
'It's rank incompetence': Lionel Shriver on the real cost of going electric | SpectatorTV 

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2 окт 2024




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@63mckenzie 6 месяцев назад
I saw this many times working for government. These people refuse to admit they are wrong. They would rather see carnage happen than admit their faults. Their stupidity costs billions.
@thomasbentele2468 6 месяцев назад
Do you think ists stupidity? Couldn't it be, that the masters of the universe have visions that doesn't match with what would be good for us regular people and pay politicians for play.
@cedarstuff 6 месяцев назад
They would rather double-down than admit error. Which is fine, but as you rightly point out - it is US who foot the bill for their moral cowardice.
@missydeluxe3174 6 месяцев назад
I agree with you but in this case, it's not billions. Their stupidity is costing us TRILLIONS and our great grand kids will still be paying this off 100 years from now (assuming the US still exists in the same form).
@frenchenstein 6 месяцев назад
Yes; HS2 anyone?
@simonthompson3627 6 месяцев назад
It's not about that they would rather see carnage than admit fault, but that they want to see carnage and it's done deliberately to achieve that!
@SimonWallwork 6 месяцев назад
It isn't about the environment. It's about making you do as you are told.
@GeorgePapadopolous 6 месяцев назад
Actually it's about the Climate.
@f.d.6667 6 месяцев назад
@@GeorgePapadopolous I love your irony. *Addendum: "Wait, you actually MEAN it - let me laugh even harder!" (Bender, Futurama).*
@johnsmith1474 6 месяцев назад
We are already doing as we are told. This is about changing which of the instructions we are told we shall obey.
@johnsmith1474 6 месяцев назад
@@GeorgePapadopolous - Only in very simple minds is this about climate, and even for them it's about climate kumbaya not actually addressing climate.
@FC-PeakVersatility 6 месяцев назад
⁠@@GeorgePapadopolousonly in the minds of a very small number of radicalised sheeple is it truly about climate. Give them something to concentrate on and they will never see what’s happening until it’s over. Self surrender of control and subjugation of the proletariat.
@philipclemoes9458 6 месяцев назад
I thought we had stupid people in government in the past but the people in power at the moment are the most stupid, the word insanity springs to mind.
@WOTArtyNoobs 6 месяцев назад
It's mainly that they are being misled by people who are deceiving them about the truth. These are the same politicians that believed Barack Obama when he promoted the "97% OF SCIENTISTS" statement to convince people that it was irrefutable that man was causing Climate Change. That statement - 97% of scientists came from a paper that was written by a journalist (John Cook) who did a survey of scientific papers that mentioned Climate. He analysed which of those papers supported the idea that Climate Change was caused by humans and then put together the figures. HE CHEATED. The Scam was that the questions he asked were incorrect and the true percentages of people who backed the theory that man was behind Climate Change was actually 0.3% and not 97%. The paper by John Cook was totally debunked, but because a politician such as the President of the United States supported it - the rest of the population did not question it - except the scientists who knew it was untrue.
@gatedClock 6 месяцев назад
I have to be careful to not become gruesomely addicted to watching all the stupidity. oops too late.
@DW-dd4iw 5 месяцев назад
They are just smart enough to line their own £££ pockets.
@tommyrq180 6 месяцев назад
This whole thing reminds me of Mao’s policies during the Great Leap Forward (1958-62) in which TENS OF MILLIONS of Chinese died due to his policies. Private farming was prohibited (see: Oregon) and anyone caught was punished, often killed as being “counter-revolutionary.” Mao, never having farmed, mandated that crop rows be narrowed to allow for more grain production, which killed grain production, resulting in widespread famine and cannibalism. Sparrows were blamed for eating grain so Mao mandated they be killed as part of the Four Pests Campaign. Without sparrows to eat them, locust numbers exploded, eating far more food than sparrows ever could. To bolster steel production, Mao mandated peasants build “backyard furnaces” which (wait for it) did nothing but “showed mass enthusiasm, creativity, and MASS PARTICIPATION” in the Communist Party’s remake of society. Of course, and this is key, the Party blamed any and all failures on right-wing counter revolutionaries, what Lenin called “wreckers” which allowed the Party to go on mass witch hunts and executions. This is where we are headed, and this electrification and climate change silliness is all about “mass participation and enthusiasm” rather than public good. Oh, and the “absolute morons” she mentions are today’s Maos…who was never blamed for the more than 30 million deaths as a result of those policies. Being a neo-Marxist revolutionary means never having to say you’re sorry.
@Michael-hm8cs 6 месяцев назад
@JohnWilliams-iw6oq 5 месяцев назад
Well said, the side of leftist governments that nobody learns about today, it's too inconvenient to face the truth.
@RaymondScott-q3c 5 месяцев назад
scary historical account well done,I come across the works of professor Anthony Sutton an economist who stumbled on a book by Leo Trotsky that stunned him and he investigated the funding of the Bolshevic uprisings
@megapangolin1093 5 месяцев назад
Wait till Labour gets into government in the UK, they will be going down this same road. We are always right, squash anyone who disagrees. See what is happening in Scotland, corruption on a grand scale and a swapping of the Conservative "Elite" for a pro Communist "Elite". Someone is always at the top, but Labour will insist that they deserve to be.
@r2dad282 5 месяцев назад
This is exactly what the DNC in California is rolling towards. Just wait til Gav is president!
@RaymondScott-q3c 6 месяцев назад
It's not incompetence its deliberate
@x2lls 6 месяцев назад
If that's the case then why hasn't that been claimed by tonight's guest? You are talking conspiracy 100%. Come back later.
@paulperry968 6 месяцев назад
Ok , the lets agree that it has to be either deliberate or incompetent. It must be one of these you can't defend anything here and remain sensible. ​@@x2lls
@azar1354 6 месяцев назад
Net Zero is a false religion. Like any religion there is a mixture of people associated with it. Some genuinely believe in it, some make money out of it, some use it to gain power and some just follow it as they don't want to stand out.
@WOTArtyNoobs 6 месяцев назад
@@x2lls Yes there is a conspiracy and it's been around since the Club of Rome, a group of Malthusians decided that the population of the planet needed reducing. Short of nuclear war, the only way to accomplish this was to de-industrialize all nations and place strict control on energy and the food supply. This also extended to using contraception to prevent nations from growing in size and decimating the populations around the world. That same group of people are now major players in the World Economic Forum and they are major supporters of Climate Alarmism. The IPCC (who's sole point of existence is that anthropogenic carbon dioxide is the cause of the problem) has shut down debate over the cause of it. To get scientists to promote Climate Change, they offer grants for anyone who promotes the idea that human caused carbon dioxide is the direct cause of anything bad, whilst denying money (or even the right to publish papers) to anyone who shows that human caused climate change is a problem Politicians have listened and agreed with the Greta's and ignored the Nobel Prize winners. The people behind the Climate Scam believe that mankind is burning the planet and if we don't change our ways then humans are doomed. There's a lot of use of the word existential to emphasize that if we do not change from fossil fuels, then we all die. That's not the case. In fact, there is not enough carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and we need much more.
@MartyGarrison 6 месяцев назад
It’s not a conspiracy. It is obvious that there is no plan to replace the fossil fuel powered cars & trucks with equivalent electric vehicles. Ask anyone who promotes EVs. They cannot articulate a plan because it is not possible and that is not the plan. The plan is to reduce the quantity of all vehicles (all kinds). Only the elite will have nice cars. Everyone else (including you and me) will take public transportation or we will ride a bike or walk.
