
How should I defend my beliefs?? 

Saints Unscripted
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26 окт 2024




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@tcoladonato 4 года назад
I think it’s healthy to have a civil dialogue with reasons and facts to support them. I’m not LDS but I often view your videos so I can learn from them. One thing I know about members of the church is, they are very pleasant and respectful even when faced with nasty comments from people. To me, this has shined a bright light of favor among the LDS and makes me want to mirror their behavior and possibly beliefs.
@jameswines6752 4 года назад
The only thing Mormons can do is make dumb videos because the LDS church doctrine is fake especially when it comes to Jesus and the children of Israel, See any one with a brain can read and see that Joseph Smith copied the bible he was Nephi , Think about why would Nephi if he excited copied almost the whole book of isaiah but if he was a Israelite he had most of the old testament of the bible now do that make sense
@velocity173 4 года назад
James Wines you’re proving her point
@richardholmes7199 3 года назад
@@jameswines6752 Joseph Smith didn't either copy the book of Isaiah.
@Niko76239 3 года назад
When I started dating my gf she was anti-lds big time and was always attacking my beliefs and the church. One day she made me pick between her and the church and I picked the church and told her if she had a problem with it she’s welcome to leave. At that point I think she realized what it meant to me and backed off...3 years later she joined and I baptized her. It wasn’t easy but I wasn’t hard either to stand up for my beliefs.
One of the reasons I find this church so much more open minded is that in most other denomination christians, a comment at like 7:00 would have probably been seen as blasphemy and would stir up any regular southern Baptist. But within the church, an idea like that is seen as legitimately good food for thought.
@joshtaylor26 4 года назад
"God does not need you to “sell” the restored gospel or the Church of Jesus Christ. He simply expects you not to hide it under a bushel." -Elder Uchtdorf
@smdh99 4 года назад
Then how do you explain the door to door missionary salesman?
@trevaperes5343 3 года назад
1 Peter 3:15 We are to give an answer to everyone who askes you about the hope we have within us, with MEEKNESS AND FEAR! No one has the right to harass anyone because of what they believe. You can certainly point out what belief you have as a Christian, but not agressively or hatefully. Those who do so are not Christian, but unbelievers, and will be judged by Christ at the judgement.
@DavidNellTheHarbinger 3 года назад
@@smdh99 He was referring to the lay members, not full time missionaries, But even so, every member a missionary, sharing The Gospel is not agression, it is holding our candle up, setting the bushel aside:)
@smdh99 3 года назад
@@DavidNellTheHarbinger The Bible, I understand you pick and choose what you want to believe from the Bible, but it says we are to show the world what we are all about by the way we live. Not by beating someone over the head with the Bible because that only works with brain washing tactics. The Bible also says we are not to shut ourselves off from the world, be among unbelievers but don't live like them. When you hide inside a group, keeping secrets and priding yourself for being different, ppl will see you as strange and weird. No amount of knocking on doors will change that perception, except to reinforce what they already think. Too many ppl have said they feel pressured to join the church after talking to missionaries, that has not changed.
@DavidNellTheHarbinger 3 года назад
@@smdh99 Huh, so speaking of picking and choosing from the bible, perhaps you should pick some of the direct references to sending missionaries out to preach The Gospel in word and deed.............
@sarahdougall9535 4 года назад
If standing up for yourself means belittling or attacking the person that you're defending yourself against, you're doing it wrong.
@jasonsellers56 4 года назад
Thanks for another great episode! Regarding whether ancient prophets were tactful enough, I believe there's more we need to consider. The Jews of Lehi's day had already been taught by many very tactful prophets, but with the imminent invasion of Babylon, the time for tact was over. That being said, I believe Lehi actually was very careful in how he preached, simply stating that the Lord knew the people's wickedness (which only made the people laugh at him), and that the scriptures made it clear that a Messiah was coming (which made them murderously angry) (see 1 Nephi 1: 19-20). Lehi was a well-known, wealthy man of Jerusalem, as well as a prophet, so I think he knew what he was doing. As for Abinadi, we read in Mosiah 12 that he actually did preach while still in disguise, but they arrested him anyway. Like Lehi, he was told by the Lord to preach some very harsh things, because destruction was imminent. So, he didn't really have much choice of whether to be tactful or not. My main point is that we can't compare our own cultural circumstances with that of the ancient prophets. They did what they needed to do, in the way they needed to do them. They weren't perfect, of course, but they lived in times when it was no longer appropriate to preach merely by example or kind words. If your friend is driving recklessly and you're in the passenger's seat, you first ask them to be more careful. But after a little while of them not listening to you, you'd be screaming at them to stop the car, because otherwise you're all gonna die. It was the same way with the prophets, who had to prophecy death and destruction as a final call for anyone who might still repent.
