
How to prevent and deal with lost pets! 

Jackson Galaxy
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@salahhe 4 года назад
Just in case this helps anybody. My cats get fed twice a day. I have a special song that plays as an alarm when it's feeding time. The cats come instantly when they hear the alarm. When I lost my cat, I went through the neighborhood calling her name with no success. Finally, I started playing the song and eventually I saw her popping her head out from a hiding place. This is how I got back my cat. I am not saying this will work for everybody but perhaps it is worth trying.
@matthiasfreaked 4 года назад
Damn that's smart!
@negy2570 4 года назад
Wow what song Is It?
@Kermodeii 4 года назад
I have a metal dish walking out late at night calling and rattling a few pieces of kibble in their dishes worked for me.
@hollowcrusader2106 4 года назад
I know this will work for years I've been shaking the treat box to get them inside or when I'm giving a treat
@torcancraobhach3381 4 года назад
I ring a bell. When my neighbour looked after my cats for me when I had to go away, the bell ensured them cats came back every evening for food.
@vertitis 4 года назад
A tip for those that want to go out looking for their cat. Have a family member or the friend that visits you the most accompany you. Don't look for the cat, walk slowly and talk about whatever. Many times the cat will suddenly jump out of the bushes or come out from under a car to stroke against your legs.
@MayLingTV 2 года назад
Does this apply to scaredy cat?
@vertitis 2 года назад
@@MayLingTV Depends, is the cat scared of you?
@MayLingTV 2 года назад
@@vertitis no , but he's very scared of the other cats or any sound
@midorielizabeth5162 4 года назад
I lost my two kitties about 6 years ago. Piggy and Masha. I never found them and to say it breaks your heart in a million pieces is so accurate. I have new kitties Tootsie and Zuzu and I think this video is so important. Thank you!
@GrimmDelightsDice 4 года назад
I have 3 pigeons in large (person sized n then some by height/width) cages with very thin bar spacing so sound can't get paws through and they're hands down the best cat TV I've ever had. Whenever the room's not closed off (I close it when I let the birds fly in the room), they take shifts sitting in front of, behind, or on top of the cages and just watching the birds as they forage n flap around.
@lyselyashi 4 года назад
I learned so much from him in such a short time! His videos are so entertaining and have lots and lots of information I need!❤️ Thank you so much Jackson Galaxy that you exist 🥰 and y'all have a good time! (Not the best video to say xd)
@asdkotable 4 года назад
I've read somewhere that if your cat is lost, you can try to lure them back by putting their litter box outside. Apparently, all litter boxes retain the unique smell of the cat, so they can theoretically follow the smell of their litter home. Leaving outside a favourite blanket or stuffed animal or even an unwashed shirt worn by the owner might also be helpful.
@CynthiaSchoenbauer 4 года назад
Thank you, Jackson. I love to hear about how much you care about cats and how they get lost.
@kathyr1516 Год назад
Our little Bonnie has been missing for 5 days and I am devastated. We trapped her in December last year and had her spayed, vaccinated, microchipped and treated for fleas and worms. She was about a year old then possibly. She has been socialising really well in our home and enjoys playing with her toys and one of our other cats and she was even following me around to get pats on her back and tail. She liked to sit near me. We have a secure courtyard and I had been cautious about letting her into it, but I did that recently. She liked it and loved eating and lying in the grass or snuggling in her little caboodle and she would always come in the house in the afternoon or evening. On Monday I mowed the courtyard. We keep a plank of wood and concrete planter at the base of the gate so no one can get out under. I had to remove the plank to get the mower in. I remember thinking to myself that “I must put the plank back”. I have been paranoid about keeping that plank there for the last 7 years since we have lived here. But did I do that then? No! I was called into the house for a phone call and I let Bonnie and Becky into the courtyard. After the phone call we saw that Becky was in the backyard but Bonnie had completely vanished. She must have squeezed under the gate and jumped over the backyard fence. We have searched, asked neighbours, put her on LostPetFinders but there have been no sightings of her. This is completely my fault. I broke my own rule of keeping cats indoors or safe in the courtyard. I feel as though I am going crazy. I can’t stop crying. I have no idea what has happened to her. I have left her bed and cat food in our porch, but the birds and a stray black cat eat that. I think he will need desexing. Sadly TNR is not legal here. As Bonnie had been a free living cat before we caught her will she revert to this or possibly come back to us? I don’t think she had been with us long enough to come back here but I keep praying she will. Thank you for your videos! 🐾🙏🏼
@auxbonnieux 2 года назад
My Abbey is missing 34 days. I'm utterly heartbroken. I fear the worst. I'm so devastated
@BarbzSA 4 года назад
You can also place the used litter box out by the door or gate. They can smell their scent and make their way back
@iftekhar77 3 месяца назад
12:09 🤣🤣 love him
@bigboomer1013 2 года назад
Just today, my cat went missing. He's an indoor cat but like going outside for some sun and stays close to home. But this time, he went super far down the street when he followed my sister to work. She was the last person to see him.
@Hands2HealNow Год назад
Hey Cat Daddy have you ever considered creating a pet care code of Ethics. I have always spayed, chipped, fed, and provided safe secret ways for my cats to get in and out of home and done the same for stray cats or good homes who may not have the cash for neutering. A new Cunty Pet trainer who has moved into the neighborhood has stolen several of my 4 cats. Of course I thought she was friendly and so I never imagined she was devious. Making chip verification by vets and shelters would go a long way to stop such temptations.
@smitehamner 4 года назад
Bonus tip: if you can get one, attach a bluetooth tracker to the collar. It makes it a lot easier to search for them once they have escaped because it'll tell you if you're close and can make sounds and light to help find your cat's hiding spot. I can't even count the number of times it's helped me figure out where my cat is, even in the house. Most recently it helped me find her last weekend when someone left the door open. The only problem I've had with it is when battery runs out... but that just means going back to regular searching methods. (The other minor thing is that you look suspicious walking back and forth along the block staring at your phone when you're trying to connect to it and track them down)
@TheIdeabaker 4 года назад
smitehamner What kind of Bluetooth tracker do you use on your cat’s collar?
