
Is The West An Elephant On Stilts? 

Morgoth's Review
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11 окт 2022




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@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
Find all my content on Substack (no it isn't all paywalled) morgoth.substack.com/
@morgant.dulaman8733 Год назад
Hey Morgoth, if you want a subject that may be of some interest to you, I might recommend checking out White Nose Syndrome, and how it's wiped out a massive amount of America's bat population (90% in some species, including the little brown bat, which used to be one of our most numerous). Ever since finding out about that, I've been wondering why it isn't more widely reported, especially compared to the coverage of bees dying off. Perhaps it has something to do with the cause: like the bees (mostly European ones, other species are doing fine), White Nose syndrome is caused by a fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans, which gets into the skin of the nose and ears, hence the name. The fungus isn't native to the U.S., and researchers have speculated it came from European spelunkers who brought it into bat caves (by the way, like the bees, it varies by species, mostly killing the ones that hibernate in caves by waking them up through the itch, while others that stay in the woods and migrate in colder months are doing much better). In any case, perhaps the reason this actual possible extinction event isn't talked about as much is because it really doesn't come down to global warming, or as we're trained to call it nowadays, "climate change," but from a fungus their bodies had never developed had to adapt to before, one that got to them via tourism, while more bats and birds are being killed via the windmill farms, an outgrowth of that very movement. Why bring that up? Well building off what you said about machines and how you usually don't think about them until they're gone, most people don't think about the birds, the bees, and the bats that much, unless it relates to honey and stings, thinking how pretty or chirpy the birds are, or Halloween and vampires respectively. Nevertheless, all three are major pollinators, and at least two play a big part in keeping insect populations down. In other words, if the bats go, some expect it will costs farmers billions more in pesticides to keep their farm production at current value (to say nothing of the impact those kind of chemicals can have) on top of the issues we're seeing with inflation and supply we're going through now. In addition, I think you'd appreciate the fact that a local population was decimated through a foreign disease brought in through careless travel and tourism, while protectionism and limited travel as implemented in states like Missouri is at least helping to mitigate the damage while elsewhere, the surviving population is only now starting to develop resistance after the devastation has run its course.
@luminouslentil8510 Год назад
I.m sure this was uploaded days ago... oh well, another token in the mad jar it is
@gaslampnation735 Год назад
Tower of babel to sum it up. Bricks are people and material goods are the morter binding them together. When the material goods erode so does the false imperial connection and those people resort to tribalism.
@Pete-eb3vo Год назад
The West may be very corrupt and significantly encapsulates the worlds problem but the East isn't any less corrupt by any stretch, especially when the West helped built up possibly the worlds greatest monster since the 70s: China.
@Catonius Год назад
He posted the text to substack a couple of days ago. You're all too sane I'm at afraid.
@grief1 Год назад
That elephant isn't just unstable, its got an incredibly long way to fall too
@Manintoga Год назад
It will experience continous acceleration... "Little by little and then all at once"
@happyhammer1 Год назад
And we are right under it.
@TheLifeOfKane Год назад
Lol thank god it has the majority of nations in the world supporting it, and everything it touches turns into more human rights and personal wealth, and this draws more support from around the world. But i get it, i didnt bother to look at the history of humanity in that light til later in my life, i also used to think i was so cool saying the big bad west was evil
@TheLifeOfKane Год назад
@@happyhammer1 lol you and your parents were born on its back 🤣🤣
@animula6908 Год назад
I’m looking at the scenery blur past as we hurtle toward the ground below. They say it’s not the fall that gets you, but the landing.
@flacjacket Год назад
As an American who depends on those transoceanic cables to listen to your insights I lament the fact that with each passing day the probability of being cut off from kindred spirits around the world increases as the competency of our ruling class decays. Just remember that should the day come that this infrastructure fails I am still here and so are you, just because we can't reach each other doesn't mean we are truly, spiritually, alone. To me this video reads as an injunction to competency, we should learn how these things work so that when the time comes we can pick the worthwhile bits from the rubble and put them back together, if for no other reason than that we may find each other again.
@leewilliams6070 Год назад
And I thought everything was done by satellites. wtf?
@ronzombie6541 Год назад
No matter where you go, there you are.
@avppr3451 Год назад
How about being a deliberate cut or censorship? Failure loads it as if was an accident... But yeah , we can always have satelites. The only event that can destroy both sattelites and cables is a Russian Preemptive WW3 scenario, were they bring all NATO C4ISR down... If that happens, you will have way bigger problems than the simple being out of contact with like minded people...
@avppr3451 Год назад
@@leewilliams6070 Pretty sure those cables connect you to regional servers, but i might be wrong. As far as i understand for exemple, this morgoth video is saved in various google data centers around the world. So even if one came down, there is another version in some other data center. But the communication between data centers is indeed done all by massive cables apparently...
