
"Gay Marriage" Pastor Bob DAILY! 

Sanctuary International Matrix
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1 окт 2024




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@panzer1364 8 лет назад
hi pastor bob, I am an atheist from ireland that would disagree with alot of your views, but I have to tell you that I really enjoy watching your videos because I find your approach to these sensitive matters very respectfull. You can really tell from watching your channel that you are a very kind, caring and gentle individual. Although we may not share our faith, I just want to say thank you for being you. keep up your good work. Take care, Regards, Pat.
@Godsmightywarrior1964 4 года назад
God bless you love, Jesus loves u and hes calling you!💖
@rock4therockjd139 3 года назад
Men shouldn’t wear dresses. Not sure why this is so controversial.
@Tecom38415 3 года назад
@@rock4therockjd139 smh. Thats your opinion
@jasonwalker79 2 года назад
I have a cousin that's gay I respect him even though I don't agree with his lifestyle but he's family and a good person I try my best to respect others as much as I can the world needs more civility and not hate and judge and I admit I'm still working on it I'm not perfect
@boomer3150 8 месяцев назад
@@rock4therockjd139 Exactly.
@paulhuggins8971 7 лет назад
I struggled with being a bisexual. Then when I became a christian, slowly but surely God/Jesus changed my thinking, I never slept with a man again when I excepted Christ as my Saviour. The bible is the truth and the truth "with help from the holy spirit" will set you free. I'm now happily married and a Pastor.
@SierraEsAlive 6 лет назад
I'm still bisexual,God made me that way. I didn't choose it.
@Xcrewo 5 лет назад
@@SierraEsAlive Media made you
@MrShenanigans28 5 лет назад
Vybrance lmao keep telling yourself that. Blame your sins on god...that should go over well.
@davegods278 4 года назад
@@SierraEsAlive you choose that way :)
@rock4therockjd139 3 года назад
People aren’t “born gay” they are born with the temptation to be gay then they give into it
@natanaelguadalupeaviles5992 8 лет назад
never herd so many wisdom in 8min. 46sec. amen Pastor Bob, bblessed.
@lennyluzitano8920 7 лет назад
Such a wise and just man...
@taergehtsiram 7 лет назад
I love you. I respect everything you say, even though I am pro gay marriage. Thank you so much for speaking on this topic and doing so with your trademark warmth and integrity.
@维睿安 6 лет назад
taergehtsiram we love you too
@jadambrim 6 лет назад
When people throw out the phrase, "You can't help who you love." as an excuse for homosexual behavior, they are correct. You cannot help who you develop feelings for, just like you can't decide who you're mad at. However, in both cases, you then have the choice with what you do with those feelings. That we do get to control. As for anger, the Bible is clear, "In your anger, do not sin." (Ephesians 4:26). By this passage, we can infer that anger in and of itself is not sinful, but rather the actions that anger may compel us to do in our flesh may be. As an example, if someone cuts us off on the road, of course we are going to get mad. But, we are then faced with a choice: will we drive up to them and make an ugly face or flip them the bird (only to drive past them with our "Jesus loves you" bumper sticker glaring at them), even worse, will we try to force them off the road (it's happened, why do you think they call it 'Road Rage'?), or will we ask God for patience and the ability to forgive them as He forgives us time and time again? I think we all know what we should do, but it is not what we often end up doing. And why is that? Because it's as I've always have told my children, "If doing right were easy, everyone would do it.". But, the fact is, doing right is not easy. In fact, the easiest way to coast through life is to never choose the right thing to do. Jesus said "The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it." (Matthew 7:13-14). And it isn't our feelings that make up who we are or even help to form other's opinions of us, rather it is our actions that define our character and the path we choose through life. People judge us (rightly or wrongly) based on our actions, which are plainly seen, not our feelings, which can be hidden. Looking at it from a worldly legal point of view, it is not against the law for me to not like someone. But, the moment I put that dislike for that person into action (whether stealing from him, defacing his property, harming him, taking his life or even attempting to do so, etc.), I am now held liable to face the consequences laid out according to the legal tenets of the land. To summarize: no law written can punish me for my feelings about a person. But, the law is very clear how I may or may not ACT towards another individual. So it is with love. The Bible does not forbid us to love others, quite the contrary, it commands it ("Love one another" John 13:34). It's not wrong to love even those of the same sex, in fact, David said of his friend, Jonathan, "Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women." (2 Samuel 1:26). However, just as with anger, we then again must choose what to do with those natural and normal feelings. For while love is acceptable towards all, sexual relations are restricted to the marriage union and anything outside of that is called immoral and against the laws of God (Galatians 5:19-21, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, 1 Corinthians 7:8-9, Hebrews 13:4, 1 Corinthians 7:2), and throughout scripture marriage is ALWAYS defined as a union between a man and a woman ("That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh." Genesis 2:24, [and to those who think that Jesus changed the definition of marriage, he echoes this same passage in Matthew 4-5, “Haven’t you read,” [Jesus] replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?"). So, while there is no doubt that David loved Johathan, perhaps even more than his wives (as a side note: no where does God approve of more than one wife even though many in the OT did), he never engaged in a physical relationship with him and nowhere in the Bible does it even allude to such. So, using that as an analogy to a homosexual relationship is non-binding. As another example: I am a married man. Sometime in my life, I may meet another woman with whom I develop feelings for. There is nothing inherently wrong with those feelings. However, my actions toward this woman cannot go beyond mere friendship. In fact, to limit temptation for the both of us, the wise decision may be to limit or end my contact with her at all. At the very least, I would avoid having ANY time with her where we would be alone. This is not prudish, but rather, it is prudent. For while the feelings we have are natural, normal and (as stated earlier) not something we can help having, the temptation to act upon them in ways that would lead only to regret for both of us become exacerbated when we are not surrounded by witnesses to keep us in check. This is advice I give to all who are dating. Do not encumber yourselves by being alone with someone with whom you are not married to and have feelings for. For while "We can control ourselves." is the oft heard cry, the rapidly rising statistic of children born out of wedlock (currently at 40% of ALL births in the US) bears out a much different narrative. Bottom line: just as Pastor Bob so eloquently and peacefully states, we are to love others and not judge them, while at the same time we are to be responsibly looking to God's word to see what He says how we are to live and do everything we can to live accordingly. We can't control other's actions, but we can, with God's help, control our own. And that is exactly what Paul meant when he said, "Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear." (Philippians 2:12)
@ILoveBlackMetal100 7 лет назад
Just going to say to you, that I agree with everything you said. Or rather, I guess we are just very alike. Every video I watch, you are very wise with your words and kind in your tone. Thank you.
