
Getting Baptized Too Young & Disfellowshipped 

The Exjw Family
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We've known many people who were baptized too young only to leave later.
A lot of Ex JWs we've spoken to resent the fact that they were baptized when they were too young to know any better which is entirely understandable.
Number one, you usually get baptized younger because of social pressure...even coercion...from the congregation. Number two, you often answer their questions as a tick-box exercise and not necessarily because you believe it.
It's similar to someone being tortured admitting to a crime because it stops the torture. That's a gruesome example...but I hope you get where I'm coming from.
And when the person grows up and they realize they are in a cult and want to leave...or even if they just decide it isn't for them...well, it's too late.
The only way out is loosing your people and being shunned.
Young people shouldn't be allowed to get baptized. They point the fingers at religions that observe infant baptism when what they're doing is even more sinister given its controlling nature. Kids and teenagers don't have a choice. They have the illusion of choice. This is why we call it an illegitimate contract.
Did you guys get baptized young or know youngsters who signed their lives away and lose everyone they know when they got older and left?
Let us know. It's good to read the comments and know that we are not alone :)



11 сен 2024




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@paradisefound3536 2 года назад
I was 100% coerced. I was told time and time again that Jehovah wouldn't protect me at armageddon if I knew it was the truth but hadn't got baptised.
@migdaliafuentes1618 2 года назад
Oh yeah! At a young age - even Satans world indicate that a child is not an adult til 18 years old- and to get married 21- a serious decision that need maturity! Regards!
@nickyannajones 2 года назад
I was told the same thing. That's child a use. I put it off til 19. Just long enough to convince myself this is what I wanted.
@LOH__ 2 года назад
My sister was disfellowshipped at 15. I was the monster who turned her in as a slightly older child who thought it was the 100% right thing to do. We are now in our 30’s. I just woke up a year ago. It’s still mind blowing that she let me back in her life and that we love each other so freaking much.
@paradisefound3536 2 года назад
I hope you've forgiven yourself. We were all victims of the system we were in. I'm glad you're so close now.
@LOH__ 2 года назад
@@paradisefound3536 it’s gonna be a long process. Seems like everyday I find a new reason why I sucked. Being “color blind” or thinking that the version of all lives matter that witnesses teach was fine. Working in the medical field and yet being ok with the no blood policy. Not fully supporting grieving parents when their kids died because they didn’t believe what I did about afterlife. (I mean it’s a different thing now that I’m an atheist, but I don’t say crap to people who just need love and support, instead of judgement) I think because my sister and non witness relatives have been so forgiving and loving, it’s made it a lot easier to work on forgiving myself.
@paradisefound3536 2 года назад
@@LOH__ I hear you. I am ashamed by so much of my behaviour and the beliefs I held. And to say it wasn't our fault is not the same as saying it's not our responsibility to address each one of these beliefs and actions and make sure we change. As Maya Angelou said "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." On the bright side, I like to think that these experiences have given us the capacity to know how wrong we can be in our certainty. And strengthened our ability to keep growing. Which is no bad thing.
@kentripple9231 2 года назад
I was 16 and it was definitely not my own decision. My mother pushed me into it. I never saw another option but being baptized and living my life as a good JW
@cryptojedii 2 года назад
Finally broke down and told my mother that the ONLY REASON that I got baptized at the 'old age' of 12 was because my father had just gotten dissed and I saw the hurt in her eyes everyday and just wanted to make the 'pain' go away by becoming dedicated and ordained. Fast forward 35+ years later, now I'm the one trying to convince her that she's paining ME by continuing to be a part of this organization/publishing company!
@nickyannajones 2 года назад
Awww this is so sad. I'm sorry. That was a burden none of the adults in your life should have allowed
@DeannaDionne 2 года назад
I was baptized at 15. My father was an elder and there was nobody to say “you don’t have to do this” to me. At the time, there was a lot of stress in the congregation and my dad was being bullied by other elders (likely for being too by-the-book) and they eventually got him removed. It was a source of great shame for him and if I didn’t follow through with baptism I would add to that and further his risk of losing his position. I don’t remember wanting to be baptized, but one day I was “going through the questions” and I guess I passed the test. It was expected of me. I remember my parents asking if I wanted to be baptized and I said, “What else could I do?” And I remember them looking so proud that their training was paying off. But I was serious, and I felt trapped. Especially with the threat of Armageddon, knowing I was getting older and couldn’t ride into Armageddon in my elder dad’s coattails. Not getting baptized meant death and alienating my family. I wanted nothing more than to please my parents. Really there was no choice.
