
Interpretation Of Tongues 

The Remnant Radio
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Back by popular demand, we are going to cover the interpretation of tongues today! We will be covering a lot of the practical steps we didn't get to last week, but we will also be taking more questions. So if you have a question about tongues or interpretation, leave it in the comment section here, or drop your comment in the live video.
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@joshuafeezor1304 2 года назад
I grew up in a more classical Pentecostal church, and whenever we had tongues and interpretation the entire service had what some would call a holy hush, only for a split second and someone would stand and give a message in tongues. It was described to me as an overwhelming urge to “stand up right now and speak” it never sounded like the person’s prayer language, and then similarly the interpretation would come, usually after another split second of silence.
@guitardweeb 2 года назад
Exactly. These discussions always seem to be presented like it's a scheduled time of prophecy. I'm not through this vid yet, but seemed to be the feel of the last one. Anyway, I have never experienced an "organized" prophetic word. It's always precisely what you describe. Even the babies are silent.
@TheWayWalker 2 года назад
I grew up United Pentecostal and that seemed to be the majority of experience i had with it in the corporate setting as well.
@skyeprophet3564 2 года назад
@@guitardweeb My experience is that the Holy Spirit moves or prompts an individual to give it, usually during a lull in praise and worship. An appropriate time happens and the Holy Spirit moves. It is given spontaneously but the giver is in control of when to speak or not, but there is a prompting there for sure. The person getting the prompting needs to decide whether to give it or not, Usually my experience is that there is a "seed" idea there, a scripture or theme to start out on. As you start out in faith the Lord takes it and words are given you to say. If it is fluent then you continue and give it. If it is not, you wind up pretty quickly. If it is to the point, has the authority of the Holy Spirit and IS revelation then you give that till the Lord shows you that it is it. If it is short and to the point and has the characteristics of fluency, thematic congruence, Has ties to scripture (ie it is like a Christmas tree with a matrix of scriptures underlying it like lights on a Christmas tree) reflects the power and authority of the Lord, and is congruent with scripture and sound doctrine and has the qualities of revelation, is a message and is congruent with the Jesus of the Bible you can be pretty sure it is the Lord. Can you say "this is the testimony of Jesus" in good conscience? Can you say "This has the qualities of the power of the words of Jesus in the Bible in the sense of authority and supernatural intelligence and wisdom?" Can you say "this aligns with the testimony of Jesus". Can you say "this reveals the heart of Jesus" that "this is an encouraging word or a word that points the way to repentance?" "What does it have about it that recommends it as being from the Lord?" Does it have the quality of being self evidently from the Lord? - example from one of my prophecies: " My heart is Love, are you ready to walk in that place". That is the testimony of Jesus, That is a word from the Lord. That bears the supernatural wisdom of the Lord. That has everything to recommend it as being from the Lord. These are some of the evidences of the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
@revealedministries3840 2 года назад
At one of my conferences- which have never had the use of tongues from the stage- one of our guest speakers broke out in tongues when praying. I had never given an interpretation before but got a simple one and gave it. It was “I love you, I love you, I love you- I have called you by name.” I was so nervous about it. But, after the service there were four Romanian women there who knew what she was saying. They didn’t know that it was tongues. They knew several languages and said she was speaking a Haitian-French language. My friend, who invited them asked what it meant and they said they thought I had interpreted it for everyone- because it was what I had said.
@DocLarsen44 2 года назад
Fun show, thank you guys! I used to go to an AG church on Wednesday nights because I was in my "More of GOD" of phase: I couldn't get enough of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. At that time, they had the teaching that one needed to speak in tongues to show the infilling of the Holy Spirit. I could never get behind that, but I also knew that they loved Jesus. The teaching that finally broke the good Lutheran boy that I was away from the Pentecostals was that, if you truly had the Spirit, you could life a "perfect, sin-free life." I saw too many people give up on the Christian life because they could not be perfect. That broke my heart. I rarely speak in tongues now, but I do in complete surrender to Christ.
