
Heli Keinonen: Laskettakkua brihat hebot 1967 

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Heli Keinonen sings in Karelian language a song about a girl and a boy meeting at well. This language is spoken by only 118,000 persons in the world. There is an ongoing effort to preserve the language alive.



11 сен 2024




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@laurioksanen7607 11 лет назад
Heli Keinonen was a child of a different age. She got interested in the language and culture of the livvi (East Karelian) speaking refugees, who were looked down at in Finland. Later she got interested in Arabic, has lived in Sudan, and became teacher of Arabic at Helsinki Univeristy. Quite a girl!
@zoolkhan 2 года назад
@@0mgskillz96 interesting... and sad. i have swedish-finnish relatives, and now i feel a little bit ashamed of them (i also have karelian relatives btw)
@carlosmpsenyorcapitacollon6977 2 года назад
@@zoolkhan Why? Btw hasn't or had Karelia a part in Sweden in the past?
@jyppenackesson849 8 лет назад
Helillä on kyllä kaunis ääni!!
@laurioksanen7607 11 лет назад
Kasvoin evakkojen parissa; tämä karjalan muoto kuului joka puolella. Sitä puhuttiin ent. Suomessa Suojärvellä, Salmissa ja Suistamossa. Evakkojen lapset oppivat sen vanhemmiltaan. Maalta Helsinkiin muuttaneena luulin tätä siksi merkilliseksi "stadin kieleksi", ja opettelin kieltä innokkaasti; pakkokin oli kun se oli lähipihojen leikkikieli. Kun folk-muoti tuli trendikkääksi 60-luvun lopulla alkoivat muutamat tytöt laulaa karjalaksi; lapsena opittu kieli oli helppo palauttaa mieleen.
@friedrichkertoja 4 года назад
Sinänsä kiva, että joku on halunnut tuollaisiakin laulaa ja tallentaa. Kiitos Heli Keinoselle 😃👌
@DaBoomz13 13 лет назад
couple years ago Finland recognised Karelia as a minority language and started a pre-school for Karelians and Joensuu University started to teach Karelian... All that to save this relative language of Finland which has only 100.000 speakers...
@breizhcatalonia1993 4 года назад
As far as I know it is much more spoken in Russia.
@user-bl1cbrA9o 4 года назад
@@breizhcatalonia1993 You are wrong, Karelian language has it bad in Russia.
@moisuomi 3 года назад
@Vladimir You sure?
@carlosmpsenyorcapitacollon6977 2 года назад
@@user-bl1cbrA9o why :(
@kulttuuriguru1400 6 месяцев назад
@@carlosmpsenyorcapitacollon6977 russia being russia my friend
@laurioksanen7607 11 лет назад
Karelian language (one of them, livvi, which is spoken in SE). This was spoken also in the eastern part of the former Finnish Karelia (captured by USSR in 1939); in areas with Greek Orthodox majority. It is hard to say that one Karelian diallect would be a language more than others. The SE dialects were infleunced by Russian, the western diallects by standard Finnish, the northern "Kalevala diallects" were (are) more archaic. But they all have the same root.
@weebonnieladdie 7 лет назад
The major problem with Karelian language is that it is very hard to classify what exactly it is. If we are talking about Karelian dialects of the modern Finnish language and Karelian dialects that are spoken by the Russian Karelians then Karelian language would consist of Kalevala dialects, Livvian dialects, Lyydikkian dialects, Savo dialects, dialects which are spoken in the provinces of Southern and Northern Karelia in Finland. Most of the modern Finnish linguists do not agree with that as that means the only "western Finnish dialects" actually belong to the modern Finnish language, which was created by Lönrott. So the method used instead is to classify "Eastern Finnish dialects" as part of Finnish language and to classify the dialects spoken in Russian Karelia as a separate Karelian language, which does not make much sense linguistically but makes perfect sense politically.
@GabrielCarrizosa 6 лет назад
Hermosa ella, hermosas la canción y su voz. Gracias por compoartirla
@moisuomi 3 года назад
Beautiful East Karelian singing
@starlastly8963 10 месяцев назад
angelic 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💘💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
@BudNo 8 лет назад
Just to correct some wrong information on earlier comments. There are two kinds of karelians the ones that speak a karelian dialect of finnish language and ethnic karelians who speak karelian language. So finns and karelians (speakers of karelian language) are closely related, but still both of them are separate nations/languages. Sauna is actually 'kyly' in karelian... Karelian language has it's own dialects. The dialect used is this song is called livvikarelian (livvic, olonets karelian). Language and it's dialects are spoken mainly in Russia and Finland also speakers in Sweden and Estonia.