@King160__ 2 года назад
Relatable af.. I just wanted to be accepted by my folks
@jessieberle3384 2 года назад
A lot of us got baptized and stayed in for our parents. I totally get it.
@cassandrasmom 2 года назад
The irony in imperfect humans kicking someone out of a religion for being imperfect 🤷🏻‍♀️
@TheExjwFamily 2 года назад
Right? They've certainly got a way of doing mental gymnastics :)
@andracadicecrawford4256 2 года назад
I was dissed at 16....and went to a school full of witnesses. One minute we all sitting,hanging etc....the next I'm totally cut off...a lot of explaining to reg students.
@TheExjwFamily 2 года назад
That's insane, man! That must have been particularly hard at 16. Sorry you had to endure that. Hope you're in a better place now!
@jessieberle3384 2 года назад
Same for my brother at 15. Except he wasn’t baptized. At thar time they disassociated “rebellious” teens and he was treated as disfellowshipped. We were told, his family, to shun him. My parents kicked him out. He went through a lot, as one can imagine. JW and their cruel policies destroyed our family. My brother is doing well now. And I hope you are, too.
@compositioncompilation 2 года назад
Unless those days were cut short.. No flesh would be saved 🤔🤔🤔
@Jay-yp3oq 2 года назад
I was 14 when I got baptized, but I don't think anyone truly knows what they are doing. I think one of the questions was dedicating to gods spirit-directed organization or something a long those lines. At 14 years old I didn't really understand that I was dedicating myself to the organization and not God. Almost everyone I grew up with was disfellowshiped or reproved at some point. The youngest I know of was eight years old. It really bothers me to see the next generation of children being indoctrinated.
@TheExjwFamily 2 года назад
Right? I mean, this is why you aren't allowed to sign a binding work contract in many countries until you are 18. It bothers us too. It's sad to see. Hopefully the whole thing falls apart soon and folks wake up...but I don't know.
@serafin1352 2 года назад
I was last kid of my generation to leave. None of us were jw’s anymore. Damn I got baptized at 26 in 2005 and still didnt really understand it.
@doctor.chioma 2 года назад
I really think Government should only allow above 18 year Olds to be part of this cult. They are getting more and more dangerous.
@Jay-yp3oq 2 года назад
@@doctor.chioma I agree, but this cult needs to go down for good.
@doctor.chioma 2 года назад
@@Jay-yp3oq Amen! 🙌🏽
@steved3001 2 года назад
On the topic of coercion, marriage is another arena in which the WTO is way off the mark. Premarital sex being the gravest of transgressions, forcing 17-18 -19 year old kids to get married simply to assuage their raging hormones is another travesty perpetrated by the Org. I lost count of the marriages that failed because they were too young, too immature, too unknowing of what love and commitment actually entailed. Young people have to date multiple individuals to learn what they like, don't like. What to expect, what to give, etc.etc. before they find that right someone. And a lot of these teenage marriages that manage to stay afloat end up becoming loveless stalemates. In conclusion, baptism and marriage are decisions that should be made by mature adults, not 12 year old boys or 17 year old girls. The Org. needs to recognize this. Teenage sexuality is part of the human experience and no amount of dogma will alter it.
