
Historical Paul: What Scholars Actually Know About Paul's Life, Beliefs, and Personality 

Bart D. Ehrman
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26 сен 2024




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@vintagejoehill Год назад
Looking forward to seeing all of this. Very sorry for your mother's passing Bart. May her memory be a blessing.
@camilleespinas2898 Год назад
When I heard the description “ down in the muck” I sat up with surprised notice. This sounds like a strange story ,but I almost died several years ago and had a vivid out- body-experience when I was close to deaths hooked up to a respirator. organ failure. I wbecame aware I was in the real muck .. a sticky brown muck in a dark place like a deep darkly lit basement. There were other people with me trying to lift their arms or legs out of the muck, but to no avail as the muck was sticky and as one tried to pull a arm or leg free only to be pulled back down .
@camilleespinas2898 Год назад
Sorry I messed that up trying to correct my grammar and it printed itself .. to to finish my story … i began to pray for myself and the other , I will call them shadow people. I couldn’t see faces, yet I knew they were people.. i was swept out of the mud room by a muddy river. I had to struggle to try and keep my head above water . I knew I was drowning . It turns out this was what was really happening to me in real life as my kidneys had stopped working and I my body was swollen with unprocessed fluid. As I struggled to keep my head up and keep from drowning I looked up and saw many very bright light beings that I knew were people, but I could not see their faces. I thought to myself, maybe one of them ( the bright light beings ) could help me. It was then that I recognized one of the light beings as my father only because he wore a bright white shining uniform that I recognized. I thought no way could I even expect him to jump in this brown muddy river and get that bright white suit dirty. It was then he jumped in and i woke up and opened my eyes to see nurses bending over me. It was later in my difficult recovery that my husband told me my father had died while I was i in this coma.
@stevenkarner6872 Год назад
@@r0ky_M What do you mean by "mean"..?
@hegagi839 3 месяца назад
What scholars knew was from books they read. They couldn't possibly live during the time of Paul. Whatever scholars said were based on their analysis and conjecture which maybe biased or wrong.
@GoZags43 Год назад
Dr. Ehrman, I can honestly say that you are the professor I’ve learned the most from in my life, and I have never even had the pleasure of being in one of your courses. I’ve learned more from your online courses than all the professors I had when I got my bachelors degree in English. I just wanted to thank you for the great work you’ve done over the years and also offer my condolences for your loss. Loss is the most unfortunate reality of the human condition. Your family will be in my thoughts as you go through this difficult time.
@bartdehrman Год назад
Hey GoZags - it's Chris writing for Bart. If you've taken his courses, you probably know me. I love this comment and just wanted to gift you a free course of your choosing from our store. Shoot me an email at chris (at) doubtingthomas dot com and I'll hook you up. Sorry for the weird email. I don't want it to get picked up by web scrapers.
@ibmor7674 Год назад
@@bartdehrmanWow nice gesture, I hope that the commenter sees your generous gift.
@adolfoobando718 Год назад
@@bartdehrman The Bible Is the most famous Book in the World and it was written thousands of years before you and Bart Erhman was born. In a legal hearing, the only valid and accepted testimony will be that of true eyewitnesses who saw, heard and spoke with the people, in the same places and time referred to in the trial. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are. Bart Erhman was never in Palestine nor did he know Jesus Christ nor the apostles nor the Jews, Greeks and Romans of that time. It is more than obvious who is telling the truth and who is lying. Bart Erhman is a totally false witness!... and he is saying that the men who wrote that thousands of years ago is not correct? He Is a Big lier. Bart Ehrman is a poor devil that sooner or later Will go to the burning Hell. Poor apostate! 😈👉🏻☠️🔥🔥🔥 John 21:24 "This is the disciple who is bearing witness about these things, and who has written these things, and we know that his testimony is true." Book of Revelation 22:18-20 "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus".
@adolfoobando718 Год назад
@@bartdehrman Mr Bart, you should convert to Islam and teach courses in Saudi Arabia against the Bible. So you would not have to be asking students for financial aid to survive. You would swim in money and be happy freely criticizing the Bible and the Christian faith. But it is possible that they end up cutting off your head if at any time it occurs to you to criticize the divine inspiration of the Qur'an.
@adolfoobando718 Год назад
@@bartdehrman @@bartdehrman Mr. Bart, I was a Baptist for many years, but I am still a Christian and will continue to be until after I am dead. I studied the Hebrew, Greek and Arabic languages ​​and many other things. Now I am more than Baptist. Now I have power of the Holy Spirit in my life and God has given me gifts. I am not famous like you but I help many people in different places in various ways. I don't ask for money. I have my own job. Years ago I have known of you and your studies and your abandonment of Christianity and faith in the Bible. I must say that his problem of incredulity with God is lack of experiences and real experiences of the power of the Holy Spirit in his life. You allowed Satan to deceive you through Bruce Metzger and many others. I know who he was. I have several critical editions of that new testament in Greek and have studied their commentaries and analysis for years. Unlike you, I did not become an agnostic or an atheist. I am a person who is very sensitive to the needs of poor and sick people. But I am also a very prayerful person and I am very sensitive to hearing the voice of God. You are an intellectual but you do not have nor have you ever seen a real miracle from God in your life because you stopped praying and never had a spiritual discipline. I am going to tell you about my family experience: My mother had a serious incurable physical disease in her body 44 years ago. She was going to die in just 6 months in a hospital. She vomited and lost a lot of blood. She was very sick and she went into an unconscious state and she couldn't move or speak anymore. She was Catholic. We were all Catholics and ignorant of the Bible and Jesus Christ. But at that moment a man of God appeared in the hospital and said a healing prayer for my mother. The prayer worked, though not immediately. It was a process of several weeks and months. Finally my mother fully recovered. Today, after so many years, she is still alive and in excellent health. In 1984 I was also sick and had a different but also incurable disease in my body. I went into my room alone and closed the door. I then said a simple prayer of faith and asked God for my healing in Jesus Name. I also received complete healing in my body and today I am healthy and happy. Let me tell you that you need to know the Holy Spirit as a real person. He can also heal you of his health problem. He only asks God in faith and he will receive healing in his Name. You need to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and that will give you true faith and power and the true presence of God will come to you and help you. The Gospel is not reduced solely to a mere question of language and textual criticism. The Gospel is not just empty words, but the Power of God. That is what you do not have and he does not know. You need the real presence of the Spirit of God. In my "Baptist Era" I had certain criticisms of God's justice, like you. But I never rebelled against God. On the contrary, I sought him out in prayer more and more. And I began to hear his voice inside very strongly and in a real way. I had important dreams where God (Jesus Christ himself) spoke to me. You can doubt this if you want. But it was real and very logical. He told me things about my life that were going to happen in the future and they finally did. There are a few other things to happen yet. But that gave me confidence in Him and my criticism of God disappeared. I wish I could help him get over his existential crisis and his bitterness and resentment against God. But I can't do that. You must do it. you can do it. Sincerely cry out to God like a child and you will truly know God. Ask him with humility that his Holy Spirit come to you and baptize you and you will be free from that disbelief. You will see things change in his life for the better, if you only believe God and seek him from the heart. Be humble and look it up! He will embrace you like the prodigal son, he will forgive you, he will heal you, he will save you and he will throw a great party of reconciliation with and for you. What are you waiting for? εὐφρανθῆναι δὲ καὶ χαρῆναι ἔδει, ὅτι ὁ ἀδελφός σου οὗτος νεκρὸς ἦν καὶ ἔζησεν, καὶ ἀπολωλὼς καὶ εὑρέθη.
