
Ghostbusters promotional film for Showest 1984 - Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ivan Reitman [FTD-0047] 

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35mm scan of the film print shown to the cinema exhibition industry at the Showest convention in 1984 to promote the upcoming film "Ghostbusters".
Note the actual film clips shown are not included here, only the intro/outro footage by Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd.



27 сен 2024




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@briankelleher6943 2 года назад
Bill was laughing and poking fun at how successful it would be, and it turned out to exceed even his joking expectations.
@simonr9870 2 года назад
or was he ?
@BULL.173 2 года назад
Yeah no kidding lol. But Ghostbusters did a good job setting itself up for success. Some of its marketing methods were downright avant-garde for the time. In the early-mid 80's my dad took the subway to work in Boston. His office was in the Prudential Building so M-F he took the Green Line to Huntington Station. One day he got off the subway and right next to the escalator was a poster glue rolled to the wall. It had a big ghost with a red line through it and the phrase "Guess Who's Coming to Save the World?" He knew it was a movie poster, a pretty cool one too. But with absolutely no context provided it was basically a WTF? But everyday he'd look at the damn thing and wonder what it was supposed to mean. But there was something about it that made him seeing Ghostbusters a forgone conclusion. Those posters were up over a month before he even knew the name of the movie.
@Md2802 2 года назад
@@BULL.173 Gabbo. GABBO. *GABBO*
@EdgeO419 5 месяцев назад
He actually thought it was a flop from the start.
@rigsby1454 2 года назад
Bill cracking up at Dan's lines makes me happy
@happybirthday146 2 года назад
:) Totally. As it sounds like you may know, Bill verrry rarely "breaks," but Dan could make it happen. Forgive me if you already know this, but apparently, when they were shooting the famous scene "...until the power grid was shut off by dickless here," Dan gave a bunch of different options during the takes like "by wee willy winky here" and so on, and Dan did crack Bill up during one of those, according to the book MAKING GHOSTBUSTERS.
@jesusisgod2953 2 года назад
Are you saved? If you died tonight would you go to heaven or hell? The Gospel, which means the Good News is the news that God Almighty, the Creator came in the flesh as Jesus Christ to take away the sin of the world. The one God is a trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Son came and laid down his own life to save ours. His sacrifice on the cross paid the price for our redemption with his own blood. On the third day he rose from dead and offers the gift of salvation and forgiveness to those that repent and trust in him. Although God's creation was created perfect, having no death, sickness and disease, the creation became corrupted through Adam and Eve in them disobeying God. In this rebellion the creation became fallen through the curse of sin and mankind became separated from God. This world is fallen, but God offers reconciliation to him through his provision at the cross. Ultimately God will restore his creation to perfection when he returns but those that who reject his offer of redemption will remain condemned by their sins and go to hell. 1 Timothy 3:16 KJV And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: GOD WAS MANIFEST IN THE FLESH, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. John 1:1,14 KJV In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD. [14] And THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, and dwelt among us, 1 John 3:8 KJV He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Hebrews 2:14-16 KJV Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; [15] And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. [16] For verily he took not on him the nature of angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham. Isaiah 9:6 KJV For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty GOD, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. John 1:10 KJV He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and THE WORLD KNEW HIM NOT. John 20:28-29 KJV And Thomas answered and said unto him, MY LORD AND MY GOD. [29] Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. Acts 16:30-31 KJV ...what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [9] Not of works, lest any man should boast. 1 John 1:8-10 KJV If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. [9] If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. [10] If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
@billybobby7607 2 года назад
@@jesusisgod2953 take your blabber elsewhere
@billybobby7607 2 года назад
@Yeah Right nah. Religious nuts
@lorenscott2925 2 года назад
I NEED the full version of that alternate Ghostbusters theme
@bricepaul80 Год назад
It's on here... Found it awhile back. . looking again
@KrevarProd 5 месяцев назад
It sounds like Paul Weller, I may be wrong but it's definitely his style.
@brandonbryant8027 4 года назад
Dan: It is PG, I'm fucking telling you it's PG! LOL Dan always cracks me up!
@benphillips9973 2 года назад
Hearing Ray Stantz drop the F bomb was amazing 😆
@rickhouston7750 2 года назад
@@benphillips9973 ‘hum
@jugghead82 2 года назад
@writerpatrick 2 года назад
You're talking about a season 1 SNL member. That was back when they actually did controversial stuff.
