
How did THE QU get their name? (All Tomorrows Theory) 

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How did the Qu get their name? Did they tell the Star People themselves? Did the Star People choose this name? Or did it come from somewhere else entirely? Let's find out!
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@BewareCast 2 года назад
Back with another theory video and a couple of cool announcements! This video is just here to prompt a discussion between fans. A discussion is a beautiful thing... Btw, I promise that the next video will be a species profile. Thanks guys!
@Ett.Gammalt.Bergtroll 2 года назад
They actually have a much, muuuuch longer name but "The Qu-!" is all you'd have time to utter before they turn you into a living, rectangular flesh-toilet.
@BewareCast 2 года назад
Good theory, lol
@queenfry7634 2 года назад
What's the full name 🤨
@JimmiusCarrelius 2 года назад
@@queenfry7634 questionably aggressive space dragonflies
@SetuwoKecik 2 года назад
Quetzalcoatl 😳😳😳😳
@queenfry7634 2 года назад
@@SetuwoKecik sussy
@Yig_al_Gaib4242 2 года назад
It makes sense that the Qu’s name comes from or is derived from their vocalizations as that is where we get the word ‘Barbarian’ from as the speaking of the Germanic tribes sounded just like ‘bar bar bar’ to the Romans.
@henriklarssonstanaccount5599 2 года назад
My own theory based within the lore laid out in All Tomorrows would be that “Qu” is a word attributed by humanity to the race, possibly without any input from the Qu themselves. For example, if say, Chinese was the ancestral language to whatever language the Star People speak, then in modern Chinese “Qu” means to “go”, given the incredible spans of time covered, the word for “go” could easily have become the word for “travel” or “travellers” or something similar
@BewareCast 2 года назад
Good theory!
@kevinbenjamin4369 2 года назад
Qu (k-yu) means "why?" In many indian languages
@BewareCast 2 года назад
@@kevinbenjamin4369 That may have something to do with it.
@omnislasher2237 3 месяца назад
Ok smartarse
@BuilderOfBricks_ 4 дня назад
Or maybe go as in run
@joeywall4657 2 года назад
I read the PDF before I found the audiobook, so I pronounce it differently in my mind than most people. I read it as "Kuu", which a Cantonese friend of mine said sounded like a Chinese word for choking, or strangling.
@BewareCast 2 года назад
Hmm I can see why some people would pronounce it that way. My first experience with All Tomorrows was the Alt Shift X video, where the guy pronounced it the way I do. I like that the alternative "Kuu" sounds like the Mandarin for choking/strangling, though, very interesting.
@ebervaliusahau2289 2 года назад
@@BewareCast I first read the pdf back in 2012 and pronounced it as "Koo" (which sounds like the Portuguese word for "asshole" lmao). But thinking about it, I realised Kosemen is Turkish and would most likely pronounce the "q" letter with an uvular sound.
@BewareCast 2 года назад
@@ebervaliusahau2289 Ahaaa that's funny, and an accurate description of the Qu lol. So we have: 1. Strangling/choking 2. Asshole I wonder what others there are!
@lordgrunwalder1607 2 года назад
@@BewareCast Those theories arent bad. Like the word Qu having a another meaning in star people language or in authors language but I have a better explaniation First of all the word of Qu is not… Qu, if you guys listen the audie words you will notice that the pronounce of Qu is more similar to KUU not Qu. I think it is,because of the culturel diffrence Cm kösemen is turkish and in turkey we pronounce the words a little bit diffrent, while in english you need to pronounce words spesifically for some weird reasons, in turkish words are just readen as they are, for example for say Qu we dont say QİU like you guys did, not softening the word, we just say Q and U, QU! Whic basically sound like KUU because of turkish not having Q letter and its just being KU, so KU+U=KUU whic is simple. And about its meaning, as we know the cm kösemen is very interested in oriental turkish culture, spesifically the arabic affected one, he mostly use old words in his books and draw creatures from arabic mytology. He have a great interest to old culture, and if we consider this there actualy the name of the QU having a sensefull meaning The KUU, as a arabic word addition, in past during the ottoman era used for describe the powerfull things, things human mind cannot understand, things have power to do everyting, Something like a god… because Kuu literally mean “mighty, mysterious” in arabic. And with a few addition the word KUU literally turning into the word CREATOR. the powerfull being can create and change stuff from nowhere as its will. İts also worth to mention that KUU as a syllable also exist in these words KUUTAH(the person who actualy have good intentions and purpose even if he seems like a bad person) KURZÜL(evil person) KURTARAN(savior) KUURAN(ruler, right one) KURB(religious entity, someone close to god)
@lordgrunwalder1607 2 года назад
@@BewareCast So, as a word and addition the word KU or KUU mostly used for describe two thing The god, all mighty, true, right, powerfull and creator, or at least something similar to god And someone evil, or at least misunderstanded as evil even thought it is actualy good…
@Szminsky 2 года назад
The star people had a character in Star Trek: The Next Generation as a reference point ;)
@MrSkynet 2 года назад
this for sure 😋
@niverian7789 2 года назад
It may be a Future human word. Note the word "ConQUest" or "ConQUeror" or even QUest. Future human language is likely to be very different but will retain some base part of it's then Ancient language as words may be condensed down to the strongest syllables used. Of course this is just speculation.