@IlotikkuFiN 8 лет назад
+ArskaB73 A bath is "kylpy" in Finnish. Karelian indeed has many different dialects and some of them are closer to Finnish than others. Vienankarjala and Finnish are fully mutually intteligible, since it's very close to eastern dialects of Finland.
@BudNo 8 лет назад
+asdkdodj dshje Yes it is and Finns also "bathe" in sauna as do Karelians. 'Kyly' has two meanings in Karelian 'sauna' and 'bath'. The reason why eastern dialects are close to Karelian is because in a way those dialects are actually Karelian... ;) Eastern Finnish dialects could as well be called western Karelian dialects... Still I have to say that Vienakarelian is closer to other Karelian dialects than Finnish dialects.
@zoolkhan 8 лет назад
its stupid to divide finnland and not finnland, our finnish borders are only 100 yrs old... before that this division did not exist, we are the same fucking tribe with difference in dialect as in any other nation too
@BudNo 8 лет назад
No... forming a country and a nation out of multiple nations made Finland / Finns, but not all of us was merged into Finns like Sami and some of Karelians. So Finland has been and will be a country of multiple nations that all have more or less their origins in the area.
@zoolkhan 8 лет назад
ArskaB73 thats one way to see it. to me kajala and karelian are brothers and i consider them part of finnland, despite the russians putting a border in the middle of it like it or not.
@anakinskywalkerthechoserde67 8 месяцев назад
Well donen my dear distant relative. Toivon sulle kaikkea hyvää💌🤟
@tuulavesala1987 11 дней назад
Ihana Heli!
@vaaleaanodis 2 года назад
Todella kaunis!!
@Hytone_ 20 дней назад
Laskettakkua brihat hebot itše mängiä maguamaa A mie lähen lehti saduh saduh kaivoa kaivuamaa Kaivoin kaivoin mie kaivua višnevoissa savussa Tulougo hiä neitšyt vaille kiirehessä hovussa Katšon, katšon astuu neitšyt kaivoin vettä ottamaa Hänen jälgeh tšoma briha matkuau hebuo juottamah Kyzyi, kyzyi briha viedraa, neitšyt ei nii andanut Lahjoi, lahjoi sormuksella, neitšyt ei nii ottanut Tiijän, tiijän, neitšyzeni, millä mie siun siännytin Eglei illal beššodassa, toizen ker mie kizazin Kasvuldah häi ei ole tobja, nuorukkaine zdorovoi. Musta tukka, pitkä kassa, kassas lentta goluboi
@markkuallen8433 2 года назад
heli on yksinkertaisesti upea ja ihana
@markkunieminen3876 4 года назад
Hienoa kuulla Karjalan kieltä vielä tänään 2019.12.31.
@lisbethsalander3696 8 лет назад
I LOVE THIS!!! THANK YOU!! I had no idea that Burlakat renewed these songs of Heli. I thaught it were their own.. Oops! Well done both Heli & Burlakat.
@zoolkhan 8 лет назад
wtf is burlakat? this is the only version i know.... did i miss someting?
@lisbethsalander3696 8 лет назад
Oh, yes... Burlakat is a folkband from Finland and they adapted Heli's songs into stunning, very high level and amazing quality music. They are from Rääkkylä. Their 2 cd's are both my lifetime favourites (and I have a LOT of cd's...) Superb arrangements and sound!!
@zoolkhan 8 лет назад
Lisbeth Salander aparrantly they have nothing on youtube :(
@lisbethsalander3696 8 лет назад
true that, I've been searching my ass off as well...
@zoolkhan 8 лет назад
Lisbeth Salander sooner or later someone will give us a sample :) please dont lose your ass. It is a very important part of your body.