@marksentelle2846 9 лет назад
Marriage isn't true happiness, true happiness is a relationship with our Father. I am not married, and don't plan on it unless God brings someone (woman) into my life He wants me to marry. I have struggled with this, but God has set me straight on this. I do believe we're the last generation, God told me I don't need my plate too full these last days.
@EdwardGFunk 7 лет назад
hi. have you found a girl friend yet ?
@paulajames3937 6 лет назад
Mark Sentelle 💯
@caesars.3261 6 лет назад
ya have u found a girl yet? 3 years later
@derkerlmann67 4 года назад
You have a girlfriend yet?
@mercurydude 8 лет назад
Hi Pastor Bob. I am a gay man and while I don't agree with you on everything you say here, I appreciate the way you say it. There is so much meanness on this topic, and I'm sad to say it can come from both sides, so it's refreshing to hear someone come from this particular position with absolutely no hypocrisy or meanness. It is so often not what is said, but the way it is said that leads to resentment. I think that if more Christian leaders took your approach, relations between the gay community and the Christian community would not be so strained. Of course, some gay people could also hear you out instead of assuming the worst from the get-go just because you aren't waving the rainbow flag.
@Kruziik 8 лет назад
What things don't you agree with? I'm not asking out of hate or anger, but I'm just curious in hearing your view.
@nenamarte2126 5 месяцев назад
God intended us to have our blood line live on. He did not intend for us to sleep with the same sex. That’s what it’s all about. The bloodline. We come from a strong background that ancestors have paved the way for us with the help of God. In the Bible it speaks about how it’s a sin to sleep with the same sex. You have a spirit attached to you.
@Daniel-xq7ny 7 лет назад
I was listening at this video Pastor, and I wished that all humanity would have your mind and love. I realized that we are all guilty, and this because of our guilt. God bless you Pastor, and to all that read this post.
@Daniel-xq7ny 7 лет назад
N.B.: Ni I am no gay, just guilty like many. ;)
@screamincheetaaah 8 лет назад
Pastor Bob, may God continue to bless and keep you, Sir. You are a blessing to me. Thank you for being a wonderful man of God and PLEASE continue to do these podcasts!!! Those who send hate mail towards you should look into their own heart. Only God can judge you. Rock on and stay strong in His Word!!! :)
@samdoo1433 9 лет назад
Great job Bob, this is the sort of topic that generates all kinds of emotional responses no matter how respectful you try to be, but I think you delivered your view clearly and didn't present it in a way where you were imposing your view upon anyone.
@mathiasboulougouris3836 7 лет назад
Even if i am atheist, i have no problem with your opinion. In fact it seems to me you are more right about marriage than most people. You are very down to earth and human, i respect that. \m/
@SanctuaryInternationalMatrix 7 лет назад
Thank you for tuning in!! :)
@spikeplays6388 3 года назад
@@SanctuaryInternationalMatrix pastor, is long hair a sin for men?
@soupfan1 2 года назад
@@spikeplays6388 what was the hairstyle jesus had?
@robertabankauskaite2628 8 лет назад
Wow, i love so much how you say things... As a christian we know what is correct and what is incorrect, but we can not judge or feel hate for people like this. Doesnt mean we agree with their lifestyles, but for sure we can not hate them. We must love them. I am going to see more videos of you, pastor. I started with DOUBTING ABOUT SALVATION and now im passing through others. God Bless you.
@neilparedes-chavez1688 9 месяцев назад
its in the Bible. It's illegal in God's eyes for a Man to lay down with another Man of its kind, or Woman to lay down with another woman. This is abomination. For God so loved the world that He gave the only begotten Son, so that everyone believing in Him should not perish, but should have eternal life. John 3:16 Revelation 21:8 But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, the murderers, the fornicators, the sorcerers, the idolaters, and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”
@freewaygodzilla6024 9 лет назад
After reading some of these comments it's obvious some of you get it some of you still don't. To 1Thes you know nothing about the gay world to insinuate sexual is more prominent in homosexuality is bogus. Obviously you haven't been to Tampa Florida in a while. I've lived this curse all my life. I've never felt wanted or loved by the church and when I repented it's still no different. They say they forget your sin but they never forget your past. I have become a stay at home Christian I won't subject myself to any church anymore I do not trust nor feel welcomed in someone pet social club of the week. Pastor Bob I agree with every word you said but I will always be a pariah and alone I will never be able to walk into a church and feel loved. Once my past gets out I will forever be looked at as some degenerate that screws animals and molested children. HA as if. I have no faith in the church anymore they have failed me and mine and I have no body. As I continue reading some posts I see that with some your still damned if your celibate and damned if your not. The judgements and speculations will never end and because of that I've lost faith in my own faith and nothing will ever change until the church falls to its own knees in repentance. I love you Pastor Bob and thank you for careing about me.