@tpbarron 4 года назад
Great episode. Thanks for doing this channel and putting yourself out there! It's awesome!
@Debster279 4 года назад
I think that youtubers like It’s Me Jessie, are so aggressive with their LDS friends that all they get are the reactions they mention halfway through, “I just like what I believe”, “I just feel good when I pray about my Faith”, which they criticize as being “dumb”, but those who are NOT mean like Jessie, we DO know answers to their questions and will answer if they act receptive, we just happen know when it’s just going to be a negative experience and we like to be happy and enjoy life, not argue all day! Thank you for the tangents, I feel less bad for my ramblings in Sunday school. Being open like this should happen more at Church.
@kathylanigan3075 4 года назад
david janbaz my problem with folks like Jessie is that she presents half truths and often misrepresents Mormon beliefs.
@kathylanigan3075 4 года назад
david janbaz I have also studied church history. Nothing in your comment addresses my original comment. Legitimate questions or disagreement should not be addressed with half truths.
@barendse1 3 года назад
@@kathylanigan3075 looks like David Jambaz comments were deleted? weird....
@andreafaldon5026 4 года назад
In Fresno, CA The Book of Mormon play was there and missionaries were there at the end of the play to give books and invite people to read to find out for themselves. I thought that was a clever way to defend the church.
@ingvildkvakestad 4 года назад
Andrea Faldon they did that here to it is how I started learning about the church
@IslandboyPLM 4 года назад
To be honest. I always watch your vids and all of it is related on my problems in that week. Haha thank you I'm actually read the talk of Pres Monson "Dare to stand alone".
@GoingAllTheWeigh 4 года назад
I have notifications on. I didn’t have a notification for this. Then today, a young man we are trying to help told us that his ‘helper’ in his faith told him he shouldn’t be around us and told him to read 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 and then he would understand why he shouldn’t talk to us. We respect that he doesn’t believe what we believe and although he asked us what we believe, and we have shared our beliefs, he still is new to accepting Jesus and is confused and we told him he is welcome to come to church with us but doesn’t have to. But this ‘friend’ of his is telling him we put his salvation at risk....and this video literally just got suggested as I prayed to God to help me know what I should do and how I can support this person without becoming angry with what is influencing him. We told him no matter what he decides our door is always open. At the same time, we don’t want to create a trial of faith for him.
@RealSlopeDude 2 года назад
One of the best experiences I've had of standing up vs accepting others was when guys arranged to go to a restaurant bar after work. I went with them in the interest of sociability (while not drinking myself, of course) and I remember one of them telling me that he appreciated me being there and not judging him and others when they didn't have my own standards.
@candicesmith6126 4 года назад
Ironically, I have been struggling with a "standing-up-for-my-beliefs" moment while watching this video. I wasn't sure if I wanted to leave a comment or not, but when you mentioned Abinadi, I felt I should. I really hate to be "that kind of member;" the one that feels the need to always correct everyone's doctrine, but for one particular point you mentioned, I would like to share a slightly different opinion: While I enjoyed this video and loved what you shared, I don't know if I agree with the idea that if the older prophets were less bold in their approach, they possibly would have had "more success" and/or not been killed. Different time-periods, customs, and cultural norms aside, I feel that may be judging their actions through a modern lens (or 2020 vision, if you will, heh heh). Perhaps I am a little too passionate about this, but that is because Abinadi's example of boldness and his seemingly unsuccessful attempt was actually what helped me when I struggled on my mission about being bold and feeling successful. In fact, I even would argue Abinadi's boldness is what allowed him to accomplish what the Lord planned. Esther, Moses, and others succeeded because He needed to save millions of people through them. Abinadi wasn't called to save or convince millions of people (at least not directly). He was called to save Alma the Older. I often laugh too when the scriptures say Abinadi comes in disguise just to reveal himself openly immediately after, but we don't know the full story. We don't know the story from his point of view. Perhaps the Lord told him to do this even if it was uncomfortable to him. Regardless, that boldness was what brought him to King Noah's court, so the right person could be convinced, believe, repent, and go on to teach others. If he had not done that, the Book of Mormon would have ended there. There would have been no Alma the Older, Alma the Younger, etc. Abinadi's role wasn't to convince the people of his day (with one notable exception), it was to eventually convince those that lived after him. Heck, millions more in our day are still being convinced by his bold teachings as they read the Book of Mormon! His influence is still being felt! In some ways, Abinadi is one of the most successful prophets in ancient and in modern days! It