@laurioksanen7607 11 лет назад
se viimeimeinen sana on muuten "goluboi" = vaalean sininen; säe tarkoittaa että tytön mustassa kassassa (tukassa) oli vaaleansininen nauha
@darlingsapphire1 4 года назад
@avtandil 8 лет назад
The music strongly resembles me the Ukrainian folk song "Маруся" known also as "Розпрягайте, хлопцi, коней".
@avtandil 7 лет назад
This Ukrainian song has two melodic alternations. It's quite possible, that You've heard only one of them, the more popular. Please see for example video with ID tIUcAWp7MYk and compare ;)
@dj3us 5 лет назад
With the beginning of the WW1, V. O. Gilyarovsky wrote the lyrics for “Марш Сибирского полка” (“The March of the Siberian Regiment”) (1915), based on the motive of Ukrainian folk song “Розпрягайте, хлопці, коні”, known from the beginning of the 19th century. Later, the same melody was used in the Red Army song from Russian Civil War and World War I called “По долинам и по взгорьям”. “По долинам и по взгорьям” has many variations in other languages, including Serbian, Greek, German, French, Hungarian, Hebrew, Kurdish and others. The song was adapted by the Yugoslav Partisans and used in World War II.
@ristorand2 12 лет назад
to Feskochsnus. This language ( livvi language or Aunus/Olonets variant of the Karelian language)WAS spoken in Finland, in Salmi ( whole of Salmi) and parts of Suojärvi....
@EneriGiilaan 14 лет назад
@TheAnitamus Olen varmasti kanssasi monesta asiasta yhtä mieltä - mutta RU-vid kommentit eivät oikein sovellu asian käsittelyyn koska tämä on monimutkainen ja herkkä aihe jossa väärinymmärrys syntyy helposti. Esimerkiksi rajan takaiset eivät mielestäni ole olleet suomalaisia vaan (suomensukuisia) karjalaisia. Enkä ymmärrä miksi vaadit Karjalaa takaisin kommentoidessasi laulua joka minun ymmärtääkseni lauletaan sellaisen alueen kielellä/murteella joka ei ole koskaan Suomeen edes kuulunut.
@oldghost247 6 лет назад
Onpa kaunista
@cosmicrat1563 12 лет назад
Thanks ristorand1, could we also have translation of the lyrics to English, please.
@g2agrawal165 3 года назад
Do you still remember this id password?
@shocktower70 15 лет назад
You don't need to understand the lauguage to understand what the lass is saying.... wish there was more that two songs
@user-uk4xl7rf3z 5 лет назад
MON Erzya!!!Pek paro!!!!!
@Vojak3 13 лет назад
@MrNakki Look at the finnish Wikipedia.. she's born in the part of Karelia, which is part of Finland today.
@EneriGiilaan 14 лет назад
@TheAnitamus En missään tapauksessa halua rajoittaa keskustelua sinänsä. Tarkoitan että tämä kommenttiformaatti rajoittaa mielekästä ajatustenvaihtoa vähänkin monimutkaisemmasta asiasta. Kun ei ole tilaa taustoittaa, niin homma tuppaa menemään lyhyiden väitteiden laukomiseksi, jotka "vastapuoli" helposti ymmärtää väärin joutuessaan tulkitsemaan asiaa omassa mielessään olevien stereotyyppien kautta. Ja tämä asia on aivan selvästi ja ymmärrettävästi herkkä myös ja nimenomaan meille suomalaisille.
@Vojak3 13 лет назад
Does anyone have the karelian lyrics for this song?
@breizhcatalonia1993 13 лет назад
@Vojak3 language but the language is also speaked in finland
@Vojak3 13 лет назад
It sounds medieval.. cool!
@nicolassalminen5901 6 лет назад
Ylen oli tshoma!
@anal1215 3 года назад
هاي انا مريت من هنا♥
@dersu83 14 лет назад
@TheAnitamus I checked it but no match. Difficult to live without the meaning of these words. Any idea? Otherwise I need to learn that language.
@Feskochsnus 12 лет назад
yes, u are right, actually.
@Vojak3 13 лет назад
Which karelian is meant? The karelian dialect in sotheast Finland or the karelian language in the russian karelian republic? Does she know the karelian language?
@TheLemminkainen 3 месяца назад
yes larelian language
@MrNakki 13 лет назад
@Vojak3 this is Karelian language, not the dialect. And she knows the language, and as far as I know she's originally from Karelia. I might be wrong though.