@oldschool250 8 лет назад
The Bill of Rights Amendment I- Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Whether you agree or not doesn't matter because it's his first amendment right to do what he believes concerning his constitutional religious rights and nobody can make him do otherwise. Fairness is a pipe dream and that's what Socialist's love so go smoke a bowl and let me know how that works out for ya;-)
@divebomb1000 9 лет назад
Pastor bob just stumbled on your channel while looking for Christian metal btw I love what you are doing, the whole gay marriage thing struck a cord with for one I don't believe in it and know it's a sin but I will not stop anyone for doing what they choose I leave it up to god but it seems gay people expect the ones who don't believe in homosexuality to just ignore there beliefs and cater to them I don't cater to no man only Jesus the world is in a bad place you give them an inch and they take a mile they got what they want why not just stop there and be happy why do they feel the need to ruin everyone else life
@williamperrin1125 9 лет назад
"Civil conversation" - well said Pastor Bob. Nothing, but respect man. I hate to hear that you're getting "hate mail" over this old worn out issue. You say controversial, but every one has sounded off about it even shoes I think. I find the comedy about it all pretty amusing myself and often use comedy when talking about the entire non-stop bantering about it all. I've never been opposed to what ever they want to call a "Civil Unon" either as long as Christian Ministers aren't forced by local, state or federal law to conduct the officiating of such a thing. I don't mind reminding homosexuals of the medical dangers they face because they do face them along with a ton of other issues they face which I won't get into right now. I'm glad to see you set the record straight brother. We all have to address this issue, but geez when will it ever stop? In defense of Christians it is the homosexual community that brings the issue to the forefront each and everytime on a national level, not Christians (Federal courts is another issue) Thank you for this video and thank you for your service to the Christian community at large Pastor Bob. Nothing, but love and respect brother.
@simplelife1966 9 лет назад
William Perrin It always blows my mind when A man of God is blasted because he doesn't believe in Gay marriage or support it. Show me 1 example in the Bible where it is respected and ok and I will never say another word about it. Its nice to see someone who takes the Bible and actually lives by it instead of compromising there belief to please others. Cudos Brother Bob.
@williamperrin1125 9 лет назад
Bill Wren Uh ... Ok. Was there something I said that led you to believe that I was saying, "Gay marriage is something respected by God"? My own views on the entire issue: sites.google.com/site/williamperrinministries/my-personal-notes/heterophobes
@jefflongbottom1274 6 лет назад
Pastor I just want to say I have a gay brother and it is not hard to love him but it is hard to love what he knows is wrong. My brother went to bible school and he knows what it says about being gay, I love my brother but as Jesus said love the sinner hate the sin. I am not perfect and I have my own sin in my life to deal with. I would never go to his wedding or anything like that. And I go to a church where my Pastor does not believes in gay marriage and I do not as well. See everyone knows right from wrong and when it comes to the bible I believe from front to back every word is true because it was spoken by the holy spirit. So again love the sinner hate the sin. Jeff from Ontario Canada
@Dan.50 9 лет назад
I agree with you. There is far too much time given to this subject in christian circles. How bout we just "do unto others."
@haroldmiller7618 9 лет назад
First of all thank you, thank you for your honesty, thanks for your faith statement, I am happily married to a beautiful woman who is my lifemate and my companion.. Until I met her..I was content to be single, and I applaud your stance.. On the side note about 28 years ago Jeesh.. I was 14 years old.. I had a question about a taboo subject.. Christianity and masturbation..your honest prayerfully and Holy Spirit directed answer helped me in my tumultuous teenage years.. I praise the Lord for your ministry and know that someone out there, some teenager.. Is being witnessed too
@bit_Vmpr 9 лет назад
Greetings Pastor Bob, I saw this video and watched it with an open mind, of which I still have. I was a bit disappointed to hear your response regarding gay marriage, though. I am quite liberal in my Christianity and at the same time am a proponent of gay rights, including marriage. I say these words with not a hint of condemnation, judgment of any kind, nor hate or anything of the sort. You are entitled to your opinion as much as I am and I would defend your right to do so as much as I am sure you would mine. I merely wanted to express my opinion, however much it may differ, and I wish you all the best and luck with your ministry. God bless, Pastor! I will continue to watch your videos with an open mind^^
@gamma21285 8 лет назад
smartest comment I've seen on here, God bless
@godbless4733 7 лет назад
I agree to follow your heart, follow your faith, whatever that is to you. I'm not judging gay or straight I've also known many times in some straight marriages that wouldn't and didn't work out,and they didnt. Blessings to all. I myself, if I became an ordained pastor, if I agreed with the gay couple, they are truly in love, I would marry them, just my beliefs
@EnricoAldi 6 лет назад
"Homosexual sin is different than heterosexual sin" OMG... not a right statement.. lol... Thanks for your message!
@choppertj1 9 лет назад
Amen pastor! We aren't supposed to hate anyone. However we shouldn't tolerate any sin. You said it perfectly about any sex outside of "Marriage " which you defined as well👍🏽
@SanctuaryInternationalMatrix 9 лет назад
choppertj1 Yes. But here is the point. WHICH sin is greater than another? They are all sin. Not one is worse in the eyes of God. Which sin should I tolerate from you - and which should I overlook? You see what I mean? When our purpose it so love one another first, we allow God to change our hearts.
@choppertj1 9 лет назад
I'd hope that no sin would be tolerated that I intended to commit. No person can live in sin and it be tolerated by God.
@jtfike 8 лет назад
+choppertj1 Jesus never asked you to be the sin police. If someone accepts Jesus, there is no sin, so this thing you feel you cannot tolerate becomes nothing. And if you are saying you can't tolerate nothing, then you are saying you tolerate everything. And that is precisely the point. Through Jesus, all sin is gone. You don't get to pick and choose when it is there. Paul addresses this multiple times in his letters. Sin is gone, and anyone who dwells on it is living under old covenant rules.
@allaroundflat4634 6 лет назад
Sanctuary International Matrix "What sin is greater than another?" I believe the answer is Practicing Sin. When you Knowingly commit sin constanty its worse.
