
Is it OK to be a Christian and be transgendered? 

Desiring God
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17 окт 2024




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@nataliewalters2759 7 лет назад
It's all because sin in the world which started with Satan deceiving Adam and Eve. Sin has caused confusion and things outside of Gods original plan. That is why we have an imperfect world .
@byronthomas1668 4 года назад
I agree with you. God just made them male and female as written in the Bible book of Genesis. God has the final say on this and every issue.
@followerofchrist888 4 года назад
J garcia right but GOD told adam not to eat of the tree not eve. Genesis 2:16 kjv and the LORD GOD commanded the man saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
@beabea1343 4 года назад
Its imperfect because of those who refuse to expect those outside of their own path in life. You are not going to heaven simply for being stright, and the LGBT are not going to hell just for existing
@chaz700 4 года назад
if it was perfect would there be any point in it existing? would there be anything to learn, any way to grow? there has to be evil for good to exist.
@juliangodsend9418 2 года назад
@Vearru 6 лет назад
I am transgender. Ever since I was a young child I knew this and felt it inside. I went to a Christian daycare and learned all about the bible and Jesus and God. Through the daycare I'd go to Christian camps where I continued Learning about the bible. I even sang in the children's choir during Christmas celebrations. I believed in God, Jesus and the bible yet still through all that time I knew there was something not right about me. I knew my body didn't fit my soul. I also started learning about sciences and I decided that the bible must not be literal. But as time went on and people seemed to think the bible had to be literal and so I reached my first time away from God. Throughout that time my feelings of my body and gender not fitting got worse. Eventually I decided to go back and accept Jesus into my heart again. I prayed everyday, I read the bible for myself regularly, I went to church, I joined the children's choir, and I was in a youth group. Yet the feeling of my body and soul not being the same got even worse. I began praying to god every night for hours to help me feel better. I prayed to have my body changed, I prayed to be reborn into a new body, I just wanted to finally feel happy. It never happened. So I started thinking that if God is truly all good how could he make me like this and force me to suffer all my life whether I'm faithful or not. And so I decided that either God doesn't care about me or doesn't exist. There has still been no sign from him that I'm wrong even though I wanted to be wrong and was looking for that sign. Anyway though I've started transitioning and changing my body has helped me far more than anything else. I still believe deep down that maybe God has a reason for torturing me for my entire childhood but right now I simply can't figure it out. Maybe one day I'll change my path back when I'm happier and don't resent God but right now I can't live without being the gender I'm meant to be so if that will take time it will take time. I also sincerely hope that you find a way to help transgender people feel included because if you don't you will isolate us and turn us away from God. Thank you for reading my life story I hope you understand. Edit: Since leaving this comment I have had many signs from God that he cares about me. And it has taken a while but I do believe again. I am Christian and trans. Also I realized that it never was God torturing me in my childhood, it was me torturing me. Yeah I have really bad dysphoria, but if I had gone to my parents for help rather than keeping things to myself and God I would’ve actually been able to be free from the pain. God gave me an easy out but I didn’t take it and so I learned a lesson because of it. And while I had to endure a lot of difficulties I am actually thankful because I have learned more lessons from my struggles as well. God always has a plan and even though I was stuck and not living my best God was still able to make it right. I believe God’s purpose for me on earth needed me born as I was, and my reward for serving God in this life will be freedom and happiness in the kingdom of heaven.
@suppacoo7268 5 лет назад
Im so upset nobody responded to this! I have have prayed to god many times for my feelings as well, being a bisexual male, and have also never gotten a response. But does that mean people should turn away from religion? no. Simply turn away from its literal uses. Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, all stories proven false by science. Other events, such as moses spliting the red sea (chariot pieces found perserved on the ocean floor) as well as the birth of jesus have been proven by history to be true. So whats with the contradictions? man. man wrote the bible, not god. These man felt power, and decided to fill a book of which fill their views and stories as well as factual events to make their word seem validated as "god speaking to them". As both of us can account, this is utter bullshark. NOW HERES WHERE MY OPINION COMES IN: god does not speak. he does so through people's mentality. Theres a reason he pushes the ten commandments foward, as his true word. He knew these straight, powerful man would come and ruin the book with false mentalities, also explaining why the bible has so many contradictions to this day, bc it was written by dumbasses in the bronze age. So he made a simple a simple set of rules with undeniable truths. Take the commandments to heart, and from there.... do you. pray to god and see where his faith takes you. Whatever you feel is what god wants you to do. Simple. As. That. Spread this to others in need, if you see this. I hope my words help.
@Sophia-sj3hx 4 года назад
I honestly don't know what to say. It must be hard going through all that. I've always been taught that being transgender or changing ur sexuality is going against God. Ofc God still loves us no matter what sin we make or who we are or what we do. I also think you still can go to God even if you hv a different sexuality, like we all struggle with sin(not saying you shld be comfortable in wtv sin u make) but God still welcome us with open arms, but being a Christian also means you're following God's plan/desires for your life rather than your own, so its definitely something to pray about and ask God to be the judge of. Although sometimes God is silence and we dont get answers but hes still working. But i totally understand your situation. I hope one day you will be able to come back to Christ. Sry if I hv offended you in anyway I know this is a sensitive topic but it just seems kinda wrong to read this and ingore it. Hope your hving a good day :) 💜💜💜
@Vearru 4 года назад
Soya Koya I have made an edit to my comment, and I’m sure you’ll be happy to know that I am once again Christian, and this time it’s for good. I have been talking to God again and I believe the purpose he has for me here is to be a motherly influence to as many people as I can. I have a strong innate want to be a mother but I think God has taken away the biological option so I will devote more time to more people. I need to offer people love and support and help them grow and learn through that. I am to listen to problems that people have and be the safe space for them to cry. Anyway I feel so much love from God and I know he always had a plan for me and I am ready to serve him. Thank you for your reply. ☺️
@Sophia-sj3hx 4 года назад
@@Vearru OMG I'm so happy that you came back to Christ. This deserves to be CELEBRATED! God truly has a plan for each of us and I strongly believe that. Hope you continue in life with Jesus ❤❤❤
@Vearru 4 года назад
Soya Koya Thank you so much. And yeah I’m sure the whole kingdom of heaven celebrates every time someone truly and fully accepts Jesus into their heart. But why not celebrate here and now as well? Honestly I feel like since going back to Christ every day has been a celebration. I feel even more happy and even more free than ever and that’s my own internal celebration 😁. Anyway thank you so much again for your reply I am very happy to have been able to come back to read this comment and see how far I’ve come, as well as feeling supported even further. It’s always so nice to be able to share in and be united by faith. ❤️😊
@hugosapien3705 6 лет назад
Jesus came for the opressed. The first manifestation of his birth was to shepherds, the most opressed in those times along with widows and orphans. When a segment of the population (transgender people) experiences suicide or attemped suicide at a rate of 41%, they qualify as opressed. Without a doubt, societal opression is a contributing factor to that. To further opress them in the name of Jesus is unconscionable. In John's Gospel Jesus gives us the ultimate commandment, "love one another, AS I HAVE LOVED YOU." No caveats. Everyone is God's creation.
@kcooper5171 3 года назад
Such a good response 🤩🥰 amen x
@johnmora6258 2 года назад
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:” “And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.” “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;” He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination. What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
@hugosapien3705 2 года назад
@@johnmora6258 "A text without a context is a pretext for a prooftext." I can't take credit for the quote but can't remember whose it is. What you have just done, John, is called "eisegesis", taking Scripture out of context and use it to feed your cognitive biases. Be careful with that. How we use Scripture says more about us than about Scripture. Peace be with you.
@johnmora6258 2 года назад
@@hugosapien3705 hmm it seem like my response to you got deleted or something cuz I don’t see it… but like I was saying nothing was taking out of context… so is it not a sin to be a gay or a homosexual or transgender? Will they inherit the kingdom of heaven? Please show me where did I go wrong ? Let me see your wisdom and knowledge of the Bible. Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. 10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: So there you go … once you understand the “milk” you can put precept upon precept.. all I did was show you in the Bible why gays or trannies is wrong, by going upon precept upon precept, taking it from the word .. here alittle and there alittle so don’t try to say I’m wrong.. n if so show in the Bible that I’m wrong.. cuz if I’m wrong that means I must have contradict something in the Bible so please let me know my error so I can do better next time
@hugosapien3705 2 года назад
@@johnmora6258 Your response was not deleted. It is still there. Your text really adds nothing to this discussion, and RU-vid is hardly a place for hermeneutics. I stand by my original comment and the response to your biblical text. This is my last response to you. Peace.
@liamsmith1371 3 года назад
My dad past away last Monday august 16th 2021. Please pray for my mom and my family.
@ShadowAnimeation 8 лет назад
Thank you for being calm and pretty much respectful in your response to this person. What you said seemed well thought out and wasn't just bashing the transgender father (which I unfortunately see in a lot of "Christian" videos). I also liked that you posed the question of "is it okay to be christian and trans" instead of the usual "can a trans person be a christian". A lot of people don't realize that being trans (or gay or a politician, etc.) has nothing to do with whether a person can be saved or not. Repentance of sin is what brings salvation and if someone has done that then they are saved, no matter what other struggles they currently endure.
@donaldrice4074 6 лет назад
CrypticBlueHue thank you, you have spoken Biblically. Jesus came to heal the sick, physically & Spiritually. Let's stop asking biased personalities what they think and TRUST Almighty God.
@kalvinflowers5878 4 года назад
Let’s explore that phrase “Repentance of sin”. Repent is a term with no historical ambiguity. Repentance is an action which involves more than the head.
@CycloCarbon 3 года назад
It does actually. If you repent and don't stop doing sin. You are saved but you are slowly losing grace. And if you lose it. You go to hell. Grace keeps God to forgive you no matter how much sin you do. But if you take grace to advantage and do a sin and think I will ask forgiveness later. Grace slowly goes away. And look up in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9-10. It clearly says being gay is a sin. Sure you can be saved. Anyone can. But you need to change. No change means nothing. If you want to be forgiven from sin and keep doing it again. Grace is going.
@utahcindy4114 2 года назад
Let's be careful. The word repentance means turn away from. If you are truly repentant you will no longer continue in the lifestyle. You may still have the thoughts and desires but you can no longer act upon those desires. A lot people think they can repent or be saved and continue as before. You can't. The holy spirit will lead you out of the LGBTQ lifestyle if he is really in you.
@rosiev3129 4 года назад
Thank you for your truthful words. This is a subject that has impacted my family and has caused great pain for my husband and myself. We are both believers in God's word and laws. In today's society we are told we should embrace ideas outside of God's word if we are to be considered "good people" and we should love unconditionally no matter what. I believe that we should love people as God does, but I dont believe that we have to agree with all of their choices. We are all sinners and can only be saved through God's grace and forgiveness. I continue to pray for my family.
@brynwhit 6 лет назад
Thank God for John Piper; he is kind as he stands for what he believes. Jesus please continue to bless him as humble Christian.