@markfarnon6742 6 месяцев назад
It's not incompetence. It's a con. The whole thing. The worst part is so many people fell for it. Hopefully later this year the adults will be back in charge of the U.S and we can stop all this EV sillyness.
@lonzo61 6 месяцев назад
What is the con? Climate change or net zero or something else?
@davidcottrell570 6 месяцев назад
The adults? Well that will be interesting. So Donald Trump is an adult and everyone else isn’t. The problem, Mark is that a complex matter like trying to deal with climate change has been jumped on from both sides by political opportunists, of whom this writer and commentator, an American living in Portugal writing for a British magazine is one. You can deny it, you can say we should go back to horses or stick to bicycles or whatever, but it doesn’t alter the fact that we have a clear threat to our survival, caused by people burning more and more stuff. If we don’t make some major changes, it will get a lot worse. We have grandchildren. What a legacy to leave them, all because we prefer to quibble over petty details rather than be the first to do something. Is buying an EV rather than an ICE powered vehicle a better choice. I don’t know, but it is cheaper to run. I wish Lionel/Margaret Shriver luck living the life in Portugal. Hope the climate doesn’t get too tough for them in the sun belt.
@RoyBoy2019 5 месяцев назад
Those record fire seasons & extended droughts really fooled some people. Hopefully politicians can get back to their comfort zone of whatever the biggest donors prefer, the status quo they profit from. Not to worry they will have our backs until they can profit from the next crisis, again. $9,000 / mWh while you freeze to death? Deregulation working like clockwork orange.
@petehoward8494 5 месяцев назад
@davidchurchland7406 6 месяцев назад
In Australia we export coal, iron ore etc to China so they can manufacture solar panels and wind turbines to export to us. So awesomely green.
@WOTArtyNoobs 6 месяцев назад
The politicians do not question that China is now emitting more CO2 than the rest of the world stopped producing, simply because the Chinese knew it was a scam. The Chinese made sure that they were exempted from any IPCC agreement for long enough so that when they are told to stop emitting - they can ignore the rest of the world that is dependent on their solar panels and rare earths for the generators.
@gigasipke 6 месяцев назад
Don't know if your currency is the color green, but in the US the green movement is about making "greenbacks".
@kimmer6 6 месяцев назад
Yeah, and your hotshot billionaire bought Australia's coal fired power stations and closed them. Powerplants that had baghouses and electrostatic precipitators to control emissions. Now Australian coal gets shipped to China where there is no regard to reducing emissions at all and they are building several coal powerplants a month.
@martinlukes9962 6 месяцев назад
Meanwhile our kiwi West Coast Met coal is even better than yours (with lower carbon emissions) but our Government makes is almost impossible to dig out and export; Yet we import Indonesian coal for boiling water for heating and dehydrating milk that we then sell to China... we also shut down our only oil refinery and have stopped oil n gas self sufficiency with no off shore exploration etc
@jfphotography69 6 месяцев назад
All Western government are run by Marxist Communists. Do you all know how that happened. Go back to WW2 and research who won the war, the war that will in due time destroy the entire planet. Adolf warned everyone, but no one listened, because no one knew. Now everyone is slowly starting to find out what Adolf was talking about.
@ZAR797 6 месяцев назад
How to produce electricity written by people who have no electrical knowledge? This won't work.
@ohsweetmystery 6 месяцев назад
Incompetence at all levels. People who had trouble passing 7th grade science class are making these decisions.
@fredfred2363 6 месяцев назад
@ohsweet... I agree, but why are such ignorant people being trusted to make the decisions?!
@lindafriesen1621 5 месяцев назад
It's the UN that's driving it. And we all know where they stand.
@serafinacosta7118 5 месяцев назад
@@fredfred2363 it is called the cult oh celebrities. Bunch of sheep.
@RoyBoy2019 5 месяцев назад
Almost as bad as being criticized by others with little electrical knowledge themselves.
@andrewnelson3681 6 месяцев назад
I recently had lunch with an engineer who is working on the biggest wind farm in Scotland. He’s earning a very good living from this work, but he freely admitted that the whole thing is a waste of time and money.
@anthonybrett 6 месяцев назад
All electrical engineers know this. Of which I am one of. We just cant speak out through fear of losing work.
@normanstewart7130 6 месяцев назад
@@anthonybrett They've got you now Brett, you're for the high jump😂.
@seanworkman431 6 месяцев назад
So the guy has no ethics, that's the problem allover the world ,people will do things to make money without applying a moral code or a sense of honouring their community and country.
@WOTArtyNoobs 6 месяцев назад
There are engineers willing to speak out. Rowan Atkinson is one. Only trouble is that people think he's a comedian and forget that he has a Masters in electrical engineering from Cambridge.
@clovermark39 6 месяцев назад
Most people that have done the research know this!
@tonysherwood9619 6 месяцев назад
"How do you tell a fool they have been fooled?" - mark twain I believe!
@Marktb363 6 месяцев назад
It's not incompetence, it's corruption.
@WOTArtyNoobs 6 месяцев назад
Not just corruption - the Elite want to make it impossible for the poor to afford cars so that the roads are empty (as they were during Covid) and they can speed at any velocity they want.
@christophercharles3169 6 месяцев назад
It's makes so little sense that you have to be correct.
@rikardlalic7275 6 месяцев назад
It's both and more like religion.
@sullivanrachael 6 месяцев назад
You must understand it is impossible to distinguish sophisticated malice from incompetence. The malice is the Billionaires do not want to share planet Earth with the ordinary people. We are to be culled and made to live on as little of the earths irreplaceable resources as possible, leaving the rest to the Billionaires. So the only energy we can have is electricity - mostly grid which they own. They don’t see us all owning cars, we can rent one occasionally. Forget personal privacy - we’ll have none, own nothing and be happy! EVs are a way to make internal combustion obsolete, and then EVs will be so expensive only the wealthy will own their own. The apparent stupidity of it all is how they intend to hide their scheme.
@chriswilliams8607 5 месяцев назад
No, it's just utter incompetence, she ist just completely clueless and she has no idea what she is taking about, not necessarely corrupt, she ist just incredibly dumb and prove to have an incredible level of cluelessness.
@SopwithTheCamel 6 месяцев назад
I see a giant solar plant has been severely damaged by hail in Texas. Square miles destroyed.
@refuztosay9454 6 месяцев назад
Yes - both monetary damage and huge release of toxic materials into the water table.
@chriswilliams8607 5 месяцев назад
And whats the problem? Nuclear powerplants have been destroyed by nature events, what an utterly dumb argument.
@locomotives9217 5 месяцев назад
Hail! Now who could have predicted that.
@terencefield3204 6 месяцев назад
The financial times, had a wonderful article last week on this, describing it as diastrous insanity, which is of course what it is
@chriswilliams8607 5 месяцев назад
It would be desastrous not to migrate to EVs and heatpumps, and everybody who has a little insight into energy and transport topic knows that, but still some morons are even that clueless and do not understand that to this day, which shows what happens when people live under a rock for too long.
@dellacrean3296 6 месяцев назад
I wish more people would wake up to this.
@johnsmith1474 6 месяцев назад
Wishing is how we got in this mess.
@x2lls 6 месяцев назад
"Peoole" IE, US, ARE aware. What can you do as an individual to change the path? Nothing. We are by the short and curlies.
@dellacrean3296 6 месяцев назад
Not guilty. I didn't wish for it, I didn't vote for it, so please don't include me in the "we".