@faroshscale 5 лет назад
You're awesome, Pastor Bob. I feel like if a lot of people just stopped yelling at each other and starting being kind and accepting the world would be a better place. Sincerely, your local lesbian 🌹
@BrigetteBrawner 5 лет назад
Hello Pastor Bob, just wanted to comment and mention that I thought this video was super wonderful and it very much harmoniously resonated with me personally!! I recently found Christ in January of 2017 and since then he has helped me TREMENDOUSLY with repentance in some pretty major sin-area's (at least that's my perspective regarding my own struggles with sin) in my life. In the past, I have dated both males and females but the only person I believe that I ever TRULY fell in love with was a woman. Eventually I would like to have a husband and a family one day, but I'm not willing to settle and am very much firm in my resolve to wait it out until the man that God wants me to be with comes along. I've made a commitment to stay 100% celibate until I find that man (if it's in God's will) and I'm not willing to be with a man who doesn't practice complete active abstinence like I do. Just wanted to comment because I really related to what you shared about your gay friends and their conscious choice to not engage in any sexual activities so they can remain true to their beliefs. Also, just wanted to mention a few awesome things that God has blessed me with 😊😊 I am a recovering addict and on the 19th of this month I will have 15 months clean & serene, I will also have 11 months celibate, and as of midnight I just reached day 8 without cigarettes!! I would like to ESPECIALLY EMPHASIZE though that ALL OF THIS was possible and happened because of God and His strength and mercy and grace, I CAN NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR ANYTHING except just being willing to let him love me.
@RockDrummingStar 9 лет назад
If you cant love and forgive you dont follow jesus so before any religious christian Jugde this dude, check yourself. Jesus Came to heal, set free and love not harm exept that one time in the tempelyard when he flipped the cointables. Peace :)
@vinyrd50 9 лет назад
RockDrummingStar We are not under the law but of Grace can any one keep the whole law and if you thought you might and broke just one of them are you not guilty of all. could you or could I pick up a stone against a sinner. It all comes down to forgiveness. Look to Jesus and be free- just sayin
@tomadams5582 9 лет назад
God teaches to love and not judge . Who are we to judge others ???? Our job is to spread to gospel and be positive embassodors and followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. We already get enouph flack for what the religious extremists have done , we don't need to point fingers and miss represent God. Wasn't it Jesus that fellowshipped and ate with the sinners . He showed love , grace and compassion , Not Judgment or Condemnation .
@tomadams5582 9 лет назад
But it's between the homosexual and God . Not for other judgmental people to be discriminate against them or take away their rights . There are at least 5-6 Presbyterian and Protestant Churches who have gay preachers and ministers . It's up to God to decide what is right from wrong . End of story .
@tomadams5582 9 лет назад
Show me where it says to kill homosexuals anywhere in the new testament . God specifically tells us not to commit murder in the 10 commandments . so telling us to kill homosexuals contradicts that message .
@tomadams5582 9 лет назад
In the days before Jesus , Yes, they were put to death . But this is 2015 Things are a little different these days . But don't worry Hugh , Atheists will have a chance to b head Theists , during the tribulation . Payback and redemption for atheists
@tomadams5582 9 лет назад
3000 years ago , obviously it was a very different way of life and thinking Hugh. Obviously that either slipped your mind , or you just assume that everyone thought the same way then . C'mon , for a person who claims to be the superior intellect , I would have gathered this would be common sense to you . Back then homosexuality was punished by death . Come to think of it , It's only been in the last decade that homosexuality has become socially acceptable . So go figure .....It took a while . The bible states , Man shall not lie with another man and that marriage is between a man and women , It's a sin . Don't fret though Hugh , I'm not one of those Radical Christians that goes out and condemn gays . It's between them and God . My boss is gay and so is my cousin . I'm not an asshole . Most of them I've known throughout life are pretty awesome people . God is the judge ...not me .
@tomadams5582 9 лет назад
The bible simply says , Man shall not lie with man and that it's a sin . That's all it says . And these people that discriminate and insult gays are prejudice radical ingrates . It's between God and the homosexuals . I'm not going to be a judgmental jerk and tell them they are wrong. I'm too busy fighting my own sin and battles. Look , You feel that the natural world is all there is and it's beautiful . Fine !!!!! If that works for you , then good . But because there are religious radical extremists and hypocrites in religion , that have terrible things in the name of faith , doesn't mean we are all bad . Some ingrates are misguided and insane . Our belief is that the enemy works on the weak minded people that he breaks down the lines of rational , right and wrongs and says , " If you do this , it will please your God and it shows him how dedicated you are too him . Like suicide bombers or people with bombs strapped on their back who'd die for the honor of Allah . That is definitely sick and twisted . I would never murder for my God , Nor does he require that . someone asked me the other day , " Why does your God tell you to kill atheists ????" Huh ??? Where ??? Show me a verse in the new testament where it tells me to kill atheists . I really can't afford to kill anyone . Sort of have my job, my family and God right now anyway directs me to be a docile , peaceful loving person . It tells me in the Commandments not to murder . Not that I would anyway . I'd never be able to live with myself . Okay, I do hate one thing in this world . Corporate EVERYTHING !!!!! These filthy rich losers have say and power in the economy , Wall Street , The Press , Politics , and buy out small business company's to build store chains to hire people to work full time hours without benefits So that leaves us to Obama Care , and many aren't able to make 12 thousand a year , because these Corporations higher too many people , so they spread the hours around .
@JorgeLeitner 9 лет назад
As someone who's not religious (i'm not athiest though), and as someone who believes that if you're gay, you can have a relationship with a person if you want, i do think that what you said in this video makes total sense. It's a point that i don't see many people talking about concerning this topic. Marriage in it's old traditional value is between a man and a woman, and thus making a family eventually. That makes perfect sense, and a gay marriage essentially does not fulfil that. So you're absolutely right. However, when a couple (man and woman) gets married, but have no children, then the result is the same as a gay couple. There won't be a continuation of the species. So it does seem like a 50/50 conclusion. Just my thoughts.