@jimsager3297 Год назад
Jesus was transfigured. Trans is on the Gospel.
@loriadams1588 7 лет назад
This very dear to my heart man really displays his heartfelt grief at the reality of the suffering of anyone. He takes such care to say the truth in a firm, yet gentle way. He focused, I think, on the absolute undeniable truth of God’s word, and acknowledged the pain and struggles within the human heart, no matter what the issue. I have gay and transgender friends in my life. I love them, because God first loved me. And I know He loves them too.
@brianmears3388 2 года назад
He loves them, but He does not condone their sin, and will not overlook it. You are going against how God created you. Romans 1:26-27.
@alvinnugraha5264 2 года назад
@@brianmears3388 yup you're right... Don't use such words like they're good poeple and you love them bla BLA BLA, a sin is a sin
@thundercrrp9931 2 года назад
@@alvinnugraha5264 Everyone is a sinner, if it was impossible to love sinners then how come God loves us?
@ironscale 3 года назад
Being trans has nothing to do with your sexuality in most cases, though. It's "who you go to bed as, not with."
@MariaMaria-sr8zg 2 месяца назад
Yes, people's minds and hearts are in a battle against evil telling people they are not who they are. Evil creeps into those specific private places and tries to break you from within.
@lapusenier5466 6 лет назад
The answer is in the instructions he left us and the commandments he gave us.
@DoomMomDot 9 лет назад
I was saved at 13. Had my first suicide attempt at 16. Baptized at 18. Had my second suicide attempt at 25. Had my third suicide attempt at 42. Finally realized if I wanted to live, I had to transition. I feel at peace now, and I am closer to God than I ever was
@mikem2002 8 лет назад
+Dorothy Bellion God Bless you Dorothy! Like you, I was saved when I was younger, 20. Then Into my 40's I went and had my near suicide moment as well. I survived it. I had to transition to survive and "be". I'm glad you made it thru to to the other side. God isn't surprised by our stories...only mankind is surprised to realize they have been wrong with false theories that have caused much pain to people like us over the years.
@tentative_flora2690 8 лет назад
+Dorothy Bellion Within Romans 1 it is written that God's intentions are clearly written in creation, this means that when someone is born knowing that they belong as a gender contrasting the genitalia they were born with, that person is an example of gods wonderful creation and beautiful intention. Just a little later in the same book it talks about people who fill their hearts with all sorts of nasty things and deny the intent of God. This verse cannot be used against creations of God who are following in the path that was placed on their heart by the spirit of Jesus Christ who was sent down by God above to become human, live as an example for all Christians, and die on a cross so that all might be saved. However these verses might be used to describe those who take and twist the words of God to contradict the intention of God as shown by his creation. One could argue that god created male and female but the word does not strictly say that that is all God made, and regardless someone who knows they are female with a male genitalia or knows they are male with a female genitalia are still created male and female, the rolls they play in society are just a little different.
@biancahotca3244 7 лет назад
Something here is totally awry. u are not dealing with sin that u allowed to run rampant and take control of your life. you need to repent and ask God to deliver u from this sinful life style that u chose for yourself. u think u are at peace, but u are not. u are living a lie, the lie that giving in to sin is ok, is making close to God. Actually u are a war with God by your rebellion and u are the furthest from God and His desire for your life of repentance then u've ever been. U need a total deliverance in your life from the sinful state u have chosen and u need to stick to the right path, the path of Christ no matter what, even if it's hard at times.
@r-platt 7 лет назад
Dorothy Bellion: How's the transition going? I'm 46 and 6 months into transition from a "big boned" male. Would you agree with this: plattbob3.wordpress.com/2017/03/30/consider-this-scenario/
@elhud9389 7 лет назад
Repent Robert Platt
@phanjazm 5 лет назад
God's wisdom on display in this video. Thank you for the courage to speak the truth on this topic. So many are scared to offend but the truth is, by nature,... offensive to those who prefer deception.
@jh5401 5 лет назад
The opinions in this video have been warped by society's abusive opinions and have barely been founded on the Bible. I would recommend looking at the Bible for true answers, not this video.
@kateofone 3 года назад
Yes and transgender is real and to transition is acknowledge Gods design. He knitted us in the womb as in all parts. Trans people are one sex mentally at the very core who one is. To deny that is to deny what God gave but to accept and express that is to acknowledge it and showing it means it is not a secret hidden away anyone.
@phanjazm 3 года назад
@@kateofone Hello Kate. The Bible speaks for itself and is very clear on this issue of creation. You dont believe what it says. Thats your right and nothing I can say here on youtube would change your stance. That said.... I will pray for you tonigjht that the light of the Gospel will show you, before its too late, the truth! What you said in this post, isnt true...even a little. Dont be hurt by that. I had areas in my life that I had ALL wrong but once the light of Christ shined on me..... I humbled myself before the Book, the Living Word,... and it changed my life. He can change yours too!
@kateofone 3 года назад
@@phanjazm I am already saved. I commune with God daily. I have already seen the truth and its power. I am fully exposed and nothing is hidden from sight.
@phanjazm 3 года назад
@@kateofone So... the man who identifies as a snake, a lizard, a dog, a hippo.... a baby?! God made a mistake with them too?? They all should get surgeries to look like snakes and dogs and hippos? They should have marital rights too I guess. To marry the species they identified with of course! Love is love and no one is hurt by it. They're living there truth!!! Theyre brave for coming out as ... an animal.!? Satan is a deciever!! The Father of lies! If you believer you are anything other than what came out of the womb, you're following his deception......... willingly. I did pray for you last night and will again today, Kate.
@princessmagical 8 лет назад
If a person feels he or she has been born as the wrong gender, the answer is not gender-reassignment surgery, hormone therapy, cross-dressing, etc. Those are simply worldly ways of acquiescing to the devil’s lies. “Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth” (1 Corinthians 13:6). And God does not make mistakes. The one who feels he or she was born in the wrong body needs, first and foremost, to experience the transformative power of Christ. When we “participate in the divine nature,” we escape “the corruption in the world caused by evil desires” (2 Peter 1:4).
@r-platt 7 лет назад
*"And God does not make mistakes."* What does that mean? God didn't build me wrong. He built me with a purpose that transcends human understanding. Is it up to us to decide whether that's right or wrong? *"The one who feels he or she was born in the wrong body needs, first and foremost, to experience the transformative power of Christ."* I did. In fact, I was given 2 visions of Jesus. The first was Him marching with an army of light into battle. What brilliance! The second was in a church where He walked up and gave me a big hug. I cried. Even years later the memory is overwhelmingly warm and wonderful. I can still feel His embrace. But He will not take gender dysphoria (the original transgender) from me. I have asked, commanded, pleaded over and over for 10 years before I broke. And I broke badly because I did what society told me was right. When I gave my condition a voice, my life opened up. I can finally give ALL of myself to God because I have nothing left to hide. And there's the root problem: you are asking us to hide a part of who we are so we can "praise God without sin." How is hiding a part of yourself from God helpful? How can He heal the broken heart if half the heart is hidden? We should instead embrace who we are, express it to the world, and come to Jesus as we are, not as society wants us to be. Yes, there is a limit on this. Obviously if who we are makes us criminal then we must temper it with love.
@true7285 7 лет назад
Robert Platt I fully agree!
@jessikapiche6097 7 лет назад
God ask for men to love each other as far as giving your life for your brother. i don't think your speach here is very much talking about love. I hope God look at you and will judge you with the same severity you do to your brothers on this earth. Some of your brothers were born woman in their brain but with the body of a man. They are not asking you to cure them, they asking you to accept them as they are... Now if a woman love a man and this woman have a body of a man, is it so hard to understand that they will want to make love to one another?... Do you really believe god will see that as a sin?... Love is love. God created Love for mankind to go beyond all limits to show each other how the world should be...to set an exemple of what we should all have for each other.You are no different than the one who burn the woman on stakes because they thought they were sorceress. you have not evolve a bit. Hope the love of god shine in your heart one day... i hope your own son will come to you one day and declare 'Dad, i am sorry, but i am gay...' We will see if you are so inclined to 'the god of the bible'...and exclude him from heaven.Honestly if there is only retards in heaven, i prefer to be away from it.
@ivanfernandez552 6 лет назад
Rachael Platt stick to the word not false dreams
@irrelevantbuticonic8971 6 лет назад
Ivan Fernandez why do you say this? Why do you think they are fake? Why do you not believe that God reached out to a soul in need of help?
@kevinn.1746 5 лет назад
There is a distinction between 'Christian' and 'Child of God'..... Anyone can call themselves Christian, but they may not necessarily be a child of God. ( 1 John 3:10 ) Anyone living a live contradictory to what Jesus teaches.... is not a child of God, but a child of the world. So in a nutshell, the question answers itself.... An active transgender may title themselves Christian, but the fact that they are actively living the transgender lifestyle is proof that they are not a child of God, but a child of the world.
@kevinn.1746 4 года назад
@@suzyq.2339 I'm not much on arguing but I have to respond to this one.... Mathew 7:22 states - “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven......" ------------------------ So not everyone who confesses Jesus Christ will be accepted.... the lifestyle HAS to change, according to the fathers will......and God does that. Concerning mgtow...LOL.... just because a man chooses not to marry,,,it doesn't mean that he is into fornication...Not all mgtow has that mindset.....so Dont be so quick to judge... I promote a celibate lifestyle..... like Paul (in the bible....maybe you should check it out)... He stated ---1 Corinthians 7:7 ---*I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. Now to the unmarried a and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.* No comment on the demons....but im sure Jesus is helping ....and not laughing
@CyborgNinja7 6 лет назад
I am grateful to Jesus Christ that He has freed me from homosexuality and transgenderism. Those two issues often go hand-in-hand, as we don't accept the way God made us and instead accept an identity that the world has twisted upon us. I had to let go of my own views of things and realize that God is loving and accepting, but also wants to free us from sin.
@guyanese_empress9559 4 года назад
CyborgNinja7 True‼️
@zdravokakosi146 3 года назад
You can be whatever you want, no one said its a sin
@curtisdrummerellerbe9544 Год назад
@@zdravokakosi146 so if I wanted to act like animals that makes it OK just because I want to do something and yes I am gay but that’s beside the point I did not decide to be gay that I did not choose but people do choose to have a sex change. So I guess if I want to pretend like I’m an alligator, and do things the alligators do. I guess I have to ask people to except me because that’s who I am right. ??
@jjabinski 10 лет назад
I wonder why God decided to create intersexed people then.
@littlebit080780 9 лет назад
Oh he didn't, that's totally different that's just something that happens in the womb, PLUS, there are SO FEW of those ppl we don't even need to be concerned about THAT issue! LOL Just giving the typical answer I always get when I ask that question.
