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#LifeandWorksofJoseRizal #AmericanSponsoredHero #WilliamTaft #AndresBonifacio #JoseRizal
This is a lecture on the course "The Life and Works of Jose Rizal".



16 июл 2024




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@erland1102 2 года назад
Hello there! If this video lecture has been of help in any way, please do not forget to subscribe to this channel. Thank you. -SIR E!
@zakugour2677 Год назад
1.) Rizal is revered as a role model for a man of peace because of his support for nonviolent change and opposition to using violence to effect social and political change. Rizal continuously highlighted the value of education, critical thinking, and social and political improvements attained through peaceful methods despite the injustices he faced and saw during his lifetime. I agree with his pacifistic alignment because Rizal's pacifist ideology is in line with the values of democracy, peaceful cooperation, and nonviolent resistance that are widely regarded in contemporary nations, it is seen to have led to his emergence as a national hero. The American colonial authorities, who supported the notion of obtaining independence by nonviolent and peaceful means, also had an impact on the decision to honor Rizal as the nation's hero. To put it simply, Rizal's support for nonviolent change and opposition to the use of violence as a tool for social and political change helped him become recognized as a national hero, but his legacy spans a wider variety of beliefs and principles. 2.) According to what I have observed, there is no historical proof that Bonifacio was personally responsible for Rizal's execution. There is little evidence to suggest that Bonifacio was involved in Rizal's arrest or execution, despite the fact that he opposed Rizal's reformist strategy and supported one that was more radical. Regarding the use of Rizal's name by the Katipunan, it is true that the organization invoked Rizal's name and legacy as part of their cause to achieve independence. However, it is important to note that the Katipunan's cause was not solely driven by the desire to use Rizal's name for their own benefit. The Katipunan had a broader goal of achieving Philippine independence and challenging the Spanish colonial regime, and they saw Rizal's writings and ideas as part of a broader movement towards national consciousness and independence. It is possible that Rizal's involvement with the Katipunan through his work-even if he was not an actual member-led to his execution in order to stop the revolt from spreading further. It's crucial to avoid blaming any one individual or group for Rizal's execution, even though it was a tragic event that had a big impact on Philippine history and the war for independence. Even after his terrible passing, Rizal's influence on Philippine history endures, and generations of Filipinos are still motivated by his principles and beliefs. 3.) It is true that Jose Rizal has not been formally recognized as the national hero of the Philippines. But Rizal is generally regarded as a national hero, and several celebrations and memorials are held in his honor for the contributions he made to Philippine history, literature, and culture. Even if a formal statement might not be required, it could help to reinforce Rizal's status as a national icon and develop his legacy and goals. Such a proclamation might also assist in dispelling any misunderstandings or arguments regarding Rizal's status as a national hero and fostering a more common perception of his significance in Philippine history. In the end, perspective and opinion will determine whether or not a formal proclamation is required, but personally, I believe they should proceed with the official confirmation of his nation hero status. Rizal's accomplishments and influence on Philippine history and culture are clear, regardless of any official title, and his legacy continues to influence and shape the nation's identity and aspirations. 4.) Yes, I believe that the life and works of Jose Rizal should be taught in College, due to the fact that it gives students an in-depth understanding of Rizal's life, accomplishments, and contributions to Philippine history and culture, the Rizal course is a crucial component of Philippine education. As a result, I believe that the Rizal course should remain a required subject in college since it encourages students to think critically and to be socially conscious while also fostering a feeling of national identity and pride. Students get insights into the social, political, and cultural contexts of Philippine history and obtain a deeper knowledge of the nation's hardships and aspirations through studying Rizal's life and works. As students examine Rizal's ideas and teachings and their relevance to current issues and difficulties, the Rizal course also promotes critical thinking, analytical abilities, and ethical reasoning. Though some could contend that the Rizal course ought to be optional or never taught, in my opinion, such a viewpoint minimizes the significance of Rizal's legacy and his contributions to Philippine history and culture. The Rizal course focuses on exploring the attitudes, concepts, and ideals that continue to influence Philippine society today rather than merely memorization of dates and facts. 5.) YES LUNA, A18
@maritonibenjamin6112 Год назад
1)Jose Rizal is considered an exemplary model of a man of peace because he advocated for social and political reforms through peaceful means. Rather than Andres Bonifacio who is known as a man of war, Rizal has fought for our freedom through his wise words and intelligence, making him a great example of a man of peace. He utilized his writings and speeches to touch and inspire his fellow Filipinos' hearts to work toward our nation's independence. Though Rizal's standing as a national hero is not solely attributed to his pacifism. We cannot deny that this has certainly played an important factor in his status as our national hero. In contrast to other leaders of his era who supported the armed rebellion, he was dedicated to non-violent protest and was prepared to give his life to uphold his beliefs. Many Filipinos who were sick of the violence and turmoil that had marked much of their country's past have resonated with his nonviolent approach to social and political reform. 2) The presence of the name "Rizal" in their battle cry and as a password, as well as the existence of the paintings of Doctor Jose Rizal in the KKK camps, all supported the accusations made against him by the Spaniards. Andres Bonifacio was considered a huge admirer of Rizal and had a clear and good intention for using his name as a way to honor his works and great mind. Though this action has led to some consequences because this resulted from the Spaniards accusing Rizal as their leader. With this, I believe that Andres Bonifacio is partly responsible and at fault for Dr. Jose Rizal's death because of his careless involvement of Rizal in the group. Knowing how the Spaniards are always observant of Rizal's actions and how his name's association with the revolution will greatly affect our hero's image, he and the other Katipuneros recklessly used his name leading to his death. 3) Rizal is widely regarded as the national hero of the Philippines, but that title has not yet been formally granted upon him. In my opinion, Dr. Jose Rizal deserves a well-righteous title for his devoted acts for this country. Proclaiming him as our national hero is a proper way to honor the great Malayan behind the spark of the revolution that has set us free from the Spaniards. Even though at this point it will merely be a formality, the fact that he hasn't been formally recognized as the Philippines' national hero can be used against him. For our generation, it might seem improbable with the disagreement of other Filipinos with his past actions or they may claim that other heroes are more worthy of this title. But for me, with the way Rizal battled for independence in a deafeningly quiet yet effective manner, this can serve as a great portrayal for future generations that not all battles require sacrifices of lives and blood. To defend our land, all we need is wisdom and unwavering patriotism. 4) Yes, in my opinion, the Rizal course should be compulsory because it aims to instill in every Filipino a feeling of patriotism and nationalism and to encourage them to use the ideas Rizal has left behind as an answer or guide to current challenges. The Rizal course also teaches you how to stand up for the truth as you perceive it and be strong-willed to do what is right in order to remain devoted to other fellow men in difficult circumstances. In addition, making this course mandatory will also honor his great works and will receive the well-deserved attention and thorough understanding that every Filipino should learn of. Thus I believe that as a student living in a country where most students focus on subjects like Technology, Medicine, Engineering, or other fields, studying the life of the first Filipino who inspired our nation, Jose Rizal, is not obligatory but an honor since I am a Filipino and a Malayan. 5) YES (BENJAMIN, A18)
@seanguanzon5253 2 года назад
1. Yes, I believe officially declaring Rizal as a national hero is necessary. The government not declaring it sow confusion to the mass on who really was our national hero. Thus, declaring it will provide knowledge, not only in our country, but all the people around the world. By doing this, everyone will be informed on who and what does Rizal do to our country. His accomplishments and contributions makes him deserving to be a national hero. And by officially declaring it is giving Rizal the respect he earned. 2. In my opinion, Rizal course should be elective in college. In high school, we already learned the life of Rizal. We are taught of his contributions and we studied too his books like El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tángere. The important parts are already been discussed in high school. I believe that Rizal course should be taught in elementary and high school. Rizal is a model to us and it's very good for us to be inspired of the life of Rizal at a young age. 3,I believe Bonifacio did that not to harm Rizal. Bonfacio is a fan of the works of Rizal, he has only good intention on using Rizal's name. He was inspired to the woks of Rizal that he was motivated by it. He's not using Rizal's name only for his cause, he did it for the country. He knew that like him, there's so many people that was inspired by Rizal and use it to gather them. Rizal has big contribution to the war and Bonifacio knew it. That's why Bonifacio wouldn't do anything to cause harm to Rizal. 4. Yes. A pacifist is we need as our national hero. A man who pursue peace like Rizal should be our national hero. Violence can only lead to bloodshed. Rizal fought the war not by guns and swords, he fought with his mind and heart to contribute in war. His ways of fighting inspired many people and admire his works. This is why Rizal is our national hero. 5.Yes. Guanzon(A06)
@jordimadelenedelacruz5138 2 года назад
1. Yes, formally designating Dr. Jose Rizal as our national hero is necessary so that we may properly recognize all of his sacrifices that brought us free. Furthermore, this not only honors him but also clears up any misconception among Filipinos about who our country's national hero is. In addition, we have seen that the image of a hero uses weapons and their powers to fight for freedom. However, Rizal fought in such a way that no one was harmed, and I believe it is the most unselfish act a great leader can do for his country. 2. In my opinion, it is important to teach young people like me about Jose Rizal's life and works in order to improve our understanding of our culture and history. Nowadays, most of us, particularly teenagers, are becoming increasingly interested in the cultures of other countries to stay current and avoid falling behind. It's difficult to imagine, yet this is the reality we live in today. With that being said, the Rizal course should be available to students to carry on his patriotism to his children, and as a result, we can live with reverence for our heroes and appreciation for the traditions for which we are known. 3. I do not believe that the Katipuneros and their commander, Andres Bonifacio, are to blame for Rizal's early death because they merely utilized him as an inspiration and source of strength to start a revolution against the Spaniards. Similarly, Rizal's works enthralled Bonifacio, and his motives were sincere. As a result, he just plans to finish what Rizal started. 4. I feel that any hero or leader, like Dr. Jose Rizal, should be a pacifist. However, in today's world, this technique may no longer be viable because most leaders from many nations prefer violence over discussing and respecting each other's opinions and boundaries. A perfect example would be the war between Ukraine and Russia. 5. Yes. Dela Cruz (A07)
@acmontemayor3640 Год назад
1) For several reasons, Jose Rizal was regarded as a model of a man of peace. First and foremost, through his writings, he advocated for peaceful reforms and social change, emphasizing the power of education and intellectual enlightenment to bring about progress. Rizal's commitment to nonviolent means, as well as his faith in the power of reason and dialogue, set him apart as a pacifist in an era dominated by revolutionary movements. Despite witnessing and experiencing injustices, Rizal consistently advocated for peaceful methods, embodying principles of tolerance, compassion, and respect for human life. His unwavering dedication to peaceful resistance made him an enduring symbol of peaceful activism and an inspiration to future generations seeking positive change. Opinions differ on whether Jose Rizal's pacifism played a role in his selection as the Philippines' national hero. While I agree that his nonviolent commitment played a role, others may attribute his status to a combination of factors, including his intellectual contributions, martyrdom, and role in awakening national consciousness. During the American colonial period, Rizal's pacifist stance appealed to certain interests because it aligned with their desire to promote peaceful resistance. However, it is important to note that the Filipino people's appreciation of Rizal's ideas, sacrifices, and embodiment of Filipino values and aspirations influenced his recognition as a national hero. 2) The Katipunan and Bonifacio's roles in Rizal's fate are a matter of historical interpretation and debate. Some argue that Bonifacio's decision to launch an armed revolution, as well as Katipunan's use of Rizal's name, contributed to his death at a young age. As a Katipunan leader, Bonifacio saw Rizal as an inspiration for the nationalist cause and believed that armed struggle was required for true liberation. However, the complexities of the Philippine Revolution and the context in which these events unfolded must be considered. Rizal's execution was the result of his involvement in the revolution and the perception of the Spanish authorities that he posed a threat. The Katipunan, which included Bonifacio, aimed to rally the masses behind the cause of independence, and Rizal's martyrdom served as a powerful symbol for their cause. It is debatable whether Bonifacio and the Katipunan were responsible for Rizal's death or misused his name. Their actions must be evaluated in light of the historical context and the importance of their cause. While different points of view exist, it is critical to acknowledge the broader contributions of both Rizal and the Katipunan in the context of the Philippine struggle for independence. 3) While there has not been an official declaration designating Jose Rizal as the Philippines' national hero, his status as a national hero is widely accepted and recognized by the Filipino people. Rizal's contributions to Philippine history, writings, and martyrdom have cemented his status as a symbol of Philippine nationalism and the struggle for independence. Although an official declaration may not be required to validate Rizal's significance, it could serve as a formal acknowledgment and affirmation of his long-lasting impact on the country. An official declaration could also help ensure that Rizal's legacy is preserved and that his values and ideals are promoted and celebrated in the future. An official declaration can also have practical consequences, such as allocating resources for the preservation of Rizal's historical sites, promoting educational initiatives about his life and works, and encouraging research and scholarship on his contributions. Finally, while the lack of an official declaration does not diminish Rizal's status as a national hero, an official recognition could serve as a unifying symbol and encourage future generations to study, appreciate, and preserve his legacy. 4) The Rizal course should be compulsory because this is the way that our country can be reminded of our national heroes and their legacy throughout all their lives while saving our country from enemies of ours. The rationale behind making a Rizal course compulsory is to ensure that students gain a comprehensive understanding of Rizal's contributions to Philippine history, culture, and nationalism. It aims to instill a sense of national identity, promote critical thinking, and foster an appreciation for Rizal's ideals and values. However, it is critical to consider the various perspectives and objectives of higher education. While Rizal's influence is significant, there may be other subjects and disciplines that merit mandatory study as well. Balancing the need for a well-rounded education with a specific focus on Rizal is a decision that should be made after a thorough examination of curriculum requirements and educational objectives. 5) YES Montemayor, B43
@karenyaega Год назад
1.) He’s a man of peace. -Because of his consistent dedication to using peaceful and non-violent methods to fight for social equality and political changes in the Philippines, Jose Rizal is regarded as an ideal example of a man of peace. Instead of using violence and war, Rizal believed with in ability of learning, discussion, and diplomacy to create change and development in society. Rizal's advocacy for nonviolence and pacifism had a major role in his elevation to the position of national hero because they highlighted the value of democratic, nonviolent ways for bringing about changes in society and politics. Writings and acts by Rizal were based on his commitment to the ideals of equality, justice, and freedom, which he thought could be attained through peaceful methods. Furthermore, Rizal's support for nonviolence and pacifism were important because they provided a moral precedent for succeeding Filipino generations to follow. Rizal's life and impact brought out the importance of intellectualism, civic responsibility, and critical thinking-values that are still highly regarded in the Philippines. 2.) Whether Bonifacio and the Katipuneros were ever to blame for Rizal's early death is a matter of historical debate. It is generally acknowledged that Rizal's death by the Spanish government was caused by his support for political and social changes instead of the acts of any specific person or organization. Regarding the Katipunan's use of Rizal's name, there were probably instances in which the group exploited Rizal's legacy and beliefs for its own cause. For example, the Katipunan took inspiration from Rizal and his works to encourage its members and gain support from the public, despite the fact that Rizal himself disapproved using violence and major war. It's important to remember, though, that Rizal's memory and views were not only connected with the Katipunan and were not totally pacifist. Rizal's support for political and social reforms, including those who embraced war as a method for achieving change, impacted a wide spectrum of people and organizations. 3.) It's true that Jose Rizal has not been officially recognized as a national hero in the Philippines, despite the fact that he is popularly considered as one. Whether an official declaration is required or not has been the subject of opinions and disagreements. For future generations to recognize and appreciate Rizal's sacrifices for the nation, some feel that a formal declaration of his national hero status is required. They also think that a formal statement could support Filipino nationalism and patriotism. Some argue that Rizal's significance and worth to the Philippines isn't reduced by the absence of a formal statement. They emphasize how Rizal's work has alreadyhad an important effect on Filipino culture and can be seen in a variety of social domains, including politics, literature, and education. Whether or not an official declaration is made, Filipinos should continue to appreciateand celebrate Rizal's legacy and work toward the ideals he showed 4.) Teaching the Rizal subject is okay but teaching it again in college when it is already taught in high school is not necessary. The topic has previously been coveredin high school for the students. They feel that enrolling in other courses that are more related to the students' chosen fields of study would be more helpful. However, retaking the Rizal subject in college, according to some, might provide students a richer, deeper knowledge of Rizal's life and contributions. They think that college-level conversations may probe into the depth of Rizal's opinions and their impact on modern Philippine culture in addition to the elementary knowledge that is given in high school. So, for me, I think its not necessarily to teach again the Rizal subject in college, there are more helpful things that can be taught us, It is better to teach college students more practical things that can actually help us in the future. 5.) Yes. (DORINGO, A18)
@jazminebuenaventura5432 Год назад
1. I agree that Jose Rizal being a pacifist helped him to be considered our national hero. Throughout his writings, Rizal mainly concentrated on exposing the wrongdoings and corruption of the catholic church and the Spanish colonial administration in the Philippines. He also believed that bringing change was peaceful discussion, education, and rational thought. It is important to remember that Rizal's dedication to nonviolence was not the sole element he was recognized as the national hero in the Philippines. With his contributions to Philippine literature, his leadership in the Propaganda Movement, and his function as a representative of Filipino identity and nationalism, Rizal was also honored for these accomplishments. Rizal's pacifism may have contributed to his status as a man of peace, but it was not the only reason he was chosen to be a national hero. However, his numerous contributions to Philippine history and culture, along with his character traits and ideals, made him a well-respected person in the nation. 2. Although I believe it was reckless of them to shout Jose Rizal's name in their agendas and place a portrait of him in each KKK camp, it is unjust to hold Bonifacio or the Katipunan accountable for Rizal's execution. The Spanish colonial government's brutal practices and resolve to eliminate any rebellion or opposition led to Rizal's execution. On the basis of his writings and other actions that were critical of the colonial administration and the Catholic Church, Rizal was put to death by the Spanish government. He had been accused of conspiracy and of inspiring revolution. The Katipunan did draw from Rizal's ideas and name to carry out their revolutionary actions against Spanish colonial power, but it is doubtful that they had the intention of using Rizal's name for their own personal advantage. Instead, the Katipunan saw Rizal as a representative of Philippine nationality and resistance to colonial oppression, and the revolutionaries used his execution as a rallying cry. 3. I believe it would be great if there will be an official declaration of Jose Rizal as a national hero. Some might contend that a declaration is not necessary, but there are also benefits to doing this. An official declaration would support Rizal's standing as a national hero and acknowledge his contributions to Philippine history and society. Generations of Filipinos have been motivated by Rizal's beliefs and values, and it would also act as a unifying symbol for the nation. However, I think a lot of Filipinos will disagree since we have different beliefs and perspectives on who should be the national hero. Some Filipinos may protest about this, and it will add up to today's present problem. There are other problems that we need to prioritize first and address, but an official declaration would serve to confirm Rizal's status as a national hero and honor his contributions. On the bright side, Rizal's legacy as a national hero is still firmly established in Philippine history and culture. 4. I think it is okay to require us to study Rizal since we should know our Philippine history, and we should remember what our hero did for our country. This would not only honor and acknowledge them but it is important to look back on our past to learn. It helps us students feel like we have roots and are part of something. People learn through history what our ancestors went through and endured in order to shape our nation into what it is now. Remembering what Jose Rizal did for our country will strengthen us to love our country more and fight for what is best for our country. The Rizal subject should remain compulsory and not elective since every Filipino should know and remember the life and works of Jose Rizal. It should not be an option whether they like to study it or not. But as Filipinos, we should always choose to study our history even if it is required or not. 5. Yes BUENAVENTURA A18
@janlemueldelosreyes9278 2 года назад
1) In my personal opinion, there should be a need for an official declaration of Jose Rizal as our official national hero. However, this should be debated and agreed upon that Jose Rizal is indeed a national hero and clear any doubts about the person involved. Given his achievements and contribution to the Philippines attaining its freedom, intentional or not, he still paved the way and inspired the Filipino people from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao to unite. Declaring him as an official national hero can be our most significant way to appreciate what he has done to our country, its people, and future generations. 2) I think that the life and works of Jose Rizal course should be compulsory in college. The works of Jose Rizal inspired the Filipinos at his time to fight for the freedom that we are experiencing today. It is just right that we are learning from his life and works on fighting for ourselves and inspiring others in a way that does not involve violence. Jose Rizal once said, "Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan" and that feels like he is counting on the Filipino youth to bring the future generations hope through living by his virtue. Also, Jose Rizal's life and works must be appreciated from the early life of every Filipino. 3) In my perspective, I think that Andres Bonifacio was guilty of leading Jose Rizal to early death and that the Katipunan became irresponsible in its use of Rizal's name for the sake of its cause. As for what I have learned, with the deep idolization of the KKK of Jose Rizal to the point that they put portraits of Rizal at their camp and using Jose Rizal's last name as their password and battle cry put great weight on the evidence that Rizal is also like guilty of involve in the revolution, and the Spaniards may have thought that he is leading the rebellion. 4) I think that our national hero should be of pacifist orientation because a hero should be the people to look up to or be a role model to follow. Jose Rizal fought for Filipino freedom with his novels and inspired the Philippine nation to unite against the enslavement and oppression of the Spaniards. A hero should peacefully fight for freedom. He is one of the reasons that the era of peace comes to the Philippines and by making him the national hero of the Philippines will make the Filipino people maintain and battle for peace through peaceful methods just like their national hero and role model, Jose Rizal. 5) Yes. Delos Reyes (A01)
@lawrenceramos9499 Год назад
1.) Because of a variety of factors, including his support for education, his dedication to the nonviolent revolution, and his belief in the justice and equality of all Filipinos, Rizal was regarded as an ideal example of a man of peace. According to Rizal, education may significantly aid Filipinos in enlightening and empowering themselves, which can be highly helpful in fostering peace and harmony. Just as we saw what Jose Rizal did in the Spanish colonial war, he did not use any kind of violent, he did not resort to kind of harm just to fight the Spaniards instead, he used his mind and pen to fight back with non violence using his knowledge and he promotes non violent way of achieving peace. About the Justice and equality of Filipino, we can see that in his 2 well know novels which are Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo that it emphasizes justice, equality and freedom of every Filipino, on how Filipino's are abused by the inequality during the occupation of Spaniards. 2.) I think Bonifacio was guilty in leading Rizal into his early death and the katipunan was very irresponsible in using Rizal's name such as using it as password before entering the hideout and shouting his last name as war cry before they rush the enemies. I do understand that Andres Bonifacio was just proud about Jose Rizal, and he really respects him, but he didn't fully recognize that what they did might cause an early death for him. Since it resulted in it being misinterpreted for propaganda purposes, they ought to have stopped and thought it through before acting. Members of the Katipunan should have recognized the consequences of their actions because it cost Jose Rizal's life, which could have been avoided and much more helped us achieve independence and peace. Jose Rizal died as a result of their carelessness, and I hold Andres Bonifacio equally responsible for his passing. 3.) I agree that Jose Rizal has not been officially declared as our national hero but even though there is still no declaration of him being a national hero. He is now engraved in the mind of the Filipino Citizens that he is our national hero because of his significant contribution to achieve our independence, his intellectual knowledge that encouraged many youths to study harder and his works that inspired many writers to use their writing skills and use it as their voice against the Government. We respect him and acknowledge him for who he is, despite the fact that he has not yet been named as our national hero. There are other advantages as well, one of which being that Jose Rizal would receive legitimate and formal acknowledgment and his contributions and sacrifices would receive far greater respect in textbooks if he were named our nation's hero. Additionally, it will help people comprehend Rizal's life, contributions, and sacrifices on a far deeper level. 4.) For my understanding and base on my actual situation as an incoming 2nd year student of Mapua Malayan Colleges of Laguna, For me, it is the best if the Rizal course should be an elective subject in college. Yes, I did say that it was the best for the college students that Rizal course must be an elective course so that the students have their freedom to choose whether if they're taking this course or not because there are many factors on whether they will take the course or not depending on their financial status, their interest or career goal they want to achieve. If Rizal course would be an elective subject in college, this would help students to choose or change their education depending on their career path or field they want to be in because elective course gives versatility. In summary, Rizal's subject as an elective course would be a big step for students in catering their educational needs. 5.) Yes RAMOS, B43
@jeanpaulmanapat146 2 года назад
1. Jose Rizal, as of now, is recognized for his contributions to giving us Filipinos the freedom we deserve and the nation we live in. However, there is no proclamation issued or enacted declaring him as our National Hero due to probably triggering mass conflicts in opinions and unwanted debates. Personally, declaration of a hero is important for a country to strengthen the identity of the country and the Filipinos. Additionally, the Philippines should declare not only Jose Rizal, but also those who meet the criteria for being a national hero. Jose Rizal is not the only one who has contributed to giving us the freedom we have now and the nation we live in. 2. Identifying and recognizing our heroes thoroughly is significant in teaching the youth of nationalism and patriotism. This can be achieved by teaching this as a compulsory subject in college. Additionally, these two traits are significant as to be the foundation of giving us the identity of who Filipinos are. Likewise, we are not only a mixed breed of Spaniards, Japanese, or Americans, we also have our original culture and identity which lessens the confusion about who we are. Having our own identity will also give us the character of loving our own country, respecting the land we live in, and fighting those aliens who violate our rights. 3. In my own opinion, Bonifacio was guilty and responsible for leading Rizal to an early death by irresponsibly using his name and portrait without Rizal's knowledge. I also think that Bonifacio is aware that he is being an irresponsible person and leader of KKK for causing others unwanted and indirect involvement in their revolutions. Thus, allowing the Spaniards to think that Rizal may be the leader of the Katipunan which resulted in his early death. Instead of being the Katipunan's inspiration due to Jose Rizal's actions, Rizal was rather imposed as the leader. However, this also became a motivation for the Filipinos to join forces in fighting the Spaniards. 4. We should have a list of national heroes, and not only Jose Rizal. Likewise, this would allow the Filipinos to have a certain way of nationalism and patriotism just like Jose Rizal who had a pacifist orientation. Having other kinds of orientation can also inspire, and most likely improve the love and support of the Filipinos in our country. In other words, this will strengthen the foundation of the Filipinos on their nationalism and patriotism for the country which can result in a fast and major economic improvement to our country since we would be competitively working hard for our country and fighting for our rights as an independent country. 5. Yes Manapat (A01)