@vincereviews 6 лет назад
Jorge Leitner The idea of it "continuing the species" wasn't necessarily the only reason many people were married. It's a countermeasure to prevent several sins (sorry I had to edit this I deleted what I originally wrote to make it simpler without fixing it right)
@YahushasTrumpet 9 лет назад
The Spirit of Truth was speaking thru you bringing clarity to, as we all know, an extremely controversial hot topic, finally summarizing the way our (my wife of 22 yrs 🙌 & myself) hearts have felt but couldn't put into words!!! Bless you and thank you!! May you continue to hear Gods Spirit of truth, love, grace, & most of all, Scriptural gospel.
@renzofulgencio9107 3 года назад
Thank you! It's now 2021 hope you don't change your statement. Yes, we should be brave that christian marriage is between man and women. We should respectfully decline gay marriage. It's not on our decision. Jesus clearly defines what christian marriage is.
@HeavyMetal-HardRock Год назад
Pastor Bob I do love you, and I know that you are saved. But there is no sustaining as a homosexual Christian. You will know them by their fruits. Iniquity is loving sin, taking pleasure incense and calling evil. Good and good evil. If anyone is in Christ. He is a new creature for the former. Things are passed away. There's one thing about struggling but to deliberately live in purposeful sin on purpose for the rest of your life without no repentance is rotten fruit and therefore you are not saved. If you are gay. And you think that you can be gay. Stay gay, remain gay never repent never care and say nana nana boo, boo Jesus. You died for me and now there's nothing you can do about it. Jesus because you have to save me. No he doesn't. Christ does not have to save you. If you are in christ, you will change. You will try to change. You won't deliberately on purpose remain the same for the rest of your life because if you do then there are no fruits. And that is rotten fruit.
@GodsgirlMalone 6 лет назад
Well don't the Bible plainly tell us about that ? About gay ppl ... But it is against G💖D's Law 💖. But whom am I to Judge ? I've got my own Faults . Different Deals for Different Ppl . 😕
@robertbridges8906 2 года назад
Brother my daughter is gay and married she knows my biblical view my love is unconditional for 2 reasons. 1. God gave man free will who are we to question his reason. 2 Judging them is basically telling God you question his judgement. We sin when we do that. It's his place not mine.or anyone's but his alone.
@danielmitchell1441 6 лет назад
I have had gay friends who have told me that they accept the fact that they're going to hell because they are gay. I always tell them, "I honestley don't believe that you're not going to hell because you're gay, but you will if you lay down and accept hell". Ritious people don't get into Heaven, forgiven people do. And then you have the "self-ritious ones who want to point their finger and holler sin and I'm reminded of Luke 18: 11-13 with the Pharisee and the tax collector.
@lh1168 Год назад
You'll probably never see this comment because it is such an old video, but thank you for this video. I don't know if I agree with everything you've said, but it has certainly given me a new perspective. I've not ever been exposed to this topic in the light that you've given here, and I think that I am guilty of harboring hatred in my heart toward the gay community and the idea of Christians with homosexual attraction. Time to repent and show love.
@socratesmavrofridis2363 6 лет назад
They are braking GODS law it should be man and woman
@nonutnovember1873 5 лет назад
But we all break the law of God, paul said “you are the worst sinner you know” we don’t know why people do the things we do, but we know why WE do the things we do
@freewaygodzilla6024 9 лет назад
Please don't ever get into bullying and demands of the church Pastor Bob. Your ministry speaks for itself. You owe the church no explanation for anything. You only owe your Lord and Savior an answer
@krisb853 5 лет назад
My take on gay marriage: These are God’s people too. He died for their sins too. I don’t believe that you should hate another person because they are honestly attracted to another person. Christians don’t shun other people away for sins. I have never heard of Christians yelling at addicts for sinning; No, we love them and show them the great love of Jesus. Jesus didn’t exclude gay people. As a gay Christian you should stay away from those actions. It is a sin, but everyone sins and those sins do not stop people from getting to heaven. It is a hard sin to have. Imagine not be able to love your wife, that would like a huge burden that should not be hated, but supported. For the rest of the world: I believe that you can encourage the work of God, but I believe that you can not force it on other people. Please reply with your take on my take! I am always looking for new ideas! John 5:12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”
@JRHockney 6 лет назад
I studied both sides the Bible arguments on sex outside of marriage and homosexual relationships and marriage for many years looking at the Greek and Hebrew words used as well as the cultural contexts and cross referencing situations in the bible. My conclusions: ultimately all inconclusive but to say 'all' sexual relations outside of marriage is considered sinful is probably early Church ascetic bs (even through traditions and our popular English bible translations suggest otherwise). The issue of gay sexuality and marriage is more difficult because all condemnation instances in the bible appear to have either questionable Greek or Hebrew word meanings and/or cultic roots (especially Romans 1) and marriage is looked at very differently and used differently in those cultures. However, out of all the possible marriage scenarios shown in the bible, same sex marriage is not shown or mentioned making it even more difficult to justify without endorsing or believing the bible to endorse some form of situational ethics. That being said, if I were a Pastor, there is a good chance I would make the same decision as you if I were asked to perform a gay wedding because my conscience would not be clear enough regarding its potential sinfulness and if that happens, it would be a sin to me.