@corneliuscapitalinus845 Год назад
Yeah ive been thinking itd be good if more of us had the ability to communicate by letter, but thats also pretty dodge for any of us to advertise how we might be reached IRL. Bloody doozy.
@johnclaffey7218 Год назад
The electricity went for ten minutes when I was milking. Utter chaos and I was reduced to a cursing madman. The farming life is often sneered at for being backwards and left behind in the technological gold rush. The motors, engines and compressors beg to differ. Not many of will survive a total crash whereas as little as 70 years ago 95% would have.
@avppr3451 Год назад
And i suppose you store the milk in refrigerated compartments right? So yeah, no eletricy or no petrol = Life in hell for everybody...
@Schlabbeflicker Год назад
@@avppr3451 The entire reason butter and cheese were invented was to preserve dairy for long-term use and storage. Smoking and salting were age-old methods of storing food. On a civilizational level, canned and dried food will still be available where consistent electricity is no longer a guarantee.
@johnclaffey7218 Год назад
@@avppr3451 yes. I bought a Tractor driven generator for scheduled blackouts. Diesel runs rural economies. If diesel cannot be got in the quantities needed then everything grinds to a halt. It’s not madness that’s pushing the green agenda. It’s psychopathy. They know what will happen.
@1685Violin Год назад
@@Schlabbeflicker But certain kinds of cheese for some reason get spoiled within a week.
@CleverGirlAAH Год назад
@@1685Violin Ok. You've missed his point haha
@ganjiblobflankis6581 Год назад
"It's better to be on the ground than on the back of an elephant on stilts." That is worthy of prog rock lyrics right there.
@sunnyjim1355 Год назад
Yeah, and would fit into 7/8 time nicely too. :D
@theworldsend1356 Год назад
It almost breaks my heart knowing that this video will probably only get 10k views, whereas Tom Harwood & Darren Grimes will surely receive millions.
@hcolider2817 Год назад
Best to start uploading on alternative platforms and shill for them
@gleet2677 Год назад
The funny thing is that their RU-vid channels actually get less views than Morgoth. People don't care about them but they're given the the spotlight anyway.
@thewrastler Год назад
who is Darren Grimes?
@beansidhe12 Год назад
I have shared it on my telegram channel I have almost 7000 viewers we are huge fans of morgoth and always support his work
@lukaszabo7554 Год назад
Never heard of these two..
@truthortreason9118 Год назад
Those undersea cables, considered in light of the North Sea gas pipeline explosions, bring to mind the adage, those in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.
@jeffebdy Год назад
Or to quote Spike Milligan, ..."pull down the blinds when removing their trousers"
@thechloromancer3310 Год назад
Indeed. The destruction of vital civilian infrastructure is a can a worms the US should NOT have opened. Sadly, the neocons, ideologues, and MIC shills running Washington D.C. have a remarkable lack of foresight and wisdom.
@markkavanagh7377 Год назад
Then; bread and circuses. Now; pizza and celebrities.
@Julenissen117 Год назад
Do not feel too safe for simply having your two feet soundly planted on the ground, keep your eyes up in the sky, lest you be crushed by raining elephants.
@RealDukeOfEarl Год назад
only this evening I was saying they gave us bread and circuses for decades, and now they forgot about the bread.
@The_Custos Год назад
@jasonuren3479 Год назад
The last minute or so sums it up for me. Like many including myself said coming up 3 years ago. I'm not scared of the 'sickness', I'm scared of the 'cure.'
@jamesl.8878 Год назад
Morgoth you have to check out the author Douglas Reed. He was a British journalist during WW2 and wrote several books on the decline of the west after the war. He needs more exposure in our circles.
@inverted_real_it_y Год назад
His last book made him an outcast, I wonder why. It is funny to see that in his first books he is still naive about the power behind the power, the character development in his ouvre is something Amazon can take inspiration from.
@jamesl.8878 Год назад
I’d say aside from his last book A Prophet at Home, Somewhere South of Suez, and Far and Wide are his next most important books. They’re also really well written and fun to read.
@inverted_real_it_y Год назад
@@jamesl.8878 His last book is called 'The Controversy of Zion' and in my honest opinion the most important book he wrote, yet not an easy read and for most people not fun because it shatters their world view. I guess he would re-write all his other books after finding out what he found out researching for his last book.
@matacabrones4317 Год назад
Controversy of Zion is his most important work, the one that earned him total ostracism
@inverted_real_it_y Год назад
@@matacabrones4317 Yes, all the books leading up to that one have him wondering about the 'stupidity' of the world leaders. In his last book he understands why it is not stupidity, that there is a reason for it all and the effects we see today.
@LateralTwitlerLT Год назад
Winter is indeed coming.