@audionmusic2787 Год назад
I am often amazed that Christians take more doctrinal direction from Paul than from James. Marketing in action. The original, apostolic faith required daily acts of goodness to evidence the belief in Christ. Paul called this heresy, advancing the spurious idea that no mere mortal can be good. Even trying is blasphemy. This turned out to be much more popular than actually having to live a good life. New converts merely had to declare a few simple words and then nothing more was required. This made the faith grow so rapidly and widely. Laziness. The gift of Paul.
@HistoryandReviews Год назад
Jesus said, “NO ONE is good but God alone” sooo
@HistoryandReviews Год назад
@@Music-saveslives there is absolutely no proof that James the brother of Jesus wrote anything. Plus the epistle labeled as James never claims to be his brother. 2 it was written in highly educated koine GREEK a language James would not have written or spoken. Although I agree “faith without works is dead” we should not force our own beliefs on who the author was
@diansc7322 Год назад
that's not true, considering early Christianity and the Catholic Church that developed from it do not affirm at all that you are saved from faith alone but you need works
@davidk7529 Год назад
And if you *dare* challenge my authority on the matter, you’ll be damned. What a wonderfully convenient tool for power-craving lunatics.
@AndrewofVirginia Год назад
I don't believe that st. Paul ever said it was blasphemy to try to act righteously. See Romans 2 where he even seems to link justification with the "doers of the law" rather than the hearers only.
@itsdave.j Год назад
Dr James Tabor is such a good storyteller. I could possibly hear him explaining about Paul and other biblical stuffs for hours. Literally
@investigandolabiblia Год назад
Very true!! And his works get complicated but if one goes slow there is so much golden nuggets
@davidbarrett590 Год назад
I am a great fan of Bart's but it was fascinating to listen to James. A different style but equally magnetic. I can see why they are friends! We owe you both so much for such scholarship.
@nathanfoust9104 Год назад
I think they should have all three of them together for a podcast.
@investigandolabiblia Год назад
100 percent!!! I would definitely say that James tabor is a bit more knowledgeable Than Bart on Paul
@investigandolabiblia Год назад
@@nathanfoust9104that would be amazing! Worth at least the price of a movie ticket
@nathanfoust9104 Год назад
@@investigandolabiblia Both are amazing! I could listen to both of them all day. :)
@investigandolabiblia Год назад
@@nathanfoust9104 100 percent!! they should sell a private event where the public can go and ask them questions
@robmurray33 Год назад
So sorry to hear of your loss, Dr. Ehrman. Condolences to you and your family.
@andrewmays3988 Год назад
DR. James Tabor will now be on my reading list. This interview has caused me to rethink what little I know about Paul and his understanding of Christ's resurrection.
@michaelbuley3373 Год назад
Listening to this conversation, my impression is that the 1st schism in the Christian Church is between Paul and the other Apostles.
@joecurran2811 Год назад
That's Tabor's view. I certainly think it can't be discounted.
@salvadorceriaco6857 Год назад
What if Dr. Tabor is wrong in his exposition of Paul.If Jesus Christ truly revealed Himself to Paul.That is GOD 's supreme will,no man can question. Paul declaration that Jesus Christ is GOD & Savior of mankind proof his service to God Almighty. The mystery of the Church,all Jesus Christ believers,was not revealed in Old Testament, only in New Testament. ..,.
@travis1240 Год назад
I think that is quite true, and I don't think most serious scholars would really refute that. Peter's church died out soon after the Jewish war, and Paul's church wrote the "history" we have today.
@theclassysassymama7515 Год назад
That is because Paul was a Roman con artist, he was NOT an apostle. He invented Christianity and neither knew nor followed Jesus which is why the church is always quoting him and ignoring Jesus who clearly taught and lived something entirely different than Paul's religion.
@nokhchi1079 Год назад
@@theclassysassymama7515 Paul was the biggest Con Artist in the ancient world. The thing is that the only people who believed Paul were the pagan Greeks. The Jewish followers of Jesus didnt follow paul. How could they forsake everything they learnt from Jesus and then follow Pauls teachings contradicting everything Jesus taught them. Any person could come along and say that they were seeing visions of Jesus and receiving revelation. And there were actually many more imposters like paul, but paul was successful in his deceit deceptive and manipulative agenda and targeted the gentiles who were ignorant gentiles.
