
Inside the ‘Compelled to Resist’ movement in the Church of England - with Charlie Skrine 

The Pastor's Heart
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“It may be that God is destroying the Church of England and who am I to stand in his way?
“The real tragedy would be if, in this traumatic, confusing time, if all of the evangelicals and the broader Orthodox group fall out with each other… if we can bear with each other in our different strategies, then that will be what we need (in whatever the future in England is going to be), whether that's within the Church of England or outside.
Charlie Skrine, the senior minister of All Souls Langham Place London, says his church (and other evangelical churches in the UK) are in a world of pain at the moment over the growing split in the Church of England.
Mr Skrine, who is speaking at the Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion Conference in Sydney, says All Souls is united in it’s commitment to biblical teaching on sexual ethics, but divided on what the best response should be.
He says a third of All Souls members are wanting to leave the Church of England now, a third want to stay and fight (never leave), and a further third are confused, and this diversity of opinion is reflected in the staff team.
Former All Souls evangelist Rico Tice has distanced himself from the Church of England, attends a Presbyterian Church, but retains Church of England Permission to Officiate. Rico said on the Gafcon 2018 livestream, of the gospel promoted by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Evangelism Team, “It's a different religion... and it’s around whether scripture is authoritative in terms of human sexuality… I think it’s a great wickedness to tell people who are on the road to destruction that they're not... if we have church leaders who are putting people on that road to destruction it’s a salvation issue.. That's why we have to distance ourselves..." ( watch/?v=148...)
Mr Skrine says in Revelation 2 Jesus says that his people must not tolerate sexual immorality.
Mr Skrine says the bishops don’t get it, but there are tiny glimmers of hope of a settlement, with bishops moving slowly reluctantly towards the conclusion that they need to give up authority and come to a settlement.
He says the actions of the Bishop of London have united evangelical leaders within the London Church in a highly significant way with groups like All Souls, St Helens, Holy Trinity Brompton and Soma all standing side by side.



2 май 2024




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@dtlmkable 2 месяца назад
Been reading MIcah recently and feeling its relevance to the situation. May God continue preserve his faithful remnants for His glory.
@kodi7024 2 месяца назад
Thanks Dom. This issue is sitting on some of our hearts a lot lately.
@kimriley5655 2 месяца назад
Thanks for this Interview. The significance of the outcome of this crossroads time for Anglicanism is not lost. With More and more people are on the move globally .Through Migration into the western church backyard This issues with Purity and integrity of the church has significant impact on our reaching the World with the Gospel.
@Apriluser Месяц назад
American Anglican here. Watching the CofE with great sadness and much prayer. Appreciate those who hold the standard for the Church in/of England and for the catholic Church.
@christahawkins7412 Месяц назад
I was so encouraged by this conversation. God is working. Truth will win.
@johnbristow8099 20 дней назад
So sad that the majority of the bishops seem to have no conception of what is happening in the Church they should be shepherding.
@user-yc5bc8zb1h 12 дней назад
I left the C of E and now attend a Free Evangelical Church
@theonlymeaning Месяц назад
God Bless You in England. Imagine. John R.W.Stott would be weeping. This sad situation happened in the little city of Stockton CA USA and their actual historic church building was taken away from them. They meet in rented former offices now. BUT JESUS IS THERE!
@robertwheeler1158 Месяц назад
This sounds so much like what the United Methodist Church just went through here in the US. As I once told a Methodist minister, it is not possible to operate on two opposing moral systems at the same time.
@In_Paradiso58 Месяц назад
Yeah, especially when your brain is stuck in binary form...
@johnbristow8099 20 дней назад
The Apostles were ‘a tiny minority’, but through the Holy Spirit they changed the world.
@dtlmkable 2 месяца назад
@Sheba_316 Месяц назад
The thing that matters the most is that you please God rather than men!
@ThisBloke760 Месяц назад
My wife and I left a cultish church and our friends although on the same journey as us decided to stay and try and change things from within the church. It didn’t work, their spiritually suffered. My advice, when a church slides into hell is to leave immediately. Jesus said hell would not prevail against His church therefor the C of E is not Jesus’ church.
@iancallard3561 Месяц назад
Yes, that's the key question - does the establishment want any traditionalists around in 20 years? And if yes, then what will the look like. However, Charlie makes a miscalculation if he thinks the predominance of younger people will stick around. Church generational transitions don't work like that. Great episode, Dominic.