@personalyt6728 9 лет назад
littlebit080780 lol..like being transgender doesnt occur in the womb as well
@BlackIce3190 9 лет назад
My take on it is that its a complicated universe with science that is sometimes just frigging baffling to the common mind. Errors are going to happen, and people are going to on rare occasion end up in an unfitting body. So the Lord gave us the science to correct it ourselves.
@personalyt6728 9 лет назад
which year are u living in? difference in brain matter. duh. this topic has been on for ages.do u live under a rock?
@sxm_tamika6619 8 лет назад
+Helen leona hahaha love Your comment
@classy.redneck 5 лет назад
is God ok with people living in all the other sins? lol. He is Holy! There is no sin in Heaven. That is a willful sin.
@haniwadog 5 лет назад
If hell does exist I'll be waiting for you ;)
@donnadaly3303 5 лет назад
@@haniwadog IF??? It does.
@byronthomas1668 4 года назад
@@Galactic_Tears Hell is Real! Transgender is homosexual behavior!
@g.t.7362 4 года назад
All sin is willful
@beabea1343 4 года назад
@@byronthomas1668 you do not have the power to name those who will be damed to hell. LGBT people are not bad simply for who they are . And you are not better simply because your straight
@laurenupshawesq 3 года назад
Maybe SHE’s doing something to deal with her psychological issues. And this has nothing to do with sexuality.
@celiasandaniels 9 лет назад
The problem we have in our society today is pre conceived notions about everything in the bible. God loves transgender. He cared for the Eunuch so much that he sent Philip to minister to him. He did not say let the Enuch become a normal man. He wanted the Ethiopian eunuch to understand HIS word and believe in God. God knows my heart and my deep longings. He knows my struggles and he accepts me. That's all that matter to me.
@zazzirahspain9680 8 лет назад
+Celia Daniels I'm saris! (eunuch). Intersoul...
@nataliewalters2759 7 лет назад
He also wants people to repent and to be born again. He says to go and sin no more. Sin can not be in God's presence because he is Holy and Just. Romans 3:23-" For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Everyone must repent meaning turn from their sin and put their faith in Jesus to be saved .
@nataliewalters2759 7 лет назад
Also in the gospel of Luke Jesus says " Who ever wants to be my disciples must deny themselves , pick up their cross and follow Him." Jesus loves us to much for us to stay in our sin. Once you repent and give your life to Him ( Jesus) and the Holy Spirit begins to change you . God is Holy and hates sin. Romans 6:23" For the wages of sin is death ." This means a spiritual death and yes a physical death . Everyone has sinned that is why there is death in the world and cautious . Man has made their own version of God which is idolatry. God says who He is in His word . He loves you so much get to know the true God.
@growinginfaith1670 6 лет назад
@@TheJpep2424 Wow!!! You just spoke a word! AMEN!!
@suzyq.2339 4 года назад
Natalie Walters you are a sinner yourself and will continue to sin. you are not perfect. who are you to judge another....??? you're a nobody
@gabriellewaaka7532 5 лет назад
He dealt with that question with great wisdom. I can only imagine the types of pressure one in his position would feel been asked all kinds of questions espeacially when it comes to sexual and gender issues in Christianity. I know growing up in a church been hearing and experiencing this that even then which was at least 15yrs ago before the world went crae crae that the person asking the question and even those apart of the congregation were all on the ends of their seats wondering what the pastor has to say. And it was very uncomfortable to me to ask and also to see the reaction from my minister. Like this good man said its something that the bible doesnt exactly mention but in its teachings and values he can only advise as much as he knows from scripture. Which is the best answer in my opinion. I had to go find my place in the family of God and spend a lot of time in prayer also turmoil trials ups and downs but because in my heart I knew there was a purpose for me though I never knew at the time, It did really make my relationship with the "I AM" so much more personal and real cause you cant ask a man on this earth excatly what GOD would say . We are all in the same boat for all types of reasons...But only believe you are who you are. Feel for the men running churches who are just doing their best to accomadate all walks of life without exclusion or risk of backlash from others. Pray for these Good Men. Godbless everyone on this speacial day
@davidbiddle8583 3 года назад
The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
@BBQFanNo1 2 года назад
@CainCanaan 6 месяцев назад
@@BBQFanNo1 Great response!!!
@barrythomas9571 Год назад
Honouring your father as someone who has changed the way he is for sinful reasons must be difficult, but despite this I think that you still love him, and that is how you honour him, keep on loving him.
@iminco9844 9 лет назад
Paul said that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither male nor female... Christ was not concerned with the outward--certainly his actions make this clearer than clear.
@iminco9844 9 лет назад
+iLaz_99 I would recommend that you watch the documentary "Call Me Malcolm." It's available in full on RU-vid. It tells the story of Malcolm Himschoot, who is a transgendered male and now an ordained minister. It's a gentle and very moving story that helps anyone with a heart for God understand that God can ONLY love those who are transgendered.
@jessikapiche6097 7 лет назад
no Hoser, it means transgender are not defective. they don't need to be 'saved'. YOU need to open your heart and see the light as light is God. And God love Transgenders. So you must learn, understand, and evolve...in the light of God. Jesus said ' love each other as i have loved you.' Also, when he was on the cross, Jesus said to the thief, ' i am telling you now, you will be with me in the heaven, this day.' Why? because the sinner is the one who lacks to love... not the one who sin necessarily.
@RottenDoctorGonzo 5 лет назад
@@jessikapiche6097 Nope. The dying thief expressed his belief, thus was saved. The OTHER criminal did NOT and so was not. God hates the sin but loves the sinner, we're all sinners, so yes He loves us all. That makes your point "God loves transgenders" at best redundant, at worst devilishly misleading. A pre-op trans woman might have a penis. If a man marries them and sleeps with them, he's committing the sin of homosexuality. Good luck arguing that God loves homosexuality. He loves the PERSONS but He has stated that he dislikes the practice. Same with liars, etc. I don't see how being trans is any different. People try to twist scripture to suit themselves because they want God their way. Not cool. This is a symptom of touchy feely liberal society. One can be a Christian and disagree with certain lifestyles, even be vocal when prompted, and STILL be kind, loving, courteous, patient, etc. Saying I'd only marry a woman who was BORN a woman is not transphobic. Does that mean I'm gonna throw rocks through LGBT club windows? No. We're all sinners. Let's take a cue from Kierkegaard and remember that the divine is above and beyond the ethical and political. Even Jesus and his disciples were hated on because they said things that sinners didn't want to hear.
@jessikapiche6097 5 лет назад
@@RottenDoctorGonzo There is no such things as the sin of homosexuality. Sexuality is a act of love if both are consensual about making it. You should understand that, if you faith was from your heart and not your head and false logic. Love is and should always be your first source of your faith whanever your faith is, whanever your religion you are from. That'S the difference between being a follower of the christ, and not. A lot say ''Jesus! i am with you!!!'' but they do not have love your their fellow human in their heart. They only want to be 'saved'. That's not how it works... Find love in your heart because if you don'T, you will be judge as severely as you have judge the transgender, the homosexual and others. Love is and should always be your first commandement. Love is the way and that is the most difficult way. But there is no other way.
@purplespinach17 4 года назад
@@RottenDoctorGonzo "hate the sin, love the sinner" isn't actually a Bible verse. That's a quote from Gandhi.
@More.DoubleV 11 месяцев назад
Deuteronomy 22:5 A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.
@CivicGuard777 7 лет назад
A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.
@CivicGuard777 7 лет назад
C. L. Rule Those aren't my words. You're ignorant
@CivicGuard777 7 лет назад
It is man-made however, the Christian belief is that it was written by men touched by the Holy spirit which means that the Bible is written by men through God. If that is true or not is just opinions.
@CivicGuard777 7 лет назад
C. L. Rule Believing in something that is disproven is not a sign of mental illness. Believing that you're the opposite sex is a mental illness.
@CivicGuard777 7 лет назад
C. L. Rule Show me concrete evidence that Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness.
@RobTackettCovers 6 лет назад
Since this is based on a biblical approach as how to deal with this situation, there are things that are just not accessible to us in regard to actually knowing what someone other than ourselves are dealing with on the inside. For someone to verbalize "Hey, I'm transgender and I don't have a choice in the matter" is a statement that the listener must take for granted that the person is being truthful in their statement. So here we have a situation where you can try to persuade another individual that what they are experiencing inside/ the direction in life they are taking isn't right, but what it really comes down to is that only God can change the heart. As far as I know, the only attempt to change them that would be effective is to pray that God would make that person into what He wants them to be. Pray for them, love them, you are NOT required to agree with their lifestyle, just like they do not deem themselves to be obliged to give up their temporary "freedom". I have family and friends that hold to non heterosexual lifestyles, and I love them all, but that doesn't mean that I have to resign that it is ok to me. It's not. To attempt me to be forced into resigning that it is, is like telling them they must agree with being straight. In this life we are all given a window to do what we will, until, of coarse, we die. Tell your dad that to you he will always be a dude, regardless of any means he may use to come off as a woman, whether it be surgical, cosmetic, behavioral, chemical, or wardrobe means. Let him know that for him to expect you to resign to see him as how he wants you to see him is asking you to be untrue to how you perceive him on the inside of your heart. Things they cannot transplant as for as I know: man brain, man skeletal structure, making a man into an egg producing, baby baring, push a baby out natural child birth person that used to be a man. He is not a woman. He will never know what it is like to have a guy do him in his (gonna get plain here) v j j , get knocked up like a woman via natural conception, feel the baby grow inside of him, go into labor, contractions, feel them get closer and closer, until the baby's head starts to crown out of his woman unit, etc, etc,...he is not a woman. He is a masquerader. He will never transform into a 100% woman. Not happening. He is something, just not a woman. And this is not even touching on New Testament concepts of demonic persuasion/ possession that are unseen, but per the Bible are very real. In a secular take, these entities do not exist, so then everything to them is because you were just born with that deal; how you just turned out. Could just keep going here but going to leave you with this as not to write a whole article or book: Revelation Chapter 22 verses 10 through 13 KJV: 10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. 11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. 12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. My take from the above is that it is not our place to change a person. Pray for them, love them, but as far as I know, the person, him or her self, per what the Bible teaches, is the only one, with the help of Jesus, that can change him or her self for the better.
@Kiki-fe2le 6 лет назад
RobTackettCovers Amen! The problem is when you are charged with discrimination for not calling them the pronoun they want. Now there is coercion.
@tynj6816 6 лет назад
Great video, so many wolves in sheep's clothing out there claiming to be Christians. Great video dude!
@jh5401 5 лет назад
It wasn't very well founded in the Bible, and I think it was very wrong.
@marbleslab1191 4 года назад
AkulaSergs nobody is mocking nor laughing, he was just saying It’s wrong and sinful and people need to be told that.
@BroWCarey 10 лет назад
Why do people think this is a moral issue? Children are also born with ambiguous genitalia, or the organs of both sexes. That can be corrected surgically. Do they treat that as a moral issue or a sin? Gender identity, what sex we see ourselves as, is in the brain and is hardwired from long before birth. For most of the human race, gender identity matches physical sex. For a very few, it does not. Medical science has no way to alter gender identity. So it's best hope is altering the physical sex to match gender identity. It's a means of correcting an error of birth, absolutely no different than correcting ambiguous genitalia or a cleft palate.