@LateralTwitlerLT Год назад
Oh, and people... you really should go check out Morg's substack if you haven't already done so. Even the non-paywalled articles and videos are a treasure trove of intellectual gold.
@richardscathouse 9 месяцев назад
Like clockwork
@333stevo Год назад
Well we’ll soon see if the circuses holds the peoples attention when the children’s bellies are empty.
@thadtuiol1717 Год назад
"Stop crying yer little shit, I'm trying to watch the match - N'Gubu's on for a hattrick for Citeh!"
@lordbeermonster Год назад
A possible lack of Christmas lights in Europe this winter would be ominously foreboding. A chilling representation of what our 'leaders' have done to us.
@Gopnikawa Год назад
Or any lights at all for that matter.
@yaelz6043 Год назад
Spare a thought for the Russians. The poor bastards have so much electricity that their Christmas lights are already up and so much natural gas that their apartments are heating to 30 celcius. Meanwhile those of them that live in the western part of the country have stopped receiving your wonderful freedom bombs (generally delivered at high speed onto schools) because of their leadership. Truly it is a hard time for everyone.
@shadowbannedaccont9479 Год назад
There be lights just not peaceful light's.
@vanished8664 Год назад
As an ex Street lighting engineer that also installed & dismantled & repaired X-Mas lights. I also believe that the next (Government Directive) will be, Save Power & Ban Christmas Altogether let alone lights & celebrations.
@lervish1966 9 месяцев назад
We've done it to ourselves you simpleton.
@FaustsKanaal Год назад
I know very well how power works because it is my job. And Even though I am a relative novice in the profession with under 10 years work, everyone says its a dying trade even though well paid. Too few young people learn trades that keep the cogs of Western machinery turning.
@nigelwatson2750 Год назад
In Finland, they still do, especially outside the Helsinki cess-pit
@FaustsKanaal Год назад
@109 Countries Yep. Pretty much every skilled tradesman I see like electrician, plumber, HVAC is white and usually over 30. Lots of Poles and Romanians doing the menial unskilled work though.
@thewoodlander9868 Год назад
A long time ago I looked at those elephants, not only did I recognise how precarious they were, I also detested the owners of those elephants. As the shadow games continue, I am in a position where I will have light when others don't, that my home is warm and welcoming in mid December, that the eggs I eat at breakfast and the roast chicken at dinner didn't cost me a penny, and better still I can do this despite they're best efforts to cause me hardship. When I first went off grid I lived for months with no electricity, it wasn't that hard to adapt, and as much as its nice to have a microwave and a washing machine, I could just as well do without it. I wish I could say the same for most people I know, sadly, I can't. Great video.
@bruceyboy5280 Год назад
@occidentadvocate.9759 Год назад
Got a spare room by any chance mate? 😉
@trickywoo5165 Год назад
Our woodlander ancestors were something, sure they are smiling for men like the woodlander 👌🏻 the more I attempt to live like our ancestors the closer to them I feel.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Not trying to undercut your story -- not at all -- but what do you do to get access to this channel if you're off-grid? Go to a public library for public computer access? It's a bit of an irony if you can watch this channel and feel kinship, but you can't access the channel if you earned this perspective by going off-grid. What I mean is, I think lots of folks confront this question -- Do I simplify? And if so, how much? How far do I go? Cleary this medium is precarious. I'm just wondering about how to deal with the practical realities of simplifying. And I also think too much serious attention is given, without discernment, to what one can access on the internet. 95% chaff, 5% wheat. To that extent it's not a loss to see the 95% chaff disappear. But what about the 5% wheat?
@thewoodlander9868 Год назад
@@seanoneil277 great questions... watch my morgcast with morgoth. I kinda go into the whole thing.. I'm pretty off grid, no bank account, not registered anywhere, no electric grid , gas, water... but, I can use the Internet and pop to the shop for a bottle of wine..
@marylamb1407 Год назад
You're good Morgoth. I'd rather live in my grandmother's world too. At least she knew who she was, what she was and who her people were.
@evolassunglasses4673 Год назад
Highly recommend your Substack. Best wishes and thank you for everything you do for our people.
@davecharlie3504 Год назад
I was old enough to remember the disruptions in the 70's, evening times of paraffin lamps & candles. The same when going on caravan holidays to Skegness. For us kids, like you talk of the magic of the house transforming at Christmas, it was a fun experience. I doubt our parents felt the same mind you! With the inevitable collapse of the system, whatever the degree of, carnage, chaos and mayhem will surely commence. A few of us could return to childhood fun!!! Another thought provoking piece Morgoth.
@thadtuiol1717 Год назад
We were a much more cohesive and homogenous country in the 70s, a few inner city shitholes notwithstanding. The non-English demographics and social atomization are far, far more advanced now. It won't be as fun this time - think of a gang of diversity with machetes making a beeline for your house.