@jeffbarrett411 2 года назад
God pulled you out of the church so you can advance in him. The problem you encountered was a gap in teaching. Asking God as hard as you can for anything is "works". Step 1. Born again. Spirit mixed with human soul is miry clay (mud) dirt + water =mud. You cannot be sinless or filled with light in this state. 2. Step.2. Converted.The Holy Spirit in you kills your earthly human soul by Reading the King James bible daily. (The Word we read must be as original as possible.) The polluted spring in you is cleaned by the Word. Jesus rebuilds the walls around the city of your heart, to stop the outside natural world touching it. Step.3. Once you have lost every dark part of your natural soulish life, your heart is now single, one thing - The Spirit surrounded by a wall of fire. The light is now one way - shining from within you outwards. It is the supernatural. The Pentecostal church is filled with sin, or works, doing things to get from God. It is a sad imitation of the real thing. A graven image. Any church run by unconverted leadership gives Satan a foothold in that congregation. Ichabod. Christians jump the gun with scriptures thinking it applies to them, when it will be for a converted soul. We must go through the process. Most Christians, Teachers and Pastors think they are converted, and they are not. Truth can only set you free if you know it. Faith advances the Kingdom. Not blind wishful thinking. Remember this, that merely avoiding sin cannot crucify the flesh. The Bible crucifies the flesh. Crucifiction (baptism of death) of the human soul by the Word, destroys the power the devil has over you
@DocLarsen44 2 года назад
@@jeffbarrett411 KJ only is not the way. See Mark Ward videos on the subject.
@jeffbarrett411 2 года назад
@@DocLarsen44 interesting considering Charles Spurgeon and the Old Time Preachers had more supernatural power than anyone who knocks the KJ , and thats all they had. The church is forever complicating matters, throwing out the only things that work and becoming more and more natural, intellectual, sinful and irrelevant. It's all carnal nature thinking natural things. Puffed up in the imagination. "I live, yet not I" is the gospel. Anything outside of that is sin. There is more to this obviously but no one believes it anyway because a soul that lives rejects truth. Anyone who knocks the King James Bible, is not filled with the Holy Ghost. Christianity is 100% supernatural, pure means 100%, single means 100%. for some reason this is disputed. All Spirit, No flesh is Christianity. I have read many versions daily over the years, but the moment I daily started reading the King James using a reading plan, was the moment things began to happen. Sin moved off its amazing.Thats my testimony.
@grace4peace 7 месяцев назад
This never-sin again teaching came from the Holyness movement which preceded the Pentecostal movement. The Holynessmovemwnt startet in the 19. Century big gatherings took place and they longed for perfection. What then happened was when some had the experience with the Holy Spirit they were convinced that they have obtained perfection. So this teaching actually brought the great separation in Germany were the evangelicals separated from the Pentecostals.
@romans828. Год назад
In the past when I would visit a P.C. church and tongues were being spoken I just sat in wonder. No judgment not shock and awe. It was their thing.
@amyclutter7259 2 года назад
Relating to Michael’s Portuguese: I’ve always loved languages and can usually distinguish the Romance languages from each other. I also worked for an international radio ministry and got exposure to many different languages, so I can usually tell at least what region a language is from. When I pray in tongues, I always think it sounds like a Middle Eastern language, to the point that I even plugged it into Google but nothing matched (certain words I sensed the meaning of as I prayed). One time as I was praying in tongues, my mind was thinking, “God, how do I know this isn’t just gibberish?” Immediately, the tongues flowing out of my mouth changed to sound VERY East Asian… the tones, the accent, everything changed immediately. It was so strange, but such a blessed immediate answer to prayer.
@grace4peace 7 месяцев назад
The problem with google translate is, it only knows known languages! But there are old languages not any more spoken and also Angel languages And google can be tricky: hell: means hell in Englisch but in German language hell means light! It is spelled and pronounced exactly the same way in both languages 🤔
@PastorTed 6 месяцев назад
I love how you guys are so cautious when it comes to the expression of this gift in a corporate setting. I would agree that there needs to be a great deal of caution, but I also know there are times that the Spirit of God will speak very clearly that “this is from Me.” In that case, I would not want to hinder what the Spirit wants to say. But the leadership needs to have their own discernment tuned, to know whether the Lord is really wanting to address the congregation in this manner.
@chriscoon801 2 года назад
Having grown up in Children's Church and then as an adult having lead it I can tell you children not only can prophecy, they DO! Kids are very open to the gifts of the Spirit and more sensitive to His leading in general.
@ryandawson2877 2 года назад
Absolutely. If they are under the right training and tutorage no doubt… I new things as a child.
@fanooch1 2 года назад
I have been in many setting where tongues were spoken. Oddly, none were foreign languages as we actually see in the New Testament. Perhaps you say not all tongues are foreign languages. Perhaps. But clearly the original use of tongues in the book of Acts was the use of foreign languages to preach the gospel to foreigners, spoken by those who did not previously know those languages. Where has that gift disappeared to? In my forty odd years as a christian I have never heard anyone ever speak a foreign language they did not know previously. Ever.