@sxm_tamika6619 8 лет назад
I agree ! Love Your comment
@shedsumlight268 7 лет назад
The children born with both genitalia is a genetic condition called Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, it is a hormone imbalance caused by 2 defected genes the baby receives at conception from both parents that are carriers of this gene. Speaking from experience, my child was born with the condition. Though he may have this condition where his body over produces of one hormone and under produce of the other, the child has to take a steroid for the rest of their lives to substitute for the imbalance, In some cases the female child can be born with genitalia that looks male or the other way around, or even both genitalia, but just because their sexual organs look different, it does not mean their true biological gender identity will be and who they were meant to be. Their are major differences between males and females and even if you switch sides those strong male features will always reveal itself if you were born a male and like female features that are softer and more delicate. Society is shaping our kids into what they want them to be and not physiology nor biology
@typewriter3943 6 лет назад
Francisco Deliverance Ministry I've seen your comment on a lot of the threads for this particular video. Do you really believe that being LGBT+ is immoral? To love someone that happens to be the same gender, or to change your physical appearance to match their gender?
The problem is people refuse to see why this happens in the world it is all due to the disbelief, disobedience, and the desires of the world which are​ written will pass away 1 John 2:17.
@edgarpal799 5 лет назад
Typewriter While in the Bible. We can’t judge or criticize someone because we all are sinners. I’m not here bashing anyone with a different lifestyle but God didn’t created Adam and Steve. He created Adam and Eve. Like I said, I’m not judging any one because I’m a sinner as well, just like every human in this earth. I won’t get angry not will I preach hate on LGBT People, I’ll respect their decision but I will pray for them and if they want to change than I will educate them without being judgmental and I know the concept of “Gay becoming straight” is controversial. Who are we to judge, if someone wants to change than we shouldn’t judge. “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone”
@mauricelynn6291 5 лет назад
I feel so insecure and self conscious when I dress like a girl, no matter how much I pray to god, I am not happy in my own flesh. I hate being called girl, she, her. I am not happy, I have attempted suicide 4 times because of that. I spent 11 months in a psych ward, I’m on high doses of antidepressants, I have an eating disorder, in which I have to get a tube up my nose just so they can make me eat. I AM NOT HAPPY IN THIS LIFE THAT GOD HAVE GIVEN ME
@mauricelynn6291 5 лет назад
And yes, I pray and pray and pray.. My parents get people to pray for me, Pastors made me come up the front just so they can pray for me.. Nothing..
@tracy9995 5 лет назад
You are not alone kid. I'm not sure what the answer is. I wish I knew how to feel and act a certain way, but that just isn't who I am. I hate not knowing what God thinks on the matter. I'm not convinced either way, but we just gotta focus on Jesus. Dont take our eyes of of Him. Trust Him and pray. I pray for mercy if I'm not in accordance with His will, but I just dont know. Sometimes I really think He created us this way. Wish I had the answer, wish He would answer me. Or change me how He sees fit. Please don't damn our souls for what we're not sure how to fix! In Jesus name I pray. Take care of this child Father! Amen.
@suppacoo7268 5 лет назад
if you are hurting, change. I loving god would never leave you in such a state. These feeling's are god's way of telling you its ok. if you havent already, please consider. your sanity here is worth more than anything.
@tracy9995 5 лет назад
@Sam Barker in not sure who you are responding too, but I personally love your comment. I could use some prayers on this situation also. For the record I have made a vow of celibacy to God and I pray thats pleasing in his sight. God bless you and thanks for your comment. It was helpful to me at least.
@tracy9995 5 лет назад
@Sam Barker You are kind, thank you so much! Likewise!
@foer_altyd_flam Год назад
In Mathew 19:12 Jesus says, “There are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others-and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.” Jesus identifies three types of “eunuchs” here: natural eunuchs (“born that way”), forced eunuchs (“made eunuchs by others”), and voluntary eunuchs (“those who choose”). Eunuchs are men who have there genitalia removed. Many were noted as dressing and acting feminine. So would a man who chooses to have his genitals removed and dresses/acts feminine not be a transgender? Gender fluid at the least. As well as the fact he states that some "are born this way" clearly acknowledging a third gender from birth. As far as it being a sin, they way Jesus himself puts it "if you can accept it then do" (paraphrased of course) I wouldn't think Jesus christ would tell people to accept something he saw as a sin.
@maadtee6281 Год назад
The eunuchs he is referring to are in the middle east near Isreal and its neighbors unless so were they dressing up as women there or just as men
@musicfore1410 6 лет назад
A birth defect is not the same as a grown adult choosing or thinking they know better than God that which is not natural to God's creation... There are no excuse one can say to try to justify the unnatural...no matter what sin it is... "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life"... So if ya don't want that, be prepared for God's divine judgment...u will be without excuse...not a place u wanna be in...
@guyanese_empress9559 4 года назад
music for E Agreed‼️
@EVOSYS_YT Год назад
I'm a transgender Christian, and I always get kind of scared to watch videos like this because they usually are very stern and against it, and despite him still being "against it", this man is wise, gentle, and he has love/good intentions, making sense with what he believes. Respectable.
@seanchaney3086 Год назад
There is no such thing as a transgender Christisn, kid. You cannot serve two masters. This is a cop out from reality and accountability.
@EVOSYS_YT Год назад
@@seanchaney3086 you have a lot to learn in life, my friend 💙
@seanchaney3086 Год назад
@@EVOSYS_YT You have learned nothing at all
@EVOSYS_YT Год назад
@@seanchaney3086 how prideful of you to speak of something you are not even a part of.
@seanchaney3086 Год назад
@@EVOSYS_YT PRIDE is symptomatic of narcissism. You have an entire MONTH to wave flags and celebrate this societal ILLNESS. Our culture celebrates illness and then imposes it on CHILDREN. Yes, there are mental elements....and then it is reinforced by social acceptance of it. No, mutilation of a healthy body is what is wrong. Embracing your delusion because you choose to place your feelings as reality is wrong. This moral decay has had consequences beyond your selfish emotions. My experience is the effects of it. Just because you pretend to be the opposite gender does not mean that you are. What you are is a cop out from being accountable to reality. Your traumas are not freedom from criticism. Your threats of suicide is not an argument to accept delusion in mass number. It does not work that way. Your feelings are not reality, and you should not impose adult issuesvon children to spread this cultural cancer. This is happening because we have the time for it. We can sit on our butts and escape from Truths of Nature through our phones. "So what! It doesn't effect YOU!" Normalizing it, accepting it, and celebrating it does. This is not normal and you do not get to demand that it be accepted.
@RealTalk-uk3yw 6 лет назад
Christians seems to become soft, and let Satan walk all over them... Though still Jesus is the one true Messiah.
@FunAngelo2005 Год назад
Let's think it like this: God gave you a body, you begin to make changes to that body, at it's core it's still that same body god gave you. (I'm not saying you should believe in this, it's just food for thought)
@finch9782 6 лет назад
@josiahblackstock484 6 лет назад
I want to share something. I was thinking for a while about transgenderism and nearly went into it. So I looked up videos and did things about transgenderism and started to wonder if being transgender and christian was ok. Well one night after looking at transgenders and christian transgenders I had a dream. I was going into the transgender lifestyle by taking a pill and getting money for surgery. In the same dream I was in a store looking at women's pants and I all of a sudden saw people looking to the sky. I went outside and tried to repent of transgenderism but God had already taken up the church and I was left behind. I knew why I was left behind too and looked in the sky with something happening as God was saying something with words in the sky. Afterward I felt like being transgender didn't matter anymore. I thought I should go to the mountains or somewhere to hide or a beach somewhere beautiful and should trust no one. The dream ended. This was a powerful dream from God warning me not to go Into that lifestyle and if I did id be left behind. The Holy Spirit also told me that tell transgenders that I am coming soon. I went back to some of those videos and said repent for Jesus is coming very soon and saw it as a warning for me and others especially transgenders. God loves everyone but hates sinful lifestyles. Repent for Jesus is coming very soon!
@vagabaassassina3461 5 лет назад
@@TheresaPowers You've hurt my feelings. Please stop
@1027Rockwell 5 лет назад
@@TheresaPowers that is not a very nice thing to say.
@sawez8089 5 лет назад
@@TheresaPowers ?
@KSGaming419 2 года назад
jesus can go chug a gallon of 93 octane gasoline and light himself on fire, that prick
@fireandgrace9456 5 лет назад
Let’s make it very clear Jesus Christ will forgive your sins..
@mxshlee 5 лет назад
Amen. As long as people (whether they're male, female, lgbtq, straight) worship, love, follow God's orders and know how amazing he is, they will be saved and forgiven. No matter how big the circumstances are, God heals and is greater than any of people's problems.
@biggerthanuno 4 года назад
Can't even reach you if your a reprobate mind
@suzyq.2339 4 года назад
Redd Foxx and because you are a sinner yourself, you will not goto heaven
@Haris-co1th 3 года назад
but we need to repent first and change, as the same Jesus teached to people to stop sinning, "go and dont sin anymore"
@fireandgrace9456 3 года назад
@@mxshlee God doesn’t ask us to follow his orders just to have faith we are saved through faith not by following orders
@G0forms1 9 лет назад
You can be ''transgender'' and be Christian, Jesus spoke of Eunuchs in Matthew 19:12, He says they are those that are born so. and for those who may say it's celibacy, it's not, the Bible distinguishes Eunuchs from Unmarried men/women, John 3:16 and other passages makes it clear God's redemption is offered to ALL people and not just one specific class.
@darkseeker1112 9 лет назад
You realize eunichs were weaned at birth so they could be better servants right?
@tentative_flora2690 8 лет назад
+Christian Tuipulotu Do you realize the past does not dictate the present but rather highlights the changes?
@darkseeker1112 8 лет назад
Its a bad analogy, past or present. We wean dogs to curb their hormonal imposes. It was nothing to do with "bring uncomfortable in your own body"...
@tentative_flora2690 8 лет назад
Or being suicidally uncomfortable with the roll imposed on them based on things they have no control over.
@darkseeker1112 8 лет назад
+JareMicah Schmidt So you admit it's a problem big enough to contemplate suicide. So it's definitely a mental problem. Have you ever considered that a mental problem can be FIXED rather than indulged? Had the idea that they can learn to actually be comfortable the way they were born if we nurture and care for them? You solve NOTHING by justifying their fantasy. Yes they may be in torment, but allowing it will not fix the problem. The only thing worse than living in the wrong body is living with the wrong mind.
@jonsumner5899 5 лет назад
I love the LORD and I want to do His will and at the same time I've long to become female all my life. I've tried to not long to change my sex but the desire never seems to go away even after I keep crying out to take this way. I just want to fully to be a daughter of God taking on the role of a Godly woman. What more can I do?
