high bloods who threw away their status by trying to cling to it too much. It's why I really appreciate that Andrew Hussie added Eridan into the story- he's not a fun character. I hate the things he does. But he adds to the world of alternia so much.
@Kwixels 6 лет назад
YES! I have been waiting for this one! Never have I agreed with a person more during a single video than I did with Corrie here XD also those last two jokes made me laugh more than was neccesary
@mrslasher1064 6 лет назад
Being mentally deranged or having a mental disorder doesnt excuse deplorable actions,dont get me wrong i love eridan,but it IS his fault!
@mrslasher1064 6 лет назад
Reckless MarshMellow HOW,how is not all his fault,are you gonna blame it on feferi or sollux,its ALL his fault,HE held the wand when it fired,it was HIM
@godlessgallivant7274 6 лет назад
@matthewkenworthy5567 4 года назад
Found this some where "311 represents achieving happiness and satisfaction by following your heart."
@BenjiBloodshed 6 лет назад
I didn't really think much on the Pandora's Box similarities but it suddenly makes way more sense to those who know about Pandora's Box that it's not technically a box...it's a Pithos a large container....which is very similar in appearance to an Amphora. Just something of interest.
@Palepetal 4 года назад
There are some discrepancies in this video, like Eridan did not kill Feferi and Kanaya because he was romantically rejected. Feferi and Kanaya came at him, and so he killed them (which is likely why Karkat was left unharmed). Also Mindfang did not "romance" the female slave. Mindfang used her mind-control powers to force the slave to sexually satisfy her, which was really messed up. Mindfang suspected Dualscar killed the slave out of jealousy, but we do not know his true motivations.
@ShinyShilla 3 года назад
Seeing how chill Eridan was with Kanaya, appreciated her help, and stepped back when he understood she wanted red quadrant with Vriska... I'm pretty sure Mindfang point of view could be wrong
@mochihoshi2182 6 лет назад
I mean when I read through Eridan’s arc, I didn’t really consider him a villain and I certainly didn’t harbor an undying hatred for him. Like he just seemed pitiful to me. He was constantly being rejected in every way and felt incredibly hopeless. While I don’t condone his coping methods (eg. killing things and destroying hope for every one else) it’s a relatable feeling. Yeah, he was an asshole, but let’s be honest, all of the trolls were assholes to some extent (except for Feferi and Nepeta since we barely saw their characters anyway). However, unlike the other trolls, we never got to see Eridan grow up and mature like Vriska, who started off as a terrible, terrible troll (far worse than Eridan ever was, might I add), but she went on to see her flaws and adjusted accordingly. Idk, I just feel like he wasn’t a creature of pure evil like the fandom paints him to be. Also, I feel like the other trolls in the session treated him unnecessarily poorly too. Like they always avoided him because he “was an asshole” but again they were all assholes.
@marikitty2284 6 лет назад
Is it ok if I sugest Nepeta for the next episode??
@dicksmcgee2391 6 лет назад
Marikitty 22 I'd love to see a nep episode! She's my fave troll and she also shares my sign! And my favourite colour is olive... and I also love cats... oh my god
@marikitty2284 6 лет назад
Dicks McGee 2 I like cats too :3
@tabbender1232 6 лет назад
Not nearly as okay as suggesting Vriska
@20firebird 6 лет назад
laurel. laurel, listen. this was the 8th fridgestuck video. where is vriska
@uoutubeusername 2 года назад
Just commenting so I see more Homestuck content, so cool you still do so great 👍 once I watch the HS stuff I might check out other vids even tho I don't play or read it
@jasoncohen935 6 лет назад
@craxxiswabisuke9338 6 лет назад
It's pretty funny that Valentine's Day is in the month(s) of the Aquarius... Cause ya know.. the character featured in this video... You know...
@mermaidreverie 2 года назад
I *love* Eridan, this video was awesome!
@HilariouslyScary 6 лет назад
Wow, I forgot how complicated Homestuck was. No I want to go reread it.
@theegg8780 Год назад
“Their shared last name refers to what is essentially a bucket!” *Dear God* *Theres more* *No…*
@Volti-Vagra 3 месяца назад
3:52 homestuck talk begins
@kitkatmuffin 6 лет назад
Maybe next time do a Fridgestuck on Cal or Doc Scratch.
@worth779 2 года назад
I pog so hard at another prince of time. The chaotic energy the world truly needs.
@Harppng 5 лет назад
I neither love nor hate Eridan, although I do think he is an interesting character, along with his Dancestor and Ancestor.
@lonelyhelp1608 6 лет назад
@actressrwby.s5435 5 лет назад
i just realized something Eridans sign makes diamonds which can connect to the pale quadrant and the fact he wears a lot of jewelry
@Laydralae_Joy 6 лет назад
As a fellow Slytherin I feel I must point out that Merlin himself was sorted into our most noble house! Not all serpents are evil, nor all Slytherins automatically supportive of any dark lords or ladies!
@kitkatmuffin 6 лет назад
SPACE JAM FITS EVERY SCENARIO!!! Except the end credits. That's Ocean Man's job.