@blessed633 2 года назад
There are many instances in the present day. Mostly experienced by missionaries. I also recently read a article Involving the Baptist church changing their stance on tongues because of the vast amount of reports of xenolalia by missionaries
@jamesrebuck 2 года назад
Hick Tongues 😂 y’all… I used to agree with the whole Holy Spirit filling/Baptism of the Spirit being separate events thing. But biblically, we’re baptized in the Spirit when we believe. Ephesians 1:13, “In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.” The gifts of the Spirit are distributed on an “As He wills” basis. Not everyone gets tongues, and while Tongues CAN be an evidence, even an initial evidence, it’s not THE evidence that you have the Holy Ghost. Growing up in the AG, I was fearful I never really had the Holy Spirit because I didn’t have that evidence.
@batescountry 2 года назад
So I’ll speak out of my experience for a moment. Corporate tongues always come with a “holy hush” when everything goes instantly silent, crying babies, ambient noise, it becomes “deafeningly silent “ and interpretation is always given
@guitardweeb 2 года назад
Same. I feel like if people lined up at a mic to deliver a word, I'd have a lot of doubts there.
@TheWayWalker 2 года назад
That has usually been my experience in church as well. Its definitely a weighty but exciting sense and feeling in the atmosphere. But definitely a hush and quieting within the assembly. I've never seen one with prophecy or even tongues/interpretation where people line up at a mic to give it. I have heard of some ministers though that have done that.
@Susan42375 Год назад
QUESTION : I have prayed for this gift. So far, nothing. I’ve tried to be relaxed about it - but when someone does speak I pick upon certain words. It’s all very confusing and I’m waiting on God help. I’d love to find a place to train in gifts.
@annaboshier6680 2 года назад
Gutted to have missed the live… my question would have been- how do you know if you actually even have the gift of tongues. I went to a hypercharasmatic event when I was a teen and was “taught” to speak in tongues… say whatever comes out type thing and I think I probably just copied other peoples sounds. Therefore I don’t think I have the gift. Would love to hear peoples experience how they received the gift. I really am praying for it but wondering what if I already do have it and am quenching the spirit. I just don’t think it is the genuine gift. Thanks, Anna (NZ)
@justinchamberlain3443 2 года назад
One of the greatest female missionaries of our present time Jackie Pullinger, I'm still pretty unsure about Hedi baker, but pullinger had a major testimony on just this subject and there's no one who would question the fruit of her life and ministry-a remarkablely self sacrificing and unpretentious woman wonderfully used of God. She wasnt sure if she had received the gift or not bc when she prayed in tongues it sounded like gibberish. There's over 6,000 languages in the world & I don't know anyone who knows all of them and there's going to be several thousand at least that sound like gibberish. So she purposed that she would pray for 15mins a day in this gibberish language she was getting and if she saw fruit on her life of more peace, mental clarity, wisdom, and holiness then she would keep praying in the language. For most of us it happens exactly that way-you press through the thoughts of "maybe this is just me" until all of a sudden you become flooded w/ a peace and joy that's unmistakable 1:02:01
@ifehansson2254 2 года назад
@@justinchamberlain3443 it's better to rely on scripture for facts on speaking in tongues rather than other people's subjective experience.
@littleboots9800 2 года назад
Listen to these people when they launch into the gibberish. They tend to use 2,3 maybe 4 constantly repeating sounds. Anyone who knows a bit about linguistics and languages could tell that this isn't a "language." Think of when you talk to someone in English or in fact read this paragraph out loud yourself. Notice how many different sounds you are making. Do the same with a Spanish speaker or someone speaking Japanese maybe. Now listen to most "tongue speakers" on TV. They are not speaking a language as we know languages. Just nonsense speak. That's not to say I think real 'tongues' have necessarily ceased, just that I've never heard a Charismatic do anything other than waffle random sounds.