@serafin1352 2 года назад
100% I was one that was cohersed to get married very very young because she got pregnant. Of course it didn’t last we were kids. Alot of resentment there. Very dangerous organization
@compositioncompilation 2 года назад
Can you see how well this fits and fulfills prophecy It's repeatedly alluded to in scripture..the Detrimental effects of many of the policies .. The Psalmist even refers to the breaking of families ..though it's not directly specified . 'He will dash them to pieces the way a Potter dashes to pieces an earthenware vessel..' We interpret..WITHOUT BASIS as this destructive effect as being part of the destruction at Har Mageddon . We might be wrong in our take !🤔 Having the humility to decode our interpretation..we open our eyes to possibilities we had not considered before. Consider the prophecy at ezek 38 regrading Gog.. He would not have stepped in on Gods land ..acting against Jw,s if it had not been for the policy of SHUNNING witnesses implemented as handed down by the governing body !!🤔🤔🤔 lt actually proved to be the catalyst..a crucial part of the strategy..one of the unmentioned BAIT on one of the two hooks mentioned in that 4000 year old prophecy.. Accumulated property was on the other Hook..obviously an attractive addition ..confiscated..now in his ownership. Those sharing his sentiments no doubt scripture refers to as Gogs crowd. The prophecy of ezekiel indicates UNPROTECTED SETTLEMENTS as part of this strategy too..with disfellowshipped ones left absolutely defenceless.. With no one allowed to speak for them even as children facing a judicial comitee will attest. Quite a frightening process. I'm an adult..and you cannot imagine the trauma it causes.. Your future life in the hands of 3 men who you may feel are totally unconcerned as to the effects their decision will have on your life..even when you attempt.. reinstatement . Mitigating circumstances ignored ..HARSHNESS..UNYIELDING.. COLD and INFLEXIBLE..(Sounds like an iron rod. .doesn't it ? 😢😢 Wasn't Christ given an iron rod in rev 19:15?🤔🤔🤔 Christ.. An iron rod..🤔🤔 For me.. At last...the penny dropped.. Your not awake..if you don't see it When you see that. .your eyes are opening.. Seeing the prophecies being fulfilled in a way l hadn't before..though painful to endure. . Was encouraging.. Exciting even.. How could Christ be backing this cruel arrangement ? ? Only If we are in a different time frame And what we expect now .already came and went.. The 1st century Christ was tenderly compassionate..and took circumstances under consideration.. That was not the Christ the 1st century Jews on the whole were looking for.. Is this Christ the one for which we re In expectation ? Rev
@staceycooper8314 2 года назад
Totally agree with this. I got married at 18 in the org because I was told I wasn't allowed to move out of home until I was married and my home life was not great. Traded off one bad situation for an even worse situation. Lasted 3 years before I left and got a divorce.
@compositioncompilation 2 года назад
@@staceycooper8314 How many more generations of humankind will go through the cycle of suffering and oppression..poverty and injustice? Unless those days were cut short No flesh would be saved. Reducing the age of baptism to Less than that of Christ..it would take less time .. The duration of the wickedness of Man would be speeded up..and thus reduce the suffering..intense..but for less time.. Objectively..it makes sense.. As these things must take place..
@staceycooper8314 2 года назад
@@compositioncompilation I'm not sure I fully understand what logic you are using there. Are you reasoning that coercing children into baptism even if they do not have the logical reasoning of an adult (Jesus at 30) and understand what they are getting into is reducing suffering by bringing Armageddon closer? Or that because the days are being cut short/duration of wickedness of man speed up that it gives JW's the right to coerce young children into getting baptised in order to be saved? Either way you might as well go back to baptising babies if that's the case.
@user-jl2kk8ps9i 2 года назад
No - all of that kind of thing happens everywhere - I'm in New Zealand and the same things happen here too. I was definitely pressured into getting baptised. My sister is 3 years younger than me and she had already gotten baptised, so everyone was looking at me - a male who was 3 years older - to do the same. I remember when most people are baptised they say it was the best feeling they had and everyone comes up and hugs them. For me, I felt like I made a terrible mistake, even though I fully believed in it all at that time. And everyone just ignored me after I was baptised. It was strange. Even my family barely said anything to me. It was like they didn't care at all. And that's when I slowly started realising that many JWs honestly don't care about other people most of the time. But it still took me about 8 years to wake up.
@cassandrasmom 2 года назад
I definitely felt the pressure from a very young age, since all my friends were getting baptized at 10, 11, 12 years old. I didn’t give in until I was 17, which is still too young in my opinion.
@TheExjwFamily 2 года назад
Completely agree. Sounds like we went through something similar.
@fatcharlierobusto8352 2 года назад
Unfortunately i saw first hand a kid in my congregation baptised at 12 and his family were so intense about being jdubs that he had a massive breakdown at 14 and is now sectioned in a psyk ward🙁
@TheExjwFamily 2 года назад
That is so damn tragic. Some jdubs need to chill the hell out. Geez!