@steeltownbrown52 2 года назад
You can see that Bill sure cracked up.
@KRAFTWERK2K6 2 года назад
Imagine this. NOBODY knew HOW HUGE this film would become and how much of a legacy it would create. Back in '84 it was an unexpected new movie from a bunch of young talents in Hollywood who knew their craft, loved what they did & had a great time making it. I am happy for EVERYONE who actually lived through this time and was fortunate enough to witness it firsthand.
@handsomeDRAC 2 года назад
Same goes for Star Wars. Everyone thought it would flop.
@mikcnmvedmsfonoteka 2 года назад
@@handsomeDRAC Even actors tough it would be some cheesy B space movie..... I get that from their perspective before film reels leaving the editorIal room it looked terrible
@SpartasEdge 2 года назад
This alone is better than the entire 2016 Ghostbusters movie.
@ededd3175 2 года назад
u remember when murray was thrown out a window?
@manlymcstud8588 2 года назад
true, but that's a pretty low bar....
@SpartasEdge 2 года назад
@@ededd3175 Yep, and it was awful.
@timfoote6919 2 года назад
I mean the comedy was WAYYYYY better!
@ededd3175 2 года назад
@@timfoote6919 at least the 2016 was a comedy lol the 2021 was a tear jerker? lol
@RiggerMantis 2 года назад
Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray were so young here... Aykroyd was 32 and Murray was 34... and I'm about to be 40...
@DJWHITE_ 2 года назад
This is the freshest 38 year old movie clip I've ever seen. For a moment there, I wasn't in 2022 and it felt very good!
@nepntzerZer 2 года назад
but because you tasted the sweet sweet nectar of 1984 you found yourself having to deal with the bitter reality 2022 all over again. your feeble fantasy crumbling all around you as the walls of present day come crashing in.
@TheBigBigSean 2 года назад
Art was just better back then.
@DJWHITE_ 2 года назад
@@TheBigBigSean Amen
@valentinatroncoso5065 2 года назад
et amo amor peter
@marsicogodofwar9280 2 года назад
i completely understand the feeling, thanks for putting it in words i couldn’t describe it.
@captlazer5509 2 года назад
When Bill Murray said: "And if not.. well...we have some Canadian film board stuff for you to look at..." I died
@Indienads 2 года назад
Haha. Shoutout to the National Film Board of Canada.
@ShawnChang6453 2 года назад
"It's PG.....I'm FUCK*N' tellin' ya! It's PG!"....never gets old.....😂
@ncc74656m 2 года назад
This is one of the finest pieces of promotional material I've ever seen, and it's the first time I've seen it!
@Dr.TJ_Eckleburg 2 года назад
"If that doesn't work we have 117 girls who are looking for scholarships to nursing school, they will be circulating through your rooms for the next day or so..." God damn I miss the '80s.
@tachikomakusanagi3744 9 месяцев назад
Its shocking to see something like this and then realise what a puritanical age we are now living in - good god i miss the 80s too
@HiddenPalm 5 месяцев назад
@@tachikomakusanagi3744 BuT dO yoU ConDeMn KHAMAS!?!?!
@pasqualz 5 месяцев назад
It was a different time…
@pyrotechc3h8 2 года назад
One person spent time in front of a mirror getting ready this mourning for this promo film, the other just woke up and forgot to shave.
@Koldeman 4 года назад
I know they were hamming it up by pushing how great it was going to be. Aykroyd said it's going to be the best comedy film of all time tongue-in-cheek... ....but it was. It was AMAZING & certainly a contender- it not the actual- best comedy of all time. This movie delivered and is still generating new production content and gaining in popularity. I'm so glad I was a kid in the 80s!
@MoltenPlastic 4 года назад
However it still probably is the best science fiction comedy of all time. Or at least it contends the position with Galaxy Quest.
@laurenkapes6381 4 месяца назад
I think the original hocus pocus movie does give this & the sequel a decent run for its money
@atomiswave2 5 месяцев назад
The effortless comedic dynamic between them is great
@kitezzz360 2 года назад
crazy to think this was 38 years ago, I was just a child, time flies
@Luke.S2099 2 года назад
Been a huge GB fan since I was a 90's kid, and I cannot believe I'm only just seeing this now. So surreal hearing Ray/Dan drop an F bomb, lol.