@jakobwilcyn7437 9 лет назад
I've been asked repeatedly, "whose side are you on?" when it comes to gay marriage. Well I'm about to answer it for all of those who asked in a reply to this video. I'm on no ones side, I don't believe its right or wrong, now I do care about the choices that are made? Yes, why you ask? since I stated I do not believe in the debate. Because both sides are fighting for something, neither one of them understands. Marriage isn't about, proof of ownership, burial rights, budgets, and legal documents. Marriage is about the real love and bond between two mature adults. Marriage was the foundation of family, it was meant to be established so two adults could come together and build a structure of love and happiness, and raise a child with common sense and logical reasoning. Instead, divorce rates are on a climb, people are married for paper money and benefits, housing market is in decline because of poor choices of indecisive adults that weren't willing to work it out and filed separation. Now we are fighting over what defines marriage? Instead of fighting, shouldn't we be explaining to our nation what the definition of a real relationship and marriage is? We need laws in place for both sides, some people have convictions that aren't exactly by the law book and once they die, families state you can't have this or that when there significant other really should of had those things, such as property and etc. We as a nation we need to come together and pass laws to help heterosexuals and homosexuals have proof of ownership without marriage. I also wouldn't mind pastors denying certain people to wed. It wouldn't bother me, it would save heartache. I think we need to evaluate them before hand. Pastor Bob is right, some people just marry for a joke and it's not a laughing matter. We also need to stop hating people for differences, I don't know why this exists, I don't know why it's such a problem in society, but its there and we need to be nice to others who may be a different way than our selves. We are all guilty of being the judge and I think we need to not be so judgmental. I'd never turn my back on anyone that legitimately needed help EVER! gay, straight, in between or whatever and everyone else should forget whats on the outside, and look to help that person in need, wither its saying "hey its okay don't be upset" or listen to them to talk. Others have brought up to me, "should they call it marriage between two homosexuals?" Well after much thought on it, If the bill is passed because its close to being passed, I think it should be called a union, or a bond. Considering the word marriage defines a man and woman, it should just be changed to something other than the word marriage, but they should have all the same rights a man and woman have. It would stop this bickering so we could go back to focusing on pressing issues like violence, hate crimes, and war.
@NilsWeber-mb5hg 2 года назад
Let me disagree with you pastor. It's OK to skip an LGBT wedding, but I think it CAN be classified as a marriage.
@Keonny77 7 лет назад
I disagree with his conclusion... But I really do feel a peaceful and genuine spirit coming through. I don't think he disagrees with gay marriage from a mean spirited standpoint... It's just against his own personal spiritual beliefs. No problem.
@AnnaCatherineB 7 лет назад
Would you marry an intersex person with someone? Intersex people are in-between a man and woman and most Christians call them "an exception to the rule." I think it is dehumanizing to call a person an "exception" to "God's rule" or to say that they are made any less in God's image simply because they don't biologically fit into one of two categories.
@justinmoore4390 8 лет назад
I agree with him. We cant take away civil liberties because of our religious beliefs. I don't believe in gay marriage or the redefining of marriage, but they can have a civil union which is something they could always do for insurance and tax purposes. Marriage ceremony is of God. When we talk about can you be a christian and be gay. Jesus addressed this , He said some became eunichs, which means that weren't casturated but they stayed single. The answer is yes, but you can not be engaging in gay sex and be. Just like you can not be engaging in any type of sex outside of marriage. God defined marriage, thats why gay marriage is a sin. IF a person does not have an attraction to the opposite sex, he can still be a christian if he or she does not engage in sexual behavior. But if he or she does fall into sin, they still can repent. Most people who get mad about this , let me ask you , do you think sex outside of marriage is any lesser of a sin just because its between a man and women, or how many straight christian couples are shacking up , but its ok . Sin is sin no matter what it is. Our job as christians is to love them , we will all stand before Christ if you are a christian. You can love people even if you do not agree with their decisions. You loving them does not excuse them of their sin, but it will hold you accountable to the call. You shall know that you are my disciples because of your love one to another.I don't have the power to send anyone to hell, nor do I have the power to put someone through the gates of heaven, but i do have the power to love people.
@Fw_maria 6 лет назад
Look I'm not some crazy Christian but I believe God is love and energy and everything and God loves everybody even though some of them don't believe in him so why would he not like a gay bisexual heterosexual or lesbian especially if they believe in him they are not going to hell it's just a stupid thing people say
@youfilha 9 лет назад
Thank you pastor Bob! The bible does address homosexuality as immoral and unnatural sin and abomination to GOD and as Christians we would follow God's rules and not man made rules.
@Tay_Tarr 5 лет назад
Pastor Bob. You have shown your love and your devotion to biblical truths here. I do agree with all you have said. Thank you for this podcast.
@nbidnm 6 лет назад
Sir. When you say you have gay christian friends, Do you mean practicing gay, Or they have tendencies that they deny and remain pure? I would strongly renounce the ability to practice homosexuality and be christian. On the other hand I do believe you can struggle with the desire knowing it is a sin to act on and find grace in the eyes of God.
@popeye9971 5 лет назад
God bless you Paster Bob. God is love and the opposite of love is hate I believe. Satan is God’s adversary therefore hate is satanic. There is so much hate in the world these days. I believe it’s a sign of the times. The earth groans for the return of the king. It’s only. Going to get worse which is the sad part, Keep up the good fight brother.
@frankelliott2899 9 лет назад
He made a very good case for why clergy shouldn't perform state-recognized marriages. Everyone should have to go to the court house to get a license and should ask clergy to perform a ceremony.
@valtersanches3124 4 года назад
Eventually it all comes down to wether one believes that sexual relationships are reserved to marriage/procreation or not. I respect both opinions in regards to that, but all others besides those end up being hypocritical and often full of unjustified hate and prejudice
@jimmycricket9172 3 года назад
'I have friends who are gay' yes, and I have friends who are racist, do I agree with racism no. just because you have gay friends doesn't mean you are not homophobic
@nicholasfornshell7362 9 лет назад
Politically speaking I don't care what two men or two women do. But if their right to marriage has to be upheld at the expense of religious exercise then freedom is not equal to all. It's like trying to tell Muslims to pray towards DC instead of Mecca. Let's see how that pans out.
@connieclay7111 6 лет назад
ppl who claim to serve GOD and be in gay relationships is living in sin.if you or them reads the bible I read and knows the God I know. God of Abraham then no there not truely saved there living in sin daily .gays and lesbians is a abonation unto God
@johnwalborn6050 6 лет назад
Anyone who sends Pastor Bob hate mail has serious issues... No one has a better heart than Bob Beeman and I don't know a single Christian who represents Christ more faithfully than he does. It's so disappointing to me that people allow their blindness and hubris to harm those who are doing good work.