was just not obvious during his lifetime. That truly helped me on my mission. I naturally hate telling people what to do, so being forthcoming and bold to people about the gospel and that they needed to change their lives really frightened me. Still does. But studying Abinadi's example helped me realize there is a proper time and place to be bold, and that there are times when it accomplishes the Lord's purposes. And while I didn't convince a lot of people to follow the Gospel, I felt successful. Prophets (and ourselves as well) are not measured by how many people join as a result of our words or actions. We are successful when we simply follow the Lord promptings. Perhaps the reason why we fail when we come across as being overbearing or intense with our beliefs is because we are trying to act as prophets without the proper call or authority. It isn't our place the majority of the time to be as bold as they are. We as members are better at being good examples. That is our role. I completely agree with your thoughts on finding ways for us to stand up without being intense or overbearing. We are effective when we take the time and patience to slowly teach people our beliefs. However, to suggest that prophets would be more successful if they acted this way too may overlook the fact that they have a different role to accomplish. I don't agree that the Lord may have felt that they could have declared it a different way, because the Lord says repeatedly that He would tell them exactly what to say. In many instances found in scripture, prophets are specifically charged to be bold and intense in declaring the word, even if it sometimes goes against their nature or skills. In fact, most of the time, he calls people that feel they can't speak boldly. (Exodus 4:10-12 and Moses 6:31-32 are a few examples of this). Sometimes, they would rather say other things, but it's part of their calling as a prophet. (Jacob 2:2-11) Not to mention the time Jonah was so afraid to speak boldly to Ninevah that he fled the other direction. Regardless of the person's personality and normal way of sharing the Gospel, it is practically required that they have to speak intensely and sometimes harshly. The Lord's words are VERY bold. Our modern-day prophets may feel tame to us compared to how older prophets seemed. Their words may be phrased in more soft and gentle words compared to scripture. However, judging how people respond to our leaders and the Church's doctrine on social media, the world finds them just as bold and intense, maybe more so! We also have to remember that scripture is translated from older languages. They sound intense and too-direct to modern ears, but to their original audiences, they could have sounded like our prophets today. Anyways, this post is really long, and I don't wish to sound conceited or "holy-than-thou." I just wanted to give my two-cents on prophetic boldness. The Church is still true, the book is still blue, so you can take this however you wish to. I am a huge fan of this show and I am so grateful to all of the amazing content you put out! You are influencing so many people, so I look forward to every video you produce! God bless!
@Oniemasoo4083 3 года назад
I love your insights. I felt the same way about Abinadi. But I also understand the point these guys were making in the video, "use boldness but don't overbear" - Overbearing is boldness without Christlike love.
@calebjenkins3215 3 года назад
The absolute and impeccable detail in the Harry Potter reference makes me so happy😂 Edit: THE STAR WARS REFERENCE TOO!!!!🤣🤣🤣
@jacobherring6380 4 года назад
I needed this video. My family things I’m in a crazy cult- Thank You for this!!
@jetcitysinatra7300 4 года назад
*Jacob Herring* just curious, how much of your logical side of your brain do you use when you think about how the Church of Mormon was created? Also all of the crazy things Joseph Smith was accused of way back then but wasn't found guilty of. (Being found not guilty doesn't mean you didn't do what they said you did you just didn't go to jail. Does OJ Ring any bells?) If Joseph was alive today and tried to get his church off the ground do you think he would have been able to? Do you think he would have ended up in a jail cell next to Warren Jeffs? Just asking logical things. Jesus said *"Test all spirits for not all spirits that come in my name is from ME"*
@johnlewis6526 3 года назад
@@jetcitysinatra7300 I use all my logical brain. Also that doesn’t disprove our doctrine
@jetcitysinatra7300 3 года назад
@@johnlewis6526 how exactly are you looking at your doctrine? Can you step outside of your belief in your doctrine and look at it as a skeptic? I am a Christian and get asked this all of the time. I am able to step outside of my belief in Christ and look at my doctrine they they see it. I am that comfortable in my beliefs that I can ask myself the same questions non believers are asking me. It helps me talk to them about my beliefs in a much more clear way. My Son's mother is a Mormon but is unwilling to look at all of her church's history with an open mind. She is afraid that she might find out that the LDS was created as a short term scam that over time, turned into an actual religion. If Joseph Smith was called by GOD to restore the "Church" then why is Warren Jeffs in prison for doing the same things that Joseph Smith had done all those years ago? Now if Warren had been alive in the 1800s would he now be considered a Prophet of GOD, and if not then why?