@smitehamner 4 года назад
@@TheIdeabaker I use one called the Lapa2, but I'm pretty sure any will work well enough. Some nice features to look for in my experience are: - waterproof (my cat dips hers in her water bowl) - durable (my cat rolls and scrapes it on concrete when I take her out on the leash) - replacable battery (try to make sure you can buy the battery locally in a store) - an app interface you like the look and features of (the Lapa one lets me share with friends/family so that more than one of us can search, however only one can connect to the device at a time. I also like that it shows the signal strength so I can kinda judge my distance like playing hot/cold)
@aishan3707 3 года назад
My cat went missing more than 3 weeks ago. I wasted 3days looking for my cat in my area. I put many flyers in my area. Later we found out that the cat travelled 20km away from home by an accident car ride on the spare tyre which is under the car. We saw my cat going under the car on our street cameras and guessed what had happened that day. We went to the place where the car was driven put flyers there and got a phone call from a woman that she had seen our cat there 2 days before she saw the flyers. When we arrived there the cat was not there anymore. 3 more people confirmed they had seen my cat. But we were too late.
@JuliaGeisler 3 года назад
Have you ever heard anything back from that place? As in… did you find your cat after all..?
@edwardhanson318 2 года назад
This is really good information. I live in a rural area and the neighbors who let their cats go out and not watch them is taking a risk for predators like coyotes and wolves. These predators can easily take advantage of a domestic cat, and kill them for food. Sadly, this does happen, and I try to educate them. Now please understand me, I'm not totally against the cats going out, but the owner should take safe measures for their cats safety.
@Orpheus1782 4 года назад
My boyfriend's mother's cat has been missing for over a month(we always joke that he is my unofficial third cat, because he adores me), he is microchipped, the neighborhood has been notified, social media posts, I even called a local shelter and asked if they have recently brought in a cat like him(described him but they haven't brought in a cat like that). I saw him a week ago on the property with another cat he seems to have made friends with(they were grooming each other) but I didn't get close enough to get him and I even borrowed a trap to catch him, but he is way too smart for that.
@LupaDomina 4 года назад
Hello. Keep trying to trap him. Place a nice stinky bowl of sardines/tuna in the trap nearer to your house. I had a newly adopted cat escape once. I used a trap provided by my local vets. It was important I got him back asap, as he was a senior kittizen with hyperthyroidism- so daily meds required. The entire neighbourhood was also on alert. After five days, the sardines won out. Hs blood works were a little high, but there were no lasting repercussions. Said kittizen was 12 when I adopted him, he went on to live to 20 years old. His furbuddy was 18 years old.
@maxxbrisco 3 года назад
My young Tuxedo cat ran out of our house - still missing after a full week. Our Cat was wearing a blue reflective collar and was adopted. 1.5 years of age, neutered but was too adventurous. Ran out when I opened the door at night = Black Cat at night = Human eyes. Still missing.
@mommawatson2625 4 года назад
I'm a cat person but Audrey, gotta love her. She's like " HELLO, Excuse me , like I'm here too you know and I won't be ignored" lmao
@saramorris6686 Год назад
My cat was sunbathing on my mom's car when my mom was in a hurry, and drove off without noticing her on top of the car. She heard a "thump" down the street while she was driving, and we only realized she was gone once we looked at the security cameras with my cat on top of the car driving away. Even worse, we were leaving out of town for Christmas just after this happened, but we made posters around the neighborhood, posted online and checked some local animal shelters before we left. We still haven't found her (been longer than a week), and I wonder if there's any hope in doing so :( We plan to make posters again but it's difficult because she isn't collared (though chipped), it has been raining and there are coyotes out... We thought it was safe enough for the cats to be out front in the house during the day (we have a long driveway with one close neighbor), but I guess we didn't account for this.
@hamzaakca6547 2 года назад
My Male cat was Neutered and is almost 1 years old. He's an indoor cat but i allowed him to leave home and he would roam inside our apartment our go into our front yard. he wouldn't leave our front yard at all and he would always come back. Today he went out like always but he never came back. Idk what to do. He was very active at night so i took out his collar so there wouldn't be a sound anymore and in the morning my mother didn't think twice before she let him go out. It's been 12 hours and he still haven't found his home. I went outside and roamed our neighborhood several times with his favorite snack, shouting his name but he's nowhere. I'm scared that he lost. I love my cat and took good care of him. He never did this before and i'm very scared. Idk what i can do...
@Bohemianbella1 2 года назад
Hey, did your cat return? My cat is also gone for now 2 days and no sign of him but we had bad weather rain and thunderstorms so I’m not sure what could have happened to him.
@Lolliegoth 4 года назад
I have three cats that will not take a collar nor leash. When the older girl has gotten out overnight she has come back with me calling all night - tried litter and food (didn't work). I think it depends on the cat. I would not recommend a leash nor collar to cats that haven't had them since birth or are scitzy. This how cats hang themselves.
@JustAnotherPerson4U 4 года назад
I have done 2 and a half of all of the lost cat tips. The only thing that we havent done is put a tag on my cat Luna with her collar. And now she's lost and been missing for over a week now. Why I didn't put a tag on her? I honestly don't know. It's probably because most of the cats in my neighbourhood dont wear a collar even and you rarely get tagged cats with contact information. But that is no excuse. There was no good reason for me not to tag her. I should've thought about it and realised how helpful it would be in tracking us! I'm worried sick about her so I hope the measure I did use like the microchip, spaying and collar will help!
@solvated_photon 5 месяцев назад
So, I am trying to figure this out. Our cat disappeared and the only clue I have to what has happened is that my front door sensor data got deleted from the cloud prior to 10pm the night he disappeared.