@HPIBWC 2 года назад
Definitely felt peer-pressure more than pressure from my mother. BTW - 4 or 5 years ago I got myself into a bad situation and because a person at my church was also involved etc. the story got around to the Pastors of the church. Two of the Pastors invited me out to lunch and I thought..... "here we go again!". It turns out, they wanted to know if I was ok emotionally, did I need prayer and was there anything else they could do to help me get though the hard time. They didn't want a mistake to damage my relationship with God via guilt and shame!!! Now THOSE are Christ-like actions!!
@TheExjwFamily 2 года назад
Wow, what a contrast to the JW elders.
@andracadicecrawford4256 2 года назад
The dissing policy is basically to fear/keeping everyone in line.
@TheExjwFamily 2 года назад
Exactly! Rule by fear.
@stevenclarke5606 2 года назад
It’s one of their major control weapons, shunning them and cutting them off from family, this Cult is based on control by threats and guilt. I thought that the whole idea about Christianity was, love, forgiveness and family , there is no love in this Cult !
@magpie3571 2 года назад
And to keep people who have learned TTATT from influencing those still in.
@unclekeith6372 2 года назад
They're not only capable of manipulation towards me, THEY STRAIGHT OUT LIED TO ME! I HATE THEM FOR THAT!! And I'll NEVER 4give them for Their awful "sins"
@doctor.chioma 2 года назад
We need to stop calling it Baptism and see it for what it truly is: INITIATION! Baptism is simple: Because of your faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ, you repent of your sins, and get baptized in water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! The Organized to Do Jehovah’s Will book has 15 Publisher questions. Next, about 22 questions as part 1 step for Baptism. Part 2 questions are 33 questions. In total, more than 70 indoctrination questions under the guise of Baptism 🙄 On the day of Baptism, 2 questions, none of which includes the Holy Spirit. But Jesus made it very clear to Baptize in the name of the Father, Son and HOLY SPIRIT (Matthew 28:19). Sadly, they teach that Holy Spirit is breeze! The Spirit of God is breeze??? I can't believe we drank this Kool-aid 🤦🏽‍♀️🥺
@rontesterosa1777 2 года назад
I was baptized at 13. What pushed me to get baptized was the fact that I'd loved doing things like the roving microphones at the hall, and running the sound mixer. I had been allowed to as an unbaptized publisher, but a new CO came along who insisted that only baptized brothers could do that. So, I thought- fair enough, I guess I'll get baptized then so I can do mics again! So, even though I was way too young to make a sound decision on what the rest of my life would be at 13, I did it. It shows how immature I was that I made a choice that would lock me in for the rest of my life so that I could walk around during meetings and pass microphones... Pretty stupid, but that's what happens when there's institutional pressure to lock kids into this before they can really think for themselves. That CO was pretty clever. He probably did that to ensure that I'd get baptized ASAP. Looking back, I should have waited until I was about 18. If I had done so, I'd have probably enjoyed the pretty girls in high school a lot more! The society says they don't do infant baptism, because infants can't make that choice, but is it any more responsible to let a 13 year old make that choice when they have so much maturing to do? I can't even imagine some of the 10 year olds and younger I've heard of taking the plunge! It's nuts.
@rebeccalucas6063 2 года назад
I knew one girl who got pregnant at 18, her father and uncle were both elders, she was kicked out and was forced to go live in a shelter until the government benefits would start. When her son was 9 months old, she was FINALLY allowed back into the house ONLY because she still went to meetings being shunned and treated like trash. She was given 9 months to get reinstated and start pioneering again. I also know a girl who was raped at age 14 by her UNCLE who also lived in the house. She got pregnant, but miscarried, he continued to rape her, she got pregnant again at 15, and had a son. Her mother (sister of the rapist) would not call the police, and brainwashed her into "letting Jehovah handle it in his own time" Her mother convinced her to sign over her parental rights and let her mother adopt her son (big mistake) so her son was taught his mother was his sister, and grandmother was his mother. The uncle sat across from her at the dinner table, knowing he would never be charged with statutory rape, he continued to rape her untill she turned 18. The teenage mother was disfellowshipped, and 2 years later when she turned 18, because she was still disfellowshipped, and her mother refused to tell the young boy who his real mother was, she was kicked out of the house on her 18th birthday, and because her mother (the child's grandmother who adopted him) was revieving government benefits, the grandmother of the child sues her own daughter for back child support! She didn't care that her daughter was suddenly homeless, still in highschool, no car, no job, and now being sued by her own mother! I didn't know either of them until many years later (I worked with both of them). The mother acted all perfect and righteous, and when I pleaded with the girl to have a DNA test, and get the uncle charged for C.S.A. she refused saying she didn't want to rehash everything despite that he was free to harm other girls in the kingdom hall. By this time I was fully awake, just not aware of the RU-vid ex jw community.
