
GRUBBY's Daring Lich MID Pos 2 - A to Z - Lich - Dota 2 

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15 сен 2024




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@ヘスティア-y9o Год назад
Trivia: His old abilities before the revamped are the same as the Lich in WC3 except his ultimate Chain Frost. Death & Decay goes to Enigma and had been named Midnight Pulse only it doesn't affect buildings & not channeling.
@YKT45 Год назад
we need Grubby watch dotalogy now !!
@raifthemad Год назад
I really liked Lich back when he had sacrifice friendly creep for mana skill. Always picked it first. Great way to outlevel your opponents by denying a creep outside of their xp range every few waves. Bouncing on creeps is a downside if there are more than one enemy heroes or more than one creep. If you're laning against a single hero and they have one creep next to them, it's going to bounce between them a few times, better than just a single hero. I have killed many a unsuspecting oponent like that. You're still addicted to farming, at 46:48, your team is just waiting a creepwave to start hitting their mid tower after killing terrorblade. You wander up to to their jungle to look for heroes, go past some creeps and start farming, being utterly oblivious about your team getting attacked and killed just a screen away. You really need to attend your Creepfarmers Anonymous meetings.
@TheRex309 Год назад
@pewpin1039 Год назад
I miss dark ritual bros.
@DeliciousFriendHastur Год назад
Om nom you
@javelin1423 Год назад
yes, ez for denying/mana
@purpleisthesneakiest Год назад
never forget
@Nicupos Год назад
I wish they would bring it back, even as a shard
@EthVortexShield Год назад
Denying the ranged creep...
@naphackDT Год назад
Grubby finally learned that to truly play dota means to play supports as carry and carries as support.
@DogdaySunrise Год назад
Just 10 heroes to Meepo. So excited for Grubby's take on this hero.
@rembrandao Год назад
He's played Meepo already
@Braxtonkai Год назад
​@@rembrandao True but he's already on S last I checked on twitch Grubby has alooot of editing work ahead of him
@NoNTr1v1aL Год назад
As a Lich spammer who had reached Legend I with over 1500 games with Lich as support, you did amazing. I also have an extremely aggressive playstyle like you but I would recommend that you hold onto your ult until it is necessary to use it. Hope to see the next video in this series soon!
@PashaUlmach Год назад
Legend I)
@MrCleks Год назад
5:38 I'll call this combo "Ligma Voker"
@Wis3lyTheCrocodile Год назад
WC3 Lich on Dota was actually a Great Offlane Hero because of Dark Ritual as Creep Deny.
@PascalSWE Год назад
Pos 4 lich for that short period where you got exp from deny and there was bounty every 2 min that gives exp. I leave my offlane solo more or less and Im still higher level than my safe lane.
@thyred3167 Год назад
that was still a thing in dota 2 even when suicide lanes were a thing
@Wis3lyTheCrocodile Год назад
@@thyred3167 I don't think so, most of meta in Dota 2 nowadays are dual side lanes, offlane duo vs safelane duo. I miss Suicide lanes
@thyred3167 Год назад
@@Wis3lyTheCrocodile i said was
@Wis3lyTheCrocodile Год назад
@@thyred3167 sorry dude, I was just coping about that meta, miss that meta man.
@ombus2143 Год назад
Press F to pay respect to Dark Ritual. Your service always be remembered.
@chrisg8989 Год назад
The Lich Incident! This was amazing to watch Live!
@adorableweiner1099 Год назад
some years ago ancient neutrals didnt took magic dmg and you could stack lich ults on the ancient creep camp, was a funny moment when a enemy came to clear the ancient camp(unlimited bounce was provided by agha)
@JoyfulStyle Год назад
Yes and then they figure it out and put a Centaur with activated Blademail in the middle, killing Lich everytime the poor sod revived lul
@repit5014 Год назад
Your rate of improvement is actually insane! I think a main point to work on is understanding and abusing different heroes power spikes. Obviously hard to do on a first time, but try to think about that. For example its fine to put a hero like Lich mid, but you should use your level 6 to get kills and help other lanes as soon as possible, as nobody on the sidelane is as leveled as you. Terrorblade didn't have sunder yet when you got ult, so should be easy kill with your insane amount of damage. It really depends on the hero, Lich has no farming acceleration or strong scaling so you need to have impact with that level advantage even as a core and help snowball your team. In lategame most mids will have more impact than a lich (because BKB and high HP pool counters him), so its a momentum based decision to put him mid. Alchemist would be normal to keep farming as he farms faster and faster, and can use that farm much better Ggwp
@OrdoMallius Год назад
When I started playing Dota Lich ult would smash all jumps into one target if they had no targets to jump. Basically if you got caught 1v1 with Lich you died instantly cause the bounces didn't need to travel.