@fayelewis5476 5 лет назад
We are all broken. Jesus said, "Come and die," Take up your cross and follow Me. We all struggle with our thought life. "Taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." Repeat Scripture every time you are tempted. God bless you.
@nothingleftdamn7430 5 лет назад
I truly understand you. God doesn't make mistakes. Therefore we should accept our bodies on earth and shall not modify it. In heaven you don't have this body anymore, you will be perfect and there will no longer be marriage or gender. Only God knows whats best for you. I hope this will help you.
@suppacoo7268 5 лет назад
@@fayelewis5476 You tell Jon you understand, how everyone is broken, but really you dont. Its in the mind. Sometimes, transitioning is the only way someone will EVER feel happy about themselves. So no, Jon is not broken. You are not broken. You both are perfect how you are. Go define YOURSELF.
@suppacoo7268 5 лет назад
I suggest you live your best life. If you dont wish to convert, thats up to you. Its an important choice in life. Just know, there is nothing wrong with being a feminine guy, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a female. Its important you learn to define your own needs and what will benefit you the most and not what others think. A true, loving god would appreciate your honesty in expressing yourself. He would love to see you happy.
@ruthbaya7958 4 года назад
I will pray for you dear
@jaydenarts4974 4 года назад
Whenever I feel like a guy I feel gross... Whenever I feel like a girl I feel trapped. I have prayed to push it away. I want to hear that I'm wrong, I want to here than I'm right. What is it? Was I made to feel like this? Was this written to feel like this? If so, what kind of God doesn't offer me his hand when I ask to be freed?
@MaxSnowDude 4 года назад
Are you non binary? Do you like the pronouns they them?
@jaydenarts4974 4 года назад
Max actually yeah, came to the realization I am agender a few weeks ago.
@MaxSnowDude 4 года назад
Azrael Amadeus ah I see
@Alexander-ck8xv 3 года назад
@@jaydenarts4974 that’s completely fine, there’s nothing wrong with you for being agender, or whatever you feel you are on the inside, you are valid and loved by me. 🏳️‍⚧️✨
@nomorelieseveragain 4 месяца назад
@pharoahvibe428 7 лет назад
Leviticus 20:13. Read this scripture and it will answer your question. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. God's word doesn't change because you had a sex change. God doesn't say blesses art thou who becomes a woman. He says if a man lays with another man, it is an abomination. There's no way around it once you made your mind.
@suzyq.2339 4 года назад
PharoahVibe christians do not judge by appearances. everyone sins and everyone is not perfect even after accepting jesus. jesus says in john 8:15 "You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one." jesus gives anyone the right to become Gods people if they believe in his name. we are to accept people even if they do get a sex change. it says in 1 peter 2:17 "Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king."
@zdravokakosi146 3 года назад
No one said that its a sin? Yes God made a woman and a men but nobody said they couldnt transition? Like what? And Jesus loves everyone
@stolimonoli5730 Год назад
Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment; for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. (God clearly prohibits anything which would blur the lines between men and women)
@r-platt Год назад
Why did Jesus die if we are still bound by the Mosaic Laws? Heb 7:11-28 Matt 22:35-40 Rom 13:8-10 Gal 2:11-21
@kerrijohnstone7588 6 лет назад
I believe it was in Genesis he said “I made them MALE AND FEMALE” not male and female only to change over later. It’s sad because I can only imagine how difficult how it would be for you about your father. I’ll pray for you and for Dad, God bless you my friend.
@technoloverish 5 лет назад
But Genesis also says God made the heavens and the earth. Yet, we acknowledge that rain, snow, wind, and other things in between exist. Furthermore, when we build machines, houses, buildings, and so on, we are changing God's creation then.
@Migbie 5 лет назад
Kerri Johnstone do you mean how hard this must be for the father now mother ? This isn’t about the people around you , this is about the person who’s going THROUGH it , people are so self centered and think everything’s about them even if it’s happening to someone else.
@kateofone 3 года назад
Yes male and female. Ones true self is surrounded by flesh.
@haerospace2475 3 месяца назад
Lgbt sin or a straight sin is equaly bad, and the struggle to avoid sinning is futile. How people judge you is also irrelevant. The only way to salvation is your personal relationship with Christ, he is the only one who can truly walk in your shoes.
@janellac 3 года назад
I'm transgender, and this video has left me confused on two things. *First* Is it okay for me to transition? If it wasn't my fault that Adam and Eve's sin left my soul unmatched to my body, because that was the "consequence" of their sinning, am I forced to stay in the wrong body? Or is it my right to change my body to match my soul, since it's what God intended. *Second* Why am I supposedly still getting a consequence of Mankind's sin if supposedly Jesus forgave all sin when he died on the cross and was risen? The Bible says that Mankind no longer was tainted by our ancestors sins because Jesus died for us. So why are you saying that I was forced to being transgender at birth due to the sins of Adam and Eve? Jesus forgave that sin long ago, and that is a fact accepted by all true Christians. What your saying simply doesn't add up to the rest of Christian beliefs.
@charlesarbuckle7958 2 года назад
Brilliantly answered pastor John. Your ability to humble yourself whilst addressing a matter like this will allow those transgressors (no pun intended) to lend an ear. Love your sermons too.
@voluntarycommitment4405 11 лет назад
i behaved like a girl even before i knew that there are other transgerdered people. I always wanted girl´s clothes. Children in kindergarden and later at school couldn´t accept me because of it. I was beaten up and i learned how to fight back. After i realized that nearly nobody accepts me how i am i tried to cover it up.. i got rude, because i didnt want to get across as female. your non acceptance is an attack against innocent boys and girls. I am a woman and i want to be seen and treated as one. Perhaps it s mistake that the bible says it s wrong to live your life how you are.
@tynj6816 6 лет назад
It also says follow his commandments and says you should study scripture and not take it out of context, which clearly you haven't studied and have taken that out of context and haven't gotten the point and meaning of the passage across, you just manipulated it for your own use just like the rest of you.
@jacson6978 5 лет назад
TN Hiking so I’m assuming you don’t take lines about homosexuality out of context from passages against women and slaves in Leviticus Deutoronomy and Numbers. I’m Christian and can still tell that your a massive hypocrite
@christianmatteussen98 3 года назад
I sinned alot as a kid, doesnt mean i want to keep sinning as a grown up
@KoiaruTan Год назад
When god created the heavens and the earth, he created the land and the sea, light and dark, male and female, and he took delight in them. If you were to go strictly by that, the existence of transgender people would seem to fly in the face of god’s created order. But the beauty of his creation is seen when you look just a little closer. Obviously, between night and day you have dusk and dawn. Between land and sea there are estuaries and tide pools. Does that mean god wouldn’t take pleasure in these places inhabiting his creation? If so, why would he populate them with life? Not every microorganism needs to be named in the Bible for it to matter and be given a blessing by god. So why would people who were born in a body opposite of who they are be an abomination? You’ve got to remember, god created each and every one of us, and he makes us as a whole being, complete with a body, mind and soul. He made no mistake when putting you in the body of a man or woman but in the mind and soul of the opposite or somewhere in between. Men don’t decide god’s will, he decides ours, and if people make you do things that feel unnatural for you, they are going against god. Jesus told us to be kind and to love one another, and when I see these churches and institutions acting out of hate or fear I’m sad for them and the people they suppress. Be blessed.
@annemarietobias 7 лет назад
So first of all, I deeply respect where you are coming from. And I can see why there is confusion, when so many stand up and seem outwardly hostile to the church in support of what appears to be some social agenda. I want to distinguish some facts from that social thing whatever it is. Transsexualism is a rare condition involving prenatal brain development. It is not a sexual preference (just as nontransgender people some are straight others not.) This is not a sexual perversion or fetish, that is, people don't do this to get a sexual thrill. That behavior would be Transvestism, a completely different thing altogether. Finally, contrary to what people might think, the vast majority of transsexuals in the world lead quiet, celibate lives, and a significant number are deeply religious. I personally know 4 transsexuals who are ordained ministers. The first comment on focusing on Gods intent that there are two sexes, ignores the simple fact that a significant percentage of people are born somewhere between the sexes. This makes extrapolating the Bible's intent for the sexes extremely difficult to manage. Worse, being of ambiguous sex, or having sexual anomalies makes one a target of social abuse, and violence... because people have a hard time with folks who are simply different. The whole point of changing sex is about getting right with oneself and therefore coming to a place where one can be at home in their own skin, rather than forever dealing with a profound and painful personal incongruity. For people born between male and female (including transsexuals), the goal is to resolve the anomaly so one can fit in and live like everyone else. That is the whole point. I was born a feminine androgyn. I had deeply feminine behavior and physical appearance. I was completely sterile and my hormone levels were closer to female than male. Trying to look and behave like a man, was unseamly for me, and resulted in abuse, bullying, even an attempted rape when I was 17. People often just assumed I was gay, when that was not the case. I had no normalcy in my life until I transitioned, at which point everything changed, I could function completely normal and fit in everywhere. Please tell me which was more unseemly, failing horribly at my pretense of being a man, or simply giving into the body and personality I was born with so I could fit into society... on a side note, after transition, I chose celibacy, because it seemed the thing to do. If you can give me 1 good Christian justification for denouncing my choice, I'd love to hear it. That said, I have a good church community with whom I worship and I lead a good Christian life. More than anything I want to dispel the misunderstanding and superstitions surrounding this condition. It simply isn't what people think it is.
@zobbycar2728 5 лет назад
Marie Tobias the main reason to focus on is what God says is right or wrong, because He just wants the absolute BEST for all of us, even if we think it’s wrong, but He Knows everything so even if we disagree with our Father in Heaven, It won’t matter. He made the rules not to hurt us, but cause He Loves us beyond anyone can imagine.we won’t understand till we return home to Heaven with Lord Jesus Christ in perfect Love Peace and Joy.
@jamieleara3694 3 года назад
I think you have missed some evidence in coming up with your principles. One of the first recorded baptisms was a eunuch (Acts 8). And when Jesus discusses "male and female" in Matthew 19, he goes on to acknowledge that there are eunuchs "from birth" and eunuchs "who have been made eunuchs by men" (ie, castration). Nowhere does the Son of God condemn these who were either differently gendered in the womb or purposefully, surgically emasculated. The principle I see in that is that God clearly loves all of his creation regardless of what reproductive organs they may or may not have, or what hormones may or may not be coursing through their bodies.
@kaitsith3081 9 лет назад
No, to be a christian you have to be a cisgender, heterosexual, conservative american male.
@darkseeker1112 9 лет назад
"...conservative, American, male" Well... You were almost there. But you just couldn't help profiling us couldn't you?
@mrs.beautiful_23 9 лет назад
Did the Bible says that?
@SayWhat6187 8 лет назад
+Kait Sith You got it all wrong. To be a Christian, you could be the worst person-even a serial killer! But once you do become a Christian, by surrendering your life to Christ, your old desires become new desires.