@17attewell Месяц назад
The average CofE has 33 members and 1 child in a generation it will be gone regardless of the doctrine, but If the Bishops have there way and change doctrine the CofE will collapse like a house of cards.
@militarymarch3006 Месяц назад
Which is exactly what they want. This isn't about theology, it's about politics. The Marxists see Christianity as the greatest obstacle to creating their "utopian" society. Therefore, they need to destroy it. They've been infiltrating the church for a century.
@bingpz Месяц назад
You may be compelled by your own understanding but God says "Come out from among them" So that you do not share in His wrath.
@benjamin8011 Месяц назад
Surely, the issue (adherence to the revealed will of God versus adoption of prevailing cultural norms) comes down to the heart of each person involved. I think the struggle here is mainly about the Anglican brand and who can use it and for what purpose. This may seem an important matter for those who love the brand, its institutions and its history. But for those whose first love is love for Jesus as He is revealed in scripture, brands will have a lesser significance. Such people may also understand that the loyalty to Christ of brands and their institutions will be tested. Christ said as much. Those who love Jesus will walk away from corrupted brands and shake the dust of compromise from their feet. Their confidence will be in God himself, not in people and human institutions.
@chunskwok 2 месяца назад
Remarkable that in many aspects Charlie Skrine has his head in the sand - how can you have respect for a bishop who is clearly a false teacher as defined in the NT, see the letter of Jude about what he tells what to do about false teachers, first you have to call out false teachers for what they are. Skrine even mentions Revelation 2, tolerance is the issue and the use of unclear language by our evangelical leaders over how they would describe false teachers is causing confusion for lay people, the way he talks sounds like he would tolerate false teachers in CoE as long as it stays together, what are lay people supposed to think? Even looking at how Skrine talked about Rico Tice article in the article mentioned, he tries to downplay it by saying the Rico Tice is still an ordained CoE minister, when the article quoting Rico Tice is quite clear that he has made a decision to attend and serve a presbyterian church. The strategy he describes hasn't worked for the past 50 years, Stott has tried and failed, trying the same strategy is just foolish. Waiting for the false teachers to "move in the right direction" is laughable. Head in the sand and not being clear by saying things as they really are.
@paulcharlwood702 2 месяца назад
Absolutely, the problem here has much to do with a sinful unwillingness to be impolite. And it is not an 'English' problem as he suggests, it is a south of England London and the Shires problem. With Northerners you may not agree but you know were you stand with each other. It is one thing to be gracious, quite another to be so polite that the message is lost and two diametrically opposed people can walk away from a conversation thinking everything will be rosy in a year or so.
@chunskwok 2 месяца назад
Jude 3-4 (ESV): 3 Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. 4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
@observersnt Месяц назад
@@chunskwokexactly. And one issue that is not addressed is the predicament of an unbeliever, genuinely seeking guidance but confronted with the conflicting views, doesn’t know who to believe so they begin to treat churches like supermarkets. They patronise the one that suits them even if it’s erroneous. The truth becomes a side issue for them. Alternative they see no consensus and decide it mustn’t matter. Just believe what you like. What an unholy mess.
@observersnt Месяц назад
@@paulcharlwood702 he’s pathetic. 1 Samuel 15:24 - And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned: for I have transgressed the commandment of the LORD, and thy words: because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice.
@karenstorch9285 Месяц назад
No sign of the Holy Spirit active within him. No clear leadership. Self-righteousness. Arrogant
@555pontifex Месяц назад
Charlie Skrine says he has a lot of respect for the Bishop of London. Well, in that case, he is part of the apostasy and should be ignored.
@BlueSkiesVideoProds Месяц назад
If the early Christians had succumbed to the pressures of the Roman Empire to conform to its ways, there would be no Church today for the present Bishops and Archbishops to preside over!
@vickyeblatherwick284 6 дней назад
Please do not ever leave the Bible. I am praying for you to hold fast the Faith.
@loveanimals969 13 дней назад
It is not acceptable to ignore the Bible, because some people do not agree with it.
@stuarthoughton1788 Месяц назад
Yep, people vote with their wallet before they vote with their feet. If giving is falling, that's a big indication that people are not happy.