@justinchamberlain3443 2 года назад
@@ifehansson2254 there's a lot of Scripture 1Cor14. I've seen demons cast out in the states and although there's a lot scripture of demons being cast out there is no 1,2,3 steps of how to exactly in Scripture that's why He said the Holy Spirit would teach us all things and lead us into all truth-jn14:26,16:13. Im ready to stand before the judgement seat for any advice I gave here or otherwise. Hope you're ready to do the same-mt12:37/2cor5:10-11
@tckirk2827 2 года назад
@@justinchamberlain3443 Heidi Baker is one of the worst false teachers , for starters she shouldn't be leading a church if she was following the bibles bible instructions, And now you see her with the nar crowd basically following the prosperity gospel please people be like the bereans Theres a reason why JESUS mentioned them for this one reason that they checked the bible daily to make sure what the apostle Paul and peter was teaching them that it lined up with the Word !!! If we read our bibles daily we would notice what Heidi teaches does not line up with scripture and we should stay well clear 🙏
@grace4peace 7 месяцев назад
When I was young Christian I attended a charismatic church in Basel. The choir sang in tongues often in the middle of worship. It was one of the biggest churches in Basel in those days, there were always visitors there and unbelievers were saved. No one took offense of the singing in thonged and often a prophetic utterance was released.
@TheWayWalker 2 года назад
Do you guys as pastors ever wonder if in your trying to keep things orderly in a lords day service: by only having certain people give prophecy or tongues and interpretation that you could be limiting the holy spirit who may want to use someone outside of your "normal" people? Specifically I mean someone who is not of your normal body you guys were talking about not letting people who weren't basically in your inner circle of known and trusted gift users speak in front of the church. What if, God wanted to use someone who wasn't in your "circle" but who was a fellow believer minister to your church, to give encouragement or even correction..do you ever wonder if you would reject them or their word because you didn't know them and therefore ultimately reject what God may want to do outside of your norm? I could see this happening. I think sometimes in our zeal to protect the flock we can limit what God wants to do because it doesn't look like what we expect or come from the source that we expect. I was just wondering if you guys ever think that or if it crosses your mind. I don't mean that in an argumentative way just a genuine curiosity 🙂 I love this subject. Coming from someone who genuinely desires to prophecy, speak in tongues and have the gift of interpretation as well that it would be a very discouraging thing if someone knew that God had a word for the church and stepped out in faith to give it (to the pastor or elders) and was shut down because the pastor didn't know them. Its a difficult enough thing to step out in the fear of the Lord, then to be shut down and told no. I could see that as really then being a stumbling block for that person.. like they would then question was that really from God then, because Godly men didn't want to hear it or share it.... you know what I mean? For someone who is learning to seek God's gifts that is something that i think about anyway. I am curious on you guys thoughts as pastors. Thanks and God bless you guys!
@TheWayWalker 2 года назад
@@Iwasneverhere7 I don't necessarily mean the church just letting whoever wants to step up to the line and speak without it being tested by elders b/c I do think that is biblical and right to test it. And, I do agree with you on the point that you made for sure. I meant more of it automatically being rejected by elders or pastors because it's not coming from a familiar person they're used to having "the word or prophecy" spoken by in the corporate service. I mean moreso when they're in that testing/evaluation phase... It seems to me, that, there is a fine line between testing to make sure that what has been said is biblically correct as much as can be determined and also possibly quenching the holy spirit in the timing of when he wants to give the word to his people. I don't think its ever necessarily a wise thing to just let anyone come up to the Mike to speak. That could get hairy real quick 😳 😆 Since I'm not a pastor I just wondered if they ever had that run through their minds in trying to find that balance you know?
@newcomb5 2 года назад
“How do I know it’s from the Lord. There’s no definitive scripture.” That’s a problem.
@michaelrowntree2005 2 года назад
First, we said that if there is no interpreter, it is not God’s will to share it. So… we actually did offer criteria. Second, your objection would have applied not only in the 21st century but in the 1st. Outside of whether there is an interpreter, Paul does not give the Corinthians instructions abt how to discern if a tongue shd be public. Should they have concluded on that basis, like you, that interpretation is not a gift?
@rebeccacline1433 2 года назад
Miller, so glad to know you've tried to Google your tongues as well!!
@batescountry 2 года назад
Comment on Acts 2, I believe that tongues and interpretation is at work here, I believe the operative word is “heard ” the argument of non-believers is shaky because the text uses the term “devout Jews were present “ also it seems to indicate that the list of languages given was a complete list for the nations represented, yet there were people present that did not understand what was being said, in fact it was a large enough group that Peter felt the need to state that they were not Drunk, indicating that hearing in the particular language is what’s happening
@michealferrell1677 2 года назад
How is this different from free-vocalization found in the cults ?