@tedebayer1 2 года назад
this is 38 years old at time of this writing, of something I recall seeing as an adult...way to go making me feel ancient
@johnprudent3216 2 года назад
Ray dropped aim F-Bomb! This is one of the most significant events since the Tunguska Blast of 1907 or even the Rectification of the Valdranai
@justinhackstadt6677 2 года назад
It's heartwarming to look back at these two absolute legends promoting a movie that is more notoriable than nearly any other movie ever made in history. 🤔🤔❤❤
@SammEater 2 года назад
Oh man, gotta love how Murray couldn't help but to laugh at Dan's "it is PG, I am fucking telling you" line. lol
@Silenced23 2 года назад
As a huge Ghostbusters fan, now that I've seen this promo, my live is complete.
@Elton_Portilho 2 года назад
As legendary as might be Ray Parker Jr's song, now I'm curious to hear the full version of this 'prototype' Ghostbusters theme.
@JustinMacri007 2 года назад
We’re can we hear it?
@Bonzenmann 2 года назад
I would PAY to hear the whole song. It's not great compared to the Ray Parker Song, but it's something good. Something decent. Something pure.
@fever_spike 2 года назад
All honesty, to me it sounds like what they maybe coulda used for The Real Ghostbusters-it just has *that sound* to it.
@TURK_182 2 года назад
@@fever_spike I totally could see that, it's got a Saturday morning type vibe doesn't it
@seatspud 2 года назад
@@TURK_182 Eh, only if Forrest Tucker and Larry Storch were singing it. ;)
@ZeacorZeppelin 3 месяца назад
I had no idea this footage existed. As I write this on Sunday, June 9th, 2024, it is the first time I have ever seen it and knowing it exists.
@xarph 4 года назад
These guys were completely smashed and didn’t have a script
@bsoundlighting 2 года назад
Amazing high-def scan! So crisp!
@HertzBlut 2 года назад
when this ended I felt the strain in my smiling muscles as they were extended all through this. This is magnificient! These boys and their cohorts are to "blame" for some of the best comedies out there, then, now and forever.
@moviebuffshatto7375 4 года назад
I’ve Never Seen this Before and I’m Glad I Did
@dukekorey2944 5 месяцев назад
this is awesome! ...it's also a reminder how they used to have to "sell" their films to the theater chains. An interesting bit of history right here.
@damianlondon1936 2 года назад
I absolutely love both Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray in the Ghostbusters Movies and it was nice to see them do a funny promotion video for the very first Ghostbusters movie
@EmmettLBrown2015 4 года назад
What a movie! I love GHOSTBUSTERS!
@tamphex 2 года назад
Is there for us all in the car Doc? We'd like to leave 2020's
@TheRealPeterVenkman1984 4 года назад
I never heard dan aykroyd cuss like that “ it’s fucking pg”
@sonshinegamers 5 месяцев назад
This the funniest Ghostbusters video I have seen since the original movie.
@Mr.Feather130 10 месяцев назад
Imagine being a kid in 1984 and seeing this for the first time but you have no idea that it'll become a huge success and a multimedia franchise that's still alive and kicking?
@vaportrails7943 6 месяцев назад
It was a big hit. Everybody knew it would be good because of who was in it. They were very famous from SNL. It wasn’t like it was some kind of surprise sleeper. The ghost thing was unusual, but everybody knew it would be funny.
@Mr.Feather130 6 месяцев назад
@@vaportrails7943 yeah especially that the film have a lot of big named actors involved with the film
@nickbell8353 2 года назад
I think this might be the only F-bomb I've heard Dan Ackroyd drop in his entire career.
@lexkanyima2195 2 года назад
When ?
@russellj.s.257 2 года назад
He did also in The Blues Brothers a couple times when he and John Belushi kept on getting hit by the penguin,that movie with Melissa McCarthy were Susan Sarandon was her grandmother (I forget the name),Loose Canons and that movie where Micheal Douglas was Liberace.
@Madbandit77 2 года назад
@@russellj.s.257 Tammy. Dan has cursed in "Grosse Point Blank" and "War, Inc.".