@danecollado 2 года назад
1. Although Dr. Jose Rizal is already considered the Philippines’ national hero by the Filipino nation and around the world, I think an official declaration is still necessary. National symbols are significant for every country because these symbols represent the country’s unique culture, traditions, and ideals. The Philippines already has few officially declared national symbols such as national anthem, national flag, national tree, and national flower. With this, I think officially declaring our national hero, as well as the other unofficial national symbols, is a must because it will further strengthen the patriotism in our nation. Even though there is already a decree that commemorates Dr. Jose Rizal as a remarkable historical figure, explicitly declaring him as the official national hero would further give him his deserving recognition for all the sacrifices and contributions he had done to the country. 2. Learning history is one of the foremost steps to expressing one’s love for the country. Thus, I believe that the Rizal course should be a compulsory or a mandatory subject in college. This course is significant because it gives every college student an opportunity to know more about the life and the works of Dr. Jose Rizal-one of the people who had and still has the most influence in Philippine history. Also, considering this course as a mandatory subject in college will help in preserving and honoring Dr. Jose Rizal. By studying this course, we and the future generations will be able to learn all the ideals and beliefs of Dr. Rizal that could be very useful to acquire as we deal with the current and future situations of our nation. His influential and inspirational story will strengthen the nationalism of every Filipino. His legacy will be passed on to every generation and the Filipino nation will never forget one of the greatest pieces in Philippine history if the opportunity to study his life and works will carry on. 3. I think Bonifacio was not responsible for Rizal’s early death. Just like the other member of the Katipunan, Andres Bonifacio has a clear and good intention for using Dr. Jose Rizal’s name. Their motive was purely to give respect and appreciation to Dr. Jose Rizal who greatly influenced them to fight the colonizers of the country. Respecting and recognizing the people who inspire us is already planted in the DNA of the Filipinos. Thus, I think the Katipunan commemorating Dr. Jose Rizal’s name was not used for the wrong cause. Dr. Jose Rizal has great respect and love for our fellow Filipinos, just like his love for the country. Thus, he will not think ill of his countrymen and blame them for his early death. Katipunan and Dr. Jose Rizal are connected by the same goal-independence and equal rights for every Filipino in the country. Blaming Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan would only make us misunderstand their good objective. Dr. Jose Rizal already knew the risk of creating a novel about opposing the colonizers and the tyranny, yet he continued to do what he thinks will help to open the eyes of the Filipino nation. This just proves that he was willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good and would not blame anyone if anything happens to him. 4. Pacifist orientation should not be in the criteria for choosing our national hero. Two different ways were used in the past to attain our independence: a peaceful movement and a revolution for a greater cause. I believe the latter option should not hinder someone from becoming a national hero. I am fully aware that creating a peaceful movement is always the better option, and we should not resort to war and violence. But then again, revolution does not equate to violence. Revolution is always associated with war and violence, but there are non-violent revolutions too. For me, revolution is justifiable on the condition that it was done for the benefit of all and the greater good. Additionally, although it was mentioned that the Filipinos have a peace-loving nature, many of the Filipinos in the past fought through revolutionizing when they felt that they were oppressed and their rights were being violated. Choosing to fight that way would not make someone less worthy of being a national hero. No one will attempt to revolutionize in the first place if no one is being oppressed. To summarize, having a pacifist national hero could be preferable. However, we should not invalidate those who revolutionize for the country to have independence. 5. Yes Submitted by: Collado (A01)
@RnZ_226 2 года назад
1) For me there is no need for an official declaration of Rizal as our national hero because everyone already know how heroic dr. Jose Rizal is. The details precisely that made me miss a lot of things or information about our national hero dr. Jose Rizal. I don’t appreciate much back then but right now I am grateful that we had the opportunity to focus on his life because of this course which is mandated by law, now I am interested because the mistakes in the past can be related to the situation of the Philippines right now because we ate still under the government which is corrupt and a lot of Filipinos are still poor and suffering by those incompetent leaders which are selfish and full of greed, pride, ego and hatred just like the saying history repeats itself then there are lot of protestors and still fighting the system of government. 2) For me Rizal course should be still a compulsory subject in college because a lot of students miss their subjects in senior high school or junior high school. Through this we may had a chance get to know him much better and comprehend the significance of him and explanation to every part is clear and addressed well. I am happy to study about Jose Rizal because there’s a lot of moral story which helps me to love being a Filipino even more. This letter is my admiration for him and other Filipinos because they let us see the bravery and strength of all the Filipinos in the past whom sacrifice their life to save our country from the cruelty and abusive colonizers. 3) For me I think that Bonifacio was guilty of leading Rizal into an early death and by allowing the KKK or Katipunan to become irresponsible for using his name in their war cry. Rizal had opposed the revolution against Spain. Rizal was not actually against the revolution but advised the Katipuneros to wait for the right timing, secure the needed weapons and get the support of the rich and scholarly class. Then he have suffered a lot because of the injustices, humiliation, being disrespected and discriminated in our own land by the spaniards which hurts the most. 4) For me I think it is not necessary to be pacifist orientation since we are not Americans to decide same as they are. Jose Rizal always makes a point that education is the best gift that we could ever receive because this is where we can have a power in all the aspects in life as our knowledge leads to be respected and makes us richer in health, relationships and also money which is essential to help us survive in this life to make a legacy or meaningful life as it gives us purpose. But not all our heroes is pacifist orientation so it is not necessary. 5) Yes [GARCIA, JOHN RENZ C. - A01]
@user-we8vk3nm5d Год назад
Ramilo, B43 1) Yes, Dr. Jose Rizal, is widely recognized as an illustrious example of a man of peace due to his support for nonviolent methods of change and his dedication to them. The perception of Rizal as a pacifist was greatly influenced by his beliefs and deeds, which also helped to establish him as a national hero. Although there are varying views on his pacifism, many people think it's an important part of his legacy. The way Rizal handled social and political change is one of the main factors contributing to his reputation as a man of peace. He held that peaceful discourse, education, and enlightenment were the greatest ways to address social inequalities and bring about reforms. Rizal stressed the ability of knowledge, logic, and intellectual enlightenment to bring about favorable change. Rizal revealed the flaws of Spanish colonial power through his writings, including his novels "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," and he supported the notion of nonviolent reforms. 2) A difficult and hotly contested subject among historians is Jose Rizal's affiliation with the Katipunan, led by Andres Bonifacio. if Bonifacio's activities caused Rizal to be executed and if the Katipunan used Rizal's reputation for their own ends are hotly debated issues. It is true that Rizal's involvement with the Katipunan led directly to his execution. Due to his suspected membership in the secret group, Rizal was detained and accused with sedition, insurrection, and conspiracy. Despite neither supporting or taking part in violent uprisings, Rizal was associated with the Katipunan because of his relationships with some of its members, according to the authorities. The Propaganda Movement advocated pacific reforms, and Rizal's participation in it added to the government's concerns. Although opinions on Bonifacio's function and the Katipunan's use of Rizal's name vary, it is obvious that Rizal's affiliation with the Katipunan and the revolutionary cause was what ultimately led to his execution. It is difficult to place sole blame on any one person or group because of the complicated historical backdrop and several forces at play. To fully comprehend this period of Philippine history, it is crucial to analyze these events with nuance and take into account the viewpoints of other historians. 3) The fact that there hasn't been a formal declaration doesn't lessen Rizal's important contributions to the Philippines and his long-lasting influence on Filipino society. Filipinos were greatly inspired by and mobilized by Rizal's ideas, activity, and martyrdom throughout the fight for independence from Spanish colonial control. His beliefs in nonviolent change, nationalism, and love of country still have an impact on Filipinos today. However, a formal statement could assist to formally acknowledge Rizal's centrality in Philippine history and serve to further establish his standing as the nation's hero. It might also be a chance for the government to reaffirm Rizal's ideals and promote them as a compass for the future of the country. 4) The case for making the Rizal course required centers on how important it is for building a feeling of national identity, cultural awareness, and historical knowledge of the Philippines. The nation's consciousness and ambitions for independence are credited to Rizal's works and ideals. Making the course required will guarantee that every student has a basic understanding of Rizal's contributions and his part in the Philippine struggle for independence. It fosters a sense of community among the populace and fosters the development of a shared understanding of the nation's past. Those who favor making the Rizal course elective contend that doing so gives students the freedom to select classes that suit their unique interests and future plans. Students can explore a wider choice of subjects in elective courses and broaden their expertise. Students that have a particular interest in Philippine history, literature, or national identity can choose to enroll in the Rizal course and learn more about the author's life and works by making it elective. This strategy recognizes that not all students may be equally interested in the subject matter or perceive the course as directly relating to their chosen fields of study. The educational objectives, cultural setting, and political perspectives of policymakers will determine whether the Rizal course should be required, optional, or not taught at all in colleges. The significance of national identity, historical understanding, student interests, and the overall balance of the curriculum should all be taken into account when making this choice. It's critical to strike a balance between offering kids a well-rounded education and letting them select classes that are in line with their own aims and interests. 5) Yes
@reginaaliza9230 Год назад
1.)Rizal’s way of fighting is through writing about what happened during the colonization of the Spaniards in the Philippines. He did not even have an idea of battling physically and wanted to spread awareness through his writings. With the help of his novels, it has been read by Bonifacio and was moved to start a revolution against the conquerors. I agree that Rizal, being a pacifist, helped him to be considered as the national hero as it has been one of the criterias to be considered as the national hero. The Americans who set the criterias are worrying about giving the Filipinos during that time an idea on how to fight for this country and they are afraid that the Filipinos will be against them. The Americans are trying to win the hearts of the Filipinos that time, so they will be able to smoothly deploy and execute the plans. So, the Americans consider Rizal to be the national hero and set to be the inspiration of peace in the Philippines. An intelligent act of the Americans to brainwash the minds of the Filipinos, that they went to the Philippines to help, to give this country peace and not conquer us. 2.) Based on my opinion, I think Bonifacio is not responsible for Rizal's early death. He did not intend to lead Rizal to death. The reason why he started and led the revolution is because he looked up to Rizal’s courage to write the novels that reflect the true happening during that time. Rizal is really not part of the KKK to fight physically yet as someone who made them an inspiration of fighting for this country, they are shouting the name of Rizal, they even put portraits of Rizal in every hideout and make his surname as their password before entering their hideout. It is to strengthen the thought that the reason why they knew about the harshness of the Spaniards is because of his writings and with that the Spaniards thought that Rizal planned this all to make a revenge for making the Filipinos suffer. No one has the intention to lead Rizal to early death. 3.) Years have passed and even though he has not been officially declared as our national hero he is already considered. I think, there is no need to declare him as our national hero because after all these years, if they were not able to do it, maybe it will cause conflict to others if they do so. By just hearing the opinions of other people, even with their simple statement, there are people who do not agree to make him as our national hero and with that it will cause conflict, issue and even can make trouble in this country if they will really insist on naming the official national hero. They are all heroes in different ways, they battle for this country. For me, it is okay to consider them all as national heroes even without official declaration, it will not change the fact that they all sacrificed their lives to set this country free from the cruelty of the Spaniards. It is just that Rizal has the greatest name among them all because the writings and inspiration came from him. 4.) Based on my opinion, as someone who is already in college yet this is the only time that I knew that Rizal is not officially declared as our national hero, after many years of listening about the life and works of Rizal, I think Rizal course/subject should be compulsory in College. Filipinos should always have a heart to remember the reason why we are able to know what happened during the Spanish colonization. Rizal is an inspiration to value education and with that, as a college student, we should not forget and remove the subject Rizal in College as it will also help us to strengthen ourselves on being nationalistic. Rizal’s novels helped us to understand why we have the practices, religion, food, traditions and words to call a certain place or thing is because the Spaniard influenced us. To study the Life and Works of Rizal is looking back on how long it took the Philippines to taste freedom and to study the Life and Works of Rizal is reminding us how gold our history was. 5.) YES WALO (Section A18)
@AJMacario Год назад
1.)Rizal was considered an exemplary model for peace because his way of fighting in a revolution was not through violence but through the use of his pen, paper, words, and experiences. The written works he published during the time of Spanish rule became the inspiration of many Filipinos in starting a revolution. I do think that Rizal being a pacifist helped a ton in his case for being the national hero. The Americans gave Rizal a bigger boost in his case for being the national hero. Americans chose Rizal to be the representative of Filipino heroes to not entice another bloody revolution against the Philippines. Filipinos, being a peace-loving nation, would prefer to live in an environment far from violence. Nowadays, we still see the remnants of Rizal’s influence on the Filipino nation through the written works of our journalists. The journalists of today’s time use their experiences and words as a weapon to fight against corrupt people in the country. 2.) Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan drew a lot of inspiration on the works of Rizal to fuel the revolution against the Spaniards. Bonifacio ,in a way, feels guilty that he is one of the reasons that led to Rizal’s untimely death but he is not the only the contributing reason for the Rizal’s arrest and death. In a time where the Spanish have almost full control of the media, Rizal being an anti-Spanish regime is considered a felony. During this time, I think Rizal is already on the watchlist of the Spaniards and already has a good reason to arrest him. Bonifacio and the Katipunan became irresponsible in using his name and image. Having a portrait of Rizal in their hideouts and including his name in their war cries, the Spanish would definitely think that Rizal is the leader of the revolution. These actions by the Katipunan put a huge target on Rizal’s head which led to his arrest. 3.)While there is still no declaration for Rizal’s induction to be the country’s national hero, he is still revered as the national hero by almost all Filipinos. Up until today, there are still debates on whether Rizal should be considered the national hero or not. Since there are still no declarations, the title of “national hero of the Philippines” is up for grabs by any notable hero we have. I would prefer that there would still be a ceremony and an official declaration for Rizal’s status as the national hero. An official declaration would definitely elevate Rizal’s name to another status since the title of being the national hero would be entirely his. No other hero in the history of the Philippines could be considered the national hero than Rizal. A declaration would also be a showing of respect to the contributions of Rizal’s life and works to the whole Filipino nation. 4.)For me, the study of Rizal’s life and works should be an elective subject for college students rather than it being a compulsory one. Based on experience, many students have already encountered the subject of Rizal’s life and works during their elementary and high school lives. In high school, our school’s curriculum allotted a whole school year only on studying the life and works of Jose Rizal. For college students, many of us sought to always have a lighter academic load every semester and having a subject dedicated to the life of Rizal does not help this case. It is not a bad thing to be reminded of Rizal’s greatness but encountering it at almost all levels of education is a bit overkill. It should be an elective so that college students would have an option on whether they want to study Rizal’s life on a deeper level or not since college education should be focused on studying for a student's desired job. 5.) Yes Macario, B43
@franzravendelrosariobatain8943 2 года назад
1. There should be an official declaration and Jose Rizal should be considered as the National Hero of the Philippines. Why? Because Rizal is the one who is the founding father of Filipino nationality where the former indios living in the Philippines where given. National heroes are not just heroes who uses his/her skills, talents, mind and soul to fight the oppressors but also using his/her courage. Heroes who fight the Spaniards who are war heroes are not heroes who are violent but are using their courage and fighting skills. Jose Rizal should be considered as National Hero because of his famous books, poems, and novels that conveys fighting spirit against oppressors. 2. Life and Works of Jose Rizal should be considered as one of the compulsory courses of the General Education curriculum. It should be taken by all college students not just to earn units, not just to pass it, but to tackle and remember how awesome Dr. Jose Rizal is. How awesome his works, his authorship, his life, his family, his love life and his travel experience. These awesome things are relevant in today’s society and how different the time then and now. Rizal course tackles how Filipinos will be a role model in freedom, justice, peace and truth. Rizal course teaches students how great the Filipinos that Rizal started. 3. Andres Bonifacio should not be blamed into Rizal’s execution. In fact, Rizal lead the rise of the Philippine Revolution and the KKK is one of the organizations that incorporates the Philippine Revolution. La Liga Filipina is the club where Rizal is member. War heroes and Pacifist Heroes should be considered as National Heroes. National Heroes are heroes who fight against Spaniards and signaled the Philippine Independence. 4. National heroes are the heroes who fight against Spaniards and signaled the Philippine Independence. Rizal is the Pacifist hero and Bonifacio is the warmonger hero. Heroes who use either pen or sword should be a national hero. There should be no bias who is the national hero. On the other hand, Rizal should be considered as the Greatest National Hero because of his awesome skills and his unique way of fighting Spaniards. 5. Yes. I have watched the video Franz Raven Batain A07
@jdfrancia8207 Год назад
1.) Jose Rizal is considered an exemplary model of a man of peace because of his pacifist way of contributing to protect his beloved country. I also think it helped him to be considered as our national hero, not only because it was a criteria made by the Taft Commission, but because it is true that to look up to a man of peace, than to look up to a man of war. It would make sense in a way that we would rather want to express our pride as Filipinos peacefully, than to be overzealous and would engage in war whenever challenged. This is because being a national hero will serve as a role model to everyone in the country, especially for the youth. It's like saying there's more to war than just battle, it can be dealt with peacefully too. Regardless of war, this will teach the youth as well to love and to lead their country without hints of malice. 2.) I think in a way, it did reveal how Jose Rizal was affiliated to the Katipuneros to the Spaniards, but I would not say it should make Bonifacio guilty if it was necessary to encourage fellow Filipinos to join their movement. However, it was still careless to use Rizal's name for their passwords and battlecry, but it was also a necessary evil that made Jose Rizal what he is today. Maybe using a pen name or a nickname meant no trust, so they wanted every Filipino to know who was giving them hope. Maybe, if they were more careful with Rizal's name, and his death never came, would he still be our national hero? If his death fanned the flames of revolution, then maybe if he lived, the word will not spread throughout the archipelago and unite them as effectively to start the revolution sooner. Nonetheless, all of it allowed for the discovery of Rizal's help in our history books and learnt that his death, early or not, was not in vain. 3.) In my opinion, there are a lot of heroes whom contributed and sacrificed for our country during the invasions, but with the Taft Commission's criteria, Jose Rizal should still be proclaimed as the national hero. It has already been a general knowledge that Jose Rizal is the Philippine National hero, meaning everyone has accepted that idea, so declaring it to be official may not do much harm. Not only that, as mentioned before, Rizal being a man of peace is significant in the development of many and the youth. It will spark another way of showing nationalism through the love of literature, manner, and peace. Ever since my childhood, I have always been taught that Rizal is the our national hero, and after learning about him and his work in high school and until now, my thoughts about him as the national hero remains the same. I think with how famous and impactful he is, declaring him as the National hero will do more good than harm. 4.) Well, it is already mandated by the law under Republic Act No 1425 to implement the life and works of Rizal as a course in college. However, even without the enforcement of the law, I think it is necessary to keep us reminded of Jose Rizal. It should be a compulsory course in college, especially nowadays, when most youth are deviating from the norms of before. It is beneficial to enlighten them of how hardship was dealt in the past, and how Filipinos have dealt with it. Rizal's work would be able to give them new insights on how they can act their role as a Filipino in the country. If there are even people denying or thinking Rizal is overrated, then maybe this course is even more important to tackle on. After all, this is not only about Rizal despite the name of the course, it tells us how other notable heroes worked arm-ina-arm with him and how he was the man that led many during the war and revolution. 5.) Yes. Francia B43
@vryckmeranio7731 2 года назад
1. I believe that Dr. Jose Rizal should be declared as our National hero, for transparency purposes this must be done officially and to recognise his achievements and contribution to the Philippines's freedom. A man of such high calibre deserves to be recognised officially for his sacrifices and accomplishments. It would be wrong to not announce him as our official National hero, doing so solidifies the reason why he is special amongst other heroes. He battled a different type of battle as such he fought by writing with a pen and not fighting with sword. His literature works inspired many Filipinos to fight for what is truly ours. He truly deserves the title. 2. Personally I think the subject Rizal should be given by colleges as a compulsory course as for a country that has gone through hardships, the course that teaches Rizal's work is the only subject that portrays how Filipinos fought for their freedom against the Spaniards. Students that did not have the chance to learn the history of the Philippines from their elementary and high school years will have the chance to study his life and works in college, this compulsory course can aid students to better understand Philippine history and all the people associated with it including Dr. Jose Rizal’s life. 3. I believe that Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan was guilty of leading Rizal into an early death, mainly because of the fact that Bonifacio and the Katipunan made a ruckus of Dr. Jose Rizal’s name. They weren’t careful on how they express their emotions towards their ambition. Their battle cry of Rizal’s name made it worse as it might have sparked or made the Spaniards realize that Rizal is a big threat to them, this ultimately led to Rizal’s imprisonment and later on death. However, I also believe that Dr. Jose Rizal was also involved on his own death as he wrote literatures that were about the mistreatments and sufferings of Filipinos under the Spanish Empire, this would sooner or later be discovered by the Spaniards which will also lead to his own death. The only part where Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan went wrong was that they were being reckless with Rizal’s name by shouting it before battles and probably on how they used Rizal’s work to manifest their goal of revolting for the freedom of our motherland. 4. I believe that we shouldn’t at all only pick our national heroes for their pacifist orientation. I think the idea behind having a pacifist hero was only made by Americans to protect themselves from any possible threats, and by that time we were also colonised by Americans which only makes sense so that they can maintain peace. I believe that this idea of pacifism wouldn’t benefit our country’s criteria for selection of national heroes as it would be unfair for other unsung heroes who fought their battles on the battlefield. Having a pacifist criteria will make Filipinos weak in times of war as some war can never be fought by words. Ultimately, we shouldn’t focus only on heroes of pacifist orientation. 5. Yes Meranio-(A06)
@ralphjessed.5385 Год назад
1. I agree that Rizal being a pacifist helped him to be considered as our national hero because his way of dealing with violence or war is unique because he can resolve situations without the use of violence and with the use of only his pen and paper. A true hero believed that not at all times, violence is not the answer to solving problems and issues because violence can also lead to another war, rebellion, and chaos or endless battles. In that way, some people will not be involved in putting their lives in danger, anger, and hatred. It is important to promote peace to us Filipinos because it shows us that we use our knowledge first before executing. I don’t know if that will be implemented here in this recent generation. That is why Jose Rizal became a national hero by winning in a war in a peaceful way and without violence. 2. In my perspective, Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan is held guilty of leading Jose Rizal into an early death and I think that they are not aware that it will lead Rizal to death. Bonifacio was Rizal’s “fanboy” which led him and the Katipunan be inspired by Rizal and idolizing him so they fight for the independence and being resilient for our nation. They also use the name of Rizal as their password for entering their hideout, shouting “Mabuhay si Rizal!” in the battle with the Spaniards, and having his portrait in their hideout. Because of their chanting, the Spaniards think that Rizal was the mastermind behind the chanting and the rebellion of the Filipinos to them. But I understand the Katipunan because they were inspired and idolized by Rizal to gain freedom from the Spaniards. Even though they feel guilty for the death of their hero and idol, they still manage to fight for their freedom. 3. While taking this course, I was today’s years old when I knew that Rizal hasn’t been officially declared as our national hero yet. For me, we should still be declaring Jose Rizal as our national hero because his life and works inspired on how he is important to the history of the Philippines and how it will affect the lives of the Filipinos. We have more reason to tell foreigners about him because he is our recognized national hero. Rizal made numerous contributions to the Philippines' history. I believe that many Filipinos look up to Rizal because he used peace rather than force to fight for the Philippines. He was a remarkable man who used his works to rebel. Jose Rizal is our national hero, and he will continue to inspire future generations through his works, according to a formal statement that would also enable us, the Filipino people, to declare this with authenticity and pride. 4. Learning the life and works of Rizal should be a compulsory in college because it helps us learn more not just the life and works, but you can have a better understanding of what life was like during the Spanish era and how Filipinos dealt with it by studying Rizal's life and works. Also, we can dive to a deeper understanding on how his works were made. By studying Rizal, we can also show our honor and remembrance of our national hero. Studying Rizal's life and works is crucial because of the invaluable contributions that he and other national heroes make to the nation. I think that by offering this course to every college student, we may deepen our love for the nation and allow ourselves to be motivated by his contributions, such as his books or works. Every Filipino generation must carry on his accomplishments. 5. Yes, I did watch the entire video lecture.