@arturobandini4078 Год назад
I only discovered Professor Ehrman's work around summertime last year. Before that, I'd never had a serious interest in the history of Christianity, or in religion generally. But his words hooked me and I watch these videos, and listen to his previous lectures on Audible, every week. Fascinating and eye-opening perspectives, with deep ideas clearly explained for a layman like me. Thanks so much for what you do, Bart!
@JayWest14 Год назад
I found his content a few years back and have followed him ever since.
@origenjerome8031 Год назад
I would like to suggest that you also watch videos of the Islamic preacher Ahmed Deedat. He was known as the Lion of Islam. One interesting thing about Ahmed Deedat, he was a Muslim and yet he talked and preached about Christianity and the New Testament more than he preached the Quran. Search his videos on RU-vid.
@johnbernays-b5y 11 месяцев назад
Paul the Apostle was a Hateful Monster!!! Who do you ignore ROMANS CHAPTER. !? Chapter 1 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
@johnprentice1527 Год назад
I'm only about halfway through this discussion between Megan and James Tabor, but I'm enjoying it immensely and learning so much. I love that Mr. Tabor is quite clear about what we can know about Paul and what we can only speculate. This is a man who has done rigorous scholarship yet has the humility to tell us what we don't know and perhaps can never know. Very refreshing.
@rambutan3788 Год назад
By attacking Paul, Dr Tabor is also attacking Christianity.. Dr Tabor is a lackey of the Devil, Satan, on these last days. And they are many of them. Beware.
@johnprentice1527 Год назад
@@rambutan3788 Enjoy your delusions. I know they give you comfort, but they are delusions nonetheless.
@rambutan3788 Год назад
@@johnprentice1527 Do not rely your fate on this so called modern scholars. They are like the Scribes and Pharisees in Jesus time. They took self pride as masters and scholars of the scriptures but Jesus branded them as serpents and vipers. Where did Dr Tabor base his teachings? From the works of scholars and other scholars. In contrast to Paul whose teachings he claimed were from Jesus Christ..Between Dr Tabor and St Paul, who are you going to believe? Your common sense will save you from destruction.
@txfreethinker Год назад
Great video and so sorry about your mom's passing, Dr. Ehrman. My condolences to you and your family and may she rest in peace. 😔
@Jeremy-am Год назад
Oh, my at first I thought you said Dr. Ehrman passed away 😢 but I am sorry and my condolences go out to the Ehrman family
@Εύροκλύδων Год назад
I was about to skip this one because it wasn't Dr. Ehrman but I was really happy that I continued to listen. High quality content.
@exoplanet11 Год назад
I love it when Megan chimes in with some cross-references to Messopotamia to give perspective. Very useful.
@MetaphorUB Год назад
I’m so glad that the two of you are friends! You’re both such inspirational scholars and teachers in your fields. I live in Chapel Hill and hope to see both of you live some day. And you and your family have my condolences.
@MrTrickatreat Год назад
lok'tar ogar
@MetaphorUB Год назад
@@MrTrickatreat #ZugZug
@rambutan3788 Год назад
Both are deceivers.
@jeffreylehman1159 Год назад
@@rambutan3788 Right, they are deceivers because they discuss the meaning of the text?
@gensgreenmagic6871 4 месяца назад
If you went to court and said “I witnessed this! I wasn’t physically there, but I had a vision!” You’d be laughed out, and rightly so.
@stephenscharf643 Год назад
Thank you Dr Ehrman! I'm newer to your lectures but have been listening to a ton the last month or so. I really appreciate the uploads and will be getting your books. Much appreciated!
@Jennifer83881 Год назад
So interesting to learn how Paul was effected by the philosophies of his time. How his views differ from other biblical resurrection/afterlife views. Enlightening lesson. Thank you.
@zapkvr Год назад
@JohnStopman Год назад
I'm very sorry to hear that your mother has passed away. Stay strong! ❤
@dbarker7794 8 месяцев назад
I have a hard time equating a "visionary experience" with an "eyewitness account." This bugged me while reading Tabor's wonderful book Paul and Jesus, and I'm still not buying that idea. Anyway, thanks for the great podcast. 👍
@jrhemmerich 8 месяцев назад
At 53:40 Dr. Tabor is asked a good question about Paul’s Jewish background, and belief in the resurrection in contrast to the rather heavenly or spiritualized Greek view that Dr. Tabor has of Paul. I’m always surprised when intelligent people just skip right over how Paul uses/defines spiritual body in 1 Cor. 15:42, “What is sown is perishable; what is raised is imperishable….It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body.” Evidently, Paul understands spiritual as the equivalent of giving the quality of immortality to a resurrected mortal body in this cosmos. It really is not more difficult than that. The same thing is indicated in 1 Peter 1:4. The ponderings about where Jesus went upon his ascension has reasonable possibilities besides freezing on the moon. The third heaven was mentioned, but it is quit likely that heaven is not thought of as “up there” but more as a dimension that is on the other side of what we can see. So Jesus did not just go up, but crossed over into that side of reality called heaven in scripture. There really is no good reason to go outside of Hebrew culture to understand what Paul was saying. We just have to pay attention to what he actually says. He will often tell us what he means. Anyway, it’s always interesting to listen. Thanks.
@honeysucklecat Год назад
Paul screams con man. He says what only con men say. It’s obvious.
@KeithMakank3 Год назад
Bart coming through strong with the 1 hour content. This is literally why I got RU-vid Premium.
@OhManTFE Год назад
Use ad block
@kencreten7308 Год назад
@@OhManTFE Doesn't work. With adblock, at least last time I checked, you still had to "wait for the ads (blank video window)" at least i did even with my OS level ad blocking and other tricks.
@OhManTFE Год назад
@@kencreten7308 Try ublock origin
@kencreten7308 Год назад
@@OhManTFE I use that as well, but at some point, I'm OK with paying, if ads are removed. I will to pay for that. I understand that many web companies make their living via ads. Companies have to make a buck. If companies have a no ad option, I encourage that behavior by paying rather than bucking that particular part of the system.