@BewareCast 2 года назад
I like this idea. Over time words do get shortened or condensed, "Qu" could indeed be a condensed version of a modern word.
@gerrardjones28 2 года назад
Mybe they had a nickname like Qu the conquerors or something
@BewareCast 2 года назад
@@gerrardjones28 That is a strong possibility. With their view of themselves being God-like, they may have been fond of giving themselves long dramatic titles.
@Sinappisoppa482 2 года назад
There is no human language now and english is just another language and nothing special compared to any other language so it most likely would never become a language that everyone speaks so maybe lets not compare the future human language to english
@j0hnicide 2 года назад
@@Sinappisoppa482 right however spanish is also a very common language which also uses the word conquistador. french uses conquérante, even japanese says seifuku. hypothetically there are langauges that the word "qu" could come from in a future human language
@lacintag5482 2 года назад
Maybe Qu is the planet where the first Qu artifacts of specimens were found. Like how Neanderthals are named by us after the Neander valley where we identified the first specimen.
@GreaterGrievobeast55 2 года назад
At first I was under the impression that the Qu called themselves this. But when one considers that nearly every species in the book sort of has a non scientific nickname feel to it (killer folk, finger fisher, hand flapper, asymetric people.) I find it rather unlikely that these are the terms the post human species would call themselves. So in that respect it might make more sense that the authors species created that term for them based on some unknown linguistic logic. I think Story wise though the idea that the Qu make such noises either vocally or through wing movements is the neatest, as even if they are advanced beings they still have these bodily features. Plus each of the star people colonies likely would have separately named the Qu their own terms if their wasn’t something to correlate them all. My current headcanon is that the authors species found audio evidence of the Qu making Qu noises and made the onomatopoeia an actual word in their language. Possibly “dragon.” Given their dragonfly appearance and humanity having a connection mythological connection to such creatures. Making the post humans defeat of the Qu almost like “slaying the dragon” so to speak
@ahmadscientist6623 2 года назад
I also thought that until I learned that they called themselves that like how we call our selfs humans
@drunkserval7396 2 года назад
My view is that their flapping around generates a sound that sounds like "Qu". Don't believe me? Go to the mountains and listen to loud hummingbirds get. The Qu act similarly to hummingbirds at least in the sense of movement, so it makes sense to me that it's just the way the human subspecies heard and interpreted them.
@BewareCast 2 года назад
That's a very cool idea, makes a lot of sense too.
@KennyyChicago 2 года назад
I kinda guessed the name (out of universe at least) might come from the fact that the Qu look pretty similar to larva mosQUitos. Plus the scientific name for mosquito is Culicidae which I'm pretty sure is pronounced Qulicidae. But idk I'm not bright.
@BewareCast 2 года назад
That's pretty interesting
@OrangeColt 2 года назад
I like the idea that the star people thought look at the weird mosquito dragonfly things. Gross. Immma call them Qu cause it is cute unlike them
@gerrardjones28 2 года назад
Intresting video, since in the book it said it took the Qu 1000 years to destroy humanity its likely that they figured out eachothers languages in that time and that Qu is just the closest human language approximation to what they call themselves as a collective, mybe to them its pronounced more like Ku or just Que or Qyou. Qu actually means "what" in spanish but i doubt that has any coloration cos by that time the language would have changed. I dont know if we'll ever get an answer but your theories seem the most plausible, qu videos are probably my favorite cos we really dont know much about them.