@avypsngc Год назад
1. Yes, I do agree that him being a pacifist helped him to be considered as our national hero. As for being considered as an exemplary model of a man of peace, there are other reason besides being a pacifist. Instead of using an actual weapon, he used a different weapon which are his works "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo". He also proved that anyone can win a battle without the use of violence. He is known for his support for non-violent methods of enacting change, his unwavering dedication to the ideas of liberty, justice, and national identity, as well as his profound humanity and compassion, Rizal serves as an example for a man of peace. As a result of his pacifist beliefs, which spoke to the hopes of the Filipino people and set a strong example for succeeding generations of Filipino leaders, he was elevated to the title of a national hero. 2. I think Andres Bonifacio was not guilty because as he was spreading Jose Rizal's name, it is possible that the idea of putting Jose Rizal in danger crossed his mind but he just did not care as he and the other Filipinos saw him as hope for the Philippines. As for the Katipunan being irresponsible in its use of Jose Rial's name for the sake of its cause, Yes, I do think they became irresponsible as they all know that being against the Spanish would mean death but I think Jose Rizal also know that doing what he did would also mean death so putting all the blame on Bonifacio and Katipunan is not really necessary because they did the dirty work for Jose Rizal and the country. Even though Jose Rizal did die early because of Bonifacio and the Katipunan, it still shows that all of his effort for the Philippines was not wasted. 3. Although, others would say that it is still a need for an official declaration as a sign of Jose Rizal's place in the Philippines' history, recognition and honor that he deserves, and educating the future generations in the Philippines about what he did. There is also a law where you should study his life and works, where young Filipinos will know his contributions to the struggle of past Filipinos victims to the Spanish and how they fought for independence are widely acknowledged. The Philippines still appreciate, honor and celebrate his contributions, life, and work in order to inspire or motivate the generation which is why I think no, there is no need for an official declaration. Because until today, Jose Rizal is still known as a national hero a savior, a hope, a great Malayan, a Filipino that cares and love the Philippines even without having an official declaration by the government. 4. I think that it should just be an elective subject in college. First, Jose Rizal's life and works are already taught in high school such as roleplay of "Noli Me Tangere" or "El Filibusterismo" or a history subject although it is not mainly about Jose Rizal but he is still included. Second, it does not have significant importance to a student's chosen course to study such as a student who is majoring in Information Technology, it should all be about technology and in Jose Rizal's life and works, there is not much about technology and it would make it irrelevant to learn from it if the student wants to be a programmer. Third, it would lessen the tuition of the student especially if there is a financial problem or it would be great if the funds would go to development or research. Lastly, some student may not be interested at all on learning more about Jose Rizal and are just okay on the surface level knowledge about him, for instance, how he made his works and fought for the freedom of the Filipinos and such. So it would be unnecessary to teach it again in college unless the student wants to study it again which is why I choose the elective subject in college choice. 5. Yes. Yapsangco (A18)
@juliocajucom1276 2 года назад
1) I think that there should be an official declaration because the Philippines only designate Jose Rizal as our hero whose work inspired the people to spark the revolution. It will be meaningful for the people today and the people of the past to honor Jose Rizal as our national hero although we have been treating Jose Rizal as our national hero. An official declaration today would be meaningful because it will show that the Filipinos still have the spirit that Jose Rizal was talking about. It will help us become more inclined on honoring heroes of the past with respect. 2) I think that the Rizal course should be an elective subject in college. I believe that it should be elective mostly because of what was taught during my elementary and junior high school days. I think that studying the works of Rizal should be taught more during elementary and junior high school because it will inspire the students more before reaching adulthood. Studying Rizal's work would be more than enough during high school and it is better of to be an elective subject in college. If it is an elective subject it's best for the students to take the subject. 3) I think that Andres Bonifacio would feel a guilt after leading Rizal to his death partly because he took inspiration to Rizal's work and sparked the revolution. It led to Rizal's death because the Spaniards believe by eliminating their source of inspiration the revolution would stop and they will be in control. I believe that the Katipunan became irresponsible because they used Rizal's name as a password ang hanged portrait of Rizal in their houses making Rizal as a bait and further endangering his life because the Spaniards now know what their inspiration looks like leading to capture and death. 4) In my opinion the take of Jose Rizal as our national hero is great. Although it is convenient for other countries that our national hero is a pacifist, it is also of great value to us countrymen. Being of pacifist orientation will show that our country is not inclined of starting a war against other countries but it will also help them understand that if taken over by other countries a revolution would follow as even though Jose Rizal is of pacifist orientation he also inspired people through his works a revolution that will give the Filipinos their respective freedom. 5) Yes Cajucom (A07)
@austinsoriano4887 2 года назад
1) I think Dr. Jose Rizal needs to be officially declared our national hero because he meets all the requirements to be a national hero. He was the one who fought for our country with nothing but pen and paper and brought to light the abuse, abuse, and violence of the Spaniards against the Filipinos. Dr. Jose Rizal is a man of peace and never wants a bloody war, so that is a big factor for Dr. Jose Rizal to be officially declared our National Hero. 2) Yes, we should all consider taking the Rizal course in any college program, especially for Filipino students so they can have a better understanding of how Rizal fought for our nation with only the use of his pen. He is an indispensable figure in Philippine history, Rizal is the founder of Philippine nationalism, and he has made a huge contribution to our current position, so for that, I think this fact is the main reason why the life of Rizal should be taught to college students like us to know how we ended up in our current standing he has a big impact in the Philippine independence. 3) As Andres Bonifacio is a fan of Dr. Jose Rizal, I think it is the responsibility of the Katipunans to make Rizal a national hero. As the Katipunan shouting "Mabuhay si Dr. Jose Rizal" as their battle cry while charging the enemies, I think that gives more moral to Dr. Jose Rizal's name though Rizal does not want any kind of a bloody war. 4) Yes, I believe all national heroes should be pacifists. National heroes are the ones who will become our teachers and the ones who will set an example to us, students when we study their lives of course we do not want our leader/hero to be the one who will always start a war. We Filipinos want peace we do not want any war if we can settle something peacefully we will do it for the sake of our country we do not want to learn any violence in our national heroes. 5) Yes Soriano (A06)
@Carlos-cy5qz 2 года назад
1. In my opinion, yes, there is still a need for an official declaration of Rizal as the national hero. Since I think that almost all Filipinos and even foreigners perceive him as a national hero of the Philippines, as well as the government as they give him a mandatory course to learn his very works and that should clearly state that he is the main candidate to be the national hero of the country as he is acknowledged to be learn at to every student. With that being said, it is clear that in our hearts we knew that he is the first person to be brought up whenever we say “Filipino hero”. However, I think that is not enough for us to believe that he is our national hero, so I believe that there should be an official declaration as it will further solidify his name in our history books and it will bring more honor to his name. Especially considering that he’s one of the heroes that a Filipino character should reflect upon specifically to his passion and patriotism for his country. 2. Yes, I strongly believe that Rizal course should be compulsory for the following reasons; first, it doesn’t only talk about Rizal’s life but it explains the major turns of our history, being our freedom to the Spaniards. Second, it is one way to pay tribute to our national hero ‘Rizal’ but not just limited to him, but to every person that has fought for the country. Third, he was a great advocate and a prime example of fighting for the people’s rights against to its oppressors, he fought for freedom in a peaceful way through his works and writings and that should be learned by every people that asserts violence is not the only option. Lastly, it will give a better understanding about the history as it will unravel the uncut version of the works of Jose Rizal and it will provide a new way of thinking and or maybe a new inspiration for the person who’ll study it. 3. Being a fanboy, Andres Bonifacio was highly inspired by Rizal and his works which sparked the revolution of our people against the Spaniards. He, like any other, held Rizal in great regard and used his very name as a symbol to inspire and unite the Filipinos for their revolution. However, this would lead to a violent war which is something that Rizal did not want. He didn’t co-inspire or even be entirely involved with this movement. And yes, I think that Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan is somehow responsible to the early death of Rizal as they used his very name throughout their movement. They used his name as a password on their hideout, they had a portrait of Rizal in every camp, and they also shouted the name of Rizal as a battle cry, and so on. This may had led the Spaniards to think that Rizal is the one that started this revolution and thus, may had led to his early death. It was quite irresponsible act as they could have used a different way to honor Rizal. But there might also be other factors as to why Rizal was killed especially considering that Rizal works are the main thing that the oppressors are afraid of as it has the capability to ignite and inspire the Filipino heart to fight for their freedom. 4. Yes, I do believe that our national hero should be of pacifist orientation for the following reasons; First, war and violence will not always be the main option to take in settling a conflict/dispute but should be to negotiate and discuss the problems first. Furthermore, I do believe on the phrase of “the pen is mightier than the sword”, as we can attain peace without having any casualties especially death and damages from both sides. And as human beings, we should always think rationally not just for our betterment but as a whole. Second, our national flag has the color blue on top that symbolizes ‘peace’ and this should not only reflect to our national hero but to every citizen of the Philippines that we should always prioritize peace. Lastly, a national hero should be of a good example for the young generation. And that is to create other ways to fight and stand not just to resort on violence. On the contrary, I do know that this can only happen if both the opposing parties will be open in discussing the problem, if not, war/violence can only be the option to take. 5. Yes. Medalla (A06)
@Livilencee Год назад
1. Rizal considered as a man of peace where he uses his words rather than sword to fight the Spaniards, Rizal advocated for peaceful means of achieving reforms and social change in the Philippines during the Spaniards, Rizal promote unity to all the Filipino through his novels, essays and works that awaken the national injustice that is happening around them and motivate the Filipino's to fight. Him being a pacifist did somehow help him to be a national hero, since the American made a criteria on how to choose a national hero that won't use blood and revolt against the American themselves. 2. I would say that Bonifacio and the Katipunan were not responsible in the early death of Rizal, since given the fact that they were only revolting since of the work of Rizal, since the Katipunan main goal was based on Rizal works and they just really inspired by him they just really respected Rizal to made him their part of their battle cry and password to their cult, even so RIzal is already wanted by the Spaniards before the Katipunans revolt. Bonifacio and the Katipunan were once of the group that were moved by the words of Rizal and wanted eternal peace on their lands. 3.An official declaration is not needed in order to Rizal be acknowledged as a national hero, whenever people say its Philippines they can already think about Rizal and his sacrifices amongst the Filipino, even where we were little he already is the one who are acknowledge as the hero of the Philippines, there is no need for declaration people already wanted Rizal even the people of the past will agree since he is the one who pushed them to gave us the freedom that we are having right now. Rizal is already ingrained to the mind of FIlipino and there is no changing that. 4. Rizal course should be a compulsory subject but for me not in college, I agree that people must know the history of the country itself the sacrifices that happens around and the things that revolving around RIzal, but this must be already taught in Highschool or Senior High since it is already where we gather informational about everything, since college focuses on the courses or job that we will be finding, and I don't think Rizal course is perfect on this level. Rizal course must be taught in youngers levels and college must focus on the upcoming future that will help us on our jobs 5. Yes MANGUI B43
@katrinac5082 Год назад
1. After watching the video, I have come to understand that an exemplary model of a man of peace is the one who doesn't want a revolution because it might inspire or trigger the Filipinos to revoke again against the Americans who are staying in a country. Rizal's commitment to peace has played a significant role in his reputation as an exemplary model of nonviolence. In contrast to Andres Bonifacio, a proponent of armed resistance. Yes, Rizal's pacifist stance, in my opinion, significantly contributed to his recognition as our national hero. His status as a national hero encompasses various factors, with his pacifist beliefs being recognized as one of them. As mentioned in the video, one of the criteria for being a national hero is being a man of pacifist orientation, meaning a man who is not fond of war. He also believed that through education and social and political awareness, Filipinos could achieve progress and independence. 2. In my opinion, Bonifacio and the Katipunan should not be solely blamed for Rizal's early death. Although Bonifacio and the Katipunan were involved in the revolution, it is important to understand that historical events should not be oversimplified because blaming a single individual or group for everything is not accurate or fair. I believe that Rizal's execution was a result of his own involvement in the Philippine Revolution. I do not think Bonifacio was responsible for Rizal's early death. It is important to recognize that Bonifacio and the Katipunan's use of Rizal's name as a battle cry and password was not necessarily an act of irresponsibility. In my conclusion, it would not be fair to place all the blame on Bonifacio and the Katipunan for Rizal's early death. Rizal's execution happened because of the choices he made, his active participation, and the actions of various people involved during that period. I truly believe that he understood the possible outcomes that could result from openly challenging the Spanish colonial authorities through his writings, specifically his novels. 3. Personally, yes. Although Rizal holds a significant place in Philippine history and is widely regarded as a national hero, there has not been an official declaration by the Philippine government. I think it would be less confusing to all the students and Filipinos if there was an official declaration that would provide formal recognition, but I think some individuals are content that Rizal's impact and recognition as a national hero are already deeply ingrained in Philippine society and culture, making an official declaration unnecessary. This matter is still an ongoing discussion, but to provide my own opinion, the official declaration will honor the heroes, and there will be a formal basis for acknowledging that we can truly say that Rizal is our nation’s hero. And most importantly, an official declaration would ensure that future generations of students and Filipinos have a clear understanding of Rizal's importance and his enduring legacy. 4. In my opinion, it is crucial for the Rizal course to be mandatory in college and should be taught to all students. I believe that this subject holds great significance for several reasons. It plays a fundamental role in shaping our national identity and fostering a sense of pride. By studying Rizal's life, writings, and contributions, we students can acquire a deeper comprehension of Philippine history and culture. So that It will serve as a tool to strengthen our connection to our heritage and foster a profound sense of belonging to our nation. Unfortunately, if certain students lack adequate knowledge about the life of Rizal, it can result in a gap in understanding and appreciation of his significance in Philippine history and culture. This lack of familiarity with his teachings may cause them to miss out on valuable insights into their own cultural heritage and the challenges faced by previous generations. To solve this matter, it is crucial for educational institutions to be legally required to provide comprehensive and inclusive education about Rizal's life and contributions. 5. YES (Carañagan, Section B43)
@pidsleyyy494 2 года назад
1.) Yes, Even tho we already have a Rizal day, still there should be an official declaration for our national hero. There's a lot of reason why there should be a deceleration and one of this is not everyone including myself who is not aware that there is no official declaration in the Philippines even tho we knew that he is the National Hero. It would be a great thin to have an official declaration To give honour and credits for everything that Dr. Jose Rizal did as our National Hero. 2.) I think it should be a compulsory subject in college because even tho we already study some of his work in high school I think there is still a lot of things that we don’t know about him in terms of what he did and how he did it. I think it will also help the Filipinos especially the youths to look back and to have a sense of national identity as a Filipino. We should continue to learn about our national hero to give honour to the things they've done for the country and for us. 3.) Yes, I think Andres Bonifacio did felt guilt at some point and I feel bad for him because I know how much he idolize Dr. Jose Rizal. Tho I know nobody back then like what happened to Rizal I think they should acknowledge the mistake they’ve made like shouting Dr. Jose Rizal’s name and putting a picture of him. I feel like they unintentionally sabotage Dr. Jose Rizal on what they did. They should have been more careful since the spaniards is already keen at Dr. Jose Rizal but I think the death of Dr. Jose Rizal did became a wake up call to Katipunans to become stronger and more effective in the revolution. 4.) Yes, No one wants war. National Heroes have a great influence in its country and should be reliable in what they could feed in people’s mind. War doesn't really do anything good and it doesn't solve anything. Dr. Jose Rizal did a great job in defending our country in his own way with only an ink and pen. His works are inspiring, not violent yet it did made a impact and controversies to a lot of people back then. He is the main example that you don’t need to use violence. He is a great inspiration to Filipinos. 5.) Yes Acuyong A06
@kimnicolenarvaez1835 2 года назад
1.) In my opinion it is necessary to have an official declaration for Jose Rizal to be our National hero because some people are confuse between Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio as to which among them is the true national hero of the Philippines. Although Andres Bonifacio did the action rizal is still the one who gives him the idea to fight the Spaniards and fought for our country. Also one reason why it is necessary to have an official declaration for Jose Rizal to be our national hero is to avoid misinformation about who is the true national hero because some people especially students use this topic in their debates and fight over who is the true and deserves to be the national hero. 2.) Rizal course should be compulsory in college since Jose Rizal has a great part and contribution in our history. Rizal course is a great reminder for everyone especially for youth to never forget what Dr. Jose Rizal sacrifice for his people and country. It also show how great he is not only in making name in other countries but also his works like his novels that brings a great impact to its readers, it is also the reason that gives Andres Bonifacio the idea to start a revolution and free his countrymen from the Spaniards. Dr. Jose Rizal did not fight using force but instead he fight silently using his peaceful methods such as writing and use it to stir up Filipinos patriotism. 3.) I think Andres Bonifacio and the katipuneros should be accountable or responsible for Dr. Jose Rizal’s early death, although they made him a hero and Andres Bonifacio was a great fan of Rizal who gives him the urge to start the revolution, Bonifacio and the Katipuneros became irresponsible for using Rizal’s name even his portrait for their organization adding his famous works which led Bonifacio to start a revolution so maybe that gives the idea for the Spaniards to think that it was all planned by Jose Rizal and he is the one who are leading the Katipuneros or the KKK so they executed him for the crime of rebellion. 4.) For me our national hero should be a pacifist oriented just like Dr. Jose Rizal. He fought for our freedom in a silent but powerful way through his novels and works rather than aggression and force. He awakes Filipino’s love for our country that gives them the encouragement and urge to fought for our countries freedom. I think our national hero should be someone who opposes war or violence as means of settling dispute, someone who avoid violence but instead tries to fix things first and think of ways to solve problems without bloodshed and without anyone/someone being sacrifice and force to fight. 5.) Yes. NARVAEZ (A06)
@jbcagampang3566 Год назад
1) Rizal was considered an exemplary model of a man of peace due to the reason that he fought for our freedom in a way that does not need to hurt others. He did not want to start a war that could lead to another bloodbath with many people being hurt, instead, he used a way in which he is best at, and that is writing novels. With that being said, I agree that Rizal being a pacifist helped him to be considered our national hero in a way that he used pen and paper to voice his opinions instead of a weapon that could hurt others. His way of fighting for our country is an example of not all problems could be solved by fighting. The way he did it inspired his fellow countrymen to fight for our country which will only justify Rizal being considered as our national hero. 2) I do think that both the Katipunan and Bonifacio made a great impact on making Rizal our hero but they are not guilty and irresponsible in using Rizal's name, as well as contributing to his early death. I think that due to them being inspired by what Rizal has done, they just want to acknowledge the fact that it would not be possible that we are fighting for our freedom due to Rizal. Although some would believe that the usage of Rizal's name is overused or getting out of hand, I think that they just want to remind themselves that we are fighting for our country. That is why even during their battle cry, they are shouting about the independence of our country and the person responsible for them having the courage to fight for our country. That is why the usage of Rizal's name by the Katipunan is justifiable. 3) I do think that there is still a need for an official declaration of Rizal being our national hero. There are some reasons why an official declaration is a must, one is that it might lead to confusion. If Rizal is still not our national hero, it would lead to some debates as to who really should be our national hero. Without a doubt, Rizal is our national hero, but if foreigners from different countries ask us who is our national hero, we would say Rizal, but they would counter it with a question of why it is still not official. It would just lead to us being doubtful if he really does deserve to be our national hero. As someone since I started learning about our history, I have thought that Rizal was already our official national hero, no one else but him. I think it is time that we now officially declare him as our national hero. 4) The Rizal course must be a compulsory subject in college. It is important that we know our history and the people who made possible the things our country is today. Without the lessons that we could learn from the past, the things that we should do or obtain, and the things that we should avoid. That is why learning history would not only nurture and bring our sense of nationalism to our country but also learn from them. Rizal made a vital role in our history that changes the present as we know it. Without learning about his life and works, we would not be able to not only appreciate the things he has done to be able to understand why he is our national hero today but also learn his ways and how he achieved those things. That is why a Rizal course is an important part of our learning days. 5) YES (CAGAMPANG, B43)
@elijahrivera9590 Год назад
1. Dr. Jose Rizal was a man of peace because of his moving actions that did not require any form of violence. We can see it through his writings Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. The contents were very moving to the point that it sparked a revolution even if he did not intend that to happen. He did not want a bloody war between the Philippines and the colonizer, he even said to Andres Bonifacio that the country is not yet ready for a war. His way of doing things was peaceful because he used a pen instead of a sword. It is without a doubt that Rizal being a pacifist was a huge factor in the Americans selecting him as the national hero. A pacifist hero would favor the Americans since that pacifist person will not ignite a war. The Americans did not choose Andres Bonifacio as he is a symbol of war, therefore, if he is to be selected then that is enough for a revolution to be stronger, which the Americans don't want to happen. 2. In my opinion, during that time, the Katipunan was too moved by Dr. Jose Rizal. Their minds were overwhelmed with revolution and when they think of Rizal all they are reminded of is their inspiration and the purpose of the organization. They were blinded, and they did not think of the consequences of involving a person that does not want anything to do with Katipunan's revolution. Therefore, it was an irresponsible act. However, since Andres Bonifacio is one of the founders of the KKK and a fan of Dr. Jose Rizal personally, I think there was a guilt feeling that Andres felt. Rizal clearly expressed that he dislikes the idea of a bloody revolution since it would cost thousands of lives of fellow countrymen, Bonifacio still pushed through and involved Rizal which led to his death. It was Rizal that inspired Bonifacio, so the death of Rizal should be impactful enough to Bonifacio that he can feel guilt. 3. I believe that there is still a need for an official declaration because he deserves it. It is already given that Jose Rizal is a national hero in the hearts and minds of Filipinos, but we still owe it to him that he is a national hero in the paper. Regardless of the person's imperfections in some parts of his life, it still doesn't change the things that he has done for the country. The revolution wouldn't be possible without the awakening of the minds of Filipinos, and that happened only because of Dr. Jose Rizal. If it were to happen, this surely implies that the name of Rizal will live on forever in the country since it is now officially written. This would guide future generations by making Jose Rizal their role model, hoping that they would learn something from the hero that they can apply to their lives. 4. The way I see it, it is just right for the course 'The Life and Works of Jose Rizal' to be compulsory. This is because some Filipinos just have shallow knowledge of the National Hero. It is essential to teach a deep understanding of Rizal, for Filipinos to truly know how Rizal sacrificed his life for the good of the people and its impact on us. Teaching this to all college students will surely provide good lessons that will serve them throughout their lives. In reference to Sir E!'s lecture, two of the five reasons why we should study Rizal are: nationalism will live on, and we will have something to say to foreigners. These two reasons are the value that studying the Life and Works of Rizal can give us. Nationalism is an important thing to teach to the future generation, since according to Jose Rizal, "Ang Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan." 5. YES RIVERA, A18
@lorenzo3185 2 года назад
1. Yes, I believe that there should be an official declaration. Today, all Filipinos already know that Dr. Jose Rizal is our national hero, and even our history books will attest to that fact. Even though it will only serve as a formality at this point, not being officially declared can be used as grounds for weakening his claim and position as the national hero of the Philippines. It might sound far-fetched for our generation, but as history is won by the victors, facts and details can easily be changed if it comes to conflict of interest to the future Filipinos. Hence, being officiated does matter. 2. Although I do not see the Life and Works of Jose Rizal as compulsory knowledge on the path to becoming an engineer (I am in CE) my choice is that it should be compulsory knowledge in the path to earning a degree. I am of the opinion that a degree should not only teach technical and vocational skills, but also culture, art, and the introspection of man. I believe that the Rizal course should be there to enrich the student’s outlook of his/her roots, capabilities and achievements of his people. Rizal’s Life should be common knowledge between all degree holders graduating from the Philippines - that’s culture. 3. To say that Bonifacio caused Rizal’s death is an objective fact. But to say that he was guilty for it, is only words of ignorance. “The one in front of the gun lives forever” is a line from pop-culture among black artists. In this sense, if Rizal was not executed, his words cannot be spread. In biblical terms, if Jesus did not die, our sins will not be paid. If Rizal lived, his actions would not have had an impact. To die as a hero is to live the greatest of lives, and even Rizal would not hold it against the Katipunan, for his works clearly show that he did not want to die an ordinary man. 4. I do agree that our national hero should be a pacifist. Having a warrior as a hero might have been beneficial during the days of conquest, but the modern days of the 18th century were times of peace, where liberation and democracy were deemed the answer. A hero who is a man of war would only turn the people to more violent ways, and this will be frowned upon among other nations, especially the United States, which will eventually buy out the Philippines as a colony of Spain via the Treaty of Paris. Hence, it was for our freedom that our National hero should be a pacifist. 5. Yes. (SANTOS A01)
@armandoagraviadorjr2594 2 года назад
1. I think that Rizal's status as our national hero should be officially recognized. And I believe it is wrong that Rizal has yet to be officially recognized as our national hero, despite all that he has done for our country. Because a hero signifies virtue, and Rizal utilized kindness to grant us freedom, he should be declared our national hero. In a deafeningly quiet yet powerful way, he fought for freedom. Rather than employing force or aggression, he expressed his gratitude for the Country through books, essays, and articles. Rather than being combative, he employed his intellect, talents, and abilities. 2. In my opinion, It should be compulsory because it is important to all of us, especially students. Studying his life would really help and teach us a lot of morals that we, as Filipinos, should possess and live by. His life is truly inspirational and worthy of admiration, especially by today's generation. As a result, we should not only remember but also implement and put into action all of Rizal's ideas, beliefs, values, and convictions as we go about our daily lives. 3. Yes, I feel Bonifacio was to blame for Rizal's early death, and that the Katipunan's use of Rizal's name had become irresponsible. Bonifacio and the Katipunan are responsible for Rizal's early death because "Rizal" was their password before entering their base. Every time they charged against the enemy, they used Rizal's name in their battle cry, and every KKK camp had a portrait of Rizal. As a result, even though Rizal never supported the revolution, the Spaniards misunderstood him as a reformist. If the Katipunan had used Rizal's name correctly, he might have lived longer. That is why Rizal's early death is attributed to Bonifacio and the Katipunan. 4. Yes, our national hero should be a pacifist, in my opinion. Because I don't think war and violence are the only ways to resolve a disagreement. Problems should always be discussed and resolved between both sides without going to war or violence. As a result of avoiding conflict and violence, many people could live and no building will be ruined. Furthermore, by using one's mind, talents, and skills in a far more peaceful manner, can one contribute to resolving the issue without resorting to killing and violence. 5. Yes Agraviador(A07)
@imperatrix9411 2 года назад
1. In my opinion, I never even knew that Dr. Jose Rizal was not declared the national hero of the Philippines until now. though we all know that Dr. Jose Rizal is our national hero officially declaring him is still needed. It is sad that we all know Dr. Jose Rizal as our national hero but is not officially declared. Even though we all know whom Dr. Jose Rizal is because of his great love and his sacrifices towards the people, fighting against the Spanish government by writing novels against them and exposing their wrongdoings in my opinion he should still be officially declared. 2. For me, I think that the Rizal course should be compulsory. In my opinion, people should learn more about the Rizal course, when I was little I thought knowing Dr. Jose Rizal as our national Hero is enough. But at that time I didn't even know what he had done to the Philippines to deserve that title. And for me until now, there are things that I still don't know about Dr. Jose Rizal, and it interests me a little bit to know more about Rizal. By reading some blogs about the Rizal course I know that there are people who are not interested enough to know more about him but making this subject selective or not being taught at all will result in people not taking interest in his life and works, so Rizal subject should be compulsory. 3. For me, Bonifacio may or may not be responsible for Dr. Jose Rizal's early death, we can not blame him for Rizal's death but for me using his name for the password of the KKK is irresponsible. They idolized Dr. Jose Rizal so much that they were inspired by his works which is why the KKK was made. I don't think using his name is the right way of expressing their love for Rizal. Making his name their password is the reason why Spaniards thought that Rizal is a big threat to them and that lead to Dr. Jose Rizal's death. I don't think that Jose Rizal was not ready for the consequences not only of his actions because even him have spread the Spanish government's wrongdoings through his novels but I think he should have had a longer life if he wasn't been falsely accused. 4. In my opinion, anyone can be a hero as long as they fight for what's right. It is not necessary if our national hero is a pacifist or not. There are different types of heroes and Dr. Jose Rizal was a hero of peace, he do not wish to fight by shedding blood and tears but by peace and quiet using his novels. Violence is never an answer But not all wars can win by not using violence depending on their situation and that is what happened in their time. Ladrido, A01