@rhazelanadis3452 4 года назад
I went on a road trip back to my hometown with my fiancé to stay for 2 months. Had to bring my 2 cats and 3 dogs in a Ford Escape. I let the cats free roam so they could use the litter box. One of my cats when we stopped at a McDonald’s at 3am in the morning jumped out the window and ran off. It was a wild goose chase after her. We were able to corner her off at a bush. It was my worst nightmare 😱 she was terrified from that experience so on the drive down she refused to go near windows and would stay under the seat.
@redf7209 4 года назад
I let my cats out and they don't go much further than the garden - usually. I'm in the UK, in a quiet area where they are pretty safe. They don't hunt prey or fight other cats or go near the road and I feel safe for them. Lots of people will do this, so i would add that the breakaway collars are pretty good. One cat regularly lost its collar the first year and then seemed to get used to them and does not lose it anymore. I do not let the cats stay out after dusk. In the dark they can get excited and distracted by movements and lose track of where they are. If cats do hunt they are more likely to be successful during this time and pick up worm parasites and also fleas from the ground. There is also a small risk of foxes catching them unaware. I also do not let them out if there is any kind of work going on in the area. I don't want them getting into tradesman's vans or getting trapped in buildings etc or frightened by sudden machine noises. My cats don't seem too bothered by fireworks but i don't let them out then, just in case. On the collars, I just put the phone number and street post code so people can see its not lost or otherwise and then contact me. I do believe a lot of 'lost cats' are mistaken as strays because they are too friendly to someone nearby and then taken to a shelter or unofficially adopted.
@davidc4405 4 года назад
If you want your "lost cat" sign to be readable by a person driving by in a car, use LARGE LETTERS. Test out your flyer to see how hard things are to read when you're more than a few feet away.
@lisseiasoulmark9612 4 года назад
My oldest cat when he was just over a year old got out of the house with my friends cat. We just brought the cats to that house to so it was a new place for them. Her cat took off and we sadly never found him. But i had trained my cat to go on car rides for easy vet trips so he was trained to always go stright to the door and car when he steped out side. Note he was lashed trained. So luckly for me his trianing kicked in a d when we went outside to look for him he was right at the door and ran right in when we opend it.
@taniav.aguileragomez524 4 года назад
JAH!!!! my cat figured out how to open doors with round doorknobs!... that clever little bastard!
@sarahbeckett316 4 года назад
My cat went missing 5 days ago. I’m going to make new signs in bright colors. Thank you!
@sarahbeckett316 4 года назад
@Jay Moseley rude
@jaynesixx2185 4 года назад
I had a break away collar, and my cat lost it in my apartment and now I can't find it and it has her tag on it. So I am scared to buy a new one but she is des*xed and micro chipped. I have lost my cats in the past but they have come back. I wish I had a video like this in the past great information.
@Joanna9514 Год назад
My cat was neutered two weeks ago and just went missing in our neighborhood that's full of cats. Our neighbor says it's mating season. Could he still be after female cats even though he's neutered? Are there possibly any hormones left?
@Lucky10360 4 года назад
Most cats shouldn't be able to open round door knobs.. but my cat before he passed away was something else.. 😅🤣 he opened ANY door knob and we moved quite a few times!
@anthaltie 4 года назад
well what i did was sit outside with them and everytime they would go to far for comfort i chase them back inside now they just stay and hang out within 2 ft of my front door it did take years of doing that before it worked they are 8 years old now.
@Peekaboo-Kitty 8 месяцев назад
Round door nobs are bad for people with Arthritis like me. Why not just lock your door instead? Who leaves their doors unlocked anyway?
@lostsouls1919 3 года назад
I got me a new cat, hes staying at my moms but im still trying to do some pet loss prevention
@libbyb3090 4 года назад
I literally have the meanest cat in the world. I’m not being funny. I just adopted him (and his brother) a week ago. They are Siamese 10 week old kittens. They don’t purr, they are extremely under socialized and the mean one only growls. How do I get in contact with you. You really need to see this! Please help!
@thedoeverything3570 3 года назад
I just lost my cat and i dont think the poster will work during lockdown idk what to do😭
@safiamuse5060 3 года назад
My cat left the house 6.30 am and did not return home
@Riri-ff9kg 3 года назад
My stupid sis left the front door open and my cat ran away I HATE her she has no collarb😭
@audri359 4 года назад
Awww your doggie and I have the same nane!!!
@TumbleBell 4 года назад
We are planning on giving my kitty a microchip!
@Iaintgivingmyinstaout 3 года назад
My cat was lost last night. I am very scared and he doesnt have a collar or tag because we live in a pretty good neighborhood with people we know and the cat has a good understanding of its territory. As well as he doesnt have a microchip. I dont know what to feel. If i find out if someone stole or kept him it will make me commit unholy things. My familys cat died from being run over last year so multiple things can happen. Theirs pretty much nothung we can do is just keep checking, advertise, and hope our cat isnt a dumbass. I dont know what to feel.
@n3x0r4evr9 4 года назад
Mine got lost in the middle of the city, away from home (on the way back from vet she escaped from her box). It will be very hard for you when your cat is in such a vague position, but despite the mental exhaustion I'd recommend doing your best to find them without giving up. After the second day of her getting lost, I was unable to sleep more than 1.5hours, skipped my classes, put up flyers everywhere and 3 times a day I went out to call her around the place that she got lost (early morning and late at night are good times as it's more silent and traffic is overall much less). After 11 days and me making a name for myself as the crazy person in the area, she finally answered my calls and came from the empty basement of an apartment. I really hope that those of you with missing pets can also reunite with the soon.
@lynnmartz8739 4 года назад
Bless you for your persistence! Hope you're caught up on your sleep.