@dersu83 15 лет назад
Where can I find the lyrics?
@Vojak3 12 лет назад
Why in Sweden? So no arabic person immigrates directly from Arabiato Finnland?
@Vojak3 12 лет назад
A "Hassan Heinonen" is most likely not finnish, but a finno-muslim mixed person. Not every person with finnish citizenship is finnish. Do you know ETHNIC GROUPS?
@Vojak3 11 лет назад
Yes, very sad.
@0thepyat0 7 лет назад
I'm not sure there is such a thing as a Russian any more than there's such a thing as a Celt. Russia is a nation patched together from several ethnicities, rather like precolonial America. When folks say "Russia," they drag along with that very diverse ethnicities, some of which ARE Finno-Ugric. Many of these folks are getting back to their roots, just as Estonia and Karelia are getting back to theirs. The same confusion happens a lot when people speak of Britain as a unit when in fact they mean just England. Any time you have some imperialistic nation beside others that have felt the brunt of that imperialism, for example, England dominating Scotland and Wales, bad history textbooks tend to lump them into one unit when in fact they are quite, quite different. There is a lot that England has done and been that Scotland has wanted no part of. Then if you look deeper, you see that northern England can often have more in common with Scotland than it ever had with London. Many people outside of Scandinavia lump Finland in there, too, when really they mean the nordics. Then if you go back historically, in some ways northwestern Norway may have been far more Finnish than Scandinavian because Finnic peoples populated that area way back when, and yet skeletons dug from that area will by default be called Scandinavian or worse, Viking simply because Vikings are Travis-Fimmel sexy and will sell. Viking is a term that's wholly abused by the media, etc. That's supposed to be your tall blonde Swedish warrior, when in fact the Baltic sea had several warrior/trader types, and the term completely overshadows all the trading, fishing, and trapping that had been around in the Baltic for thousands of years. It's almost as if the historians are saying, "Finally, something interesting is happening in this area," when in fact all sorts of culture and commerce was going on before and after the Viking age. I think this is largely left over from the Victorian era's need to reinforce nationalism, and they'd invent a mythology that fit their agenda, nearly entirely obscuring the extant mythologies.
@user-bl1cbrA9o 6 лет назад
The Pyat Well said. Subtle points sorted out, made me smile too
@dj3us 5 лет назад
Russia shouldn’t exist.
@breizhcatalonia1993 4 года назад
@@dj3us You should ask the diferent nationalities of Rússia.
@breizhcatalonia1993 4 года назад
@@user-bl1cbrA9o Ukranian?
@breizhcatalonia1993 4 года назад
There is no Russian nation, but there is and should be a Russian state.
@Pihota1111 7 лет назад
"Распускалися знамёна кумачём последних ран. Шли лихие эскадроны приамурских партизан".
@АлександрКарху 3 года назад
Мне кажется, что здесь молодия украинской песни: "Распрягайте, хлопцы, коней"...
@manricoPH 6 лет назад
@Feskochsnus 12 лет назад
haha, if u only knew how many finnish ppl that also speak arabic u would be very supriced. come to ruotsinsuomalainen koulu in stockholm, all of the kids are named Hassan Heinonen and so on :P And after finnish the most common language at home in ruotsinsuomalainen families, guess what, its farsi, arabic and spanish. :P
@moisuomi 3 года назад
The fuck 🤨
@Vojak3 11 лет назад
Here she seems like someone who loves her people, her language, her culture, her nation, and the history of her people. And today she converted to islam. :/
@danielholowaty2648 6 лет назад
Vojak3 wtf
@dj3us 5 лет назад
Why not? If she didn’t care about her people, language, culture, nation and history of her people - she’d became Russian!..
@onyx9943 5 лет назад
Vojak3 Salty much? ;) Religion and culture are nonexclusive... You can live the most European lifestyle ever and be a Muslim at the same time no problem. (unless people around you are absolute arses, which case it might be difficult).
@kovacrascalov1675 4 года назад
@@onyx9943 Islam is a cancer
@LoveSwedishGirls 11 лет назад
Esa pakarinen
@lisovyj_diadko Год назад
it's interesting. the song is Ukrainian. but in Karelian hmmm
@fartreta 15 лет назад
I didn't know that Joan Baez had a twin sister in Karelia...