@mither4214 Год назад
About Ethreain : In life, the frost-mage Ethreain (not yet a Lich) had used the threat of destructive ice to enslave entire kingdoms. His subjects, aided by a few desperate magicians, eventually grew bold enough to ambush him. Armed with enough charmed rope to bind him forever, they tied the frost mage to adamant weights and dropped him in a pool known chiefly for being bottomless. It wasn't. He only fell for a year or so before an outcrop snagged him. There he rested, dead but undecaying, until the geomancer Anhil thought to verify the legend of the supposedly bottomless Black Pool. Anhil's plumbline snarled with the ropes that bound the drowned magician, and up he hauled an unexpected prize. Thinking that by rendering the dead undead, he could question the Lich about the properties of the pool, he removed the bindings and commenced a simple rite of resurrection. Even the descendants of Ethreain's enemies were long forgotten by time, so there were none to warn Anhil against imprudence. But he learned the error of his judgment almost immediately, as Lich threw off the shackles and consumed him.
@roguechest743 Год назад
that goes hard
@magilunedecelestia Год назад
Eyyy, new dota upload from Grubby ww
@magnenebla2421 Год назад
"Frost armor is good damage man" if grubby could hear me I'd scream in his ear put it on a melee creep and get tf out of lane
@chrisg8989 Год назад
You'd be like all the Chatters on Twitch. 🤣 🤦‍♂️
@adulthitter8455 Год назад
legendary lich of hell
@joakimsen87 Год назад
I don't know if it's just because I'm really looking forward to him entering ranked, but I actually think he might learn even faster in ranked at this point. I am enjoying A-Z though, that was a pretty good idea even if it wouldn't work for a total green guy. Good job so far, but please communicate or at least read the actual teamchat 😛 so much more important than reading massive pidas or monkas or whatever these kids are spamming
@coilingeat5602 Год назад
Good luck yet again! Thanks for video! Sitting and waiting for Magnus! Lich is nice laning hero. And DMG with lvl 25 talent can melt any group without any escape.
@EthVortexShield Год назад
36:40 I thought grubby was going to say it's called ghost scepter
There's no such thing as wastin ult on Lich. It doesn't have mass disable and has a low cooldown, you can literally use it to farm in some ocasions.
@nickcormier Год назад
My top 2 fav hero.. just so satisfying getting an ult off that does some serious damage.
@dtibvgz8441 Год назад
I am really sad how they massacred my boy. Quite a few versions ago, Lich had Dark Ritual just like the WC3 version and you even gained the experience the creep you deny granted, on top of that had a talent for +150 attack damage. I was playing him as Hard Lane solo core (asking my support to just do something else) and was easily dominating two and three opponents easily. He was a monster who easily demoralize the enemies in his lane.
@pepeknight Год назад
While I do miss Dark Ritual, it was better for the health of the game that it got removed. Being able to deny exp as brainlessly as Lich could was so strong that it warped the way the hero was balanced. Frost Shield is also much better conceptually than old Ice Armor. Though buying clarities and mangoes really still feels weird
@dtibvgz8441 Год назад
@@pepeknight Completely agree with you. His old Dark Ritual was completely broken skill early in the game and the hero was balanced around that, his late game was nonexistent unless he snow-ball hard. His current issue which I see is that his spell's mana cost is on par with his older iteration who could reliably restore 400 mana each 25-30 seconds. But still it was hilarious to be beaten three-lane with a hero considered by everyone as 'support' and even carry the game with high physical damage a bit later.
@Archphoenix1 Год назад
Mr grubby, back in the day, ancient creeps were magic immune and the aghs was the thing that gave infinite bounces. so you boobytrapped the ancients with chainfrost and waited for an idiot to show up to farm and die
@tw1nzstrpur3 Год назад
Ha! i forgot about this. was definitely a trip
@michaelyanela2745 Год назад
@sAKecOkE Год назад
I'd be so mad at a Lich taking my jungle farm as a Slark lol GG though Grubby xD
@ksk31337 Год назад
loving it.
@Qyu1000 Год назад
Hello grubby can you do me a favour ? Please change the Mini Map hero icon or arrows to Mini hero face. It helps a lot and makes it easy. Thanks and always a big fan.
@harizihsan4126 Год назад
Up next. Life stealer. Oh boy hopefully he does the radiance build
@raifthemad Год назад
To be fair, pidas is just one letter off from russian word for f4_g. So banning before you know what it was, understandable.
@ekayasa13 Год назад
I remember you can buy item and take ur item in stash near enemy fountain.
@Seeker265729 Год назад
Ah yes, two balls bouncing in their face indefinitely xD
@silentfox740 Год назад
How Grubby at same time playing and reading twitch comments)?
@twoandhalfbengals Год назад
@Grubby remember was S4 said? always have your ult on CD. It's a good habit! Early game go for easy kills. When you play mid with unconventional hero, you can still always gank. You will always be higher level then the side lanes, making for easy kills. You don't really push either, so trying to push a tower doesn't help you. You could even swap at level 8 and let a support take mid why you gank and push side lanes.