@russellj.s.257 2 года назад
@@Madbandit77 cool thank you
@markfryer9880 2 года назад
Oh he definitely dropped the F-Bomb in the Blues Brothers when the Penguin clipped him on the ear with her ruler. Then he dropped one again when the Penguin picked up her long cane and he ran for the door leaving Jake stuck in his chair.
@bhkfdbfb 2 года назад
All time favorite movie.. these guys really made a timeless movie
@rmartin7558 2 года назад
I love how Bill breaks up when Aykroyd uses the f-word. 2:05
@KnottsBear-yTalesPreserved 2 года назад
WOW! This is something I never knew existed! This is amazing footage found somewhere in the nook and cranny...
@guilherme.santos 2 года назад
Amazing material, thanks a lot for sharing... I was 10 at 1984, when watched Ghostbusters with my father, here in Brazil... I loved that film, loved the music! Golden times...
@diymicha2 2 года назад
Greetings from another 1974 born. :D
@guilherme.santos 2 года назад
@@diymicha2 greetings from Rio de Janeiro! 😊🇧🇷
@richardrichard688 2 года назад
I was 9 in England. Have known the film word for word for quite a while now.
@utfev364 5 месяцев назад
And it's been 40 years since Ghostbusters came out and I like to thank Columbia Pictures for the release and those who worked on making that movie.
@Elfrunner 2 года назад
The theme song here is upbeat. I'm still glad Ray Parker Jr. recorded the official one, but this is alright, too. It's catchy. Also, a mystery has been solved. "We're the best, we're the beautiful, we're the _only..._ Ghostbusters!" Now we know where Peter's line in the second movie came from. Great stuff! 👍
@SweetBlu 2 года назад
Well he also stole that song and was sued (and lost) for copyright infringement. Hewey Lewis wrote it better when it was I want a new drug
@Elfrunner 2 года назад
@@SweetBlu Hey, it happens. The Verve Pipe got sued by The Rolling Stones for plagiarizing the song The Last Time. Bittersweet Symphony still exists, but all royalties go to the Stones. I like Huey Lewis and the News, I Want a New Drug is a good song. But Ray Parker Jr.'s Ghostbusters is also good. The movies wouldn't be the same without it.
@SweetBlu 2 года назад
@@Elfrunner meh. This song doenst make or break the movie for me. Honestly the song in this video probably could have caught on. The deal/problem I have with this was that literally the studio went to HLaTN and said ‘we like I want a new drug and want a song like that for our movie. And he said no. So they went to RPjr and he wrote that song for them lol.
@Elfrunner 2 года назад
@@SweetBlu Not everyone wants to be typecasted as "the soundtrack guy." I get where Huey was coming from. The same thing almost happened to Lindsay Buckingham after National Lampoon's Vacation.
@bricepaul80 Год назад
Looking For the name of it's on here somewhere ( looking right now )
@jackbauer9901 2 года назад
That is pure gold. Didn’t know this existed.
@jedijones 3 года назад
Amazing piece of history. Please post the actual film clips too. They could be alternate footage from the movie.
@LennyNero2019 2 года назад
It's all most likely from the upcoming UHD disc.
@Clay3613 2 года назад
@@LennyNero2019 Almost all of it is. But many are crappy VHS rips.
@kpec3 2 года назад
I sure have enjoyed these guys' movies, and GB was hysterical! Still is.
@mlsaulnier 5 месяцев назад
What alternate universe did I step into? This is great! I saw the original in 1984 as a 14 year old and it changed me!
@animukraut 2 года назад
Bill losing his shit at 2:02 is amazing. Hopefully this is in the upcoming ultimate collection.
@Mood_Slime11 9 месяцев назад
I'm still here on December 5th, 2023. This is gold!
@TheRX78ONE 5 месяцев назад
Can we also appreciate how beautiful ECTO-1 is parked in the background
@AnthonyNiroshan 2 года назад
1 of my top 5 childhood movies!!!
@ekathe85 2 года назад
Bill never gave a single unicellular fuck and I love him for it.
@THRobinson 2 года назад
I wish I could see this again for the first time in theatres.
@OSuKaRuTV1 2 года назад
These guys really know how to promo a film (specially Bill Murray) XD
@sandal_thong8631 6 месяцев назад
This week I read that comedies didn't make a lot of money, so weren't likely to get a large budget for special effects and like that street-buckling scene as well as sound and music. But this was an exception and it paid off, becoming the number 2 movie of 1984 after _Beverly Hills Cop._ The jokes keep hitting over and over throughout the movie. _Ghostbusters II_ was ninth in 1989 and was not bad, with most of its jokes hitting throughout, like the courtroom scene. I love saying "WINSTON!" and "You wouldn't want us exposing ourselves."