@afiasheikh416 3 года назад
Mine got abducted in my own area. Now some unknown neighbors have it but won't give it me. I m searching door to door for 5 days now. Most of the time thy don't even open the door
@lenii8457 3 года назад
My cat has been missing for 5 days now, i havent been able to attend my classes, i cant study for my test, i cant sleep alone. Im glad yoi got your cat back❤️
@n3x0r4evr9 3 года назад
@@lenii8457 tyvm, i hope you will get yours too... i really do.
@lenii8457 3 года назад
@@n3x0r4evr9 tysm i’m trying to stay hopefull but its hard://
@tommyenelson5442 4 года назад
My Sweetpea got spooked and ran from us. She was gone for over a month and came home this past Sunday. So have hope that they will return.....it’s possible!
@Raevyn20 4 года назад
I highly recommend indoor cats be given regular walks on a leash so they get to know their area outside and what it looks like and where kitty lives so they have an idea where to come back to if they get frightened away.
@SevCaswell 4 года назад
or if they do get out, you can put their litter tray outside the door so they can smell themselves.
@Lolliegoth 4 года назад
I have three cats that will not take a collar nor leash. When the older girl has gotten out overnight she has come back with me calling all night - tried litter and food (didn't work). I think it depends on the cat. I would not recommend a leash nor collar to cats that haven't had them since birth or are scitzy. This how cats hang themselves.
@mitalijoshi366 4 года назад
@@Lolliegoth they're talking about talking your indoor cats out on a walk with a leash on, not permanently keeping it on them. If you're cats absolutely hate leashes by all means don't trouble the animal but this was mainly for people who have never thought about it...
@Lolliegoth 4 года назад
@@mitalijoshi366 I understood that. That wasn't my point....please go back to fourth grade and l earn to spell and comprehend statements
@MaddiManga 3 года назад
@@Lolliegoth That is why he mentions that one should only use a breakaway collar. These collars (when high quality and reputable) keep your cat from hanging themselves. Cats should ONLY be walked with a harness made for cats. With that in mind--and of course if your cat wants it or can be trained to use them--you are good to go.
@crystaldestiny8006 4 года назад
I lost one of my cats a few months ago and I feel awful... I was homeless for a while and staying in hotels, with my 3 cats. They are all well trained, and all have collars with their name, my name, and my phone number. I had a lot going on in my life that I won’t get into, but long story short I was homeless and living in a motel. the day I was getting ready to leave that motel, I was a little late checking out because I was working that morning and while I was at work, the owner decided to come into my room to ask when I was checking out and he accidentally let all 3 cats out. I was devastated as they are my family and at the time they were pretty much all I had. The worst part is it’s not like it was my house or even my neighborhood, it was a strange town that neither I nor the cats were familiar with. I called the local shelters and put up fliers near the motel, and rented a have-a-heart trap which I set with some food and checked every day hoping to trap them that way. I ended up trapping one of them after 2 weeks. And then 2 weeks after that (they had been lost for a month), the motel owner called me saying that one of my cats got into their storage room. He closed the door to the storage room and waiting for me to come get him. Poor thing was SO skinny and scared, it took about a week for him to start acting normal again and several weeks for him to gain his weight back. I never found the third one, who was his sister who he had been extremely close to. It’s been months since then, and part of me still hopes I’ll get a call one of these days that someone found her, but I know that’s just wishful thinking. I’m just consoling myself by thinking that hopefully someone picked her up and is taking care of her and she’s ok, because I can’t think about the alternatives. I’m trying not to beat myself up over it but I feel awful for letting that happen and I miss her so much. And I know her brother misses her too, the 2 of them were inseparable.. Idk where I’m going with this comment, I guess I just wanted to vent. I hope this video is able to help people to not have to go through losing their beloved pets/family members like I did..
@thatcatboab 4 года назад
Oh no.! That's so sad, I hope somehow you do see your cat again. What a shame. X
@dp2404 3 года назад
Sending love to you ♥️ I know how it feels
@arpeemarkarian5130 2 года назад
Exact same situation caused my cat to go missing, at the negligence of the hotel I was staying at with Cookie.
@savy_P 2 года назад
I’m going thru the same thing. I’m trying to distract myself but just thinking about my poor baby hungry scared or confused it’s making me super sad 😢 I
@Mileyjadee 2 года назад
@@savy_P same my cat has been missing for 5 days now he is only one and we not long ago let him be an outdoor cat he never left our garden and spent most of his time indoors and he is not used to the outdoors I’m just praying he is ok and comes back
@classicalhero7 4 года назад
We lost a cat for a few days. He went to a house not to far away and thankfully we got reunited. He lived another decade with us.
@rilly1347 3 года назад
I lost a cat a few years ago. We made flyers and shook food and called her by her name "Jasmine" for a few months but we never found her. :'( We got another cat and named her Jessie and I love her very much as she's my baby. :) I never got over losing Jasmine though and I never will. I cry whenever I think about it. :'(
@lynflom125 3 года назад
Yes I'm the same way. My cat ran right through her harness on July 4th. It's been 2 mos. & feels like 2 years. I'm sorry you lost your cat. 😭
@rilly1347 3 года назад
@@lynflom125 Thank you, I'm sorry to hear about yours as well. *HUGS*
@ranysaba1706 2 года назад
my cat got lost yesterday. we live in an apartment on the third floor so i have no idea on how she got out out.... we called her name : Bousbous (french) with no success 🥺 we even tried chicken ( she’s crazy about chicken)
@rilly1347 2 года назад
@@ranysaba1706 Oh I'm so sorry, I really hope that you find your kitty and it sounds like she's loved to death as well. 3333
@ranysaba1706 2 года назад
@@rilly1347 thanks 🥲
@tiamaee 4 года назад
My cat sadly ran away a few years ago still missing him to this day
@LupaDomina 4 года назад
Huge hugs. It's the most heart rending thing. We can never replace them, but you will always have some lovely memories. 😽
@lauraweissHairdesigner 4 года назад
Mine missing 3 years and microchipped! No one checks for it!