@OhManTFE Год назад
@@kencreten7308 You must be an ASMR channel coz you're putting me to sleep!
@shelkit Год назад
The more I learn about Paul, the more I see him being a charismatic narcissistic personality. It makes more sense to me now how Christianity rolled out (and continues to) in our world.
@HannahMitchell-Art Год назад
This. He’s pulling the same lines of grandeur that cult leaders do 😢
@melindad180 Год назад
From my personal experience, Paul has ruined good people, especially men. He turned them into a misogynist. And the worst part, is that these men, don't even have a clue. The blinder, is the belief that the 66 books are "god breathed".
@curlymyhero Год назад
I have an ebook out called "Cult of Apostle Paul" which I think is very accurate
@alassmann Год назад
The Messiah taught Kingdom Paul if he actually existed hijack the gospel or message, in Acts there are three different stories contradicts each other in his supposed road to Damascus conversion in the book of Acts, could have been a ploy to infiltrate the believers of the way
@jameswithers2334 Год назад
The Joseph Smith of early Christianity?
@karlu8553 Год назад
Fantastic conversation, love Dr. Tabor
@Jay_in_Japan Год назад
Seems suspicious that a persecutor of Christ's followers would become one of their main proponents... almost as if, in order to destroy Jesus' teachings, Paul infiltrated the group & subverted it from the inside...
@NoSpam1891 Год назад
Oldest trick in the book. "I was a sinner but the love of Jeeeesus saved me!" Still works 2,000 years later.
@Loenthall88 Год назад
The more I have learned about Paul, the more I am persuaded he was a religious fanatic who was truly delusional. Claiming that his "revelations" superseded even the experience of the disciples that walked with Jesus is arrogance of the highest order. Like all cult leaders, his word is the only word.
@DneilB007 Год назад
Paul is very cult-ish at times (the love bombing, the “don’t trust anyone else but me” claims, the self-aggrandizement, and so on) isn’t he?
@joecurran2811 Год назад
Paul's reputation gets worse and worse...
@jannieschluter9670 4 месяца назад
not if it was the truth. your words are arrogant of the highest order. you are pauls gods and know more?
@o0o_Wheelz_o0o Месяц назад
Because you don't know Jesus Christ or understand the bible. I pray you soften your heart, open your ears to hear.
@smb123211 Год назад
Bart gave me a lift when I needed more reasons to abandon faith. His ideas on the Paul of Acts vs the Paul of the letters hit home. I'd already dismissed virtually all conversations, particularly when folks are in the desert or in war or alone with others but the idea that whole speeches would have to be remembered word for word had never occurred to me. Thanks
@lawsonj39 Год назад
Nietzsche says the same thing--essentially, that Paul invented Christianity.
@krzysztofciuba271 Год назад
All..lunatics, one- theological, the other -philosophical!
@dancahill9585 Год назад
I certainly hope Bart comes around to this topic again. I'd love to hear Bart's viewpoint on Paul, who I believe is the most important Christian of all time.
@jimmoss9584 Год назад
Paul, was an opportunist who made a life for himself, from the life of another.
@stylis666 Год назад
And thus the tradition of the christian church was founded.
@mosswareproaudio6328 Год назад
Catholic Church.
@terencedavid3146 Год назад
If one does not take the opportunities life affords affords them, then that person is a fool. A word of advice mate, stay far from such people.
@jeffersonneto1378 Год назад
Really?! .. the man was persecuted and killed by his faith... How in the world is that opportunistic?!
@jmoss99 Год назад
That is not a test of anything. He made made a business decision and built himself a life out of nothing. All the weird S--t comes from Paul, not Christ. Religion is full of con-artists. Just look at the Mormon religion. I studied comparative religions in college. People fall for the fear aspect of religion. A lot of religions are studied on psychology courses they are so bazaar under the title of influence. You cannot see this if you are in it. How many times have I heard "I don't read the bible, I just have faith". Where is that at? It is like you have your own personal faith that you call Christian, but it is not connected to anything that Christ ever said. That is called crazy.
@isrbillmeyer Год назад
James Tabor's book Paul and Jesus and Robert Eisenman's books on the subject is very instructive.
@charleskimbrell9040 7 месяцев назад
What I like about Paul is when he says you have to promise people ressurection, otherwise your religion won´t sell(First Corinthians ch 15).
@keitho8131 Год назад
Subscribed to Dr. James Tabor channel based on this. Look forward to listening!
@nathanfoust9104 Год назад
Dr. Tabor is really good. Very good personality, and great speaker.
@PatrickPease Год назад
We got a substitute teacher today? i bet he makes us watch a video...
@PatrickPease Год назад
♥️ such an honor!
@andreasschuldei9033 Год назад
its funny seeing Magen interact with James vs her interact with Bart. Her interactions with Bart are much more on eye-level and conversational while james is rather frontal, talking and magan hardly gets a word in. I like the more back-and-forth style of bart and magan.
@justmagicmostly Год назад
Agreed. That's all on James for just continuing to talk over while she's trying to interject. I found it pretty off-putting.
@Purwapada Год назад
I lovethis episode so many fascinating points made. Tabor is great
@tmstani23 Год назад
It sounds from this like Paul was bi-polar.
@barrymoore4470 Год назад
I do suspect he suffered from mental illness (his conversion experience on the road to Damascus could easily be interpreted as a psychotic episode).
@tmstani23 Год назад
@@barrymoore4470 Yea I suppose with a purely materialist perspective there is no room for revelation as it will always be considered some form of psychosis or natural pattern recognition. But it does seem like from his personality characteristics and preponderance of psychotic episodes and mania as well as narcissism that he was bipolar or something similar
@elle6621 Год назад
There is one interesting detail/ similarity about the Paul’s Hebrew name “Saul” and story of King Saul in the Old Testament. King Saul persecuted David like Paul did with the early followers of Jesus (messiah). And the future Messiah is expected to come from this Davidic Line. This makes me think whether Paul chose or mentioned the name Saul refering the story of Kind Saul and David. I think this similarity would be impactful especially among the Jewish followers of Jesus and affirm the idea that Jesus was the Messiah from the house of David.