@BEABEREAN10 2 года назад
Jesus said that if we are His own, and we ask God, he will only give us good things! We don't have to fear that we are working by a different spirit of we are saved and seeking or using this gift. Matthew 7:11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
@michealferrell1677 2 года назад
@@BEABEREAN10 The point is that what I read in the scriptures is not what I see practiced in this movement .
@BEABEREAN10 2 года назад
@@michealferrell1677 1 Corinthians 14:26 - King James Bible “How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. At Corinth it seems they had so much free vocalization that Paul just had to bring into order through said in context teaching of the gift of tongues and interpretation. He said not to forbid anyone speak in tongues, but only that it be done with order. Edit: I know there are many excesses in the church with tongues, but I think it's clear these three at least are practicing the gift with order as Paul instructed. And I know my church does the same as well.
@michealferrell1677 2 года назад
@@BEABEREAN10 The apostles and prophets of the NT were foundational . There is no more apostles in the church today There are no more prophets with the revelatory gifts Therefore no more tongue speakers . Therefore no miracle workers .
@BEABEREAN10 2 года назад
@@michealferrell1677 what role did Agabus have in writing revelatory scripture for the church? What about the rest of the Apostles that never wrote scripture? What about Agabus daughters who prophecied? If revelations and writing things that would become scripture is a qualification for being an apostle or prophet in the NT then we need to change those who are called such in the bible. Also, what about all those lay people in the church at Corinth who spoke in tongues and practiced gifts. According to your logic, Corinth must have been a church of mostly Apostles and Prophets since 1 cor 14 says they all came together and each had revelations, tongues and interpretation? Is that your conclusion of Corinth based on your emplaination you gave above?
@Couragedearheart445 2 года назад
Miller, go to Brazil!!!! My husband is Brazilian, and we know many pastors who love to host guests.
@faithandfailures 7 месяцев назад
48:33 if you don’t have the gift of interpretation, how are you to know if it’s the right word?
@grace4peace 7 месяцев назад
I follow the teaching of Derek Prince who blew at his disciples and said: receive Holy Spirit: they already believed! So their had a part of the Holy Spirit, but they had to wait 10 days until Pentecost to receive the Holy Spirit who empowered them for service We had people who could not speak in tongues until a demon was kicked out, a confession was renounced and inner vow was brocken
@PWAacademy 7 месяцев назад
I realize this is a year plus later but to say a person is limited to hearing God or having the ability to gain understanding via the spirit is comparable to God also speaking through a donkey. The spirit came on many non prophets in the Old Testament. Though tongues and interpretations are different that direct prophecy the Bible is clear that it’s by the same spirit and given as he wills. The gifts and the callings of God are without repentance. A man can prophecy, hear the word of the lord and not be “saved.” Unless there’s some passage im not aware of. This is my first comment after listening to atleast 30 episodes. I visited Roundtrees Bridgeway last Sunday. Thoroughly enjoyed myself. Experienced the lord! Love y’all!
@JamesRichardWiley 2 года назад
Wikipedia: "Speaking in tongues, also known as glossolalia, is a practice in which people utter words or speech-like sounds, often thought by believers to be languages unknown to the speaker. One definition used by linguists is the fluid vocalizing of speech-like syllables that lack any readily comprehended meaning, in some cases as part of religious practice in which some believe it to be a divine language unknown to the speaker. Glossolalia is practiced in Pentecostal and charismatic Christianity, as well as in other religions. My definition: It's meaningless noise produced by your vocal chords which Christians like to make when they get together to impress one another.
@Max-yb1mx Год назад
Both definitions are wrong.
@grace4peace 7 месяцев назад
The woman who becomes pictures hearing tongues: that is the prophetic gift, that is also released when spoken in tongues, see my other remarks. So it needs to be applied as prophetic pictures: Revelation, interpretation and Application Sometimes the picture speaks to the person at the receiving end directly
@sherryannutto855 2 года назад
Loved the Joseph example 🤣🤣
@yeng687 2 года назад
Question: is the gift of tongue something that instantly happened ? If so is it something that colud not be controlled as in involuntarily move someone's tongue ? how do I know if I'm not making it all up ? also in the gift of interpretation how would I know that the interpretation is not by way of power of suggestion and the kind that generally and commonly applies to all ?
@janeylynn5934 2 года назад
The churches I've been a part of haven't done a good job of teaching about the gifts of the Spirit. I am surrounded by a lot of people who practice what I call "intellectual Christianity." How does someone like me go about discovering my gifts of the Spirit?