@S.B.433 4 года назад
Im so so sorry 💔
@fatnano 4 года назад
laura Weiss so when your cat is microchipped, how do you check where its at? Is there an app for it? I’m sorry, I’m just asking because I just adopted a cat and is getting microchipped soon. I hope your kitty comes home soon 😿💗
@S.B.433 4 года назад
fatNano The vet or animal shelter can scan your pet
@fairouz6455 4 года назад
I had a male cat that was neutered yet he would still act as though he wasnt.. as soon as the door would open he would dash towards the great outdoors and stay out till late or even dawn.. everytime i would go out to look for him before bedtime i would see him walking down my street with a line of 4 to 5 cats following behind him ...dont know whether they were male or female though but he was awfully popular amongst them! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
@katya3805 4 года назад
Lol my spayed cat is the saame
@LoniLin 4 года назад
Get them checked. Sometimes they oversee parts.
@RedRoseSeptember22 4 года назад
LOL that's funny XD Our male cat is fixed and he's still full of piss and vinegar lmao.
@athecheat 3 года назад
@tabishfaraazchaudhary2971 3 года назад
My cat went missing 5 hours ago, first 2 - 3 hours, I really didnt care but after tht I m worried. Thnk God that my cat has a microchip and is neutered as well. Edit: Well, we got him back the next day fortunately after a rather prolonged and hectic search around our area here in Dubai 😅😅😄😄
@ranysaba1706 2 года назад
i lost her yesterday
@francescoiadicicco1266 Год назад
I drop this tip here, just in case this video is still being watched. I have a certain experience with door dashers and the first thing you should do is go searching them physically. The best time to search for cats (may feel counterintuitive) is after the sunset, when it's quiet and silent. Bring a torchlight so you can spot their eyes. Call your cat by name with a calm tone, like you do when it's feeding time. Don't let panic alterate your voice, like screaming or crying. It will not work and will make your cat even more scared if they are hiding. Stop every now and then to let your cat call back and/or come to search for you. Start searching around the house, most of the times home cats stay in the range of 500 meters from home (It has been proven by research!). I just found Jessy (for the second time) after she escaped. That girl is a wild soul and an expert escapist! Fun fact: I searched for her in the heat of this summer night, I walked a lot and I was covered in sweat. I had almost lost hope and I was close to home, when I looked back and SHE WAS FOLLOWING ME! Of course she was calm and silent, like nothing happened. What a jerk is my cat. Last tip: don't give up! Keep searching and stay calm. Cats can sense panic and they get scared.
@Su-jk5ve 11 месяцев назад
Omg lmao that's so funny just imagine losing your cat and they've been following you this whole time thinking when are they going to go now lol
@eve3p0 6 месяцев назад
This was so helpful going out tomorrow, my kitty has been gone for a week. Ill finally be off and able to search for her this weekend 😞
@shidam4291 3 года назад
In the middle of sobbing and watching this video, we found my kitty hiding in the under compartment of our sofa bed. I am so relieved this episode is over and she's back with me. My heart goes out to those who never got their cats back., It's an unfair and indescribable pain.
@themastermind6321 3 года назад
@rmclearran1 4 года назад
Thanks for the human training information Jackson
@mawu322 3 года назад
Day 14 of my cat being gone in the cold. It’s hard to deal
@halcyon-cg2eb 3 месяца назад
Did he/she come back?
@pascalenimue1392 4 года назад
Microchipping and neutering or spaying is obligated here in belgium. You get a fine if she or him isn't. 👍
@tareag993 4 года назад
Ooooh, that's so cool!
@SevCaswell 4 года назад
@@tareag993 It is required for dogs here in the UK but not for cats, yet!
@francisrosa845 4 года назад
Wao that’s a wonderful law
@pascalenimue1392 4 года назад
@@SevCaswell it should be. Sooo many cats go missing when a cat is in heat, so many fights btw the males who get hurt badly, some get killed by cars just going after that kittie, and then sooo many litters you get.....and then there is cat aids. Too many reasons not to do it. ❤️
@callie8007 4 года назад
@@pascalenimue1392 I'm not sure this is what you meant, but FIV isn't passed on through mating.
@oberon358 4 года назад
One of my cats did a runner about a year ago, I could never get him to keep a collar on, but he was chipped. I can only hope he's found a new home somewhere. I still miss the little guy :(
@Victoria-ci2ud 4 года назад
The thought of losing my fur baby makes me want to cry!!
@shadowsun5704 4 года назад
Pets are often stolen in my area. Dogs picked up out of fenced in yards or stolen off their leads and cats have been stolen out of their catios! Sometimes they will be resold on Craigslist or Facebook with a BS backstory. So make sure to check online as well.
@thatcatboab 4 года назад
Yeah theres some really evil people in this world.
@LupaDomina 4 года назад
It's a big problem in the UK. Cats are often taken as live bait for illegal dog fighting and to use as first kills for puppies in training. Honestly- some people are beneath the honorific of being labelled human.
@Raevyn20 4 года назад
Great Danes are high targets for theft. They steal the poor babies to use for illegal dog fights. Which is just awful, there's no way a pampered pet dog is going to last in a fight with a dog that's been trained to be aggressive. It sickens me how horrible some people are.
@shadowsun5704 4 года назад
Raevyn20 omg that’s an element I never even considered. How horrible :C
@athecheat 3 года назад
@@LupaDomina jesus that's scary
@LupaDomina 4 года назад
I refuse to use ANY collars on my cats having found previous kitty cats with legs caught up in them, stuck on fences hanging by their neck choking - and these were expensive 'breakable' collars. All my fur babies are microchipped. (Update: this included the cat in the following story. Please read up on what the differences are between a domestic and semi-feral cat too before judging). I only had one cat, who was semi-feral go missing. It was heartbreaking. I took posters to EVERY vets in my city, and placed them outside local schools etc. A year passed with no luck. I had to move away from the home he left, as it was a rented property. I moved from one side of the main road to the other. One night I was chatting to my Mum on a local pay phone, when a cat came up to me, and started crying so loudly, my Mum made a comment. I turned to look at the cat - I was stunned! It was my furbaby, he had found me!! I cried and laughed on the spot, my Mum was freaking on the phone I had forgotten about her - of course! 😻
@LupaDomina 4 года назад
PS in the UK, the PDSA website and Cat Sanctuary sites carry very useful information on what to do if your fur baby goes missing. Please also remember that many Local Councils also have a policy that their roadside/pavement cleaners carry a microchip scanner so should the unthinkable happen...it's worth phoning them to see if they were found.
