
How To ACTUALLY Reverse Diet 

Cody McBroom
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Reverse Dieting and Metabolic Adaptation is misunderstood and mis-practiced by MANY people... today, I show you the biggest mistake made and how to correct that when you decide it's time to reverse.
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@Nihal_lifts16 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for explaining
@ZeRo-yc7zf 3 года назад
If you guys are trying to fix your metabolism, just try and eat more and be more active. It's that simple. If you're moving you're burning calories. Try to be active in your leisure time, play sports for fun, dance, do something. And that's on top of your workout schedule. But listen to your body and eat more. I went from 235 (I was at that weight for so long) to 185 dieting on like 2000 calories a day and that included strength training and cardio and all that. I felt tired like crazy. I recently got an active job moving freight and just ate intuitively, generally low calorie dense foods, but I'm hungry all the damn time and could eat a hippo for breakfast if I wanted to. I started tracking again and I found out I have been eating around 3000 calories a day and I actually went down to 180. Move more, eat more. Your body isn't going to refuse to burn calories if you're moving. At least spend some time at your maintenance level so your body doesn't feel like its starving to death. The goal is to be healthy
@CodyMcBroom1 3 года назад
This is the "Eat more move more" theory, or G-Flux/Energy Flux. I don't disagree and in some scenarios it can work, but it still comes down to calories. I like this route for people who are stressed out, training hard or have the patience to take it slow.
@ZeRo-yc7zf 3 года назад
@@CodyMcBroom1 no doubt it comes down to calories. But if your body is in a state where its trying to conserve energy in order to prevent starvation, that should tell you something. Are you preparing to take an instagram photo and be done with it, are you wanting to eat a diet that leaves you in perpetual suffering for the rest of your life, or are you trying to have something sustainable and healthy for a long term? If you're at a weight that'll prevent you from injury and diseases later on in life, why the need to keep doing crazy cuts? Why not focus on your muscle growth, stamina, train to climb a freaking mountain because its fun. It doesn't have to be all about how you look
@ZeRo-yc7zf 3 года назад
@@CodyMcBroom1 i know that didnt directly address your reply but do you get what I'm saying?
@ihateketchup 2 года назад
How do I work out the new maintenance please
@VanessaBravoo 2 года назад
Hello! I’ve been reverse dieting for a year now and I was eating 2,500 calories every day. But due to vacations and work trips I stopped tracking calories and I’m pretty sure I was under eating for approximately a month. I was planning to start my cut phase but because I was not eating as much calories as before this past month I’m not sure if the cut will work. Should I eat my 2500 calories again for a few weeks and then cut, or should I start the cutting phase right away? Thank you, I love your videos!!
@CodyMcBroom1 2 года назад
I doubt the vacations added up to enough time in order to reverse any of the metabolic building you did during the reverse. Also, usually with eating out on vacation - it may feel as tho you under ate, but enough days were at or above maintenance still (causing it to balance out). I’d just eat at your prior maintenance for a bit to make sure you’re still there for maintenance, then go into your cut.
@nyeisha Год назад
How many calories do I add for 2 weeks? And once I bring I just jump into adding calories the next day ?
@motionfueled Год назад
How would you recommend best finding your new maintenance calories? Just using your new weight to figure it out? Or is there a better more accurate way?
@iNateschindler Год назад
Did you ever find out? I’m widneirnng same question
@nc7332 3 года назад
I lost my period for 2 years now due to being in a calorie deficit for too long and over exercising. I’m at a healthy weight (22-23 BMI range) and I’ve reversed dieted from 1800 to 2700. I was wondering if eventually from doing that if I would get my cycle back. So far I’ve noticed some signs but still waiting.
@joliacendan8032 3 года назад
omg i was eating at 1300 and by increasing 50 cals each week i’ve made it to 1800. did u gain weight/fat and how much cause i’ve gained 4lbs and i wanna make my maintenance higher but don’t wanna gain more fat
@nc7332 3 года назад
@@joliacendan8032 Hi I’m not sure how Much I’ve gained but it wasn’t too much. Just remember that the weight gain is temporary and it will be gone when you’re in a deficit again when your metabolism is in a better place.