@luna_au 2 года назад
1. The Government had already issued laws and proclamations that honor Filipino historical figures. I personally believe that there is no need for an official declaration. Jose Rizal, as well as the other Filipino heroes, have been highly respected and admired despite the lack of any official declaration. They are treated with high regard and approval as Filipino heroes who fought for our country. If there would be an official declaration, debates involving historical controversies and people who oppose the candidates will emerge. By not doing any official declaration and proclaiming any national hero, the respect and admiration of the people will remain, and no disagreement will appear. The laws and proclamations and the acclamations for the heroes are enough recognition for their contribution to the country. There should be no competition. 2. Rizal plays a huge role in Philippine history. His contribution leads to significant social transformations and revolutions in our country. Since Rizal is a part of Philippine history, the Rizal course should be a compulsory subject in college. Rizal’s life and works not only teach the history of the Philippines but also act as an encouragement to Filipinos. His writings help modern Filipinos to be more nationalistic and love the country. In addition to that, Rizal's works do not promote any violence. It shows the students how powerful writing can be, as how Rizal's novels led to a spark in Filipinos' hearts - resulting in a revolution. 3. In my stand, I do not think that Bonifacio was guilty of leading the early death of Rizal. Bonifacio is a massive follower of Rizal, he would never try to lead Rizal into his death. Furthermore, Bonifacio and two acquaintances tried to save Rizal from a Spanish ship in Manila Harbor in the summer of 1896 despite the danger he will face when he is caught. This proved Bonifacio’s immense support and admiration for Rizal. While Bonifacio may not be guilty of leading to Rizal’s early death, I do think that the Katipunan is irresponsible in using Rizal’s name. Posting names employing support may show their admiration and respect for him, but not in times of war where Spaniards rule the country. Using code names would be a lot safer, or admiring him after the revolution should have been done to avoid risking Rizal’s life. 4. Every Filipino that served and make historical contributions can be a national hero. Any Filipino that fought for our freedom using their knowledge and skills of what they think is the best way to fight should have a chance to be a hero. There can be a pacifist hero, like Jose Rizal, who wrote his stand and inspire countless Filipinos to fight for a revolution against Spaniards. There can also be a war hero, like Andres Bonifacio, who take courage and sacrificed his life for our country. There should be no basis for how a national hero should be, as long as they have an immense love for the country and make significant contributions that changed the country and the life of every Filipino for the better. 5. Yes. Hernandez (A07)
@sandreadiamante2625 2 года назад
1)If formally and legally speaking it will be much better to have an official declaration of Rizal being our National Hero. With everything that Rizal has done for our Country; all the sacrifices and hardships he has to go through he deserves recognition from our Country and its Citizens. However, In my opinion, showing respect and honor to someone doesn’t really need a title or any recognition to start with as long as the actions and movements of that person are very valuable as it leads to a country’s freedom. Rizal is the one who started calling us “Filipinos”; he gave us a united identity. As of this day, no law, executive order, or proclamation has been enacted or issued to officially proclaiming any Filipino historical figure as a national hero. Having an official title is very amusing since this can add to the honor of that person and people not just in our country will be able to know Rizal but also foreign people. 2) I believe it is a must that the Rizal course will be made compulsory. College students are the future generation who will then become citizens of Our country; some may even become one of great leaders. That is why studying the Life and works of Rizal during our College days is a must so that we will learn from the past. As the actions of Rizal will be of a great example to the youth as they engage in the real world. It is not only to be inspired with what Rizal did in the past but to also look back on what happened in our country before we became even alive and the reasons why we can do things we can nowadays and the reason why we are all alive and have our rights in our Country. 3) In my own opinion, I believe Andres Bonifacio has nothing to do with the death of Rizal. Rizal is well aware of the consequences and the possible outcome of his actions. When he entered the battle for Filipinos he already put on the line his own life. Bonifacio also is fighting for Filipinos they just differ on “HOW” they fight both of them know the risks. Katipunan was irresponsible in its use of Rizal’s name because they somehow used Rizal as a shield for their actions. They will always shout Rizal in their chants as if Rizal was the one who leads them and asks them to do their actions. In fact, Rizal never became involved in any organization and activities of the Katipunan; but the Katipuneros insist on looking up to Rizal they even used his name as their passcode. People will easily believe that with their actions that Rizal is a prime individual in their propaganda. 4)It depends because you never really know how you will be able to help your country. Won’t anyone just do their best if it's the best or for the sake of a lot of people? However, if there is a way or a solution that doesn’t involve violence or any harmful actions it will be the best to choose that path it is much better to do something in peace without hurting other people. Throughout our history, many people already proved that we can do something aside from violence and harm. Just one of them is Rizal as he chose not to do harm but instead, he fought using his brain or his intelligence. It doesn’t mean that because that person killed others for the sake of our freedom doesn’t mean we can’t entitle him or her as a national hero. 5) yes - DIAMANTE (A07)
@minigon9402 2 года назад
Lara(A07) 1. I think there should be an official declaration about Rizal to be our national hero because Rizal is the greatest hero in the Philippines. Jose Rizal deserves the official declaration as our national hero since he contributed so much to this country. We call Rizal as our national hero in the Philippines but with the help of an official declaration as a national hero it will benefit to us, and Rizal deserves to be our national hero. Based on the criteria for being a national hero, he must be a Filipino, must already be dead, must have possessed great love for the country, and must be a man of peace or pacifist orientation, Rizal is the one fits on these criteria. Lara(A07) 2. For me, studying the life of Jose Rizal should be just an elective in college. In elementary, we studied that Jose Rizal is our national hero and in high school, we studied the history of Philippines, and the countries who conquered us. We also studied the famous novels of Jose Rizal which is the Noli Me Tangere and El Fiibusterismo. With these novels, Rizal showed to the Filipinos on how the Spanish government treats the Filipinos. I think this should be enough knowledge to study Rizal and be just an elective subject in college for those who want to know more about the life and works of Jose Rizal. My reason on why this should be an elective subject is because I should be studying my major subjects as early as possible. Lara(A07) 3. I think a part of Bonifacio was a bit of guilty on his action since he was one of the reasons why Rizal died early. The Katipunan was also irresponsible in using Rizal’s name, but we cannot really blame them since they idolized and have a huge respect on Jose Rizal. If I was in the shoes of Andres Bonifacio, I think I would do the same thing since Jose Rizal was an inspiration to Andres Bonifacio. I think Jose Rizal knew the risk in writing the novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo since he is exposing on what the Spansih Government is. Lara(A07) 4. I think our national hero should be a pacifist orientation. This reason should set an example to all of us for the peace of the nation. If our national hero is not a pacifist and he is a man of war, people may revolt using war. A prime example of a hero who is a pacifist is Jose Rizal, he used pen to fight for the Philippines against the Spanish Government. Having a pacifist national hero will serve us an inspiration to all of us to preserve peace in the country. That is why Jose Rizal is our national hero since he is a pacifist. Lara(A07) 5. Yes. Lara(A07)
@jm0413 2 года назад
1) Rizal being our national hero even though it is not officially declared, it has already been instilled in the minds and consciousness of many Filipinos. In this context, having to declare him officially a national hero is not quite necessary as it is already in the collective consciousness of the Filipino people. Moreover, if it comes to officiating Rizal as our national hero, I think it is needed to recognize his efforts and contributions to the betterment of the nation. Likewise, along with Rizal we should also recognize and honor other national heroes as well who gave their lives in fighting for our sovereignty and freedom. 2) When it comes to the issue of Rizal being a subject in college I think it still must be compulsory and better yet ratify the law into making Philippine History along with the works and life of Rizal a compulsory subject in college as to this day many are yet unaware of the twists and turns of our history. Moreover, the aforementioned subjects will be better understand and comprehended by students in the college level as to they have a higher level of consciousness with regards to our society and identity as a nation. Likewise, in moving forward we must not forget our history thus the subject must remain a compulsory subject in college. 3) No, Bonifacio was not guilty in leading Rizal to an early death and Katipunan was not irresponsible for using Rizal’s name. Personally, with Bonifacio and the KKK being inspired by Rizal gave purpose and meaning to the life and works of Rizal. Foremost, Rizal started to write to awaken the sense of nationalism of Filipinos and likewise expose the wrongdoings of our colonizers, the Spaniards. In addition, with these causes in mind, the actions of Bonifacio and Katipunan is pretty much the objective of Rizal being attained. Moreover, the moment Rizal started to write against the Spaniards, he might as well have known that he had become and erehe and filibustero as such acts were considered by Spaniards as act of treason. Thus, such actions did not directly cause the early death of Rizal. 4) No, the orientation of our national hero should not be pacifist but rather oriented to the purity of intentions and contributions to the cause of our nation. These things are the ones to be considered as whether one is a pacifist or a warmonger, it all boils down to why one is fighting for our country. There are heroes who fought for our country to attain a high status and gain power. There were also those who did fought for our country with vested interests. On the other hand, there were also those who fought for the country selflessly for the sake of freedom and sovereignty. All acts for the freedom of the country can be heroic per se but are these acts done with the purest of intentions and fervor. Thus in selecting our national hero along with the weight of the action we must put into consideration the cause and purity of the intentions. GALANG A06
@markdwayne2440 Год назад
1.) In my opinion, Rizal was an exemplary model of a man of peace because he used his brain and knowledge to inspire our nation during and after the war. Yes because him being a pacifist proves that you can sort out any problem without the use of violence. 2.) Yes because Rizal's name and image was spread throughout the Katipunan. They even have his portrait hung in every camp. 3.) Yes because an official declaration that Rizal is our national hero is a show of respect to his name. 4.) It should just be an elective subject because we should not force everyone to study the life and works of Rizal. 5.) Yes
@pioherrera9688 2 года назад
1. Yes, I think there is still a need for Dr. Jose Rizal to be officially declared a national hero. However, he is not the only one that must officially proclaim because there are also many heroes out there that needs recognition. When the “National Heroes Committee” was created in 1993, it established criteria and a list of heroes that could be declared a “national hero”. As the decades passed by, the committee could not choose because this “might trigger debates about historical controversies” according to National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA). Instead of choosing who is the greatest hero by having a “National Hero” proclamation, we must have “National Heroes” to commemorate people that lead to the freedom of our country. We celebrated “National Heroes Day” every year to commemorate all Filipino Heroes. Thus, we must have “National Heroes of the Philippines” as our heroes have their expertise and not only choose a national hero itself. 2. The Rizal course must stay compulsory. However, it could teach on lower levels such as Elementary and High School in private and public schools, and not at the college level. There are many subjects in college that teach generally on all courses and it is good. However, it can teach on lower levels. The college curriculum must reevaluate as some of the subjects taught in Senior High School are also taught again and I believed that college must completely specialization of the course itself. In addition, the Rizal course could teach again in college courses that need it as an elective subject to further explain the life of Dr. Jose Rizal. Aside from this, other hero’s life must teach further in History subjects in lower years so that people not only identify them only in books and movies. 3. I don’t think that Andres Bonifacio was guilty of the early death of Dr. Jose Rizal given the fact that the Katipunan became one of the reasons why Rizal was convicted. According to the “Deontological theory” of Immanuel Kant, he explained that even if the consequences of your action may lead to a harmful effect, if your will is good then it is morally good. Thus, even if we know that the action of the Katipunan leads to the conviction of Rizal, the fact that their will is good which it is to free our country from the Spanish Colonizers then Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan. They may become irresponsible, but I think it’s their way to have a stronger bond and tell other people that there is hope which is Rizal and his writings. 4. No, I do not believe that our national hero must be a pacifist person. The criteria of the national hero being a pacifist are said by the Americans who we know have hidden agendas through our country. Again, I believe that we must officially declare several heroes as our national heroes as they contributed in different ways to the freedom of our country and not by being a pacifist. In addition, it is not only the war heroes of the Spanish Colonizers but also from the other colonizer rules. Meanwhile, the hero title is broad. It must not end by the proclamation of it when he or she is dead. At present, we have modern-day heroes. They are like Rizal who uses their knowledge to educate other people, like Bonifacio who they are not afraid to criticize other people's wrongdoings even if they caused his death, etc. 5. Yes Herrera (A07)
@earl2222 Год назад
1. The video that was presented suggests that Dr. Jose Rizal is the perfect illustration of a man who appreciates peace since he did not get involved in any conflicts regarding war throughout his lifetime. The writings of Jose Rizal shone a light of optimism on a dark chapter in our nation's past, illuminating the struggles of our forebears for genuine equality and freedom at a time when there was little reason for optimism. Even in his closing moments, Rizal was able to share with us his aspirations for a country freed from the shackles of tyranny, injustice, and suffering. I feel that Rizal's pacifism was one of the factors that led to his being recognized as a national hero. He was able to voice his opposition to the Spanish administration in a way that was nonviolent and forward-thinking. Additionally, he exposed the unethical actions and acts of corruption by Spanish friars and government officials through his writings. And since Rizal wrote about the wrongs and atrocities committed by the Spanish in the nation, the rulers forbade the people of the Philippines from reading the controversial novels. As more and more Filipinos read the books, their eyes were opened to the truth that the friars were subjecting them to horrible atrocities, and they revolted against the treatment they received. 2. In my perspective, Bonifacio was to blame for the untimely death of Jose Rizal, and the Katipunan was negligent in the way it utilized Rizal's name to advance its cause. Both statements are somehow true. Katipunan was established because there was a need for peaceful change that went unaddressed, which led to the formation of the group. Katipunan was founded to stop injustice. The reason why Bonifacio and the Katipunan are responsible for the death of Rizal is because they often made use of Rizal's name, and each one of the Katipunan camps included a portrait of Rizal. Dr. Jose Rizal was the culmination of all that the Katipunan had done in the past. This consisted of using his name as a password as well as yelling his name when engaged in war. Rizal died far sooner than expected as a direct result of the actions of the Katipunan. All the acts led to him being a traitor in the Spanish government, and they prove that he was attempting to overthrow the government. 3. As an individual, I have concluded that Rizal does not need to be the Philippines' official national hero because I believe that the government shouldn't choose heroes. It is sufficient that we learn about them at academic institutions, where we can recognize and honor the important contributions they made to our country. Even though there is no formal recognition of his status as a national hero, I think that Jose Rizal is revered as a national hero by every Filipino, regardless of where they now reside in the world. Recognizing several people as heroes for the crucial roles they played in the formation of the country and the contributions they made to history is adequate. It is sufficient for everyone to study, evaluate, and suggest Filipino national personalities and heroes in appreciation of their excellent character and exceptional contributions to the country and in recognition of their exemplary character and remarkable achievements for the nation. I also sincerely think, as has been expressed many times before, that we should remember more than just the brave soldiers from our nation's history. As was the case with our forebears, there are those in our day and age, both ordinary and remarkable, who dream about a more perfect country. 4. It has the potential to be an experience that is both enjoyable and exciting, if you give it the chance to be so. Criticizing it, on the other hand, would not be productive for us as students. Despite this, I believe it should be a necessary topic to study since it brings to light the miracles of Rizal's life and the accomplishments he accomplished. The relevance and consequence of Rizal's course in the lives of young Filipinos is that it helps us to develop a better awareness of who we are as Filipinos and offers guidance on how to deal with modern challenges. This is because it gives advice on how to cope with contemporary issues. The lessons in Rizal's class include topics such as patriotism, nationalism, and a variety of other important aspects of life. It makes a significant contribution to the development of logical and critical thinking skills. Rizal is someone who may serve as a great role model and a source of inspiration for all Filipinos. Nevertheless, I believe it is still relevant and that it has a considerable influence on the culture of our day. Studying Rizal requires not only the ability to recognize and comprehend his novels and other literary works but also knowledge of how they assisted in the battle against colonists in the past. This is a prerequisite for the study of Rizal. We come to see that his books, essays, and other works of literature have a purpose that goes beyond just entertaining readers. It is important for young people in the Philippines to understand why they are forced to take a course on Rizal. Recognize the importance of Rizal's ideas and the ideals he espoused considering the social issues and conditions that exist in the modern world. The purpose of this subject is to encourage the application of such ideals to modern problems faced by society as well as individuals. 5. yes DE LEON, B43
@pdioneda 2 года назад
1) No, I think having Jose Rizal an official declaration won't change or affect much on how we view the "national hero". Even if it's another person and not Jose Rizal that is being officially declared, Jose Rizal have done so much more iconic feats to the point of when you ask a Filipino who the National hero is, the immediate answer will most likely be Jose Rizal. That is how much ingrained his accomplishments and his name is to our minds so officially declaring him as our national hero won't do much in the long run. 2) Yes, the Rizal course made me realize and remember the things that I have learned as an elementary student even more. As a citizen of this country I, including my fellow Filipinos, should preserve and pass on all of these historical accomplishments and sacrifices not only from Jose Rizal but also the people around him at those dark times. That way we can appreciate more the freedom and peace that we have today in our country and to prevent mistakes for the future by learning from history. 3) Yes, unfortunately Jose Rizal's life has been a collateral damage of the Katipunan, specially Bonifacio, due to their rashness and irresponsibility. It may be because of Jose Rizal's death on why the revolution burst into an even bigger flame but it would've been nice if Jose Rizal himself gets to witness the freedom that he was fighting for. 4) I do agree to a certain extent that our national hero should have hints of pacifist orientation. Having someone as a role model will make you wanna follow and imitate the things that they do, specially children and with a pacifist role-model, the new generation and the people of the future will aspire to resolve conflicts peacefully which would be very beneficial not just to the country but to all sides as well. With that, a more civilize and level headed society can be more achievable. 5) Yes. Dioneda (A07)
@ryanesperanza3332 Год назад
1. I believe his term, "the man of peace," fits him perfectly because he does not use any damaging or violent means to combat. Peace is difficult to attain for the man who uses weapons to kill someone because the outcome portrays citizens using the same tools to fight when there are other options. Furthermore, I agree that he is a national hero in addition to being a pacifist. Theoretically, Christianity is spread all over the world, and it is a religion that forbids killing or taking someone's life even if he or she is a sinner and yet it depends on national laws if the sinner deserves the death penalty. In addition, to battle the Spaniards, Jose Rizal solely utilized pen and paper because he achieved the preferences of William Howard Taft to be a national hero. 2. Andres Bonifacio is not accountable for mentioning Rizal's name when they are storming to war. However, it may provide some hints to the colonizer as to who is the leader of Katipunan or La Liga Filipina. Furthermore, Katipunan gains strength from Jose Rizal's might, and Rizal has become their hope, which is why they fight. Another reality is that Jose Rizal was established all over the world, and the connections that he had drew the colonizers to find him and execute him right away since Jose Rizal had such a large impact in that era that his work eventually led to the Philippines achieving the freedom that Filipinos desired. 3. In my own opinion, almost 1 and a half centuries since we considered Jose Rizal to be our national hero and yet the majority of the Filipinos accepted it and were inspired by Jose Rizal's accomplishments in his era. The values that he left out is one of the greatest impact which is lead to an eye-opener for Filipinos living in the past and also in the present times. Also, I believe that we people should never be in a rush, and do things slowly and calmly. Do not lose your inner calm for whatever reason, even if your entire world appears to be in turmoil. Jose Rizal is one of the greatest and most inspiring human being. 4. It should only be an elective course in college since individuals nowadays are increasingly aware that the careers they pursue demand intelligence related to the progress of high technology. This generation is insane beyond belief; with the usage of technology, the entire globe will be in anarchy. However, the subject of is completely unneeded; it should be optional for people who simply wish to know the history. Some people can afford it, but the majority they cannot. 5. Yes Esperanza, B43
@annlorainebanzon4114 2 года назад
1. Rizal is, without a doubt, our national hero. He demonstrated that oppression can be overcome without killing another person. He also proved that the pen is more powerful than the sword. He also demonstrated how to effect change without resorting to violence. However, in my opinion, there is no need for an official declaration of Rizal as our national hero. As per the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, no law, executive order, or proclamation naming any Filipino historical figure as a national hero has been enacted or issued. Also, it's likely that this was done to avoid a flood of proclamation requests. Another possibility is that the declarations will spark heated debates about historical heroes. 2. It should be compulsory. It is an effort to get to know and understand Rizal, not just as a person, but also as a representative of Asian culture. To understand what he knew about being an Asian in the world of ideas shaped by Western colonialism, we must study his life and works. Studying is one method of gaining knowledge. Dr. Jose Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines. He is a writer and a patriot whose life and writings served as an inspiration for the Philippine independence movement. As a result, learning about him is the same as learning about his significance in Philippine history. Rizal is a legend, and he will be remembered as someone who fought for freedom in a peaceful manner. Throughout his entire life, he was a fantastic leader. Many Filipinos were influenced by his writing because it reflected their feelings and thoughts at the time. His writing inspired Filipinos because it allowed them to think in ways they had never considered before. 3. In my view, Andres Bonifacio was not guilty. First and foremost, the Katipunan screamed Rizal's name every time in their battle cry, there is a portrait of Rizal in every KKK camp, as well as his name being the password to their refuge. Having said that, I believe the usage of Rizal's name was irresponsible. To begin with, Rizal has never given permission for Bonifacio to use his name, but as a super fan, it would be natural for Bonifacio because Rizal was his motivation for starting a revolt against the Spaniards. The Spaniards, however, may readily charge Rizal because they thought he was the one who organized it. Furthermore, Jose Rizal was never involved in the Katipunan's organization or actions, yet the Katipuneros still regarded him as a leader. 4. In my own opinion, yes, it should be a pacifist orientation. Rizal was not a fully committed Filipino like Bonifacio, yet he valued and loved the nation as a full-blooded Filipino. He perished for the sake of the country's liberty. He revolted against the Spaniards not by violence, as Bonifacio did, but by guiding and educating people about the injustices that were occurring and how to overcome the problems that the Filipino people faced. He is the most eloquent illustration of a life committed to ultra-nationalism and unwavering patriotism. Furthermore, he performed an excellent job for us, given that he freed us all from slavery and provided us with higher education. Because of his knowledge and fearlessness, he is a great example and inspiration to us all, especially kids. He was not a betrayer. He had confronted death with courage. He had proven the adage, "A pen is mightier than a sword." 5. Yes. Banzon (A07)
@h4n53ll 2 года назад
1. In my own opinion, Yes, Jose Rizal should be officially declared a national hero. Even though everyone knows who is Rizal and what he did to our country, Jose Rizal deserves an official declaration. Being proclaimed and being officially declared are different in many aspects. Being proclaimed is saying to the public that he is the national hero and being declared has a written or oral indication that he is really our national hero. 2. Every Filipino knows who is Jose Rizal but for me knowing his name and knowing that he is our national hero isn't enough. So for me, the Rizal course should be compulsory in college. He deserves to be known. According to Republic Act. 1425, All public, private schools, college, and university curricula should include the Life, Works, and Writings of Jose Rizal especially the Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Even if there isn’t a law that states that, I think we still need to study the Heroism of Jose Rizal and how he makes our country free 3. I personally think that Andres Bonifacio is somehow guilty of what happened to Rizal. I understand that they respect Rizal and Idolized him because of his novels and love for his country but it went too far that they used his name as a password when entering their hide out and shouted his name when charging into the enemies. This caught the attention of the Spaniards they think that Rizal is the mastermind of the revolution and by capturing Rizal and killing him can take the revolution down. 4. Yes, I think that our national hero should really be pacifist oriented. I believe that being a national hero represents the traits and characteristics of what nation you belong and being a pacifist oriented is a good trait. War and fights doesn’t make you brave, it will only portray anger. You can fight and show your love for your country in peaceful way and show respect to others your fellow countrymen. 5. YES Datay (A06)
@xfontanilla3547 2 года назад
1.) If it is really easy to make Jose Rizal as the declared national hero of our country, it would have happened ages ago. I do not know the criterion on how the government process on regarding making Jose Rizal as the national hero of the Philippines, and why he is still not till this day, however I honestly think that there are already people keen on making things official. But for me, I already believed that Jose Rizal is the national hero, since it was engrained on us when we were still youths. It would have been great if he was made the national hero, however it really doesn't matter if he was not, because most of all the people in the Philippines already considered him as the one. 2.) It was ideal for it to be compulsory because the era of the life of Jose Rizal is arguably the most important time in our history as a Filipino. We ought to learn from his excellence and love for his fellow countrymen and we needed to be constantly reminded of the past. There are several lessons that are just needed to be sought by reading and learning about our own heritage and history. There are also constant reminders and lessons so we, as Filipinos, will hopefully advances forward in improvement and not in degeneration. 3.) I do not have and know all of the reliable information, however from what I have learned and observed, Jose Rizal became a large target when the revolutionary group, the Katipunan/KKK, insinuated the participation and the inspiration from the person named Jose Rizal. I believe that the Katipunan's action has caused a butterfly effect, and in a way, manipulated Jose Rizal's further actions than what he initially had planned it to be. Maybe it also made the Spaniards nervous and antsy to the point that they became highly aggressive, or maybe it also brought massive hope to the Filipino people and that Jose Rizal was without choice but to take in the heavy burden. 4.) I believe that a national hero does not gain respect by just their qualities, but also to their actions and deeds. I think that there are multiple ways to see a problem and also multiple ways to solve and face them. That is why I do not think that the title "pacifist" on Jose Rizal is what made him a great hero. Sure there are various people that would like a pacifist hero, however for me what made Jose Rizal's name resound was because of his courage and defiance to a much larger oppressor/power. His courage does not conform to the stereotype people think when they hear the word "pacifist". It was also because he made actions that changed everything for everyone. Imagine influencing and encouraging the amount of people Jose Rizal did. 5.) Yes Fontanilla (A06)
@cedricquicay8843 2 года назад
Quicay (A01) 1. Jose Rizal did not have any recognition from the Philippine Government as our national hero. Some of our national symbols were recognized by the legislature however, the national hero was not one of them. There were many recommended Filipino for this category, and Jose Rizal was one of them. I think that it is not enough that we only recognize and appreciate the life and works of Jose Rizal in school. Yes, there is still a need for an official declaration for Jose Rizal as our national hero. There should be a law that will declare Jose Rizal as our national hero to further give appreciation and recognition for his contribution to our country. 2. The Rizal course should be a compulsory or an elective subject in college. With this course being a compulsory subject in college, regardless of what program the student takes, it will give more depth or understanding of why Jose Rizal fought for our country. It will also be our guide or inspiration to how we can be Jose Rizal in our way. In line with this, we will appreciate not just his works, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, but also Jose Rizal’s life and virtues. It is also for us to offer our gratitude and respect to Jose Rizal for not just giving us hope for our freedom but also shaping the Filipino character. 3. The Katipuneros, especially Andres Bonifacio, idolize Jose Rizal, having portraits of him in every camp, saying his name in their battle cry, and making his surname their password, basically, they worshiped Jose Rizal. Yes, the Katipunan was irresponsible for using Jose Rizal’s name and contributed to why Jose Rizal had an early death. I think that Jose Rizal knows his death was inevitable and it is just a matter of time. However, for me, Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan were not guilty of leading Jose Rizal into his early death but the rage they felt after the execution of Rizal lead to more violence. 4. Every Filipino who fought for our freedom, despite the way how the way did it, can be considered a national hero. They deserve the right to be called a national hero. However, for me, a national hero is whom the people of the future will look up to. It can be a pacifist or not to be considered our national hero as long as he or she is a Filipino. It does not mean that if our national hero fought using violence, we, the future Filipinos, will use violence to fight for our country. The important thing is how we can apply the national hero’s ideals and virtues to ourselves and the present situation of the country. 5. Yes.