@chloealexa189 8 лет назад
Yes, and with your head up U no where.
@karenkordes2210 5 лет назад
...and you have to drive an American car, eat steak and potatoes, shop at Sears.... etc. LOL ROFL
@mikebarnes7734 2 года назад
Choosing to be a eunuch goes back thousands of years; but it was never considered to be an ability to switch gender. What we should be asking is: "Would Jesus approve of this choice?" and not of Christianity's determination. Christianity has devolved into over forty-thousand denominations all with their different brand of interpretation of the teachings of Christ.
@CorinaVR 4 года назад
Here are some plain, simple facts: 1) Religion is 100% a choice. You can choose to follow any religion you want, or choose not to follow any religion. 2) Being Gay/Lesbian/Bi-sexual/Transgender is not a choice, it is built into the person; it is who they are from the core. 3) You cannot "pray the gay away". You think that people can ignore who/what they are? You think they can ignore/cover up/conceal that they are LGBT? You obviously don't know the hellish life they must lead by ignoring themselves. Any religion that tells a person that they cannot be themselves, as long as it hurts no one, is no religion for me. I find it hypocritical that so many religions condemn people in the LGBT community while covering up and protecting members of their church that abuse children. Clean your own houses first before you condemn others.
@CorinaVR 4 года назад
@Amber Walters Wholly and completely false information you're regurgitating there. Why do you think "conversion therapy" is outlawed? Because it does more harm than good. God didn't make me, genetics did.
@MaxSnowDude 4 года назад
Amber Walters not really. Sexual attraction is literally scientifically provably natural fuck off bigot
@CorinaVR 3 года назад
@Nitesam No. It is not a choice. How could anyone willingly choose to face social stigma, potentially losing their friends and family, potentially losing the job and place of employment, facing death at the hands of intolerance, paying tens of thousands of dollars to become the person their brain is telling them they should be? No, being transgender, gay, lesbian or bi-sexual is NOT a choice. It is who we are. Educate yourself.
@Christian20013 Год назад
No it’s not ok because the sin god is saying is a man who wears a dress same for women is a sin
@elsewherehouse 6 лет назад
The very last couple statements he said are quite important. I wish he would have elaborated
@aliciageary7653 5 месяцев назад
He didnt elaborate because it’s horse shit. Transgender people have existed since mankind has existed. There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with the soul of a person who happens to feel as though they are a man or female or both. Some people are just born that way. God isn’t creating people with extra jacked up souls right out of the womb.
@aleydalauria5094 3 года назад
God bless you pastor Piper in every answer that you give always stand out ,we must glorify or give glory to our Father and His son Jesus
@josephoreynolds1742 7 лет назад
Deuteronomy 22:5King James Version (KJV) 5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God. Bless you for your teachings Joseph Watchman#52 The Protected One
@MattSmithTOFY 7 лет назад
Except that the verse is NOT talking about clothing. Do your homework and read the Hebrew and study the customs of the Era.
@cocoleche149 6 лет назад
Joseph O Reynolds preach! ♡
@melissarobinson9365 6 лет назад
Amen. The world needs more people like you and that preacher. For we are discriminated for following the word of God.
@hugosapien3705 6 лет назад
This is the XXI Century. Read on, and you'll see what you're wearing and what you had for breakfast also violate Mosaic law. The Bible is a complicated thing. If you wish to use it, learn how to read it within its historical context.
@jessicalong7781 5 лет назад
If you are trans than you will be putting on the right clothing. The bottom line is that trans is not a choice
@raleiariel9271 6 лет назад
transgenderism is not a sexuality.
@TednGilbertAZ 10 лет назад
"That kind of use of your sexuality???" Being transgender is NOT about 'sexuality' - it is about GENDER. Once again, I highly suggest to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to not weigh in on topics you don't really understand or know about from either lack of awareness or lack of education. When you do so, you open yourselves to mockery as well as put a false face of 'authority' in Christianity. I will give you points for being somewhat compassionate, but cringing and grouping the words "or whatever" really makes you look small. Alos, "God made them male and female" = Adam and Eve. They sinned and separated from God in their sin. If life begins at conception, which I fervently believe it does - and we are born of sin AT that point of conception, then logically, God does not make ANYONE male or female. Why? Because one's gender and genitalia does NOT begin to develop until after 4 weeks of gestation and is not genetically determined until 6 to 8 weeks, RANDOMLY. Also, we are all born initially as FEMALE until gonads develop via chromosomal assignment in gestation. Sin can be defined as separation from God or anything that separates us from God. Therefore, as life begins at conception at which point we separate from God as our souls enter flesh becoming human life - and we are conceived in sin, gender is also determined or developed in SIN... separated from God - which can only mean God does not and did not make you male or female. Nature did. Theological logic, not personal spin.
@corey80581 9 лет назад
We all know who the father of sin is. In this world we are born into sin. If you are covered in sin you are susceptible to any ailment, affliction or problems that come with it as well as burdens and all negativity that comes with it. That being said, to be cleansed of it means to accept Jesus and repent and ask for his forgiveness of being a sinner. Unable to do that in the womb, any condition or medical 'flaw' that occurs in the womb like gender assignment can't be addressed properly until we give ourselves to Jesus and come under his care. I don't buy into so called Christians who accept homosexuality (as well as being transgender) and don't want to give Jesus the credit of being able to cure those types of conditions. What they are doing by saying things like 'its ok its just who we are or who you choose to be' means that they themselves have no faith in the true living God or believe in a god who is not all powerful like my God who can achieve all things and who has unlimited power. If you disagree, no problem, your god is not strong enough to help people with situations like that and its fine with me, but mine is. God created 'nature' (at least my God did, he created all things) and he does address everything this modern world encounters, you just have to ask God to open your eyes to it and show you in the Bible, because contrary to popular belief, the Bible is not meant for all to understand. Don't get me wrong, I agree with most of what you're saying. I just don't agree with god doesn't make you male or female, he DOES. The issue is exactly what you stated....SIN, the father of sin has a hand in it as he is the author of CONFUSION, and I can't think of a more confused situation when someone who is male believes they are female and vise-versa. It just appears to me that we don't give Satan enough credit or truly understand his boundaries of power on this earth...being that it belongs to him for the time being until the second coming of Christ where he reclaims this world. I can guarantee you though, when Christ does come back, and Satan and his followers are bound in chains for 1000 years and will have NO influence over man, we will no longer have these issues of transgenderism or sexual assignment and preference at all.
@TednGilbertAZ 9 лет назад
I will pray for your eyes to be opened through the Holy Spirit and Christ's GRACE, not your church's ignorant LEGALISM being obviously preached.
@sxm_tamika6619 8 лет назад
@r-platt 7 лет назад
Corey80581: Quite the post. I would argue that we only need 2 things: belief in Jesus and love. John 3:16 doesn't qualify who is saved. It only says that those who believe are saved. We are all covered in sin - literally. Leviticus 19:19 We are all sinners. It matters not how big the sin is. Righteousness is the goal. But a sinner can still be called righteous. Look to King Solomon. He sinned many ways over and over yet God called him righteous. *" I don't buy into so called Christians who accept homosexuality (as well as being transgender) and don't want to give Jesus the credit of being able to cure those types of conditions."* You've fallen for the lie that because God CAN do something means he WILL do it. All things are possible with God. Yes, God can cure anyone of anything. But He doesn't. He leaves the blind without sight. He leaves the suffering to suffer. Look to Paul. He asked God to remove the thorn in his side. God's response: "My grace is sufficient." *"I can't think of a more confused situation when someone who is male believes they are female and vise-versa."* Respectfully, your lack of imagination doesn't make you right. The only real confusion I had growing up was "why can't I be the person God created me to be?" And that was supplied by society, not God. *"[...] we will no longer have these issues of transgenderism or sexual assignment and preference at all."* When we are given our new bodies, I completely agree. "They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary" - Isaiah 40:31 Until then, we are broken and in need of love.
@nariahgreene5823 6 лет назад
Rachael Platt, we are born into sin but we are born again through Jesus Christ. You are just trying to twist the Bible verses in order to prove your point. I rebuke you Satan.
@tonybarron7360 Год назад
5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God. Deuteronomy 22:5
@qtfy Год назад
i'm trans, but i also just know God exists, i have been a christian and the fact that there are people out there that hate me in my religion won't stop that lately i have been questioning if God is mad at me at all. for example, whenever i would read the bible (while thinking about these stuff) i would always fall on texts that referred to girls and women's. and not just "oh you're straying away from God" and there are probably more stuff that just made me think that God didn't left me for being trans. then, 2 days ago, i questioned to myself if these things could have been made by a false prophet of some sort, or even the devil. i opened the bible, and i got Matthew 21:23-27. which specifically revolves around jesus being questioned about why and how he is doing all that stuff. maybe i have a bad text interpretation or i'm being biased. but it just sounded like God had his reasons for not caring (or even encouraging) this path on me. specially because jesus ended it saying it would not tell the people the authority of the stuff he had been doing. and i felt wonderful, it was like God telling me he is more than i've been told and that he is bigger than i thought him was. and isn't this the whole point of God? him slowly revealing him to myself as i let him in my life so that we can build a relationship? up until now my relationship with God has been fear, but now, i don't know.
@kirjian Год назад
That's great! Keep reading the bible, all of it :)
@angelanelajuly2961 3 года назад
I’m trans. It’s from birth. I feel androgynous. Women grew up being little girls. I didn’t,therefor, I am not a woman. I am also not a man. Trans people are the spiritual higherarchy on Earth. But without love and left in despair, instead of disapline, they live in despair. This leaves no other choice but hormone change. The body is unbearable to live with the wrong hormones and the brain has a physical sex. Humanity has lost its way being judgemental and the Tyrant God is being called by all.
@missinsanelogic 3 года назад
Your just making stuff up.
@bvnny20 3 года назад
Question to everyone out there. I consider myself as nonbinary. I even go by they/them pronouns. I tend to feel discomfort towards seeing myself as a woman because I don't feel as an exact gender. I see myself as a person more than seeing myself as either gender. However, I do acknowledge I am biologically a woman. I grew up in a Christian household where I am always told that LGBTQ is wrong. I get told one thing and get told another. It confuses me do much to where I don't know what is correct. I've dealt with this for years but never explored my gender identity up until this year where I started to question it. And once I discovered it, it made me feel so happy and comfortable up until I heard different information. Then I started to feel small. So is it wrong for me to feel this way?