@frosksdeadteeth5163 Год назад
Homework by candlelight! Blamed on the labour govt of the time. Democracy is gone. Neoliberalism failed but it’s desperately clinging on.
@happyhammer1 Год назад
Some of your best work yet. Society has become so complex and compartmentalized that our neoliberal leaders are basically the Wizard of Oz. At some point comfort becomes a burden.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
In the spirit of the 21st Century's various pop culture phenomena, I'd say it's a mashup of They Live and Wizard of Oz. With a side order of the zombie movie of your choice. Dessert would be something like The Sting -- or most any David Mamet movie.
@marlonyo Год назад
@@seanoneil277 in They Live they wanted people to have children can we replace the current leaders with the They Live ones
@Witticism_TV Год назад
What an absolute essay, my friend. This one is going to be up there as one of your all-time great videos, and one I'll reference and think about a lot.
@theAEDan Год назад
I remember learning about Fritz Haber and how an enormous percentage of the world now only exists because we can generate a massive surplus of food because of his process, at the time it seemed like magic. Since then I’ve learned that excessive nitrogen usage is poisoning the soil and the ground water, and due to price increases unrelated to Russia this method of mass production will likely in future lead to mass starvation. Not because we can’t produce enough food, but because the poor simply won’t be able to afford it. Now it’s seems less like magic, and more like placing all your eggs in one basket. Constantinoples days were numbered when it lost its grain basket, how will we fair? Another great video mate, hope you’re well from one Geordie to another.
@wearetheremnants1615 Год назад
The west is going behind the new iron curtain..
@seanoneil277 Год назад
AEthelDan -- have you ever read Wendell Berry's book, "The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture" ? Published originally 1977 by a company who would now be ashamed to admit they published the thing, but for the money it's given them over the years. One thing overextended cultures, nations, realms will have in common is an adolescent's infatuation with newness and expansion, eagerly sought without life experience -- without regard for the consequences to self and others, immediately and thereafter. A disregard for the limits imposed the natural world -- ruining the soil's fertility over generations by seeking 5 years' yield in one season, chemically assisted -- is a simple way to self-destruct on feeding one's own people. Same can be said for shipping industry and manufacture overseas, and creating a false casino economy of moving ideas and moving hypothetical interests in fractions of numerical avatars of real wealth. If you don't have industry, how do you actually make anything you need to use? Import it as a completed good and just be a nation of consumers? Fake the "domestically produced" idea by importing the parts but assembling them here?
@TikTak-ux9yp Год назад
Why dose my eyes hurt. Because you have never used them Neo. Springs to mind
@HovisSteve Год назад
All human beings that possess an innervoice and crave authentic intellectual nourishment need content like this.
@strongbow3896 Год назад
Christmas lights should be kept up till at least 5 January - 6th if you consider the Epiphany (when the Three Wise Men showed up) as 12th Night.
@tomasomaonaigh7659 Год назад
@Carroty_Peg Год назад
Hi Morgoth, this was undoubtedly one of your best. . . you are tapping into rich veins. After reading a book on Systems Analysis, it's opened my eyes to seeing things in a more zoomed out view and is quite comforting in some senses.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
In this era, pulling way way back and looking at a larger scale is the only way to even try to make sense of the confusing developments we all encounter. In the USA, systems level thinking is not encouraged in public schools, and even in private ones it's rare. Very few people are capable of system-level analysis. In my working life (30 yrs now) I've noticed systems level thinking is done by maybe 2% of people -- and I've worked in fields where everyone has at least one graduate or professional degree. It's possible that "leaders" around the world right now are possessed of, and guided by, systems-level analyses. But I doubt it very seriously. I think we are faced with con artists who haven't even half the chops they profess to hold and threaten to use. And it's pretty well known in con job investigations that the con artist knows his mark will never want to reveal the indignity and embarrassment of having been conned.
@rebecca.smith. Год назад
@@seanoneil277 That's interesting to hear. I suspect we'd all be systems thinkers if we had the John Taylor Gatto Trivium / Quadrivium education. I live near a Uni and the absolute state of the people attending is hilarious to behold.
@nickgir4769 Год назад
can you recommend a text?
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@nickgir4769 Nick, I don't know if you were asking me. But I can't recommend one because I'm one of those mutants born with systems-level analysis as my brain's main method of processing information. I've been saddled with this mind for 61 years and it works always in systems. Always.
@greasybumpkin1661 Год назад
@@seanoneil277 what is system level analysis?