@donnied5433 9 лет назад
sin is sin and god abhors all sin and he all sin equally. society puts levels and labels on sin. having sex outside of marriage is a sin all the same and god views it as sin whether your gay or not and having gay sex is a sin all the same. we all have sinned and still sin daily and fall short of the glory of god. I'm so fortunate to be saved by his grace and not society and some self righteous Christians that give us a bad name. and for the record I'm heterosexual. Forgive them father they don't know what they do in your sons Jesus most precious name I pray amen
@Stardrivepaintings Год назад
Words have be changed to pervert everything good. -G-a-y- used to mean happy. -Q-u-e-e-r- used to mean weird I
@milagrosmogro49 6 лет назад
@tylerreary1263 9 лет назад
I think we Christens are so wowed at finding Jesus that we get puffed up and think we should have an answer for everything ..but some things we should let be between God and others ..and not Judge..
@danielroberger8236 6 лет назад
To be a Christian is to follow Jesus Christ. If you smoke, drink, are gay or eating unhealthy food is not about salvation. That is only the faith in Jesus Christ.
@grk608 9 лет назад
Hi Pastor Bob, I don't do hate mail, rather I'm a Christian (Lutheran Missouri Synod) and I'll say this before I ask my question. I'm a searcher of the truth and am fearful of what Jesus has planned for me especially since I've never formally met Him, just like you've never met me. On the subject of gay marriage and civil unions between same sex couples, I think it's an abomination and un-natural and the act its self would (or is) condemned by God. Having said that, it's hard for me to look in the mirror and condemn these individuals because while I'm not gay and I am married to a beautiful woman of 22 years, I have my own demons that I thing could also be considered the same. As for gay unions of any kind, if I were a pastor I would not perform a gay marriage just because of how un-natural it is, but then again I wouldn't perform a satanic marriage either. So there's my two cents worth. Now my question, as I stated I am a searcher constantly searching for a way to be the good Christian (I already have the God fearing part down pat) and to strengthen my beliefs in Christ. I've tried to force my family to church every Sunday but as it stands, I haven't seen the inside of a church for many years. I'm worried about my own salvation simply because I'm not sure because I've never seen. How would you suggest I go about straightening myself out? Thanks for your time.
@gordonbusseau9349 6 лет назад
Thank you for your heart Pastor! We are called to love people and preach the Gospel not beat people down with how bad they are and chase them away. I am a conservative (not political) bible loving christian. If you can be a divorced remarried christian I believe that you can be a gay christian.
@TheEvilInuyasha 6 лет назад
I remember when we talked about this at EoR xP Greetings n god bless you Your gay punk friend sushi hehe :P Hope yu remember me x)
@SingaporeRealEstateHiFi 9 лет назад
Thank you Ps Bob. Your calm and gracious response , without being offensive yet still making your point clear and firm really sets a good example. God will watch over you and bless you.
@deepashtray5605 9 лет назад
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds as if you are willing to accept marriage (whatever relabeling it would go by) as a secular right.
@mamonsin 8 лет назад
Pray. Ask God to show them the truth. The truth will make them free.
@bornagainpresents2024 6 лет назад
I agree on staying to the word. No compromise. We’ll stated bob
@holzmann- 2 года назад
Looks like you only wanna be married to Christ
@maineaglexproductions4025 6 лет назад
God loves all. Every. One. No ifs, ands, or buts. God. Loves. All.
@tolerbearALTII 7 лет назад
God will bless you for sticking to His Word. Those that disagree with you need to reconsider the words of God.
@budjiman1 9 лет назад
people always have to freak out when someone says they shouldn't be able to get married. I don't think pastor Bob is wrong here. I think he is right on point! all of you that insist on flipping out and making this about hate, you're wrong. it has absolutely nothing to do with hating anyone or taking anything away from anyone. great job pastor Bob! you conveyed this message in a wonderful way! being Christian is about loving everyone, whether you agree with their decisions or not.
@Igbear 9 лет назад
At least you are calm and open about this, and you believe in the traditional biblical marriage. That's good enough for me, for now. I'm not sure about the tolerance part, but all the shouting and screaming from our Christian brethren isn't really helping either... Bless you ;)
@metalandproud2126 7 лет назад
He said that some people are better off staying single. Knowing people that have been married more than once. My sister is on her second marriage. She has two good, and smart boys. I think some people get married too quick. There more to a relationship than a feeling of love. There has to compatibility also.
@danielroberger8236 6 лет назад
But i think it's not to late to get married 60-90 years old. But to have children it's to late.
@Chanamasalex117 6 лет назад
Pastor Bob. I’ve thought about this subject a good bit. I got me LGBTQ friends n I got straight friends n all kindsa friends n fambly. I’ve typically been more acceptin about “gay marriage”, but I do remember the apostle Paul, in Corinthians, speakin out against the “homosexual offender”. Are there actual Biblical texts that define marriage? I lightly remember an old testement passage defining marriage as an act before God coming together two people coming into union. Did I miss somethin Biblical?
@nbidnm 6 лет назад
Steve Brown Hey friend, I hope pastor gets back to you, But I thought i would just drop you a line. One has to take the Bible in it's totality, A good place to start is the creation story. First few chapters of the Bible. You will see Gods design for marriage there. Leviticus 18:22 You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; it is an abomination. Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. Notice God identifies gender specifics here. A careful reading of Romans 1:16 through the end of the chapter is good also. Hope this helps looking forward to hearing from you.
@bradygies9994 3 года назад
Biblical principle is the foundation of one's true living Christ like.