@sherimagistad2312 10 месяцев назад
I have an honest question for those who can answer it. I was raised Christian and have read my bible front to back numerous times. (Old testament all the way through twice and some books a dozen times) and the New Testament ( front to back about 10 times and some books countless times). Honestly I was disillusioned by what I read because it wasn’t what i was taught in school and it was clear to me why there are so many denominations. Everyone is out to use the Bible to cherry pick what suits them. Yes, God is real. Yes, Jesus is my saviour but I feel closer to him now that I know the whole bible in context than I ever did in one of the 10,000 denominations. It would take all day to go into context but my question is, do you love God or do you fear him? If your child is gay do you truly believe they deserve the worst imaginable tortures, not like a serial killer would get on earth in jail but torn to pieces and burned for all eternity like the worst horror movie you claim is evil. That is the truth of hell. Or that kind, loving buddhist woman down the street. Does she deserve it? What about the pedophile serial killer who repents in his last year? Will he look down in pity on the child he corrupted who is burning and being ripped apart for eternity in hell? I know it sounds horrific and graphic but the bible can be horrible and graphic out of context. In context it is something much different but sadly most Christians will never take the time to put the context together with an open mind free of the brainwashing of their denomination. I love Jesus and will always believe him when he said: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That is the law of the prophets.” Matthew 7:12 Would you want to be murdered, lied to, cheated on, stolen from? Judged, bullied, betrayed? Of course not! Don’t do those things to others! But sadly these things happen everyday by all nationalities and denominations and religions but those who don’t do these common sense things exist in all denominations and religions too. Have you ever wondered if your battle to be right has lost sight of Christ’s most straightforward teaching?
@KingPingviini 10 месяцев назад
Who deserves hell? Everybody, including me. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood-to be received by faith. Romans 3:23-25
@NotABushFan1 6 лет назад
I find it so sad reading most of these post. In Matthew 19 12 Jesus talks about one in two thousand babies that are born as intersex or as he said, eunuchs. An intersex person does not have a define genitalia as to being male or female. What happens a doctor makes an operation on a healthy baby to make it one or the other not knowing fully how this child will develop later in life, they are not God, although a few have said they play God to correct this. Although before 1950 this was not done. So, why are we doing it today, might be a real question? Being trans is not new, yes the word is new, but one can find gender issues throughout history, some called three spirits.
@rebekahloe1677 4 года назад
There is a difference between being intersex and being transgender. The former is a physical condition from birth, and like any other birth defect, should be treated on a case-by -case basis. Being transgender is NOT a physiological issue, but rather a psychological issue, where a person rejects his or her biological gender. Most of the comments here are unrelated to intersex, but address transgenderism.
@putrigeraldine5151 4 года назад
@@rebekahloe1677once in my country, a rare issues has happened, that a girl transforming into a boy NATURALLY, and her parents says that she used to be a tomboy before. She was called as transgender. Now are u gonna saying that he's rejected his gender?
@marciethomas5766 4 года назад
@MsMarian Rogers Thanks so much for your story.
@marciethomas5766 4 года назад
@@rebekahloe1677 Gender is NOT a psychological or biological, it is placed on us by our parents and or the place we live in at the time.
@marciethomas5766 4 года назад
@@rebekahloe1677 I question what you are saying, back in fall of 2005 I had a radical . It is know that we all share
@MajinErick 3 года назад
Interesting answer, but.... If God made the Seahorse hermaphrodites, which can carry the cells of each gender, then there has to be more things that we don't know about God himself. I feel as if our education is limited and maybe for a good reason, but I believe that the scope of God is far beyond our understanding. If I created something with specifics and did not intend for my creation to change, then it depends if I like this change. Is this change good or is this change bad?
@poplionandrew5803 5 лет назад
James 5: 20 says 'belief in God's Word; faith and trust in relationship'
@smeatonlighthouse4384 4 года назад
Just throw out a large section of the Bible and then maybe you could convince yourself of it being OK. Otherwise, of course it is NOT OK. God is Holy and sin is sin and God has no time for perversion of the human nature.
@onlyholinesswilldo1916 5 лет назад
@suppacoo7268 5 лет назад
Every parent ever goes through this. They raise their kids to be the best they can be, but sometimes they go off on their own and make their own life choices the parents would never suspect. But no matter what the kid decides to do in life, the parent will always be there for them, loving them unconditionally through ups and down. That is what a god is, a father/mother to its creations. What you seem to worship is something I hope no one associates with. Its horrendous thinking. Also, chillax a bit on the caplock, there.
@suppacoo7268 3 года назад
@Nitesam why are you comparing this to a father lol I highly doubt your dad would stick you in eternal damnation and suffering for breaking the tv, how do you even make such a comparison?
@suppacoo7268 3 года назад
@Nitesam by comparing this to a father I mean the action of damnation, not the act of comparing god to a fatherly figure.
@suppacoo7268 3 года назад
@Nitesam damning someone to eternal suffering is not loving, not comparable to a fatherly punishment in the slightest. Once again, how is this a correct comparison?
@zdravokakosi146 3 года назад
No one said they couldnt transition. Their still a soul.
@famousseagull2249 2 года назад
Question for you sir. I am questioning if I just wanna be nonbinary. I see myself as they and them, but I would never date boys and other lbgtqs, I wanna know if it's alright to just be non binary, especially for someone that won't be sexually active.
@andrewhensman8842 2 года назад
I'm interested in what Piper would say here too. I think LGBTQ+ is more complex than just dealing with sexuality, so this question addresses something that was not said in the video other than a blip about "God created them Male and Female". That said, I personally don't think how you identify yourself is a sin. Like Piper said, this was not something overtly discussed in the Bible because it wasn't overtly and issue of the day. Hard questions to answer. But certainly thoughtful.
@couchconcerts 2 года назад
I feel the same way.
@auntclechris 6 лет назад
Does it not say in John that if you accept Christ the laws brought by Moses dont apply anymore since faith replaces law and in faith you will receive unconditional love?
@ianalan4367 6 лет назад
That would apply to civil, cultural, and dietary. The laws of morality do not change as God's morality does not change is my understanding. Thus Christ's instructions that we must follow the law.
@suppacoo7268 5 лет назад
@@ianalan4367 Never in the bible does it give a restriction to just those guidlines.
@ianalan4367 5 лет назад
@@suppacoo7268 Hello suppacoo. If I am understanding you correctly... “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill." The New Testament then addresses civil, cultural, and dietary laws as the Prophesy has been fulfilled, such as: no longer what we put in our mouth but what comes out of our moth keeps us clean, circumcision no longer necessary, and clearly we are not to stone anyone to death for just a couple examples. The laws of morality (adultery, thou shall not kill, steal, etc.) remain the same. That is my understanding of what has been taught anyway.
@suppacoo7268 5 лет назад
@@ianalan4367 Thats the thing. Jesus said he came not to destroy but to fulfill. As such, we should still be following the rules. But we don't, as we realized, as humanist, its pretty stupid. The same thing is happening now with LGBTQ and other sexual sins. Its what we do as a progression in society. WE decide what is wrong and right in the world.
@ianalan4367 5 лет назад
@@suppacoo7268 I 'think' we may agree. We are clearly to uphold the 'law' as our Lord God stated we should. Sexual sins being of morality (along with adultery, gossip, theft, etc.) that no where in Scripture suggests has changed. With the Prophesy fulfilled however the New Testament also reveals dietary, civil, and cultural laws are no longer binding. We can eat bacon (thank God) because it is no longer what goes into our mouth but what comes out of our mouth that keeps us clean. Christ has come and by Grace we are washed clean. We are no longer bound to not wear mixed fabric as that was a form of repentance. All repentance now must go through the cross. , etc. We are to uphold the law but the New Testament clearly states where the old covenant has been fulfilled and the new covenant (and laws there of) are established. That's my understanding anyway. The distortions of God's laws in favor of our own lustful nature is, well, Lord have mercy upon us for we cannot serve two masters.
@ipaporod 5 лет назад
My question is , if the bible clearly states that God is our creator (all of us) did God created hermaphrodites as part of the original creation of man/woman or did it arises as a genetic error like when people are born with 11 fingers, 3 legs, Siamese ,ect,ect?.I think is a genetic error not intended by God but as a result of mankind sinful nature which corrupted God's plan for his creation!. The bible said that God saw his creation and said it was good, by that God meant it was perfect, then came sin into the world and corrupted everything .That's why this world according to God is under a curse and will be consumed / terminated by fire.
@rydrakeesperanza5370 3 года назад
If your referring to humans: those are not real but pseudo hermaphrodites,or they? At least that's what I've heard in a video. And nut read online. You answered your genetic error question already. I can imagine that if it was part of the original creation it would have been mentioned, exist not in the minority (about 1%) and would be real hermaphroditism. But that's just my thought, I'm too afraid of going into the corruption of sin here; it may have been in the old testament and even new inherited into newer generations, but now with Christ's death I'm not sure if that still exists that way or not.
@mikem2002 8 лет назад
sadly, this person's answer is theological and makes it seem like being transgender is a choice. Absolutely no one chooses being transgender. No one. So we can't un-choose it. It just is. God just doesn't love male and/or female, he loves all. I'm not out of step as a Christian at all. I'm transgender and Christian. And you are attempting to understand something you cannot. Stop trying.
@sxm_tamika6619 8 лет назад
They usually think iT is a choice . Sadly iT isn't And will never be a choice
@sxm_tamika6619 8 лет назад
+Jesus is my Salvation Stop talking nonsense
@hellbilly9974 8 лет назад
It is a choice. You're either born a boy or a girl, I don't understand where the line gets blurred there. I don't understand what makes you think you can just change that.
@mikem2002 8 лет назад
Chevy Man Keep reading, you will understand. It's all in how the baby is formed in the womb. All research is pointing to that, all of our experiences point to that. Keep reading.
@MattSmithTOFY 7 лет назад
What you, and many other people, fail to understand is that being transgender is NOT a choice. Because if it were, we would choose not to be this way. People who are transgender have the highest rate of suicide and have the highest amount of people murdered among any other group within the US. Why? Because depression is super high thanks to the hatred, bias against, persecution by churches and the lack of support from people who don't have a clue about transgendered people. Our gender is not what is between our legs. Our gender is caused by hormones and chromosomes. If our gender was what is between our legs, then how would you define someone who is intersexed (both sets of genitalia)? If you were to look at me, you'd never know I was transgendered. Yet, I have been so since birth. I knew from the age of 4-5 that I was different. I used to dress in my mom's clothes whenever I got a chance. I even lived part-time as a woman in my early 20s. But right now I look like I stepped off the set of Duck Dynasty. But my beard, my children that I have fathered, nor my style of dress don't take away from the fact that I'm transgendered. My choice has only been in the fact that I chose to not make my wife uncomfortable around me and have suppressed those feelings and desires until recently.
@xolove3435 3 года назад
Romans 1:16 and down. AND Deuteronomy 22:5 The Word of God is Blessed!
@aliwells2627 6 лет назад
No, God doesn't make mistakes, he makes life. To make life, you have to add challenges. If God made a man in a woman's body, or vice versa, He didn't make a mistake, He made another challenge. We are supposed to listen to God, and we should listen to what God tells us before we listen to what another Christian tells us. I've always denied that I was transgender, but after accepting that I was, I had a stronger relationship with God, and I've lived a happier and more peaceful life since last year. But hey, maybe I'm wrong; I'm only 13. Even if my idea is wrong, I still know that it's been easier for me to keep my faith and for me to have a strong relationship with God when I accepted that I was transgender.