@nienkepoiesz3023 Год назад
I don't think Paul ever mentioned the name Saul himself. I think it is only mentioned in Acts,written by "Luke". But it is an interresting analogy nontheless.
@ruthbates9549 Год назад
Saul from the tribe of Benjamin also suffered from a "troubling spirit".
@Nick-Nasti Год назад
It's just transition of the same name. Example: Josua = Jesus
@juannifer32 Год назад
I noticed that Paul's letters come after the Four Gospels when Paul's letters were before the Four Gospels and I think the reason for this was because Paul teaches that the law is no longer needed and we are now under Grace. But Jesus says the opposite but if you put Paul's letters last it seems like yes Jesus says this but then Jesus comes to Paul comes with his message that the law is no longer needed and just belief in the death and resurrection. Paul's letters coming first and the Four Gospels coming afterwards would definitely change the perspective of some things.
@krzysztofciuba271 Год назад
? Simple: Paul was smarter than Jesus@damned uneducated fishermen(the 12). All of them did not know Bible's hermeneutics like their dumb teachers, rabbis at that time
@mariaandreaspashi1931 Год назад
Pauls teachings are the new covenant, not under laws, under righteousness of Love, not self righteousness to the Law. Jesus' teachings were righteousness according to Love, if you study Pauls epistles you can have this understanding. There's no Love in the Law, Jesus accomplished the new covenant, fulfilled the Law.
@juannifer32 Год назад
@@mariaandreaspashi1931 So Jesus didn't share this new covenant with his disciples? Because the disciples were still under the law. Why would Jesus only tell Paul this. I thought we were under grace after Jesus died but yet no one knows this until Paul came? Paul came way after Jesus so why did Jesus wait so long to tell people they are under grace?
@mariaandreaspashi1931 Год назад
@@juannifer32 Jesus taught new covenant to all disciples, but they were still confused, and had misunderstanding of Jesus's purpose up until Jesus was crucified, I don't know what you mean about grace, but not earned means we cannot be righteous through self, anything to do with self expressions, trying to please God through self expressions isn't righteousness, we cannot earn it, but through Jesus, the new covenant righteousness of Love. The disciples and Jewish sects were conditioned to please God through Laws and practices, Paul had task to teach Jews and pagans and transition from self righteousness of Law to righteousness of Love, that's why circumcision or not made no difference. They measured sin with the Law. But all unrighteousness is sin 1 John 5: 16, 17 They could not sin to the Law for righteousness of Love, for Jesus, because their conscience was stuck to Law, self righteousness. And they lost purpose of Laws, God created the Law for our benefit, to preserve life, to save life. But they thought Laws was for Gods benefit, and worshipped the Law instead of God.
@mariaandreaspashi1931 Год назад
@@juannifer32 I don't know if you agree with that explanation, but another way to understand Paul's teachings that it's not through our own works, and we cannot earn, meaning not through self expressions, anything to do with self. Righteousness of Love isn't through self/ego. I gave food to the hungry, because I love God, want to please God. VS I gave food to the hungry, because my heart feels pain for their suffering and want to see them well. Jesus means to save, to rescue, meanings of Love.
@jwebb Год назад
Saul didn't see the messiah. He saw a light and heard a voice. Not that he would have recognized Him if he had seen Him.
@hermithefrog629 Год назад
And apparently his followers with him there saw the light but did not hear the voice. In a later account, they did not hear the light OR hear the sound. Very fishy.
@majesticrainmaker1460 Год назад
@Vincent Verona prophet Bart Ehrman peace be upon him
@diansc7322 Год назад
@@hermithefrog629 the later account is the one found in acts
@secallen Год назад
@@hermithefrog629who says Paul had any followers with him? Is there any independent proof that Paul was real not fictional
@Nick-Nasti Год назад
@vincentverona7773paul avoids having to describe Jesus by having only seen a "light".
@stedmanlawson5375 Год назад
Should I doubt Paul's words that he was called from he was in his mother's womb? wasn't he the the same person who was of the name Saul and was going about persecuting Christians?
@SeekingVirtueA Год назад
Why do you doubt Aristotle’s testimony of the wonders worked by Pythagoras? There were many witnesses to his miraculous signs in his day.
@BortolanAlexandre Год назад
Wow, talk about false equivalence.
@tookie36 Год назад
These podcasts are fantastic
@justmagicmostly Год назад
James could do a much better job at allowing Megan to interject. I know her voice was a little damaged but i have to believe he can see her trying to participate in the conversation and too often he just talks over her. But otherwise this was an enjoyable dialogue.
@bartdehrman Год назад
Hey it's Chris writing for Bart. I think he was having trouble hearing her. He's normally a very good "turn taker!" :)
@justmagicmostly Год назад
@@bartdehrman that's reassuring
@dianadeejarvis7074 9 месяцев назад
Many older men have trouble hearing softer, higher pitched voices. It's a physical fact. It's also a sign that maybe he should start looking into hearing aids. 😉
@justmagicmostly 9 месяцев назад
@@dianadeejarvis7074 again, he is watching Megan on the screen for the entirety of the interview. Surely he knows when her lips move it indicates she is speaking.
@dianadeejarvis7074 9 месяцев назад
@@justmagicmostly we don't know how closely he's watching her lips, especially with her fabulous eyewear. It's harder to notice than you think. My comment is based on personal experience in conversations with older men. I've sometimes had to tap them on the arm, for example.
@iyepmamun2315 Год назад
Bart is one of the most favorite scholars .
