
Hong Kong Police Guard of Honour&Band of the Hong Kong Police@Opening of the Legal Year 2019 

Bandsman On The March
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Hong Kong Guard of Honur&Band of the Hong Kong Police@Opening of the Legal Year 2019
00:00 Piping Hot
01:42 Barren Rocks of Aden
04:59 Sha Tau Kok Hymn (1st time)
06:10 My Home
08:43 Review Order
09:02 Sha Tau Kok Hymn (2nd time)
10:25 We're No Awa' Tae Bide Awa'
11:02 Happy Wanderer



15 июл 2024




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@kennyho3721 2 года назад
March (bagpipes):- 00:08 “Piping Hot” 01:45 “Barrent Rocks of Aden” 05:00 “Sha-Tau-Kok (沙頭角頌)” 06:13 “My Home” (correction credit: Edward Lo) 09:02 “Sha-Tau-Kok (沙頭角頌)” 10:29 “We're No Awa' Tae Bide Awa' 11:06 “The Happy Wanderer”
@parmenideskim9739 5 лет назад
Very wonderful parade!!! In my opinion, Hong Kong seems to be very proud of British tradition.
@pandaravasini3895 2 года назад
Comment doesn't age well. Hong Kong is switching to Chinese ceremonies in 2022.
@hychan2377 2 года назад
@Teddingtin 4 года назад
They drill better then most Commonwealth armies lol.
@alvindurochermtl 3 года назад
It doesn't mean anything. All soldiers split their time among the field and classroom and the parade ground. Police recruits spends all their time at the Police College.
@user-dn7kh5js9b 4 года назад
@musicguy327 Месяц назад
china doesnt seem to respect british tradition however.
@musicguy327 Месяц назад
not like im against the change if it's for the better, just kind of intrigued of the double standard
@normanhewitt9345 4 года назад
Superb to see this served in the Royal Hong Police 1983 to 1985 after the RUC days I remember it well Great men from all corners of the UK Even better the chinese men we had the privilege of serving with Great to see this preserved for history
@bugler75 2 года назад
And thanks for your time in the RUC. You served through some very dark times. I was a child when you served but I went on into the UDR and did a total of 26 years in them and the RIrish. All the best. Ian
@CST_C Год назад
絕唱 都變成中式步操了
@taozhang4223 3 года назад
@billathighwoods4289 Год назад
Shades of Willie Fullerton
@frankieleung2215 5 лет назад
How long will this British tradition last?
@namaewanein3630 5 лет назад
I don't know. But let's wish this tradition can last forever.
@starsoverskys 5 лет назад
@@namaewanein3630 before 2047,for sure
@deocaesario3315 5 лет назад
@@starsoverskys what happen in 2047?
@tcleung4228 5 лет назад
@@deocaesario3315 technically it is when the capitalist way of life ends in Hong Kong and it ceases to become a highly independent city as it would be fully incorporated into China on the 1st of July, 2047
@namaewanein3630 5 лет назад
@@starsoverskys Who knows? I don't know if the tradition will last or not after the year 2047. True, after the year 2047, when Hong Kong completely becomes a part of the PRC, the policies and the like will change, that's for sure. Nevertheless, I know this tradition, the British style foot drill and the bagpipes is just merely a culture, which has nothing to do with politics, by which I strongly believe it won't fade, not even after the year 2047. Not to mention, Macau, which currently has the same position as Hong Kong as a Special Administrative Region, got to keep its Portuguese style foot drill. So sir, would you care to explain why Hong Kong can't keep its British style foot drill and Bagpipes, considering Macau got to keep its tradition? ( :))
@lainguyen4188 6 дней назад
i miss those brittish tradition
@oliviathescots7770 4 года назад
不知道这有什么好骂的。这是人家的当地传统和特色,说起军乐这一套你别不服人英国人确实比大陆做的好啊,就南昌国际军乐节哪年不是丢人的要死请的一大堆三流的乐队,再看看隔壁爱丁堡军乐节土鳖今年送过去的是什么玩意儿,自己都做不好还说别人,英国人差吗?我不敢说,但是懂圈子的都知道在这方面可比中国强得多了。保留有何不可?做为世界三大步操体系的英式步操在全球大量国家保留使用,没谁把这玩意儿当成殖民残留,干什么这么敏感。真觉得风笛难听你去西南找景颇族的同胞们问问,让他们以后别吹巴扎啊。巴扎就是苏格兰高地大风笛的变种,正儿八经英殖民传教带进来的东西。现在被国家认定是景颇族的传统文化艺术的一部分,怎么不骂他们?我欢迎一些分不清文化特色和政治狗屎的傻逼来给我扣帽子,无所谓,在保留英国影响这一点上我个人绝对支持。 )
@qimengzhang2836 4 года назад
@oliviathescots7770 4 года назад
@@qimengzhang2836 2019年。说的是2019年。
@oliviathescots7770 4 года назад
@@qimengzhang2836 2019年的回复
@musicguy327 Месяц назад
@timoc5880 3 года назад
金玉其外 ,敗絮其中。外表光鮮,內裏殘暴腐敗。
@allnippon1051 4 месяца назад
@adithepr 2 года назад
Who is him?
@user-ds2mc1ps5n 2 года назад
Chief Justice of Hong Kong SAR
@adithepr 2 года назад
@@user-ds2mc1ps5n Thanks a lot.
@cameronmoores855 4 года назад
A fine colonial tradition
@chunlin1990 5 лет назад
@alvindurochermtl 5 лет назад
Chun Lien 因為呢期香港着制服果班迷戀英國御林軍所以死都要學足晒英軍Household Division咁 Brass 行先。如果係 Scottish Division 隊 Brass 同隊 Pipe 會平排出黎。
@chunlin1990 5 лет назад
@@alvindurochermtl 位置變化,但系旋律係風笛演奏。聽起身真的有些奇怪。畢竟合奏風笛曲中銀樂隊係充當伴奏
@scanialam3431 5 лет назад
@@chunlin1990 警察學院結業會操仲怪,銀樂隊行最前,pipe band行後面,仲要比drums行先,pipes喺隊band最尾
@namaewanein3630 5 лет назад
@@CNBJ 俗語講得好:己所不欲,勿施於人。 如果其他人好似閣下咁樣,向中式步操或文化投以鄙視(或者仇視)嘅眼光,請問閣下又有咩感受呢?試問閣下又同嗰班噓國歌嘅球迷又有咩分別呢?請閣下回答我! 仲有,尊重其他國家文化/步操方式真係咁難咩?世界上唔係剩係得中式步操架! 再加上,澳門同台灣都唔係踏鵝步啦,閣下又唔去話佢哋,擺到明有雙重標準啦! 做人要將心俾己,唔係一味唔尊重其他國家嘅文化!
@namaewanein3630 5 лет назад
@@CNBJ 仲有,我曾經巳經喺第二條片講過啦,步操係一種文化,根本唔應該政治化。我到底要講幾多次,閣下先明呢個簡單易明既道理呢?
@user-yk9fs2hc2j 5 лет назад
支持Hong Kong獨立建國
@xinliu1714 4 года назад
@sbhk5282 5 лет назад
@namaewanein3630 5 лет назад
@alvindurochermtl 5 лет назад
@sbhk5282 5 лет назад
@alvindurochermtl 5 лет назад
SB HK 上次解放軍有實戰經驗係幾時?得個講字。
@sbhk5282 5 лет назад
Passing Out Parade16/2/2019@Hong Kong Police College
Farewell Ceremony of Hong Kong Handover 1997 Part D
10-minute live show by The Hong Kong Police Band