@jadeeortiz2143 2 года назад
1) Yes, I think Dr. Jose Rizal deserves to be recognized as our national hero since he fought for independence in a quiet but effective manner. Instead of using force or aggression to demonstrate his love for the Philippines, he used his books, essays, and articles. I also believe that Dr. Jose Rizal possesses the traits of a national hero, because national heroes serve as a constant reminder of hope for the residents of a country. Heroes are important to any crisis in their country at some point since they inspire us with wonder, admiration, and they provide a plan for how we can tackle these situations in the future. We feel awe, adoration, and regard for heroes. 2) The course should be compulsory because the teaching of the Rizal course in the classroom is aimed to awaken a sense of patriotism and nationalism in every Filipino, and to urge them to adopt the concepts left behind by Rizal as solutions to modern-day challenges. In addition, the Rizal course teaches you how to be loyal to your fellow Filipinos during times of crisis, standing up for the truth as you see it and being unafraid to do the right thing. Finally, it's about your neighbors' love for you and how you and they can work together to keep our country lively and revolutionary. 3) I think Bonifacio and the Katipunan were responsible for Dr. Jose Rizal’s early death by carelessly exploiting Rizal's name for the sake of their cause. Dr. Jose Rizal never agreed to participate in the Katipunan's organization or activities, but the Katipuneros still widely recognized him as a leader by hanging a portrait of him in every KKK camps, using his name as a password among all the society's highest-ranking members before entering the hideout, and shouting Dr. Jose Rizal’s name every time they charged in a battle through this the Spaniards have used this as evidence against Dr. Jose Rizal. 4) Our national hero should be a pacifist since one of a pacifist's solutions are peaceful discussion, which is a safer approach to resolve a disagreement than leading a war that ends in brutality. The importance of every individual, regardless of who they are on the inside or out, is pacifism's most important ideological fact. Even if people choose diverse paths, they are all equally special and important. National heroes should be strong, intellectual, selfless, resilient, charismatic, dependable, caring, and inspire us to be better people by assisting, protecting, defending, and improving things, because violence is never the solution to any crisis and causes more social and economic difficulties. 5) Yes - Ortiz (A01)
@JamesDeGuia-hm7su Год назад
1. Rizal was considered an exemplary model of a man of peace because of his advocacy which is a peaceful reform and his emphasis on the power of education and enlightenment. He believed that by intellectual enlightenment there would be an effective change rather than resorting to violence or armed resistance. The novels that he wrote serves as a realization to achieve progress and justice that promotes social reforms, education and the awakening of national consciousness. On the other hand, I agree that him being a pacifist helped him to be considered as our national hero because it is a fact that contributes to his recognition. He is a symbol of peaceful resistance, education, and assimilation which is a significant contribution to the Philippine independence movement, as well as his enduring impact on Filipino nationalism. 2. In my own opinion, I think that Bonifacio was not guilty of leading Rizal into an early death because he has nothing to do with it. The early death of Rizal was a consequence of his involvement in nationalist activities as well as his writings that exposed the abuses of the Spanish colonial regime. Bonifacio and the Katipunan sought to continue Rizal's work and fight for independence through armed resistance. On the other hand, the Katipunan did not become irresponsible in its use of Rizal's name for the sake of its cause because Rizal was being recognized as a symbol of nationalism and the Katipunan's actions were driven by their own interpretation of Rizal's teachings and their context at the time. 3. In this case, I think there is no need for an official declaration because either the presence or absence of an official declaration regarding Rizal's status as the national hero, it does not change the fact of his significant contributions and impact on Philippine history and identity. Rizal's writings, ideals, and sacrifices have inspired generations of Filipinos as they pursue for freedom, justice, and national identity. 4. In my own opinion, Rizal courses in college education should be compulsory because it is mandated by the law, given the fact that it is included in the reasons why we need to study Rizal. The study of Rizal's life and works provides valuable insights into Philippine history, nationalism, culture, and the quest for independence. It allows students, that also includes myself, to understand the struggles and sacrifices of those who fought for freedom and the development of the Filipino identity. In addition, not all students are aware of the life and works of Rizal and it is one of the reasons why it should be compulsory. 5. Yes -DE GUIA, B43
@genewilsantos1753 Год назад
1) For me, the reason why Rizal was considered an exemplary model of a man of peace is because the way he fought for our country thru his writings not thru the act of aggressiveness. I also agree that Rizal being a pacifist helped for him to be considered as our national hero since there are also few more people that is also considered a hero other than Rizal but the difference is that the way they fought for the country. 2) For me, I don't think that Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan was guilty of leading Rizal into an early death, since their motives is to get freedom of our country but in different way that Rizal wants, and I would say that the Katipunan was not irresponsible in using Rizal's name, since the Katipunans were influenced by Rizal's sacrifice that manages them to start a revolution in order to achieve the peace we want. 3) I would agree that there is a need that for an official declaration that Dr. Jose Rizal should be our national hero, since he is a hero that manages to achieve peace by fighting on a peacefull way and he also manage to inspire all of the Filipinos during his time to fight for the independence we need. 4) For me, I think the Rizal course should be compulsory, since having this course should strengthen us more and by learning his life it also enhances our nationalism as a Filipino, and we can learn more things than can inspire us to love our country more. 5) Yes Santos (A18)
@elgindacanay7585 2 года назад
Personally, I think there is no need for official declaration to acknowledge Jose Rizal as our national hero. Jose Rizal’s action has been appreciated by us, Filipinos, for a very long time now. There has already been a law that has been approved for schools to mandate the life and works of Jose Rizal as a course in colleges and universities. Even though he is an American-sponsored hero, his sacrifices speak for himself and his goals. Jose Rizal’s goal is what we are experiencing right now, freedom. I think this is already adequate to accept him as our national hero even without an official declaration. Rizal course should be a compulsory subject in college. Some students from generation today does not appreciate what Jose Rizal fought for and sacrificed his life for, some does not even know him. With this approved law, Republic Act 1425 (RA 1425), Courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal, shall be included in the curricula of all schools, will help the upcoming and present generation know what Jose Rizal fought for our freedom that we are experiencing today. All Filipinos must know our national hero, Jose Rizal’s life and work, so we will all know the hardships and mistreatment that has happened before. In my opinion, Bonifacio is partly responsible for Rizal’s early death. Andres Bonifacio is part of the Katipunan, this resulting that the KKK is fully responsible for Jose Rizal’s early death. It is known that the KKK respect and admires Jose Rizal because of his works but to use his name as a war cry for the sake of its cause, I think this is irresponsible for them since this adds fuel for the oppressor to hate Jose Rizal even more, resulting them to kill him as soon as they see him. For me, early death misses a lot of opportunity for one’s goal. I do think our hero being a pacifist orientation is necessary. Jose Rizal fought for our freedom because he does not want any more bloodshed to continue. Being in a war does not mean there will be no bloodshed. Jose Rizal being a pacifist, planned a way how to fight for our freedom with minimal bloodshed. Being a person against war in a country full of war is an inspiration we can all look up to, since this teaches us, that violence will never be the answer to all obstacles and there is a way to fight wars peacefully. Being a pacifist orientation will be a great inspiration for Filipinos. Yes DACANAY (A01)
@patriezmarcelo2648 2 года назад
Yes, Rizal deserves the credit, and a formalized acknowledgment is still needed because he earned it. When other heroes fought for our freedom, it was Rizal who encouraged them the most, especially after his execution. He never used firearms or swords, only paper and ink, and that he was able to inspire millions of Filipinos and even foreigners through his novels and writings. Jose Rizal was a genius who lead by example for the youth to imitate. And, as an educator, he applied his intellect to it and what he learnt, thus, historically, he must be recognized as the influencer of our generation, in my perspective. It should be mandatory. Because Rizal is a minor subject, students frequently perceive it as an added load to their studies. The person who had been studied was no longer alive. But, in my opinion, the Rizal subject is extremely important to all Filipinos, particularly students, not only because a student cannot graduate without taking and passing it, but also because studying his life would really help and teach us a lot of values that we, as citizens of our country, should possess and live by. As a result, all of Rizal's ideas, values, and convictions were shared. Andres Bonifacio in my viewpoint, was guilty for Rizal's early death. The use of the of the term "Rizal". We know that Andres Bonifacio was a huge fan of Doctor Jose Rizal and that he is someone who encourages him to fight for independence. They got careless when they used Rizal's name without considering the consequences. Rizal might not have died too soon if the Katipunan had In my opinion, Andres Bonifacio was guilty of Rizal's early death. The misuse of the name "Rizal" gained the attention of the Spaniards, who believed that Rizal should be to blame for the Filipinos' fight against the Spaniards. Andres Bonifacio is known to be a huge supporter of Doctor Jose Rizal and to have encouraged him to fight for independence. They became irresponsible when they used Rizal's name without thinking about the consequences. If the Katipunan had been more cautious and considerate when disseminating Rizal's name, he would not have died so soon. Rizal's name should have been mentioned in a favorable way. Yes, our national hero should be a true pacifist oriented. As a peacemaker, it is defined. The goal of a hero is to find an absolute solution to achieve peace and happiness. A hero does not always want to fight because it leads to additional arguments and misunderstandings. It's great to have a national hero with a pacifist inclination, but that's not necessary. With that being said, having a national hero who is a pacifist is important in demonstrating how conflicts can still be won through peace instead of aggression, and in inspiring others that war is not the only way to fight. Peace, which leads to happiness, and the abolition of conflict are two well-mannered things to think and do. Yes Marcelo(A01)
@tenten_ibarra 2 года назад
Salundaga (A01) 1. Though, Rizal was not explicitly proclaimed as our national hero. Embedded in our minds on how he is enshrined by Filipinos. In every place where Rizal’s face were seen from the one peso coin, to Araling panlipunan and Filipino textbooks , republic acts, holidays, etc. it is impossible for a man who lived hundred years ago to be still known nowadays. Filipinos of all generation know that Rizal is the primal contributor of the national consciousness and an official declaration may commemorate more his preeminence but a need for an official where most Filipinos are not familiar about is I think not necessary, rather a more intricate syllabus on the curriculum of history textbooks in the country is what more important to do so as I didn’t even learn this during my 12 years of gradeschool. 2. As a chemical engineer I sometimes question why do we have a Rizal course when we already have K-12, but now I realized that there are lot more reasons to do so and it needs to be studied regardless of the degree program is. Some says that just like other minor courses, Rizal is an appreciation course and it is needed to show love for the country. In my modest opinion, this course prevails a more concrete way to understand the contemporary problems we face nowadays. The product of our erroneous ignorance we embodied on the past is the pattern that is conveyed by the present. Studying Rizal for showing love etc for me is not enough as his works and life needs to be scrutinized more deeply. Living in a country where most students take engineering and med allied courses, to study the life of the First Filipino to inspire a nation is not an obligatory one but as an honor since I am a Filipino. 3.Rizal has never been part of Katipunan but due to his two novels he was admired as a leader. The way Rizal was idolized by his countrymen that even made his name as a password in KKK. May it be accidentally or not, I humbly think that this was all of Rizal’s plan. Being an ophthalmologist, while being a poet , pianist, a scientist and reformist it is impossible to think that this was not been predicted by Rizal. Bonifacio on the other hand I think is partly guilty on what happened on Rizal’s death. It has been stated on some of the articles I have read that one of his even ventures to rescue rizal although it was his two novels have the primal contribution of his death, just like his last words upon death “it is finished” giving a glimpse that he is ready to face the dire consequences of his actions for the sake of the country. 4. Yes, our national hero should be of a pacifist orientation because it is important to note that our moral values are essentially reflected on what type of people we support and perceive to be a "hero". Furthermore, one of many things that a pacifist is known for is being able to solve issues or conflicts through words rather than simple violence and bloodshed.
@MeMyselfandIsay23 2 года назад
1. No law, presidential order, or proclamation designating any Filipino historical figure as a national hero has been enacted or issued. However, laws and proclamations recognizing these heroes have been passed as a result of their major contributions to the nation-building process and contributions to history. Even Jose Rizal, widely regarded as the greatest of all Filipino heroes, was not declared a national hero. His current position in Philippine history is a testament to the people's ongoing reverence or acclamation in honor of his contribution to the country's enormous socioeconomic reforms. Jose Rizal became a national hero in the Philippines because he battled for freedom in a quiet but effective manner. 2. Recognize the significance of Rizal's principles and teachings in light of current societal realities and events. To promote the use of such values in today's societal and personal difficulties and issues. In times of crisis, the Rizal Course teaches you how to be loyal to your fellow Filipinos. It's standing up for the truth as you see it. It's being unafraid to do the right thing. It contributes to the community's overall well-being. Finally, it's about your neighbors' love for you and how you and they can work together to keep our country lively and innovative. This is the central issue of its discussion, as well as the purpose for its existence. 3. I believe, no, Bonifacio was not guilty. They have a thorough understanding of the organization or government. Their knowledge has resulted in the KKK's structure being simple. The Katipunan, which began as a secret administration, was formulated by the Supreme Council, which was led by an elected President. The American colonial administration saw Rizal as a hero in part because, unlike more radical thinkers whose beliefs could incite rebellion to American rule, he was seen as representing peaceful political activism. 4. Yes, he should. Jose Rizal became a national hero because he battled for our independence in a quiet but effective manner. Rather than using violence to convey his love for the Philippines, he used his art to do it. Because of his tremendous achievements to our country, he is our national hero. By history books and history subjects, Jose Rizal has always been considered and recognized as a martyr and patriotic guy who gave his life for our own country. Because of his tremendous achievements to our country, he is our national hero. Rizal is indeed a pacifist. 5. YES. PINEDA (A06)
@user-ix5xf4zo3j Год назад
Abulencia // B43 1. Jose Rizal, the Philippine national hero, is indeed known for his love for his country and his pacifist orientation. He firmly believed in the power of peaceful means to bring about change and progress in society. Rizal's pacifist orientation is significant because it aligns with the aspirations of many Filipinos who desire a peaceful and prosperous nation. Rizal focused on awakening the Filipinos' sense of national identity, promoting unity, and inspiring them to work for peaceful reforms. 2. Ultimately, Bonifacio can be held responsible for Rizal's death or if the Katipunan's use of Rizal's name was irresponsible. This separate from Rizal's more peaceful and reform-oriented approach, created a context where Rizal's execution became more likely. They contend that Rizal's association with the Katipunan and the revolutionary movement led to increased scrutiny from the Spanish authorities and ultimately contributed to his early death. 3. An official declaration would provide formal recognition and solidify Rizal's status as a national hero, further emphasizing his significance in Philippine history. It could also serve as a means of promoting Rizal's ideals, values, and contributions to a broader audience It's important to note that Rizal is widely regarded and revered as a national hero by the Filipino people due to his significant contributions and sacrifices for the country's independence and progress. 4. Making the Rizal course compulsory ensures that students gain a comprehensive understanding of their country's history, culture, and values. Studying Rizal's life and works provides an opportunity for students to appreciate the contributions and sacrifices of national heroes. It helps cultivate a sense of pride and appreciation for the struggles and achievements of their forebears. 5.Yes.
@saureclarence Год назад
SAURE,B43 1.Rizal was considered an exemplary model of a man of peace mainly because instead of fighting injustices through a revolution he used his skills and talents and intelligence by the of use writings instead which is the more peaceful way. And I do believe that him being a pacifist help him to be considered as our national hero because for me as a national hero you have to be a role model or a leader and a leader who does not seek war for me is a great leader and as we all know there are no true victors in a war, A war will only result in a loss and damage of not only in manpower but also huge economic loss for the country. And Rizal being a pacifist is a great fit for him to be the role models of not only the upcoming leaders but especially the further generations as well. 2.I might say they may be a part of Rizal having his early death, but I think Rizal was looked up upon by the Katipunan, having Bonifacio also acknowledges Rizal as his mentor and I think that is not irresponsible if I may say because having to think of it maybe Rizal was just that important individual for them that they started also fighting for him in the lecture it was said that he was the password before entering the Katipunan and also he was included in the battle cry so I think he was a very important figure for them that also served as fuel for them to keep on fighting for the freedom and for Rizal I think he has no regrets whatsoever actually he might be the proudest that he was able to enable The Filipinos to fight for their freedom. But again, we can't call it irresponsible cause even now today each and every one of us has a person they are trying their best for. 3.In the question do I think there is a need for an official declaration, I may say somehow, we need it for formality, but I think that this is a no brainer that when it comes to the conversation of who is our national hero, Rizal will always be the number one person in mind. I would be glad and proud if there will be an official declaration and if I were to be able to witness it in this present time but somehow even not all Filipinos know that we don't have a formal and official national hero yet, I think some Filipinos just considered Rizal to be the national hero not only because he was popular here in the Philippines but in the lecture it was said that he has statues all over the world, I think the foreigners also acknowledge his heroics during the Spanish colonial times. I have this idea in mind that we need this official declaration in order to back up the law stating that we have to learn about the life and works of Rizal this is an important reason if we want to and if it is necessary to continue on studying about the life and works of Rizal. 4.For me the Rizal course should be compulsory regardless of the course being taken of an individual, first if he/she is here in the Philippines studying then you have to study about if I may say the “national hero”, This is important for us because it is a way of preserving our history and roots, some Filipinos nowadays lack patriotism and nationalism or in short they lack love for our country and I think this is a great course in order to further enlighten such individuals ,personally these subjects regarding our history really gave me an eye opener on how brave our heroes and ancestors were, they were the reason that we experience the freedom we have now and as a thanks, having to learn about them it's not that much of A burden for us. Also, if this continues on even the next generations will learn about our national hero and this may serve a guide for them introducing the future leaders wisely, they may use the characteristics of Rizal as standards in picking, not only Rizal himself but also his works, if I may consider it is a treasure for our country his works in writings which forever holds a deep history on it. 5.YES
@angelachacon8546 2 года назад
1) Yes, there is still needed for Rizal to be declared as our national hero because having that one extraordinary role model among all the heroes in our country defines a powerful symbol of the ideals and values that citizens in our country must look up to. He also symbolizes the pride and unity among people in our nation. Moreover, Rizal does qualify to be our national hero because of the selfless service he made. Thus, having an official national hero molds people to be better citizens, which is essential to our national identity, and promotes patriotism that the people can celebrate. 2) The life and works of Rizal must remain to be a required subject for all courses. As a 2nd-year college student, I remember only bits of a story on Dr. Rizal that was tackled in my junior high school days. Personally, this course is a great help for me to digest and remember the great ideals of his work for this country. I think it is the same for my batchmates. I appreciate and admire his story and works even more at this age. Moreover, studying Rizal is one way for the youth to be engaged and acquire knowledge about history. This question goes back to the points on why we should learn about Rizal. 3) No, because Bonifacio wants only to harness the revolutionary people of Rizal to motivate and recruit members of the Katipunan as freedom fighters. The use of his name does not have any intention for Rizal to be captured and killed. I would not say they are irresponsible. At those times, citizens in the Philippines were scared, and people needed inspiration for the organization to be successful. Thus, it affected each individual that positively joined the organization, and this collective effort frightened the Spaniards and their supporters in the country. 4) I believe that it is crucial to be considered a national hero is to be a man of pacifist orientation. In the modern world, we live in today, resolving problems with violence is the last option we should resort to. Heroes indeed have their own way of serving the country back then, and some may say that pacifism is only an idealistic belief. However, having a national hero who is a pacifist symbolizes hope amidst the worst times happening in the country. Opposing the cruelties of war without violence is something we should look up to. For me, it is a remarkable difference to save the lives of others. 5) Yes Achacon (A06)
@eusevmopera6077 Год назад
1.) During his time, Rizal was highly considered as a man of peace, mainly because he believed strongly on achieving social and political reform without resorting to violence. Instead, he actively promoted peaceful means to create change, using his writings and advocacy as a means to criticize abuses bt the Spanish government. He was a vocal advocate of reform and education, believing that these were key components to achieving liberation from colonial rule. Rizal's peaceful approach made him a respected and admired model of intellectual and moral leadership among his contemporaries. 2.) In my opinion I do think that Bonifacio was somehow guilty over the early death of Rizal, it is commonly believed that he played a part in it. Bonifacio was a member of the Katipunan, a secret group that wanted to end Spanish colonial rule in the Philippines. He respected Rizal's work and invited him to join, but Rizal chose peaceful reform instead. According to some historians, Bonifacio`s rebellion and the violent tactics employed by the Katipunan may have contributed to Rizal's death. They suggest that if the Katipunan had chosen non-violent means of resistance instead, Rizal might have avoided execution and continued to promote his reformist idea. 3.) Jose Rizal is well known as the Philippines' national hero, Although there hasn't been an official declaration from our government that he is the country's official national hero. Some say that the government should welcome Rizal as our official national hero, as it would serve as a formal recognition and honor to Rizal's many contributions to the nation. Other may argue that an official declaration is not necessary as he is widely known as the Philippines' national hero. One more reason is there are also other notable figures who contributed to the country's history and development. Personally I would like him to be declared as our national hero, it would strenghten the unification of our country. 4.) Some may argue that it should be an elective subject, some say that it shoudn't be taught at all, I disagree. I am fine with it being a compulsory subject, this course is the foundation of every college students, it is essential for students to understand the country's history, culture, and values. 5.) Yes. Mopera (A18)
@CSColdishGamer 2 года назад
1. Yes, there should an official declaration of Jose Rizal as our national hero. An official declaration is commonly accompanied by documentation. An official document stating that Jose Rizal is our national hero is significant for our historical records. Although Jose Rizal is already widely known as our national hero, a document supporting the claim is needed to avoid historical discrepancies. An official declaration of Jose Rizal as our national hero would also boost the significance of studying his life and works in schools. It will also prevent the potential removal of the life and works of Jose Rizal subject at the tertiary level. 2. The life and works of Jose Rizal should only be an elective subject in college. The reason being is that the life and works of Jose Rizal have been already taught multiple times in primary and secondary school. However, allowing college students to study the life and works of Jose Rizal again as an elective is significant since college students could review Jose Rizal’s works from a different perspective. A different perspective in the sense that college students have grown in terms of their way of thinking and point of view. Reviewing the life and works of Jose Rizal in college could provide students with a better understanding of how and why the revolution occurred. 3. Yes, I think Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan, in general, were irresponsible in using Jose Rizal’s name. However, this happened probably due to the demand for a symbol. During times of war, a symbol of nationalism is needed in order for the Filipino people to stand up and fight for their country. With this, Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan established Jose Rizal as the symbol of nationalism which boosted the Filipino’s fighting spirit and morale. Although establishing Jose Rizal as the symbol of nationalism was effective, it was also irresponsible which probably led to the early death of Jose Rizal. 4. Yes, the national hero of our country should be of pacifist orientation. Now that we are in the modern era, a national hero who does not promote war and violence is needed since diplomatic and peace methodologies should be standardized and used when solving national issues. Although we cannot deny the fact that there is still the existence of war and violence in the world, avoiding such methodologies means that we are learning from history and avoiding the historical mistakes made. Through diplomatic means, we could potentially achieve a better and more justifiable outcome rather than relying on violent methods. 5. Yes Torres (A01)
@kurtaeron1365 2 года назад
1. Having a National Hero symbolizes one country’s values. For me, I don’t think it is still necessary for an official declaration because the names shortlisted for National Hero as of 1995 can be considered anyone’s hero. Everyone can embody the criteria listed to be considered a National Hero. Also, an official declaration may spark discussions and debates. Having said that, those who we look up to as our personal heroes may urge us to be the hero that we, ourselves, need. May the sacrifices of the known and unknown heroes be worth it and inspire us to be better individuals. 2. For me, the Rizal course should be a compulsory subject in any college degree. After what had happened in the past and when the Rizal Law was passed, it shows that studying Rizal’s Life, Works, and Writings at the tertiary level will help the students to have and gain more knowledge of how Rizal fought during the oppressive time with the Spaniards, how his writings spark a revolution and know what he is fighting for during that time. Doing so will also give us an idea of how life was before and how big his impact is on our daily lives now. 3. Andres Bonifacio used Jose Rizal’s name as Katipunan’s secret code because first and foremost Bonifacio considered Rizal as someone he can look up to. When La Liga Filipina was dissolved due to disputes or disagreements between its members, Bonifacio founded Katipunan with the same mission of separation or full independence from Spain. They tried to make petitions for reforms, unfortunately all the petitions were rejected which paved the way to bloody revolution. To answer question number 3, I think somehow Bonifacio felt guilty since he used Rizal’s name without his knowledge and brought him to early earthly death after the discovery of the Propaganda movement but at some point he just made what Rizal had started, he watered what Rizal had planted. He did everything just to gain total independence from Spain. 4. Jose Rizal was chosen by the Americans as our National Hero because they think that he was the best option because of the way he resists - the pacifist way. But for me, it doesn’t depend if someone is fighting for one’s freedom through violence or like what Jose Rizal did. It depends on how sure someone is in gaining and giving their people the freedom that they deserve. Other well-known heroes like Andres Bonifacio and Heneral Luna have their own way of fighting for the truth and independence. To conclude, our National Hero may or may not be a pacifist-oriented man. 5. Yes REMOQUILLO (A06)
@kategutierrez2941 2 года назад
For me as a student, I think Dr. Jose Rizal need a official declaration to be our National Hero. He needed to be recognize to be our National Hero not only for country and also in the whole world that Jose Rizal is a hero. If it becomes official it will pass to next, next, next generation and it will be never forgetten because its official that Dr. Jose Rizal is our National Heroes. The youth will become more appreciated what Rizal sacrifices to the Spaniard to become our country free. True Hero will inspired the people to fight for what is right and how to treat people right. I think the Rizal course should be compulsory. As time goes on, youth becomes different. The others losing respect for our country they need to open up their mind that Dr. Jose Rizal ended his life for the love for our country. The youth need to hear the sacrifices and how inspiring Dr. Jose Rizal. According to Jose Riza "Kabataan ang pag asa ng ating bayan" in that statement "Youth" the youth must get to know him so that the youth can prove to Dr. Jose rizal that "Ang kabataan ang pag asa ng ating bayan". I think Katipunan is responsible to make Dr. Jose Rizal to be our National Hero as their give back from being irresponsible using Rizal name as their password to their hideout. They can use use many password to their hideout but they chose Rizal's name that's the one reason for leading Dr. Jose Rizal into an early death. Additionally I think Andres Bonifacio is guilty for leading Jose Rizal into an early death. If we think about it that Andres Bonifacio is idolizing Rizal and We know that Rizal's name is popular that time. I think that our National Hero should be pacifist oriented because one of the consideration to become a national hero is man of peace and If the National hero is not pacifist oriented what will he inspired to that country. We all want peace so if we want peace I think it will start to the National Hero to inspire us. Other heroes they use their strength and courage to give love to our country. I thinks there is nothing wrong about it but the one the consideration is man of peace, to that consideration other heroes is they are gone so the only one to be our National Hero is Dr. Jose Rizal. Yes Gutierrez(A07)
@ellaica342 2 года назад
1. for me yes because it already imprints on our minds that he is our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal. Many people are inspired by Rizal's works and speeches because he desired freedom. Being a Filipino, Rizal exemplified the best attributes. He has played a key role in the Philippines' fight for freedom as well as other developments in various fields. 2. It should still be compulsory, Jose Rizal is our national hero and we should appreciate and really know how he did in our country. It is important to study the life of Jose Rizal because of his input towards the independence of the Philippines. He chose to fight for his country through knowledge and the power of letters. 3. I think that Katipunan are not to blame for Rizal's death since their motives are pure. Katipunan was greatly influenced by Rizal, and I believe that the thoughts of hope that they experience when they scream it combined with the country's name blinded them to the fact that it would lead to Rizal's death. Overall, his killing inflamed Filipino outrage, inspiring them to continue what Jose Rizal began, namely, achieving the country's independence. 4. I agree that our national hero should be a pacifist because it will promote peace among the people and teach them that not all issues can be resolved by violence, but that they may occasionally be resolved through communication. War doesn't accomplish anything and doesn't fix any problems. His works are uplifting, not aggressive, but they did have an impact and sparked debate among many individuals at the time. He is the perfect representative for the idea that violence isn't necessary. Filipinos look up to him as a fantastic role model. 5. Yes Saoit (A01)
@michganda1000 2 года назад
1. Yes, for me there is a need for an official declaration for solidifying the statement as we acknowledge Rizal as our national hero. Rizal became an acting national hero in the Philippines because he battled for freedom in a quiet but effective manner. Rather than using force or aggression, he used his books, essays, and articles to show his love for the Philippines. At the time, he was a very remarkable figure. Therefore, he deserves the title and acknowledgment as our national hero. 2. The subject must be taught in all programs for all colleges or universities in the Philippines. I believe that teaching this course to every college student may help our love for the country be strengthened and also be inspired by his works like his books and intelligence. His achievements and legacies must be carried out by every generation of Filipino people. Thus, studying the Life and Works of Rizal must be compulsory. 3. Bonifacio, in my opinion, was not responsible for Rizal's early death. He may be guilty in certain circumstances, but I do not believe he is. And I believe that another aspect that contributed to Rizal's early death was the fact that he authored two novels about the resistance and what was going on in his surroundings. For everything he has done, the enemy believes Rizal is betraying them. Perhaps the Katipunan was negligent as a result of their obsession with Rizal. It is not required to use Jose Rizal's surname as a password. Rizal became involved despite his absence for obvious reasons. Therefore, I firmly believe that Bonifacio is not guilty. 4. I think it depends on what country a hero lives in, it can depend on the culture and policies or state of the country. For the Philippines, as long as the hero showed his/her respect and love for the country or it may be sacrificed for his/her genuine patriotism, it should be qualified for candidacy as a Philippine National Hero therefore for me, we cannot limit the selection for a national hero for being a pacifist. 5. Yes Tagalog (A01)
@angelotisalona1147 Год назад
(Tisalona, B43) 1. Yes, I think Rizal being a pacifist help him for him to be considered our national hero since the Americans wanted a pacifist, and the word itself, he doesn’t condone violence. If you were to think about it, there was a lot of violence back then compared to our generation right now. 2. For me, I think Andres Bonifacio played a part in the early death of Jose Rizal, but we cannot hold him totally responsible. However, I would argue that Katipunan was not using its power irresponsibly since, in my opinion, what it did was essential for igniting the revolution and the nationalism that would allow us to reclaim our freedom. 3. Yes, I think there’s a need because a life was taken for the benefit of us Filipinos and we didn’t even officially declare Jose Rizal as our national hero. We benefited from one person and we did not even acknowledge him as one of our heroes 4. I think it should be compulsory because most students aren’t interested in history at all, it's unfair that we have to learn about someone’s life story in order to pass a class in college. 5. Yes
@haezelbrequillo1173 2 года назад
1.Yes, since we all know that Dr. Jose Rizal is a hero, he should be legally recognized as a national hero for respect and to be remembered as the Filipino hero with the most tributes. His words served as an influence for the Philippine independence movement. Also, don't get confused about who the national hero is. For battling for our country, Rizal inspires us with regard, adoration, and admiration, which is why he deserves to be recognized as our National Hero. We Filipinos deserve a perpetual sign of hope for what people of our nation should aim to be. 2. It should be a compulsory , Many people in today's age have never heard anything about Jose Rizal, despite the relevance of Rizal's principles and teachings in connection to current events and situations in society, which is why it is so important for us to know everything there is to know about him. Knowing about him is essential to understanding his significance in Philippine history. To inspire Filipinos to pursue such goals in the face of present social and personal concerns and issues. It helps us to appreciate and realize Jose Rizal's perspectives on life and society, as well as the causes for which he fought and died. 3. No, in my opinion, Bonifacio and the Katipunan are not responsible for Rizal's death. His writing inspired them because it allowed them to think in new ways. I believe they were so proud of Rizal that they were unaware that he may be led to his death. He helped them realize what they didn't have yet, and he made them feel like they could make a difference in the world by opening their minds to new ideas. 4. Yes. Rizal instills a sense of patriotism in his readers. His narrative is about a man who fights for freedom without resorting to violence. How did he manage to inform the world about the misery of the hos people without being asked? In the end, he was more successful than the army in rallying support for his compatriots. Through his work, he provides an inspiring example of how the pen may be more powerful than many Filipinos at the time. He will be remembered as someone who struggled for independence in a nonviolent manner. 5. Yes. BREQUILLO (AO6)