@WOTArtyNoobs 6 месяцев назад
They will wake up - but it will be very painful. They will find out that there's not enough electricity when there are massive power cuts - or their EV failed to charge overnight because the Government used your car, plugged into your home, as a source of battery energy and sucked the juice right out of it without your permission. In fact it will be written into the connection terms and conditions that the energy company has the right to take back as much energy as they need to keep the network running. They will find out how bad it is when during a winter night, their heating switches off (because all homes have smart meters) and the temperature drops so low that they are huddled around candles as we did in the 1970s in Britain during the power strikes.
@lieshtmeiser5542 5 месяцев назад
Lets get the people who are suffering from woke, to wake up... Pun intended.
@eddie1330 6 месяцев назад
No one in there right mind would take away something before you have a replacement, would you throw a dinner party without buying extra food? Our politicians need jail time
@seanworkman431 6 месяцев назад
Or inviting more guests than you have plates and cutlery.
@scottwills4698 5 месяцев назад
No one has taken away ICE cars. By the time they do EV’s will be better in every way.
@alphabetaxenonzzzcat 6 месяцев назад
It's not "incompetence" - it's planned. The powers that be don't want private transportation to be something that the people have access to in the future.
@jacquelinetaylor8683 6 месяцев назад
I'm not sure it is planned. I don't think government civil servants are competent enough over this issue to be able to serious think how to stop the plebs using private transport. They have been indoctrinated since school to think of climate change. I think it's blue sky thinking, they aren't capable of envisioning the chaos caused by their plans. They live in the metropolitan bubble where public transport is easily available and have no idea what goes on outside that bubble.
@canonbangpowell 6 месяцев назад
You overestimate their intelligence. There is no plan, they just want to award themselves brownie points.
@normanstewart7130 6 месяцев назад
@@canonbangpowell I think he's right. Extreme environmentalists don't want people driving around the place.
@floydfanboy2948 6 месяцев назад
@gigasipke 6 месяцев назад
Yes look up the "15 minute cities" that are happening in England, proof that it is already happening and not just something that will happen in the future.
@wesleycardinal8869 6 месяцев назад
None of this net zero stuff would worry me if thought that A. The free market worked as I thought it should B. Democracy and voting worked as I thought it did. C. Educated and intelligent people were working with real life science and maths on the problem.
@RobertMarshall-d2n 5 месяцев назад
that has to be sarcasm, right?
@FraserBailey-jm5yz 6 месяцев назад
We have known all this for some years. Well, those of us who aren't politicians or journalists (the two dumbest cohorts on the planet) have known this for years. But you will never fix the stupidity of the politicians and the media, because these two roles now attract the most stupid among us. Either way, I read Lionel's article and it is very funny.
@eddie1330 6 месяцев назад
This lady is 1000% correct, this net zero is madness on a grand scale, anyone with half a brain should have worked this out. I'm 75 left school at 15 years old come on people wakeup
@stevehayward1854 6 месяцев назад
I am 72 years old and I have seen what the pollution generated by the oil industry has done to the health of children over the decades. We now have a cleaner propulsion and energy generating methods that will make everyone healthier, which produces energy cheaper than burning stuff. It will take over wether you like it or not because of that fact and what relevance leaving school at 15 has to do with anything, are you demonstrating your ignorance.
@pjacobsen1000 6 месяцев назад
"This lady is 1000% correct" ...... "I'm 75 left school at 15 years old". Perhaps that why your use of percentages is incorrect. I also note that you do not provide any facts to support your assertion that the "lady is 1000% correct", so it remains nothing more than an assertion.
@stevehayward1854 6 месяцев назад
@@pjacobsen1000 How do you know she is "1000% correct" what is your experience, expertise regarding EV's or is your bias based on Big Oil propaganda. I have been driving EVC's for nearly 7 years and have researched the subject deeply for over 10. I can understand peoples fear of the new, I expect the ICE car had the same from horse owners and horse businesses when the ICE car came along, but you cant stop progress, especially when it is a cleaner cheaper future. I can give you studies and reports if you wish to but it is all out there for you to find also.
@stevehayward1854 6 месяцев назад
@@pjacobsen1000 Unlike the ICE car EV's produce no poisons or PM2.5 on the street where your grandchildren are growing and unlike our generation that had clean air to breathe our grandchildren have to breath in many poisons of which the tiny particulate matter PM2.5, invades every part of their bodies and brains causing many illnesses and especially allergies like Asthma, which a lot of children suffer from these days, unlike the children of our youth. Burning fossil fuels will end and one day we humans will wonder why we ever did poison ourselves knowingly
@pjacobsen1000 6 месяцев назад
@@stevehayward1854 I think you're replying to the wrong person. Like you, I am skeptical of the assertion that she is "1000% correct" and that was my critique of the post.
@joanneramsey7723 6 месяцев назад
No kidding?!? Are they just getting this?
@iandougall7169 6 месяцев назад
I agree. However, correctly calling policy makers utter morons is only part of the picture. Someone is influencing the useful idiots and morons, someone is making huge amounts of money from this, someone is benefiting from the stifling of freedoms and personal autonomy.
@Jack-bs6zb 6 месяцев назад
Of course we haven't the capacity to produce the electricity needed! You're missing the point, which is that we're not INTENDED to HAVE all the EV's it takes to fully replace the present numbers or fossil fuel powered cars. We'll be confined to our 15 minute cities.
@WOTArtyNoobs 6 месяцев назад
and restricted to bicycles and buses.
@johannabarry4672 6 месяцев назад
It is the only way the green project can happen, but I wonder will people suck it up quietly or will there be a revolution. Interesting times.
@davidlythgoe4079 6 месяцев назад
We know all of this. Also in the E.U the gas and electric companies wrote a clause that if gas goes up electric has to match it. We knew this during the pandemic.
@kmansfield7733 6 месяцев назад
Get ready for regular long delays due to more roadwork. Roads and highways will need extra maintenance as much heavier electric vehicles will cause faster wear and degradation.
@thomasbentele2468 6 месяцев назад
You need 14.000 cars to do the damage of one 40 tons Transporter.
@petedawborn 6 месяцев назад
There’s a proliferation of more heavy vehicles like RAMs Fords and HiLux and other fossil fuel burners utes & suvs damaging roads in Australia, which are more than twice as heavy as our efficient Ev powered locally from our solar panels
@BlackhawkPilot 5 месяцев назад
This is total bunk. Have revised my home: i.e. LED lights, Energy star appliances, high SEER heat pump, etc; and now charge my EV without any increase in power use. The big payoff is I no longer buy $100+ of petrol each month. Regardless of the source of electricity it will use fossil fuel to build. How did Norway do it?
@Druids234 6 месяцев назад
Excellent film on this subject has just come out: Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) posted by Clintel. Directed by Martin Durkin. Several media outlets have tried to bury it, but it is a fascinating documentary on the history and motivations behind what is going on here. It is still avaiable on YT but you have to look hard to find it.
@richard1342 6 месяцев назад
Definitely worth viewing
@jedjones9047 6 месяцев назад
I've seen it its very informative.
@ice-cp2vz 6 месяцев назад
Tom Nelson you tube for more and Climate THE Movie
@colinlighten6700 6 месяцев назад
Heretics! Unbelievers! Heed the new religion! 😬
@frogballs-y6c 6 месяцев назад
Absolutely correct. Add Australia to the 'same leaky boat'. We have the same type of clueless fools creating our energy policies. There is nothing planned to replace our coal fleet except blackouts / load shedding, and it will be here real quick. I work in the power industry and my advice to all the people I know has been to get a good generator for their house.