@sleepingwithcats5121 Год назад
Hi guys I was just recently baptized and I'm with the church! The thing is, I was told by my missionaries I have pretty much always been a Mormon, Latter-Day Saint, because like you I never wanted to watch those movies I don't drink I don't smoke I don't do drugs... I believe in everything that's taught by the church, because I see firsthand and otherwise that it's just wrong physically psychologically emotionally and spiritually, and why would anybody want to, look at those sick movies and do all those things, especially when you're young and developing. There's nothing cooler and more exciting than someone who has an individual and brave and kind and compassionate way of living and soul.
@xepherofdawnfall8003 4 года назад
I have been wondering what I should do I'm these situations. Thank you very much!
@thelatterdayarbiter 4 года назад
Stand up for my home Even if I take this walk alone I bow down to the king upon the throne My life is HIS I’m no longer my own I pray to God that He’ll strengthen my hand They will think twice steppin onto my land I draw the line it’s written in the sand Try me and you will see that I ain’t playin Now back up off my family move your hands I got my weapons in the spirit’s land I Lucifer don’t even stand a chance Lucifer don’t even stand a chance ... Chick fil A!!!!
@sarahdougall9535 4 года назад
I was seriously singing this song while scrolling through comments.
@gospeltruthsearcher3220 4 года назад
Great show guys, i view almost everything from your channel. I have a question for David. Can a person be mormon if they don't agreed with some of the teachings of the church?
@TheGrams56 3 года назад
It depends on which things that you disagree with. There are basic tenants that can’t be denied.
@dane_with_swag 4 года назад
The question is also: if an ancient Israelite prophet preached like a modern prophet, would it have worked in a society dominated by masculine authority? The Father speak so the people prophets talk to will understand the message. I think it also includes that the people won't be distracted from the message unnecessarily, for example by comparing you to a an adulterer, laying with idols... it would work in a parable, but many modern listeners would be way more focused on being called an adulterer than the message... Am answer would probably be to tailor sew what you say to the audience so if they get offended, it's because they reject the gospel and not because of the way you said it
@ourlifeinwashington4114 4 года назад
2 Peter 2:1-21 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. This is a good start to defending Gods choose restoration of the gospel Of Jesus Christ. And all of 2 Nephi chapters 28-33
@PapaKryptoss 4 года назад
No comments to read. Dangit
@TBIhope 4 года назад
In seventh grade, when I said that I was moving to Utah, everyone said, “wait. Does that mean you’re Mormon?” And I was pretty young, so I didn’t elaborate, I was just like, “yeah!”
@TBIhope 4 года назад
SKY Dokins no, they knew me pretty well, and we were all young, so I don’t think they’d heard about that myth yet!
@jetcitysinatra7300 4 года назад
@@TBIhope Are you still a Mormon? My son's mother is because she likes feeling needed and in other churches she just went and fellowship with other members. In Mormonism she can do temple work and be a mother figure. She is so scared that the Church she has come to love so much will be a fraud that she will not let anyone tell her anything that proves Mormonism is a fraud church. She is also torn because her Ex Husband that passed a few years back wasn't Mormon nor did he want to become Mormon Now she is married to someone who loves her but she was sealed in the temple to her last husband. What will she do, who is she going to be married to and have more kids with? Does the scripture not say *"They will be no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven"* But you can't tell her that. Her last husband didn't want to be baptized in the church either but after he passed she did it anyways.
@TBIhope 4 года назад
For The Love Of Seattle part of what will be great in heaven is that everything is going to be worked out. God will help you figure that out, and if you don’t want to be with an abusive husband, I can guarantee that God won’t make you. Not to be rude, but that doesn’t sound like an actual reason to be in the church. If you want to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, it helps to believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior. I don’t think you have good intentions, with the way you phrased certain things. I hope you’re nice to your son’s mother.
@jetcitysinatra7300 4 года назад
@@TBIhope I am very nice to her. We talk all of the time but she doesn't understand why I am not Mormon and I can't understand why she is. I just feel for her because she is going to be so heart broken when Jesus tells her that her Church was a fraud created by a scam artist.