@darthvader5300 4 года назад
@@LupaDomina Don't you people every heard of the new hybrid TRACKING-ID CHIP TECHNOLOGY ALREADY MADE AVAILABLE SEVERAL YEARS BEFORE?
@magneticflux7833 4 года назад
Mine is chipped to best 30$ spent ever! I love my buddy! I'm so glad you found yours ❤️
@karenelizabeth1590 4 года назад
My cat ran away a few years ago and she was found by someone with her leg caught up in it :( It left a nasty wound where it cut into her skin. At least the collar did its job and she was rescued.
@pascalenimue1392 4 года назад
My cats don't get collars either for the same reason. They are chipped. That's enough. ❤️
@amyill9280 4 года назад
Unfortunately I've encountered a lot of men who don't want to neuter their cats or dogs. They associate it with their own testicles and believe that neutering a cat is taking away their manhood and isn't letting them be themselves.
@Randoplants 4 года назад
And unfortunately often these folks won't also then plan to deal with all the baby animals that are inevitable. They just choose not to think about it. It's very frustrating.
@callie8007 4 года назад
I know someone who didn't neuter his daughter's dog for this reason. But all the female pets were spayed...it was weird.
@Adelaideanegg 4 года назад
🤣🤣 That is actually stupid enough to be hilarious
@hsw5778 4 года назад
@@callie8007 Oh yeah, there are men that are only okay with spays but become defensive and irrational when it comes to neuters. "My toms only do what comes naturally, get your female cats spayed if you don't want it to become pregnant!!". This is their typical response, it's pretty hypocritical.
@lauraweissHairdesigner 4 года назад
Thing is cats will urinate everywhere
@heyitsjenxo 3 года назад
Our Teddy bear cat has been missing for 4 days now, tried literally everything (leaving his litter and bedding out, calling him, flyers posted to our neighbours and around the village, online ads). I hope everybody here missing a pet gets to meet them again some day.. they're just too special.
@Jjjjjjsiwksw 3 года назад
Did you end up finding your cat?
@heyitsjenxo 3 года назад
I’m so late replying bc I forgot about this comment.. Teddy came home. He just walked in one night as we’d left the door open. I tried to catch him the night before as he was hanging around our house but he made his own way home 😭🥺
@Jjjjjjsiwksw 3 года назад
@@heyitsjenxo oh okay thank god ! My cat came home as well , not really I had to get his ass 😂 he was trapped in a abandoned garage near by and didn’t eat for 1 week and a half my baby came soooo skinny I had to take him to the vet and they prescribed him some medicine , but he’s doing pretty great now :)
@Joeynator3000 4 года назад
I had so many moments where I thought my cat got out due to an opened door, such a horrid feeling. Then I find out that she's just been hiding under a couch/bed or something. lol
@MalpiaRodzina 3 года назад
I was just watching this video when I lost all my hope. My cat was gone for an entire day and its winter, the cat is white and its snowy as heck. I searched for her and called her name, followed cat footsteps but nothing. But then I saw her through my window, I was so happy.
@darkglassedeyes 4 года назад
my cat just went missing yesterday, this is a crazy coincidence that you posted this. thank you so much.
@hakunamatata1352 4 года назад
Hope you find your cat ❤
@lipsticklezy 4 года назад
Positive energy and vibes sending 😻fur baby support to find your loved one
@evelyra715 4 года назад
Hope your cats ok
@xandermin 4 года назад
sending positive energy your way 💛💛
@lapislazuli06 4 года назад
Sorry to hear that, hope it makes it back home safe ❤
@WhimsyMeadows Год назад
My dear sweet fur baby has been missing now over a week. I have litter box outside, I go for walks calling for her, looking for her but nothing. I worry a cruel neighbor took her or a coyote. But i pray every day for her safe return. She was my shadow, followed me everywhere, cuddled with me when i watched movies, took naps with me. I'm so lost without her. I would always say, "this is what true happiness is".
@halcyon-cg2eb 3 месяца назад
Did she come back?
@WhimsyMeadows 3 месяца назад
@@halcyon-cg2eb no, she hasn't. I can only pray someone saw her and kept her and she didn't get killed. I think of her almost daily. Thank you for asking.🤗
@kittychan9838 4 года назад
My cat went missing 1 year ago..... I still miss him😭😭😭💔💔💔😭
@racheliebe_ 3 года назад
My cat has lost for more than 2 months now, he's running away from vet, and we cannot find him anymore. The vet place is far from our home. Do you think its possible to see him again? I really miss him, i cant sleep, eat and work. Guys please pray for me
@jessies4075 4 года назад
My cat has been lost for a week now. He hasn't come home yet. I am getting him fixed as soon as he hopefully return home
@bettyboop1524 4 года назад
Should have had the cat fixed before, no excuse.
@flyaway2846 4 года назад
I hope you find your cat
@xpotato7796 4 года назад
Did you find him?
@EstherHulst-Artist 3 года назад
@@bettyboop1524 thats easy to say now, theres no need to be mean.
@raisedbywolves0559 3 года назад
I lost my cat a couple weeks ago. All last week it rained,all this week there will be fireworks,cuz it's the 4th of July. Whenever he gets back im gonna put a collar on him,and set him up a way more positive inviremet then what I've given him in his 2 years of life. If still possible (given his age) I might try to train him as well,and just give him a better life. My mental state is shit,and I see now how that affects the lives of those around me. My cat deserves better. And better is what imma give him.I just hope he's ok.