@boatman909 6 месяцев назад
In Texas, a hailsorm destroyed a complete solar panel farm. Nobody seemed to consider this possibility 🤦‍♂️
@clydesimpson1462 6 месяцев назад
God obviously put some thought into it.
@kkarllwt 5 месяцев назад
@@clydesimpson1462 Was this the same god that put the ship into the scott key bridge?
@DrewAndrewCaswell 6 месяцев назад
Same issue here in Australia. The politicians seem to be cut from the same cloth.
@kimmer6 6 месяцев назад
No wonder. Many politicians throughout the world went through the WEF Young Global Leaders indoctrination program and their Global Shapers program since their inception in 1992. Justin Trudeau is WEF Klause Schwab's flagship student. It shows. Don't take my word for it....Google ''We penetrate the cabinets of the world'' to watch Klause Schwab brag about his trainees infiltrating governments. That speech was in September 2017 at Harvard Kennedy school.
@f.d.6667 6 месяцев назад
Hilarious. Same happened when people started to recycle more: as you don't want moldy peanut butter jars piling up, you rinse them before placing them in your glass collection tray, so water consumption went up quite a bit (here in EUC at least). I'm always baffled when the goody-goody crowd are/act surprised! The fact that things are usually connected doesn't seem to be a factor in their world that's dominated by feelings and trendy sensibilities.
@DiamondLil 6 месяцев назад
Every generation has to relearn the law of unintended consequences!
@andrewnelson3681 6 месяцев назад
A brilliant book called “The Master and his Emissary” by Iain McGilchrist is devoted to this issue. I highly recommend it.
@normanmacfarlane6724 6 месяцев назад
Good point
@f.d.6667 6 месяцев назад
@@andrewnelson3681 Looks great! Will include it in my reading list for my students (materials & production processes course). You also have to blame media for not doing their job properly. There is increasing research showing the scientific dumbing-down of once great news outlets. Prime example: NYT - first in 1989 and then in 2003 there are clear tipping points that show how observable facts are being replaced by "feelings"... it's primarily the "emoting"-instead-of-thinking that leads to stupid actions.
@CheCosaTesoro 6 месяцев назад
Plus EVs are basically disposable. The cars have no value after 5 years, and the older the battery, the bigger the risk to damage to the cells and fire. In the long term, EVs are more environmentally damaging.
@amosbatto3051 6 месяцев назад
According to CarEdge: "A Tesla Model 3 will depreciate 21% after 5 years and have a 5 year resale value of $47,040." New research from Austria’s University of Graz found that the risk of EV batteries catching fire decreases with age, thus making them safer the longer they are in operation. See: Christiane Essl, Andrey W. Golubkov and Anton Fuchs (2021) "Influence of Aging on the Failing Behavior of Automotive Lithium-Ion Batteries", Batteries, 7(2), 23. According to the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, the average compact EV have 40% lower greenhouse gas emissions than a comparable ICE vehicle and EV emissions will keep falling as grid electricity switches to more renewables in the future. It always amazes how the dumbest people love to display their ignorance to the world.
@CheCosaTesoro 6 месяцев назад
@@amosbatto3051 operative words....."damaged" and "long term". Need to factor in raw materials, manufacturing and recycling. I'm amazed how arrogant people behaviour on social media. Hmmmmmm!
@phatmeow7764 6 месяцев назад
i've seen a news report of Mercedes diesel sedans built in the 70s clocking over 1M miles and serving as taxis in Africa! sure they look beat up but still run to this day after almost half a century!
@RoyBoy2019 5 месяцев назад
“Disposable”? crummy ones (short range lead-acid rideshare graveyard) sure, but original Tesla Roadsters are lasting 15 years or 5 years longer than designed. Plenty of ICE lemons out there. “no value after 5 years”? Checking used BEV sale prices that’s wrong without needing to look at Norway. Makes, “EV’s will always be too expensive” argument dated faster than I thought it would. “older the battery, the bigger the risk to damage to the cells and fire”, true of ICE as well, an actual LNMC BEV disadvantage is the damage fire can be delayed, allowing an owner to garage park, plug in then a fire occurs. Unacceptable and hopefully pre-plug diagnostics can be improved; what is also unacceptable is an ICE can be a fireball if hit hard enough. Unaware of a cost effective fix for that, this is why re: fire BEV is over 20x safer 25.1 vs 1,529 ICE per insurance stats. Further LFP batteries now in volume BEV models are far less likely to thermal runaway. So even if your old BEV premise is true for LNMC, BEV will improve over time. “EVs are more environmentally damaging”, not if you bother to do the math. Mckinsey (The race to decarbonize electric-vehicle batteries) has battery material & manufacturing estimates which I’ve converted to (lbs/kWh); for LNMC: China 238.1, USA 163.1, Sweden 99.1; China LFP: 174.2 and sodium will be far less. Kicker is these are trending down, as less energy input means cheaper competitive batteries. So depending on the battery, on an average 2021 USA grid 0.8523 lbs/kWh vs ICE 0.76533 lbs/mile at 28 mpg a mid size 75 kWh BEV can pay its GHG debt from 21k - 51k miles depending on battery; taking longer for larger batteries. But to get BEV to lose I found the worst grid & inefficient BEV, for 10k miles charging F-150 Lightning in Oahu overnight (7756 lbs) is worse than 35 mpg Corolla (6997 lbs) fueled on the mainland. Oahu during the day is hard to say as renewables are variable, and mainland gas as oil brought to & refined in Hawaii has a higher than average upstream GHG footprint.
@RoyBoy2019 5 месяцев назад
​@@CheCosaTesoro As to recycling, only decent data I found was from celltech-group referring to a Finnish study; they estimate GHG reductions (vs new material) of 50 - 98% depending on the metal. This feels theoretical and prior to attempting a victory lap I would want to know: the process used, efficiency of metal recovery, waste streams & GHG impact of them and non-metal recycling or disposal. However I can be pretty confident it is better than one use gasoline, and if metal mining is damned dirty this logically leaves room for recycling energy headroom; especially if it doesn't rely on diesel trucks.
@oldgrumpus8523 6 месяцев назад
As Lionel says, we are in the grip of "utter morons".
@VanCleef-bf5xz 6 месяцев назад
As an Electrical Engineer having worked on renewables/fossil fuels combined applications for over 30 years, I agree with most of this. Stand outs for me were promising the Earth by politician's without consulting Engineers Number one best way to save energy is to use less by insulation and/or by choice. Just at the point petrol/diesel cars are at nearly their peak of efficiency they are being phased out. This includes massive improvements in air pollution too. Power infrastructure for generation does not exist including substations and cabling to houses. Substations won't blow up but disconnect and may cause blackouts in whole cities if it cascades. At the moment electric cars are for rich people and not "peoples" cars which is just as well as there in not enough electricity ! It's not cost affective for petrol stations to invest in areas for people to wait for only 10% of customers and also the "flow rate" of available charging point ie wrt time too low for a comparable income stream vs fosil fuels is not sustainable along with traffic management within and external to these premises. Batteries presently use precious metal so not sustainable as far as quantity/ethically and risk of "thermal runaway" making very dangerous. Capacitor "batteries" and solide state "batteries" Side note diesel is the safest re explosions etc Domestic houses generally have around max 100A in the UK and a 7KW charger requires 30A to this but if used at night at period of low max demand would be OK but would turn nightime charging inot peak demand ! And no longer be cheaper bearing in mind a 7KW charger is a low charging rate wrt time. Other form of energy storage good such as hydro dams etc as used in Scotland for many years. Solar uses huge areas and produces low power per M sq and does work with diffused light when cloudy just substantially less so. The list of considerations is endless and requires joined up thinking realism, politicians to have long term views rather than polarised populist views from ether Labour greens snp conservative etc in the UK but this at least is infinitely better than the extreme polarised view in the US (2 parties !)and other parts of the world. We are all in this together whether we like it or not and as "Scotty" said in Star Trek "It cannae take anymore captain" Scotty perhaps was right all along.