@joliacendan8032 3 года назад
@@nc7332 okay thank you:) no matter how low i was eating i never lost my period so i think it’s more of a genetic thing for me but maybe try doing less cardio(if you do) and stress can be why u may not have gotten it back, just relax and it’ll come back when ur body is ready
@nc7332 3 года назад
@@joliacendan8032 I’ve stopped exercising completely actually. I’m getting signs like PMS symptoms and cervical mucus, I even ovulated according to the doctor I went to so I believe it’s coming soon.
@CodyMcBroom1 2 года назад
Yes, you should get it back. This is called REDS (relative energy deficit syndrome) and commonly is associated with the female triad (essentially what you're describing here). However the 3 things that will help bring your cycle back are calories at or above maintenance, stress management, and some body fat (if you're TOO lean, it won't help to have calories up unless your body fat is at a healthy range again).
@marcoenot6677 2 года назад
ok good i have a question: should i cut or reverse diet after 3 months dieting 1900 kcal day? i'm a male tall 5,67 weight 189,60 lbs at 17 percent body fat..i'd love to get down 13-15 body fat..sometimes i'm feeling very resticted,tired,craving things,sleeping not always well...diet worked out so far and still working.. i started out with 21 BF now i am 17 BF it was a very slow process cause the weight still pretty much the same all diet period but the fat goes down and body composition is changing... what do you think?
@CodyMcBroom1 2 года назад
You should be aiming to drop 0.5-1% of total bodyweight, PER WEEK. So yes, I think you should just keep going. If it's working, don't change it. And don't be afraid to drop lower if needed. If you have a fair amount of bodyfat to lose and have only been dieting for 3 months, you don't need to worry about reverse dieting yet.
@Ali-kf5bd 3 года назад
so if I was obese and eating 2500 to 3000 calories and now I lost all the extra weight eating 1600 calories and now im ready to stop losing weight but want to maintain I should go right up to say, 1900 calories and then slowly see how much I can add in without gaining?
@LisaLee123 3 года назад
@caitlinhearne5429 3 года назад
So you think after deficit you should jump straight back to new maintenance calories? Should you not do it gradually to minimise weight gain?
@CodyMcBroom1 3 года назад
Yep, exactly. Because going slow can just put you in a deficit for longer, creating more negative adaptations (potentially). You should read my blog on this! Super in depth and will help a lot. Linked below: www.tailoredcoachingmethod.com/reverse-dieting-101
@ademyoussef409 2 года назад
1 Very important note that you should have said: when uping your calories to your new maintenance, up them SLOWLY, example: your new maintenance is 2300, u are now at 1700, try increasing ur intake by 150 to 200 every two weeks until u reach ur new maintenance, with this way, YOU ACTUALLY KEEP THE WEIGHT U LOST OFF, ( MOST OF IT AT LEAST )
@CodyMcBroom1 2 года назад
It depends, actually... your maintenance is your maintenance. So whatever your new maintenance is, you're going to have the same result whether you take 6 weeks or 6 months to get there. Dragging the reverse out longer and longer simply prolongs the deficit period and inches you along, which actually DELAYS the biomarkers from improving. The only way to keep the weight you lost off is to either a.) increase activity level on the regular so that you actually have a higher maintenance intake post diet (because when you lose a bunch of weight, normal maintenance calories will be lower than they were before) or b.) accept a new lower maintenance (whether it's only 150 calories lower or 500 calories lower). If you reverse after weight loss and go back to your old maintenance, no matter how slow you go, you will gain weight back and not maintain what you created. UNLESS your NEAT goes through the roof, you build A LOT of muscle, or fix a rare underlying issue that was causing metabolic dysfunction.
@ademyoussef409 2 года назад
@@CodyMcBroom1 i forgot to mention the "new maintenance calorie intake" you right thank you!
@anagabyrm1 4 года назад
I've been eating around 1200-1400 cal a day for a really long while now. I exercise 5 times a week and still see no changes in my body. I want to start increasing my calories but I don't know how to do it properly. My goal is to burn fat.