@renjajko3514 4 года назад
ADDITIONAL TIP (Really effective in small towns especially): Post on social media like facebook, but especially on groups focused on your living area. Last time when my dog escaped we posted a photo on local "spotted" group. In few minutes we knew many places she saw seen in and the very same day we were able to find her. People living in small areas often notices animals that they haven't seen before and those innocent looking groups may be actually very helpful. Even our postman tried helping to to find her and to this day he pet her every time he delivers something, asking how she's doing.
@bettyboop1524 4 года назад
The neighborhood social media page has found a lot of lost or got out dogs and cats. It is a great tool.
@kukui79 2 года назад
Yes! And even if you're in a big city, your specific neighborhood likely has groups on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc that can serve the same purpose. I'm in Chicago, and we have a neighborhood rescue group that is absolutely wonderful about keeping an eye out for lost cats.
@moodyxmoon 4 года назад
My boy went awol and he had all of these precautions and put flyers everywhere, the following day our neighbors found him next to their garage! Exactly like the cat daddy has just explained. The relief and stress was insane. But follow these tips, call local vets and shelters to let them know the cat is missing, and if you have Facebook / neighborhood watch also ask them to post or keep an eye out as well. We were super lucky and greatful for the help we got, we made donations to the local shelter and gave our neighbors some alcohol as a gift.
@lil_sky9843 3 года назад
Lost my cat and put up a 100$ reward then for my brother to find him outside down the street im just happy that he got home. Good day for me and my brother
@yekta8029 4 года назад
Hello Jackson you are an amazing person and you’ve literally been the only person who was able to fix my problem with my cat so I would like to say thank you
@stewartmcgill6401 Год назад
what was that problem ???
@layx1811 4 года назад
I lost my cat in November/ December and my heart just dropped to my stomach I remember it I just hope that people took him to their home is way better then being in the streets I just hope 💔
@tamrynspaggiari656 4 года назад
Some tips that might help: If it has a used litter tray, put it outside to help it smell its way back home. Try sitting and calling gently at quiet times like dusk and dawn, it might feel safer to come out of hiding then. Try shaking biscuits or tapping its bowl while you call and have a bowl of tempting smelly food like tuna sitting out too so it can smell it. We've had a lot of success in getting roaming cats back doing all of this - sometimes it took a day, sometimes a week. Definitely go into the animal shelters in person to look for the cat too - they can sometimes miss microchips and/or get descriptions a bit off. Ask all neighbours etc to check sheds, garages, wheel arches of cars, engine bays etc. Print out some fliers and letterbox drop your surrounding areas, and put some up in surrounding and local shops etc. If you go out at night and walk around your neighbourhood then take a torch and some smelly food it likes. While you're calling her check under bushes, down drains, under cars, buildings etc and up trees with the torch. The light catches their eyes and makes it much easier to see hiding cats. Fingers crossed! Good luck ❤
@seborasangre8353 Год назад
i have question if i put my cat blanket outside those he recognize it even i newly wash the blanket ? i still have the litter box of my lost cat..i spred his poop sand outside the building we leaving
@emilyk2424 4 года назад
I lost my Nessa two weeks ago. Basically just cried for 3 days until we got her back.
@emilyk2424 4 года назад
Jay Moseley 😂 never will I leave the door open again!
@hazza3940 4 года назад
My cat has lost countless collars, but boy are we glad that they've been lost and not our cat.A neighbour once found one of the collars, knocked on our door and was very concerned, I don't think I have seen the amount of relief she had upon seeing our cat just chilling in the house before or after then.
@conmister45 4 года назад
My cat's harness was breakaway, so he got spooked while on a walk and was able to break out of his harness (the clips came undone). We (wrongly) panicked and chased him, which caused him to run too. Luckily, I found him 2 houses over and was able to call him because he's trained to come. But, now I'm in the market for a better harness with heavier duty clips. Something he absolutely cannot break out of. If anyone has any tips, please post them below :)
@theshunnedBandersnatch 2 года назад
I'm watching this with my newly found baby back home with me where she belongs. We have a vet appointment scheduled for later this week to ensure that she's flea, parasite and injury-free. I'm so happy she's back! I hope the same thing for everyone watching still looking for theirs 💙💙💙
@plantspit518 3 года назад
My cat came home after a YEAR! Unfortunately, by that time we, through poor judgement, decided to bring home another cat. Now I’m struggling to keep them from trying to kill each other in the same house.
@laindomable1971 3 года назад
My cat got lost on 2/3/2021 and still no sign of him, he has a neutered and chipping appointment tomorrow, I’m so desperate and sad can’t stop crying and worrying, his just 6 months old😭
@yourippedmyshirt1269 3 года назад
@ibahmed3001 4 года назад
I still live with my parents so cat proofing is a daily argument. But luckily I just recently microchipped and spayed my kitty. Now I just need a nice tag and can relax a little bit. I plan on walking them on a leash soon cause they seem to really want to be outside :) Thank you as always cat dad!
@basementdweller6917 2 года назад
When I was 5 years old, I lost my kitty friend Simba. I’m 20 years old now, and I’m adopting another kitty just like him. I’m making sure I ain’t losing another friend. Thanks for the tips!
@lukjad007 4 года назад
Round doorknobs are not always functional for some people due to mobility issues. That being said, assuming you have the strength for this, you can invert them so you have to pull up to open the door, instead of push down.
@LupaDomina 4 года назад
If they are an intelligent breed, such as Siamese, Maine Coon, that won't work. They work it out very fast. Lock your doors with a hook and eye catch at the very top of the door. They know it's there, but they can't reach it. Hours of fun watching them try ofc....😺
@dcwatashi 4 года назад
I'm surprised he didn't mention what so many of us know, and that is to place litter box outside they can smell that a mile away.