@aleksandrvasilev6723 6 лет назад
Родина Венгров оказалась Сибирь)))
@dj3us 5 лет назад
И при чём тут это?
@user-ek9vc9yr5d 4 года назад
Ничего особенного, просто финно-угорский капздец)
@EneriGiilaan 14 лет назад
@TheAnitamus Eiköhän tämä laulu ole alueelta joka ei koskaan ole Suomeen kuulunutkaan - paitsi korkeintaan jonkin aikaa sodan kuluessa. Mutta tosi on, että venäläisten suhtautuminen omien vähemmistöjensä kulttuureihin ja niiden säilyttämiseen on aika horjuvaa.
@user-hd5jl4zx6m 5 лет назад
По долинам и по взгорьям?..
@dgsf9444 4 года назад
"Розпрягайте, хлопці, коней"
@kekelatomski 10 лет назад
It is sad to read all the shit here ... Carelians are very strong part of finns. It is one of main part of our genes . We finns and carelians , are not slavic , but in east-carelian language , there is more russian words . In finnish we have them also , a few . But hey , everyone is using our word: "SAUNA" . In swedish sauna is "bastu" ... in russian "banja". Also it is said that finnish word : "rapakivi" is common in other countries . ----------------- We can not help the situation that finns were living all over the coasts of Bay of Finland . As in the area of St Petersburg , as in Finland . We just were too democratic to have a king , and stayed without borders. Under swedes or under russians . But we always had the control.-------------- But please , enjoy our music , and just leave it like it is , with no hate or crap throwing.
@kekelatomski 9 лет назад
+Justin Perttu Why dont you include some documents here ? It would be easier to continue . I know the conversation that northern russians are actually ethnic finns . In Russia it was not so popular, even the idea came from there . My genes come strongly from Northern Karelia , but if you feel your duty to tell about my capability speaking english ... you are welcome to proceed with finnish. With russian I prefer only to speak as my language comes fro the streets of St.P .
@kekelatomski 9 лет назад
+kekelatomski Ja tekopyhyydestä voimme keskustella vaikka laajemmin esim. facebookissa . Asiasta keskustelin viimeksi kuukausi sitten Moskovan Cityssä batjushkan kanssa . Jos koet olevasi kykenevä rakentavaan keskusteluun ja avaat persoonasi .
@kekelatomski 9 лет назад
+kekelatomski Se että pohjois-Venäjällä asuu suomensukuisia sankoin joukoin ei tee karjalaisista slaaveja . Tässä nyt pintaraapaisu aiheesta kansan kielellä . yle.fi/uutiset/suomalaiset_outo_kansa_eurooppalaisten_joukossa/6151349
@kekelatomski 9 лет назад
+kekelatomski Uskallan väittää että jos otetaan otanta henkilöistä joilla on tunnettu vahva slaavilainen perimä ja verrokkina mahdollisimman puhtaita karjalaisia , niin itäsuomalaiset ovat kovin lähellä karjalaisia . Esim. vaikkapa juuri Tverin karjalaiset ovat kyllä levittäneet perimäänsä paljonkin Pietarin ja Moskovan välillä. Moskovasta sitten löytyykin helposti oikeita slaavi-venäläisiä . en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tver_Karelians
@kekelatomski 9 лет назад
+Justin Perttu If you are Karelian , please use your own language then . And do not worry . I will understand . As I will understand if you speak russian or some other languages. But please , be so kind and translate your words : "Karelians are a small ethnic group but the Fennoscandia Biographic Project, dna tests on myself, and more. " What you really want to say with it ??? I asked you to show test results that Karelians are related to Slavs. You also seem to love the sentence : "Spread the hate" . On what purpose ?
@babdosvan5606 3 года назад
If a vamp get u spurt I'll find you a donald it's a hBack up card
@breizhcatalonia1993 12 лет назад
finland and russia are brothers.
@dj3us 5 лет назад
Heck no.
@merames1921 5 лет назад
@miningboi4207 5 лет назад
@patriot52realfinn22 Год назад
Nykypäivän poppareilla ei ole ääntä yhtään jos Helin ääneen vertaa. Laulaa kuin Joan Baez.
@otsoytmusic7338 2 года назад
Whoever believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself. Whoever does not believe God has made him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has borne concerning his Son.
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