@nirvana3377 Год назад
yeah also his reactions to teammates also very slow currently. like he is learning fast, but i think he lacks a lot in playing as a team . i think he need a stack of players with a shotcaller
@twoandhalfbengals Год назад
@@nirvana3377 yea I agree! He hasn't trained his third eye to look at minimap 100% of the time lol. I'm sad he got such lol mmr, He played pretty good in all games. wonder if the A-Z f'd him.
@budrothefox3666 Год назад
gg wp!
@Zurn187 Год назад
you need topson coaching to play A to Z in the mid lane since he play anything mid and rekt!!
@shamghazali3416 Год назад
Bruh that tb armlet dagon😭
@TryToLearn101 Год назад
Welcome to herald :)
@ekayasa13 Год назад
TB has low HP high armor at low lvl. Just threw blast and chain frost at him if he has half HP.
@YukeInRealLife Год назад
hol up - the title was renamed
@devilbob Год назад
ctrl + alt + click on enemy hero icon = "hero is not missing anymore"
@Thanatos-XIII Год назад
Oh man it was a great try but you went with the wrong mindset for it, playing a support on mid is taking advantage of the spammeble nukes and get kills earlier, the power spike for lich is his ult and it should be casted as much as possible, gets lots of kills and snowball it
@payaso216 Год назад
The tangoes lol
@peoul1 Год назад
How much HotS experience transfer to Dota2 grub?
@therrogue1193 Год назад
I think the objective secure is mostly there because Hots heavily rely on it
@chrisg8989 Год назад
I would say if you've played alot of Any Moba, the basic understanding and skill set will transfer over easily.
@ddenozor Год назад
apparently none of it transfers to mid role.
@chrisg8989 Год назад
@@ddenozor and people wonder why Dota2 has a reputation of having a toxic player base. Guys learning. Give him a break.
@ddenozor Год назад
@@chrisg8989 he is already herald4. that makes him better than half the playerbase. And no.. Grubby is a very talented RTS player with lots of championships under his belt and he is also very good in HotS. There really is no reason for him to sit until lvl8 mid after so many games, more so when he can see bounty already did his 3rd rotation.
@Tyrranid Год назад
The not reading game chat tilts me:(
@nairuLoki Год назад
The only reason lich is being picked right now on pro play is to heavy disincetivize enemy diving with chain frost. There are better harassers than frost blast plus normal attacks from lich. 3rd skill is like taking the worse parts of fiends grip (channeling) and reality rift (pull) over a period of time. Icefrog should rework frost blast numbers and replace the 3rd skill with the frost spire and make it ala tombstone where instead of zombies spawning every x second, it does mini frost blast every x second that gets stronger.
@j-mc2144 Год назад
@jermainerodgers Год назад
@empirean1166 Год назад
lmao zeus is going to be the last hero
@josedasilva6885 Год назад
@hakimdots6466 Год назад
Watched you a lot lately tbh carry fits your role on safelane. You prioritize wave over anything, thats a good thing but not as a midlaner. Midlaner are those people who love to outplayed enermy, farm heroes, runes addict, make play around the map. Bring 4 along with you and non stop gank. If game lose early thats 2-5 fault, if game lose at late game thats carry fault. As 2-5 need make space for him not farm along with him.
@oneswagman9426 Год назад
Member when you can abuse ancient creep with your ult and then get fk by blademail? I member lul
@xmanffs5986 Год назад
Fast lvl ups) lich mid+midas
@MrFuggleGuggle Год назад
Lich is a great early hero to learn…but at higher level play, currently Lich is only as good as the enemy team is bad or inexperienced.
@geraalcht Год назад
Lich mobility is so bad I hate playing him despite me thinking that his abilities are pretty good. His turn rate is pretty bad too or that's how it felt.
@therrogue1193 Год назад
Lich is only strong in Laning phase if the enemy can't jump on you. With how many void and Primal Beast currently they would just trample him to death and your slow will be useless
@magnenebla2421 Год назад
Lich is currently very good just numbers wise in abilities tge problem is that ranged saving support are mostly getting picked and he sucks against them
@fthfgc9041 Год назад
Lich has a 51.3% win rate at Divine and above with a 9.14% pick rate. You can confirm yourself in the client. Pro play he doesn't have a ton of success over the last three patches at about 42% win rate, but in all pick ranked at any level of play, he's a fine hero. Your assessment is incorrect.
@rubordinado Год назад
Lich mid like in the old old days 😢
@noshadb.e3111 Год назад
GG WP one thing people got it wrong in Dota is that they think destroying a tower specially a tier1 worth than their live! it is so wrong! in the late game or even mid game towers will easily falls if you are stronger than your enemies hero! but how can you become stronger when you sacrifice your exp and gold just for destroying tower early game?
@passbyicecube Год назад
Because you take over the lane's tempo, it's situational and depend on both side hero pick, I think one of pro explained about early tower advantage in their coach video, either ced's alchemist video or S4 razor video, if I remember correctly.
@aryapashaa Год назад
Everything can work -n0tail 2014
@tylerbuchko7509 Год назад
You have over 100 games and still dont know the basics lol
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