@chriswilliams8607 5 месяцев назад
please don' be that ridiculous, combustion engines are terrible machines and are wasting two thirds of the energy you put in. A huge 2,5 ton Tesla uses much less energy than the most fuel efficient tiny ICE car you can find. The "precious material" topic is utterly ridiculous, as the alternative we use now does terrible devastation to the environment. EVs are magnitudes more environmentally friendly, despite huge nonsense campaings paid by big oil where they spread their fake crap. charging EVs is the opposite of peak demand, it is very easy to control and if done right it is huge reduction in grid load as you can balance it very easily and use excess energy out of renewables that is currently often lost. Drop your "30 years" and learn about EVs, then you will understand very soon that it would be completely absurd not to migrate to EVs (and to heatpumps to replace fossile driven heating)
@davidburgess2354 6 месяцев назад
Utter morons is a perfect description of our political class. Well said Lionel!
@tristatetech 6 месяцев назад
In the UK most electricity is produced by burning gas, yet its 35% efficient in getting power eventually to the home. To then use a huge amount of power to run a heat pump is madness. Gas delivered directly to the home is 90% efficient running a gas boiler.
@bernardporter4589 6 месяцев назад
They have committed to getting electricity demand up to meet the business case for nuclear.
@Chrisst1961 6 месяцев назад
@@bernardporter4589 Building Nuclear Power Plants takes a long time. What do we do in the meantime when demand goes up?
@denisripley8699 6 месяцев назад
There's an energy 'cost' to transporting natural gas and LNG from terminals too - regular compressor stations (turbines), sometimes as little as 40km apart, are required throughout UK to maintain pressure.
@Chrisst1961 6 месяцев назад
@@denisripley8699 This infrastructure is already in place. The alternative is to up-rate the Electricity network at a great cost?
@thomasbentele2468 6 месяцев назад
A good heat pump heating system (50.000€) should deliver three times the amount of heat, in comparison to an electric infrared heating. So if one only looks at the amount of gas that is burned in gas heatings and by heat pumps, it could be the same. But if that's was true, there are so many other difficulties, that comes with heat pumps....
@moconnor9277 6 месяцев назад
Indeed, it is deliberate but she hasn’t dawned on her about the unelected, unaccountable world government the WEF. She has mentioned them in passing but she hasn’t realised the scale of it.
@kimmer6 6 месяцев назад
Read the UN Agenda 30. One of the many things they set as goals is to ''substantially reduce the usage of fossil fuels by the year 2030.''
@mburgsey14 6 месяцев назад
It's not incompetent what they are doing. It is wholly deliberate. Watch out in coming years when these issues result in both rationing and price hikes.
@johnnunn8688 6 месяцев назад
They want to get rid of gas cookers? How do they they think electricity is made?
@jedjones9047 6 месяцев назад
It's not made with a gas cooker I do know that.
@Aspartame69 6 месяцев назад
I saw a rough calculation that if the US was to convert to renewables and batteries, at todays rate of mineral extraction, it would take 300 years to achieve. Then remember, a lot of those batteries, turbines and solar panels need to be renewed periodically, certainly more often than once per 300 years. They say it will be done by 2050, but thats just the electricity grid, it wont happen anyway, and only accounts for about 1/5th of the actual energy used.
@GeorgePapadopolous 6 месяцев назад
A rough calculation by who? ExxonMobil?
@Chrisst1961 6 месяцев назад
@@GeorgePapadopolous And your calculation is?
@amosbatto3051 6 месяцев назад
@@Chrisst1961, According to Ember's data, 92.5% of new electricity generation was renewable and 3.6% was nuclear in H1 2023. If you extend the current trends, the world should get to 100% renewable electricity between 2045 and 2050. Considering that the new auto market will be over 95% EVs by 2035, so transportation should be 90% electric by 2050. Cooling is mostly already electric, and heating will probably be over 90% electric around 2060.
@davannaleah 6 месяцев назад
You can't have governments all around the world doing the same stupid things all at the same time unless there's something else going on....WEF?
@clwomble 5 месяцев назад
The church of climate change.
@chasleask8533 6 месяцев назад
The advantage of powering everything by electricity is that dissenters can be switched off in a second . That's YOU BTW .
@BrianPaterson-f3i 6 месяцев назад
Only if you have a (smart meter) otherwise it has to be done manually!
@WOTArtyNoobs 6 месяцев назад
The public were told that the Smart Meter was to help them manage their electricity and reduce their bill. What they were not told is that the Smart Meter was to allow the electricity company to cut off your supply remotely. Not only when there was a shortage, but also if you happen to be a Climate Denier. There's going to be a lot of people switching to solid fuel in the future. Aga cookers and outside boilers using wood pellets.
@WinstonSmithGPT 6 месяцев назад
@@WOTArtyNoobsMassive wave of legislation against wood stoves in the US.
@tomhamilton7726 5 месяцев назад
It is NOT incompetence. It is enemy action.
@samlurie8958 6 месяцев назад
Informative interview.
@johnm838 6 месяцев назад
An energy future decided by Bureaucrats and politicians rather than electrical engineers. Only one thing could go wrong - everything!
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
Well market forces is forcing the transition, when wholesale energy pricing jumps 4x - 6x due to a war, it kind of gets decision makers attention; even if they are in the pocket of big oil.
@roym.9875 6 месяцев назад
A recent podcast brought up the idea that the wind doesn't always blow and the sun doesn't shine. When I questioned the presenter on how he would propose keeping the lights on, he responded by saying, "just switch to battery power." Obviously people like this have no clue about the scale of electrical power we consume. To be best of my knowledge, nobody has yet made a battery the size of Wyoming!!!
@anonanon289 6 месяцев назад
The back up gas fired power stations run in spinning reserve mode even when the wind does blow, yet the emission reductions attributed to wind farms are never adjusted for this.
@johnspijkers7368 6 месяцев назад
In Holland it is the same. Whole new neighborhoods can not be connected to the grid and in same parts of the country for businesses there is waiting list to get connected. Utter incompetence on the parts of our politicians.
@markbaker5080 6 месяцев назад
Shriver is one of a declining number talking sense at the Spectator. In the UK, the reason EVs are pushed and new ICE vehicles are being banned, simply to force people off the road, alongside letting the road network collapse by not doing repairs. All that is only the half of it when you consider that EVs are more polluting than ICE vehicles and in any event climate change, which has always existed, is not impacted by humankind.
@barbaraseville4139 6 месяцев назад
Yes, road repairs require asphalt, a byproduct of petroleum refining. And where will the tires for the evs come from? And the insulation for the wires, and the plastic for the bodies (which, by replacing steel, substantially increased gas mileage). It isn’t about the weather, folks. Renewable energy is a giant stalking horse.😅
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
@@barbaraseville4139 So its not better to put petroleum into tangible products vs burning it?
@MaxPlankton 6 месяцев назад
Another redundant system, HS2. Nursery school economics.