@ms.anonymousinformer242 2 года назад
She should had done what you told her No excuse.
@4flyguyeli 2 года назад
My sis was disassociated (the term formerly used to disfellowship anyone who wasn’t baptized…with a formal announcement and all) at 14 years old in the 80’s. 2 years later the “s/lave” updated their policy and did away with the practice. It’s shocking that a seven-year-old would never be allowed to consume alcohol or marry yet, witnesses happily allow a seven-year-old child to make an eternal commitment to something they have never seen with severe consequences for engaging in behavior/activities that they can’t possibly comprehend.
@SLvanEijk Год назад
This is such an important issue to speak out about. It is not right, baptizing this at an age where your brain is not yet mature enough to make such long-term decisions. Wonderful that you, for your children even more so, got out relatively young. And sharing this here in such a refreshing way ❤️
@phil6740 2 года назад
In the United States any contract that a person under 18 signs is void. This should apply to the baptism contract which is one of the most far reaching contracts a person can agree to, signing there life over to watchtower corporation.
@suzannep Год назад
In the congregation I grew up in there were so many teens who were disfellowshipped or who disassociated themselves that it became traumatic for the kids who were still in it. I was talking to another exJW friend about how it felt like our friends just disappeared. It was like they were dead but we knew they were still alive, our parents just wouldn't allow us to see them anymore, and if we tried to have conversations at school or elsewhere we could get turned in by other JW kids. I know I became very detached as it happened over and over, our whole friend group felt traumatized but we were being fed the JW lies so we blamed our poor friends for how we felt, when the reality was our parents were the ones who were traumatizing us. My own sister disassociated herself when I was still a child and she was fully shunned, I'm not sure if she was 16 or 17, even my mom limited interactions when she went of to college. It traumatized my sister and me and our older brother. TW death- She didn't survive past that year unfortunately, just like so many others who have grown in the cult and been shunned, the severe depression and other factors became too much for her. Then I saw my brother get shunned when he got turned in for smoking by our own mother. I could see that there was no choice for me I was becoming too old to be unbaptized, and I was going to collage, so people were drawing away from me. I could see my mom would never accept me as who I really was so I felt I had no one since we never associated with our "worldly" family so I made the worst decision of my life and got baptized at 21 (but mentally I was still a child) in order to hold onto the people who I loved, since they had made me think everyone else in the world was scary and dangerous. Thankfully I finally found mental health care support and was helped to progress into being capable of living on my own and I left the JW cult this past spring at 40 years old.
@kramsdrawde8159 2 года назад
For good reason the Law prohibits minors from entering legal contracts, anyone less than 18 y.o. that is.
@TheExjwFamily 2 года назад
Looks like the cult didn't get the memo.
@lesliethomas7234 2 года назад
Imagine, "Satan's world" treats minors better than JWs.
@humbles19 2 года назад
Nobody should be forced into making an iron clad contract which is enforceable for their whole lives, especially not children!! It's such a shame the courts can't stop this nonsense. 'Club rules' 😜
@tsmi5505 2 года назад
A girl in our hall got pregnant when she was 16. I just remember how horribly unloving it was to take away her support group when she needed them more than ever. Absolutely sickening.
@lesliefranssen3045 2 года назад
You can be disassociated even though you’re not baptized
@georgerickard4915 2 года назад
I saw a 13 year old disfellowshipped. He was baptized at 10 or 11 I believe. At 13 he became involved in issues that are not uncommon to someone that age and was out on his ear. I think his parents threw him out as soon as they could, only serving to compound the problem. It is unconscionable that children are being baptized, but it accomplishes precisely what this horrid organization wants, lifetime entrapment.
@butterfly7730 2 года назад
If those parents really kicked out a 13 year old, they are not worth shit as parents nor people.
@Redeleiser 2 года назад
That is sometimes good for the WTO because when there is „no child“ anymore when parents die WTO get it all.