@sharimarroxas9205 2 года назад
In my opinion, there should be an official declaration of Rizal as our national hero because he deserves it. He has the qualities of a hero, he contributed and did a lot of good things for the country, and he was the key to the Philippine revolution against Spanish rule. Rizal is a nationalist, and his sacrifices and effort show his love for the country. In addition, he inspired the Filipinos to start the revolution that set us free from the Spaniards. Lastly, he has a contribution to our history. In conclusion, he deserves to be officially declared our National Hero. I agree that the life and work of Rizal course is a compulsory subject in college. Every citizen of the Philippines needs to know the history, and in addition, Jose Rizal contributed a lot of things in the past. Studying this course helps us know all the sacrifices of Rizal, and by looking at this course, we will learn how we ended up in this situation or how we got our freedom. I agree that Andres Bonifacio did a thing that would cause the death of Rizal. However, I can't entirely agree that the Katipunan became irresponsible when it comes to using Rizal's name. Katipunan was very inspired by Rizal, and I think that with the feelings of hope that they have when they scream it together with the country's name, they did not notice that it would lead to the death of Rizal. All in all, his death put Filipino in rage that became their inspiration to continue what Jose Rizal started, which is to get the freedom of the country In my opinion, I think a national hero doesn't have to be a pacifist. There are many ways for a people to show nobility as citizens of a country. Just like Bonifacio, I consider him a hero because of his physical braveness. He leads the Katipunan, which also helps for the country's freedom against Spain. So, a national hero doesn't have to be a pacifist. Yes. ROXAS (A07)
@trishabarcia1955 2 года назад
1.) I believe that there should not be any official proclamations of a national hero. They can be recognized as a Filipino hero but, there is no need to proclaim only one national hero for the country. Jose Rizal indeed was the inspiration of other national heroes but, if he was proclaimed as the Philippines’ national hero, this would start debates on his eligibility for the position as a pacifist and it may discredit the works of other Filipino heroes. Any proclamations would also confuse learners to a point where they would question the true standard of a Filipino hero which should not be running in their minds since heroism is dynamic and diverse. 2.) A Rizal course should be compulsory because it promotes patriotism and Filipinos embracing their national identity. College students, as already an adult, should be taught this to further strengthen their knowledge of Philippine history. Like how Rizal used his passion and skills to help the country, college students can connect their targeted profession to aid the country in times of crisis. This would also encourage the students to support their own culture and should not majorly focus on what is outside the country. In addition to that, this would open their minds to the possibility that they can be the next Jose Rizal who is willing to risk their lives for the Filipino people. 3.) Using Rizal’s name as the password and the battle cry of the organization without Rizal knowing was an utterly irresponsible act done by the Katipunan, specifically, Bonifacio. Bonifacio did not think that this would further endanger Jose Rizal’s existence as a political activist against the rule of the Spaniards. Due to the false accusation of starting a revolution, he was sentenced to death when he can still offer a lot more of his knowledge to the Filipinos. It is inevitable that Rizal could die through his works and writings but, Bonifacio should be responsible for the early death of Rizal for he has not informed him of this organization using his whole persona as an inspiration. 4.) A Philippine national hero can be anyone. They can be a pacifist, a war hero, or a war strategist as long as they fight for what they believe is right and would benefit the majority. Sacrifices are inevitable in being a hero, whether it may be a few dying to save what is rightfully theirs or sacrificing their passion for the sake of focusing on activism against oppressors. Some battles are worn with swords and guns, some are resolved with roses, and some are resolved through words and writings. Whatever type of conflict there may be, there will always be a hero rising in that conflict’s resolution. 5.) Yes -Barcia (A06)
@princessmae4735 2 года назад
1. I think there is still a need for an official declaration for the country’s national hero. This will give Dr. Jose Rizal the formality of the Philippine national hero. Even though we all learned who Dr. Jose Rizal was and believe that he is our national hero from our first years as a student, an official declaration will give him more honor for his contribution to the changes in our country. We will also be reminded that he is a hero that represents goodness. A hero that we can look up to and can help future generations in guiding their steps in life. 2. Some of us may wonder why "The Life and Works of Jose Rizal are included in the curriculum, whereas it is not even related to some courses. For me, authoring the Republic Act 1425 or the Rizal Law is a great choice, making the Rizal subject compulsory in college. This will familiarize us with his contributions to our country's political, economic, and educational advancement, particularly in terms of writing. No matter what courses a student takes, The Life and Works of Jose Rizal will always be important. Our heroes' lives and works are worth studying, and they should be taught in all schools so that we can build the good character and discipline that we need for a brighter future. 3. We know that Bonifacio is a fan of Jose Rizal, and the latter works were used as an inspiration for the revolution against the Spaniards. From using his name as a password when entering their hideout, hanging his portrait on their camps, to shouting his name during the Cry of Pugadlawin, these were all lead to the assumption that the Katipunan was responsible for the early death of Rizal. However, we cannot inculpate Andres and the Katipunan for doing the said act because they are doing it to show how Rizal works gave them the motivation to fight for the country. Although I think Andres Bonifacio is a bit guilty, the major reason why Rizal is executed is because of his works. Works that the enemies are afraid of because it may lead to the revolution of more Filipinos since it shows the true intentions of the oppressors. 4. The conviction that violence is not the best method to resolve disagreements is known as pacifism. Pacifists believe that war can be avoided and that better and more long-term solutions to conflicts exist. In a world of violence and war, a pacifist hero must stand up. Any form of violence, including war, should be considered reprehensible, and our country should never be at war. They believe that instead of resorting to violence, discussion and compromise are better methods to establish peace and unity. 5. Yes, I have watched the entire video. CERES(A01)
@michaelamistoso9188 2 года назад
1. In my opinion I think we need an official declaration for our national hero for formalities. We have an official declaration for many things and not for this kind of importance is a shame since this is part of our history. But I do understand that it is difficult to have an official declaration for this thing due to the ongoing argument by the general public on either Jose Rizal or Andres Bonifacio will be the national hero. I hope after the public have agreed on an official hero there will be an official declaration for this kind of thing for formalities. 2. I think Rizal should be a compulsory subject but not for college but for senior high school. The reason to this is because senior high school is where we learn the basics or the foundation for our chosen course while in college is where we study the essential subjects for our chosen course. And I think this course fits better for the curriculum of senior high school which can be a subject for history since the curriculum for senior high school lacks subjects that tackles about history. I agree that this subject should be compulsory to support every Filipinos knowledge on our history and the sacrifice of our heroes to give us our freedom. 3) I think Bonifacio was not guilty of leading Rizal into an early death because of two things, he was only idolizing Rizal and he was not aware of the consequences that his actions can bring on Rizal. His actions make Rizal a vulnerable target but he was not aware due to the fact that in his mind he only thinks of this action as a way to show Rizal his deep affection on his works and nationalism. Andres Bonifacio was clueless on the effects that this brought to Jose Rizal so we can say that he is not guilty on what he has done Rizal. However, we can say that Andres Bonifacio has not thought too much on the circumstances on putting Jose Rizal in every way possible in Katipunan due to him being clueless. 4) For me, I think it is a great idea for our national hero to be in pacifist orientation which aa I say on my past course work was commendable. It is commendable for someone to be a pacifist in times of war. However, I think someone with a pacifist orientation should not be the greatest denominator for someone to be a national hero. It is commendable but pacifist or not a national hero that has sacrificed his/her life for the country that has a greater role on Philippine revolution than Rizal should be considered more for the role of the national hero. However, Rizal kickstarted and sparked the revolution while being a pacifist so with those factors in mind. He deserves his title as the national hero. 5) Yes Amistoso (A07)
@daniellava469 2 года назад
1. Yes, I think that Jose Rizal should be officially declared as our national hero to end all discussions and debates on this matter. According to the Taft commission, the criteria for a national hero such as he must be a Filipino, must already be dead, must have possessed great love for the country, and must be a man of pacifist orientation. The Taft commission had seen all these criteria in Jose Rizal, the reason he became an American named hero. In addition, Pres. Emilio Aguinaldo issued a decree and later on an Act declaring December 30, as a holiday to commemorate the death of Rizal. After Rizal's execution, the revolution against Spain grew fiercer. His value as a hero became stronger. He fanned the flames of the revolution and from the original 8 KKK provinces, the people from all over the archipelago joined the revolution. Rizal became very famous across the globe after his execution. During the American Period, Rizal was a common image on Philippine stamps and his portraits spread all over the world. Rizal was acclaimed by several prominent personalities like Ferdinand Blumentritt, and Rapael Palma y Velazquez thus he really deserves to be called our national hero. 2. Yes The life and works of Jose Rizal should be taught in Colleges and Universities in order for us to know our history, how Jose Rizal showed his love for our country and fought for our freedom without the need for a bloody revolution. Jose Rizal can be our role model and an inspiration in building a nation-loving-Filipinos and we can pass this virtue to the next generation. Today, fake news are all around and can mislead us if we are not equipped with the knowledge about our history. We can imitate Jose Rizal who was strong in his convictions. 3. No, I do not think that Bonifacio was guilty of leading Rizal to an early death and the Katipuneros became irresponsible in its use of Rizal's name for the sake of its cause. When the Katipuneros used Rizal as their password before entering their hideout, or shouting their battle cry, "Mabuhay ang kalayaan! Mabuhay and Pilipinas! Mabuhay si Dr. Jose Rizal!", everytime they charged at the enemy and had a portrait of Rizal in every KKK camp, the Katipuneros did not mean harm to Rizal. The reason for them using Rizal's name is to gain inspiration from him in all their battles. Rizal was instrumental in their revolt against the Spaniards because when Andres Bonifacio read the novels, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, he was moved by those writings and staged the revolution against the Spaniards who thought that Rizal was the mastermind of the revolution and had him executed at Bagumbayan. 4. Yes, our national hero should be a pacifist-oriented hero to avoid a revolution where many are killed and to save the lives of many people. Jose Rizal was the first Filipino to inspire the Filipinos to rise up against the Spaniards. He used his books, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, to demonstrate the Spaniards' oppression of the Filipinos and how to revolt against them. He is an exemplary model of a man of peace. Filipinos are peace-loving by nature and are inherently sentimental and sensitive. We Filipinos in our present time have also experienced a bloodless revolution during the Edsa revolution, when people power won over a dictator. I think that we can do it again if our freedom is at stake. 5. yes Lava A07
@lawrencecabatac8009 2 года назад
1.) In my opinion, I think there is still a need for an official declaration of Dr. Jose Rizal to be our national hero. Because if Dr. Jose Rizal was declared as our national hero, his name will be put on the records of the Philippines that he is actually the national hero of the Philippines so we Filipinos would acknowledge him more and also let the world know how amazing and powerful his works are and how he contributed so much, even his own life to reclaim the freedom that we have now. So I really hope in the future Dr. Jose Rizal is declared as the national hero of the Philippines. 2.) I think the Dr. Jose Rizal course should be compulsory because Rizal's life is very important and had a very huge contribution to our country. After many years that the Republic Act No. 1425 was passed, it really shows that studying this course helps us, the students learn and understand so much about Dr. Jose Rizal's works and how he fought with peace using his powerful writings instead of violence, blood and war. Dr. Jose Rizal contributed so much for us to gain the freedom that we have now and that should stay forever in our hearts and never be forgotten. 3.) Unfortunately yes, they should be held accountable on Dr. Jose Rizal's death. Bonifacio and the Katipuneros led Dr. Jose Rizal's life to an unfortunate and early death. They are irresponsible in using Dr. Jose Rizal's name while they know a revolutionary war is happening. I know that they are only looking up to Rizal's name and that they are not aware of the consequence that using Rizal's name could put Rizal's life in danger but they could've done better. There are so many ways to admire someone without endangering their life. It would be nice if Rizal actually lived the freedom he fought for. 4.) I don't really agree that a national hero should be a pacifist, we shouldn't really limit the traits of a national hero to only one because there is a lot of traits a national hero should have, for me violence shouldn't be tolerated but being a pacifist won't really work all the time. To give an instance, look at what is happening in Russia and Ukraine, while Ukraine wanted peace Russia didn't actually listen and resorted to violence and there is nothing Ukraine can do but to defend their land. So that's why a National hero's traits needs more than just being a pacifist. 5.) Yes CABATAC (AO7)
@axiedelacruz4723 2 года назад
1.) An official declaration of our national hero is needed. It must be done to prevent our learners from the confusion on who really is our national hero among all of the heroes on the list. Also, this would let the study of the life and works of Rizal become more necessary in being one of the courses in the curriculum. The declaration is important so that we can acknowledge Rizal more for being our national hero. It will lessen the debates on who really is our national hero, and will lead on giving more respect on the works and sacrifices that Dr. Jose Rizal made in the fight for our nation's independence. 2.) I agree that Rizal course should be compulsory. It is necessary because the history of our national must be preserved. It must be learned by the students so that the knowledge that we could gained from studying the course would be passed to the future generations of our nation. It will also serve as a way of giving importance to the sacrifices and the efforts that Dr. Jose Rizal made in his seek for the independence of our country when the Spaniards invade our homeland. With the knowledge that we could gain from the course, we are able to answer the questions about the life of Rizal whenever some foreigners asked us about the life of our national hero, which would also reflect our self from having a nationalism in our hearts and mind. 3.) The posting of portrait of Rizal in every KKK camp and the involvement of Rizal's name in the battle cry of KKK must be seen as one of the causes of the early death of Dr. Jose Rizal. However, Bonifacio must not be guilty about it. Their actions only reflects that they are inspired by the works of Dr. Jose Rizal which led a spark to the hearts of the Filipinos in their fight for our independence. Without the motivation that Dr. Jose Rizal brought to KKK, the revolution might not be possible, and our independence from the Spaniards may not be obtained successfully. 4.) The requirement that our national hero must be in pacifist orientation is done by the Americans. Their reason on having this condition is to prevent the Filipinos on having another revolution against the American government. They have done this for the purpose of stopping any form of actions that may start a spark on having a revolution in our country. The pacifist orientation is not needed as a requirement in choosing our national hero. The good personality and his/her actions which reflects the love for our nation is the most important thing that should be considered. The only thing that would be crucial is how big was their act of heroism made an impact to the independence that we have gained against the colonizers. Dela Cruz (A01)
@tripler2325 2 года назад
1) Even though Rizal has not been officially declared as our national hero, I think that there is no need for an official declaration since until this day we honored him and his works that spark the revolution against Spaniards. For me, it will not be considered as lacking to being nationalist even though we didn’t declare officially who our national hero is. Anyone can consider for their own national hero from their bias since everyone starting from Rizal contributes to free us from the hands of Spanish government. That is why there is no need for official declaration of Rizal as being our national hero. 2) The Rizal course should be a compulsory and not just an elective subject in college. One of the reasons is that every generation should learn the details of how does Rizal become an important character behind the freedom of all Filipinos and how he led other Filipinos to open their eyes in the midst of the cruelty of Spaniards who make insult the bloodline of every Filipinos. Another reason is that to know the other heroes as well who idolized Rizal and help him to spread the words around the places of Philippines. As we all know that aside from Rizal, he has connections and considered as friend that helped him all through out his desire to free his fellow men. 3) I do think that Bonifacio was guilty and Katipunan is careless when it comes to the use of Rizal’s name. It is clear that it is not necessary to use his name as a passcode or shout out his name when they tear down their sedulas, because Rizal does not know that his name is being used after all. That is why there are pen names or alyas that should be used at that time instead of his real name. I really think this is one of the holes on the way Bonifacio admired Rizal. Also, the way they kill Spaniards during battles, they always shout the name of Rizal which it makes one of the biggest irresponsibility of Katipunan and those who fought the Spaniards. 4) Not necessarily that our national hero to be of a pacifist orientation even though it is big help and relief that there will be no bloodshed but for me there are lots of people who fought Spaniards which can be labeled as our national hero. One of these reasons is that they sacrifice their lives just to free Filipinos from the Spanish government although they can be going with the flow for instance. Another is that their bravery to love and serve our country which takes toll because of the Spaniards people who are in the Philippines at that time. Just like General Luna and his comrades at his commands who also took part in the battlefield for the freedom of Filipinos and are the ones who did not kept blind eye on either party. 5) Yes po. Reyes (A06)
@ronsoliman1774 2 года назад
1. There is no law that declares Dr. Jose Rizal to be our national hero, according to the National Commission for Culture and the Arts. But he should be, because Rizal is truly deserving of the title of national hero for his contributions to the country. The revolution would not have been organized or started without his sacrifices. I understand that we have Rizal Day, statues, and publications dedicated to Dr. Jose Rizal, but I do not believe that this is sufficient to honor him. His sacrifices should be recognized formally so that they do not go unnoticed and so that our history is preserved. 2. The Rizal course is something of great inspiration to every Filipino, on how and why Rizal became one of the greatest idols and role models in modern times. The course teaches us how Rizal lived his life through struggles and how he embarked on a great journey to ignite the hearts of the Filipinos at the time of colonization. His written works were proof that the pen is greater than the sword because of how he fought against the colonials through words of inspiration and reality. It must be a compulsory course for every young adult for them to be inspired and continue to love, improve, and develop the country of the Philippines. 3. In my opinion, Bonifacio is called guilty of leading Rizal to an early death, and the Katipunan was irresponsible in using his name because they did not ask for Rizal's consent in using his name in a revolutionary war against the colonials of Spain. Furthermore, Rizal did not establish the Katipunan because he is not a man of war and sword, he is a man of peace and love. He wanted to gain peace through truth and writing, unlike Bonifacio who wanted to gain sovereignty through blood and war. Bonifacio and the Katipunan should have talked to Rizal first before using him as the center of the revolution because it is just disrespectful to use the name of others that has nothing to do with any of the things that are happening. 4. Yes, our national hero should be a pacifist-oriented man because a man of peace shall lead to continuous peace, and a man of war shall lead to more bloodshed. A pacifist-oriented man shall be an idol to future generations since history has been written by a man of peace and love to attain sovereignty, and hereby honored this country with his pen rather than his sword. His writings of truth have ignited more people to obtain freedom against the colonials, more than the approach of the sword, more than seeking war and battles. Rizal is well known throughout the world as a man of peace, because of his compassion and the way that he fought for this country's freedom differently. 5. Yes (Soliman (A01)
@user-vb6zs5tj8p Год назад
Albano (B43) 1. He was considered a model of a man of peace because he believed and used education and his knowledge in order to do political changes to our country. We all know that his works and his experiences helped save us. His pacifism is noticeable in his works, especially in his famous works Noli Me Tángere and El Filibusterismo. In these works, it is clear that he criticized the Spanish government, but he disarmed in his words and he still showed respect despite this. He didn’t resort to violence, while reading his works you are persuaded by him to find peaceful solutions to problems. Throughout his life even though he didn’t resort to violence there are multiple reasons why he is considered as our national hero. First, he clearly showed courage and judgment, he stood up for his beliefs peacefully. This made him a great example to us Filipinos. Next is that he is relatable, he showed and understood our concerns, that’s why he became relatable. Lastly, his words are powerful. His words reached a lot of people and it created a huge impact, since he always resorted to peaceful confrontations. 2. For me I think he was not guilty. Since at that time war and conflict was inescapable, it was the only answer to some people. Andres Bonifacio was the opposite of Jose Rizal, but they both had the same goal for us FIlipinos at the time. The Spaniards didn’t like Rizal’s works, and they banned his works everywhere. The Katipunan became irresponsible, they used Rizal’s name even though he does not promote violence, their actions led to misinformation that Rizal supports the Katipunan even though he was not. However their use of his name was not entirely irresponsible, they used it as some sort of leverage in order to recruit people and fight as one. As we all know their actions led to the Philippine Revolution, that's why it is not entirely irresponsible. The Katipunan fought because they wanted to be free from the Spanish administration, they did all of those things just to help our country. 3. For me I think there should be an official declaration. However, there are a lot of factors that could affect the declaration. In this time a declaration is a matter of opinion, since there are a lot of people that are deciding and the president of the country is going to weigh in every decision to come up with a final decision. There are several factors that are both in favor and not. An official declaration will send a clear message to Filipinos that Rizal is our national hero. This will ensure that his heroicness is preserved and will continue to inspire the future generations. Lastly, it will unanimously unite the country in declaring him as our national hero. There are also factors in favor of it. One thing that comes to mind is misunderstanding, his way of fighting the government could cause widespread misinformation and could lead to other problems that will hinder his image. In order for an official decision, each factor should be weighed out and analyzed thoroughly to make the correct decision. 4. For me I think that the Rizal course should be an elective subject in college, because his words and works are still applicable today. Since college curriculum is hard, the student should be offered the option to make their lives much easier. There are multiple subjects or courses that would be beneficial for the student to take immediately, that’s why it not being compulsory gives the student some sort of breathing room. Rest is important to students in order to function properly and consistently at the same time. Learning about Rizal is also good, even though you don’t want to learn about his entire life, you should at least know his contributions in our society today. Since Rizal’s life was already taught to us in elementary school, all we need is a review and a bit of deep understanding of his ways. His works and life could help inspire students to be involved in some sort of national activity. Being an elective subject will help the student learn about him without being a hassle to the students at the same time. 5. Yes
@michaellibrea352 2 года назад
1.) I believe that Rizal should be officially declared as our national hero. We the Filipinos already recognize Rizal as our national hero and the greatest Filipino, but Rizal should also be recognized by foreigners who are visiting our country. Without the official declaration it is confusing for the foreigners and the young generation of Filipinos, as time goes on will surely be forgotten as our national hero without the official declaration. It is also confusing that the government is still not declaring Rizal as the national hero and yet they made it mandatory in college to study the life of Rizal. 2.) I think that the Rizal course should be compulsory in college, with Dr. Jose Rizal not being officially declared as our nation hero the Rizal course is the only way we recognize him and his work to this day. The Rizal course should be taught as it is the way that we show our respect to the sacrifices of Rizal and his fellow companion. The Rizal course also teaches us the way our ancestors fought oppression and how Rizal fought with his writing and not with violence. This also shows us that violence is not always the answer in every problem. 3.) I believe that Bonifacio was guilty, and that he was ready to bare the guilt that he cause the early death of Rizal for the freedom of the Filipino people. The Katipunan was also irresponsible in the use of Rizal’s name, but I believe that it was done for the common good. As Rizal was very famous his name was used to persuade more Filipino in the fight against the Spaniards, I believe this was their only way to unite the Filipino people. That is why Rizal was the face of Katipunan, and he is recognize as the hero of Katipunan. 4.) Our hero should be of pacifist orientation. As hero’s are praise by many, we must be certain that the hero that we praise doesn’t favor war but favor a nonviolent resolution. Our national hero should have a pacifist thinking because war only brings bloodshed to our fellow Filipinos and our enemy, we must always choose a pacifist way of dealing with conflict. Our national hero with pacifist ways would also influence the decision or action that are current leaders would do and it will also influence the actions and thinking of our fellow Filipinos. 5.) Yes Librea (A06)
@alwinlara7237 Год назад
LARA, B43 1. Rizal is considered an exemplary model of a man of peace because of his emphasis on non-violence as the preferred means of showing love for the country. The quote "The pen is mightier than the sword," is what illustrates what Jose Rizal has done in the power of peaceful means to effect change and transform society. Through his writings, Rizal aimed to awaken the Filipinos' national consciousness and inspire them to strive for peaceful reforms. The pacifist orientation of Rizal has helped him become considered as the Philippine's national hero. He was an American-sponsored national hero by the Taft Commision; the purpose of choosing Rizal among other candidates was to not inspire further revolution to the Americans. The advocacy of Rizal for peaceful dialogue, diplomacy, and education as effective means to challenge oppression and inequality is what the Americans had preferred to be one of the qualities of a national hero. 2. Bonifacio was guilty of leading Rizal into an early death and the Katipunan had became irresponsible of the use of Rizal's name. The KKK's battle cry and portraits of Rizal in every camp exhibits Rizal as being a head of the Revolution despite the fact that he was not part of it. Although Rizal's works was not meant to inspire revolution, his ideas had inspired the Katipunan's members to act and fuel their determination to bring about social change through armed revolution. Lastly, the use of "Rizal" as a password and saying the complete name of Dr. Jose Rizal during the Cry of Pugad Lawin were irresponsible actions that might had put Rizal in dangerous situations as a serious threat to the Spanish regime. 3. There is a need for an official declaration of Rizal as the Philippine's national hero to give honor to what he had done and continue to do for the country and the world. Firstly, the works of Rizal continues to inspire generations of Filipinos to fight for freedom and equality. Rizal, with his dedication to the welfare of the Filipino people, became a symbol of unity and resistance against colonial oppression. Secondly, his statues all over the world prove that his martyrdom continues to inspire people to continue the fight for independence. Lastly, an official declaration of Rizal as the country's national hero would be a symbol of the power of individuals to effect positive change and shape the destiny of a nation. Rizal is considered as the national hero of all Filipinos even by other prominent Filipino figures like Bonifacio, Aguinaldo, Magsaysay, etc. The declaration of Rizal as a national hero will serve as an inspiration for Filipinos, reminding them of their history, identity, and the continuous struggle for freedom and progress. 4. The Rizal course should be a compulsory subject in the colleges of Philippines because it shapes the students' national identity, core values, and power to cause social transformation. Firstly, through Rizal course, the students will develop a deeper understanding of their roots and the collective journey towards nationhood. His works and the works of his biographers will not be put into waste, but rather, will help students know how they are Filipinos. Secondly, the Rizal course will encourage students to emulate Rizal's ideals of social justice, education, and love for country. The statues of Rizal prove that these ideals are admired by the whole world, so much should be for the countrymen of Rizal. And lastly, the Rizal course will inspire students to become agents of positive transformation that will help them contribute to the betterment of the nation. The Rizal course in college continues to foster a sense of continuity and inspiration to contribute to nation's progress and development among students, hence, must be made compulsory. 5. YES
@meribanocia9826 2 года назад
1. I think it is necessary to make an official declaration of Rizal being our National Hero even though it is already evident. Making it official is the right thing because Dr. Jose Rizal is not an ordinary person. He is the pride of the Philippines and the most respectable role model that we could have. Rizal has become an icon of the Philippine independence war. He deserves to be officially declared our national hero because he battled for independence in a quiet but effective manner. National heroes serve as a steady beacon of what a country's residents should strive to be. They were crucial to a crisis, and they give an example of how we should tackle these problems if we meet them again. Dr. Jose Rizal is our greatest hero of all time. Heroes inspire regard, adoration, and wonder in us. Hence, it is significant to officially declare him our National Hero because he is worth it in the beginning. 2. The wonders of the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal shall be known by all, especially by the youth. It should not be a compulsory course or an elective course for college students, and it should be taught in various ways wherein we can absorb the braveness and intelligence of Rizal. Learning our history, specifically the hero who shows us true independence, is significant because we can know why we are free to say and do the right things. Rizal's advocacies are a masterpiece. It has many valuable lessons that are useful in today's generation. We should be grateful that we can discuss his life and adore his courage. He is the hero who inspires us all, and I think it is not right to cut him off just because he is history. 3. Dr. Jose Rizal is an inspiration to all, and even Andres Bonifacio makes him his inspiration and role model, which lead him to become an icon for the Katipunan. In my opinion, Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan use the name Rizal irresponsibly. Even though Dr. Jose Rizal is outstanding and can impact a perspective, they should be careful in using his name in a country where the Spaniards are in control and have no respect for the lives of the Filipinos. We all know what happened to Rizal is unjustifiable. Other than his braveness in his works, the usage of his name during Bonifacio's propaganda led him to his early death. 4. There are many qualifications to become a national hero, and being a pacifist is the most significant. A pacifist is a person who believes that war and violence are not always the answer to everything. Dr. Jose Rizal is a pacifist person, and he proved to us that the use of proper words opens the minds of Filipinos to their rights. It is not always about violence. It is about the power of understanding, compromising, and courage. These characteristics make a person more inspiring rather than catastrophically involving oneself. Thus, being a pacifist should be the orientation of our National hero because it is peaceful but also signifies ability and strength, which is the true vision that people must follow. 5. Yes. Bañocia (A06)
@Itspoppins16 2 года назад
1. We all know that Dr. Jose Rizal is a Filipino and has a power to write a novel that inspired us and he show his great love for the country. For me there’s no need to declare that Jose Rizal is our National Hero. Being a National Hero it shouldn’t influence the people to have a revolution and that fits Dr. Jose Rizal to be a National Hero because he is a man of peace. With all his action he shows all his love for our country and inspired our fellow Filipinos and will inspired more for the next generation. 2. Some of the students feels exhausted that having a Rizal course is another burden because they need to study a minor subject. But little did they know that by studying the life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal will have a positive big impact in our lives and will inspired us. The most importantly that his value of being a religious, a loving and a good son to his parents, a responsible student, the one who loves the country are some of the uprightness of Dr. Jose Rizal that should be point up in the whole period of Rizal course. So I think that Rizal course should be a compulsory. 3. Bonifacio was not guilty for leading Rizal into an early death because we all know that you can’t predict what will happen in a revolution. Rizal didn’t participate in an armed revolution but because of Rizal novel “Noli Me Tángere” it inspired the Katipunan to fight and started the KKK. The irresponsible of them that pointing out Rizal name in the revolution that leads Rizal death. They should have just make a code name of Rizal instead of calling out his real name in a revolution. Because of the irresponsible the Spaniard thinks that Rizal is the leader of the revolution. 4. For me national hero should be a pacifist orientation because it can be resolve without a blood and tears. I don’t think hundred or thousand people need to die just to win a war. Education is the key to building peace. Building compassion and understanding between two people or two billion people improves empathy. Many people would rather not fight over every differences. the more we learn about one another we could form peaceful lives, communities, and even nations. War can destroy the enemy, but it cannot make an ally or friend. Hero’s cares about humanity and making peace. 5. Yes. -Milo (A07)
@zehvage Год назад
Albarillo (B43) Jose Rizal is considered as an exemplary model of a man of peace because unlike the other heroes in the Philippines, he did not, in any way used violence in order to revolt against the Spaniards. He used his knowledge together with his skills in spreading different point of view to Filipinos who are victims of colonization. I agree that him being pacifist helped him to be considered as our national hero because first of all, it was the fourth criteria made by the Taft commission making Rizal as an American-sponsored hero. However, I still think that he had a leverage among other heroes just because he can fight without actually killing or hurting anyone; a man of peace as what they have declared him. In today's time, this kind of hero is what we need. It is true that the Katipunan was responsible as well in making Rizal as our hero. However, I do not think Bonifacio was responsible in leading Rizal into an early death. This is because Katipunan would not be possible if they did not base the revolution in Rizal's work. They looked up at him so much and was inspired to revolt because of what has Rizal made. The execution of Rizal was meant to happen no matter how tragic it may sound; but the effect of this event was phenomenal as it fanned the flames of revolution. In conclusion, we would not achieve our freedom if it did not happen. He died for a reason and there's no point in blaming it to the Katipunan or to Bonifacio. I think there's no need for it to be announced or they could do that but for the sake of formality. It is because it is widely known already that he is our national hero. We celebrate his birthday and even his death as a holiday. We already knew him as soon as we stepped in schoolgrounds, learning his works in high school and his life in college. I think it is obvious already that he is an impactful person in our country. He is our national hero. In my opinion, Rizal course should remain compulsory. Aside from history class, it is just right that we have a course that talks about all the details regarding his work and his life. It is not just a story of a simple man, but a man who ignited the revolution, who freed us from the hands of the Spaniards and the one that proved that "the pen is mightier than the sword". Even in today's time, we can still apply our learnings from his life in contributing to our society. To fight for our rights, violence is not always the answer; we must also be vigilant, open-minded, and willing to learn about other perspectives. By that, we can be a functional Filipino people. YES.