@valleek2434 4 года назад
Have a diet break for a week, eat at your maintenance calories. I did this after 8 weeks dieting and then I also introduced refeeds twice a week when I jack up my carb intake by an extra 100gr and I saw my weight dropping again
@Valarie.0 3 года назад
@@valleek2434 can you explain more
@CodyMcBroom1 3 года назад
I would highly suggest coaching with us! And SO sorry for the delayed comment - if you're still needing help, please let me know! www.tailoredcoachingmethod.com/online-coaching
@leighlepatan420 3 года назад
Could you please help me with this: Ive been on a diet for about 2 months and lost about 20pound and im happy with my current weight but sometimes(mostly everyday) my mom and i go for a walk(2-3 hours) and I have dance class(every other day) so my question is....should i eat based on my net cause i still have a lot of calories left in my budget. Should i stop all my physical activity?
@leighlepatan420 3 года назад
Please reply. I know youre the only one that can help me with this. Thanks you
@CodyMcBroom1 3 года назад
@@leighlepatan420 Hey Ane, I'd suggest you apply for a coaching call! It's free and we'll dive into what our coaching looks like, because that's the best and most guaranteed way for you to get real help: boomboom.securechkout.com/coaching-application
@ericyoutube77 3 года назад
@@CodyMcBroom1 that doesn’t help anyone, why can’t you just give her some advice and stop advertising crap
@thealiceftw 3 года назад
But how do i know what my new maintenance is?
@emmabiggs1138 3 года назад
That’s what I was wondering too!
@UnitedHornet 2 года назад
Hey its been a while but, did you figure it out? I was eating 1700 at my deficit. Increased to 1800 for just about a week and weigh 130lbs at 6,0 should I increase to 1900?
@celine4699 3 года назад
I'm very new to reverse dieting, but when I started dieting my maintenance was 1700 calories and now after 7 months it's only 1400. So if I reverse diet now , do I basically only go up to my maintaining 1400 or can I get it even higher back to the old 1700 (or more )calories and keep the same weight ?
@ThinkAbstract 3 года назад
From experience of doing both quick and slow. I recommend slow!!! Add 100-150kcal a week and when u start gaining more than normal go back to previous when u weren’t then stay for a week then increase again
@pabloantunez1954 3 года назад
@@ThinkAbstract I’m personally doing that I been eating 1,600 and adding 150c weekly he doesn’t really do a good at explaining how to find your new maintenance
@ericyoutube77 3 года назад
Exactly my problem
@ericyoutube77 3 года назад
I would recommend adding about 150 calories per week to maintenance.
@CodyMcBroom1 2 года назад
You should be able to bring it up -- and going super slow won't make a difference. Say you add 100 calories per week for 4 weeks or you add 400 calories on week 1... either way, any weight gain that will occur there, be that just water weight from carb increases or actual fat tissue, it's going to happen regardless. Sometimes it's easier for it to be slow, mentally, though. Now, I'd suggest just finding your maintenance RANGE because maintenance is not a dead set target -- rather, it's a moving target. It may be between 1400-1700 and you just need to reverse up to the bottom end range immediately and then slowly work it up. Here's a free article on the topic: tailoredcoachingmethod.com/reverse-dieting-101
@BA-ph9mi 4 года назад
Hi Cody, great video. How would one find their new maintenance? Would it be a matter of just making a calculation?
@CodyMcBroom1 3 года назад
It's typically 50--75% of the way back up towards the OLD maintenance prior to starting the diet. But it's hard to say, because it's so individual
@TwilightOperative Год назад
Hey Cody, I started a Reverse diet 7 weeks ago. In the beginning it went very well I added 200 calories weekly and until last week my weight suddenly went up. So I subtracted 10% of my calories this week but I keep gaining weight. week 1: 1700kcal (64.7kg) loses -0.8kg week 2: 1910kcal (64.1kg) loses -0.6kg Week 3: 2100kcal (63.9kg) loses -0.2kg Week 4: 2345kcal (63.8kg) loses -0.1kg Week 5: 2505kcal (63.8kg) loses -0.0kg Week 6: 2505kcal (64.6kg) gained +0.8kg Week 7: 2235kcal (65kg) gained +0.4kg I really can't gauge this. It's very frustrating. What should I do? Or what am i doing wrong?
@Professor5180 Год назад
You should naturally gain some weight as I assume you're also moving less. Your weight went up, but that's only one side of it. Have you tracked and made any progress on your lifts?