@justinthyme5382 2 года назад
Wouldn't surprise me, New light brothers, infant baptism is now OK 👶👼
@unclekeith6372 2 года назад
I was never been told they would do that. NEVER! I don't believe these cowardly JW's have the audacity to do that to Any 1 of their own kids like that
@nickyannajones 2 года назад
Baptizing minors is wrong! Period! I was very vocal about that when I was in. My mom finally began to see the wisdom in my thinking on that matter. Minors aren't old enough to understand this type of commitment
@nickyannajones 2 года назад
I wouldn't let my son get baptized. I mean he never had the desire to buy I made it clear to everyone that he was not to be pressured or I'd come down on them and make them terribly me tally uncomfortable
@tsmi5505 2 года назад
I also put it off as long as I could. I was 18. Even though legally I was an adult, I had absolutely no life experience. I didn’t choose to get baptized, it was just the next step if I wanted to keep my friends and someday be able to get married to a witness girl.
@carmengabriel4 2 года назад
The last time I went to service in March 2020 an older sister told me a story about her daughter that got baptized at 16 and the same year was dfs. she cried when she told me how she was never able to have her for dinner, she said that the daughter died 5 years ago, she was an alcoholic, I imagine that being shunned at an age when she needed more emotional support and love from her own mom pushed her more to a destructive life, that story stucked with me all this time until I found out that the watchtower is not the true, at the time she told me that she shouldn't have told me and I think she was right, that was one reason I grew up suspicious of the religion.
@magpie3571 2 года назад
The first time I told my mother I wanted to get baptized, (maybe 13) I remember she told me that she knew someone who had gotten baptized at that age and then shortly after dis. So she didn't want me to get baptized at that age. So I waited until I was 16 to bring it up again. My sister got baptized the same year at 15.
@nickyannajones 2 года назад
Too many sad stories like this
@RS-kk3ow Год назад
Carmen G. I went clubbing a lot after getting disfellowshipped. Happy I did because as a JW I was not allowed friends, going to normal high school parties. I was told the world was evil and wicked! Turned out I associated with some wrong people because I was naive but later my life changed! It just a growing pain singles go through a lot. I had more fun going to night clubs than with JWs. I hit my thirties and stopped going out.
@laurapayne9254 2 года назад
It’s everywhere everywhere I’ve ever lived
@elcorrado56 2 года назад
Thankfully I never got baptized but I was pressured into becoming an unbaptised publisher when I was very young, I think 9-10 years old
@jamesdean1155 Год назад
At some point, I don't know when, but I don't see it happening more than ten years in the future, the practice of shunning will come to an end. Probably through "new light" because the negative impact it is having on the congregations will no longer be tolerable. Remember we are talking about a business, and as such, at some point it has to act like one.
@pennybeeflower 2 года назад
My mother told me that if I wanted to leave the family home (extremely violent/criminal mother) I had to be baptised. Of course even an amoeba will do what it can to escape a violent environment. I felt it was not a choice it was the only way to have peace in my life. I never even suggested to my daughter that she be baptised.
@gr8lydeceved663 2 года назад
I have heard of 13 and 14 year olds..more often, reproofed, .... But also, "no longer a publisher"....for the unbaptized..similar...I actually remember a very high profile (at the time) of a 14year old babysitter that had an "affair" as it was called at the time..with a 35 year old man, both where public reproofed.
@TheExjwFamily 2 года назад
Dang, that is wild! Thanks for sharing :O
@gr8lydeceved663 2 года назад
@@lauragubala8313 exactly....i was just trying to convey how it was viewed at the time by the cong
@beverlyharward9631 2 года назад
@@lauragubala8313 Laura, you are 100% right. 15 is still a kid! What a bastardly thing to do to a 15 yr old.😡
@RS-kk3ow Год назад
Oh my goodness! After my father died. He was murdered and it was shocking. Elder came to our house and said good thing he died because he would never survive Armageddon! My brother kicked them out of the house. I guess it is an elders thing to say! My dad did nothing wrong! He was murdered by a stranger.