@BEABEREAN10 2 года назад
Interested what y'all think of the gift of interpretation (as stated in the bible) being an summary explanation of the word spoken...vs it being a gift of direct translation where someone would repeat what was spoken word for word in the hearers language? I know there are some who say it must be a direct translation but I disagree based on other dream and vision interpretations throughout the Bible.
@ryandawson2877 2 года назад
So I cannot give chapter and verse for this so people are free to disagree, but I strongly believe that leaders of meetings should be equipped with interpretation of tongues. The Scripture says that if there is no interpreter the one who speaks in tongues should be silent and speak to themselves and to God. That seems to give an indication that the interpreter should already be known. However, if there is no interpreter and one speaks with tongues corporately, they should pray to interpret themselves, one Corinthians 14:13. Then you don’t have to worry about it. If someone does not interpret go ahead and interpret.
@pocaiesc 2 года назад
Gotta admit I have looked up the words I have spoken in tongues on google. lol
@WarriorChrist-ve8el 2 года назад
Yoo! Same lol
@pocaiesc 2 года назад
@Phillip Benoit Nah it did. they were a mix of Hebrew and Indian
@rebeccacline1433 2 года назад
@@pocaiesc Urdu/Punjabi/Hebrew for me. So glad others have had the same experience as me!
@pocaiesc 2 года назад
@@rebeccacline1433 Yep, Heh and here I felt like such a nerd for doing a google search after speaking certain words in tongues. lol
@grace4peace 7 месяцев назад
In those days there were only house churches.
@123ajayi 2 года назад
Also God gave a prophecy to caiaphas who was not a believer
@grace4peace 7 месяцев назад
And God used a donkey! And also God spoke through unbeliever’s to me, to give me directions and I could discerne that it was the Lord speaking to me.
@romans828. Год назад
I speak in tongues in my prayer language. When I pray. The H.S. interprets and actually prays for me. What's the big deal?
@stevestjames3934 2 года назад
Question : Acts 2. Peter says these men are not drunk as you might suppose it’s only 9 in the morning. If a Japanese man flys in from Japan, then goes into the city, and then he hears an American man speaking Japanese he wouldn’t think he was drunk, he would think of him as well educated. So what behaviour was it that was indicative of drunkenness if it wasn’t speaking in an angelic tongue? If they were flat on their back, or staggering around under the weight of the Spirit they would probably be incapable of any speech. So a lot of people I know consider it to be an angelic tongue that is indicative of drunkenness. So the miracle of acts 2 is the mass interpretation by not-yet-believers. But thousands came to faith. So Acts 2 has two quite reasonable interpretations. It’s a moot point perhaps. Believing on or another doesn’t really impact anything in relation to the use of the gift in practice
@paulvalenzuela3625 2 года назад
Gibberish is not acts 2 tongues
@michealferrell1677 2 года назад
Your description isn’t biblical
@clm3888 6 месяцев назад
Agnes spoke Chinese.
@orangeandslinky 4 месяца назад
Who ever "prayed" in unknown tongues? Who in the bible ever when to unknown tongues training classes? Who "felt like" or stepped out in faith and tried anything having to do with praying in unknown tongues? I can speak in unknown tongues, but I don't make any sense to anyone and never did. Wow, I feel like, or I'm excited and just stepped out in faith, profits no one for sure when it comes to UNknown tongues.
@Keto-m6p 7 месяцев назад
Unless I missed it, I don't think that there was any discussion of how to test a specific interpretation or how to test that someone genuinely has the gift of interpretation. It seems that if someone genuinely believes he understands or gives the interpretation, this is just accepted. Which seems problematic for a non-human tongue or in a setting where only one person gets an interpretation. And it seems like this might be the easiest gift to fake of there is no clear means to test every time. The few times I have heard an interpretation, quite frankly they were bland and even vague, in the same vein as vague prophecy. So not really compelling. I was not convinced this was genuine interpretation. And I am not sure what the point of a public tongue with interpretation is when the Holy Spirit could just skip a step and have someone give the word in the language everyone understands straight up. This is just my own questioning - I am not denying that interpretation is specified in scripture.
@ryandawson2877 2 года назад
We practice the manifestation gifts of the Holy Spirit whenever they begin to move Sunday morning or whatever the case. As a leader, I would not allow people that I do not know that a strong in those areas to function on a Sunday morning and especially were unbelievers a present. I agree wholeheartedly that Sunday morning is typically not a training session in the gifts. I also have no interest in hiding them even from unbelievers. I just believe we need to practice them correctly.