@steveprescott4025 6 месяцев назад
The experts have always told us to consume less and the experts are now telling us to drive EV's which will make the cost of electricity go up thus forcing us to consume less. Are they incompetent or just good at getting what they want?
@johannabarry4672 6 месяцев назад
I vote incompetent.
@n0w3lly90 6 месяцев назад
A driveway charger draws some 11+KWh to charge an EV. Imagine that on every driveway in "suburbia" overnight, every day - the equivalent of up to three kettles running for hours
@kimmer6 6 месяцев назад
In the People's Republik of Kalifornia, our utility charges 33 cents per kwh for EV charging during night time off peak hours. That's the cheapest EV rate. In my home, I pay 42 cents per kwh for about half of the month until my 292 kwh ''allotment'' is used up, then it goes to 53 cents a kwh for the rest of the month billing period. They said wind and solar would make electricity cheaper. It has more than doubled in 10 years. We had an 18 hour power outage in February 2024.
@n0w3lly90 6 месяцев назад
@@kimmer6 We all sympathise with you guys. We should be letting the market decide what people want to buy, and encourage manufacturers to develop technologies that not only work, but are cheap and efficient. With those KWh charge rates, you need exceedingly beefy HR power cables, and transformers to cope. That infrastructure is not there. I also question why we are allowing politicians - NOT expert automotive engineers - decide on the technology. You shouldn't FORCE people into buying what they don't want
@kimmer6 6 месяцев назад
@@n0w3lly90 The bottom line is that The United Nations Agenda 30 spells out their demand to eliminate fossil fuel usage throughout the world. Our politicians must be on Epstein's private movies and do as their told, lest the videos be released.
@RoyBoy2019 5 месяцев назад
@@n0w3lly90 Sometimes the technology is bought out and suppressed by existing interests. NiMH patents were bought out by Chevron, who then sued Toyota to stop using it. Hydrogen is idiotic for cars, but pushed to highest levels to sell methane indirectly. The market isn't as free as it appears.
@RoyBoy2019 5 месяцев назад
How is overnight a problem?
@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 6 месяцев назад
We are so unserious.
@davidbrinnen 6 месяцев назад
Given that the climate models have proven so inaccurate, in spite of many revisions, maybe dealing with the consequences of whatever the climate actually decides to do, rather than trying to figure out how to change it (which may or may not be possible given the vast number of variables outside human control) would seem the more cost-effective course of action to take?
@WOTArtyNoobs 6 месяцев назад
Yes - exactly what has been proposed by the Climate Deniers. Along the way, we can persuade the Politicians not to listen to Greta and the IPCC and recognize that the "SCIENCE IS (NOT) SETTLED" and that carbon dioxide has very little to do with Climate Change which is actually caused by Water Vapor, cloud cover, solar wind emissions and the Milankovich Cycles.
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
Insurance companies have estimates for that, typically an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
@davidbrinnen 5 месяцев назад
@@RoyBoy-vq9iw It certainly seems like we are paying many pounds for a cure that isn't providing an ounce of prevention.
@drowe2 5 месяцев назад
Smart move would be to incentivize homeowners to buy more solar to reduce peak demands. There is no issue if every EV in California charged at midnight. The problem is peak time which is partially after the sun goes down. I would add smaller nuclear plants like on navy ships.
@endstay 6 месяцев назад
As others have noted, this is intentional not incompetent. The purpose is to move ordinary people from free market sources of fuel (and individual freedom to use such fuel the way you want to) to a centrally-controlled source of fuel, ie, from mobile oil to fixed electricity. Then they will throttle the electrical use on the ground that electricity is in short supply. You will not be able to travel more than "x" miles per week, which will force you to work in a "15 minute city". So your employment will be fixed, too. If the only job near your home is flipping burgers, that is what you will do.
@WOTArtyNoobs 6 месяцев назад
Even if you have a Phd - it's "Do you want fries with that?"
@leroyharder4491 5 месяцев назад
The grid has time to adapt. We have an ev and a trip to town takes 7 kwh. Our solar panels average 25 kwh/day. We have lots of room to expand. Frankly I don't like being screwed over by OPEC+ manipulating fossil fuel prices. Nor do I like sending money to them. Whenever I had a contractor come and had no imagination to solve problems, they didn't get hired. These are solvable technical issues.
@garypowell1540 6 месяцев назад
Clearly incompetence from a lot of people who would know better, but I strongly suggest that mendacity indeed profound evil is standing firmly behind it all, YET AGAIN.
@jschreiber6461 6 месяцев назад
Sorry but the writer of the article does not appear to have any electrical engineering qualifications or understanding or of how the energy market & technology works. Being hung up on nuclear power as a single talking point demonstrates the level of ignorance. Grids are designed for coping with the worst day of the year so much of the time they are under utilised. Demand and supply are variable with financial incentives. Eg bitcoin mines will soak excess cheap electricity in exchange for being the first to switch off to release capacity, other industries have similar deals where they switch to alternates during peak demand. Even large factories & hospitals! Gas fired peaker plants are hugely profitable Mothballed coal power plants can be extended or brought online if there is an unmet demand that is not expected to last more than 30 years, the minimum life of a gas or nuclear plant. Germany had to do that when gas went off. The biggest electricity demand isn’t EV, they are just more visible, the total capacity of an EV battery is enough to power a home for maybe 48hrs, not much. The biggest demand for electricity is not visible, they are massive datacenters and it’s growing rapidly. Grid scale Battery tech for storing intermittent electricity has been around for decades, they are called Vanadium flow batteries, and last around 25 years. They do not use lithium batteries, although Tesla and others have deployed gridscale batteries in Australia, CA & TX. Generation capacity is a major undertaking and not based on “build it and they will come” basis. There needs to be reliable demand before investors will put up the huge cost of building power plants. We are not in the day of NASA building huge Saturn rockets or the Hoover Dam on the taxpayer dime. We are in the era of private companies like SpaceX & ConEd looking to make that capex expecting to see reliable demand for profit to justify the cost. All in all… a poorly informed clickbait article. There’s lots more, but you get the picture.
@paulhardy761 6 месяцев назад
The amount of copper production in the world is in sufficient to electrify the cars in the uk as pointed out by Cambridge University in a letter to the govts climate Committee. The copper mining industry is not planning any great expansion in operation . The USA and UK do not allow open cast copper mining in there own country's and most copper is produced in poorer places with more unstable politics. If you buy an ev you are supporting child labour in the African Republic of the Congo for cobolt mining for ev,s and motors as the ore mined goes collectively to be processed. Wind turbine electricity and solar is only on average 16 % of our electricity wich is only 18 % of our energy so we've got to produce 82 % more electricity to replace fossil fuel . IMPOSSIBLE !
@petedawborn 6 месяцев назад
If you’re using a computer, smart phone or tablet to post messages here you’re also exploiting child labour for the battery and other components within.
@serafinacosta7118 5 месяцев назад
Rio Tinto is out to swindle Apache folks from their sacred grounds over a hill made out of copper.
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
U.K. renewables are 40.6% (Wind 29.7%, biomass 5.2%, solar 4.5% and hydro 1.2%) and wholesale power cost for 2024 has decreased 18.70 GBP/MWh or 21.69%. Hardly seems impossible if it's cost competitive with ever more expensive legacy options.
@andrewradford3953 5 месяцев назад
Rooftop solar is working a treat in Australia. Cheapest power is in the middle of the day when cars are mostly parked at home and work. Power is produced where it is used. Minimal infrastructure upgrades required. Luckily our grid is well maintained, and reasonably up to date.