@theastrogoth8624 2 года назад
It comes from a word derived from an ancient human dialect discovered within the ancient databases of the Last Universal Common Homeplanet (LUCH). The word is “qu” or “queue”. Based on a rough translation, it means: “a line or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed”. Exobiologists across 10 different galaxies believe the ancient Star People named the mysterious invaders as such due to their obsession with lining up the human planets as to “attend” them and then, transform them.
@OrangeColt 2 года назад
@leshommesdupilly 2 года назад
My theory is that "Qu" sounds like the french word "cul" which basically means "ass", which can be explained by their god complex
@BewareCast 2 года назад
Lol, I like that
@Saturn-Matrix 2 года назад
The Qliphoth/Qelippot or Kelipot (Heb. קליפות, the different English spellings are used in the alternative Cabalistic traditions of Hermetic Qabalah and Jewish Kabbalah respectively) literally "Peels", "Shells" or "Husks", from singular: קליפה Qliphah/Kelipah "Husk") are the representation of evil or impure spiritual forces in Jewish mysticism. The realm of evil is also termed 'Sitra Achra/Ahra' (Aramaic סטרא אחרא, the "Other Side" opposite holiness) in Kabbalah texts. In Jewish Kabbalah In Jewish Kabbalistic cosmology, the Kelipot are metaphorical "shells" surrounding holiness. They are spiritual obstacles receiving their existence from God only in an external, rather than internal manner.
@maciej565 2 года назад
Idea for next video: How the Qu looks like before genetic modification? How they bodys looks like when they civilisation was on XXI century earth level. There is mention that Qu not only modificate other live forms but themself as well. Maybe the form as we know was vision of gods in they religions
@BewareCast 2 года назад
That is a good idea for a video and a very interesting thing to think about. Maybe they started out looking VERY different, but their god(s) that they believed in looked a certain way that they then modified themselves to look like.
@maciej565 2 года назад
@@BewareCast i dont know what to say. Thank you
@jameswebb3410 2 года назад
@@BewareCast I don't think we would even recognise a qu of 900 million years ego ,for example,as being one of the qu
@BewareCast 2 года назад
@@jameswebb3410 Exactly, they would be radically different.
@LostTapesImpressiveT 2 года назад
@@BewareCast Aren't all Qu though? I mean if they modified themselves in the past whos to say THEY weren't modified by something else first? A vicious cycle
@shanethewatcher6163 2 года назад
Perhaps one only need look at what the Qu made after they beat the star people. The creation of the mantalope signals to me that the Qu had need of sonic record keeping. Maybe the Qu could hear and speak, but I don't think they thought enough of humans to speak to them directly.
@llanero4069 Год назад
These thoeries are intersting. Also, you do have a very comfy voice to listen to. If it is your real amazing. If modefied, then the art of making it is so close to perfect. Art has many forms. Gj man
@plunetzero 2 года назад
Following the time paradox theory. Qu - Yu... You.
@acekit2562 2 года назад
The Name Qu comes from “Qu”ick Invasion
@N0m5T3r 2 года назад
If we can take notes from history, the conquered are often named after whatever word they used for "people", whereas the conquerors tend to be named derogatory words in the language of the conquered, often based on how ugly they perceive their appearance or language to be.
@BewareCast 2 года назад
Interesting... so "Qu" could be a derogatory term attributed to them by the Star People.
@davidbrewer9030 2 года назад
Or, the sound could be like Shemetic q, made deep in the back of the throat, followed by "uuuu".
@nill5078 2 года назад
Is easy to believe the word 'Qu' came from its meaning from chinese: Crook, Bend, Flex, Bow, Withdraw, Parcel select. What others become, Death of natives or Die for one's country, Surrender, Dispel, One who drives or God's hand, Song and Distinguish. Hard to tell what really means as It's meaning will depend on how it is said and it's context, as there are 14 different sounds for 'Qu'. Can be just a coincidence, but it's meaning coming from chinese fits damn damn well, scary well XD
@hydraman246 2 года назад
Surely i cant be the only one who thought of Q from Star Trek?