@jcs6387 6 лет назад
Considering this was the eighth fridgestuck, I would have thought you would do a Vriska video, but this is still a good one.
@sheeko 6 лет назад
Well the thing about Dualscar and the Drones being similar in appearance is that the drones were actually modelled after dualscar, not the other way around. The drones came to be after the planet became populated by the youth, which was waaay after Dualscar's execution.
@ena865 4 года назад
@crimtrim0462 6 лет назад
Eridan is best boi He is just very lonely and made fun of alot
@mtdreamcatcher5090 6 лет назад
Im real early DONT FORGET ME!!I WILL DROWN IN THE SEA OF COMMENTS(love the vid Eridan is my fav)
@RobbyTheRogue 6 лет назад
Looking forward to an episode about Vriska, mostly to hear your opnion on JohnVris interactions.
@hades4474 4 года назад
I don't get how Vriska's actions were justified, yet when it comes to Eridan, the community says what he did isn't justifiable, like I don't get it at all. (And yes, I know he did destroy the orb containing millions of babies, but other trolls G A M Z E E straight up murders most of your favorite characters, and Vriska blinded Terezi and killed off Tavros, and mocking him for being paralyzed.)
@ShinyShilla 3 года назад
They got more screentime that's only reason why people tolerate them more- and to be honest I *hope* Meat Eridan NEVER gets shown because they already fucked up with him in Candy timeline making an OOC/fanon Eridan or by just not reading the comic at all
@AimlessSavant 5 лет назад
"Good lord. It's spreading!" - No better words ever said about fandoms.
@drumlindrums7913 6 лет назад
@ProtoAno 6 лет назад
Hussie. There's bound to be a lot for Hussie.
@dissipatingserenity3191 4 года назад
i saw that warriors oc you cant slip past me you should make some warriors videos because you kinda became one of my fav people ever when i realized you were not only part of one of my favorite fandoms but part of both of them-
@celestialjunipers6829 6 лет назад
Hes the only one with a canon "saturated" relationship, the other being Vriska.
@dragnixstar 6 лет назад
@Talia_Foxx 6 лет назад
Okay for some reason I thought this series was older, but this was literally the day before HiveSwap
@homestuckhoovy1135 5 лет назад
You really should be afraid of the Grand Highblood. Like he killed a guy because of a joke. Imagine if he was alive instead of the Condensce. Yeah.
@voxena2657 6 лет назад
Eridan didnt kill out of jealousy, the reason he did kill is because he wanted to surrender to Jack hoping they would be spared and wanted to bring Feferi along, he said multiple times that he was over her and yet Sollux kept butting in, Sollux then challenges Eridan to a duel, Eridan of course shoots Sollux, Feferi thinks Sollux is dead so she gets her trident, of course out of self defense he shoots Feferi, then Kanaya sees this and grabs her chainsaw then yet again, Eridan acts out of self defense and shoots her
@arcadebot4735 3 года назад
honestly I payed no attention to eridan on my first read of homestuck but I really lovve him noww hehehe
@matthiasblachowski5479 6 лет назад
Gasp! a fellow Prince of Time???
@CrimCrim 4 года назад
"Eridan lives in a wrecked ship" I see what you did there
@sirdio7092 6 лет назад
While eridan isn't my favorite character, He's rather relatable. (Aside from killing out of rejection) He is 3rd place to kanaya and tavros for me
@pyroimp4607 6 лет назад
Jen: though some interpretations is that hope was the last *evil* in the box Corrie: =_=
@rosebeaumont7072 5 лет назад
I Love Phil actually I think he's just this sassy awesome robot
@cremetem 6 лет назад
that was some nice voice acting
@mithril5869 3 месяца назад
Hope is ultimately a good thing because those without hope do not live just as those without water do not live.
@gracie5240 6 лет назад
"Wut the heck. Wot. You are not a resident here."
@synkadus 6 лет назад
i'm ready!!
@gracelyntrudell4532 6 лет назад
How dare you....that was fuckung funny (the puns)
@detachedtech-dude.6520 5 лет назад
Killed by the juggulator for not telling a good joke
@philthephilosopher9235 6 лет назад
Eridan killed the fucking last hope for the trolls. If it weren't for Roxy the trolls would have no hope.
@jamesvelkey8939 6 лет назад
I know many have probably mentioned this, but it's very likely that the drones came post-dualscar because before parental trolls were banned, they likely monitored the um... Bucketing activities. So, it may be likely that the drones were actually modeled after dualscar because of how feared he was by troll children.
@LaureledEevees 6 лет назад
People keep saying this, but I don't know where they're getting this info. It's a little annoying. Could someone link me where it says that so I can tell if it's a fan theory or something more canonical?
@jamesvelkey8939 6 лет назад
LaureledEevees really sorry, I only remember reading this Tumblr post at some point lol. Can't confirm whether it makes sense canonically or not. If I find the link I'll post it tho
@thedancingdeviledegg4991 6 лет назад
My sign is eridans! My baby boy! So proud.
@kurlozmakara878 6 лет назад
must. see. a gamzee fridgestuck vid.
@CultReport Год назад
best character ever
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