@shayneswenson Год назад
Much needed stuff. Prescient as always my friend. May God bless and protect you through what we are all about to endure in the coming months. ❤☦️
@tomasomaonaigh7659 Год назад
@davidthomas3826 Год назад
If I can live in a world where I can learn what I want, freely speak my mind, go where I like, read what I like, and be able to challenge or mock our leaders then I don't care if I am poor. Freedom is more important than material goods. Really, all we actually need are education, clean clothes, decent food, a reasonable home, and warmth. All other things are just Christmas tree lights ~ they serve no other purpose than to make the mundane look amazing
@tomasomaonaigh7659 Год назад
Without God there is no good.
@hibernianperspective6183 Год назад
I remember the melancholic feeling of seeing our Christmas tree, now torn down and rotting, some gloomy January after school hidden away in our back yard many years ago as a child, and it's curious because the tree, now stripped naked of its garb of tinsel, decorations and twinkling lights, was already long dead by the time we had begun to decorate it.
@shreder89 Год назад
Morgoth dude, you make some of THE BEST essays and thought pieces around these days, I really appreciate your work, thank you so much.
@killjoyredux8361 Год назад
I work on subsea fibre optic cable projects. Have been on some of the vessels like Responder (TE Subcom). Happy to answer questions.
What are the biggest concerns regarding the potential damage of optic cables?
@killjoyredux8361 Год назад
@@deathbycognitivedissonance5036 somewhat location dependent..but in general they are: seismic and geotechnical stability risks (see Tonga for recent example of how to lose a cable to an earthquake, tsunami or volcano), fishing (dredges, trawlers and the like) and storm surges moving the seabed or large rocks around. Mostly, the initial geotechnical and hydrographic surveys help them select routes to avoid 'free spans', which are essentially what Morgoth was saying about hanging off cliffs...anywhere the cable is not against the seabed is a risk. Early cables used to be attacked by sharks believe it or not, because of the EMFs. These days they are sufficiently armoured.
@thethinredline4714 Год назад
@@killjoyredux8361 Sharks Lol
@@killjoyredux8361 thank you. Appreciate your insight.
@@killjoyredux8361 what are these cables "plugged into" on either side? Some transmission network? Or do they just begin distributing to different internet providers?
@chrisrebar2381 Год назад
When your own government not only allows energy companies to increase their prices way beyond what is a fair and reasonable price, and THEN allows them to continually threaten to start cutting off our access to that energy I.e. Power cuts. That is the time to realise that you need to become much less dependent on these companies AND be very, VERY weary of your own government
@jsbrads1 Год назад
It is true, you should be as independent as possible, but the government isn’t allowing anything, energy companies aren’t raising prices in a vacuum. If an energy company doesn’t raise prices, it can’t buy the fuel needed to supply you that energy.
@chrisrebar2381 Год назад
@@jsbrads1 depends on how independent you are I guess. Solar panels and a battery system goes a very long way towards that independence. With respect to energy companies, stuff them, they always have and still do make obscene profits .... which mainly goes back to the scum share holders. Also, we (the uk) have abundant oil and gas - but that doesn't fit in with the climate change scsn
@jsbrads1 Год назад
@@chrisrebar2381 sure. Seems like wind supplements solar well, as it tends to provide more in the winter and nights. Need to look into it more.
@chrisrebar2381 Год назад
@@jsbrads1 yes, winter is an obvious problem and I certainly won't be "off grid" then, but my electricity bills will definitely be much lower than if I were to fully rely on the grid. Most of spring and autumn my bills are about 70% less than my previous year, and summer was as high 85% less - so I'm well pleased. The damn standing charge is very irritating though. Wind - I don't think it would be practical where I live, however, I am on a hill about 200ft above sea level, so I may look into that
@pridefulobserver3807 Год назад
You have no idea how glad I am to live in the southern cone of latin america, we have historically bad politicians, but the people here thrives despite them, and winds of change are blowing, the fall is not so dramatic when you are a stilt, we will overcome, we will adapt, as we always do after every mega-earthquake, some of you will endure, I know, salutes from Chile.
@malthus101 Год назад
"Give them maggot-protein blocks and The Kardashians, and they shall never revolt." Ummmmmm............... 😠
He's not wrong.
@geoded Год назад
The beautiful irony of this video being shipped to me through those same tubes, pipes, wires and fibres. As a computer engineer I once obsessively investigated the trans-atlantic cable and the repeated attempts to make it work (first one got fried by accident!). It's truly an impressive feat, Faustian to the Nth degree.
@hughjass7914 Год назад
But the bread requires skills of a certain competence and plenitude. Even more, the circuses whose quality has suffered of late.
@Spudcore Год назад
I think you're right about the symbolism of the Dali painting. The elephants are clearly in motion.
@UnknownRex Год назад
Oh man, you capture it so well.
@DavidFraser007 Год назад
I'm already on the ground and hoping the elephant won't fall on me, but it will.
@KarenTookTheKids364 Год назад
The elephant is triple boosted too
@ohno467 Год назад
Its heart will give out soon then too?