@eliara-thevoice8430 2 года назад
And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.” -Luke 21:34
@joedurt2687 5 лет назад
I can glue fur all over my self and fabricate a tail still doesn't make me a dog
@jacson6978 5 лет назад
Joe Durt tell em joe durt
@Feedmysheep2116 4 года назад
Joe Durt 👆🏻👏🏼
@suzyq.2339 4 года назад
Joe Durt and you can go to church all you want and it still doesnt make you a christian. jesus says in matthew 7:23 "And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!"
@amberkammer9210 Год назад
“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. “
@rainypie 4 года назад
Title, your answer is yes.
@melissahill3249 7 лет назад
Correct me if I'm wrong but I can't find anything showing that someone can be born with both male and female reproductive organs. as in testicles and ovaries. so that they could reproduce of themselves. I once heard a doctor say that the presence of ovaries or testicles decided weather someone is male or female. if a person is born with male genitals but female ovaries then that are a woman. but female genitals with testicles means that they are a man. That seems simple enough to me. Just because someone chooses to look like a woman dosnt mean that are a woman and just because someone chooses to look like a man didn't mean they are men. Easy.
@nicolefoysten9094 6 лет назад
Please do not use your religion as an excuse to discriminate. How about people with depression. Self harmers. People with anorexia. Are you saying that if someone with depression takes medication to help them live a normal and happy life, they are going to hell? If you want to pull out the Bible, let’s look at something together. The Bible says to except Jesus Christ as our lord and savior, and we shall be saved. It does not say “you will be saved... unless your gay, transgender, bisexual, asexual, a murderer... etc.” transgender people are PEOPLE. They love. They have EVERY RIGHT to love and praise God. There was a time that the world was trying to convince everyone to convert into Christianity. What are we doing now? Saying “BELIEVE IN OUR LORD AND SAVIOR UNLESS YOUR TRANS”. Take time. Do your research. Get to know a transgender person and DONT BE AFRAID.
@shannonlewis3341 6 лет назад
Nicole foysten good thing about it is ITS NOT RELIGION
@Ashley-sf5iz 5 лет назад
Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. I John 3:4 Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. Galatians 3:24‭-‬25 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? Romans 6:1‭-‬2 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:17‭, ‬19 But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. James 2:18‭, ‬24‭-‬24‭, ‬26
@oliwashere_ 6 лет назад
Whats up? I'm a trans boy (female to male) just dropping in to say hi!
@camden5534 2 года назад
I am confused with these comments so is being trans and sin yes or no
@voltron-eb6sx 7 лет назад
I wish that we had a certain way to know if the lgbt+ things are right in God's word with all of this confusion with translations and interpretations, like how the bible directly says lying is sinful. But, that's faith.
@r-platt 7 лет назад
@AYAYron liken: I do so agree! How much better would life be to _know_ truth. I can tell you transitioning is NOT a decision. Most of us do NOT want it. But God made it a requirement. We must transition or we spend life and eternity in hell. Plain and simple.
@donnadaly3303 5 лет назад
God has addressed things in the Bible that are happening TODAY. That is what prophecy is, so saying it is not directly addressed in the Bible is nonsense. God is not short sighted.
@guyanese_empress9559 4 года назад
Donna Daly well said
@karenkordes2210 5 лет назад
I'm wearing a man's long-sleeve shirt over my blouse today, so I guess I'm a bad person too? LOL ... please this is all a bunch of legalistic nonsense! I DON'T wear makeup... but Christian women who DO are being un-godly (according to Pentecostals)... this is all so silly.
@karenkordes2210 5 лет назад
@@lunarblues8805 It appears to me that women have more freedom than men to wear basically whatever we want. Of course it would be frowned upon if I showed up at church in a man's suit and tie!! I think you know what I mean. One of my male co-workers wears mascara and lip-gloss (he's NOT gay) and I have no problem with this but if he showed up in a frilly skirt... yes, that would be weird.
@ylekiote99999 5 лет назад
Deut. 25:11 When two men are fighting and the wife of one of them intervenes to drag her husband clear of his opponent, if she puts out her hand and catches hold of the man by his privates, you must cut off her hand and show her no mercy. If in spite of this you still do not listen to me but continue to be hostile toward me, then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over. You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters."(Leviticus 26:27-30) "I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent." Timothy 2:11 Genesis 19:8“ Look, I have two daughters, virgins both of them. Let me bring them out to you and you could do what you like with them. But do nothing to these men because they have come under the shelter of my roof.” She lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. Ezekiel 23:20 NIV Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. Leviticus 19:19 Ye shall not round the corners of your heads. Leviticus 19:27 When a woman has a discharge, if her discharge in her body is blood, she shall continue in her menstrual impurity for seven days; and whoever touches her shall be unclean until evening. Everything also on which she lies during her menstrual impurity shall be unclean, and everything on which she sits shall be unclean. Leviticus 15: 19-20 Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves. Numbers 31:17-18 You may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. Ephesians 6:5 NLT
@ylekiote99999 5 лет назад
@Déjà Siku I understand law completely....When it makes sense.
@paintrain19 6 лет назад
Love Pastor Piper
@johnathonwilliams5038 2 года назад
This is a great message and I wish people would understand that God doesn’t make mistakes when He created you male or female.
@cyvirus5041 10 лет назад
.... its simple. It is ok if you were born that way, is Gods creation not perfect? That being said, it would be wrong to envy and decide to change your gender by "adding" something. That is saying you are unsatisfied with what the LORD has given you.
@littlebit080780 9 лет назад
So if someone was born innersexed ~both organs~ would it be sinning to have one removed and to live as one sex? Would that be envying a normal male or female and changing their body? And please don't answer with "There are so few of those ppl it's really not an issue" I swear I got that response everytime I pose this question. I dunno why ppl think that just b/c something is in the minority that it should be discounted.
@nataliewalters2759 7 лет назад
The fall , which is sin caused things to get crazy. Remember Adam and Eve sinned because they listened to Satan and sin came into the world .
@typewriter3943 6 лет назад
It doesn't matter if someone is trans, or if you disagree with being transgender. They still deserve respect as a person. According to the Christian faith, you're supposed to love your neighbor as yourself. If I'm not mistaken, I believe there's a section where Jesus hung around non-believers and otherwise lower people. If the man who Christians believe is perfect can respect imperfect people, then why can't you respect someone who's only changing themselves to be happier? Listen, I'm not trying to preach, and as an atheist, I'm not trying to change your religion at all, but there needs to be more acceptance for people that aren't like you, whether they're of a different race, gender, or sexuality.
@KevinNordstrom Год назад
This is definitely fitting in our society 10 years later from this interview.
@matthewteal7134 5 лет назад
What more important to have faith or not?
@MariaMaria-sr8zg 2 месяца назад
That poor child. He wants to honor his parents. But has no clue. I understand how difficult that is to figure out what to do when you don't know what to do but you want to do right.
@lukewagner8871 6 лет назад
First both you and your father can find solace in this. 1 Timothy 4:9-11 KJVS [9] This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. [10] For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. [11] These things command and teach. But be clear that your father will not inherit the kingdom of God, will not rule and reign with Jesus Christ for a thousand years. He will be judged and correct, as others, in the white throne judgment. 1 Corinthians 6:9 KJVS [9] Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, It matters not what he believes on this matter, and he is likely being deceived by deceitfulness of sin, HE 3:13 . www.justifiedfreely.com
@mrboomer8726 Год назад
They believe that because God is gracious, they can allow themselves an immoral way of life, and they refuse to recognize Jesus Christ as our only Lord and Master. But the judgment against them has already been pronounced.
@jennypraise4960 5 лет назад
You know by him even reading it his going to take a right wing view and knows nothing about gender
@stephengarrett4193 5 лет назад
How do you know?
@jennypraise4960 5 лет назад
@@stephengarrett4193 Because I'm very familiar with his teaching.. By his books and sermons etc. I knew where he stands on these issues the Conservative evangelicals don't allow for a discussion or are open to other views.
@jackychan9773 4 года назад
Your stupit
@johnlemon8689 4 года назад
Jacky well your obtuse
@Halffullofjuice 5 лет назад
Religon was written by the hand of man, that's a fact. I'd say it's ok to be transgendered, but why would you ever want yo be religious? Do as you like, but when it comes to God, religion is the furthest thing away from it.
@r-platt 5 лет назад
The important aspects to religion are faith, hope and love. Practicing these aspects make them stronger in our lives. *Faith overcomes this world.* When times are truly desperate, having faith keeps the mind sharp, knowing there is always something better to come. Without faith life can easily overwhelm a person and freeze them in place like a deer in the headlights. Faith allows us to continue moving. *Hope feeds faith.* So long as a person has a glimmer of hope they will continue to struggle and improve. Win or lose, faith is maintained by hope. (For who can have a strong faith and feel hopeless?) *Love is the most important.* When all the lights go out love shines and fills the darkness with hope and faith is restored. Thus when all is done and we breathe our last breath only faith, hope and love will remain. And the greatest of these is love.
@sawez8089 5 лет назад
@@r-platt Yeah,they should.
@r-platt 5 лет назад
@@sawez8089 Forgive me.. Who are "they" and what should they do?
@sawez8089 5 лет назад
@@r-platt Gay/Lesbians and Trans. God made us perfect , and they change themselves !
@r-platt 5 лет назад
@@sawez8089 Oh... I think you have your lives mixed up. This life is far from perfect. That's why Jesus came - so our imperfections can be forgiven and washed away. And even then we still sin which is continuous proof we are not perfect. The LGB side doesn't generally modify their bodies or minds. Transgender people literally have brains wired opposite their sex as shown by medical imaging. God made us both male AND female. Do nothing and we go insane. Yet the earlier it's treated the better the results and the better the cure. The dysphoria can go away permanently. But we also need public acceptance and lots of love.
@jldmistery6840 4 года назад
I believe you should respect the way God has made you. So to me it means it would be very disrespectful to change how God has made you. Ofcourse nowhere in the bible they mention it, because back than it didn't happen but I very sure it's at least a disrespectful thing to do.
@jldmistery6840 4 года назад
@MsMarian Rogers In that case it is very surprising to me that was accepted back than. As I see it as mockery of God's work
@zdravokakosi146 3 года назад
Its not a mockary...God has given each one of us a way to choose. It is not a sin. It is not a mockary. The person is just truing to find themselfes. They dont feel like themselves.
@jamiesmith4293 2 года назад
But isn't it also affirming God's creation of male and female, showing that you don't take it lightly? You put so much thought into it and how it applies to you that you're willing to uproot your entire life over it. Would the only problem be when you force other people to affirm it? It's not a restriction on free speech, it's forced speech that may go against someone else's reality, thereby forcing them to lie.
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