@investigandolabiblia Год назад
Me too even though I don’t always agree with him especially when he talks about Hebrew Scriptures but there is always nuggets of scholarly wisdom all over the place
@hermithefrog629 Год назад
35:28 "If you're agreeing with him and he doesn't sense opposition, he's tender, like a nurse with her child." I've experienced people like that. Warm up until you say something wrong. Reminds me of Ted Bundy. Wants childlike, trusting, believing followers who accept his authority when he cries about his bruises from when he tripped on a rock on the road to damascus. A true cult leader. It makes sense why he hates the people who actually knew Yeshua, they could contradict him and his "revelations." "If an angel tells you that Paul is wrong, let that angel be damned." It truly is telling. "Even if god directly tells you that I am lying, believe me. Trust me. I am all you need." Thank you for uploading this. I had doubts about Paul due to the shifting beliefs and the changing details of his "conversion" story, but this provided the context I needed. It's not Christianity, it's more accurately Paulinism.
@kimbirch1202 Год назад
From my research, it is clear that only a small fragment of the teachings of Jesus made into the Bible, and not even that is 100 % accurate. It is also clear that , following the crucifixion, several sects emerged, each with their own understanding of the teachings. Paul's ideas eventually won out and became accepted doctrine, yet the contemporary accounts of the disciples Thomas, and Mary disagreed, and so were rejected by the new church. Fortunately, we now have the full, comprehensive teachings of Jesus available, known as A Course In Miracles, which is essential reading for anyone who claims to be a Christian. Yet, the church hierarchies are unlikely to admit that they have been mistaken for 2,000 years. I suggest folk read it themselves, and make their own minds up.
@andresvillarreal9271 Год назад
One small detail about cloning: due to the complexities of epigenetics, you can get an exact copy of your favorite pet as far as DNA goes, but the copy might have lots of small differences from the original. Your new pet can donate organs to your old pet but be different enough in color and shape as to make you feel that you were conned.
@nasonguy Год назад
The more I learn about genetics as a whole, the more I realize that genetics is, well.... messy, complex, kind of a spaghetti bowl, and not at all straightforward.
@mariaandreaspashi1931 Год назад
You forget that you could love the copy as much, which would you sacrifice for the other
@andresvillarreal9271 Год назад
@@mariaandreaspashi1931 There are big problems with making clones of pets or any other organism and then expecting to love the second organism as if it was the first one. Love it less, love it more, or whatever, but please do not love it or interact with it based on the idea that it is a copy. In fact, I have an identical twin brother, so I have the closest thing to a clone that exists among humans. And we are not copies, we are two perfectly distinct persons who happen to be very similar in several respects. I forgot why this subject appeared in this video, but the one thing I can say is that even the idea of sacrificing one for the other is totally flawed.
@mariaandreaspashi1931 Год назад
@@andresvillarreal9271 I agree, that's the meaning in my comment, not that one would love the clone based on sameness, but on a living breathing being, as individual.
@arvilmogensen1945 Год назад
QUESTION: The Bible story of Paul’s “enlightenment” that instigated his conversion from an oppressor of those committed to the teaching of Jesus to a supporter while walking with some other men has been a contentious issue of understanding for me. Paul is overtaken, my choice of a word to describe his “Eureka” moment. Translation of tangible items from one language to another is often problematic as I have learned from personal experience. Translation across more than 2 languages also raises my concern. Translating feelings of emotion between several languages arguably even more difficult. I know neither Aramaic, Ancient Greek or Latin. However Dr. Erhman is acquainted with these ancient languages or who has access to expert linguists who can offer informed thought about the English word description of Paul’s experience. My question is: Is the English word translation of his experience, a “vision” an “epiphany of thought” or possibly either option or something else?
@ashcross Год назад
I wish you all the best with your family issue, and thank you for posting another informative and engaging video.
@beccahawkins1905 Год назад
I love that James asked Megan what she thinks at around the 6:50 mark. It’s just such a down-to-earth human moment. And especially a senior white male academic asking a younger female academic who is interviewing him what she thinks…it’s just so refreshing and nice to see that.
@davidk7529 Год назад
I never see that happening in the case of reversed gender/racial roles either, so I don’t see what’s so impressive… and honestly that’s such a low bar, it’s unfortunate that it’s still something that stands out at all. Even significant status or knowledge differences should never prevent people from eagerly sharing thoughts with each other.
@naradaian Год назад
Wow - that’s a very very very brave and clear discussion on a subject almost no one goes remotely near….wow
@pamjohnson5316 Год назад
Thanks for what y'all are doing great talks I'm learning so much I have been searching for answers for
@handstandish Год назад
Fantastic compelling viewing. Thanks Bart. James was a wonderful speaker.
@pinball1970 Год назад
Hey Bart, my thoughts and love are with you guys.
@billrobinson9704 6 месяцев назад
What do you think of the theory that Paul and other mystics may have been epileptic? I recall reading about a visit that Aquinas made with his students to Bonaventura only to find him in a trance. "Let us leave one saint as he communes with another," Aquinas said. This sounds like Bonaventura could have been in the midst of an epileptic seizure. The unexplained episodes that Karen Armstrong had in her youth were interpreted as religious experiences, and she was directed to enter a convent. However, the nuns didn't know what to do with her and sent her to university. Later, she was diagnosed as epileptic.
@garygutierrez3693 Год назад
Sorry, but the title of this episode seems misleading. The conversation was interesting, but they don't really talk about the historicity of Paul. Thanks
@KeepingWatch95 Год назад
Perhaps they are true followers of Paul... 2 Corinthians 12:16 But be it so, I did not burden you: nevertheless, being crafty, I caught you with guile.
@nedsantos1415 Год назад
I have Dr. Ehrman to thank for finding the right spiritual path for myself after spending my teen years in a cult.
@dmythica Год назад
Glad you got out. What cult?
@michaeltelson9798 8 месяцев назад
Myself, I grew up in Bishop John Shelby Spong’s diocese in northern NJ which started me on my path that has lead to Dr. Ehrman and others.
