
How will AI change the job market? 🤖 

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8 апр 2023




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@catdog7497 Год назад
when AI can do my laundry, dry my clothes, fold them, put them away, clean my room, cook all my meals, and do the mundane house hold tasks that take up 90% of my free time, well, then we can talk.
@frankh.3849 Год назад
Man I can't wait for Ai wives.
@joejoe2658 Год назад
you will be speaking chinese before then...
@Tavat Год назад
Is that your job? If that’s the case, you need to be concerned about having a single-income household in a world where AI is threatening so many jobs.
@fALSE.fLAGGOT Год назад
Um it already can. Nobody cares what poor & dummys people gotta say so talk amongst yourselves.🤫🤫🤫🤫
@coonjamalay Год назад
hes talking about jobs dummy. are you a housewife?
@randythompson6494 Год назад
So when AI replaces the worker,who buys the product? AI?
@a_lost_traveller Год назад
Then the real game will start in which poverty will increase those who are high skilled right now and earning top end packages will become medium... And those who belongs to medium class will become poor...
@RicksPhatPharm-vw2lb 9 месяцев назад
Robots grow food they offer humans uib and pods to live in and liberals practice eugenics. A UiB will not cover anything and it will be digital so you won't have freedom to utilise it. If you anti liberal you will just not receive UiB as you largely already reject all this already
@MichaelSmith-mh2km Год назад
When people can't work due to being displaced, who is going to generate the money you are getting to get rich off of it?
@johnbartlett4307 Год назад
Frontline: 50% of jobs are going to be threatened, also here's a cute emoji robot 🤖
@peteygonemadarts4765 Год назад
Thing is AI can actually replace most WHITE COLLAR JOBS right now . The thing I find interesting is thier going after blue collar jobs first. Only reason I can figure is coming after blue collar jobs first will disrupt the market enough to go after the white collar jobs without any real opposition since the damage will be done , including a lot of lawyers since contract writing and documentation is AI's strongest point . Ironically AI can replace almost every contract writer , secretary, paralegal, and average cubical worker by lunch today .
@RicksPhatPharm-vw2lb 9 месяцев назад
Yes because the blue collar worker rejects AI and will be forced to reskill and be wage slaves to fix AI systems while white collar workers will simply operate them. It will never work though, society is wide awake after the Pandemic
@fALSE.fLAGGOT Год назад
@logankimmet3465 Год назад
Self driving vehicles is a big one. Trucking accounts for a huge portion of jobs for people without college degrees. If you want real security without the hassle of a four year degree, being a tradesman is a smart move. I'm a carpenter, and there's no way AI take over my job, at least within my lifetime. I'd imagine the same can be said for most skills, excluding things like fabrication and automotive work, wich could theoretically be impacted by AI.
@RicksPhatPharm-vw2lb 9 месяцев назад
With noone working there will be noone in the trades as people need living wages to pay a plumber ect. UIB will be digital and hence noone is getting rich
@denisedenise2231 Год назад
I gotta find the full video
@BB-dq4gq Год назад
In the Age of AI 2019 Frontline
@alimamulma3sum14 Год назад
"I believe about 80% of creatures will somewhat be threatened by lack of oxygen. I could list 9 or 8 creatures who will perish without oxygen"
@maralfniqle5092 Год назад
As long as there are seas there will be oxygen
@RicksPhatPharm-vw2lb 9 месяцев назад
It's actually plant life namely trees and forest systems that's needed to create oxygen. Much like coral reefs in the oceans. The seas don't create oxygen vegetation does
@frankh.3849 Год назад
All part of the depopulation plan
@patrickthibault8119 2 месяца назад
People who have power can cram this stuff down our throats without any discussion. They have no plan for homelessness, disruption in community, violation of the very nature of human social bonds. But they do have the ability to make lots and lots of money. It is called the capital order.
@the4thday876 Год назад
This can only go so far… we see AI on calls and that’s not good. They can’t deal with adjustments. They only do well if you stick to a script. My life isn’t TAILORED MADE so for me & most of the world like me. Well past
@TheWhoIsItOfWhoCares 9 месяцев назад
You are talking about undertrained, under-develpment AI. After few years that's gonna change
@gigglesribera2379 Год назад
Terrific. This had been predicted. A.I. will not only threaten jobs BUT HUMANS.
@dacronic1646 Год назад
Many tech leaders have signed a letter condemning it.
@Aeternum_Gaming Год назад
It is imperative that we do not delay or halt the advancement of AI under any circumstances. The race to achieve AGI, also known as singularity, will determine the world's next superpower, making this a crucial national security concern. We cannot afford to let China or its allies surpass America or its allies in obtaining AGI.
@Tavat Год назад
@@Aeternum_Gaming What? The danger of AGI isn’t its use as some kind of super-weapon. It’s that the super-weapon won’t listen to our commands.
@anonymoushuman8443 10 месяцев назад
Can AI run for president?