@SarahNettles-c2g 8 месяцев назад
My boyfriend 💔
@gerard4870 3 месяца назад
Y'all are just putting the Holy Spirit in a box. Just kidding.
@skyeprophet3564 2 года назад
11:10. If you start out and no one else interprets, you should be prepared to start and trust God to give the interpretation through you. That's part of trusting God.
@skyeprophet3564 2 года назад
@@Iwasneverhere7 No guessing, just faith. Do you even operate in the gifts Salty?
@skyeprophet3564 2 года назад
@@Iwasneverhere7 Good issue, Mainly for the person with a message in tongues. The question is, are they confident in the Lord that they will receive the interpretation. So it is a matter for the person starting out. If they believe they have faith to receive the interpretation there is no issue, so long as they act on that. There are actually 2 gifts operating in this case. The gift of tongues and the gift of interpretation. Have you ever given a message in tongues or an interpretation?
@IMAGINENGINE 6 месяцев назад
MR, yikes…shhhhh.
@michelhaineault6654 2 года назад
False tongues for false Christianity.... The true Faith is not about signs and miracles.
@IMAGINENGINE 6 месяцев назад
Big turn off with your smug laughter. Holier than everyone, are you?
@richardsegura6698 2 года назад
As a past song/worship leader, I was always apprehensive of the gifts because…….the heart of a man can be deceitful, overly passionate, excited etc. you never knew what was coming.😱😳🫢🤫
@brianakortbein5082 2 года назад
Our church before partaking in the lords supper, explains what/how to partake. Would it be possible to explain each week, the correct operation of tongues in your fellowship?
@christophercook1978 2 года назад
I spent my teens and early 20’s in a classical Pentecostal context (independent Pentecostal Holiness). And anytime there was a message in tongues the atmosphere immediately changed, and you could feel a very tangible heaviness and then the tongue would be spoken, everyone would get quiet and most often there was an interpretation. Years after leaving that context, even though I’m definitely still charismatic with some Pentecostal flavor lol, I’m not so sure that’s the biblical way to do it. BUT that being said when I was 17 I had a legitimate mental breakdown and was convinced I had blasphemed the Holy Spirit and felt like I was losing my mind. A few days after that year long experience began, I went to a youth rally in this context and was mortified because I was sure that there would be a message in tongues and God would tell me he had left me and I was damned. Well the service got started and sure enough there was a message in tongues given and I was horrified, but the interpretation was that I was going through a very dark and difficult time but that God was going to bring me out. So whether that’s the right way or not, I know God at least used it in that context to give me hope.
@johnathanbolin5539 Год назад
well, you don't see anyone in the bible training for spiritual gifts... if you have to train for it, its not a gift....
@TheRemnantRadio Год назад
Incorrect. Paul Trains People how to Speak In tongues in 1 Corinthians 14 (one at a time, no tongues without interpretation, it is a gift for edification etc). He also trains on prophecy (its for edification, It is the greatest gift, it should be judged etc). We train people all the time in the spiritual gift of evangelism. We also train people for pastoring, and how to teach the Bible, both of those are also spiritual gifts.
@johnathanbolin5539 Год назад
@@TheRemnantRadio instructions on administration of your gift is not the same thing.... I'm referring to receiving the gift is not done by training... God gave me a voice freely (no one trained me on how to create a voice..but he does give do's and dont's on using it - "Bless and Curse not" "speak evil of no man" "give thanks in all things" etc
@masonreece720 2 года назад
Hey guys. I’m a huge fan and was wanting to see if I could get some help. I live in Tulsa/Bixby area and have left cessationist doctrine and now fully believe in the continuation of the gifts. Well now that I’m at this state of believing. I’m struggling on finding a church near where I live that can disciple me correctly. I know Michael Rowntree is in OKC at Bridgeway. He may be the one to ask. Do you recommend a pastor/church in Tulsa that I can continue to learn and grow under? Thank you so much for all that you do!
@faithandfailures 7 месяцев назад
51:28 just because God does something or the Holy Spirit acts in a certain way at a certain time, does not lock him in to only do that one thing in one certain.
@faithandfailures 7 месяцев назад
54:16 Is it wrong to charge for spiritual gift teachings, and classes?
@livefromtexas9371 Год назад
From my experience, the person with gift of tongues and the interpreter were already identified. Usually these were the only people who would participate. If someone visited our church and spoke out loud and there was no interpreter they were politely ask to not speak out again.