@EvanGrambas Год назад
Insightful, reflective speaker - analyser of words and ideas, interestingly
@roeescharf104 Год назад
Misquoting Paul sounds like an awesome book
@nuggetoftruth-ericking7489 Год назад
Thank you for this. It was interesting information.
@mariaandreaspashi1931 Год назад
Bart, my sympathies to you and your family, I know the seperation of a loved one is most painful, be well always.
@danbreeden8738 Год назад
Your show Is wonderful
@connornicholas5227 10 месяцев назад
I am so sorry for your loss Bart Ehrman. May your Mom rest in peace. 😔❤️🙏
@albionicamerican8806 Год назад
Paul obviously couldn't have foreseen what later generations of Christians would do with his writings, but it is unfortunate that the products of his mediocre, unremarkable mind became so important in Western culture.
@onejohn2.26 Год назад
Some feel, that Paul decided to kill the Church from the inside, because he couldn't kill them all. Most Christians won't be saved, because of Paul's word salad.
@longlakeshore Год назад
Paul had no idea his letters would become scripture two centuries later but given his arrogance I am almost certain he wouldn't object! smh...
@onejohn2.26 Год назад
@@longlakeshore What is also interesting, is, that the man who pushed Paul's writings into the Bible was Marcion. He was considered to be a heretic and the sun of satan, but he was a huge Paul fan.
@joecurran2811 Год назад
​@@onejohn2.26 Did he include them in the first canon? Weird because he didn't like the OT God because he was cruel and therefore must have been different to the NT God.
@onejohn2.26 Год назад
@@joecurran2811 as far as I know Paul's writings have always been in the cannon I don't agree with the god of the Old testament being cruel He made justice for justice was due when he had the Hebrews go in and destroy the people that were occupying the land those people were the Nehilim not fully human that was also the reason for the flood that and sin being rampant That is also the reason that the world would be destroyed now because of ramp and sin and the nephilim will return as in the days of Noah
@Mari_Oh Год назад
Even when I was a hard-core believer, I always thought Paul came off as a narcissistic a-hole.
@Hamann9631 Год назад
54:40. I'm skeptical since Doctor Tabor has done some misquoting of scripture that there is anything Hellenistic about resurrection and shining like stars. Paul taught truth. The future for those exalted by God will be to shine. That future is available to all.
@andybeans5790 Год назад
Those specs are amazing, Megan
@ivettepalacin8599 8 месяцев назад
I appreciated Tabor’s suggestion that the early church letters, being a couple decades after Jesus dies, is probably most accurate of who Paul was. By the second interview, part two, Tabor takes up all the podcast’s oxygen, a shame.
@sebolddaniel Год назад
Megan is a wonderful interviewer. It stands to reason that Paul would say tent. Perhaps tent maker is an appropriate metaphor.
@rachelhansen2417 7 месяцев назад
The more I learn about Paul, the more I dislike him. He feels more like a cult leader than anything.
@mauricematla8379 4 месяца назад
OC he was. They all were envolved in that game. Any church literally IS a cult.
@propitiated4 3 месяца назад
@@mauricematla8379I don’t think you know what “cult” means, because you’re using it completely incorrectly.
@mauricematla8379 3 месяца назад
@@propitiated4Or ,perhaps, you are missing somerhing here.
@propitiated4 3 месяца назад
@@mauricematla8379 You use a word incorrectly, and your reply is I am missing something. Yeah. Okay.
@ryanrestivo4270 9 месяцев назад
Paul belongs in the Bible for the same reason that the snake was put into the garden! It is our choice to listen to Gods laws or the commentary of the snake. What a beautiful book that echos lessons and speaks to us in real time! ❤
@sherrydubois6164 4 месяца назад
@ryanrestivo4270 Guard the garden but don't pull up the tares. God can still make use of them and they will get burned up at the end of the harvest.
@tedgrant2 Год назад
Peter Popoff claims to have spoken with Jesus, about me and what he wants me to do. Apparently, if I make a small donation, Jesus will reward me many times over ! It's a pity Jesus didn't cut out the middle man and talk to me directly.
@simonkoster Год назад
At the end of part one, when Dr. James describes Paul's attitude towards his followers vs. his opponents, Paul comes across as a textbook narcissistic cult leader.
@HannahMitchell-Art Год назад
Exactly what I thought. Ugh.
@nienkepoiesz3023 Год назад
I disagree, he comes across as a turbulent bundel of emotions. (In his letters, that is.). Unless one prefers a more clinical view and suspects it to be all clever manipulation, I found him to be rather endearing, all together.
@kacang2 2 месяца назад
Would be great to hear James Tabor debate this with NT Wright. One from an extreme skeptical view vs a conservative mainstream believer’s view. Is this podcast willing to facilitate?
@ThisTrainIsLost 3 месяца назад
Megan is conducting an interview but the good Doctor is giving a lecture.
@Robert_L_Peters Год назад
Thank you
@vvaloachi7263 Год назад
Paul never said that, he is writing on behalf of Holy spirit. he just wrote a letter to his friends. Then his followers made that simple letter into ''word of God'' !!!! .
@mardishores4016 Год назад
Since Jesus was crucified years before he 'appeared' to Paul, how could Paul 'know' what Jesus looked like?
@keithsmith3678 Год назад
Good question!
@defer114 Год назад
He met people that knew Jesus, they could have just described what he looked like.
@renocicchi7346 Год назад
@@defer114the funny thing is, the Bible says almost nothing about how Jesus looked, except that he didn’t stand out in any particular way. It would be hard for people to describe how a completely normal person looked many years later, when even today eyewitness accounts are so unreliable that days after a crime can have innocent people be sent to prison
@defer114 Год назад
@@renocicchi7346 Paul writes that he met Jesus' brother James as well as the Apostle Simon Peter, pretty sure his own brother would have known how he looked.
@EricTheYounger Год назад
I mean Paul was alive when Jesus was alive. It’s not hard to imagine they could have met before the crucifixion.