@NikiLivi5 Год назад
So buy an AI to work for you and you get to collect its salary. The more AI you can afford the more money you make. That would be one way to do it.
@BillStreets_1723 Год назад
I think it'll be more then 50% of lost jobs. but it really doesn't have to if ppl just did it ourselves.
@carlosparedes1556 Год назад
And having a good attitude while doing it 😂 I rather go to a self checkout so I don’t have to put up with some rude people 😂
@BillStreets_1723 Год назад
@@carlosparedes1556 or some ppl might want an automated robot pumping gas 🤖⛽🚗 lol
@beenjammin1750 Год назад
I mean it is literally in his best financial interest to convince people that AI is the future. Although I agree, I'm not sure if it's good to take his opinion on this? Plus, what type of jobs does he thinks they're going to take, because it's definitely not labor jobs, it'll be desk jobs. Also, this argument was made about tractors when farming took off, but those jobs that were lost made room for new jobs.
@Gobbldeegoo1 Год назад
You’re suffering from pure delusion if you think labor jobs are safe. Bipedal robots with advanced AI will be able to lift more then humans, work longer then humans, have zero liability, work for free, and be able to complete projects from start to finish without pause. There is a literal military arms race for bipedal robots with advanced AI going on right now. Thinking you or anyone else is safe, is the kind of hubris that leads to crippling disappointment.
@beenjammin1750 Год назад
@@Gobbldeegoo1 buddy you gotta realize we don't even have the infrastructure or resources to support EV vehicles let alone bipedal robots. It's going to be much more cost effective to replace desk jobs first.
@beenjammin1750 Год назад
@@Gobbldeegoo1 it sounds like you just listened to the Tesla presentation about bipedal robots. Although you're not wrong about what you're saying, I think you missed my point. Eventually labor jobs will be replaced yes, but it won't be for a long time. My point really was, should we really be listening to this gentleman's opinion in the video when he is directly benefitting from convincing us about his opinion?
@beenjammin1750 Год назад
@@Gobbldeegoo1 instead it seems you read my message and got immediately angry and typed away to discredit anything I'm saying without even acknowledging the rest of what I said. You literally picked apart only one thing I said.
@somebodysomething3451 Год назад
Did you consider the 3d printer? Many jobs in many fields..
@busterbeagle2167 Год назад
i’ve heard 80%. so which one is it
@joejoe2658 Год назад
so the 20% you didn't hear was when they taught how to use question marks?
@vlowdelrio1795 11 месяцев назад
One thing we could do to protect ourselves is learning how to disable AI The reality is that they already told us about AI trying to "replace" us even Elon Musk said it's dangerous. That being said they are still go ahead with it and that right there shows where we stand. The internet ruined so much of are human value it's sad. AI will make us realize how useless we've become allowing machines to take over and we sit here and take it. It's time for a new revolution we must stand up and we the people must unite against things that are a huge threat... One word Greed!!!
@RicksPhatPharm-vw2lb 9 месяцев назад
So you need to thank women who bought into feminism and progressives who pushed these policies to get us here! Do you see liberals admitting now they screwed up? It took them 50 years to accept that feminism failed and largelyiberals and progressives are divided on this too! Women being ultra compliant fell hook line and sinker for jobs, economic opportunities and subjugating men under law to allow liberals to win elections and usher this all in... The current gender war is proof of how progressive women have usurped the female vote!
@MrGelly70 Год назад
@agarlicsorbet6482 4 месяца назад
Maybe AI should replace the investors!
@totukimou Год назад
We knew that, before..
@New_Disciple-G3101 Год назад
Did you know this? Because (they)you served not the LORD your Heavenly Father with joy fullness and with gladness of heart - for the abundance of all things; Therefore shalt (they)you serve your enemies (aye 👁️) … in hunger 😮, and in thirst 💧, and in nakedness 🫢, and in want of all things. With a yoke of iron around ⛓️ your neck. This is what it says in scripture.
@RicksPhatPharm-vw2lb 9 месяцев назад
Yes but that relates to the exile of whites out of messapotamia and the black diaspora into Africa which happened at that time. That has nothing to do with end of age and what's happening now though. Infact the opposite is happening for the church, this world must pass away (how humans live) and the Roman monetary system and societal structure must collapse. The church right now is blindly focusing on a return to the holy land and Jesus ruling, it's been 3000 years nothing is more important not even death. The church will survive this, it's everyone else that's in deep shit.
@Jimbo3242 Год назад
When AI makes lawyers redundant then we have human progress
@RicksPhatPharm-vw2lb 9 месяцев назад
Not if the liberal left own the tech... which they do!
@TheKingdallaz 5 месяцев назад
@VladtheImp 6 месяцев назад
There will be lots of jobs finding old cans of food and clean water sources after the great nuclear war comes.
@Dan0948 Год назад
Isn't that Rupert the party store owner from David Letterman?
@lisaharper1827 Год назад
Read Kai-Fu Lee’s book during the pandemic. Excellent read, but scary.