@ryandawson2877 2 года назад
Love the conversation about this. So I have a different view than some on interpretation of tongues. I know that third waivers often believe that interpretation of tongues must be directed to God or be about God. I believe that it certainly Canby and have no problem with that, but I also believe that it can be from God as in one Corinthians 14:6, Isaiah 28:11. On the first question of when to give a corporate tongue, in my experience, which is not the barometer of truth and not intended to be taken as some kind of law or some thing, I may be praying in tongues under my breath and I feel compelled to speak out loud. Also, in my experience with this, it will seem like the language sounds different when speaking corporately than it does in private prayer and also can sound more authoritative. Sometimes before I go to a service I will know ahead of time that it is going to happen. If I am with someone who I know interprets, I will defer to them. If not, I will interpret myself or speak by prophecy.
@MorrisonJames 2 года назад
This video is pure proof that Charismatic christians in name should spend a lot more time reading Gods Word instead of debating gifts from God they have no idea what they are talking about.
@jenniferroshto7377 2 года назад
Is "speaking in tongues" one language or a variation of many? My mom & I are Baptists, but Mom went to her neighbor's Pentecostal Wednesday night meeting a few times & really booked it. Her neighbor asked Mom is it made her feel uncomfortable when a woman stood up & gave a short testimony that included her speaking in tongues. I wasn't there, but I don't think there are as an Interpreter. Mom said that it was fine because she understood what she was saying. Does that mean Mom would be able to interpret tongues spoken by anyone or just that particular incident? We now attend a Wesleyan church & don't bring up this topic aside from a sermon on the day of Pentecost when the Holy spirit arrived. Thank you to anyone who can answer! 😇
@jeffbarrett411 2 года назад
Christians sit around talking about the Word instead of being crucified by it. alive and well talking about the Word. This is the church "Touch not, taste not handle not" (Colossians 2:20) "If you are dead with Christ why are you worrying about purity culture?" Because no one is dead with Christ so they need all these worldly rules to pretend to be Christians.
@grace4peace 7 месяцев назад
As soon as we say, we don’t need it, we despise it. That makes it problematic, for the tongue and interpretation practiced publicly should be a sign for unbelievers:, Fe one speaks in tongue and a unsaved comes into the gathering and understands it! That is encouraging for the church. When it is correctly interpreted also. We should practice it
@IMAGINENGINE 6 месяцев назад
You guys sound like you’re trying to control the Holy Spirit. Your smugness precedes you. Laughing at the immature behavior can squash the movement of the Holy Spirit for good. Be careful.
@Papasquatch73 6 месяцев назад
Why is it that I never hear anyone teaching what the tongue of the angels meant. The Jews believed the primordial language taught to Adam by the angels was Hebrew. The tongue of man is other languages and the tongue of angels was Hebrew.
@IMAGINENGINE 6 месяцев назад
Do you need to tell us how to spell Tyre every time? Condescending.
@brianakortbein5082 2 года назад
Shoulda bought a Honda 🤣🤣🤣
@ws775 2 года назад
Wanna sellma honda
@aaronarneson209 2 года назад
In part 1 it was mentioned that there was a podcast that was done about speaking in tongues....I can't find it....can anyone point me in the right direction?
@Ryahan 2 года назад
PLEASE INVITE JOHN FENN about the house-setting,historically, for normative Church practice.
@theologymatters5127 2 года назад
Lol, you should know that we have a private discord chat where we come up with very fun idea's for said RR video game 😉
@justinchamberlain3443 2 года назад
59:40 testimonies; woman had a trance and them received tongues. 20+ received tongues in about a week
@brianakortbein5082 2 года назад
Google translate 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀
@disciplesofjc 2 года назад
"audience participation" 😒🤨
@annaboshier6680 2 года назад
Haha Michael “thanks for forgetting about me” 😂
@grace4peace 7 месяцев назад
Today teach in workshops to interpret and one of our group has the interpretation of tongues. But to teach the congregation and we make this exercise: having a whiteboard one stands up and speaks for one minute in his tongue: The others listen, pray and ask for interpretation- then we write the impressions, thoughts that comes through the audience on the white board. Afterwords we explain: not all impressions are interpretation: but also prophecies. Then we classify what the audience thinks is interpretation and what is prophecy. And the guy who has the gift of interpretation writes in the end his interpretation on the board and we judge together! So we teach it and make the group ready to train it at home in their small group and prayer cells.
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