@jerardmacandog7218 2 года назад
1.) Yes, There should be a official declaration for Dr. Jose Rizal to be our national hero since there are more than enough reason why he is our national hero. He is known not only in our country but also in others. He may called American sponsored hero but still he have done these things because of the love for our country. He is a big role model not only for students but all of us. but even there is no official declaration for Rizal as our national hero his contributions to this country saves and helps us Filipino people to have freedom. 2.) Dr. Jose Rizal is our national hero. We should have knowledge about the life and works of Jose Rizal. It should be studied by all of the students because of his great works and to that we will learn and understand why Dr. Jose Rizal is our national hero. It should be a compulsory subject and it should taught to all. We must know who is Dr. Jose Rizal not only because he is our national hero but also because of his intelligence in his writings. We need this kind of information for us to to share our learnings about our national hero in the future. 3.) No, Andres Bonifacio idolizes Dr. Jose Rizal he doesn't want to Rizal to have his early death but he admire him because of his intelligence and talents. It is because of Dr. Jose Rizal himself makes the Spaniards turned their attention to him because of writing his novels that makes them triggered. It's just the Katipuneros or Bonifacio are careless in using Rizal as their passwords and also shouting it loudly before. It brings easy and a lot of attention to Rizal and let the Spaniards thinks that Rizal is the head of all of it. 4.) Yes, It may came from the Americans but still our national hero must be a true pacifist oriented. It is the most important thing to them to have a freedom and make wrong things right. Maybe our opinion is not the same but we know that it should have a absolute solution for having peace and happiness. Each of our heroes have their own indeed way of saving our country and serving it back then. But still the most important is the things that have done in our country in order to commit the peace and freedom. 5.) Yes Macandog (A07)
@jrdnsbstn 2 года назад
1. In my own opinion, I think it does not need to declare it official. Rizal was eligible to be a national hero because he's a multidimensional person, both mentally and manipulatively, not to mention his inherited character and affection for others, particularly the impoverished. His empathy for the needs of others was palpable, as proven by his selfless contributions to society as a doctor, engineer, teacher, artist, farmer, and so on. He battled with his pen, books, and wisdom. He did not fight with firearms or swords. Of the pieces he has published, the majority of them were all about slavery and abuse, he has touched lives, and aroused the people, but also outraged the Spaniards, who imprisoned him. But even then, he was battling, not for himself or his family, but for his people, for us, such as through his thoughts, poetry, and other written works. 2. Its no surprise that the Rizal Course has become tiresome, idiotic, and, in many people's opinion, a waste of time and effort but it should be compulsory because a deceased person cannot influence the lives of the living, but the thoughts, ideas, dreams, beliefs, or convictions he left behind may be immensely important in people's lives as a source of strength in their day-to-day existence. And here is where the Rizal subject came into play. In times of difficulty, the Rizal Course teaches you to be loyal to your fellow Filipinos. It is defending the truth as you see it. It is the courage to do what is right. It contributes to the community's well-being. Finally, it is about loving your fellows and how you and they can work together to keep our country lively and progressive. This is the topic of its discourse, as well as the purpose for its existence. 3. In my opinion, Andres Bonifacio was not guilty of leading Jose Rizal to an early death. Before entering their hideout, they used Rizal's name as their password, the Katipuneros yelled his name as their battle cry, and portraits of Jose Rizal were displayed at KKK camps, giving Spaniards the notion that it was all planned by Jose Rizal. Andres Bonifacio was unconcerned about what could happento Jose Rizal. We all know that Andres Bonifacio was a massive admirer of Jose Rizal and that he is the one who most inspires him to fight for independence. However, we must bear in mind that the Katipuneros' purpose is to highlight that Rizal is their motivation in battling against oppressors. But they got careless when they misused Rizal's name without considering the consequences. He would not have died so early if the Katipunan had been more mindful and thoughtful. 4. For me, there should be no competition between the two heroes as to who is better or more powerful. They took different pathways, yet both devoted their lives to our nation. Without these two-outstanding people, the Philippines would not be the same. Rizal used apen, while Bonifacio wielded a bolo. Regardless of whether the pen is mightier than the sword, what matters is that both men fought for their nation with all of their powers and skills. But, to answer the question, in my opinion, our national hero should be pacifist in nature since we, the Filipinos, do not desire another war. Jose Rizal was a pacifist, a citizen of this country, and a thinker. Instead of using violence to oppose injustice, he chose education and information as to his major weapons. More people like him are needed in the Philippines. There are already enough outraged, histrionic phony nationalists in the country. 5. Yes. - Sebastian (A07)
@znarf7840 2 года назад
1.Doctor Jose Rizal is indeed on of the greatest countrymen and national hero we had in his time, Truly his name should be acknowledge and known through every generation,In the eyes and heart of a Filipino, we know that Jose Rizal is our hero.Although there are other circumstances to punder such as official statement and formality that should be writter in order to have organized output and information for future references,it is important that we should consider for an official declaration,this is to justify his works and he has done our country and also give credit to all he did. 2.There a lot of things and insights that we can pickup from the life and works of doctor Jose Rizal,indeed his life is inspirational and can influence the youth to serve the country in their own means and roles.For me, it should be a compulsory but to the extent of limiting it basic information and facts in courses which do not concern Philippine History, This is to remind countrymen the harships he experienced throughout his life so that students who are related in terms of challengesi n life can be more on motivated to reaching their goals and aspiration in life. 3.In my own perspective,Andres bonifacio is not guilty to the early death of doctor Jose Rizal.Jose Rizal is the inspiration and leader of the andre bonifacio in a way that he looked up to him and follow his path in his own will,Him together with the KKK, were just so motivated and driven by his works and words that is why they were always mentioning him in order to gain confidence.This may have a factor to the outocme but it was never their intention to make the death of docotor jose rizal's death earlier. 4.One of the main key to a healthy and better country is a peaceful conuntry.It is when counryment abide to laws and regulations, People help each other in order to suceed, No corrupotion, and defending our country from negative impacts of the world.As a leader, they are tasked to have role of maintaining an orderly and organized community to their citizens, this to ensure their safety and their life in the future.Leaders are the one who protects fellow countrymen from evil doings,that is why peace shall always prevail.With this being said,leaders should advocated promote peace and order to avoid mistreaement of each other and prevent the country from disaster. 5 Yes SARMIENTO (A01)
@isaacmalabanan2074 Год назад
Malabanan, B43 1. Rizal is considered an ideal model of a man of peace because he fought for the Philippines without using any weapons. He used his wisdom to defend the Philippines from the Spaniards. He is a man of peace because the weapon he used to fight the enemies was a ballpen. He didn't kill anyone during the time that Spain was occupying us, and I agree that being a pacifist helped Rizal be considered our national hero because it would be better if we could get freedom without war. His being a pacifist helped him become a national hero because it's inspiring every time you think that he prefers peace to revolution. He believed more that we could achieve freedom even if we didn't fight against the invaders. Being a pacifist helped him because one of the sought-after requirements to be a national hero is someone who is not in favor of war. 2. I don't think that Bonifacio was guilty of leading Rizal to an early death because we know that they both fight for our country, and we know that because of their fighting against the Spaniards, they can die at any time. Rizal's early death is not to blame because Rizal probably knew that he could die or be killed by the Spaniards because of what he was doing. For me, the katipuneros became irresponsible for using Rizal's name because, because of this, the Spaniards could easily identify who they considered to be the leader, and because of their use of Rizal's name, this name became hot among the Spaniards. If they didn't use Rizal's name, it might take a long time to identify who Rizal is, and the Spaniards would have a hard time finding Rizal. If they did not use Rizal's name, it would not be resounding, and the Spanish would not have an idea of Rizal's life. 3. For me, we don't need an official declaration to say that Rizal is our national hero because, for me, his bravery was enough to give the Philippines the freedom that we enjoy today. He sacrificed his life for our country, which is enough. He is the reason why we became a nation and how we had unity in our country. He is the reason why we are experiencing the current situation in our country, and he is also the reason why the Spaniards were expelled. Because of him, we learned by reading his novels what really happened during the time when Spain was occupying us. We are aware of the bad things that Spain is doing because of him. Because of him, the Katipuneros started to fight against the Spaniards. 4. For me, the Rizal course should be compulsory because we should not forget Rizal and what he did just to get freedom for us and for the Philippines. We still need to study it so that we can know or learn something about Rizal's life. We need it so that we have something to say to foreigners whenever they ask who and what happened to Rizal. It needs to be studied so that it can be translated to the next generation and so that while they are still young, we can tell them who and what Rizal did so that they will immediately have an idea of who Rizal is and so that they have respect for each other and for our country. We still need to study Rizal because he is the reason why we live peacefully here in our country of birth. We need to study it so we can get some knowledge of what really happened during the Spanish era. 5. Yes!
@cyllesalado5673 2 года назад
1) Yes, a formal statement is required so that we can have a tangible example of what a Filipino should be. Because a national hero will serve as our guide, we will be better able to address comparable difficulties that we have faced in the past. Their lives and works will provide hope in times of difficulty, and their ideas will help us establish a bond that will bind us all together. Finally, a national hero represents a country, and that figure permits us to have our own distinct social identity. It will develop our sense of patriotism, which we can use to improve our country. 2) Jose Rizal is a well-known figure in Philippine history. He has had a significant impact on our independence from the tyrant Spaniards as Filipinos. That being said, it should be a required course since studying his history and passion for the Philippines would be sensible and noble. It will also have a significant impact on us as Filipinos to study him because it will increase our love for our nation as a result of the struggle and trials that we endured but overcame. To inspire patriotism among Filipinos, the Rizal course should be taught in college, if not even in high school. 3) Andres Bonifacio, in my opinion, was not responsible for Dr. Jose Rizal's early execution. Dr. Jose Rizal's brilliance and talent are greatly admired by him. Dr. Jose Rizal's works only served to inspire Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan to rise up, fight for independence, and unite Filipinos. Because his works had prompted them, the Spaniards had already turned their attention to Dr. Jose Rizal. Dr. Jose Rizal, I believe, is well aware of the implications of his decision to make himself an enemy of the Spaniards by publishing those novels. I believe the Katipunan made a mistake by adopting Rizal's name as their hideout's password. 4) Yes Salado(A06)
@robinbryanligutan8659 2 года назад
1. Yes, I think that it is needed for an official declaration before announcing him as a national hero but, me, as a student, knowing his story and sacrifices, I appreciated it but for the most fair fight, he should have declared a national hero first before announcing to the whole Philippines that he is the national hero. As I said last time, for me, Andres Bonifacio is the most suited for being the national hero of the Philippines. I am not against Jose Rizal. I appreciated his sacrifices for the Philippines. Yet, as a student, I have nothing to do but to appreciate Jose Rizal works. 2. For me, Rizal course should be compulsory subject because kids nowadays did not appreciate or did not know the story of our national hero Jose Rizal. This should be taught even though we do not want it for example because even though you did not want to study him, he is still our national hero. Being a Filipino, should appreciates his efforts and sacrifices for the sake of the Philippines. Being one of the student who is studying him, I can say that I like his stories and all of the things he did for the Philippines. 3. I think Andres Bonifacio is not guilty of leading Jose Rizal into an early death because even though the Katipunan became irresponsible in using Rizal's name, I don't think Andres Bonifacio is one of the reasons of his early death. They are shouting "Mabuhay ang Kalayaan! Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! Mabuhay si Dr. Jose Rizal!". They even used Rizal as their password. They are most likely attached to Rizal. But then, it is just my opinion that Andres Bonifacio is not guilty of leading Jose Rizal on his early death because I can say that they are most likely strong with Jose Rizal. 4. In my opinion, our national hero should be most likely a pacifist orientation. Why? Because war and violence can lead the country to freedom, peace, and order. Yes, I am against war, but, leading the country for the sake of it and sacrificing your ownself for the sake of the Philippines is required (for me) to be called a national hero since you are bringing the flag of the Philippines in order to achieve the peace of the country and the people of the country they wanted. 5. Yes. Ligutan (A06)
@miguelcarlodamitan969 2 года назад
1.) There is still a time for an official declaration as Dr. Jose Rizal being our national hero. This is why I think he should be declared due to our nation celebrating “Rizal Day” on every December 30 and not to mention, he is also included in “National Hero’s Day” that we celebrate in last Monday of August. He fought our country through writings. His writings depend on how it will affect its nation and that is a powerful thing to do as a person with not just thinking about war. He wants to have a peace in our country so that there won’t be any damage that the Philippines will get. His writings showed us why he loves his nation and why he fights for the rights of every Filipinos. Therefore, there is still time to officially declare him as a national hero. 2.) I think the Rizal course should be a compulsory. Every people needs to learn his life and works because of his dedication to fight the rights of every Filipinos. Also, due to his popular in the whole world, I think it is right that foreign countries learn Dr. Jose Rizal’s life and works. He is the most famous Filipino hero that any people know because of the sacrifices that he made during his tenure in this world that we are facing. His works of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo are the reasons why there is a law that is made to him by the congress so that the people will get to know his writings through those books. 3.) I don’t think there is a part of Andres Bonifacio where he was guilty of early death of Dr. Jose Rizal and the Katipunans became irresponsible for using Rizal’s name. Since Andres Bonifacio idolizes Dr. Jose Rizal, he lets Katipunans shout Rizal’s name every time they charged to enemies territory like Spaniards because maybe he wants to be like Dr. Jose Rizal one day with the dedication to fight Filipinos rights. Also, they said his last name as a password to their hideout just because he idolizes Dr. Jose Rizal. With that being said, the Spaniards must have heard that name of Rizal and they believe that he started the revolution and therefore, Spaniards killed him. Therefore, I believe that Bonifacio and KKK were not responsible of Rizal’s death. 4.) I don’t think that our national hero should be a pacifist orientation just because Dr. Jose Rizal is a pacifist person. Every Filipino heroes that we know deserves a title of hero but there is such a no thing that it should be pacifist orientation. It is unfair to other Filipino heroes that a hero should be a pacifist. Every hero has different ways to fight for his country. Their contributions must be acknowledged because their sacrifices that made in order to have a better future for the country that they love. Therefore, I don’t think our national heroes need to be a pacifist person. 5.) Yes Damitan (A06)
@lynbaldovino4392 2 года назад
1) Ever since I was an elementary student, I remembered being taught that our national hero was Jose Rizal, and up until now I still believe in that. Knowing that he has not been formally proclaimed a National Hero makes me want to state that he deserves an official proclamation. This is due to the fact that Rizal is the Philippines' national symbol of independence and sovereignty. Rizal clearly meets all of the criteria for being recognized as a National Hero, including being a Filipino who died 125 years ago. He also held a profound love for the nation through his writings, and he is a pacifist who fought for our independence in a peaceful but intelligent manner. 2) Based on the first topic, Jose Rizal's life and works, it is stated that the Rizal course was already established by law in 1956 under Republic Act No.1425. And, in my perspective, I believe it should be a compulsory subject. We must value or pay tribute to him because of what he accomplished for our nation and how he lived and died for us. Before we are freed by the colonizers, we are obliged to know what happened in our country; facts must rouse us to the principles of freedom, patriotism, and nationalism. Every Filipino people, most especially youth, and those who did not know him must recognize Rizal as one of the greatest heroes who contributed the most back then, and this is by teaching this course, in all schools and universities even public and private. 3) The Katipunan recognizes Rizal as a hero during the time and Andres Bonifacio as the Katipunan's leader and founder. And they all looked up to Jose Rizal for inspiration, as does Andres Bonifacio, who considered Rizal as his mentor. Judging by it, I do not think Bonifacio was responsible for Rizal's early death. Even though they were all responsible for elevating Rizal to national hero status by using Rizal as their hideout password and chanting "Mabuhay and Kalayaan!" Pilipinas, mabuhay! During the Cry of Pugaw Lawin and every time they charged at the enemy, they tore their sedulas and said, "Mabuhay si Dr. Jose Rizal". All of this just demonstrated Rizal's affiliation with the KKK, despite the fact that he was not a fully active member. Andre Bonifacio admired him so much that his works influenced them to achieve what they were fighting for: independence for the country. 4) A national hero is someone we appreciate for his commitment to his country. A hero should have a pacifist mindset in order to foster peace and hope for all people without resorting to violence or conflict. Jose Rizal was a pacifist, which is why the Americans see him as our national hero. He has a positive impact on us and is someone we can look up to because of his excellent deeds and actions that led to a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Even if it is not feasible, we should become habituated to that concept. This is why we must be informed that the situation cannot be solved just by war and bloodshed. Instead, a hero who can effectively settle disputes. 5) Yes Baldovino (A07)
@jorrishjonesparsaligan199 2 года назад
1. Dr. Jose P. Rizal was titled as an American sponsored hero. They chose him because he fought for our country in a peaceful but powerful way, through his writing works such as novels, poems, essays and other articles truly made a great impact on the minds of every Filipino. For me, it is necessary to officially declare him as our national hero because the sacrifices that he had made, especially by risking his life to create writing works, led the Filipinos, mostly the Katipuneros, to fight for the freedom of our country. His great love for our country is truly an inspiration for the Filipinos, especially for the youth, it taught us that violence is not the only way for us to fight or show our greatest love for our country. 2. Studying the life and works of Dr. Jose P. Rizal must be compulsory to all colleges and universities. This subject will help the students to know how important the contributions that he had made in the Philippine history. We must not forget and continue to instill in the minds of every Filipino how our national hero sacrificed his life for the freedom of our country. His work taught us that we must be proud of being a Filipino and gain inspiring ideals of patriotism and nationalism. This will also inspire and encourage the Filipinos to give respect and love more to our country. 3. In my perspective, Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan are irresponsible for their actions toward Rizal not only for using Rizal's name but also for having his portraits in each of their camps or hideouts. These things had caused Dr. Jose Rizal to his early death. His works triggered the Spaniards and believed that Rizal had influenced the Filipinos and made them start a revolution. However, his death meant much more for the Filipinos and strengthened the revolution in our country against the Spanish government. Though Rizal ended in an early death, he inspired the Filipinos especially the Katipunan to fight for our freedom. 4. In my perspective, it is not really necessary that our national hero is pacifist oriented. For me, it depends on how his or her contribution helps the country. In the United States of America, George Washington who's not pacifist oriented, declared as their national hero, he led the continental army to cross the Delaware river and attacked the enemy's camp in Trenton, New Jersey. Dr. Jose P. Rizal, our national hero is pacifist oriented but his contributions made a big impact on the minds of Filipinos which inspired the revolution at the time of Spanish colonial-era. Without his contributions, the Filipinos at his time would not call themselves "Filipino" but instead "Indio" and we may not know how the Spaniards abused their powers to invade our country. 5. Yes Reference: U.S Department of the Interior (n.d) American Heroes retrieved from: www.doi.gov/american-heroes/george-washington#:~:text=A%20hero%20of%20the%20American,camp%20in%20Trenton%2C%20New%20Jersey Parsaligan(A07)
@glenmark7214 2 года назад
1. Yes, even though there is no law, presidential order, or proclamation designating any Filipino historical person as a national hero has been passed or issued. However, laws and proclamations recognizing these heroes have been passed as a result of their major contributions to the nation-building process and contributions to history. Even the greatest Filipino hero, Jose Rizal, was not declared a national hero. His current position in Philippine history is a result of the people's continuing reverence or acclamation for his role in the country's enormous socio-economic reforms. While there are no laws designating a single individual as the Philippines' National Hero, there has been an attempt to do so. Fidel V. Ramos, then-president of the United States, signed Executive Order No. 75 in 1993, establishing the National Heroes Committee. 2. Since elementary school, Rizal has been a part of our curriculum. We are aware of the circumstances in which he died for the Philippines' freedom and was hailed as a national hero. However, I believe that the Rizal course should only be taken as an elective in college because it has little significance in other subjects such as physics and math. It's only useful in literature, history, and other related disciplines. I also believe that students should decide to take the course based on their interest in it, regardless of the course they are taking because they at least want to study the Rizal subject and not only for the sake of earning extra credits. 3. I don't believe Bonifacio is to blame for Rizal's early death since I believe Rizal desired the events that occurred. Bonifacio may have been a "fanboy" of Rizal, but it does not make him responsible for his murder; he was simply attracted by Rizal's fight against the Spaniards, and Bonifacio merely has his own style of fighting, which involves fighting with weapons. Bonifacio and other Filipinos were persuaded to resist the Spaniards as a result of this. The conflict between the Filipinos and the Spaniards was triggered and became severe because of Rizal. 4. I think that it is important that our National Hero is a pacifist, this is a peaceful way that will benefit the two sides. According to Carlos Celdran, Jose Rizal was a peacemaker, a global citizen, and a scholar. In the Philippines, we need more people like him. There are already enough enraged, theatrical phony nationalists in the world. It wasn't just Jose Rizal's brilliance, charm, literary prowess, or peaceful values that made him a national hero in the Philippines. Rather, it was his patriotism, optimism, unwavering love for his nation, and faith in his fellow citizens that distinguished him. He believed not only in independence, but also in the Filipino people's ability to rise above their circumstances under the Spanish colonial administration, and all he wanted was for them to be given the opportunity to do so. 5. YES CABALLAS(A07)
@kimsangab2733 2 года назад
1. To be honest, I am not aware that Rizal is not officially declared our national hero until recently. I grew up knowing that he was our national hero, as I heard from my school and most people around me. This lecture made me realize that many Filipinos acknowledge Rizal's contribution to our identity as a nation to the point that they refer to him as our national hero. That being said, I don’t think there is a need for an official declaration of Jose Rizal as our national hero. The freedom that we have now is a living proof of his sacrifices for our country, hence the reason why it is instilled in the hearts and minds of Filipinos that he is a great hero even without an official declaration. 2. The course ‘Rizal’ should be a compulsory subject even in college. Time flies so fast, sometimes we tend to forget the works and sacrifices of our heroes. This subject could be a refresher for us to be reminded of the difficulties that they went through for us to attain the independence that we have today. Having said that, it may be our inspiration to cherish and protect our identity as a nation so as not to waste their work. This subject can also serve as an opportunity to gain insight into the truth of the past, which we can use to better understand our present. 3. I don’t think Bonifacio is guilty of leading Rizal into an early death. The intention of Katipunan in their frequent use of Rizal’s name is that his life and works was their inspiration to lead the revolution that set us free. Also, Rizal’s expression of his love for the Filipinos through his writings was published by himself. These writings became a threat to the Spaniards and so as his existence was also a threat to them. For this reason, I think Rizal’s death was caused by Rizal himself. 4. I don’t agree that our national hero should be of pacifist orientation. All our heroes fight for our independence in different ways. The basis for choosing a national hero should not be the means, but the heart. As long as it is for the welfare of the people, be it a silent way or blood-shed fight doesn’t matter. They all deserve to be recognized as a great hero as long as they embody nationalism and patriotism for the betterment of our country. 5. Yes. Sangab (A01)
@vmbalagtasvb 2 года назад