@abieskyevalin1191 3 года назад
In my country, microchips only work for dogs. Cat microchips don't have info on them so it only confirms that they are somebody's cat, nobody knows whose or where.
@Krul2895 4 года назад
My cat went missing today, it hurts pretty bad :(
@ashtonlaliberte6976 3 года назад
My cat got out a few days ago. It gets in the 20s at night, he has no experience outside, and I live in the woods. With lots of wild animals and strays. I have a live trap outside with tuna and his litter box and I don’t really know what else to do. I’m scared to look because I’m scared of what I’d find. (I have severe necrophobia and even the thought I *could* find that terrifies me to the point it’s hard for me to force myself to go out and look) Any ideas on anything else I could do?
@Priyakandeeban 3 года назад
Did you found your cat ???
@AsthmaQueen 4 года назад
can confirm the hunkering down, most of my cats when they've gotten out they just sit by the door and meow to get back inside they don't really wanna be outside. My one more explorative one who I give walks and stuff every so often she got out for few hours, and ended up just hunkering down under a car like 3 houses over with a neighborhood cat but wouldn't respond to calls or treat bags/ball rattles or anything, wasn't until almost walked right up to her she finally responded and came out. She was just so spooked and out of her element she was tuning things out.
@hadsameissuedelight_websta2057 2 года назад
Helped Locate and brought my Sheila (Dog) home with a GPS, Check out his page right now he can help you find that your missing pet.
@hadsameissuedelight_websta2057 2 года назад
Helped Locate and brought my Sheila (Dog) home with a GPS, Check out his page right now he can help you find that your missing pet.
@hadsameissuedelight_websta2057 2 года назад
Helped Locate and brought my Sheila (Dog) home with a GPS, Check out his page right now he can help you find that your missing pet.
@SJR275 4 года назад
You must have ym home bugged. My cat daisy just got out two days ago. She has a litter of 3x 8 week old kittens and has never been out for more than an hour or so. She was a stray we took in so we haven't had the chance to get her a collar or chipper and neutured yet :c
@SafireMusic 4 года назад
I really hope she finds her way back or you guys can (my current cat is named daisy so huge hugs from one Daisy owner to another) We had a cat get out for two weeks and we were able to find him. he came back fatter than before so hopefully the same will happen for you
@katomiccomics202 3 года назад
I don’t even know how but my cat who literally never goes downstairs is missing. She was literally in my room an hour ago and now she is missing. I have checked everywhere
@TuningAnApple 2 года назад
Did you ever find your cat? Some like to be near the dryer machine.
@katomiccomics202 2 года назад
@@TuningAnApple i did, she was hiding behind a bookshelf somehow.
@TheShadowstar33 Год назад
Hi Jackson, when I was a kid, we had cats that learned to open a round door knob 😅 but admittedly, most cats do not have that trick.😂 Cats are so smart. Cheers!
@knightsintodreams 4 года назад
If your cat gets out, put their blanket/bed/your blanket outside on your porch. Cats can smell their scent from great distances and find their way home!! Worked for my lost cat of 3 days. The fourth day I put her blanket outside and BOOM, there she was sleeping on it a few hours later
@ItsJustLisa 4 года назад
I’m meeting my potential new girl tomorrow at the humane society. Her family had to give her up a few days ago. One of the first questions I asked during my adopter interview on the phone today was “ Do you microchip?” They do! We only get 10 minutes to get to know her, so they have a return policy, but I don’t think she’ll be going back. So she will come home collared, tagged and chipped. She even gets to come home in a nice, ventilated carrier. I told the lady I’d have it with us. “That’ll be much nicer than the box we would have used.” “Oh, we have plenty of boxes. We get Chewy and imperfect produce. She’ll have a wide variety of choices.” Now, she’s also 16 pounds. Whoa! I think either her first family fed her and her fur siblings A LOT (she had a kitty sister and a doggy brother) or she sampled from everyone’s bowl. Since she’ll be an only here, I’m thinking that following Hunt-Catch-Kill-Eat will help, provided we can get her to play. I also have the same harness that the featured kitty playing by the tree was wearing (actually I have 3 because of a delayed package delivery), so I intend to harness train her and introduce her to the delights of bug hunting in the front yard once it’s not in the 90s and really humid anymore.
@michaeljoseph2798 2 года назад
I'm on day 9 looking for my cat named Chilly. We sold our house 2 months ago and been staying with my parents 2 miles away. We are getting ready to close on our new house about 20 miles away. I've been on the bike and walking everyday and night from my old neighborhood to my parents and everywhere in between. Going out at midnight for 2-3 hours. We put up flyers and on social media. He has only been gone for 24-30 hours a few times in the 4+ years we've had him. He had been fine the last few months at my parents doing his thing, going out at night but always back by morning. I will keep looking and hopefully find him soon. My old neighbors are on alert to let me know if they see him but it's tough because he could be anywhere at this point. Get home Chilly boy we miss you.
@Ashley-hb2sh Год назад
My cat ran away yesterday while staying with my boyfriend’s family. They were supposed to be taking care of her while I was out of the country 😓 Did you ever find Chilly? The pain of a pet running away is unimaginable!
@LV4REAL 4 месяца назад
Yesterday, on my 50th birthday, my poor sweet boy slipped out the door. He had a stroke about 2 months ago and was left with hemi-spatial neglect (neurological) so gets very disoriented in the house, eating is even difficult for him. He only eats the faaar right side of his food, etc. Kinda the worst part is that we just moved less than 2 weeks ago. He slipped out when I was taking out the trash. 😢 He's so vulnerable being confused and now basically deaf and blind on one side and without full control or coordination on that side. He's at 26 hours missing now. Any prayers would be gratefully recieved please. 😊 He's so skittish I don't think he'd let himself be visible, on purpose, to anyone. This is the absolute worst. 😢 Ill pray anyone that may read this finds their baby safe, sound and quickly. ♥️ 🙏♥️
@halcyon-cg2eb 3 месяца назад
Did you find him?
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