@yrewb4171 Год назад
Looks like you were adjusting your calories too quickly. At the 5 week mark it would have made since you stay there for longer I think or on week 6 cut back on intake until balanced again. How did your reverse end up?
@cxlia6477 Год назад
It’s been 3 days I’ve been reversing diet and gained +500 grm already wtf 😭😭😭 im doing cardio and weightlifting at the same time
@TwilightOperative Год назад
@@cxlia6477 i found a method to make it work. I'll share it with you. What I have done is weigh daily and take a weekly average of daily weight, you will also keep track of how many steps you take per day, you will also take a weekly average of that and you will of course keep track of your calories. If your calories are increased by 10% and you take 3000 steps a day on average, for example. And at the end of the week you have gained weight then you increase the steps by 1000/2000 steps and leave the calories the same, you do this every week until you lose weight or stay the same. If you stay the same, wait 1 or 2 weeks for the balance. Then if you stay the same or lose weight you increase your calories again by 10% and then you look at your weight again that week, if you have gained weight you increase your steps again and you have remained the same you do nothing and if you have lost weight increase your calories again. I've been doing this method of increasing activity through steps and increasing calories for 10 weeks and I'm now at 2800 calories without gaining weight. Sometimes gained weight for 1 or 2 weeks but then I increased my activity by steps and the weight went back to the old level. I hope this helps. Good luck!
@Saundersstrong Год назад
50 cal / day increase for 2 weeks at a time SLOW AND STEADY .
@nobodynobody9401 2 года назад
Hello! so i had a question. I really have no clue how many calories i was eating when trying to lose weight. I would restrict so much and i would starve myself practically. I was always hungry and yes, i did lose weight but i also lost hair, my period is very irregular, and i am overall not happy at all. I never track my calories i just tried eating as less as possible and hated when i would get bloated as i thought i was going to gain weight. Anyways, that's the context, i wanna say i ate around 1200 calories a day but that's probably an understatement. I probably consumed 1,000 calories or less, up to 1200 i guess you could say a day. I am also a teenager so definitely still growing 😂. I wanted to ask how I should reverse diet back to a healthy state for my body after undereating and everything. I'm so afraid i will gain a ton of fat, as i still have a really bad relationship with food and think that if I'm full ill gain weight/fat. Plus, I am still not at my weight goal, i would like to lose more but i cant live this life of starving myself, losing hair, having an irregular cycle, and just not being happy. I would love to reach my goal but i don't know how to after everything i did to my body. Any tips on how to recover and get to my goal? Thank you so much! This video was very very helpful!!
@homebody5492 Год назад
same, i'm so scared of gaining weight
@user-ff1mx4gm1d Год назад
I had the same situation as you so i started my reverse diet and at first started adding 100 calories every week and this worked up to the 3 week (on 1300 calories) and then i didn't weigh myself but i started continued adding 100 up until 1600 which was a mistake and i gained 1 kilo but now I'm adding 50 calories every week but as if i had never gone to 1600 (started adding 50 calories after the 3 week) and also strength training and not gaining weight so if you want try this
@tiffanysbag4277 3 года назад
Hi cody, i have a question for you, hope you dont mind to answer it🙏🏼 so i have reverse diet for 5 months, and i have reached 2100 calories from 1000 calories. do you think 1 month is enough to hold my new calorie maintenance before i starting to cut? Because i’ve gained too much in measurement and weight and i cant resist it anymore. My pants wont fit and many people say that i am “bigger” now (not in a good way). Im so insecure right now and so freaking stress, i really want to start my cut, but im afraid it wont working because i have only maintain it for a month. But i just cant resist to hold it for any longer. I dont need that much food excelly because i feel forced to eat everything (im not really a foodie) and i really tired of weight training. I just want to get everything done and back to my normal lifestyle. Im glad i have found your channel, because you really give the right education and information about reverse dieting. First time i discovered reverse diet was from my ex coach and it really my biggest regret last year.