@me2utube 2 года назад
Kayleigh, your story was awful to listen to. So sorry to hear what they did. For my story, I was only 9 years old when I was "baptized". (Hard for me to use this biblical term to describe what they do). I remember like it was yesterday though it was many years ago. I remember exactly why I was "baptized". It was because my sister who was 13 was getting "baptized" so I wanted to also. That's it. That is why. And there was nobody to screen me, or to see that I was totally not ready and understood nothing about what it meant. Shameful...so shameful. Many years later when I was an adult and came to know it was a cult and they taught twisted Bible doctrines, I left and they dissed me. Secretly I might add. No elders judicial meeting in the back of the Kingdom Hall. Nope... They just called my wife one day and told her they did it. Imagine that! Shameful!
@TheExjwFamily 2 года назад
That is absolutely shameful, so deceitful too. I’m sorry to hear of your experience and I hope you’re doing ok.
@philipwest4553 2 года назад
Disfellowshipping is what other people do towards you. You cannot stop them if they want to shun you. Watchtower teaches people to shun. It is a demand of the religion that they have created. What can a person do to mitigate the effects of shunning upon themselves? Here are a few suggestions. (1) When you leave the Witnesses try to leave their propaganda against other religions and people behind. Save some money and find work that is independent of the witnesses. (2) Be willing to 'make friends with the world' and to make friends with people from 'Babylon the great' because those people are not evil. (3) Be prepared to receive hurtful phone calls or emails or text messages from witnesses who want to tell you that they are shunning you. And find someone to talk to, a friend, priest, professional counsellor who can listen to you and offer help.
@nickyannajones 2 года назад
The last assembly I attended they showed a movie of a son sending his farther to die. I imagined my mom doing that to me. The audacity of them to use the old testament examples to today...smh at that time they got to see Jehovah's miracles. We dont
@Linda-ux8un 2 года назад
Theres No record of any child being Babtised in all of the Christian Greek Scriptures..
@allenu6295 2 года назад
I don't feel bad for leaving. I just feel sad for my cousins who think it's the best thing ever. I still talk to one of them! Too many crazy stories as being a witness. I even knew an Elder who was cheating on his wife.
@sheiladavidson8305 2 года назад
Happened to my nephew. About 13 or 14..
@TheExjwFamily 2 года назад
Crazy! Wasn't there a video they put out a few years ago encouraging young kids to get dunked?
@keineahnung74 2 года назад
Forced to be baptized November 1974. Just before Harmagedon ;-)
@kwarrior2895 2 года назад
7:51 Forced to be mean is torture. I remember that a sister was disfellowshipped I was so POMO I did walk past felt off
@steann1 2 года назад
Yep.. that happened in my congy and from the platform.. local needs.. that evil sin of bringing reproach on The Hoover’s name.. Hidden crimes don’t seem to bring reproach.. just the disfellowshippableness of talking about it.... (I invented a new word)
@cleareyesandopenmind9054 2 года назад
Question: At least in the United States, if parents kick a child (under 18) for being disfellowshipped, wouldn't the parents get in trouble for child neglect?
@butterfly7730 2 года назад
They should. They should be reported for child endangerment and neglect if they do that.
@johnc.mitchelljr.2716 2 года назад
@user-jl2kk8ps9i 2 года назад
It's not so much nasty behaviour, but Nazi behaviour haha
@kristinesharp6286 2 года назад
You are coming off as too angry. Like you replaced being 24/7 pioneers have to convince everyone to join to 24/7 antiJW trying to convince everyone not to interact with these people. What do former members have to look forward after leaving.
@fatcharlierobusto8352 2 года назад
The fact you asked this question shows that your cult limiting thoughts prevents you from seeing the truth about the truth and the releasing of the mental chains that so,so restrict normal function of a human being…
@gr8lydeceved663 2 года назад
You make an interesting point, and I can to a degree relate too it...that is, a person can literally spend decades in this org. And be as happy as a clam at high tide..But, if one steps back and considers how bad policies and a culture of silence, and systemic problems have destroyed people, causing imaginable pain..and at times while the rest of us looked on with indifference....its easy to understand the deep seated anger.
@TheExjwFamily 2 года назад
You and I have very different ideas about anger.
@kristinesharp6286 2 года назад
@@fatcharlierobusto8352 I am Catholic.
@kristinesharp6286 2 года назад
@@TheExjwFamily just the perception when looking at your page with all the video topics listed and their frequency. Your tone on the videos are not full of rage of anything.
@novellanurney1294 2 года назад
Full on crap.
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