@jean-pascalheynemand3271 6 месяцев назад
No climate crisis. Only marketing for an Industry.
@peteranderson210 5 месяцев назад
CO2 can't trap heat and doesn't make any of its own. It's high school level science.
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
So the extended droughts & less hydro power are a deep fake? Fossil fuel have marketing as well, and long standing relationships with media.
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
So existing industries don't have marketing & relationships with media? Right no crisis, just longer fire seasons & droughts, followed by floods.
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
Don't legacy industries have marketing too?
@darylfisher2189 6 месяцев назад
Same applies here in OZ.. government leading us over a cliff with renewables and EVs.. at some point reality of this not working is going to kick in ... I just don't know when..
@chrisgrahma5064 6 месяцев назад
Plants need CO2 to grow, increases in CO2 above 400 ppm gas negligible effect on Climate Change.
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
So historic heat waves & extended droughts with less hydro power are a coincidence? Plants can't grow without water.
@chrisgrahma5064 5 месяцев назад
@@RoyBoy-vq9iw plants can't grow without CO2
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
​@@chrisgrahma5064 I think plants managed just fine before the industrial revolution.
@woodrow60 6 месяцев назад
Climate change and net zero provide a religious fundamentalist experience for left wing atheists. And hysterics.
@philipleigh 6 месяцев назад
All these policies generate huge wealth for some and enable the transfer of wealth from the public to the private sector. I can't think of a single policy that does not generate large scale profit for certain groups.
@RoyBoy2019 5 месяцев назад
Norway avoided this and have used oil revenues to create their sovereign wealth fund to modernize & prepare for demographic shift. Happier countries have less wealth inequality. Healthy democracy indicated by number of viable political parties like USA being worst off with 2, and so on. Fewer parties means easier corporate control, then tax law / burden shifts and welcome to Plutocracy. I believe President Eisenhower saw it coming and warned against it in 1961.
@petehoward8494 5 месяцев назад
They think electricity comes from wall sockets. Not an exaggeration. Meat comes from the grocery store...
@BryceLovesTech 5 месяцев назад
My 2013 Tesla Model S has 176,000 miles on the original battery and I’ve charged it 95% at home on my solar panels. For me it’s been a perfect maintenance free car with very little input to drive it
@charliechristmas5147 5 месяцев назад
Oh if only everyone had solar panels and a place to park their EV…….aren’t you the clever one…..not
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
@@charliechristmas5147 grids can add solar. Every car has a place to park. As to place to charge, L1 chargers are inexpensive, do not require service upgrades & provide typical commute needs; beyond that L2 & L3 with BESS can be built out over time as other energy infrastructure has been.
@scotth1027 5 месяцев назад
When the words "Heat pumps use a lot of electricity" i Knew this person didn't know what they were talking about.
@bustinchops5909 6 месяцев назад
It's leading to no one owning a car. 15 minute cities
@RoyBoy2019 5 месяцев назад
How does Oxfordshire reducing traffic congestion (like New York & London) translate to reducing our freedoms? Besides how does this benefit elites?
@simonbagel 5 месяцев назад
Define "elites"?
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
@@simonbagel I typically define it as the top 1% in wealth.
@steve_colwill 6 месяцев назад
I like this lady. She is exactly right and everybody knows it. It will all come to a head soon when the lights go out.
@brianwadley4633 6 месяцев назад
Same here in Australia. we have idiot PM and energy minister. Just yesterday our Prime Minister committed 1 Billion dollars in subsidies, grants and other forms of support for the domestic production of solar panels. How Dumd is that. Ther is no way we can make solar panels cheaper than importing from China
@glennpuckeridge6244 6 месяцев назад
It's not about making solar cells cheaper than the Chinese. It's about not having to rely on the Chinese if our relationship with them sours.
@the_forbinproject2777 6 месяцев назад
Wind drought is a serious issue !
@jwsuicides8095 6 месяцев назад
I keep getting letters from my county council in the UK and countless phone calls and emails from energy companies begging me to get a free heat pump. I don't think so...
@thomasbentele2468 6 месяцев назад
Does she really think its incompetence? Couldn't it be, that the masters of the universe have visions that doesn't match with what would be good for us regular people and pay politicians for play.
@kimmer6 6 месяцев назад
The WEF and United Nations are behind this. Read the UN Agenda 30 and see that their goal is to make a substantial reduction in the use of fossil fuels by the year 2030....among other insane policies.
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
Well said, but wouldn't that apply to the fossil fuel industry more?
@thomasbentele2468 5 месяцев назад
​@@RoyBoy-vq9iw For the most of my life I had agreed with you. Mass media prays daily how bad fossil fuel or the Koch brothers are. One can easily fall prey. After many hundreds of hours of studying the matter, I dont buy anymore into the climate scam. The other side is the question, who is the mightiest industry, that can master the world? I think it's the financial sector, and they will f. ex. bribe more fees out of the CO2 Market than out of the derivates. But what end goal would I have as the head of the world elites; endless competition and the risk of others being better than me. Sounds too sweaty for me. I liked much better to cut the middel class off the resources by installing a CO2 hating religion, that makes the "bunch of deplorables" cry fanatically for measures, that will kill them in the end. Cost-benefit ratio of wooden fires/charcoal is one to two or five Cole has 1 : 20, Oil has 1 : 50, and nuclear has 1 : 100. It's a no brainer, what energies makes wealthy nations possible. Wind and -solar have a cost benefit ratio of one tote or five. Oh, it's like wooden fires. Good luck to the masses with a medieval food and health system and so on. Sweeeping out overpopulation and the dangerous middle class would let the resources of the world under the soil, so that my class (the winning one as Buffet says) and their descendants can use them for thousands of years. Best parental care. From then on, I would sleep like a baby, I would have gotten my beloved feudal class system back. Why is it the richest people on earth, who finance the climate circus with all its "N"GO's and activists? Why do we find so much politicised science and nearly no discussion with the less alarming side. Why do the opposite side get nearly no funding for open end studies.
@niniv2706 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for saying what I have been saying all along ... It is a "religious" movement .
@anthonywilson8998 6 месяцев назад
I have worked out that by 2050 inukwe will need 4 times our elec supplies. 80% of our energy will disappear and be replaced with elec. 40 million cars, 25 million heat pumps, 26 million properties improved efficiency. We have 100 Gigawatts capacity, but by 2050 we will need 300 to 400 Gigawatts, but no one has planned for 400 gas fired power station, 50 nuclear, 4 times the wind and solar, backed up by batteries or gas. 40 million EVs. and over 1 million large vehicles trains etc and AI. ans computer clouds etc, This is all never calculated. Glad to see someone else is aware I thought I was going mad,
@sogoesit8008 6 месяцев назад
"It's like praying!" Yes, that's the idea... praying is essential in any religion; especially Climate Religion. (Praying does seem to work however as the catastrophe has now been postponed from 2035 to 2050).
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
Or you could do more research than they did, seeing progress of California & Australia with current tech.
@SalemikTUBE 6 месяцев назад
When the wind doesn't blow they are going to turn off your appliances via the "smart meters". The laws were passed last year. Bypassing the system is 5 years in prison and £15,000 fine.
@amosbatto3051 6 месяцев назад
Baloney. The FAQ for the Energy Bill says this: Does the Energy Bill mean I could be forced to have a smart meter installed? No. There are no provisions in the Bill that would allow anyone to enter a property by force to install a smart meter. Consumers will continue to have the right to refuse a smart meter installation. Stop spreading misinformation on the the internet!
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
Kind of hard, and unnecessary, to do that if you have a local battery helping with surge demand.