@lancevanderheyden5482 Год назад
Wow glad to have found you and your people today !! it would seem I'm not the only one that sees the state of things !!
@skadiwarrior2053 Год назад
Interesting insight as usual from Morgoth. Thankyou.
@MrFranklitalien Год назад
your insight is always very much welcomed, linear progress as a worldview permeates every corner of western media and has for such a long time that one can wonder how far back this cancer began its metastasis star trek is probably the best example coming to mind
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Kinda curious that the United Nations grew in global media attention right around the time Star Trek was released in the 1960s. Also kinda puzzling how Vietnam became a war right afterward. "Kirk" means "church" in some religions. All very interesting.
@philyeary8809 Год назад
In Amerikkka, the war between the OP Paperclip bois, who fused with post carpetbagger slavers....became the 2 headed front lie of the Uniparty. Internecine fighting will occur, despite the fact of the Uniparty using both fascism and Lenin styled covid theatrics, A Hero Works Here! In jobs labelled Essential and the majority labeled non essential....basically, Nazi garbage fused with working class hero bullshit left over from the 50s....
@simonenyman4077 Год назад
Thank you for your insights, it’s astonishing how you precisely sum up the reality we inhabit and how truly inhospitable it is to a human soul. It’s interesting how despondent we are becoming each and every day.
@emZee1994 Год назад
Videos like these is why I subscribed. Yes I totally agree, I'm far more worried about the "cure" of the digital gulag than the possibility of living in a agricultural country like Albania for example
@Tyrant_the_despoiler Год назад
Being a Texan, I must say, I will sorely miss you and several other young Englishmen I've come to know since 2017. losing all of you will be the hardest part of these coming days. Pray it be a short absence.
@evolassunglasses4673 Год назад
Best wishes to you sir. 🇨🇱 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
@samuelxd7954 Год назад
Never thought of internet this way. Litterally underwater cables. It is quite amazing really. How long did it even take to setup before it went online???
@sunnyjim1355 Год назад
FYI, the first permanent telegraph line across the Atlantic Ocean was laid by the British ship Great Eastern in 1866.
It wasn't all setup at once, then launched. The WWW was built upon the same cables that had been laid for telegraph and telephone years before. These days though, more and more is being fed through satellites.
@hammer6198 Год назад
You have many! but this is absolutely one of your best morgoth!
@intfamous4001 Год назад
After watching this I watched your video on Elephant vs Whale, adds deeper context to the observation
@ferrumdraconem2874 Год назад
This drives home just how fragile our society is. We see it with the changing demographics, and we see with the resources we need to run our big motor cars and factories.
@davidgray8321 Год назад
I'm glad to be on the ground. In fact it fills my heart with joy. Even if there will be less Christmas lights this year.
@ThatMans-anAnimal Год назад
They're going to shut us out of everything if we don't comply.
@nigelwatson2750 Год назад
You can't be shut out of nature, or shut out from God
@royalirishranger1931 Год назад
An inspirational and insightful piece, perhaps by as early as the spring a new reality will have had it nativity. The cities are where it will be realised and felt first , rolling back to a more baseline existence is going to be an enlightening experience for some.
@ash0787 Год назад
in my town its starting to feel like the 'civilizing forces' of the old european civilization are being outnumbered, the forces of chaos are becoming more brazen, its a little concerning when we have a large amount of school children here of all ages and backgrounds.
@thadtuiol1717 Год назад
Ah, quit yer whinging. I'm sure Pajit, Abdul and Nkwande will treat you real nice in the nursing home when its bath time.
@thebeltingbalaclava4798 Год назад
Good health to you Morgoth. Always a pleasure to see you've uploaded.
@JS-vu8po Год назад
The other day I decided to scope out the extent of the damage of the recent Russian missile campaign against Ukr energy and comms targets. I found a video from Lviv of people being unable to use their mobile phones for hours after a transmission tower was hit. Scores of frustrated people swiping up and down in vain, as if that would suddenly restore the precious bars of signal. It really made me think just how fragile the infrastructure is - a couple of well placed missiles and suddenly hundreds of thousands of people are more or less completely cut off from the civilization as we know it.
@freesaxon6835 Год назад
A good one Morgoth 👏🏻
@davidcharlemagne6785 Год назад
Brilliant as always, Morgoth. Perhaps this is something you’ve already considered, but I will post regardless- have you ever thought of reaching out to Imperium Press or Antelope Hill to publish a collection of your more evergreen and philosophical essays? (I would consider this video essay to be one of them). I’m sure it could prove financially lucrative to you and whoever would publish. I’d love to have some of your work in physical form- especially when considering the very real future that lies not too far ahead of us
@MorgothsReview1 Год назад
Yes I have considered it and I'm working on some larger things in the background. Cheers.