@twister1443 9 лет назад
Pastor Bob shows more courage and strength in these difficult times than anyone else I have contacted with. He carries every ones weight as well as his own and deserves respect in any written book. The conflict between Christians and Homosexuals continues to grow with hatred just like a raging battle. Where is all the peace? maybe it's in the sink holes that are opening up? maybe it's in the system that binds us in chains? Is it not possible to find everything within and lead yourself down ones own path? Destroying each other was never part of Gods plan. Why create life just to destroy it? Every one has a faith and respecting each others way of life may just unite all the hearts and minds bringing peace to a full circle. Take care all :-)
@twister1443 9 лет назад
Kevin15047 I am not christian, gay or atheist. Its dividing people into groups. All groups. All disciplined teachings. Control is lost with the rise of hatred, not just emotionally but physically. There should only be two groups. Awake and the Sheeple. Uniting these two groups should bring peace not war. We all have light inside of us its just making the connection and using it has one. Hopefully this makes sense. The kingdom of heaven is within us all so there should be no need to hate anymore. Could this happen logically if everyone understood? Time might tell :-)
@Kevin15047 9 лет назад
Twister 1 If everyone understood? Well that's the hard part. If everyone understood, I think we'd have a real chance for true and lasting peace. But, with things like nationalism, religious extremism, party loyalism, and the like, what chance do we have for that kind of understanding? You made me think of that song, "Imagine." No countries, no politics, no religion, etc. Can we just be human? And I really don't think it'll be, and if it ever is, we'll probably have been dead for centuries when it is.😔
@twister1443 9 лет назад
Everything you just mentioned is all alien to each other with all the labelling groups. Imagine by john lennon B-) seeing as we have got to the imagine part how about a theory? If we was given life and free will by God who is invisible to all human eyes don't you think we could all make up parts of him so that when we all become one we shall a see ourselves? Imagine if Jesus said hi in the street and gave you a hug ya wouldn't even know? Rebirth effect :-) not mocking religion and not trying to alter your beliefs or anyone elses just adapting to the situation with logic so to speak.
@freewaygodzilla6024 9 лет назад
Not get into I meant don't give into bullying. Sorry my Kindle has its own mind
@nickjaramillo8005 6 лет назад
You look like. You couldve been in Deep Purple aka Jon Lord " thats a compliment my brother.
@donnyluv4235 6 лет назад
That’s truly a touchy subject especially this day and age. He said it well but I would disagree with gay people being in any sort of ministry for God. I don’t see how that jives with scripture and maybe I’m unclear on his view since he didn’t really say he agrees or disagrees with it as far as what I heard. Call me narrow minded but I just know what scripture says and I’ll leave it at that. God is ultimately the judge and will test everyone’s heart with fire as gold is refined to see the purity of each person. I cannot and will not make that decision as I’m just sinner saved by grace like everyone else who follows Christ.
@JG-ts2ud 3 года назад
But that would make you very un-Christian-like to not forgive and pass judgement, so...
@brownmark6615 9 лет назад
Pastor Bob Beeman well said sir.
@rayofsunshine427 7 лет назад
Respect to you Bob for keeping to your beliefs! God has definitely given you wisdom and discernment.
@kaywoodparsons5307 8 лет назад
Even "Lust" in God's eyes is the same as Murder.
@christopherlaney3622 8 лет назад
no is not
@kaywoodparsons5307 8 лет назад
Yes it is. God hates sin. Sin is a sin, no shades of grey. Either your hot or cold there is no luke warm.
@Bigbaby1107 9 лет назад
I disagree with you but find your take on a very sensitive subject intriguing. It's exhausting hearing the strong hatred being spewed on gay marriage so your "gentle" approach is appreciated.
@choppertj1 9 лет назад
Being gay may not be a choice. Acting on ur feelings is. I'm a married man and I don't have a choice about wanting to have sex with many women. I don't do it because it's WRONG. Got it!?
@minnietrout814 2 года назад
Civil union: yes. Marriage: absolutely not.
@trashcast1979 4 года назад
I personally disagree with this but the rest of your vids i love love your vids bro
@a-ddaigrepont3375 3 года назад
pastor Bob is a beast !! Been a faithful follower for yrs !!
@TheBygoneGal 9 лет назад
A hill to die upon ;D
@jamesmariotti825 5 лет назад
Could have not said it better myself....
@VranoVmusic 8 лет назад
a hill to die upon ... yeah great Band!
@rauldelarosa2768 2 года назад
Good wisdom on the single life.. Very wise words..
@ChristienahRobertsonTravis 6 лет назад
I generally find that when I was in any relationship that for whatever reason the person who chose me would begin trying to change me and control me. They need constant pampering so I can't do anything for me anymore. I get sick and I get nothing. They get sick and need to be breastfed. I got sick and tired of losing my happiness trying to prop up someone else's and guess what? For everything I did to hold up my end? They cheated on me and beat me up. I decided that being with someone else makes me unhappy. I already have kids. I don't want to consider marrying someone who still thinks like one. There is also an epidemic of overly sensitive people that becomes a platform of emotional abuse against me. Like I am responsible for their happiness and security. I'm not and they are jerks for putting that on me. That is what a relationship signifies to me. Complete and total loss with a loneliness that is bigger than before. I can't have friends anymore. I have to go to bed when he does. Never ever again. But that is just me and I have been sooo happy ever since. Cuffs are off. Go make someone else miserable.
@wandaholli196 9 лет назад
Well I believe God said marriage is for a man and a woman, so anything else is not marriage, so gays want to think they are married, well that's ok to each his own, it is between them and God. I just don't want them telling me what I have to do, If it's against God then count me out. Bless you Pastor Bob, keep looking up
@suthernsavage5643 4 года назад
Bro it's hard to understand but God said no right?
@bettyhutson4221 7 лет назад
Dear Pastor Bob , i love your message and i agree with you. .
@lianadotjpeg 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this video.
@nekobat1962 5 лет назад
I agree with you on the issue. I've also had a heterosexual marriage that went horribly wrong, so I agree some marriages should never have happened. But that's not the issue at hand.
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