@Xisk77 2 года назад
Honestly man, I love your channel so much! I think it's the best All tomorrow's channel on RU-vid! Please keep your videos coming.
@BewareCast 2 года назад
Thanks man, that's means a lot!
@rotomfan63 2 года назад
Honestly, I know this might not work in universe but i always thought it was a Star Trek Next gen reference
@BewareCast 2 года назад
@malachitehawk6337 2 года назад
It’s not that absurd they could decipher the languages of the Star People. We’re basically animals to them, and think about how easy it is for us to crack animal communications. Just send a few drones on the planet for a century and see the sounds they make and the effect they have
@OrangeColt 2 года назад
I think you actually proved the opposite point. We have yet to even figure out what dolphin clicks mean and they're some of the most intelligent animals we got. I don't think we can quite understand the thoughts and Communications of animals so maybe the Qu would have just as hard a time too.
@cosmicparticles9658 2 года назад
Because they always give answers and never ask any questions.
@DS-zv8hr 2 года назад
Just thinking about how Qu might speak it would be cool if they used bioluminescence paired with their dragonfly/ hummingbird like wings to make a 3d written language. Nothing to base this on just a thought that rolled out of my head.
@BewareCast 2 года назад
That is a cool idea. Most of my ideas are pure conjecture too, as the book is so brief lol
@KlaxontheImpailr 2 года назад
“It’s not selling out if it’s your own brand.” Geography Now!
@BewareCast 2 года назад
@vaporwavevocap 2 года назад
The one of the Star People went to call them a slur but got killed part way in.
@Tumansky1 2 года назад
Thanks for the great videos
@BewareCast 2 года назад
You're welcome, I'm glad you enjoy them :)
@ShniderMoon 2 года назад
having a god like gynocidal race of aliens go around saying QU QU QU like a bunch of pokemon is the most adorable thing I've heard of
@RecordAnalog 2 года назад
I LOVE all tomorrow’s and I love this vids!!
@dirtysteak5797 2 года назад
Nice video, make a video about the gravitals next
@BewareCast 2 года назад
Already got a species profile video on the Gravital but I have a few ideas for theory videos on them which will be uploaded soonish
@kurzeanimation2487 2 года назад
Can you do a Video on the Amphecephaly?
@BewareCast 2 года назад
I plan to one day very soon.
@kurzeanimation2487 2 года назад
@@BewareCast yay
@BewareCast 2 года назад
True but that just means there is more room for theories / speculation.
@kurzeanimation2487 2 года назад
@@dibershai6009 they are masters of a federation/union. I think its great for a Theory.
@Moishe555 2 года назад
They loved Star Trek Next Generation, obviously.
@highlyvurgultis3706 2 года назад
This is meta but C.M Koseman pronounces the Qu as "coo", which I guess would be the official pronounciation?? Maybe then their name is derived from the word coup since they suddenly overthrow humanity
@jonahjohnwayne 2 года назад
I believe they call themselves "Qu" for the same reasons we call ourselves "Humans", because the word "Qu" would refer to something they call themselves.
@crosto6463 2 года назад
I think it's just A randomly thought of name
@ZeroSignalG 2 года назад
Given their tails can be used to grasp things, the way they flew through the air, or just coiled around themselves, probably looked like the letter. That does mean that galactic common would have remained close, or identical, to English.
@namelessentity5851 2 года назад
Wild guess but, what if the author happened to have barbecue for dinner the night he came up with them?
@BewareCast 2 года назад
Mystery solved! He was chowing down on a burger and then he said "Hey, this gives me an idea!"
@jacksonfurlong3757 2 года назад
Star Trek reference that the Qu themselves are making. Meaning they are likely humans.
@elyg6531 2 года назад
I love your content keep it up my man (:
@BewareCast 2 года назад
Thanks dude!
@dombie3185 2 года назад
Lol I have never thought of asking where the qu got its name
@BewareCast 2 года назад
It just occured to me one day lol.
@dombie3185 2 года назад
@@BewareCast I really love your vids you made me read all tomorrow s and other koseman creations
@BewareCast 2 года назад
Wow that's really cool, I'm glad I was able to introduce you to his works😁
@fizkallnyeilsem 2 года назад
In french i think "Qu" means "What" while "qu" with the non capital letters is "That". Its like a name formed by the very last thing many star people said when theyre slaughtered at mass till the last. "What The Hell is that???!!!"