@LeonardoTDragon 2 года назад
Thank goodness they didn't that song in favor of Ray Parker Jr's work!
@Valecj 2 года назад
Los 80´s fue la mejor decada de todos los tiempos.
@hartman.4744 2 года назад
Pure gold. Thanks for unearthing this treasure.
@lizarosa156 3 года назад
I love love love 😘 Dan Ackroyd and Bill Murray 😍💙💛💜😎😆🌟🥰😻
@SammEater 2 года назад
What the hell is that early Ghostbusters theme at the end, never heard that one before.
@Swiftbow 2 года назад
A terrible placeholder. Ray Parker Jr. didn't finish the theme song until the very last minute. (I don't think they gave him very much time, either.)
@SammEater 2 года назад
@@Swiftbow Then godbless Ray Parker Jr. his theme alone can be one of the reasons the movie was so successuful.
@markfryer9880 2 года назад
I heard enough of the place holder track to never want to hear it again.
@michiganjack1337 2 года назад
Fun fact. My father took me to go see Ghostbusters to buy my love, and it worked. He definitely earned my respect from that day. lol
@gabrielabarros2036 2 года назад
Dan used to be so cute back in the 80s
@dnamusicchallenge5995 2 года назад
And it became true. Iconic film. Aged well
@jamjarr8808 2 года назад
Nope. It hasn't aged at all. It will always rock
@yerjokin 2 года назад
Wow!! Seeing this took me back to being a teenager again 🤩!
@truthwillout2371 4 месяца назад
Absolutely love Danny Ackroyd! Bills face was gold.
@djargus 4 года назад
"It's PG. I'm *fuckin'* telling you, IT'S PG!" - Me: HAHAHAHA!
@EthanAnania 3 года назад
“Hey, language.”
@krtlkid 2 года назад
@@EthanAnania Hey pg is basically considered R back then.
@russellj.s.257 2 года назад
@@krtlkid not really,it wasn't until after Ghostbusters,Gremlins and Temple of doom is when they came up with the PG 13 rating so that way families could still bring the kids and also make merch for the kids to have as well,I mean Star Wars,Empire and Jedi(Return of the Jedi) of course,not The Last Jedi. Yeah,it sucks that we have to do that now,lol.
@hamhockbeans 2 года назад
@@krtlkid There was no PG-13 or NC-17 yet. Its was G, PG, R and X.
@hamhockbeans 2 года назад
@@russellj.s.257 If not Poltergeist remember the face ripping scene.
@n.matosproductions5629 2 года назад
I wish that this ghostbusters song was used for the cartoon in the 80's
@lordsidious83 2 года назад
Well that was something i didn't know i needed today. Brilliant stuff!
@nitramluap 2 года назад
Hahah. I love the way you can hear the other holding back laughing in the close up shots.
@lipranditoys Год назад
Horror and comedy are an addictive blend of genres, Fright Night, Beetlejuice, Evil dead, Young Frankenstein... but Ghostbusters has become the flagship for it.
@VennyRestore 2 года назад
This is a fantastic scan! Thank you!
@MintyFreshTurds 2 года назад
Golly that music takes me to a wonderful place.
@mitrooper 2 года назад
Someone make me a time-machine so that I can go back to the early 1980's and leave this miserable decade, the 2020's.
@TURK_182 2 года назад
Can I ride shotgun?
@gold333 2 года назад
I’m in the trunk of that car I don’t care
@TedTheAtheist 2 года назад
@kristianbooth6262 2 года назад
Way ahead of ya!
@JJ-qt8zb 5 месяцев назад
Great dialogue by two comedy legends. 👍
@Terzaghi12 2 года назад
this almost 4 minutes are way, waaaay better than the 2016 Ghostbusters fiasco
@MikeFarnhamGalaxysEdgeGroup 5 месяцев назад
It is April 2024 - "Ghostbusters Frozen Empire" came out a few weeks back. Sad shell of a GB movie.