1.) Yes, I think there still should be an official declaration for the national hero. Everyone knows that Dr. Jose Rizal is the National Hero of the Philippines, but not all are aware that it is not officially declared by the Philippine Government. What is the sense of making him a national hero but not making it official? Dr. Jose Rizal did a lot of contribution to history. He changed the life of every Filipino. He unites the Filipino. He inspires other heroes as well. And, I believe that despite of whoever will be considered as the national hero, it still necessary to officially declared that hero to be the National Hero of the Philippines. 2.) I think the Rizal course should be compulsory, every student no matter what their program should study the life and works of Jose Rizal. Dr. Jose Rizal life and works are very inspiring. His works Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo is a very interesting story and will make us realize a lot of things. We should recognize and appreciate these works because these are also the novels that inspire Andres Bonifacio to start a revolution and the reason of our freedom. And, who knows maybe reading these novels will make us do a very noble act, too. Further, it’s very important that we are aware of our history. History makes what we are today, we should study them to know the importance of the present. 3.) Yes, I suppose Andres Bonifacio felt guilty. And, I think it’s not just him but all the Filipino who has been part of the Katipunan. They somehow became irresponsible in the part that they were shouting the name of Dr. Jose Rizal and having a portrait of him in every camp. It’s like saying that Jose Rizal is their leader, and they are the follower even though Rizal already refuses to be part of it. But after the execution of Rizal, I think Bonifacio’s guilt further strengthened his desire to pursue the revolution against Spaniards which led the people all over the country to be part of the revolution. 4.) Yes, because national heroes will take a great influence to the people and to the future generation of the country. If we will look from today’s happening, the least we all want is a war. A war causes a great destruction to home, to society, to the future of every child, to the lives of the people. And it has a great impact not just in a certain country but all over the world. And making Dr. Jose Rizal as the national hero considering the fact that he is a pacifist, a man who oppose war, the man of peace will bring a great inspiration and influence to the people that war and revolution is not the answer to everything. 5.) Yes. Balagtas (A06)
@rovicmghrng 2 года назад
1. Although Rizal is known to many as the national hero of the Philippines, he is still yet to be officially declared our national hero. I believe that Rizal deserved to be officially declared the national hero of our country because the world that we live in is ever-changing and there is always the possibility that some facts get twisted and history can be forgotten if not documented properly and that is why Rizal needs an official declaration so that Filipinos today and the future generation know the person that made the freedom that they experience now their reality. 2. The Philippines is a country that is rich in culture throughout history, a lot of things have changed and history taught us that Filipinos fought for their freedom and proven to the world that the Philippines is also a country that is capable to fight for our country and that is why it is also important that we Filipinos study History. We know history is necessary so that we can learn from our past mistakes and Rizal’s life is one of the most important pieces of history that Filipinos must never forget and the use of his pens and wits became the catalyst that started the revolution and the rest is also history, and because of that, I believe that it is a must that the Rizal course be a compulsory course and not just an elective subject in college. 3. Although the Katipunan was also responsible for making Rizal our national hero, I believe that Bonifacio should not be blamed and be known to be guilty of leading Rizal to an early death. Rizal's novels although not meant to instigate a revolution, it is already a known fact that it was written against the Spaniards, and writing that itself, I believe that Rizal already knows the risk of creating them and that Bonifacio and the Katipunan were simply some of the Filipino people that was inspired by his works. The Katipunan’s use of Rizal’s name for the sake of their cause is because people need a symbol to create solidarity towards their group and I believe it was not an irresponsible thing to do at all. 4. A hero is someone that saves people and although Jose Rizal is a pacifist, his works resulted in the freedom that saved a lot of the Filipino people. Pacifist does not create war but they advocate peace having a hero that is pacifist in orientation can be the symbol of the Philippines that choose peace rather than violence and a pacifist as a national hero is a big influence on Filipinos and sends people a message that although we can sometimes choose to fight violence with violence, there is also a way to create peace using knowledge and that there is always an option to fight for the right things but still choosing a more peaceful way of dealing with it. 5. Yes Maghirang (A01)
@ezekielresurreccion2913 2 года назад
1.) No law, executive order, or proclamation declares any Filipino historical figure to be a national hero. However, laws and proclamations honoring these heroes were enacted and published in appreciation of their crucial role in the process of country formation and contributions to history. Even Jose Rizal, widely recognized as the greatest Filipino hero, was never officially named a national hero. His position in Philippine history is a testament to the people's ongoing devotion or acclaim in acknowledgment of his contribution to our country's enormous socio-economic reforms. Aside from Rizal, the only other hero who has received implicit acknowledgment as a national hero is Andres Bonifacio, whose birthday, November 30, has been designated as a national holiday. Despite the lack of a formal declaration proclaiming national heroes, they are adored and admired for their contributions to Philippine history. Historians argue that heroes should not be enshrined in law. Academics should be the ones who recognize them. They felt that hero acclaim would suffice as acknowledgment. On November 15, 1995, the Technical Committee chose the following nine Filipino historical individuals to be recognized as National Heroes after debate and rigorous study based on Dr. Onofre D. Corpuz's and Dr. Alfredo Lagmay's criteria: Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Aguinaldo, Apolinario Mabini, Marcelo H. del Pilar, Sultan Dipatuan Kudarat, Juan Luna, Melchora Aquino, and Gabriela Silang. Since the National Heroes Committee submitted its report/recommendations on November 22, 1995, no action has been taken by then-Secretary Ricardo T. Gloria of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports. This was possibly due to the possibility of rush of requests for proclamations. Another concern is that the declarations will spark heated debates regarding historical conflicts surrounding the heroes. In this case, there is no need for an official declaration. All Filipinos know that Rizal is our national hero in our hearts and minds. 2.) The Rizal course should be made mandatory. In summary, the Philippines were left in shambles after WWII. Aside from wrecked infrastructures, rebellions occur, the divide between rich and poor continues to widen, crime rates grow, and the problem of being Pro-American persists. Filipinos needed a foundation to hang onto, something that might bring them together and revive their makabayan spirit. Thanks to a tenacious and patriotic senator (Sen. Claro Recto), the Rizal Law was passed. This law requires all higher colleges to offer a course on Rizal's life. Sen. Recto considered that Rizal's bravery and heroism in the face of the Spaniards would instill in Filipinos a spirit of nationalism and unity. We would understand his ideas during an oppressive period in our history by studying his life and writings. This is what the legislation seeks to accomplish. Furthermore, Dr. Jose Rizal's life study is significant and necessary to Filipinos because he is a figure of inspiration to the Filipino young. The children of the Philippines must understand what Dr. Jose Rizal was striving for. Filipino children must also understand that, like Rizal, they may defend their nation without resorting to violence. He could combat the colonizers by writing despite having only a pen and paper. 3.) Jose Rizal is the leader who began and inspired people to fight for their country's freedom and equality. Jose Rizal is a hero in every sense of the word. He demonstrated intelligence, bravery, and commitment to strive for all men to be born equal and to overcome hurdles that will come their way. I think that Bonifacio and the Katipunan are just inspired by how Rizal is committed and determined for our country's freedom. With this being said, Bonifacio is not guilty. Rizal sowed the seed of revolt, and Bonifacio watered it. In terms of the Katipunan, they overused the name Rizal. But as for my opinion, they are just so inspired to free our country, and I think that they are irresponsible to some degree. 4.) Only a few people in our history, even from the global perspective, can be called heroes for choosing peaceful tactics over extreme movements. Moreover, our hero is one of the select ones. As a reformist during the Spanish regime, he not only encouraged peaceful exchanges between the Spanish government and colonial representatives. He also set the terms that would benefit the people in the long run with care. He desired beneficial reforms that would not compromise society's order and civility. Nonetheless, his insight struck the hot iron till it lit and set nationalism ablaze, making him the most "deserving" National Hero. Yes, our national hero must be a pacifist orientation. War is no solution to any problem. 5.) Yes Resurreccion (A01)
@irabelles139 2 года назад
1. Yes, I do think that declaring him officially as one or our country’s national hero is still needed, as a way to honor his heroism and the sacrifices he has done for our country. We have erected several statues and monuments around our country is honor him and show homage, so what could be wrong if we officialize this recognition? Since he is already widely known as one of our country’s greatest national heroes, I do think that this will not negatively affect his legacy, but will amplify more his heroism and bravery that led to our country’s freedom and independence. 2. I do think that the Rizal course should be compulsory for every college program, in this way the students are taught not only the life and works of our national hero but they are also taught the value of standing up and fighting for what you believe in. These kinds of sentiments should also be taught and instilled within every student, and just like Rizal, he fought for what he believed was right, even it would cost him his life, this shows us that people who stand their ground and those who fight for what they truly believe in is valued in our society. 3. Yes, I think that the Katipunan is somehow responsible death of Rizal as they were not being more careful, and all incriminating evidence that suggests the start of the revolution was all leading to Rizal just because the Katipunan and Bonifacio were using Rizal’s name and image as a “symbol” of their movement. If only the Katipunan was much more careful and considerate of throwing Rizal’s name here and there, he wouldn’t have an early death. They can be accounted partially responsible for the early death of Rizal, just because Rizal’s name and image were used as an inspiration for the revolution, but he did not co-inspire it, so the Katipunan and Bonifacio were not entirely responsible, because they may be other factors that lead to Rizal’s death. 4. No, I don’t think that our national hero should only be of pacifist orientation. I do think that whether you are in favor of promoting violence in resolving issues, a person’s stance/orientation, should not be the lonely deciding factor whether or not they are deserving to be named a National Hero. Unlike most of our nation’s acclaimed heroes, Rizal’s approach was unique and what had set him apart from the others, and knowing that he was very much known and popular even before his execution, may be one of the factors that made him much more well-known and discussed compared the other heroes. But that doesn’t mean that this specific criterion should solely dictate who our national hero would be. 5. Yes. [Labapis - A01]
@jeannesarcepuedes5890 Год назад
(SARCEPUEDES, B43) 1. Rizal advocated for political evolution, not revolution. Instead of using violence or aggression, he wrote novels, essays, and articles to express peaceful reforms and societal change to further educate and enlighten the Filipino people with his words of wisdom and knowledge. He fought the Spaniards wisely by using his mind rather than causing further unjust bloodshed. Rizal emphasized the act of peaceful activism which considered him as an exemplary model of a man of peace. His pacifism intrigued the Americans, who used him to their advantage in their scheme to colonize the Philippines by gaining their trust by giving them a national hero figure. However, aside from him being a pacifist, his credentials made him the most qualified candidate to be a national hero. His amazing academic achievements, intellectual contribution to the nation that awakened the Filipino’s nationalism spirit, and his love for his motherland made him qualified to be a national hero. Furthermore, despite the qualifications that the Taft Commission has established to make one a national hero, it is the Filipino people who made him one. 2. It is up for historical interpretation and debate as to whether Bonifacio is partially responsible for Rizal's early death and whether the Katipunan is irresponsible in its use of his name. We must keep in mind that Rizal planted the seed of the revolution by writing his novels, and Bonifacio watered it by leading the revolution. Furthermore, they saw Rizal as a national hero symbol, who enlightened them with his knowledge and awakened their nationalism spirit so it is quite valid that they used his name and portrait to make the movement stronger and known. Rizal was the leader and founder of a peaceful anti-colonialism group, La Liga Filipina while being part of the Spanish government. Bonifacio and the Katipunan were partially at fault for Rizal’s early death as they have misused his name. The Katipunan movement frightened the Spaniards so when they investigated, they imprisoned and executed Rizal when initially he is not part of the movement. Rizal became a martyr because he believes that his sacrifice will free the Filipinos and his motherland. 3. Rizal is not officially declared as our country’s national hero but he is widely known and accepted to be. Although it seems that there is no need for an official declaration for him to be the Philippine national hero, I believe an official declaration would be an honor to officially recognize his significant contributions, sacrifices, and impact on our country. A formal recognition ceremony should have been done by the previous governments for him to be properly acknowledged so no further questions would be debated that he is not our official national hero and was just merely anointed by the Americans for their scheme. If there is an official holiday for his birthday and the date of his execution, it is right for his national hero status to be declared officially. Even though Rizal's position as a national hero is not diminished by the absence of a formal declaration, such recognition would act as a uniting symbol and inspire upcoming generations to study, value, and uphold his legacy. 4. Some would say that the Rizal course should not be compulsory in college. History has been taught to us for several years from elementary until high school so I think it is not necessary for it to be taught in college as it may be repetitive. Most college students like me would rather take courses that are more needed and practical for their degree and career. However, in my opinion, we now have the ability to understand Rizal’s life and work on a deeper scale. Engaging in the topic of discussion will allow us to be critical of Rizal’s intellectual contribution and how it awakened the nation’s nationalism spirit. Thus, I believe making Rizal’s life and works just an elective subject will enable us to be reminded of his sacrifice and how his peaceful activism has created a significant impact on our country’s 125 years of independence. His legacy shall live on for many generations. 5. Yes.
@kaloy6630 2 года назад
1. Yes, I think that officially declaring Jose Rizal as our national hero will somewhat end the debate of whether Rizal should be considered as a national hero. It has also been taught in schools to every Filipino for decades that he is our national hero, we even celebrate him every year, preserve his home and those that were part of him like Casa de Segunda in Lipa, Batangas, the house of his first love, Doña Segunda Solis Katigbak, and even built statues to commemorate him, and yet not a single official declaration of him as the national hero of the Philippines. 2. We all know who Jose Rizal is, even those who are elderly and young know who he is. We know him through the stories and books that we read about him in our schools and also on tv. But this course gives us an in-depth study of who he really is and answers the questions the we have not thought of. I did not even know that Jose Rizal has not yet gotten an official declaration as our national hero up until it was discussed on this course, and I think that through this course, there are much more that I will learn about him. 3. Yes, I think that Bonifacio did not realised the consequences of his actions in idolizing Jose Rizal though his intentions was just to honor him and to also let others know who he is. Due to Bonifacio's actions and choices the Spanish Government condemned Jose Rizal, thinking that he is the root of the revolution and his death will break the morale of those that follow him. But what happened was the opposite, it ignited the hearts of our countrymen to join and continue the revolution. So, I may say that even though Bonifacio may be the cause of Rizal's early death, what happened had also caused good consequences if you take a look at the bigger picture of our whole history. 4. Yes, I strongly believe that our national hero should be of a pacifist orientation. National heroes symbolize the ideal traits that its countrymen look up to, therefore, we should be wise to pick whom we shall recognize as one. Having a national hero who is a pacifist like Jose Rizal shows that our countrymen have strong character in which we resolve our problems as a civilized man and do one's best to avoid conflict among others. This way, people from other countries may look up to us and give us respect for we are wise and reasonable to deal with. 5. Yes Manongdo (A06)
@alexisolaes1261 2 года назад
1) Rizal must be officially recognized as a national hero, according to my way of thinking. I felt he deserved all of them since, as we can see, he is everywhere. On the one peso coin, his visage is shown. His name may be found on products and locations. In high school, students must study his books Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, and in college, they must take a course on his life and legacy. Filipinos commemorate his execution on December 30, a national holiday in the Philippines, every year. Rizal, a physician, writer, artist, and scientist, is regarded as the country's national hero in schools, textbooks, and social media, including Google. He battled for independence in a deafeningly quiet yet effective manner. Instead of using force or hostility, he used his books, essays, and articles to show his love for the Philippines. At the time, he was a very remarkable individual. 2) Because Rizal is a minor topic, students often see it as a burden to their studies. The subject of the research has passed away. Students went on to say that what use is a Rizal course if they can't use Rizal's name as a reference when applying for a job or if Rizal can't assist them. Sure, why not? Although a deceased person cannot influence the lives of the living, their ideas, aspirations, dreams, values, or convictions may significantly impact people's lives as a source of strength in their daily lives. And it was at this point that the Rizal topic became relevant. Indeed, Republic Act 1425, often known as the Rizal legislation, was passed in June 1956, making it explicit that all students enrolled in various colleges and universities must take Rizal as a required subject. A student will not be able to complete his course without taking and passing Rizal. As a result, the Rizal topic is just as significant as the others. Furthermore, the Rizal subject would be more meaningful if the teacher who taught it did not limit their discussion to Rizal's life per se but rather used Rizal's life as a springboard for discussing Filipino culture, politics, economics, and social affairs in the past, and relating it to the people's current situation. Critical thinking skills in students would improve as a result. Consequently, students will be more engaged not just in the classroom but also in extracurricular activities that will benefit Philippine society as a whole. More significantly, being a pious person, a loving and dutiful son to his parents/family, a responsible student, a strong-willed personality who stands by his beliefs, and one who loves and serves the nation are Rizal's attributes that must and should highlight throughout the course. And it is here that the Rizal topic becomes relevant. It is necessary to attend a Rizal course to understand the significance of Rizal's ideas and teachings in connection to contemporary societal circumstances and situations and stimulate the application of such values to current social and personal difficulties and challenges. 3) Bonifacio, I believe, is not intending to put Rizal to death early since he is also an army of principles and peace preferences for the nation. When they kindle the torch of battle, Filipinos are dazzled in their illusions that there is peace. Every Filipino's spirit is touched by Rizal's writings, which inspired them to form the KKK. Rizal, on the other hand, does not favor the Katipunan since one of his flaws in this topic was his inability to properly comprehend his people. In starting the armed insurrection, he was unable to empathize with the actual feelings of the people from below. He opposed the revolution because he believed that effective changes should come from above. Historians cannot doubt that Rizal had a significant role in the country's quest for reform and independence. His works like Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo were seen as a rallying point for fellow patriots to unite behind the country's cause. 4) Our National Hero, I think, is the one that encourages people to fight for our rights, peace, and independence. A pacifist is someone who advocates for peace. As a result, one of our national heroes must be a pacifist. Rizal was often a pacifist who hated violence and supported peaceful improvements. His sole link to anarchist theory, which promotes the abolition of the state and government, was a casual conversation between anarchists and nationalists. Furthermore, Constantino said that US Governor-General Howard Taft positioned Rizal as a national hero since Rizal was a "reformist" and "pacifist." Still, Bonifacio was a revolutionary who used violence to achieve national independence. 5) Yes Olaes (A07)
@mariacutchiebrillo41 2 года назад
1. Yes, Dr. Jose Rizal deserves to be recognized as our national hero. Dr. Jose Rizal is our country's greatest hero and martyr. The day of his birth and execution is appropriately celebrated by all classes of our people across the country. He battled for independence in a quiet but effective manner. He battled via his writings, which inspired many Filipinos to fight for their freedom. He may lack the ferocity of a battlefield soldier, but he has the wit to write, express himself, and demonstrate his devotion to our nation. In my opinion, Dr. Jose Rizal's heroism is sufficient to declare him our national hero. 2. College students should be required to take a Rizal course. Because we must celebrate the courage of our national hero, it should not be an elective topic. We should study Dr. Jose Rizal's life and works regardless of the law. On the other hand, we must understand the significance of Rizal's principles and teachings in light of current societal events and situations. To honor our national hero, who dedicated his life and work to shaping the Filipino character. Studying is one method of gaining knowledge. Dr. Jose Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines. He is a writer and a patriot whose life and works inspired the Philippine independence movement. As a result, learning about him is the same as learning about his significance in Philippine history. So, knowing about him is the same as knowing his importance in Philippine History. 3. I believe that Andres Bonifacio was not guilty of why Dr. Jose Rizal's early execution. He much admires Dr. Jose Rizal's brilliance and talent. Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan were only encouraged to step up, fight for independence, and unify us Filipinos by Dr. Jose Rizal's writings. The Spaniards had already turned their attention to Dr. Jose Rizal because his writings had somehow triggered them. I believe that Dr. Jose Rizal already knows the consequences of his action to make himself the enemy of the Spaniards by writing those novels. I think that the Katipunan was irresponsible in using Rizal's name as the password for their hideout. 4. In my own opinion, our national hero does not necessarily have pacifist-oriented characteristics. The Americal made the pacifist characteristics of a hero to keep the Filipinos from staging another uprising against the Americal administration. The presence of a pacifist perspective is not required when selecting our national hero. Other heroes are not pacifists. They use their bravery and wit on the battlefield to fight and lead the revolution. It's another way to make the Filipinos believe that they have a chance to win the revolution against the conqueror. Also, while violence is never an option, it is not always possible to resolve conflicts without it. 5. Yes. Brillo( A07)
@patriciaemperador8619 2 года назад
1). Yes, the official declaration of him being our national hero is important in order for Dr. Jose Rizal to have a proper acknowledgement from all of his actions that brought us to freedom. Correspondingly, official declarations can also eradicate the confusion of every Filipino regarding who is really the national hero of our country. Furthermore, the declaration does not only mean how our country honors him, but it also means how we value the sacrifices and life lessons Dr. Jose Rizal taught us, and lastly how his patriotism led the Filipino to become one nation that supported each other regardless of the situation. 2). The Rizal course should be compulsory or has to be taught to all students because ample learnings and realization can be learned in Dr. Jose Rizal's life and works. Likewise, his journey on how he came up with the idea of writing towards his affection to our country can be added as a reason for us to study the Rizal course. By doing so, the Filipino can inherit his loyalty in our country and therefore we can live with respect to our heroes and value the traditions that we are known for. Correspondingly, the fact that we claim him as our national hero is the most suitable reason for us to study his life in order for the Filipino to know him even more, to know his background and how he ended up as the national hero of our country. 3). I do not think that Katipunan and Bonifacio were responsible for Rizal's death because their intentions are pure and do not wish to harm Dr. Jose Rizal by using him as their inspiration. Thus, I also think that Jose Rizal does not also see it that way, however, it is a good indication that he, Rizal, brought changes and inspiration to others to also fight for the country. In addition, by his works and novels it is a good manifestation or result that he is indeed a good writer with a true heart for his country as the fellow Filipinos were moved by his writings. 4). Yes, I do believe that our country's national hero should be a pacifist like Dr. Jose Rizal. However, if we are going to talk about it in this phase of the timeline, I do not think that a leader can be a pacifist since nowadays the way Rizal fought for our country could not work anymore this time. As the recent events of war towards Russia and Ukraine, if one does not fight back they will gain nothing but casualties therefore, it is hard for a leader to fight for his country if he is a pacifist. 5) YES - EMPERADOR (A07)
@emmanueltabafunda6978 2 года назад
1. For me it is still necessary to have an official declaration for Jose Rizal being our national hero because we should honor his sacrifices and contributions to our country. Jose Rizal is known all over the world for his famous novels and greatest works. Although all of us already consider him as our national hero, we should still pass a law making him as our national hero. It would be a great honor for Rizal and for our country if we make him as our official national hero. This will make a history that we will all remembered, and it will make us more nation-loving Filipinos. Also, it will give us more pride and we will be prouder for being a Filipino. 2. The Rizal course should be a compulsory subject in college because we all need to know his history and his life because he is one of the reasons of our freedom today. According to Republic Act 1425 (RA 1425) we know that it is mandated by the law for all college students regardless of program to study Rizal. Also, we need to have a better understanding of his life's work including the Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, and the reason why did the Spaniards execute him. We need to know this kind of information so we will know the truth and we can share this knowledge to the future generations. 3. I think Andres Bonifacio is somehow guilty because the Katipunan is one of the reasons of Rizal's early death. "Rizal" was their secret password before entering into their hideout, and they shouted "Mabuhay ang Kalayaan! Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! Mabuhay si Dr. Jose Rizal" every time they charged towards the enemy, this caught the attention of the Spaniards, they think that Rizal was the reason why the Filipinos are battling against them. Well, we cannot blame Bonifacio and the katipuneros for idolizing Rizal, because of his novel and bravery, he inspired our people to fight against the enemy. But also, they became irresponsible for using Rizal's name without thinking the possible outcome. 4. For me it is not necessary that our national hero should be of pacifist orientation, first of all these criteria was created by the Americans and not by Filipino people. Our other heroes including Andres Bonifacio and Antonio Luna was not a man of pacifist orientation, in fact, they are the ones who led the revolution between the Spaniards and Americans. But we still consider them as our hero because of their bravery to face and lead the revolution. They are just saying this because the natives might get inspired if our national hero was using violence. So, it is not a big deal if our national hero was not a man of pacifist orientation. 5. Yes. -Tabafunda (A06)
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