@TBIhope 4 года назад
For The Love Of Seattle that’s good that you’re nice to her. And more importantly, I believe that Jesus will count any good actions taken, whether in the name of the Church of Jesus Christ, Catholicism, Hinduism, Judaism, etc. Jesus is a perfect judge of character, so I don’t believe He’ll reject anyone based solely on their religion.
@pauldicker1679 4 года назад
Cant beat a Star Wars analogy
@angledgaze6203 4 года назад
I definitely think that attacking someone else isn't good, but I think that we should attack beliefs with a lot of intent. Of course, that would not be nice in most situations. My opinion.
@scottbrandon9390 3 года назад
Leave it to two LDS men to bring Star Wars into the conversation about religion.
@lizycole8999 4 года назад
# discussion totally gets derailed by High Ground joke# me: oh, it's beautiful 10/10 (other than that it was a good discussion tho)
@andthusitis3178 4 года назад
Did Mimi stand up???
@tedlawrence4189 2 года назад
You should not have to. It is your belief's and your own business.
@thelatterdayarbiter 4 года назад
My friend from Scottish Saints and Some is doing videos about his testimony of the church. If you want, you can check it out
@hollayevladimiroff131 2 года назад
You could defend it by the Book of Mormon but it has never been proven, the Bible has. You could defend it with the Book of Abraham but historians and archeologists say the ancient paper that Joseph Smith found is just a funeral document. You could defend the restoration but God's church has always been, Matt 16:18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this Rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And it never has failed. Throughout the Bible, it tells us the church and truth continued for centuries and many generations. Christians have the Bible to prove their religion, we have artifacts, I do not mean to be disrespectful, but your religion has never been proven.
@jetcitysinatra7300 4 года назад
You should only defend your beliefs if they are Rooted in the *"TRUTH"* If the Book of Mormon Contradicts the WORD OF GOD in any way it is not a true teaching. The same can be said of the WORD OF GOD. The thing is that the WORD OF GOD does contradict the Book of Mormon quite a bit. (I know you are going to ask me to show you where and I do not have enough time to point out every single thing. Even if I was able to, you would try and prove me wrong.)
@ernestmarcucella6918 4 года назад
I went to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints with 2 Missionaries. I asked if I needed to bring the Holy Bible. I was told that I didn't have not to bring the Holy Bible. Please tell me why I was told that I didn't need to bring my Holy Bible.
@thelatterdayarbiter 4 года назад
It isn’t necessary to bring scripture to church whereas it is encouraged to do so. The sacrament meeting doesn’t really permit the speaker to tell others to go through the scripture they are on; while the Sunday school and organization meetings encourage participation. Nevertheless, one doesn’t necessarily have to bring a Bible to our church. Does that make any sense to you?
@martinbernardino1 4 года назад
Ernest Marcucella we have a application called “gospel library” and it has all the scriptures on your phone!
@markgarner3565 4 года назад
Not sure why they said that, but maybe it was because they were trying to clarify that it wasn't a "requirement" to get into the church. However, me and most members I know bring their holy bible to church or at least use the app. Regardless, we will be studying the bible through come follow me during church, so however you would like to follow along is up to you. I hope this helps?
@trevaperes5343 2 года назад
1 Peter 3:15
@MelissaNSams 4 года назад
I love the show but....... "like"
@samueltaylor8806 4 года назад
“I would never go and attack anyone for their beliefs” she says, unless they are LGBTQ or don’t agree with me, try to ban conversion therapy, believe that tithing should be used as Jesus would rather than to build malls and bail out Beneficial Life, etc.
@bradrjones1 4 года назад
I do have the courage to stand up for what I believe in, like reason, humanism, and against homophobia and the stockpiling of billions in tithe money. Thanks for the encouragement!
@z0mbieninja 4 года назад
@thelatterdayarbiter 4 года назад
Stockpiling for the sake of emergency and future investment is wrong? Oh my 🤭
@Querent2000 4 года назад
Why not use the traditional defense by religious Christians? Just lie about everything. This has the additional advantage of being very serviceable as a conservative.
@jameswines6752 4 года назад
If Joseph Smith restored the church where is that scripture written in the bible, And where was Jesus and the children of Israel when he did it, See the Mormons don't know nothing about the bible GOD chose the children of Israel all 12 tribes of Israel to be his priests and church and to teach the world about their GOD, When did GOD changed his mind where is that scripture in the bible
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