@coltpython9287 Год назад
Great video, Morgoth.
@carolnewdawn1517 Год назад
Well done Morgoth. Great insight as usual.
@rosewhite9851 Год назад
Love this Morgoth 😊
@CarlosDelgado-br9qg Год назад
"The bigger the system grows the more disastrous the results of its breakdown will be, so if it is to break down it had best break down sooner rather than later." - Theodore Kaczynski
@bruceyboy5280 Год назад
We are brothers Mcloud 👍🏻🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿,,, I watch hours and hours on my commute, but nothing compares to Morgoths non pretentious, but it’s off the highest intelligence , Brother keep them coming ☕️ we cannot get enough 👍🏻🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇮🇪🇬🇧👍🏻
@MonkFishTV Год назад
One of your best. Keep up the good work. We need your voice more than ever.
@dorstefan Год назад
For a few years there is a sensation that we are going back to the norm. Remember when most of the Sci-Fi movies told us the future will be bright. Turns out the movies who were dystopic were right.
@ronzombie6541 Год назад
You best be believe in scify dystopia, your liv'in in one.
@VooDooMaGicMan81 Год назад
There weren't too many Sci-fi movies which depicted the masses leading fulfilling lives. The elite, specialist crews of space exploration craft were heavily promoted of course...
@jive499 Год назад
Morgoth is our greatest intellectual.
@whirled_peas Год назад
The mindset that allows you to think that is the mindset that puts elephants on stilts.
@OblateSpheroid Год назад
Thank you for your work.
@erraticuk Год назад
I can never get my head around how little fish the UK gathers. We're an island!
@markkavanagh7377 Год назад
A Thread Across The Ocean is a great book about the laying of the first transatlantic cable in the 1840s. A miracle of engineering destroyed by foolishness just after it was launched. Highly recommended.
@SgtSteel1 Год назад
You get better and better with every video it seems. Fantastic stuff Morgoth.
@breohtbrusmid489 Год назад
Once again, a brilliant, insightful and very rational series of thoughts on a little-considered subject. This is why I look aways forward to the next video essay.
@trudeausbackbone1304 Год назад
Fantastic stuff Morgoth. You're going from strength to strength pal.
@mred3525 Год назад
Part of me desires the following scenario. “Do you remember the internet?”
@deesandman9477 Год назад
Absolutely brilliant essay!!! Bravo.
@SiniAnimations Год назад
One of your best videos.
@hellenicboi14 Год назад
You know, one day you should talk about the "other" non-Westernized nations that largely retained their culture. What have they done right to keep their culture alive in the modern day?
@TitB1199 Год назад
Which nations? Most of the world is largely under Western European culture.
@paulmiller6188 4 месяца назад
Freedom is not free. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Also the price of freedom is self reliance, and I’m not ready for that yet. It takes a network of specialised knowledge to care for your population. The state has taken over from the people, and has demanded a high price to do so, and the price is getting higher all the time. New pioneers needed.
@makingsmokesince76 Год назад
We are learning Progressivism was a false god. All false gods fall in the end. First slowly, then suddenly.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Christopher Lasch wrote about that very topic in two books from late 70s and late 80s. Lasch said the American religion, declared and avowed or not, as of the post-Vietnam war era, was Progress. People were encouraged to, and actually started to, worship progress however offered. Usually in some fake pseudo-science way, offered by people in white lab coats with many degrees and professional association abbreviations after their names. Lasch himself was a Marxist in his 20s and grew disaffected and disgusted with Marxism and its soft surrogate, "progressive politics." He had a very unique insight useful for understanding the megalomaniacal progressives and their obsessions with D-I-E, LGBQTZFPM29, et cetera, and their strange desire to destroy their own nation as well as others, in the name of the false god "progress."
@makingsmokesince76 Год назад
@@seanoneil277 interesting, I don’t him, but I do know my bible. We are living in the age of Revelation. By the year, by the day, by the hour, the veil is being lifted. Harvest time is drawing closer: everything will be shaken, all falsehood exposed, for those who were chosen to see. Then every knee will bow and every tongue confess that YHWH, The Great I Am, is the One Self-existent God, the One True Living God. Choose wisely and buckle up.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@makingsmokesince76 Yahweh, no. OT figureheads, no. Talmudic idols, no. Royalty of the Torah, no. The schism is eternal and the fable of "judeo" Christian essentialism must fail.
@makingsmokesince76 Год назад
@@seanoneil277 Even the laws of science will tell you that nothing in the seen realm is eternal, this would include schisms. YHWH is the merciful, long-suffering God, who is the source of all creation, both the seen and unseen. Out of fearless, selfless love, He has gifted you the free will to be reconciled with Him, to breach the schism into life eternal. You can choose Christ - The Way, The Truth, The Life or you can deny him and be separated from the source of all life. I will pray for you, but understand that my testimony is not founded on a fable and Christ will never fall. All praises to the Most High Triune God. God bless.