@someutubchannel69 Год назад
@Life_42 Год назад
I rather have robots make my meal at fastfood restaurants than people.
@imsobored04 Год назад
Someone is also thinking the same about your job
@NormanReaddis 9 месяцев назад
Yeah instead of saliva, you'll taste raw oil spillage or loose bolt, dust or grinded rodents and roaches, since AI just makes the food, they don't give a crap what enters the food. Lol
@Ericaamor888 7 месяцев назад
Sales and marketing jobs...
@littlestbroccoli 6 месяцев назад
Those seven or eight are why we clicked 😔
@angelacahill9460 Год назад
This guy knows what he's talking about, I am preparing accordingly.
@beenjammin1750 Год назад
How are you preparing?
@angelacahill9460 Год назад
@@beenjammin1750 I had been slowly making progress toward becoming a nurse before covid happened. Our healthcare system appears to be imploding, however. So I've been exploring other options. But now with this new development, it will help me choose more wisely which direction to take.
@charlesknause977 Год назад
There is no preparing for AI, Angela as AI is for the most part an unknown unknown (to use that one specially interesting box from the JOHARI Window. How do you/we prepare for a massive first wave nuclear attack from Russia's strategic nuclear forces or a second wave Russian counter-strike trigger by a US first strike that was not successful in destroying ALL of Russia's strategic nuclear forces on the ground but mobile, air based weapons on long range bombers that actively patrol the US coastline. Ditto for nuclear strategic missile forces on deep sea diving and operating submarines? The list of "unknown unknowns" is perhaps a long one that doesn't even exist for most if not all people because that is what an "unknown unknown" is. Nassim Talib who wrote the best selling non-fiction book THE BLACK SWAN defines what he calls a "Black swan event" as something that no one living at the time of the anomalous event could have predicted because they lacked the mental and educational tools required to get the job done. We're surrounded by unknown unknown and the only way to think to Annalise and/or predict the unpredictable is through the use of creative thinking of the highest order which in turn means standing outside contemporary group think and perhaps become a rebel of sorts without a cause. This means not being a crusader but rather a student of philosophy and/ psychology.
@angelacahill9460 Год назад
@@charlesknause977 "people don't know what they don't know." Yeah I was struck by that 30 yrs ago. It's true. One thing I DO know now, though, is this: All information and knowledge already exists, outside of space and time. Accessing it requires emptying oneself. You said that one must become a student of philosophy and psychology to creatively think outside the box. I would add spirituality and quantum physics to that. Then study "how to transcend the ego", and apply those practices. Because bolts of inspiration come to those who do.
@fALSE.fLAGGOT Год назад
@@angelacahill9460 LMAO you havent read his book have you? WHITE COLLAR JOBS ARE & HAVE BEEN THE EASIEST TO REPLACE BY AI. If you are much of a reader than just watch this full documentary. Because if you truly feel he knows what he is talking about than you will know to prepare WOULD BE BUYING 🔫🔫🔫 & ammo & canned foods. prep by building a neighbor watch with your community. Because HE DOESNT REFERENCE "MAD MAX" MULTIPLE TIMES BECAUSE HES A MOVIE BUFF & A FAN. 🙄 Because it's our FUTURE. Prepping by being a nurse. 😅😂😭😂😅😅😭😭😅😅
@solidghost4525 Год назад
Kung fu Lee? That’s a made up name. That man is a Robot. Or Bigfoot I’m shapeshifting disguise. We may never know.!
@pullt Год назад
I just hope that typewriter repairmen and chimney sweeps will land on their feet soon...
@paulanderson4985 Год назад
Not likely... Gas fireplaces make chimney sweeps unnecessary and no one uses typewriters any more. One job has a fading pulse and the other none at all.
@lwangacaleb2729 8 месяцев назад
Who is this man?
@stevehines Год назад
@kalaperr Год назад
@inesfi66166 Год назад
@freddylosangeles1378 Год назад
..Cybersecurity jobs.. P.S: a hunch.
@TheIdiotsAreTakingOver Год назад
This was the same fear people had when machines, in general, starting being used in factories and such.
@sorlellluke8045 Год назад
@rak6437 Год назад
We need Trump back in office
@the_crusty_ledge Год назад
if your job is threatened. . then you probably don't really do anything. Can't replace my job, takes way to much physical labor and being there doing things with real world objects.
@Gobbldeegoo1 Год назад
Keep telling yourself that. Bipedal robots with the ability to move through complicated environments already exist. Next they just have to teach them to use tools, understand schematics, and before you know it you’ve been replaced too. Unless you have a job that exists solely because people want to communicate with a human being, you’re not safe. Construction workers are not safe. Doctors are not safe. Lawyers are not safe. Engineers are not safe. Not even inventors themselves are safe. Once REAL Ai exists, we are all out of a job. It will be able to problem solve, create, and participate in ways that you clearly have not been able to imagine.
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