@daveevansmaj 6 месяцев назад
She really doesn't know what she is talking about. Heat pumps do not use a lot of electricity. In the case of a heat pump, its efficiency is the ratio of useful heat energy produced to electrical energy consumption. A COP of 2.5 means that the heat pump supplies 2.5 times as much heat energy to the system as it consumes in electrical energy. The COP can often be higher than 3 times. She doesn't understand some basic physics
@marcelgirard5162 6 месяцев назад
Can you imagine trying to build a new hydro power dam in Canada?
@mikemccormick8115 6 месяцев назад
The standard of intellect in politics is so low that men of moderate mental capacity have to stoop in order to reach it. - Hillaire Belloc
@peterleonard9759 6 месяцев назад
I am an engineer. I explain these issues to family and friends often, and they simply assume I am crazy. And when I explain this to engineers I know, they don’t believe me, but they believe the mainstream story.
@kjlovescoffee 6 месяцев назад
Maybe, just maybe, when all the other engineers disagree with you, it is you who is wrong.
@johngoff8923 5 месяцев назад
Same issue In the UK, it’s not about the climate it’s all about Renewable Profit (Scam) for the next 50 years plus so Corrupt politicians and Greedy Corporates can have an rich life and certainly in the UK driving an EV overnight will make no difference to the worlds temperature or CO2 levels. People need to wake up to this fast !!!
@desertdiamond6985 6 месяцев назад
When is the highly intelligent and articulate Ms Shriver going to admit she was wrong to vote for the unfortunate dementia president and should have held her academic nose and voted for President Trump. This would have been an immensely better world if he’d held office these past 4 years
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
She's smart enough to make a living being a contrarian, not on the merits but for the money.
@IrishBog 6 месяцев назад
Lionel. The writer whose column I go to first in every spectator issue. Glad I resubscribed
@floydfanboy2948 6 месяцев назад
Same in all of western Europe. Same insanity 😤
@RoyBoy2019 5 месяцев назад
IEA estimates savings due to renewables is almost ~100 billion Euro by end of 2023 by replacing "an estimated 230 TWh of expensive fossil fuel generation" post invasion of Ukraine where cost spiked to 441 Euro / mWh. Costed about 200 billion Euro, so likely will pay for itself before by 2027 while improving their energy independence from Russia. Yeah, insanity indeed, all while countries like Sweden buy EV's in growing numbers.
@floydfanboy2948 5 месяцев назад
@@RoyBoy2019 keep the faith and give my regards to your fellow believers in Delulu land.
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
@@floydfanboy2948 Faith? Cost wise: BEV trending down by those making volume (2022 Q4 below luxury), union ICE and gas trending up $15 / barrel / decade as it takes more energy to get, ship, refine as further afield & less light sweet crude. They are pricing themselves out.
@richln9682 6 месяцев назад
We're WAY beyond mere rank incompetence. We're deep into the realms of abject shitwittery now.
@RoyBoy-vq9iw 5 месяцев назад
Are u referring to our overreliance on fossil fuels? And the inevitable energy price spikes this incurred?
@nickbanfield909 6 месяцев назад
It’s one of the biggest Cons in history.
@jimsouthlondon7061 6 месяцев назад
Grid scale lithium Battery storage is 95% efficient .Good for six hours .Liquified fresh air storage is 76% efficient using existing technology from the gas pipeline industry and is good for six days.
@maxflight777 6 месяцев назад
I have five heat pumps in my home. I love them. they work well.
@jameswebb4593 6 месяцев назад
Pity there is a fear to speak the truth . WE HAVE POLITICIANS WHOM ARE COMPLETELY STUPID . Sorry for shouting , but they act like they are deaf.
@colinharrison6608 6 месяцев назад
Don't insult the completely stupid lol
@thisisnumber0 6 месяцев назад
Never, in the field of human stupidity, have so many been deceived by so few....
@rikardlalic7275 6 месяцев назад
That is actually an indication, even proof, that they do not really mean individual EVs for us at all, but some kind of public traffic rent-a-vehicles, and definitely much less traveling at all. The goals are 15-minute cities, and they use religion to achieve that.
@WOTArtyNoobs 6 месяцев назад
It means you either have a bicycle or a bus. Trains if you have to go any distance. Flying will be forbidden except for the rich.
@StevenWalker-y8v 5 месяцев назад
Back in 1988 I did some mental sums. Here in the UK we would need to at least double the capacity of the UK National Grid. I figured that out over 30 years ago. In 2016 I listened to a radio item where a National Grid spokesman described it as "no worse than boiling a few extra kettles" - I laughed. Now, it fell to a RU-vidr, not National Grid, to tell us National Grid have been sent away with a flea in their ear, and been told by the UK Gov, (now with laws on the books to introduce EV's,) to add an extra 50GW to the existing 84GW capacity. And to do that in 10 years. Still nowhere near what we need. But at least it is the right direction. Then you have the problem that the existing EV drivers are "the wong sort of people" - people who will fit in with what the EV's can do. Most motorists expect the car to fit in with them. That demands a whole order of new capacity!! The other thing sadly obvious back in 1988 was that we were going to have to go through the "B^llsh^t Zone" before we made anything better. In the "BS Zone" the carpet bagging snake oil salesmen would sell us any old junk. And we would buy it, whether it solved the problem or not. That is the lovely bit about Climate Change, it is "the problem we can fix with shopping" - what's not to make a fast buck out of that? We are in the BSZ now!
@alvinmanalaysay839 6 месяцев назад
The USN already has a long history of safely running nuclear power plants. Yes the safety regulations are stringent but can be followed not just in "safe" land based locations but even in dangerous moving vessels in all kinds of sea states.
@maxflight777 6 месяцев назад
*This is what pisses me off about the Tesla haters:* If had stood on my driveway, with my friends, and said; My new car has 500HP, O-60 in 3.6s but does 110mpg and is silent. It doesn’t need services and has more interior space than the X5 it replaced …. They would all be agast. Impressed beyond belief… But when I say it’s a Tesla, they all sneer and get very grumpy! Petulant child-like. “Elon should shut his bloody mouth” “That thing will catch fire” “Doesn’t he support Trump?” “Car parks can’t stand the weight” “It depreciates fast” “Takes hours to charge” “You’ll need new batteries in two years and they cost £30K” “You can’t cross Europe in it” Utter bloody imbeciles…
@n539rv 5 месяцев назад
Completely spot on!
@roberthall8473 6 месяцев назад
In the UK we are struggling to keep the lights on now, yet they try everything to make all homes use electricity to cook and heat with heat pumps. Heat pumps will triple the electricity usage for the average home and that’s before they make you have electric cars that won’t be going anywhere without electric. The vast majority of people don’t wants electric cars, they will freeze in there homes if they have heats pumps either because they simply don’t work properly and or they can’t afford to uses them or there simply isn’t and electricity to run them. Bring back Trump and get back to common sense, it will help us in the UK.
@seakayak4425 6 месяцев назад
The cart before the horse sums it up very nicely, this is a fundamental reason why I shall not be voting for the main parties
@eldontyrellcorp 6 месяцев назад
I think most people miss the important point of this "all electric" insanity. For the EV's at least, goal is NOT that everybody drives an EV. Nobody ever said that. The goal is very simple : divide by 10 the number of cars, or even more. They want to get rid of individual cars. Most people will rent a car or take the public transports, or use a bike or walk. "You will own nothing but you will be happy". Just remember this and you'll understand everything.
Wind energy racket exposed at last
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