@TheSqueaky357 11 месяцев назад
Faith is required to believe .
@GlobalAtlantis101 Год назад
Fantastic 👌🏻 thanks so much 😊
@wiskadjak Год назад
In 1st Corinthians 11:4-5 Paul goes on at length about head coverings. He also strongly implies that it is OK for women to prophecy as long as their heads are covered. In the following chapters he writes about spiritual gifts but not a word about boys only until we get to 14:34-36. Here the text changes from Paul's usual active 1st person voice to weasel words about how women should be silent in church. I think this is a much later, orthodox, interpolation. Paul was an aggressive radical. I don't think he would have put up with this kind of ret-con rubbish.
@lovetwentyfourseven7428 9 месяцев назад
The glory is within all things; and he is saying that the glory within you is what rises up. Comparing it to a seed in a plant. When the shell cracks. The plant then becomes.
@LandELiberation Год назад
As a response to the point about ascent literature I would argue the sefer hekalot contains excerpts of reports of similar experiences that give the best context for Paul's ascent given a late second-temple background
@veikoplays Год назад
Megan I hope You have recovered and feel well!
@paulohagan3309 Год назад
Agreed.Towards the end the poor girl looked like she just wanted it to be over and get back to her sick bed. Should have cut it short no matter how fascinating,
@phoenixkennedy5927 Год назад
No one does a better job than Bernadette Roberts at explaining the difference between resusitation and resurrection.
@johnrogers7772 Год назад
A great video. The discussion in Part 2 concerning Paul's conception of the afterlife is very similar to modern-day NDE descriptions (i.e., Dr's Mary Neal and Eben Alexander). Paul possibly had a NDE after being stoned in Deby and being left for dead outside the city gate. Which may explain his 'vision'.
@Purwapada Год назад
or the mystical experience. Kenosis etc. very neoplatonic
@honeysucklecat Год назад
Paul lied. Best explanation. It’s obvious he was a con man.
@johnrogers7772 Год назад
@@busterbiloxi3833 Near Death Experience. Bruce Greyson's videos on RU-vid are a good place to start researching. Beware - there is a lot of variety in people's recollections, which can be very subjective. Greyson is an academic researcher and MD.
@jeffreylehman1159 Год назад
@@r0ky_M People are revived after heart stoppage. “Brain death”? i. e . the cessation of brain activity, no one cones back from.
@jeffreylehman1159 Год назад
@@r0ky_M No, that is popular usage. In medicine, that is not a thing. They would instead characterize the type heart problem (v-tach, etc)
@Chandransingham Год назад
What a fascinating disclosure! Paul is well ahead with Jesus. God bless. Seen in London, UK.
@gizi72 Год назад
Very informative and interesting A+
@jameslandon4245 Год назад
Let the interviewer say something. Gee
@noelmaguire4074 Месяц назад
Sometime, maybe you could do a talk on the relationship, the dynamic, between James, Peter, and Paul... Friends or foes ?
@longlakeshore Год назад
Seems to me Paul was the first century equivalent of a modern televangelist. Can't stand him.
@pinball1970 Год назад
This is heavy stuff.thanks for this post
@chadgarber Год назад
Was waiting!
@shock_n_Aweful Год назад
In ancient Greek religious thought, death is sometimes described as Sleep, there are so many things in Christianity that come from the Greek world that IMO it qualifies as a Syncretism.
@EvanGrambas 4 месяца назад
I really loved how Bart Ehrman was Jesus and he was Paul in his analogy. I reckon he has read so many books that these characters live in his brain. It gave me a healthy laugh 😍 Acts 26:24
@Bronco541 Год назад
The more i learn about the bible the more im totally baffled as to how anyone can believe it to be any kind of truth.
@Nick-Nasti Год назад
It's outright ridiculous. I could easily list dozens of absurdities. -A torture device as a symbol -cannibalism (blood & wine) -bible contradictions -unknown authors -94 gospels but only use 4 -writings ignored -old tesiment is a rewriten Jewish tenakh but they tell the Jews they got it wrong -Bible condones murder, slavery, child rape, genocide, misogyny, bigotry... but they swear it's moral. -talking snakes -talking donkeys -magic words On and on
@dwightsimpson5386 17 дней назад
22:00 it also puts Paul in the level of Moses speaking to him face to face
@Yell5651 Год назад
Why is there no mention of Jesus trial and death in Roman's records? According to their records Pilate was not even in the area at the time.
@davidgeorge6410 Год назад
Do we have any Roman records from Judea between 0-40 CE? And which records state that Pilate was absent in Judea at the time of Jesus's trial and crucifixion?
@kimbirch1202 Год назад
Wasn't it Paul who came up with the idea that the crucifixion was some kind of sacrificial atonement for sin ? As Paul wasn't even a disciple of Jesus, how could he have understood the true message of Jesus ? And why did the early Church suppress the gospels of Stephen, Thomas Didymus, and Mary Magdalene? All actual disciples ! Very strange.
@HannahMitchell-Art Год назад
Those other gospels were too expansive and were less useful to control populations
@kimbirch1202 Год назад
@@HannahMitchell-Art Most folk would be shocked at what Jesus really teaches. He teaches that there is no world, no bodies, and no persons with separate minds. He teaches that there is ONLY God, and that we cannot be separate, or differently from " Him "
@kimbirch1202 Год назад
@@HannahMitchell-Art Christian doctrine is based on the very primitive old belief of some original sin, that could only be atoned for by human sacrifice to appease an angry, judgmental God. Whenever there was some kind of natural disaster, such as a crop failure, the Hebrew tribes assumed that they must have disobeyed this phoney God, and so would sacrifice goats, in order to get back in his " good books ". And so some of the Jewish followers of Jesus, assumed that Jesus had to be crucified as a similar kind of sacrifice. Jesus himself would have laughed at such superstitious nonsense, as he taught a totally different God of perfect love, who judges no one.
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