@seanoneil277 Год назад
@@makingsmokesince76 I appreciate your passion but my point remains. Every religion was created by humans to try to understand their place in the world. Every one says it is the word of the Divine. Yet you say only one of these religions is the truth. Each other religion says the same. Confusing mess, isn't it? Especially when Judaism and Christianity have, despite the schism that created Christianity, become in the 21st C a hybrid as seen by many and described as "Judeo-Christian." Might as well have a new religion led by Satan-God.
@owainystlyg8215 Год назад
The castle, or rook, piece of chess was originally an elephant carrying a wooden fortification on its back, from which archers or javelinmen would rain down on the enemy. Then, the castle is a structure both for domination and for living in; its a settlement, a symbol of civilization. Like a city.
@vodonnell1 Год назад
Great content plenty to think about there.
@tonykehoe123 10 месяцев назад
I always thought The Titanic was quite symbolic of western civilisation and just as everything else has become gradually diminished , I feel it quite fitting that the recent submersible ( rather ironically in a quest to visit the crumbling wreckage of the rusting palace forever submerged deep upon the ocean floor ) and its catastrophic outcome , for which all intents and purposes , was nothing more than a glorified fairy liquid bottle ( blue Peter ….here’s one we made earlier ) also occupied by the the wealthy and privileged of the day ….was equally destined to the fate of its much grander predecessor….
@nemo9248 Год назад
Thank you Morgoth
@Julenissen117 Год назад
I appreciate these videos of your substack articles as my grug brain cannot comprehend this technic known as reading. No bother reply as I not read.
@richardscathouse 9 месяцев назад
We can always grind up Gretta and the No Oil kids for fertilizer. Theres enough shit there for decades 😂😂😂
@juanedoses8715 Год назад
great work!
@apreviousseagle836 Год назад
No single human being can put society back together again. Your example about the technology, and not understanding it. I happen to be one of the ones that DOES understand it. I know exactly how all the pieces work, and I know how to troubleshoot and configure them. BUT................................................I can't do it all on my own. If your laptop has a bad hard drive, I can replace it, BUT I can't build one from scratch. I know how the hard drive works, but I lack the tools and the extreme precision to build one from raw ingredients. Even complex things: If your laptop no longer powers on, I can troubleshoot the circuitry, and find the problem (whether it's a burnt resistor, cap, or IC). I still need a schematic to do it, which I can't draw on my own, AND I need the replacement components, which I also can't make on my own. Same with any other tech. I know exactly how the internet works, and I can troubleshoot it down to faulty hardware, or software configs. I can trace what's inside the data and where it's going. BUT I can't replace a dead modem if there's no replacements, or reinstall a corrupt software with no source (a CD, USB stick, or a download). I'm well versed, but it still might as well be magic to me, as it is to you.
@richardscathouse 9 месяцев назад
I look forward to the reset
@gelmibson883 Год назад
@Cedartreetechnologies Год назад
TY, YT algo! What an essay!
@HBon111 Год назад
Artfully put and profound. Hopefully I catch you again sometime.
@athejbaka7084 Год назад
Great as always
@stuartsteel1 Год назад
@fredericbastiat5653 Год назад
Fine, now another thing in an increasingly growing list of things to keep me up at night. Thanks. What we take for granted is amazing.
@huangdingdong Год назад
Zhukov is coming...
@SIGNOR-G Год назад
@nikolozka1 Год назад
Looks like those elephant are in the room, standing on the thread legs, the question is, are we going to notice the elephants, or dismiss it as an illusion or normalcy, like there's an elephant in every room, so nothing to see here...
@seanoneil277 Год назад
Yeah, people unfortunately create a cloaking device for the stilted elephant -- or make the room 10x larger every time a new bit of information puts one of the elephant's stilts unmistakably right on top of one's little toe.
@MrDonkov Год назад
Good one.
@letsallbe-friends1120 Год назад
*Love it mate!.... shared!* 😎👍
@qazdr6 Год назад
You half-underestimate the shit forever version of the future where the economy collapses but the regime doesn't. Barbarian count possibly too low.
@The_Custos Год назад
It won't hold. There is no spear wall, it is too abstract.
@richardscathouse 9 месяцев назад
That was always the plan 😢
@davidcunningham2074 Год назад
another insightful video
@Emanonerewhon Год назад
This is why I happily support your endeavors, Morgoth. There aren’t many people today offering such insightful analysis as you generously do. Even among the dissident right, you have a way of communicating a very deep, Spenglerian way of thinking in a plain spoken way that is very easy for ordinary people to grasp. I salute you.
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