@theflyingcrud Год назад
My guess would be that Qu means "the people" or whatever the equivalent would be in their language. Most of the names of our human tribes translate to that in english
@drthm0nkeygamer83 2 года назад
They called themselves the Qu Travelling gods
@rudolfssniedze3988 2 года назад
Maybe it's pronounced "KYUU" and C.M.Kosemen is just a weeb :D Judging by his herpetogaster video, it could certainly be a possibility.
@ricestrange 2 года назад
@rudolfssniedze3988 2 года назад
@@ricestrange wah wha what?
@RobinButButter 2 года назад
My personal theory is that the Star People disliked the letter Q and were like "Qu...yeah know what they are named that it'd be funny" also what if we've been pronouncing it wrong? What if it's coo? Like cooing
@BewareCast 2 года назад
Yeah that's a possibility. "Q" could have been a sound that was kind of grating for the Star People, and that's why they attributed it to the Qu.
@brahmsmens5174 Год назад
How a french imitate the song of a rude bird?: 0:40
@maggiiopgott8975 Год назад
I think it is an other word for IQ it being written like QU is an indicator that they were so intelligent that the old description of an intellectual quotient wouldn't be able to fit the dimensions of the QUs capabilites in intellect.
@lsbigshot 2 года назад
Perhaps It's simply the "q" in "iq" because they're so intelligent
@BewareCast 2 года назад
So their full name is "The Quotient"... I knew it!
@iblameshanemane9204 2 года назад
Maybe Qu is just an epithet like with old gods ect
@omnomnom1410 2 года назад
Random comment #19 to help this awesome channel with the algorithm
@GraveyardMaiden 2 года назад
Qu means fuck and its what people scream when they show up
@guidoylosfreaks Год назад
I've always thought that Q was pronounced like in Mandarin Pinyin. It makes more sense to me future humans, Star people, speak something closer to Mandarin rather than English.
@JBarG22 2 года назад
I think it's quite obviously a Star Trek reference to the Q, if not, then it's a huge coincidence, considering they're both god-like species
@youtubecommentsguy9805 2 года назад
Kosemen got the inspiration from Star Trek I guess
@iblameshanemane9204 2 года назад
So Qu are bug face peeps from the future come back
@tarantula51 2 года назад
Can you explore more religion aspect of the Qu?
@raphlvlogs271 2 года назад
beware the queue
@timyuusis3372 2 года назад
People are thinking harder than the author did, thats there name because thats there name.
@BewareCast 2 года назад
*that's *their
@AmyStrikesBack Год назад
"Qu" is kinda pronounced like "cu" (asshole in portuguese, my primary language), so my personal mind cannon is that they called themself "the qu" to fuck with us.
@theopaul931 2 года назад
What are the creatures to the left and right of the Qu figure?
@nnethson 2 года назад
@jerichozeplin 2 года назад
Someone may have said this already or this may have been debunked but have we established weather or not they are telepathic?
@ClannCholmain 2 года назад
Any evidence of the Qu being time travellers? Apart from travelling near the speed of light forward time travel, could they have gone to the distant past? Could they break causality? They broke everything else.
@BewareCast 2 года назад
I dont think there's any hard evidence, but it seems highly likely.
@Clock_Man_2763 2 года назад
Interesting :)
@BewareCast 2 года назад
@Poopick Год назад
Maby its initials for something in english? Its weird since its the only race probably in the whole lore without a seemingly meaningful name
@peristerasp3 2 года назад
The Qu just weak up some day and they said we are the Qu and they get there name just like this
@veryverygutsberserk9040 2 года назад
Hehe he qu qu qu qu qu qu qu
@rimacalid6557 2 года назад
The QU are just anime weebs
@ricestrange 2 года назад
@muhammadsaadmansoor7777 2 года назад
@ak.5620 2 года назад
@AquaticFlapper125 2 года назад
Qu means what
@yodasmomisondrugs7959 2 года назад
Haha first!
@Greybews Год назад
Why don’t ask the author?
@dog27683 2 года назад
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