@jamesoblivion 2 года назад
'This is gonna make ET look like Raiders of the Lost Ark, know what I'm saying?' Uhhhhh...no, Bill. I - I actually don't.
@bredmaster 2 года назад
in that E.T. blew everything before it out of the water
@DougUnfunny 2 года назад
Bill said 2 films that are 2 pop culture iconic films, he saw that ghostbusters would be on the same level.
@JorisKoolen 2 года назад
He was calling Raiders sh*t
@futuristica1710 5 месяцев назад
Yup, I was confused about that too …
@Brad772006 2 года назад
This is an amazing promo piece. We're ready to believe you.
@spencersawtelle372 2 года назад
Wow talk about blast from the past this is really cool love it
@seanahmed9079 6 месяцев назад
OMG Dan is so DREAMY and cute
@jbtwofour 2 года назад
Oh man! I'm SO glad they didn't stick with that theme song!
@DougUnfunny 2 года назад
Everything Bill said is 100%. He saw it coming.
@dabrams84 5 месяцев назад
"Dad, I can look up to you now. And I couldn't before."
@antonybarnett65 2 года назад
Bill says it's gonna be a helluva fucking movie. Dan says it's fucking rated PG.😂😂
@BrowncoatInABox 2 года назад
Bill wasn't wrong
@Geoff_Dearth 2 года назад
Awesome clip, this was on the bonus disc from the UHD (you know, those weird shiny disc thingies that old people play movies from) 35th anniversary steelbook in 2019. Glad to see it out in the wild.
@notofuspeed 2 года назад
legend for this info!
@TexasFilmCritic Год назад
Hey! If anyone is reading this, someone on Internet Archive has posted a 35mm version of Ghostbusters. The whole movie. I love what Sony did for the 4K transfer but I love to see some fans putting their own spin on the transfer.
@kascnef 6 месяцев назад
Is it uncut
@TexasFilmCritic 6 месяцев назад
@@kascnef yes. Unfortunately, it’s been six months and it’s been taken down due to copyright. Sorry
@kascnef 6 месяцев назад
@@TexasFilmCriticsomeone uploaded the intro on RU-vid from the 35mm cut print. Did u see frozen empire it was awesome
@TexasFilmCritic 6 месяцев назад
@@kascnef not yet tomorrow I will. Today I’m going rewatch Afterlife, which I love and then get ready for Frozen Empire.
@TheLastOfTheRockstarsU2 Год назад
They censored this a little bit on the new box set release. The cut out Aykroyd’s F bomb and the music.
@kascnef 6 месяцев назад
Even on the 2019 Blu-ray
@stuffandnonsense8528 2 года назад
This is amazing!
@dland2000 2 года назад
Amazing. Just goes to show nobody knew how big this movie was going to be. And what's up with that song? How have I never heard it before?
@robinorlowski2449 2 года назад
The two of them honestly had no idea they were sitting on the lottery
@sadboi7537 2 года назад
Ok, so who’s been hiding this footage for 35 years. That’s the real question. I’ve been a GB fan for thirty years and have never seen this before.
@leamondtaylor825 Год назад
Bill Murray is one of kind! Every time I see him I think of "Caddy Shack"! Which was a hilarious 😂 movie 🎬.
@davisdomain2071 2 года назад
NOW THIS is FILM 35mm at finest...
@ewanmacfarlane9195 2 года назад
This is class.Just they 2 strolling out in the bouler suits like its just another day at the office shootin the breeze.Its like something out of the twilight zone ..
@aliteralchad7128 2 года назад
Holy shit I’m getting like complete Tim and Eric vibe from Murray I had no idea his humor was like that
@lipranditoys 2 года назад
"This is gonna make ET look like Raiders of the Lost Ark"
@erikhermansen3431 2 года назад
Casual references to human sex trafficking in the movie industry are TIGHT!
@flashindapan7965 2 года назад
Barely an inconvenience
@pablobratcat 2 года назад
Aged well huh
@philellis9720 2 года назад
Wow wow wow. Wow.
@bubbythebear6891 3 года назад
Anywhere I can find that alternate Ghostbusters theme song?
@Deathtroopers09 Год назад
The working song that was cut love it
@datamanmachine 2 года назад
Like Dan said: The ONLY Ghostbusters!!!
@matthewhollingshead8618 2 года назад
It's insane, looking back, that they had to SELL this movie 😀
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