@nc7332 3 года назад
Hi! I’m kinda in a similar situation as you. There’s this RU-vid called “Colin DE way” and he has amazing videos about reverse dieting and answers the questions that you have. I will say from my experience 1 month isn’t enough time to be at maintenance, the time spent and maintenance depends on your diet history. Usually it takes about 6 months for the metabolism to adapt but I don’t know your situation, however I strongly recommend you check out the channel i stated above, he has amazing information! Here’s one of his videos, he also has a playlist about reverse dieting and other amazing information: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-hXEbhkMpz84.html
@tiffanysbag4277 3 года назад
@@nc7332 hii NC😊, thankyou so much for the recommendation and answer☺️excelly i've watched his channel and if you saw his video about "how big of a drop for cutting" you'll found my comment there and it had been answered by him. He answered the same as you, so you really have knowledge bro😎 🙏🏻
@nc7332 3 года назад
@@tiffanysbag4277 😎
@nc7332 3 года назад
@@tiffanysbag4277 This last video has changed my life in regards to how I should effectively cut for fat loss in the future when my metabolism and hormones are healthy again ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-y_RXVFl_aWs.html
@ericyoutube77 3 года назад
@@nc7332 what if you’re 16?
@Luhsav_ Год назад
alright lets say i jumpstarted to my new maintenance calories and stay there for about 5 weeks then I cut 500 calories, how long should I cut before going back to my new maintenance please answer me I am stuck cody
@CodyMcBroom1 Год назад
I'd suggest going to the website (see below) and reading some of my articles or free guides. Maybe even listening to the podcast! We have LOADS of free content on fat loss phases and they'd be good sources to answer your question better than I can here... Reason I say that is because the truth is... It depends on so many factors that I can't just give you a black and white answer here.
@janiah749 3 года назад
I’ve heard that you should hold these new calories once you’ve reversed up to them. You said pause for a little while. How long do you recommend we pause?
@CodyMcBroom1 3 года назад
Really depends on the person and their individual biofeedback. But in general, I like to immediately bump up to improve biofeedback and hormonal response ASAP - then can slow it down and take pauses in order to maintain a healthy body fat level
@innedons9862 3 года назад
would you recommend reverse diet or diet breaks? i'm a tiny female (1m60) eating comfy at a maintanence of 2100 kcal, which i'm really happy about. Only want to lose about 2-3 kg. i'm trying reverse diet but have been eating intuitively for so long that i keep ending up at arround maintanence lol. since the weight loss would be nice but not necesarry i think the reverse approach is to much and long of a hassle in my subconcious mind.
@betzy7560 2 года назад
so How do i calculate my new maintenance?
@CodyMcBroom1 2 года назад
Use a formula like you did the first time, but if you're lighter (from losing weight) it'll naturally be lower once calculated. But also, you would then reverse diet from where you're at to the new point to discover where your TRUE new maintenance is since online calculators aren't always totally accurate
@oatmeal3409 3 года назад
so immidiaty jump to my new maintance? or slowly eat more every week?
@CodyMcBroom1 3 года назад
Jump to NEW maintenance and then slowly go up. Here's a free blog I wrote that explains it well: tailoredcoachingmethod.com/reverse-dieting-101
@oatmeal3409 3 года назад
@@CodyMcBroom1 really? eat more then my maintence? i dont want to gain wight i just want to stay like i am rn but ill read that thank you!
@whatisthisbusiness4681 3 года назад
What about very low calorie diets? I have been decreasing my daily caloric intake from 750-500 calories a day since September. I have been on 500 a day for a month now. If I were to up my intake to my new maintenance, would I gain weight? I'm 18, and my current BMI is 20. I don't exercise much. I really want to come off this diet but I fear weight gain.
@xx-jy8ct 3 года назад
Bruh u did the exact same thing as me and i just took my weight and multiplied by 10 and ive just been eating those amount for about a week.Week by week ima just increase by 100 calories , and we are both pretty young im 16 so our metabolisms are crazy at our age
@rouakhlifi4460 3 года назад
Sameeee i don’t know whatt to do i daont want to gain all the weight back😭
@whatisthisbusiness4681 3 года назад
@@xx-jy8ct did you gain any weight doing that?
@whatisthisbusiness4681 3 года назад
@@xx-jy8ct well, good luck with that! And thanks for the advice.
@filmedbylish 3 года назад
yes yes same, howsit going for u
@sincman 3 года назад
FEWER CALORIES!!!! Not "less" calories.....Good video though.
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