@grahammorgan1 Месяц назад
I am a bit frustrtaed with it all. Ultimately it's very unlikely that the COE will provide any structural or legal differentiation for evangelicals, so this is going to bang on for decades without a satisfactory resolution. Why not just accept that and leave now?
@neilcameron7705 2 месяца назад
"Rico Tice becomes Presbyterian" - yep, that's the way to go.
@stephendavies2925 Месяц назад
It is madness for the church to embrace the demonic oppressed without deliverance!
@sarahwillison1448 Месяц назад
History has proven that Martyn Lloyd Jones was right.
@Rich72James Месяц назад
I thought this interview was satire initially. Amazingly warm about the false teacher the Bishop of London. Very worrying for All Souls.
@simeonyves5940 Месяц назад
I left, the cofE is Apostate, and Hebrews is clear that Apostasy is Irreversible, come out from her so you will not be included in her curse! Come out from amongst them and be seperate, Obey God's word in the Bible! I now Consider myself FCE, now just need to save up so I can move to morecambe...
@observersnt Месяц назад
1 Samuel 15:24 - And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned: for I have transgressed the commandment of the LORD, and thy words: because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice. An interesting and important interview spoiled by Charlie’s very poor quality of speaking, frequently descending into a low rumble. But the crux of the matter, surely is: 1 Corinthians 1:10 - Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” The predicament that the”church” of England is in is that they are trying to substitute Gods will and word for their own sexual preferences. Even a man who is made by God in such a way that he can reproduce with a female, also made by God, is prohibited from pleasing himself by committing adultery or fornication. So the God ordained, God intentioned natural functions are subject to Gods word and will. How much more then the “unnatural use of their bodies,” defined in Romans 1 and Leviticus? After listening to this, I was confused as to what Charlie really thinks. He waffles about the alternatives without making any very clear, unequivocal statement. He seems to be either confused or he is trying to be a compromiser. The three groups really are irreconcilable. We need men not mascots Major opponents of biblical authority, ( LGBT, Cultural Marxism, anti Christian religions, wokeism and general atheism), need crystal clear, committed polemics, not vague, cosy apologetic compromisers trying to please everyone but thereby, failing all of them. The confused “church” is confusing the masses who don’t know who or what to believe, so the decide to believe none and no one.
@Joeonline26 Месяц назад
There's a way out of this guys. It's called Catholicism😉
@rodhacking1549 10 дней назад
Utter Drivel. Martyn Lloyd Jones and John Stott were both cowards in the Second World War. Victory over evil came not from their faith but from men willing to die and fight. This conversation is typical of evangelicals talk, talk, talk.
@two-moonz2953 Месяц назад
CofEhas always been wishing-washy. Either you follow Christ and his teachings or you don’t. Welby is a sell out. Bishop of London is false teacher. Grow a spine and be a leader. Calvin Robinson is a leader. Learn from him or step down!
@brotherathelstan8818 Месяц назад
What a load of old waffle. Skrine is as bad as Welby in saying one thing and doing another. He remains the typical Anglican church leader who, with a friendly cup in hand, is at pains for us to respect his impressive list of influential friends and deeds and his admiration for his (heretical) bishop, that by simply admitting there is division within the CofE we can trust people like him because he is here to stay - and jokes 'if the General Synod will have him'. Talk about self-righteousness.
@user-xs5wj8pt5r 2 месяца назад
It's time to come home to Rome
@joaobolzan4349 2 месяца назад
Not the solution, I am afraid!
@berniej8340 Месяц назад
It would be like choosing between pest or cholera.
@In_Paradiso58 Месяц назад
The Kingdom of Heaven is HOME...
@OmarDenison 2 месяца назад
A sinking ship. Swim, swim to Islam.
@tomy8339 2 месяца назад
No one comes to God except through Christ.
@sarahwillison1448 Месяц назад
Jesus said, "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." The fact that a denomination is dying says nothing about the true church. Jesus also said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Why would we flee from truth and the only means of salvation?
@robertwright8067 Месяц назад
Jesus Christ is Lord.
@In_Paradiso58 Месяц назад
@@tomy8339 Yes, note how He doesn't say, 'only Christians go to Heaven', though...
@tomy8339 Месяц назад
@@In_Paradiso58 I'm not sure what you're implying.
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